GO for it! - BP Benefit Finder

Page created by Gail Gilbert
GO for it! - BP Benefit Finder
GO for it!   BP wellness program 2018
GO for it! - BP Benefit Finder
You did it!                                                                      Pretty terrific,

                                                                                 Based on StayWell’s latest findings, the BP wellness program
                                                                                 is helping low-risk people stay low risk and those with
                                                                                 higher risk levels are showing greater risk improvement than
                                                                                 participants in other wellness programs.* And the more risks
                                                                                 people started with, the more they improved!

BP people are the best. Year after year since the BP wellness program began,     So today, let’s all do a little victory dance. Celebrate your
you took stock (234,525 completed Health Questionnaires), set your goals         achievements. You’ve earned it. Then tomorrow, set your
(121,365 Health Advisor calls), walked the walk (more than 172.3 billion steps   sights on the next milestone. Because as important as it is to
tracked to-date), gained knowledge (230,776 wellness class participants) and     acknowledge how far we’ve come, we all know that wellness
kept pushing to become a healthier you. And we’re seeing it pay off.             is not a destination. It’s a personal journey to be stronger and
                                                                                 healthier for the people and things in our lives that matter
                                                                                 most. Get up, get ready, and GO for it.

                                                                                 Based on nine risk factors: alcohol, back care, depression, driving, eating, physical activity, stress, tobacco, and weight.

GO for it! - BP Benefit Finder
You did it!                                                                      Pretty terrific,

                                                                                 Based on StayWell’s latest findings, the BP wellness program
                                                                                 is helping low-risk people stay low risk and those with
                                                                                 higher risk levels are showing greater risk improvement than
                                                                                 participants in other wellness programs.* And the more risks
                                                                                 people started with, the more they improved!

BP people are the best. Year after year since the BP wellness program began,     So today, let’s all do a little victory dance. Celebrate your
you took stock (234,525 completed Health Questionnaires), set your goals         achievements. You’ve earned it. Then tomorrow, set your
(121,365 Health Advisor calls), walked the walk (more than 172.3 billion steps   sights on the next milestone. Because as important as it is to
tracked to-date), gained knowledge (230,776 wellness class participants) and     acknowledge how far we’ve come, we all know that wellness
kept pushing to become a healthier you. And we’re seeing it pay off.             is not a destination. It’s a personal journey to be stronger and
                                                                                 healthier for the people and things in our lives that matter
                                                                                 most. Get up, get ready, and GO for it.

                                                                                 Based on nine risk factors: alcohol, back care, depression, driving, eating, physical activity, stress, tobacco, and weight.

GO for it! - BP Benefit Finder
Ready. Set. Get going!

    Make this the year to expand your horizons. Play a little; try
    new things; shake it up a bit. BP wellness is here to help.

    The BP wellness program is your gateway to the best
    BP medical plan options: HealthPlus and Health+Savings.
    Both you and your covered spouse/domestic partner
    must earn a minimum of 1,000 points to remain eligible
    for these options.*
                                                                                                  Well-being on the Go!
    And with a wide variety of programs across the physical,
    mental, and financial spectrum, BP wellness has an activity to                                Improved well-being is more convenient than ever before
    appeal to almost everyone. In addition to our perennial favorite,                             with the StayWell mobile app. From taking the health
    the Million Step Challenge, there are plenty of new wellness                                  questionnaire to participating in programs, you have quick,
    classes and programs to help you set and meet your goals.                                     easy access to tools and resources to boost your well-being.
    StayWell, and now PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), also offer
    personal coaching to help you become a healthier you in every
    aspect of your life.

    Use this handy guide to wellness and wellness points to map
    your path forward and conquer new horizons.

    Other ways to qualify:
    Your health plan is committed to helping you achieve your best health status. If you think you may be unable to meet a standard for a reward under the BP
    wellness program, you may qualify for an opportunity to earn the same reward by different means. Contact the StayWell helpline at 1-888-343-9862, and
    we will work to find a wellness program with the same reward that is right for you.
    Remember, you are not required to participate in any medical examination to be eligible for BP medical plan options. Also, please read the Wellness
    Program Notice included with your Annual Enrollment Materials.

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GO for it! - BP Benefit Finder
Ready. Set. Get going!

    Make this the year to expand your horizons. Play a little; try
    new things; shake it up a bit. BP wellness is here to help.

    The BP wellness program is your gateway to the best
    BP medical plan options: HealthPlus and Health+Savings.
    Both you and your covered spouse/domestic partner
    must earn a minimum of 1,000 points to remain eligible
    for these options.*
                                                                                                  Well-being on the Go!
    And with a wide variety of programs across the physical,
    mental, and financial spectrum, BP wellness has an activity to                                Improved well-being is more convenient than ever before
    appeal to almost everyone. In addition to our perennial favorite,                             with the StayWell mobile app. From taking the health
    the Million Step Challenge, there are plenty of new wellness                                  questionnaire to participating in programs, you have quick,
    classes and programs to help you set and meet your goals.                                     easy access to tools and resources to boost your well-being.
    StayWell, and now PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), also offer
    personal coaching to help you become a healthier you in every
    aspect of your life.

    Use this handy guide to wellness and wellness points to map
    your path forward and conquer new horizons.

    Other ways to qualify:
    Your health plan is committed to helping you achieve your best health status. If you think you may be unable to meet a standard for a reward under the BP
    wellness program, you may qualify for an opportunity to earn the same reward by different means. Contact the StayWell helpline at 1-888-343-9862, and
    we will work to find a wellness program with the same reward that is right for you.
    Remember, you are not required to participate in any medical examination to be eligible for BP medical plan options. Also, please read the Wellness
    Program Notice included with your Annual Enrollment Materials.

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GO for it! - BP Benefit Finder
Where will you go this year?

    Start the year off right with the BP well-being assessment.                                Upon completion of the Health Advisor call, 250 points
    Think of it as your annual checkup for health risk factors,                                will be added to your StayWell My Points account. It’s
    a roadmap to help you reach your personal best, and a                                      quick, easy, and so rewarding.
    great way to earn lots of points from the get go. Here’s how
    it works:
                                                                                               Go for the $100 gift card.*
    Set aside 10 minutes to complete the Health Questionnaire
    on the StayWell portal.                                                                    Once you’ve hit your 1,000 points goal for the year, why not
                                                                                               go for more? Earn 2,000 wellness points by December 31 and
    Once you have your results, call a health advisor at                                       receive a $100 gift card accepted by more than 30 premium
    1-888-343-9862 to discuss your results and learn which BP                                  health and wellness merchants, pharmacies, charitable
    wellness programs will have the greatest impact on shaping                                 organizations, and more.
    a healthier you.

    Individuals not enrolled in a BP medical plan or enrolled in the BP Retiree Medical Plan
    or retail employees enrolled in the BP Medical Plan are not eligible for this benefit.

4                                                                                                                                                             5
GO for it! - BP Benefit Finder
Where will you go this year?

    Start the year off right with the BP well-being assessment.                                Upon completion of the Health Advisor call, 250 points
    Think of it as your annual checkup for health risk factors,                                will be added to your StayWell My Points account. It’s
    a roadmap to help you reach your personal best, and a                                      quick, easy, and so rewarding.
    great way to earn lots of points from the get go. Here’s how
    it works:
                                                                                               Go for the $100 gift card.*
    Set aside 10 minutes to complete the Health Questionnaire
    on the StayWell portal.                                                                    Once you’ve hit your 1,000 points goal for the year, why not
                                                                                               go for more? Earn 2,000 wellness points by December 31 and
    Once you have your results, call a health advisor at                                       receive a $100 gift card accepted by more than 30 premium
    1-888-343-9862 to discuss your results and learn which BP                                  health and wellness merchants, pharmacies, charitable
    wellness programs will have the greatest impact on shaping                                 organizations, and more.
    a healthier you.

    Individuals not enrolled in a BP medical plan or enrolled in the BP Retiree Medical Plan
    or retail employees enrolled in the BP Medical Plan are not eligible for this benefit.

4                                                                                                                                                             5
GO for it! - BP Benefit Finder
Go further                                                                                                             Consider a new stride
                                                                                                                           for the new year. Here
    1 million, 2 million, 3 million, 4 million, more?                                                                      are some options to get
    Start now and keep on tracking                                                                                         you started.
    with BP’s Million Step Challenge (MSC).                                                                                The Magellan – You take the
                                                                                                                           long way home, favoring the
                                                                                                                           journey over the destination.
                                                                                                                           Every step is a new discovery.
    The MSC is the cornerstone of a                               Setting up a new device?
    healthier life, and a favorite go-to for                      Connect your tracker via the StayWell                    The promenade – A traditionalist
                                                                                                                           with a flair for pageantry, there’s
    earning lots of points. From January                          portal on bp.com/lifebenefits. Simply
                                                                                                                           pride and presence in your gait.
    1 – December 31, 2018, you earn 250                           click on the MSC connection tile,
    points for each one million steps, up to                      follow the instructions, and you’re                      The glide – You have a cool
    four million steps for 1,000 points and                       good to go. If you are using the                         devil-may-care confidence
    a special prize.                                              same device as last year and haven’t                     as evidenced by the smooth
                                                                  disconnected, you are already in the                     cadence in your step. You make
    And this year, you can do it your way                         MSC and no further action is required.                   it look effortless and stylish,
    thanks to StayWell’s device-neutral                           Just wear your tracker and sync to                       simultaneously.
    platform that gives you a wider                               your account.
                                                                                                                           The Monday morning mosey –
    selection of devices you can connect,                                                                                  Slow down, partner, but maintain
    in addition to your BP-provided Fitbit                        Be sure to watch out for MSC bonus                       that sense of purpose and get
    – say an Apple Watch or Garmin                                challenges throughout the year, worth                    ready to rock your week.
    for starters. (If you haven’t already                         up to 200 additional points.
    redeemed your one-time credit for a                                                                                    The Daily Dash
    new Fitbit, you have until the end of
                                                                                                                           It’s not a walk; it’s a way of life.
    2018 to claim your reward*.)
                                                                                                                           Choose from a daily selection of
                                                                                                                           four mini challenges—physical,
    Please note: Fitbits are the preferred devices for the MSC and are the only subsidized devices available in 2018       nutrition, stress, and sleep—
    for qualifying participants.                                                                                           to help keep your eye on the
    Only active employees and their spouses/domestic partners who are enrolled in a BP medical plan will be eligible for
                                                                                                                           wellness prize. Ten completed
    a one-time Fitbit credit from January 2017 through December 31, 2018. Certain devices obtained by redeeming your       dashes earn 25 points up to 250
    Fitbit promotional code may be considered income by the IRS. Applicable taxes will be deducted from your pay.          points total.

6                                                                                                                                                                 7
GO for it! - BP Benefit Finder
Go further                                                                                                             Consider a new stride
                                                                                                                           for the new year. Here
    1 million, 2 million, 3 million, 4 million, more?                                                                      are some options to get
    Start now and keep on tracking                                                                                         you started.
    with BP’s Million Step Challenge (MSC).                                                                                The Magellan – You take the
                                                                                                                           long way home, favoring the
                                                                                                                           journey over the destination.
                                                                                                                           Every step is a new discovery.
    The MSC is the cornerstone of a                               Setting up a new device?
    healthier life, and a favorite go-to for                      Connect your tracker via the StayWell                    The promenade – A traditionalist
                                                                                                                           with a flair for pageantry, there’s
    earning lots of points. From January                          portal on bp.com/lifebenefits. Simply
                                                                                                                           pride and presence in your gait.
    1 – December 31, 2018, you earn 250                           click on the MSC connection tile,
    points for each one million steps, up to                      follow the instructions, and you’re                      The glide – You have a cool
    four million steps for 1,000 points and                       good to go. If you are using the                         devil-may-care confidence
    a special prize.                                              same device as last year and haven’t                     as evidenced by the smooth
                                                                  disconnected, you are already in the                     cadence in your step. You make
    And this year, you can do it your way                         MSC and no further action is required.                   it look effortless and stylish,
    thanks to StayWell’s device-neutral                           Just wear your tracker and sync to                       simultaneously.
    platform that gives you a wider                               your account.
                                                                                                                           The Monday morning mosey –
    selection of devices you can connect,                                                                                  Slow down, partner, but maintain
    in addition to your BP-provided Fitbit                        Be sure to watch out for MSC bonus                       that sense of purpose and get
    – say an Apple Watch or Garmin                                challenges throughout the year, worth                    ready to rock your week.
    for starters. (If you haven’t already                         up to 200 additional points.
    redeemed your one-time credit for a                                                                                    The Daily Dash
    new Fitbit, you have until the end of
                                                                                                                           It’s not a walk; it’s a way of life.
    2018 to claim your reward*.)
                                                                                                                           Choose from a daily selection of
                                                                                                                           four mini challenges—physical,
    Please note: Fitbits are the preferred devices for the MSC and are the only subsidized devices available in 2018       nutrition, stress, and sleep—
    for qualifying participants.                                                                                           to help keep your eye on the
    Only active employees and their spouses/domestic partners who are enrolled in a BP medical plan will be eligible for
                                                                                                                           wellness prize. Ten completed
    a one-time Fitbit credit from January 2017 through December 31, 2018. Certain devices obtained by redeeming your       dashes earn 25 points up to 250
    Fitbit promotional code may be considered income by the IRS. Applicable taxes will be deducted from your pay.          points total.

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GO for it! - BP Benefit Finder
Go for the numbers.
    Because when it comes to your health, knowledge is power.

    Annual physicals and recommended screenings will not                                       Biometric screenings
    only help you catch early signs of disease, they also provide                              Complete one biometric screening onsite (if available) or at
    a baseline of your current health to help you track your                                   an approved BP wellness program vendor. Just a 15-minute
    progress and plan your next milestone.                                                     blood screening provides valuable information on current
                                                                                               and potential health issues. 125 points.
    Annual physical / well-woman exam
    The BP medical plan covers one in-network, annual physical                                 Once you have your numbers, enter them into your Health
    and one well-woman exam per calendar year at 100%.                                         Questionnaire and then call a StayWell health advisor
    Try to schedule it early in the year so that if your physician                             (1-888-343-9862) who can recommend new programs to
    identifies any risk factors, you can develop an action plan to                             challenge you while your points keep adding up.
    improve your numbers. 500 points.
                                                                                               Why numbers matter
    Ladies, don’t stop with your annual well-woman exam. Add                                   • Gives you a snapshot of your current health status.
    an annual physical for a detailed health snapshot.                                         • Allows you to monitor your individual health status over
                                                                                                  time, and check your progress.
    Enrolled in Health+Savings?                                                                • Provides detailed information to help identify any lifestyle
    Print the Physician Certification Form on the StayWell portal                                 changes needed to become a healthier you.
    (available April 2, 2018), bring it along to your annual physical,
    and earn $1,000* in your Health Savings Account (HSA).
    Spouses/domestic partners are also eligible for an additional
    $1,000 contribution.

    Only active employees and their spouses/domestic partners are eligible for this benefit.

8                                                                                                                                                                9
Go for the numbers.
    Because when it comes to your health, knowledge is power.

    Annual physicals and recommended screenings will not                                       Biometric screenings
    only help you catch early signs of disease, they also provide                              Complete one biometric screening onsite (if available) or at
    a baseline of your current health to help you track your                                   an approved BP wellness program vendor. Just a 15-minute
    progress and plan your next milestone.                                                     blood screening provides valuable information on current
                                                                                               and potential health issues. 125 points.
    Annual physical / well-woman exam
    The BP medical plan covers one in-network, annual physical                                 Once you have your numbers, enter them into your Health
    and one well-woman exam per calendar year at 100%.                                         Questionnaire and then call a StayWell health advisor
    Try to schedule it early in the year so that if your physician                             (1-888-343-9862) who can recommend new programs to
    identifies any risk factors, you can develop an action plan to                             challenge you while your points keep adding up.
    improve your numbers. 500 points.
                                                                                               Why numbers matter
    Ladies, don’t stop with your annual well-woman exam. Add                                   • Gives you a snapshot of your current health status.
    an annual physical for a detailed health snapshot.                                         • Allows you to monitor your individual health status over
                                                                                                  time, and check your progress.
    Enrolled in Health+Savings?                                                                • Provides detailed information to help identify any lifestyle
    Print the Physician Certification Form on the StayWell portal                                 changes needed to become a healthier you.
    (available April 2, 2018), bring it along to your annual physical,
    and earn $1,000* in your Health Savings Account (HSA).
    Spouses/domestic partners are also eligible for an additional
    $1,000 contribution.

    Only active employees and their spouses/domestic partners are eligible for this benefit.

8                                                                                                                                                                9
Go for greater awareness:
     The more you know the more you grow.

                  Bolster your wellness IQ (while earning points)    Shape your health and boost your brainpower
                  with options to keep you learning year round.      with digital workshops on an assortment of
                                                                     wellness topics. 25 points each, up to 125
                  Attend live classes or a digital learning series   points, and less than 15 minutes to complete.
                  for 125 points, up to 250 points. Sample a new
                  class every quarter designed to inform you,        Watch out for local activities including wellness
                  engage you, and enhance your health and            challenges, lunch-and-learns, and ways to keep
                  quality of life.                                   you moving. Check with your local wellness
                                                                     champion. 75 – 125 points (up to 500 points max).

10                                                                                                                       11
Go for greater awareness:
     The more you know the more you grow.

                  Bolster your wellness IQ (while earning points)    Shape your health and boost your brainpower
                  with options to keep you learning year round.      with digital workshops on an assortment of
                                                                     wellness topics. 25 points each, up to 125
                  Attend live classes or a digital learning series   points, and less than 15 minutes to complete.
                  for 125 points, up to 250 points. Sample a new
                  class every quarter designed to inform you,        Watch out for local activities including wellness
                  engage you, and enhance your health and            challenges, lunch-and-learns, and ways to keep
                  quality of life.                                   you moving. Check with your local wellness
                                                                     champion. 75 – 125 points (up to 500 points max).

10                                                                                                                       11
Go for Mindfulness.

     In an increasingly stressed-out world,      Digital Workshop:
     make the time in 2018 to begin a            The best possible you
     mindfulness practice. It not only           Tune into this digital workshop series
     supports your mental well-being, it can     to learn how to apply present moment
     also be truly transformative. Mindfulness   awareness and deep relaxation to
     has long been used to help treat medical    connect more fully with yourself, your
     conditions such as high blood pressure      loved ones, and your life. 3 workshops,
     and cancer. It also helps us think more     75 points.
     clearly, make better decisions, and
     reduce stress levels while increasing our   The 21-day meditation experience
     effectiveness! Get started with one of      Learn a variety of meditation
     these programs from StayWell.               techniques through this series of 21
                                                 videos with guided exercises. Complete
                                                 14 videos, 125 points.

12                                                                                         13
Go for Mindfulness.

     In an increasingly stressed-out world,      Digital Workshop:
     make the time in 2018 to begin a            The best possible you
     mindfulness practice. It not only           Tune into this digital workshop series
     supports your mental well-being, it can     to learn how to apply present moment
     also be truly transformative. Mindfulness   awareness and deep relaxation to
     has long been used to help treat medical    connect more fully with yourself, your
     conditions such as high blood pressure      loved ones, and your life. 3 workshops,
     and cancer. It also helps us think more     75 points.
     clearly, make better decisions, and
     reduce stress levels while increasing our   The 21-day meditation experience
     effectiveness! Get started with one of      Learn a variety of meditation
     these programs from StayWell.               techniques through this series of 21
                                                 videos with guided exercises. Complete
                                                 14 videos, 125 points.

12                                                                                         13
Go for your dreams.

     Have this be the year you make serious headway toward             Check it out!
     realizing your financial goals. Whether it’s starting a college   PwC is introducing a new look and feel for its website.
     fund, buying your first home, making plans for a comfortable      After taking a short quiz, go to Vetted Tools to find the
     retirement—you fill in the blank. BP wellness offers a wide       financial wellness classes and financial digital workshops.
     array of resources to help you fulfill your dreams.
                                                                       Financial fitness assessment and coaching call
     You and your spouse/partner can each earn a maximum               An annual financial checkup should be part of everyone’s
     of 375 wellness points for any combination of financial           financial plan. Complete a quick online assessment, discuss
     wellness activities from PwC, the financial education experts.    your results with a financial coach, and move toward a more
                                                                       secure future. 125 points.

     New!                                                              Retirement readiness assessment and coaching call
                                                                       Find out your current state and learn how to create a
     BP Financial coaching program                                     retirement lifestyle that’s meaningful to you. A follow-up
                                                                       coaching call provides practical insights on how to build and
     Work towards specific financial goals with the help of a PwC      protect your nest egg. 125 points.
     financial counselor. Gain strategies to help you pay down
     debt, save for education expenses, buy a first home, plan for     Financial wellness classes
     retirement, protect your assets, or prepare for the unexpected.   Learn to make smart financial decisions with one of the
     To get started, begin your counseling sessions any time before    many personal financial topics brought to you by PwC’s
     September 15, 2018 and complete three coaching calls on           award-winning financial education team.125 points each.
     one topic by December 19, 2018. 250 points.
                                                                       Financial digital workshops
                                                                       Increase your financial acumen with an array of financial
                                                                       planning topics that match your interests. 25 points each (up
                                                                       to a maximum of 125 points).

14                                                                                                                                     15
Go for your dreams.

     Have this be the year you make serious headway toward             Check it out!
     realizing your financial goals. Whether it’s starting a college   PwC is introducing a new look and feel for its website.
     fund, buying your first home, making plans for a comfortable      After taking a short quiz, go to Vetted Tools to find the
     retirement—you fill in the blank. BP wellness offers a wide       financial wellness classes and financial digital workshops.
     array of resources to help you fulfill your dreams.
                                                                       Financial fitness assessment and coaching call
     You and your spouse/partner can each earn a maximum               An annual financial checkup should be part of everyone’s
     of 375 wellness points for any combination of financial           financial plan. Complete a quick online assessment, discuss
     wellness activities from PwC, the financial education experts.    your results with a financial coach, and move toward a more
                                                                       secure future. 125 points.

     New!                                                              Retirement readiness assessment and coaching call
                                                                       Find out your current state and learn how to create a
     BP Financial coaching program                                     retirement lifestyle that’s meaningful to you. A follow-up
                                                                       coaching call provides practical insights on how to build and
     Work towards specific financial goals with the help of a PwC      protect your nest egg. 125 points.
     financial counselor. Gain strategies to help you pay down
     debt, save for education expenses, buy a first home, plan for     Financial wellness classes
     retirement, protect your assets, or prepare for the unexpected.   Learn to make smart financial decisions with one of the
     To get started, begin your counseling sessions any time before    many personal financial topics brought to you by PwC’s
     September 15, 2018 and complete three coaching calls on           award-winning financial education team.125 points each.
     one topic by December 19, 2018. 250 points.
                                                                       Financial digital workshops
                                                                       Increase your financial acumen with an array of financial
                                                                       planning topics that match your interests. 25 points each (up
                                                                       to a maximum of 125 points).

14                                                                                                                                     15
Go for the best possible
     version of you.

             Nearly half of all Americans suffer from at least   Condition management
             one chronic disease. And evidence is growing
             that the presence of one chronic condition          Through the BP wellness program you have
             increases the risk of developing others,            access to a variety of targeted programs
             particularly as people age, shortening lives, and   designed to help you manage your health
             reducing the quality of life.                       challenges and conditions. Choose one of the
                                                                 following programs and earn 250 points max.
             Based on your health questionnaire results, or
             if you feel you can benefit from extra support,     New! Livongo diabetic
             BP has programs to help you gain control and        management program
             achieve a healthier lifestyle.                      Managing your diabetes just got easier
                                                                 thanks to Livongo, a comprehensive diabetic
                                                                 management program including free test strips
                                                                 on-demand, a complimentary blood glucose
                                                                 meter with real-time updates, and certified
                                                                 diabetes educators to advise on nutrition,
                                                                 lifestyle, and diabetes management. Eligible
                                                                 participants must complete at least three calls
                                                                 with a Livongo coach.

16                                                                                                                 17
Go for the best possible
     version of you.

             Nearly half of all Americans suffer from at least   Condition management
             one chronic disease. And evidence is growing
             that the presence of one chronic condition          Through the BP wellness program you have
             increases the risk of developing others,            access to a variety of targeted programs
             particularly as people age, shortening lives, and   designed to help you manage your health
             reducing the quality of life.                       challenges and conditions. Choose one of the
                                                                 following programs and earn 250 points max.
             Based on your health questionnaire results, or
             if you feel you can benefit from extra support,     New! Livongo diabetic
             BP has programs to help you gain control and        management program
             achieve a healthier lifestyle.                      Managing your diabetes just got easier
                                                                 thanks to Livongo, a comprehensive diabetic
                                                                 management program including free test strips
                                                                 on-demand, a complimentary blood glucose
                                                                 meter with real-time updates, and certified
                                                                 diabetes educators to advise on nutrition,
                                                                 lifestyle, and diabetes management. Eligible
                                                                 participants must complete at least three calls
                                                                 with a Livongo coach.

16                                                                                                                 17
Coaching and                                                New! StayWell Ignite weight
                                                                 management group coaching*
                                                                                                          StayWell condition management
                                                                                                          Work with a StayWell health coach to
                                                                                                                                                  Complex case management
                                                                                                                                                  Those with acute conditions requiring
                                                                                                                                                                                            Self-directed coaching (SDC)
                                                                                                                                                                                            This online coaching system is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Telephonic lifestyle management
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Your personal StayWell health coach
     support for your                                            Ignite is a 12-week, virtual, group      manage chronic conditions, such as      extensive treatment will work with a      individualized based on your current       will help you set health milestones,
                                                                 weight management program for active     asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary   case manager to create and complete a     risk status and health profile. Go at      identify and overcome challenges,
     health and                                                  employees and their spouses/domestic     disease (COPD), congestive heart        complex case management care plan,        your own pace as you acquire proven        and move confidently toward your
     wellness needs                                              partners with a BMI of 30 or higher
                                                                 or metabolic syndrome. It’s designed
                                                                                                          failure, and coronary artery disease.
                                                                                                          Eligible participants must complete
                                                                                                                                                  including at least one call with a case
                                                                                                                                                  management nurse. 250 points.
                                                                                                                                                                                            healthy living tips, tools, quizzes, and
                                                                                                                                                                                            encouragement. 125 points per topic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       goals through monthly phone calls.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       250 points.
                                                                 to help participants build healthy       at least three calls with a condition                                             (500 points max).
                                                                 habits, manage stress, and reach         management coach. 250 points max.
                                                                 sustainable weight-loss goals. Comes
                                                                 with a dedicated health coach and a
                                                                 complimentary Fitbit Aria smart scale.
                                                                 250 points.

     Program is for active employees and their spouses/domestic partners with a Body Mass Index (BMI)
     of ≥30 and/or those with Metabolic Syndrom BMI > 30 (limited enrollment available).

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            19
Coaching and                                                New! StayWell Ignite weight
                                                                 management group coaching*
                                                                                                          StayWell condition management
                                                                                                          Work with a StayWell health coach to
                                                                                                                                                  Complex case management
                                                                                                                                                  Those with acute conditions requiring
                                                                                                                                                                                            Self-directed coaching (SDC)
                                                                                                                                                                                            This online coaching system is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Telephonic lifestyle management
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Your personal StayWell health coach
     support for your                                            Ignite is a 12-week, virtual, group      manage chronic conditions, such as      extensive treatment will work with a      individualized based on your current       will help you set health milestones,
                                                                 weight management program for active     asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary   case manager to create and complete a     risk status and health profile. Go at      identify and overcome challenges,
     health and                                                  employees and their spouses/domestic     disease (COPD), congestive heart        complex case management care plan,        your own pace as you acquire proven        and move confidently toward your
     wellness needs                                              partners with a BMI of 30 or higher
                                                                 or metabolic syndrome. It’s designed
                                                                                                          failure, and coronary artery disease.
                                                                                                          Eligible participants must complete
                                                                                                                                                  including at least one call with a case
                                                                                                                                                  management nurse. 250 points.
                                                                                                                                                                                            healthy living tips, tools, quizzes, and
                                                                                                                                                                                            encouragement. 125 points per topic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       goals through monthly phone calls.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       250 points.
                                                                 to help participants build healthy       at least three calls with a condition                                             (500 points max).
                                                                 habits, manage stress, and reach         management coach. 250 points max.
                                                                 sustainable weight-loss goals. Comes
                                                                 with a dedicated health coach and a
                                                                 complimentary Fitbit Aria smart scale.
                                                                 250 points.

     Program is for active employees and their spouses/domestic partners with a Body Mass Index (BMI)
     of ≥30 and/or those with Metabolic Syndrom BMI > 30 (limited enrollment available).

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            19
Go for an ever-brighter future.                                                               2018 BP wellness program points snapshot
     What happens when you reach a milestone?                                                      For more details, visit bp.com/lifebenefits/wellness
     Do you stay in place or push on?                                                              Physical activity                   Screenings and                      Education                 Coaching                       Financial wellness
                                                                                                   BP Million Step                                                         Wellness classes and      Condition management,          Earn a max of 375 points
                                                                                                   Challenge                           Annual physical/                    digital learning series   Livongo diabetes               when you complete
     This is when you reach down and find new reserves of strength and determination.
                                                                                                   For each million steps              well-woman exam                     125 points for each       management                     any combination of
     You realize in that moment that you are in complete control: no excuses, no                   tracked, earn 250 points,           500 points                          class, up to 250 points   250 points                     programs/classes.
     workarounds, no compromises—just you and your vision of what you want for                     up to 4 million steps
     yourself. A healthier life. A longer life. A better life, with all its challenges, joys and   and 1,000 points                    Biometric screening                 Digital workshops         StayWell Ignite                Financial coaching
     immense rewards for pushing, striving, and believing. GO for it!                                                                  125 points                          25 points for each        group coaching                 program
                                                                                                   Bonus activities                                                        workshop, up to 125       250 points upon                250 points (new for
                                                                                                   50 points for each                  Note: Labs performed as part        points                    completing at least nine       2018)
                                                                                                                                       of your annual physical or
                                                                                                   activity (200 points max)           metabolic syndrome screening
                                                                                                                                                                                                     weeks of the program
                                                                                                                                       do not qualify for the biometric    Mindfulness               (not available for retirees)   Financial fitness
                                                                                                   Local wellness                      screening points.                                                                            assessment and
                                                                                                   activities                                                              Digital workshop          Self-directed                  coaching call
                                                                                                   75-125 points (500                  Well-being                          series                    coaching                       125 points
                                                                                                   points max)                         assessment                          3 workshops, 75 points    125 points, up to
                                                                                                                                       Health questionnaire +                                        500 points                     Retirement readiness
                                                                                                   Daily Dash                          Health advisor call –               21-day meditation                                        assessment and
                                                                                                   10 dashes, 25 points                250 points                          experience                Lifestyle management           coaching call
                                                                                                   up to 250 points                                                        Complete 14 videos,       250 points (start by           125 points
                                                                                                                                                                           125 points                September)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Financial wellness
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Complex case                   classes
                                                                                                                                                                                                     management                     125 points each
                                                                                                                                                                                                     250 points each
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Financial digital
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    25 points each, up to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    125 points

                                                                                                   Questions? Call StayWell at 1-888-343-9862 or go to bp.com/lifebenefits/wellness.

Go for an ever-brighter future.                                                               2018 BP wellness program points snapshot
     What happens when you reach a milestone?                                                      For more details, visit bp.com/lifebenefits/wellness
     Do you stay in place or push on?                                                              Physical activity                   Screenings and                      Education                 Coaching                       Financial wellness
                                                                                                   BP Million Step                                                         Wellness classes and      Condition management,          Earn a max of 375 points
                                                                                                   Challenge                           Annual physical/                    digital learning series   Livongo diabetes               when you complete
     This is when you reach down and find new reserves of strength and determination.
                                                                                                   For each million steps              well-woman exam                     125 points for each       management                     any combination of
     You realize in that moment that you are in complete control: no excuses, no                   tracked, earn 250 points,           500 points                          class, up to 250 points   250 points                     programs/classes.
     workarounds, no compromises—just you and your vision of what you want for                     up to 4 million steps
     yourself. A healthier life. A longer life. A better life, with all its challenges, joys and   and 1,000 points                    Biometric screening                 Digital workshops         StayWell Ignite                Financial coaching
     immense rewards for pushing, striving, and believing. GO for it!                                                                  125 points                          25 points for each        group coaching                 program
                                                                                                   Bonus activities                                                        workshop, up to 125       250 points upon                250 points (new for
                                                                                                   50 points for each                  Note: Labs performed as part        points                    completing at least nine       2018)
                                                                                                                                       of your annual physical or
                                                                                                   activity (200 points max)           metabolic syndrome screening
                                                                                                                                                                                                     weeks of the program
                                                                                                                                       do not qualify for the biometric    Mindfulness               (not available for retirees)   Financial fitness
                                                                                                   Local wellness                      screening points.                                                                            assessment and
                                                                                                   activities                                                              Digital workshop          Self-directed                  coaching call
                                                                                                   75-125 points (500                  Well-being                          series                    coaching                       125 points
                                                                                                   points max)                         assessment                          3 workshops, 75 points    125 points, up to
                                                                                                                                       Health questionnaire +                                        500 points                     Retirement readiness
                                                                                                   Daily Dash                          Health advisor call –               21-day meditation                                        assessment and
                                                                                                   10 dashes, 25 points                250 points                          experience                Lifestyle management           coaching call
                                                                                                   up to 250 points                                                        Complete 14 videos,       250 points (start by           125 points
                                                                                                                                                                           125 points                September)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Financial wellness
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Complex case                   classes
                                                                                                                                                                                                     management                     125 points each
                                                                                                                                                                                                     250 points each
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Financial digital
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    25 points each, up to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    125 points

                                                                                                   Questions? Call StayWell at 1-888-343-9862 or go to bp.com/lifebenefits/wellness.

This document is presented as a matter of information and is not intended to constitute a promise or contractual
commitment by the company. The company reserves the right to unilaterally change or terminate any or all of the programs
discussed herein, as well as all of its benefit plans and programs, at any time and without prior notice. Also, modifications
may be necessary to comply with applicable legal requirements. In the event of any inconsistency between a statement
contained in this document and the relevant plan document or summary plan description, the plan document or summary
plan description will control over this document. Employees covered by collective bargaining agreements will be subject
to these benefit plan provisions to the extent consistent with the terms of BP’s policy and benefit programs, the applicable
collective bargaining agreement and any applicable legal guidelines.
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