YAHOO STORE Design and Development Portfolio - Define. Build. Market

Page created by Allen Reeves
YAHOO STORE Design and Development Portfolio - Define. Build. Market
Define. Build. Market

Design and Development

                              Yahoo Small Business

   Website:   Email:   Phone: (248) - 233 - 0628
YAHOO STORE Design and Development Portfolio - Define. Build. Market
Graduation Gown

  INDUSTRY                                                      KEY FEATURES
School Uniform, Apparel & Accessories                               Custom Design

                                                                    Rotational banner implementation
Yahoo Store                                                         Custom My Account module with Gift
  WEBSITE                                                           Quantity/Bulk Purchase Discount Pricing                                              Table

                                                                    Click to Enlarge for Multiple pictures
                                                                    Tabbed Product Information is a preferred destination
for graduation products such as graduation caps
and gown, and an array of graduation
accessories such as honor cords, stoles,
tassels, caps and gowns, graduation regalia for
kindergarten, middle-school, high school,
college, and other academic regalia. The
company also provides the full capabilities to
develop custom solutions and products for
graduation. As a leading retailer for graduation
products, the company prides itself in its strong
values, personal service practices, as well as
extraordinary products. The website has been
developed in Yahoo Store by team Krish, as the

                    Website:   Email:    Phone: (248) - 233 - 0628
YAHOO STORE Design and Development Portfolio - Define. Build. Market
Team Uninform

  INDUSTRY                                                        KEY FEATURES
Sports Apparel & Accessories                                          Custom Design

                                                                      Custom newsletter SignUp
Yahoo Store                                                           Ajax enabled dynamic pagination with
  WEBSITE                                                             Click to Enlarge for Multiple pictures
                                                                      Request a Quote module with email
                                                                      Tell a Friend is a unique site that sells over
500 styles of sports team uniforms for football,                      Tabbed Product Information
baseball, basketball, hockey, volleyball, softball,                   Recently viewed items
soccer and other specialties. This site is made for fun
and sports loving youth, who believe in vigor, energy
and dynamism. The site is really impressive and
appeals to the energetic younger generation and folks
who believe that they will always be young at heart.
The company has gone in for Yahoo! Merchant
Solutions to build this Store with Yahoo! Store. Krish
team has put in all efforts to give this site a youthful as
well as a professional look utilizing the entire technical
prowess that Yahoo provides, so that this site is
capable of standing up to the fierce online

                      Website:   Email:    Phone: (248) - 233 - 0628
YAHOO STORE Design and Development Portfolio - Define. Build. Market
Splendid Simchas

  INDUSTRY                                                      KEY FEATURES
Paper and party goods                                               Custom Design

                                                                    Rotational banner implementation
Yahoo Store                                                         Quantity/Bulk Purchase Discount Pricing
  WEBSITE                                                           Click to Enlarge for Multiple pictures
                                                                    Tabbed Product Information

  ABOUT SPLENDID SIMCHAS                                            Product Review Rating System

Splendid Simchas is a family owned business that                    Yahoo Customer Registration
understands family needs when it comes to
                                                                    Yahoo Floating cart integration
organizing a simcha or a festive occasion. A
simcha can be an exciting and busy time as there
are a million details to attend to. For this joyous
and happy occasion, Splendid Simchas is a one
stop internet stop from where customers can
purchase all the necessary tableware items to
make the simcha absolutely beautiful. There is no
need to run from store to store looking for all the
various items that customers need for their
occasion. The website has been designed using
the professional platform for ecommerce – Yahoo
Store. The store has been provided all the bells

                    Website:   Email:    Phone: (248) - 233 - 0628
YAHOO STORE Design and Development Portfolio - Define. Build. Market
Street Legal tshirts

  INDUSTRY                                                       KEY FEATURES
Fashion, Apparel                                                     Custom Design

                                                                     Rotational banner implementation
Yahoo Store                                                          Ajax enabled dynamic pagination

                                                                     Click to Enlarge for Multiple pictures
                                                                     Tell a Friend

  ABOUT STEETLEGAL TSHIRTS is an online clothing
company in the USA that sells ‘the simplest
modern garment’ – the t-shirt. The company
makes it a point to keep the prices competitive
and include a large range of t-shirts to allows its
customers a wider choice of t shirts. Using
Yahoo! Store to build its web shop, the company
intends to make a
competitive venture while making it capable of
standing up to the fierce online competition.
Krish team has utilized its prowess and technical
skill to lend the site a youthful look while making
it robust and expressive.

                     Website:   Email:    Phone: (248) - 233 - 0628
YAHOO STORE Design and Development Portfolio - Define. Build. Market
The Bold Head Store

  INDUSTRY                                                      KEY FEATURES
Apparel, Accessories, Headwear                                      Custom Design

                                                                    Rotational banner implementation
Yahoo Store                                                         Custom newsletter signup

                                                                    Click to Enlarge for Multiple pictures

The bald head store is a unique and outstanding one
stop online shop for bald individuals catering to their
needs. The site features all the products that meet the
needs of those who are proud to be bald and those
who intend on staying that way. The site features
products for the ‘chrome domes’ as well as the biker
crowd as these products are desired by them for the
same or both reasons. The goal of
is to find the best quality, best value, and most
desirable head gear as well as products and carry
them on a single site. The store has been made with
Yahoo! Store – the professional ecommerce platform
for small and medium scale businesses. With all the
features that are usually found in an enterprise class

                    Website:   Email:    Phone: (248) - 233 - 0628
YAHOO STORE Design and Development Portfolio - Define. Build. Market
Digital HD Source

  INDUSTRY                                                      KEY FEATURES
HDTV Antennas, Accessories                                          Custom design

                                                                    Yahoo customer registration
Yahoo Store                                                         Rotational banner implementation

                                                                    Custom newsletter signup
                                                                    Click to enlarge for multiple pictures with
                                                                    zoom effect

  ABOUT DIGITAL HD SOURCE                                           Tabbed Product Information, Product
                                                                    Review Rating System
Digital HD Source is the best location on the
Internet to source a broad range of antennas                        Recently viewed items
and viewing devices such as outstood antennas,
Indoor HDTV antennas, Digital TV converters
boxes, and others. The company has chosen
the popular and leading ecommerce platform
Yahoo! Store for its website. The site exudes a
robust look so that the customers can
comfortably place their confidence in the
website. Besides, Yahoo! Store has a proven
track record of consistent and trustworthy
operation, which makes it an excellent choice for
Digital HD Source.

                    Website:   Email:    Phone: (248) - 233 - 0628
YAHOO STORE Design and Development Portfolio - Define. Build. Market
Magic Medical

  INDUSTRY                                                      KEY FEATURES
Health & Medical                                                    Custom Design

                                                                    Rotational banner implementation
Yahoo Store                                                         Click to enlarge for multiple pictures with
                                                                    zoom effect
  WEBSITE                                                           Custom newsletter signup
                                                                    Mobile store integration

Magic Medical is a top rated Yahoo Store merchant
and has been selling incontinence supplies on the
Internet for 16 years. With over 37 years of
experience in the industry, the owners have proven
themselves to be reliable, efficient, and honest. The
company ships its orders quickly at prices that
customers can afford. With so much experience and
familiarity in the industry, the company has chosen
to go with Yahoo Store to build its website. The store
presents a reliable and robust image that helps its
customers to place their confidence and trust in the
website. The company believes customer service is
a full time commitment and not a part time job. For
this reason, the company has been in business so

                    Website:   Email:    Phone: (248) - 233 - 0628
YAHOO STORE Design and Development Portfolio - Define. Build. Market
Ezone Mart

  INDUSTRY                                                      KEY FEATURES
Retail                                                              Custom Design

                                                                    Yahoo floating cart integration
Yahoo Store                                                         Yahoo customer registration

                                                                    Side navigation with fly out menu
                                                                    Rotational banner implementation
                                                                    Custom newsletter signup
                                                                    Ajax enabled dynamic pagination with
In operation since 2000, Ezone Mart is a consumer                   sorting
friendly store that stocks a myriad of customer
                                                                    Click to enlarge for multiple pictures
friendly items such as fashion accessories, as seen
on TV goods, gift baskets, electronics and media                    Tabbed Product Information
products, health and wellness products, holiday and                 Product Review Rating System"
seasonal items, home decor, sports outdoor goods
as well as lawn and garden accessories. Ezone Mart
conveys a pleasant and welcoming interface to
make shopping a pleasure for online customers.
Powered by Yahoo Store, the website is high on
technical features and sports a contemporary look to
make it a hit amongst the urban crowd.

                    Website:   Email:    Phone: (248) - 233 - 0628
YAHOO STORE Design and Development Portfolio - Define. Build. Market
HM Herbs

  INDUSTRY                                                      KEY FEATURES
Health and Nutritional                                              Custom design

                                                                    Yahoo customer registration
Yahoo Store                                                         Custom floating shopping cart with free
                                                                    shipping incentive
  WEBSITE                                                           Ajax enabled dynamic pagination
                                                                    Click to enlarge for multiple pictures

  ABOUT HM HERBS                                                    Tabbed Product Information

H&M Herbs and Vitamins is a family-owned                            Product Review Rating System
business and deeply cares for the health and
wellbeing of its clients. It is the company mission to
offer its customer supplements that adequately meet
their needs. H&M Herbs and Vitamins has been
operating for the last 15 years with a desire to
efficiently take care of customers and provide the
necessary boost to the business at the same time.
The company offers a variety of brands of all natural
and nutritional health products. This range includes
amino acids, anti-oxidants, herbs, vitamins as well
as energy and weight loss products. The company
also stocks many products in their store-front, which
are not offered on its website. To cater to a large

                    Website:   Email:    Phone: (248) - 233 - 0628
Midtown Sounds

  INDUSTRY                                                       KEY FEATURES
Music & Audio DJ Accessories                                         Custom design

                                                                     Yahoo customer registration
Yahoo Store                                                          Custom floating shopping cart with free
                                                                     shipping incentive
  WEBSITE                                                            Accordion menu
                                                                     Ajax enabled dynamic pagination with
                                                                     Snap shop/quick view integration
Midtown Sounds is the right place on the Internet for
the young crowd seeking pro audio DJ equipment.                      Next and previous button used to move on
                                                                     other products within same category
Midtown Sounds is also an outstanding place for the
best surround sound equipment and components for                     Click to enlarge for multiple pictures
pro audio DJ equipment at the most competitive
                                                                     Tabbed Product Information
prices. The company is headquartered in the USA
and also stocks audio and video components for                       Product Review Rating System
cars homes, marine, motorcycles and personal                         Recently viewed items
audio and video. Also provided for the benefit of its
international customers is the facility of shipping the
audio DJ equipment at discounted rates. To lend a
professional feel to the entire web store, the
company has chosen Yahoo! Store, make it an ideal
solution for a medium scale business like this. This

                     Website:   Email:    Phone: (248) - 233 - 0628
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