Summer camps - Temple University

Page created by Megan Mendoza
Summer camps - Temple University

                                                                 AMBLER CAMPUS | MAIN CAMPUS

                                   GIVE YOUR CHILD THEIR
                                   BEST SUMMER EVER
                                   Offering summer camps for
                                   kids and teens from grades
                                   2‒12 at Temple University’s
                                   Ambler and Main Campuses.

Summer camps - Temple University
Summer Education
Camps 2020

 Temple University has been
 offering summer camps for more
 than 30 years at our convenient
 Ambler campus. We have since
 extended our camp offerings to
 be held on Temple University’s
 vibrant Main Campus as well!
 Camps are available to kids and
 teens entering grades 2‒12 and
 take place during the months
 of June, July, and August. Most
 camps are one-week, full-day
 camps from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
 However, extended care is
 available for an additional cost,
 allowing parents to drop off their
 children as early as 8 a.m. and
 pick them up as late at 5:45 p.m.

                                         Camp sessions will be offered at:

                                         Temple University Ambler
                                         580 Meetinghouse Road
                                         Ambler, PA 19002
                                         Pages 1‒8

                                         Temple University Main Campus
                                         1801 N. Broad Street
                                         Philadelphia, PA 19121
                                         Pages 9‒10

                                         To register, visit noncredit.
                                         We also accept registrations
                                         via phone call or by mail, using
                                         the form at the back of this
                                         brochure. Online registration is

For more information about Temple University’s
Summer Education Camps, please call the Office of
Non-Credit and Continuing Education at 267-468-
8500 or email us at
Summer camps - Temple University
Ambler camps

             Summer camps at Temple University Ambler will take place at 580 Meetinghouse Road
             in Ambler, PA. Camps run Monday‒Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Aftercare is available
             starting at 8 a.m. and ending at 5:45 p.m. at an additional cost. Shuttle service will

                                                                                                          Ambler Campus
             be provided between the Ambler campus and Main campus for an additional fee. To
             register, visit or call 267-468-8500.

                                     camps for grades 2–4
KEEP CALM AND GET                  own multiplayer experience         DIARY OF A WIMPY KID
CRAFTING                           that can be played on any          BOOK SERIES
Create your own art pieces and     mobile device or computer.         Share your enjoyment of
incredible crafts to decorate      Campers will work in pairs or      the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series
your room. Create various          teams for most of the program.     with other campers in a fun and
jewelry, hair accessories,         $275 | June 29‒July 2 | M‒Th       engaging setting as we explore
bags, purses, and more using                                          trivia, reading, art, cartooning,
magazines, metal, buttons,         EXPLORING THE                      creative writing, and board
and fabric. Also, decorate your    WIZARDING WORLD                    game making. Learn more
room with coasters, picture        Explore the Wizarding              about this popular book series,
frames, and other artwork          World beyond your wildest          share your favorite moments,
that can be displayed using        imagination! Make wizarding        and enjoy non-stop activities
recycled goods.                    crafts and go on treasure          all week long!
 $325 | June 22‒26                 hunts. Participate in fun and      $325 | July 13‒17
                                   challenging book discussions,
BUG-U                              trivia, games, and more.           ROBLOX CODERS,
Get up close and personal with     Then, step outside to learn a      ENTREPRENEURS, &
some of the world’s most exotic    wizarding sport that will send     MAKERS
creatures with this unique         you soaring with joy. Overviews    Discover how to code in the Lua
camp in partnership with the       will be given, allowing witches    language while playing and
Philadelphia Insectarium and       and wizards of every level of      designing worlds in Roblox,
Butterfly Pavilion. Release and    fandom to participate.             an online universe where you
feed tropical butterflies, build   $345 | July 6‒10                   can create anything you can
tarantula homes, play eco-                                            dream of! Unlock the power of
games, and more!                   BOOKMAKING &                       Roblox Studio, and learn how
$345 | June 22‒26                  PUBLISHING                         to build 3D models and create
                                   Discover the principles of what    an adventure in your Roblox
CODE BREAKERS &                    makes a great story and how        world. Campers will work in
PYTHON PROGRAMMERS                 to put your stories together.      pairs or teams for most of the
Learn the basics of coding         Learn how to use dialogue and      program.
languages like HTML,               publish your book at the end       $345 | July 20‒24
JavaScript, and CSS through        of camp.
web projects and design            $325 | July 6‒10                   DRAWING DYNAMICS
challenges. Discover how                                              Unleash your imagination
to use the world’s fastest-        CREATE YOUR OWN                    through art! Find inspiration
growing language, Python,          COMICS AND CARTOONS                from the world around
used by Google, NASA,              Learn how to create your very      you to put on paper. The
YouTube, and the CIA! Campers      own comics and cartoons!           fundamentals of shape,
will work in pairs or teams for    Invent characters and develop      design, and composition will
most of the program.               a storyline, and learn different   be covered through the use of
$345 | June 22‒26                  drawing techniques so you          pencils, pastels, and charcoal.
                                   can illustrate your comic          Take the fundamentals and
APP ATTACK & APP. IO               or cartoon. Focus on facial        warp them to match your
Take the first step into the       expressions, drawing unique        very own imagination and
world of mobile app design and     characters, writing letters in     personality.
customize your own game app.       bubbles, and more.                  $345 | July 20‒24
Then, learn how to design your     $345 | July 13‒17

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Summer camps - Temple University

                                                      camps for grades 2–4
                SCIENCE DISCOVERERS                 WHAT’S THE PROBLEM?                  Campers will work in teams for
Ambler Campus

                Make a square bubble, bounce        Learn to solve various               most of the program.
                an egg, make a super-ball out       problems using your creativity.      $345 | August 3‒7
                of glue, and more! Create a         Working in teams, you will
                film canister rocket that can fly   be given a task and specific         ESPORTS AND ROCKET
                two stories high, and create an     items, but limited time to           KART RACERS
                egg capsule to protect it as it     complete the task. Learn how         Learn how to develop game-
                is dropped off the second floor     to communicate with each             play skills and compete with
                balcony. Design a roller coaster    other by sharing ideas on the        games and apps, learn how
                for a marble. Come discover         creation of a finished project.      to produce commentary for
                the fun and amazing world of        $345 | August 3‒7                    tournaments, use professional
                science!                                                                 streaming software, and of
                $345 | July 27‒31                   AWESOME ARTISTS                      course, practice online safety.
                                                    Explore the wonderful world          Then, blast off in making a 3D
                SPY TRAINING & WILD                 of art through use of an array       Mario Kart® and Crash Team
                ABOUT ART                           of media. Create, design, and        Racing® style game. Design
                Are you the world’s next Super      learn in an artful way. Activities   your own tracks and customize
                Spy? Assume a new identity          may include drawing, painting,       your karts and characters.
                and begin your spy training.        sculpting, and collage.              Campers will work in teams for
                Become an expert in the art         $345 | August 3‒7                    most of the program.
                of disguise, code-breaking,                                              $345 | August 10‒14
                surveillance, and stealth.          BATTLE ROYALE AND
                As a team, you and the other        VIRTUAL REALITY                      CREATIVE WRITING
                cadets will solve high-level        Fans of Fortnite—learn to            Express your own thoughts in
                crimes, navigate challenging        design your own battle royale        short stories, poetry, personal
                obstacle courses, and try to        game! Build levels and assets        essays, and other genres in our
                reveal the double-agent. Then,      inspired by the popular battle       fun, supportive atmosphere,
                embrace your creative side in       royale game. Then, learn the         designed to bring out your
                the afternoon. Make paintings,      foundations of VR design             style. Learn from each other’s
                sculptures, pressed art, and        by creating your own virtual         work and receive feedback
                more using natural materials.       worlds, exploring simulated          from the instructor.
                $375 | July 27‒31                   environments, and crafting           $325 | August 10‒14
                                                    memorable 3D experiences.

            2                                  REGISTER BY PHONE: 267-468-8500
Summer camps - Temple University
Ambler camps

                                    camps for grades 5–7
AMERICAN RED CROSS                 create moving robots that           DESIGN YOUR OWN

                                                                                                          Ambler Campus
BABYSITTING TRAINING               react to light, avoid obstacles,    JEWELRY
CAMP                               and do all sorts of amazing         Design beautiful jewelry out
In this one-day camp, boys         things! Campers will work in        of semi-precious stones and
and girls learn all of the ins     cooperative learning groups.        freshwater pearls. Learn how
and outs of being successful       $345 | June 22‒26                   to make earrings, a necklace,
babysitters, including safety                                          and a pendant using three
and security, first aid basics,    BROADWAY BOUND                      essentials tools.
child development, child care,     Get a taste of Broadway as you      $325 | June 29‒July 2 | M‒Th
age-appropriate play and           learn about singing, dancing,
activity planning, and effective   and acting in this one-week         FILM AND TV CAMP
child management. Camp             camp! Discover what it takes        Work as cast and crew in
fee includes instructional         to audition, rehearse, and even     our popular Film and TV
material, safety handbook,         perform a show! Camper will         Camp! Learn basic levels
and an American Red Cross          build skills in singing, dancing,   of acting, directing, voice-
certificate. Note: No discounts    and acting for performers of        over, camera operation, and
apply to this camp.                all experience levels. Camp         working on a green screen.
$125 | June 19 | Ages 11‒15        concludes with an end-of-           Script writing, storyboarding,
                                   week performance!                   and improvisation will also
AMERICAN HEART                     $325 | June 22‒26                   be introduced. Each day is
ASSOCIATION (AHA)                                                      different as you create projects
HEARTSAVER CPR, AED,               DESIGN AND BUILD A BOAT             such as commercials, film
AND FIRST AID                      Work in teams to construct a        scenes, music videos, and
This one-day camp covers           rowboat made of cardboard           public service announcements.
cardiopulmonary resuscitation      and duct tape. Prototypes           $345 + $20 material fee | July
(CPR) and choking relief           will be tested and final            6‒10
for adults, children, and          construction will produce a
infants. Learn how and             boat suitable for the Ambler        EV3 LEGO ROBOTICS FOR
when to use an automated           Regatta that will take place        BEGINNERS
external defibrillator (AED).      in the campus pool at the end       Learn to build, program, and
Learn critical skills needed       of the week. Awards will be         modify a Lego® Mindstorms™
to respond to and manage           made in three categories:           EV3 robot! During the week,
first aid emergencies until        design, appearance, and race        campers will work in teams
emergency medical services         performance.                        to create a Lego® EV3 robot
(EMS) arrives. First aid           $345 | June 22‒26                   designed to carry out missions
basics and medical/injury/                                             and compete in unique
environmental emergencies          BATTLE ROYALE &                     competitions.
will be covered. Receive an        ROBLOX CODERS AND                   $345 | July 6‒10
AHA two-year certification         ENTREPRENEURS
card upon successful               Fans of Fortnite—learn to           SUPERSTAR ARTS &
completion. Note: No discounts     design your own battle royale       CRAFTERS
apply to this camp.                game! Build levels and assets       If you love arts and crafts and
$125 | June 22 | Ages 11‒15        inspired by the popular battle      just can’t get enough, this camp
                                   royale game. Learn the Lua          is for you! This intensive camp
LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT                language while playing and          is ideal for experienced arts
ROBOTICS: BEGINNERS                designing worlds in Roblox,         and crafts lovers. Activities
Discover the Lego®                 an online universe where you        may include bookmaking,
Mindstorms™ NXT Robotics           can create anything you can         painting, accessory design,
kit to create incredible robot     dream of! Campers will work in      embroidery, yarn crafts, paper
inventions. Learn to combine       pairs or teams for most of the      crafts, and much more!
Lego® pieces, motors, sensors,     program.                            $345 | July 6‒10
and computer software to           $275 | June 29‒July 2 | M‒Th

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Summer camps - Temple University

                                                   camps for grades 5–7
                EXPLORING THE WORLD               week while learning skills in      HEROES BEHIND THE
Ambler Campus

                OF 3D GAMES                       team-building, management,         BADGE
                Create an immersive 3D world!     and artistic creation.             This camp provides the
                Then, take your game design       $345 + $20 material fee | July     opportunity to establish
                to the next level with Unity,     13‒17                              positive relationships with law
                where aspiring game designers                                        enforcement and public safety
                will learn level editing, 3D      ESPORTS AND ROCKET                 personnel like police officers,
                modeling, impactful game          KART RACERS                        park rangers, and EMTs. Meet
                creation, and much more!          Learn how to develop game-         them, hear their stories, then
                Campers will work in pairs or     play skills and compete with       learn and practice the basic
                teams for most of the program.    games and apps, produce            skills of a first responder!
                $345 | July 6‒10                  commentary for tournaments,        Activities include physical
                                                  use professional streaming         fitness, raising the colors,
                CREATIVE WRITING                  software, and practice online      and team-building exercises.
                Express your own thoughts in      safety. Then, make a 3D Mario      Learn basics of fire safety,
                short stories, poetry, personal   Kart® and Crash Team Racing®       crime scene processing and
                essays, and other genres in our   style game. Design your own        evidence collection, resource
                fun, supportive atmosphere,       tracks and customize your          protection, personal safety,
                designed to bring out your        karts and characters. Campers      and more!
                style. Learn from each other’s    will work in teams for most of     $50 | July 20‒24 | 5th‒8th
                work and receive feedback         the program.                       grade
                from the instructor. Bring your   $345 | July 13‒17
                ideas, energy, and creativity!                                       EXPLORING LATIN
                $325 | July 13‒17                 SEAPERCH ROBOTS                    Salve! Explore Latin,
                                                  SeaPerch is an innovative          mythology, Roman culture,
                EXPLORING BEYOND THE              underwater robotics program.       pop culture such as Hunger
                WIZARDING WORLD                   Build an underwater remotely       Games and Harry Potter, and
                Explore the Wizarding             operated vehicle (ROV) while       history. Discover the basics
                World beyond your wildest         learning about robotics,           of Latin through the language
                imagination! This camp            engineering, science,              of the ancient Romans! Focus
                will focus on potions and         and math. Teams will test          on Latin vocabulary, gods/
                fare related to your favorite     their robots, competing in         goddesses, Olympic games,
                wizards. Participate in fun and   challenges in the campus pool      Roman clothing, gladiators,
                challenging book discussions,     (campers will not be in the        mosaics and art, and more!
                trivia, games, and more. Then,    pool; no swimming required).       $325 | July 27‒31
                step outside the classroom to     Prizes will be awarded based
                learn a wizarding sport that      on design, planning, and skills.   BATTLE ROYALE AND
                will send you soaring with        $595 + $20 material fee | July     ROCKET KART RACERS
                joy. Overviews will be given,     20‒31 (2 weeks)                    Fans of Fortnite—learn to
                allowing witches and wizards                                         design your own battle royale
                of every level of fandom to       TAKE THE STAGE                     game! Build levels and assets
                participate.                      Putting on a play is more than     inspired by the popular battle
                $345 | July 13‒17                 just costumes, applause, and       royale game. Then, blast off
                                                  stage bows. Learn what an          in making a 3D Mario Kart®
                MUSIC VIDEO CAMP                  audition is like, and put on a     and Crash Team Racing® style
                Immerse yourself in music         mock audition. Play games          game. Design your own tracks
                interpretation, create story      that develop confidence and        and customize your karts
                lines, and develop movements      build improv skills. Campers       and characters. Campers will
                or dance routines to your         will perform for parents at the    work in teams for most of the
                favorite music videos. Take       end of the week. No experience     program.
                turns in front of or behind the   necessary.                         $345 | July 27‒31
                camera. Enjoy a fun-packed        $325 | July 20‒24

            4                                 REGISTER BY PHONE: 267-468-8500
Summer camps - Temple University
Ambler camps

                                     camps for grades 5–7

                                                                                                          Ambler Campus
Continue exploring various          WILDERNESS SKILLS                   GAMING
technologies for the                Join us for a week of mind-         Learn about a series of
construction and competition        bending challenges and              strategy games recreating
of your SeaPerch robot. Build       plot-twists set outdoors.           decisive battles fought in our
an underwater remotely              Solve escape mysteries, then        world history, like Stratego,
operated vehicle (ROV) while        be trained in code-breaking,        Risk, Confusion, and Battle
learning about robotics,            observation, and immersive          Cry. Use your wit and skills
engineering, science,               story creation as you build         to conquer enemies and
and math. Teams will test           your own escape experience.         occupy territory. Each day will
their robots, competing in          Then, discover what it takes        feature a different battle from
challenges in the campus pool       to be an outdoor survivor. Use      critical moments in history.
(campers will not be in the         ancient skills and modern tools     Then, recreate or modify the
pool; no swimming required).        to build shelters, learn outdoor    strategies you’ve learned on
$595 + $20 material fee |           navigation and signaling,           “fields of battle.” These games
August 3‒14 (2 weeks)               learn how to pack for family        are suitable for beginners who
                                    adventures, and practice            are also interested in history.
SPHERO ROBOTS                       the secrets of invisibility and     $345 | August 10‒14
Sphero robots can be driven         stealth.
around like remote control          $375 | August 3‒7                   VIRTUAL REALITY &
cars on grass and roads, in the                                         YOUTUBE CONTENT
pool, and on other surfaces,        LEGO MINDSTORMS                     CREATORS
and can even perform tricks         ROBOTICS NXT: ROBOT                 Learn the foundations of VR
like a skateboard! The Sphero       BATTLES                             design by creating your own
is also a game, where you can       Enjoy some intense head-to-         virtual worlds, exploring
play tag, golf, and fight virtual   head competitions, but don’t        simulated environments,
zombies on your mobile device.      worry about destroying your         and crafting memorable 3D
Campers must have their own         robot like typical “battle bots.”   experiences. Then, explore
mobile device (smartphone/          The competitions will include       the variety of content and
tablet) that can access either      exciting battles like Sumo          personalities that exist on
the Apple or Android app            Robots and Robot Jousting.          YouTube and how to find your
stores.                             Learn more advanced building        own niche. Learn the do’s and
$475 | August 3‒7                   and programming, as well as         don’ts of the platform and
                                    how to coordinate with other        how to practice good digital
                                    teams.                              citizenship. Campers will
                                    $345 | August 10‒14                 work in teams for most of the
                                                                        $345 | August 10‒14

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Summer camps - Temple University

                                                      camps for grades 8–9
                GAMEMAKER CAMP                       WEBMASTERS: HTML &               etiquette. Campers will work in
Ambler Campus

                Learn how to make video              DREAMWEAVER                      teams and will be mentored by
                games. Gamemaker allows              Learn how to design and          the camp instructor. On the last
                you to begin creating games          build multimedia rich web        day, campers will present and
                almost instantly by using a          pages. Campers should bring      defend their solutions.
                simple drag and drop interface.      headphones and a flash drive.    $345 | July 20‒24
                Create multilevel arcade             Basic computer experience is
                games in Gamemaker through           required.                        WEB MULTIMEDIA
                a systematic process. Bring a        $345 | July 13‒17                DEVELOPMENT
                flash drive to camp. Suitable                                         Take your web design skills
                for girls and boys who have          FILM DESIGN & EDITING            to the next level! Learn
                critical thinking skills and enjoy   Learn how to make and edit       the basics of preparing
                working on a computer.               movies for YouTube while         graphics, audio, and video
                $345 | July 6‒10                     learning the professional        for the web. Emphasis will
                                                     software Adobe Premiere.         be on proper formatting and
                SPEAKING WITH                        Be involved in activities such   quality. Campers should bring
                CONFIDENCE: PUBLIC                   as storyboarding, gathering      headphones and a flash drive
                SPEAKING FOR TEENS                   information for productions,     to camp.
                Do you get nervous when              videotaping, and editing the     $345 | July 20‒24
                asked to speak or give a             final product. Basic computer
                presentation in front of your        knowledge and creativity is      EXPLORING LATIN
                class or an audience? Join us in     required. Campers will work in   Salve! Explore Latin,
                a fun and relaxed atmosphere         groups.                          mythology, Roman culture,
                as you learn to develop your         $345 | July 13‒17                pop culture such as Hunger
                public speaking skills. Build                                         Games and Harry Potter, and
                your confidence and alleviate        BUDDING BUSINESS                 history. Discover the basics
                anxiety when speaking                LEADERS                          of Latin through the language
                before people. Students will         Acquire valuable skills by       of the ancient Romans! Focus
                participate in viewing and           solving actual business          on Latin vocabulary, gods/
                evaluating speeches as well          problems. Learn real-world       goddesses, Olympic games,
                as in writing various styles of      business skills such as          Roman clothing, gladiators,
                speeches. We’ll also examine         team building, leadership        mosaics and art, and more!
                qualities of great public            development, financial           $325 | July 20‒24
                speakers.                            management, verbal
                $325 | July 6‒10                     communication, and business

            6                                   REGISTER BY PHONE: 267-468-8500
Summer camps - Temple University
Ambler camps

                                   camps for grades 8–9
INTRO TO PHOTOSHOP                of opportunities that are         PODCASTING 101

                                                                                                      Ambler Campus
Artists, photographers, and       available in the horticulture     Learn how to produce your
designers rely on Adobe           and green industries, including   own podcast by delving into
Photoshop for top-notch image     landscape architect/designer,     interviewing techniques, story
creation and editing. Discover    greenhouse manager/               development, and effective
the most effective ways to use    grower, florist, aquaponics/      storytelling. Discover the
Photoshop.                        hydroponics, horticulturist,      basics of recording techniques,
$345 | July 27‒31                 botanical illustrator, and much   including how to setup and
                                  more! Daily activities will       record your podcast.
SINGING AND MUSIC CAMP            utilize the Ambler Arboretum,     $345 + $20 material fee |
Do you dream of what it’s like    greenhouse, and outdoor           August 3‒7
to be behind the microphone,      gardens and trails.
performing like your favorite     $345 | July 27‒31                 PASSION FOR PAINTING
singer? Develop your skills in                                      Take a creative journey and
song-writing, music recording,    DEBATE FOR TEENS: THE             develop your painting skills.
voice-overs, and audio            ART OF ARGUING                    Learn step-by-step how to
equipment operation. Work         Discover how to better verbally   break down shapes to create
interchangeably as talent and     express your thoughts,            a larger image, brushing
crew. Campers will receive        leverage facts, and persuade      techniques, application of
one professionally edited CD      others. This camp will explore    paint, and basic color theory.
that contains all of their camp   arguing in a civilized way.       $345 | August 10‒14
recordings.                       Students will learn how to
$345 | July 27‒31                 research and create a well-
                                  thought-out argument. Debate
CAREER EXPLORATIONS IN            topics will be picked on a wide
HORTICULTURE (GRADES              scale, and the debate process
7-9)                              will be taught and executed
Through hands-on activities,      within the camp.
discover the wide variety         $325 | August 3‒7

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Summer camps - Temple University

                                                    camps for grades 9–12
                FSI: FORENSIC SCIENCE               to a better world. Participate     second week, campers will
Ambler Campus

                GOES TO COURT                       in community service projects      work in teams to film some of
                A burning car, multiple missing     that can help fulfill graduation   the scripts, edit the footage,
                persons, dry bank accounts          requirements, as well as boost     and take home a digital copy of
                and suspects galore—this            college applications. Learn        the film!
                murder mystery is not for           how to build leadership skills     $575 + $20 material fee | July
                the faint of heart. Participate     and define personal goals, and     27‒August 7 (2 weeks)
                in laboratory techniques            start thinking about what lies
                used in the forensic industry,      ahead after graduation.            SPEAKING WITH
                and examine a mock crime            $345 | July 13‒17                  CONFIDENCE: PUBLIC
                scene. Accumulate evidence                                             SPEAKING FOR TEENS
                through drug analysis, blood        CREATIVE WRITING FOR               Do you get nervous when
                spatter examination, fire           TEENS                              asked to speak or give a
                debris composition testing,         Express your own thoughts in       presentation in front of your
                and other practices. Campers        short stories, poetry, personal    class or an audience? Join us in
                conclude the first week of their    essays, and other genres in our    a fun and relaxed atmosphere
                investigation by acting as the      fun, supportive atmosphere,        as you learn to develop your
                grand jury by establishing          designed to bring out your         public speaking skills. Build
                probable cause and screening        style. Learn from each other’s     your confidence and alleviate
                criminal indictments. In            work and receive feedback          anxiety when speaking
                week 2, campers continue            from the instructor. Bring your    before people. Students will
                to strengthen their case and        ideas, energy and creativity!      participate in viewing and
                finish with criminal sentencing     $325 | July 20‒24                  evaluating speeches as well
                in a mock trial.                                                       as in writing various styles of
                $645 + $30 material fee | July      SCREENWRITING &                    speeches. We’ll also examine
                6‒17 (2 weeks)                      MOVIEMAKING                        qualities of great public
                                                    Join us for a 2-week camp and      speakers.
                LEADERSHIP & SERVICE                discover how to put together       $325 | August 10‒14
                EXPERIENCE FOR TEENS                a screenplay, from the basics
                Teens who actively engage in        of structuring your story to
                community service and take          finalizing your masterpiece.
                on leadership roles at school       Learn about character
                and their communities make a        development, how to create
                real difference and contribute      storyboards, and more. In the

            8                                    REGISTER BY PHONE: 267-468-8500
Main Campus camps

             Summer camps at Temple University’s Main Campus will take place at 1801 N. Broad
             St., Philadelphia PA. Camps run Monday‒Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Aftercare is
             available starting at 8 a.m. and ending at 5:45 p.m. at an additional cost. Shuttle service
             will be provided between the Ambler campus and Main campus for an additional fee. To
             register, visit or call 267-468-8500.

                                     camps for grades 2–4
ROBLOX CODERS,                     community. Explore all genres      growing language, Python,
ENTREPRENEURS, &                   of writing, including short        used by Google, NASA,
MAKERS                             stories, poetry, prose, plays,     YouTube, and the CIA! Campers
Discover how to code in the Lua    song lyrics, spoken word,          will work in pairs or teams for
language while playing and         novels, and graphic novels.        most of the program.
designing worlds in Roblox,        In the afternoon, discover the     $345 | July 20‒24
an online universe where you       wonderful world of art through
can create anything you can        an array of media. Create,         EXPLORING THE WORLD
dream of! Unlock the power of      design, and learn in artful way.   OF 3D GAMES
Roblox Studio, and learn how       $325 | July 6‒10                   Create an immersive 3D world!
to build 3D models and create                                         Then, take your game design
                                   VIRTUAL REALITY &                  to the next level with Unity,

                                                                                                           Main Campus
an adventure in your Roblox
world. Campers will work in        YOUTUBE CONTENT                    where aspiring game designers
pairs or teams for most of the     CREATORS                           will learn level editing, 3D
program.                           Learn the foundations of VR        modeling, impactful game
$345 | June 22‒26                  design by creating your own        creation, and much more!
                                   virtual worlds, exploring          Campers will work in pairs or
SCIENCE DISCOVERERS                simulated environments,            teams for most of the program.
Make a square bubble, bounce       and crafting memorable 3D          $345 | July 27‒31
an egg, make a super-ball out      experiences. Then, explore
of glue, and more! Create a        the variety of content and         BATTLE ROYALE & ROCKET
film canister rocket that can      personalities that exist on        KART RACERS
fly two stories high, and create   YouTube and how to find your       Fans of Fortnite—learn to
an egg capsule to protect it.      own niche. Learn the do’s and      design your own battle royale
Design a roller coaster for a      don’ts of the platform and         game! Build levels and assets
marble. Come discover the fun      how to practice good digital       inspired by the popular battle
and amazing world of science!      citizenship. Campers will          royale game. Then, blast off
$285 | June 29‒July 2              work in teams for most of the      in making a 3D Mario Kart®
                                   program.                           and Crash Team Racing® style
CREATIVE WRITING &                 $345 | July 13‒17                  game. Design your own tracks
AWESOME ARTISTS                                                       and customize your karts
Explore your creative side!        CODE BREAKERS &                    and characters. Campers will
In the morning, discover           PYTHON PROGRAMMERS                 work in teams for most of the
your unique and powerful           Learn the basics of coding         program.
writing voice. Explore and         languages like HTML,               $345 | August 3‒7
trust that voice through a         JavaScript, and CSS through
writing workshop that affirms      web projects and design
writers, builds confidence, and    challenges. Discover how
creates a supportive writing       to use the world’s fastest-

                 Summer Reading Skills Programs—Institute of Reading Development
                 Offered at over 21 locations throughout Pennsylvania, including Temple’s
                 Main, Ambler, and Harrisburg campuses, our program helps enrich children’s
                 appreciation of books and learning, as well as develop stronger skills in reading
                 comprehension. Programs are available for children as young as age four. For
                 more information, visit or call 800-694-8888.

              REGISTER ONLINE AT NONCREDIT.TEMPLE.EDU/SUMMERCAMPS                                          9

                                                  camps for grades 5–7
              FILM & TV CAMP                     EXPLORING THE WORLD               an array of media. Create,
              Work as cast and crew in           OF 3D GAMES                       design, and learn in an artful
              our popular Film and TV            Create an immersive 3D world!     way.
              Camp! Learn basic levels           Then, take your game design       $325 | July 13‒17
              of acting, directing, voice-       to the next level with Unity,
              over, camera operation, and        where aspiring game designers     DESIGN YOUR OWN
              working on a green screen.         will learn level editing, 3D      JEWELRY
              Script writing, storyboarding,     modeling, impactful game          Design beautiful jewelry out
              and improvisation will also        creation, and much more!          of semi-precious stones and
              be introduced. Each day is         Campers will work in pairs or     freshwater pearls. Learn how
              different as you create projects   teams for most of the program.    to make earrings, a necklace,
              such as commercials, film          $345 | July 6‒10                  and a pendant using three
              scenes, music videos, and                                            essentials tools.
              public service announcements.      CREATIVE WRITING AND              $345 | July 20‒24
              $345 + $20 material fee | June     AWESOME ARTISTS
              22‒26                              Explore your creative side!       DRAWING FOR THE YOUNG
                                                 In the morning, discover          ARTIST
Main Campus

              MINECRAFT MODDERS &                your unique and powerful          Develop your creativity in this
              REDSTONE ENGINEERS                 writing voice. Explore and        camp designed to promote
              Use your favorite game to learn    trust that voice through a        your artistic ability. Learn
              the basics of modding and          writing workshop that affirms     techniques of shading and
              foundation of programming          writers, builds confidence, and   perspective as you explore
              as you create your first           creates a supportive writing      a variety of subject matter
              mods! Then, take the next          community. Explore all genres     including object studies, still-
              step beyond simply playing         of writing, including short       lifes, portraits, and landscapes
              Minecraft, and become a true       stories, poetry, prose, plays,    in a variety of media.
              Redstone engineer! Campers         song lyrics, spoken word,         $345 | July 27‒31
              will work in pairs or teams for    novels, and graphic novels.
              most of the program.               In the afternoon, discover the
              $275 | June 29‒July 2              wonderful world of art through

                                                  camps for grades 8–9
              PODCASTING 101                     interchangeably as talent and     DEBATE FOR TEENS: THE
              Learn how to produce your          crew. Campers will receive        ART OF ARGUING
              own podcast by delving into        one professionally edited CD      Discover how to better verbally
              interviewing techniques, story     that contains all of their camp   express your thoughts,
              development, and effective         recordings.                       leverage facts, and persuade
              storytelling. Discover the         $345 | July 13‒17                 others. This camp will explore
              basics of recording techniques,                                      arguing in a civilized way.
              including how to setup and         CREATIVE WRITING                  Students will learn how to
              record your podcast.               WORKSHOP                          research and create a well-
              $345 + $20 material fee | July     Explore and trust your unique     thought-out argument. Debate
              6‒10                               writing voice through a           topics will be picked on a wide
                                                 writing workshop that affirms     scale, and the debate process
              SINGING & MUSIC CAMP               writers, builds confidence, and   will be taught and executed
              Do you dream of what it’s like     creates a supportive writing      within the camp.
              to be behind the microphone,       community. Explore all genres     $325 | July 27‒31
              performing like your favorite      of writing, including short
              singer? Develop your skills in     stories, poetry, prose, plays,
              song-writing, music recording,     song lyrics, spoken word,
              voice-overs, and audio             novels, and graphic novels.
              equipment operation. Work          $325 | July 20‒24

       10                                   REGISTER BY PHONE: 267-468-8500
Pre-College programs

                                                      Main Campus

2020 registration, refund,
     and withdrawal policies

      The following policies apply to
      most, but not all, summer camps
      at Temple University.

      Payment and Registration
      Payment, in full, is due upon
      registration. Payment includes
      the camp fee as well as any
      materials fee or computer lab
      fee. Register and pay by credit
      card at
      summercamps. Or, call the Office
      of Non-Credit and Continuing
      Education at 267-468-8500.

      You may mail your paper
      registration form with a check
      or money order, made payable
      to Temple University. We regret
      that we cannot accept credit card
      payments by mail. Cash is also not
      an acceptable form of payment.

                                           Refunds and Withdrawals
                                           You must request a withdrawal
                                           at least 3 weeks before the
                                           start date of the camp session
                                           that your child is enrolled in.
                                           If your withdrawal request
                                           is received at least 3 weeks
                                           before the camp session start
                                           date, you will receive a refund
                                           minus a $50.00 withdrawal fee.
                                           Withdrawal requests received
                                           less than 3 weeks before the
                                           camp session start date will
                                           not be entitled to any refund.
                                           This is regardless of when you
                                           registered for the camp. All
                                           withdrawals must be received
                                           in writing and can be sent by
                                           email to course.withdrawals@
                                  or by fax at 267-

Registration Information • Summer Camps 2020
Parents and Guardians: When registering your child(ren) for camp, you must create an account for your child.
Remember, when you are registering someone other than yourself, you will be acting as that person during the
registration process and inputting their information, not your own. If you have any questions, call our office at
                                                                           PHONE: 267-468-8500
               REGISTER ONLINE:                                            MAIL COMPLETED FORM TO:
               NONCREDIT.TEMPLE.EDU/                                       Temple University Ambler
                                                                           Office of Non-Credit Programs
               SUMMERCAMPS                                                 580 Meetinghouse Road • Ambler, PA 19002
NOTE: This form is not applicable for camps that require an application such as Temple Summer Academy. Contact or call 215-204-2712.

      Child’s Name:______________________________________________ Date of Birth:_____________________

      Age:____________ Grade:_____________ T-shirt Size: (Youth XL to Adult XL) _______________________

      Parent/Guardian’s Name:_____________________________________________________________________


      City:________________________________________________ State:___________ Zip:____________ ________

      Day Phone:________________________________ Cell Phone:_______________________________________

      E-mail address:______________________________________________________________________________

      Camp:___________________________________________ Camp Fee:_________ Materials Lab Fee:________

      Camp: ___________________________________________ Camp Fee: _________ Materials Lab Fee:________

      Camp: ___________________________________________ Camp Fee: _________ Materials Lab Fee:________

      Camp: ___________________________________________ Camp Fee: _________ Materials Lab Fee:________

      Camp: ___________________________________________ Camp Fee: _________ Materials Lab Fee:________

                                                 Total Camp and Materials Fees: $___________________
      Extended Camp Care:         ❏ AM Care ❏ PM Care ❏ Both AM/PM Care

      Register and pay online with a credit card at, or call 267-468-8500.
      Mail-in registrations with this form must be paid by check or money order. We regret that we cannot take
      credit card information by mail.

      ❏ I am enclosing a check, made payable to “Temple University” in the amount of $__________________

Summer Camps 2020 Waiver and Release
Please respond to the following questions:
General Liability Waiver: I hereby waive and release Temple University and their respective employees and agents from any
and all manner of actions, claims, and demands, especially all claims arising out of any incidents involving personal injury to
my child in any way by reason of participation in the program. I know of no mental or physical problems, which may affect my
child’s ability to participate in this program. I will be responsible for any medical or other charges in connection with his or her
attendance at this program.

❏ I understand and agree.
Photo Release: I am aware that, periodically, photographs or videos may be taken of the registered students and/or their
artwork and/or projects. I permit the staff of Temple University to use, in whole or in part, photographs, videos, written
extractions, and voice recordings of the enrolled student for the purpose of promoting Temple University and its programs in
publications, websites, and all other forms of media without further approval or compensation.

❏ I understand and agree.
❏ I DO NOT agree.
Medical Release: I hereby authorize Temple University to act for me according to their best judgement in accordance with the
above policies and/or in an emergency requiring medical attention.
❏ I understand and agree.
Permit No. 1044
                                        U.S. Postage


                                                                                 Postmaster: Please deliver to occupant.

 Discover Fun!
 Discover Learning!
                                                         580 MEETINGHOUSE ROAD

 Discover Temple University
                                                         AMBLER, PA 19002

 Summer Programs!
 Ev3 Lego® Mindstorm Robotics
 Battle Royale & Virtual Reality
 FSI: Forensic Science Investigation
 Music Video Camp
 Podcasting 101
 Design Your Own Jewelry
 And much more!


Arrive early, stay late!
Extended camp care is available
at Ambler and Main Campus,
as well as shuttle transportation
between campuses.
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