1849 School of Law Undergraduate Prospectus 2022 - NUI Galway

Page created by Benjamin Harmon
1849 School of Law Undergraduate Prospectus 2022 - NUI Galway
School of Law
            Undergraduate Prospectus 2022


1849 School of Law Undergraduate Prospectus 2022 - NUI Galway
    Our Degree Programmes
    ▶ Law (BCL)				                                                            8

    ▶ Law (BCL), Criminology and			                                            10
     Criminal Justice

    ▶ Law (BCL) and Human Rights			                                            12
                                                                                    NUI Galway is recognised in the
    ▶ Law and Taxation				                                                     14                                       EXPERT
    ▶ Law and Business				                                                     16
                                                                                    TOP 2%
                                                                                    of universities in the QS
                                                                                    World Universities Rankings 2022.

    ▶ BA (Joint Honours) in Law				                                            18
                                            OL                                                                          SKILLS


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1849 School of Law Undergraduate Prospectus 2022 - NUI Galway
NUI GALWAY SCHOOL OF LAW                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Undergraduate Prospectus

LAWAT                                                                                                                                                                               WORLD CLASS TEACHING
                                                                                                                                                                                    THE EMPHASIS ON INNOVATION, PRACTICALITY AND

                                                                                                                                                                                    PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION APPARENT FROM THE FIRST DAYS
                                                                                                                                                                                    OF THE UNIVERSITY CONTINUE TO GUIDE OUR TEACHING
                                                                                                                                                                                    OF LAW. WE GO BEYOND TRADITIONAL DISCIPLINARY
                                                                                                                                                                                    BOUNDARIES TO ENSURE OUR STUDENTS GRADUATE AS
                                                                                                                                                                                    WELL-ROUNDED, ETHICAL LEGAL PROFESSIONALS.

        EXPERIENCED STAFF                                               SKILLS                                                          TERENCE O’MALLEY                                    INTERNATIONAL FOCUS
Our academic staff are nationally and internationally            Skills-based modules are an essential part of our degrees,             DLA PIPER                                   Studying law at NUI Galway will give you an insight into the global legal system
recognised experts in their fields and many are also industry    equipping students with both the academic and practical                SCHOLARSHIP                                 that is driving change in the world today, both nationally and internationally.
experienced. Their invaluable knowledge and experience           skills required for successful careers and for life. Our                                                           Our modules have an embedded international emphasis so our students
                                                                 academics work with students to develop competencies                   We are delighted to partner with global
gives students a unique learning experience, ensuring that                                                                                                                          have an understanding of the globalisation of legal practice. Students will also
                                                                 including logical and critical thinking, communication                 law firm DLA Piper for the Terence
they develop the skills necessary to put theory into practice.                                                                                                                      have the opportunity to study abroad with prestigious partner institutions,
                                                                                                                                        O’Malley DLA Piper Scholarship.
                                                                 and advocacy skills, project management skills and the                                                             transforming their university degree into a truly global experience.
The School of Law is also a centre of excellence in research                                                                            The scholarship supports Scholars
                                                                 ability to construct complex legal arguments. NUI Galway
with our internationally recognised research centres. Our        law students become highly skilled, employable graduates
                                                                                                                                        throughout their four-year degree to        ▶   AUSTRALIA      ▶   CHINA                 ▶   GERMANY          ▶   POLAND
students have access to academics who lead research projects     confident to progress to professional qualification and to
                                                                                                                                        the value of €2,500 annually (total value   ▶   AUSTRIA        ▶   CZECH REPUBLIC        ▶   HUNGARY          ▶   SPAIN
and influence national and international policy making.          pursue a range of other careers locally, nationally and globally.
                                                                                                                                        of €10,000 per Scholar). Each year the      ▶   BELGIUM        ▶   FINLAND               ▶   INDIA            ▶   THE
                                                                 Development of skills is advanced every year of the degree:
                                                                                                                                        scholarship is awarded to two first year    ▶   CANADA         ▶   FRANCE                ▶   ITALY                NETHERLANDS
                                                                                                                                        students who are enrolled in one of our                                                                       ▶   UNITED STATES
                                                                                                                                        five law degrees (GY250, GY251, GY252,
     CAREER FOCUS                                                                      Year 4: Specialisation & Guided Research Essay                                                                                                                     OF AMERICA

                                                                               Year 3: Work Placement or Study Abroad
                                                                                                                                        GY253 and GY254) and is awarded
                                                                                                                                        based on financial need and academic
                                                                                                                                                                                           WORK PLACEMENT
Our careers and employment team provide quality
                                                                                                                                        merit. The Scholars will preferably         Our Law programmes aim to position students with the skills and graduate
career guidance to help students gain clarity, connect
                                                                        Year 2: Communication & Advocacy through Mooting                have a home address in Mayo but             attributes needed for employment post-graduation. We partner with leading
with employers and compete for the best jobs.
                                                                                                                                        consideration is given to applicants        global, national and local firms, as well as other organisations, to support student
                                                                  Year 1: Foundational Teaching (legal research, critical thinking)
                                                                                                                                        with a home address in the West             development and work placement.
 CLARITY in your career journey through:                                                                                                of Ireland (all counties in Connacht
                                                                                                                                                                                    ▶                             ▶
                  ▶   ONE-TO-ONE CAREER GUIDANCE
                                                                           GUEST LECTURES                                               plus counties Donegal and Clare).
                                                                                                                                                                                        A&L Goodbody
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Irish Council for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Civil Liberties           ▶
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Company Solicitors
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    MacDermott &
                  ▶   CAREER SEMINARS AND EVENTS                           FROM EXPERTS                                                 Terms and conditions apply, visit our       ▶   Arthur Cox                ▶   The Irish Refugee             Allen Solicitors
                  ▶   PSYCHOMETRIC TESTING
                                                                 Our close links to the legal profession and industry mean we           website for full details:                   ▶   LK Shields                    Council                   ▶   Sage Advocacy
                  ▶   DROP-IN SESSIONS
                                                                 regularly host guest lecturers with leading expertise in law, the      www.nuigalway.ie/dlapiperscholarship        ▶   Ronan Daly                ▶   Philip Lee                ▶   Damien Tansey
                                                                 legal profession, human rights, disability, business and beyond.                                                       Jermyn (RDJ)              ▶   Department                    Solicitors

 CONNECT with prospective employers through:                     Guest lecturers give students insight into current trends in                                                       ▶   Eversheds Sutherland          of Justice                ▶   Maples Group
                                                                                                                                        “I am extremely proud to be a
                                                                 law and society, and inform their future career choices.                                                           ▶   AMOSS Solicitors          ▶   William Fry               ▶   Centre for Disability
                  ▶                                                                                                                     recipient of the Terence O’Malley DLA
                      JOBS FAIRS AND EMPLOYER EVENTS                                                                                                                                ▶   CIE                       ▶   Berwick Solicitors            Law and Policy
                  ▶                                                                                                                     Piper Scholarship. The Scholarship
                      JOBS VACANCY SYSTEM
                                                                           A ROUNDED                                                                                                ▶   Irish Water               ▶   MacSweeney &
                                                                                                                                        has had a significant impact on my

 COMPETE in the jobs market through:                                       STUDENT EXPERIENCE                                           third level education and experience.

                                                                 Beyond the lecture hall, there is a wide variety of extra-
                                                                                                                                        It has allowed me to focus on
                                                                                                                                                                                             NATIONAL AND
                  ▶   CV & INTERVIEW SKILLS WORKSHOPS                                                                                   attaining my degree in Law
                  ▶   JOB APPLICATION REVIEW
                                                                 curricular activities with over 100 student societies, including       at NUI Galway                                        INTERNATIONAL INTERNSHIPS
                                                                 a very vibrant student Law Society, excellent sports facilities        without any                                 Our students are in a unique position to apply for a limited number of high profile
                                                                 and clubs, volunteering through the ALIVE programme, and               financial strain.”                          national and international legal internships. Our school has established links with
                                                                 the community knowledge initiative. The University also
                                                                                                                                        AVA CULLINAN                                a number of prestigious organisations that offer summer internship opportunities.
                                                                 offers a range of supports for students and scholarships such
                                                                                                                                        LAW (BCL)
                                                                 as the Excellence Scholarships and Sports Scholarships..

1849 School of Law Undergraduate Prospectus 2022 - NUI Galway
NUI GALWAY SCHOOL OF LAW                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Undergraduate Prospectus


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                                                                                                              FOU                                 ED   RESEAR
                                                                                                                                             GUID                                                                              MOOTING
                                                                                                                                                                                        SELECT A
                                                                                                                                                                                                 S   PECIALISM

PROGRAMME                                  FOUNDATIONAL                                MOOTING                                               PROFESSIONAL                                  STUDY ABROAD                                  GUIDED
STRUCTURE                                  TEACHING                                    Mooting is a simulated courtroom                      WORK PLACEMENT                                We offer exciting study-abroad                RESEARCH ESSAY
                                                                                       experience. Using a hypothetical set of                                                             opportunities through ERASMUS and
Our programmes are designed                NUI Galway is driving innovation                                                                  Our students will have the opportunity to                                                   The capacity to write long-form
                                                                                       case facts, students learn how to identify                                                          International Exchange. Students
to maximise student potential by           in the teaching of law through the                                                                gain a professional focus and real world                                                    research essays is a signature ability
                                                                                       legal issues, construct a legal argument,                                                           that choose a language stream are
providing a balance of foundational        concentration of skills at every stage                                                            experience through work placement.                                                          of graduates, and is a key skill for
                                                                                       draft legal submissions, and effectively                                                            encouraged to avail of the study abroad
law modules, critical legal skills and a   of our degree programmes. The key                                                                 Students gain invaluable experience                                                         practicing lawyers. As part of our
                                                                                       deliver oral arguments. All students                                                                opportunity to elevate their linguistic
specialism in different subject areas.     to this approach is strong foundational                                                           by putting theory into practice and           skills by studying in a partnering            degrees, students will complete a
                                                                                       will participate in mooting exercises.
Students also have the opportunity         teaching. Our module, Understanding                                                               developing new skills which can               university that teaches through that          ‘Guided Research Essay’ supported
                                           the Law, allows students to explore the     Past students described participating
to either study abroad or to avail                                                                                                           support and influence career direction.       language. Students can study through          by an academic mentor. Students will
                                           foundation structures and operations of     in mooting as ‘transformative’. The
of professional work placement.                                                                                                              We are committed to providing high            the countries native language in our          greatly benefit from the guidance and
                                           the Irish legal system while introducing    module is delivered through a taught
Throughout the degree, students will                                                                                                         quality work placements together              partner universities in Germany, France       supervision of an assigned academic
                                           students to the basic skills of case        component made up of lectures and                                                                   and Spain. We have also partnered
develop a comparative understanding                                                                                                          with nationally and internationally                                                         mentor who will meet with them
                                           analysis, statutory interpretation, legal   an active component where students                                                                  with a number of leading universities
of the law and an appreciation of law                                                                                                        recognised law firms and organisations.                                                     to discuss their research essay and
                                           citation and writing, and developing        will participate in practical seminars                                                              who teach through English in Australia,
in practice. Students will become                                                                                                                                                                                                        provide feedback on their work.
                                           capacities for independent research         and a mock trial. Students will be                    Students will have a range of CV and          Austria, Belgium, Canada, China,
highly skilled, employable graduates
                                           and writing. We teach this module           required to work with fellow students in              interview preparation supports available      Czech Republic, Finland, France,
able to progress to professional
                                           intensively in the opening weeks of         small groups to research and prepare                  in advance of their work placement.           Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Poland,
qualification and to pursue a range
                                           the first semester: doing so will (i)       arguments for presentation, and to                                                                  Spain, The Netherlands and the
of other careers locally, nationally
                                           support students to transition to the       develop written legal submissions and                                                               United States of America. Studying
and globally. Our law programmes                                                                                                                                                           abroad gives students the prospect
                                           expectations of a university degree, and    oral arguments. The final moot court
incorporate the modules examined as                                                                                                                                                        to further broaden their studies in an
                                           (ii) build a platform of essential skills   competitions take place in the Galway
part of the Incorporated Law Society                                                                                                                                                       equivalent world class university. It also
                                           which will be necessary as students         Courthouse and are presided over by
of Ireland entrance examinations                                                                                                                                                           provides the opportunity for improved
                                           advance through their legal education.      a sitting member of the Irish judiciary.
(solicitor qualification) with                                                                                                                                                             language skills, an appreciation of
                                           The complementary module, Legal
opportunities also to take the modules                                                                                                                                                     other cultures and the development
                                           Skills, in the following semester enables   NEW State-Of-The-Art On-Campus
examined as part of the Honorable                                                                                                                                                          of different perspectives on law.
                                           students to further develop their           Moot Courtroom
Society of King’s Inns entrance            research, critical thinking,
examinations (barrister qualification).    problem-solving, writing and
                                           communication skills.                                                                                                          SELECT A SPECIALISM                                  which aligns our wide variety of modules into
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               related groupings or specialisms. This allows
                                                                                                                                                                          On return from professional work placement           students to shape their degree and focus
                                                                                                                                                                          or study abroad, students will be ready to           on an area of study that interests them and
                                                                                                                                                                          focus on the final year of their degree. This        develop special expertise in their chosen field.
                                                                                                                                                                          year is structured into specialised streams

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1849 School of Law Undergraduate Prospectus 2022 - NUI Galway
NUI GALWAY SCHOOL OF LAW                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Undergraduate Prospectus

                                                                                                                                                 DEGREE PROGRAMME STRUCTURE
                                                                                                                                           YEAR ONE                 YEAR TWO                *YEAR THREE                                  YEAR FOUR
                                                                                                                                         Core Law Modules          Core Law Modules                                                     Core Law Modules

GY251                                                                                                                                             +                        +
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Work                                         +
Law (BCL)                                                                                                                                Legal Skills Modules

                                                                                                                                                                  Legal Skills Modules


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Legal Skills Modules

                                                                                                                                          Optional Modules         Optional Modules                                   SPECIALIST STREAMS
           COURSE FACTS                                                                                                                         Law or              Law or Language
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ▶   Business and Commercial Law
                                                                                                                                              Language                                                                ▶   Public Law, Risk and Regulation
    CAO CODE                          GY251           LEAVING CERTIFICATE ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:                                                                                                                         ▶   Human Rights, Crime and Equality
    COURSE LEVEL                      8                                                                                                                                                                               ▶   International, Comparative & Transnational Law
                                                      Minimum Grade H5 in two subjects and passes in four other subjects at
    DURATION                          4 YEARS         O6/H7 level in the Leaving Certificate including Irish, English, another                                                                                        ▶   Language: Legal French/ Legal German/
    MINIMUM ENTRY POINTS 2021         542             language and any three other subjects recognised for entry purposes.                                                                                                Teanga an Dlí (Legal Irish)

                                                      Minimum A-Level grades see www.nuigalway.ie/alevels
                                                                                                                                        *YEAR THREE: Caithfidh na mic léinn a dhéanann Teanga an Dlí seimeastar amháin ag staidéar ar champas Gaeltachta Ollscoil na hÉireann
    AVERAGE INTAKE                    40                                                                                                Gaillimh ar an gCeathrú Rua agus seimeastar amháin eile ar shocrúchán oibre i dtimpeallacht lán-Ghaeilge. (Students who study Legal Irish
                                                      EU and Non-EU applicants from outside of Ireland and the UK can find out
                                                                                                                                        will spend one semester studying at NUI Galway’s Gaeltacht campus in An Cheathrú Rua and one semester of professional work placement
                                                      details on entry requirements at: www.nuigalway.ie/undergrad-admissions
                                                                                                                                        in an Irish-speaking environment.)

Why choose the                                ▶   In advance of Professional Work          ▶   Australia

Law (BCL) programme?
                                                  Placement, law students receive          ▶
                                                                                                                                                 FINAL YEAR - SPECIALIST STREAMS
                                                  one-to-one CV preparation
▶ Students can focus their studies                advice, along with interview             ▶   Canada                                   Students may choose one of the following specialist streams or the ‘General’ stream which allows students to choose 25 credits
     on the law to maximise their                 support and coaching.                    ▶   China                                    worth of modules from multiple streams. Certain specialist streams have prerequisite modules which must be passed before
     understanding of the legal process.                                                   ▶   Czech Republic                           choosing the stream in the final year.
                                              ▶   Some of our work placement               ▶   Finland
▶    Students can tailor this                     partners include Berwick                 ▶   France
     degree to particular areas of                Solicitors, Cian O’Carroll Solicitors,   ▶   Germany                                  Business and                                  Human Rights,                                   Language
     law that interest them.                      MacDermott & Allen Solicitors,           ▶   Hungary                                  Commercial Law                                Crime and Equality
                                                                                           ▶   India                                                                                                                                  This stream allows students to take
                                                  Fidelma Bane Solicitors, Damien
▶    Students who wish to qualify                                                          ▶   Italy                                    This stream focuses on law                    Students on this stream will focus on           Legal French, Legal German or Teanga
                                                  Tansey Solicitors, Dillon-Leetch
     professionally as a solicitor or                                                      ▶   Poland                                   specifically in a business context.           the manner in which the state and/              an Dlí (Legal Irish) to degree level.
                                                  & Company Solicitors, Mac
     a barrister will have completed              Sweeney & Co Solicitors, Blake           ▶   Spain                                    It is targeted at students with a             or international government bodies              Students on this stream will develop
     the modules required by the                  & Kenny Solicitors, Healy Law,           ▶   The Netherlands                          particular interest in the legal aspects      deal with individuals. Many of the              their language skills and learn about
     Law Society of Ireland and the               Tom O’Regan Solicitors and
                                                                                           ▶   United States of America.                of business. Students taking this             modules on offer will focus on how              culture, laws and politics of the
     Honorable Society of King’s Inns.                                                                                                  stream will take commercial law               the coercive power of these bodies              country in question. By undertaking a
                                                  Michael Houlihan & Partners.
                                                                                           Career Prospects                             subjects with a view to preparing             may be levied and controlled, while             European language students will have
▶    Throughout the programme there
                                              Study Abroad                                 ▶ Graduates of the Law (BCL)                 them to work in a commercial legal            others focus on how the power of the            a competitive edge when applying to
     is an emphasis on acquiring the                                                                                                    environment. This stream will be of           state and international government              work in international law firms that
                                                                                               programme will be well equipped
     fundamental practical skills required    ▶ Students can study abroad at                                                            particular benefit to students who are        bodies can be invoked to improve the            provide services in multiple languages.
                                                                                               to succeed in professional studies
     of lawyers – legal research, writing,        partner institutions around the                                                       interested in seeking apprenticeships         position of marginalised sections of the        Studying Teanga an Dlí (Legal Irish) will
                                                                                               at either the Law Society of
     oral presentation and advocacy.              world, giving them the opportunity                                                    with large commercial law firms.              community. Module content is targeted           open up opportunities for employment
                                                                                               Ireland (solicitor) or the Honorable
                                                  to experience legal education in an                                                                                                 at students interested in working in the        in legal departments of an Irish-
                                                                                               Society of King’s Inns (barrister).
                                                  international setting and to gain a                                                   Public Law, Risk                              fields of criminal law and human rights.        language organisation, law firms
Work Placement                                    different perspective on the law.                                                                                                                                                   which provide legal advice through the
                                                                                           ▶   This degree will also provide            and Regulation
▶ Students will have the opportunity          ▶   Depending on the partnering
                                                                                               an excellent platform for                                                              International, Comparative                      Irish-language, the public sector and
                                                                                                                                        The modules offered in this stream                                                            legal translation and interpretation.
     to apply for a professional work
                                                  institute, modules are taught
                                                                                               graduates interested in working
                                                                                                                                        focus students’ attention on how
                                                                                                                                                                                      and Transnational Law
     placement in a leading law firm,                                                          outside of the professions.
                                                  through English, French or                                                            State bodies operate within the               Students interested in working in an
     a corporate organisation, a public
                                                  German. Students can study both          ▶   As more and more areas of life are       State’s borders. State agencies               international legal environment should
     sector organisation or other suitable
                                                  law and non-law modules.                     legally regulated, the comprehensive     regulate numerous aspects of                  take this stream. Some of the modules
     legal placement.
                                                                                               grounding in the law and the legal       individuals’ lives and commercial             will allow students to learn about the
                                              ▶   Students who study language
▶    Students on placement will see the
                                                  modules are encouraged to avail
                                                                                               process that graduates receive during    activities with a view to reducing            laws that regulate how countries deal
     law being applied in action, thereby                                                      this degree will make them attractive    the risk of harm to individuals, but          with each other, while others consider
                                                  of the study abroad opportunity
     supplementing their academic legal                                                        to a wide range of potential employers   these agencies are themselves the             how different countries approach
                                                  to improve linguistic skills.
     education with practical experience.                                                      in financial services, consultancy,      subject of regulation. This stream            similar legal issues. Still other modules
                                              We have established study abroad links/          industry and the public sector.          will be of interest to students who           focus on how best to deal with legal
                                                                                                                                        wish to work in the public sphere.            issues that cross international frontiers.
 8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          9
                                              partners in the following countries:
1849 School of Law Undergraduate Prospectus 2022 - NUI Galway
NUI GALWAY SCHOOL OF LAW                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Undergraduate Prospectus

                                                                                                                                                    DEGREE PROGRAMME STRUCTURE
GY254                                                                                                                                           YEAR ONE                     YEAR TWO                    *YEAR THREE                              YEAR FOUR

Law (BCL), Criminology
                                                                                                                                              Core Law Modules              Core Law Modules                                                     Core Law Modules

                                                                                                                                                      +                             +                                                                    +

and Criminal Justice
                                                                                                                                                                           Advanced Criminal
                                                                                                                                              Criminal Justice and                                          Professional
                                                                                                                                                                         Justice and Criminology                                              Criminal Justice Modules
                                                                                                                                              Criminolgy Modules                                           Work Placement

                                                                                                                                                      +                             +                                                                    +
          COURSE FACTS                                                                                                                        Legal Skills Modules          Legal Skills Modules                                                Legal Skills Modules

 CAO CODE                              GY254           LEAVING CERTIFICATE ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:                                                        +                             +                                                                    +
 COURSE LEVEL                          8
                                                       Minimum Grade H5 in two subjects and passes in four other subjects at                                             Forensic, Abnormal and
 DURATION                              4 YEARS         O6/H7 level in the Leaving Certificate including Irish, English, another                                            Clinical Psychology                   OR
 MINIMUM ENTRY POINTS 2021             548             language and any three other subjects recognised for entry purposes.
                                                                                                                                          OPTIONAL MODULES              OPTIONAL MODULES                     Study Abroad              OPTIONAL MODULES
                                                       Minimum A-Level grades see www.nuigalway.ie/alevels                                ▶ Law or Teanga an            ▶ Law or Teanga an                                             ▶ Law and/or Teanga an
 AVERAGE INTAKE                        25                                                                                                   Dlí (Legal Irish)             Dlí (Legal Irish)                                              Dlí (Legal Irish)
                                                       EU and Non-EU applicants from outside of Ireland and the UK can find out
                                                       details on entry requirements at: www.nuigalway.ie/undergrad-admissions

                                                                                                                                          *YEAR THREE: Caithfidh na mic léinn a dhéanann Teanga an Dlí seimeastar amháin ag staidéar ar champas Gaeltachta Ollscoil na hÉireann
Why choose the Law, Criminology                                      Professional Work Placement                                          Gaillimh ar an gCeathrú Rua agus seimeastar amháin eile ar shocrúchán oibre i dtimpeallacht lán-Ghaeilge. (Students who study Legal Irish
                                                                                                                                          will spend one semester studying at NUI Galway’s Gaeltacht campus in An Cheathrú Rua and one semester of professional work placement
and Criminal Justice programme?                                      ▶ Students will have the opportunity to apply to work in             in an Irish-speaking environment.)
▶ This is a unique law degree programme for students                     firms with a substantial practice in criminal law, a statutory
    with an interest in crime and criminology.                           agency that has a criminal justice remit or national
                                                                         and international non-governmental organisations.
▶   Students have the opportunity to combine the                                                                                          Career Prospects
    study of a full undergraduate law degree with
                                                                     ▶   Students on placement will see application of the
    specially developed modules in criminology,
                                                                         law in action, thereby supplementing their academic              ▶   Graduates of the Law, Criminology and Criminal                    ▶   As this is a full undergraduate law degree graduates
                                                                         legal education with practical experience.                           Justice programme will be well prepared to work                       can also pursue professional qualifications with
    criminal justice and human rights.
                                                                     ▶   In advance of Professional Work Placement, law                       in policy or practice in the fields of criminal law,                  the Law Society of Ireland (solicitor) and the
▶   Students will have access to world-class academics that              students receive one-to-one CV preparation advice                                                                                          Honorable Society of King’s Inns (barrister).
    specialise in the fields of criminal justice, criminology,                                                                                criminal justice and international human rights law.
                                                                         along with interview support and coaching.
    international criminal law, and psychology.                                                                                           ▶   Graduates will have the foundation necessary
                                                                                                                                                                                                                ▶   Graduates may also wish to pursue further
                                                                     ▶   Some of our work placement partners include Gearoid                                                                                        studies with a master’s degree in criminology,
▶   Students will complete all the modules required to                   Geraghty & Company Solicitors, the Policing Authority,               to pursue opportunities with non-governmental
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    criminal justice or international criminal law.
    undertake the entrance exams for the Law Society                     Irish Penal Reform Trust and the Department of Justice.              organisations, international organisations, United
    of Ireland, should they wish to qualify as a solicitor.                                                                                   Nations bodies or statutory agencies.
    Students who wish to qualify as a barrister will
                                                                     Study Abroad
    have the option of taking all additional modules
    required by the Honorable Society of King’s Inns.                ▶ Students opting for study abroad will travel to
                                                                         partner institutions around the world where they
▶   Students will graduate with a firm foundation in
                                                                         will take courses relevant to criminology, criminal
    criminology, criminal law and criminal justice, both
                                                                         law and criminal justice taught through English.
    academically and practically, which will enable
    them to pursue work or further study in this area.               ▶   Students may also have the opportunity to
                                                                         study other law and non-law modules.
▶   Throughout the programme there is an emphasis
                                                                     We have established study abroad links/
    on building on the fundamental practical skills
                                                                     partners in the following countries:
    required of lawyers such as legal research,
    understanding legislation, problem solving, legal                ▶   Australia                    ▶   Germany
    writing, oral presentation and advocacy.                         ▶   Austria                      ▶   Hungary
                                                                     ▶   Belgium                      ▶   India
                                                                     ▶   Canada                       ▶   Italy
                                                                     ▶   China                        ▶   Poland
                                                                     ▶   Czech Republic               ▶   Spain
                                                                     ▶   Finland                      ▶   The Netherlands
                                                                     ▶   France                       ▶   United States of America.
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1849 School of Law Undergraduate Prospectus 2022 - NUI Galway
NUI GALWAY SCHOOL OF LAW                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Undergraduate Prospectus

                                                                                                                                               DEGREE PROGRAMME STRUCTURE
                                                                                                                                           YEAR ONE                       YEAR TWO                      *YEAR THREE                             YEAR FOUR
                                                                                                                                         Core Law Modules               Core Law Modules                                                       Core Law Modules

                                                                                                                                                 +                               +                                                                     +
GY252                                                                                                                                  Human Rights Modules           Human Rights Modules                 Professional                     Human Rights Modules

Law (BCL) and Human Rights
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Work Placement
                                                                                                                                                 +                               +                                                                     +
                                                                                                                                         Legal Skills Modules           Legal Skills Modules                                                  Legal Skills Modules

                                                                                                                                                 +                               +                              OR                                     +
           COURSE FACTS                                                                                                                OPTIONAL MODULES                OPTIONAL MODULES                                              SPECIALIST STREAMS
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Study Abroad
                                                                                                                                          Law or Language                Law or Language                                             ▶  The Legal Professions
    CAO CODE                           GY252           LEAVING CERTIFICATE ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:                                                                                                                                       ▶  Human Rights, Crime and Equality
    COURSE LEVEL                       8
                                                       Minimum Grade H5 in two subjects and passes in four other subjects at                                                                                                         ▶  Business and Commercial Law
    DURATION                           4 YEARS                                                                                                                                                                                       ▶  Public Law, Risk and Regulation
                                                       O6/H7 level in the Leaving Certificate including Irish, English, another
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ▶  International, Comparative
    MINIMUM ENTRY POINTS 2021          565             language and any three other subjects recognised for entry purposes.                                                                                                             and Transnational Law
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ▶ Language: Legal French/ Legal
                                                       Minimum A-Level grades see www.nuigalway.ie/alevels
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        German/ Teanga an Dlí (Legal Irish)
    AVERAGE INTAKE                     20
                                                       EU and Non-EU applicants from outside of Ireland and the UK can find out       *YEAR THREE: Caithfidh na mic léinn a dhéanann Teanga an Dlí seimeastar amháin ag staidéar ar champas Gaeltachta Ollscoil na hÉireann
                                                       details on entry requirements at: www.nuigalway.ie/undergrad-admissions        Gaillimh ar an gCeathrú Rua agus seimeastar amháin eile ar shocrúchán oibre i dtimpeallacht lán-Ghaeilge. (Students who study Legal Irish
                                                                                                                                      will spend one semester studying at NUI Galway’s Gaeltacht campus in An Cheathrú Rua and one semester of professional work placement
                                                                                                                                      in an Irish-speaking environment.)
Why choose the Law                             Work Placement                               ▶   Depending on the partnering
                                                                                                institute, modules are taught
(BCL) and Human                                ▶ Our students will have the                     through English, French or                     FINAL YEAR - SPECIALIST STREAMS
Rights programme?                                  opportunity to apply to                      German. Students can study both
                                                   work with international and                                                        Students may choose one of the following specialist streams or the ‘General’ stream which allows students to choose 25 credits
▶ This is a unique degree offering                                                              law and non-law modules.
                                                   national organisations in                                                          worth of modules from multiple streams. Certain specialist streams have prerequisite modules which must be passed before
     in Ireland that gives students the            the human rights field.
                                                                                            ▶   Students who study language           choosing the stream in the final year.
     opportunity to combine the study of                                                        modules are encouraged to avail
                                               ▶   Students on placement will                   of the study abroad opportunity
     a full undergraduate law programme
                                                   see the law in action, thereby
     with the study of human rights.
                                                   supplementing their academic legal
                                                                                                to improve linguistic skills.         Human Rights, Crime                            Students on this stream will develop          Public Law, Risk
                                                                                                                                                                                     their language skills and learn about
▶    Students will supplement their                education with practical experience.     We have established study abroad links/   and Equality                                                                                 and Regulation
                                                                                                                                                                                     culture, laws and politics of the
     legal knowledge with a detailed           ▶   In advance of Professional Work          partners in the following countries:      Students on this stream will focus on                                                        The modules offered in this stream
                                                                                                                                                                                     country in question. By undertaking a
     grounding in the theory and                   Placement, law students receive          ▶   Australia         ▶   Hungary         the manner in which the State deals            European language students will have          focus students’ attention on how
     practice of human rights.                     one-to-one CV preparation                ▶   Austria           ▶   India           with individuals. Many of the modules          a competitive edge when applying to           State bodies operate within the State’s
                                                   advice, along with interview             ▶   Belgium           ▶   Italy           on offer will focus on how the coercive        work in international law firms that          borders. State agencies regulate
▶    Students will have access to world
                                                   support and coaching.                    ▶   Canada            ▶   Poland          power of the State may be levied and           provide services in multiple languages.       numerous aspects of individuals’ lives
     leading researchers, writers and                                                       ▶   China             ▶   Spain           controlled, while others focus on how                                                        and commercial activities with a view to
     lecturers in human rights at the          ▶   The Irish Centre for Human               ▶   Czech             ▶   The
                                                                                                                                                                                     Studying Teanga an Dlí (Legal Irish) will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   reducing the risk of harm to individuals,
                                                   Rights has a global network of                                                     the power of the State can be invoked          open up opportunities for employment
     Irish Centre for Human Rights.                                                             Republic              Netherlands                                                                                                  but these agencies are themselves
                                                   alumni working in human rights,                                                    to improve the position of marginalised        in legal departments of an Irish-
                                                                                            ▶   Finland           ▶   United States
                                                                                                                                      sections of the community. Module                                                            the subject of regulation. This stream
▶    Students who wish to qualify as               providing excellent links and            ▶   France                of America.
                                                                                                                                                                                     language organisation, law firms
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   will be of interest to students who
                                                                                                                                      content is targeted at students                which provide legal advice through the
     a solicitor will have completed all           supports for our students.               ▶   Germany
                                                                                                                                      interested in working in the fields                                                          wish to work in the public sphere.
                                                                                                                                                                                     Irish-language, the public sector and
     the modules required by the Law           ▶   Some of our work placement
     Society of Ireland. Students who              partners include the Irish Council       Career Prospects                          of criminal law and human rights.              legal translation and interpretation.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   International, Comparative
     wish to qualify professionally as             for Civil Liberties, Irish Refugee       ▶ Graduates of the Law (BCL) and          The Legal Professions                          Business and                                  and Transnational Law
     a barrister will have the option of           Council Independent Law Centre,              Human Rights programme will be
     taking all the modules required                                                            well prepared to work in human
                                                                                                                                      Students will complete the modules             Commercial Law                                Students interested in working in an
                                                   Irish Council for Social Housing,
                                                                                                                                      required for the Law Society of Ireland        This stream focuses on law specifically       international legal environment should
     by the Honorable Society of                   ISPCC, Centre for Housing Law,               rights law, policy or practice
                                                                                                                                      (solicitor) professional entrance              in a business context. It is targeted at      take this stream. Some of the modules
     King’s Inns through the Legal                 Rights and Policy at NUI Galway,             in Ireland or internationally.
                                                                                                                                      examinations as core modules. This             students with a particular interest in        will allow students to learn about the
     Professions specialised stream.               Sage Advocacy, Threshold and A&L         ▶   Graduates will have the foundation    stream allows students to undertake                                                          laws that regulate how countries deal
                                                   Goodbody Probono Practice.                                                                                                        the legal aspects of business. Students
                                                                                                necessary to pursue opportunities                                                                                                  with each other, while others consider
▶    Throughout the programme there
                                                                                                with international organisations,
                                                                                                                                      the modules required for study at              taking this stream will take commercial
     is an emphasis on building the            Study Abroad                                                                           the Honorable Society of King’s Inns           law subjects with a view to preparing         how different countries approach
                                                                                                United Nations bodies, NGO’s,         to pursue a career as a barrister.                                                           similar legal issues. Still other modules
     fundamental practical skills required                                                                                                                                           them to work in a commercial legal
                                               ▶ As an alternative to Professional              or developmental agencies.
                                                                                                                                                                                     environment. This stream will be of           focus on how best to deal with legal
     of lawyers – legal research, writing,                                                                                            Language
     oral presentation and advocacy.
                                                   Work Placement, students can take        ▶   As this is a full undergraduate                                                      particular benefit to students who are        issues that cross international frontiers.
                                                   advantage of our links with highly           law degree graduates can also         This stream allows students to take            interested in seeking apprenticeships
                                                   prestigious international universities       pursue professional qualifications    Legal French, Legal German or Teanga           with large commercial law firms.
                                                   to spend a year studying abroad.             with the Law Society of Ireland       an Dlí (Legal Irish) to degree level.

12                                                                                              (solicitor) and the Honorable
                                                                                                Society of King’s Inns (barrister).                                                                                                                                    13
1849 School of Law Undergraduate Prospectus 2022 - NUI Galway
NUI GALWAY SCHOOL OF LAW                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Undergraduate Prospectus

                                                                                                                                                   DEGREE PROGRAMME STRUCTURE
                                                                                                                                                  YEAR ONE                            YEAR TWO                          *YEAR THREE                             YEAR FOUR
                                                                                                                                                Core Law Modules                     Core Law Modules                                                          Core Law Modules

                                                                                                                                                        +                                      +                                                                         +
GY253                                                                                                                                     Core Accountancy Modules                Core Taxation Modules
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Core Taxation Modules

Law and Taxation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Work Placement
                                                                                                                                                        +                                      +                                                                         +
                                                                                                                                                Legal Skills Modules                Legal Skills Modules                                                      Legal Skills Modules

                                                                                                                                                        +                                      +                                 OR                                      +
          COURSE FACTS                                                                                                                    OPTIONAL MODULES                    OPTIONAL MODULES                                                        SPECIALIST STREAMS

    CAO CODE                          GY253
                                                                                                                                          ▶ Economics                         ▶ Accounting                                                            ▶ The Legal Professions
                                                      LEAVING CERTIFICATE ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:                                             ▶ Digital Business                  ▶ Economics                                                             ▶ Accounting
    COURSE LEVEL                      8                                                                                                   ▶ Teanga an Dlí (Legal Irish)       ▶ Digital Business                                                      ▶ Business and Commercial Law
                                                      Minimum Grade H5 in two subjects and passes in four other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Study Abroad
    DURATION                          4 YEARS         subjects at O6/H7 level in the Leaving Certificate, including                                                           ▶ Management                                                            ▶ Economics
    MINIMUM ENTRY POINTS 2021         506             Irish, English, another language, Mathematics, and any                                                                  ▶ Teanga an Dlí (Legal Irish)                                           ▶ Digital Business and Analytics
                                                      two other subjects recognised for entry purposes.                                                                                                                                               ▶ Management
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ▶ Teanga an Dlí (Legal Irish)
                                                      Minimum A-Level grades see www.nuigalway.ie/alevels
    AVERAGE INTAKE                    20                                                                                              *YEAR THREE: Caithfidh na mic léinn a dhéanann Teanga an Dlí seimeastar amháin ag staidéar ar champas Gaeltachta Ollscoil na hÉireann Gaillimh ar an
                                                                                                                                      gCeathrú Rua agus seimeastar amháin eile ar shocrúchán oibre i dtimpeallacht lán-Ghaeilge. (Students who study Legal Irish will spend one semester studying
                                                      EU and Non-EU applicants from outside of Ireland and the UK can find out
                                                                                                                                      at NUI Galway’s Gaeltacht campus in An Cheathrú Rua and one semester of professional work placement in an Irish-speaking environment.)
                                                      details on entry requirements at: www.nuigalway.ie/undergrad-admissions
                                                                                                                                      ▶       Taxation is an emerging career                   options to support a successful                       pursue professional qualifications
                                                                                          ▶                                                   pathway in the area of law and                   career in law, taxation or both.                      with the Law Society of Ireland
Why choose the Law and                            entrance exams for the Law                  Some of our work placement
                                                                                                                                              commerce. Graduates of this                                                                            (solicitor) and the Honorable
                                                  Society of Ireland, should they             partners include Eversheds                                                                   ▶   As this is a full undergraduate
Taxation programme?                               wish to qualify as a solicitor.             Sutherland, KPMG and                            programme will have many                         law degree graduates can also                         Society of King’s Inns (barrister).
▶ Taxation is a key component                 ▶   Students who wish to qualify as             Ernst & Young.
     of global business in today’s                a barrister will have the option
     commercial world. Law firms are              of taking all additional modules        Study Abroad                                             FINAL YEAR - SPECIALIST STREAMS
     expanding their practice in the area         required by the Honorable               ▶ Students can also take advantage          Students may choose one of the following specialist streams or the ‘General’ stream which allows students to choose 25
     of taxation, creating an increased           Society of King’s Inns, through             of our links with leading               credits worth of modules from multiple streams. Certain specialist streams have prerequisite modules which must be passed
     demand for law graduates with                the Legal Professions specialist            international universities to           before choosing the stream in final year.
     a knowledge of taxation. This                stream in the final year.                   spend a year studying abroad.
     degree will provide students with                                                                                                The Legal Professions                                modules as diverse as the economics                  to investigate how to manage IS
                                              ▶   Throughout the programme                ▶   Students will have the opportunity
     knowledge and skills for legal                                                                                                                                                        of globalisation, the economics of                   within business. Students will be
                                                  there is an emphasis on building            to take law, taxation and business      Students will complete the modules
     practice, taxation or both.                                                                                                                                                           money and finance, and health and                    well positioned to secure jobs as
                                                  the fundamental practical skills            modules taught through English.         required for the Law Society of
▶    This distinctive degree allows               required of lawyers such as legal                                                   Ireland (solicitor) professional
                                                                                                                                                                                           environmental economics. With this                   management consultants and analysts
                                                                                          We have established study abroad links/                                                          knowledge and the associated skills,                 specialising in IS or to work within
     students to combine the study of             research, understanding legislation,                                                entrance examinations as core
                                                                                          partners in the following countries:                                                             students who specialise in economics                 the IS department of a business.
     a full undergraduate law degree              problem solving, legal writing,                                                     modules. This stream allows
     with taxation and still explore other        oral presentation and advocacy.         ▶   Australia        ▶      Hungary                                                              will be able to work in the private, public
     related areas of law and commerce                                                    ▶   Austria          ▶      India
                                                                                                                                      students to undertake the modules
                                                                                                                                                                                           or voluntary sectors, as economic                    Management
                                                                                                                                      required for study at the Honorable
     such as Business and Commercial          Professional Work                           ▶   Belgium          ▶      Italy                                                                analysts, researchers, advocates, policy             This specialisation focuses on
                                                                                          ▶   Canada           ▶      Poland          Society of King’s Inns (barrister).
     Law, Accounting, Economics,                                                                                                                                                           advisors or economic consultants.                    management within a global
                                              Placement                                   ▶   China            ▶      Spain
     Digital Business and Management.                                                                                                 Business and                                                                                              work environment. It explores
                                              ▶ Students will have the opportunity        ▶   Czech            ▶      The                                                                  Accounting                                           topics within the fields of Human
▶    Students will have the opportunity                                                       Republic                Netherlands     Commercial Law
                                                  to apply to work in law firms                                                                                                            Students study accounting                            Resource Management, Business
     to obtain experience as a Clinical                                                   ▶   Finland          ▶      United States   This stream focuses on law specifically
                                                  that specialise in taxation or                                                                                                           modules, positioning themselves                      Strategy and Labour Law and will
     Tax Advisor at NUI Galway’s
                                                  firms with a tax department.            ▶   France                  of America.     in a business context. It is targeted                for a career in accountancy.                         appeal to a student with a focus
     Tax Clinic, Ireland’s first free tax                                                 ▶   Germany                                 at students with a particular interest
     clinic. NUI Galway’s Tax Clinic          ▶   Students on placement will
                                                                                                                                      in the legal aspects of business.                    Digital Business
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                on understanding how business
                                                  see law and taxation in action,                                                                                                                                                               organisations manage their operations
     allows students to gain valuable                                                     Career Prospects
     real-world experience working                thereby supplementing their
                                                                                                                                      Students will take commercial law                    and Analytics                                        within their environment.
                                                                                                                                      modules with a view to preparing
     alongside professional tax advisors.         academic legal education                ▶ Commercial law firms are                  them to work in a commercial
                                                                                                                                                                                           This specialisation focuses on the
                                                                                                                                                                                           implementation, use and management                   An Sruth Nua Gaeilge
     Students can apply to participate            with practical experience.                  expanding their expertise in
                                                                                                                                      environment. This stream will be of                                                                       Léigh leat anseo:
     in the Tax Clinic after they have        ▶   In advance of Professional Work             taxation to respond to international                                                         of information systems (IS) within
                                                                                                                                      particular interest to students who are                                                                   www.nuigalway.ie/legalirish
     completed the module Taxation I.             Placement, law students receive             markets and the growing demand                                                               business. It contains practice-based
                                                                                                                                      interested in seeking apprenticeships
                                                                                              for legal expertise in this area.                                                            modules that teach students how to
▶    Students will have completed                 one-to-one CV preparation                                                           with large commercial law firms.
                                                                                                                                                                                           create IS using database technology,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                New Irish Language Stream
     all the modules required to                  advice, along with interview            ▶   Leading multinationals and                                                                                                                        Learn more at:
     support them to undertake the                support and coaching.                       companies are now hiring in-house       Economics                                            web design technology and computer
                                                                                              legal counsel with taxation expertise                                                        programming languages. It also
                                                                                                                                      Students can can develop their
                                                                                                                                                                                           provides modules that enable students
14                                                                                            to support global operations.           knowledge of economic theory through
1849 School of Law Undergraduate Prospectus 2022 - NUI Galway
NUI GALWAY SCHOOL OF LAW                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Undergraduate Prospectus

                                                                                                                                                DEGREE PROGRAMME STRUCTURE
                                                                                                                                            YEAR ONE                         YEAR TWO                       *YEAR THREE                                    YEAR FOUR
GY250                                                                                                                                      Core Law Modules                 Core Law Modules                                                              Core Law Modules

                                                                                                                                                   +                                +                                                                              +
Law and Business                                                                                                                           Business Modules

                                                                                                                                          Legal Skills Modules
                                                                                                                                                                            Business Modules

                                                                                                                                                                           Legal Skills Modules
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Work Placement
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Business Modules

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Legal Skills Modules

          COURSE FACTS                                                                                                                             +                                +                                OR                                            +
 CAO CODE                              GY250           LEAVING CERTIFICATE ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:                                            OPTIONAL MODULES                 OPTIONAL MODULES                                                   SPECIALIST STREAMS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Study Abroad
 COURSE LEVEL                          8
                                                       Minimum Grade H5 in two subjects and passes in four other                      ▶    Digital Business            ▶    Accounting                                                        ▶     The Legal Professions
 DURATION                              4 YEARS         subjects at O6/H7 level in the Leaving Certificate including                   ▶    Economics                   ▶    Digital Business                                                  ▶     Accounting
 MINIMUM ENTRY POINTS 2021             510             Irish, English, another language, Mathematics, and any
                                                                                                                                      ▶    Language                    ▶    Economics                                                         ▶     Digital Business & Analytics
                                                       two other subjects recognised for entry purposes.
                                                                                                                                                                       ▶    Management                                                        ▶     Economics
                                                                                                                                                                       ▶    Language                                                          ▶     Management
                                                       Minimum A-Level grades see www.nuigalway.ie/alevels                                                                                                                                    ▶     Language: Legal French/
 AVERAGE INTAKE                        60                                                                                                                                                                                                           Legal German/ Spanish/
                                                       EU and Non-EU applicants from outside of Ireland and the UK can find out                                                                                                                     Teanga an Dlí (Legal Irish)
                                                       details on entry requirements at: www.nuigalway.ie/undergrad-admissions
                                                                                                                                      *YEAR THREE: Caithfidh na mic léinn a dhéanann Teanga an Dlí seimeastar amháin ag staidéar ar champas Gaeltachta Ollscoil na hÉireann Gaillimh ar an
                                                                                                                                      gCeathrú Rua agus seimeastar amháin eile ar shocrúchán oibre i dtimpeallacht lán-Ghaeilge. (Students who study Legal Irish will spend one semester studying
                                                                                                                                      at NUI Galway’s Gaeltacht campus in An Cheathrú Rua and one semester of professional work placement in an Irish-speaking environment.)
Why choose the Law and                         ▶   Students on placement will             ▶   Students that choose a language
                                                   see the law in action, thereby             module are encouraged to avail
Business programme?                                                                                                                              FINAL YEAR - SPECIALIST STREAMS
                                                   supplementing their academic legal         of the study abroad opportunity
▶ Students will study law modules as               education with practical exposure.         to improve linguistic skills.           Students may choose one of the following specialist streams or the ‘General’ stream which allows students to choose 25
    well as the principal commercial
    disciplines (accounting, economics,
                                               ▶   In advance of Professional Work                                                    credits worth of modules from multiple streams. Certain specialist streams have prerequisite modules which must be passed
                                                                                          We have established study abroad links/
                                                   Placement, law students receive                                                    before choosing the stream in the final year.
    management and digital business                                                       partners in the following countries:
                                                   one-to-one CV preparation
    & analytics) or a language.
                                                   advice, along with interview           ▶   Australia        ▶      Hungary         ▶    Graduates who have taken the                    students who specialise in economics                   management consultants and analysts
▶   Graduates will understand not
    only the legal process but also the
                                                   support and coaching.                  ▶   Austria          ▶      India                commercial specialisms will be                  will be able to work in the private, public            specialising in IS or to work within

    fundamentals of business. This             ▶   Some of our work placement             ▶   Belgium          ▶      Italy                able to seek exemptions from                    or voluntary sectors, as economic                      the IS department of a business.

    will prepare graduates to work as              partners include Matheson, A &         ▶   Canada           ▶      Poland               qualifications offered by commercial            analysts, researchers, advocates, policy
    lawyers in a corporate environment.            L Goodbody, Arthur Cox, William        ▶   China            ▶      Spain                professional bodies such as the                 advisors or economic consultants.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  This stream allows students to take
                                                   Fry, Maples Group, Damien              ▶   Czech Republic   ▶      The                  Chartered Institute of Accountants.
▶   Students who wish to qualify
                                                                                          ▶   Finland                 Netherlands
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Legal French, Legal German, Spanish
                                                   Tansey Solicitors, Ronan Daly                                                                                                           This specialisation focuses on                         or Teanga an Dlí (Legal Irish) to
    professionally as a solicitor will have
                                                                                          ▶   France           ▶      United States   The Legal Professions
    completed all the modules required             Jermyn (RDJ), AMOSS Solicitors,                                                                                                         management within a global business                    degree level. In addition to developing
                                                   CIE, LK Shields, IBM, Irish Water      ▶   Germany                 of America      Students will complete the modules                   environment. It explores topics                        language skills, students undertaking
    by the Law Society of Ireland.
                                                   and Coffey Group, Philip Lee,                                                      required for the Law Society of Ireland              within the fields of Human Resource                    Legal French, Legal German or Teanga
▶   Students who wish to qualify as                                                       Career Prospects                            (solicitor) professional entrance
                                                   Alastair Purdy & Co., Telegael                                                                                                          Management, Business Strategy and                      an Dlí (Legal Irish) will also learn
    a barrister will have the option of                                                                                               examinations as core modules. This
    taking all the modules required by
                                                   Teoranta and BSP Luxembourg.           ▶ Graduates of the Bachelor of Law                                                               Labour Law and will appeal to a student                about culture, laws and politics of the
                                                                                              and Business programme will have        stream allows students to undertake                  with a focus on understanding how                      country in question. By undertaking a
    the Honorable Society of King’s                                                                                                   the modules required for study at
    Inns through the Legal Professions
                                               Study Abroad                                   a variety of career paths open to                                                            business organisations manage their                    European language students will have
                                                                                              them, depending on the specialism       the Honorable Society of King’s Inns
    specialist stream in the final year.       ▶ Students can study abroad                                                            to pursue a career as a barrister.
                                                                                                                                                                                           operations within their environment.                   a competitive edge when applying
                                                   at partner institutions around             they select in their degrees.                                                                                                                       to work in international law firms that
▶   Throughout the programme there                                                                                                                                                         Digital Business & Analytics                           provide services in multiple languages.
    is an emphasis on building on the
                                                   the world, giving them the             ▶   All graduates will be well              Accounting                                           This specialisation focuses on the
                                                   opportunity to experience legal                                                    Students study accounting                                                                                   Studying Teanga an Dlí (Legal Irish) will
    fundamental practical skills required                                                     equipped to work in a corporate                                                              implementation, use and management
                                                   and business education in an                                                       modules, positioning them for                                                                               open up opportunities for employment
    of lawyers – legal research, writing,                                                     legal environment.                                                                           of information systems (IS) within
                                                   international setting and to gain                                                  a career in accountancy.                                                                                    in legal departments of an Irish-
    oral presentation and advocacy.                                                       ▶   Graduates of this degree will                                                                business. It contains practice-based
                                                   a different perspective on the                                                                                                                                                                 language organisation, law firms
                                                                                              be ready to sit the professional        Economics                                            modules that teach students how to                     which provide legal advice through the
                                                   law and commercial services.
Work Placement                                                                                entrance for the Law Society            Students can develop their knowledge                 create IS using database technology,                   Irish-language, the public sector and
▶ Students will have the opportunity           ▶   Depending on the partnering                of Ireland (solicitor). Graduates       of economic theory through modules                   web design technology and computer                     legal translation and interpretation.
    to apply for a professional work               institute, tuition is through              who have elected to complete            as diverse as the economics of                       programming languages. It also
    placement in a leading law                     English, Spanish, French or                the Legal Professions specialised       globalisation, the economics of                      provides modules that enable students
    firm, a corporate organisation,                German. Students can study both            stream will be ready to sit the         money and finance, and health and                    to investigate how to manage IS
    a public sector organisation or                Law and non-law modules.                   professional entrance examinations      environmental economics. With this                   within business. Students will be
    other suitable legal placement.                                                           for the Honorable Society               knowledge and the associated skills,                 well positioned to secure jobs as
                                                                                              of King’s Inns (barrister).
16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      17
1849 School of Law Undergraduate Prospectus 2022 - NUI Galway
NUI GALWAY SCHOOL OF LAW                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Undergraduate Prospectus

                                                                                                                                        DEGREE PROGRAMME STRUCTURE
GY101                                                                                                                                        YEAR ONE                                     YEAR TWO                                     YEAR THREE

Bachelor of Arts                                                                                                                LAW
                                                                                                                                     Irish Legal System
                                                                                                                                     Law of Torts
                                                                                                                                                                                  Constitutional Law
                                                                                                                                                                                  Contract Law
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 European Union Law
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Criminal Law

( Joint Honours) in Law
                                                                                                                                ▶    Legal Skills                             ▶   Legal Methods & Research                   ▶   Administrative Law

                                                                                                                                                    +                                            +                                              +
                                                                                                                                          Two subjects from the                   One of the other Arts subjects                     The other Arts subject
         COURSE FACTS                                                                                                                     Arts subject groupings                      chosen in first year                           chosen in second year

 CAO CODE                             GY101                          LEAVING CERTIFICATE ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:
 COURSE LEVEL                         8
                                                                     Minimum Grade H5 in two subjects and passes in four
                                      3 Years (BA Joint Honours)     other subjects at O6/ H7 in the Leaving Certificate,
 DURATION                                                                                                                     Students on the BA (Joint-Honours) Degree who take Law as one of their three subjects in first year,
                                      4 Years (BA International)     including Irish, English, another language and three
                                                                                                                              can progress with Law as one of their two subjects to degree level, if they successfully pass all of their
                                                                     other subjects recognised for entry purposes.            subjects in the first sitting exams in first year and are among the top 130 students in Law in first year.
 MINIMUM ENTRY POINTS 2021            327
                                                                     Minimum A-Level grades see www.nuigalway.ie/alevels

 AVERAGE INTAKE                       200                            EU and Non-EU applicants from outside of Ireland

                                                                                                                                 Other related degrees
                                                                     and the UK can find out details on entry requirements                                                                              The subject of law and other related
                                                                     at: www.nuigalway.ie/undergrad-admissions                                                                                          subjects can be studied through other
                                                                                                                                                                                                        degrees across the University. Students

Introduction                                                       Other graduates may opt for graduate training programmes
                                                                   or for careers in accountancy, banking, taxation,
                                                                                                                                 with law components                                                    interested in these degrees should see the
                                                                                                                                                                                                        programme website for further details.

The BA (Joint-Honours) in Law programme has a long and             insurance, compliance or with institutions such as the                                                                              Graduates of this degree can be admitted to the post
distinguished history at NUI Galway. This programme allows
                                                                                                                                    Bachelor of Commerce – Law stream
                                                                   United Nations, the Council of Europe, the European                                                                                 graduate LL.B programme to complete a full law degree.
students the flexibility to combine the study of law with a        Commission, the Court of Justice of the European                 Students can elect for the law stream in the final year            They can be exempt from first year of the programme
range of complementary subjects. In first year, students           Union or the European Court of Human Rights.                     of their commerce degree. A range of law subjects                  provided they have completed the required number of
take Law as one of their three humanities subjects and they                                                                         are available, including Business Law, Company Law                 law modules. Students should contact the College of Arts,
take two other subjects from the Arts group of subjects.                                                                            and European Union Law. Bachelor of Commerce                       Social Sciences & Celtic Studies for further information.
                                                                   Study Abroad
                                                                                                                                    graduates who have taken the law stream can be
The BA (Joint Honours) in Law programme gives students
                                                                   At the end of second year, interested students may apply         admitted to the post graduate LL.B programme to
a solid grounding in law while also providing them with                                                                                                                                                BA Human Rights
                                                                   to spend their third year studying abroad. Students who          complete a full law degree. They can be exempt
a well-rounded education. There is a wide variety of
                                                                   take a language, French, German, Spanish or Italian
subjects to choose from. Furthermore, those who wish to                                                                             from first year of the programme provided they have                The Bachelor of Arts with Human Rights is an exciting,
                                                                   may study abroad in the country of the language they
qualify as a solicitor or barrister may proceed into the final                                                                      completed the required number of modules through                   four year degree programme offered by the College of
                                                                   are studying before progressing to Final Year. Students
year of the LLB programme. Upon graduation from the                                                                                 the law stream. Students should contact the School                 Arts, Social Sciences, and Celtic Studies in conjunction
                                                                   who are not studying a language to degree level but
LLB programme students can pursue professional legal                                                                                of Business and Economics for further information.                 with the Irish Centre for Human Rights. The Irish Centre
                                                                   who are interested in studying abroad in our partner
training as a solicitor (with the Law Society of Ireland) or                                                                                                                                           for Human Rights is recognised as a world leader in
                                                                   universities, where modules are offered through English,
as a barrister (with the Honorable Society of King’s Inns).                                                                                                                                            the area of human rights and has developed a global
                                                                   will have the opportunity to apply for a limited number          BA Government (Politics,                                           reputation for excellence in the field of human rights
                                                                   of places which are offered on a competitive basis.
Career prospects                                                                                                                    Economics and Law)                                                 teaching, research and advocacy. The programme
                                                                                                                                                                                                       explores the human rights legal framework, along with
Not all law graduates choose to practice as solicitors                                                                              The BA Government (Politics, Economics and Law) is a               the philosophical basis and historical development of
or barristers. Many graduates decide to pursue careers                                                                              four year multidisciplinary BA degree that focuses upon            human rights. It provides students with both theoretical
outside legal practice. Law graduates acquire knowledge                                                                             public policy and how it affects people, the environment,          and practical understanding of how the human rights
and skills through their programme that ensure that                                                                                 and the economy. Students shall study a major subject,             system works at international, regional and national level.
they are highly employable in many sectors.                                                                                         either Sociology and Political Science, Economics or               Students will become familiar with key concepts such
                                                                                                                                    Law and complement this by studying the other two                  as human dignity, equality and non-discrimination. The
BA (Joint-Honours) graduates may choose to work in
                                                                                                                                    disciplines as minor subjects. The focus on government             programme also covers the role of different actors in the
the public sector (Government Departments, Local
                                                                                                                                    and public policy across three academic disciplines will           promotion and protection of human Rights, including the
Government, the Law Reform Commission, Office of
                                                                                                                                    provide students with a more complete understanding                human rights work undertaken by the United Nations,
the Director of Public Prosecutions, the Courts Service,
                                                                                                                                    of subjects that are critically important to understanding         Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), and Regional
Office of the Attorney General, the Oireachtas etc).
                                                                                                                                    today’s world. The course will include coursework that             and National systems. Students should contact the Irish
                                                                                                                                    will enable students to understand and apply empirical             Centre for Human Rights for further information.
                                                                                                                                    statistical analysis in applied, real-world settings.

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NUI GALWAY SCHOOL OF LAW                                                                                                                                                                                                               Undergraduate Prospectus

                                                    WHAT                                                                            SOME OF OUR

                                                   OUR RECENT                                                                       DISTINGUISHED
                                                   GRADUATES SAY...                                                                 LEGAL
                                                    “I chose to study a BA (Joint Honours) in Law followed by the Bachelor of
                                                    Laws (LL.B) because of the professional, engaged and approachable lecturing
                                                    staff in NUI Galway. The best part of the LL.B was getting the opportunity to
                                                    take the Moot Court module which involved advocating in front of a judge of
                                                    the High Court in the Galway Courthouse. This motivated and empowered
                                                    me to pursue a career as a solicitor. Overall, the BA (Joint Honours) and the
                                                    LL.B gave me the knowledge and skills necessary for a legal career.”
                                                                                                                                                           MS JUSTICE MÁIRE WHELAN
                                                    AMANDA WOLF                                                                                             OF THE COURT OF APPEAL
                                                    BA (Joint Honours) Law, Bachelor of Laws (LL.B)
                                                                                                                                             ▶   First woman to hold the office of Attorney General

                           “The Law BCL (Bachelor of                                        “The Bachelor of Corporate Law
                           Civil Law) offers a wide range                                   integrated two areas of study that
                           of module choice, including                                      were of strong interest to me,
                           all core areas of law, and                                       law and business. The lecturers
                           incorporated academic                                            were excellent at encouraging
                           learning, problem solving                                        engagement and were very
                           and practical opportunities.                                     approachable. Through the
                           It enabled me to be an                                           School of Law connections
inquisitive and well-rounded law graduate. Lecturers and         with high profile internship opportunities, I completed an
tutors provided detailed classes and tutorials providing         internship with the Office of the Irish Attorney General.
in-depth theoretical knowledge. I gained practical               This experience is invaluable for the working world.”
experience through the placement option. There was
                                                                 LOUIS COLEMAN
also a strong focus on legal research each year which
                                                                 Law and Business
is crucial regardless of what career path you choose.”                                                                              JUSTICE DR MATHILDA TWOMEY                                        PROF GEOFFREY SHANNON
CHIARA QUONDAMATTEO                                                                                                                 ▶ Served as Chief Justice of the Supreme                          ▶ Former Special Rapporteur on Child Protection
Law (BCL)                                                                                                                             Court of the Republic of Seychelles

“I was interested in the areas of law that focused on world business, markets
and commerce. The Bachelor of Corporate Law (now known as Law &
Business) offered me the unique opportunity to study a combination of a
language, business and law. It gave me the ability to tailor my degree to fit
my areas of interest through the wide range of module choice. Throughout
the course, there is a focus on independent, creative and critical thinking.
Graduates have the advantage of understanding how the law interacts with
the world around us in a business context. I would encourage students
to make the most of NUI Galway and the amazing city of Galway.”

Law and Business                                                                                                                    HARRY MCGEE                                                       MS JUSTICE MARY FAHERTY
                                                                                                                                    ▶ Journalist at the Irish Times                                   ▶ Judge of the Court of Appeal
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ▶ Served as the 5th President of UN Appeals Tribunal

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