2020 UPS Rate and Service Guide - Daily Rates Philippines Effective December 29, 2019 - UPS.com

2020 UPS Rate             ®

and Service Guide
Daily Rates
Effective December 29, 2019
    Domestic Toll-free Number (PLDT) : 1-800-10-7425-877
    PLDT Direct Number: +63 45 598-3333
    GLOBE Direct Number: +63 45-3084200

UPS Gets The Job Done.
As a global leader in logistics, UPS guaranteed on-time package and freight shipments are just a few of the many deliveries
that we make every business day. We also deliver:

• Extensive knowledge and experience from the                     All of this helps make the best delivery of all possible —
  world’s largest package delivery company to keep                your satisfaction and, most importantly, your customers’
  you competitive in a rapidly expanding international            satisfaction. When that’s delivered, we know we’ve done
  marketplace.                                                    our job.

• Customised solutions and reliable services for shipping,        To learn more about what we can deliver for your business,
  tracking and billing from a global leader in technology         visit ups.com/solutions/ph.
  to drive greater efficiency, helping to save you time and
  reduce costs.

• Sustainable shipping options from one of the most
  efficient global transportation networks in the world to
  help reduce carbon emissions and conserve resources.

UPS International Shipping Services

                                                                                                                                                                                         UPS International
                                                                                                                                                                                         Shipping Services
Service                         Delivered By                                       Destinations                   Other Information
1-3 DAYS
UPS Worldwide Express Plus      Guaranteed morning delivery by:                    To major cities in the U.S.,   • Ideal for urgent shipments
                                • 8:00 am/ 8:30 am to major cities in the U.S.     Europe and Asia                • Priority handling
                                • 8:30 am to Canada                                                               • UPS 10 KG Box® and UPS 25 KG
                                • 9:00 am to major Asian cities, over 4,000 U.S.                                    Box® are available for this service
                                  cities, and major business centres in Europe
UPS Worldwide Express           Guaranteed time-definite delivery by:              To the U.S., major cities in   • UPS 10 KG Box and UPS 25 KG Box
                                • 10:30 am, 12:00 noon, 2:00 pm or 3:00 pm         Canada, Europe and Asia,         are available for this service
                                  to most parts of the U.S., Europe and Asia       and selected areas in the
                                  Pacific, selected areas in the Americas and      Americas
                                  major cities in Canada
                                • 12:00 noon or 2:00 pm to most areas in
                                  your country

UPS Worldwide Express           • Guaranteed time-definite delivery by     To more than 30 countries              • Door-to-door and non door-to-
Freight® Midday                   12:00 noon or 2:00 pm, within 1-3        and territories worldwide                door options are available
                                  business days, depending on destinations                                        • For palletised shipments of more
                                                                                                                    than 70 kg
UPS Worldwide Express Freight® • Guaranteed delivery by end-of-day,                To more than                   • Door-to-door and non door-to-
                                 within 1-3 business days, depending on            60 countries and territories     door options are available
                                 destinations                                      worldwide                      • For palletised shipments of more
                                                                                                                    than 70 kg
UPS Worldwide Express           • Guaranteed delivery by end-of-day,               To over 220 countries and      • An economical alternative to UPS
Saver®                            to over 220 countries and territories            territories worldwide            Express for speedy and reliable
                                  worldwide                                                                         service
                                                                                                                  • UPS 10 KG Box and UPS 25 KG Box
                                                                                                                    are available for this service
3-5 DAYS
UPS Worldwide Expedited         • Delivery in as little as three business          Within Asia, and from Asia    • An economical option for less
                                  days within Asia, and from Asia to major         to major business centres in    time-critical shipments
                                  business centres in Europe, and North            Europe, and North and South • Day-definite, time-in-transit lets
                                  and South America                                America. Refer to Worldwide     you plan delivery schedule
                                                                                   Zone Charts for the full list • Supported by a money-back
                                                                                   of countries/territories in     guarantee for selected countries/
                                                                                   Asia where this service is      territories
                                                                                   guaranteed for import/export

Service                         Delivered By                                       Destinations                   Other Information
1-3 DAYS
UPS Air Freight Premium         • Day-specific scheduling, door-to-door            Available in more than 50
                                                                                                           • Ideal for shipments over 70 kg
Direct®                           service, with delivery within 1-3 days           countries and territories
                                                                                                           • Convenient and easy shipment
                                                                                                             processing for palletised and non-
                                                                                                             palletised freight
                                                                                                           • Door-to-door service with routine
                                                                                                             customs clearance included
UPS Air Freight Direct®         • Day-specific scheduling, airport-to-airport Covers nearly every location • Ideal for shipments over 70 kg
                                  service, with delivery within 1-3 days      worldwide                    • Convenient and easy shipment
                                                                                                             processing for palletised and non-
                                                                                                             palletised freight
                                                                                                           • Optional services include
                                                                                                             collection, delivery and
                                                                                                             customs clearance
3-5 DAYS
UPS Air Freight Consolidated® • Day-specific scheduling, airport-to-airport Worldwide                             • Ideal for shipments over 70 kg
                                service, with delivery within 3-5 days                                            • Convenient and easy shipment          Note:
                                                                                                                    processing for palletised and non-    Conditions and restrictions,
                                                                                                                                                          including the UPS Terms
                                                                                                                    palletised freight                    and Conditions of Service,
                                                                                                                  • Optional services include             apply. For details, please
                                                                                                                    collection, delivery, and             contact our Customer
                                                                                                                    customs clearance                     Service Representatives
                                                                                                                                                          or refer to ups.com®.

     Determine the Weight and Size
     UPS Express Services

     Billable Weight:                               Step 1                                         Step 4
     Actual or Dimensional?                         Determine the Actual Weight:                   Determine Shipment Weight:
     Determining which weight to use in             Use a scale to determine the weight of the     Rates for multiple-piece shipments**,
     calculating your rate requires that            package. Increase fractions of a weight to     which include UPS Express Paks and
     you determine which rule applies.              the next half kilogram.                        packages shipped to a single receiver
     Different rules apply depending on                                                            on the same day, are based on the
     the service selected.                          Step 2                                         total shipment weight of an individual
                                                    Determine the Dimensional Weight*:             shipment. This means substantial savings
     Actual weight is the weight of the             Calculate the cubic size by multiplying the    over single-piece rates. To determine
     package rounded up to the next half            length by the width and by the height          a shipment’s total billiable weight, use
     kilogram.                                      (each rounded off to the nearest whole         the greater of each package’s actual or
                                                    centimetre) of each package.                   dimensional weight.
     Dimensional weight considers density,
     which is the amount of space a package         Divide the cubic size of the package by        Additional Information:
     occupies in relation to its actual weight.     5,000 to determine the dimensional             Weight and Size Limits
                                                    weight in kilograms. Increase fractions of a   • Maximum weight per package
     Billable weight is the weight used to          weight to the next half kilogram.                is 70 kg.
     calculate the rate. The billable weight will
     be the greater of the package’s actual or      Step 3                                         • Maximum length per package
     dimensional weight.                            Select the Proper Zone:                          is 274 cm.
                                                    Locate the appropriate zone for the            • Maximum size per package
     Note:                                          shipment in the zone chart on pages              is 400 cm in length and girth
     Packages that exceed UPS weight and size       9 to 12.                                         [(2 x width) + (2 x height)] combined.
     limit are not accepted for transportation.
                                                                                                   • There is no limit to the total shipment
     Contact our Customer Service
                                                                                                     weight or number of packages in a
     Representatives for details.                    Dimensional Weight            LxWxH
                                                                              =                      shipment.
                                                        in Kilograms                5,000
     Irregularly-shaped Packages
     Measure boxes or containers that are not
                                                    L = Length in centimetres
     rectangular to determine dimensional
                                                    W = Width in centimetres
     weight and whether the package is within
                                                    H = Height in centimetres
     maximum limits.

     Treat the irregularly-shaped package as if
     it is in a regular rectangular box. Measure
     the length, width and height of the
                                                                                      H                                                        * For import shipments, use
     package from its extreme points.                                                                                                            the origin country unit of
                                                                                                                                                 measure and dimensional
                                                                                                                                                 factor to calculate the
                                                                                                                                                 dimensional weight.
                            th                           L                        W                                                               Dimensional weight

                                                                                                                                                  applies to all international
                                                                                                                                                  shipments except
                                                                                                                                                  shipments using UPS
                                                                                                                                                  Express Envelope, UPS 10
                                                                                                                                                  KG Box® and UPS 25 KG
                                      dth                                                                                                         Box®.
                                                                                                                                               ** Multiple-piece shipment
                                                                                                                                                  refers to a shipment
                                                                                                                                                  consisting of packages
                                                                                                                                                  and/or documents
                                                                                                                                                  sent via a single
                                                                                                                                                  waybill number.

                                                                                                                                               Future Changes –
                                                                                                                                               Rates, charges, service
                                                                                                                                               explanation, and services
                                                                                                                                               are subject to change
                                                                                                                                               without prior notice.

Determine the Weight and Size

                                                                                                                                                                       Weight and Size
                                                                                                                                                                       Determine the
UPS Worldwide Express Freight Services

Billable Weight:                            Step 1                                         Step 3
Actual or Dimensional?                      Determine the Actual Weight:                   Determine the Billable Weight:
Determining which weight to use in          Actual weight is the weight of the items       Compare the pallet’s actual weight to
calculating your rate requires that you     on the pallet and the weight of the pallet     the dimensional weight. The greater of the
determine which rule applies.               rounded up to the next half kilogram.          two is the billable weight and
                                                                                           should be used to calculate the rate.
Actual weight is the weight of the          Step 2
items on the pallet and the weight          Determine the Dimensional Weight*:             For multiple-pallet shipments, add up each
of the pallet rounded up to the next        Calculate the cubic size by multiplying the    pallet’s billable weight to determine the
half kilogram.                              length by the width and by the height          shipment’s billable weight.
                                            (each rounded off to the nearest whole
Dimensional weight considers pallet         centimetre) of each pallet.                    Billable Weight Calculation
density, which is the amount of space                                                      e.g.: A customer has a shipment of three
a pallet occupies in relation to its        Divide the cubic size of the pallet by 5,000   pallets weighing 50 kg, 400 kg and
actual weight.                              to determine the dimensional weight in         300 kg. All pallets are the same size with
                                            kilograms. Increase fractions of a weight      the following dimensions:
Billable weight is the weight used to       to the next half kilogram.                     122 cm x 102 cm x 150 cm
calculate the rate. The billable weight
will be the greater of pallet’s actual or                                                  1. Determine the Actual Weight
dimensional weight. A minimal rate                                                            Actual Weight:
may apply.                                   Dimensional Weight               LxWxH           50 kg + 400 kg + 300 kg
                                                in Kilograms          =        5,000          = 750 kg

                                                                                           2. Determine Dimensional Weight
                                            L = Length in centimetres
                                                                                              Pallet Dimensional Weight:
                                            W = Width in centimetres
                                                                                              (122 cm x 102 cm x 150 cm) / 5,000 =
                                            H = Height in centimetres
                                                                                              373.5 kg

                                                                                             Shipment Dimensional Weight:
                                                                                             373.5 kg + 373.5 kg + 373.5 kg
                                                                                             = 1,120.5 kg

                                                                                           3. Determine Billable Weight
                                                                                              Shipment’s Billable Weight:
                                                                                              373.5 kg + 400 kg + 373.5 kg
                                                                                              = 1,147 kg

                                               L                          W

                                                                                                                                        * For import shipments, use
                                                                                                                                          the origin country unit of
                                                                                                                                          measure and dimensional
                                                                                                                                          factor to calculate the
                                                                                                                                          dimensional weight.

                                                                                                                                        Future Changes –
                                                                                                                                        Rates, charges, service
                                                                                                                                        explanation, and services
                                                                                                                                        are subject to change
                                                                                                                                        without prior notice.

    Services with Additional Charges

    International Dangerous Goods                         UPS FTZ Facilitator®                          UPS Broker of Choice enables
    Dangerous goods are articles or substances            With UPS FTZ Facilitator, importers           importers to reduce fees and errors
    which are capable of posing a significant risk        and exporters have the ability to             incurred while using multiple customs
    to health, safety or property if not handled          use UPS to transport international            clearance processes.
    and shipped in a proper manner. There are             shipments in-bond to and from a
    various laws, regulations and rules governing         global Free/Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ).         Importers have two options:
    the transportation of dangerous goods across          This service is available for shipments       1. UPS Broker of Choice Onsite
    international borders.                                using UPS Worldwide Express Plus,                is for shipments that remain in           * Accessible Dangerous
                                                          UPS Worldwide Express,                           UPS possession while the importer’s         Goods: Class 1.4 Explosives,
    UPS offers a contractual service which                UPS Worldwide Express Freight Services,                                                      Class 2.1 Flammable Gas,
                                                                                                           customs broker completes customs            Class 2.2 Non-Flammable
    ensures that your dangerous goods                     UPS Worldwide Express Saver                      clearance procedures prior to               Gas in Cargo Aircraft Only
    shipments are handled and shipped in                  and UPS Worldwide Expedited.                     UPS completing delivery of the              (CAO) quantities, Class
    accordance with international and domestic                                                             shipment. The fee for this is US$50 per
                                                                                                                                                       3 Flammable Liquid,
    regulations via our global network. The               This contractual, fee-based service                                                          Class 4 Flammable Solid,
                                                                                                           shipment.                                   Dangerous When Wet,
    accessible* and inaccessible** classification         allows the shipment of goods to move                                                         Class 5 Oxidisers and
    applies, depending on Dangerous Goods class.          to or from an FTZ without using other         2. UPS Broker of Choice Offsite is for         Organic Peroxides and
                                                          transportation providers. Using UPS              shipments moved in-bond directly            Class 8 Corrosives.
    Surcharge applies as follows:                         as a single source enables importers             to a customs-controlled (bonded)
                                                                                                           warehouse (at the importer’s direction)   ** Inaccessible Dangerous
                                                          and exporters to increase visibility and                                                      Goods: Class 2.2 Non-
     Type of                      Surcharge               tracking, and reduce the chance for              where the importer’s customs broker          Flammable Gas in
     Service                 (whichever is greater)                                                        completes the customs clearance              Passenger (PAX) and
                                                          errors and costs associated with utilising
                                                                                                           procedures. The UPS transport is             Limited (LQ) quantities,
                          Accessible      Inaccessible    multiple transportation providers.                                                            Class 6 Toxic and Infectious
                          Dangerous        Dangerous
                                                                                                           complete upon delivery of the                Substances, Class 7
                           Goods             Goods        Importers will choose                            shipment to the warehouse. The fee           Radioactive Material and
                                                          UPS FTZ Facilitator to direct shipments          for this option is US$130 per shipment.      Class 9 Miscellaneous
     • UPS Worldwide     US$125 per      US$83 per                                                                                                      Dangerous Substances.
       Express           shipment or     shipment or      to be delivered, in-bond, to a designated
                                                          FTZ rather than being cleared through         Dry Ice                                      + “Non-compliance”
     • UPS Worldwide     US$11.40 per    US$7.60 per
                                                          customs. The fee for this service is US$80    International shipments containing Dry         shall include but not
       Express Saver®    package         package
                                                                                                        Ice (Carbon Dioxide, solid) refrigerating      be limited to (a) non-
     • UPS Worldwide                                      per shipment.                                                                                compliance with any UPS
                                                                                                        Hazardous or non-Hazardous Materials           shipping requirements
                                                          Exporters will choose UPS FTZ Facilitator     require either an International Dangerous      or procedures; or any
     • UPS Worldwide     US$125 per      US$83 per        to ship goods in-bond from an FTZ to an       Goods (IDG) or an International Special        applicable laws or
       Express Freight   shipment        shipment or                                                    Commodities (ISC) contract. A surcharge of     regulations governing air
                                                          international destination. The fee for this                                                  transport including but not
       Services          or US$1.70      US$1.10 per kg   service is US$80 per shipment.                US$5 will apply per package or pallet          limited to the International
                         per kg                                                                         Dry Ice must be packed in packagings           Air Transport Association
                                                                                                        designed and constructed to permit the         regulations; and (b) any
                                                          UPS Broker of Choice®
                                                                                                                                                       mis-declaration, under-
    For a detailed listing of UPS acceptable              With UPS Broker of Choice,                    release of Carbon Dioxide gas to prevent
                                                                                                                                                       declaration and falsification
    classes and commodities of dangerous                  importers select their own customs            a buildup of pressure that could rupture       made; and (c) any breach
    goods, please contact our Customer Service            broker for customs clearance of               the packagings. Prepare and process            of or non-compliance
    Representatives.                                                                                    these packages through WorldShip® or           with applicable UPS
                                                          their UPS international shipments.                                                           instructions in relation to
                                                          This service is available for shipments       UPS CampusShip shipping systems,               packing, labelling, marking,
    Surcharge for Non-Compliance                          using UPS Worldwide Express Plus,             UPS® Developer Kit or an approved              handling, declaration and
    UPS will, at its sole discretion, and whether or      UPS Worldwide Express,                        UPS Ready solution. For a detailed listing     documentation and any
                                                                                                        of countries that are able to import           process, in connection
    not the UPS International Dangerous Goods             UPS Worldwide Express Saver,                                                                 with and applicable to the
    programme applies, charge a surcharge of              UPS Worldwide Expedited and                   or export Dry Ice, please contact our          content of the shipments.
    US$7.60 per package or US$83 per shipment,            UPS Worldwide Express Freight Services.       Customer Service Representatives.
    whichever is higher, for any costs, expenses,                                                                                                    Note:
                                                                                                                                                     Conditions and restrictions,
    damages or losses, including but not limited          This contractual, fee-based service                                                        including the UPS Terms
    to the expense of returning the shipment to           ensures that the established relationship                                                  and Conditions of Service,
    Shipper and any additional administrative             with a Customs Broker remains in place                                                     apply. For details, please
                                                                                                                                                     contact our Customer
    cost incurred by UPS in connection with any           while the importer works with UPS to                                                       Service Representatives
    incidence of non-compliance+. This surcharge          save time and increase efficiencies in                                                     or refer to ups.com®.
    is without prejudice to any other relief or           shipping and customs processes. Using
    remedy UPS is entitled to.                                                                                                                       Future Changes –
                                                                                                                                                     Rates, charges, service
                                                                                                                                                     explanation, and services are
                                                                                                                                                     subject to change without
                                                                                                                                                     prior notice.

Services with Additional Charges

                                                                                                                                                                         Additional Charges
                                                                                                                                                                           Services with

Declared Value Charge                         UPS Worldwide Express Freight Services        UPS Returns*
For each shipment over US$100, you may        provides Saturday Delivery to select          To meet a range of reverse logistics needs
purchase additional coverage against loss     destinations in the U.S. and Canada for       and simplify the process of collecting
or damage at US$2.10 for each additional      an additional charge of US$200 per            customer returns, UPS offers a variety of
US$100 or fraction thereof. Charges           shipment.                                     returns services. You generate a return
for declared value can be billed to the                                                     label for your customer, or UPS provides
shipper, the receiver, or to a third party.   Direct Delivery Only                          your customer with a label via e-mail or
                                              Direct Delivery Only shipments are only       mail. The UPS Returns services available
Saturday Processing Fee (U.S.-origin          delivered to the address on the shipping      are:
shipments)                                    label and may not be rerouted, redirected
UPS accepts UPS Worldwide Express Plus®,      or delivered to an alternate address. The     Print Return Label
UPS Worldwide Express®, and                   shipments are eligible for Hold for Pickup    You generate the label and include it
UPS Worldwide Saver® shipments in the         at UPS Customer Centre, Reschedule            in an outbound shipment or distribute
U.S. for export to selected destination       Delivery and Return to Sender. This service   separately to your customer, who then
countries on a Saturday. Shipments            is available for residential and commercial   applies the label to the package.
accepted on a Saturday will be delivered      shipments. A fee of US$2 applies to each      Fee: US$1
one day sooner than shipments accepted        package in the shipment.
on a Monday. Importers using UPS                                                            Electronic Return Label
Import Control may schedule a Saturday        Undeliverable Package                         UPS e-mails the label upon your request
pickup of their U.S. shipments, or have       Return Charge                                 to your customer, who then prints the
their U.S. shippers tender the shipments      Shipments refused by the consignee,           label and applies it to the package.
to authorised UPS centres and retail          or which for any other reason cannot          Fee: US$1.50
locations on a Saturday. A fee of US$16       be delivered, will be held, and UPS will
per shipment will be assessed for this        attempt to contact the shipper for further    Print and Mail Return Label
service. The fee will continue to apply       instructions, including return. Applicable    UPS prints the label upon your request
when a Saturday pickup is scheduled but       transportation costs plus a US$10             and mails it to your customer, who applies
nothing is shipped.                           surcharge per undeliverable shipment          the label to the package.
                                              apply to any return, at the shipper’s         Fee: US$2.80
Saturday Delivery                             expense.
Delivery of shipments is available at an
additional charge of US$10 for each UPS
Express Envelope or each shipment of
UPS Express Paks and packages.
This charge will be billed to the party who
bears the shipping charges.

                                                                                                                                         * Only available for
                                                                                                                                           customers using
                                                                                                                                           a UPS compliant
                                                                                                                                           shipping system
                                                                                                                                           that produces
                                                                                                                                           a smart label.

                                                                                                                                         + Not available for pickup
                                                                                                                                           in Asia.

                                                                                                                                         Conditions and restrictions,
                                                                                                                                         including the UPS Terms
                                                                                                                                         and Conditions of Service,
                                                                                                                                         apply. For details, please
                                                                                                                                         contact our Customer
                                                                                                                                         Service Representatives
                                                                                                                                         or refer to ups.com®.

                                                                                                                                         Future Changes –
                                                                                                                                         Rates, charges, service
                                                                                                                                         explanation, and services are
                                                                                                                                         subject to change without
                                                                                                                                         prior notice.

    Other Additional Charges

    UPS Returns Plus*+                              Remote Area Surcharge                        Bill Receiver/Freight Collect
    UPS brings the return label to your             A charge of US$29 per shipment or            Refusal Fee
    customer’s pickup location when we pick         US$0.56 per kg applies, whichever            An account number is invalid if it is not
    up the return package.                          is greater, for delivery to or collection    the correct account number for the bill-to
                                                    from an area beyond UPS extended             party, or if it is the account number for a
    1 UPS Pickup Attempt                            areas which are less accessible for          consignee or third party who fails to pay
    If the package cannot be picked up on the       pickups and deliveries. For a copy of the    the shipping charges. A fee of US$10 per
    first attempt, we will leave the return label   Remote Area Surcharge points, please         shipment will be charged for international
    at the pickup location.                         download from ups.com/ph.                    shipments with an invalid account number.
    Fee: US$4.50
                                                    Currency Conversion                          Look-up Surcharge
    3 UPS Pickup Attempts                           Charges to a payer’s account in a foreign    For every international shipment with a
    If the package cannot be picked up on           currency will be converted to the payer’s    missing or invalid account number, for the
    the first attempt, we will attempt to pick      currency using a weekly exchange rate        bill-to party, UPS will perform a “look-up”
    up the package on each of the next two          secured through Major Money Centre           by tracing the correct account number or
    business days. If the package cannot be         Banks, plus an exchange fee equal to         creating a temporary account to bill the
    picked up after the third attempt, the          0.75% of the amount converted.               consignee or third party. A fee of US$1 per
    return label will be returned.                                                               shipment will be billed to the shipper for
    Fee: US$6.50                                    Duty/Tax Forwarding Surcharge                every “look-up” service performed.
                                                    When the “Duty/Tax Forwarding
    Address Correction                              Surcharge” billing option is selected,       Customs Brokerage Charges
    An additional charge of US$10 per               a US$15 surcharge will be billed to          UPS provides customs brokerage service at
    package or a maximum of US$35 per               the shipper.                                 no additional charge for routine customs
    shipment may be billed to the shipper                                                        clearance, including formal entries for
    for unsuccessful delivery because of an         Delivery Confirmation Signature              shipments of up to five tariff lines.
    incorrect address, or if addressed to a         Required and Delivery Confirmation           Additional charges may apply for complex
    P.O. Box.                                       Adult Signature Required                     customs clearance procedures and
                                                    UPS Delivery Confirmation** services         consolidated clearance requirements. For
    Residential Surcharge                           are available prior to the release of        more information, contact our Customer
    UPS provides delivery service to residential    your shipment.                               Service Representatives.
    addresses as well as business addresses.
    A residential delivery is one made to a         Both services will require the UPS service   Additional Tariff Lines Surcharge
    home, including a business operating out        provider to request for a signature before   UPS provides customs brokerage service
                                                                                                                                                 * UPS is not liable for
    of a home. For each residential delivery, an    releasing the shipment. However, with        for formal entries for shipments of up to         inaccurate age assessment.
    additional charge of US$3.30 per shipment       the Delivery Confirmation Adult Signature    five tariff lines at no charge. A fee of US$3
    applies. UPS Worldwide Express Freight          Required service, UPS will only release      will apply for every additional tariff line     ** Only available for
                                                                                                                                                    customers using
    Services will be charged at US$110 per          a shipment to an adult (a person of at       thereafter, subject to a maximum charge            a UPS compliant
    shipment.                                       least 21 years old*) and may request for a   of US$300.                                         shipping system
                                                    government-issued photo identification                                                          that produces
    Extended Area Surcharge                         for age verification. UPS will obtain a      Post Entry Clearance                               a smart label.
    UPS provides a collection delivery              signature from the adult recipient and       UPS may be required to add or modify            Note:
    service in extended areas as well as            provide printed confirmation of delivery     data declared to customs authorities or         Conditions and restrictions,
    urban areas. An additional charge of            including the signature.                     other government agencies for clearance         including the UPS Terms
                                                                                                                                                 and Conditions of Service,
    US$26 per shipment or US$0.50 per                                                            purposes based on evidence gathered             apply. For details, please
    kg applies, whichever is greater, for           A surcharge of US$2.20 and US$4.10           from or confirmed by the importer               contact our Customer
    shipments collected or delivered in             per shipment will be imposed for Delivery    or exporter and only upon request by            Service Representatives
    an extended area. For a copy of the             Confirmation Signature Required service      customs authorities, other government           or refer to ups.com®.
    Extended Area Surcharge points, please          and Delivery Confirmation Adult Signature    agencies or at the request of the shipper       Future Changes –
    download from ups.com/ph.                       Required service respectively.               or consignee. A fee of US$50 will apply per     Rates, charges, service
                                                                                                 shipment.                                       explanation, and services are
                                                                                                                                                 subject to change without
                                                                                                                                                 prior notice.

                                                                                                                                                 For additional information
                                                                                                                                                 and services, call our
                                                                                                                                                 Customer Service
                                                                                                                                                 Representatives at
                                                                                                                                                 (02) 853-3333
                                                                                                                                                 (Metro Manila) or
                                                                                                                                                 1-800-10-742-5877 (outside
                                                                                                                                                 Metro Manila).

                                                                                                                                                                         Other Additional Charges
Other Additional Charges

Pre-Release Notification Surcharge          Additional Handling Charge*                  Large Package Surcharge - Minimum
A shipper or consignee may request          An additional handling charge of US$6 per    Billable Weight (MBW)
that UPS notify the consignee prior to      package will apply to the following:         A package is considered a “Large Package”
submission of an import shipment to         • Any article that is not fully encased      when its length plus girth [(2 x width) +
customs so that the importer may validate     in corrugated cardboard, including         (2 x height)] combined exceeds 300 cm,
the classification, valuation, or other       but not limited to metal, wood, hard       but does not exceed the maximum UPS
import information. An additional fee of      plastic, soft plastic (e.g. plastic bag)   size of 400 cm.
US$12.50 per shipment will be billed to       or expanded polystyrene foam (e.g.
the importer or to the shipper when the       styrofoam)                                 Large Packages are subject to a minimum
shipper is selected as the payer of the                                                  billable weight of 40 kg, at a surcharge of
duties and taxes for the shipment.          • Any cylindrical item, such as a barrel,    US$60 per package.
                                              drum, pail, or tyre, that is not fully
Over Maximum Limits Fee                       encased in a corrugated cardboard          An Additional Handling Charge will not be
UPS small package services do not             shipping container                         assessed when a Large Package Surcharge
accept shipments exceeding the following    • Any package with the longest side          is applied.
weight and dimensions. If in UPS’s            exceeding 122 cm or its second-longest
discretion, UPS does accept shipments         side exceeding 76 cm                       Local Taxes and Duties
exceeding these maximum limits, an                                                       All rates exclude any taxes, duties and
                                            • Any package with an actual weight
Over Maximum Limits Fee of US$200 per                                                    surcharges that may be imposed pursuant
                                              greater than 32 kg
package will apply to the following:                                                     to local regulations.
                                            • Each package in a shipment where the
• Maximum weight per package
                                              average weight per package is greater      Fuel Surcharge
  of 70 kg
                                              than 32 kg and the weight for each         For information on prevailing fuel
• Maximum length per package                  package is not specified on the source     surcharges, please refer to ups.com®.
  of 274 cm                                   document or the UPS automated
• Maximum size per package of 400 cm          shipping system used
  in length and girth [(2 x width) +
  (2 x height)] combined                    Oversize Pallet Handling Surcharge
                                            An Oversize Pallet Handling Surcharge of
For shipments exceeding the                 US$250 per pallet will also apply to UPS
above dimensions, please refer to           Worldwide Express Freight Services when
UPS Worldwide Express Freight Services      a pallet’s dimensions exceed the size or
on page 1 of this guide for more details.   weight restrictions (which vary by origin
                                            and destination) as set forth at ups.com/

                                                                                                                                       * UPS also reserves the right
                                                                                                                                         to assess the Additional
                                                                                                                                         Handling Charge for any
                                                                                                                                         package that, in UPS’s sole
                                                                                                                                         discretion, requires special

                                                                                                                                       Conditions and restrictions,
                                                                                                                                       including the UPS Terms
                                                                                                                                       and Conditions of Service,
                                                                                                                                       apply. For details, please
                                                                                                                                       contact our Customer Service
                                                                                                                                       Representatives or refer to

                                                                                                                                       Future Changes –
                                                                                                                                       Rates, charges, service
                                                                                                                                       explanation, and services are
                                                                                                                                       subject to change without
                                                                                                                                       prior notice.

                                                                                                                                       For additional information
                                                                                                                                       and services, visit ups.com® or
                                                                                                                                       contact our Customer Service
                                                                                                                                       Representatives at
                                                                                                                                       (02) 853-333 (Metro Manila)
                                                                                                                                        or 1-800-10-742-5877
                                                                                                                                       (outside Metro Manila).

    Other Additional Charges

    UPS Import Control®*+                          Commercial Invoice Removal*+                 Disbursement Fee
    Provide your exporter with shipping labels     Provides an importer with the option to      In order to expedite customs clearance,
    and commercial invoice to be attached          have the commercial invoice removed          UPS may advance duty and taxes on a
    to an import shipment. Labels and              from an Import Control shipment prior to     customer’s behalf. A Disbursement Fee
    commercial invoice can be sent with a UPS      delivery. The service provides importers     based on the amount advanced will be
    driver during collection, by e-mail, mail or   with the flexibility of routing shipments    assessed and billed. The Disbursement
    printed for distribution at your discretion.   directly to their buyer while keeping the    Fee for importation into Philippines will
    This service allows the importer to control    value of goods confidential.                 be 2.5% of the import duties and taxes,
    creation of shipment labels, commercial        Fee: US$20 per shipment                      subject to a minimum of PHP 250.00 per
    invoice and billing. The UPS Import                                                         shipment.
    Services available are:                        UPS Carbon Neutral*
                                                   Offset the climate impact of your shipping   Warehouse Storage
    Print Label                                    with UPS carbon neutral. When you select     The following charges will apply if a
    You generate the label and include it          UPS carbon neutral during shipment           shipment is not cleared through customs
    in an outbound shipment or distribute          preparation, UPS will purchase offsets       within 3 calendar days:
    separately to your customer, who then          to mitigate the carbon (CO2) emissions       • Warehouse storage charge of US$7.40
    applies the label to the package.              associated with the transport of your          per shipment per day, or US$0.07
    Fee: US$1                                      shipment.                                      per kilogram of shipment per day,
                                                   Fee: US$0.75 per package                       whichever is higher.
    Electronic Label
    UPS e-mails the label upon your request        UPS Worldwide Express Freight Services       • Shipment deconsolidation charge of
    to your customer, who then prints the          will be charged at US$20 per pallet.           US$10.40 per house air waybill; plus a
    label and applies it to the package.                                                          service charge of US$0.03 per kilogram
    Fee: US$1.50                                   Delivery Reattempt                             of a shipment weighing less than
                                                   One delivery attempt is included in the        100kg, or US$0.04 per kilogram of a
    Print and Mail Label                           rate. Additional delivery attempts will be     shipment weighing 100kg and above.
    UPS prints the label upon your request         charged at US$48 for each shipment of
    and mails it to your customer, who applies     UPS Worldwide Express Freight Services.      The charges will be calculated from the
    the label to the package.                                                                   4th day and will apply unless the delay is
    Fee: US$2.80                                   Prohibited Item Fee                          due to the fault of UPS.
                                                                                                                                             * Only available for
                                                   Shipments that are tendered to UPS in                                                       customers using
    1 UPS Pickup Attempt Label**                   contravention of or not in compliance        Alternate Broker                               a UPS compliant
                                                                                                Consignees who do not require the full         shipping system
    If the package cannot be picked up on the      with applicable laws and regulations or
                                                                                                suite of UPS Broker of Choice® services        that produces
    first attempt, we will leave the printed       UPS’s terms and conditions of service                                                       a smart label.
    label at the pickup location.                  or contractual service (including, but       may still, on an ad hoc basis, select
    Fee: US$4.50                                   not limited to, prohibited shipments         their own customs broker for customs         ** Not available for pickup in
                                                                                                clearance of their UPS international            Asia.
                                                   or shipments that UPS does not accept
    3 UPS Pickup Attempts Label**                  or regularly provide service for without     shipments. UPS will transfer any customs     + UPS Import Control is
    If the package cannot be picked up on          an exception) are subject to a fee of        clearance information and documents            available only in countries
    the first attempt, we will attempt to pick     US$150 per package. This fee is without      it has received from the shipper to            where UPS pickup services
                                                                                                the consignee or its appointed third-          are available.
    up the package on each of the next two         prejudice and in addition to the shipper’s
    business days. If the package cannot be        responsibility for all other sums that       party broker. A charge of US$21.46 per       Note:
    picked up after the third attempt, the         UPS may incur and claims against UPS         shipment applies.                            Conditions and restrictions,
                                                                                                                                             including the UPS Terms
    label will be returned.                        resulting from the contravention or non-                                                  and Conditions of Service,
    Fee: US$6.50                                   compliance.                                  Import Declaration Surcharge
                                                                                                                                             apply. For details, please
                                                                                                An import declaration surcharge of           contact our Customer Service
                                                                                                US$11 applies to each shipment under         Representatives or refer to
                                                                                                any one of the following circumstances:      ups.com®.

                                                                                                • The shipment contains strategic,           Future Changes –
                                                                                                  controlled or regulated goods as           Rates, charges, service
                                                                                                                                             explanation, and services are
                                                                                                  defined under the applicable local         subject to change without
                                                                                                  laws.                                      prior notice.
                                                                                                • The shipper and/or consignee               For additional information
                                                                                                  requests for a shipment to be formally     and services, visit ups.com® or
                                                                                                  declared when formal declaration           contact our Customer Service
                                                                                                                                             Representatives at
                                                                                                  is not required under the applicable
                                                                                                                                             (02) 853-333 (Metro Manila)
                                                                                                  local laws.                                 or 1-800-10-742-5877
                                                                                                                                             (outside Metro Manila).

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Worldwide Zone Chart
Worldwide Zone Chart
UPS Express Services

    Country/Territory                            Export Zones                    Import Zones          Country/Territory                               Export Zones                        Import Zones
                                Express   Express       Express   Expedited   Express   Expedited                                     Express   Express       Express       Expedited   Express   Expedited
                                 Plus                    Saver                 Saver                                                   Plus                    Saver                     Saver
 Afghanistan                       -         -             9         9          9           -       Brunei*                              -        2              2              2         4           -

 Aland Island (Finland)*           -         -             7         7          7          7        Buesingen (Germany)*                 -         -             6              6          -          -

 Albania                          9         9              9         9          8           -       Bulgaria                             8        8              8              8         8          8

 Algeria                           -        9              9         9          9           -       Burkina Faso                         -         -             9              9         9           -

 American Samoa                    -        8              8         8          4           -       Burundi                              -         -             9              9         9           -

 Andorra                           -        6              6         6           -          -       Cambodia*                            -        4              4              4         4           -

 Angola                            -         -             9         9          8           -       Cameroon                             -         -             9              9         9           -

 Anguilla                          -         -             8         8          8           -       Campione/ Lake Lugano (Italy)*       -         -             6              6         6          6

 Antigua and Barbuda               -         -             8         8          9           -       Canada*                              5        5              5              5         5          5

 Argentina*                        -        8              8         8          7          7        Canary Islands (Spain)*              -         -             6              6         6           -

 Armenia                          8         8              8         8          8           -       Cape Verde                           -         -             9              9         9           -

 Aruba                             -        8              8         8          9           -       Cayman Islands                       -         -             8              8         9           -

 Australia*#                       -         -             4         4          4          4        Central African Republic             -         -             9              9          -          -

 Austria*                         7         7              7         7          7          7        Ceuta (Spain)*                       -         -             6              6          -          -

 Azerbaijan                        -         -             8         8          9           -       Chad                                 -         -             9              9         8           -

 Azores (Portugal)*                -         -             7         7          7           -       Chile*                               -        8              8              8         9          9

 Bahamas*                          -        8              8         8          9           -       China Mainland (Excluding
                                                                                                                                         2        2              2              2         2          2
                                                                                                    Southern China Mainland)*#
 Bahrain                          8         8              8         8          9          9
                                                                                                    Southern China Mainland+*#          10        10            10             10         10         10
 Bangladesh                        -        4              4         4          4           -
                                                                                                    Colombia*                            -        8              8              8         9          9
 Barbados                          -        8              8         8          9           -
                                                                                                    Comoros                              -         -             9              9         9           -
 Belarus/ Byelorussia*            8         8              8         8          9           -
                                                                                                    Congo (Brazzaville)                  -         -             9              9         9           -
 Belgium                          6         6              6         6          6          6
                                                                                                    Congo, Democratic Republic of        -         -             9              9         9           -
 Belize                            -         -             8         8           -          -
                                                                                                    Cook Islands                         -         -             8              8          -          -
 Benin                             -         -             9         9          7           -
                                                                                                    Costa Rica*                          -         -             8              8         8          8
 Bermuda                           -        8              8         8          9           -
                                                                                                    Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)          -         -             9              9         9           -
 Bhutan                            -        4              4         4          4           -
                                                                                                    Croatia*                             -        8              8              8         9          9
 Bolivia                           -        8              8         8          9           -
                                                                                                    Curacao                              -        8              8              8         9           -
 Bonaire, St. Eustatius, Saba      -         -             8         8          9           -
                                                                                                    Cyprus                               8        8              8              8         9           -
 Bosnia and Herzegovina           8         8              8         8          9           -
                                                                                                    Czech Republic*                      8        8              8              8         8          8
 Botswana                          -         -             9         9          9           -
                                                                                                    Denmark*                             7        7              7              7         7          7
 Brazil*                          8         8              8         8          8          8
                                                                                                    Djibouti                             -         -             9              9         9           -
 British Virgin Islands            -         -             8         8          9           -
                                                                                                    Dominica                             -         -             8              8         9           -

International Shipments:           - Service options
Visit ups.com® or                  - Time in transit                                                                       *		Extended Area Surcharge or              #
                                                                                                                                                                          		UPS Worldwide Expedited is
contact our Customer               - Guarantee details                                                                        Remote Area Surcharge                         a guaranteed service in this
Service Representatives            - Billing options                                                                       		may be applicable to                           country/territory for import/
at (02) 853-3333                   - Service notes                                                                            specific points within this                   export.
(Metro Manila) or                  - Commodity 		                                                                             country. For more details,
1-800-10-742-5877                    classifications                                                                          please visit ups.com® or                Note:
(outside Metro Manila)             - Prohibited articles                                                                      contact our Customer                    Future Changes –
for information                    - Destination/Origin                                                                       Service Representatives at              Rates, charges, service
regarding international              Country served                                                                           (02) 853-3333                           explanation, and services are
shipments, including:              - UPS Terms and                                                                            (Metro Manila) or                       subject to change without
                                     Conditions of Service                                                                    1-800-10-742-5877                       prior notice.
                                                                                                                              (outside Metro Manila).

                                                                                                                           + Southern China Mainland
                                                                                                                             refers to Fujian, Hainan,
                                                                                                                             Hu Nan, Yunnan, Jiangxi,
                                                                                                                             Guangxi, Guangdong
                                                                                                                             Provinces and Chongqing
                                                                                                                             City only.

     Worldwide Zone Chart
     UPS Express Services

             Country/Territory                Export Zones                    Import Zones            Country/Territory                                  Export Zones                        Import Zones
                                   Express   Express   Express   Expedited   Express   Expedited                                              Express   Express       Express   Expedited   Express   Expedited
                                    Plus                Saver                 Saver                                                            Plus                    Saver                 Saver
      Dominican Republic*               -      8             8      8          9             9     Heligoland (Germany)*                         -         -             6         6          6             6

      Ecuador*                          -      8             8      8          9             9     Honduras*                                     -        8              8         8          9             9

      Egypt                             -      8             8      8          8             8     Hong Kong SAR, China#                        1         1              1         1          1             1

      El Salvador*                      -       -            8      8          9             9     Hungary*                                     8         8              8         8          7             7

      England (United Kingdom)*         6      6             6      6          6             6     Iceland                                       -        8              8         8          8             -

      Equatorial Guinea                 -       -            9      9           -            -     India*                                       4         4              4         4          2             2

      Eritrea                           -       -            9      9          8             -     Indonesia*#                                   -        2              2         2          4             4

      Estonia                           -      8             8      8          8             8     Iraq                                          -         -             8         8          9             -

      Ethiopia                          -       -            9      9          9             -     Ireland, Republic of                         7         7              7         7          7             7

      Faroe Islands                     -       -            7      7           -            -     Israel                                        -        9              9         9          8             8

      Fiji                              -      8             8      8          4             -     Italy*                                       6         6              6         6          6             6

      Finland*                          -      7             7      7          7             7     Jamaica*                                      -        8              8         8          9             -

      France*                           6      6             6      6          6             6     Japan*#                                       -        3              3         3          4             4

      French Guiana                     -      8             8      8           -            -     Jersey (Channel Islands)                      -        7              7         7          9             9

      French Polynesia                  -       -            8      8          4             -     Jordan                                        -        9              9         9          8             -

      Gabon                             -       -            9      9          8             -     Kazakhstan*                                   -        8              8         8          9             9

      Gambia                            -      9             9      9          8             -     Kenya                                         -        9              9         9          9             9

      Georgia*                          9      9             9      9          8             -     Kirghizia (Kyrgyzstan)                        -        9              9         9          9             -

      Germany*                          6      6             6      6          6             6     Kiribati                                      -         -             8         8           -            -

      Ghana                             -       -            9      9          9             -     Korea, South#                                 -        2              2         2          4             4

      Gibraltar                         -       -            8      8          9             -     Kosovo                                       8         8              8         8          8             -

      Greece*                           -      8             8      8          7             7     Kosrae (Micronesia, Federated States of)      -         -             8         8           -            -

      Greenland                         -       -            7      7           -            -     Kuwait                                       8         8              8         8          9             9

      Grenada                           -       -            8      8          9             -     Laos                                          -        4              4         4          4             -

      Guadeloupe*                       -      8             8      8          9             -     Latvia                                        -        8              8         8          9             9

      Guam                              -      8             8      8          4             -     Lebanon                                       -        9              9         9          9             -

      Guatemala*                        -      8             8      8          9             9     Lesotho                                       -         -             9         9          9             -

      Guernsey (Channel Islands)        -      7             7      7          9             9     Liberia                                       -         -             9         9          9             -

      Guinea                            -       -            9      9          8             -     Libyan Arab Jamahiriya                        -         -             9         9          9             -

      Guinea-Bissau                     -       -            9      9          9             -     Liechtenstein*                                -        7              7         7          7             7

      Guyana*                           -       -            9      9          9             -     Lithuania                                     -        8              8         8          8             8

      Haiti*                            -       -            8      8          9             9     Livigno (Italy)*                              -         -             6         6          6             6

     International Shipments:       - Service options
     Visit ups.com® or              - Time in transit                                                                                                             *		Extended Area Surcharge or
     contact our Customer           - Guarantee details                                                                                                              Remote Area Surcharge may be
     Service Representatives        - Billing options                                                                                                                applicable to specific points within
     at (02) 853-3333               - Service notes                                                                                                                  this country. For more details,
     (Metro Manila) or              - Commodity 		                                                                                                                   please visit ups.com® or contact our
     1-800-10-742-5877                classifications                                                                                                                Customer Service Representatives
     (outside Metro Manila)         - Prohibited articles                                                                                                            at (02) 853-3333 (Metro Manila) or
     for information                - Destination/Origin                                                                                                             1-800-10-742-5877 (outside Metro
     regarding international          Country served                                                                                                                 Manila).
     shipments, including:          - UPS Terms and
                                      Conditions of Service
                                                                                                                                                                      		UPS Worldwide Expedited is a
                                                                                                                                                                        guaranteed service in this country/
                                                                                                                                                                        territory for import/export.

                                                                                                                                                                  Future Changes –
                                                                                                                                                                  Rates, charges, service explanation,
                                                                                                                                                                  and services are subject to change
                                                                                                                                                                  without prior notice.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Worldwide Zone Chart
Worldwide Zone Chart
UPS Express Services

    Country/Territory                               Export Zones                    Import Zones          Country/Territory                                        Export Zones                      Import Zones
                                   Express   Express       Express   Expedited   Express   Expedited                                              Express   Express         Express   Expedited   Express   Expedited
                                    Plus                    Saver                 Saver                                                            Plus                      Saver                 Saver
 Luxembourg                          6         6              6         6          8          8        Nicaragua                                     -         -              8          8          9          9

 Macau SAR, China   #
                                      -        1              1         1          1           -       Niger                                         -        9               9          9          8           -

 Macedonia (FYROM)                   9         9              9         9          9           -       Nigeria*                                      -        9               9          9          9          9

 Madagascar                           -        9              9         9          9           -       Norfolk Island (Australia)*                   -         -              4          4           -          -

 Madeira (Portugal)*                  -         -             7         7          7           -       Northern Ireland (United Kingdom)*           6         6               6          6          6          6

 Malawi                               -        9              9         9          8           -       Northern Mariana Islands*                     -         -              8          8          4           -

 Malaysia*   #
                                      -        2              2         2          3          3        Norway*                                      7         7               7          7          7          7

 Maldives                             -        4              4         4          9          9        Oman                                          -        8               8          8          9          9

 Mali                                 -         -             9         9          8           -       Pakistan*                                     -        4               4          4          4          4

 Malta                                -        8              8         8          9           -       Palau                                         -         -              8          8           -          -

 Marshall Islands                     -         -             8         8           -          -       Panama*                                       -        8               8          8          9          9

 Martinique                           -         -             8         8          9           -       Papua New Guinea                              -        8               8          8           -          -

 Mauritania                           -        9              9         9          9           -       Paraguay                                      -         -              8          8          9           -

 Mauritius                            -        9              9         9          9           -       Peru*                                         -         -              8          8          9          9

 Mayotte                              -         -             9         9          9           -       Poland*                                      6         6               6          6          7          7

 Melilla (Spain)*                     -         -             6         6           -          -       Ponape (Micronesia, Federated States of)      -         -              8          8           -          -

 Mexico*                             5         5              5         5          5          5        Portugal*                                    7         7               7          7          7          7

 Micronesia, Federated States of      -        8              8         8           -          -       Puerto Rico*                                  -        5               5          5          5          5

 Moldova*                            9         9              9         9          8           -       Qatar                                         -        8               8          8          9          9

 Monaco (France)*                     -        6              6         6          6          6        Reunion Island                                -        8               8          8          9           -

 Mongolia                             -         -             3         3          9           -       Romania                                      8         8               8          8          8          8

 Montenegro                          8         8              8         8          8           -       Rota (Northern Mariana Islands)*              -         -              8          8          4           -

 Montserrat                           -         -             8         8          9           -       Russia*                                      8         8               8          8          8          8

 Morocco                              -        9              9         9          9          9        Rwanda                                        -         -              9          9          9           -

 Mount Athos (Greece)*                -         -             8         8          7          7        Saipan (Northern Mariana Islands)*            -        8               8          8          4           -

 Mozambique                           -         -             9         9          9           -       Samoa                                         -        8               8          8          4           -

 Myanmar                              -        4              4         4          4          4        San Marino                                    -         -              6          6          6          6

 Namibia                              -        9              9         9          9           -       Saudi Arabia                                 8         8               8          8          9          9

 Nepal*                               -        4              4         4          4           -       Scotland (United Kingdom)*                   6         6               6          6          6          6

 Netherlands (Holland)*              6         6              6         6          6          6        Senegal                                       -        9               9          9          9           -

 New Caledonia                        -        8              8         8          4           -       Serbia                                       8         8               8          8          8           -

 New Zealand*#                        -        4              4         4          4          4        Seychelles                                    -         -              9          9          9           -

International Shipments:              - Service options
Visit ups.com® or                     - Time in transit                                                                                                                *		Extended Area Surcharge or
contact our Customer                  - Guarantee details                                                                                                                 Remote Area Surcharge may be
Service Representatives               - Billing options                                                                                                                   applicable to specific points within
at (02) 853-3333                      - Service notes                                                                                                                     this country. For more details,
(Metro Manila) or                     - Commodity 		                                                                                                                      please visit ups.com® or contact our
1-800-10-742-5877                       classifications                                                                                                                   Customer Service Representatives
(outside Metro Manila)                - Prohibited articles                                                                                                               at (02) 853-3333 (Metro Manila) or
for information                       - Destination/Origin                                                                                                                1-800-10-742-5877 (outside Metro
regarding international                 Country served                                                                                                                    Manila).
shipments, including:                 - UPS Terms and
                                        Conditions of Service
                                                                                                                                                                           		UPS Worldwide Expedited is a
                                                                                                                                                                             guaranteed service in this country/
                                                                                                                                                                             territory for import/export.

                                                                                                                                                                       Future Changes –
                                                                                                                                                                       Rates, charges, service explanation,
                                                                                                                                                                       and services are subject to change
                                                                                                                                                                       without prior notice.

     Worldwide Zone Chart
     UPS Express Services

         Country/Territory                              Export Zones                    Import Zones          Country/Territory                                       Export Zones                         Import Zones
                                           Express   Express   Express   Expedited   Express   Expedited                                                  Express   Express        Express   Expedited   Express   Expedited
                                            Plus                Saver                 Saver                                                                Plus                     Saver                 Saver
      Sierra Leone                            -         -         9         9          9           -       Tortola (British Virgin Islands)                  -         -             8          8          9           -

      Singapore    #
                                             1         1          1         1          3          3        Trinidad & Tobago*                                -        8              8          8          9           -

      Slovakia                               8         8          8         8          8          8        Truk (Micronesia, Federated States of)            -         -             8          8           -          -

      Slovenia                               8         8          8         8          9          9        Tunisia                                           -        9              9          9           -          -

      Solomon Islands                         -        8          8         8           -          -       Turkey                                           8         8              8          8          8          8

      South Africa*                          9         9          9         9          8          8        Turkmenistan                                      -         -             8           -         9           -

      Spain*                                 6         6          6         6          6          6        Turks & Caicos Islands                            -         -             8          8          8           -

      Sri Lanka*                              -        4          4         4          4           -       Tuvalu                                            -         -             8          8           -          -

      St. Barthelemy                          -         -         8         8          9           -       U.S. Virgin Islands                               -         -             8          8          9           -

      St. Christopher (St. Kitts)             -         -         8         8          9           -       Uganda                                            -         -             9          9          9           -

      St. Croix (U.S. Virgin Islands)         -         -         8         8          9           -       Ukraine*                                         8         8              8          8          9           -

      St. John (U.S. Virgin Islands)          -         -         8         8          9           -       Union Islands (St. Vincent & the Grenadines)      -         -             8          8          9           -

      St. Kitts and Nevis                     -        8          8         8          9          9        United Arab Emirates                             8         8              8          8          7          7

      St. Lucia                               -        8          8         8          9          9        United Kingdom*                                  6         6              6          6          6          6

      St. Maarten, St. Martin                 -         -         8         8          9           -       United States*                                   5         5              5          5          5          5

      St. Thomas (U.S. Virgin Islands)        -         -         8         8          9           -       Uruguay                                           -         -             8          8          9           -

      St. Vincent & the Grenadines            -         -         8         8          9           -       Uzbekistan                                        -         -             8          8          9           -

      Suriname                                -        8          8         8          9           -       Vanuatu                                           -        8              8          8           -          -

      Swaziland                               -         -         9         9          9           -       Vatican City (Italy)*                            6         6              6          6          6          6

      Sweden*                                7         7          7         7          7          7        Venezuela*                                        -         -             8          8          9          9

      Switzerland*                           7         7          7         7          7          7        Vietnam*#                                        2         2              2          2          2          2

      Tahiti (French Polynesia)               -        8          8         8          4           -       Virgin Gorda (British Virgin Islands)             -         -             8          8          9           -

      Taiwan, China*   #
                                             1         1          1         1          4          4        Wales (United Kingdom)*                          6         6              6          6          6          6

      Tanzania, United Republic of            -         -         9         9          9           -       Wallis & Futuna Islands                           -        8              8          8           -          -

      Thailand*#                             2         2          2         2          3          3        Yap (Micronesia, Federated States of)             -         -             8          8           -          -

      Timor-Leste                             -         -         8         8           -          -       Yemen, Republic of                                -         -             9          9          9           -

      Tinian (Northern Mariana Islands)*      -         -         8         8          4           -       Zambia                                            -         -             9          9          9           -

      Togo                                    -         -         9         9          9           -       Zimbabwe                                          -         -             9          9          9           -

      Tonga                                   -         -         8         8           -          -

     International Shipments:                 - Service options
     Visit ups.com® or                        - Time in transit                                                                                                               *		Extended Area Surcharge or
     contact our Customer                     - Guarantee details                                                                                                                Remote Area Surcharge may be
     Service Representatives                  - Billing options                                                                                                                  applicable to specific points within
     at (02) 853-3333                         - Service notes                                                                                                                    this country. For more details,
     (Metro Manila) or                        - Commodity 		                                                                                                                     please visit ups.com® or contact our
     1-800-10-742-5877                          classifications                                                                                                                  Customer Service Representatives
     (outside Metro Manila)                   - Prohibited articles                                                                                                              at (02) 853-3333 (Metro Manila) or
     for information                          - Destination/Origin                                                                                                               1-800-10-742-5877 (outside Metro
     regarding international                    Country served                                                                                                                   Manila).
     shipments, including:                    - UPS Terms and
                                                Conditions of Service
                                                                                                                                                                                  		UPS Worldwide Expedited is a
                                                                                                                                                                                    guaranteed service in this country/
                                                                                                                                                                                    territory for import/export.

                                                                                                                                                                              Future Changes –
                                                                                                                                                                              Rates, charges, service explanation,
                                                                                                                                                                              and services are subject to change
                                                                                                                                                                              without prior notice.

                                                                                                                                                        Worldwide Zone Chart
Worldwide Zone Chart
UPS Worldwide Express Freight Services

Country/Territory                Export           Import       Country/Territory             Export       Import
                                 WWEF WWEF WWEF
                            WWEF Midday                                                      WWEF WWEF WWEF
                                                                                        WWEF Midday
                                           Midday                                                      Midday

Argentina*                   8            -   7            -   Liechtenstein*            7            -   7        -
Australia*                   4            4   4            -   Luxembourg                6            -   8        -
Austria*                     7            7   7            -   Malaysia*                 2            2   3        -
Bahrain                      8            -   9            -   Malta                     8            -   9        -
Bangladesh                   4            -   4            -   Mexico*                   5            5   5        -
Belgium                      6            6   6            -   Morocco                   9            -   9        -
Brazil*                      8            -   8            -   Netherlands (Holland)*    6            6   6        -
Bulgaria                     -            -   8            -   New Zealand*              4            -   4        -
Canada*                      5        5       5            -   Nicaragua                 8            -   9        -
Chile*                       8        8       9            -   Nigeria*                  9            9   9        -
China Mainland (Excluding                                      Norway*                   7            -   7        -
                             2            -   2            -
Southern China Mainland)*
                                                               Oman                      8            8   9        -
Southern China Mainland+*   10            -   10           -
                                                               Pakistan                  4            -   4        -
Colombia*                    8            -   9            -
                                                               Panama*                   8            -   9        -
Costa Rica*                  8        8       8            -
                                                               Poland*                   6        6       7        -
Croatia                      -            -   9            -
                                                               Portugal*                 7        7       7        -
Czech Republic*              8        8       8            -
                                                               Puerto Rico*              5        5       5        -
Denmark*                     7        7       7            -
                                                               Qatar                     8            -   9        -
Dominican Republic*          8            -   9            -
                                                               Romania                   -            -   8        -
Ecuador*                     8            -   9            -
                                                               Saudi Arabia              8            -   9        -
El Salvador*                 8            -   9            -
                                                               Serbia                    -            -   8        -   +		Southern China Mainland
Finland*                     7        7       7            -                                                              includes Fujian, Hainan,
                                                               Singapore                 1            -   3        -      Hunan, Yunnan, Jiangxi,
France*                      6        6       6            -                                                              Guangxi, Guangdong
                                                               Slovakia                  8            -   8        -      Provinces and Chongqing
Germany*                     6        6       6            -                                                              City only.
                                                               South Africa              9            -   8        -
Greece*                      8        8       7            -                                                           *		Extended Area Surcharge or
                                                               Spain*                    6        6       6        -      Remote Area Surcharge
Guatemala*                   8            -   9            -                                                           		may be applicable to
                                                               Sri Lanka                 4            -   4        -      specific points within this
Honduras*                    8            -   9            -                                                              country. For more details,
                                                               Sweden*                   7        7       7        -      please visit ups.com® or
Hong Kong SAR, China         1        1       1            -                                                              contact our Customer
                                                               Switzerland*              7        7       7        -      Service Representatives at
Hungary*                     8        8       7            -                                                              (02) 853 3333.
                                                               Taiwan, China*            1        1       4        -
India*                       4        4       -            -                                                           Note:
                                                               Thailand*                 2        2       3        -   Future Changes –
Indonesia*                   2            -   4            -                                                           Rates, charges, service
                                                               Tunisia                   9            -   9        -   explanation, and services are
Ireland, Republic of         7        7       7            -                                                           subject to change without
                                                               Turkey                    8        8       8        -   prior notice.
Israel                       9        9       8            -
                                                               United Arab Emirates      8        8       7        -   For additional information
Italy*                       6        6       6            -                                                           and services, call our
                                                               United Kingdom*           6        6       6        -   Customer Service
Japan*                       3        3       4            -                                                           Representatives at
                                                               United States*            5        5       5        -   (02) 853-3333
Korea, South                 2        2       4            -                                                           (Metro Manila) or
                                                               Vietnam*                  2            -   2        -   1-800-10-742 5877
Kuwait                       8            -   -            -                                                           (outside Metro Manila).
Export – UPS Worldwide Express
Rates shown are in US Dollars and apply to shipments          UPS Express Envelope and Documents
originating from the Philippines.                              Shipment      Zone     Zone     Zone     Zone     Zone     Zone     Zone     Zone     Zone     Zone
                                                               Weight (kg)     1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9       10
                                                               UPS Express
                                                               Envelope+     22.00    26.80    28.00    33.30    43.80    63.90    69.50    75.40    95.60    16.40

                                                                   0.5       22.00    26.80    28.00    33.30    43.80    63.90    69.50    75.40    95.60    16.40
                                                                   1.0       27.20    31.90    33.00    42.00    54.10    77.40    86.50    91.80    120.50   20.60
                                                                   1.5       32.60    36.90    38.40    50.60    64.30    90.60    103.10   108.30   145.10   24.90
                                                                   2.0       37.60    42.00    43.70    62.20    76.70    104.30   120.00   124.90   170.10   28.60
                                                                   2.5       43.10    46.90    49.20    74.00    89.10    117.90   136.80   141.20   194.70   34.60
UPS Worldwide Express                                              3.0       50.10    55.50    58.30    88.60    106.50   131.20   153.70   157.80   219.50   41.40
For all your urgent shipments, UPS Worldwide Express               3.5       57.00    63.80    67.50    103.20   124.10   144.90   170.40   174.10   244.20   47.90
guarantees delivery by 10:30 am, 12:00 noon, 2:00                  4.0       64.10    72.00    76.60    111.60   141.40   158.40   187.30   190.50   269.30   54.60
pm or 3:00 pm to most parts of the U.S., Europe and                4.5       67.60    77.10    82.90    120.10   151.30   171.50   204.10   207.20   293.90   59.40
Asia Pacific, selected areas in the Americas and major
                                                                   5.0       71.20    82.00    89.60    128.70   160.90   185.10   220.90   223.60   318.70   62.30
cities in Canada.*
                                                               Shipment      Zone     Zone     Zone     Zone     Zone     Zone     Zone     Zone     Zone     Zone
                                                               Weight (kg)     1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9       10
UPS Worldwide Express Plus                                         0.5       32.50    44.40    47.00    53.80    70.30    69.50    74.40    84.00    126.90   26.20
For time-definite delivery of your extremely urgent                1.0       37.50    48.80    51.90    64.10    81.20    82.60    92.40    102.00   149.80   31.00
shipments, UPS Worldwide Express Plus guarantees                   1.5       42.60    53.00    56.50    74.40    92.10    95.70    109.00   120.30   172.90   35.50
delivery by 8:00 am/8:30 am to major cities in the                 2.0       47.60    57.00    61.40    84.70    102.50   109.20   125.70   138.30   196.00   40.80
U.S.; 8:30 am to Canada; 9:00 am to major Asian cities,            2.5       52.80    61.50    65.80    94.90    112.80   122.90   142.60   156.20   219.00   45.30
over 4,000 U.S. cities and major business centres in
                                                                   3.0       56.90    65.50    70.80    104.80   123.50   136.30   159.30   172.90   250.20   49.20
                                                                   3.5       61.40    69.60    75.60    115.00   133.80   149.80   176.20   189.30   281.50   53.00
                                                                   4.0       65.10    74.00    80.30    125.00   143.40   163.10   192.90   206.00   312.90   56.90
                                                                   4.5       69.30    78.30    85.10    134.90   153.20   176.60   210.00   222.40   344.10   60.60
Add US$40 to the appropriate UPS Worldwide Express                 5.0       73.20    82.60    90.10    144.90   162.80   190.20   226.60   238.60   375.50   64.30
rate for each UPS Worldwide Express Plus shipment.                 5.5       77.70    87.20    93.70    153.20   172.70   203.40   241.90   252.10   385.40   67.90
                                                                   6.0       81.50    91.60    97.00    161.90   182.40   217.00   256.90   265.00   395.30   71.70
                                                                   6.5       85.40    96.10    100.20   170.20   192.30   230.30   271.90   278.40   405.20   75.20
For document shipments weighing over 5.0 kg,
                                                                   7.0       89.80    100.60   103.90   178.70   201.70   243.70   287.30   291.50   415.10   78.90
refer to the UPS Worldwide Express
                                                                   7.5       93.90    105.40   107.00   187.10   211.60   257.50   302.20   305.00   425.00   82.40
Non-Document rates.
                                                                   8.0       97.30    108.70   110.60   194.00   219.40   267.20   317.30   318.10   446.60   86.00
                                                                   8.5       100.60   111.70   114.10   200.60   227.60   277.60   332.40   334.60   467.90   89.70
                                                                   9.0       104.00   115.10   117.60   207.00   235.20   288.00   347.80   351.20   489.40   93.30
                                                                   9.5       107.00   118.40   121.30   213.80   242.70   298.20   362.40   365.00   510.50   96.80
                                                                  10.0       110.50   121.90   124.70   220.20   250.50   308.10   378.00   380.20   532.60   100.40
                                                                  10.5       112.70   125.00   130.60   225.60   256.20   318.40   391.50   395.30   558.60   103.10
                                                                  11.0       114.20   128.50   136.50   230.80   262.40   328.40   404.60   408.50   580.10   105.70
                                                                  11.5       116.20   131.40   142.70   235.70   268.20   338.40   418.30   423.40   601.70   108.40
                                                                  12.0       118.60   134.50   148.50   240.70   274.00   348.50   431.70   434.30   623.40   111.10
                                                                  12.5       121.40   137.70   154.50   245.80   280.10   358.90   445.20   449.30   644.90   113.70
                                                                  13.0       122.60   140.90   158.50   252.60   287.20   369.20   453.60   459.30   666.40   116.20
                                                                  13.5       124.60   143.80   161.90   259.30   294.80   379.10   462.20   469.60   687.90   118.70
                                                                  14.0       125.90   147.30   165.30   266.10   302.20   389.10   470.60   479.30   709.80   121.60
                                                                  14.5       127.30   150.50   168.80   272.80   309.60   399.20   479.20   489.50   731.10   124.40
                                                                  15.0       129.10   153.60   172.10   279.30   317.00   409.30   487.80   499.50   752.60   126.70
* Conditions and restrictions, including the UPS Terms and        15.5       132.30   157.10   175.60   286.20   326.20   420.70   497.40   511.10   772.70   129.40
  Conditions of Service, apply. For details, please contact       16.0       135.90   160.30   179.10   292.90   336.30   430.70   505.90   521.10   792.60   132.00
  our Customer Service Representatives or refer to ups.
  com®.                                                           16.5       139.40   163.60   182.50   299.70   346.40   441.70   514.10   531.30   812.50   134.60
                                                                  17.0       143.20   166.80   186.10   306.30   356.50   452.00   522.90   542.70   832.40   137.40
+ There is a weight limit of 0.5 kg for documents enclosed
  in an Express Envelope. Document or Non- Document               17.5       147.10   170.20   189.20   312.90   366.50   463.80   531.30   554.60   852.20   140.10
  rates will apply for envelopes weighing over 0.5 kg.            18.0       150.70   174.60   193.00   321.50   376.60   476.50   542.00   569.50   870.50   142.40
                                                                  18.5       154.40   178.70   196.40   330.10   386.70   489.10   550.40   584.60   888.80   145.10
Future Changes –                                                  19.0       158.30   183.00   199.80   338.80   397.00   502.00   558.90   599.60   907.10   147.80
Rates, charges, service explanation, and services are             19.5       161.80   187.30   203.30   347.30   406.90   514.90   567.50   614.50   925.30   150.50
subject to change without prior notice.
                                                                  20.0       162.50   191.80   204.70   353.80   416.90   527.90   579.00   626.90   931.10   153.10
Export – UPS Worldwide Express
Rates shown are in US Dollars and apply to shipments               Non-Documents (Continued)
originating from the Philippines.                                    Shipment        Zone       Zone          Zone        Zone    Zone       Zone     Zone       Zone          Zone      Zone
                                                                     Weight (kg)       1          2             3           4       5          6        7          8             9        10

                                                                    For shipment weight above 20 kg (Price per kg unless Deficit Weight# applies)

                                                                       21-44         7.80       9.40          10.00       17.20   20.40      25.40    27.90      30.30         44.70     7.40
                                                                       45-70         7.50       9.30          9.50        16.40   20.20      24.60    27.20      28.40         41.20     7.30
                                                                       71-99         7.20       8.50          9.10        15.20   18.00      22.50    24.50      28.30         38.70     7.10
                                                                      100-299        7.10       8.30          8.60        13.40   16.90      21.90    24.30      27.90         34.80     7.00
                                                                    300 and above    7.00       8.00          8.20        11.90   16.00      21.30    23.60      27.50         31.30     6.90

                                                                   UPS 10 KG Box® and UPS 25 KG Box®
                                                                   UPS 10 KG Box (42 cm x 34 cm x 27 cm)                              UPS 25 KG Box (50 cm x 45 cm x 34 cm)
                                                                   A special flat rate applies for shipments                          A special flat rate applies for shipments weighing
                                                                   weighing up to 10 kg.*                                             up to 25 kg.*

                                                                     Shipment       Flat Rate   Add on           For shipment             Shipment   Flat Rate   Add on           For shipment
                                                                      Weight                    per kg           weight above              Weight                per kg           weight above
                                                                        (kg)                    up to 15 kg      15 kg                       (kg)                up to 30 kg      30 kg
                                                                      Zone 1         82.60         6.40                                    Zone 1     144.30        6.50
                                                                      Zone 2         82.60         9.40                                    Zone 2     144.30        9.30
                                                                      Zone 3         82.60         9.40                                    Zone 3     144.30        9.30
                                                                                                                       Apply                                                         Apply
                                                                      Zone 4        132.10         9.40                                    Zone 4     250.10        9.30            the UPS
                                                                                                                      the UPS
                                                                      Zone 5        146.20         15.50             Worldwide             Zone 5     290.30        16.20          Worldwide
                                                                      Zone 6        158.40         17.90              Express              Zone 6     280.60        18.40           Express
                                                                                                                       25 KG                                                     Non-Document
                                                                      Zone 7        212.70         17.90             Box Rates
                                                                                                                                           Zone 7     309.10        18.40            Rates
                                                                      Zone 8        265.40         23.10                                   Zone 8     453.30        23.60
                                                                      Zone 9        265.40         23.10                                   Zone 9     453.30        23.60
                                                                      Zone 10        67.80         7.80                                   Zone 10     113.70        7.80

                                                                   For UPS 10 KG Box and UPS 25 KG Box, the shipping charges will be billed to shipper, duty and tax will be billed to
                                                                   receiver. Conditions and restrictions, including the UPS Terms and Conditions of Service, apply. For details, please
                                                                   contact our Customer Service Representatives or refer to ups.com®.

* The UPS 10 KG Box is designed to hold a maximum weight
  of 15 kg. The UPS 25 KG Box is designed to hold a maximum
  weight of 30 kg. It is not recommended that shipments sent
  in the respective boxes exceed the maximum weight limits.
    In some instances, shipments may be more economically
    charged if rated at a higher weight than the actual weight.
    The UPS billing system will automatically compute both
    rates and charge the lower of the two.

Future Changes –
Rates, charges, service explanation, and services are subject to
change without prior notice.
Export – UPS Worldwide Express Saver®
Rates shown are in US Dollars and apply to shipments            UPS Express Envelope and Documents
originating from the Philippines.                                Shipment      Zone     Zone     Zone     Zone     Zone     Zone     Zone     Zone     Zone     Zone
                                                                 Weight (kg)     1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9       10
                                                                 UPS Express
                                                                 Envelope+     20.80    25.30    26.40    31.40    41.30    60.30    65.60    71.10    90.20    15.50

                                                                     0.5       20.80    25.30    26.40    31.40    41.30    60.30    65.60    71.10    90.20    15.50
                                                                     1.0       25.70    30.10    31.10    39.60    51.00    73.00    81.60    86.60    113.70   19.40
                                                                     1.5       30.80    34.80    36.20    47.70    60.70    85.50    97.30    102.20   136.90   23.50
                                                                     2.0       35.50    39.60    41.20    58.70    72.40    98.40    113.20   117.80   160.50   27.00
                                                                     2.5       40.70    44.20    46.40    69.80    84.10    111.20   129.10   133.20   183.70   32.60
UPS Worldwide Express Saver                                          3.0       47.30    52.40    55.00    83.60    100.50   123.80   145.00   148.90   207.10   39.10
For an economical alternative to                                     3.5       53.80    60.20    63.70    97.40    117.10   136.70   160.80   164.20   230.40   45.20
UPS Worldwide Express,                                               4.0       60.50    67.90    72.30    105.30   133.40   149.40   176.70   179.70   254.10   51.50
UPS Worldwide Express Saver provides
                                                                     4.5       63.80    72.70    78.20    113.30   142.70   161.80   192.50   195.50   277.30   56.00
money-back guaranteed* delivery by end-of-day,
                                                                     5.0       67.20    77.40    84.50    121.40   151.80   174.60   208.40   210.90   300.70   58.80
to over 220 countries and territories worldwide.
                                                                 Shipment      Zone     Zone     Zone     Zone     Zone     Zone     Zone     Zone     Zone     Zone
For document shipments weighing over 5.0 kg,                     Weight (kg)     1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9       10
refer to the UPS Worldwide Express Saver
                                                                     0.5       30.70    41.90    44.30    50.80    66.30    65.60    70.20    79.20    119.70   24.70
Non-Document rates.
                                                                     1.0       35.40    46.00    49.00    60.50    76.60    77.90    87.20    96.20    141.30   29.20
                                                                     1.5       40.20    50.00    53.30    70.20    86.90    90.30    102.80   113.50   163.10   33.50
                                                                     2.0       44.90    53.80    57.90    79.90    96.70    103.00   118.60   130.50   184.90   38.50
                                                                     2.5       49.80    58.00    62.10    89.50    106.40   115.90   134.50   147.40   206.60   42.70
                                                                     3.0       53.70    61.80    66.80    98.90    116.50   128.60   150.30   163.10   236.00   46.40
                                                                     3.5       57.90    65.70    71.30    108.50   126.20   141.30   166.20   178.60   265.60   50.00
                                                                     4.0       61.40    69.80    75.80    117.90   135.30   153.90   182.00   194.30   295.20   53.70
                                                                     4.5       65.40    73.90    80.30    127.30   144.50   166.60   198.10   209.80   324.60   57.20
                                                                     5.0       69.10    77.90    85.00    136.70   153.60   179.40   213.80   225.10   354.20   60.70
                                                                     5.5       73.30    82.30    88.40    144.50   162.90   191.90   228.20   237.80   363.60   64.10
                                                                     6.0       76.90    86.40    91.50    152.70   172.10   204.70   242.40   250.00   372.90   67.60
                                                                     6.5       80.60    90.70    94.50    160.60   181.40   217.30   256.50   262.60   382.30   70.90
                                                                     7.0       84.70    94.90    98.00    168.60   190.30   229.90   271.00   275.00   391.60   74.40
                                                                     7.5       88.60    99.40    100.90   176.50   199.60   242.90   285.10   287.70   400.90   77.70
                                                                     8.0       91.80    102.50   104.30   183.00   207.00   252.10   299.30   300.10   421.30   81.10
                                                                     8.5       94.90    105.40   107.60   189.20   214.70   261.90   313.60   315.70   441.40   84.60
                                                                     9.0       98.10    108.60   110.90   195.30   221.90   271.70   328.10   331.30   461.70   88.00
                                                                     9.5       100.90   111.70   114.40   201.70   229.00   281.30   341.90   344.30   481.60   91.30
                                                                    10.0       104.20   115.00   117.60   207.70   236.30   290.70   356.60   358.70   502.40   94.70
                                                                    10.5       106.30   117.90   123.20   212.80   241.70   300.40   369.30   372.90   527.00   97.30
                                                                    11.0       107.70   121.20   128.80   217.70   247.50   309.80   381.70   385.40   547.30   99.70
                                                                    11.5       109.60   124.00   134.60   222.40   253.00   319.20   394.60   399.40   567.60   102.30
                                                                    12.0       111.90   126.90   140.10   227.10   258.50   328.80   407.30   409.70   588.10   104.80
                                                                    12.5       114.50   129.90   145.80   231.90   264.20   338.60   420.00   423.90   608.40   107.30
                                                                    13.0       115.70   132.90   149.50   238.30   270.90   348.30   427.90   433.30   628.70   109.60
                                                                    13.5       117.50   135.70   152.70   244.60   278.10   357.60   436.00   443.00   649.00   112.00
                                                                    14.0       118.80   139.00   155.90   251.00   285.10   367.10   444.00   452.20   669.60   114.70
                                                                    14.5       120.10   142.00   159.20   257.40   292.10   376.60   452.10   461.80   689.70   117.40
                                                                    15.0       121.80   144.90   162.40   263.50   299.10   386.10   460.20   471.20   710.00   119.50
                                                                    15.5       124.80   148.20   165.70   270.00   307.70   396.90   469.20   482.20   729.00   122.10

* Conditions and restrictions, including the UPS Terms and          16.0       128.20   151.20   169.00   276.30   317.30   406.30   477.30   491.60   747.70   124.50
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  our Customer Service Representatives or refer to ups.com®.
                                                                    17.0       135.10   157.40   175.60   289.00   336.30   426.40   493.30   512.00   785.30   129.60
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  apply for envelopes weighing over 0.5 kg.
                                                                    18.5       145.70   168.60   185.30   311.40   364.80   461.40   519.20   551.50   838.50   136.90
Note:                                                               19.0       149.30   172.60   188.50   319.60   374.50   473.60   527.30   565.70   855.80   139.40
Future Changes –
Rates, charges, service explanation, and services are subject       19.5       152.60   176.70   191.80   327.60   383.90   485.80   535.40   579.70   872.90   142.00
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