Zoom Training for Lawyers- and Using It Securely - Colorado ...

Page created by Byron Ball
Zoom Training for Lawyers- and Using It Securely - Colorado ...

                                                                                                        the “biggest trust, safety, and privacy issues.”3
                                                                                                        Make no mistake about it, though—clients and
                                                                                                        lawyers both love Zoom and, as Zoom has fixed
                                                                                                        more and more security defects, we believe it
                                                                                                        is a darn good videoconferencing solution for
                                                                                                        lawyers who use it properly.

                                                                                                        The first question for rookies is: what the heck is
                                                                                                        this thing called Zoom? According to the website,
                                                                                                            Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise
                                                                                                            video communications, with an easy, reliable
                                                                                                            cloud platform for video and audio confer-
                                                                                                            encing, collaboration, chat, and webinars
                                                                                                            across mobile devices, desktops, telephones,
                                                                                                            and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the
                                                                                                            original software-based conference room
                                                                                                            solution used around the world in board,
                                                                                                            conference, huddle, and training rooms, as
                                                                                                            well as executive offices and classrooms.4
                                                                                                            Zoom is extremely easy to use (for lawyers
                                                                                                        and clients!) and is available across multiple
                                                                                                        platforms and operating systems. You can
                                                                                                        use your mobile device with apps available
                                                                                                        for Android and iOS. There are desktop clients
                                                                                                        available for macOS, Windows, and a bunch

         Zoom Training for Lawyers—                                                                     of Linux/Unix versions (e.g., Ubuntu, Linux,
                                                                                                        CentOS, OpenSUSE, etc.).

            and Using It Securely                                                                       Equipment
                                                                                                        To state the obvious, you will need some sort
                BY SH A RON D. N E L S ON A N D JOH N W. SI M E K                                       of camera to participate in a videoconference
                                                                                                        call. Most modern-day laptops are equipped
                                                                                                        with a webcam for video calls. You could even
                                                                                                        use your iPad or smartphone with Zoom.
                                                                                                        Another consideration is sound. The built-
                                                                                                        in microphones for laptops or phones may

            he coronavirus pandemic has forced      imately 10 million free and paid daily meeting      not sound particularly good if you are on the
            a lot of lawyers to use videoconfer-    participants.1 By April 2020, that number had       receiving end. Consider using a headset (with
            encing to “meet” with coworkers         increased to over 300 million free and paid daily   microphone) or earbuds. You’ll be able to hear
            and clients. One of the most popular    meeting participant.2 The boom in usage has         better, and so will all the other participants.
videoconferencing platforms is Zoom. There          squarely put the crosshairs on Zoom. Multiple       Besides sounding better, headsets and earbuds
are others, but we see Zoom as the choice of        security and privacy issues have been discov-       help cut down on the ambient noise.
many lawyers, especially those in solo and small    ered and exposed by security researchers and            Don’t forget where you physically sit during
firms. While we can’t cover all the options and     journalists. Some of the publicity was just, and    the videoconference. If your back is to an open
settings for Zoom (there are a ton of them),        some of the media statements were wrong or          window, the brightness may make you difficult
we’ll try to give our advice on the best way to     overblown.                                          to see. Light sources (lamps, skylights, etc.)
use and secure Zoom for your firm.                      On April 1, 2020, Zoom CEO Eric Yuan an-        behind you will have the same effect. Objects
    The growth in Zoom usage has exploded. At       nounced there would be a feature freeze for the     behind you may be distracting too. Think about
the end of December 2019, there were approx-        next 90 days to concentrate resources on fixing     what the person on the other end is seeing. Be

12   |   C OL OR A D O L AW Y E R   |   JUNE 2020
Zoom Training for Lawyers- and Using It Securely - Colorado ...
cognizant of those around you. Family members         were unmuted in Zoom. The likely cause is that        participants. The host can “mute all” or mute
may be able to hear you discussing confidential       the microphone was muted on the actual device         participants individually. The host has other
information even if you are wearing a headset.        they were using or the wrong microphone was           options as well, such as changing the name of
                                                      selected. The key to checking if your computer        the participant, stopping a participant’s video,
Participating in a Meeting                            microphone is muted varies by computer                preventing screen sharing, and requesting a
We’ve participated in a slew of Zoom meetings         manufacturer and model. The bottom line is that       participant to start their video. If enabled, the
over the years, but it sure feels like we’re now      you should check to make sure the microphone/         host can put participants on hold, send them
involved in one or two a day instead of one           sound is not muted on your physical device. That      to the waiting room, and so on.
every several months. It seems obvious to us          even applies if you use a headset. Most wired             When you click on a meeting link, you will
that you need to be in physical possession of         headsets have some type of switch assembly            be prompted to open the Zoom application. The
the device you use to participate in a Zoom                                                                 default view shows the participants across the
meeting. Apparently, a lot of attorneys don’t                                                               top bar with the speaker showing in the center
get the obvious or haven’t completely thought                                                               panel. If someone else starts talking, the video
things through.                                                                                             will shift to that speaker. If you have more than
    Many of us are working from home and                 It seems pretty                                    a handful of participants, it is difficult to see
may be remotely connecting to our computers                                                                 who is in the meeting. Taking your mouse to
at the office. If so, you’ll need to not remotely        silly, but invariably                              the upper-right corner of the screen will give
connect and must use your home computer,
                                                         there’s at least                                   you the option to change the view to gallery. The
smartphone, iPad, or some other device that                                                                 gallery view shows all participants in their own
you physically possess. If you try to participate        one participant in                                 “square” with the speaker’s box having a yellow
in a Zoom meeting while remotely connecting
to your office machine, it will be just as if you
                                                         a Zoom meeting                                     outline. The outline will bounce around to the
                                                                                                            various speakers and is less annoying than the
were sitting at your office desk. We can’t tell          who remotely                                       speaker’s video constantly being switched out.
you the number of times we were looking at
an empty desk chair. And because you are not
                                                         connects to their                                  Think of the view as similar to the introduction
                                                                                                            of the Brady Bunch TV show or the TV game
sitting in your office, participants can’t hear          office computer                                    show Hollywood Squares, where each person
you either. In other words, when you remotely                                                               had a separate “box.” Many new Zoom users
connect to your office computer, Zoom uses the           and wonders why                                    have no clue about how they can change the
microphone and camera of that office machine.            we can’t see or                                    view to “gallery.” That is something we have to
It seems pretty silly, but invariably there’s at                                                            explain in most meetings.
least one participant in a Zoom meeting who              hear them.                                             Zoom’s popularity hasn’t gone unnoticed
remotely connects to their office computer and                                                              by the competition either. Zoom’s gallery view
wonders why we can’t see or hear them. Good                                                                 is very popular, so much so that Microsoft and
thing there is a chat function in Zoom.                                                                     Google are scrambling to catch up. Zoom can
    All you need to do is have some way to                                                                  display up to 49 participants in gallery view on
access the meeting invite details from a physical     in the cable to adjust volume and mute the            a single screen. You’re going to need a pretty
device you have control over and that is in your      microphone. Apparently, inadvertently bumping         big monitor or hook up to your big screen TV
possession. If the invite went to your firm’s email   up against the microphone mute button is              to see that many people. Google just released
address, just access it from your smartphone          fairly common.                                        an update to Meet that can only display up to
(assuming you can get to your firm email from                                                               16 people simultaneously. Microsoft Teams is
your phone); otherwise, just forward the message      Meeting Management                                    supposed to support nine people in a gallery
to a personal email account you can access            While you are in a meeting, clicking the Par-         view shortly. It seems like Zoom has won the
from your home machine or other personal              ticipants icon in the bottom menu bar pops a          gallery view battle.
device. Remember: when participating in a             panel to the right that shows all the participants        Zoom has released an update that will be
Zoom meeting, the video camera must be able           for the meeting. You can see the status of the        most visible to those hosting meetings. There
to “see” you and the microphone must be able          users’ microphone (muted or unmuted) and the          is now a new Security icon in the lower menu
to “hear” you. When you’re at home, your office       status of their video camera. Obviously, there        that replaces the Invite button. The icon allows
machine can’t do that.                                will be no camera icon if the participant dialed      the host to quickly and easily find and enable/
    We’ve also had experiences where we               in with a phone number. The participants panel        disable security features. When you click the
couldn’t hear a participant even though they          is where the host can manage and control the          icon, hosts and cohosts will be able to lock

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Zoom Training for Lawyers- and Using It Securely - Colorado ...

the meeting, remove participants, restrict a        rooms as needed. When the host closes the            is not possible for the recorded information.
participant’s ability to perform some actions       breakout rooms, the participants get a notice that   The good news is that local recording is only
(rename themselves, share screens, etc.) and        the room will close in a certain amount of time      available for the host unless the host allows
enable the Waiting Room even if it’s not already    and need to return to the main meeting space.        participants to record locally.
enabled.                                            Of course, the mediator should be the meeting             We are asked how the recordings are handled
                                                    host. We would not recommend allowing one of         when you are using breakout rooms, especially
Features                                            the parties to be the host in a mediation unless     if used for mediations. If you elect to do cloud
The primary function of Zoom is to facilitate       separate Zoom meetings were created for the          recording, only the main room is recorded.
videoconferencing. It supports video and audio      appropriate participants, which would ensure         The breakout rooms are not recorded. Local
transmission for each connected user over           separation of the parties. The disadvantage          recordings are done for whatever room the host
the internet. There’s also a dial-in number for     with separate meetings is that you can’t easily      is in. That typically means the main meeting
audio-only connections. Some people use Zoom        move among the various rooms as you would            room, but a breakout room would be recorded
as an audioconference bridge so that users          in a real physical mediation.                        if the host (mediator in our example) went into
won’t have to incur potential long-distance                                                              one of the breakout rooms. The host always has
phone charges.                                                                                           the option to stop the recording and then go
    You can also configure Zoom to allow file                                                            into the breakout room to prevent recording
transfers and screen sharing. Screen sharing is                                                          the breakout room session. The host could then
very common when observing a product demo.                                                               resume the recording once the host exits the
It is even used when giving a webinar. The             When configuring                                  breakout room and returns to the main room.
presenter can mute all the attendees and share         Zoom, do not                                           When configuring Zoom, do not enable
their PowerPoint slides from their computer                                                              the cloud settings or automatically record. It
desktop. There is also a whiteboard feature            enable the                                        is possible to record without the host, but we
that participants can annotate for all to see.         cloud settings                                    recommend against it. Before initiating a local
    There are a lot of meeting controls available                                                        recording, make sure the option is enabled.
to the host. For example, you can control the          or automatically                                  Log in to your account from a browser and go
audio of the participants. All participants can
                                                       record. It is                                     to Settings and then the Recording tab. Make
be muted when they first join the meeting.                                                               sure the “Allow hosts and participants to record
Audible tones can “announce” the joining of            possible to record                                the meeting to a local file” is enabled. You can
a participant. Sessions can be recorded. There
used to be a feature to let the host know if a
                                                       without the host,                                 also configure the host to allow the participants
                                                                                                         to record locally. To start a recording, click on
participant is not paying attention, but Zoom          but we recommend                                  the Record button in the bottom menu. Select
has permanently removed that feature in a nod
to privacy concerns.
                                                       against it.                                       the “Record on this computer” choice. The host
                                                                                                         and participants will see a visual indicator in
    Another helpful feature for mediators is the                                                         the upper left to indicate that recording is in
breakout rooms feature, which is disabled by                                                             progress. There will be an audio notification too
default. You create the rooms and then assign                                                            if you have configured it. You can stop or pause
participants to a specific room. You even have                                                           the recording at any time during the meeting.
the option to pre-assign participants to specific        You can record Zoom meetings too. The paid      Once the meeting is over, the recording will get
breakout rooms when you first schedule the          subscriptions offer local and cloud recording.       converted and downloaded to your computer.
meeting. When the host opens the breakout           The Pro plan includes 1GB of cloud recording         The host needs to stay connected to the internet
rooms, each participant gets a notice to move to    storage. You can add more storage space for an       during the entire download process. The default
the room. Each room is isolated from the others,    additional fee. We would highly recommend            location to save the recording is in the Zoom
just like you would be in a real mediation. The     not recording to the cloud. Cloud recording          folder in the host user’s Documents folder.
participants can take advantage of the Zoom         means Zoom stores the recording and manages               Once all the intended participants have
features (e.g., screen share, chat, etc.) among     it. Local recording means you have control over      joined, close the meeting. You do this by
everyone in the room. The host and cohost           the distribution of and access to the recording.     selecting “Manage Participants” icon in the
can freely move among the breakout rooms.           One downside is that local recording is not          bottom menu and then clicking “More” at
However, that feature only works for the host at    available in the iOS or Android app. You must use    the bottom of the panel, or by clicking the
this time. The cohost must be assigned a room,      a computer to be able to record locally. Another     new Security icon. Select “Lock Meeting” to
but the host can move them among the various        concern is the issue of encryption. Encryption       prevent anybody else from joining. As you can

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see, the intent is to create as many barriers as     can share a screen with inappropriate content.       again. Make sure that the “Allow Participants to
possible to prevent unintended attendance to         Yes, even bizarre sexual content. You definitely     Rename Themselves” is unchecked.
your meeting. Without those barriers, so-called      want to change the default to set screen sharing         An additional step to prevent the display
“trolls” could join for mischievous reasons,         to host only.                                        of inappropriate content is disabling virtual
including Zoom-bombing with inappropriate                Another setting is to require a meeting          backgrounds. Go to the “Setting” section in
content.                                             password. You can configure Zoom to include          Zoom and select the “In Meeting (Advanced)”
                                                     the password in the meeting invite, or you can       choice. Disable the “Virtual background” option.
Cost                                                 distribute the password separately. A related        This will prevent someone from displaying
There is a free version of Zoom, but there is        default password setting is to require a password    an inappropriate image as their background.
a 40-minute limit for meetings with three or         for those joining by phone as well. Zoom has         Having said that, you may consider allowing
more participants. The Pro version is the most       changed the default settings in a recent release.    participants to use virtual backgrounds. Virtual
popular for solo and small firm attorneys. The       As a security measure, passwords are now             backgrounds are useful to “hide” the clutter
cost is $14.99/month per host account. (The host     required for all meetings including those using      of your surroundings or to show a pleasant
is the one who schedules the meeting.) Each                                                               scene. We suggest leaving virtual backgrounds
session is limited to 24 hours (don’t invite us)                                                          enabled unless you experience abuse. If you are
and you can have up to 100 participants. There                                                            particularly paranoid, disable them.
are additional admin controls as well. If you pay                                                             Control when the meeting starts. Don’t
annually, the cost is $149.90 ($12.49/month).           Be nice to your                                   let the participants join the meeting before
The next level up is the Business subscription,         participants                                      you do. After all, it’s your meeting—and who
which is $19.99/month per host and requires a                                                             knows what could be going on before you
minimum of 10 hosts. There are a lot of enterprise      and turn off the                                  connect? In the “Schedule Meeting” section of
features available with the Business plan, such
                                                        Feedback to                                       “Settings,” turn off the “Join before host” option.
as a vanity URL and the ability for on-premise                                                            An alternate control mechanism is the waiting
deployment.                                             Zoom and Display                                  room feature. Participants connecting before
    We’re confident the Pro plan is more than
adequate for most law firms. If you need more
                                                        end-of-meeting                                    the host are held in the waiting room. The host
                                                                                                          then admits the participants individually or
than one host, just purchase an additional Pro          experience                                        all at once. Enabling the waiting room feature
plan subscription.
                                                        feedback survey                                   automatically disables the “Join before host”
                                                                                                          option. You may have heard that there was a
Configuration Settings                                  settings. They                                    serious vulnerability with the waiting room
We’re not going to go through all the various                                                             feature. Independent research lab Citizen Lab
ways you can use or control Zoom. Assuming
                                                        are both enabled                                  did identify a problem and worked with Zoom
you have purchased a Zoom subscription, we              by default.                                       to correct the issue. Zoom has since corrected
will make some suggestions for configuring and                                                            the security issue, so it is safe to use the waiting
using Zoom in a more secure fashion. First, make                                                          room feature if you want.
sure you are using the most up-to-date version                                                                If you are particularly paranoid about what
of Zoom. If you have previously used Zoom, you                                                            someone might pop up or write on a screen, you
probably already have it installed. To manually      your Personal Meeting ID. Even though it is          should turn off annotations and whiteboard in
download the latest version, launch the Zoom         now the default, check your settings to make         the “In Meeting (Basic)” section.
application, log in to Zoom, and click on your       sure passwords are required for all participants,        Consider turning on “Allow host to put
user icon in the upper right (it probably has        including those just using a telephone.              attendee on hold” in the “In Meeting (Basic)”
your initials). Select “Check for Updates” and           It would be nice if all meeting participants     section. This will allow you kick people out of
follow the instructions. Periodically check your     used their video cameras so you could verify         the meeting if necessary. Hopefully, you won’t
configuration settings after updating. We have       who they are. However, some participants may         have to do that, but it’s a good idea to have the
experienced some of our configuration settings       not want their cameras turned on, or they call       option if needed.
getting changed back to defaults after an update.    in using a telephone. There is another Zoom              Two other settings to disable deal with the
    Consider changing some of the default            setting to prevent someone from changing their       user experience at the end of the meeting. We
settings before scheduling the meeting. The first    display name to indicate they are someone else.      find it particularly annoying to have survey
one is screen sharing. The default is to allow all   When you are in the meeting, go back to the          questions or ratings appear after visiting a
participants to screen share. That means anyone      managing participants panel and click on “More”      site or at the end of a webinar. Be nice to your

                                                                                                         JUNE 2020      |   C OL OR A D O L AW Y E R   |   15

participants and turn off the Feedback to Zoom        option. You will only be prompted for the 2FA            Another etiquette consideration is position-
and Display end-of-meeting experience feedback        code when you sign into your Zoom account            ing of your video camera. If you have a separate
survey settings. They are both enabled by default.    using a browser. Launching the Zoom app does         USB webcam, position it at face level pointed
                                                      not prompt for the 2FA code. Zoom protects           directly at you. If you use the webcam in your
Scheduling                                            your account settings by enforcing 2FA from the      laptop, make sure the laptop is elevated to have
It is highly recommended not to use your              browser. Logging in with your Zoom credentials       a straight view of your face. Set your laptop on
Personal Meeting ID (PMI) when scheduling             when launching the app does not give you access      a few books to get it higher if needed. The last
meetings. Your PMI is a constant value and never      to account settings, so 2FA is less of a concern.    thing you want is the camera looking upward
changes. Once it is known to someone else, they       The Zoom app is primarily used to impact the         exposing your nostrils. Not pretty.
could connect to the meeting whether they             user interface while you participate in a meeting.
have been invited or not. Of course, requiring                                                             Privacy
a password for PMI meetings will help, but our                                                             Zoom is constantly being criticized for its
recommendation is to not use PMI—period.                                                                   collection of data. It’s rare that we come across
Allowing Zoom to automatically generate the              The easiest way                                   an attorney who has actually read the Terms
meeting ID is a more secure option. This means
that each scheduled meeting will have a unique
                                                         to temporarily                                    of Service, Acceptable Use Policy, or Privacy
                                                                                                           Policy. The Terms of Service for Zoom is 13
random meeting ID. This greatly enhances the             unmute yourself is                                pages, which may take you a little time to plow
security of using Zoom.                                                                                    through. In fact, Zoom just updated its privacy
    Another available security setting when
                                                         to press the space                                policy on March 18, 2020. (Coincidence, or
scheduling a meeting is to require registration.         bar. Just like the                                was it in response to the sudden spike in users
You must have a paid Zoom subscription to                                                                  flocking to Zoom?)
require registration. Meeting registration means         old-style push-to-                                    Bottom line: Zoom collects a lot of data
the participants register with their email address,      talk microphones,                                 from users about their devices, activities, and
name, and questions. There are some predefined                                                             data shared/transferred. Consumer Reports
questions such as Phone, Industry, Job Title,            holding down the                                  pointed out that advertising campaigns
Address, and so on. You can also create your             space bar unmutes                                 could be developed from the videos and chat
own custom questions. The registration option is                                                           messages. Like Facebook, Zoom could use
not available in the Zoom app when scheduling            and allows you to                                 facial recognition technology against all the
meetings. You must schedule your meeting
                                                         be heard.                                         recorded videos. To be fair, Zoom has clarified
using a web browser to use the Registration                                                                and changed some of its past practices. As an
Required option. The default is to automatically                                                           example, Zoom removed the Facebook SDK
approve all participants after they complete                                                               (Software Development Kit) in the iOS client
the registration. You may want to change the          Videoconferencing Etiquette                          and reconfigured it to prevent unnecessary
setting to manually approve participants for          When you are participating in a Zoom meeting,        collection of device information. Previously,
the meeting. After registration is approved           mute yourself so that other participants don’t       Zoom would send data about participants and
(manually or automatically), the participant          hear all your background noise and potential         used LinkedIn to match people. If a participant
will receive information on how to join the           disruptions. Barking dogs, ringing doorbells,        had a LinkedIn Sale Navigator account, they
meeting. Meeting registration is another good         and screaming children do not leave a very           could access the other participants’ LinkedIn
way to further restrict meeting participants and      professional impression. Unmute yourself when        details without the participant knowing. Zoom
help prevent Zoom-bombing.                            you have something to say. The easiest way to        has since disabled the feature.
                                                      temporarily unmute yourself is to press the              A major difference with Zoom is the amount
Account Security                                      space bar. Just like the old-style push-to-talk      of control hosts have over participants and
Just like any other service you use, your password    microphones, holding down the space bar              their activities. We’ve already discussed some
should be strong and not easily guessed. In           unmutes and allows you to be heard. Releasing        of the recommended configuration settings to
addition, two-factor authentication (2FA) should      the space bar mutes you again. While we’re at        restrict what participants can do. Director of
be enabled. It still amazes us that the default is    it, become familiar with hotkeys and keyboard        privacy and technology policy at Consumer
not set to require 2FA. You enable 2FA for your       shortcuts for Zoom. There are a lot of them. Zoom    Reports, Justin Brookman, said, “Zoom puts
Zoom account by selecting “Security” in the           has a helpful article that discusses hotkeys and     a lot of power in the hands of the meeting
“Admin” section, under “Advanced.” Turn on            keyboard shortcuts for the various operating         hosts. The host has more power to record and
the “Sign in with Two-Factor Authentication”          systems.5                                            monitor the call than you might realize if you’re

16   |   C OL OR A D O L AW Y E R   |   JUNE 2020
just a participant, especially if he or she has a     which servers have the ability to handle your       agencies have banned the usage of Zoom.
corporate account.”6                                  network traffic. Go to the In Meeting (Advanced)    Some companies are asking their employees
    Citizen Lab discovered that some participant      section of the Settings. Find the section where     not to use Zoom but haven’t banned it outright.
traffic was being rerouted through servers in         you can define the data center regions for          Some think that competing products are more
China. As it turns out, Zoom uses geofencing          your meetings/webinars. By default, all of the      secure and should be used instead. We believe
to control traffic flow. Participants outside of      regions are selected. The available regions are     the truth is somewhere in between. Recently,
China do not route through China and those            data centers located in Australia, China, Hong      Zoom clarified their architecture and encryption
in China stay within servers in China. When           Kong (China), Japan, United States, Canada,         schemes. The major criticism is the lack of
network traffic started to increase significant-      Europe, India, and Latin America. Uncheck           end-to-end encryption despite Zoom’s earlier
ly, additional servers were added to Zoom’s           any region where you don’t want traffic to          claims. Zoom was using the term end-to-end
network. Unfortunately, a mistake was made            flow through. Unchecking a region may cause         encryption in a way that is not the commonly
and servers in China were improperly added.           trouble for those participants who are calling      accepted definition. Busted.
Therefore, some traffic was routed through            in with a phone number from that region. We             Zoom explained its encryption in a blog
China when it shouldn’t have been. After the          have our account configured to allow only data      post on April 1, 2020. “To be clear, in a meeting
report by Citizen Lab, Zoom removed the errant        centers located in the United States and Canada     where all of the participants are using Zoom
servers from the traffic flow.                        to handle our Zoom traffic.                         clients, and the meeting is not being recorded,
    Besides removing the improperly configured                                                            we encrypt all video, audio, screen sharing,
servers, Zoom has released an update that allows      Encryption                                          and chat content at the sending client, and do
for even greater control of network traffic. If you   Security of Zoom meetings is a major concern        not decrypt it at any point before it reaches the
have a paid subscription, you can now control         of millions of users. Some companies and            receiving clients.”7

            Join us for our inaugural sessions
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                                                                                                         JUNE 2020     |   C OL OR A D O L AW Y E R   |   17

     Zoom clients include your computer run-          Ethics and Zoom                                      desirable to control the encryption keys, the
ning the Zoom app, a smartphone running               Despite the media histrionics over Zoom’s            reality is that you can’t always do that today.
the Zoom app, and a Zoom Room, which are              shortcomings, those shortcomings are shrinking       A lot of technology providers hold a master
really only seen in large firms and enterprises.      day by day as security measures and privacy          decryption key and could technically decrypt
Essentially, your traffic is encrypted if all par-    safeguards are implemented. We certainly             your data. Dropbox and Apple’s iCloud are two
ticipants are using the app on a computer or          believe that a lawyer’s duty of competence           that come immediately to mind. Another reality
smartphone. In that case, the user content is         (Model Rule 1.1) and the duty of confidentiality     is that you can’t really control what you cannot
inaccessible to Zoom’s servers or its employees.      (Model Rule 1.6) are met if the lawyer has taken     see at the other end of your communication. It
     The exposure for most people is when some-       the time to understand the basic features of         doesn’t matter if you are using Zoom, Webex,
one participates via a telephone call and not         Zoom, including all security features.               GoToMeeting, or calling on your iPhone. You
with the app or if the meeting is being recorded.                                                          have no control over what the person on the
Zoom cannot guarantee full encryption in those        Final Words                                          other end is doing. They could have software
cases. There are other situations where full          Zoom has become extremely popular. It is ex-         installed that is recording your entire conver-
encryption may not be possible, but they are          tremely easy to use even for those not technically   sation and capturing video. More old school
not commonly experienced by most lawyers.             inclined. Performance is good and there are lots     is to record with a separate device such as a
If you are really concerned about making              of features to use. There are also features that     voice recorder or even taking a video with your
sure that your Zoom meeting is as secure as           can go awry. The jury is still out as to whether     smartphone. Nothing is 100% secure.
it can be, require that all participants use the      Zoom can be trusted or not. Are its intentions            For now, we don’t see any problem using
computer audio and do not allow telephone             pure or did they just get caught? Certainly, we’ve   Zoom for your videoconferencing needs as
participation.                                        seen some major improvements in the platform.        long as the subject matter is not extremely
     For those worried if Zoom can “tap” your         We would certainly like to see an improvement        sensitive. Be smart in how and when you use
session like a traditional communication chan-        in the encryption, and we need more time to          it. Spend a little time to become familiar with
nel, Zoom’s response is: “Zoom has never built        assess Zoom’s transparency promises.                 the capabilities of Zoom, especially if you are
a mechanism to decrypt live meetings for lawful           Despite the concerns with Zoom’s privacy         the one hosting the meetings.
intercept purposes, nor do we have means to           and security, there is a practical side to using
insert our employees or others into meetings          technology in your law practice. While it is         © 2020 Sensei Enterprises, Inc.
without being reflected in the participant list.”8
     Zoom did not clarify the technical details for
its encryption implementation. Without getting
totally in the weeds, Zoom’s encryption methods
are not nearly as good as they should be. A single                          Sharon D. Nelson is a practicing attorney and the president of Sensei
AES-128 key is shared among all participants.                               Enterprises, Inc. She is a past president of the Virginia State Bar, the Fairfax
                                                                            Bar Association, and the Fairfax Law Foundation. Nelson is a coauthor of 18
Zoom also uses AES in ECB mode, rather than                                 books published by the ABA—snelson@senseient.com. John W. Simek is vice
a stronger industry standard. Certainly, using                              president of Sensei Enterprises, Inc. He is a Certified Information Systems
AES-256 in a more secure industry standard            Security Professional, Certified Ethical Hacker, and a nationally known expert in the area of digital
                                                      forensics. Simek and Nelson provide legal technology, cybersecurity, and digital forensics services
mode would be preferred.
                                                      from their Fairfax, Virginia firm—jsimek@senseient.com.
     To further improve security and respond
to criticism about Zoom’s encryption imple-           Coordinating Editor: Joel Jacobson, joel@rubiconlaw.com
mentation, Zoom has released an update that
will implement AES-256 encryption. Version
5.0 of the Zoom client was released on April          NOTES

28, 2020. You should manually update Zoom             1. https://blog.zoom.us/wordpress/2020/04/01/a-message-to-our-users.
now to version 5 if it doesn’t automatically          2. Id.
                                                      3. Id.
update itself. Zoom will “flip the switch” to
                                                      4. https://zoom.us/about.
enable AES-256 encryption on May 30, 2020.            5. https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/205683899-Hot-Keys-and-Keyboard-Shortcuts-for-
If you have not upgraded to version 5, you            Zoom.
will not be able to participate in any Zoom           6. https://www.consumerreports.org/video-conferencing-services/zoom-teleconferencing-privacy-
meetings after May 30. Zoom has announced
                                                      7. https://blog.zoom.us/wordpress/2020/04/01/facts-around-zoom-encryption-for-meetings-
that a forced update will occur after May 30 if       webinars.
the update hasn’t already occurred.                   8. Id.

18   |   C OL OR A D O L AW Y E R   |   JUNE 2020
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