Woking High School Inspire, Challenge, Achieve

Page created by Jamie Johnson
Woking High School Inspire, Challenge, Achieve
Woking High School

                                                                                                                 SUMMER 2021
                         Ins pire, Challenge, Achieve


Headteacher’s Letter
What a year it has been! The            trials and tribulations they had      Covid put a halt on many of our
challenges for our students, families   to endure, they have responded        usual practices and events, but we
and the school have been many and       maturely, conscientiously and with    are pleased to have been able to
varied; it has not been easy, but I     a determination to succeed. We        re-introduce a range of activities
am exceptionally proud of how well      look forward to celebrating their     this term. It has been fantastic to
our students have coped with the        successes on Results Day on 12th      see our Year 9 and 10 students
Covid measures in school, remote        August and the Certificate Evening    completing their bronze and silver
learning, and emotional impact of       in the Autumn Term.                   awards for the Duke of Edinburgh
the virus. They have demonstrated       Our fabulous Head Student Team        Award with the expedition being
great resilience, kindness and          from 2020/21 have handed over the     completed in the local area and
commitment to their studies.            baton to the new team for 2021/22.    camping overnight on the school
The students who felt the effects       We are excited about working with     site. In addition, sports matches and
of the pandemic most acutely were       the Head Students, Louisa Akohene     competitions have ensued and the
our Year 11s whose GCSE exams,          and Lorenzo Fantappie, and the        students have performed amazingly
NRA and Prom were regretfully           rest of the Head Student Team, Mira   well, breaking many personal and
cancelled due to the pandemic           Ramesh, Jessica Chan, Thomas Plans,   school records.
restrictions. We are hopeful that       Antonia Thackwell Jenkins, Izaan      At the time of writing, we are
Prom may still be able to go            Shaikh, Joe Derrick, Lewis Rigby,     looking forward to enjoying the
ahead in September. Despite the         Carla Manning and Daniela Moya.       Sports Days (organised for year
Woking High School Inspire, Challenge, Achieve
group bubbles), our Celebration          events, including Induction Days. In      to return to normal, whilst having
of Talent event, where students          addition to this visit, they will enjoy   contingency plans in place should
submit videos of their talent to be      an Induction Day on 3rd September         we need them.
shared across the school during          before the rest of the school returns     Lastly, before signing off for the
the last week of term, as well as the    on 6th September.                         summer, I cannot emphasise enough
last Subject Day of the term, which      As the year comes to an end, we           how grateful we are for our staff
has been renamed Summer Fest to          also bid farewell to some of our          and parents/carers without whose
reflect the focus being on creative      excellent staff who are moving on         commitment, determination and
arts, culture and fun.                   for promotions, moving closer to          support our students would not have
We were also pleased to have been        home or retiring. We are grateful         navigated this year as successfully as
                                         for all that they have done for the       they have. Thank you.
able to welcome our new Year 7s
for a tour around the school in          school and our students. We wish          Have a lovely summer; we look
small groups, whilst maintaining         them the very best in the future.         forward to September and
Covid safety measures, as they           We are looking ahead to next year         welcoming our students back to
had not had the opportunity to           with a sense of quiet optimism; we        Woking High School.
attend any of our usual welcome          are hopeful that we will be able                                    Mrs Walter

  Modern Foreign Languages
  On Subject Day (May 2021) Y8
  students studied a range of
  festivals from around the world.
                                                       Carnival of Venice
  Students took part in a quiz
  where they had to match the flags
  and cultural event to a country.
  Students were introduced to a
  wide range of cultural events
  including Mardi Gras, Diwali, La
  Fête de la Lumière, el Día de los
  Muertos, Chinese New Year and
  the Venice Carnival. Students
  created their own poster in pairs
  and presented it to their peers
  demonstrating their cultural
  knowledge and awareness. The
  Languages Department were
  very impressed with the creative
  thinking and team working skills
  demonstrated by the whole of Y8.
  Well done, Year 8!
                              Mr Bolis

      Fête des lumières                                               CHINESE NEW YEAR

Woking High School Inspire, Challenge, Achieve
Subject Day
Formerly Day 11, Subject Days         day. Year 9 completed GCSE            19th July
have allowed students to change       taster sessions in Astronomy,         Summer Fest! A very different
bubble location and make use of       Child Development, Business           Subject Day is coming to Woking
specialist rooms in the school that   and Media ahead of making             High School on the 19th July. We
they do not currently have access     their Options choices. Year 10        hope the students and staff will
to. Additional PSHE content is        completed Core revision in Maths      have a fantastic day. More details
also delivered on these days.         and English in preparation for        to follow in the Autumn Term
There have been two Subject Days      assessments.                          newsletter.
since our return to school from                                             COVID-19 has meant 2020-2021
                                      20th May
lockdown in March and there is                                              so far has been a very different
                                      Year 7 were able to spend some
one in the final week of term.                                              year, but the Subject Days have
                                      time in the DT workshops for the
24th March                            first time this year. Year 8 had      enabled students to access areas
Year 7 had additional time in         additional time in PE, Languages      of the school outside their current
PSHE, History, Geography and          and History. Year 9 had their first   bubble and we hope to be able to
Languages. Year 8 were able to        experience in a Science lab this      return to normal Day 11 activities
make use of specialist rooms in       year. Year 10 had some additional     next year!
Computing and Science for the         time in their Options subjects.                                Mrs Heller

Although we have not been able        new approaches that we want for       Aghajanian to the school in
to run our usual programme of         integrato.                            September who will be teaching
musical rehearsals and concerts       September will also see some other    Music and also Media Studies.
this year, this does not mean that    changes in the Music department.      When she is not teaching, Miss
we have not tried to keep music       At the end of this term we will       Aghajanian is a professional singer
alive at Woking High School! Music    say farewell to Mr. Goodwin who       so we already know that our
lessons have focussed on different    has been our Director of Music        vocal ensembles will be in safe
genres of music and periods of        Performance for the last 14 years.    hands. Our wind orchestra will
music history and one advantage       Many of you reading this will         also resume rehearsals after the
of having to use classrooms in        have attended the wonderful           summer (regulations permitting)
other areas of the school has been    concerts and other events that        with a professional musician and
that we have been able to go into     he has worked hard at staging         our other smaller groups such as
more detail about these types of      during this time, and the amount      the guitar and string ensembles
music and then listen to pieces       of high-quality performances he       should also be able to start up
perhaps more than we usually do.      has rehearsed our students for        again. We are currently mapping
Topics covered by Music classes       are far too numerous to list here.    out a calendar of concerts and
this year have included classical     Whilst we are sad to see him go,      events for the coming year
music and the orchestra, blues        we give him our very best wishes      so there will be some exciting
and jazz music, the history of pop    for the future and know that he       opportunities for students to
music and also music from China,      is looking forward to spending        perform in front of audiences once
South America, Africa and India.      more time with his family. It is      again and for families to come and
                                      also unfortunate that he leaves us    see and support them.
Since Easter, many Music classes
have been able to return to           without giving us one last musical    Even though we have not seen
practical music-making activities     extravaganza, but we hope to          many parents and carers this
and students have rediscovered        tempt him back at some point to       year (apart from during virtual
the joy of practising and             one of our future concerts so we      consultation evenings), we thank
performing pieces of music in         can give him the send off that he     you for your continuing support of
lessons. We hope to be able to        deserves.                             all things musical at Woking High
return to our usual programmes        Mr. Goodwin leaving us does           School and we look forward to
of study in September, but we will    not mean the end of music             seeing you at one of our exciting
                                      performance at Woking High            events in the coming months.
definitely be reviewing this year
to see if there were any of our       School. We welcome Miss                                        Mr Turner

Woking High School Inspire, Challenge, Achieve
Students make an epic comeback to the food room

                                                                                as egg and dairy free. Gluten free
                                                                                cakes were also created.
                                                                                Presentation was a focus
                                                                                throughout the lessons with
KS3 finally made it back into Food      Food creation is a life skill and our   students looking at piping
practical lessons in school. With a     students have enjoyed developing        buttercream, making coulis and
lot of bubble planning and careful      their cooking skills at home,           ganache. Strawberries covered in
organisation, students created a        however nothing beats making            chocolate was another process
number of sweet desserts.               amazing food alongside your fellow      undertaken as an accompainiment.
Year 7 students made some               students and friends.                   The students are looking forward
beautiful small cakes with an           Some students made variations           to regular practical sessions with a
accompaniment; Year 8s students         of the desserts whilst looking at       sense of normailty in September.
made delicious Muffins with fruit       different dietary requirements such                             Miss Hussain
and Year 9s will make Victoria
Sponge cakes in the coming weeks.
Year 7s settled into the food room
quite well, considering it was their
first time.
Food and Nutrition at Woking
High School is all about creating
good quality food products with a
consideration for nutrition. Students
were encouraged to add fruit to
their desserts.
The atmosphere in the food room
has been amazing and so vibrant
with so many eager faces aiming to
produce something delicious.

Woking High School Inspire, Challenge, Achieve
Gradgrind’s advice to ‘teach             skills in our optional Creative       we studied Jaws – a film – which
these boys and girls nothing but         Writing and Dystopian Literature      may seem counterintuitive but is
facts’ will be familiar to our Year 8    masterclasses, for students who       a tried and tested way of making
students who have enjoyed a unit         are interested in English Language    students aware of techniques
on Dickens’ characters. However,         and Literature studies post-16.       before they have to engage with
this has not been the approach this      The start of Year 10 is always an     a complex text. They learn how
year for the English Department at       exciting time as students begin       tension is built and character
Woking High. We have made every          their GCSE courses. Literature        is developed whilst watching
effort to ensure that our students       began with Jekyll and Hyde,           a shark terrorise a town! After
have not just the facts and skills       a novel that both stretches           learning these techniques, they
to succeed in this subject, but also     and rewards students. The             have to bring that knowledge to
the imagination and creativity that      engagement of the students in         bear on ‘Of Mice and Men’, a novel
will enable them to be resilient and     the work was impressive; they         that is rich in literary technique
successful.                              were genuinely pleased to be          and lends itself to the honing of
Our Year 11 students were                back in the classroom! The next       newly acquired analytical skills.
welcomed back in September               text studied was ‘An Inspector        By the time they have completed
with tightly focussed catch up           Calls’. After the dense and layered   this module Year 9 are well on
and revision lessons. In October,        language of Jekyll and Hyde,          their way to becoming GCSE
every student in Year 11, wrote and      this play is always enjoyable for     students. The year ended with
delivered a 4-5 minute speech to         students with many opportunities      Shakespeare and Much Ado
their class. Topics ranged from          for performance and the               About Nothing, a play that always
tattoos to space exploration,            discussion of universal themes.       engages and is an uplifting way to
being a refugee to driverless cars.      The final text of the year was        finish a productive year.
You name it, our students have           Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare         An Ofsted Inspector described
an opinion on it – which is exactly      is not the most accessible writer     the Year 8 curriculum as
what we enjoy and want to hear.          in the curriculum, but by the end     ‘deliciously dark’; works by
Through careful planning, Year 11        of the course Year 10 were able       Agatha Christie and Conan
students were able to sit a full set     to quote extensively and write        Doyle were explored alongside
of English Literature and Language       insightfully about all aspects of     Shakespeare’s Macbeth and
Papers under formal conditions.          the play. Watching students go        Dickens’ characters - all of which
After the assessments, A’Level           from wary readers to Shakespeare      were enthusiastically received.
style seminar sessions on topics         scholars is always a joy.             This year, our students also got
such as ‘Satire’ and ‘Orientalism’       Students have to decide which         the opportunity to be armchair
were used to broaden contextual          GCSEs they will study in Year         travellers through reading and
understanding and we continued           9, which brings a focus and           writing reviews and articles about
this focus on teaching advanced          seriousness to the year. In English   faraway places in a travel writing
                                                                               unit; an experience that felt
                                                                               especially welcome and liberating

Media                                                                          in our current restrictive times.
                                                                               If you ask one of our Year 7
                                                                               students about the topic that
                                                                               they enjoyed studying the most,
Year 9 Media Studies:                   embedded in the texts                  they invariably reply ‘The Village
Summer Term 2021                        themselves.                            Project’. This short creative
This year 120 students in four                                                 unit, in which they imagine and
                                        As a foundation in Media Studies,
classes chose Media Studies                                                    populate a fictional village, is
                                        this course has been able to
as a Year 9 option, and they            focus on acquiring Knowledge           used to inspire a wide range of
can indeed look back with a             and Understanding of Media             functional and creative writing
feeling of achievement at having        texts, on Analysing Media texts        tasks. Units on ‘London’, ‘Ballads’,
covered a really wide range of          and on producing Media texts.          ‘Shakespeare’s Speeches’ and
exciting Media topics!                  These skills should benefit            ‘Wind in the Willows’ have also
                                        students pursuing Media Studies        aimed to give our students
The Year 9s have been able to                                                  an understanding of how to
investigate the Key Concepts            at GCSE level.
                                                                               appreciate ideas and techniques
which underpin this subject             Well done, Year 9! Some                used by writers.
(namely Representation,                 exceptional work accomplished!
                                        All the best to those of you who       As you can see, it has been a busy,
Audience, Industry and Media
                                        are furthering your Media Studies      enjoyable and successful year in
Language), and have also
                                        at GCSE level!                         the English Department.
broadened their understanding
of basic media theories                                           Mr Bland                              Miss Paton

Woking High School Inspire, Challenge, Achieve
This year we have taught the             owners of the zoo in Warsaw who       men and women were vulnerable,
Holocaust against the backdrop of        hid Jews in their basement, with      afraid, helpless - what made
the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, a         secret tunnels to the lion cage in    them different from their fellow
massive increase in visibility of, and   case the zoo was raided by the        citizens?… Why were there so
support for, conspiracy theories,        authorities; or Feng Shan Ho, the     few?… Let us remember: What
and an uprising over racial justice.     Chinese Consul-General in Vienna,     hurts the victim most is not the
Much of Holocaust education is           who issued visas to Jews despite      cruelty of the oppressor but the
based upon the principles that           orders to desist.                     silence of the bystander…. Let us
each individual is responsible for       Several students’ work has been       not forget, after all, there is always
their own deeds. Throughout their        sent to the Centre for Holocaust      a moment when moral choice is
lessons, students have learnt a lot      Education at UCL as their work has    made…. And so, we must know
about the victims of the Holocaust,      impressed us so much.                 these good people who helped
about the perpetrators and a whole                                             Jews during the Holocaust. We
                                         “In those times there was darkness    must learn from them, and in
host of other complex points. Year       everywhere. In heaven and on
9 students spent the Summer Term                                               gratitude and hope, we must
                                         earth, all the gates of compassion    remember them.”
completing a project highlighting        seemed to have been closed. The
that despite all odds, difficulties      killer killed and the Jews died       Elie Wiesel, in Carol Rittner,
and threats, many people stood           and the outside world adopted         Sandra Meyers, Courage To Care
up to the Nazis and their allies to      an attitude either of complicity      – Rescuers of Jews during the
rescue people from danger.               or of indifference. Only a few had    Holocaust, 1982.
The Righteous Among the Nations          the courage to care. These few            Mr Jones and the History team
project is run by Yad Vashem, the
Israeli Holocaust remembrance
organisation, to allow the victims
of the Holocaust, and their families,
to recognise those who risked their        Friends of Woking
own lives to save another’s.
Students have chosen from the
list of Righteous Among the
                                           High School
Nations, three people whom they
were keen to investigate further.          The Friends of WHS met in            donations and your Prize Club
Many complex questions were                May for their termly Ordinary        memberships, Thanks to those
addressed, such as:                        Meeting and were delighted to        who shop with the Give as You
• What can we learn about those            approve funding for a variety        Live scheme, and those who
   who rescued victims of the              of educational enhancements.         bring in their bottle caps and
   Holocaust?                              These included:                      pens for recycling. Special
• What can we learn about the              • Skeleton for the science           thanks to Malai Campbell for her
   motives of rescuers during the            department                         successful and fun Thai cooking
   Holocaust?                              • 4 laptops for use in exams         evening, and to Beverly Magowan
• How does this affect the study           • 3 Ipads for the Art department     and the Evelina Children’s
   of the Holocaust?                       • Short Story Quest Anthologies      Hospital for contributing a large
The standard of work completed               for year 7 English pupils          portion of recycling!
by students this year is astounding.       • Radioactive sources, radiation     Please join us in September
Trying to tease out the motives of           detector/counter for science       for our next combined Annual
rescuers is a very challenging thing         department                         General and Ordinary Meeting,
to do, especially when many of the         • Pulse oximeters for the science    where we hope to welcome 3 new
rescuers do not fit the traditional          department                         committee members: Treasurer,
definition of ‘hero’. What was it          • New tablets for use in the         Fundraising Coordinator, and
about these people that led them             SEND department                    a Social media Coordinator.
to risk their own lives and lives of       • New outdoor benches for            Do contact us at FOWHS@
their loved ones in order to save            SEND area                          wokinghigh.surrey.sch.uk if you
people whom they often did not             • A large selection of new           would like more information on
know or to whom they had no                  board games for the SEND           one of these roles or if you need
connection? People like Leopold              department                         to know more about how you can
Socha, a sewer worker and criminal         The funding for these teaching       contribute to fundraising, please
who fed, clothed and rescued 20            resources and enhancements           visit https://www.wokinghigh.
Jews hiding in the sewer canals of         would not be possible without        surrey.sch.uk/about-us/Friends-
Lwow; Jan and Antonina Zabinski,           your generous annual Scopay          of-Woking-High-School

Woking High School Inspire, Challenge, Achieve
It has been a very productive and   forms of artist Yellena James,     captivating studies. Afterschool
busy term in the Art department,    through textile and mixed media    art club have been constructive
with Year 10s working hard in       mediums. Experimenting with        with one to one support sessions
preparation for their end of        brushes, heat guns, applique       and opportunity discover new
year exam. Students have been       and embroidery, has enabled        techniques.
exploring the intricate organic     students to produce detailed and                           Mrs Alighieri

Woking High School Inspire, Challenge, Achieve
‘Summer Fest’
Woking High School – 19th July 2021

‘Summer Fest’ was a truly wonderful day at Woking High School
this week. Promoted by the staff through the creation of their very
own pop video (which is available to view on Twitter), ‘Summer Fest’
was a new event to the school which everyone became very excited
about. Inspired by ideas from the Year 10 Head Student Team, the
entire Woking High School community got involved with a variety of
fun-filled and team building activities to lift their spirits at the end
of an eventful year! Students arrived at school in the morning to a
brilliant festival feel with festival wrist bands being distributed to
students as they entered the gates, surrounded by balloons, bunting
and festival banners.
Students worked in Form Groups for the day, and participated in a
variety of exciting and innovative activities including:
• A Physical Challenge: Students participated in outdoor
  games of strategy and team building in the sunshine.
• An Identity Challenge: Students participated in team
  building activities linked with their Citizenship work
  conducted on ‘Identity’. All of the games were designed to
  prompt meaningful communication between the students
  as they learnt more about each other. In addition, the Year 7
  participated in the ‘The Coin Race Challenge’; a fundraising
  activity in which the students brought in loose change and
  had to line up the coins in order to create the longest coin
  line. All money was collected in at the end of the session and
  donated to ‘The Friends of Woking High School’.
• An Art Challenge: Students participated in an Art project to
  create a form group piece of art about ‘Identity’.
• A Culture Challenge: Students participated in a range of
  cultural activities listed below:
       Bollywood Dancing.
       Percussion Discussion: Focussing on both Body
       Percussion and Instrumental Percussion.
       Tai Chi and Origami.
       Art Attack: An outdoor task in which students created
       floor art work using second hand clothing (brought in by
       the students and staff). The fabulous art work was then
       captured using a drone. Brilliantly, following the event,
       the second hand clothing was collected and purchased
       by an external company, with all proceeds being
       donated to charity.
In addition, an extended picnic lunch also took place for the whole
Woking High School community, in which staff and students were out
on the Festival Field to have lunch together. Students were permitted
to bring their own picnics, or had the opportunity to purchase
a Woking High School favourite of ‘Chicken Joe’ from our own
restaurant. The picnic atmosphere was electric, with students taking
the time to socialise following a busy year. Decorations, music, and
ice creams enhanced the festival vibe, and students were incredibly
excited to purchase festival merchandise such as sunglasses and
flower hair bands, with all proceeds being donated to charity.
It really was a fantastic event and a delightful way to end the school
year. The students of Woking High School were a pleasure, and
it was a treat to see everyone together on such a beautiful and
memorable day.
                                                           Mrs Wilson

Woking High School Inspire, Challenge, Achieve
Woking High School Inspire, Challenge, Achieve
                                     We were delighted this year that      Maths
                                     across Year 7 and 8 our students      A reminder that The Math
                                     were awarded 18 Bronze, 26            Department use Hegarty
                                     Silver and 11 Gold certificates. In   Maths for homework. Hegarty
                                     addition, the following students      contains videos with modelled
                                     progressed to the Junior              examples for students to use
                                     Kangaroo round which they sat         which are closely matched to
UKMT Junior Maths Challenge          on 15th June. We await the results    the homework tasks. If your son/
In the week commencing 26th          with interest!                        daughter is struggling with their
April 2021, 120 of our brightest                                           maths homework, you can now
                                     Year 7
mathematicians in Year 7 and 8 sat                                         help by watching the video too!
                                     Tsaimen Ong
the UKMT Junior Maths Challenge.                                           There are also videos to support
                                     Theodore Barnado
                                                                           prerequisites to the homework
Each year over 700,000 students
                                     Year 8                                set. Students are able to access
enter UKMT Mathematical
                                     Isobel Brooks                         additional work themselves and
Challenges and they are the UK’s
                                     Harvey Clark                          use the website for revision. Once
most popular school competitions.
                                     Rosti Kolesnikov                      enough tasks are completed,
To recognise the highest
                                     Mason Lynch                           Hegarty will automatically set
performers in the Challenge, the
                                     Jessica Marton                        MemRi tasks which are retrieval
UKMT award the top-scoring
                                     Alex Miller                           practice questions based on their
40% of participants Bronze, Silver
                                     Josh Straker                          past homework tasks.
and Gold certificates in the ratio
                                     James Szarvas                                                   Mrs Heller
3:2:1. In addition, around 12,000
                                     Zavi Zinman
of the very highest performers
are invited to take part in the      If you would like to have a
Kangaroo and Olympiad follow-on      go, some UKMT Junior Maths
rounds.                              Challenge questions are attached!     https://hegartymaths.com/

iDEA – Duke of York Award

A group of our Y9 and Y10 have       through the academic year. The        programme aiming to help to
been working on completing           Duke of York Inspiring Digital        address the digital skills gap.
their iDEA award over the course     Enterprise Awards (iDEA) is a         iDEA is a programme that
                                                                           helps students develop digital,
                                                                           enterprise and employability skills
                                                                           for free. Through a series of online
                                                                           challenges and events, students
                                                                           can win career and life enhancing
                                                                           badges, unlock new opportunities
                                                                           and, ultimately, gain industry
                                                                           recognised awards that help them
                                                                           stand out from the crowd. iDEA is
                                                                           about lifelong learning, for anyone
                                                                           who wants to develop their skills.
                                                                           Congratulations to the amazing
                                                                           153 Bronze and 22 Silver awards
                                                                           achieved by students. And still,
                                                                           more to come before the end of
                                                                           the academic year!
                                                                                                     Mr Afana

                                                science with sweets – a nice way
                                                to end the year for our Year 11
                                                New additions to the department:
                                                The science department would
                                                like to thank Friends of Woking
                                                High for the generous donations
                                                that have enabled us to purchase
                                                some new radioactive sources, a
                                                full class set of pulse oximeters,
                                                and a life-size skeleton. The
                                                radioactive sources will enhance
                                                our explanations of radioactive
                                                decay to our GCSE Physics
                                                classes, and the pulse oximeters
                                                will be really useful for all year
                                                groups when they carry out class
                                                investigations into the effect
                                                of exercise on our bodies. The
                                                skeleton looks fabulous and has
                                                already made his way into many
                                                lessons – it even shows muscles
                                                and ligaments, as well as the
                                                bones. Mr Wakely has organised a
                                                competition for students to name
                                                the skeleton; the winner will be
                                                selected by Mrs Walter and Mrs
                                                Gallagher, and the winning name
                                                will be engraved on a plaque.
                                                Subject Days
                                                Year 9 students have made a
                                                great start to their GCSE courses
          A Level Masterclasses                 over the past few weeks – we
          The A Level Masterclasses for         have been very impressed with
          our Year 11 students have been a      their focus and mature attitude
          fantastic chance for the Science      to their learning. We were glad
          Department to dust off their          to give them the opportunity to
          A Level text books and revisit        spend some time in the science
          long-forgotten sections of the A      labs on subject day on 20th May
          Level curriculum in our specialist    2021. They were able to try out
          subjects. Our aim was to whet the     some of the practical activities for
          appetites of students considering     the Biology unit they have been
          taking a science at A Level by        studying; they practised their
          looking at key ideas and principles   microscopy skills and investigated
          and creating a smooth transition      osmosis using potato chips.
          between KS4 and KS5.                  Exams
          The Physicists carried out            The Science Department would
          some practical work on Simple         like to congratulate all the
          Harmonic Motion and practical         students who completed formal
          techniques at KS5. The Biologists     examinations this term – both in
          looked at careers that an A Level     the Sports Hall and in lessons.
          in Biology might lead to, and took    You have risen to the challenges
          a look at the structure of DNA in a   we have set you, focussed on
          bit more detail. The Chemists ran     your revision, and approached
          sessions on Electron Orbits and       the assessments in a mature and
          Molecular Shapes. There was a         sensible way.
          recurring theme of teaching KS5                                  Dr Ashton

Year 10 GCSE students started the       sobering statistic that 90% of new      for all. With hard work and
year off learning about the basics      business startups fail! Now realising   determination, they managed to
of business. With some aspiring         that it takes more than a good          finish the course and revise for their
entrepreneurs keen to be the next       idea for businesses to succeed, we      final assessments. Congratulations
Elon Musk or Bill Gates, student        explored some of the influences         to all Year 11 students who
soon learnt about the harsh realities   that impact business like the ever      completed their final assessments
of the world of business. With the      changing world of technology. Year      in a very difficult year.
perfect real life example of Covid      11 students grappled with the topic                                 Mr Young
19, students explored how tough         of finance and marketing. Trying to
running a business can be. Students     mix the statistical world of cashflow
soon grasped the concept of risk        forecasts with the creative world
and reward and understood the           of talking meerkats! A challenge

  Unfortunately, the majority of        number of different role models         Careers & Apprenticeship Show
  careers related events, activities    from all industry sectors; our          All Year 11 students were
  and trips were postponed due to       volunteers helped to draw links         invited to attend the virtual
  lockdown but the careers team         between learning and the world          Careers and Apprenticeship
  embraced the opportunity to go        of work and offered advice to           show; the exhibition was a one-
  virtual!                              support and motivate students           day event and featured local
                                        to make more informed decisions         and international employers,
  One-to-One Careers Meetings
                                        about their futures. Students           universities, entrepreneurs, armed
  Our external careers provider
                                        had the opportunity for a Q & A         forces and careers professionals.
  Innervate Careers Services
                                        session at the end of the morning.      Students were able to attend
  continued to work with our Year
                                                                                live workshops, visit a range of
  11 students providing one-to-one      Virtual Work Experience                 employer booths, attend question
  impartial information, advice and     Although traditional work               and answer.
  guidance sessions and ensuring        experience has been postponed
  all students were secure with         for this year, many students            STEM Virtual Chat
  their post-16 applications. They      have taken advantage of the             At the end of the Summer Term
  did this via the telephone when       wealth of virtual work experience       an ex-Woking High student will
  the school was closed and then        placements available. Please            be meeting virtually with our Year
  via Zoom when school reopened.        refer to the Woking High                10 Science students to share her
  Year 10 students are now having       website careers page for further        career journey. Emma completed
  these interviews face-to-face. All    information and opportunities.          a Masters’ Degree in Biodiversity
  students receive a comprehensive                                              and Conservation at the University
  action plan after their meeting.      REED Virtual Work Experience            of Southampton before starting
                                        All Year 11 students were given         a graduate scheme with Mott
  Tutor Time Aspire to Be sessions
                                        the opportunity to participate          MacDonald, employed as an
  Once a cycle, all year groups
                                        in a week-long interactive              engineering consultant.
  have a dedicated careers tutor
                                        work experience programme
  time session. This can be in the
                                        with Reed Education. Students           Willmott Dixon
  form of a “career of the cycle”
                                        gained experience in multiple           A number of Year 10 students will
  presentation, virtual assemblies
                                        departments, including finance,         be invited to visit Willmott Dixon
  provided by local colleges, or live
                                        sales, marketing and learning           to have a tour of their construction
  virtual chats with apprenticeship
                                        and development. There was              site and to learn more about the
  providers, Innervate Careers or
                                        also an opportunity to design a         varied careers opportunities for
  other volunteers.
                                        CV and learn valuable interview         both males and females within this
  Year 9 – Virtual Careers              preparation tips. Reed mentors          sector.
  Conversations                         were also available throughout                                  Miss Jarman
  Year 9 were lucky enough to           the week to offer advice and
  spend a morning virtually with a      information.

It has certainly been in a lively       themselves with such energy and      the Impact of the Berlin Wall.
term in the Drama Department!           creativity.                          Finally, Year 11 students were
Key Stage 3 students have been                                               also invited to attend a Year 11
                                        Key Stage 4 students have also
embracing their Drama practical                                              Master Class on Arts Appreciation.
                                        been working with great drive.
work. Year 7 have been exploring                                             Students participated in
                                        The Year 10 Drama students have
concepts of ‘Building a Character’,                                          workshop about the theories
                                        embarked upon their study of
Year 8 have been building upon                                               of theatre practitioner, Bertolt
                                        their set text ‘Blood Brothers’
their script interpretation skills by                                        Brecht. Students learnt about
                                        by Willy Russell. Students have
exploring the elaborate theatre                                              his Epic Theatre, and the use of
                                        been exploring both design and
style of ‘Melodrama’, and Year                                               Verfremdungseffekt to prompt
                                        performance aspects, as well as
9 students have been exploring                                               critical thinking from audiences
                                        learning how to log their ideas in   rather than emotional attachment.
the use of Trestle Theatre masks.
                                        examination conditions.              The students worked with thought
Our Key Stage 3 students have
been truly inspiring in the way         Year 11 students have also           and insight in the workshop and
that they have continued to             worked incredibly hard. Lots of      embraced the concepts with fun
explore practical performance;          preparation took place for their     and energy. Well done to all Year
many were especially excited            Final Assessments. Furthermore,      11s this year, and good luck in all
when lessons were able to resume        the students used Subject Day        your future adventures.
in the Drama Studio from half           in May to perform their Devised                             Mrs Wilson
term, allowing more classes to          pieces on the theme of ‘Change’.
experience performance in an            The pieces presented original
open space. The confidence within       theatre on a variety of topics
the performance work is flying          including Gender Discrimination
high, and it has been a joy to see      in the Workplace / Sport, LGBTQ+
all of Key Stage 3 expressing           Discrimination, Racism, and

Child Development
In Child Development this term,         of making a bottle of formula        students have looked at play
our Year 10 students have begun         and have begun using practical       activities that can aid young
their second coursework task            equipment to demonstrate that        children with their development
about finding a feeding solution        they can make a bottle of formula    and also how social studies of
for a six-month-old baby that           using good hygiene practices.        children are conducted in a
is due to start at nursery, while       Towards the end of the Summer        nursery environment. As this
their primary carer returns to          Term, the students will conclude     term ends for Year 11 Child
work. In this task, the students        their research about what they       Development students, we wish
are looking at the feeding options      think the best feeding options       them every success in the next
that are available to parents           are for parents returning to work    steps of their education and
when they return to work after          and they will hand this completed    employment journey.
having had a baby. This involves        piece of coursework in.                                    Ms Davidson
research into breastfeeding,            Our Year 11 students have
bottle feeding and combination          been completing coursework
feeding. The students are creating      tasks related to the physical
questionnaires for parents to find      development, intellectual
out about the feeding choices           development, and social
other people made for their             development of children up to
children while they were young          the age of 5 years old. They have
and analysing the responses             begun looking at the milestones
they receive. On the subject            that parents and carers look out
day on 20th May, the students           for that indicate how children
were learning about the process         are developing for their age. The

Visually Impaired

Braille Challenge 2021
In May this year, our Braillists
participated in a very exciting
Braille Challenge Competition
hosted by the Braille Institute
USA. We were accepted to join as
a new region where our students        Our students were paired with
could complete the Braille             similar aged students abroad and
Challenge competition in the UK.       got to know each other, sharing
This was and will continue to be       their hobbies, favourite foods,
a fantastic opportunity for our        activities and comparing life in
students to master their Braille       UK vs USA! Our students have
literacy skills whilst completing      established great friendships and
various categories. There were         will hopefully continue to keep in
some exciting prizes to be won.        touch!
All our students did brilliantly and
it was smiles all round! Well done     VI Running club
to all our amazing VI students for     After school on Thursdays has
doing so incredibly well!              become the time for VI students
                                       to stretch their legs! We are
VI Exchange Programme 2021             enjoying the challenges of a
At the beginning of the academic       longer run whilst learning to be
year our VI students joined            sighted-guided. This is a life skill
the International VI exchange          and will support our students to
programme where they got to            enjoy healthy living once they
correspond with various other VI       have moved on.
students throughout the USA.                                      Mrs Lock

                                         The Geography Department             surprised to learn how much
                                         challenged Year 10 to complete       deforestation is illegal and how
                                         a decision making exercise on        roads encourage this, as well as
                                         Subject Day, practising the skills   the importance of rainforests
                                         needed for the Issue Evaluation      for the pharmaceutical industry
                                         of Paper 3. The students             and with regards to biodiversity.
                                         immersed themselves in the           The teachers leading the activity
                                         issue of road building in the        were pleased by some of the
                                         Peruvian Amazon, discussing          astute and well-evidenced
                                         the economic opportunities for       arguments that students created,
                                         the people of Peru and weighing      and are looking forward to
                                         them against the potentially         building on this with future
                                         devastating environmental            decision-making tasks.
                                         challenges. Students were                                       Mr Dixon

Student Voice and School Council
At Woking High School, we aim             Citizenship lesson which focused on     two form groups from each year
to develop a culture of inclusion         the promotion of Diversity, as well     group now have an opportunity to
and diversity in which all members        as sharing strategies on how to go      highlight issues regarding student
of the community feel able to             about addressing discriminatory         safety. This is a rolling programme,
participate fully in school life. We      behaviours. It was amazing to see       meaning that within six months,
positively promote equality in order      the Student Voice so inspired by        all form groups will have had the
to create an environment of respect       this topic, and we were so proud to     opportunity to have their voices
and personal responsibility. This         see our students working actively       heard. Consequently, the feedback
term, the Student Voice has been          to discuss what they feel passionate    that we receive from all of these
involved with many exciting projects      about.                                  forums will assist Woking High
in order to support our ethos of                                                  School in continuing to develop the
                                          As our focus has been on creating
inclusivity.                                                                      culture of inclusion and diversity
                                          a community in which the safety
Following the challenges faced            of our students is paramount,           that we strive for. Through the
over the last two years as a result       Woking High School have also            training of staff, education of
of the pandemic, the Year 10 Head         worked actively to hear about the       students and sharing of information
Team candidates were invited to           views of the student community          with parents, we can work as
share some ideas for a Subject            on a broader level. Additional          a community to ensure that all
Day that would bring the school           forums have been established in         students feel safe and celebrated at
community together for a day of fun       which students can share their          Woking High School.
and positivity. As a result of some       views on ‘Safety within School’         Woking High School would like
outstanding suggestions, ‘Summer          in a supportive environment.            to thank all members of the
Fest’ will take place on the 19th July.   Consequently, Engagement Groups         community who have supported
Students will be involved in a range      have been initiated, in which           this process over the last term.
of practical activities including:        clusters of students from all year      It takes maturity, strength and
• The Physical Session: Team              groups are given the opportunity        resilience to explore matters of this
  Building and Problem-Solving            to share the experiences and            nature, and we are proud that we
• The PSHE Session: Exploration of        offer feedback on how Woking            can go on this journey together to
  Identity                                High School can enhance our             make a difference not only within
• The Art Session: Whole School           provision of ensuring student           our local community, but society as
  Art Project                             safety. Furthermore, half termly        a whole.
• The Culture Session: Involvement        surveys have also been established;                               Mrs Wilson
  in a variety of practical cultural
• The Food Session: A Whole
  School Picnic (in Year Group
                                            Religious Education
We hope that this will be an                Students have been working            and ethical topics. Some of the
amazing day, that will unite us as          hard all year in their lessons        ‘big questions’ were studied and
a community, and celebrate our              and home learning. Year 7 have        discussed and discussed some
diversity.                                  been looking at the major world       more! We explored the problem
In addition, the School Council             religions and focusing on the         of crime in our society and looked
have been focusing upon the                 origins of these religions and the    at the influences that affect all the
importance of celebrating Diversity         key individuals involved. Students    decisions we make.
within the School Community.                have had opportunities to explore
                                                                                  GCSE students have been fully
School Council members across               sacred texts from these religions
                                                                                  immersed in the philosophical
Year 7-11 have discussed their views        and discover the foundations
                                                                                  issues surrounding life, from
and experiences on Diversity and            of these ancient beliefs and
                                                                                  its creation to its destruction.
Discrimination. Moving forward,             cultures. Look at the holy place
                                                                                  We have been exploring some
a selection of students from Year           of worship and some of the key
                                                                                  of the key fundamental beliefs
7-10 participated in the filming            festivals celebrated all over the
                                                                                  from our chosen religions and
of a virtual assembly, using their          world from these faiths. Year 8
                                                                                  examining how members of these
Student Voice to promote positive           started the year taking a deeper
                                                                                  religions apply these beliefs in
values on the matter within school.         looking in to the religion of Islam
                                                                                  contemporary British society.
In addition, the students also              and the beliefs and practices
                                                                                  Congratulations to all Year 11
launched the new school policy of           carried out today. Students then
                                                                                  students who completed their
‘Challenge it. Report it. Change it.        had the chance to discover how
                                                                                  final assessments in a very testing
Together.’; this policy is a means of       Christianity went from a few
                                                                                  year for them. Good luck with
students challenging discriminatory         dozen followers to the largest
                                                                                  your future studies.
behaviours in a safe and supported          religion today. In Year 9, students
way. Year 11 students went on to            have been tackling philosophical                                Mr Young
aid staff with the creation of a

It’s been great to see our
students return to Inter School
Sport (Tennis, Rounder’s and
Athletics) and in a very short
period of time they have achieved
considerable success, most
notably in Athletics.

Our athletes have competed
in three matches this summer.
The athletes’ dedication to
training and competition has
been outstanding. There has
been a total of nine School
Records broken and many have
been broken multiple times.
At the Key Stage 3 District
Athletic Championships, we
were phenomenal, winning all six    Year 8 Girls
competitions. There were nine
schools competing in the District    Year   7 Girls                      Junior Girls (Year 7/8)
(Chertsey High, Fullbrook,           1st     Woking High           87    1st   Croydon HS             398
Gordons, Hoe Valley, Salesians,      2nd     Gordons               65    2nd St George’s College      376
SJB, SWPS, Winston Churchill         3rd     Hoe Valley            61    3rd Woking High              331
and Woking High). In 72 events,
                                     Year   8 Girls                      Inter   Girls (Year 9/10)
across all six competitions, we
                                                                         1st     Brighton College     539
finished in the top three in no      1st     Woking High           97
                                                                         2nd     Croydon HS           461
fewer than 63 events with 34         2nd     Hoe Valley            70
                                                                         3rd     Gordons              386
golds, 16 silver and 13 bronzes.     3rd     Gordons & SWPS        69
                                                                         4th     Woking High          346
A truly outstanding team effort.
The top three team results are       Year   9 Girls
                                                                         Junior Boys (Year 7/8)
below:                               1st     Woking High           93    1st   Whitgift               443
                                     2nd     Gordons               86    2nd Woking High              418
                                     3rd     SWPS                  85    3rd St George’s College      355

                                     Year   7 Boys                       Inter   Boys (Year 9/10)
                                     1st     Woking High           76    1st      Whitgift            518
                                     2nd     SJB                   54    2nd      Brighton College    396
                                     3rd     Hoe Valley            47    3rd      John Fisher         383
                                                                         6th      Woking High         355
                                     Year   8 Boys
                                     1st     Woking High           90    At the Arete Athletics competition
                                     2nd     Gordons               82    against Gordons we again
                                     3rd     Salesians             60    performed well, winning 18 out of
                                                                         the 28 track events.
                                     Year   9 Boys                       Year 10 Teddy Gannon, who was
                                     1st     Woking High           83    ranked first at Under 15 level in
                                     2nd     Gordons              81.5   Britain at Discus last summer,
                                     3rd     SJB                   77    is currently ranked fourth in
                                                                         Britain at Under 17 level. Teddy
                                    Selected Individual Results from     will again compete in the English
                                    Key Stage 3 Championships+           Schools Athletic Championships in
                                    At the English Schools Athletics     Manchester.
                                    Championships first round we         We now look forward to Sports
                                    again achieved considerable          Day and hopefully even more
                                    individual and team success.         records and great performances
Year 7 Boys                         Please see team scores below:        will be seen.

Year   Gold                                Silver                             Bronze

 7     Long Jump     Rosie Warren          70m Hurdles Scarlett Brown         100m        Violette Hornzee

       High Jump     Violette Hornzee      200m           Violette Hornzee    75m Hurdles Eric Ede Oyono

       Shot Putt     Freya Geaney          1500m          Isaac Littlecott    Javelin     Archie Johnston

                                           Discus         Jack Harel
       Discus        Freya Geaney

       Javelin       Isobel Jones

       Girls 4x 100m Relay

       100m          Sahil Vassanjee

       200m          Sahil Vassanjee

       800m          George Loader

       Long Jump     Sahil Vassanjee

       High Jump     Jack Harel

       Shot Putt     George Loader

       Boys 4x 100m Relay                  Year 7 Girls

 8     75m Hurdles Nell Hunter             300m           Joana Camacho       1500m       Hannah Scholey

       100m          Alice Clark           800m           Mari Woodhatch      Javelin     Lily Bulman

       200m          Joana Camacho         Shot Putt      Emilia Bye Harris   200m        Leon Langford

       High Jump     Alice Clark           80m Hurdles Harry Chappells        Shot Putt   Mason Doyle-Rogers

       Discus        Alice Clark

       Girls 4x 100m Relay

       300m          Zavi Zinman

       800m          Zavi Zinman

       Long Jump     Nicolas Szmydt

       High Jump     Daniel Gilbert

       Triple Jump   Micah Silvester

       Javelin       Zavi Zinman

       Discus        Gabriel Torin Costa

       Boys 4x 100m Relay
                                           Year 8 Boys

 9     800m          Bella Hornzee         75m Hurdles Laura Kersley          300m        Bella Hornzee

       Shot Putt     Freya Underhill       100m           Laura Kersley       Long Jump   Laura Kersley

       Discus        Freya Underhill       200m           Freya Underhill     1500m       Archie Robinson

       Javelin       Marcie Bulman         Girls 4x 100m Relay                Shot Putt   Herbie Hunter

       80m Hurdles Rhys Conlon             100m           Liam van der Ross   Triple Jump Jimmy King

       Long Jump     Rhys Conlon           200m           Liam van der Ross   Boys 4x 100m Relay

       High Jump     Rhys Conlon           800m           Jack Phillpotts

                                           Discus         Herbie Hunter

Golf                                  GB Climbing Selection                    the London Pulse Netball Franchise
Year 7 Jess Stofberg and Year         Rhys Conlon in Year 9 is currently       at Under 19 level. Sadly, she is
10 Joshua Gates competed              ranked 1 in Britain at Year 9/10         currently too young to compete in
in the Surrey Schools Golf            level in Boulder and Lead. He            their matches.
Championships at Guildford Golf       has been unbeaten on Lead all
                                                                               Finally, congratulations to everyone
Club. Jess managed to win the         season. Rhys has been selected to
                                                                               who has stayed committed to their
Girls Individual Net competition,     represent GB at the Youth World
                                                                               sport in the last sixteen months.
shooting well below her handicap.     Championships in Voronezh in
                                                                               Hopefully, we can look forward to a
Jess had made tremendous              Russia in August.
                                                                               whole year of School sport starting
progress with her handicap being      Netball                                  in September.
cut from 34 to 17 in just a few       Sadie Wilson, despite being in Year
months.                               9, has been selected to train with                                     Mr Justice


Term Dates                              Parking
1st September              INSET        Please can all parents and carers        end of the school day and would
                                        ensure that they are parking             ask that you arrange to collect
2nd September              INSET        considerately when dropping off          your child away from the school
3rd September Year 7 students           and picking up students from             where there is less congestion.
          only return to school         school. We ask that you do not
                                        park on yellow or zig zag lines,         We have also been asked by the
6th September     All year groups       near corners or junctions and do         Plough Pub to remind parents
                 return to school       not block driveways.                     that their car park is for patrons
                                        We appreciate that parking near          only and should not be used
                                        to school can be difficult during        for dropping off or picking up
                                        busy times such as the start and         students.

Attendance – Leave of Absence
The school holiday dates are          a penalty notice from the local           Warnings will not be given where
published a year in advance and       authority.                                it can be shown that parents have
the school therefore does not see     The Government have changed               been notified that such absences
any reason for parents/carers to      the regulations which permitted           will not be authorised. In addition,
need to take their child out of       Headteachers to grant leave of            penalty notices may also be issued
school during term time. Leave        absence for the purposes of a             when a student is stopped by a
of absence in term time will only     family holiday. The Education             truancy patrol or at the discretion
be authorised in exceptional          (Pupil Registration) (England)            of the local authority Inclusion
circumstances. Where absence in       (Amendment) Regulations 2013              Service Manager if a parent/carer
term time is unavoidable, a leave     states that Headteachers may              fails to ensure regular attendance.
of absence application form must      not grant any leave of absence            The penalty notice is £60 per child
be submitted for consideration        during term time unless there are         per parent if paid within 21 days
to the Headteacher no less than       exceptional circumstances.                of receipt of the notice rising to
2 weeks prior to the requested        The Headteacher can request               £120 per parent per child if paid
date. If a leave of absence is        the local authority to consider           after 21 days within 28 days. If the
taken in term time without prior      issuing a penalty notice to parents       penalty notice is not paid within
authorisation by the school it will   when students are taken out of            28 days Surrey County Council
be recorded as unauthorised by        school for 5 or more days leave           will consider a prosecution in the
the school and may be liable to       of absence without authorisation.         magistrate’s court.

                                                           Woking High School, Morton Road, Horsell, Woking, Surrey, GU21 4TJ
                                                                                        Tel: 01483 888447 Fax: 01483 888448
        Woking High School                                                               Email: info@wokinghigh.surrey.sch.uk

         Ins pire, Challenge, Achieve                                                     Web: www.wokinghigh.surrey.sch.uk

                                                                                                 Headteacher: Maiken Walter
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