Working for you - Heritage Bank

Page created by Judith Todd
Working for you - Heritage Bank
Issue 81

Working for you
                                                                                                                   The Newsletter for Heritage Bank Customers

Woolworths partners with Heritage
Woolworths representatives                            $30 million over a five-year period. This              Woolworths and Heritage Bank then hosted
                                                      funding will be made available to eligible             a lunch at the Empire Theatre for key
jetted into Toowoomba late last                       Australian farmers in the form of financial            stakeholders from the region.
year for a full day of activities                     grants and interest-free loans. Woolworths
                                                                                                             Mr Lock said Heritage had a strong track
to help Heritage launch the                           has chosen to partner with Heritage Bank
                                                                                                             record of partnering with iconic Australian
                                                      as the financial administrator for the Fund.
$30 million Woolworths Organic                                                                               businesses to help them achieve their
                                                      Heritage Bank CEO Peter Lock joined with               business goals and was delighted to be
Growth Fund in Queensland.                            Paul Turner and Queensland Minister for                working with Woolworths.
Senior Woolworths representatives                     Agricultural Industry Development and
including Head of Produce Paul Turner;                Fisheries Hon Mark Furner MP for the media             “We already support businesses including
General Manager Strategy, Supermarkets                launch of the Fund at an organic farm at               Qantas and Australia Post with their
Will Herron; and Senior Agronomist, Buying            Mt Sylvia in the Lockyer Valley on the                 products and we are delighted that
and Marketing Alex Doyle were among the               morning of 30 November 2018.                           Woolworths has chosen to partner with
team that came to Toowoomba for a series                                                                     Heritage in launching this extremely
of sessions designed to raise awareness of            That was followed by an information                    worthwhile initiative,” Mr Lock said.
the innovative scheme.                                session at the Empire Church Theatre
                                                      in Toowoomba attended by around 50                     “The Fund will provide a significant
Woolworths has established the Woolworths             agricultural producers who heard from                  boost to the organic farming sector across
Organic Growth Fund to support investment                                                                    the country and Heritage is thrilled that
                                                      Paul Turner, Will Heron and Alex Doyle from
in Australian organic farming projects.                                                                      we can use our expertise and resources
                                                      Woolworths about the Fund, the organic
Through the Woolworths Organic Growth                 industry in general, and on the process of             to help our farmers via the Woolworths
Fund, Woolworths will invest up to                    converting to organic produce.                         Organic Growth Fund.”

 Helping launch the Woolworths Organic Growth Fund in Queensland are (from left) Queensland Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries
 Mark Furner, Heritage CEO Peter Lock, and Woolworths Head of Produce Paul Turner.

                          Get the most out of        Heritage helps growing Warwick customer              More ways to bank          Heritage helps deliver
In this                   your credit card           coffee business brew wins $15,000 prize              with Heritage              Loads of Love at
issue                     Page 2
                                                     early success
                                                     Page 3                    Page 4                     Page 5
                                                                                                                                     Christmas time
                                                                                                                                     Page 6
Working for you - Heritage Bank
Get the most out of your credit card
    Credit cards can be a very                         each month. For example, your credit            • Avoid cash advances
                                                       card statement might be issued on the
    convenient way to make                             17th of each month. Normally, if you
                                                                                                         Carrying out a cash advance from
                                                                                                         your credit card account will normally
    purchases, but it’s important                      pay off the balance owing on your credit
                                                                                                         attract a fee. Plan ahead so you can
    to know how they work                              card by the statement date each month,            avoid cash advances and avoid the
                                                       you can avoid paying any interest.
    so you can avoid paying                                                                              unnecessary fee.
                                                     • Know your interest-free period
    unnecessary interest and                                                                           • Pay your closing balance in full
    fees. Here are some tips                           Many cards offer “up to 55 days” interest         Credit card providers require you to pay
                                                       free, but there are a couple of things to
    to help maximise the                               remember. First, if you don’t fully pay
                                                                                                         a minimum repayment amount each
                                                                                                         month, to avoid late fees and keep
    benefits from your Heritage                        the account balance owing at the end              you from defaulting. However, if you
    credit card:                                       of the previous statement period, your            don’t pay your credit card in full by the
                                                       interest-free period is usually no longer         due date each month, you will usually
    • Know your credit card
                                                       valid. Second, the 55-day interest-free           start to incur interest. The amount you
       statement period
                                                       period typically begins on the opening            owe will keep rolling over into the next
      With most credit cards, your statement           day of your statement cycle, not the day          statement period, and the interest will
      cycle starts and ends on the same day            you make a purchase.                              continue accruing as well.

Community tees off for 21st Heritage
Charity Golf Day in Toowoomba
Funds raised at the 2018
Heritage Charity Golf Day have
pushed total donations past
$800,000 over the event’s
21-year history.
Heritage Bank celebrated its annual
Heritage Charity Golf Day at City Golf Club
in Toowoomba on 7 December with more
than 200 members of the local business
community teeing off for a great cause.
For the past 21 years, funds raised
from the event have been distributed
via grants to different community
and charity organisations right across               Preparing to hit off at the 2018 Heritage Charity Golf Day are the DAT Media team (from left)
southern Queensland.                                 Cameron White, Sam Dalzell and Matt Crawford with Heritage Bank’s Nate Hornery (second from left).

Heritage Bank CEO Peter Lock said,                                                                       • Highfields North Eastern Downs Lions Club
                                                    delighted to bring the business community
“Supporting our people and communities
                                                    together for a great cause and for the               • Rosies - Friends on the Street
is the core of Heritage. It’s something that
                                                    benefit of all.”
we are very passionate about and that                                                                    • Share the Dignity
translates through to the Golf Day.                 This year’s beneficiaries are:                       • Sunrise Way
“The funds raised go towards helping                • Blush Cancer Care                                 • The Shack Community Centre
a huge number of local organisations
                                                    • Compass Institute                                 • The Sycamore School
continue doing their fantastic work in the
community. Through the Golf Day, we’re              • Toowoomba Flexi School                            • PCYC Toowoomba

                                                                                                                                               Page 2

Working for you                          Issue 81
Working for you - Heritage Bank
Heritage helps growing coffee
business brew early success
There are two things that                            There have been plenty of challenges                   Rosie’s family has banked with Heritage for
                                                     in building The Little Trike including the             years and she had no hesitation in building
really motivate Rosie De Re                          long hours, issues with having to change               on that relationship when taking over The
– coffee and people.                                 locations and trying to establish a place in           Little Trike.
And with the help of staff at Heritage’s             such a competitive market.                             Staff at our Mt Ommaney branch were
Mt Ommaney branch, she is combining                  But Rosie has maintained a high level                  thrilled for Rosie winning the customer
both in her successful fledgling business.           of service and product quality, and even               service small business award, but were
Rosie owns and runs The Little Trike barista         developed her own blend of coffee, which is            certainly not surprised.
at the Mt Ommaney Centre in Brisbane’s               served to the regular flow of customers.               “She is very customer-service
west, with the help of her partner Vince and         “I do what I love doing,” she said. “My                orientated. We buy coffee from her all
her small, yet growing, staff.                       passions are coffee and people.                        the time and it’s very nice,” Heritage
She has been in operation since September                                                                   Mt Ommaney Senior Customer Service
                                                     “Each customer is a special customer. I                Officer Alayne Walz said.
2017 and has already built a loyal and               generally know their name and definitely
appreciative clientele in just a short period.                                                              “I’ve seen her following grow and that
                                                     know their order.
                                                                                                            is testament to her friendliness and the
So much so that Rosie and The Little Trike
                                                     “I’m happy with where I am, I’m happy with             great coffee.
took out a customer service award at the
                                                     the customers and I’m happy with the bank.
Mt Ommaney Small Business Awards late                                                                       “Rosie follows our philosophy of putting
last year.                                           “I can only say good things about Heritage.            people first.”
That honour vindicated Rosie’s bold                  “They have been very good when I can’t                 A move to a longer-term location at the
decision to go out on her own after years            get away (from the stand). If I need change            Mt Ommaney Centre started off 2019 for
of working for others in various coffee              and I see one of their staff, they run and get         Rosie, though the focus is still on great
shops and cafes.                                     change for me. They are very nice.”                    coffee and excellent customer service.

 Heritage has helped The Little Trike owner Rosie De Re develop her Mt Ommaney barista business into an award-winner.

                                                                                                                                               Page 3

Working for you                           Issue 81
Working for you - Heritage Bank
Benefits                                                        Warwick customer
    extended                                                        wins $15,000 prize
    to family
    of staff
    Heritage Bank is a
    fantastic place to work,
    and we’ve now made it
    even better by extending
    a range of benefits to the
    families of staff members.
    We provide our staff with a great
    mix of benefits in many different
    areas, including career development,
    discounts on products, health and
    wellbeing, flexible working conditions,
    multiple leave entitlements and
    performance recognition.
    Now, the close families of staff
    members can also take advantage of
    a number of these benefits.
    They include the following:                                       Long-time Heritage customer Leila Eades (centre) receives a $15,000 cheque as winner of
                                                                      Heritage Bank’s home or landlord Allianz insurance promotion from Heritage Warwick Branch staff
    Home Loans*                                                       (from left) Teneil Bullow, Megan James, Rowe Alley and Tilley Leach.
    • $0 application fees on discount
       variable rate home loan during the
       application process – saves $600                             There were plenty of happy                                          Heritage Warwick Branch Manager
                                                                                                                                        Teneil Bullow was overjoyed for Mrs Eades,
    • $0 annual home advantage                                     people after Warwick’s Leila                                        who celebrated her 82nd birthday on
       package fees in the first year of
       the loan – saves $350                                        Eades collected $15,000                                             30 December.

    Personal Loans*                                                 through Heritage Bank’s home                                        “Whenever we see all of the marketing
                                                                                                                                        promotions come out we always hope it is
    • 1% reduction on advertised                                   or landlord Allianz insurance                                       one of our regulars,” Teneil said.
       rate of a standard personal loan
       (fixed rate)
                                                                    policy promotion.                                                   “I’m very happy it was Leila.”
    • $0 application fees on standard                              The promotion meant one person who
                                                                                                                                        Mrs Eades, who has five children, 11
       personal loan (fixed rate)                                   took out a new Allianz home or landlord
                                                                                                                                        grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren,
       during the application process                               insurance policy, or renewed an existing
                                                                                                                                        was keen to spread the good fortune
       – saves $200                                                 one, during Heritage Bank’s springtime
                                                                                                                                        throughout her family when asked what she
                                                                    promotion would receive a $15,000 prize.
    At Heritage, we recognise the huge                                                                                                  would do with the $15,000.
    role families play in the lives of our                          A regular at the Warwick branch,
                                                                                                                                        “I’m giving $1000 to all of my kids and some
    staff members, so we’re really proud                            Leila Eades was thrilled to learn she
                                                                                                                                        money to all of my grandchildren, so I’m
    to have extended these benefits to                              was the winner of the promotion, courtesy
                                                                                                                                        sharing it with family,” she said.
    help them as well.                                              of having her home contents insurance
                                                                    with Heritage.                                                      Heritage offers a range of Allianz
    For more information about working
                                                                                                                                        insurance products for you, your home,
    at Heritage, check out our website at                           And the long-term Heritage customer                                                                                                  your car and more.
                                                                    enjoyed sharing the great news with the
                                                                    Warwick branch staff on her next visit.                             Go to to find out more.

*Application fee for discount variable rate home loan up to $600. Annual fee for Home Advantage Package normally $350 for first year only. Application fee on fixed rate personal loans normally $200
  and 1% reduction on advertised rate standard personal loan (fixed rate). Information correct as at 29 January 2019 and subject to change without notice.

                                                                                                                                                                                        Page 4

Working for you                                      Issue 81
Working for you - Heritage Bank
More ways to bank                                                                                                         Customers
with us at Heritage                                                                                                       help raise
Heritage has expanded its
range of digital payment
                                                          relevant app, then tap your compatible
                                                          device against the contactless payment                          $25,000 for
                                                                                                                          drought relief
                                                          terminal to complete your purchase.
services, making it quicker                               When making purchases using these digital
and easier for you to do your                             wallet services your information is kept
everyday banking.                                         secure. Your Heritage card details are not                      Congratulations
                                                          stored on the device and are never shared                       everybody – Heritage
Here’s a recap of the services we launched                with the merchant. Instead, your physical
in 2018.                                                  Heritage card number is replaced with a                         Bank customers helped us
New Payments Platform
                                                          ‘token’ to pay for transactions.                                raise more than $25,000
                                                          Currently, the following digital wallet                         to support farmers doing
The New Payments Platform (NPP) is the                    services are available at Heritage:
new payments infrastructure that makes                                                                                    it tough via our Drought
                                                          • Google Pay™ – use your compatible
getting paid or paying someone a lot
                                                             Android™ device to pay in-store, online                      Angels fundraising appeal
simpler and faster. No more waiting for up
to several days for payments to be “cleared”
                                                             and via apps in Australia and overseas.                      late last year.
between financial institutions.                           • Samsung Pay – use your compatible                            Heritage recognised that many of
                                                             Samsung device (running Android OS 6.0
Instead, you can now receive payments                                                                                     our customers, and the communities
                                                             Marshmallow or above) to pay in-store in
to your Heritage Bank account from                                                                                        they live in, have been affected by
                                                             Australia and overseas.
participating Australian financial institutions                                                                           the ongoing drought in many parts
                                                          • Fitbit Pay™ - use your compatible Fitbit                     of the country.
in near real-time, 24/7 by using your email
                                                             wearable as a fitness tracker, watch and
address or Australian mobile number.                                                                                      In August, we placed collection
                                                             a digital wallet too!
Heritage will introduce the option to send                                                                                tins in all our branches and offices,
                                                          • Garmin Pay™ – pay on the go quickly
payments via the NPP at a later stage.                                                                                    asking staff and customers to
                                                             and easily using your compatible
                                                                                                                          make a donation to Drought Angels,
                                                             Garmin smartwatch.
Digital wallet services                                                                                                   the Chinchilla-based organisation
                                                          Heritage is working to introduce even                           that is supporting Aussie farmers
Heritage has introduced a range of digital
                                                          more digital wallet services in 2019                            who have been hit hard by the
wallet services that allow you to make
                                                          – watch this space!                                             severe drought currently gripping
purchases at contactless payment terminals
using your compatible smartphone or                       For more information about the different                        much of Australia.
wearable device. Simply add your Heritage                 ways to bank with Heritage visit https://                       The appeal officially ended late
Visa credit or debit card details to the                                        last year and our CEO Peter Lock
                                                                                                                          had the pleasure of presenting a
                                                                                                                          cheque for just over $25,000 to
                                                                                                                          Jenny Jenner and Carissa Liddle
                                                                                                                          from Drought Angels, when they
                                                                                                                          were passing through Toowoomba
                                                                                                                          before Christmas.
                                                                                                                          That’s an amazing response
                                                                                                                          from customers and staff and
                                                                                                                          demonstrates yet again how
                                                                                                                          passionate Heritage is about
                                                                                                                          helping people in our community.
                                                                                                                          Congratulations again to everyone
 Heritage CEO Peter Lock presents the $25,000 donation to (from left) Jenny Jenner and Carissa Liddle                     who supported this great cause.
 from Drought Angels.

Android, Google Pay, the Google Pay Logo, Google Play and Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.
Samsung, Samsung Pay, the Samsung Logo are trademarks of Samsung Inc. Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google Inc.
Fitbit and the Fitbit logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Fitbit, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.
Garmin, the Garmin logo, and the Garmin delta are trademarks of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries and are registered in the U.S. and other countries.
U.S. Garmin Pay is a trademark of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries.

                                                                                                                                                         Page 5

Working for you                               Issue 81
Working for you - Heritage Bank
Heritage helps deliver Loads of Love
to those in need at Christmas time
Heritage Bank has again                                                with a total of 25,259kg in donated items                              “Each year we’re blown away by
                                                                       recorded and distributed to more than
helped brighten Christmas                                              1,000 households.
                                                                                                                                              the generosity of the community in
                                                                                                                                              supporting the Appeal,” Mr Lock said.
for families in need across
                                                                       Heritage Bank CEO Peter Lock said that the
southern Queensland thanks                                             Loads of Love Appeal was a great way for                               “Heritage has such as strong focus on
to our support of the 2018                                             the whole community to join together and                               community so to have the opportunity
Loads of Love Appeal.                                                  make a difference to those doing it tough                              to do our part to help is something we
                                                                       over Christmas and beyond.                                             feel very passionate about.”
The Loads of Love Appeal aims to support
for families doing it tough over Christmas,
by asking people to donate a bag filled with
donations of non-perishable food items
and personal items like canned food, pasta,
cereal, meal bases and toiletries.
Heritage is now in its fourth year of
supporting the Appeal, with all 60 of our
branches again acting as official collection
points. People were encouraged to pick up
a collection bag at a Heritage branch, fill it
with goods and then return it to the branch.
Donations were then distributed in
partnership with trusted local community
organisations in key areas of need across
southern Queensland.
This year, organisers set the ambitious
target of collecting 20,000 kilograms in                                 Heritage Nambour’s Senior Customer Service Officer Tom Leonard and Branch Manager Sandy McCulloch
donations. Thanks to the generosity of                                   help move the amazing 57 bags of food items donated at the branch by staff and customers for the
                                                                         Loads of Love Appeal.
the community this target was smashed

Heritage products and services
DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS                                     SUPERANNUATION                                        24 HOUR BANKING                                       OTHER SERVICES
• Savings                                            • Secure Super retirement                            • Internet banking                                    • Heritage Credits
• Access                                                savings account                                    • Telephone banking                                      rewards program
• Cash management                                                                                          • ATMs
                                                     BUSINESS BANKING                                                                                            • Foreign exchange+
• Term deposits                                                                                            • Internet share broking
• Cheque                                            • Business accounts                                                                                         • BPAY
                                                                                                              and trading+
• Visa debit card facilities                         • Term loans                                          • Mobile banking
                                                     • Overdrafts                                                                                                DISTRIBUTION
                                                     • Business Visa                                       INSURANCES+                                           • 60 branches
• Owner occupied and investment
                                                     • Payroll services                                    • Life                                                • 7 community branches
• Fixed or variable rates
• Line of credit                                     • Business lines of credit                            • General                                             • 3 mini branches
• Offset accounts                                    • Agribusiness loans                                  • Motor vehicle
                                                     • Farm management                                    • Travel                                              CONTACTING HERITAGE
PERSONAL LENDING                                                                                           • Home and contents
• Personal loans                                        deposit accounts                                                                                         • Phone: 13 14 22
                                                                                                           • Income protection                                   • Email:
• Car loans                                          • Motor vehicle equipment loans
• Visa credit cards                                  • SMSF Fully drawn loans                             FINANCIAL PLANNING+                                   •V isit:

Statements contained in this publication are based upon facts and information believed to be accurate, reliable and current as at the date of publication. Information may change without notice. This
publication is intended only to provide an information service on matters of concern or interest to readers. This advice has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation
or needs. Because of this you should, before acting on this information, consider its appropriateness having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. You should read the guides to Heritage
products or the product disclosure statements (available in branch, by phoning 13 14 22 or at before you decide whether any of these products are right for you. All loan or credit
related products subject to application and approval. +By arrangement with an outside supplier. Heritage Bank Limited ABN 32 087 652 024 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 240984 1901080

                                                                                                                                                                                                Page 6

Working for you                                        Issue 81
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