2019 STAKE-HOLDER REPORT - www.redos.de/en - Redos Real Estate

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2019 STAKE-HOLDER REPORT - www.redos.de/en - Redos Real Estate

2019 STAKE-HOLDER REPORT - www.redos.de/en - Redos Real Estate
    ment team

                         Oliver Herrmann      Carsten Wimmer          Christine Hager
                         Managing Director/   Managing Director/      Managing Director/
                         Head of Business     Head of Finance         Head of Shopping
                         Development                                  Center Asset

    Torsten C. Wesch     Carola Obermöller    Frank Eckervogt         Klaudia Herrmann
    Managing Director/   Managing Director/   Managing Director/      Managing Director/
    Head of Fund         Head of Investment   Head of Acquisition     Head of Leasing
    Management           Management

2                                                                   redos | Stakeholder Report 2019
2019 STAKE-HOLDER REPORT - www.redos.de/en - Redos Real Estate
Dear investors, business partners,
friends and colleagues,
We are delighted to present               With the completion of major           will be the next to undergo this
the third annual redos Group              revitalisation projects for our        comprehensive transformation,
stakeholder report, in which we           Havelpark Dallgow and                  following our submission last year
want to provide insights into             Brandenburger Einkaufszentrum          of a building permit application
our company, to share project             Wust shopping centres on the           for the first phase of this massive
highlights from the past year             outskirts of Berlin, we achieved       undertaking. With the planned
and to introduce some of the              two further milestones over            start of construction this year,
people who have worked so                 the past year – these with our         Germany’s largest shopping
hard to make these successes              joint venture partner Madison          centre modernisation project
happen. Looking back on 2019              International Realty and               will begin in close cooperation
fills us with pride – and not             project developer HLG. Both of         with our partners Morgan Stanley
only because it was the year              these shopping centres were            Real Estate Investing and HLG.
in which we crowned our more              successfully repositioned in the
than five-year partnership with           market, now ready for a future         While some eventful and ex-
Union Investment with the joint           in which retail means so much          citing months are behind us,
launch of our third institutional         more than just shopping. Our           more are ahead. We look forward
AIF: the Redos Einzelhandel               Rhein-Ruhr Zentrum shopping            to continuing on our journey of
Deutschland III fund.                     centre, in Germany’s densely           success with our many partners
                                          populated Rhine-Ruhr region,           and with our superb team.

UPDATE 2020                                                                      Yours faithfully,
                                                                                 The redos management team
Back at the beginning of 2020 when we were finalising this report, it was
impossible to foresee that 2020 would become a year like no other. Due to
the COVID-19 pandemic, we were not able to realize all our plans for 2020. And
yet, we still made solid progress over the course of the year, building on our
successes in 2019. On the following pages, we‘d like to share these with you.

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2019 STAKE-HOLDER REPORT - www.redos.de/en - Redos Real Estate
    in numbers

                                                    completed shopping centre
                                                  revitalisation projects since 2017

              €   2.8                                                                        18,000
                      bn                                                                     retail properties
             target volume for                                                                  in our ROB
          institutional AIFs I, II & III
                                                                                                   proprietary database

                                           89                              €   2.8
                                           properties                                  bn
                                           throughout                         assets under
                                           Germany                           management

      1,041                                                                            1.3
                   managed                                                        m sq. m.

    * as of 31 December 2019

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2019 STAKE-HOLDER REPORT - www.redos.de/en - Redos Real Estate
redos Group
Leading in retail real estate

redos Group invests throughout          strive to anticipate changes
Germany in large-scale retail
properties with an eye for future
                                        in consumer behaviour as
                                        digitalisation transforms retail.
                                                                                 Five strong
trends and market needs. Through
our various service units – invest-
                                        Through fresh ideas and new
                                        approaches, we ensure the
                                                                                 reasons for
ment, asset management, fund            long-term attractiveness of our          redos
management, redevelopment,              investment properties while, at
advisory and leasing – we offer         the same time, helping to secure
a broad range of portfolio and
property management services
                                        the continued future viability
                                        of bricks-and-mortar retail.               1    We are an active
                                                                                        asset manager and
which are precisely tailored to
the needs of our institutional and      As co-investor, we stake our own

semi-institutional clients. Our ca-     capital to our projects. This pro-              We work with the full
pabilities span all risk classes and    vides our investing clients with the            range of investment
typical investment vehicles, and        ultimate assurance of our com-                  vehicles.
we have successfully launched           mitment to proactively address
three of our own institutional funds.   the challenges facing retail and
                                        to develop solutions which will
                                                                                  3     We manage the full
                                                                                        range of risk classes.

Our mission is to provide our           bring profitable returns in the long
                                                                                        We bring a proven
investing clients with access to        term. We rigorously manage our                  track record of
promising retail-sector real es-        investment properties with close                revitalisation expertise.
tate opportunities with balanced        attention to value appreciation,

risk-return profiles. With our          developing only those concepts                  We have a broad
forward-looking approach to             of which we are firmly convinced.               network of retail
active asset management, we                                                             tenants.

Our investment profile
The focus of our investment             z conventional                         We are usually able to conclude
activities is on large-scale retail         shopping centres                   purchase agreements without
properties in prominent locations       z   hybrid shopping centres            making them conditional upon
throughout Germany. We exam-            z   retail parks                       the availability of financing
ine every potential investment          z   specialty stores                   or committee approvals. We
property down to the smallest           z   home improvement stores            are thus able to offer sellers
detail. In identifying and execut-      z   hypermarkets                       of retail properties reliability
ing our acquisitions, our motto is      z   local convenience                  and professionalism of
quality before quantity. Through            shopping centres                   transaction execution, from
our joint venture arrangements,         z   supermarkets                       initial negotiations all the way
as well as for portfolio additions      z   mixed-use properties               through to final closing.
to our institutional funds, we
seek to acquire various types
of investment properties within
the following retail segments:

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2019 STAKE-HOLDER REPORT - www.redos.de/en - Redos Real Estate
“We need to have
                                                                                      UPDATE 2020
                                                                                      The corona crisis has affected espe-
                                                                                      cially the non-food retail sector. Yet
                                                                                      long-term trends such as a rise in

    the courage to
                                                                                      digitization and a stronger focus on
                                                                                      customer needs accelerated over
                                                                                      the course of the past months. The
                                                                                      related statements in this interview

    rethink retail.”
                                                                                      have therefore lost none of their

    A conversation about the trends and
    challenges that affect the asset class

               People will always           So much is happening these             significant differences in ex-
               go shopping in               days, particularly within the          pectations and objectives. Yet it
               physical stores, also        area of shopping centres.              must ultimately be about winning
     in the future. But retailers
                                            Where will these dramatic              long-term customer loyalty by
     must constantly question
     what they’re doing and                 changes ultimately lead us?            providing what customers want
     how they’re positioned.                                                       in a convincing and appealing
                                            Christine Hager: We need to have
                                                                                   way. We can only respond to these
                                            the courage to rethink retail. This
                                                                                   customer needs and desires if we
                   Oliver Herrmann          is the big challenge in 2020 – and
                                                                                   tackle this challenge together.
                                            not just within the shopping centre
                                            segment. Large retail complexes, in    In addition to shopping centres,
    redos has been specialised in
                                            particular, are growing increasingly   redos also focuses on local
    large-scale retail properties
                                            attractive where they effective-       convenience retail properties.
    for more than 15 years now.
                                            ly combine shopping, dining and        Last year, together with Union
    Are you planning to retain
                                            entertainment with complementary       Investment, you jointly launched
    that this strategy?
                                            usages such as offices, co-working,    your third institutional AIF with
    Oliver Herrmann: Retail is and will     hotels and even logistics. Large-      a corresponding investment
    remain our focus. The asset class       scale retail spaces are becoming       focus. What prompted you to
    continues to offer large invest-        places for modern lifestyles and       expand this partnership?
    ment potential and many market          workstyles. For this new approach
                                                                                   Torsten C. Wesch: Retail parks
    opportunities that we want to and       to succeed, it is essential for all
                                                                                   and shopping centres focused
    will exploit together with our strong   of the key players involved to pull
                                                                                   on specialist retailers offer stable
    partners, such as Union Investment      together – from key investors to
                                                                                   long-term cash flows. In addition,
    in the fund area, HLG in revitalisa-    shopping centre operators to
                                                                                   many established retailers within
    tion project management, and ECE        tenants. This is not always easy
                                                                                   Germany, with strong credit rating,
    on the shopping centre manage-          because there can, of course, be
                                                                                   are continuing to expand in the
    ment side. We are specifically
                                                                                   market. Against this backdrop, it’s
    expanding our strategic part-
                                                                                   hardly surprising that the interest
    nerships within these important                    It is essential
                                                                                   from our investors remains very
    areas. We firmly believe in the                    for all of the key
                                                                                   high. Putting these factors togeth-
    future of retail. At the same time,                players involved
                                             to pull together – from key           er, these were just the right starting
    it is abundantly clear that tradi-
                                             investors to shopping centre          conditions for the launch of our
    tional approaches and concepts
                                             operators to tenants.                 third fund with Union Investment
    within retailing must change.
                                                                                   – a proven partnership for more
    This can, for example, mean
                                                            Christine Hager        than five years now. With this new
    a blurring of property usages
                                                                                   vehicle, our investing clients are
    which were previously distinct.

6                                                                                          redos | Stakeholder Report 2019
2019 STAKE-HOLDER REPORT - www.redos.de/en - Redos Real Estate
Christine Hager                         Oliver Herrmann                         Torsten C. Wesch
Managing Director/Head of               Managing Director/                      Managing Director/
Shopping Center Asset Management        Head of Business Development            Head of Fund Management

            Supermarket-                manageable risks. However, this         Does this mean that recognising
            anchored                    does not mean that the manage-          and seizing upon trends at an
  retail properties continue to         ment of these properties is any         early stage is the critical factor for
  offer very attractive returns         less intensive or rigorous. Before      retail as an asset class to remain
  with manageable risks.                any acquisition, every investment       attractive over the long term?
                                        property must be carefully exam-
                                                                                Oliver Herrmann: A large part of
                 Torsten C. Wesch       ined and must offer a concept
                                                                                retail purchases are still being
                                        which will be viable in the long term
                                                                                made in bricks-and-mortar stores.
                                        – without reliance upon any par-
                                                                                And I am convinced that people
once again able to uniquely benefit     ticular anchor tenant. This sound
                                                                                will always go shopping in physi-
from our combined real estate           concept must then be consistent-
                                                                                cal stores, also in the future. But in
and fund expertise. Our respective      ly developed and carried out.
                                                                                today’s fiercely competitive retail
teams work very well together.
                                        Against the backdrop of                 environment, and particularly in
What specifically makes                 digitalisation and rapidly              terms of the struggle to win and
local convenience retail                shifting customer preferences,          hold the attention of consumers –
properties attractive?                  how is the role of asset                the so-called ‘attention economy’
                                        management changing?                    of today – retailers must constantly
Torsten C. Wesch: When, for exam-
                                                                                question what they’re doing and
ple, you have not only one of the       Christine Hager: Active asset man-
                                                                                how they’re positioned. Focusing
major convenience supermarkets          agement means so much more
                                                                                on the consumer more than ever
as anchor tenant but also one           than just proactively negotiating
                                                                                before means not only reacting to
of the major health and beauty          lease extensions. Digitalisation
                                                                                changing needs but also proac-
chains. Bricks-and-mortar food          makes it possible to get much
                                                                                tively developing new offers and
retail has the big advantage that       closer to customers, and to opti-
                                                                                new concepts. This means mak-
it has been largely unaffected          mise and expand service offerings.
                                                                                ing the shopping experience fun
by online retail, which will remain     Correctly implemented, this can
                                                                                and enjoyable and relaxing at the
so for the foreseeable future. The      work to sustain and increase long-
                                                                                same time. The customer wants an
things that people need on a day-       term value. The prerequisite for
                                                                                overall experience. This is the big
to-day basis will continue, for the     success, however, is that various
                                                                                challenge which we, as investors
most part, to be bought from these      specialists must work closely to-
                                                                                and asset managers, must face.
local convenience destinations          gether on the asset management
– spontaneously and at prices           side – and in an interdisciplinary
which are highly competitive. As        way, recognising and adapting
a result, these supermarket-an-         to retail trends at an early stage
chored retail properties continue       so that we are ready to imple-
to offer very attractive returns with   ment them ahead of the market.

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2019 STAKE-HOLDER REPORT - www.redos.de/en - Redos Real Estate
Who is redos? Our team of 51 dedicated, highly motivated
                                                           professionals – not all of them in this photo – who bring
                                                               true passion to their work every day at our offices in
                                                                            Hamburg and in Lohmar near Cologne.

    The people behind
    the success at redos
                                 The launch of a new institutional        challenges and turn them into
                                 AIF, several major property ac-          opportunities, thereby ensuring
                                 quisitions for our funds, numerous       the success of our projects.
                                 lease agreements, two completed
                         + 8%*
                                 revitalisation projects, and pre-        redos continues to grow: Last
                                 parations for Germany’s largest          year we added several new
                                 shopping centre modernisation            members to our team, including,
                                 – all of these major achievements        for example, Jan Steinhauer as
    employees                    during 2019 were only made pos-          Director/Head of Construction.
                                 sible thanks to our extraordinary        We are always on the lookout for
    * compared to 2018
                                 staff. Through the tireless efforts of   motivated, highly talented new
                                 our interdisciplinary teams, we not      employees who want to shape
                                 only expertly manage our day-to-         the future of retail as part of one
                                 day business but also overcome           of the industry’s leading teams.

8                                                                                  redos | Stakeholder Report 2019
2019 STAKE-HOLDER REPORT - www.redos.de/en - Redos Real Estate
Approx. 25,000 sq.m. of GLA                                    Welcome to redos,
   newly leased or prolonged
                                                                  Jan Steinhauer!
   We are particularly proud of our strong rental manage-
                                                                  During 2019, we were fortunate to
   ment performance in 2019, particularly in terms of lease
                                                                  be able to bring Jan Steinhauer
   agreements signed. How does this success come about?
                                                                  into our team as Director/Head of
   We bring our specialised expertise together with an ex-
                                                                  Construction. His new responsibilities
   tensive network of tenant contacts, including many of
   Europe’s leading retailers, and supplementing our own
                                                                  include, needless to say, managing
   tenant relationships with those of our partner HLG as well     our largest revitalisation project
   as the long-standing tenant relationships of our shopping      to date, the Rhein-Ruhr Zentrum
   centre management partners. Together, working hand in          shopping centre. In this role, he
   hand in a spirit of partnership and mutual trust, we relent-   serves as our interface to the project
   lessly drive towards our shared goals in rental manage-        developer and is also responsible
   ment, in each of our 89 investment properties throughout       for coordination and oversight of
   Germany, with a total of more than 1,000 managed leases.       two other very important project
                                                                  partners, the general contractor
                                                                  and the project manager. Before
                                                                  joining redos, Jan Steinhauer worked
                                                                  for prominent industry participants,
                                                                  including Drees & Sommer and ECE.

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2019 STAKE-HOLDER REPORT - www.redos.de/en - Redos Real Estate
Christie portfolio
     Successful repositioning
     of our hybrid shopping centres

      redos and ECE expand
      strategic cooperation

      We have chosen ECE as new
      partner for the property man-
      agement and shopping centre
      management of our four Christie
      properties. With this decision, we
      are expanding our successful
      long-term strategic cooperation.
      ECE has, on our behalf, already
      been managing the very large
      Rhein-Ruhr Zentrum shopping
      centre since 2018. Through our
      new chosen partner, we aim to
      raise the management quality
      of our properties to a higher
      level, thereby ensuring and
      stabilising the strong financial
      performance of our shopping
      centres and positioning them
      for long-term success in their
      highly competitive local markets.

                                           Positioning and revitalising retail    of tenants, including notable
                                           properties to remain viable in         anchor tenants with strong credit
                                           the future means developing an         ratings. Over recent years, three
                                           individual, sustainable concept for    of the four centres have been
                                           each property that takes account       comprehensively modernised.
                                           of rapidly changing consumer           In 2019, together with our project
                                           preferences. This is exactly the       partners and through a joint
                                           approach we are taking with            venture with Madison International
                                           our repositioning of the Christie      Realty, we successfully completed
                                           portfolio, consisting of four large-   the revitalisations of the Dallgow
                                           scale hybrid shopping centres          Havelpark and Brandenburger
                                           on the outskirts of Berlin and         Einkaufszentrum Wust shopping
                                           Dresden, with total combined GLA       centres. As to the remaining
                                           of some 218,000 square metres.         shopping centre in the portfolio,
                                           and more than 350 shops. Each          Kaufpark Dresden-Nickern, we
                                           of these established shopping          have already drafted several
                                           centres enjoys a strong local          conceptual approaches and
                                           market position, high visitor          construction planning variants for
                                           traffic, and an attractive mix         its revitalisation and repositioning.

10                                                                                       redos | Stakeholder Report 2019
redos | Stakeholder Report 2019   11
Havelpark Dallgow
     A modern design with a broad range
     of offers for young and old
     With Havelpark Dallgow, in the          region with the new Havelpark           community which the shopping
     western suburbs of Berlin, we           Dallgow. Through a fresh colour         centre serves. We specially
     have created a new and exciting         scheme and façade materials,            included e-filling stations to
     gathering place for young and old.      along with a modernised fore-           encourage electromobility.
     Its grand reopening was cele-           court, including an outdoor play-       We took care not only to install
     brated in October 2019, following       ground, new bus stop and gen-           energy-efficient lighting but
     two years of extensive construc-        erously sized entrance areas, we        also to use only environmen-
     tion works. The location, which         have been able to raise the quality     tally friendly materials. Through
     was formerly largely a retail park,     of the customer experience and          these efforts, we are proud to
     was transformed into a contem-          create a feel-good atmosphere.          have achieved a BREEAM certifi-
     porary shopping centre with a           The optimised visitor guidance          cation for the shopping centre.
     modern design and a diverse mix         within the mall and central esca-
     of retailer types and tenants. Our      lator system also serve to improve
                                                                                     Project partners:
     central focus in this project was       orientation and to make the shop-
                                                                                     Project development and leasing:
     to make the offers more varied          ping experience more pleasant.
                                                                                     HLG (Münster)
     and appealing to all age groups.
                                                                                     General contractor: sgi strempel &
     We have also taken care to in-          Sustainability was an important
                                                                                     große ingenieurgesellschaft (Berlin)
     clude more local businesses and         criterion in this revitalisation pro-
                                                                                     Architectural planning:
     to bring more regionality into          ject – because of the commitment
                                                                                     Maas & Partner Architekten (Münster)
     the centre’s marketing, thereby         by redos and our partners to the
                                                                                     Project manager:
     strengthening people’s identifica-      environment, and because it is
                                                                                     Drees & Sommer (Hamburg)
     tion potential across this populous     important to the shoppers and
                                                                                     Shopping centre management:
                                                                                     Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield (Düsseldorf)

     At a glance:

     € 203.2 m          € 33 m                     54,000 sq.m.            98 shops and              approx. 3,400
     total              investment                 total rental space      restaurants               free parking
     investment         in property                                                                  spaces
     amount             revitalisation

     Anchor tenants                        New tenants                                               approx.
     Adler, C&A, H&M, Intersport,          Bäckerei Junge,                                           280,000
     Kaufland, Medimax,                    Depot, Olymp&Hades                                        people in the
     New Yorker, Olymp&Hades,                                                                        catchment
     Pflanzen Kölle, Rossmann,             Certifications                                            area
     Spiele Max                            BREEAM

12                                                                                           redos | Stakeholder Report 2019
redos | Stakeholder Report 2019   13
     Einkaufszentrum Wust
     A new quality of visitor experience in a
     long-established destination for families
     For more than 27 years, the Bran-      areas and new furniture through-      regularly drawn some 1.7 million
     denburg Einkaufszentrum Wust has       out the mall – thereby upgrading      visitors annually. With the new
     been an established destination        the shopping experience and en-       concept now in place, we are con-
     for shoppers and a region-             couraging visitors to spend more      fident that we will further increase
     al landmark on the far western         time in the centre. We also acted     the number of regular shoppers,
     outskirts of Berlin. Under previous    quickly to bring in desirable new     thereby stabilising and enhancing
     ownership, however, it had long        tenants, including Modepark Röther    the property’s long-term value.
     lacked the kind of meaningful          as a strong new anchor tenant,
     investment needed to keep with         which across ist 5,700 square
                                                                                  Project partners:
     the times. Immediately upon our        metres of retail space now offers a
                                                                                  Project development and leasing:
     acquisition of the Christie port-      broad range of fashion brands and
                                                                                  HLG (Münster)
     folio, we therefore developed a        is thus a major draw for fashion
                                                                                  General contractor:
     comprehensive new concept              shoppers. Furthermore, we worked
                                                                                  Undkrauss (Berlin)
     to revitalise and reposition this      with long-time established tenants
                                                                                  Architectural planning:
     shopping complex as an attractive      such as Dänisches Bettenlager
                                                                                  Maas & Partner Architekten (Münster)
     and appealing destination with a       and Intersport to optimise and
                                                                                  Project manager:
     broad range of offers for families.    modernise their space to the latest
                                                                                  Drees & Sommer (Hamburg)
     To achieve this, we invested in spe-   design standards. The crowds at
                                                                                  Shopping centre management:
     cific high-visibility improvements –   the grand reopening ceremony in
                                                                                  Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield (Düsseldorf)
     enhanced walking areas, new            October 2019 were enormous. This
     washrooms, redesigned entrance         established shopping venue has

14                                                                                        redos | Stakeholder Report 2019
As partner for the centre
          management, we very
  much appreciate the spirit of
  cooperation built upon trust,
  the solution-oriented way of
  working, and the partnership-
  based approach of redos. We
  are particularly delighted that
  we are now able to expand
  this cooperation, assuming
  the operational management
  of another four shopping
  centres as we work together
  to further develop the redos
  portfolio – and thus to partner
  even closer in creating the
  shopping centres of the future.

                Joanna Fisher
                Managing Director
                Center Management, ECE

                                                      Grand opening of Modepark
                                                      Röther in the newly revitalised
                                                      Brandenburger Einkaufszentrum
                                                      Wust, an especially popular
                                                      destination for families

       At a glance:

       € 40 m                € 18 m                40,000 sq.m.              46 shops and       approx. 1,800
       total                 investment            total rental space        restaurants,       free parking
       investment            in property                                     including large-   spaces
       amount                revitalisation                                  format home
                                                                             store Toom

       Anchor tenants                         Certifications                                    approx.
       Deichmann, expert, Intersport,         Jeans Fritz,                                      174,000
       Kaufland, Modepark Röther,             Modepark Röther,                                  people in the
       Spiele Max, Toom                       Orovivo Juweliere                                 catchment

redos | Stakeholder Report 2019                                                                                 15
Visualisations: Maas & Partner
       Architekten / bloomimages

                                                             Above: The design of the new main entrance will be open and inviting.
                                        Right: The range of food offerings will be significantly expanded, including outdoor options.

     Rhein-Ruhr Zentrum
     The new “living room of the Rhine-Ruhr region”

     A massive revitalisation project in-   existing appeal but also enormous             We are confident that this ap-
     volving a total investment of more     development potential. Although               pealing and broad mix in a new
     than 200 million euros and span-       the Karstadt Arkaden and the                  and exciting environment will
     ning some 140,000 square me-           office tower, formerly occupied by            dramatically raise the quality of
     tres of rentable retail space: The     Brenntag, are considered part of              the visitor experience, thereby
     reconstruction of the Rhein-Ruhr       Rhein-Ruhr Zentrum, it has never              encouraging shoppers to spend
     Zentrum in Mülheim an der Ruhr         been possible to comprehensive-               more time than ever before in the
     will, starting this year, be the       ly redevelop and reposition the               revitalised mixed-use complex.
     largest such project in the en-        entire complex as one – until now.
     tire German retail industry. The       And a regional landmark like the
     well-established and very popu-        Rhein-Ruhr Zentrum deserves an                Project partners:
     lar retail-office complex with its     approach to positioning which                 Project development and leasing:
     shopping centre, the integrated        recognises its uniqueness. With               HLG (Münster)
     Karstadt Arkaden and the adja-         this in mind, our concept is to               Architectural planning:
     cant office tower has – with the       remake the vast shopping com-                 Maas & Partner Architekten (Münster)
     densely populated Ruhr area and        plex into the “living room of the             Project manager:
     the northern Rhineland – one of        Rhine-Ruhr region” – and thus                 Drees & Sommer (Hamburg)
     the largest catchment areas in         an attractive regional destina-               Shopping centre management:
     Germany and is already a ma-           tion where visitors from across               ECE (Hamburg)
     jor draw for millions of shoppers      the region can shop, dine, meet               Owner:
     within a one-hour driving radius,      with family and friends, spend                Joint venture between redos and
                                                                                          the “North Haven Real Estate Fund IX
     extending beyond this even into        leisure time, and enjoy a sin-
                                                                                          Global” managed by Morgan Stanley
     the Netherlands. As such, the          gular experience, all in an ap-               Real Estate Investing (MSREI)
     location offers not only strong        pealing modern atmosphere.

16                                                                                                 redos | Stakeholder Report 2019
Here’s a brief preview of the new
                                                            Rhein-Ruhr Zentrum:

                                                            Six unique themed areas will combine shopping,
                                                            dining, sports and entertainment. The themed
                                                            areas over two levels will offer a unique overall
                                                            experience while at the same time addressing the
                                                            changing expectations and desires of shoppers
                                                            and visitors. Dedicated entrances from the parking
                                                            structure to the various areas will also draw
                                                            more visitors by making it easier for shoppers
                                                            to find their preferred shopping destinations.

                                                            The optimised mix of tenants and retailer types
                                                            will offer a wide variety for all age groups. The
                                                            shopping centre will, for example, include more
                                                            convenience stores for day-to-day shopping,
                                                            while at the same time offering new shops with
                                                            modern, younger brands in new and exciting
                                                            ways which combine the best of online and offline
                                                            (physical) shopping. The improved mix will draw new
                                                            target consumer groups while at the same time
                                                            improving offerings for long-time loyal shoppers.

                                                            Germany’s first “market square” within a
                                                            shopping centre will be a lively gathering space
                                                            for young and old. This large new themed area will
                                                            give the relaunched Rhein-Ruhr Zentrum a very
                                                            distinctive character. With modular market stalls
                                                            which can be rented and quickly individualised,
                                                            the mall will become a lively venue for a new kind
                                                            of retail, with the character of an open-air market
                                                            square. The new concept will thus offer retailers
                                                            a maximum of flexibility in their presentation.

                                                            The event, food and sports offers will draw more
                                                            visitors to actively spend more leisure time. In
                                                            addition to a state-of-the-art cinema complex, the new
                                                            Rhein-Ruhr Zentrum will offer areas for large and small
                                                            events, along with a broad variety of dining options.
                                                            Sports enthusiasts will love the new indoor football
                                                            pitch, along with fan shops for popular regional sports
                                                            teams and a large screen for live events. Planned
                                                            offerings will also include virtual and augmented reality
                                                            experiences as well as an extensive e-gaming world.

                                                            The architecture will create a new quality of
                                                            visitor experience. All existing entrance areas
                                                            are being reconstructed, and low existing ceilings
                                                            opened up to let in more daylight, thereby
                                                            making the mall brighter and more appealing.

                                                            The design will capture the region’s industrial
                                                            history and character. The Rhein-Ruhr Zentrum
                                                            stands on the site where the old Humboldt colliery
                                                            once stood. The “industrial style” of the new
                                                            design concept celebrates the region’s industrial
                                                            legacy, with the added attractiveness of warm
                                                            colours and high-quality building materials.

                                                            The adjacent former office tower will ideally
                                                            complement the new mixed-use concept. Several
                                                            options are currently under consideration to allocate
                                                            tower space for offices or medical offices, for a
                                                            hotel, for wellness and leisure options, and/or for
                                                            conferences and events. We are also planning to
                                                            add a rooftop bar offering a spectacular view over
                                                            the entire region. The building permit application
                                                            for the office tower will be separately submitted
                                                            once these decisions have been made.
The new “market square” will be a lively gathering space.

redos | Stakeholder Report 2019                                                                                         17
The Rhein-Ruhr Zentrum’s new design concept features
                                                                           warm colours and high-quality façade materials.

     Showroom invites visitors and tenants to
     experience future Rhein-Ruhr Zentrum
     Existing tenants, potential new       shopping centre, the display           the modular market stalls that will
     tenants and shoppers can              area shows current planning and        be offered for rent in the planned
     already get an idea of what the       visualisations along with actual       market square in front of the
     future, revitalised Rhein-Ruhr        samples of the new materials           Karstadt Arkaden. In this way, the
     Zentrum will look like in our spe-    and building façade. Potential         future Rhein-Ruhr Zentrum can
     cially designed showroom. Lo-         tenants will be particularly inter-    already be experienced today
     cated right in the heart of the       ested in seeing our prototype of       during showroom opening hours.

     At a glance:

     € 590 m              over € 200 m         140,000 sq.m.            200 shops and            3,600
     total                investment           total rental space       restaurants              free parking
     investment           in property                                                            spaces
     amount               revitalisation

18                                                                                        redos | Stakeholder Report 2019
redos & Morgan Stanley –
   successful together for
   more than ten years

   In our joint venture with Morgan Stanley
   Real Estate Investing, we have been working
   closely together since 2009 to successfully
   invest in value-add and opportunistic
   properties. In this partnership, we have to
   date completed a total of some 2.5 billion
   euros in single and portfolio transactions.

                                                                          An indoor football pitch is also planned.

   Timeline:                                                         Future-proof – this is how
                                                                     one might describe our
                                                             cooperation, not only in terms of
                                                             the forward-looking approach
                                                             to shopping centre revitalisation
                                                             but also the quality of our working
                                                             relationship. Following the
                                   Grand reopening
                                                             properties in the Christie portfolio,
                                                             the Rhein-Ruhr Zentrum is now the
                                                             largest revitalisation project to date
                                                             which we have the good fortune to
                                                             be realising as part of the project
              Mid-2020                                       team. In order to create unique
         Planned start of
     demolition work and                                     destinations to draw shoppers,
      subsequent rebuil-                                     concepts need to be fundamentally
      ding during normal
                                                             rethought, carefully thinking out
                                   Nov                       how the shopping centre fits into
                                   2019                      and serves its surrounding area in
                                   Submission of
                                   initial building permit
                                                             a holistic way – and in a way which
                                   applications for          is both resilient and geared to the
                                   shopping centre and       new digital age. This is a key part of
                                   Karstadt Arkaden
                       Feb                                   the secret of our shared success.
      Ownership transfer
                                                                        Prof. Phillip Goltermann
                                                                        Partner, Drees & Sommer

                                   Nov                       UPDATE 2020
                                                             Unfortunately, corona has upended this
                                   Purchase agreements
                                                             schedule. However, even if we have to accept
                                   for shopping centre,      delays due to the pandemic: We stick to our
                                   Karstadt Arkaden and      plans for the comprehensive modernization
                                   adjacent office tower     of the Rhein-Ruhr Zentrum.

redos | Stakeholder Report 2019                                                                                       19
Expansion of successful
     AIF series with Union
                            Five years ago, redos launched         will be added to the portfolio in
                            its first property investment fund     2020. We were, over the past year,
     Our three
                            together with partner Union            also able to make several superb
     institutional AIFs     Investment. At the end of 2019,        acquisitions for the Redos Einzel-
     in numbers:            we added a third fund to this          handel Deutschland I and Redos
                            successful institutional AIF se-       Einzelhandel Deutschland II funds.
                            ries, thereby further expanding        A noteworthy highlight was secur-
             approx.        our partnership. Like the first two    ing the Mercury portfolio of 11 retail
             € 1.66 bn      funds, the new Redos Einzelhan-        parks and home improvement
             assets under   del Deutschland III is restricted      stores, in such desirable locations
                            to institutional investors. Through    as Bad Aibling outside of Munich
                            this vehicle, we invest on behalf      und Vilshofen, close to Passau
                            of our clients in large-format         and the Austrian border. The
                            retail properties within Germany,      combined GLA of this established
             84             such as retail parks and shop-         portfolio is some 110,000 square
                            ping centres focused on specialty      metres, with anchor tenants
             throughout     retailers, that offer stable funda-    including German retail giants
             Germany        mental value with the potential        such as Kaufland and home
                            for good returns by developing         improvement store Obi. While the
                            of their full economic potential.      Redos Einzelhandel Deutschland
                            Following the acquisition of the       I fund is now fully invested, we
                            Förde Park shopping centre in          are examining further acquisition
                            Flensburg, with approx. 48,000         opportunities for Redos Einzel-
             sq.m.          square metres, as the fund’s first     handel Deutschland II and III.
             rental space   investment, additional properties

                                     redos and Noerr have enjoyed a longstanding,
             managed                 trust-based client relationship. Most recently,
             leases          we had the opportunity to advise redos on two portfolio
                             acquisition transactions and support the redos team’s
                             highly professional work. What especially strikes us is
                             how all team members are on precisely the same page,
                             something that not only makes redos an outstanding
                             dealmaker, but also a pleasure to work with.

                                        Annette Pospich
                                        Lawyer, partner and head of Noerr’s
                                        Real Estate Investment Group

20                                                                            redos | Stakeholder Report 2019

Redos Einzelhandel                                                            For many years now, we
Deutschland I, II & III                                                       have had a partnership with
                                                                      redos built on trust. We find that
Investing clients                 Institutional investors
                                                                      the highly qualified asset man-
                                                                      agement team from redos and our
Fund, asset                       redos
and transaction                                                       own experienced property man-
management, leasing                                                   agement experts work beautifully
                                                                      together. This means that as the
Service-providing                 Union Investment                    portfolio grows, we can together
management                                                            master new challenges such as
company (KVG),                                                        digitalisation and the increasingly
investor servicing
                                                                      complex technology requirements
                                                                      within our managed properties.
Launch dates                      June 2014, September 2017,
                                  October 2019

                                                                              Dr. Andreas Iding
Combined target size              approx. € 2.8 bn*
                                                                              Managing Director,
                                                                              Goldbeck Services
Combined                          approx. € 1.7 bn*
invested assets

                                          * as of 31 December 2019

redos | Stakeholder Report 2019                                                                             21
     … at the industry’s most important events

     Whether at the German Council         leaders and policymakers,                   joint plans with project developer
     Congress, Expo Real, or the           and with local communities,so               HLG for the massive Rhein-Ruhr
     Deutscher Fachmarktimmobilien-        that we may jointly discuss the             Zentrum shopping centre. Starting
     Kongress: whereever the movers        opportunities and challenges                this year, we will together with
     and shakers of the German real        which face us today and shape               our partners, be expanding and
     estate industry gather, redos is      the future of tomorrow.                     transforming this prime location
     sure to be there. During 2019, as                                                 in one of Germany’s most densely
     in prior years, our experts were      In 2019, we were particularly               populated areas into the new
     prominently represented at the        pleased about the enthusiastic              “living room of the Rhine-Ruhr
     most important German and             response to our Retailer Meeting            region” – at an investment
     international industry events. We     which we hosted on our beautiful            volume of more than 200 million
     actively seek interdisciplinary       office terrace, as well as the high         euros. In 2020, redos will again be
     exchanges with all players –          demand for our special lunch                represented at various events.
     not only from within the retail       event at Mapic. At this high-
     property sub-sector but also          profile event held at the Bobo              You can find out exactly where at
     within other asset classes, with      Bistro in Cannes, we reported               redos.de/en/redos-on-the-go/.
     the retail industry, with political   on our projects, particularly our

      © KD Busch                            © KD Busch

                                                          Our Rhein-Ruhr Zentrum project team at the Mapic lunch event at the
                                                          Bobo Bistro in Cannes and in an interview with Thorsten Müller, editor-
                                                              in-chief of Handelsimmobilien Heute, at Expo Real (top row); some
                                                            impressions from the German Council of Shopping Centers general
                                                         meeting, the German Council Congress, and the redos Retailer Meeting
                                                                               on our rooftop terrace in Hamburg (bottom row)

22                                                                                              redos | Stakeholder Report 2019
                                                    UPDATE 2020
                                                    As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic the market has clearly
                                                    developed differently than expected at the beginning of 2020.

for 2020
                                                    However, the corona crisis has mainly reinforced previous
                                                    trends, such as the shift towards omnichannel retailing, accel-
                                                    erating change. This means major challenges for the industry
                                                    are to come. At redos, we remain convinced of retail‘s large
                                                    and diverse potential. You‘ll find out more in our upcoming
                                                    Stakeholder Report 2020.

     Further                            Exploiting                               New expert
     expansion of                       market                                   additions
     our property                       opportunities                            to our team

     We are always on the lookout       The retail property asset class          To lay the foundations for our
     for desirable new properties       is very attractive right now and         company’s continued growth,
     in which to invest our capital     will remain so for the foreseea-         we will also make further
     and expertise, thereby pro-        ble future. In fact, even today,         additions to our staff in the
     viding an optimal risk-return      today, about 90 percent of all           course of 2020. Besides all the
     balance to our investors as        retail still takes place through         opportunities that lie before
     we continue to grow our            in-store shopping. That being            us, the market also presents
     portfolio. Our focus continues     said, fresh and bold approa-             challenges and risks for
     to be on large-scale retail        ches are essential in today’s            which we must be prepared.
     properties such as traditional     market to ensure the long-               Our approach to this is not
     and hybrid shopping cen-           term viability of physical retail        only active but proactive,
     tres, retail parks, super- and     spaces. The transformation               and this means recruiting,
     hypermarkets, home improve-        which is rapidly taking place            among others, additional
     ment stores and local con-         from traditional retail to om-           specialists to our team with
     venience shopping centres.         ni-channel retail offers great           needed technical expertise.
                                        potential to turn established
                                        shopping centres into appea-
                                        ling, vibrant social gathering
                                        spaces with new concepts
                                        which speak to today’s con-
                                        sumers through individualisa-
                                        tion, multimedia and service

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redos | Stakeholder Report 2019                                                                                       23
redos Group
     Pacific Haus
     Holzdamm 28-32
     20099 Hamburg

                      redos memberships

24                                        redos | Stakeholder Report 2019
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