2005-2021 Fallen Dominion Studios, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Page created by Suzanne Pena
2005-2021 Fallen Dominion Studios, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
© 2005-2021 Fallen Dominion Studios, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

                         Table of Contents                                                                                         A Fallen civilization

• A Fallen Civilization ........................................................... 2           T   he Great War takes place in the not-so-distant future. The U.S. home front is but a distant
                                                                                               shadow of the once prosperous and affluent America. Years of stifling economic decay and
• Welcome............................................................................ 3        devolved civil liberties compound the general unrest of the populace. Abroad, the relentless
                                                                                               “War on Terror” erodes the global primacy held by the United States since the end of the Cold
• Taking Inventory................................................................. 3          War. China attempts to establish a new world order by allying itself with Russia and Iran. The
• Number Of Players............................................................ 5              alliance soon rallies support among other disgruntled countries seeking change. Diplomacy
                                                                                               falters and the world stumbles towards a global confrontation as Russia invades its neighbors.
• How To Win ....................................................................... 5         As the U.S. and her allies maneuver to defend the status quo, North Korea overruns South
                                                                                               Korea. And while the world is distracted by the other conflicts ravaging the globe, China
• Game Setup....................................................................... 5          invades Taiwan.
• Order Of Play Summary .................................................... 6                  Stock markets crash and infrastructure grinds to a halt on a global scale. In the midst of the
• Town Play Mats ................................................................. 7           chaos, terrorists stage the first successful mass attack on U.S. soil since September 11th,
                                                                                               2001. Dirty bombs explode simultaneously in the hearts of Los Angeles, Seattle, and Dallas.
• Upgrading A Town ............................................................. 8             These atrocities serve as the catalysts for the global conflict. Pandora’s Box is opened as the
• Character Deck ................................................................. 11          U.S. retaliates with a massive barrage of cyber-attacks and EMP strikes. These attacks are
                                                                                               reciprocated and escalate exponentially, plunging the world into darkness. In the complete
• Character Damage and Death........................................... 13                     blackout all communication is severed. Missile silos on all sides empty in a global hellstorm
                                                                                               of nuclear and biological attacks. Civilization as we know it falls under the nuclear strikes,
• Healing Characters And Your Party....................................14                      radioactive fallout and weaponized super-viruses. Most of the world’s population is killed in a
• Spoils Deck ....................................................................... 15       matter of hours, while many others perish slowly in the grim aftermath.

• Skill Check System............................................................ 17              The scorched earth is reduced to a desolate husk. What little remains unscathed by the Great
• Encounter Decks .............................................................. 23            War is quickly corrupted by the Maddening, the long post-war years macabre world goes mad
                                                                                               and chaos and violence reign supreme. As food and supplies dwindle the riots, looting, and
• Mission Deck ..................................................................... 26        murder are replaced by the harsh reality of starvation, cannibalism, and genocide. Might makes
                                                                                               right, as armed gangs roam the ruined cities and desolate countryside preying upon the weak.
• Action Deck ....................................................................... 27       Many survivors are forced to flee, desperately fighting to carve out a meager existence on the
• Map And Party Movement................................................. 29                   run. The Maddening rages on for many dark years.

• Resources ........................................................................ 31          Over time, fortified settlements arise from the ashes. The Emergence sees the largest of these
                                                                                               rugged bastions unify to create powerful factions with small spheres of influence. Becoming a
• First Player Sheet.............................................................. 32          force for order, they promise trade and protection. As their influence continues to expand they
• The Order Of Play.............................................................. 34           become aware of each other’s existence. The leadership of the ten most prominent factions
                                                                                               reluctantly agree to a summit. Despite the rampant hubris and suspicion of one another, the
• Player Versus Player......................................................... 38             meeting is a success and results in the formation of the Council of the Ten Towns. While weak
                                                                                               and informal, it does provide a forum for Faction leadership to address and resolve important
• Optional And Advanced Rules........................................... 40                    issues. However, behind closed doors they continue to squabble, ally, and scheme against one
• Index.................................................................................. 42   another, jockeying for dominance over the Fallen Land.

• Quick Reference Symbols Chart ........................Back Cover                               Temporarily forgotten in their bids for power, chaos still reigns supreme out in the wastes.
                                                                                               Marauder and raider attacks sow destruction and slavers ply their evil trade. The Eaters, the
                                                                                               Reavers, and highway gangs which thrived amidst the horrors of the Maddening remain at
                                                                                               large; each independently seeks to return the land to the chaos from whence they spawned.
                                                                                               And still-greater threats lurk in the shadows, hidden and poised to strike...

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Spoils Cards ( 140 )                        Faction Chips ( 100 )                        Damage Chips ( 140 )                   Salvage Coins Chips ( 80 )
             Welcome                                   taking Inventory                                     Spoils cards are items
                                                                                                            that can be equipped
                                                                                                           to Character(s) and
                                                                                                          Vehicle cards. Most
 Set in a post-apocalyptic sci-fi setting,    This section introduces the different                                                                                                  Damage chips are used to assign            The currency in Fallen Land is Salvage
                                                                                                        grant Skill Bonuses that
Fallen Land is a hybrid board game           game components. Each one has a                                                                                                        specific forms of damage to Characters     Coins. They come in denominations
                                                                                                       increase Base Skills.
that combines strategy with card             picture to use as a reference while                                                                                                    and NPCMs during game play.                of 1, 3, 5, and 10. After the Great War,
building and role-playing. It is driven      reading this rule book and summarizes                                                      There are ten Factions, each with their                                                supplies and tangible goods quickly
by macabre stories of a world gone           how each piece used.                                  Action Cards ( 135 )               own set of chips. Players use them to                 Destroyed Chips ( 3 )              replaced the dollar. Each of the four
mad and features adventure, politics,                                                                                                 track Victory Conditions and mark their                                                  chips has a picture representing
                                                                                                          Action cards modify         Town Play Mats and Owned Resources.                     Used on the map to mark
and economics to deliver an unlimited                   Game Board ( 1 )                                                                                                                                                       commodities. A “1” Salvage Coin
                                                                                                            game play and story                                                             Destroyed Resources and other
sandbox experience. In each game                                                                                                                                                                                               simulates a handful of ammo, while a
                                                                                                           lines. Utilize them to        Town Technology Chips ( 45 )                       locations, as directed.
the variables change: cards, player                                                                                                                                                                                            “10” is a few gallons of fuel.
                                                                                                         help your Faction and to
interactions, stories, strategies, and                                                                                                                   Town Technology chips
                                                                                                        aid or harm other players.
threats.                                                                                                                                                (TTs) upgrade a player’s            Party Markers ( 10 )                 Salvage Coins are gained from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Encounter and Mission Cards, capturing

                                                                                                                                                        Faction and town.
  While the game has a strong pulp                                                           Plains Encounter Cards ( 60 )                              There are nine unique

                                                                                                                                                                                               r k  I                          Resources, selling Action cards to

influence, its roots stem from Cold                                                                                                   techs with their own bonus or ability.                                                   the bank, and selling Spoils cards

                                                                                                                                                                                             W ress
War studies. We have expanded upon                                                                          Players draw from this    Each one is available in Tier 1 (silver)                                                 to other players or the bank. Some
this research to arrive at our game’s                                                                        deck when their Party                                                                                             Faction Perks and Character abilities

                                                                                                                                      and Tier 2 (gold).

                                                                                                                                                                                              r o
premise: What would happen after a                                                                         is in a Plains hex. Its                                                                                             also generate income, and other
nuclear and biological apocalypse?

  Our answer is Fallen Land. As a
                                              The map is the central hub of game
                                                                                                          stories contain simple
                                                                                                         dangers and rewards.              Town Defense CHips ( 25 )
                                                                                                                                                                                             P                                 opportunities will arise during game
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               play. The number of Salvage Coins
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               a player owns is public knowledge,
                                             play. Two Victory Tracks border its edges                                                          These town upgrades protect a        Each Faction has a unique marker that
player, you are the leader of a unique                                                                                                                                                                                         excluding wagers.
                                             and its Map Key describes the attributes       Mountain Encounter Cards ( 40 )                    Faction and their Resources.         represents their Party on the map.
faction of survivors competing for
                                             of each type of hex.
primacy in the ruinous aftermath of                                                                        Players draw from this                                                                                                Salvage Coins are used to purchase
post-apocalyptic America. You must                                                                          deck when their Party                                                               D 10 Dice ( 6 )                upgrades for your town, buy Spoils
                                                                                                                                            Week Penalty Chips ( 5 )
manage and enhance your town,                       Town Play Mats ( 10 )                                  occupies a Mountain                                                                                                 Cards from other players’ Auction
protect your citizens, and secure                                                                         hex. Its stories contain                These chips are assigned to                                                  Houses, and to hire Mercenaries.
resources. You will also have to make                                                                    moderate dangers and                   players for penalties that Delay                                               Salvage Coins may transfer from player
and break treaties to endure, amidst a                                                                  rewards.                                a Party or during the Party                                                    to player freely at any time. A player
myriad of bribery and betrayal by the                                                                                                           Exploits Phase for Deeds that        Ten-sided dice or “d10’s” are rolled to   may attempt to bribe another player
other players. But that is just where the     There are ten unique Factions to play.                                                  exceed their four weeks. They remain in       perform Skill Checks, determine Random     with Salvage Coins, but this must occur
adventure begins! You must also direct       Each one has its own Town Play Mat             City/Rad Encounter Cards ( 40 )           play until being subtracted from their next   Mission Locations, attempt Psychological   before a card is played and the Order of
your agents (a party of characters) to       displaying its information, specialties, and                                             available Party Exploits Phase.               Checks, and for other circumstances.       Play must be followed.
explore the barren landscape, establish      perks.                                                         Players draw from
your territory, and solidify your agenda.                                                                   this deck when their
                                                                                                                                         Mission Location Chips ( 10 )                          D 6 Dice ( 4 )                           NPCM Chips ( 7 )
                                                                                                           Party occupies a
 All of us here at Fallen Dominion
                                                    First Player Sheet ( 1 )                              City or Radiation hex.                  These mark the seven
Studios hope you have a wonderful                                                                       Its stories pose grave                  Missions available to players
                                                           This sheet is also located                  dangers and great rewards.               on the map. Their random
experience playing Fallen Land and
                                                         on pages 32 and 33. It                                                                 locations are determined by
enjoy many exciting hours of game                                                                                                                                                     Six-sided dice or “d6’s” are rolled to
                                                         summarizes the Order of                                                      rolling 2d10 and matching this outcome
play!                                                                                                                                                                               calculate Party Movement, Flight rolls,
                                                         Play. The First Player uses        Mission Cards ( 40 )                      to its numbered hex (1-100) on the map.
                                                         it to maintain order and                                                                                                   and to determine the amount of damage
Cheers,                                                                                                      Players may draw                                                       dealt or sustained. They are also used
                                                         progress game play.                                 from this deck when
~Jon Lonngren                                                                                                                            Point of Interest Chips ( 10 )             for Healing and to determine random         Non-Player Character Mercenary
                                                                                                            their Party occupies a                                                  Character Crowns.                          (NPCM) chips match an Action card.
                                                                                                          numbered hex marked                   These mark both Permanent
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               These chips move about the map after
                                                                                                         with a Mission Location               and Special locations for Parties
                                                    Character Cards ( 80 )                                                                     to visit on the map.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 D 12 Die ( 1 )                players hire them.
                                                                                                       chip. These cards are
                                                                                                       complex story lines vital to                                                         NEED TEXT HERE
                                                                Each unique Character
                                                                                                       a player’s Faction or the             Turn Marker Chip ( 1 )
                                                                 card lists their Base
                                                                                                       Council of the Ten Towns.
                                                               Skills, stats, and special
                                                                                                                                               This is used to keep track
                                                             abilities. Players use
                                                                                                                                              of the number of game Turns
                                                            Characters to promote
                                                           their Faction’s agenda.

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2005-2021 Fallen Dominion Studios, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Common Play Area
       Number of Players                                    How to win                                       Game Setup                               Game Map                   The seven decks and discard piles
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Order Of Play Summary

 Fallen Land is a 1-6 player game. For          As a player, you are the leader of a           1) Read the rule book. This is a                                                                                               The full explanation of the Order of
your first game, we recommend you             faction vying for supremacy over the             complex game. One player needs to be                                                                                          Play is located near the end of this rule
begin with 2-3 players. Each player           Fallen Land. Progress towards this goal          familiar with the rules.                                                                                                      book and includes detailed examples.
adds approximately 1 hour to the length       is marked on the two Victory Tracks                                                                                                                                            For now, simply review the Order of
of the game. Of course, your first game       bordering the map. Prestige represents           2) Set up the game to match the                                                                                               Play summary below and move on.
will take a little longer, as you learn the   your reputation as a leader and your             Common Play Area diagram. Lay out
Order of Play and our gaming system.          Faction’s prominence. Town Health                the game map, shuffle each deck of                                                                                              Game play is divided into three parts:
                                              represents the number of your town’s             cards and organize the chips.                                                                                                 Turns, Phases, and Sub-Phases. A
 As you become more experienced,              citizens and its prosperity.                                                                                                                                                   Turn represents one month of game
the game will take less time per player.                                                       3) Roll 2d10 to place each of the seven                                                                                       time and is comprised of Phases and
Then you can add more players                  A player wins the game by achieving             Mission Locations on the map. Each roll                                                                                       Sub-Phases. Phases are the major
for a greater challenge. The more             either 20 Prestige or 80 Town Health             (1-100) is matched to its numbered hex                                                                                        categories of a Turn. Sub-Phases are
participants there are, the more exciting     and maintaining it through the current           and a chip is placed there.                                                                                                   specific directions and the choices
and cutthroat game play will be.              Phase. If two or more players achieve                                                                                                                                          players make in each category.
                                              victory in the same Phase, defer to the
                                              secondary Victory Condition, where 1             4) Determine player Factions by
                                                                                               rolling 1d12 and referring to the chart                                                                                         The Order of Play is directed by the
                                              Prestige equals 4 Town Health for the                                                        Town Technology Chips                                                             First Player, who announces the
                                              sole purpose of determining who has the          at the bottom of the game map. Re-roll
                                                                                               duplicates.                                                                                                                   opening and close of each Phase
                                              highest secondary Victory Condition. If                                                                                                                                        and Sub-Phase. The First Player
                                              there is still a tie, the player with the most                                                                               Creators Note                                     resolves each Sub-Phase first, followed
                                              Resources wins.                                  5) Each player receives their Faction           Cards from each of the seven decks are either played immediately and          clockwise by the other players, one
                                                                                               chips, Party Marker, Starting Town             put into their corresponding discard piles, or are kept. Cards that are kept   at a time, before proceeding. A Turn
                                                                                               Technology chips, and any other items           will be explained throughout this rule book. Decks that run out of cards      is over when all players have had the
                                                                                               from their Faction Perks.                              are immediately re-shuffled and the top card is placed off to          opportunity to act or pass on each
                                                                                                                                                     the side to create a new discard pile (see the above diagram).          Sub-Phase.
                                                                                               6) Each player places one of their
                                                                                               Faction chips on their Starting Town                                                                                          I. Effects Phase
                                                                                               Location and their Party marker on top                             Suggested Player Area                                        A. Resolve.
                                                                                               of it. All remaining Factions are Neutral
                                                                                               Factions. Each player places a Faction                                                                                        II. Town Business Phase
                                                                                               chip on both the 30 Town Health and 1                                                                                            A. Deal.
                                                                                               Prestige Victory Tracks labeled “Begin.”                                                                                         B. Resource Production.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                C. Auction House.
                                                                                               7) Deal 6 Character cards, 10 Spoils                                                                                             D. Town Events Chart.
                                                                                               cards, and 3 Action cards to each player.                                                                                        E. Financial period.
                                                                                               Players then receive 10 Salvage Coins.                                                                                                 1st. Sell.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2nd. Purchase.
                                                                                               8) Set up and equip your Town Play                                                                                                     3rd. Hire NPCMs.
                                                                                               Mats, referring to the Suggested Play
                                                                                               Area Diagram. At the bottom of each                                                                                           III. Party Exploits Phase
                                                                                               Play Mat, players attach 5 Characters to                                                                                         A. NPCMs (move + assignment).
                                                                                               their numbered Character Crowns. The                                                                                             B. Party Exploits (4 weeks to spend).
                                                                                               sixth Character is placed face down in                                                                                                 ~Movement Deed, 1 week.
                                                                                               their Town Roster. Taking note of your                                                                                                 ~Encounter Deed, 1 week.
                                                                                               Character’s Carrying Capacity, assign                                                                                                  ~PVP Deed, 1 week.
                                                                                               Spoils cards to them. Equip chips and                                                                                                  ~Resource Deed, 2 weeks.
                                                                                               other items to your town. If necessary,                                                                                                ~Healing Deed, 2 weeks.
                                                                                               adjust Prestige and Town Health.                                                                                                       ~Mission Deed, 3 weeks.

                                                                                               9) Place the Turn Marker chip at 1/1                                                                                          IV. End Turn Phase
                                                                                               on the bottom left of the map. When all                                                                                         A. Adjust the Turn Marker.
                                                                                               players are ready, roll 1d10 to determine                                                                                       B. Pass the First Player Sheet.
                                                                                               the First Player. Lowest roll wins and
                                                                                               ties are re-rolled. Begin the game!
  5                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               6
2005-2021 Fallen Dominion Studios, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
The Auction House                                                             TDCs also protect a player’s town.
                                                                               Town Play mat                                                 The Auction House is located on the                                                 For each TDC a player owns they may
            Town Play mats                        Auction House                  Faction     Faction           Movement                    left side of each Town Play Mat. It                Upgrading a Town                   at any time, for any reason, discard 1
                                                          Resource               Symbol      Number             Bonus                      represents a Faction trade guild where                                                of their TDC chips to prevent a loss of 1
                                                           Marker                                                Track        Faction      Spoils cards are stored and sold. Cards                                               Town Health to their Faction.
                                                                            Faction              Faction                      Perks
                                                            Track                                                                          are placed here face up and are public       Players that upgrade their town stand
    Town Play Mats represent a Faction                                       Name                Location
                                                                                                                                           knowledge. There is no limit to the                                                     The first TDC purchased costs 10
and their town. Most game play                                                                                                                                                        a better chance of winning. There are
                                                                                                                                           number of cards in an Auction House.                                                  Salvage Coins, while subsequent
revolves around the Play Mats. They                                                                                                                                                   three types of upgrades: Town Defense
                                                                                                                                           A player may only equip these cards to                                                TDCs purchased increase in cost by
are numbered 1-10 and have a Faction                                                                                                                                                  Chips, Town Technologies, and Action
                                                                                                                                           their Party Characters when passing                                                   increments of 5. For example, the
symbol that coincides with a Starting                                                                                                                                                 cards. All three options strengthen a
                                                                                                                                           through their town or when directed                                                   second TDC will cost 15, the third TDC
Town Location on the map. Each                                                                                                                                                        Faction and are discussed in detail in
                                                                                                                                           by a card. When a Party exceeds                                                       will cost 20, etc. TDCs received as
mat has ten matching Faction chips.                                                                                                                                                   their own sections, below. The first two
                                                                                                                                           a Character’s or Vehicle’s Carrying                                                   a reward or from Faction Perks (like
Review the Suggested Player Area                                                                                                                                                      are available for purchase during the
                                                                                                                                           Capacity, these cards go into their                                                   Sigma Corporation), do affect the cost
diagram on pg 6 to set up a Town Play                                                                                                                                                 Town Business Phase, but Action cards
                                                                                                                                           Auction House.                                                                        of future TDCs purchased.
Mat.                                                                                                                                                                                  are received throughout game play.

                                                                                                                                             During the Auction House Sub-Phase,                                                         Purchasing Town
 Each Play Mat has standard and                   Starting Town                                                            Town
                                                                                                                           Roster          players may bid for and sell Spoils                                                         Defense Chips (TDCs)
unique features. For example, each                Technologies
                                                                                 Character Crowns                                          cards located in any Auction House. All            Town Defense Chip
Faction has an Auction House, Town
                                                                                                                                                                                                 upgrades                                            Salvage
Roster, Bonus Movement Track,
                                                                                                                                           players go simultaneously during this                                                        TDC
                                              •    Movement Bonus Track: Players                 Checks. All cards attached to CCs         Sub-Phase, making it the only exception                                                                    Coins
Resource Marker Track, and Character                                                             are public knowledge and designate
                                                   keep track of their total movement                                                      to the rule of moving clockwise during                                                       1st            10
Crowns. However, each Faction                                                                    Party order.
                                                   bonuses here from Spoils, Character                                                     the Order of Play.
begins with two different Starting Town                                                                                                                                                         These chips simulate a                  2nd            15
                                                   cards etc. This track is marked           •   Vehicle Crown: This black triangle
                                                                                                                                                                                               player’s defenses by protecting
Technologies, a list of Faction Perks
                                                   with a Faction chip and is public             is only displayed on Vehicle Spoils         Items in an Auction House may be sold             their Faction’s Resources and            3rd            20
and a unique story on the back.                                                                  cards, not on Play Mats. It serves
                                                   knowledge. These bonuses will shift                                                     for less than their listed Salvage Coin                                                      4th            25
                                                                                                                                                                                      town. Players may own a maximum of
                                                   throughout the game and do not cap            the same purpose as a Character           value, but players should try to haggle    5 Town Defense Chips (TDCs). Only 1               5th            30
        Town Play Mat Features                     a Party’s Bonus Movement at eight.            Crown and corresponds to a black          for more. Salvage Coins, Action cards,     TDC can be purchased per player each
 The diagram above is examined in                  Each time the Movement Deed is                d10 die, rolled for Party Skill Checks.   and Spoils cards may all be used as        Turn, during the Financial Period Sub-
order from left to right, top to bottom.           selected, a 1d6 die is rolled. The                                                      currency among players to pay for items                                                 TDCs can be sold back to the Bank,
                                                                                                                                                                                      Phase. They are equipped by placing
                                                   number marked on the Movement                                                           in an Auction House. Players do not                                                   but not to other players. This can only
•       Auction House: Explained in                Bonus Track is added to its results.
                                                                                                  INSERT VEHICLE CHAR-                                                                these chips onto their Starting Town
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 occur during the Financial Period
                                                                                                                                           have to sell an item to another player     Location on the map, under their Faction
        detail on the next page.              •    Faction Perks: Unique specialized             ACTER CROWN DIAGRAM                       and may instead sell cards to the Bank                                                Sub-Phase. Players receive 10
                                                                                                                                                                                      Marker chip.
•       Resource Marker Track: Players             skills and assets possessed by                HERE                                      for full value. This only occurs during                                               Salvage Coins each, no matter what
        mark the number of Resources               a Faction. Each Town Play Mat                 Jon & Bryan 7 1 2020                      the Sell portion of the Financial Period                                              cost was initially paid. Lastly, TDCs
                                                                                                                                                                                       When an opposing player’s Party
        their Faction owns here with               lists four perks, which may include                                                     Sub-Phase, unless directed by a card.                                                 listed on Town Play Mats as Perks can
                                                                                                                                                                                      claims an owned Resource, each
        a Faction chip. It displays the            bonus equipment to begin the game.                                                                                                                                            be discarded to prevent a loss of Town
                                                                                                                                                                                      Town Defense Chip (TDC) the owner
        Town Health and Salvage Coins              Spoils cards that are Perks display a                                                    Cards received from the Market Place                                                 Health, but cannot be destroyed, lost,
                                                                                                                                                                                      possesses inflicts 1 Physical Damage to
        produced each Turn during the              specific Faction’s symbol.                                                              Town Technology go directly into the                                                  sold, or stolen.
                                                                                                                                                                                      each of those Party Characters, ignoring
        Resource Production Sub-Phase.        •    Town Roster: Excess Characters                                                          Auction House. However, Ally Spoils        Armor. However, TDCs have no effect
•       Faction Name: The title by which           that are not in play are attached                                                       cards are equipped to a Party. Event       when a Resource is claimed with an
        each Faction refers to themselves          face down here. These cards are                                                         Spoils card must be played immediately.
                                                                                             •   Starting Town Technologies                                                           Action card or by other means.
        and is identified by others.               not public knowledge and cannot
•       Faction Symbol: Each of these              be attacked in PVP or participate in          (TTs): Each Play Mat displays
        ten symbols represents a different         game play, unless directed by a card.         two starting TTs that are received
        Faction and marks its Starting Town        These Characters can be assigned              by that Faction during game set
        Location on the map. They also             to their Faction’s Party, but only when       up. They grant that Faction unique
        correspond to a Town Play Mat and          a Party is in their Starting Town or          starting advantages and represent
        a set of Faction chips.                    otherwise directed. Characters with           their areas of expertise. These TTs
•       Faction Number: During                     damage retain it until they rejoin a          do not grant players Prestige and
        game setup, players roll 1d10              Party and are healed.                         Town Health at the beginning of the
        to determine their Faction. This      •    Character Crowns (CCs) 1-5: The               game and may never be destroyed,
        number is also used to determine a         five different colored triangles at the       lost, sold or stolen. The diagram
        random Faction on some cards.              bottom of each Play Mat are called            (above) displays the Faction Sigma
•       Faction Location: The pre-war              Character Crowns. Character cards             Corporation. They begin the game
        location of the town on antiquated         are attached here to form a Party.            with the Communication Center TT
        maps of the former United States.          Each Character Crown corresponds              which grants +2 Movement and the
                                                   to a colored d10 die, which is rolled         Learning Center TT that grants 1
                                                   to perform that Character’s Skill             automatic Diplomacy Success during
                                                                                                 Party Skill Checks.
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2005-2021 Fallen Dominion Studios, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
1 Automatic Success during Party Combat Skill Checks.
        Town Technology                       Protecting citizens and projecting power is important for Factions.                  Action Card
           upgrades                          This TT is a heavily fortified compound and combat training facility.                  upgrades

  When the world went to hell from                                                                                     Action cards that equip to a town are
the Great War and the long dark                 1 Automatic Success during all Party Survival Skill Checks.          the third way to upgrade a Faction.
years of The Maddening, much was               Clean water is essential to sustain life, raise animals, and to       These cards enhance many different
lost to humanity and civilization.           produce crops. This TT is a water purification facility and survival    aspects of a town and grant unique
Town Technologies (TTs) represent            training center.                                                        advantages. A few examples include:
infrastructure and fields of research                                                                                offensive and defensive capabilities,
available for players to upgrade their                                                                               bonuses, and Salvage Coin production.
Faction’s town. There are nine different       1 Automatic Success on all Party Diplomacy Skill Checks.              Action cards list when they may be
TT chips. Each displays its cost and the      The pen is mightier than the sword. This TT is a building              played or equipped in the first line of their
bonus or ability it grants.                  dedicated to education and research, where citizens of all ages         text. When these cards are destroyed
                                             may participate.                                                        or discarded, all of their abilities and
 Town Technologies (TTs) are public                                                                                  bonuses are lost.
knowledge and only benefit the
owner’s Faction, Party, or Town. A              1 Automatic Success on all Party Mechanical Skill Checks.
maximum of seven TTs may be owned              Become captains of industry. This TT represents workshops and
per Faction. This includes the two           production facilities. This industry also simulates jobs and skilled
starting TTs displayed on each Town          trades for your town.
Play Mat. Players may only purchase,
equip, or upgrade 1 TT per Turn, unless
otherwise directed by a card. This only          1 Automatic Success on all Party Technical Skill Checks.
occurs during the Financial                   Illuminate the darkness. This TT simulates natural sustainable
Sub-Phase of the Town Business               power from wind turbines, solar panels, and burn facilities.
Phase, beginning with the First Player.      Electricity makes your Faction a beacon of hope and attracts
A player must announce which TT              refugees.
they are purchasing before paying and
equipping it to their Town Play Mat. A            1 Automatic Success on all Party Medical Skill Checks.
Faction gains 1 Prestige and 5 Town            Become a pillar of stability and compassion by healing the sick
Health when equipping a new Tier 1 TT.       and downtrodden. This TT simulates a pre-war hospital dedicated
A Tier 1 (silver) TT must be owned and       to the homeopathic, traditional, and pharmaceutical healing arts.
equipped before upgrading it to a Tier 2
(gold) TT.
                                               Party Receives a +2 Movement Bonus each Movement Deed.
 A player may sell their Tier 1 and Tier 2     Communication and efficient navigation will speed up your trade
Town Technologies (TTs) to the bank for      routes and help unify all the Ten Towns. This TT simulates a
25 Salvage Coins. This occurs during         facility with scavenged radio towers and pre-war communication
the Sell portion of the Financial            equipment.
Sub-Phase. Tier 1 TTs that are
destroyed, sold, or stolen inflict a loss     Receive 1 extra Action card during the Town Business Phase.
of 1 Prestige and 5 Town Health to             Factions must establish laws to bring order to the chaos. This
their former owner. Tier 2 TTs that          TT represents a law enforcement facility, courthouse, and jail. It
are destroyed, sold, or stolen do not        simulates gathering intelligence by producing an extra Action card
cause this loss, but are flipped over and    for that player each Turn.
revert back to a Tier 1 for their owner.
However, the player stealing a Tier 2 TT      Receive 1 free Spoils card during the Town Business Phase.
gets that Tier 2 TT. Players cannot sell      To trade is to prosper. This TT makes your Faction a major trade
starting TTs displayed on a Town Play        hub. This prosperity is simulated by producing a free Spoils card
Mat and they can never be destroyed,         each Turn. These cards must be placed into the Auction House.
sold, or stolen.                             Event Spoils cards are played and Ally Spoils cards are equipped.

                                              Tier 2 (gold) Town Technologies (TTs) are on the reverse side.
                                              Unless otherwise directed, Tier 1 (silver) tech must be equipped
                                             before upgrading to a Tier 2 (gold). Tier 2 TTs do not grant +1
                                             Prestige or +5 Town Health, but instead double their bonus or
                                             ability. Destroyed, sold, or stolen Tier 2 TTs revert back to Tier 1.

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The Six Base Skills
                                                                        Character Card                                                 There are Six Base Skills represented
                                                                                                                                                                                          Mechanical: This is the ability               The Omega Symbol represents
         Character Deck                                 Master                                                                                                                            to understand, use and repair                 all Six Base Skills. When it
                                                                        Name          Occupation      Overview or Unique             by their own symbols. The number
                                                      Designation                                                                                                                         mechanical items. Examples                    is displayed on Non-Player
                                                                                                           Abilities                 that follows a symbol represents a
                                                                                                                                                                                  include: engineering, construction,            Character Mercenaries (NPCM) Action
                                                                                                                                     Character’s proficiency, which can range
                                                                                                                                                                                  jury-rigging, operating vehicles and           cards, it is often higher than “10.” Thus,
  Character cards are a Faction’s local                                                                  Character                   from 3-10 in a skill. Character cards
                                                                                                                                                                                  machinery, picking locks, making ammo,         a “15” Omega is the equivalent of a
heroes and a player’s agents in the                                                                      Links                       and Vehicle Spoils cards have a Base
                                                                                                                                                                                  and fabricating items.                         “15” Total Skill when performing Skill
field. They play a central role during                                                                   Link Bonus                  Skill. Spoils and Action cards grant Skill
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Checks. The Omega symbol is also
game play. Each Character has six                                                                                                    Bonuses when equipped to Characters
                                                                                                                                                                                          Technical: This represents             found on a few other Action cards. In
Base Skills, a Health and Psychological                                                                  Health Status               or Vehicles.
                                                                                                                                                                                          intelligence and education. A few      these cases, the number is small and
Stat, and may have a Link or Special                                                                                                                                                      examples include: logic, analysis,     adds to each of the six Base Skills
Ability.                                                                                                 Psychological Stat               Combat: The ability to attack and
                                                                                                                                                                                  problem solving, science, research,            when attached to a Character card.
                                                                                                         Special Ability                  defend, this skill includes physical
                                                                                                                                                                                  electrical wiring, circuitry, computers, and
 A player begins the game with a                                                                                                          fitness, training in hand-to-hand
                                                                                                                                                                                  data analysis.                                  NPCMs roll the number of dice
Party comprised of five Characters.                                                                                                  combat, melee and ranged weapons,
                                                                                                         Carrying Capacity                                                                                                       directed by their Action card--1d10 for
All other Characters are placed face                       Combat Diplomacy Technical                                                combat drills, tactics, and strategy.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Medical: Representing the              Solo PVP cards and either 5d10 or
down in the Town Roster and are not                            Survival Mechanical Medical                                                                                                knowledge of living things and         6d10 dice (as directed) for standard
public knowledge. Each Faction can                                                                                                          Survival: This is the knowledge
                                                                 (A Character’s Six Base Skills)                                                                                          the homeopathic, traditional, and      NPCM Skill Checks. These rolls follow
only have one Party. A Party performs                                                                                                       and skills used to stay alive,
                                                                                                                                                                                  pharmaceutical healing arts, this skill set    all Skill Check Dice Rules (including
Deeds during the Party Exploits                                                                                                             including: hunting, tracking, how
                                                                                           Infected, and Radiation damage                                                         includes: triage, first aid, CPR, surgery,     Target Numbers) to achieve a Success.
Phase. They can move, perform                    The Character Diagram                                                               to locate and purify water, evasion,
                                                                                           they can sustain before being killed                                                   setting and mending broken bones, and          See Skill Checks on pg 17.
Encounters and Missions, capture            The diagram above is examined in                                                         camping, cooking, foraging, swimming,
                                                                                           and discarded. When a Character                                                        efficiently using medical supplies and
Resources, attack another Party in         order from left to right, top to bottom.                                                  camouflage, animal lore, and dealing with
                                                                                           sustains damage, a chip representing                                                   equipment. This skill is used to perform             Omega Skill Check Example
PVP, and Heal.                             • Master Designation: Characters                                                          adverse weather conditions.
                                                                                           the wound is placed on their card.                                                     the Healing Deed.                              The Deaths Head Mercs Non-Player
                                               that display the “Master” title on                                                                                                                                                Character Mercenary (NPCM) card has
  The five Characters in a player’s            their picture are Master Characters.
                                                                                       •   Psychological Status (Psych):                   Diplomacy: Effective
                                                                                           This attribute ranges from 2-6 and                                                                  Creators Note                     been hired by player three to perform
Party are attached to the Character            One of their six Base Skills is a                                                           communication skills combined
                                                                                           represents a Character’s mental                                                         When these six Skill Symbols have             a Mission card. Their NPCM card lists
Crowns (CCs) located at the bottom of          “10.” When attempting a Party                                                               with personal charm, this skill set
                                                                                           health and ability to cope with stress,                                                numbers after them, they are Base Skills       a 15 Omega Symbol, with 6d10 to be
a player’s Town Play Mat. Party order          Skill Check in that category, they                                                    encompasses: negotiation, parlay, public
                                                                                           horror, and psychological trauma.                                                      or Skill Bonuses. However, when these          rolled for each Skill Check. This is the
is chosen by the player (CC1-CC5),             receive 1 additional Success. Master                                                  speaking, persuasion, compromise,
                                                                                           This number can be increased by                                                        six Skill Symbols appear on Encounter          equivalent of each Party Character
and may be reassigned at any time,             Characters also have 40 points                                                        cooperation, and interrogation.
                                                                                           equipment. Psychological damage is                                                     and Mission cards with a number before         having a 15 Total Skill in each of their
except during Encounters, Missions,            distributed among their Base Skills.                                                                                                                                              six Base Skills. Each die rolled has 1
                                                                                           usually permanent.                                                                     them, they are Skill Checks.
PVP Combat, and when an Action                 However, most Characters are not                                                                                                                                                  Success (being greater than 10) and
card is being played. The different            Masters and only have 35 points
                                                                                       •   Special Ability: Not all Characters
                                                                                           have a Special Ability. These                                                                                                         a chance for a 2nd Success on a five
colored CCs each correspond to the             distributed among their Base Skills.                                                                                                                                              or less. “1s” may be re-rolled by the
                                                                                           symbols are explained on pg 16.
color of a d10 die, which are rolled for   • Name: This is a Character’s identity.                                                                                                                                               player. But, if a “10” is rolled, it negates
Skill Checks and Psychological Status          Some Encounter cards list a specific
                                                                                       •   Carrying Capacity: This is
                                                                                           the maximum amount of gear a                                                                                                          all successes from that die.
Checks.                                        Character and will grant them
                                                                                           Character or Vehicle can equip. All
                                               additional rewards.
                                                                                           Spoils cards that can be equipped
  Players acquire new Character            • Occupation: This denotes a
cards as a reward for successfully                                                         have a Carrying Cost. These items
                                               Character’s “trade.” This may help
completing Encounter and Mission                                                           add up until the maximum Carrying
                                               players create a diverse Party.
                                                                                           Capacity is reached. Cards that
cards and from Spoils and Action cards.    • Overview or Unique Abilities: Most
Characters acquired in this way may be                                                     exceed it are placed into their
                                               Character cards have a Unique
immediately rotated into a Party, as can       Ability as defined by their card.           owner’s Auction House.
Characters received from Action and        • Character Links: Some Characters
Spoils cards. However, a Character             specialize in using a specific item
card received from the Town Events roll        (Bow) or category of item (Melee
must be placed into the Town Roster.           Weapon). When a Spoils card of
Character cards may never be sold or           that category is equipped, it grants
traded among players unless directed           them a Link Bonus. These are not
to do so by a card.                            cumulative, unless specified.
                                           • Link Bonus: The Skill Bonus
                                               received by a Character that has a
                                               linked item equipped.
                                           • Health Stat: This attribute
                                               ranges from 5-10 and represents
                                               a Character’s constitution. This
                                               is the total amount of Physical,
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The third way to heal is by using
                                                                       The Four Types of Damage                                                                                Healing Action cards. Each card has
       Character damage                                                                                                                  Healing Characters                    specific directions and is discarded after
          and Death                                                            Physical Damage                                            and Your Party                       use.
                                                    This is the most common and default form of damage. Scrapes, bruises,
                                                   broken bones, melee weapons, and bullet wounds all cause it. Unless
  Characters will take damage from                 otherwise specified, all damage is Physical Damage. It can be assigned in        You will have to heal your Characters
many sources during game play.                     either 1 or 3 point chips.                                                     to keep them alive. The first and most                                                        Replacing Dead Characters
Encounters, Missions, Spoils, Action                                                                                              common way to heal is by selecting the                                                      It’s a violent world out there, so when
cards, and PVP all cause damage.           Healing Physical Damage can be done anywhere. Some Spoils and Action cards             Healing Deed during the Party Exploits                                                    Characters are killed players should
For example, a card may state “Your       heal Physical Damage.                                                                   Phase. This costs 2 weeks and a Party                                                     replace them as soon as possible.
Party sustains 4d6 Damage.” After                                                                                                 Medical Skill Check is made. For each                                                     Having fewer than five Characters
these dice are rolled, their sum is the                                                                                           Success, players remove 1d6 Damage                                                        makes it difficult for a player’s Party to
total amount of damage assigned.
                                                                          Infected Wounds Damage
                                                                                                                                  from their Characters, as they see                                                        succeed on Skill Checks. Characters
                                                       These wounds get worse over time until death occurs. Rusted metal,
Other times, a card may direct “Each                                                                                              fit. The rules for healing each type of                                                   may only be rotated into a Party from
                                                     infections, and rabid or venomous creatures all cause Infected Wounds.
Character takes 2 Damage,” or directs                                                                                             Damage are explained on the previous                                                      the Town Roster when their Party is
                                          Each Effects Phase, Characters with this type of damage must add another point. If
a specific Character Crown to take                                                                                                page.                                                                                     in their town. However, Characters
                                          this kills a Character, they are discarded without their equipment.
damage by displaying its crown.                                                                                                                                                                                             received from cards and as rewards can
                                                                                                                                    When a Party performs the Healing                                                       join a Party immediately.
                                           Healing Infected Wounds must take place in a Starting Town Location. If this is
 All forms of damage stack, except                                                                                                Deed in their Faction’s Starting Town
                                          a Neutral Faction, players must pay the Bank 5 Salvage Coins. To heal in another
Psychological Damage. The maximum                                                                                                 Location, each of their Characters                                                          Sometimes a player’s entire party
                                          player’s town, consent must be given and a deal struck. Spoils and Action cards that
Damage a Character can sustain is                                                                                                 removes 1 Physical, Infected Wounds,          The fourth and final method to heal is by   is killed. If this occurs, their Party
                                          Heal Infected Wounds can be used anywhere.
determined by their Health Stat. A                                                                                                or Radiation Damage for free, before         using a Character’s Unique Ability. The      Exploits Phase ends immediately.
Character is killed when they reach                                                                                               making the Medical Skill Check. When         directions for using them are on each        A new Party is formed in their town
their maximum, whether it is Physical,                                        Radiation Damage                                    healing in a Neutral Starting Town,          card. Characters with a Healing Ability      during the next Effects Phase, by first
Infected Wounds, Radiation Damage,                  The most prevalent legacy of the Great War is Radiation. Nukes and            players must pay 5 Salvage Coins to          usually have a high Base Medical Skill.      equipping Characters from their Town
or a combination of all three. Players             pre-war devices cause Radiation Damage as well as some nightmarish             the Bank. A Party can heal in another                                                     Roster and then drawing new Character
may never assign more damage to a         creatures. Each Character in a Party that ends its movement in a Radiation hex          Faction’s Town (if invited) by paying them                                                cards for the remaining empty Character
Character than their remaining Health.    suffers 1 Rad Damage.                                                                   or striking a deal.                                                                       Crowns. Cards that are drawn cost 1
All Damage chips are placed onto the                                                                                                                                                                                        Prestige or 4 Town Health apiece. Once
Character card.                            Healing Radiation Damage must take place in a Starting Town Location. If this is        The second way to heal is by using                                                       all five Character Crowns are filled, the
                                          a Neutral Faction, players must pay the Bank 5 Salvage Coins. To heal in another        an instant Healing ability on a Medical                                                   player draws 10 Spoils cards (for free)
  Before assigning damage, players        player’s town, consent must be given and a deal struck. Spoils and Action cards that    Spoils card. Most are discarded after                                                     to equip to their new Party.
should check their Characters and         Heal Radiation Damage can be used anywhere.                                             use, although some Character Links
Spoils cards for the Armor symbol.                                                                                                allow these cards to be used twice before
Only the participating or target                                           Psychological Damage                                   discarding.
Character’s Armor is subtracted from               Psychological Damage is similar to PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).
the damage. Armor is discussed in                It is caused by extreme horror, things like cannibalism, legacies of the Great
depth on pg 16.                         War, and unspeakable creatures. This damage does not combine or stack with the
                                        other types of damage. When a card displaying this symbol has been completed,
                                        a Psychological Check must be rolled for all Characters that participated. Roll
                                        1d10 for each colored Character Crown and compare the result to that Character’s
                                                                                     Psychological Health Status. If the
                             Applying Damage                                         number rolled is greater they take 1
                                                                                     Psychological Damage. However, if their
Step 1.) Calculate the Damage. In this example it is 2d6 Physical Damage.            roll is less than or equal to their stat,
Step 2.) Roll the dice. Add the dice up. The dice total 5 Damage.                    that Character takes no Psychological

                                                                                      When a Character reaches 3
                                                                                     Psychological Damage, cards attached
Step 3.) Collect the Damage Chips.                                                   to that Character cannot be reassigned.
                                                                                     During the next Effects Phase, that
                                                                                     Character and its attached cards are

  Step 4.) Place the Damage                                                           Healing Psychological Damage is only
  Chips onto the Character                                                           possible through the use of cards and
  Cards picture.                                                                     Special Abilities.

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Linked Items: Some Characters                   Psych Bonus: A Spoils card with         Unfortunately, damage dealt by First
                                                                                    Spoils Card                                              are linked to Spoils cards. This                this symbol increases a                 Strike and Town Defense Chips
                Spoils Deck                                                        Spoils                                                    may be a specific card or a category            Character’s Psychological Status        ignores Armor.
                                                                      Name        Category                                                   of Spoils cards like Swords or           by 1 point. For example a Character with
                                                                                                                                         Mechanical Equipment. When Linked            a 4 Psychological Status has it increased                 Armor Example
                                                                                                               Overview and              Items are equipped to that Character,        to a 5, making it more likely they will pass   A Character is dealt 6 Physical
  Spoils cards represent items and                                                                             Unique Abilities          they provide the displayed bonuses.          a Psychological Check.                         Damage. They are equipped with the
tangible assets. When equipped to a                                                                                                                                                                                                  SWAT Body Armor Spoils card, which
Character, Party, or Vehicle, they grant                                                                       Special Ability                                                                                                       reduces the Damage by 1 point. Only 5
                                                                                                                                               First Strike: This Special Ability            Armor: This category of Spoils
Skill Bonuses and other abilities. The                                                                                                         grants a surprise attack before               card reduces Physical and Infected      Damage is assigned to them.
more equipment a Character has, the                                                                             Salvage Coin Value             the first Round of PVP. Only the       Wounds Damage to Characters by 1
more likely they are to succeed at Skill                                                                                                       attacker can use First Strike. Each    or 2 points. Armor does not prevent                  Movement: Some Spoils cards
Checks. Examples of Spoils cards                                                                               Carrying                  Character with this ability rolls a Combat   Radiation or Psychological Damage.                   grant a Movement Bonus when
include: handguns, backpacks, books,                                                                           Cost (or Bonus)           Skill Check. Each Success achieved           Some Characters have Armor as a                      equipped. This can range from
and med kits.                                                                                                                            deals 1d6 Damage, which ignores              Special Ability, which is the same symbol      +1 to +8. Players should always adjust
                                                                                                                                         Armor. The damage is assigned by the         but in white. Both types of Armor stack.       their Bonus Movement Track on their
  Players are dealt ten Spoils cards to                          Combat Diplomacy Technical                                                                                                                                          Town Play Mat when acquiring or losing
                                                                                                                                         defender.                                    However, similar Armor, like two suits
begin the game. Some Characters                                      Survival Mechanical Medical                                                                                      of body armor, cannot be equipped              one of these cards.
and Factions grant extra cards. New                                           Skill Bonuses                                                    Infected Wounds and Radiation          to the same Character. These rules
Spoils cards are acquired throughout                                                                                                           Damage: These Special Abilities        also apply to Party Equipment Armor.           Permanent Equipment: These Spoils
the game, by succeeding at Encounter               examples of Link categories include:                                                        are found on weapons and cause 1       Damage dealt to a Party is reduced by          cards must be equipped to other Spoils
and Mission cards, stealing them from
                                                                                                  Spoils Card Terminology
                                                   Clothing, Armor, Ranged Weapons,                                                            extra point of Damage during PVP.      the sum of all Characters’ Armor, unless       cards to receive their Skill Bonuses.
                                                                                            Equipped: This means a Spoils card
other players, rolling a “1” on the Town           Vehicles etc. Some Spoils cards                                                       This damage is assigned by its owner.        otherwise directed. However, when              An example is a scope for a rifle.
                                                                                            has been attached to a Character or
Events Chart, the Marketplace Town                 have a second or third classification.                                                                                             damage targets a specific Character,           These cards remain attached for the
                                                                                            Vehicle. Both cards are aligned by
Technology, and when a Party ends              •   Overview and Unique Abilities:                                                                                                     only that Character’s Armor applies.           rest of the game in all circumstances,
                                                                                            matching up their six Base Skills. Equip
their movement on a City/Rad hex.                  This section contains both                                                                                                                                                        even if stolen or discarded.
                                                                                            cards with Special Abilities last or leave
During the Auction House Sub-Phase,                information and card abilities.          them a little untucked as a reminder to
Spoils cards may be sold to other              •   Special Ability: The card in the         use them.                                                                                                                                      Discarding Spoils Cards
players. During the Sell Sub-Phase                 diagram increases the Character’s                                                                                   Equipping Spoils Cards
they may be sold to the Bank.                                                                                                                                                                                                               Upon Character Death
                                                   Psychological Status by 1 point.         Party Equipment: These are Spoils                                                                                                         The circumstances of a Character
                                               •   Salvage Coin Value: This is the          cards that must be equipped to all Party                                                                                                 or Party Death affects attached
 Spoils cards may be equipped to                   value of the card when sold to the       Characters (or none). These cards are                                                                                                    equipment. Adjust Town Health and
Characters and Vehicles (if applicable),           Bank. Items with a “NA” value            not equipped to a specific Character,                                                                                                    Prestige as necessary. The outcomes
or placed into a player’s Auction House.           cannot be sold.                          but are instead placed off to the side                                                                                                   below apply for discarding Spoils cards
Spoils cards can be reassigned at              •   Carrying Cost: This is the cost          and grant their bonuses to each Party                                                                                                    unless otherwise directed by a card:
any time except during Encounters,                 to equip a card to a Character or        Character. Characters must have the
Missions, PVP Combat, or when an                   Vehicle. The sum of the Carrying         Carrying Capacity available to use them.                                                                                                 -Party Skill Checks: Equipment is
Action card is being played.                       Costs for all equipped items cannot      Party equipment can be stolen. The                                                                                                       reassigned among surviving Party
                                                   exceed the Carrying Capacity listed      Armor Cache card is an example of Party                                                                                                  members.
            Diagram Explanation                    on the Character or Vehicle. Spoils      Equipment.
  The Spoils card in the diagram is                cards with a “plus sign” value (like a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     -Individual/Solo Skill Checks:
the Autographed Bat, valued at 15                  backpack), increase a Character’s        Stowable: This is a category of Spoils                                                                                                   Equipment is discarded.
Salvage Coins. It is a Relic and has               Carrying Capacity.                       card that can be equipped to Vehicles
a 1 Carrying Cost. When equipped               •   Skill Bonuses: Spoils cards              or Characters. When equipped to a                                                                                                        -Action Cards: The card directs
to a Character, it grants +5 Combat                have the same six Base Skills            Vehicle, consider these cards stored                                                                                                     equipment discards. If not, discard it.
and +1 Diplomacy Skill Bonuses.                    as a Character. Equipped Spoils          inside it. If the Vehicle is Stolen or
That Character also gains +1 to their              cards add their Skill Bonus to a         Destroyed, these items remain with the          1.) Review the Spoils Cards                  (Tuck underneath)                           -PVP: The winner keeps the gear from
Psychological Status.                              Character’s Base Skill. These            Vehicle.                                        Carrying Cost and compare it to the                                                      their own dead Characters. A Loot
                                                   combine for the Total Skill. The
                                                                                                                                            Carrying Capacity on the Character                                                       Deck is created from the losing party’s
•        Name: A cards title and identifying       upcoming Skill Check section will        Vehicle Destruction: Some Spoils                or Vehicle. Both are at the bottom                                                       dead Characters. This process is
         information.                              elaborate on these concepts.             cards like the Heavy Rocket Launcher            right. Carrying Capacity is only on                                                      covered on pg 39.
•        Spoils Category: The                                                               can destroy Vehicles. This occurs during        Character and Vehicle Cards.
         classification of a card used to                                                   PVP. However, some Encounters and               2.) Tuck the cards underneath the                                                        -NPCMs: All equipment is discarded.
         identify it for Character Links.                                                   Mission cards also destroy Vehicles. A          Character or Vehicle by their Skills.
         For example, the Bat is a Melee                                                    Destroyed Vehicle is immediately placed         3.) Equip cards with Special
         Weapon, Blunt, and Sporting                                                        into the Spoils discard pile, along with        Abilities last or leave them
         Goods. A Character card with one                                                   all attached Stowable and Permanent             untucked.
         or more of these Links receives                                                    equipment.                                      4.) The Character above has his
         its bonus when equipped. Other                                                                                                     Linked Equipment...
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Melee Weapons                                                                          Skill Bonus: This is the number              number or less must be rolled for an                 Skill Check Dice Rules
       Up close and personal, Melee Weapons are reliable and                                                        assigned to one of the Six Base Skills on    additional Success. For example, a 25 is      These rules summarize die rolls for Skill
     contribute to all Combat Skill Checks. However, they are                 Skill Check System                    Spoils cards. Attach them to Characters      two Successes and a Target Number of 5        Checks. More than one may apply.
     the only weapons used for Melee Weapons Only Skill                                                             and Vehicles to receive their Skill Bonus.   or less for the roll. A d10 die with a 5 or
     Checks. Examples include: knives, bats, and chainsaws.                                                                                                      less is needed to receive a third Success.    1) When the sum of a Base Skill +
                                                                                                                    Total Skill: This is the sum of the Base     See Example 2 in the diagram below.           Skill Bonus is less than 10, the roll
                                                                        A Skill Check is a challenge to one         Skill + Skill Bonus(es). This includes
                            Ranged Weapons                            or more Characters that tests one of                                                                                                     must be equal to or less than the
      Attack from a distance with Ranged Weapons. They grant                                                        Special Abilities and/or Linked items.          Rolling Dice for Skill Checks              Target Number to count as a Success.
                                                                      the Six Base Skills: Combat, Survival,
     bonuses to all Combat Skill Checks except Melee Weapons                                                                                                       Players must roll for each Skill Check
                                                                      Diplomacy, Mechanical, Technical, and         Target Number: This is the number that
     Only. Examples include: bows, handguns, submachine                                                                                                          using d10s (ten sided dice). Each             2) When the sum of a Base Skill +
                                                                      Medical. Skill Checks often coincide with     needs to be rolled in order to receive
     guns, shotguns, rifles, and assault rifles.                                                                                                                 colored die matches one of the five           Skill Bonus is greater than 10, it yields
                                                                      the story on Encounters and Mission           1 Success. All Skill Check Dice rules        Character Crowns at the bottom of             one Success per 10: one at 10, two
                                                                      cards. Other instances of when players        apply.
                                Equipment                                                                                                                        the Town Play Mats. The black d10 is          at 20, three at 30, etc. The remainder
                                                                      roll Skill Checks are the Healing Deed,
       Having the right equipment helps Characters succeed                                                                                                       included in the roll for Party Skill Checks   becomes the Target Number. The roll
                                                                      PVP Combat, and some Action Cards.                     Total Skill Less Than 10
     at Skill Checks. Most of these items grant multiple Skill                                                                                                   if the Party has a Vehicle and that Vehicle   must be equal to or less than the Target
                                                                      Skill Checks are always performed              If the Total Skill is less than 10, it
     Bonuses and some have Special Abilities. Examples                                                                                                           has a Total Skill of more than “0.” After     Number to count as an additional
                                                                      as listed, one at a time, from left to        becomes the Target Number. This
     include: fishing gear, tents, flashlights, and first aid kits.                                                                                              the d10s are rolled, players match the        Success. Exception: if a vehicle has
                                                                      right. The terms below are crucial to         number or less must be rolled to achieve     color of the dice with the corresponding      a Total Skill of 0 for a Skill Check, the
                                   Books                              understand this gaming system.                a Success. See Example 1 in the              Character Crown. The number rolled is         vehicle cannot participate in that Skill
      Few books survived the Great War. They grant Skill                                                            diagram below.                               placed face up on top of each Character       Check and the black d10 is not rolled.
     Bonuses and have a low Carrying Cost, making them                Necessary Successes: This is the
                                                                                                                                                                 Crown and compared to that Character’s
     valuable and rare. Most books can be discarded to                total number of Successes needed to                   Total Skill Greater Than 10          Total Skill. Cheating results in failure.     3) A d10 die roll greater than the
     automatically succeed at a specific Skill Check.                 pass a Skill Check. This number is             When the sum of the Base Skill + Skill
                                                                      displayed before one of the Six Base                                                                                                     Target Number is not a success.
                                                                                                                    Bonus is greater than 10, it counts as                                                     Players still receive their previous
                                  Armor                               Skill Symbols on Encounter and Mission        one Success. Additional Successes
                                                                      Cards. For example, a 5 before a                                                                                                         Successes from that Character or
      Armor increases a Character’s chance of survival by                                                           are received at increments of 10; two                                                      Vehicle (unless rule 5 applies).
     preventing 1-2 points of Physical or Infected Wounds             Medical Symbol equates to 5 Necessary         at 20, three at 30 etc... The remainder
     Damage. Characters should equip Armor first. It cannot be        Successes required to pass that Skill         becomes the Target Number. This
                                                                      Check. Other times, a card’s directions                                                                                                  4) Rolling a “1” is always a Success
     equipped with similar Armor types or with Clothing cards.                                                                                                                                                 and may be re-rolled by players for a
                                                                      will state “Make a 5 Survival Check.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                               chance at another Success. There is
                                 Clothing                                                                                                          Skill Calculation                                           no limit, until a player stops rolling “1s.”
      Most clothing has a theme and special ability. Some, like       Achieving the Necessary Successes:                          Example 1                                          Example 2
     backpacks, even increase a Character’s Carrying Capacity.        To Succeed, the sum of the Successes                                                                                                     Players choosing to re-roll a “1” must
     Examples include: hats, sunglasses, and suits.                   achieved by the participating Characters                                                                                                 do so immediately, before moving on to
                                                                      (and their Vehicle) must be equal to or                                                                                                  calculate the Success or Failure for the
                                                                      greater than the number of Necessary                                                                                                     next Character Crown.
                                 Vehicles                             Successes for that Skill Check. When
      Few working vehicles remain. They grant Bonus                                                                                                                                                            5) A “10” is always a Failure and
                                                                      all Skill Checks have been successfully
     Movement and an extra d10 die roll for Party Skill Checks.                                                                                            Base Skill                                          negates all Successes provided by that
                                                                      completed, the player reads the Success
     Stowable items and Vehicle Equipment cards may be                                                                                                                                                         Character or Vehicle for the Skill Check.
                                                                      portion of the card and collects its
     equipped up to their maximum Carrying Capacity. Unless
     otherwise directed, only one Vehicle per Party.                                                                                                      Skill Bonus                                                An Example of Rule 4
                                  Relics                              Failing to Achieve the Necessary                                                                                                         Character Crown three has a Base
       Relics are unique. Their bonuses and Special Abilities         Successes: If the Necessary Successes                                                                                                    Skill of 10 and a +24 Skill Bonus.
     make them very powerful. Examples of these cards                 are not achieved on any one of the                                                                                                       Their Total Skill is 34. This grants 3
     include William H. Bonnies’ Matching .45 Revolvers and the       Skill Checks listed on that card by the                                                                                                  Successes and a chance for a 4th,
     Practically New Ambulance.                                       participating Party or Character, the                                                                                                    on a roll of “4” or less. A “1” is rolled,
                                                                      player stops. The player then reads the              Total Skill Less Than 10                 Total Skill Greater Than 10                granting the player 4 total Successes.
                                  Events                              Failure portion of the card and suffers its                                                                                              The player has the option of re-rolling
      These cards represent finding a hidden stash or the             consequences. Failure on an Individual           This Character has a 7 Diplomacy          This Vehicle is rolled for like a             it for a chance at a 5th Success. She
     opportunity to recruit new Characters to join your Faction’s     Skill Check affects only the participating       Base Skill and no Skill Bonus from        Character, but it is only utilized during     does and rolls a “3,” granting her a total
     cause. Events are discarded during the game setup, but           Character.                                       his attached Spoils cards. Because        Party Skill Checks (unless directed).         of 5 Successes!
     when drawn later they grant a distinct advantage.                                                                 the number is less than 10, this          This card has a 3 Mechanical Base
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     An Example of Rule 5
                                                                      Base Skill: This is the number                   Character’s Total Skill and Target        Skill and a Skill Bonus of 9 Mechanical
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Character Crown four has a Base Skill
                                   Allies                             assigned to one of the Six Base Skills on        Number is 7 for Diplomacy Skill           from its attached equipment. The Total
                                                                                                                                                                                                               of 9 and a +13 Skill Bonus. The Total
      Allies are people and animals rescued by a Party. Hire          Character and Vehicle cards.                     Checks. On a roll of 7 or less, this      Skill is 12. This equates to 1 Success
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Skill is 22, granting 2 Successes (2
     them by paying the Bank. These cards grant bonuses and                                                            Character achieves a Success. The         (at 10) and a Target Number of 2 for a
                                                                                                                                                                                                               increments of 10) and a chance for a
     abilities when attached to a Character or Vehicle. They can                                                       outcome of this roll is subject to the    2nd Success on a roll of 2 or less. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                               3rd Success on a roll of “2” or less. A
     never be sold or traded.                                                                                          Skill Check Dice Rules.                   outcome of this roll is subject to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                               “10” is rolled, negating all Successes
                                                                                                                                                                 Skill Check Dice Rules.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               produced by this Character.
17                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     18
2005-2021 Fallen Dominion Studios, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Types of Skill Checks                        Solo Skill Check                            Individual Skill Check                           Party Skill Check                        Combination Skill Check                      are not subject to these rules.
  There are eight types of Skill Checks             This Skill Check is performed by                This Skill Check is comparable          This Skill Check has no symbol because       The Combo Skill Check has no                               Optional Skill Check
in Fallen Land. Each will challenge a               a single Party Character. A Solo                to making a Solo Skill Check for       the Party Skill Check is the most            symbol, but is performed when there are        4            This type of Skill Check is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  only on Mission cards and
player’s Party differently. To determine            Skill Check must be attempted                   each Party Character. Individual       common type and is the “default.” Treat      multiple Skill Check symbols displayed
which type of Skill Check applies,           when this symbol is displayed or when           Skill Checks must be attempted by             all Skill Checks as Party Skill Checks       on an Encounter or Mission card. An           is a single Party Skill Check. Optional
first look for the Skill Check symbols       directed to do so. The story and Skill          each Party Character separately. The          unless a Solo or Individual Skill Check      example of this is a Solo and Melee           Skill Checks (OSCs) are represented
displayed on Encounter and Mission           Check(s) only affect one Character, who         outcome, either Success or Failure, is        symbol is displayed on the card.             Weapons Only Skill Check. Players             by one of the Six Base Skill symbols
cards.                                       must perform it alone, to determine their       applied individually to each Character,                                                    combine the two principles: A single          highlighted in black. They are always
                                             Success or Failure.                             unless otherwise directed.                     To perform a Party Skill Check, all Party   Character attempting the Skill Check with     the last Skill Check on a card and it is
  Some Skill Checks are categorized by                                                                                                     Characters add their Successes together      Melee Weapons Only. All other rules           a choice for a player’s Party to “go the
who participates: a single Character,         The Character who must attempt the               To perform an Individual Skill Check,       towards the number of Necessary              apply.                                        extra mile” to gain additional rewards.
each Character individually, or a Party      Solo Skill Check is determined by the           the d10 dice are rolled simultaneously.       Successes needed for the Skill Check.                                                      It may only be attempted after all other
(all five Characters and their Vehicle       Character Crown symbol displayed                Calculate each roll separately, in Party      The d10 dice are rolled simultaneously           Multiple Party Skill Check                Skill Checks have been Successfully
if they have one). Other categories          (CC1-CC5), or stated in a card’s                Character Crown order (CC1-CC5), to           and calculated in Party order (CC1-CC5)       This Skill Check has no symbol. A            completed and the reward collected.
have specific parameters. The Skill          directions. When the Character Crown            determine their outcomes. For example,        to determine the outcome, whether            card’s directions will dictate when a
Check Dice Rules apply any time dice         has a question mark, players roll for a         if Character Crown 1 (CC1) Succeeds           Success or Failure.                          player makes this type of Skill Check.          Optional Skill Checks (OSC) have
are rolled for Skill Checks (see pg 18).     random Character with a d6 die. Cards           or Fails at a Skill Check, that Character                                                  Some World Encounter Cards and                their own independent Success and
This section will examine each type of       will direct the player what to do if a “6” or   receives the reward or suffers the             A Party with less than five Characters      Mission Cards may require multiple            Failure portion on the Mission card.
Skill Check.                                 empty Character Crown is rolled.                consequence for Failing, regardless of        only rolls the dice that correspond to       Parties to Succeed. These cards will          Failing an OSC results in a different
                                                                                             the outcomes for CC2, CC3, etc.               occupied Character Crowns. Vehicles          almost always have high numbers               ending to the story, along with penalties
•        Solo                                 All listed Skill Checks must be made                                                         and Town Technologies are used for           for their Necessary Successes. An             and consequences. If an OSC is
•        Individual                          successfully to Succeed at the card.              Vehicles and Town Technologies are not      Party Skill Checks, unless otherwise         example of this is a 12 Combat Skill          Failed, the player just reads the OSC
•        Party (the default)                 Vehicles and Town Technologies are              used for Individual Skill Checks and there    directed.                                    Check.                                        Failure section, but does not fail the
•        Melee Weapons Only                  not used in Solo Skill Checks unless            is no Fight or Flight option. See pg 25 for                                                                                              whole card, unless otherwise directed.
•        Combo                               directed by a card. There is no Fight or        an example of an Individual Skill Check.      Melee Weapons Only Skill Check                 One Party may have to wait for              Vehicles are used for Optional Skill
•        Multiple Parties                    Flight option. The diagram below depicts                                                              The Melee Weapons Only               another Party to arrive at their location     Checks.
•        Optional Skill Check                several outcomes for a Solo Skill Check.                                                             Skill Check is performed when         to coordinate the Skill Check(s). It is at
•        PVP Combat (see pg 38).                                                                                                                  this symbol is displayed, or as       the discretion of the participating players         PVP Combat Skill Check
                                                                                                                                           directed. Ranged Weapons attached            when this will occur and sometimes             Player versus Player (PVP) Skill
                                                                                                                                           to Characters do not grant their Skill       weeks will have to be sacrificed by one       Checks have no symbol. PVP occurs
                                                       Solo Skill Check                                                                    Bonus to this Skill Check. This type of      player. The card will then be attempted       when one Party, Character, or
                                                                                                                                           Skill Check is most often combined with      on the other participating player’s Party     Non-Player Character Mercenary
     Example 1                  Example 2            A Solo Encounter Card is drawn. After reading the text, the card displays a
                                                                                                                                           a Party Skill Check, but it may appear as    Exploits Phase. Once a Multiple Party         (NPCM) attacks another Party
       Die roll                   Die roll          blue Character Crown (CC4) symbol before the 1 Survival Skill Check. The
                                                                                                                                           a Combo.                                     Skill Check card is completed, normal         (or Character) during the Party
                                                    Dante Slade Character is CC4, so he will attempt the card alone and must
     Example 3                  Example 4                                                                                                                                               Turn order resumes.                           Exploits Phase. PVP Combat is
                                                    achieve 1 Necessary Success to beat the Encounter. He has a Base Skill
       Die roll                   Die roll                                                                                                   All Party Characters must make the                                                       covered in its own section, on pg 38
                                                    of 6 Survival and a Skill Bonus of +2 Survival from his Equipment. His Total
                                                                                                                                           Combat Skill Check portion of the card by     World Encounters or Mission cards            and has its own rules and Order of
                                                    Skill is an 8 Survival. Because this number is less than 10, it becomes his
                                                                                                                                           utilizing only Melee Weapons, attached       with Multiple Party Skill Checks are          Play.
                                                    Target Number. The blue d10 die is rolled and an 8 or less is needed to
                                                    Succeed.                                                                               equipment (with a Combat Bonus Skill)        subject to these additional rules:
                                                                                                                                           and Ally Cards. All other Skill Checks
                                                    Example 1) A “2” is rolled. Because 2 is less than 8, it counts as one                 listed on the card are calculated and        •   No Player Versus Player Combat
                                                    Success. The player Succeeds at the card! He reads the Success portion of              rolled for normally.                             (PVP) is allowed on the hex
                                                    the text and receives its reward.                                                                                                       containing the card, unless directed.
                                                                                                                                             Spoils Cards with the Melee Weapon         •   No theft between Parties can occur.
                                                    Example 2) A “9” is rolled. Because 9 is greater than 8, Dante Slade                   category are listed in the top right hand    •   Participating players cannot play
                                                    achieves no Successes. The Skill Check and card are Failed. The player                 corner. The Garrison Town Technology             Negative Action Cards on other
                                                    reads the Failure portion of the text and suffers its consequences.                    is used during Melee Weapons only                participating players.
                                                                                                                                           Skill Checks, unless the card displays a     •   Players not participating on the card
                                                    Example 3) A“1” is rolled. This is one Success and a chance for a 2nd                  Solo or Individual Skill Check Symbol.
                                                    Success on a roll of “8” or less (the Target Number). The player elects to not         Vehicles are not utilized during Melee
                                                    roll his “1” again, because he only needs 1 Success to pass the card.                  Weapons Only Skill Checks.
                                                    Re-rolling a “1” is the player’s choice.                                                                                                                               Creators Note
      Each of the blue D10 Dice represents a
     separate attempt at a 1 Solo Survival Skill                                                                                                                                        The diagram on the next two pages walks players through two Party Skill Checks.
                                                    Example 4) A “10” is rolled, which is always a Failure and it negates all                                                           It displays a Party of Characters, equipment, Town Technologies and d10 dice rolls
     Check. The dice rolls correspond with the
                                                    Successes by this Character. The player reads the Failure portion of the                                                            for both examples. Because these pages are intended to teach players how the
     outcomes to the right.
                                                    card and suffers its consequences.                                                                                                  skill system works, calculate each Character’s Total Skill (Base Skill + Skill Bonus),
                                                                                                                                                                                        before comparing each die roll. Successes will either contribute towards the number
                                                                                                                                                                                        of Necessary Successes needed on a Skill Check or will not.

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