2020 UK wholesale power and gas market outlook - Energy HQ

Page created by Jessie Porter
2020 UK wholesale power and gas market outlook - Energy HQ
UK wholesale
power and gas
market outlook
2020 UK wholesale power and gas market outlook - Energy HQ
2020 UK wholesale power and gas market outlook

           The following details some of the possible market scenarios that could develop over the coming year.
           Please note that these market development scenarios represent the individual views of each of the
           Optimisation Desk Client Portfolio Managers (CPMs) and should not be taken as advice.

            For more information, contact our Optimisation Desk team at optimisation.desk.team@npower.com

          Ropa Manyanhaire                             Lee Tucker                                   Sam Hill
          Client Portfolio Manager                     Client Portfolio Manager                     Client Portfolio Manager
          npower Business Solutions, Energy HQ         npower Business Solutions, Energy HQ         npower Business Solutions, Energy HQ

                                                                                                    Lucy Hearn
                                                                                                    Client Portfolio Manager
                                                                                                    npower Business Solutions, Energy HQ
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2020 UK wholesale power and gas market outlook - Energy HQ
2020 UK wholesale power and gas market outlook

           Liquefied natural gas (LNG)                        Global relations                                      Demand
           LNG supply for 2020 is forecast by Platts          Ukraine and Russia have now signed a new              Weather – despite initial forecasts that
           to grow at its slowest rate since 2015.            five-year transit agreement, which will see           this winter could be an extremely cold
           However, demand is unlikely to grow at a           Russia continue to ship in the region of 40% of       one, significantly cold weather is still yet to
           significantly fast enough pace to provide any      its European gas deliveries through pipelines         materialise. Globally, 2019 was the second
           tightness in the global gas market. For the        that run through Ukraine. This has already seen       warmest year ever, and the past decade was
           next six months at least, the UK looks likely to   much of the risk premium associated with Q1           the warmest ever. Latest shorter-term forecasts
           continue to see an abundance of LNG deliveries,    20 gas prices eroded as supplies to Europe are        are showing above-average temperatures into
           notably from the US. US exporters of LNG are       effectively secured. However, the deal does           the start of February. There is a chance of a
           heading into 2020 after a record year which        not include Crimean assets. So, in the event of       cold spell towards the end of February and into
           saw exports soar by more than 40%.                 further tensions between the two neighbours           March. However, it is thought that any such
           However, growing concerns about softening          following Russia’s annexation of Ukraine’s            event will be short-lived and it does not look
           global demand and heavy competition could          Crimea, we could yet see some upside risk             like there will be any ‘Beast from the East’
           see that growth number slow at the back end        to prices in 2020.                                    type scenarios.
           of the year. Despite this, the US still remains
           on track to become the biggest global LNG          Political tensions surrounding the Nord Stream        Generation – demand for gas-fired generation
           exporter by 2024 (as reported by Reuters).         2 pipeline are likely to intensify in 2020, with      in the UK is expected to remain relatively
                                                              the US already placing sanctions on companies         strong. However, Platts has reported that the
           As a result, prompt prices in Europe have          involved. The US has been strongly opposed to         UK may see Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT)
           sagged with both the National Balancing Point      the building of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, as it     generation online as much as 30% lower
           (NBP) and Title Transfer Facility (TTF) posting    increases the EU’s dependency on Russia and           this summer compared to the summer
           heavy losses. The Japanese Korean Marker           potentially (in their view) on Europe’s national      of 2019. This is due to a new interconnector,
           (JKM) has fallen close to 40% year on year,        security. Notably, it could allow Russia to take      the ElecLink, with France scheduled to come
           resulting in cargoes heading to Europe instead     further sanctions against Ukraine. However,           online in early 2020, which is likely to favour
           of Asia, as falling Asian demand reduces the       proponents of the pipeline will argue that the        higher imports over domestic gas generation.
           incentives for cargoes to head to the Far East.    completion of the pipeline will provide cheaper       This is a continuation of the trend we have seen
           However, traders are likely to continue to         gas to European customers than American LNG.          recently as new interconnectors such as NEMO
           pay close attention to the JKM in 2020 with        Any delay to the pipeline’s completion is likely to   increase the UK’s interconnectivity with the
           any increase in price potentially acting as a      provide some upside risk but this is only likely      continent and ultimately help to source cheaper
           precursor to an uptick in Asian demand.            to provide a temporary blip in the face of            power generation. The new interconnector is
           At present, it seems likely that it would take     continued oversupply.                                 likely to further weigh on UK hub gas prices.
           something unexpected such as a policy change
           or a weather event to reroute cargoes back
           to Asia. Therefore, it seems likely that any
           excess supply would be absorbed by European
           storage facilities from spring onwards.

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2020 UK wholesale power and gas market outlook - Energy HQ
2020 UK wholesale power and gas market outlook

           Price development                                                                                                                        April/May. The Hunterston B reactors are offline for a graphite inspection
           The graph below shows how the Sum20 and Win20 power prices developed                                                                     following the discovery of cracks in the core. After being permitted to run
           over the last year and how the spread between summer and winter changed.                                                                 for 4 months last year, reactor 4 should come back online as predicted
                                                                                                                                                    (around March). However, reactor 3 has not been online for almost two
                                                                                                                                                    years and so its return is more dubious. With statutory outages at Heysham
                                 Price development for 2020 contracts                                                                               2-8 (February), Heysham 1-1 (April) and Torness R1 (July), aside from any
                                 Win-20 BL power                    Sum-20 BL power                    Summer/Winter spread                         unplanned outages, we would expect nuclear generation to remain fairly
                  62                                                                                                                20
                                                                                                                                                    steady through the year at around 6.7GW. Forecasts for 2020 suggest
                  57                                                                                                                                renewables will increase again to outweigh contributions from coal and
                                                                                                                                                    gas sources as renewable installed capacity is now higher than fossil fuel

                                                                                                                                         £ spread
                  52                                                                                                                                capacity as of November 2019.

                  47                                                                                                                10              On the coal front, the start of this year sees the closure of two more coal
                                                                                                                                    8               plants, leaving just four operational from April 2020 onwards. This could
                                                                                                                                    6               cause firmer prices if we were to get extreme cold temperatures similar to
                  37                                                                                                                4               the 2018 ‘Beast from the East’. However, as indications are for a mild start











                                                                                                                                                    to the year we may not see these closures impact yet.












































                                                                                                                                                    Key drivers - EU
           Having remained range-bound for most of the year, both contracts broke                                                                   Disruptions to supply caused by French nuclear outages are likely to have
           through in November and the downwards trend escalated in December.                                                                       a strong bullish impact on prices. The last four years have seen incidents
           The drop in prices was most dramatic for the summer contract which                                                                       of interruption to supply, or in the case of 2019, uncertainty around
           reached £53.20/MWh at its highest point in July 2019 and a low of £38.85/                                                                potential maintenance requirements. As the French fleet continues to age,
           MWh at the end of the year. The winter contract saw a drop of £10/MWh                                                                    the likelihood there will be a period of elevated prices on the back
           over this period so still a significant fall. Unless there are any major bullish                                                         of nuclear issues is increasingly likely.
           drivers taking effect, this softening of prices may continue into 2020.
                                                                                                                                                    There is a new Norwegian interconnector expected to come online in 2020
           The spread between summer and winter also increased towards the end                                                                      with 1.4GW capacity. There is also additional capacity from France with
           of the year from around £6/MWh to over £10/MWh in December. As the                                                                       the ElecLink (1GW) and IFA2 (1GW) interconnectors expected this year.
           increase in spread escalated rapidly towards the end of the year we                                                                      This additional capacity allows greater movement and balancing of power
           expect this trend to continue at least for the remainder of Q1 20.                                                                       across Europe. One complication to this could be the outcome of Brexit,
                                                                                                                                                    as the interconnectors are currently governed by EU legislation that
           Keydrivers – UK                                                                                                                          would cease to stand once the UK leaves the EU if ‘no-deal’ is in place.
           UK renewables grew during the last year by nearly 10%, but this growth                                                                   However, the event of a no-deal scenario was discussed in March 2019 and
           was balanced out by restricted nuclear generation due to outages. The two                                                                contingencies were drawn up to allow a similar agreement to continue if
           reactors at Dungeness B are currently on statutory outage, due to return                                                                 this came to pass.

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2020 UK wholesale power and gas market outlook - Energy HQ
2020 UK wholesale power and gas market outlook

           The 18-month long trade war between China and the US stunted oil                      Tensions rose between the US and Iran after Iran’s most powerful military
           prices in 2019. Brent crude traded in a narrow $15/bbl range all year as              commander, General Qasem Soleimani, was killed in a US air-strike on
           the global demand outlook was weak. OPEC and Russia-led supply cuts                   Friday 3rd January. Iran retaliated and targeted US troops with missile
           buoyed oil prices and kept Brent crude within the $60/bbl range for most              strikes in Iraq. The recent turn of events in the Middle East poses a risk to
           of the year. On the 15th January, phase one of a trade deal was agreed                crude supply as oil facilities could be targeted and more sanctions could
           between the US and China. The latest agreement keeps tariffs in place on              be placed on Iran. Oil prices rallied to $70/bbl and we witnessed an uptick
           Chinese imports and will continue to do so until at least the US election in          in gas and power prices. However, the impact was outweighed by the
           November. Oil weakened slightly following this news as it is perceived that           oversupply of gas in Europe at the moment. OPEC members and Russia
           the tariffs will limit Chinese demand for manufacturing. The US Presidential          have been curbing production in order to support oil prices as there is
           election later this year could, therefore, be a key driver of oil prices, as it is    currently a supply gut, as the US has been ramping up its production.
           possible that should Donald Trump fail to win, his successor could reduce             Therefore, despite the geopolitical risks, oil prices have struggled to
           the tariffs.                                                                          break beyond $70/bbl. In the near term, upside movement in oil prices is
                                                                                                 unlikely to impact gas and power prices significantly, due to the rise and
           Demand for oil is expected to be higher in the first six months of 2020.              abundance of LNG.
           China’s oil imports rose towards the back end of 2019, due to increased
           demand from new refineries and the nation storing oil in its strategic
           petroleum reserve (SPR). However, the stockpiling is expected to ease later                                                           Brent Crude
           on in the year which raises demand concerns. The International Maritime                            77
           Organization (IMO), a shipping agency, has banned the use of fuel oil with
           high sulphur content in ships. Previously, ships could use fuel with 3.5%
           sulphur and now the maximum allowed is 0.5%. This increases demand for

                                                                                                Price $/bbl
           light and sweet crudes such as Brent Crude and West Texas Intermediate
           (WTI), as companies adjust to the new regulation. However, in the second                           62
           half of the year, the increase in oil demand due to IMO is expected to wear                        57
           off, once ships are fully compliant.












































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2020 UK wholesale power and gas market outlook - Energy HQ
2020 UK wholesale power and gas market outlook

             Coal and carbon                                                                                      due to the uncertainty to delays with Brexit, it meant that UK carbon
             Coal prices were bearish in 2019 and we expect the trend to continue in                              auctions were suspended in 2019. The Government has not distributed its
             2020, as more coal to gas switching takes place in Europe. In the UK alone,                          free ETS allocation to market participants yet. This could mean once a deal
             all coal generation will be phased out by 2025. RWE will be closing down                             is agreed by January 31st, 120mn to 130mn carbon allowances could be
             their coal power plant Aberthaw B at the end of Q1 20 after 50 years of                              dumped into the market before the deadline in April, which will pressure
             operation. SSE will also be closing down their last coal-fired generator,                            prices. The EU ETS scheme is currently in its 3rd phase and market
             Fiddler’s Ferry, in March 2020 as they are making a £40million loss a                                participants await new guidelines for Phase 4 which will start in 2021. If the
             year. Therefore, the UK will only have four operational coal generators.                             EU set more ambitious goals for the next phase, then this will potentially
             The UK relied less on coal this winter due to low demand from milder                                 reduce demand for carbon permits, as large carbon emitters will have to
             temperatures, high wind generation and favourable gas prices. In addition                            take bigger measures to curb emissions. With the shutdown of two coal
             to this, the rise in carbon permits tightened margins for coal generators.                           generators in the UK in 2020, it means weaker demand for carbon permits.

                                                                   Coal                                                                                                             Carbon
                           90                                                                                                     31
                           85                                                                                                     29
           Price $/tonne


                                                                                                                 Price € t/CO2e
                           65                                                                                                     23
                           60                                                                                                     21
                           55                                                                                                     19


















































































































             Fluctuations in carbon prices were one of the key drivers behind upside                              Overall, underlying commodities are likely to be bearish in 2020 due to
             in gas and power prices last year, mainly due to the uncertainty of Brexit                           weak demand across the board. The US continues to ramp up its crude
             negotiations. Now that the Conservative Party has won a majority in                                  production and if it was not for OPEC members and Russia curbing their
             Parliament, it increases the likelihood of a Brexit deal being agreed.                               production, oil prices would have been lower. Whether the UK leaves the
             Previously the UK signing a deal with the EU would have meant the UK will                            EU with or without a deal, it is likely that carbon prices will fall as a result.
             continue to participate in the European Union Emissions Trading System
             (EU ETS) and that would have been a bullish driver to prices. However,

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2020 UK wholesale power and gas market outlook - Energy HQ
2020 UK wholesale power and gas market outlook

           Recent events and developments throughout 2019 and over the last three        would have a negative impact upon the Euro as well, so potentially could
           years will continue to have knock-on effects on the global economy into       see some strength for the pound against the Euro depending on the view
           2020. Brexit will be a driving force for the pound and euro exchange, the     for traders. We would likely see the pound slip against the dollar and other
           US-China trade war looks set to be resolved, and heightened tensions in       global indices.
           the Middle East will impact commodity prices as well as currency.
                                                                                         The US–China trade tensions rumbled on through 2019, as we head into
           Focussing on the UK, with the Brexit departure date set for the 31st of       2020 there may be some light. This month both parties are expected to
           January, the future trade negotiations and deals will be top of the agenda.   sign ‘phase one’ of the trade pact. One of the major developments has
           Britain’s post-Brexit transition period expires at the end of 2020, and the   been that the US has stepped back from labelling China as a currency
           Prime Minister has vowed to make no further extensions. This pressurises      manipulator, deliberately keeping its currency value low to make its
           both sides to reach a deal in the coming months. The EU plans to have its     products cheaper for export. These trade tensions have been one of the
           negotiation mandate agreed for March 1st, with sign-off hopefully done        bigger drivers of slowing global growth and an end to the tensions could
           in the February 25th meeting. June will be an important month as this will    see some bullishness return to the market. One to keep an eye on this
           be the last chance for the UK to extend the process, although both sides      year for sure.
           are looking to avoid this. By 26th November, the EU has said a trade deal
           must have been negotiated (if there have not already been extensions),        2020 looks set to follow 2019 in terms of growth. Any gains for the pound
           as by the mid-December EU summit it will be too late. If no agreement         and the economy following the most recent election results will likely slip
           has been reached by the end of December, then Britain will fall onto WTO      away, as uncertainty around Brexit returns to the market. Most economists
           rules, essentially a no-deal Brexit. This would be a negative situation for   expect no change in terms of growth, with some seeing perhaps a little
           both the UK and the pound, which would likely slip. If quick agreements       upside. Interest rates are also likely to remain where they are with so
           and a smooth deal are hashed out in the following months, we could see        much uncertainty floating about.
           further strength for the economy. Arguably, however, a no-deal Brexit

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2020 UK wholesale power and gas market outlook - Energy HQ
2020 UK wholesale power and gas market outlook

           Targeted Charging Review (TCR)                                                   ruling by the European Court of Justice (ECJ). This meant the UK could
           Ofgem announced its TCR in November 2019 and this will change how                not hold any CM auctions or make any payments to capacity providers
           residual charges are recovered. Ofgem is looking to recover residual             during the suspension period; as the European Commission carried out
           charges for Distribution Use of System (DUoS) and Transmission Network           a formal investigation. Much to the energy industry’s relief, the European
           Use of System (TNUoS) as a fixed charge. For non-domestic customers,             Commission concluded that the current scheme was compliant in October
           this would be based on their consumption if on a low voltage connection          2019, but they made recommendations for BEIS to implement an attempt
           and on their capacity if on high voltage or extra-high voltage (EHV). The        to incentivise more sustainable and low carbon capacity participants to be
           aim is to reduce the incentive to adapt behaviour to align with residual         involved in the auctions. Plus, the government is looking to streamline the
           charges. These changes will not be implemented until April 2021, but in          process for capacity providers as part of the five-year CM review. Some
           the meantime, we may see shifting behaviours as businesses either work           of the changes that the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial
           to maximise the benefits they can make while the current system is in            Strategy (BEIS) has been requested include:
           place or they transition to adapt to the new process. Under the current
                                                                                            • Lowering the minimum threshold capacity to qualify to less than 2MW
           system, large importers are incentivised to avoid importing at peak hours
           as they are able to greatly reduce their charges, these charges are then         • Allowing European capacity providers to bid in capacity auctions directly
           spread amongst those who are not as flexible. The changes are thought to            via interconnectors
           dis-incentivise business from investing in onsite, often renewable, energy       • To allow for wind, solar and unconventional generators to participate in
           projects because they will no longer be able to use these to reduce their           capacity auctions
           charges. TCR changes also impact the embedded benefits paid to small             • To ensure the scheme is compliant with the EU electricity regulations
           generators with less than 100MW capacity, causing a drop in the benefits
                                                                                            • Making long-term CM agreements accessible to all participants
           generators receive and hence dis-incentivising investment in generation.
                                                                                               dependent on CAPEX thresholds
           Overall, the uncertainty in the implementation timeframe and exact impact
           of the review is likely to make investment in new generation plants riskier      Not all of the changes will be implemented this year, as 2020 auctions
           and providing flexibility services less appealing. Both of these factors could   are expected to abide to the current scheme regulations. However,
           lead to a rise in prices as the system has to account for lack of supply and     wind and solar generators will be allowed to participate in 2020 auctions.
           flexibility by relying on CCGT and coal to fill the gap.                         This is good news, considering two coal plants will be shut down this
                                                                                            year and nuclear power plants are ageing and soon approaching the
           Capacity Market (CM)                                                             end of their lifecycle. T-1 auction had to be postponed as a result of
           CM was introduced in the UK to guarantee security of supply by                   the suspension and is now scheduled to happen in late January 2020.
           remunerating parties that guaranteed supply during times of system               Alongside the T-3 auction which was scheduled for the end of January 2020
           stress. It was also designed to incentivise investment into new generators       but they have had some issues which has led to some of the mock auctions
           without increasing the cost for consumers, as old generators were being          being cancelled. The new changes are expected to have an impact on
           decommissioned. CM auctions were suspended in 2018 following a                   clearing prices and certainly change the dynamics of the auctions.

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2020 UK wholesale power and gas market outlook - Energy HQ
2020 UK wholesale power and gas market outlook

     Client Portfolio Manager
     (CPM) views
           Sam Hill – cautiously bearish                                                   With the Russia-Ukraine transit agreement extended just before the new
                                             With so much downside throughout 2019,        year, some of the premium attached to the Q1 20 contracts has already
                                             it’s reasonable to think that there will be   evaporated. However, the continued flow of LNG arrivals to Europe
                                             a bounce at some point. US foreign policy     shows no signs of slowing, notably as US LNG is expected to continue its
                                             and hard Brexit scenarios could be the        expansion into 2020 and will likely keep prompt contracts under pressure.
                                             catalyst, providing a springboard for oil
                                                                                           At present, there appears to be no significant cold weather risk on the
                                             and carbon prices. The devastating fires
                                                                                           horizon. With any cold spell now not likely to hit until mid-February at
                                             in Australia could have impacts on coal
                                                                                           the earliest, this should mean the UK and the Eurozone have more than
                                             and LNG into 2020 as well. Although, I
                                                                                           enough storage to cope with any sudden increased demand. This raises
                                             believe there is still plenty of downsides.
                                                                                           the likelihood that the market could sell-off quite significantly at the back
                                             With gas stocks at record levels, milder
                                                                                           end of March; a shoulder month to summer trading.
           temperature runs and increased renewable generation providing the real
           bearish momentum. Every year, National Grid’s connectivity and reliance         The summer months could again be the most volatile, particularly if
           on additional flexible capacity becomes intrinsic to operations. In 2020 this   the market retains the same strong bearish sentiment we are currently
           will ease some pressure in the absence of renewables and shave reliance         experiencing. As traders may look to start taking profits or cover any
           on gas. With all this in mind, my view is bearish, although cautiously so.      short positions they may have, in the event of an expected event such as
           I believe upside will come in the summer months if at all, with colder          an increase in nuclear risk, heatwave and lack of renewable generation;
           weather risk at the end of Q1 into Q2 looking 55-60% less likely.               something which we experienced in 2019.

           Lee Tucker – bearish view but summer may bring                                  The commodity complex looks stronger as we start the new year, with oil
           some shocks to the upside                                                       markets rallying at the prospect of a US-Chinese trade deal and OPEC’s
                                            The start of 2020 looks likely to see prices   continued resilience to constrain supply. With many citing global demand
                                            remain on the back foot, with some             for oil may not be as bad as first feared, we could see Brent move back
                                            particular softness at the front of both       above $70/bbl in the not too distant future. Carbon prices also continue
                                            the UK gas and power curves. Prompt            to remain strong, with the UK increasingly likely to remain in the EU ETS,
                                            contracts for immediate delivery continue      EUAs could again test €30/tCO2e. This could mean we see, at times, some
                                            to trade at a significant discount to the      stickiness to contracts at the back of the curve, for power notably, in the
                                            forward curve, suggesting that there           face of continued weaker gas contracts.
                                            could well be some risk premium yet
                                            to be eroded.

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2020 UK wholesale power and gas market outlook - Energy HQ
2020 UK wholesale power and gas market outlook

           Lucy Hearn – bearish                                                             Ropa Manyanhaire – bearish
           With the new five-year agreement between Russia and Ukraine signed,                                                I anticipate a very narrow spread between
           I expect less of the price spikes seen towards the end of 2019. With that                                          prices in winter months and summer
           hat being said, when Nord Stream 2 comes online, there could be some                                               months considering we have had very low
           volatility while deals are being agreed. The ongoing US-China trade deal                                           prices in Winter-19. The high abundance
           could cause some uncertainty in the market but with the US gearing up to                                           of LNG supply will continue to limit any
           their presidential election in November, focus may shift to more domestic                                          upside gains. Prices are likely to be well
           issues. On the UK front, coal plant closures could cause firmer prices if we                                       supported over the summer months,
           get extreme cold temperatures. New interconnectors taking the total UK                                             as wind generation will be low and
           interconnector capacity to over 8GW could provide more stability to the                                            demand could potentially be higher if
           power stack as with the number of interconnectors increasing a fault in any                                        Europe encounters a warmer summer
           one of them is likely to have a lesser impact. The latest Brexit deadline day    than expected. Overall, I believe gas and power prices will trade
           is likely to cause volatility in the Pound and euro at the end of January and    sideways in a narrow spread, which will make it more challenging
           December as the current leave date (and if this date is pushed back again,       but interesting to hedge.
           around each subsequent deadline day).

           The dollar is likely to see a volatile year as we approach the US elections in
           November. LNG has been abundant this year and I expect this to continue
           into 2020 with one possible exception. As athletes and fans head to Tokyo
           this summer we may see gas prices spike due to the high demand for
           air conditioning required for the games. With that being said, the Tokyo
           Olympics is aiming to be the first carbon-neutral games so, in theory,
           will not have the requirement. However, I wouldn’t be surprised if we see
           LNG head east during the summer in search of more favourable prices.
           The trend over the last few years has been a widening between summer
           and winter power prices with the 2020 contract around £8/MWh higher for
           winter. So, even with an overall bearish view, I would expect winter contacts
           to maintain their premium. Aside from potential political pinch points
           through the year, I expect an overall bearish note to prices.

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Thank you
                                                                        For more information about our 2020 UK wholesale power and gas
                                                                        market outlook, contact us and a member of our team can guide you
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