2019 Early Starter Spring Catalogue - Kings Seeds

Page created by Mitchell Gregory
2019 Early Starter Spring Catalogue - Kings Seeds
2019 Early Starter Spring Catalogue

    Plug Plants          Seed Collections       New Bulbs

     A large selection of           Get ahead with our
    varieties in 9cm pots
including tomatoes, peppers,        quality plug plants
 sweet potatoes and squash

Strong healthy                              Chosen for outstanding
  plug plants                                garden performance

                               Just a one
                               off delivery

                               The people that know about seeds
2019 Early Starter Spring Catalogue - Kings Seeds
                    Welcome to our early starter spring catalogue for 2019
  THE EARLY BIRD…                     Another hectic season completed - where does
                                      the time go, but after 41 years of service I
                                      officially retired as MD on the 30th June 2018.
                                       However I will still continue to work for two
                                      days a week as Finance Manager to ensure we
                                      have a trouble free
                                      hand-over ensuring
                                      there will be no
                                      disruption to you in
                                      any way.
                                         My successor is
                                       Tracy Palmer who
                                       I’m sure most of
                                       you have spoken to
                                       and has been an
                                       important member
                                       of the Kings team
                                       for 12 years. She
                                       will be assisted by
                                       Andrew Tokely, our
                                       Director, with over
                                                                                Tracy Palmer
                                       35 years experience
                                       in the seed trade, so
                                       I can assure you, you
                                       are in very good
 Basically nothing will change as far as you are
concerned, and you will continue to receive quality seed
backed up by good old fashioned service and customer
  As for me I feel blessed to have worked for such a
professional, friendly company, and would just like to
place on record my sincere thanks to all our customers
for their loyalty and support during my 41 years with
Kings, and feel sure you will offer Tracy and Andrew the Andrew Tokely
same level of support as they settle in to their new roles.
                                                                If you have not received our
                                                               big main catalogue please call
                                                                  01376 570000 for a FREE
                               NEW Plugs for 2019 include        copy. It is a one-stop shop
                               artichoke, marrow, squash and    backed up by quality, advice
                                           swede.                        and service.
2019 Early Starter Spring Catalogue - Kings Seeds
Professionally grown, garden                         vegetable plug plants
ready, plug plants delivered to
your door, perfect for planting into their final position.
                                                                      ■ Stagger your
                                                                        deliveries to suit you


                                                                        for up to four months
                                                                        at no extra cost
                                                                      ■ Larger 9cm pots for
                                                                        many varieties including
                                                                        tomatoes, sweet potatoes,
                                                                        cucumbers, courgettes,
   Brussels Sprout           Cucumber           Dwarf French Bean       peppers and aubergines
                                                                      ■ One plant per plug
    Typical sizes of some of our quality plug plants                    unless indicated
Growing from plugs takes away a lot of the worry that some            ■ Varieties specifically
gardeners have when raising plants from seed. With our                  chosen for outstanding
staggered deliveries, you can order with confidence that they           garden performance
will arrive at the perfect time for planting. Specially selected so   ■ Excellent value individual
that they are easy to grow for both beginners and the more              varieties and money
experienced gardeners. AND remember all the packaging is                saving collections
made from recycled plastic and can then be recycled.

     Order as many plug plants you require with staggered deliveries
         and you only incur a one off delivery price of just £5.65

                                    Some of your comments on our plug plants
                                       and, indeed, our seeds and service
                           “I am very happy with my plug plants delivered yesterday. I
                           will definitely be ordering again next year.”
                           “Many thanks, amazing service.”
                           “We always use Kings seed on our allotment and always have
                           a good rate of success.”
                           “The plants were of excellent quality and the packaging the
                           best I have ever seen.”
                           “Well done I will certainly obtain my plants from you again,
                           from a very satisfied customer.”
                           “I would recommend Kings to anybody for their quality seed
                           and customer care.”
                           “The plants were really good quality and the packing was too.
                           Plus an added bonus of cultural instructions.”

2019 Early Starter Spring Catalogue - Kings Seeds
vegetable plug plants                            Beetroot (6-10 plants per plug)
                                                 Boldor F1
                                                 The perfect
Artichoke                                        Golden Beet.
Green Globe                                      Outstanding
An attractive                                    in colour
thistle-like                                     and quality.
plant. Good                                      Does not
size dark                                        bleed when
green heads,                                     cooked.
crowns                                           May delivery          12 plugs 97000 £5.75
benefit from                                                           24 plugs 97001 £8.45
over the                                         June delivery         12 plugs 97002 £5.75
                                  NEW TO KINGS
winter.                                                                24 plugs 97003 £8.45
May delivery     3 x 9cm pots 97239 £6.00        July delivery         12 plugs 97004 £5.75
June delivery    3 x 9cm pots 97240 £6.00                              24 plugs 97005 £8.45
July delivery    3 x 9cm pots 97241 £6.00        Aug delivery          12 plugs 97212 £5.75
Aubergine        EA                                                    24 plugs 97213 £8.45

Jackpot F1                                       Wodan F1
Dark purple fruits. A T I O S

Exceptionally                                    Delicious
early. Ideal for                                 medium size
growing on patios                                roots which
or in a cold                                     rarely
greenhouse. Fruits                               become
can be harvested                                 woody. Pick
small as a true                                  young as
baby vegetable.                                  baby beet or leave to mature.
 May delivery       3 x 9cm pots 97158 £6.00      June delivery         12 plugs 97009 £5.85
June delivery    3 x 9cm pots 97183 £6.00                               24 plugs 97010 £8.45

Baby Bell                                        July delivery         12 plugs 97011 £5.85
Spine free                                                             24 plugs 97012 £8.45
variety is                                       Aug delivery          12 plugs 97214 £5.85
                                  NEW TO KINGS
perfect for
                                                                       24 plugs 97215 £8.45
a patio or if
you are                                                   Beetroot Collection 1
short on                                            12 of each variety Boldor F1 and Boltardy
space. Only                                       May delivery         24 plugs 97008 £8.45


                                                          Beetroot Collection 2
                                      AT O S
tall and
                                                   12 of each variety Boldor F1 and Wodan F1

30cm wide.
May delivery     3 x 9cm pots 97254 £6.00         June delivery        24 plugs 97013 £8.45

June delivery    3 x 9cm pots 97255 £6.00         July delivery        24 plugs 97014 £8.45

2019 Early Starter Spring Catalogue - Kings Seeds
Beetroot continued
Boltardy                                       vegetable plug plants
Produces                                       Broccoli,
medium size                                    Sprouting
globe shaped                                   Burbank F1
roots of
                                               A white
superb deep
red with no
                                               maturing mid-
rings, Good                                    February to
resistance                                     early April.
to bolting.                                    Strong
May delivery         12 plugs 97006 £5.75      vigorous
                     24 plugs 97007 £8.45      plants with a
Broad Bean                                     high yield of
Giant                                          succulent
Exhibition                                     white spears.
AGM                                            June delivery    12 plug plants 97168 £6.00
Our own                                        July delivery    12 plug plants 97193 £6.00
re-selected                                    Aug delivery     12 plug plants 97217 £6.00
stock, ideal for                               Rudolph
the show bench.
Heavy crops
of extra long
pods of white
excellent flavoured beans.
 May delivery     12 plug plants 97139 £6.00
June delivery   12 plug plants 97171 £6.00
July delivery   12 plug plants 97196 £6.00
                                               Extra early purple sprouting type with large
AGM                                            spears from late January.
A very
                                                June delivery     12 plug plants 97167 £6.00
variety                                        July delivery    12 plug plants 97192 £6.00
which is fast
                                               Aug delivery     12 plug plants 97216 £6.00
to mature
                                                  Broccoli, Sprouting Collection
excellent for
                                                 6 of each variety Burbank F1 and Rudolph
                                                June delivery   12 plug plants 97169 £6.00
May delivery    12 plug plants 97015 £6.00
                                                July delivery   12 plug plants 97194 £6.00
June delivery   12 plug plants 97170 £6.00
                                                Aug delivery    12 plug plants 97218 £6.00
July delivery   12 plug plants 97195 £6.00

2019 Early Starter Spring Catalogue - Kings Seeds
Cabbage Duncan F1 AGM
vegetable plug plants                               Full of
                                                    flavour with
                                                    dark green
Brussels                                            upright
Sprout                                              leaves which
Crispus F1                                          cover tight
Early to mid-                                       pointed
season                                              hearts.
production of                                       May delivery       12 plug plants 97019 £6.00
dark green
buttons which                                       June delivery      12 plug plants 97173 £6.00
stand well on the                                   July delivery      12 plug plants 97197 £6.00
plant for several
weeks. Pick from                                    Aug delivery       12 plug plants 97219 £6.00
September to
November. Club
                                                    Kilaton F1
root resistant.                                     AGM
                                                    High yielding,
May delivery        12 plug plants 97140 £6.00
June delivery       12 plug plants 97016 £6.00      cabbage,
                                                    ballhead variety.
Maximus F1
                                                    It has a nice
AGM                                                 green external
A high                                              colour, even
quality                                             after long
variety with a                                      storage. Head weight approx. 2.5-4kg (512⁄ -9lb).
good flavour                                        Club root resistant.
and long
                                                     May delivery     12 plug plants 97143 £6.00
ability.                                            June delivery      12 plug plants 97020 £6.00
May delivery        12 plug plants 97017 £6.00      July delivery      12 plug plants 97199 £6.00
June delivery       12 plug plants 97018 £6.00
                                                    Aug delivery       12 plug plants 97221 £6.00
                                                    Red Lodero F1
Sprout                                              First club root
Like a tiny                                         resistant red
cabbage with                                        cabbage,
green frilly                                        produces good                          NEW TO KINGS
leaves,                                             size heads that
streaked with                                       stand well, very
purple up the                                       tasty.
stem. Fantastic                                     May delivery       12 plug plants 97257 £6.00
complex taste
of a sprout                                         June delivery      12 plug plants 97258 £6.00
and kale.                            NEW TO KINGS   July delivery      12 plug plants 97259 £6.00
May delivery        12 plug plants 97266 £6.00
                                                      See Grazers G3 Formula for effective
June delivery       12 plug plants 97267 £6.00       use against Cabbage White butterflies,
July delivery       12 plug plants 97268 £6.00        caterpillars and aphids on page 28.

2019 Early Starter Spring Catalogue - Kings Seeds
Savoy Wintessa
F1 AGM                                           vegetable plug plants
Very late
maturing variety.
Heavy heads with                                 Offenham 3
fine blistering,                                 Winter Green
medium green.                                    Improved
Harvest from                                     selection for
February to April                                winter hardiness,
the next year.                                   ideal for January
Stands well once                                 to March spring
mature.                                          green
 May delivery     12 plug plants 97141 £6.00     production.
                                                 Good bolt,
June delivery    12 plug plants 97172 £6.00      tipburn and
July delivery    12 plug plants 97021 £6.00
                                                 tolerance. Will
Spring Hero F1 AGM                               eventually make
                                  Large solid    a loose pointed heart.
                                  round heads     Aug delivery     12 plug plants 97222 £6.00
                                  of medium
                                  green with                                 Calabrese
                                  crisp                                      Marathon F1
                                  creamy                                     Large blue-green
                                  white heart.                               heads which are
                                  Great                                      full of flavour
                                  flavour.                                   and slow to run
                                  Holds well                                 to seed. Good
                                  once                                       disease
                                  mature.                                    resistance.
Aug delivery     12 plug plants 97223 £6.00      May delivery    12 plug plants 97023 £6.00

Stonehead F1                                     June delivery   12 plug plants 97024 £6.00
AGM                                              July delivery   12 plug plants 97201 £6.00
The ballheads
                                                 Monclano F1
are so solid you
                                                 The answer to
could stand on
them. Lovely
crisp texture to
                                                 prayers. A club
the creamy
white hearts.
Can be planted
                                                 variety which
at 30cm spacings
                                                 stands well
for smaller heads. Stands well.
                                                 and has firm
 May delivery      12 plug plants 97142 £6.00    domed heads of excellent flavour.
June delivery    12 plug plants 97022 £6.00       May delivery   12 plug plants 97144 £6.00
July delivery    12 plug plants 97198 £6.00      June delivery   12 plug plants 97025 £6.00
Aug delivery     12 plug plants 97220 £6.00      July delivery   12 plug plants 97202 £6.00

2019 Early Starter Spring Catalogue - Kings Seeds
vegetable plug plants                              Celery
                                                   Victoria F1
Cauliflower                                        Mid-green colour,
Atalaya F1                                         tall with fleshy
Deep solid curds,                                  petioles. One of
with good leaf                                     the best-
cover protection,                                  flavoured celery
that stand well                                    varieties available
and have a good                                    which is self
flavour.                                           blanching. Quick
May delivery        12 plug plants 97026 £6.00     growing and has
                                                   a good standing
June delivery       12 plug plants 97027 £6.00
                                                   ability. Grows well where traditionally difficult.
July delivery       12 plug plants 97203 £6.00      June delivery      12 plug plants 97029 £6.00
                           Clapton F1              Chard (6-10              EA

                           Good quality white      plants per plug)
                                                                           AT O S
                           curds carried high

                           off the ground so are
                                                   Bring colour to your
                           kept very clean.
                                                   vegetable garden or
                           Club root
                                                   containers. A lovely
                                                   mixture of various
May delivery        12 plug plants 97145 £6.00     coloured stems and
June delivery       12 plug plants 97028 £6.00     leaves that can be
                                                   used as baby leaf for
July delivery       12 plug plants 97204 £6.00     salads or delicious
                                                   cooked when fully
Graffiti F1
                                                   May delivery            12 plugs 97146 £6.00
purple                           NEW TO KINGS
cauliflower                                                                24 plugs 97233 £8.45
curds, perfect                                     June delivery           12 plugs 97137 £6.00
for adding                                                                 24 plugs 97138 £8.45
colour to any
summer or autumn dish.                             July delivery           12 plugs 97205 £6.00
 May delivery  12 plug plants 97260 £6.00                                  24 plugs 97206 £8.45
June delivery       12 plug plants 97261 £6.00                                     Courgette
July delivery       12 plug plants 97262 £6.00                                     Ambassador F1
                                                                                   An early, heavy
         Brassica F1 Collection                                                    cropping variety
6 of each variety Brussels Sprout Maximus F1,                                      with dark green
 Cabbage Duncan F1, Calabrese Marathon F1                                          fruits.
         and Cauliflower Atalaya F1.
May delivery 24 plug plants 97136 £9.65            May delivery       3 x 9cm pots 97041 £6.00
 June delivery   24 plug plants 97174 £9.65        June delivery      3 x 9cm pots 97042 £6.00
 July delivery   24 plug plants 97200 £9.65        July delivery      3 x 9cm pots 97043 £6.00

2019 Early Starter Spring Catalogue - Kings Seeds
Courgette continued
Atena Polka
                                                vegetable plug plants
Brighten your                                   Cucumber continued
dish with this                                  Pepinex F1
bright yellow                                   Smooth, long
fruited variety.                                and bitter free,
Excellent                                       with a good
flavoured                                       disease
courgettes and                                  resistance
very prolific.                                  and tolerant
May delivery       3 x 9cm pots 97044 £6.00     to powdery
                                                mildew. Good
June delivery      3 x 9cm pots 97045 £6.00
                                                early variety.
July delivery      3 x 9cm pots 97046 £6.00     May delivery        3 x 9cm pots 97049 £6.45
Cucumber                                        June delivery       3 x 9cm pots 97050 £6.45
                                                July delivery       3 x 9cm pots 97210 £6.45
cucumbers                                       French Bean,
with a taste                                    Climbing
of water                                        Blue Lake
melon and a                                     Can reach 2.25m in
fresh tinge                                     height. Pencil podded
of lime.                                        stringless type of medium
Rampant trailing vines.          NEW TO KINGS
                                                green with pure white
 May delivery      3 x 9cm pots 97245 £6.20     beans which can be used
June delivery      3 x 9cm pots 97246 £6.20     as haricot beans at the
                                                end of the season.
July delivery      3 x 9cm pots 97247 £6.20
                                                 May delivery      12 plug plants 97147 £6.10
Mini Munch F1                                   June delivery       12 plug plants 97175 £6.10
Small mini sized, ideal for
lunch boxes.An early (all                       July delivery       12 plug plants 97207 £6.10
female) hybrid of                               Cobra AGM
medium vigour with very                         Pods about 7mm
little side branching. Bred                     in diameter, long
for protected cropping.                         and straight can
The 8-10cm fruits are                           be harvested over
mid-green in colour,                            a long period.
smooth, firm and crisp                          Can be used for
with an exceptionally                           indoor or
good taste and flavour.                         outdoor
Sets well even in cooler                        production. The
conditions.                                     best for flavour.
 May delivery       3 x 9cm pots 97047 £6.45    May delivery        12 plug plants 97038 £6.10
June delivery      3 x 9cm pots 97048 £6.45     June delivery       12 plug plants 97039 £6.10
July delivery      3 x 9cm pots 97209 £6.45     July delivery       12 plug plants 97040 £6.10

2019 Early Starter Spring Catalogue - Kings Seeds
vegetable plug plants                            Kale continued
                                                 Nero di Toscana
                                                 An Italian type of
French Bean,
                                                 curly kale
Dwarf                                            sometimes known
Safari AGM

                                                 as Black Russian
                                                                                    AT O S
Late maturing, strong
                                                 or Cavolo Nero.

and vigorous with very                           Tight, long and
fine pods carried high                           heavily blistered
on the bush. Pods are                            leaves of dark
round, stringless, straight                      green.
and dark green, about                            May delivery         12 plugs 97150 £6.00
12cm in length.
Sometimes known as                               June delivery        12 plugs 97056 £6.00
Kenyan beans. High                               July delivery        12 plugs 97057 £6.00
level of disease resistance.
                                                 Aug delivery         12 plugs 97225 £6.00
 May delivery       12 plug plants 97051 £6.10
                                                 Leek (2-3 plants per plug)
June delivery     12 plug plants 97052 £6.10
                                                 Below Zero
July delivery     12 plug plants 97053 £6.10     F1
                                                 A best seller
Herbs see page 18
                                                 with pure
Kale (Borecole) (3 plants per plug)              white stems
Dwarf Green                                      with dark
Curled                                           leaves that
Very frizzy curled                               stand well
deep green leaves                                over a long
held on plants 50-                               period
60cm tall which                                  without bolting. Rust resistant with
need no staking. The                             extreme cold resistance.
older larger leaves                               May delivery          12 plugs 97060 £6.00
can be more bitter                                                      24 plugs 97061 £8.45
so best to use only young leaves.
                                                 June delivery        12 plugs 97062 £6.00
 May delivery          12 plugs 97149 £6.00
                                                                      24 plugs 97063 £8.45
June delivery          12 plugs 97054 £6.00
July delivery          12 plugs 97055 £6.00
                                                                           Strong growing
Aug delivery           12 plugs 97224 £6.00                                habit with thick
                                                                           stems.Very winter
                Kale Collection                                            hardy, ready from
     6 of each variety Dwarf Green Curled
              and Nero di Toscana
May delivery           12 plugs 97151 £6.00
                                                 May delivery         12 plugs 97064 £6.00
June delivery          12 plugs 97058 £6.00
                                                                      24 plugs 97065 £8.45
July delivery          12 plugs 97059 £6.00
                                                 June delivery        12 plugs 97176 £6.00
Aug delivery           12 plugs 97226 £6.00                           24 plugs 97177 £8.45

Lettuce                 vegetable plug plants
                         Little Gem AGM
                         Small compact
                         heads of bright        Marrow
                         green. Slightly        Long Green
                         more open than         Bush                                 NEW TO KINGS
                         other varieties but    Large dark
                         outstanding for its    green fruits
                         flavour. May also be   with a paler
                         used as mini veg.      green stripe.
May delivery    12 plug plants 97066 £5.85      Bush habit for
June delivery   12 plug plants 97067 £5.85      more limited
July delivery   12 plug plants 97068 £5.85       May delivery      3 x 9cm pots 97248 £6.20
Aug delivery    12 plug plants 97227 £5.85       June delivery     3 x 9cm pots 97249 £6.20
Mixed                                            July delivery     3 x 9cm pots 97250 £6.20
A good                                          Melon
mixture of                                                                       Ogan
leaf types to                                                                    An old
give you a                                                                       favourite.
spread of                                                                        Small 15cm
varieties,                                                                       (6”)
colours and                                                                      diameter
textures in                                                                      fruits with a
one row.                                                                         pale green
May delivery    12 plug plants 97069 £5.85                                       flesh. Sweet
                                                NEW TO KINGS
June delivery   12 plug plants 97070 £5.85                                       flavour.
                                                 May delivery      3 x 9cm pots 97251 £6.00
July delivery   12 plug plants 97071 £5.85
                                                 June delivery     3 x 9cm pots 97252 £6.00
Aug delivery    12 plug plants 97228 £5.85
                                                 July delivery     3 x 9cm pots 97253 £6.00
Density                                         Pea
AGM                                             Delikett AGM
Semi-cos                                        This improved
type with                                       snap variety
dark                                            produces a
green                                           high yield of 8-
heads                                           9cm (312⁄ -4”)
with crisp                                      pods with
leaves.                                         excellent
Ready in                                        flavour, all on
spring                                          a compact
from an                                         plant.
autumn                                           May delivery      12 plug plants 97152 £6.10
sowing.                                          June delivery     12 plug plants 97179 £6.10
Aug delivery        12 plugs 97231 £6.00
                                                                                More Peas ➔
Pepper, Chilli continued
vegetable plug plants                           Habanero
                                                Orange AGM
                                                                                    NEW TO KINGS
Pea continued                                   Fiery hot and
Onward AGM                                      very pungent.
The most                                        Used a lot in
popular of                                      West Indian
garden peas.                                    cooking. Dark
Plump blunt                                     green to pale
ended pods                                      orange when
produced in                                     ripe.
pairs with                                       May delivery     3 x 9cm pots 97272 £6.00
large peas                                       June delivery    3 x 9cm pots 97273 £6.00
of superb
flavour.                                         July delivery    3 x 9cm pots 97274 £6.00

                                                       Pepper, Chilli Collection
May delivery       12 plug plants 97153 £6.10   1 of each variety Apache F1, Early Jalapeno and
June delivery      12 plug plants 97178 £6.10                  Habanero Orange
                                                May delivery      3 x 9cm pots 97159 £6.00
Pepper, Chilli
Apache F1 AGM                                   June delivery     3 x 9cm pots 97184 £6.00
A dwarf bush
variety producing                               Pepper, Sweet
masses of small                                 Ariane F1
chilli-type fruit.                              Mid-green
Young green fruits                              young fruits
are milder in                                   which mature
flavour, the heat                               to a

increases as                                    wonderful
peppers mature. A T I O S                       rich orange

 May delivery      3 x 9cm pots 97030 £6.00     colour. Lovely
June delivery      3 x 9cm pots 97031 £6.00     flavoured
Early                                           crisp flesh.
Jalapeno                                        May delivery         3 x 9cm pots 97128 £6.00
Upright                                         June delivery        3 x 9cm pots 97129 £6.00
habit, very
prolific                                        Mavras F1
grower with                                     Yet another colour
very                                            choice. Fruits
                                                finish a deep red
fruits. Fruits EA
                                                but can be picked

start dark                                      earlier when deep
               AT O S
green                                           purple. Very

changing to red as they mature.                 vigorous and early
                                                to fruit.
 May delivery       3 x 9cm pots 97032 £6.00
                                                May delivery         3 x 9cm pots 97130 £6.00
June delivery      3 x 9cm pots 97033 £6.00
                                                June delivery        3 x 9cm pots 97131 £6.00

Pepper, Sweet continued                EA
                                                   vegetable plug plants

                                       AT O S

Very dwarf                                         Runner Bean continued
plants ideal                                       Hestia
for pots                                           Dwarf
on a patio.                                        Produces                           NEW TO KINGS
Many                                               beautiful red
medium                                             and white
size fruits                                        flowers
slightly                                           followed by
pointed of                                         20cm slim
bright                                             stingless
green                                              runner

turning to

                                                   beans on
                                                                AT O S

May delivery      3 x 9cm pots 97132 £6.00         plants.
June delivery     3 x 9cm pots 97133 £6.00          May delivery     12 plug plants 97263 £6.00
                                                   June delivery    12 plug plants 97264 £6.00
       Pepper, Sweet Collection
     1 of each variety Ariane F1, Mavras F1        July delivery    12 plug plants 97265 £6.00
                and Redskin F1                     Moonlight AGM
 May delivery     3 x 9cm pots 97134 £6.00         White
 June delivery    3 x 9cm pots 97135 £6.00         flowering,
Runner Bean
Enorma                                             flavoured
AGM                                                pods,
Very heavy                                         smooth and
cropper, the                                       fleshy,
commercial                                         approx.
favourite.                                         23cm (9”)
Long slender                                       long. High
pods with                                          yielding.
superb                                             May delivery     12 plug plants 97154 £6.10
flavour. Good
exhibition                                         June delivery    12 plug plants 97180 £6.10
choice.                                            July delivery    12 plug plants 97208 £6.10
specially                                                  Runner Bean Collection
selected                                              6 of each variety Enorma and White Lady
strain for                                          May delivery    12 plug plants 97079 £6.10
quality beans.
                                                    June delivery   12 plug plants 97080 £6.10
May delivery     12 plug plants 97073 £6.10
                                                    July delivery   12 plug plants 97081 £6.10
June delivery    12 plug plants 97074 £6.10
July delivery    12 plug plants 97075 £6.10                              More Runner Beans ➔

vegetable plug plants                            Spring Onion
                                                 (6-10 plants per
Runner Bean continued                            plug)
White Lady                                       White Lisbon AGM
A premier variety                                The traditional
in every way. The                                “spring” onion. Long
long, mid-green                                  white stems with
pods with white                                  bright green tops
seeds hang in                                    which are slow to form a bulb.
numerous clusters,                               May delivery             12 plugs 97090 £6.00
and are both                                                              24 plugs 97091 £8.45
smooth and
stringless. The                                  June delivery            12 plugs 97092 £6.00
result is a delicious                                                     24 plugs 97093 £8.45
vegetable, which
                                                 July delivery            12 plugs 97094 £6.00
can be sliced or
eaten whole. The                                                          24 plugs 97095 £8.45
pure white                                                                      White Lisbon
flowers are less                                                                Winter Hardy
prone to being
picked by birds, so
                                                                                Developed for
the resulting crop is much greater.
                                                                                autumn sowing for
 May delivery       12 plug plants 97076 £6.10                                  an early spring
June delivery    12 plug plants 97077 £6.10                                     harvest.
July delivery    12 plug plants 97078 £6.10
                                                 Aug delivery             12 plugs 97229 £6.00
Spinach (6-10 plants per plug)
                                                                          24 plugs 97230 £8.45
                                                                                     NEW TO KINGS

                                                 with 1-


                                                 1.5kg (2-
                                  H OIC          4lb) fruits,


Perpetual AGM                                    produced
Plants produce a mass of mid-green leaves on     on vigorous trailing plants. Sweet firm flesh and
thin green stems which will continue to be       a small seed cavity so there is little waste. Stores
produced right through the winter.               well for several months.
 May delivery          12 plugs 97155 £6.00       May delivery       3 x 9cm pots 97242 £6.00
June delivery         12 plugs 97082 £6.00       June delivery       3 x 9cm pots 97243 £6.00
July delivery         12 plugs 97083 £6.00       July delivery       3 x 9cm pots 97244 £6.00

Swede                                               vegetable plug plants
Tweed F1
                                                                               Sweet Potato Collection
                                NEW TO KINGS                                Individual pots of 3 different varieties.

                                                                            size of

Vigorous growing with good club root                                        plants
resistance. Attractive and well formed. Purple                                                10cm pot
shoulders and creamy flesh.
 May delivery    12 plug plants 97269 £6.00
 June delivery     12 plug plants 97270 £6.00
 July delivery     12 plug plants 97271 £6.00                                        The world’s
Sweet Corn                                                                           most popular
                                                      Courtesy J. Wozniak

                                                                                     sweet potato.
Earlibird F1 AGM
                                                                                     High yielding
A breakthrough
in early high                                                                        uniform reddish-
quality super                                                                        purple potatoes
sweet sweet                                            with deep orange flesh. Stores well. Grow in
corns.                                                 sun to maximise flavour and sweetness.
Recorded as                                            Bonita
the earliest                                           Light
cropping                                               coloured
sweet corn in                                          skin with

                                                                                                                        Courtesy J. Wozniak
Europe. Sweet                                          pink cast
and tasty, many                                        and white
rows of kernels                                        coloured
per cob, full to                                       flesh that
the tip.                                               may have some yellow tint. Versatile in the
May delivery        6 plug plants 97156 £5.85                                                        Muraski
                   12 plug plants 97157 £7.85                                                        Attractive purple
                                                                                                     skin and sweet
June delivery       6 plug plants 97181 £5.85                                                        nutty flavour. Dry
                   12 plug plants 97182 £7.85                                                        white flesh rich in
                                                  Courtesy J. Wozniak

                                                                                                     fibre and vitamin
Sweet Potato
                                                                                                     C. Perfect for
Sweet potato cultivation is believed to have
                                                                                                     baking, boiling or
originated in Central and South America,
remains having been found dating back to
8000BC in Peru. They are very versatile and may    May delivery 3 x 10cm pots 97234 £10.25
be cooked in many ways.
Sungold F1
vegetable plug plants                                AGM
                                                     Extra sweet
                                                     cherry type
                                                     with many
                                                     heavily laden
     Typical                                         trusses of rich
                                                     orange, highly
     size of                                         tasty fruit, from

                                                     early summer to
     tomato                                          late autumn.
       plug                                          Grow inside or
      plants                                         out and it is
                                                     resistant to
                                                     fusarium and TMV.
                         9cm pot                      May delivery     3 x 9cm pots 97116 £6.00
                                                      June delivery     3 x 9cm pots 97117 £6.00
Tomato, Indoor
Beefmaster                                           Supersweet 100 F1
Extra large
up to 500g
(1lb) each
ideal for
slicing or
May delivery           3 x 9cm pots 97112 £6.00
June delivery          3 x 9cm pots 97113 £6.00      This extremely tasty tomato is grown in the
                                                     conventional way and produces trusses of fruit
                                    Shirley F1
                                                     slightly larger than a cherry tomato of really


                                    AGM              exceptionally good flavour; they hang like
                           H OIC    A very

                                                     bunches of grapes. Can be grown in pots or the

                                    popular          open ground in summer too. Suitable for both
                                    variety. Early   indoor and outdoor cultivation. Best grown as a
                                    into             cordon (vine).
                                                      May delivery        3 x 9cm pots 97163 £6.00
                                    with large
                                    trusses of       June delivery     3 x 9cm pots 97188 £6.00
                                    medium size
                                    fruits on               Tomato Indoor Collection
                                    strong              1 of each variety Beefmaster F1, Shirley F1
                                    plants.                           and Sungold F1
                                                      May delivery     3 x 9cm pots 97118 £6.00
May delivery           3 x 9cm pots 97114 £6.00
                                                      June delivery    3 x 9cm pots 97119 £6.00
June delivery          3 x 9cm pots 97115 £6.00

Alicante AGM
Best described as                                 vegetable plug plants
an improved

Moneymaker                                        Tomato, Outdoor continued
type. Heavy crops


of uniform,
                                                                                          H OIC
smooth, medium


size fruits of                                    AGM
good flavour                                      One of the
which mature                                      most
quite early.                                      popular
May delivery        3 x 9cm pots 97161 £6.00
June delivery       3 x 9cm pots 97186 £6.00      trusses with
                                                  large crops
Moneymaker                                        of small
Probably                                          fruits but
the most                                          with outstanding flavour.
                                                   May delivery      3 x 9cm pots 97120 £6.00
Heavy crops                                       June delivery     3 x 9cm pots 97121 £6.00
of medium
                                                  Red Alert
size fruit of
flavour but
May delivery        3 x 9cm pots 97162 £6.00
June delivery       3 x 9cm pots 97187 £6.00

Tomato, Outdoor


Magic F1                                                                              GAR
                                          H OIC
                                                                                           H OIC



campari tomato                                                                                  E
withstands the                                    One of the best for flavour. High quality fruits
big three                                         on spreading plants, very early. Highly
threats early                                     recommended.
blight, late                                       May delivery      3 x 9cm pots 97124 £6.00
blight and
fruit                                             June delivery     3 x 9cm pots 97125 £6.00
                                                        Tomato Outdoor Collection
Count on a                                              1 of each variety Gardener’s Delight,
crop of sweet, great tasting, 56-85g (2-3oz)              Mountain Magic F1 and Red Alert
globe shape fruits with a sweet flavour. Best
disease resistant variety available.               May delivery      3 x 9cm pots 97126 £6.00
 May delivery      3 x 9cm pots 97122 £6.00        June delivery     3 x 9cm pots 97127 £6.00
June delivery       3 x 9cm pots 97123 £6.00
                                                                             More Tomatoes ➔

vegetable plug plants


                                                                                           AT O S
                                                     Tom Red

Tomato, Basket
                                                     perfect for
Tumbler F1

                                       AT O S
An extra early

bush variety,                                        and patio
for hanging                                          containers,
baskets, tubs                                        with an
and open                                             abundance
ground.                                              of cherry-
Cascading                                            sized fruits. Grow indoor or out.
habit with
                                                      May delivery       3 x 9cm pots 97106 £6.00
bright red
cherry fruits.                                        June delivery    3 x 9cm pots 97107 £6.00
Excellent flavour.                                   Tumbling

May delivery         3 x 9cm pots 97164 £6.00        Tom Yellow
                                                                                             AT O S
                                                     Compact, perfect for

June delivery        3 x 9cm pots 97189 £6.00
                                                     hanging baskets and
        Tomato Basket Collection                     patio containers,
3 of each variety Tumbling Tom Red and Yellow        with an abundance
May delivery         6 x 9cm pots 97110 £8.55        of cherry-sized fruits.
                                                     Grow indoor or out.
June delivery        6 x 9cm pots 97111 £8.55
                                                      May delivery       3 x 9cm pots 97108 £6.00
                                                     June delivery     3 x 9cm pots 97109 £6.00

herb plug plants                                Herbs Culinary Favourites Collection
                                                Individual pots of 6 different culinary herbs
                                                ideal for adding flavour to a variety of dishes.
                                                Perfect for planting in the garden or
                                                containers.1 pot of each of Basil, Sage, Thyme,
                                                Mint, Sweet Marjoram and Garlic Chives.
                                                 May delivery 6 x 8.5cm pots 97166 £9.95
                                                June delivery 6 x 8.5cm pots 97191 £9.95

     Herbs Garden Collection
     Individual pots of 6 different garden herbs,
     ideal for adding fragrance to the herb garden
     and a variety of flavours to dishes. 1 pot of
     each of Thyme, Mint, Sage, Chives, Oregano
     Greek and Rosemary.
      May delivery 6 x 8.5cm pots 97165 £9.95
     June delivery    6 x 8.5cm pots 97190 £9.95

sweet pea plug plants
                        Sweet Peas (Approx 20 plants per strip)
                        Spencer Waved Premium Mix
                                                              A specially
                                                              mix from
                                                              over 40

                        March delivery           2 strips 97235 £10.25
                        Mix AGM
                        A mix of
                        the best
                        varieties in


                                       AT O S

                        March delivery           2 strips 97236 £10.25
                                                     OD C   Old Spice





                                                            A stunning
                                                            mixture of
                                                            plants have
  Typical size of our                                       blooms but
sweet pea plug plants                                       are very
  showing one strip                                         highly
                        March delivery           2 strips 97237 £10.25

Early Starter Vegetable Collection
seed collections
           Exhibitors’ Collection

                                                 Just taken on a new plot? Here is
                                                 our easy to grow selection of
 The perfect choice of exhibition                varieties to get you started.
 vegetables, regular winners on the              Beetroot Boltardy
 showbench plus full of flavour for              Broad Bean Masterpiece
 the kitchen.                                    Carrot Early Nantes
 Cabbage Brigadier F1                            French Bean Dwarf Safari
 Carrot Sweet Candle F1                          Lettuce Little Gem
 Cauliflower Atalaya F1                          Pea Early Onward
 Cucumber Carmen F1                              Radish French Breakfast
 French Bean Dwarf The Prince                    Runner Bean Enorma
 Lettuce Analena                                 Spring Onion White Lisbon
 Onion Globo                                     Tomato Red Alert
 Parsnip Gladiator                               Price if purchased separately £14.70
 Runner Bean Benchmaster                                      Special Price 92024 £8.85
 Tomato Stonor’s Exhibition
 Price if purchased separately £21.85               All these Seed Collections
              Special Price 92020 £13.10
                                                        show great savings
          Allotment Collection
     The ultimate allotment collection
     offering a wide range of vegetables
     suitable for both the beginner or
     experienced plot holder.
     Beetroot Boltardy          Cucumber Burpless Tasty       Pea Avola
     Broad Bean Masterpiece       Green F1                    Pea Hurst Greenshaft
     Broccoli Purple Sprouting  French Bean Climbing Cobra    Radish French Breakfast
     Brussels Sprout Brodie F1  French Bean Dwarf Safari      Runner Bean Enorma
     Cabbage Caraflex F1        Leaf Beet Rainbow Chard       Savoy Cabbage Wintessa F1
     Cabbage Stonehead F1       Leek Musselburgh              Spinach Perpetual
     Calabrese Marathon F1      Lettuce Little Gem            Spring Onion White Lisbon
     Carrot Autumn King         Lettuce Lollo Rossa           Squash Butternut Hunter F1
     Carrot Early Nantes        Onion Bedfordshire            Sweetcorn Lark F1
     Cauliflower Fargo F1         Champion                    Tomato Mountain Magic F1
     Courgette Defender F1      Parsnip Tender & True
 Price if purchased separately £51.50                        Special Price 92022 £35.50

Salad Collection
Fresh tasty salads throughout the
                                                          seed collections
year, full of flavour and colour. Shop
bought salad cannot be compared.             Club Root Resistant Brassica Collection
Beetroot Boltardy                             The answer to many
Carrot Early Nantes                           gardeners’ prayers.
Cucumber La Diva                              Specially bred
Lettuce Little Gem                            varieties that show
Radish Mixed                                  resistance to Club
Salad Leaves                                  Root disease.
 Mixed Spicy Leaf
                                              Brussels Sprout Crispus F1
Spring Onion
                                              Cabbage Kalibro F1
 White Lisbon
                                              Cabbage Kilaton F1
Tomato Alicante
                                              Cabbage Red Lodero F1
Tomato Sweet Aperitif
                                              Calabrese Monclano F1
Turnip Sweetbell F1
                                              Cauliflower Clapton F1
Price if purchased separately £14.20          Price if purchased separately £17.35
               Special Price 92021 £8.55                       Special Price 92023 £10.80

       Easy Flower Garden Collection
All varieties can be sown directly into a border
 from April to early June for an easy summer
 display full of colour all for under £11.00.
Calendula Oopsy Daisy    Nasturtium
Cornflower Classic Magic   Whirlybird Mixed
Eschscholtzia            Nigella Persian Jewels
 Mission Bells           Mixed Papaver
Godetia Rembrandt          Mother of Pearl
Larkspur Giant Imperial  Sunflower
Limnanthes douglassi       Harlequin Mixed
Linum Charmer Mixed      Viscaria Angel Mixed
Price if purchased separately £17.90                          Special Price 92025 £10.75

                                                                                                                                        Approx. 4
                                                                                                                                                        x 20 seeds

           Sweet Pea Fragrant Collection                            Sweet
                                                                   Kings FragPea
                                                                               rant Collect                                             Hardy annu
                                                                   Four indivi
                                                                                 dually wr  io
                                                                                          apped va       n                                        al
                                                                                                   rieties                                Height
Smaller garden? Love sweet peas? This sweet pea                       Leamingto
                                                                                                                                       2.25m (7’
                                                                                               Kings High                            Sow
collection could be the one for you. Seed count 20 x 4.                                                                       September
                                                                                                                                         to April

                                                                                                                                Late June
Four individual packets chosen for their strong perfume                                                                         September

Anniversary                                                        Anniversa

Kings High Scent                                                                                                                       per
                                                                                                                                             fu m
                                                                                                                         s tr o
Leamington                                                                                             ir a m
                                                                                                              az   ing
                                                                                        f   or t h e
                                                                       A ll c h o s e n
Price if purchased separately £7.60                               Top Swee
                                   Packet Price 92007 £3.95                t  for your ga Peas
bulbs,tubers & bare roots
     Lilium Border/Asiatic Lilies
     Plant March/June. Flower July/August. Height 80cm
     (32”). Usually brightly coloured with their flowers
     facing upward or outward.

 Apricot Fudge
 The flowers of this unusual lily look quite rose-like. A
 warm blend of apricot and fudge, makes for a very
 attractive plant in borders.
 1 bulb                                  93192 £2.50
 3 bulbs                                 93193 £6.00

      Please order all bulbs, tubers & bare roots before
           28 February 2019 Delivery March 2019

     Lilium Patio/Asiatic Lilies
                                                                                      NEW TO KINGS
     These Asiatic type Liliums are ideal for pots.
     Plant and flower times are the same as other                                 Blushing Joy
     lilies but the flowers are smaller. Height 45cm                              Vibrant blooms
     (18”). Usually brightly coloured with their                                  to add colour to
     flowers facing upward or outward.                                            any border. Ideal
                                                                                  for the patio in a
                                                                                  large pot.
                                                                                  3 bulbs
                                                                                     93160 £2.40
                                                                                  6 bulbs
                                                                                     93161 £4.20


                                                               AT O S

                                                                                          AT O S


                                                       Fancy Joy
                                                       Bright yellow
                                                       petals that
                                                       appear to ignite
                                                       when the sun is
 EA                                                    shining on them!

                                                       3 bulbs
                                                         93164 £2.40

                                                       6 bulbs
 Elegant Joy                                             93165 £4.20
 A beautiful pink with a lemon yellow star in
 centre and speckling.                                     See Grazers G4 Formula for a solution
 3 bulbs                         93162 £2.40                against damage from Lily Beetle on
 6 bulbs                         93163 £4.20                             page 28.

Start planting these fabulous bulbs
as soon as they arrive in March                     bulbs,tubers & bare roots
                                                    Lilium Oriental
                                                    Oriental lilies produce large, exotic flowers
                                                    with an intense fragrance. Plant
                                                    March/June. Flower July/August. Plant 50cm
                                                    (20”) apart and 15cm (6”) deep.

                                             OD C


   Magic Star Double                          R
   Raspberry double blooms of ruffled petals.
   Smells as good as it looks. Height 90cm (36”).
   3 bulbs                         93114 £2.95

                                                                                           OD C
   6 bulbs                         93166 £5.05




                                                    Polar Star Double
                                                    Beautiful perfectly formed white petals
                                                    which are highly and sweetly scented.
                                                    Height 90cm (36”).
                                                    3 bulbs                    93115 £2.95
                                                    6 bulbs                    93167 £5.05

   Salmon Star Single              NEW TO KINGS
   A true, rich salmon colour with dark red
   spots and an elegant shape, plus the
   heavenly fragrance. Slightly shorter than the
   double forms. Height 70cm (28”).
   5 bulb                         93194 £3.95
   10 bulbs                       93195 £7.10
   Sweet Rosy Double
                                                                                            OD C
   Dark pink petals with a white centre. Intense
   fragrance. Height 90cm (36”).


   3 bulbs                     93116 £2.95


   6 bulbs                     93168 £5.05

bulbs,tubers & bare roots
                      DC                  O


Ideal for borders and bedding plants, O W E


also make a good cut flower. Plant March/June.
Flowers July/September. Plant 60cm (24”)
apart, 15cm (6”) deep.

Catching Fire
Bright white
petals are
streaked with a                                    Bishop of Landaff
scarlet red hue.                                   Bright vermilion-red flowers appear abo
Erupts from the                                    Height 90cm (36”).
inside out!                                        1 tuber                        93173 £2.10
Height 90cm                                        3 tubers                       93174 £5.20
1 tuber
93127 £2.10
3 tubers
93128 £5.20

                                                   Mystery Day                   NEW TO KINGS
                                                   Crimson-purple flowers with white tipped
                                                   petals. Height 110cm (44”).
                                                   1 tuber                      93196 £2.10
                                                   3 tubers                     93197 £5.20
                                                   Moms Special
                                                   Dainty pale
                                                   streaked petals
Temple of Beauty                                   in a soft lilac.
Gorgeous snow white petals, raspberry edges        Almost looks
with a golden under tone. Height 90cm (36”).       as if it is sugar
1 tuber                         93171 £2.10        coated. Height
3 tubers                        93172 £5.20        90cm (36”).
                                                   1 tuber
   Please order all bulbs, tubers & bare roots     93131 £2.10
 before 28 February 2019 Delivery March 2019       3 tubers
                                                   93132 £5.20

bulbs,tubers & bare roots
                                                                          Large fuschia-
                                                                          coloured flowers
                                                                          tipped with
                                                                          white. Height
                                                                          70cm (28”).
                                                                          1 tuber
                                                                             93216 £2.10
                                                                          3 tubers
                                                                             93217 £5.20
Dahlias continued
Jamaica                                                    NEW TO KINGS
White petals with broad blood red edges.
Height 90cm (36”).                         Maldini                              NEW TO KINGS
1 tuber                     93169 £2.10    Magenta-red
3 tubers                    93170 £5.20    petals with
                                           small white tips.
                          Pompon Pink      Height 70cm
                                           1 tuber
                          Soft pink
                                           93198 £2.10
                          petals with a
                                           3 tubers
                          beautiful dark
                                           93199 £5.20
                          pink eye.
                          Height 90cm
                          1 tuber
                          93135 £2.10
                          3 tubers
                          93136 £5.20

Cactus Pastel
colours for a
striking garden
display Height
90cm (36”).
3 tubers
93133 £3.00                                Table Dancer
3 packs                                    Vivid purple with pinky–white tips. Height
93134 £7.50                                90cm (36”).
                                           1 tuber                   93137 £2.10
                                           3 tubers                  93138 £5.20
bulbs,tubers & bare roots

                                                    Iris Germanica Senlac
                                                    Rich cerise pink blooms, perfect for attracting
                                                    bees to the garden. Plant March/April. Flowers
                                                    April/May. Height 60cm (24” ).
                                                    1 bare root                    93179 £1.95
                                                    3 bare roots                   93180 £5.15
                                                    Iris Germanica
Paeonia Sorbet
Soft pink and ivory delicate petals on an upright                                     Blue Bird
bush of dark green leaves. Plant March/April.                                         Wine
Flowers May/June. Height 90cm (36”).                                                  Silky purple
1 bare root                        93183 £3.00                                        pink/ pale
3 bare roots                       93184 £5.50                                        blue flowers
                                                                                      with upright
                                                                                      dark green
                                                                                      foliage. Plant
                                                                                      April/ May.
                                                                                      Height 60cm
                                                                                      (24” ).

                                                    1 bare root                   93177 £1.95
                                                    3 bare roots                  93178 £5.15
                                                    Agapanthus Mixed
                                                    Trumpets open from clusters of tight buds.
                                                    Plant March/April. Flowers May/August. Height
                                                    90cm (36”).      2 bare roots 93181 £2.95
                                                                     4 bare roots 93182 £5.50

                                                      Please order all bulbs, tubers & bare roots
                                                    before 28 February 2019 Delivery March 2019

bulbs,tubers & bare roots
                     Frizzle Mixed
                     An explosion of colour in soft pastel shades. Plant
                     March/June. Flowers July/September. Plant 10cm (4”) apart
                     and 10cm (4”) deep. Height 120 cm (48”)
                     10 bulbs                                    93218 £2.45
                     20 bulbs                                    93219 £4.00

                 NEW TO KINGS      NEW TO KINGS

            Begonia Double
            Red/Bouton De Rose
            Striking pale pink, double
            flowers, with darker edges.
            Plant March/June. Flowers
            3 bulbs      93220 £3.95
            6 bulbs      93221 £7.10
            Montbretia Lucifer
             Arching sprays of bold, tomato-red, funnel-shaped flowers. Ideal cut
             flowers. Plant March/June. Flowers July/September. Plant 8cm (3”)
             apart and 5cm (2”) deep. Height 75cm (30”)
             5 bulbs                                              93222 £2.75
NEW TO KINGS 10 bulbs                                             93223 £5.50

                     Bulb Planters
                     When planting bulbs
                     in the open ground
                     simply push the
                     planter into the
                     ground, twist 3 or 4
                     times. Remove and
                     place bulb in the
                     hole, press red plunger to eject soil
                     back into the hole. Bulb planting made
                     easy! Heavy duty black powder coated
                     for longer life. Can also be used as a
                     potato planter.
                     Hand bulb planter          46094 £15.00
                     Long handled planter 46095 £24.55

garden extras                                                         flowers
                                                            Grazers G3 Formula
                                                        Effective against damage from
                                                   Cabbage White butterflies, caterpillars
                                                         and aphids. Safe to use on edible
                                                        plants. Strengthens and stimulates
                                                    growth. Harmless to people, pets and
                                                      the planet. Easy ready to use spray
                                                   treats an area of plants up to 30m2.
                                                            750ml      45224 £6.95


     Professional                                                                            NEW TO KINGS
                                                                      NEW TO KINGS
     Vegetable Tray Set
     The set contains 18 x 9cm square
     pots, a tray plus a water tray which
     holds ½ gallon of water plus a
     capillary mat. Ideal for peppers,
     courgettes, cucumbers, chillies and
     tomatoes. Made from recycled plastic.
     1 tray                  45144 £12.50         Wooden Plant Labels
                                                  Ideal for greenhouse or garden, when you want to
                                                  keep a record of your seeds or plants.
                                                  10 per pack                         45966 £2.65

                    NEW TO KINGS

                                   NEW TO KINGS

Grazers G4 Formula                     Trio Top Electric Windowsill Propagator
Solution against damage from           The propagator units are ideal for growing seeds in volume
Lily Beetle. Easy to use spray         and particularly suited to larger cuttings. The heated base
which coats the leaf and while         contains a 13 watt carbon fibre element for even heat
being effective against damage         distribution. This unit is not thermostatically controlled and is
also benefits the plant due to         designed to increase the ambient compost temperature by
its unique formula. Harmless to        around 8°C. Size overall 76cm (30”) long x 18.5cm (7.25”)
people, pets and the planet.           wide.
750ml             45223 £6.95          The propagator is supplied with 3 high dome propagators -
                                       each 23cm (9”) long, 17cm (6.5”) wide and 20.5cm (8”) high.
28                                                                                      45141 £42.00
Two new Starter Kits to help you on
   your way in 2019                                          garden extras

                               NEW TO KINGS

Allotment Starter Kit SPECIAL PRICE SAVE OVER £10.00
■ Anti-aphid Netting. 2m x 5m.   ■ Labels 10cm. Pack of 50.
■ Waterproof Marker. Pack of 2.  ■ Green twist 3 ply. 250g.
■ Flexi Balls. Pack of 10.       ■ Ground pegs length 140mm. Pack of 20.
                                                                        46274 £37.90

                                                              Seed Sowing
                                              NEW TO KINGS
                                                              Starter Kit
                                                              SPECIAL PRICE
                                                              SAVE OVER £4.75
                                                              ■ Vermiculite. 5 litre.
                                                              ■ Bottle top waterers.
                                                                Pack of 4.
                                                              ■ Dibber, weeder and
                                                              ■ Plant labels 10cm. Pack
                                                                of 50.
                                                              ■ Waterproof marker.
                                                                Pack of 2.
                                                              ■ 3 mini high dome
                                                                       46273 £15.00

garden extras
Fab 4 Electric Propagator
An entry level non-thermostat controlled
heated propagator. Features 4 individual
mini vented propagators to maximise the
varieties that can be grown. 38.5cm x 24cm
x 17.5cm. 10 watt.          45207 £27.50

Jumbo Professional Variable Temperature Control Electric Propagator
Top of the range electric propagator
supplied with two XL High Dome
Propagators on a heated base
providing a tightly controlled
growing environment using state
of the art technology and
equipment. The heated base
contains a 100 watt carbon fibre
element ensuring even heat
distribution with a digital display,
variable temperature controller. Please                               NEW TO KINGS
note that we do not recommend operation of the unit where the ambient temperature falls below
5°C. 120cm (47.25”) long, 41cm (16”) wide, 25cm (9.75”) high.                46116 £140.00

                                                                   Plant Labels
                                                                   Useful in every garden for
                                                                   identification. Highly
                                                                   weather resistant, with a
                                                                   hole in each label for easy
                                                                   attachment to trees, shrubs
                                                                   and plants. Size 10cm.
                                                                   Pencil included.


                                                                   Pack of 50 45950 £1.95
                                      H OIC


                                                                   Pack of 100 45951 £2.85
Tool Sharpener                                          Super Seeder Sowing
Handy tool that is                                      Machine
ideal for sharpening                                    Just fill up the hopper and walk along
secateurs, garden                                       your prepared vegetable patch, while
snips, garden scissors                                  the Super Seeder distributes the seeds
and knives. Tried and                                   accurately. Adjustable furrow depth to
tested by Andrew, our                                   suit all seed types with 6 inter-
Horticultural Directer,                                 changeable discs and a choice of 3
who said it worked                                      different sowing distances.Very simple
really well. ABS plastic                                to use and easy to change discs. No
sheath to protect                                       tools are needed to set up or dismantle
fingers.                                                unit. Suitable for all vegetables.
         46108 £7.55                                                             46107 £30.25

flowers                                                                                  flowers
                The people that know about seeds                                            THE EARLY BIRD…

2019 early starter spring catalogue
                                Unit       Total                                          Unit        Total
 Quantity      Product                              Quantity           Product
                               Price       Cost                                          Price        Cost
 Required       Code                                Required            Code
                               £ p        £ p                                            £ p         £ p

Example                                             Example
    1         97OO 1           8.45       8.45         2               93116            2.95         5.9O

                                                             BE RS  &
                                                             E R O OTS,
                   P&P Please add £5.65   £5.65
                   PLUG PLANTS TOTAL

                                                            & P £ 3.50

             UND R IES
                                                   Please add your total P&P to your bulbs, tubers
                                                                               & bare roots order
                                                              BULBS, TUBERS & BARE ROOTS TOTAL

                                                                            PLUG PLANTS TOTAL

                                                                   SEEDS AND SUNDRIES TOTAL
                   P&P Please add £1.50   £1.50                      TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED
             SEEDS AND SUNDRIES TOTAL                Please complete any card details overleaf
Return address:
 Kings Seeds, Monks Farm, Coggeshall Road, Kelvedon, Essex CO5 9PG
 Your name, address and postcode here

                                                                                                                                                      OFFICE USE ONLY
 AND AMEND IF NECESSARY                                                      Customer No.                               Order No.

                         Order from our web site www.kingsseeds.com
                        Order by post                  Order by fax
      E.W. King & Co Ltd, Monks Farm,                                                                         01376 571189
  Coggeshall Road, Kelvedon, Essex CO5 9PG                                                Just fax your order form quoting your
       Please make cheques payable                                                        Visa, Mastercard or Maestro number
            to E.W. King & Co Ltd                                                                        Order by phone
                                                                                                              01376 570000
                      Order by e-mail                                                      Just quote your Visa, Mastercard or
                  sales@kingsseeds.com                                                              Maestro number
           Office hours Monday to Friday                                               If you call during office hours you will be
              8.30 - 12.30 1.30 - 5.00                                                         answered by a real person!

     Orders for delivery to mainland England, Wales and the Scottish Lowlands please add £5.65 (P&P) if the order contains
                           plug plants. Add £3.50 (P&P) if the order contains bulbs, tubers & bare roots.
                                     Add £1.50 (P&P) if the order contains seeds & sundries.
    BUT for items to postcode areas AB36-38/55-56, BT, HS, FK17-21, IM, IV, KA27-28, KW1-17, KW44, PA20-38/40-49/
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