100% RECYCLABLE SPC MADE IN GERMANY - Authentic floors made with respect for nature - CLASSEN ...

Page created by Gladys Reynolds
100% RECYCLABLE SPC MADE IN GERMANY - Authentic floors made with respect for nature - CLASSEN ...
Authentic floors made with respect for nature.
100% RECYCLABLE SPC MADE IN GERMANY - Authentic floors made with respect for nature - CLASSEN ...
Rigidfloor is a new revolutionary
concept 100% Made in Germany
by CLASSEN. With respect for our
planet, we developed a unique
raw material based on stone pow-
der and minerals.
The result is a unique collection
with authentic and beautiful

SPC - Made in Germany         04
Four Tomorrow                 06
Concept                       08
The Collection                10
Technical Data                13
100% RECYCLABLE SPC MADE IN GERMANY - Authentic floors made with respect for nature - CLASSEN ...
Tandel I 54705
100% RECYCLABLE SPC MADE IN GERMANY - Authentic floors made with respect for nature - CLASSEN ...
Mondorf I 54148
100% RECYCLABLE SPC MADE IN GERMANY - Authentic floors made with respect for nature - CLASSEN ...
The Kaisersesch plant is the CLASSEN Group‘s competence and production site for
SPC design & vinyl wall and floor coverings. Our unique technology makes it possible
to produce a 100% recyclable concept with the best designs and a perfect quality
and finish.

From the production of the raw materials up until the extruding of the boards, from
digital printing technology to the strong top layers, milling our easy-to-install locking
system and preparing the products for shipment, the entire process is vertically
integrated in our modern factory.

Because we care about everyone’s good health and wellbeing, and want to assist
slowing down the climate change.

100% RECYCLABLE                                    CLASSEN CLOSE THE LOOP

We are able to recycle Rigidfloor and give it a    CLASSEN is aiming for a 100% integrated cycle
second life, in our own production or in the       of using and re-using the accurate selected raw
garden furniture, automotive bumpers or packa-     materials by closing the loop in our production
ging items.                                        process.

SUPPLY                                             MAXIMUM DESIGN

Due to the use of green electricity and the        Due to our unique digital printing technology,
participation in CO2 projects, we are completely   we are able to create 100% authentic designs
CO2-neutral when it comes to energy purchases      with a huge variety of planks up until 24 diffe-
at our Kaisersesch site in 2020!                   rent planks per décor.
100% RECYCLABLE SPC MADE IN GERMANY - Authentic floors made with respect for nature - CLASSEN ...
Getting ready four tomorrow

                 Everyone at CLASSEN is highly aware that
                 our decisions and projects focus on the well-
                 being of the end consumer. All our amazing
                 technology, our inexhaustible design opti-
                 ons, our unconditional respect for our planet
                 and the harmonious bond of our staff and
                 people have all only one common objective:
                 getting ready for tomorrow…

                 We believe in strong partnership with our cus-
                 tomers offering only quality products.

                 Because we live today, caring for tomorrow.

Tandel I 54705
100% RECYCLABLE SPC MADE IN GERMANY - Authentic floors made with respect for nature - CLASSEN ...
Technology                                       Design
Since we became a manufacturer, we always        Design matters. We want to differentiate
focused on the best machinery, on efficiency     and develop the most beautiful products, on
and on maximum output. The business model        design, texture and finish. Our in-house design
of the CLASSEN Groups is based on permanent      centre is the creative soul of our company.
investing in capacity and unique production      Preparing the design solutions for tomorrow.

People                                           Planet
Our people are the engine of our success! From   Whether laminate flooring or design& vinyl
the factory engineers, to the administrative     wall and flooring, creating durable products
teams. From our sales force to our machine       are a fundamental part of our company vision.
operators, at CLASSEN we strive for a homo-      Sustainable forestry management, genera-
geneous team spirit with one common goal:        ting our own energy, emission-low products,
being the best in what we do, to create and      100% recyclable, close the loop production
deliver. Every day again.                        processes…
100% RECYCLABLE SPC MADE IN GERMANY - Authentic floors made with respect for nature - CLASSEN ...
With Rigidfloor we offer a two-in-one concept. You decide if you
chose the 3,6mm ultra-thin version or the 4,6mm version with
attached backing (Rigidfloor plus)
The Rigidfloor plus version has an acoustical property of -18dB
(Norm EN ISO 101140-3).


RigidFloor      (RF)                           Windhof 54704

RigidFloor+     (RF+)                          Clove      54923

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100% RECYCLABLE SPC MADE IN GERMANY - Authentic floors made with respect for nature - CLASSEN ...
Windhof I 54704
100% RECYCLABLE SPC MADE IN GERMANY - Authentic floors made with respect for nature - CLASSEN ...
Tadler      (RF)    54152   Clervaux   (RF)    54147
Tuscan      (RF+)   54922   Gilmour    (RF+)   54917

Mondorf     (RF)    54148   Sandweiler (RF)    54150
Silver Sand (RF+)   54918   Seaside    (RF+)   54920
Bettborn   (RF)    54151   Waldhof   (RF)    54149
Woodwind (RF+)     54921   Urband    (RF+)   54919

Windhof    (RF)    54704   Tandel    (RF)    54705
Clove      (RF+)   54923   Caraway   (RF+)   54924

    mm            1290 x 173       1290 x 173

                     3,6            3,6 + 1

    Bevel            4V               4V

Abrasion Class/
 Usage Class       31/AC3           31/AC3

   Surface        structured       structured

    Locking       EASY       LOC   EASY       LOC

                     13               11

                    2,901            2,455

                     48               56

                   139,258          137,473

   Articles              8                8
Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 18-20
    D-56759 Kaisersesch

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