2020 Connecticut Manufacturing Report - CBIA

Page created by Miguel Hunt
2020 Connecticut Manufacturing Report - CBIA
2020   Manufacturing
2020 Connecticut Manufacturing Report - CBIA
Connecticut manufacturing
     has a rich legacy of
  innovation and ingenuity,
   changing the course of
    world history through
 groundbreaking inventions.

 This is where Igor Sikorksky
 designed and flew the first
  helicopter. Where the first
   submarine took shape.

   Connecticut is where—
thanks to Charles Goodyear—
 the rubber first hit the road
   and color television first
       flickered to life.

   We have a fun side, too.
   Connecticut gave birth
    to lollipops, Frisbees,
       and Wiffle Balls.

  That legacy of innovation
      continues today.

We still make helicopters and
submarines. Not to mention
 jet engines, cutting edge
 electronics, sophisticated
   medical devices, and
    lifesaving medicines.

What are you going to make?

    What’s your legacy?
2020 Connecticut Manufacturing Report - CBIA
Stanley Black & Decker
      Is Proud To Support CBIA

        For 175 years, Stanley Black & Decker has been for the makers and
        creators, the craftsmen and the caregivers, those doing the hard
        work to make the world a better place. We are focused on
        delivering societal good through our innovations and business
        model approach, with a heightened focus on diversity and
        inclusion, environmental impact and improving the
        communities where our employees live and work.

              For Those Who Make The World™

©2020 Stanley Black & Decker, inc.
2020 Connecticut Manufacturing Report - CBIA
                  ECONOMIC POWER
                       EMPLOYEES                                                            MANUFACTURERS

                             155,900                                                                           3,965
                          Manufacturing employees
                                                                                                       Manufacturing companies
                              in Connecticut

                      WAGES                                                                      TAXES
                                     98,150                                      $
                                                                                    144.5                           $
                                                                                      MILLION                            MILLION
                                Average manufacturing
        Total 2019
                                   compensation in                            State corporate taxes                 State sales & use
                                     Connecticut                                   paid in 2019                    taxes paid in 2019


             ADDITIONAL JOBS
                                                               26.74                                         $
                                                                                                       Amount generated in
          What each manufacturing
                                                    Manufacturing accounted for                    additional activity for every
          job creates in other parts
                                                    11% of the state’s GDP in 2019                  $1 spent in manufacturing
               of the economy

                     EXPORTS                                                                     DEFENSE

                         Manufacturing accounted
                         for 92% of all Connecticut
                         exports in 2019
                                                                                                       manufacturing defense
                                                                                                       contract spending (2018)

Sources: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Census Bureau,
National Association of Manufacturers, Connecticut Department of Revenue Services, Connecticut Department of Labor.
2020 Connecticut Manufacturing Report - CBIA
Connecticut has a long, storied history in precision                                                                 chains, rapid shifts in demand, and liquidity challenges.
manufacturing dating back to the dawn of the                                                                         Through it all, our manufacturers displayed a combination
Industrial Revolution in the United States. Over this                                                                of grit, determination, and Yankee ingenuity that has
200-plus year period, our manufacturing community                                                                    served them, their employees, and our communities well.
has endured wars, a depression, countless recessions,
                                                                                                                     To date, Connecticut manufacturers have held up well
foreign competition, rapid technological changes,
                                                                                                                     compared with national averages and our regional peers.
and numerous other headwinds. The challenges
                                                                                                                     Understanding the complexities and interconnectedness
of 2020 are unique in our lifetimes.
                                                                                                                     of supply chains, and believing that our manufacturers
As the severity of the pandemic became apparent                                                                      would keep their workforces healthy and safe,
in March, our manufacturers developed and rapidly                                                                    Connecticut made the somewhat unusual decision to
implemented a litany of safe workplace policies                                                                      deem all manufacturing essential, which allowed our
and procedures. Manufacturers were particularly                                                                      companies to continue operating while other regions shut
challenged, as there is no work from home option                                                                     down much of their manufacturing base. Connecticut
for most production employees.                                                                                       manufacturers rewarded that faith by protecting their
                                                                                                                     employees and avoiding hot spot outbreaks. They also
As the situation evolved, many businesses pivoted
                                                                                                                     continued to meet the needs of their customers and in
and retooled to use their capacity and capabilities to
                                                                                                                     many cases picked up market share from competitors.
address critical shortages of urgently needed medical
equipment and supplies. They grappled with new                                                                       At the start of this year, the top concern for most
workplace mandates and juggled staffing to balance                                                                   manufacturers was the shortage of skilled workers. In
the frequently competing needs of their customers and                                                                the first quarter of 2020, Connecticut reached a 10-year
their employees. They struggled with broken supply                                                                   high in manufacturing employment—and we had 8,000

Foreword .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 3   Competitive Landscape .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 8          ‘Workforce Development
                                                                                                                                                  Starts in Kindergarten’ . . . . . . . . . . 15
Introduction .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5     COVID-19’s Economic Impact .  .  .  .  . 10
                                                                                                                                                  Rebuilding Connecticut .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 16
Key Takeaways .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 7             Operating Through COVID-19  .  .  .  . 11
                                                                                                                                                  Policy Recommendations .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 18
Portrait of the Manufacturer  .  .  .  .  .  . 7                                 Workforce & Hiring .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 14
                                                                                                                                                  Key Stakeholders  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 19

                                                                                                2 0 2 0 C O N N E C T I C U T M A N U FA C T U R I N G R E P O R T                                  3
2020 Connecticut Manufacturing Report - CBIA
to 10,000 manufacturing positions open for want of
skilled candidates. Since that time, our manufacturing
workforce is down by over 4% but recent monthly trends
show slow, albeit inconsistent, improvement. While it will
take some time to regain the jobs lost to the pandemic
and the subsequent recession, the age of the Connecticut                        Food, beverage,
manufacturing workforce will continue to drive high levels                         products
of retirement and thus the need for new entrants.                                          Electrical
                                                                                         equipment &     Plastic & rubber
                                                                                          appliances     products (2%)
In addition, this shift in our manufacturing workforce as
                                                                                                               Motor vehicles
older, more experienced workers retire and early career,                                                       & parts (2%)
less-skilled candidates enter the workforce—coupled
                                                                                    6% 5
with the rapid advent of new technology—underscores
the need to focus on incumbent worker training.                         7%

Other areas of focus for 2021 and beyond                       7%
include access to capital for manufacturers,
                                                              & electronic    CONNECTICUT                           29%
                                                                                                                      Aerospace &
select opportunities for regulatory reform, and                              MANUFACTURING                           transportation
the acceleration of the digital transformation                                  JOBS BY
of our manufacturing industries though the
                                                               9%              INDUSTRY
adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies. In                                         Source: U.S. Census Bureau
addition, exciting opportunities are evolving in
emerging industries including electronic vehicles,
offshore wind power, and bioscience.
In the near term, there is still a significant amount
                                                                        metal products            18%

of uncertainty in many manufacturing sectors, but
most Connecticut manufacturers are more focused
on the opportunities ahead than the risks. Innovation,
determination and optimism are alive and well in our
manufacturing ecosystem, which will serve us well
as we emerge from these unprecedented times.

Colin Cooper
Chief Manufacturing Officer, State of Connecticut

      4    2 0 2 0 C O N N E C T I C U T M A N U FA C T U R I N G R E P O R T
2020 Connecticut Manufacturing Report - CBIA
The 2020 Connecticut Manufacturing Report, produced                   concerns, and new operating costs abound as disaster
by CBIA and affiliates CONNSTEP and ReadyCT—and                       relief loans are exhausted.
made possible through the generous support of Stanley
                                                                      While most Connecticut manufacturers’ doors remain
Black & Decker—reviews the state of the sector, explores
                                                                      open, the crisis is taking its toll.
the outlook for the next 12 months, growth factors, key
initiatives, hiring and investment trends, and the impact             More than 56% of surveyed manufacturers report they
of state and federal policies.                                        had to lay off, furlough, or reduce employee hours as
                                                                      a result of the pandemic. The sector lost 11,700 jobs in
It also captures how the state’s manufacturing community
                                                                      March and April—7% of the pre-pandemic workforce,
is navigating an extraordinarily challenging and
                                                                                                             while 17% of all jobs
unprecedented period,
                                                                                                                  were lost in the
with the world looking
                                                                                                                   same period.
very different today
than it did when this                                                                                              Through
report was published                                               1st                                             September
last year.                                                      29%                                                2020, 43%
                                       5th                                               2nd                       of those
As of mid-October,
                                    19%                                                18%                         manufacturing
more than 61,700
                                                                                                                   workers had
state residents
                                                                                                                   returned to
have contracted                                       3rd
                                                                                                                   work, with
COVID-19 and
                                                   24%                                                             the state
over 4,500 have                    4th
                                                                                                                   recovering 61%
died. There                      10%                      Connecticut manufacturing jobs                           of the overall
have been
                                                          by congressional district                                291,300 jobs
almost eight
                                                          Source: U.S. Census Bureau                               lost in the first
million cases
                                                                                                                   two months of
nationwide and
                                                                                                                the pandemic.
the national death toll
exceeds 216,000—20% of the global figure.                             Connecticut’s GDP contracted 31.1.% in the second quarter
                                                                      of 2020, ranked 23rd in the country, weathering the
While Connecticut has responded to the pandemic better
                                                                      pandemic slightly better than the New England region
than most states, businesses are operating at reduced
                                                                      overall, which declined 32.3%. U.S. GDP fell 31.4% in the
capacity, global demand for many products is sagging,
                                                                      second quarter.
employees are struggling with health and childcare

                                                     2 0 2 0 C O N N E C T I C U T M A N U FA C T U R I N G R E P O R T     5
2020 Connecticut Manufacturing Report - CBIA
n Made no changes (25%)            n Hired additional
                                                                                                        employees (7%)
    How COVID-19                                                   n Reduced employee
                                     CUT HOURS,                      hours (23%)                      n Increased employee
      restrictions                   FURLOUGHS,
                                                                   n Furloughed employees               hours (5%)
        impacted                       LAYOFFS
                                                                     (17%)                            n Other (5%)
                                        56%                        n Laid off employees (16%)         n Not applicable (1%)

                                                                   Source: CBIA July 2020 Connecticut manufacturing survey

When the state’s initial COVID-19 restrictions went into                The sector will play a key role as businesses lead the
effect in mid-March, manufacturing was declared                         state’s recovery.
essential, allowing the sector—a critical component
                                                                        Our producers are navigating a slow return to normal
of the state’s economy—to remain in operation.
                                                                        in a significantly weakened economy, grappling not
State and federal relief programs, including the Payroll                only with supply chain interruptions and the cost of
Protection Program and the paid leave benefits enacted                  government regulations and mandates—including
in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act               potentially devastating increases in unemployment
and the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, also                   insurance and workers compensation—but the
played major roles helping deflect greater economic                     widespread uncertainty about the pandemic’s long-term
damage.                                                                 health and economic impacts.

The resiliency, innovative spirit, and unselfishness of                 Add to this the national political landscape and projected
Connecticut manufacturers also must be emphasized.                      multi-billion dollar state budget deficits, it’s a safe bet
In the early weeks of the pandemic, with COVID-19 cases                 they are not getting much sleep.
and hospitalizations surging and personal protective
                                                                        The information and data shared in this report came from
equipment and medical supplies in short supply,
                                                                        multiple sources, including a comprehensive July 8-29
manufacturers responded.
                                                                        CBIA survey of Connecticut manufacturers, numerous
Manufacturers across the state pivoted, retooling                       state and federal agencies, and interviews with private
production lines to make PPE, surgical gowns, ventilators,              and public sector manufacturing leaders and officials.
hospital beds, and other desperately needed supplies.
                                                                        Given the critical part manufacturers play in Connecticut’s
Small and large businesses donated resources, products,
                                                                        economic ecosystem, the key takeaways and policy
services, and millions of dollars to relief efforts. The state’s
                                                                        priorities highlighted in this report are ones their partners
bioscience sector went into overdrive in the search for
                                                                        in the state legislature and government agencies should
treatments and a vaccine.
                                                                        understand and embrace.

      6     2 0 2 0 C O N N E C T I C U T M A N U FA C T U R I N G R E P O R T
KEY TAKEAWAYS                                                      PORTRAIT OF THE
f More than half (56%) of manufacturers had to lay
  off, furlough, or reduce employee hours as a result              Connecticut manufacturers are typically small,
  of the pandemic                                                  experienced employers. Almost 72% of those who
                                                                   responded to CBIA’s July survey employ fewer than 50
f Manufacturers implemented additional, voluntary
                                                                                                       workers; 87% have less
  health and safety
                                                                                                       than 100 employees.
  precautions to
                                     Where does your company currently
  protect employees
                                       make its greatest investment?                                   The average age
  and prevent                                                                                          of those surveyed
  workplace                          Employee
                                                                                         20%           companies is 53 years,
  transmission of                                                                                      with almost 93% having
                                    Property &
  the coronavirus                     facilities
                                                                                                       been in operation for

f 85% of surveyed             New technology                                           19%             more than 20 years.

  manufacturers                                                                                        Only five respondents
                                 Other capital
                                                                            13%                        have been in business
  applied for a federal
  PPP loan, with 97%              Research &                                                           for less than 10 years,
  of those applications                                                                                and 23 are more than
  successful                 qualified workers
                                                                    9%                                 100 years old.

f Less than half (46%)                   Other                  7%                                     Almost one quarter

  expect to return a                                                                                   (24%) of surveyed firms
                                    Source: CBIA July 2020 Connecticut manufacturing survey            are privately held, 20%
  profit in 2020, down
  30 percentage points                                                                                 are incorporated, 20%

  from 2019.                                                       are S corporations, 7% are limited liability corporations,
                                                                   2% are publicly held, and 1% are foreign-owned. Twenty
f Only 18% of respondents said their businesses were
                                                                   percent are family-owned businesses, 7% are owned by
  growing, while 82% said they were either contracting
                                                                   women, 5% by veterans, and 1% are minority-owned.
  or holding steady.
                                                                   According to U.S. Census Bureau data, aerospace and
f More than half expect employment levels to remain
                                                                   transportation are responsible for the largest percentage
  stable over the next six months, with 20% forecasting
                                                                   of Connecticut’s manufacturing workforce, responsible
  growth and 23% a decline
                                                                   for 29% of industry employment.
f The outlook for both the state and national economies
                                                                   Chemical manufacturers represent 18% of total
  is soft—only 10% expect the Connecticut economy to
                                                                   manufacturing employment, followed by fabricated
  expand next year, with 32% forecasting national growth

                                                     2 0 2 0 C O N N E C T I C U T M A N U FA C T U R I N G R E P O R T   7
metal products (15%), computer and electronic parts (7%),             Connecticut manufacturers pay more than $368 million
machinery (7%), food, beverage, and tobacco products                  annually in state corporate and sales and use taxes and
(6%), electrical equipment and appliances (5%), plastics and          invest almost $1.5 billion in capital expenditures each year.
rubber products (2%), and motor vehicles and parts (2%).
                                                                      Most critically—the sector drives other parts of the state’s
Connecticut manufacturers are both loyal and local.                   economy, creating up to five additional jobs for every
Ninety-seven percent of surveyed companies have their                 manufacturing job and generating $2.74 in additional
primary facility in Connecticut, and 86% of the state’s               economic activity for every dollar spent.
manufacturers make their products here.

They invest in their people, first and foremost. Employee             COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE
recruitment, training, and retainment are where they
                                                                      While Connecticut has been home to most of these
make their greatest investments, followed by property and
                                                                      producers for decades, their presence should not be
facilities, technology, and research and development.
                                                                      taken for granted.
As of August 2020, the state’s 3,965 manufacturers employ
                                                                      When asked about the greatest advantage to running
154,700 workers—10% of Connecticut’s workforce—and
                                                                      a business in Connecticut, manufacturers responded
pay an annual total of $17.33 billion in wages and benefits.
                                                                      that quality of life (25%), proximity to customers (25%),
That’s an average of $98,150, well above the state’s
                                                                      and a skilled workforce (24%) are primarily what keep
$74,561 yearly per capita income.
                                                                      them here.
Manufacturing contributed $26.74 billion to the state’s
                                                                      Excluding the coronavirus pandemic, the increasing cost
economic output last year, 11% of Connecticut’s annual
                                                                      of complying with state regulations and mandates is the
gross domestic product, including over $15 billion in
                                                                      main factor hampering the growth of the manufacturing
exports and more than $15.2 billion in defense contracts.
                                                                                       sector, cited by 23% of survey
    Quality of life                                                  25%
                                                                                       Twenty percent said the difficulty finding
      Proximity to
                                                                     25%               skilled labor was the primary obstacle,
                                                                                       followed by the state’s high cost of living
Skilled workforce                                                  24%
                                                                                       (16%), the uncertainty and unpredictability
     Family/roots                 7%                                                   of legislative decision-making (15%), and
                                            What’s the greatest                        high business taxes (13%).
            Other                 7%        advantage to running a
                                            business in Connecticut?                   Small manufacturers, those with fewer
       Access to
   major markets
                                 6%                                                    than 100 employees, were more likely
                                            Source: CBIA July 2020 Connecticut
                                            manufacturing survey                       to view the state’s business climate
             None                6%

      8    2 0 2 0 C O N N E C T I C U T M A N U FA C T U R I N G R E P O R T
negatively—perhaps a reflection                         Excluding the pandemic, what’s the main factor
of 2019 legislative actions,                            hampering your ability to grow in Connecticut?
including the paid family
                                                   State regulatory/mandate
and medical leave mandate,                                  compliance costs
expanding the sales tax to
                                                 Availability of skilled workers                                            20%
PPE and safety apparel, and
reducing the pass-through entity                      State’s high cost of living                                 16%
tax credit. The latter costs small             Uncertainty/unpredictability of
businesses $53 million annually.                  legislative decision-making

When asked whether they
                                                           High business taxes                               13%
approve of the state legislature’s
                                                                           Other                     9%
handling of the economy and
job creation, 51% of surveyed                    Transportation infrastructure           2%
                                                                                                     Source: CBIA July
manufacturers said they                                                                              2020 Connecticut
                                                              Credit availability     1%             manufacturing survey
either disapprove or strongly
disapprove. Thirty percent
were neutral and 19% said they
                                                                          manufacturing company. “Actually, it is very sad for
                                                                          those that the legislators say they are trying to help.

Almost two-thirds of (63%) believe the state’s business
                                                                          “We will now blame the impacts of COVID-19 for the
climate is declining, with 30% describing it as static,
                                                                          economic problems, which is only partially true. The
and 7% saying it is improving.
                                                                          state’s finances are simply unsustainable and we will

“After thirteen years [as CEO] it is clear that striving to               end up declaring bankruptcy at some point over the

create jobs and grow the economy of our state is not                      next decade.

a priority,” responded the chief executive of a major
                                                                          “For growth we need to increase employment and
                                                                                         productivity. However, our working age
                                                                                         population is declining and we do not
                                     General Assembly ratings:
                                     Economy & job creation                              encourage investment, so the math
                                                                                         simply does not work.”
                                     n Strongly           n Somewhat
      DISAPPROVE                       approve (2%)         disapprove (23%)
                                                                                         Nearly half of all companies say they have
        51%                          n Somewhat
                                       approve (17%)
                                                          n Strongly
                                                            disapprove (28%)
                                                                                         been approached by another state about
                                                                                         relocating or are independently considering
                                     n Neutral (30%)
                                                                                         a move.
                                     Source: CBIA July 2020 Connecticut
                                     manufacturing survey

                                                           2 0 2 0 C O N N E C T I C U T M A N U FA C T U R I N G R E P O R T   9
CONNECTICUT                              U.S.                   Manufacturing growth outlook
                                                                                n Strong growth (0%, 3%)
                                                                                n Moderate growth (10%, 29%)
              CONTRACTION                        CONTRACTION                    n Static (30%, 23%)

                 60%                                46%                         n Moderate contraction (40%, 31%)
                                                                                n Strong contraction (20%, 15%)

                                                                                Source: CBIA July 2020 Connecticut
                                                                                manufacturing survey

As for states that have proactively solicited Connecticut
                                                                      COVID-19’S ECONOMIC IMPACT
manufacturers, South Carolina tops the list, followed
by Florida, North Carolina, and Texas. Many                           Although now a distant memory, 2019 was a strong year

manufacturers report solicitations from multiple states.              for most Connecticut manufacturers, with 76% of surveyed
                                                                      firms reporting a profit last year, up slightly from 75% in
According to survey respondents, business friendliness
                                                                      2018. Thirteen percent reported breaking even, and 11%
and lower taxes were the top reasons for considering
                                                                      posted losses.
a move (76%), followed by proximity to customers (14%)
and cost of labor (10%).                                              More than half (53%) pointed to a strong national
                                                                      economy and increased sales as the reason for their
Asked about their outlook for the Connecticut economy,
                                                                      profits, while 41% credited their own strategic decisions.
60% expect a contraction over the next 12 months,
                                                                      Approximately 5% identified federal government spending
including 20% who project a strong decline in growth.
                                                                      and contracts as the reason for their growth.
Only 10% see the state’s economy growing in the next year
and 30% expect economic conditions to remain static.                  While roughly half of those who lost money in 2019
                                                                      pointed simply to decreased sales, nearly 30% reported
Their expectations for the national economy are more
                                                                      that input prices, mainly labor and materials, were the
optimistic, with 32% expecting growth, 46% a contraction,
                                                                      key factors driving losses.
and 23% predicting static conditions.

                                        2019                              2020

                                                                                                  n Profit (76%, 46%)
 Manufacturing                       PROFIT                             PROFIT                    n Break even (13%, 26%)
         sector                     76%                                46%                        n Loss (11%, 28%)

                                                                                                  Source: CBIA July 2020 Connecticut
                                                                                                  manufacturing survey

     10    2 0 2 0 C O N N E C T I C U T M A N U FA C T U R I N G R E P O R T
Despite the COVID-19 crisis and lockdowns crippling the                 ”We repurposed one factory and started making PPE,”
world at the end of the first quarter and well into the                 said one manufacturer. “We are trying to sustain this
second, nearly 53% of respondents said they still managed               business by creating a new company division.”
to turn a profit for the first half of the year.
                                                                        Others changed up their business models. One
However, as of July, only 18% said their businesses were                Connecticut brewery, forced to close its taproom, offset
still growing, while 82% said they were either contracting              some of the revenue losses by moving to curbside takeout.
or holding steady.
                                                                        Pandemic-driven changes in consumer behavior
Only 46% of Connecticut manufacturers now anticipate                    are also causing significant disruptions, as another
a profit for 2020 (versus 76% in 2019), while 28% are                   survey respondent explained: “We are a cosmetic raw
forecasting losses, compared with 11% last year.                        material supplier to the major cosmetic manufacturers
Twenty-six percent expect to break even this year.                      and with people working from home, not going out,
                                                                        and the face mask requirement, there was a big drop
The aerospace sector, which accounts for the largest
                                                                        in cosmetic sales.”
percentage of manufacturing employment, is taking
an outsized hit this year because of the dramatic decline               Less than half (45%) of surveyed manufacturers
in commercial air travel.                                               introduced a new product in the last 12 months, while
                                                                        40% said they plan on introducing a new product in the
A number of those who responded to CBIA’s July survey
                                                                        coming year. One-quarter (25%) are unsure about their
are part of the supply chain for larger companies.
                                                                        new product plans and 35% will not launch a new product.
“We manufacture aircraft parts and worked through the
                                                                        Seventy-nine percent of those rolling out new products
toughest months until July 2020,” noted one manufacturer.
                                                                        in the coming year will manufacture them in Connecticut,
“We put almost all our employees on unemployment due
                                                                        13% will locate partial production here, 4% will produce
to being impacted by no flights flying and we have seen
                                                                        elsewhere, and 3% are uncertain.
an 80% decrease in our work load.”

Those who make consumer products also struggled, with
lockdowns and restrictions in place across the country.
                                                                        OPERATING THROUGH
Noted one producer: “Our largest customer was closed
for 10 weeks. And the closing of retail shops and malls                 Most Connecticut manufacturers’ doors stayed open
negatively affected our company as our products are                     throughout the pandemic. Nonetheless, operating
often sold through traditional brick and mortar.”                       through significant disruptions and restrictions has been
                                                                        incredibly difficult.
Many manufacturers pivoted, retooling production lines
to make PPE, surgical gowns, ventilators, hospital beds,                It is clear from responses to the July survey that the
and other urgently needed supplies.                                     pandemic is taking its toll on employees and employers

                                                          2 0 2 0 C O N N E C T I C U T M A N U FA C T U R I N G R E P O R T     11
alike—from the daily grind of complying with health and
                                   Did your
                                   company                            safety guidelines, to the ongoing issues with childcare
                                   introduce a new                    and the growing uncertainty about the future.
                                   product in the
          45%                      past 12 months?                    “This pandemic has created a significant stress on all
                                                                      our employees,” noted one respondent. “From stresses
                                   n Yes (45%)
                                                                      of working from home, educating their children full-time
                                   n No (55%)
                                                                      while working from home, concerns for their health and
                                                                      well-being and that of their family, travel restrictions
                                                                      and state shutdowns, and the looming uncertainty of
                                   Will you
                                                                      when it may end.
                                   introduce a new
                                   product in the                     “While we have not had any COVID-19 cases with
                                   next 12 months?
          40%                      n Yes (40%)
                                                                      employees, we have had to address many other health
                                                                      issues arising from the stress and duress of daily living
                                   n No (35%)                         in this new normal.”
                                   n Unsure (25%)
                                                                      Economic weakness and reduced demand have
                                                                      impacted the revenues of almost two-thirds of companies
                                                                      (65%), while new health and safety protocols, employee
                                   Are your
                                   products                           concerns, and supply chain interruptions have driven up
                                   manufactured                       costs and challenged production.
                                   in Connecticut?
          86%                      n Yes (86%)
                                                                      While some manufacturers capitalized on new
                                                                      opportunities and hired additional workers to meet
                                   n Partially (13%)
                                                                      pandemic-related demand, most (56%) reported having
                                   n No (1%)
                                                                      to reduce employee hours, execute layoffs, or furlough

                                   Will your new                      State and federal emergency relief programs helped
                                   products be made                   mitigate further workforce losses.
                                   in Connecticut?
            YES                                                       Eighty-five percent of surveyed manufacturers applied
          79%                      n Yes (79%)
                                   n Partially (15%)
                                                                      for a PPP loan and 97% of those applications were
                                                                      approved. Of those who received PPP funding, 91% said
                                   n No (4%)
                                                                      they met their employee retention goals, 5% were unsure,
                                   n Unsure (3%)
                                                                      and 4% were unsuccessful.

Source: CBIA July 2020 Connecticut manufacturing survey

     12    2 0 2 0 C O N N E C T I C U T M A N U FA C T U R I N G R E P O R T
Of those who did not apply for a PPP loan, 54% said they            to separate teams during the workday.
did not require government financing, 24% were ineligible,
                                                                    In addition to complying with Connecticut’s COVID-19
and 16% either applied for other federal programs or
                                                                    guidelines—including mandatory masks or face coverings,
were wary about applying. Five percent accessed private
                                                                    social distancing, cleaning and sanitation protocols, and
financing sources.
                                                                    capacity limits—manufacturers implemented additional
Only 18% of surveyed firms                                                                               health and safety
applied for state pandemic                                                                               measures.
assistance, including the
                                                                                                         Forty-three percent of
Recovery Bridge Loan
                                                                        Did you apply                    survey respondents carry
program administered
                                                 YES                    for a PPP loan?                  out temperature checks

by the Department of
                                                                        n Yes (85%)                      for employees and
Economic and Community
                                                                        n No (15%)                       customers, 27% conduct
                                                                                                         regular health screening
As for working remotely                                                                                  checks, 10% test workers
during the pandemic, 55%                                                                                 for COVID-19, while
of companies said at least                                              Was your                         20% adopted other
some of their employees                                                 application                      measures, including
were able to work offsite.                                              successful?                      air quality monitors,
For those respondents,                        97%                       n Yes (97%)                      improved ventilation,
an average 23% of their                                                 n No (3%)                        and sophisticated air
workforce clocked in from                                                                                purification systems.
home during the initial
                                                                                                         With a nascent recovery
months of the pandemic.                                                 Did the loan
                                                                                                         underway, 37% of
                                                                        allow you to meet
At the time of the survey,                                              your employee                    manufacturers report
manufacturers reported                                                  retention goals?                 they are having difficulty
an average of 13% of their                    91%                       n Yes (91%)
                                                                                                         getting employees to
workforce was still remote,                                                                              return to work, citing the
                                                                        n No (4%)
and 9% anticipated that                                                 n Unsure (5%)                    $600 temporary weekly
employees would continue                                                                                 federal unemployment
working remotely.                    Source: CBIA July 2020 Connecticut manufacturing survey             benefit, health concerns
                                                                                                         related to potential
Many also staggered shifts
                                                                                                         exposure to COVID-19,
to reduce the number of
                                                                    and childcare issues as the primary factors.
onsite employees or created cohorts within their facilities

                                                      2 0 2 0 C O N N E C T I C U T M A N U FA C T U R I N G R E P O R T   13
WORKFORCE & HIRING                                                                                    Is your workforce…

While uncertainty around the coronavirus pandemic                                                     n Growing (20%)
                                                                             THE SAME                 n Staying the same (56%)
and ongoing concerns with the direction of the state’s
economy are largely responsible for that trend,                                  56%                  n Declining (24%)

                                                                                                      Source: CBIA July 2020
Connecticut continues to face a critical shortage of
                                                                                                      Connecticut manufacturing
skilled workers, compounded by a shrinking labor                                                      survey

force, population loss, retirements, and the state’s
high cost of living.
                                                                       21% increasing employment levels, 15% expanding remote
That shortage is felt most acutely in manufacturing.
                                                                       work, 14% employing fewer workers, and 13% relying
It’s a significant concern, particularly
                                                                                         more on part-time and temporary
as the state’s skilled workforce is seen
as a major competitive advantage—
and manufacturers tell us the difficulty                                                 Forty-eight percent of manufacturers

finding talent is also one of the                                                        report challenges finding and retaining
primary obstacles to growth.                              AUTOMATION                     young workers. Just 25% say they have

Connecticut is one of the oldest states                      27%                         no trouble finding and retaining young
                                                                                         workers, 22% have issues only with
by average age. Manufacturers say
                                                                                         attracting younger workers, and 4%
41% of their workers are 40 years old
                                                                                         only with retaining them.
or younger, while 25% of managers are
                                                    What post-COVID
40 years old or younger, with 11% of                                                     The main obstacles for finding
                                                    workforce changes
the current workforce expected to                                                        qualified young workers include a lack
                                                    do you anticipate
                                                                                         of skills or expertise (40%), proper work
retire between 2021 and 2024.                       making?
                                                                                         ethic (28%), competition from other
Only 20% of surveyed manufacturers                  n More automation (27%)
                                                                                         employers offering higher wages and/
expect to increase their workforce                  n Add jobs (21%)
                                                                                         or more expansive benefits (16%), and
over the next six months. More than                 n Expand remote work
                                                      (15%)                              the state’s high cost of living (10%).
half (56%) say employment levels
                                                    n Fewer jobs (14%)
will remain stable and 24% expect                                                        State government has placed a
                                                    n More part-time,
a decrease.                                                                              growing emphasis on workforce
                                                      employees (13%)                    development, including driving the
Manufacturers also expect to make
                                                    n Other (10%)                        consolidation of many of the different
operational and workforce changes
                                                    Source: CBIA July 2020               initiatives across Connecticut to better
in the post-COVID environment,                      Connecticut manufacturing
                                                                                         leverage resources and opportunities.
with 27% adopting more automation,

      14    2 0 2 0 C O N N E C T I C U T M A N U FA C T U R I N G R E P O R T
“We want to expose children to the       “Students in underserved populations
‘WORKFORCE                                  world of work by middle school, then     in some cases don’t have people in
 DEVELOPMENT                                build out career pathways by high        their lives who have meaningful jobs.”
 STARTS IN                                  school,” she said.
                                                                                     Vallieres also stressed the need
 KINDERGARTEN’                              Vallieres also oversaw the council’s     for workforce development for
                                            recent completion of a strategic plan    adult populations, including the

         he head of the state’s new         for next year, which will guide her      underemployed and underskilled
         workforce development office       office’s efforts.                        who need to be reskilled.
         said Connecticut must begin its    The plan puts industry at the center     Vallieres singled out child care as
workforce development efforts early         as the customer and the student as       an example of a barrier.
if it’s going to meet the manufacturing     the product for that customer.
                                                                                     “The child care system was broken
industry’s demand for thousands of
                                            “We’re undergoing a solid detailed       before the pandemic,” she said.
skilled workers.
                                            process to implement this plan,” she     “It discourages people to engage in
“Workforce development starts               said. “Some things are a multiyear       work because everything they make
in kindergarten,” said Kelli-Marie          initiative, some are intermediate, and   goes to child care. That’s even if they
Vallieres, director of the new office       some short term.”                        can find child care.”
tasked with coordinating Connecticut’s
                                            One of the first steps is getting        Vallieres points to her own experience
various workforce development
                                            state agencies to work together on       as a young working mother.
                                            workforce development efforts, which
                                                                                     “After I had my second child I was
“Students are the product of the            will happen through better data
                                                                                     making $50 a week after childcare,”
system and we have to produce               management, then breaking down
                                                                                     she said. “You ask yourself, ‘Is it really
a product that industry needs.”             barriers to entry into the workforce,
                                                                                     worth it?’”
Vallieres was an established leader in      she said.
                                                                                     Vallieres likes to quote West Hartford
Connecticut manufacturing when Gov.         “The data management systems
                                                                                     business leader Ari Santiago when
Ned Lamont tapped her this summer to        are old and don’t talk to each other,
                                                                                     discussing the differences between
serve as executive director of the new      so making data-driven decisions is
Workforce Development Unit within                                                    manufacturing 40 years ago and today.
                                            difficult to do across departments,”
the Department of Economic and              Valllieres said.                         “Ari says, ‘We used to think of
Community Development.                                                               manufacturing as dark, dingy and
                                            “We have a system that integrates
The new office will coordinate                                                       dirty. Today, it’s clean, lean, and
                                            some data but it’s not intuitive.
workforce development policy,                                                        green,’” she said. “Also, ‘You used to
including training, education,              “But there’s work going on, things       have to use your brawn. Now you
and worker placement.                       happening to improve systems,            have to use your brain.’”
                                            including a big focus on our data
Vallieres continues serving as vice chair                                            That’s because the lines that
                                            management system.”
of the Governor’s Workforce Council, a                                               separate IT, computer science, and
position she’s held since October 2019.     She said state agencies are partnering   manufacturing are disappearing,
                                            in the workforce development effort      Vallieres said.
In the short time since she began,          and “starting to put their arms around
Vallieres has immersed herself in                                                    “Running those machines is running
                                            the magnitude of this and working to
her new job.                                                                         computers, plus you have the quality
                                            make improvements to the system.”
                                                                                     control aspect that’s computerized
“We’re getting a lot of momentum            The state must also address equity and   and statistical,” she said. “It makes
about introducing workforce                 access to workforce development for      it exciting.
development into our curriculum,”           underserved populations, she said.
she said.                                                                            “The next industrial revolution is going
                                            “There’s a lot of work to be done to     to revolve around artificial intelligence
She envisions a curriculum that not         remove those barriers and a lot of       and smart factories, and we won’t lose
only teaches math, science, reading,        funding that needs to go into these      jobs, we’ll improve the quality of them.
and writing but provides students           programs,” she said.
with concrete examples of how those                                                  “That’s why we need to start focusing
lessons are used in various professions.    “We must also address the equity         on the children in school today. They
                                            gap for underserved populations.”        will be our workforce of the future.”
2019                              2020

                                                                                                n Both (56%, 48%)
     Is it difficult                                                                            n No difficulty (15%, 25%)
   to find and/or                     BOTH                               BOTH                   n Finding only (19%, 22%)
    retain young                    56%                                48%                      n Retaining only (10%, 4%)
                                                                                                Source: CBIA July 2020 Connecticut
                                                                                                manufacturing survey

For instance, in July, the Lamont administration established          additional financial recovery assistance, 15% called
the Connecticut Workforce Unit, appointing manufacturing              for an easing of restrictions and shutdowns, 14% cited
CEO Kelli-Marie Vallieres [see page 15] to lead the                   less government interference in the private sector, and
office, which will work with private and public sector                9% pushed for policies that will support and improve
stakeholders on a statewide workforce development plan.               economic growth.

                                                                      “The state has been fairly good thus far in proactive

REBUILDING CONNECTICUT                                                responses to the virus, even though some have been
                                                                      quite painful for many businesses,” responded one
Pandemic aside, manufacturers have a laundry list of
                                                                      manufacturer. “They are necessary for public health
factors inhibiting growth and job creation in Connecticut.
                                                                      and well-being as the numbers are beginning to show

When forced to pick just one, it was a near toss-up                   in Connecticut versus other more careless states.

between the scarcity of skilled labor, onerous and
                                                                      “For the longer term, state spending and unfunded
expensive regulations, the high cost of living in the
                                                                      liabilities must be strongly dealt with to reduce the tax
state, uncertainty and unpredictability of legislative
                                                                      and regulatory burdens on businesses so that a better
decision-making, and tax burden.
                                                                      environment for recovery is created.”

Manufacturers were asked what additional assistance
                                                                      Said another: “Being closed was a huge challenge. In the
the state government could provide to help companies
                                                                      event we have to close again, that is where we will need
rebuild. Their responses were illuminating, as they spoke
                                                                      help. As for helping small businesses, the only way to help
more to the conditions that hampered Connecticut’s
                                                                      is to support them. Buy local, support Connecticut.”
recovery from the last recession than the pandemic.
                                                                      We also asked manufacturing leaders to identify the top
Those structural conditions remain and clearly concern
                                                                      policy priority for lawmakers in the General Assembly’s
manufacturers. For instance, 39% called for cutting
                                                                      2021 session.
government spending and lowering taxes, 25% wanted

     16    2 0 2 0 C O N N E C T I C U T M A N U FA C T U R I N G R E P O R T
Forty-three percent called for prioritizing state spending             As Connecticut charts its economic recovery, it’s clear the
controls (including pension reforms), 27% supported lower              state needs a new way of thinking, a truly collaborative
taxes or tax reforms, 14% identified business-friendly                 approach between the public and private sectors that
policies, 12% called for better COVID-19 safety compliance             focuses on nurturing businesses and promoting and
guidance and training, and 5% want more policies driving               driving job and economic growth.
economic growth and job creation.
                                                                       Connecticut can rebuild its economy and get people
Connecticut policymakers must better understand the                    back to work.
obstacles to growth faced by the state’s manufacturing
                                                                       Let’s seize the moment to capitalize on the state’s many
sector and demonstrate support for this critical
                                                                       strengths and not only restore our economy, but make
component of our economy.
                                                                       it more vibrant and robust than ever.
The task ahead is a daunting one. Rebuilding
                                                                       It’s time to support policies that will help manufacturers—
Connecticut’s economy is a challenge unlike any we
                                                                       particularly small manufacturers—manage the high cost
have faced in modern times, one that can only be met
                                                                       of navigating COVID-19 restrictions, create and retain
by dramatically reshaping the relationship between
                                                                       jobs, and lead the state’s economic recovery and growth
job creators and government.
                                                                       for the benefit of all.

  Reduce state spending/
          pension reform

     Lower taxes/reforms                                                                    27%

 Business friendly policies                                 13%
COVID safety compliance
                                                          12%                What should be the top priority for
                                                                             the 2021 General Assembly session?
             Job creation/
         economic growth
                                        5%                                   Source: CBIA July 2020 Connecticut manufacturing survey

                                                         2 0 2 0 C O N N E C T I C U T M A N U FA C T U R I N G R E P O R T   17
f Leverage public-private partnerships to speed
                                                                        planning and completion of priority transportation
                                                                        projects, additional infrastructure projects such as
Workforce Development
                                                                        critical bioscience laboratory space, and revitalize
f Tailor workforce development programs to prioritize                   and grow the economies of our cities
  high-value, in-demand industries—such as aerospace,
  software engineering, medical devices, biopharma,                  Small Business Relief
  and fintech—and focus on defined pathways for
                                                                     f Repeal the 6.35% state sales tax on employment
  educational and career development
                                                                                           training and safety apparel,
f Streamline the professional licensing                                                    including personal protective
  process, remove barriers for                                                             equipment
  apprenticeship training requirements,              These policy
                                                     recommendations                     Restore the pass-through entity
  and recognize equivalent out-of-
                                                     form the framework                    tax credit to its original 93%—the
  state licenses for those moving here               of CBIA’s Rebuilding
                                                                                           2019 reduction costs small businesses
  to increase workforce strength                     Connecticut pledge.
                                                     As of mid-October,                    $53 million annually
f Expand the state’s manufacturing
                                                     more than 120 state
                                                                                         Restore the R&D tax credit to
  apprenticeship tax credit program                  elected officials
                                                                                           attract entrepreneurs, foster startup
  to include small manufacturers                     and candidates
                                                     have signed the                       businesses, and promote private
  and repeal the state sales tax on
                                                     pledge, which is                      sector investment
  employer training programs
                                                     also supported by
                                                     over 95 businesses
Urban Renewal                                        and organizations                  Taxpayer ROI
                                                     from around the
                                                                                         Deliver greater value to taxpayers
f Drive much-needed investments in                   state. Learn more
                                                                                           by expanding the use of nonprofit
  our cities and towns by overhauling                at rebuildct.com.
                                                                                           organizations to deliver state
  environmental remediation statutes and
                                                                                           services, implementing broad-based
  regulations, streamlining permitting,
                                                                                           technology solutions, cutting
  cutting red tape, and conforming
                                                                                           duplicative state functions, and
  state rules with federal standards
                                                                                           eliminating overtime and mileage
                                                                                           in pension calculations
Infrastructure Investment
                                                                     f Restore the long-term financial sustainability of the
f Support a bipartisan transportation funding plan
                                                                        state’s Unemployment Trust Fund through the adoption
  that provides the necessary resources to rebuild and
                                                                        of benefit reforms already implemented as best
  modernize Connecticut’s infrastructure while protecting
                                                                        practices by neighboring states
  Special Transportation Fund revenues

     18   2 0 2 0 C O N N E C T I C U T M A N U FA C T U R I N G R E P O R T
                                                                      AdvanceCT is collaborating with numerous stakeholders
                                                                      to develop a strategic plan for Connecticut’s economic
AdvanceCT                                                             future, including ensuring Connecticut has a properly
is a nonprofit                                                        trained workforce, today and in the future.
organization that works to engage, retain, and
                                                                      Visit advancect.org
recruit businesses and advance overall economic
competitiveness in Connecticut.

Through its close partnership with the Department of                  CONNECTICUT DEPARTMENT
Economic and Community Development, AdvanceCT
                                                                      OF ECONOMIC & COMMUNITY
is enhancing Connecticut’s ability to retain and recruit
companies by taking a highly strategic approach to                    Manufacturing is an
business development and business engagement.                         important economic driver
                                                                      for the state of Connecticut
Originally established in 1993 as the Connecticut Economic
                                                                      and a key area of focus
Resource Center, Inc., the economic development entity
                                                                      for the Department of Economic and Community
changed its name to AdvanceCT in 2020.
Manufacturing has a long history of driving economic
                                                                      DECD works closely with the sector to address challenges
activity in our state, and AdvanceCT will continue to
                                                                      and opportunities facing manufacturers of all sizes.
nurture this thriving sector in our transformed efforts.
                                                                      Over the next 12 months, the chief manufacturing officer
With the support of the Lamont administration,                        will focus on:
AdvanceCT’s repurposed mission is to spur economic
                                                                      f Initiating the Connecticut Defense Manufacturing
development in close partnership with the public
                                                                         Community Consortium focused on the digital
and private sectors.
                                                                         transformation of the defense supply base and
AdvanceCT has attracted some of Connecticut’s most                       commencing the Digital Model Initiative which
important business leaders to its board of directors,                    includes pilot programs for 6 defense suppliers, the
a reflection of the private sector’s sense of urgency                    development of the playbook with best practices
to address Connecticut’s economic and business                           and lessons learned, and curriculum and certification
competitiveness.                                                         development around Model Based Definition.

                                                        2 0 2 0 C O N N E C T I C U T M A N U FA C T U R I N G R E P O R T   19
f Restarting the Manufacturing Voucher Program                        To assist in creating partnerships between business/industry
  utilizing the $5 million in MAA funds (critical as we               and educators that enhance student career preparedness,
  look to emerge from COVID-19 and the associated                     CSDE has partnered with the Connecticut Science Center
  recession) and then securing multi-year funding for                 and ReadyCT to establish a STEM Externship Cohort. This
  the Manufacturing Innovation Fund to support                        cohort provides Connecticut Career and Technical Education
  programs around apprenticeship, incumbent worker                    educators, school counselors, and members of STEM
  training, outreach efforts to the K-12 student population,          business and industries opportunities to meet, collaborate
  and grants for technology adoption, efficiency gains,               on instruction, and develop externship experiences.
  and capacity expansion.
                                                                      Per Public Act No. 19-68: An Act Establishing the
f Developing and implementing initiatives around                      Connecticut Apprenticeship and Education Committee,
  emerging technologies including offshore wind power                 the Manufacturing Committee transitioned and is now
  and electric vehicles.                                              the Connecticut Apprenticeship Committee. The law
                                                                      required the committee to analyze whether current
f Supporting initiatives developed by the Governor’s
                                                                      apprenticeship training programs available to
  Workforce Council, including development of regional
                                                                      Connecticut residents are meeting workforce needs.
  sector partnerships and career pathways and efforts
                                                                      Also, the committee will expand the Introducing Students
  to ensure access for all our residents to workforce
                                                                      to Manufacturing: Best Practices Guide and Program
                                                                      Resources to introduce middle school and high school
f Other areas that will receive focus include: Access                 students, their parents or guardians, guidance counselors
  to capital for small manufacturers and select                       and school counselors to other careers (e.g., insurance,
  regulatory reform.                                                  healthcare, financial technology, biotechnology, STEM,

Visit ct.gov/decd                                                     construction trades, and hospitality industries).

                                                                      On July 1, 2020, the U.S. Department of Education approved
                                                                      Connecticut’s Strengthening Career and Technical Education
                                                                      for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) State Plan. This plan
                                                                      was created in partnership with the Perkins V leadership
The Connecticut State                                                 group and Connecticut stakeholders. The plan ensures
Department of Education                                               the CSDE meets the needs of all learners and includes:
continues to work closely with                                        (1) CSDE goals and levels of performance of CTE activities,
the Office of Apprenticeship                                          (2) evidence-based and innovative strategies and activities to
Training to design rigorous,                                          improve and modernize CTE and align workforce skills with
multiple, and flexible pathways and programs of study                 labor market needs, and (3) a strategic vision and goals for
to provide students with the skills demanded by industry              preparing an educated and skilled Connecticut workforce.
for a high-skill, high-wage, and in-demand career in
                                                                      Visit ct.gov/sde
manufacturing and STEM fields.

     20    2 0 2 0 C O N N E C T I C U T M A N U FA C T U R I N G R E P O R T
technical skills including virtual reality and mechatronics.
OF TECHNOLOGY &                                                     In addition, outreach activities for inner city high school
REGIONAL CENTER                                                     students will continue to be offered after school and
FOR NEXT GENERATION                                                 on Saturdays. In collaboration with industry partners,
MANUFACTURING                                                       Industry-driven entrepreneurial projects for current

The Connecticut                                                     COT students will be offered as well as internships and

College of                                                          apprenticeship experiences.

Technology and its
                                                                    COT-RCNGM will continue to create and identify virtual
Regional Center for
                                                                    resources and best practice models that can be used in
Next Generation
                                                                    engineering and technology programs across the U.S.
Manufacturing address the need for highly skilled
                                                                    by high school and community college educators and
workers in the advanced manufacturing workplace by
                                                                    as a result produce technicians and engineers for the
building programs that provide resources to educators
                                                                    advanced manufacturing workforce.
and students interested in learning new skills and
competencies in advanced manufacturing technology.                  Finally, COT-RCNGM will continue to partner with industry
                                                                    and professional associations to produce and disseminate
RCNGM is one of three Centers of Excellence in
                                                                    outreach materials that market high-tech manufacturing
Manufacturing across the nation funded by the National
Science Foundation and is administered by Tunxis
Community College in Farmington. COT is a consortium                Visit nextgenmfg.org

of all 12 Connecticut public community colleges, 10 public
and private universities, the Connecticut Technical High
School system, as well as comprehensive high schools.
                                                                    CONNECTICUT DEPARTMENT
                                                                    OF LABOR
COT’s Site Coordinators Council provides statewide
                                                                    As demand for highly-skilled
leadership for the implementation of a nationally
                                                                    workers increase and career
recognized and award winning, stackable credential
                                                                    exploration cannot occur only
model that provides credit certificates and associate’s
                                                                    in the schools, it is vital for
degrees that both prepare students for employment as
                                                                    employers and industry to engage in strengthening the
well as transfer seamlessly to bachelor’s degree programs
                                                                    connection between educators, students, careers and
in engineering science and technology studies.
                                                                    the community.
In 2021, COT-RCNGM seeks to provide Connecticut high
                                                                    This collaboration will ensure students have exposure
school teachers and community college faculty with
                                                                    to the necessary career ready skills for their chosen
professional development opportunities that include
                                                                    occupation/career field.
workshops on smart manufacturing and professional and

                                                      2 0 2 0 C O N N E C T I C U T M A N U FA C T U R I N G R E P O R T   21
Business and industry can offer job shadowing,                        course offerings expanded to include welding, CNC
mentoring, work-based learning and apprenticeship                     machining and MasterCam, and for the first time were
program opportunities that are crucial to career                      offered in an online format.
                                                                      In the 2019-20 academic year, 186 grade 11 and
By accelerating necessary training and cultivating talent,            12 manufacturing students were employed by a
these employer led program designs provide screened,                  manufacturer participating in Work-Based Learning,
well-prepared workers new to an industry by receiving                 a program designed for students to gain hands-on
a combination of industry-based formalized training                   experience and create a skilled-labor pipeline. CTECS
and classroom instruction for potentially acquiring and               actively looks to partner with industry and grow this
retaining new employees.                                              number.

Visit ctdol.state.ct.us                                               Working with Connecticut’s community colleges, CTECS
                                                                      helps facilitate incumbent worker training, and continues
                                                                      to support the development of articulation agreements
CONNECTICUT TECHNICAL                                                 to create manufacturing pathways.
                                                                      Visit cttech.org
The Connecticut Technical
Education and Career System
understands the urgency to                                            CONNECTICUT
build a skilled manufacturing                                         MANUFACTURERS’
workforce, and is committed to supporting the labor                   COLLABORATIVE
needs of Connecticut employers.
                                                                      Connecting the
Students in grades 9-12 can choose from five                          major manufacturing
manufacturing programs: Automated Manufacturing,                      organizations in
Mechanical Design and Engineering, Mechatronics,                      Connecticut and the
Precision Machining, and Welding and Metal Fabrication.               broader universe of
Additionally, adult learners can participate in full-time             manufacturing-focused agencies, institutions, and
manufacturing programs or part-time apprenticeship                    government officials across the state, the Connecticut
and extension related-instruction courses.                            Manufacturers’ Collaborative has quickly demonstrated
                                                                      its value.
This year, CTECS aligned its manufacturing curriculum
to the National Institute for Metalworking Skills skill               Established in 2018, the CMC originated and led the effort
standards. Tooling U-SME training was offered and                     with the Lamont administration and the legislature to
became a virtual learning resource, a necessity during the            create the chief manufacturing officer position within the
COVID-19 pandemic. Adult apprenticeship and extension                 Department of Economic and Community Development.

     22    2 0 2 0 C O N N E C T I C U T M A N U FA C T U R I N G R E P O R T
That position has already proven to be an invaluable asset                                  As administrators of the CMC, CBIA and its CONNSTEP
for the manufacturing community and policymakers alike.                                     affiliate, provide a wealth of online resources for
                                                                                            manufacturers and worked closely with state and federal
With the onset of COVID-19 in early 2020, the state
                                                                                            emergency management officials on behalf of the CMC
deemed all manufacturing in Connecticut essential,
                                                                                            to facilitate the production and distribution of personal
keeping operations running during the pandemic. The
                                                                                            protective equipment to hospitals, small businesses, and
designation created an immediate and urgent need
                                                                                            nonprofit organizations.
for effective and continuous information flow among
manufacturers, the administration, and the legislature.                                     Looking ahead, the major underlying challenges facing
                                                                                            the sector remain key CMC priorities: an aging workforce,
The CMC initiated video conference calls three times
                                                                                            technology innovation, upskilling incumbent workers,
per week, which provided manufacturers with the
                                                                                            attracting more young people into manufacturing, and
latest on state and federal developments and informed
                                                                                            creating a more comprehensive, vertically coordinated
policymakers about immediate manufacturing
                                                                                            education system to train the manufacturing workforce
challenges and needs, while ensuring there was a regular
                                                                                            of the future.
opportunity to have questions asked and answered.

                                      COMMUNITY                                                                  CT TECH HS




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                                                                              2 0 2 0 C O N N E C T I C U T M A N U FA C T U R I N G R E P O R T              23


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