Rental Services Collection - Permobil New Zealand

Page created by Marcus Flores
Rental Services Collection - Permobil New Zealand
Rental Services Collection

Rental Services Collection - Permobil New Zealand
The                          Table of Contents                             Page

    right                        Choosing a Support Surface			                   4

    equipment                    Overlay Collection			                           5

    first                        Overlay Collection - Paediatric			              6

                                 Mattress Range

                                 Bed Range                            		 13

                                 Cushion Collection			                          18

                                 ROHO Frequently Asked Questions			             20

                                 Cushion Collection - Speciality Products			    21

                                 ROHO Backrest Systems			                       23

                                 Dreamline Backrest Systems		                   24

                                 Manual Wheelchairs			                          25

                                 Chair Range			                                 28

                                 Power Wheelchairs			                           29

                                 Power Assist Range			                          31
    Auckland 0800 115 222       Bathroom Range			                              32

                                 Bariatric Range			                             32
    Wellington 0800 363 123
                                 Manual Handling			                             37
                                 Paediatric			 39

    Christchurch (03) 354 9239   24 Hour Positioning/Floor Alarm			             42

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Rental Services Collection - Permobil New Zealand
Choosing a Support Surface                                                                                    Overlay Collection

    NPIAP 2019 Guidelines

    A support surface should meet the needs of the individual for pressure redistribution based on:

    •   Level of mobility and inactivity.
    •   The need to influence microclimate and shear reduction.
    •   Size and weight of individual.
    •   Number, severity and location of existing PIs.
    •   Risk of developing new PIs.                                                                               ROHO® DRY FLOATATION®                                ROHO® DRY FLOATATION®
    The support surface needs to be suitable for care setting, if at home consider the impact on sleeping         Overlay System                                       Overlay - Single Section
    arrangements, safety, weight of bed, availability of uninterrupted electrical power, safe location for pump
    or motor includingventilation.

    Active Surface                                                                                                The ROHO® DRY FLOATATION Overlay System              Designed to address the needs of the
                                                                                                                  mimics the pressure redistributing properties of     mobility compromised patient by
                                                                                                                  water, creating the ideal environment for pressure   providing an environment in which
    A powered support surface that has the ability to change its load distribution properties with or without     injury prevention and healing.                       the patient can comfortably lie or sit for
    an applied load.                                                                                                                                                   long periods of time without the fear of
                                                                                                                  The system is not dependent on an electrical air     compromised blood flow and the resulting
    •   Alternating or pulsating air mattress.                                                                    pump and thus it produces no sound, heat or          effect of tissue damage and breakdown.
    •   Allows offloading.                                                                                        vibrations.
    •   Offloads portion of body according to mattress specifications eg 1-in-4 cells in xx minute cycle.                                                              Code - SECTION ROHO
    •   Powered system – pump may produce noise, need to watch power cord is not a hazard.                        This overlay is also modular and each of the four
    •   Can generate feeling of movement as cells inflate/deflate.                                                sections can be adjusted.
    •   Continuous low pressure mode can allow for immersion and envelopment.
    •   Low air loss option.
    •   Need to monitor inflation.                                                                                Code - OVERLAY ROHO
    •   Can impact on the ability to self transfer.

    Reactive Surface

    Powered or non-powered support surface with the ability to change its load distribution properties only
    in response to an applied load.

    •   Allows immersion and envelopment.
    •   Distributes pressure over entire body surface.
    •   Typically non powered – no associated noise.
    •   Need to monitor inflation .
    •   Can impact on ability to self transfer.

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Rental Services Collection - Permobil New Zealand
ROHO® Bariatric Kit                                                                                          Mattress Range

                                                                                                                 Modular Therapy Mattress (MTM)
                                                                                                                 Full mattress replacement using a combination of foam and ROHO® overlay sections.

                                                                                                                 The MTM is a modular system comprised of four overlay sections and a foam base. The modular
                                                                                                                 system allows a combination of ROHO® overlay and high quality foam sections to be used as required
                                                                                                                 for comfort and stability.
    The ROHO® DRY FLOATATION Overlay cell sections extend the width of the ROHO® DRY FLOATATION
                                                                                                                 The ROHO® overlay offers excellent pressure redistribution and minimises risk of shearing, while
    Overlay to fit bariatric bed sizes.
                                                                                                                 the foam base allows a 12.5cm overall height, similiar to a standard mattress.
    The four sections of the overlay are independently adjusted, providing a low pressure environment over
                                                                                                                 The mattress features a two way stretch, vapour permeable, incontinence cover with welded seams,
    the entire contact area of the body. The bariatric kit is available in 3, 4 or 5 cells wide.
                                                                                                                 this fully fitted mattress cover complies with Hospital Infection Control protocols.
    The bariatric overlay works in conjunction with a standard size ROHO® DRY FLOATATION Overlay to widen
                                                                                                                 Mattress is designed specifically to reduce shearing and friction issues created with electric beds
    the mattress for use with bariatric bed frames. Add on sections help provide the bariatric individual with
                                                                                                                 allowing clients to sit semi-elevated for long periods.
    the therapeutic benefits of the ROHO® DRY FLOATATION technology. There is no individual weight limit as
    long as the assembled support surface sections are sized to fit the bariatric mattress and the individual.
                                                                                                                 The MTM mattress offers a REACTIVE surface and does not require a pump to maintain inflation.
                                                                                                                 SWL No Weight Limit

                                                                                                                 Code - MTM
                                                                                                                 Code - MTM KS
    Overlay Collection - Paediatric                                                                              Code - MTM Q

                                                                                                                  Size          Dimensions W x L
                                                                                                                  Single        87cm x 198cm
                                                                                                                  King Single   107cm x 202cm
                                                                                                                  Queen         153cm x 202cm
                                                                                                                  Height        12.5cm

    ROHO® Nesting Pad                                           ROHO® Neonatal Isolette
    Provides a calm sleeping environment for                    Interconnected air cells provide a
    infants. Multiple-height air cells create a                 low-pressure, low-shear environment for
    concave surface and immerse infants into                    an at-risk infant.
    the mattress pad, conforming to their body
    contours and providing a total-contact,                     The non-powered, adjustable overlay fits
    enveloping environment.                                     standard hospital and home incubators. Two
                                                                to four sections can be assembled to be used
    The Nesting Pad is designed for infants for                 in larger peadiatric beds.
    use in standard hospital isolettes and home
    isolettes.                                                  Code - ISOLETTE ROHO

    There is no weight limit.


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Rental Services Collection - Permobil New Zealand
Talley QUATTRO® Acute Mattress Replacement System                                                                   Talley QUATTRO® Plus Mattress Replacement System

    The QUATTRO® Acute is unique in offering DEEP CELL THERAPY and this top of the range support surface                The QUATTRO® Plus is clinically proven to provide pressure relief, lower average interface pressures and
    is ideal for your most dependent patients.                                                                          enhanced comfort.

    Features include Active QUATTRO® THERAPY and Continuous Low Pressure Therapy modes, together                        Features include Active QUATTRO® THERAPY, and Continuous Low Pressure therapy modes with
    with AUTOsupport fully automatic pressure adjustment and the unprecedented low interface pressures                  AUTOsupport fully automatic pressure adjustment.

    SWL 250Kg                                                                                                           SWL 200Kg
                                                                                                                        Code - PLUS
    Code - ACUTE
    Code - ACUTE KS                                Specifications                                                                                                          Specifications
                                                    Size                 Dimensions W x L
                                                    Single               90cm x 198cm                                                                                       Size                88cm x 195cm
                                                    King Single          110cm x 198cm                                                                                      Height              18cm
                                                    Height               24cm                                                                                               Number of Cells     30
                                                    Number of Cells      27                                                                                                 Alternating Cycle   16 minutes
                                                    Alternating Cycle    Variable                                                                                           Active Therapy      1-in-4 Active cell cycle
                                                    Active Therapy       1-in-4 Active cell cycle

      Active 1-in-4 Cell Cycle      TissuegardTM             Deep Cell TherapyTM         Ortho-Differential SupportTM
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Rental Services Collection - Permobil New Zealand
Talley FUSION™ Hybrid Mattress System                                                                       Talley QUATTRO® Sentinel Mattress Replacement

     The FUSION™ Hybrid offers either REACTIVE or ACTIVE Therapy. Responsive airflow redistribution              The QUATTRO® Sentinel is suitable for the prevention and treatment of pressure injuries within all
     customises patient support by allowing air to flow between interconnected cells in response to patient      care environments, and is specifically designed for the care of Bariatric patients. Clinically proven to
     weight, movement and position.                                                                              provide pressure relief, lower average interface pressures and enhanced comfort, the QUATTRO®
                                                                                                                 Sentinel will accommodate users weighing up 370Kg.
     As patients move, the valve assisted Automatic Pressure Recovery system allows the mattress to
     re-inflate to normalise mattress pressures.                                                                 The QUATTRO® Sentinel mattress features removable side bolsters which reduces the
                                                                                                                 width of the mattress making it ideal for use with width retractable bariatric bed frames.
     Every air cell contains specialist pressure redistributing foam to help support the patient and protect
     their pressure areas.                                                                                       SWL 370Kg

     When used without a pump the mattress offers REACTIVE therapy. When the pump is added the mattress          Code - SENTINEL                                Specifications
     provides ACTIVE Therapy.
                                                                                                                                                                Size                120cm (86cm without
                                                                                                                                                                                    bolsters) x 200cm

     SWL 250Kg                                                                                                                                                  Height              18cm
                                                                                                                                                                Number of Cells     17
     Code - HYBRID                                                                                                                                              Alternating Cycle   16 minutes
     Code - HYBRID PUMP                                           Specifications                                                                                Active Therapy      1-in-4 Active cell cycle

                                                                  Size                88cm x 197cm
                                                                  Height              17cm
                                                                  Number of Cells     18
                                                                  Alternating Cycle   8 minutes
                                                                  Active Therapy      1-in-2 Active cell cycle

                                                                                                                   Active 1-in-4 Cell Cycle      370Kg Weight Limit         Removable Side Bolster             Ortho-Differential SupportTM
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Rental Services Collection - Permobil New Zealand
Aspire Lifecomfort Active Air BARI 10 Mattress Replacement                                                 Bed Range

     The Active Air BARI 10 features:                                                                           Deutscher Floorline Bed - Rose II
     Integrated Turning Therapy - allows patient rotation up to 40° for improved pressure care and to assist
     staff with patient handling requirements.
                                                                                                                The Rose II allows patients to be lowered to the floor and raised to a suitable height when carers
     Rapid Pump Inflation - maximises therapy response times and minimises staff resources by fully inflating
                                                                                                                need to attend the client. It has electrically operated backrest, knee break and raise and lower and
     in only 2 minutes.
                                                                                                                trendelenberg tilt. Slimline towers at either end give the bed a clean, smooth and attractive
                                                                                                                appearance. The footend tower has a built in keypad to operate the bed.
     Hospital Grade Cover - thicker weight polyurethane fabric with increased bleach resistance to handle
     modern hospital infection control standards. Suitable for Sodium Hydrochloride solutions.
                                                                                                                A separate hand control comes standard with the bed. This bed can be folded for storage
                                                                                                                transport and installation and easily fits through any standard doorway. Includes siderails.
     Adaptable Pump - pump can be switched between modes for typical users (up to 160Kg) and Bariatric
     users (up to 450Kg) ensuring a single asset can meet the broadest spectrum of patient needs.
                                                                                                                Self help pole and bed sticks also avaliable.
     SWL 30Kg - 450Kg
                                                                                                                SWL 220Kg
     Code - ASPIRE BARI KS
                                                                                                                Code - BED
                                                                                                                Code - BED KS

       Size                Dimensions W x L
       King Single         107cm x 200cm                                                                          Size                  Dimensions W x L
       Super King Single   123cm x 200cm                                                                          Single                90cm x 193cm
       Height              27cm                                                                                   King Single           107cm x 203cm
       Active Therapy      1-in-4 Active cell cycle                                                               Height                12.5cm to 72cm
                                                                                                                  Profiling Functions   4

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Rental Services Collection - Permobil New Zealand
Aspire Community Care Bed                                                                             Aspire AC3 Bed

     Designed for the home environment with four profiling functions to suit all comfort and positioning   The AC3 Bed is a three function bed with a premium frame and linak electronics with the added
     needs. The perfect workhorse with a robust frame that is easily assembled and dismantled for          comfort of a larger sleeping surface. Multiple functions and accessories combine to exceed the
     regular transportation and storage.                                                                   comfort, support and safety expectations for a diverse range of users. Head and foot boards can
                                                                                                           be removed to meet interior design requirements and the bed frame is compatible with
     •   High-low.                                                                                         valances, wooden surrounds, wall mounted head boards and comforter bed covers.
     •   Combined backrest and knee bend.
     •   Integrated bed extension.                                                                         SWL 220Kg
     •   Four total-lock castors.
     •   Mattress retainers.                                                                               Code - BED AC3
     •   TiMotion electronics.
     •   Large lifting range.                     Specifications
     SWL 180Kg                                     Size                  Dimensions W x L
                                                   Width                 102.5cm
     Code - BED COMMUNITY                          Length                214cm - 224cm
                                                   Height                22cm to 71cm
                                                   Profiling Functions   5
                                                                                                             Size                  Dimensions W x L
                                                                                                             Width                 92cm
                                                                                                             Length                212cm
                                                                                                             Height                28.5cm - 68cm
                                                                                                             Profiling Functions   3

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Rental Services Collection - Permobil New Zealand
Botero Bariatric Bed                                                                                       Deutscher Bariatric Floorline Bed - Big Ted

     The specific Bariatric design focus offers width and length adjustable deck to manage changing needs in    The Big Ted Bed is a 3 function bed with a generous mattress platform of 107cm x 203cm.
     both ward and respite environments.
                                                                                                                It is fitted with twin actuators on both the back rest and the knee bend functions and a pair of strong
     •   Low height of 38cm.                                                                                    actuators at each end of the bed to raise and lower the mattress platform. A larger capacity controller
     •   Antibacterial powder coating for improved infection control management.                                and transformer is fitted to handle the power.
     •   Backrest translation (autoregression) reduces compression of the thoracic and abdominal areas as the
         backrest is raised and alleviates shear and pressure for improved skin integrity.                      The height range of the bed is 13.5cm to 73.5cm.
     •   Compatible with all leading bed movers.
     •   Attendant control panel with intuitive pre-programmed single touch functions for speed.                The bed comes standard with a hand controller as well as a built in control panel in the foot end tower.
     •   15cm TENTE Castors.
     •   Central locking castors with integrated directional lock.                                              A pump bracket is fitted to the foot end tower to accommodate an alternating mattress.
     •   Full trendelenburg functionality.
     •   Integrated folding side rails.                                                                         For ease of mobility, heavy duty dual 12.5cm castor wheels have been fitted with quick action
     •   Removable width adjustable head and foot panels.                                                       locking bars at each end of the bed.
     •   Back rest angle 0 to 70 degrees.
     •   Knee bend angle 0 to 30 degrees.                                                                       Bed can be folded for ease of transport. Available in King Single.
     •   Trendelenburg 17 to 17 degrees.
     •   Has a built in scale.                                                                                  SWL 350Kg
     SWL 400Kg                                                  Size                  Dimensions W x L
                                                                                                                Code - BED BARI
                                                                Width                 102cm - 122cm
     Code - BOTERO BED
                                                                Length                226cm - 244cm
                                                                Height                38cm - 85cm
                                                                Profiling Functions   4                          Specifications
                                                                                                                  Size                  Dimensions W x L
                                                                                                                  Width                 107cm
                                                                                                                  Length                203cm
                                                                                                                  Height                13.5cm to 73.5cm
                                                                                                                  Profiling Functions   3

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Rental Services Collection - Permobil New Zealand
Cushion Collection                                                                                                   Dreamline Cushion Series
                                                                                                                          Dreamline STX                        Dreamline Contour                    Dreamline G3
     Code - CUSHION ROHO - Select size and profile                                                                        The Dreamline STX cushion is         The Dreamline CONTOUR                The Dreamline G3 Cushion is a
                                                                                                                          a fully adjustable cushion with      Cushion has the highest              redefined gel cushion with mild
     Code - CUSHION ROHO BARI - Select size 22”, 24”, 26”, 28” and profile                                                full height contouring, designed     contouring of the BUBBLE             contouring, designed for an
                                                                                                                          for inactive users who have          TECHONOLGY series, offering          active user with moderate to high
                                                                                                                          asymmetrical positioning             excellent weight distribution        pressure management needs.
                                                                                                                          requirements and high pressure       and stability. It is a comfortable   The G3 Cushion offers the
                                                                                                                          management needs. The STX            solution for full time wheelchair    support and benefit of gel
                                                                                                                          cushion provides the end-user        users who have reduced stability     without the maintenance and
                 Chair Size                  Number                    Chair Size                   Number                the highest amount of                and low-to-moderate risk of skin     potential risks of a traditional
              (Width x Depth)                of Cells               (Width x Depth)                 of Cells              adjustability without                breakdown.                           gel cushion.
                                                                                                                                                               Modifications available.             Modifications available.
           12” x 12” - 30cm x 30cm            6w x 6d             16” x 18” - 41cm x 46cm           9w x 10d
                                                                                                                          Modifications available.
           12” x 13” - 30cm x 33cm            6w x 7d             16” x 20” - 41cm x 51cm           9w x 11d                                                   Max user weight: 120Kg               Max user weight: 140Kg
           13” x 13” - 33cm x 33cm            7w x 7d             17” x 17” - 43cm x 43cm            9w x 9d              Max user weight: 140Kg
                                                                                                                                                               Code - DREAMLINE + (TYPE)
           13” x 15” - 33cm x 38cm            7w x 8d             18” x 15” - 46cm x 38cm           10w x 8d
           13” x 16” - 33cm x 41cm            7w x 9d             18” x 16” - 46cm x 41cm           10w x 9d
           14” x 14” - 36cm x 36cm            8w x 8d             18” x 18” - 46cm x 46cm           10w x 10d
           14” x 16” - 36cm x 41cm            8w x 9d             18” x 20” - 46cm x 51cm           10w x 11d
           15” x 13” - 38cm x 33cm            8w x 7d             20” x 16” - 51cm x 41cm           11w x 9d
           15” x 15” - 38cm x 38cm            8w x 8d             20” x 18” - 51cm x 46cm           11w x 10d
           15” x 16” - 38cm x 41cm            8w x 9d             20” x 20” - 51cm x 51cm           11w x 11d
           15” x 18” - 38cm x 46cm           8w x 10d             22” x 18” - 56cm x 46cm           12w x 10d
           15” x 20” - 38cm x 51cm           8w x 11d             24” x 18” - 61cm x 46cm           13w x 10d
           16” x 15” - 41cm x 38cm            9w x 8d             24” x 20” - 61cm x 51cm           13w x 11d
           16” x 16” - 41cm x 41cm           9w x 9w

                                                                                                                          Komfit Kushion
     ROHO® Select Series                                                                                                  The Komfit Kushion is made from 3 layers of bonded foam. The
     The QUADTRO SELECT and CONTOUR SELECT cushions feature four independent compartments of
                               ®                     ®                                                                    core is made from high density visco-elastic body foam. The foam
     air cells for an individualised fit, each controlled by our exclusive ISOFLO® Memory Control.                        contours to the bodies shape providing support whilst the egg
                                                                                                                          crate top layer provides a low surface tension. Cushion is 7.5cm/3”
     ROHO’s ISOFLO® Memory Control, located at the front of all Select Series cushions, allows air to flow                high and comes with a 2 way stretch bi-elastic waterproof cover.
     through the cushion in two ways.
                                                                                                                          Size Width 14” - 18” x Depth 14” - 18”

                                                                                                                          Code - CUSHION KOMFIT

                                                                                                                          ROHO® Recliner
                                                                                 LOW PROFILE®                             A wide range of size capabilities to fit most chair sizes, the ROHO®
     HIGH PROFILE®                         MID PROFILE    ™
                                                                                                                          Recliner System with DRY FLOATATION® Technology provides
                                                                                 The interconnected air cells deliver     back and seating surface protection.
     The tall interconnected air cells     The mid-sized interconnected air
                                                                                 sitting stability. It could be used as
     envelop your body, delivering         cells deliver the ideal combination
                                                                                 a secondary cushion, on an office        Size Width 18” x Depth 18”
     maximum immersion for the             of customizable positioning and
                                                                                 chair, in adaptive sports equipment,
     ultimate in skin protection,          stability.
                                                                                 in a car or anywhere else you may        Code - RECLINER ROHO
     positioning, stability and comfort.                                         need cushioning and protection.

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ROHO® Frequently Asked Questions                                                                                     Cushion Collection - Specialty Products

     How do i know if a ROHO is correctly inflated?

     To check if a ROHO is correctly inflated, you need to perform a hand check while the person is sitting on their
     ROHO cushion or lying on their ROHO mattress section. Please see instructions on how to complete a hand
     check and how to adjust the inflation inside your cushion or mattress box.

     Please note a ROHO will appear flat when a person is not sitting or lying on it, and that a mattress overlay may
     have up to four ROHO sections – each section needs to be checked individually.

     The ROHO keeps going flat – what should we do?

     Firstly, check the valve(s) on the ROHO cushion – is this closed?
     If the valve is closed (and is remaining closed during the day) the ROHO may have a puncture. To confirm if
     the cushion has a puncture you can over-inflate the cushion then place it in a sink of water – then check for
                                                                                                                          ROHO® Shower/Commode                             ROHO® Toilet Seat Cushion
     bubbles.                                                                                                             Cushion                                          The adjustable, air filled cellular neoprene
                                                                                                                                                                           surface is designed for short term use on
     If the person has a puncture kit for their ROHO it is possible to repair the cushion or mattress section yourself,   The adjustable, air filled
     alternatively you can check where the cushion came from (Accessable, Enable funded, Rental or DHB loan) to                                                            toilets and portable bedside commodes. It
                                                                                                                          Shower/Commode cushion provides                  snaps easily into place and is easy to clean
     seek assistance.                                                                                                     much needed cushioning and protection            and disinfect.
                                                                                                                          for bedside commodes and shower
     When i inflate the cushion, all the air remains in one corner of the cushion – what is going on?
                                                                                                                          wheelchairs.                                     Size Width 18” x Depth 18”
     This cushion is likely to be a ROHO Quadtro Select cushion, this cushion has an isoflo valve to limit air
     movement through the cushion. To inflate this cushion, you need to make sure the green knob at the front             Designed for use without a cover, the            Code - TOILET SEAT ROHO
     of the cushion is pushed in.                                                                                         cushion is easy to clean and disinfect.

                                                                                                                          Code - COMMODE ROHO

     This cushion may need to be ‘reset’ for the person (which involves the valve being closed off again), if the
     person is unsure how to do this, please contact their occupational therapist for assistance.

     The cushion and cover are soiled – can we wash them?

     Yes! Please see the cleaning instructions or search youtube for the ROHO cleaning videos.

     What covers can we use on the ROHO cushion or mattress section?

     For cushions, please use the cover provided only, if keeping the cover clean is an issue, please request a
     second cover.

     For mattress sections, please take care with bed linen used – ideally use a sheet with some stretch or a loosely     ROHO® HEAL PAD® Cushion                          ROHO® Head/Neck Pillow
     fitted sheet to allow the person to immerse into the mattress section.
                                                                                                                          Place your foot in an adjustable, therapeutic    A DRY FLOATATION® O.R. (operating
     Use of incontinence sheets is to be avoided if possible, as these will reduce the pressure relieving qualities of    environment that reduces shear and friction      room) product that cushions the head
     the cushion or mattress section.                                                                                     on your heel. By supporting the most high risk   while minimising risk of pressure injury
                                                                                                                          pressure points, the pad protects you from       development during surgical procedures.
     What is the weight limit on a ROHO cushion or mattress overlay?                                                      injury and facilitates healing.
                                                                                                                                                                           Size Width 10” x Depth 12”
     There is no weight limit on a ROHO cushion or mattress overlay, however the cushion / mattress overlay does
     need to be the correct size for the person.                                                                          Code - HEAL ROHO
                                                                                                                                                                           Code - PILLOW ROHO
     Can you use an electric blanket with a ROHO?

     Yes – on a low setting and placed under the ROHO overlay. It is recommended that the inflation is checked
     (using a hand check) if using an electric blanket as air expands when heated.

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ROHO® Backrest Systems

                                                                                                        ROHO® AGILITY® Series Wheelchair Back System

     The ADAPTOR® Pad                                 ROHO® PACK-IT® Cushion
     The self contained air cells in the ADAPTOR®     Designed for the short term needs of active
     Pad can be used as an interface on virtually     individuals, the ROHO® PACK-IT® Cushion
     any flat or contoured surface to protect skin    is excellent for athletic competition, bathing,
     and soft tissues.                                traveling, or as a scapular, sacral or lumbar
     Especially useful when cut to fit various                                                                                                                            •   Adaptable to fit varying body
     surface shapes such as sides of wheelchairs,     Shock absorption absorbs shock and
     trays, head and foot rests, inside of helmets,   impact. Made of flame resistant, black            ROHO AIR FLOATATION™
                                                                                                                 ®                                                            shapes.
                                                                                                                                                                          •   Can be flipped to accommodate
     or for any surfaces that may need protection.    neoprene.                                         Technology                                                             wider torsos or broader
     Size Width 9.5” x Depth 13”                      Size Width 16” x Depth 10”                                                                                               shoulders.
                                                                                                        ROHO AGILITY backs are lightweight and designed to
                                                                                                        conform to the user’s body. AGILITY backs integrate               •    Full range of angle, depth,
     Code - CUSHION ADAPTOR                                                                                                                                                     width and vertical adjustment
                                                      Code - CUSHION PACKIT                             ROHO’s AIR FLOATATION Technology. The air insert is fully
                                                                                                        adjustable and can be tailored to your comfort level and                capabilities are available to
                                                                                                        postural needs.                                                         address specific positioning

                                                                                                        Code - HBR AG

                                                                                                        AGILITY Max                         AGILITY Mid                       AGILITY Minimum
                                                                                                        Contour Back System                 Contour Back System               Contour Back System
                                                                                                        The AGILITY Max provides            The AGILITY MID provides          The AGILITY Minimum provides
                                                                                                        significant posterior and lateral   posterior trunk support and       basic postural support in a
                                                                                                        trunk support for optimal           moderate lateral support.         durable, comfortable package.
                                                                                                        posture and stability.

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ROHO AGILITY CARBON™ Back System                                                                              Manual Wheelchairs
     The innovative carbon fibre shell is compression moulded to provide strength without bulk.

     The lightweight carbon fibre construction of the AGILITY CARBON Series combines high-strength
     performance with a leading-edge design.
                                                                                                                   TiLite TRA

                                                                                                                   Rigid Frame
                                                                                                                   With the power and style of its titanium dual-tube
                                                                                                                   frame, TiFit precision, and full adjustability, the TRA
                                                                                                                   just rolls better. The result is better performance
                                                                                                                   and comfort built around you.
                                                                                                                   Size Width 12” - 20” x Depth 12” - 20”
                                                                                                                   SWL Standard 120Kg
                                                                                                                   SWL Heavy Duty - 159Kg

              AGILITY CARBON Minimum                                 AGILITY CARBON Mid                            Code - HWC TC1
                     Contour Back System                                 Contour Back System

     Dreamline Backrest Systems
     Each individual has the right to have a seating system that can be adaptable and adjustable to meet their
     needs throughout the day. Designed to provide the highest level of adjustability, Dreamline Wheelchair
     Seating was created to allow therapists to build without restriction. The therapist has the ability to meet
     the end users seating needs without compromising to fit into predetermined placements, shapes, or sizes.      TiLite ZRA

                                                                                                                   Rigid Frame
                                                                                                                   With full adjustability and a minimalist mono-tube
                                                                                                                   frame, the ZRA dishes out style without boundaries.
                                                                                                                   Add the ZRA’s TiFit titanium frame, and you have the
                                                                                                                   complete package. Strength, style, and the ability to
                                                                                                                   set-up and configure your chair just for you.
                                                                                                                   Size Width 10” - 20” x Depth 10” - 20”
                                                                                                                   SWL Standard 120Kg
                                                                                                                   SWL Heavy Duty - 136Kg
                                                                                                                   Code - HWC TC1
     Dreamline Contour                   Dreamline Pro Backrest                Dreamline STX Backrest
     Backrest                            Dreamline PRO Backrests are           Positioning is achieved through
     The Dreamline CONTOUR               constructed from ultra-lightweight    multiple pillows of viscoelastic
     Backrest has a rigid aluminium      carbon fibre with low to mid back     foam which may be layered in any
     1-piece shell with integrated       height options for the active user.   orientation to match the backrest
     lateral support.                                                          to the end user.

                                                Code - DREAMLINE
24                                                                                                                                                                           25
Aspire RX Tilt in Space

                                                             Advanced Tilt in Space.

                                                             The Rehab RX is geared towards the high needs,
     TiLite Aero Z                                           rehabilitation environment. Highly configurable and
                                                             with pressure care cushioning surfaces, the Rehab
                                                             RX is designed for the user with more complex
     Rigid Frame
                                                             Also available in Junior Size.
     The open frame of the aluminum Aero Z calls
     out to the open road. The Aero Z is the only TiFit,     Size Width 16” - 20” x Depth 17” - 21”
     mono-tube aluminum frame on the market. In a
     class of its own, the Aero Z is lightweight and fully   SWL 180Kg
                                                             Code - WCTILT
     Size Width 10” - 20” x Depth 10” - 20”
     SWL Standard 120Kg
                                                             Aspire Evoke 2
     Code - HWC TC2
                                                             Folding Frame

                                                             The Aspire EVOKE 2 is a highly adjustable,
                                                             lightweight, aluminium wheelchair designed
                                                             to enable a personalised fit for every user. A
                                                             comprehensive range of compatible accessories
                                                             is available for increased independence and
                                                             enhanced clinical outcomes.

                                                             Evoke 2
                                                             Size Width 14” - 20” x Depth 16” - 19”
     TiLite Aero X                                           SWL 140Kg

                                                             Code - WCFOLD

     Folding Frame                                           Evoke 2 HD
                                                             Size Width 22” - 24” x Depth 16” - 19
     The Aero X features an innovative modular design        SWL 180Kg
     with clean modern lines and configurability.
     Featuring multiple configurations that include          Code - WCFOLDHD
     heavy-duty, hemi, and amputee options. Add
     superior rolling dynamics and full adjustability, and
     you get an Aero X that excels in performance.           Aspire Transit 2 Wheelchair
     Size Width 12” - 22” x Depth 12” - 20”
                                                             The Aspire TRANSIT 2 wheelchair is a versatile and
     SWL Standard 120Kg                                      robust transport wheelchair that is propelled by
                                                             an attendant or carer. The Aspire TRANSIT 2 is a
     SWL Heavy Duty 159Kg                                    reliable and comfortable solution, with various
                                                             accessories available to suit the needs of
     Code - HWC TC2
                                                             individuals and carers in the Community,
                                                             Hospital or Aged Care environments.

                                                             Size Width 16” - 20” x Depth 16”

                                                             SWL 140Kg

                                                             Code - WCTRANSIT RENTAL

26                                                                                                                 27
Chair Range                                               Power Wheelchairs

     Aspire Mobile Air Chair                                   Permobil M1

     The Aspire Mobile Air Chair’s unique design               A quality solution for users who require a power
     promotes skin immersion and envelopment.                  wheelchair with specific seating and power tilt.
     Pressure on the skin’s surface is re-distributed,
     reducing the risk of pressure injury associated with      Designed to meet individual needs. The Permobil
     prolonged sitting or lying. Ideal for clinical and aged   M1 offers:
     care environments, Genuine Dartex® Fabric
     Surface and our modular pressure relief system            • Either Corpus seating, ROHO® seating products or
     maximise comfort while integrated                           the use of third party options.
     postural contours support optimal positioning.            • Either centre mount or swing away hangers.
                                                               • Durable flip back arm supports.
     The ergonomic and practical design make it safe           • A easy to use controller with variable speed
     and easy to manoeuvre and maintain.                         options.

     Size Width 47cm - 51cm x Depth 52cm                       Size Width 14” - 22” x Depth 14” - 22”

     SWL 180Kg                                                 SWL 136Kg

     Code - CLOUD ASPIRE                                       Code - PWC M1

     Aspire Air Lift Chair                                     Permobil M3
     The Aspire Air Lift Chair’s unique design promotes
     skin immersion and envelopment. Pressure on the           The precision engineering of the M3 Corpus helps
     skin’s surface is re-distributed, reducing the risk of    ensure improved drive performance and a more
     pressure injury associated with prolonged sitting.        consistent driving experience for all users. This
                                                               is especially true at low speeds, in tight areas, or
     Ideal for clinical and aged care environments,            while using a variety of alternative drive controls.
     Genuine Dartex® Fabric Surface and modular                Explore your environment with the M3 Corpus’
     pressure relief system maximise comfort while             unrivaled 12″ of seat elevation and 20º ActiveReach
     integrated postural contours support optimal              Technology all without sacrificing comfort because
     positioning.                                              the M3 maintains full suspension at ANY elevation,
                                                               seating position or driving speed.
     The rise function and leverage grips promote
                                                               Size Width 17”, 19”, 21”, 23” x Depth 14” - 22”
     increased user independence in sit-to-stand
     transfers whilst the recline function allows a
                                                               SWL 136Kg
     relaxed position in times of user fatigue.

     Size Width 45cm - 51cm x Depth 46cm - 51cm
                                                               Code - PWC M3
     SWL 140Kg


28                                                                                                                    29
Permobil M5                                                      Power Assist Range

     Wherever you’re looking to go, the Permobil M5 is built          SmartDrive
     for your lifestyle. By fusing sleek design, unparalleled
     power and the FlexLink Pro dynamic suspension, each              SmartDrive’s intuitive controls add a power assist
     M5 delivers an outstanding level of performance and              for a variety of manual wheelchair scenarios like
     ride comfort. Perfect for every adventure!.                      cruising up hills or over thick carpets.
     Size Width 17”, 19”, 21”, 23” x Depth 14” - 22”
                                                                      Its lightweight design attaches quickly and its
     SWL 136Kg                                                        unique omni-wheel design moves with you as you
                                                                      pivot, turn, wheelie, and navigate curbs in style.
     Code - PWC M5
                                                                      The SmartDrive is lightweight and easy to install on
                                                                      virtually any make and model of manual wheelchair
                                                                      including folding, tilt-in space, one-arm drive and

                                                                      At only 5.7 Kg, the MX2+ is easily attached or
                                                                      removed from the back of your chair, making it the
                                                                      perfect on-demand addition to your mobility.

                                                                      Code - HPA SD

     Permobil F5VS

     We combined all of the features of the world renown Corpus
     seating system, along with standing functionality. With the F5
     Corpus VS, users may stand and drive at any point of the stand
     sequence, and the redesigned chest bar offers added comfort
     and stability. The F5 Corpus VS provides an array of benefits
     from social interactions like being able to talk to someone
     face-to-face to positive health outcomes like greater pressure
     relief and improve circulatory, GI and respiratory systems.
     Size Width 17”, 19”, 21”, 23” x Depth 14” - 22”
     SWL 136Kg
                                                                      BATEC Handbike
     Code - PWC F5VS
                                                                      Batec radically improve the mobility of people with
                                                                      disabilities to match their lifestyle.

                                                                      They’ve created an innovative product range. Batec
                                                                      handbikes, designed by and for disabled people.

                                                                      Range includes the Mini, Electric, Scrambler, Rapid
                                                                      and Hybrid.

                                                                      Also available for quadriplegics and hemiplegics.

                                                                      Code - BATEC + (TYPE)

30                                                                                                                           31
Bathroom Range

     Tilt and Recline Shower Commode                                    Multi Bari Bariatric Electric Rise and Recline

     30° of backrest angle adjustment in 10° increments for             Ideal solution for heavier weight users, with progressive
     effortless repositioning and maximum user comfort.                 conditions, who require pressure care management, who
                                                                        have Oedema legs or fluid build-up in legs, who have
     -5° to 35° of gas-assisted tilt-in-space functionality minimises   difficulty in stand to walk position.
     manual handling efforts during the showering process.
                                                                        Flexibly position the three separate waterfall cushions to
     Tool-free height adjustment to 4 settings allow the commode        get the shape of the back right for each user, with
     to be easily adapted to varying needs. Height adjustable foot      adjustable back padding in all cushions.
     rest aswell.
                                                                        Adapt each back cushion with blockers to adjust the
     Size Width 46cm - 53cm x Depth 53cm                                shape and support for the specific needs of each user.
                                                                        Choose the right internal seat cushion to meet each new
     SWL 250Kg                                                          user’s pressure care or support needs.

     Code - SHOWERCOM TILT                                              Maintain the highest hygiene standards with quick
                                                                        change covers and replacement cushions to extend the
                                                                        use of your Multi Bari.

                                                                        Size Width 61cm -76cm x Depth 46cm - 56cm

                                                                        SWL 255Kg

                                                                        Code - LAZYBOY BARI
     Bariatric Range

     Permobil M300 HD                                                   Greiner Bariatirc Chair Multiline XXL
     The M300 Corpus® HD, is a heavy duty power wheelchair              Uniquely developed for Bariatric patients.
     designed specifically for users up to 204Kg.
                                                                        An ideal solution for patient transport, examination,
     The M300 Corpus® HD offers:                                        treatment post-op, surgery and recovery.

     • A highly maneuverable midwheel drive power base.                 Reliable and sturdy mechanic construction with
     • Power tilt (and power recline and power elevating leg            comfortable upholstery.
     • Strengthened suspension for stability.                           All adjustment is electronically controlled for maximum patient
     • Sturdy arm and leg supports.                                     comfort and independence, as well as reduced nursing burden.
     • Wider footplates.
     • Corpus seating for the ultimate in comfort.                      Capable of multiple positioning, including a lay-flat position.

     Size Width 19”,21”,23”,25” x Depth 19” - 25”                       Size Width 70cm x Depth 57cm (Overal Depth 110cm to 130cm)

     SWL 204Kg                                                          SWL 300Kg

     Code - PWC M300HD                                                  Code - BARI TXCHAIR

32                                                                                                                                        33
K Care Maxi Deluxe V2 Cloud Chair                       XXL Rehab Shower Commode Rise N Tilt

     Unique air comfort seating system for total             XXL Rehab Shower Commode Rise N Tilt is a
     surface pressure reduction for larger users.            combination chair with built-in lift and tilt
     Unique power assist tilt-in-space of seat, backrest,
     legrest and full recline.                               It is the world’s first shower commode for
                                                             Bariatric users, which can both lift and tilt the
     Adjustable wings and arms for easy transfer.            user to a 30° degree.
     Size Width 72cm x Depth 55cm                            SWL 325Kg
     SWL 300Kg                                               Code - BARI SHOWERCOM TILT
     Code - CLOUD BARI

                                                             K Care Shower Commode Maxi Tilt (Electric)
     Aspire Maxi Day Chair
                                                             Assists transportation and positioning of the
                                                             larger user for showering and can be positioned
     Seat with Anterior Tilt. Facilitates standing from      over the toilet for toileting.
     sitting and provides greater comfort for stiff or
     painful hips.                                           Electric tilt-in-space mechanism allows carer to ad-
                                                             just the vertical position from 0° to 30° ensuring the
     Height Adjustable. Easy push button adjustment for
                                                             user comfortably retains correct seating position.
     comfortable positioning and changing needs. Depth
     and backrest height adjustable with ease.
                                                             Large calf pads to support the legs.
     Push handle and transport wheels.
                                                             Large backrest with headrest extension to
                                                             support the upper body and head.
     Size Width 60cm - 81cm x Depth 39cm - 53cm
                                                             Size Width 47cm x Depth 60cm
     SWL 310Kg
                                                             SWL 225Kg
     Code - MAXI BARI
                                                             Code - SHOWERCOM ETILT

     XXL Rehab Minimaxx                                      Aspire Bariatric Shower Commode
     Folding Frame                                           Super heavy duty Bariatric design with 79cm seat.
                                                             Anti-bacterial frame coating for improved infection
     The XXL Rehab Minimaxx drives very well due to the      control.
     position of the rear and front wheels. It is designed
     so the rear wheels carry most of the user’s weight      Removable arms to assist with positioning and
     making it much easier for the user to push. The         allow lateral slide transfers.
     castor wheels are further in front as on standard
     chairs. This prevents the chair from tipping.           Height adjustable, swing away footrests for
                                                             optimal positioning and ease of transfers.
     The footrests are designed to carry 100Kg each and
     are also side/width adjustable.                         Padded seat and arms for maximum comfort.
     SWL 325Kg                                               Size Width 79cm x Depth 48cm
                                                             SWL 350Kg
     Code - HWC BARI
                                                             Code - BARI COMMODE

34                                                                                                                    35
Aspire 600mm Weight Bearing Platform Shower Commode    Manual Handling

     Heavy duty reinforced wide frame can support           Aspire A320 Aluminium Bariatric Lifter
     Bariatric users up to 400Kg.

     4 x total locking stainless steel castors provide      The Aspire A320 Aluminium Bariatric Lifter will exceed
     brake access from all angles.                          expectations even in the most demanding clinical
                                                            environments. Its broad base and ample patient
     Height adjustable reinforced armrests offer            clearance compliments the substantial 320Kg safe
     drop flat positioning to assist with lateral slide     work load.
                                                            SWL 320Kg
     Weight bearing platform. The footrest slides
     completely away for transfers.                         Code - HOISTA320 RENTAL

     Size Width 60cm x Depth 48cm

     SWL 400Kg


     XXL Rehab Bedside Commode
     Strongly engineered and functionally designed
                                                            Aspire A205 Patient Lifter - Aluminium
     exclusively for Bariatric users.
                                                            The Aspire A205 Patient Lifter is a compact and
     The armrests are constructed so they go beyond
                                                            versatile aluminium patient lifter with powered
     the seat. This makes it easy both to get a good grip
                                                            legs that is ideal for home, community and facility
     when a person wants to sit down and get up.
     The height of the chair is adjustable from 44cm to
                                                            SWL 205Kg
                                                            Code - A205 PATIENT LIFTER
     Size Width 61cm - 71cm x Depth 40cm - 52cm

     SWL 325Kg


     XXL Rehab Shower Bench                                 Slings
     Strongly engineered and functionally designed          The Aspire range includes general purpose and Bariatric slings
     exclusively for Bariatric users.                       with or without head support, hygiene slings for toileting and
                                                            dressing, all-day slings for those who need to remain in their
     The height of the chair is adjustable from 44cm        sling for extended periods, and standing slings for patients
     to 59cm.                                               who can bear weight.

     Also available as a commode with pan.                  Size S, M, L, XL

     Size Width 61cm x Depth 40cm - 52cm                    Code - SLING

     SWL 325Kg

36                                                                                                                           37
Aspire Swift Patient Mover                                Paediatric Care

     The Aspire Swift Patient Mover is a compact               Explorer Mini
     standing aid that facilitates standing and transfers
     in the home, community and facility environments.

     Offering a more active transfer solution, users are       Empowering Developmental Mobility
     encouraged to stand up independently, improving
     circulation, breathing and muscle strength.
                                                               The Explorer Mini is a regulatory cleared powered mobility
     An ideal alternative to a patient lifter for users with
                                                               solution that facilitates self-initiated movement and early
     appropriate sitting balance, who require transfers
                                                               exploration for young children 12 – 36 months of age with
     over greater distances.
                                                               mobility impairments. Designed to support development,
                                                               the Explorer Mini is an ergonomic device with multiple weight
     SWL 185Kg
                                                               bearing surfaces to help promote safe, stable upright
                                                               postures while providing opportunities to improve strength,
                                                               endurance and postural control.

                                                               The Explorer Mini is a developmentally inspired power
                                                               mobility device designed to aid in the achievement of early
                                                               childhood milestones by encouraging self-initiated movement
                                                               for children with mobility impairments.

                                                               Intuitive design featuring integrated table and backrest is
                                                               supportive and allows freedom of movement. While the
                                                               adjustable saddle seat supports hip development and
                                                               facilities functional sitting or can be removed for
                                                               incremental standing activities.

                                                               The Explorer Mini is a lightweight, easy to
                                                               transport power mobility device that supports
                                                               development and encourages self-initiated

     ATM Airpod                                                Code - EXPLORER

     The Airpod works in a similar fashion to
     a Hovercraft, relieving 90% of a persons
     weight in lateral transfer.

     With the Airpod you just set the patient up
     in the regular manner. Once strapped in
     you inflate the mattress and slide it onto
     the new bed. This can be done by one
     person, reducing the time it takes to
     organise and execute a lateral transfer
     with multiple people.

     Code - AIRPOD

38                                                                                                                             39
K300 PS Jr                                           K Care Shower Commode Child

     Cool kids of all sizes can get in on the action.     Assists transportation of the user for showering
     The K300 PS Jr comes with a standard adult           and can be positioned over the toilet for toileting.
     power base, and the expandable seat pan allows
     for a custom fit no matter how fast a child grows.   Small size for children or smaller users.

     Features include flipback armrests, power seat       Swing aways legrests and arms can be moved out
     elevator and power tilt functions with R-Net         of the way to assist transfers.
     electronics. Integrated Uni-Track open the door
     for an infinite number of adjustments and            Size Width 32cm x Depth
     add-on accessories.                                  SWL 125Kg

     Size Width 10”, 12”, 14” x Depth 10”, 12”, 14”       Code PAED SP COM
                                                          Code PAED T COM
     SWL 35Kg

     Code - HPW PAED

                                                          Portable Hip Spica Chair
                                                          The Portable Hip Spica chair is specifically designed for children
                                                          from the age of 8 months old who are in plaster casts following
                                                          hip surgery and require supportive seating.

                                                          This design offers high levels of adjustability and creates a
                                                          lightweight solution.

                                                          Suitable for children from 8 months to 3 years old.

                                                          Supplied with a 5-point harness and quick release tray as
     TiLite Pilot
                                                          Code - HP HS

     Ready to Grow!

     The TiLite Pilot has built in forward growth
     adjustment to grow with your child and
     maintain optimal rear wheel access. This
     gives kids the most efficient propulsion
     possible without needing to adjust or                Snooza Chair
     relearn their push mechanics.
                                                          The all-foam Snooza Chair with its planar
     Size Width 8” - 14” x Depth 8” - 15”                 angles uses gravity to keep the occupant safe with
     SWL 54Kg                                             good postural stability while they are out of their
     Code - MWC TC2
                                                          The soft snug close support helps the occupant
                                                          to relax and high armrests promote better

                                                          Well placed carry handles make transportation easy
                                                          and large storage pockets are located on each side.

                                                          Code - SNOOZA

40                                                                                                                             41
24 Hour Positioning                                        Contacts

     Snooooooze                                                      Permobil Contract Manager                           Auckland Rental
     The Snooooooze system was designed and                                       Terri Davies                
     developed by a multi-disciplined team and brings
                                                                 National Business Development and Rentals Mgr               0800 115 222
     very special solutions and the final key to 24 hour
     care. The ability to adjust the concentration of the                        181A McLeod Road, Te Atatu South
     filling gives the system truly flexible characteristics,
     needed very much for clients with low body mass.                            021 780 603                          Auckland 0610, New Zealand
     Covered in Dartex and washable at 95°, infection
     control is addressed.

     Simply fit the mattress cover and align the client in
     the optimum position. Then support only where                      Wellington Rental                            Christchurch Rental
     necessary, minimising the cushioning the client is in
     contact with. This will reduce the chances of
     overheating.                                                            0800 363 123                                   03 354 9239
     Large and small range available.                                  15 Raroa Road, Hutt Central               3/114 Sawyers Arms Road, Northcote
     Code SNOOOOOOZE RENTAL                                          Lower Hutt 5010, New Zealand                  Christchurch 8052, New Zealand

                                                                Coming in 2021

     Floor Alarm

     Nonslip Exit Alarm Mat

     Monitor patient wandering by alerting the caregiver
     when a patient leaves or attempts to leave their
     bed or room. Perfect for bedside use, in front of
     any doorway, or in bathrooms. The low profile,
     beveled edges with nonslip bottoms allow
     wheelchairs to easily roll over them without
     difficulty, creating a safer patient environment.

     Includes patient side alarm and nurses station
     wireless alarm.


42                                                                                                                                                     43
A life that touches others goes on forever.
                                                                  In Memoriam
                                                                Russell Rodriguez

     Every person has the right to have his or her
     disability compensated as far as possible by
     aids with the same technical standards as
     those we all use in our everyday lives.
                                                                 — Dr. Per Uddén
                                                                 Permobil Founder

44         | | Ph 0800 115 222

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