202 FREE - Association Of Marine Industries www.BoatLI.org - Long Island Boating

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202 FREE - Association Of Marine Industries www.BoatLI.org - Long Island Boating

                                             BOAT E R’ S   G UIDE

Association Of Marine Industries               www.BoatLI.org
Photo by Jeremy Garretson, Strong’s Marine
202 FREE - Association Of Marine Industries www.BoatLI.org - Long Island Boating
202 FREE - Association Of Marine Industries www.BoatLI.org - Long Island Boating
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4    Association Of Marine Industries                                                   2021 AMI Boater’s Guide      www.BoatLI.org

                         Welcome! The Association of Marine Industries (AMI) comprises over
                         100 marine related businesses dedicated to excellence in professional,
                         courteous service. Please contact a friendly AMI member* and let them
                         help you experience the pleasures of Long Island boating!

                                                                     DEAR FELLOW BOATER,
About The Association Of
                                                                         As we prepare to embark upon the 2021 boating sea-
Marine Industries (AMI)                   5                          son, I am proud to present our newest edition of the Boat-
Environmental Advocacy Resources          6                          ers Guide. I cannot help but to be encouraged that our be-
                                                                     loved recreation is just around the corner. For many, 2020
Spotlight On Long Island Estuaries        8
                                                                     was a difficult year and our thoughts and prayers are with
Boaters Take Action                      10                          those who suffered.
Dredging Facts                           11                              The AMI, in conjunction with the ESMTA and our neigh-
                                                                     boring regions throughout the state, worked tirelessly with
Featured Estuary Advocates               14                          our state and local officials to get the marine industry de-
Vessel Waste No Discharge Zones (NDZs) 16                            clared essential. This victory was not only a boost to our
                                                                     commercial marine membership, but to the recreational
Pumpout Locations                        17
                                                                     boaters who support us as well. Many found solace and
Favorite Anchorages                      18                          peace on our beautiful waters during dark times and quite
Helpful Websites                         18                          a few new boaters have come to embrace all that boating
                                                                     has to offer. I would encourage you to please adhere to
Public Launching Ramp Locations          19                          the posted social distancing rules to help protect our es-
High Tide Charts                     20-21                           sential status. The Boaters Guide has evolved into a valu-
                                                                     able reference with navigational tips, boaters safety, tips
NYS Fishing Regulations              22-23
                                                                     and fishing regulations. In our member directory, you will
Boater Safety & Awareness            24-29                           find a variety of services our members have to offer includ-
    Safe Boating Courses                 24                          ing fueling locations, to transient slips, restaurants, motels,
                                                                     bait and tackle, boat sales, rentals, water sports, profes-
    Safety Equipment                     24                          sional services and more. Your support is appreciated.
    Emergency Radio Call Procedures      24                          Did you know:
    Homeland Defense                     25                              Recreational boating counts for the following in Suffolk
                                                                     County (estimated data from the MRAA 2020):
    US Coast Guard Stations              25                              • 1.05 Billion in Revenue
    Coast Guard Safety Equipment         26                              • 686 Businesses
                                                                         • 7,570 Jobs
    Rules Of The Nautical Road           30                              • 80,588 Registered Boats
    Know Your Knots                      30                               The Association of Marine Industries of Eastern Long
    Mastering The Shinnecock Locks       31                          Island, Inc. (AMI) advocates on behalf of marinas, boat
                                                                     dealers, builders, and other related marine businesses. The
    Boating Float Plan                   32                          AMI was instrumental in the creation of The Suffolk County
    Boater Operation Checklist           32                          Marine Industry Revitalization Advisory Council (SCMIRAC),
                                                                     which is an approved legislative body comprised of com-
Calendar Of Events                       34                          mittees focused on dredging, clean waterways, tourism,
Education And Jobs                       36                          economic development, education, and commercial fish-
*AMI Membership Listing        Back Foldout                          ing. Currently, there are two AMI officers serving as com-
                                                                     mittee chairman. Please visit www.boatli.org to review our
                                                                     SCMIRAC end of year report. In closing, I would like to wish
        © 2021 The Association of Marine Industries,                 everyone a safe and happy season.
        POB 521, East Moriches, NY 11940. Clean Vessel Act grant         Yours in boating,
        provided by the NYS Environmental Facilities Corp.
        Graphic Design by Dominick Neuner - www.outsetgraphics.com       Vincent R Pesce, AMI President
202 FREE - Association Of Marine Industries www.BoatLI.org - Long Island Boating
www.BoatLI.org   2021 AMI Boater’s Guide
                                                     Association Of Marine Industries                      5

  Vincent Pesce, President
  631-738-7300, VRP Insurance Agency
  Eric Kreuter, Vice President
  631-878-0023, Moriches Boat & Motor
  Peter Mendelman, Secretary
  631-324-5666, Seacoast Enterprises
  Rose Worthy, Treasurer
  631-668-3232, Montauk Anglers Club & Marina
  Amanda Murphy, Executive Secretary
  631-819-9215, AMI

AMI BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                           P.O. Box 521, East Moriches, NY 11940
  Ron Alcus,                                                info@BoatLI.org • www.BoatLI.org • 631-819-9215
  Alcus Marine Technical Services
  Bob Blessee,
  The Fisherman
  Conrad Kreuter,                                               @AMILongIsland           @ami_longisland
  Moriches Boat & Motor
  Will Lieblein,                                             For over 40 years, The Association of Marine
  Port of Egypt Marina                                    Industries (AMI) has been promoting a better
  Nick Sinclair,                                          quality of life for Long Island boaters. We are a
  Leeward Cove                                            non-profit trade organization consisting of over
  Glen Spencer,                                           100 marine related businesses dedicated to en-
  Awlgrip/Interlux Yacht Paint                            hancing the Long Island boating public’s enjoy-
  Pat Welch,                                              ment of our clean coastal waters. To learn more
  Lighthouse Marine Supply                                visit: www.BoatLI.org.
  Debra Tennyson,
  Aldrich Boat Yard
                                                          THE AMI HAS
                                                          REPRESENTATION ON
                                                            • Peconic Estuary Program Citizens
MISSION STATEMENT                                             Advisory Committee
  • To be actively involved in the promotion                • South Shore Estuary Reserve Advisory
    and growth of the marine industry by initiat-             Committee
    ing and supporting related studies and issues.          • NYS Boaters Advisory Council, Office of
  • To inform all members of current issues in a              Parks & Recreation and Historical Preservation
    timely manner and to help them respond in               • BOCES Advisory Committee –
    an educated and united way.                               (Boards of Cooperative Educational Services)
  • To provide a forum where AMI members can dis-             Developing an awareness of marine industry
    cuss specific questions, common problems and              employment opportunities to students, par-
    receive assistance in developing win/win solutions.       ents and guidance counselors
  • To promote an atmosphere of camaraderie that            • Local Waterfront Citizens Advisory
    will enable us to bring together our competitive          Committees
    skills on any problems facing our industry.
                                                            • Empire State Marine Trades Association
  • To communicate with other organizations
                                                              (ESMTA) – providing statewide and direct
    and industries with similar concerns to de-
                                                              representation in Albany. The ESMTA seeks
    velop broad solutions for shared successes.
                                                              to promote the recreational boating indus-
  • To keep our members aware of the environ-
    mental laws affecting their businesses thereby            try throughout New York State, encouraging
    ensuring a financially healthy marine industry.           the safe and proper use of boats, marine
  • To utilize all means available to increase the            accessories, and facilities through means
    public’s knowledge of the significance, per-              consistent with public interest and welfare.
    formance and purpose of the marine industry.              Along with industry members, ESMTA is
  • To address other such mandates, consistent                happy to have recreational boaters join our
    with the AMI’s by-laws, which will further the            ranks and sign up to receive updates on leg-
    effectiveness, accomplishments and success                islative matters and issues that affect boaters
    of the marine industry.                                   and their rights.
202 FREE - Association Of Marine Industries www.BoatLI.org - Long Island Boating
6   Environmental Advocacy Resources                      2021 AMI Boater’s Guide            www.BoatLI.org

                                ADVOCACY RESOURCES
                                   Peconic Estuary Program
                                   SCDHS-Office of Ecology
                                   360 Yaphank Avenue, Suite 2B
                                   Yaphank, NY 11980 • (631) 852-5750
                                   South Shore Estuary Reserve
                                   Lou Siegel
                                   250 Vets Memorial Highway
                                   2nd Floor, Room 2A15
                                   Hauppauge, NY 11788 • (516) 470-BAYS
                                   Long Island Sound Study
                                   EPA Long Island Sound Office
                                   Stamford Government Center
                                   888 Washington Blvd., Suite 9-11
                                   Stamford, CT 06904 • (203) 977-1541
                                   NYS-DEC Bureau of Marine Resources
                                   205 North Belle Mead Rd.
                                   East Setauket, NY 11733 • (631) 444-0430
                                   New York Sea Grant
                                   146 Suffolk Hall, SUNY at Stony Brook
                                   Stony Brook, NY 11794 • (631) 632-8730
                                   Group for the East End
                                   P.O. Box 1792
                                   Southold, NY 11971• (631) 765-6450
                                   Cornell Cooperative Extension
                                   423 Griffing Ave., Riverhead, NY 11901
                                  (631) 727-7850 • www.cce.Cornell.Edu/Suffolk
                                   Peconic Baykeeper
                                   10 Old Country Road, Quogue, NY 11956
                                   www.peconic baykeeper.org
                                   The Nature Conservancy
                                   PO Box 5125, 142 Route 114
                                   East Hampton, NY 11937 • (631) 329-7689

                                    YOUR AD IN PRINT & ON THE INTERNET

                                    SERVING ALL OF   LONG ISLAND / NEW YORK / WESTCHESTER
                                       Cell: 516 819-1318 Office: 631 933-1979
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202 FREE - Association Of Marine Industries www.BoatLI.org - Long Island Boating
www.BoatLI.org   2021 AMI Boater’s Guide

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202 FREE - Association Of Marine Industries www.BoatLI.org - Long Island Boating
8        Long Island Estuaries                                                      2021 AMI Boater’s Guide   www.BoatLI.org

    Over 150 rare and endangered species reside                            DID YOU KNOW?
within the Peconic watershed, which includes the
                                                                                                The AMI is
Long Island Pine Barrens – Peconic River Com-
                                                                                                dedicated to
plex, one of the most productive ecosystems on
the planet. The diverse and unique combination                                                  enhancing the
of marine life, habitats, wildlife, birds, and plant                                            Long Island
life prompted The Nature Conservancy to call the                                                Boating Public’s
Peconic Estuary one of the “Last Great Places in                                                enjoyment
the Western Hemisphere”, and in 1993, it be-                                                    of our clean
came one of 28 estuaries in the nation to receive                                               coastal waters.
designation as an “Estuary of National Signifi-                             To learn more, visit: www.boatli.org
cance” by the Environmental Protection Agency.
    Many economically important species spend all or
part of their lives in the estuary. These species en-
hance the productivity of the estuary and its contig-                      DID YOU KNOW?
uous waters. The Peconic Estuary provides important                                            Long Island
habitat, as well as spawning and nursery grounds,                                              Waters are a
to a wide variety of marine organisms – most no-
                                                                                               No Discharge
tably shellfish, such as bay scallops and hard clams.
                                                                                               Zone (NDZ).
The Peconic Estuary Program (PEP) is an innovative
partnership of local, state, and federal governments,
                                                                                               Pumpouts must
citizen and environmental groups, businesses and in-                                           be used in this
dustries, and academic institutions. The PEP and its                        area, regardless of the Marine
many partners undertake a wide variety of research,                         Sanitation Device (MSD) on board.
restoration, protection, and outreach initiatives.                          Pump out your holding tank after
    Your participation and cooperation is needed                            each voyage.
to ensure these initiatives are successful.

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202 FREE - Association Of Marine Industries www.BoatLI.org - Long Island Boating
www.BoatLI.org       2021 AMI Boater’s Guide
                                                                           Long Island Estuaries                 9

    Long Island is bordered by the South Shore Estuary, Long Island Sound, and Peconic Estuary.
    The South Shore Estuary is 75 miles long, nestled between the south shore mainland and the barrier
islands. The Long Island Sound covers 1320 square miles between Long Island and Connecticut; it is a
massive local ecosystem that is estimated to provide $5.5 billion to the local economy each year.
    The Peconic Estuary is a complex of bays, inlets, creeks, and harbors situated between the north and
south forks of Long Island and stretches from the headwaters of the Peconic River in Brookhaven to its
end in Block Island Sound between Plum Island and Montauk Point. It spans more than 125,000 land
acres and 158,000 acres of surface water.

LEARN AND ACT                                                     with native coastal plants that also filter water
   Stormwater                                                     pollution.
   Stormwater runoff is a major issue facing wa-                      Protect our Eelgrass Meadows
terways throughout the country today. When                            The value of eelgrass is immeasurable, affect-
precipitation from storms hits paved surfaces                     ing all of us who live and recreate on Long Is-
it flows towards the bay, picking up pollutants                   land. Eelgrass is habitat and nursery ground for
along the way. These pollutants can cause unsafe                  the majority of life in local waters, and without
water conditions for marine life and people. Help                 it, finfish and shellfish populations dramatically
protect the bays from stormwater runoff by act-                   reduce. Eelgrass beds have rapidly declined in
ing responsibly when at dock and in the marinas.                  the last few decades to 20% of previous acre-
Refrain from over-using a hose to minimize the                    age. When boating, stay in marked channels,
runoff of potential pollutants. Collect paints and                look out for eelgrass beds and avoid boating or
chemicals used for boat maintenance and cre-                      anchoring in these fragile habitats. Learn more
ate barriers on ground surfaces so that rainwater                 at www.SeaGrassLI.org
does not carry toxic materials into the harbors                       Nutrient Mitigation
and bays. Use biodegradable cleaning agents                           Excess nutrients are causing major issues in
where feasible.                                                   estuaries throughout the entire world including
   Habitat Restoration and Protection                             the Peconic Estuary. As nutrients from fertilizers,
   The Peconic Estuary is home to some of the                     septic tanks, pet waste and other sources make
most valuable and rare habitats in the world. Un-                 their way into local waterways they can cause al-
fortunately, development pressure can negatively                  gal blooms, which remove oxygen from the wa-
impact natural habitats and the diversity of life                 ter, causing dangerous conditions for many fish
in the region. Visitors to the seashore can pro-                  and other organisms. Follow No Discharge Zone
tect fragile coastal areas by not walking on beach                (NDZ) mandates (see p.10), reduce or eliminate
grass and dunes, while residents should consider                  fertilizer use at home, and have your septic sys-
reducing lawn areas and instead “bayscape”                        tem regularly pumped out.

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202 FREE - Association Of Marine Industries www.BoatLI.org - Long Island Boating
10     Boater’s Take Action                                            2021 AMI Boater’s Guide   www.BoatLI.org

GET INVOLVED!                                         HELP SPREAD THE
   Understand how you play a role in promoting        STEWARDSHIP ETHIC
clean water and a healthy environment for better         The Peconic Estuary Program’s Citizen’s Advi-
boating, swimming and fishing.                        sory Committee (PEP CAC) is the education and
                                                      outreach arm of the PEP. This group of interested
BECOME ENVIRONMENTALLY                                stakeholders from throughout the five east end
AWARE ­                                               towns, volunteers to improve awareness of estu-
   Read about and observe the diversity of nature     arine issues and their potential solutions. Please
found within our waterbodies. Become familiar         consider joining PEP CAC! Contact the Peconic
with environmental regulations of your state and      Estuary Program Outeach Coordinator at (631)
local government, marina, or boatyard.                852-5750 or CAC@peconicestuary.org

KNOW YOUR                                             REDUCE THE IMPACT OF
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND                              PLASTICS
PREVENT POLLUTION                                        ­Plastic pollution can be dangerous in the ma-
   Make sure all on board your vessel know            rine environment. Raise awareness and advocate
where to deposit trash or recyclables. Please         for a reduction of single­use plastics and the recy-
bring back to shore what you take to sea, and         cling of all plastics. (www.SurfRider.org)
prevent garbage from being windswept into
the water. Identify and control sources of po-        RECYCLE YOUR
tential pollution such as engine oil drips into       MONOFILAMENT FISHING LINE
the bilge and fuel overflows. Recycle or prop-           Visit www.PeconicEstuary.org to learn more
erly dispose of used oil, solvents, antifreeze and    on the PEP Monofilament Recycling Program and
batteries.                                            view a map of regional recycling locations.

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www.BoatLI.org   2021 AMI Boater’s Guide
                                                                          Boater’s Take Action                11

SIGN OUR PETITION IN SUPPORT                                       nance dredging works.
OF DREDGING!                                                     • Circulation and Flushing, Construction
https://FriendsOfLongIslandWaterways.NationBuilder.com.            and Reclamation: Dredging can be used
The AMI is actively advocating for more dredging and               to improve circulation in a particular water
need your support. Let our Legislators know how impor-             body, thereby improving water quality and
tant dredging is to all of us by signing the above petition.       making the area suitable for recreation and
                                                                   more habitable for wildlife.
LEARN ABOUT THE                                                  • Habitat and Water Quality: Dredged ma-
LAND­WATER CONNECTION                                              terials are frequently used to create or restore
   ­Decisions you make on yard management, house                   habitats or for beach replenishment. Another
cleaning, and car maintenance can impact water                     environmental use of dredging has been in
quality, fish habitat, recreational opportunities, and             initiatives designed to remove contaminated
seafood safety. Learn what you can do to help protect              sediments, thus improving water quality and
and restore the Peconics at www.PeconicEstuary.org.                restoring the health of aquatic ecosystems.

DREDGING FACTS                                                 DREDGING, A VITAL PROCESS
   Dredging has at times been a controversial issue,              Technically speaking, dredging is the relocation
but when done appropriately it can have positive               of underwater sediments and soils for the con-
impacts both economically and environmentally.                 struction and maintenance of waterways, dikes,
The stringent permitting process in place helps to             transportation infrastructures, and for reclama-
protect our local natural resources, and dredging              tion and soil improvement. Dredging for infra-
itself, when done properly, can be a valuable tool             structure projects has been characterized by some
for economic and environmental restoration.                    as man-made modification of nature, lacking
                                                               awareness of the effects on the entire ecological
REASONS FOR DREDGING:                                          system. Increasingly, a holistic approach is being
  • Navigation: Nearly all ports and harbors                   applied to ensure overall and long-lasting sustain-
    have at some time required new and mainte-                 able dredged material relocation benefits.

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14     Featured Estuary Advocates                                       2021 AMI Boater’s Guide   www.BoatLI.org

THE PECONIC ESTUARY PROGRAM                            the Villages of Greenport, North Haven and Sag
www.PeconicEstuary.org                                 Harbor; the Towns of Brookhaven, East Hamp-
   is an innovative partnership of local, state, and   ton, Riverhead, Shelter Island, Southampton,
federal governments, citizen and environmental         and Southold; Suffolk County; and the New York
groups, businesses and industries, and academic        State Department of Transportation.
institutions. The program conserves and protects
the Peconic Estuary through the implementation         GROUP FOR THE EAST END
of the Peconic Estuary Comprehensive Conserva-         GroupForTheEastEnd.org
tion and Management Plan (CCMP).                          is a professionally staffed, not­for­profit, environ-
                                                       mental organiza­tion. Since 1972, the Group has
THE PECONIC ESTUARY                                    worked to protect and restore the environment
PROTECTION COMMITTEE                                   of eastern Long Island through education, citizen
PeconicEstuary@gmail.com                               action, and professional advocacy. They inspire
   is an intermunicipal alliance that supports the     people to embrace a conservation ethic. Group for
goals of the Peconic Estuary Program by sharing        the East End was a founding stakeholder of the
information and technical resources and cooper-        Peconic Estuary Program (PEP) and worked to help
ating on education and planning. Members are           the Peconics receive the EPA’s designation as an


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www.BoatLI.org   2021 AMI Boater’s Guide
                                                      Featured Estuary Advocates                     15

“Estuary of National Significance.” GEE continues     marine and atmospheric research, education, and
to advocate for policies and actions that will lead   public service. SoMAS addresses environmental
to improved water quality– providing public educa-    challenges affecting the area around Long Island
tion and outreach on water­related issues, and de-    by studying issues such as harmful algal blooms,
veloping hands on watershed restoration projects      hard clam restoration, sea grass conservation,
for communities throughout the entire East End.       and the fate and effects of sewage derived con-
                                                      taminants. The SoMAS Southampton Marine Sta-
PECONIC BAYKEEPER                                     tion, located on Shinnecock Bay, is the site of five
PeconicBaykeeper.org                                  laboratories and a fleet of research vessels. So-
   is the only independent, not­    for­
                                       profit ad-     MAS gladly accepts donations of boats and ma-
vocate dedicated solely to the protection and         rine equipment, which may be used by SoMAS
improvement of the aquatic ecosystems of the          or sold to generate funds to provide scholarships
Peconic and South Shore estuaries of Long Is-         and upgrade facilities.
land. In 1997, Peconic Baykeeper became the
19th keeper organization to be sanctioned by          CORNELL COOPERATIVE
the Waterkeeper Alliance. The Peconic Bay-            EXTENSION
keeper supports the Association of Marine In-         cce.Cornell.Edu/Suffolk
dustries’ efforts to maintain the Peconic Estuary        brings you research based education and res-
as a No Discharge Zone in eco­management and          toration that has enhanced our marine ecosys-
environmental partnerships with the EPA, Clean        tems and economy for over 25 years. Our ma-
Water & Clean Air Acts.                               rine waters are an integral part of our economy,
                                                      heritage, and recreation, making Long Island
THE SCHOOL OF MARINE AND                              such a desirable place to live. Cornell’s Marine
ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES                                  Program helps educate Suffolk County residents
(SOMAS)                                               to appreciate our marine environment, promote
SoMAS.stonybrook.edu                                  stewardship, restore degraded ecosystems, and
  is the State University of New York’s center for    improve water quality.

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16     Vessel Waste No Discharge Zones (NDZs)                          2021 AMI Boater’s Guide    www.BoatLI.org

AND PUMP OUT?                                            Welcome
   Well, it’s the law. And, if that isn’t reason       This is a federally
enough, pumping out is the smart thing to do.             designated
   Most areas where boats congregate — har-             No-Discharge
bors, anchorages, marinas, mooring fields —
are naturally sheltered or semi-enclosed. These
sheltered areas are not flushed as well as open
waters, so the end result is that any waste we               KEEP OUR WATERS CLEAN.
put there tends to stay there. Properly pump-
                                                                USE PUMPOUTS OR
                                                               SHORESIDE FACILITIES
ing out your holding tank helps to ensure the
waters stay clean and healthy for human rec-
reation, as well as, for the marine life that lives     The Association of Marine Industries is
in it!                                                deeply concerned about water quality and
   Long Island’s sound, estuaries and harbors,        supports properly implemented No Dis-
Block Island’s and all of Rhode Island’s coastal      charge Zones (NDZs).
waters are NDZ’s. In a NDZ, treated and untreat-
ed discharges from marine toilets are prohibited.
Sanita tion devices must be secured to prevent
                                                      FEDERAL LAW STATES
discharges. Collected boat waste must be held           “Discharging of raw sewage di-
until it can be pumped out for transport to a           rectly into waters within the three
larger holding tank onshore.                            mile limit is illegal.”
   While boaters and marinas are not the major
cause of pollution, pumping out your holding               Violation of the NYS no discharge laws (NYS Navi-
                                                        gation Law #33.e) may result in a fine of $500 for first
tank plays a vital role in keeping our waters clean     offense and $1000 for subsequent violations.
and healthy.
www.BoatLI.org    2021 AMI Boater’s Guide
                                                                              Pumpout Locations               17

                                                                TOWN OF BROOKHAVEN - VHF 73
                                                                Boats:    Corey Creek Boat
                                                                          Forge River Boat
                                                                          Mt. Sinai Harbor Boat
                                                                          Port Jefferson Boat
                                                                          Port Jefferson Harbor Barge
                                                                          Sandspit Marina Barge
                                                                Stations: Patchogue Shores Marina
                                                                          Morgan’s Swan River Marina
                                                                          Leeward Cove
                                                                TOWN OF E. HAMPTON - VHF 73, 16 & 12
                                                                Boats:    Trustee 3 Mile Harbor Boats
                                                                          Trustees Boat 1 & 2
                                                                Stations: Gann Road
                                                                          Star Island Yacht Club
                                                                          East Hampton Point Marina
                                                                          Gone Fishing Marina
                                                                TOWN OF RIVERHEAD - VHF 73
                                                                Boats:    Town Pumpout Boats
Photo by Peter Milholland; Courtesy www.FriendsofCascoBay.org
                                                                Stations: Great Peconic Bay Marina, Inc
                                                                          Lighthouse Marina, Aquebogue
   Pumpout stations are marked with bright or-                  TOWN OF SHELTER ISLAND
ange flags with the pumpout symbol, are easy                    Stations: The Island Boatyard, Inc.
to use and readily available. Many marinas will                           Coecles Harbor Marina & Boatyard
help you operate pumpouts. NYS’s Clean Ves-                     TOWN OF SOUTHAMPTON - VHF 73
sel Assistance Program (CVAP) is helping ma-                    Boats:    Shinnecock Bay Boat
rinas provide more facilities. Many harbors have                          Moriches/Moneybogue Bay Boat
free pump out stations and free pump out boats.                           Bullhead Bay
These boats will come directly to you.                                    (Great Peconic Bay Area) Boat
   Use these facilities on the right and help                             Flanders/Reeves Bays Boat
keep our waters clean and enjoyable for all!                              Westhampton Boat
                                                                          Noyack Bay/Sag Harbor Boat
                                                                          Shinnecock Bay (east/West) Boat

           HAIL                                                 Stations:
                                                                          Sag Harbor Boat
                                                                          Remsenburg Marina

         PUMPOUT                                                          Village of Sag Harbor Marine Park Docks

                                                                          County of Suffolk -
                                                                          Shinnecock Canal Marina
                                                                TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - VHF 73 & 9
        7 DAYS, 8AM - 4PM                                       Boats:    Fisher’s Island Yacht Club Boat
      Memorial Day Weekend - October                                      Town Pumpout Boat
                                                                          Village of Greenport Pumpout Boat
                                                                Stations: Albertson Marina
 Detailed Pumpout Location Maps:                                          Brick Cove Marina

        www.EFC.ny.gov                                                    Brewer Yacht Yard, Greenport
                                                                          Mitchell Park Marina
                                                                          Port of Egypt
                                                                          Claudio’s Marina
                                                                          Strong’s Marine
                                                                          New Suffolk Shipyard at School House Creek
                                                                          New Suffolk Shipyard at Cutchogue Harbor

             scan with your smartphone device
18     Favorite Anchorages                                            2021 AMI Boater’s Guide   www.BoatLI.org

      Pirate’s Cove, Port Jefferson - sheltered
harbor, close enough to town to dinghy in.
  Conscience Bay, Port Jefferson - great for
weekends, good anchorage; waterskiing in the back.
   Robins Island, Peconic Bay - great for day
trips, you can always find a spot out of the wind.
Water is clear and clean for swimming.
  Conscience Point, Southampton - ramp ac-
cess, very sheltered, scenic water/land view.
        Piper’s Cove, Greenport - plenty of room
                                                       HELPFUL WEBSITES
and the bottom is friendly to most anchors. Check       • www.BoatLI.org
it out on the 4th of July and see the Shelter Island      The Association of Marine Industries
Fireworks and the Greenport Town Fireworks.
                                                        • www.Weather.gov
  Jessup’s Neck, Noyac - plenty of water, great           National Weather Service
access to Shelter Island.                               • www.NOAA.gov
       Coecles Harbor, Shelter Island - enjoy             National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
great anchorage with a beautiful view.                    (NOAA)

      Dering Harbor, Shelter Island - close to          • www.OceanService.noaa.gov
                                                          National Ocean Service; Premier science agency
the shopping section of Shelter Island with clean
                                                          for oceans and coasts
waters and safe anchorages.
                                                        • www.NauticalCharts.noaa.gov/
       West Neck Harbor, Shelter Island - a               Print-on-Demand Charts
great spot with deep water, good anchoring and
wind protection from all directions. A super spot       • www.TidesandCurrents.noaa.gov/ports-info.com
to spend a weekend.                                       Physical Oceanographic Real-Time System
                                                          (PORTS); real-time environmental observations,
  Orient Harbor, Orient - take a pit stop here            forecasts and other geospatial information
before heading further east.                            • www.SARSAT.noaa.gov
       Three Mile Harbor, East Hampton -                  Search and Rescue Satellite-Aided Tracking
beautiful views, great anchorage.                       • www.FloatPlanCentral.org
      Lake Montauk, Montauk - clean waters,               File Float Plans electronically, using Adobe
                                                          Reader. e-mail the completed plan to whoever
protected anchorage.
                                                          you choose to follow up should you not return or
     Simmon’s Point, Jamesport - scenic, safe             check-in as planned.
anchorage.                                              • www.parks.ny.gov/recreation/boating/education.aspx
   Mattituck Inlet, Mattituck - extremely pro-            NYS Boating information
tected, safe port in a storm.                           • www.DEC.ny.gov
   Great Gunn Park – dockage or anchorage,                NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
walk to ocean                                           • www.DiscoverBoating.com &
  Great South Bay – Davis Park, Watch Hill and            Boating education and games for kids
many others with easy access to Fire Island beaches
                                                        • www.ASMFC.org
  Sunset Beach – Shelter Island/Peconic Bay.              Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission
Beautiful view!

                                                                               Fax 631-725-4594

                                                                                 Louis Grignon

                                                                            53 Bay Street, P.O.Box 1199
                                                                               Sag Harbor, NY 11963
www.BoatLI.org     2021 AMI Boater’s Guide
                                                              Public Launching Ramp Locations                                 19

                                                                        Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) are plants and
                                                                     animals that have been introduced into new eco-
                                                                     systems and have environmental, recreational,
                                                                     economic or health impacts. These invaders may
                                                                     damage equipment and compete with native
                                                                     species. Anglers and boaters may unknowingly
                                                                     introduce AIS into new waters.

                                                                     WHEN YOU LEAVE A BODY
                                                                     OF WATER:
                                                                      • Remove any visible mud, plants, fish or ani-
                                                                        mals before transporting equipment.
                                                                      • Eliminate water from equipment before
                                                                      • Clean and dry anything that comes into con-
                                                                        tact with water (boats, trailers, equipment,
                                                                        clothing, dogs, etc.).
                                                                      • Never release plants, fish or animals into a
                                                                        body of water unless they came out of that
        www.ProtectYourWaters.net                                       body of water.

RAMP NAME/WATER BODY                      HAMLET                     RAMP NAME/WATER BODY                        HAMLET
BROOKHAVEN - (631) 654-7827 Permit and/or fees may apply             Peconic Road on Shinnecock Bay              Hampton Bays
Blue Point/Corey Creek Marina, Corey Ave. Blue Point                 Pine Neck Avenue, Noyac Bay                 Noyac
Forge River Marina, Riviera Dr.           Mastic                     Point Road on Reeve’s Bay                   Flanders
Maple Ave. Ramp, Maple Ave.               East Moriches              Point Road, Reeve’s Bay Phillips Point Flanders
Mt. Sinai Marina, Harbor Beach Rd. Mt. Sinai                         Rose Hill Road, Mecox Bay                   Noyac
Pine Neck Ave. Ramp, Sand St.             Patchogue                  West Neck Road, Bullhead Bay                West Neck
Pt. Jefferson Marina, Main/Broadway Pt. Jefferson                    Seatuck Cove at South Bay Avenue            Eastport
Stony Brook Ramp, Sand St.                Stony Brook                SOUTHOLD - (631) 765-1800 Permit Issued by Town Clerk’s Office
EAST HAMPTON - (631) 324-4142 Town Permit Issued by Town Clerk       Bayview Avenue, Mill Creek So.              Greenport
Alewive Brook, Northwest Harbor            Northwest                 Cedar Beach Road, Shelter Island Sound Cedar Beach
Baystreet, Sag Harbor (631-725-2368) Sag Harbor                      Founder’s Landing, Terry Lane               Southold
Commercial Dock, Three Mile Harbor Springs                           Gagen’s Landing, Goose Creek                Southold
Hands Creek, Three Mile Harbor            Northwest                  Jackson Street, Great Peconic Bay           New Suffolk
Head of Three Mile Harbor                 Springs                    Klipp Park & Manhasset Ave., Gull Pond Greenport
Landing Lane, Accabonac Harbor            Springs                    Mattituck Creek, Rte. 48                    Mattituck
Lazy Point, Napeague Harbor               Amagansett                 Narrow River Road, Long Beach Bay Orient
Louse Point                               Springs                    Parkers Landing Road, Little Peconic Bay Peconic
Northwest Creek & County Dock             Northwest                  Pine Neck Road, Southold Bay                Jockey Creek
Shipyard Lane, Accabonac Harbor           Springs                    Sandy Beach Road, Sterling Basin            Greenport
West Lake Drive, Montauk                  Montauk                    RIVERHEAD - (631) 727-3200 Town Clerk, No Permit Necessary
SOUTHAMPTON - (631) 287-5717 Permit Issued by Town Trustees Office   End of Corwell Creek, Peconic River         Riverhead
Argonne Road                              Hampton Bays               Iron Pier Beach, L.I. Sound                 Northville
Bay Avenue on Weesuck Creek               East Quogue                South Jamesport, Flanders Bay So.           Jamesport
Baycrest Avenue on Moriches Bay           Westhampton                Wading River Creek                          Wading River
Birch Creek Road                          Flanders                   STATE LAUNCHING RAMPS
Birch Creek Road, Flanders Bay            Flanders                   Fort Pond – Peconic Estuary                 Montauk
Corwin Lane on Tiana Bay                  Hampton Bays               Peconic River (Lower) – Peconic Estuary Riverhead
Inlet Road West on Cold Spring Pond Shinnecock Hills                 Peconic River (Upper) – Peconic Estuary Calverton
Little Neck on Old Fort Pond              Southampton                Wildwood Lake – Peconic Estuary             Southampton
North Sea Road, North Sea Harbor          North Sea                  NYS DEC State Ramp – Naugles Road Mattituck
Old Ponquogue Bridge, Marine Park Hampton Bays                       SHELTER ISLAND - (631) 749-0291 Town Clerk, No Permit Necessary
20            High Tide Charts May 1 - December 31                                                             2021 AMI Boater’s Guide   www.BoatLI.org

                  MAY               JUNE                   JULY             AUGUST             SEPTEMBER        OCTOBER        NOVEMBER        DECEMBER
DAY         AM          PM      AM         PM       AM            PM      AM         PM       AM       PM      AM     PM       AM      PM      AM      PM
 1         11:54               12:53      1:34      1:16          1:56    2:23       2:59     3:42     4:09    4:06   4:27     5:13    5:32    4:29    4:51
 2         12:17     12:53      1:52      2:35      2:11          2:52    3:29       3:54     4:38     5:02    4:59   5:18     6:00    6:20    5:19    5:43
 3         1:17         1:58    2:52      3:34      3:07          3:44    4:16       4:45     5:30     5:51    5:47   6:05     6:46    7:08    6:09    6:34
 4         2:22      3:06       3:49      4:25      4:01          4:34    5:09       5:34     6:18     6:37    6:32   6:51     7:32   7:55    6:58     7:25
 5         3:27         4:07    4:41      5:12      4:52          5:20    5:59       6:21     7:02     7:21    7:15   7:35     8:18    8:44    7:49    8:18
 6         4:25         5:00    5:29      5:56      5:41          6:05    6:46       7:05     7:45     8:03   7:58    8:20     9:07    9:34    8:41    9:13
 7         5:17         5:47    6:14      6:37      6:28          6:49    7:30       7:47     8:27    8:45     8:42   9:05     8:58    9:28    9:35   10:09
 8         6:04         6:29    6:57      7:17      7:12          7:31   8:12        8:29     9:10     9:29    9:29   9:54     9:52   10:25   10:30   11:06
 9         6:47         7:08    7:38      7:56      7:55          8:12    8:55       9:11     9:54    10:15   10:18   10:45   10:48   11:24   11:25
10         7:27         7:46   8:19       8:35      8:37     8:52         9:37       9:54     10:42   11:04   11:10   11:39   11:47           12:05   12:24
11         8:06     8:23        9:00      9:15      9:20      9:34       10:22     10:38      11:31   11:55           12:05   12:28   12:51    1:07    1:25
12         8:44      9:00       9:43      9:56     10:04      10:17      11:08     11:25              12:25   12:38   1:06     1:36    1:58    2:08    2:25
13         9:24         9:39   10:27     10:39     10:49      11:01      11:56                12:52    1:25    1:44   2:13     2:40    2:59    3:04    3:20
14         10:05     10:20     11:12     11:24     11:34      11:47      12:14     12:48      1:57     2:31    2:55   3:22     3:37    3:54    3:53    4:11
15         10:48     11:02     11:59                          12:23       1:09       1:46     3:07     3:39    4:02   4:25     4:26    4:43    4:39    4:58
16         11:34     11:47     12:11     12:49     12:37          1:15    2:12       2:50     4:14     4:42    5:00   5:20     5:10    5:28    5:22    5:42
17                   12:22      1:02      1:44      1:32          2:13    3:19       3:54     5:15     5:40    5:51   6:10     5:50    6:09    6:02    6:24
18         12:35     1:16       1:59      2:43      2:33          3:13    4:24       4:56     6:10     6:31    6:37   6:55     6:29    6:49    6:42    7:05
19         1:31      2:15       3:00      3:40      3:36          4:13    5:26       5:53     6:59     7:18    7:18   7:36    7:06     7:28    7:21   7:45
20         2:32         3:15    4:00      4:36      4:38          5:10    6:23       6:47     7:42    8:01    7:56    8:15     7:44    8:07    8:00    8:27
21         3:33         4:11    4:58      5:30      5:37          6:07    7:15       7:37     8:24     8:42    8:34   8:54     8:23    8:49    8:41    9:10
22         4:30         5:03    5:54      6:23      6:35          7:01   8:03        8:23     9:03     9:22    9:11   9:33     9:03    9:32    9:22    9:54
23         5:24         5:54    6:50      7:16      7:29          7:52    8:49       9:08     9:43    10:03    9:50   10:14    9:46   10:17   10:05   10:39
24         6:18         6:45   7:43       8:07      8:21     8:42         9:33       9:51     10:23   10:44   10:31   10:57   10:30   11:05   10:49   11:26
25         7:10         7:35    8:36      8:59      9:11      9:31       10:17     10:34      11:05   11:37   11:13   11:42   11:17   11:56   11:36
26        8:01          8:25    9:29      9:51     10:00      10:19      11:00     11:17      11:48           11:59                   12:09   12:16   12:29
27         8:53         9:16   10:23     10:42     10:49      11:05      11:43                12:12   12:34   12:32   12:49   12:53    1:07    1:13    1:29
28         9:46      10:09     11:16     11:33     11:36      11:52      12:01     12:28      1:03     1:28    1:28   1:47     1:05    2:07    2:11    2:30
29         10:41     11:03               12:08                12:23      12:48       1:17     2:03     2:29    2:31   2:50     2:47    3:04    3:07    3:29
30         11:37     11:57     12:24      1:01     12:38          1:12    1:40       2:13     3:07     3:31    3:31   3:48     3:39    3:58    4:02    4:26
31                   12:34                          1:28          2:04    2:40       3:12                      4:24   4:41                     4:56    5:23

     Time Zones: LST/LDT                             Low tides are approximately 6 hours later.                       New Moon              Full Moon

     SHINNECOCK INLET (OCEAN)                                                               MONTAUK
     Babylon                                                             + 2:50             Orient Harbor                                      + 1:15
     Moriches Inlet                                                        - :18            South Jamesport                                    + 3:09
     Jones Inlet, Pt. Lookout                                              +:19             Pt. Washington, Manhasset Bay                      + 2:15
     Fire Island Coast Guard Station                                       +:23             Northport                                          + 2:20
     East Rockaway Inlet                                                   +:32             Mattituck Inlet                                    + 2:34
     Hempstead Bay, Bellmore Creek                                       +2:07              Shinnecock Inlet, Ocean                             -1:45
     Patchogue                                                           +3:48              New Suffolk                                        + 2:51
     Freeport, Baldwin Bay                                               +1:16              Greenport                                          + 1:29
     Bay Shore, Watchogue Creek                                          +2:54              Sag Harbor                                         + 1:24
                                                                                            3 Mile Harbor Entrance, Gardiners                  + 1:03
     *NOTE: All figures in these tide tables have been calculated from those fur-
     nished by NOAA. Every effort has been made to assure their accuracy, but               Pt. Jefferson Harbor Entrance                      + 2:21
     the issuer of this table and his printer cannot be responsible for any errors
     which might appear. These tables are meant solely for fisherman’s reference,
                                                                                            Southold                                           + 2:08
     not for use in navigation.
www.BoatLI.org         2021 AMI Boater’s Guide
                                                                High Tide Charts May 1 - December 31                                          21

               MAY               JUNE               JULY             AUGUST        SEPTEMBER           OCTOBER        NOVEMBER         DECEMBER
DAY     AM           PM      AM         PM   AM            PM      AM      PM      AM       PM       AM      PM       AM      PM       AM      PM
 1     12:48         1:26    2:29    3:10    2:54          3:36    4:11    4:46    5:35     6:10     5:56    6:17     6:49    7:04     5:57    6:16
 2      1:50         2:28    3:30    4:13    3:51          4:33    5:11    5:41    6:26     6:50     6:41    7:00     7:29    7:46     6:42    7:04
 3      2:54         3:34    4:32    5:13    4:50          5:27    6:06    6:31    7:12     7:34     7:22    7:40     8:09    8:30     7:28    7:53
 4      4:02      4:43       5:31    6:04    5:47          6:15    6:55    7:17    7:54     8:15     8:02    8:20     8:52   9:16     8:17     8:44
 5      5:10         5:45    6:22    6:49    6:37          7:00    7:41    8:02    8:36     8:54     8:42    9:00     9:37    10:03    9:08    9:37
 6      6:08         6:35    7:08    7:30    7:24          7:43    8:25    8:44    9:16     9:32    9:22     9:42    10:26   10:55    10:02   10:33
 7      6:56         7:19    7:52    8:10    8:09          8:26    9:07    9:25    9:55  10:11       10:04   10:26   10:18   10:51    11:00   11:34
 8      7:39         7:59    8:36    8:51    8:53          9:09   9:48     10:03   10:36 10:51      10:50    11:14   11:17   11:52            12:00
 9      8:20         8:38    9:19    9:31    9:36          9:50    10:29   10:41   11:20   11:37    11:40                    12:19    12:36    1:00
10      9:01         9:16   10:01    10:11   10:18 10:29          11:11    11:20           12:08    12:08    12:36   12:56    1:23     1:39    2:00
11      9:42     9:55        10:44   10:52   11:01 11:09          11:55            12:27    1:00     1:08    1:36     2:02    2:29     2:45    3:02
12     10:24      10:34      11:28   11:33   11:44     11:49      12:02    12:41   1:23     1:56     2:10    2:40     3:13    3:37     3:50    4:05
13     11:07     11:14               12:14             12:30      12:49    1:29    2:22     2:57     3:18    3:50     4:20    4:38     4:47    5:00
14     11:53     11:57       12:17   1:01    12:31         1:15    1:40    2:20    3:29     4:05     4:30    5:00     5:16    5:30     5:35    5:49
15               12:40       1:01    1:47    1:15          2:01    2:36    3:17    4:41     5:14     5:38    6:02     6:02    6:15     6:17    6:33
16     12:43      1:28       1:45    2:34    2:03          2:50    3:40    4:21    5:48     6:15     6:34    6:53     6:43    6:57     6:57    7:16
17      1:30      2:16       2:32    3:23    2:56          3:44    4:50    5:25    6:44     7:09     7:21    7:38     7:22    7:38     7:38    7:58
18      2:19      3:06       3:27    4:17    3:59          4:42    5:55    6:24    7:35     7:57     8:05    8:21     8:00    8:20     8:18    8:40
19      3:11      4:00       4:29    5:11    5:05          5:40    6:52    7:19    8:22     8:42     8:45    9:02    8:38     9:01     8:58   9:22
20      4:11         4:54    5:30    6:02    6:07          6:35    7:45    8:10    9:07    9:25     9:24     9:42     9:17    9:44     9:38    10:06
21      5:09         5:44    6:25    6:52    7:03          7:28    8:36    8:59    9:49     10:06    10:03   10:24    9:58   10:30    10:20   10:51
22      6:02         6:30    7:19    7:42    7:57          8:21   9:25     9:46    10:31   10:49    10:43    11:07   10:42   11:18    11:02   11:39
23      6:52         7:15    8:12    8:33    8:50          9:13    10:12   10:31   11:13   11:34    11:24    11:54   11:29            11:45
24      7:41         8:02   9:05     9:26    9:42     10:04       10:59    11:17   11:58                     12:09   12:09   12:17    12:26   12:27
25      8:32         8:51    9:59    10:19   10:33     10:54      11:47            12:22   12:44    12:45    12:58    1:00    1:06     1:14    1:11
26     9:23          9:42    10:53   11:14   11:26     11:44      12:04    12:35   1:13     1:34     1:37    1:50     1:52    1:56     2:02    2:00
27      10:16    10:35       11:49                     12:19      12:53    1:24    2:06     2:26     2:31    2:45     2:46    2:51     2:55    2:59
28     11:10     11:30       12:09   12:46   12:35         1:11    1:44    2:13    3:01     3:24     3:27    3:44     3:40    3:48     3:49    4:02
29               12:08       1:05    1:43    1:26          2:03    2:37    3:06    4:03     4:28     4:27    4:43     4:30    4:41     4:41    5:00
30     12:30      1:09       1:59    2:39    2:17          2:55    3:34    4:05    5:03     5:27     5:21    5:36     5:14    5:29     5:31    5:52
31      1:30      2:09                       3:11          3:49    4:37    5:06                      6:07    6:22                      6:20    6:35

     Current tidal tables: www.tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov

        The Finest Facilities and the Best Amenities
               to Help You Enjoy Your Stay!

                 STARISLANDYC.COM • 631-668-5052
22       NYS Fishing Regulations from 6/20/21†                                            2021 AMI Boater’s Guide   www.BoatLI.org

                                      Check www.dec.ny.gov for current regs.

Atlantic Cod                                                             Monkfish (GOOSE FISH)
SIZE LIMITS(Total Length in Inches)                              21”     SIZE LIMITS(Total Length in Inches) 17” / 11” tail length
DAILY LIMITS(# of Fish)                                           10     DAILY LIMITS(# of Fish)                         No limit
OPEN SEASONS                                                All Year     OPEN SEASONS                                    All Year

Black Sea Bass                                                           Pollock
                                                                         SIZE LIMITS(Total Length in Inches)                   19”
SIZE LIMITS(Total Length in Inches)              15”
                                                                         DAILY LIMITS(# of Fish)                         No Limit
DAILY LIMITS(# of Fish)                       3*,7**
                                                                         OPEN SEASONS                                     All Year
OPEN SEASONS                     June 23 – August 31*
		September 1 – December 31**

                                                                         Red Drum
Bluefish                                                                 SIZE LIMITS(Total Length in Inches)   No size limit
(INCLUDING “SNAPPERS”)                                                   DAILY LIMITS(# of Fish) No limit for less than 27”
SIZE LIMITS(Total Length in Inches)                  No size limit              and greater than 27 shall not be possessed
DAILY LIMITS(# of Fish)                                          3       OPEN SEASONS                               All Year
OPEN SEASONS                                              All year
Anglers on board federally permitted party or charter vessels
may possess 5 Bluefish, consistent with federal rules.
FOUND/CAUGHT BY: At the bottom of ledges or
                                                                         Scup (PORGY)
holes. Sometimes found above bass /By drifting or                        FOR PARTY/CHARTER BOATS
trolling                                                                 SIZE LIMITS(Total Length in Inches)             9”
WHEN: Moving water in the summer                                         DAILY LIMITS(# of Fish)                         50
BAIT: Drifting: Flounder, live eels, bergauls, black                     OPEN SEASONS               September 1 - October 31
fish, clams, squid, Porgies, fluke
                                                                         ALL OTHER ANGLERS
LURES/HOOK: Trolling: lures, umbrella rigs, bunker                       SIZE LIMITS(Total Length in Inches)                   9”
spoon, large parachute, hopkins, jigs, plugs, buck
                                                                         DAILY LIMITS(# of Fish)                               30
tails, Carlisle, long shank 4/0 5/0 6/0 7/0 8/0 Snap-
pers: Bridgeport, snapper hook I/0 1, 2, 3                               OPEN SEASONS                                    All year
                                                                         FOUND/CAUGHT BY: By rocks or wrecks
                                                                         WHEN: Summer
Haddock                                                                  BAIT: Clams, blood or sand worms, squid
SIZE LIMITS(Total Length in Inches)                              18”
DAILY LIMITS(# of Fish)                                    No Limit      LURES/HOOK: Sproat 1, 2, 3, 4 • Carlisle 1, 2, 3, 4
OPEN SEASONS                                                All Year

                   AM Weber Associates, LLC
                       Environmental Consultants
                     PO Box 2753 Setauket, New York 11733
                   631-484-9164 • amweber2012@optimum.net
                           Chuck Hamilton
                          NYS DEC & US Army Corps Engineers
                                 Environmental Permits
                Marina Maintenance and Waterfront Development Projects
                    Tidal & Freshwater Wetland Boundary Delineation
www.BoatLI.org    2021 AMI Boater’s Guide
                                                 NYS Fishing Regulations from 6/20/21†                                           23

 Striped Bass                                                         Winter Flounder
 SIZE LIMITS(Total Length in Inches) not less than 28”                SIZE LIMITS(Total Length in Inches)                       12”
                                 nor greater than 35”                 DAILY LIMITS(# of Fish)                                   2
 DAILY LIMITS(# of Fish)                             1                OPEN SEASONS                               April 1 - May 30
 OPEN SEASONS                  April 15 - December 15                 FOUND/CAUGHT BY: On the edges of channel
 FOUND/CAUGHT BY: At the bottom of ledges or                          (only in spring) and drop offs /By achoring or
 holes / By drifting, trollin, anchoring & chumming                   chumming
 WHEN: Moving water, moon tides, full moon                            WHEN: Moving water (tide change) in spring
 BAIT: Bass eat almost anything.                                      BAIT: Mussels, blood or sand worms, clam strips
 Drifting: flounder, live eels, porgies, fluke                        LURES/HOOK: Small spoons, spinner or feather
 LURES/HOOK:                                                          Chestertown 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 (better smaller)
 Trolling: lures umbrella rigs, bunker spoon, large                   Tip: Use yellow bead on hook leader
 plugs, buck tails, parachute, hopkins, jigs, ber-
 gauls, black fish, clams, squid
Summer                                                                (TIDE RUNNERS)
                                                                      SIZE LIMITS(Total Length in Inches)                       16”
Flounder (FLUKE)                                                      DAILY LIMITS(# of Fish)                                     1
SIZE LIMITS(Total Length in Inches)            19”
                                                                      OPEN SEASONS                                         All year
DAILY LIMITS(# of Fish)                           4
                                                                      FOUND/CAUGHT BY: In deep holes /At anchor or
OPEN SEASONS                   May 4 - September 30
FOUND/CAUGHT BY: On the edges of channels
                                                                      WHEN: Moving water in spring/early summer
and drop offs /By drifting with bait in summer smelt
                                                                      BAIT: Squid, sand or blood worms (whole, crabs,
WHEN: Moving water (tide change) in summer
                                                                      killfish, butter fish
BAIT: Squid, sand eels, killies, shiners, smelt
LURES/HOOK: Buck tails, fins, rubber grubs.                           Drift: buck tails, rubber bait ; Top: Sproat 2, 3, 4
Carlisle 3/0, 4/0, 5/0, 6/0                                           Bottom: Carlisle 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/0 6/0
                                                                      TIP: Use ultralite tackle & have fun!

SIZE LIMITS(Total Length in Inches)                16”                DID YOU KNOW?
DAILY LIMITS(# of Fish)                        2*, 3**                       ...Recreational anglers must register
OPEN SEASONS                        April 1 - April 30*                   with the New York Recreational Marine
                                                                          Fishing Registry. Visit www.DEC.ny.gov/
                        October 11 - December 9**
FOUND/CAUGHT BY: By rocks, wharves or wrecks/                                This registry is incorporated into the
By anchoring over rocks or near bottom structures                         National Marine Fisheries Service database
WHEN: Spring, Summer, Fall                                                which helps efficiently obtain fishing activ-
                                                                          ity information, vital in setting quotas, size
BAIT: Crabs, clams, worms Tip: Fresh hermit crabs                         & bag limits, & fishing seasons each year.
LURES/HOOK: Virginia 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

† New York State frequently amends laws and regulations. Please check with the Bureau of Marine Resources to ensure that the fishing
limits above are in effect. Contact the DEC for current regulations and laws governing other fish species including sharks, at:
631-444-0435 or www.DEC.ny.gov/outdoor/7894.html
24     Boater Safety And Awareness                                     2021 AMI Boater’s Guide   www.BoatLI.org

EVERY BOATER SHOULD                                     SAFE BOATING COURSES CAN
KNOW HOW TO NAVIGATE AND                                BE FOUND THROUGH THE:
OPERATE SAFELY                                            • US Coast Guard Auxiliary (www.CGAux.org)
   After May 2015, all New York State residents,          • US Power Squadrons (www.usps.org)
born after 1996, must take an approved boater             • Safe Boating America
safety course. The course will have the following           (www.safeboatingamerica.com)
basic characteristics:
                                                          BOATING SAFETY (LICENSE) COURSES
                                                            USCG CAPTAINS LICENSE COURSES
  • Introduction to Boating – Types of power
    boats; sailboats; outboards; paddle boats;                          Courses offered throughout
                                                                           Nassau and Suffolk
    houseboats; different uses of boats; various
    power boating engines.                                                Find a class near you at
  • Boating Law – Boat registration; boat-                                    or call (516) 216-4410
    ing regulation; hull identification number;
                                                                   The Safest Place To Navigate ®
    required boat safety equipment; operating
    safely and reporting accidents; federal boat        SAFETY EQUIPMENT
    law; state boating laws; personal watercraft           VHF Radio is recommended by U.S. Coast
    requirements.                                       Guard when boating.
  • Boat Safety Equipment – Personal flota-               • Channel 09 (156.45 MHZ): the recreational
    tion devices (life jackets); fire extinguishers;        boat-calling channel in the U.S.C.G. District
    sound-producing devices; visual-distress                1 (New England to New Jersey)
    signals; dock lines and rope; first aid kit;          • Channel 16: to be used for distress calls only.
    anchors and anchor lines; other boating               • Channel 13: (low power): tune to when ap-
    safety equipment.                                       proaching a movable bridge.
  • Safe Boating – Bow riding; alcohol and                • Channel 13: use to contact commercial vessels
    drug abuse; entering, loading, and trimming            Cellular Phone is not a sufficient substitute
    a boat; fueling portable and permanent              for marine VHF radio, but can be used as a sup-
    tanks; steering with a tiller and a wheel;          plemental safety measure.
    docking, undocking and mooring; knots; fil-            See Boater Operation Checklist on
    ing a float plan; checking equipment, fuel,            p.32 for more safety tips.
    weather and tides; using charts; choosing
    and using an anchor.
  • Navigation – The U.S. Aids to Navi-
    gation system; types of buoys and
    beacons; U.S. Coast Guard naviga-
    tion rules; avoiding collisions; sound
    signals; PWC “tunnel vision.”
  • Boating Problems – Hypothermia;
    boating accidents and rescues; man
    overboard recovery; capsizing; running
    aground; river hazards; strainers: emer-            EMERGENCY RADIO CALL
    gency radio calls; engine problems; equip-          PROCEDURES
    ment failures; carbon monoxide (CO); other          1. Make sure radio is on.
    boating and PWC problems.                           2. Select Channel 16.
  • Trailering, Storing and Protecting Your             3. Press/hold the transmit button.
    Boat – Types of trailers; trailer brakes, lights,   4. Clearly say MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY.
    hitches, tires, and bearings; loading, balanc-      5. Also give:
    ing, and towing a trailer; towing (and back-          • Vessel name and/or description
    ing) a trailer; boat launching and retrieving;        • Position and/or location
    boat storage.                                         • Nature of emergency
  • Water-skiing and River Boating – Water-               • Number of people on board
    skiing safety guidelines and hand signals;          6. Release transmit button.
    water-skiing with a PWC; navigating rivers;         7.Wait for 10 seconds; if no response repeat
    and other boating tips.                             MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY call.
                                                        HAVE ALL PERSONS PUT ON LIFE JACKETS.
www.BoatLI.org   2021 AMI Boater’s Guide
                                                          Boater Safety And Awareness                       25

                                                                           Photo Courtesy of The U.S. Coast Guard.

SAFEGUARD NEW YORK                                         U.S. COAST GUARD STATIONS
“IF YOU SEE SOMETHING,                                     WWW.USCG.MIL
SAY SOMETHING!”                                            BABYLON Fire Island, NY 11702
  Report Suspicious Activity                               631-661-9101 • C.G. Station Fire Island • VHF-16
  1-866-SAFE-NYS                                           FREEPORT Freeport, NY 11520
  1-866-723-3697                                           516-785-2995 • C.G. Station Jones Beach • VHF-16
                                                           HAMPTON BAYS Hampton Bays, NY 11946
   Early recognition and reporting of potential            631-728-1171 • C.G. Station Shinnecock • VHF-16
terrorist activity is the first line of defense against    MONTAUK RFD1 Montauk, NY 11954
those who intend to harm the citizens of New               631-668-2773 • C.G. Station Montauk • VHF-16
York State and its assets.                                 NEW YORK Staten Island, NY 10004
                                                           718-354-4101 • C.G. Station New York • VHF-16
   Specific Activity to Look For:
                                                           NORTHPORT Eatons Neck, NY 11768
  • Surveillance: Recording or monitoring activi-
                                                           631-261-6868 • C.G. Station Eatons Neck • VHF-16
    ties, taking pictures, making drawings.
                                                           COAST GUARD SECTOR LONG ISLAND
  • Suspicious Persons Out of Place: This may
                                                           New Haven, CT 06512 203-468-4400
    include people who are in places they should           C.G. Group LI Sound • VHF-16
    not be, as well as people who do not fit in
    to the daily routine of your neighborhood,             US Coast Guard Info Line:
                                                           1-800-368-5647 • www.USCGboating.org
    community or marina. Suspicious activity or
    loitering around waterfront facilities                 Oil Spills:
  • Suspicious Questioning: Attempts to gain               Contact USCG, Coram, NY, 631-732-0569
    information about staffing, operations & se-           National Response Center (NRC)
    curity.                                                Hotline for oil spills:
  • Evasive answer to common boating ques-                 1-800-424-8802
    tions; deliberate attempts to avoid contact            USCG Navigation Center:
    with others.                                           www.navcen.uscg.gov
  • Conducting diving operations near bridges,
    pipes or critical infrastructure at unusual
    times or without normal support
  • Suspicious gear of lack of proper equipment.
    Acquiring Supplies: Obtaining explosives,
    weapons, uniforms, badges, credentials, etc.
  • Suspicious charters or rentals. Someone ask-
    ing to alter usual route or trip a charter takes.
  • Inappropriate large cash payments, daily ex-
    tension of dockage
  • Consecutive round trips on the same ferry
  • For more information: US Department of
    Homeland Security www.dhs.gov, US Coast                “Make sure your Personal Flotation Device
    Guard www.uscg.mil, America’s Waterway                 (PFD) fits properly, is in good condition, and
    Watch www.americaswaterwaywatch.org                    is U.S. Coast Guard approved.”
26      Coast Guard Required Safety Equipment                                            2021 AMI Boater’s Guide    www.BoatLI.org

              USCG Minimum Equipment Requirements for Recreational Vessels

                                                     BOAT LENGTH IN FEET
                    Less than 16',
                                            16' to 26' (8m)      26' to 39.4' (12m) 40' to 65'                 65' to 165' (50m)
                    canoes, kayaks

                    One Type I, II, III, or
                    V per person. PFD’s
PERSONAL            must be CG Ap-          One Type I, II, II, or V per person plus one Type IV throw able device. PFD’s must be
FLOTATION           proved, wearable        CG Approved, wearable by the intended user and readily accessible. The Type IV
DEVICES             by the intended         throw able device must be located such that it is immediately available.
                    user and readily


                    One B-I any type. Fire extinguishers re-
                    quired on any boat with enclosed fuel or
                                                                                        One B-II and one       One to eight B-II
No fixed system     engine spaces, enclosed living spaces, or    One B-II or two B-I
                                                                                        B-1 or three B-1       (Depends on
                    permanent (not movable by one person)
                    fuel tanks.                                                                                weight)
                                                                                                               Plus additional
                                                                                                               requirements in
                                                                                                               machinery space -
                                                                                                               for detail specifics
With fixed system   No portables required                        One B-I                Two B-I or one B-II    see 46CFR25-30.20
www.BoatLI.org    2021 AMI Boater’s Guide
                                             Coast Guard Required Safety Equipment                                           27

                 USCG Minimum Equipment Requirements for Recreational Vessels

                                                      BOAT LENGTH IN FEET
                       Less than 16',
                                             16' to 26' (8m)      26' to 39.4' (12m) 40' to 65'               65' to 165' (50m)
                       canoes, kayaks

DISTRESS               Night signals
                                             Minimum of three day-use and three night-use or three day/night combination pyro-
                       required when
SIGNALS ON             operating between
                                             technic devices. Non-pyrotechnic substitutes: 1 orange flag (day-use) and 1 electric
COASTAL                                      S-O-S signal light (night-use)
                       sunset and sunrise.

                                                                                                              One bell not less
                                                                                                              than 300mm
SOUND                  Horn or whistle recommended to signal intentions or position.                          for boats larger
                                                                                     Bell no longer
                       Under Rule 33 of the Navigation Rules, boats under 20m MUST                            than 20m and
PRODUCING              have aboard a means of making an efficient sound.
                                                                                     required by Federal
                                                                                                              one whistle or
DEVICES                                                                              Regulations
                       Bell no longer required by Federal Regulations                                         horn required to
                                                                                                              signal intentions or

                       One CG-Approved device on each carburetor of all gasoline-powered engines built after April 1940, except
FLAME                  outboards. Arrestor should be kept clean to prevent contamination from propagating a flame.

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