Page created by Bryan French

“Believing that the growth for the game

              of golf, and its high standing in this

              country are largely due to the efforts of its

              early professional exponents, and

              because of their ideals of sportsmanship

              and ethical practices, The Professional

              Golfers’ Association of America is

              dedicated to the perpetuation of those ideals.”

                        561-624-8400 • www.PGA.org
                 President                                          Vice President                                     Secretary
         SUZY WHALEY, PGA/LPGA                                   JIM RICHERSON, PGA                                JOHN LINDERT, PGA
           Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.                                  Scottsdale, Ariz.                                Lansing, Mich.

                                                                   Honorary President
                                                                  PAUL K. LEVY, PGA
                                                                     Pinetop, Ariz.

            District          Term Expires In                                    District           Term Expires In
            Number             November of                       Director        Number               November                       Director
            1                 2019               NOEL GEBAUER, PGA               10                 2019             KELLY WILLIAMS, PGA
                                                      Schenectady, N.Y.                                                    Georgetown, Ky.
            2                 2020         THOMAS HENDERSON, PGA                 11                 2021           BILL TROYANOSKI, PGA
                                                    Greenwich, Conn.                                                   Half Moon Bay, Calif.
            3                 2021             JOHN BRIDGEMAN., PGA              12                 2021             TONY MARTINEZ, PGA
                                                       Brentwood, Tenn.                                                      Dallas, Tex.
            4                 2020                   STEVEN ALOI, PGA            13                 2019      PATRICK RICHARDSON, PGA
                                                          Cortland, N.Y.                                               St. Simons Island, Ga.
            5                 2019                 RON OSBORNE, PGA              14                 2019                  DON REA, JR., PGA
                                                      Battle Creek, Mich.                                                       Gilbert, Ariz.
            6                 2021               TERRY RUSSELL, PGA              At-Large           2020        RENEE POWELL, PGA/LPGA
                                                    Arlington Heights, Ill.
                                                                                                                         East Canton, Ohio
            7                 2021            NATHAN CHARNES, PGA
                                                    Lake St. Louis, Mo.          Independent        2019             CHRISTOPHER LIEDEL
                                                                                                                      Colorado Springs, Colo.
            8                 2020            DAVID SCHNEIDER, PGA
                                                        Omaha, Nebr.             Independent        2021                  ANDREA B. SMITH
                                                                                                                              Charlotte, N.C.
            9                 2020                    RON RAWLS, PGA
                                                            Boise, Idaho         Player Director                       DAVIS LOVE, III, PGA
                                                                                                                         St. Simons Island, Ga.

                                                               PGA PRESIDENTS
                         The first officers were elected at the PGA Annual Meeting at the Radisson Hotel in Minneapolis, June 26, 1916.
        They were: Robert White, President; James Maiden, Vice-President; George Fotheringham, Vice-President; and Herbert Strong, Secretary-Treasurer

Years                         President                         Section               Years                        President                         Section
1917-1919                  *Robert White                 Metropolitan                 1979-1980                *Frank Cardi                Metropolitan
1920                       *Jack Mackie                  Metropolitan                 1981-1982                  Joe Black             Northern Texas
1921-1926                *George Sargent                 Southeastern                 1983-1984                Mark Kizziar               South Central
1927-1930                   *Alex Pirie                  Metropolitan                 1985-1986               Mickey Powell                     Indiana
1931-1932                  *Charles Hall                 Southeastern                 1987-1988            *James Ray Carpenter             Gulf States
1933-1939                *George Jacobus                  New Jersey                  1989-1990               Patrick J. Rielly     Southern California
1940-1941                  *Tom Walsh                           Illinois              1991-1992                 Dick Smith                 Philadelphia
1942-1948                   *Ed Dudley                       Colorado                 1993-1994                 Gary Schaal                   Carolinas
1949-1951                   *Joe Novak             Southern California                1995-1996             Thomas H. Addis III     Southern California
1952-1954                 *Horton Smith                     Michigan                  1997-1998                 Ken Lindsay                 Gulf States
1955-1957                 *Harry Moffitt               Northern Ohio                  1999-2000                  Will Mann                    Carolinas
1958-1960                *Harold Sargent                 Southeastern                 2001-2002                Jack Connelly               Philadelphia
1961-1963                  *Lou Strong                          Illinois              2003-2004                M.G. Orender               North Florida
1964-1965                *Warren Cantrell                        Texas                2005-2006                Roger Warren                   Carolinas
1966-1968                   *Max Elbin                Middle Atlantic                 2007-2008               Brian Whitcomb         Pacific Northwest
1969-1970                   *Leo Fraser                  Philadelphia                 2009-2010                  Jim Remy                 New England
1971-1972                 *Warren Orlick                    Michigan                  2011-2012              Allen Wronowski           Middle Atlantic
1973-1974                *William Clarke              Middle Atlantic                 2013-2014                 Ted Bishop                      Indiana
1975-1976                   *Henry Poe                            Dixie               2015-2016                Derek Sprague    Northeastern New York
1977-1978                  *Don Padgett                        Indiana                                                                       *Deceased

          Chief Executive Officer                                Chief Operating Officer                             Chief Championships Officer
              SETH WAUGH                                            DARRELL CRALL                                          KERRY HAIGH
          Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.                               Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.                             Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.

                                                         ARTICLE I
                                                      NAME AND PURPOSE
Section 1.   Name .............................................................................................................................................A-1
Section 2.   Purpose .........................................................................................................................................A-1
                                                        ARTICLE II
                                                    GENERAL PROVISIONS
Section 1.   Interpretation .................................................................................................................................A-1
Section 2.   Rules of Order ...............................................................................................................................A-1
                                                   ARTICLE III
                                           SECTIONS OF THE ASSOCIATION
Section 1.   Sections Generally ........................................................................................................................A-1
Section 2.   Grant of Section Charters..............................................................................................................A-1
Section 3.   Rescission of Section Charters ......................................................................................................A-2
Section 4.   Section Governance ......................................................................................................................A-2
Section 5.   Section Chapters ...........................................................................................................................A-2
Section 6.   Districts .........................................................................................................................................A-3
                                                   ARTICLE IV
                                           VOTING MEMBERS; DELEGATES
                                                   ARTICLE V
                                          MEETINGS OF THE ASSOCIATION
Section 1.   Annual Meeting ............................................................................................................................A-3
Section 2.   Special Meetings ...........................................................................................................................A-4
Section 3.   Presiding Officer ...........................................................................................................................A-4
Section 4.   Quorum .........................................................................................................................................A-4
Section 5.   Voting; Action at a Meeting..........................................................................................................A-4
Section 6.   Proxy Voting .................................................................................................................................A-4
Section 7.   Executive Session .........................................................................................................................A-4
Section 8.   Expenses of Delegates ..................................................................................................................A-5
                                                             ARTICLE VI
                                                            THE OFFICERS
Section 1.   Election of Officers .......................................................................................................................A-5
Section 2.   The President ................................................................................................................................A-5
Section 3.   The Vice President ........................................................................................................................A-6
Section 4.   The Secretary ................................................................................................................................A-6
Section 5.   Removal; Resignation; Vacancies.................................................................................................A-6
                                                        ARTICLE VII
                                                    BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Section 1.   Size; Composition Generally ........................................................................................................A-7
Section 2.   Honorary President .......................................................................................................................A-7
Section 3.   District Directors...........................................................................................................................A-8
Section 4.    Independent Directors ...................................................................................................................A-9
Section 5.    At-Large Directors ........................................................................................................................A-9
Section 6.    Player Directors ..........................................................................................................................A-10
Section 7.    Powers and Duties.......................................................................................................................A-10
Section 8.    Regular Meetings ........................................................................................................................A-11
Section 9.    Special Meetings .........................................................................................................................A-11
Section 10.   Notice ..........................................................................................................................................A-11
Section 11.   Presiding Officer .........................................................................................................................A-11
Section 12.   Committees .................................................................................................................................A-11
Section 13.   Quorum; Presence .......................................................................................................................A-11
Section 14.   Voting; Action at a Meeting........................................................................................................A-12
Section 15.   Action of the Board of Directors Without a Meeting ..................................................................A-12
Section 16.   Executive Session .......................................................................................................................A-12
                                                       ARTICLE VIII
                                                    MEMBERSHIP MATTERS
                                                ARTICLE IX
                                     CODE OF ETHICS; BOARD OF CONTROL
Section 1.    Code of Ethics. ............................................................................................................................A-12
Section 2.    Board of Control. ........................................................................................................................A-12
                                                       ARTICLE X
                                                CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER
Section 1.    Chief Executive Officer Duties and Responsibilities ..................................................................A-13
Section 2.    Selection of the Chief Executive Officer ....................................................................................A-13
                                                           ARTICLE XI
                                                    ARTICLE XII
                                              AMENDMENTS; REGULATIONS
Section 1.    Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation .............................................................................A-14
Section 2.    Amendments to the Bylaws ........................................................................................................A-14
Section 3.    Regulations .................................................................................................................................A-14
                                                             ARTICLE XIII
                                       APPENDIX A: MEMBERSHIP MATTERS
                                                               ARTICLE I
Section 1.    PGA Recognized Golf Facilities .................................................................................................A-16
Section 2.    Employment Definitions .............................................................................................................A-17
Section 3.    Other Definitions ........................................................................................................................A-17
                                                       ARTICLE II
                                               [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED.]
Section 1.   Registration .................................................................................................................................A-18
Section 2.   Renewal ......................................................................................................................................A-19
Section 3.   Reregistration ..............................................................................................................................A-19
Section 4.   Eligibility ....................................................................................................................................A-19
Section 5.   Limit of Participation ..................................................................................................................A-20
Section 6.   Appeal .........................................................................................................................................A-20
                                                     ARTICLE IV
                                               ELECTION TO MEMBERSHIP
Section 1.   Election Requirements ................................................................................................................A-20
Section 2.   Experience Credits ......................................................................................................................A-20
Section 3.   Educational Credits .....................................................................................................................A-21
Section 4.   Transition Rules ..........................................................................................................................A-21
Section 5.   Amateur Status ............................................................................................................................A-22
Section 6.   Election Regulations ...................................................................................................................A-22
Section 7.   Resignation from Membership....................................................................................................A-22
Section 8.   Reinstatement to Membership ....................................................................................................A-22
Section 9.   Re-election ..................................................................................................................................A-22
                                                      ARTICLE V
                                                CLASSES OF MEMBERSHIP
Section 1.   Active Classifications .................................................................................................................A-22
Section 2.   Non-Active Classifications .........................................................................................................A-26
Section 3.   Honorary Members .....................................................................................................................A-27
Section 4.   Classification Procedures ............................................................................................................A-27
Section 5.   Annual Review of A-3 Classification .........................................................................................A-27
                                                      ARTICLE VI
                                                 RIGHTS OF MEMBERSHIP
Section 1.   Rights of Membership.................................................................................................................A-28
Section 2.   Restrictions on Rights .................................................................................................................A-28
Section 3.   Association Employees ...............................................................................................................A-29
                                                  ARTICLE VII
                                          REVIEW OF MEMBERSHIP ISSUES
Section 1.   Board of Control .........................................................................................................................A-29
Section 2.   Appeals to Board of Control by Individuals ...............................................................................A-29
Section 3.   Appeals to Board of Directors ....................................................................................................A-30
Section 4.   Discretionary Review by Board of Control ................................................................................A-30
                                            ARTICLE VIII
                                 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM
Section 1.   Policy ..........................................................................................................................................A-30
Section 2.   Program Requirements................................................................................................................A-31
Section 3.   Violations ....................................................................................................................................A-31
                                                    SECTION AFFILIATIONS
Section 1.    Section Affiliations - Members ...................................................................................................A-31
Section 2.    Section Affiliations - Associates .................................................................................................A-31
Section 3.    Changes in Section Affiliations - Members ................................................................................A-32
Section 4.    Unaffiliated Members .................................................................................................................A-32
                                                              ARTICLE X
Section 1.    Annual Member Dues and Associate Fees..................................................................................A-32
Section 2.    Associate Registration Fees ........................................................................................................A-33
Section 3.    Billing of Member Dues and Associate Fees ..............................................................................A-33
Section 4.    Timing of Dues and Fees ............................................................................................................A-33
Section 5.    Proration of Dues and Fees .........................................................................................................A-33
                                                     ARTICLE XI
                                               REPORTING REQUIREMENTS
Section 1.    Employment Reporting ...............................................................................................................A-33
Section 2.    Employment Verification............................................................................................................A-34
                                                               ARTICLE XII
Section 1.    Life Insurance .............................................................................................................................A-34
Section 2.    Professional Liability Insurance..................................................................................................A-34
Section 3.    Member Assistance Program ......................................................................................................A-34
Golf Professionals in the Reserves or National Guard who are called to Active Duty Regulation ............A-35
                                                    APPENDIX B: Code of Ethics
Section 1.    Dedication ..................................................................................................................................... B-1
Section 2.    Authority ....................................................................................................................................... B-1
Section 3.    Definitions .................................................................................................................................... B-1
Section 4.    Entities ........................................................................................................................................ B-2
Section 5.    Review of Inquiries, Complaint Processing and Initial Investigatory Procedures ........................ B-4
Section 6.    Notice and Knowledge of Rules ................................................................................................... B-5
Section 7.    Rules of Professional Conduct ...................................................................................................... B-5
Section 8.    Misconduct and Minor Misconduct .............................................................................................. B-5
Section 9.    Criminal Misconduct .................................................................................................................... B-5
Section 10.   Discipline by Foreign or Federal Jurisdiction; Choice of Law ..................................................... B-5
Section 11.   Generally ....................................................................................................................................... B-5
Section 12.   Suspensions................................................................................................................................... B-9
                                             NAME AND PURPOSE

Section 1.   Name

This Association shall be called “The Professional Golfers’ Association of America,” and shall be referred to as “the

Section 2.   Purpose

The mission of the Association is to promote the enjoyment and involvement in the game of golf and to contribute to
its growth by providing services to golf professionals and the golf industry.

The Association will accomplish this mission by promoting the profession of golf professionals, enhancing the
opportunities for amateurs, employers, manufacturers, employees, and the general public.

In so doing, the Association will elevate and enhance the skills and standards of the professional golfer’s vocation,
promote the common business interests of golf professionals, stimulate interest in the game of golf, and promote the
overall vitality of the game.

The Association is a non-profit membership corporation formed under the Florida Not-For-Profit Corporation Act
(the “NPCA”). The Association is a professional association organized as a membership corporation not-for-profit
within the meaning of section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), and will
not carry on any activities not permitted to be carried on by a Florida non-profit corporation or by an organization
exempt from federal income taxation under Code section 501(c)(6).

                                                ARTICLE II
                                            GENERAL PROVISIONS

Section 1.   Interpretation

All disputes or issues regarding the interpretation of the Constitution & Bylaws (the “Bylaws”), as well as any
Regulations adopted by the Board of Directors in accordance with Article XII, Section 3, shall be interpreted and
resolved by the Board of Directors whose decision shall be final.

Section 2.   Rules of Order

All meetings of the Association other than any meeting of the Board of Directors if determined by the Directors
shall be conducted in accordance with the Rules contained in Roberts’ Rules of Order to the extent applicable and
not inconsistent with the Bylaws.

                                              ARTICLE III
                                      SECTIONS OF THE ASSOCIATION

Section 1.   Sections Generally

The Association shall designate geographical areas as may be determined, from time to time, by the Board of
Directors as “Sections” of the Association. The geographical boundaries of a Section may be changed in accordance
with procedures adopted by the Board of Directors from time to time.

Section 2.   Grant of Section Charters

A charter may be granted by the Board of Directors to a Section only upon the organization of not less than fifty
(50) Master Professionals and Class “A” Members (as defined by the Membership Matters) with respect to a
geographic area which is not less than approximately 140 miles square, unless otherwise approved by two-thirds of
the Directors present at a meeting of the Board of Directors at which there is a quorum (or by unanimous written

consent) and the Section or Sections in which the proposed new Section resides, if any. The charter of a Section will
be granted in the name approved by the Board of Directors. For the avoidance of doubt, each Section will be
incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation in its state of domicile or another state, as reasonably determined by the
Section. The organizational documents of the Section shall not be inconsistent or at variance with the charter
granted by the Association, the Bylaws, the Regulations or any other applicable policies of the Association. The
Board of Directors shall have the right to review the organizational documents of any Section to ensure compliance
with the foregoing requirement.

Section 3.   Rescission of Section Charters

(a)      The charter of a Section may be rescinded at any time by two-thirds of the Directors present at a meeting of
         the Board of Directors at which there is a quorum if it is determined that the Section has taken any action
         (or omitted to take any action) that is detrimental to the best interests of the Association or that is in
         violation of any provision of the Bylaws applicable to the Section.

(b)      The Association shall notify the Officers of the Section in writing no fewer than thirty (30) days in advance
         of any meeting of the Board of Directors to vote upon the rescission of the charter of the Section. The
         notice will detail the action taken (or omitted) by the Section that the Board of Directors may determine to
         be detrimental to the best interests of the Association or to be in violation of any provision of the Bylaws
         applicable to the Section.

(c)      The Officers or other representatives of the Section shall have an opportunity to make a presentation to the
         Board of Directors at the meeting and prior to the deliberation and voting of the Board of Directors on the
         rescission of the charter of the Section.

(d)      Any decision of the Board of Directors to rescind the charter of a Section may be appealed by the Officers
         of the Section at the next Annual Meeting; provided, that, the Section shall not enjoy any of the privileges
         of the Association unless and until its charter is reinstated at the Annual Meeting. Without limiting the
         foregoing, the Section will promptly cease using the Association name, initials and emblem, will not be
         entitled to designate Section Delegates (as defined in Article IV) with respect to any Annual or Special
         Meeting, and any District Director designated by such Section will be deemed to have resigned
         automatically from the Board of Directors.

Section 4.   Section Governance

(a)      Each Section shall adopt and maintain in effect governing documents not inconsistent or at variance with
         the charter granted by the Association, the Bylaws and other applicable policies of the Association. The
         Board of Directors shall have the right to review the governing documents of any Section to ensure
         compliance with the foregoing requirement.

(b)      Each Section shall elect Section Officers who shall be Master Professionals, Class “A” Members or Life
         Members (as defined in the Membership Regulations) whose duty it shall be to carry out the decisions of
         the Association as it relates to their respective Section and to govern and direct the affairs of their
         respective Section in accordance with the governing documents of the Section.

(c)      Each Section shall comply with all applicable laws and manage its financial affairs in a fiscally sound
         manner and shall be responsible for its financial obligations and those of its Chapters.

Section 5.   Section Chapters

(a)      Any Section may charter Chapters within its boundaries in accordance with the governing documents of the
         Section; provided, that, at least ten (10) Members of the Association must reside within the boundaries of a
         Chapter. Such Chapters shall be subordinate to the Section and may conduct business solely in accordance
         with the governing documents of the Section.

(b)      Unless otherwise determined by the Section, the names of the Chapters shall indicate the geographic area
         included within the boundaries of the Chapter.

(c)      The jurisdiction of the Chapters shall extend only to discussion and action concerning local problems,
         which pertain solely to the area covered by the Chapters.

(d)      The Sections shall have complete authority in their discretion and at any time to withdraw the charters of
         any Chapters.

Section 6.   Districts

The Sections shall be organized into the following Districts:

         No. 1    Connecticut, New England and Northeastern New York
         No. 2    Metropolitan, New Jersey and Philadelphia
         No. 3    Alabama – NW Florida, Gulf States and Tennessee
         No. 4    Central New York, Western New York and Tri-State
         No. 5    Michigan, Northern Ohio and Southern Ohio
         No. 6    Illinois, Wisconsin and Indiana
         No. 7    Gateway, South Central and Midwest
         No. 8    Minnesota, Nebraska and Iowa
         No. 9    Rocky Mountain, Colorado and Utah
         No. 10   Kentucky, Middle Atlantic and Carolinas
         No. 11   Northern California, Southern California and Aloha
         No. 12   Sun Country, Northern Texas and Southern Texas
         No. 13   North Florida, South Florida and Georgia
         No. 14   Pacific Northwest and Southwest

                                              ARTICLE IV
                                      VOTING MEMBERS; DELEGATES

The Association’s voting “members” for all purposes of the NPCA shall consist of each Director, each Past
President (except for any Past President who did not complete his or her full term as President or who relinquishes
his or her status as a Delegate in writing to the Secretary at any time), and each Section. Except as provided in the
Bylaws, the Association’s voting “members” shall act through Delegates. The Delegates shall consist of: each
Director, each Past President (except for any Past President who relinquishes his or her status as a Delegate in
writing to the Secretary or as otherwise provided in the Bylaws), and two Delegates from each Section (each, a
“Section Delegate”). Each Section Delegate shall be designated in writing by the respective Section to the Secretary
within thirty (30) days prior to each Annual Meeting or Special Meeting. The list of Delegates will be maintained
by the Secretary.

                                               ARTICLE V
                                      MEETINGS OF THE ASSOCIATION

Section 1.   Annual Meeting

(a)      Time and Place. The Association shall hold an annual meeting of the Delegates (the “Annual Meeting”) at
         a time and place to be designated by the President with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors.

(b)      Notice. Notice of the time and place of the Annual Meeting will be provided to each Director, each Past
         President and each Section at least sixty (60) days prior to the Annual Meeting. Notice of the Annual
         Meeting need not be given to any Director, Past President or Section who signs (or in the case of a Section,
         whose Section Delegates each sign) a waiver of notice, either before or after the Annual Meeting.

Attendance at the Annual Meeting constitutes waiver of notice and waiver of any and all objections to the
         place of the Annual Meeting, the time of the Annual Meeting, or the manner in which it has been called or
         convened, unless the Director, Past President or Section (acting through its Section Delegates) attends the
         Annual Meeting solely for the purpose of stating, at the beginning of the Annual Meeting, any such
         objection or objections to the transaction of affairs.

Section 2.   Special Meetings

(a)      Time and Place. Special Meetings of the Delegates (each, a “Special Meeting”) may be called (i) by the
         Board of Directors or (ii) by written demand to the Secretary, signed by the Presidents and Secretaries of
         one-third of the Sections, certifying that the members of the Sections, for the good and welfare of the
         Association, desire such a meeting and describing the purpose for which the Special Meeting is to be held.
         In either case, the Special Meeting will be held at a time and place to be designated by the person(s) calling
         the Special Meeting.

(b)      Notice. Notice of the time and place of the Special Meeting will be provided to each Director, Past
         President and each Section at least fifteen (15) days prior to the day of the Special Meeting. The notice of
         the Special Meeting will describe the purpose for which the Special Meeting is being held, and no other
         business shall be transacted at the Special Meeting. Notice of the Special Meeting need not be given to any
         Director, Past President or Section who signs (or in the case of a Section, whose Section Delegates each
         sign) a waiver of notice either before or after the Special Meeting. Attendance at the Special Meeting
         constitutes waiver of notice and waiver of any and all objections to the place of the Special Meeting, the
         time of the Special Meeting, or the manner in which it has been called or convened, unless the Director,
         Past President or Section (acting through its Section Delegates) attends the Special Meeting solely for the
         purpose of stating, at the beginning of the Special Meeting, any such objection or objections to the
         transaction of affairs.

Section 3.   Presiding Officer

At any Annual Meeting or Special Meeting, the President or in his or her absence, the Vice President, or in their
absence the Secretary, shall preside. The Secretary shall act as secretary at any Annual Meeting or Special Meeting,
but in the absence of the Secretary, the presiding officer may appoint any District Director to act as secretary.

Section 4.   Quorum

A majority of the Delegates shall be present in person (with each Section represented by its Section Delegates) to
constitute a quorum at the Annual Meeting and each Special Meeting.

Section 5.   Voting; Action at a Meeting

At any Annual Meeting or Special Meeting, each Delegate shall be entitled to one vote; provided, that, if one
Section Delegate from a Section is absent from the room at the time of the vote, the other Section Delegate from the
Section will be entitled to two votes. Except as otherwise provided by law or by the Bylaws, any action authorized
by a majority of the votes cast at any Annual Meeting or Special Meeting will be an act of the Delegates.

Section 6.   Proxy Voting

Except as expressly provided in Section 5 of this Article V, proxy voting is not permitted.

Section 7.   Executive Session

At any Annual Meeting or Special Meeting, it shall be the privilege of the presiding Officer to declare an Executive
Session, at which time all but the Delegates and staff designated by the presiding Officer shall retire from the

Section 8.   Expenses of Delegates

The reasonable travel expenses of each Delegate and of the Executive Director/Secretary of each Section to any
Annual Meeting or Special Meeting shall be paid by the Association in accordance with the policies adopted by the
Board of Directors from time to time.

                                                  ARTICLE VI
                                                 THE OFFICERS

Section 1.   Election of Officers

(a)     The Officers shall be the President, Vice President and Secretary.

(b)     Each Officer shall be elected at the Annual Meeting held in each even calendar year by a majority of those

(c)     Each Officer shall be elected for a term of office of two (2) years, and each will hold office until the
        election or appointment and qualification of such Officer’s successor or until such Officer’s earlier death,
        total incapacity, resignation, or removal.

(d)     No Officer shall be eligible to be elected to the same office for more than one (1) two (2) year term, but an
        Officer shall be eligible to be elected to any other office. For the avoidance of doubt, (i) where the Vice
        President serves as President in accordance with the vacancy provisions of Section 5(c) of this Article VI
        due to a vacancy in the office of President, he or she will be eligible for election to the office of President,
        (ii) where the Secretary serves as Vice President/Secretary in accordance with the vacancy provisions of
        Section 5(d) of this Article VI due to a vacancy in the office of Vice President, he or she will be eligible for
        election to the office of Vice President and (iii) the Vice President will not be disqualified from serving as
        Vice President/Secretary in accordance with the vacancy provisions of Section 5(e) of this Article VI due to
        a vacancy in the office of Secretary because he or she previously served as Secretary.

(e)     If there are fewer than two (2) candidates for any office at the time of the election, oral nominations for
        such office may be made from the floor of the Annual Meeting.

(f)     The Board of Directors shall establish guidelines, policies and/or Regulations for Officer elections,
        including maximum expenses, procedures and assistance that may be provided by the Association to any

Section 2.   The President

The President of the Association shall serve as the Chairperson of the Board of Directors and shall have the
following powers and duties:

(a)     To preside at all Annual Meeting and Special Meetings of the Association and at all meetings of the Board
        of Directors;

(b)     To appoint committees of the Association and their chairpersons as may be deemed necessary in
        accordance with the Bylaws;

(c)     To serve as the chief spokesperson for the Association on all issues. The President shall keep the other
        Officers, other Directors and the Chief Executive Officer advised of such statements;

(d)     To represent the Association among the Members and Associates, the golfing public and other

(e)     To consult with and advise the Chief Executive Officer on all matters pertaining to the Association’s
        policies, progress and finances;

(f)     To authorize the Chief Executive Officer to sign contracts and other obligations of the Association within
        the guidelines of policy adopted by the Board of Directors; and

(g)     Such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by law, the Board of Directors or the Bylaws.

Section 3.   The Vice President

The Vice President is primarily responsible for the financial affairs of the Association. The Vice President shall
have the following powers and duties:

(a)     To cause a complete annual financial report to be made available to each Director, each Past President and
        each Section at least thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Meeting;

(b)     To review all financial reports which are issued by the Association;

(c)     To cause to be kept the accounts of the Association and direct the collection of all monies belonging to or
        due the Association and shall deal with the same under the direction of the Board of Directors. The Vice
        President shall have the authority to sign all checks and withdraw funds of the Association, but may
        delegate this authority to the Chief Executive Officer or others within the guidelines of policy adopted by
        the Board of Directors; and

(d)     Such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by law, the Board of Directors or the Bylaws.

Section 4.   The Secretary

The Secretary is primarily responsible for the membership matters of the Association. The Secretary shall have the
following powers and duties:

(a)     To cause the minutes of all Annual Meetings and Special Meetings of the Association, and all meetings of
        the Board of Directors, to be kept and cause notice of all Annual Meetings and Special Meetings of the
        Association, and all meetings of the Board of Directors, to be provided in accordance with the Bylaws;

(b)     To cause records of all Delegates and all Members to be maintained;

(c)     To be responsible for the maintenance of all correspondence and documents belonging to the Association;

(d)     Such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by law, the Board of Directors or the Bylaws.

Section 5.   Removal; Resignation; Vacancies

(a)     Removal. The Delegates may remove any individual from office at any Annual Meeting. The Board of
        Directors may remove any individual from office in between Annual Meetings upon a determination that
        the individual has engaged in acts or omissions deemed to be inconsistent with Association policies or
        constituting bad faith, gross negligence, willful misconduct or fraud or otherwise upon a determination that
        the continuation of such person in office is likely to be harmful to the Association. If the President is
        removed, he or she will not be deemed to have completed his or her full term as President for purposes of
        these Bylaws.

(b)     Resignation. An Officer may resign at any time by delivering written notice to the Board of Directors or to
        the Association. A resignation is effective when the notice is delivered unless the notice specifies a later
        effective date.

(c)      President Vacancy. In the event of the absence or temporary disability of the President, the Vice President
         shall perform the duties of the President. If the President dies, becomes totally incapacitated, resigns or is
         removed, the President shall be succeeded by the Vice President, who shall become President for the
         remainder of the term of office and will hold office until the election or appointment and qualification of
         such Officer’s successor or until such Officer’s earlier death, total incapacity, resignation, or removal.

(d)      Vice President Vacancy. In the event of the absence or temporary disability of the Vice President, the
         Secretary shall perform the duties of the Vice President. If the Vice President dies, becomes totally
         incapacitated, resigns or is removed, the Vice President shall be succeeded by the Secretary, who shall
         become Vice President/Secretary for the remainder of the term of office and will hold office until the
         election or appointment and qualification of such Officer’s successor or until such Officer’s earlier death,
         total incapacity, resignation, or removal.

(e)      Secretary Vacancy. In the event of the absence or temporary disability of the Secretary, the Vice President
         shall perform the duties of the Secretary. If the Secretary resigns, dies, becomes totally incapacitated,
         resigns or is removed, the Secretary shall be succeeded by the Vice President, who shall become Vice
         President/Secretary for the remainder of the term of office and will hold office until the election or
         appointment and qualification of such Officer’s successor or until such Officer’s earlier death, total
         incapacity, resignation, or removal.

(f)      Vacancies Generally. If not otherwise provided for in the Bylaws, the Board of Directors shall fill any
         vacancy in the offices of the President, Vice President or Secretary, and any Officer elected to fill any such
         vacancy shall serve for the remainder of the term of office and will hold office until the election or
         appointment and qualification of such Officer’s successor or until such Officer’s earlier death, total
         incapacity, resignation, or removal.

                                                 ARTICLE VII
                                             BOARD OF DIRECTORS

Section 1.   Size; Composition Generally

The Board of Directors shall be composed of the following members (each, a “Director”): (i) the total number of
Officers then in office; (ii) through the 2019 Annual Meeting only, the Honorary President then in office, if any; (iii)
one (1) Director representing each of the Association’s Districts (each, a “District Director”); (iv) (x) until the
selection of an individual to serve as the third Independent Director by the Board of Directors in 2019, two (2)
Independent Directors and (y) effective as of the selection of an individual to serve as the third Independent Director
by the Board of Directors in 2019, three (3) Independent Directors; (v) effective as of the selection of an individual
to serve such role by the Board of Directors in 2019, one (1) At-Large Director; and (vi) one (1) Player Director
elected by the Player Directors on the PGA TOUR Tournament Policy Board.

Section 2.   Honorary President

(a)      Automatic Designation and Removal. Provided he or she completed his or her full term as President, the
         immediate Past President shall automatically be designated as the Honorary President on an ex-officio basis
         upon the election of his or her successor to the office of President until the 2019 Annual Meeting only. The
         Delegates may remove any Honorary President from office at any Annual Meeting. The Board of Directors
         may remove any Honorary President from office in between Annual Meetings upon a determination that he
         or she has engaged in acts or omissions deemed to be inconsistent with Association policies or constituting
         bad faith, gross negligence, willful misconduct or fraud or otherwise upon a determination that his or her
         continuation in office is likely to be harmful to the Association.

(b)      Term of Office. The term of office for each Honorary President will be two (2) years and until the next
         election of the office of President or until his or her earlier death, total incapacity, resignation, or removal;
         provided that no Honorary President shall serve after the 2019 Annual Meeting, and any Honorary
         President then serving will be deemed to have been removed automatically from and after such time.

(c)     Vacancies. In the event of the death, total incapacity, resignation, removal or refusal to serve on the part of
        any Honorary President prior to the 2019 Annual Meeting, the Board of Directors shall fill the office with a
        former Past President who served a full term as Honorary President, is not currently serving on the Board
        of Directors and who is willing to serve, and any individual elected to fill such vacancy shall serve for the
        remainder of the term of office and until the next election of the office of President or until his or her earlier
        death, total incapacity, resignation, or removal.

(d)     After 2019 PGA Annual Meeting. For clarity, no Honorary President shall be designated or serve after the
        2019 Annual Meeting.

Section 3.   District Directors

(a)     District Directors Generally. District Directors shall be divided into three (3) classes, with new District
        Directors from one of the three classes taking office each year. District Directors shall be elected by and
        shall be from the Section in the District which has least recently been represented by a Director on the
        Board of Directors. In cases where two (2) Sections in a District have been represented by a District
        Director at the same time because of realignment of Sections within Districts or other reasons, the Section
        which was organized first shall be entitled to select the District Director to represent that District. Sections
        may not “trade” their turn to have a District Director, if a Section chooses to pass, the right to elect a
        District Director will pass to the next Section and the passing Section will move to the end of the line.

(b)     Election and Removal. Each District Director must be elected at a general membership meeting, or by the
        board of directors, of the electing Section. Each District Director should be elected by the electing Section
        at least one (1) year prior to the District Director’s term of office on the Board of Directors. Each Incoming
        District Director shall receive Board materials for all meetings of the Board of Directors occurring during
        the year preceding the District Director’s term of office, unless the Board of Directors otherwise determines
        in order to ensure the application of the attorney-client privilege or otherwise. Each Incoming District
        Director may attend all meetings of the Board of Directors occurring during the year preceding the District
        Director’s term of office, unless the Board of Directors otherwise determines in order to ensure the
        application of the attorney-client privilege or otherwise. The Association shall pay the reasonable meeting
        attendance expenses for each Incoming District Director for at least one (1) meeting of the Board of
        Directors occurring during the year preceding the District Director’s term of office. The Board of Directors
        may remove any District Director from office upon a determination that the individual has engaged in acts
        or omissions deemed to be inconsistent with Association policies or constituting bad faith, gross
        negligence, willful misconduct or fraud or otherwise upon a determination that the continuation of such
        person in office is likely to be harmful to the Association.

(c)     Notice to the Association. Promptly following election in accordance with the preceding section, the
        Section shall provide written notice to the Secretary of the Incoming District Director.

(d)     Term of Office. The term of office for each District Directors shall be three (3) years and each District
        Director will hold office until the election or appointment and qualification of such District Director’s
        successor or until such District Director’s earlier death, total incapacity, resignation, or removal.

(e)     Vacancies Generally. In the event of the death, total incapacity, resignation, removal or refusal to serve on
        the part of any District Director, the respective Section from which said Director was elected shall choose
        the successor to serve for the unexpired term and to hold office until the election or appointment and
        qualification of such District Director’s successor or until such District Director’s earlier death, total
        incapacity, resignation, or removal.

(f)     Vacancies Due to Relocation. Notwithstanding the preceding section, if a District Director moves out of
        the Section from which the District Director was elected to another District, the District Director will be
        deemed to have resigned from the Board of Directors, and shall be replaced by either (i) if there is more
        than one year remaining in the unexpired term, a Section member in good standing from the Section from
        which the District Director was elected, which Section member shall serve for the unexpired term and will
        hold office until the election or appointment and qualification of such District Director’s successor or until
        such District Director’s earlier death, total incapacity, resignation, or removal; or (ii) if there is less than
        one year remaining in the unexpired term, the Incoming District Director shall serve for the unexpired term,

as well as for the term for which the District Director was elected, and will hold office until the election or
        appointment and qualification of such District Director’s successor or until such District Director’s earlier
        death, total incapacity, resignation, or removal. In either case, the rotation of District Directors within the
        District shall remain unchanged. However, in the event a District Director moves to a Section within his or
        her District, the District Director may remain for the duration of his or her term provided each Section
        within the District submits written support to the Board of Directors requesting that the incumbent District
        Director remains the District Director. In the event the District Director does not receive written support
        from each Section within the District, then the District Director must be replaced on the Board of Directors
        at the time the transfer to the new Section becomes effective or, as soon as, practicable thereafter in
        accordance with the foregoing provisions.

(g)     Special Provisions for the 2019 District Directors. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Article
        VII, Section 3, the following special provisions shall apply with respect to the class of District Directors
        with terms expiring in 2019 (the “2019 District Directors”) in order to ensure that the classes of District
        Directors are as nearly equal in size as possible. Prior to December 31, 2017, the Board of Directors shall
        randomly select from among those 2019 District Directors willing to serve, one 2019 District Director to
        remain on the Board of Directors for an additional one-year term, expiring in 2020. The books and records
        of the Association shall be updated to reflect the relevant 2019 District Director’s additional one-year term.
        The succeeding District Director for the relevant District shall be elected by and shall be from the Section
        in the District which has least recently been represented by a Director on the Board of Directors in 2019 in
        accordance with Article VII, Sections 3(a) and (b) above, for a three-year term beginning in 2020 in
        accordance with Article VII, Section 3(c) above.

Section 4.   Independent Directors

(a)     Independent Directors Generally. Prior to the selection of an individual to serve as the third Independent
        Director by the Board of Directors in 2019, Independent Directors shall be divided into two (2) classes.
        Effective as of the selection of an individual to serve as the third Independent Director by the Board of
        Directors in 2019, Independent Directors shall be divided into three (3) classes, with an Independent
        Director from one of the three (3) classes taking office each year.

(b)     Election and Removal. The Independent Directors, who shall not be Members of the Association, shall be
        elected by the Board of Directors from a list of names submitted by the Officers’ Committee. Each
        Independent Director is subject to removal by the Board of Directors.

(c)     Term of Office. The term of office for the Independent Directors shall be three (3) years; provided, that, the
        third Independent Director selected by the Board of Directors in 2019 shall serve a term of office
        commencing on the effective date of his or her selection until the 2020 Annual Meeting. Each Independent
        Director will hold office until the election or appointment and qualification of such Independent Director’s
        successor or until such Independent Director’s earlier death, total incapacity, resignation, or removal.

(d)     Vacancies. In the event of the death, total incapacity, resignation, removal or refusal to serve on the part of
        any Independent Director, the Board of Directors shall choose a successor from a list of names submitted
        by the Officers’ Committee to serve for the unexpired term and to hold office until the election or
        appointment and qualification of such Independent Director’s successor or until such Independent
        Director’s earlier death, total incapacity, resignation, or removal.

Section 5.   At-Large Directors

(a)     Election and Removal. The At-Large Director shall be a Member of the Association elected by the Board
        of Directors from a list of names submitted by the Officers’ Committee. Each At-Large Director is subject
        to removal by the Board of Directors.

(b)     Term of Office. Prior to the selection of an individual to serve such role by the Board of Directors in 2019,
        there shall be no At-Large Director. The term of office for the At-Large Director shall be three (3) years;
        provided, that, the At-Large Director selected by the Board of Directors in 2019 shall serve a term of office
        commencing on the effective date of his or her selection until the 2020 Annual Meeting. Each At-Large
        Director will hold office until the election or appointment and qualification of such At-Large Director’s
        successor or until such At-Large Director’s earlier death, total incapacity, resignation, or removal.

(c)     Vacancies. In the event of the death, total incapacity, resignation, removal or refusal to serve on the part of
        any At-Large Director, the Board of Directors shall choose a successor from a list of names submitted by
        the Officers’ Committee to serve for the unexpired term and to hold office until the election or appointment
        and qualification of such At-Large Director’s successor or until such At-Large Director’s earlier death, total
        incapacity, resignation, or removal.

Section 6.   Player Directors

(a)     Election and Removal. The Player Director shall be elected by the Player Directors on the PGA TOUR
        Tournament Policy Board. The Board of Directors may remove any Player Director from office in between
        Annual Meetings upon determination that the individual has engaged in acts or omissions deemed to be
        inconsistent with Association policies or constituting bad faith, gross negligence, willful misconduct or
        fraud or otherwise upon a determination that the continuation of such person in office is likely to be
        harmful to the Association.

(b)     Notice to the Association. Promptly following election in accordance with the preceding section, the Player
        Directors on the PGA TOUR Tournament Policy Board shall provide written notice to the Secretary of the
        Incoming Player Director.

(c)     Term of Office. The term of office for the Player Director shall be one (1) year.

(d)     Vacancies. In the event of the death, total incapacity, resignation, removal or refusal to serve on the part of
        the Player Director, the Player Directors on the PGA TOUR Tournament Policy Board shall choose a
        successor to serve for the unexpired term and to hold office until the election or appointment and
        qualification of such Player Director’s successor or until such Player Director’s earlier death, total
        incapacity, resignation, or removal.

Section 7.   Powers and Duties

(a)     The Board of Directors shall be responsible for the management of the Association in accordance with the
        Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, any Regulations adopted and in effect from time to time and applicable

(b)     Between Annual Meetings, the Board of Directors shall have full authority in all matters. Without limiting
        the foregoing or any other authority specified in the Bylaws, in matters involving emergencies and/or the
        good of the Association, the Board of Directors shall have complete and final authority.

(c)     All complaints and disputes between Sections or between Members of the Association shall be decided by
        the Board of Directors.

(d)     The Board of Directors shall have the right to review upon appeal any action by any Officer or Committees
        of the Association, or any Sectional Officer or Committee, and to prescribe regulations governing such

(e)     The Board of Directors shall have the power to establish educational, benevolent, relief, welfare,
        retirement, building, reserve and other funds to accomplish the mission and objectives of the Association,
        to be administered in accordance with policies established by the Board of Directors from time to time.

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