Woodbridge High School - New Student Information 2019-2020

Page created by Tyrone Little
Woodbridge High School - New Student Information 2019-2020
Woodbridge High School
 New Student Information
Woodbridge High School - New Student Information 2019-2020
Welcome to Woodbridge High School
The following slides will address and explain a variety of on
campus and digital resources to help you succeed at

Woodbridge High School - New Student Information 2019-2020
Late Start: Every Monday,
school will start at 9:00

Tutorial: You will go to
tutorial every Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday.
For more information on
Tutorial, please refer to
slide 10.

Homeroom: You will go to
your assigned homeroom
classroom every Friday. For
more information on
Homeroom, please refer to
slide 9.

Please refer to the
Woodbridge High website
main screen for updates to
the weekly bell schedule.     3
The Woodbridge High School Website
  This is a great resource to access information on academics, extracurricular activities,
athletics, student resources, bell schedules, counseling information, staff information, and
      important links to useful websites. Please visit: www.woodbridgehigh.iusd.org

IUSD Student Login Information
ALL IUSD students are issued an account which allows them to access all of the
different digital resources that IUSD supports. Student usernames are all created
automatically upon enrollment and follow the same formula.

To learn your username you will need to follow the formula below:

“Last 2 digits of your graduation year”+ Last Name + First Name

EXAMPLE: 22DoeJohn, 19TroutMike
*Last Name or First Name cannot exceed 8 characters. If your name does exceed 8 characters, you must cut it
off after the 8th character.

Your password in your 9 digit IUSD permanent student ID number.

IUSD Student Login Information
We highly recommend that ALL students reset their password
annually (2 times a year is recommended). To reset your
password, you will need to login to the IUSD Identity Website

https://identity.iusd.org/ is where students can go to reset their
password or if they forgot their password to their IUSD account.

Parent Portal (Aeries/MyIusd)
Parent Portal allows students or parents to
view grades, transcripts, attendance, classes,
missing assignments, teacher contact
information and grades.

Click here for information on how to create
a student or parent portal account.

You can access the link to Parent Portal on the
Woodbridge High website.                          7
Canvas is Irvine Unified's online Course
Management Solution (CMS). It is used for
announcements, document storage, assignments,
and discussions. Students will use their IUSD
issued username//password to gain access to
           Click here to login to Canvas.

GradeSlam is a free tutoring option for all WHS students! Click here to login.
Trouble logging in?
Student Access
 ● All students will be required to use their IUSD username when they
   launch GradeSlam via Canvas and prompted to set a GradeSlam
   password. Students will not be able to change their username or enter a
   personal email address.
 ● Click the link to learn how to access Gradeslam: GradeSlam Instructions

What is homeroom?              When is homeroom?
Homeroom is designed as an     Homeroom is every Friday
opportunity for all students   from 9:40-10:00 AM.
to hear about important
upcoming information,
                               *Your assigned Homeroom
deadlines, and events.
                               teacher/location will appear
During this time, students
                               as a 9th period on your class
will also get to view the
weekly Warrior TV Episode.

For the 2019-2020 school year, tutorial will commence following periods 5/6 and all students
are required to attend Tutorial each day (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday). Tutorial is an
attendance bearing period. Students who fail to attend will be marked absent and are subject to
disciplinary consequences.

 1. Students must attend a Tutorial for any of the classes in which they are currently enrolled
    or the quiet study areas—Media Center or Staff Lounge. Students may only attend Staff
    Lounge Tutorial one time per week.

 1. A student SHOULD reserve a place on TeachMore PRIOR to Tutorial if they wish to be
    guaranteed a spot with a particular teacher on a particular day. If a student is tagged by a
    staff member, they must attend that specific Tutorial on the assigned date. Please see next
    slide on how to log on to TeachMore

How to log on to TeachMore:
• Web Site: https://teachmore.org/woodbridge/students
• Recommended browsers: Chrome & Safari

   Click the link below for detailed instructions on how to schedule Tutorial

   TeachMore for Students                                                       12
Clubs and Activities
There are many clubs on campus at Woodbridge High school!
In fact, there are over 140 clubs currently active. To learn
more about the available clubs, click on the official list below:   Clubs
                 2019-2020 Official Club List

To learn more about Woodbridge High School’s Clubs, read
through the WHS Club Handbook:
                 Official WHS Club Handbook                         Academic Teams

If you don’t see a club that interests you, you can always start
a new club. For more information on how to create a club,
click the link below:
              Steps and Tips for Creating a Club                    Athletic
                                                                    Teams            13
Cell-Phone Policy                                              Consequences
                                                      Violation 1
 ●   During class time, all cell phones and           -Device is confiscated and
     electronic devices must be turned off and        returned by end of day
     kept in the teacher provided storage area.
                                                      Violation 2 or 3
 ●   Students with cell phones found outside of       -Detention
     the teacher provided storage area, or used for   -Saturday School
     any reason during this time, will be             -Cell phone will be returned to
     considered a violation of the Cell Phone and     parent/guardian
     Electronic Device Policy.
                                                      Violation 4+
 ●   Any reason for discretion or variation in this   -Behavior contract
     policy must be approved by an Administrator      -Student may be required to
     in advance.                                      turn in device daily

Woodbridge Counseling Team

Natalie Greely   Elizabeth Taylor   Camera Kem     Jennifer Carrington   Heather Bethmann

    A-CR            Cu-Kao            Kar-Ne           Ng-Sey                 Sh-Z

                 Counseling Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:30-3:30
Counselor Roles
School Counselors are available to support you with academic planning,
college and career development, and social/emotional needs. If you have
questions related to your schedule, please see your counselor at lunch.

Other Resources
Mental Health Specialist: Ms. Lauren Stallings is available in the
counseling office to support your personal and social/emotional needs.
For more information about this program, please talk to your assigned
school counselor.
Project Success: IUSD’s Guidance Resources has an innovative program
to help students improve their communications with peers and adults,
and effectively manage the stressful changes associated with
adolescence. For more information about this program, please talk to
your assigned school counselor.                                           16
After your appointment to select classes, please follow the
“First Day” checklist that will be provided to you by the
counselor you meet with. Here is a preview of what you will be
doing on your first day at WHS:

                 Locating Classes
                 Obtaining Books
                 Obtaining a Locker
                 WHS ID Card
                 Registration Forms
                 Digital Access
Any questions?
You can find additional information:
◦ Counseling office
◦ Administration office

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