2021 NEW HIRE GUIDE - University System of New Hampshire

Page created by Ivan Gallagher
2021 NEW HIRE GUIDE - University System of New Hampshire
2021 NEW HIRE GUIDE - University System of New Hampshire

TERMS TO KNOW                    2




DENTAL COVERAGE                  5

VISION COVERAGE                  6






RETIREMENT PLAN                  12




Welcome to the University System of New Hampshire
  and Your 2021 Benefits Program!

Welcome to the University System of New Hampshire (USNH). We support our employees and encourage their success
in many ways, including through a competitive program of health, retirement, and other benefits.
We hope you’ll use this guide as a resource to navigate your benefits as you start your career at USNH. Consider your
benefits needs, learn about and understand your options, and use the tools and resources available to make the best
benefits decisions for you and your family.

ENROLLMENT AND ELIGIBILITY                                    What Your Benefits Cost
                                                              USNH works with you to help pay for the cost of having
When You Can Enroll                                           medical coverage. In this guide, you’ll see the biweekly
To have coverage, you must enroll for benefits within         payroll deduction amount for the dental and vision plans
30 days of your hire date. If you enroll within this time,    available to you. (Your payroll deductions for medical
your benefits will be effective the first day of the month    coverage are in your Medical Plan Comparison and
following your date of hire.                                  Cost Summary.) Biweekly payroll deductions for other
                                                              benefits, including life insurance and voluntary benefits,
Whom You Can Cover                                            will be available when you complete the enrollment
You can elect coverage for yourself and any eligible          process online.
dependents. Visit MyBenefits.USNH.edu for a list of           The amount you’ll pay, and the frequency at which you’ll
eligible dependents. If you’re enrolling dependents for the   pay, for benefits will depend on the benefit options you
first time, you have 30 days from your enrollment date        elect, the eligible family members you cover, and the
to provide dependent eligibility verification documents       number of pay periods (20 or 26) your appointment
at MyBenefits.USNH.edu or to your campus Human                provides. Depending on when you enroll, retroactive
Resources Office.                                             deductions may apply.
Making Changes During the Year
Outside of New Hire Enrollment and Benefits Open
Enrollment, the only other time you may enroll in, drop,
or make changes to your benefits is within 30 days of a
qualified change of status (such as marriage, divorce, or               Enroll in benefits! Enroll in medical
the birth or adoption of a child). If you have a qualified               coverage within 30 days of your hire
change of status and want to make a change, you must
make your election within 30 days of the event and
                                                                         date to have coverage through USNH
provide supporting documentation. If applicable, you must              through December 31 of the current
also provide dependent eligibility verification documents.         calendar year. Your next opportunity to elect
Any changes you make to your coverage must be                     coverage will be during the fall Benefits
consistent with the qualified change of status you
experienced. For example, in the event of divorce,                Open Enrollment period (for coverage
you must remove your ex-spouse from your coverage.                effective the following January 1), or if you
However, you cannot change your coverage to a new                 have a qualified change of status.
medical plan until Benefits Open Enrollment. Based on the
date of the final divorce decree, your ex-spouse and any
applicable dependent(s) will be offered COBRA coverage
and can elect to continue coverage for up to 36 months.
USNH must receive notification within 30 days of the
divorce. Other examples of changes are included under
Life Events at MyBenefits.USNH.edu.

                                                                                                2021 New Hire Guide        1
TERMS TO KNOW                                                 MEDICAL AND PRESCRIPTION
Health care terms can be a little confusing. It’s important   DRUG COVERAGE
you understand these terms before reviewing this guide.
                                                              You can choose from three Open Access Plus medical
Knowing them will help ensure you’re maximizing your
                                                              plans administered by Cigna. All plans:
USNH-provided coverage.
                                                              • Provide access to Cigna’s nationwide network of doctors
• Annual deductible: The amount you generally pay each
                                                                and hospitals.
  calendar year for covered services before the plan starts
  paying benefits.                                            • Don’t require you to select a primary care provider.
• Annual out-of-pocket maximum: A limit on the total          • Cover the same services, including preventive care
  amount you pay each calendar year for covered                 (generally covered at 100% in-network), emergency
  services (deductibles, copays, and coinsurance). The          services, and inpatient and outpatient care.
  medical plan you choose may have a separate annual          • Cover coronavirus testing and treatment, and telehealth
  prescription drug out-of-pocket maximum for covered           visits, at no cost to you and your covered dependents.
  prescription drug copays.                                     Note: Covered coronavirus services include diagnostic
• Coinsurance: A percentage of the cost of covered              testing, FDA-approved antibody testing, and treatment
  services you pay, generally after you meet the annual         for the COVID-19 virus.
  deductible and before you meet the annual out-of-           • Include prescription drug coverage administered by
  pocket maximum.                                               OptumRx.
• Copay: The fixed dollar amount you pay for covered          • Offer a fitness reimbursement program taxable benefit of
  services before the plan starts paying benefits.              up to $300 a year.
                                                              For each plan, you share in the cost of care through
                                                              deductibles, copays, and/or coinsurance. Plus, you’re
                                                              protected from the high cost of large medical bills by
                                                              an annual out-of-pocket maximum. The out-of-pocket
                                                              maximum is the most you will pay for covered services
                                                              in a calendar year before the plan pays 100% of covered
                                                              For more coverage detail and costs, review your Medical
                                                              Plan Comparison and Cost Summary.

              Need help with your medical plan decisions? Go to MyCignaPlans.com to view your coverage options and
              compare medical plans, or call 800-244-6224 to chat with a medical plan expert.

2     University System of New Hampshire
Take a Closer Look at the Open Access Plus                     Considering the Open Access Plus HSA Plan?
Health Savings Account (HSA) Plan                              These questions can help you decide whether the Open
If you meet eligibility guidelines and enroll in the Open      Access Plus HSA Plan is right for you:
Access Plus Health Savings Account (HSA) Plan, you can         • How much health care do you expect to use in 2021?
open a Health Savings Account to help pay for eligible           Remember—the most expensive plan option isn’t always
qualified health care expenses, tax-free! Here’s how:            the best option for you. If you don’t expect to spend a lot
• USNH will contribute to your HSA, and you can contribute       on health care services or prescription drugs next year,
   your own money, tax-free, up to IRS annual limits.            consider the Open Access Plus HSA Plan. You’ll pay less
                                                                 out of each paycheck for coverage and only pay for the
• You can use your account to pay for eligible medical
                                                                 services you use.
  expenses, like copays/coinsurance and your annual
  deductible, and eligible prescription, dental, vision, and   • Do you have the resources to pay for health care
  hearing expenses.                                              expenses? In the Open Access Plus HSA Plan, USNH’s
                                                                 HSA contribution will help you pay your out-of-pocket
• Your combined maximum contribution (yours and
                                                                 costs. However, consider whether you will have the
  USNH’s) is $3,600 for Employee Only coverage and
                                                                 resources to pay the full cost of medical services until
  $7,200 for all other coverage levels.
                                                                 you reach the annual deductible.
• If you will be 55 or older by December 31, 2021, you can
                                                               • Do you want to build tax-free savings for future health
  contribute $1,000 more to your HSA throughout the year.
                                                                 expenses? The HSA is the only tax-advantaged account
• You can take your HSA money with you if you leave              that rolls over from year to year.
  USNH or retire.
                                                               Medical Programs
• The money in your account grows tax-free from
                                                               Cigna Health Coaching
  investment returns, and you’re not taxed on withdrawals
  for eligible expenses.                                       If you have a chronic condition, such as asthma or
                                                               diabetes, Cigna may contact you to participate in their
To be eligible for a Health Savings Account, you must be
                                                               health coaching program, a telephonic support program
enrolled in the Open Access Plus HSA Plan and not be
                                                               to help you improve your health. The program provides
enrolled in any other health insurance or in Medicare
                                                               individual coaching sessions to help you develop an action
Part A or Part B. In addition, if you have a 2020 Healthcare
                                                               plan and set goals to complete it. Your personal coach
Flexible Spending Account, you must have a zero balance
                                                               will help you make the lifestyle changes you need to stay
in your account on December 31, 2020, to participate in
                                                               healthy and on track with your goals. Health coaching is
an HSA in 2021.
                                                               Cigna Telehealth
                                                               Cigna provides telehealth services through MDLIVE,
                                                               which connects you with U.S. board-certified doctors via
                                                               secure video chat or over the phone. Receive care for
                                                               a wide range of nonurgent health issues, such as sore
                                                               throats, allergies, stomachaches, and more. Schedule
                                                               an appointment 24/7; you’ll save money compared with
                                                               going to an urgent care center or emergency room. Visit
                                                               mdliveforcigna.com to register.

                                                                                                 2021 New Hire Guide        3
Healthcare Bluebook                                              PRESCRIPTION DRUG
The Healthcare Bluebook Fair Price™ tool makes it
easy for you to find the fair price for many medical
procedures, as well as nearby facilities that offer these        Your prescription drug coverage—administered by
prices. Plus, you’re eligible to receive rewards! Go to          OptumRx—offers you a large network of national chain
healthcarebluebook.com (company code: USNH) to shop              pharmacies and local drugstores to fill your prescriptions,
for care, compare facilities, save money on health care          including CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens, and pharmacies
services, and earn rewards. If you are eligible for a reward,    located inside stores such as Walmart and Hannaford.
a taxable payment is processed through USNH payroll.             When filling your prescription, be sure to present your
                                                                 OptumRx ID card so that your plan information can be
Talkspace                                                        verified. To find an in-network pharmacy near you, visit the
Talkspace is an online therapy service that connects users       OptumRx online pharmacy locator at optumrx.com.
to a dedicated, licensed therapist via private messaging
(text, voice, video) or live video session. Talkspace treats a
                                                                 Mail Order Program
wide range of behavioral conditions, including depression,       OptumRx offers a mail order program for maintenance
anxiety, relationships, PTSD, addiction, eating disorders,       medications—medication that you take for an ongoing
and more.                                                        condition—for up to a 90-day supply per fill. Using
                                                                 the mail order program can save you money on your
You select a dedicated therapist from a carefully
                                                                 prescription drug costs, plus you get the convenience of
researched list of in-state matches. Then, you can
                                                                 having your medications delivered right to your door! For
regularly contact your therapist—anytime, anywhere.
                                                                 more information or to place an order once you enroll in
Visit talkspace.com/cigna to get started. Download the
                                                                 coverage, sign in to optumrx.com and select any of your
Talkspace app (iOS or Android) for access on the go.
                                                                 eligible prescriptions.
Cigna Healthy Pregnancies, Healthy Babies Incentive
                                                                 Optum Specialty Pharmacy—Your Specialty
The Cigna Healthy Pregnancies, Healthy Babies program
is designed to help you and your baby stay healthy during        Drug Provider
your pregnancy and following your baby’s birth. You are          Prescriptions for specialty medications—high-cost drugs
eligible for the program if you are enrolled in a USNH           used to treat complicated conditions or serious illnesses—
Cigna medical plan. The program offers one-on-one phone          must be filled through the Optum Specialty Pharmacy.
sessions, online resources, and more.                            If you are prescribed a specialty medication, Optum will
During your pregnancy and after your baby is born, you           contact you to discuss your treatment plan and answer
can receive rewards for speaking with a maternity nurse.         any questions you may have about your medication.
When you participate in and complete the program, you            Optum Specialty Pharmacy provides home delivery for
may be eligible to receive a:                                    prescriptions. For more information about filling specialty
• $150 incentive* if you enroll by the end of your first         prescriptions, visit optum.com.
   trimester, or                                                 Specialty Drug Copay Assistance Program
• $75 incentive* if you enroll by the end of your second         Our copay assistance program through PillarRx can
  trimester.                                                     help you save on costly specialty medications. Drug
Call 800-615-2906 for more information about the                 manufacturers offer rebates for their high-cost prescriptions;
program.                                                         PillarRx researches and applies these rebates to your
                                                                 medications—saving money for you and USNH.
*Incentives are taxable.

4      University System of New Hampshire
When you’re at your healthiest—both physically and           USNH offers two dental options administered by Northeast
mentally—you bring your best to everything you do. In        Delta Dental. With both options, you receive coverage from
other words, your well-being is good for everyone! USNH      in-network and out-of-network providers. However, your
wants to help you set and achieve your wellness goals.       costs will generally be lower if you stay in-network. To find
Employees enrolled in a USNH medical plan are provided       an in-network dentist near you, visit nedelta.com.
an incentive program to reward you for taking an active
role in managing your health.                                                     2021 Dental Plan Overview
                                                                Feature/Service          Basic Option           High Option
MyPath2Wellness: Incentive Program                            Diagnostic/            Covered at 60%; no     Covered at 100%; no
Complete the online health assessment within 90 days          Preventive             annual deductible      annual deductible
of your hire date and receive an annual credit of $150,
prorated based on the time remaining in the calendar year,    Basic Restorative      Covered at 50% after   Covered at 80% after
                                                                                     annual deductible      annual deductible
toward your 2021 USNH medical plan payroll deductions.
Once you complete the assessment, you’ll receive a            Major Restorative      Covered at 40% after   Covered at 50% after
personalized health profile, a comprehensive picture                                 annual deductible      annual deductible
of your health status, and guidance to help you begin         Calendar Year          $1,000                 $1,500
improving your health.                                        Benefit Maximum
Note: The MyPath2Wellness reward will be applied in           per Covered Person
equal amounts toward your 2021 USNH medical plan              Annual Deductible      $25 per person, per    $25 per person, per
payroll deductions, and reflected as a wellness credit on                            calendar year          calendar year
your paystub.
                                                              Orthodontics           Covered at 50% for     Covered at 50% for
Fitness Facility Reimbursement Program                                               dependent children     adults and dependent
                                                                                     age 19 or under;       children; lifetime
Choose a fitness facility and be reimbursed for your                                 lifetime maximum of    maximum of $1,500
2021 membership (up to $300)! Just pay for your fitness                              $1,000 per person      per person
membership, submit your paid receipt(s) to Cigna with a
completed USNH 2021 Fitness Reimbursement Program            What you pay for dental coverage depends on the option
form, and you will be reimbursed through payroll, up to      you choose and the dependents you cover.
$300 (taxable) per calendar year. Everyone you cover
under your 2021 USNH medical plan can participate (up to                     2021 Biweekly Payroll Deductions*
a combined total of $300). To be reimbursed, you must be                           Employee       Two Persons         Family
enrolled in a USNH medical plan administered by Cigna.
                                                              Basic Option     $16.07            $30.03           $48.35
                                                              High Option      $28.50            $53.00           $88.06
                                                             *Assumes 26 pay periods.

                                                                                                     2021 New Hire Guide           5
Under the vision plan, administered by VSP Vision Care, you can see any provider you choose, but your out-of-pocket
costs will be lower if you see a VSP provider.

                                                                2021 Vision Plan Overview
      Feature/Service                                                                  What You Pay*
 WellVision Exam                $0 copay
 Every calendar year
 Prescription Glasses           $20 copay
 Frames                         • $200 allowance, 20% off any cost incurred above allowance
 Every other calendar year      • $80 allowance at Costco locations
 Lenses                         • $0 copay for single vision, lined bifocal, and lined trifocal lenses; scratch-resistant coating, polycarbonate lenses, tints,
 Every calendar year              and UV coating
                                • $55 copay for standard progressive lenses
                                • $95–$105 copay for premium progressive lenses
                                • $150–$175 copay for custom progressive lenses
                                • Average 20%–25% off other lens options
 Contacts (instead of           • $200 allowance for contacts
 glasses)                       • $60 copay (max) for contact lens exam (fitting evaluation)
 Every calendar year
*Coverage with a retail chain affiliate may be different. After you enroll in coverage, visit vsp.com for details. Coverage information is subject to change.
  In the event of a conflict between this information and your organization’s contract with VSP, the terms of the contract will prevail.

What you pay for vision coverage depends on the number of dependents you cover.

                                                           2021 Biweekly Payroll Deductions*
                    Employee                                            Two Persons                                              Family
 $3.02                                               $6.05                                                  $9.71
*Assumes 26 pay periods.

6        University System of New Hampshire
USNH offers two Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) administered by HealthEquity WageWorks. With FSAs, you can put
aside a portion of your pay, before taxes, to reimburse yourself on a pre-tax basis for health care and/or dependent/elder
day care expenses. If you enroll in a medical plan with a Health Savings Account, you cannot elect a Healthcare FSA.
Healthcare Flexible Spending Account (FSA)                                 Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account
You can contribute pre-tax money to a Healthcare FSA                       You can contribute pre-tax money to pay for qualified
(unless you’re enrolled in the Open Access Plus HSA                        dependent day care expenses, such as preschool, before-
Plan) to pay for eligible health care expenses, such as                    and after-school programs, and child/elder care for eligible
your medical and dental plan deductibles, copays, and                      dependents, that allow you and your spouse to work or
coinsurance. In 2021, you can contribute up to $2,750.                     that allow you to work and your spouse to attend school
There is a two-and-a-half-month grace period to use money                  full time. For 2021, you can contribute up to $5,000 per
you contribute to your account during 2021. Expenses                       calendar year if you are single or if you are married and you
eligible for reimbursement must be incurred by March 15,                   and your spouse file a joint tax return, or up to $2,500 per
2022, and claims must be submitted by May 31, 2022. You                    calendar year if you are married and you and your spouse
will forfeit any money remaining in your 2021 Healthcare FSA               file separate tax returns.
after May 31, 2022.                                                        Expenses eligible for reimbursement must be incurred by
You can pay for eligible health care expenses using the                    December 31, 2021, and claims must be submitted by
HealthEquity WageWorks Healthcare FSA debit card, linked                   March 31, 2022. You will forfeit any money remaining in
directly to your account.                                                  your 2021 Dependent Care FSA after March 31, 2022.
                                                                           For more details, including a list of eligible expenses, visit
What Is Right for Me?—HSA Versus FSA
If you elect the Open Access Plus HSA Plan, you cannot enroll in a Healthcare FSA. Think carefully about which option
will be best for you and your family.

                                       Health Savings Account                                    Healthcare Flexible Spending Account
2021 Contribution   • $3,600 for Employee Only coverage/$7,200 for all other            • $2,750 pre-tax
Maximum                coverage levels (includes USNH contributions)                    • Elect your contribution amount for the year at New Hire
                    • $1,000 additional catch-up contribution allowed if you are 55        Enrollment and during Benefits Open Enrollment; no
                       or older during the calendar year                                   changes allowed during the year except for a qualified
                    • Change your contribution amount anytime throughout the year          change of status
Account             You can take it with you if you leave USNH or retire                If you leave USNH or retire, you forfeit any money in your
Ownership                                                                               account
Availability for    • Your contributions                                                Your contributions
Account Growth      • Contributions from USNH
                    • Interest
                    • Investment income
Access to Money     Only the money already deposited in the account                     Full annual contribution available on your effective date
Reimbursement       Access HSA funds to pay for care/services you have on your          Incur eligible expenses by March 15, 2022, and file claims by
                    effective date or later                                             May 31, 2022, for the 2021 calendar year
Eligible Expenses   Copays, annual deductible, dental care, vision care, hearing care, qualifying prescriptions, certain medical equipment; for a full
                    list of qualified medical expenses, visit irs.gov/publications/p502

                                                                                                                       2021 New Hire Guide               7
LIFE AND DISABILITY BENEFITS                                         Disability Insurance
                                                                     Short Term Disability Salary Continuation Plan
• USNH offers a variety of benefits designed to help
                                                                     If you are unable to work due to a non-work-related
  protect your income and increase your financial security.
                                                                     injury or illness, or because of pregnancy, the USNH-paid
• USNH covers the cost of coverage for certain insurance             Short Term Disability (STD) Salary Continuation Plan,
  benefits.                                                          administered by MetLife, provides you a benefit of:
• You have the option to purchase voluntary benefits for             • 100% of your annual base salary up to eight weeks.
  yourself and your dependents. You’ll pay 100% of the               • 60% of your annual base salary for weeks nine
  premium for these plans.                                             through 26.
For more information, or to view rates and summaries of              Benefits are paid after a waiting period, if applicable. If
these benefits, go to MyBenefits.USNH.edu.                           you are a benefits-eligible employee,* you are enrolled in
                                                                     employer-paid coverage automatically. See page 10 for
Life and Accidental Death &                                          more information about the time-off and leave benefits
Dismemberment Insurance                                              available to you through UTime.
Life and Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D)                     *Depends on your collective bargaining agreement.
Insurance, offered through The Standard Insurance
Company, provides a lump sum payment to you if you                   Long Term Disability Insurance
have a covered injury. It also provides a lump sum payment
to your beneficiaries if you die. Benefits are paid after any        Long Term Disability (LTD) Insurance, administered by
applicable waiting period.                                           MetLife, provides a benefit to you if you become disabled
                                                                     due to a non-work-related illness or injury.
USNH pays the cost for the basic coverage level: 1.5
times your regular annual budgeted salary. If you are                USNH pays the cost for the basic coverage level: 60%
actively working, you can increase your coverage one level           of your regular annual budgeted salary (up to $5,000 per
or decrease coverage to any level during Benefits Open               month). If you are actively working, you can increase or
Enrollment or when you have a qualified status change.               decrease coverage during Benefits Open Enrollment or
                                                                     when you have a qualified status change.
                         Coverage Options*
                                                                        Percent of Regular Annual
 1.5 times regular annual budgeted salary—USNH-paid level                                                  Maximum Monthly Benefit
                                                                            Budgeted Salary
 3 times regular annual budgeted salary**                             60% Option—USNH-paid level        $5,000
 4.5 times regular annual budgeted salary**                           66 2/3% Option*                   $15,000
*Coverage amounts reduce by 50% at age 70. The change occurs        *Rates are based on your age; your premium may change during the year
  during the calendar year.                                            due to salary changes. You pay the amount for the cost of coverage
**Rates are based on your age; your premium may change during the     above the USNH-paid level.
  year due to salary changes. You pay the amount above the USNH-
  paid level.

8      University System of New Hampshire
You have the opportunity to choose employee-pay-all coverage under a variety of voluntary benefits
offered by MetLife.

                   Benefit                                                      Description
Accident Insurance                          • Financial protection in case of a covered accident
                                            • Provides a benefit if you undergo testing or receive medical services,
                                              treatment, or care
Critical Care Insurance                     • Financial protection in case of a covered illness, including cancer, heart
                                              attack, stroke, and Alzheimer’s disease
Legal Assistance                            • Connects you with a network of attorneys who can represent you for a
                                              variety of personal legal matters like power of attorney, deeds, will
                                              preparation, and more
Voluntary Hospital Indemnity Insurance      • Helps ease the financial impact of a hospitalization
                                            • Works with your medical coverage to help pay for out-of-pocket expenses
                                              resulting from a hospital stay
Voluntary Short Term Disability Insurance   Available only if you are covered under certain collective bargaining
                                            • Replaces 60% of your weekly base salary for up to 26 weeks, after you’ve
                                              been unable to work for one day because of a non-work-related accident or
                                              seven days because of a non-work-related illness

Voluntary Long Term Care Insurance, underwritten by Genworth, provides financial protection for long term care services
at home, a nursing home, an assisted living facility, or for adult day care.
As a newly hired USNH employee, you have the opportunity to get coverage, with streamlined underwriting depending on
your age, during the first 31 days of your employment. If you are outside of the New Hire Enrollment period, you can still
buy coverage at competitive group rates with full medical underwriting, depending on your age.
You, your spouse, and your family members (parents, grandparents, adult children, and siblings) can apply anytime with
medical underwriting up through age 79.
Rates are based on the coverage option selected and the age at the time of enrollment. For more information, to request
a quote, or to enroll, visit genworth.com/usnh or call 800-416-3624.

                                                                                                     2021 New Hire Guide   9
UTime is the University System of New Hampshire’s leave benefits program and time management
system. UTime provides paid time-off-related benefits for a wide variety of needs, including personal
and sick time, parental leave, disability, community service, and more. You use and track your UTime
benefits through the UKG Dimensions system. For more information, presentations, and job aids, visit
Occasionally, you may need to recover from an illness or injury, deal with a personal situation, or help a family member
in need. And, of course, you look forward to holidays and vacation with family and friends. Our UTime program gives
you time away from work for all these situations, allowing you to return recharged and ready to focus on your work.

All status fiscal year (FY) faculty, exempt staff, and                         Have a UTime Question? If you have a question
non-exempt staff are eligible for UTime benefits.
                                                                               about UTime or want to apply for disability or
                                                                               leave benefits, contact your campus Human
UTime Benefits at a Glance                                                     Resources office.

     Program Element         What It’s For                                                       How It Works
Personal Time          Paid time off for vacation      Up to 5 years of service: Earn up to 18 days throughout the calendar year
                       or personal needs               More than 5 years of service: Earn up to 24 days throughout the calendar year
                                                       Maximum days you can have at any one time: 45
                                                       If you leave USNH or retire, you can receive the (taxable) cash value of up to 30 days of accrued
                                                       but unused Personal Time
Sick Time              Paid time off for medical       Days you earn per year: 15
                       appointments, illness, or       Maximum days you can have at any one time: 60
                       injury, or to care for an ill
                                                       Maximum days per year you can use for family care (without a waiting period): 25
                       or injured family member
                                                       If you leave USNH or retire, you forfeit any accrued but unused Sick Time
Holiday Time           Paid holiday time off           USNH-designated paid holidays each year: 12
                                                       Visit usnh.edu/sites/default/files/hr/resources/pdf/usnh-holiday-schedule-2021.pdf for the
                                                       current holiday schedule
Short Term             Paid time off for when          You pay nothing for STD coverage—USNH pays the entire cost
Disability (STD)       you’re unable to work           If you’re a new hire: 2-month waiting period before coverage begins
                       due to a non-work-
                       related illness or injury, or
                       maternity leave                 • Up to 8 weeks: 100% of your annual base salary
                                                       • Week 9 through week 26: 60% of your annual base salary
                                                       Benefits start immediately after an accident or 8 days after illness or for maternity

10      University System of New Hampshire
Program Element          What It’s For                                                  How It Works
Long Term            Paid time off after STD   You pay nothing for basic LTD coverage—USNH pays the entire cost
Disability (LTD)     benefits end, for when    Basic LTD benefit: 60% of your annual base salary, up to $5,000 per month
                     you’re unable to work due
                                               Optional buy-up coverage: 66-2/3% of your annual base salary, up to $15,000 per month
                     to a non-work-related
                     illness or injury
Parental Leave       Paid time off for            Paid time off after the birth, adoption, placement for adoption, or start of fostering of a
                     maternity, paternity,        child: 4 weeks
                     adoption, fostering, and
Bereavement Leave    Paid time off for the loss   Days off per year for the loss of an immediate family member (i.e., parents, spouse,
                     of a family member           siblings, or children): 5
                                                  Days off per year for the loss of a nonimmediate family member or friend: 1
Jury Duty            Paid time off to serve on USNH will pay the difference between your regular annual base salary and jury pay or the
                     a jury or as a subpoenaed subpoenaed fee during your period of service
                     witness                   If you remit any court-paid compensation to USNH, you will receive your full annual base salary
                                               during your period of service
                                               No reimbursement for expenses
Military Leave       Time off for serving in the USNH Military Leave follows the federal Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment
                     uniformed services          Rights Act (USERRA)
                                                 See the USNH Military Leave Policy USY V.C.17 or contact your campus Human Resources Office
                                                 for more information
Community Service    Paid time off to             One (1) day per year for a campus-sanctioned community service event or activity
                     participate in optional
                     community service

UTime Timekeeping System: UKG Dimensions
The UKG Dimensions system makes it easy for you to manage your time when you are working and when you are away
from work. It will help you track:
• The hours you have worked.
• How much time off you have available in the current year.
• Any accrued time-off days you have from previous years.
For more information about the UKG Dimensions system, visit usnh.edu/human-resources/utime.

                                                                                                                  2021 New Hire Guide            11
RETIREMENT PLAN                                                           457(b) Deferred Compensation Retirement Plan
                                                                          With the 457(b) Deferred Compensation Retirement Plan,
USNH offers all eligible employees the opportunity to                     you can set aside a portion of your salary on a tax-
secure their financial future with two retirement plans:                  advantaged basis. To contribute to the plan, you must be
the 403(b) Retirement Plan and the 457(b) Deferred                        an active participant in the USNH 403(b) Retirement and
Compensation Retirement Plan.                                             Supplemental Plan. Like the 403(b) Plan, you can make
403(b) Retirement Plan                                                    investment choices with TIAA or Fidelity.
The 403(b) Retirement Plan allows you to save for                         Note: All Retirement Plans are subject to IRS plan
retirement on a tax-advantaged basis. You can open an                     maximums. For 2021, the maximum you can contribute to
account with TIAA or Fidelity, or both, and choose from a                 both the 403(b) Plan and the 457(b) Plan is $19,500 if you
range of investment options to create a savings strategy                  are under 50 years old or $26,000 if you are 50 years old
that meets your needs.                                                    or older.
You’ll always have full ownership of the money you
contribute and, once you’ve participated for three years,
if eligible, you’ll have ownership of USNH’s matching                      Fast Facts About the 403(b) Retirement Plan.
contributions. You can also make elective contributions to                 • Choice of Administrators. You can choose Fidelity
the 403(b) Retirement Plan, up to the IRS elective deferral                  and/or TIAA.
limits, through the 403(b) Supplemental Retirement Plan.
You and USNH contribute to this account—you can                            • Contributions. Contribute to your account with
choose to contribute between 2.5% and 6% of your salary                      pre-tax or post-tax money from your paycheck—
(in 0.1% increments), and USNH will contribute based on                      it’s up to you! If you contribute, USNH will also
the percentage you elect.                                                    contribute up to 8% of your annual salary. This
                                                                             means you get free money just for saving for
      Employee                                                               retirement.
                                      USNH Match
     Contribution                                                          • Vesting. Your contributions are always 100% vested,
6%                  6% for the first year of participation, then 8% for      meaning you can take them with you if you leave
                    subsequent years                                         USNH. USNH matching contributions are 100%
                                                                             vested after you have participated in the plan for
4%–5.99%*           6%
                                                                             three years.
2.5%–3.9%*          4%

Employees covered under collective bargaining agreements
may have set contribution levels and different USNH
matching contributions.
Select your contribution amount, choose your investment
options, and use the online retirement enrollment tools,
accessible from MyBenefits.USNH.edu.

12     University System of New Hampshire
USNH’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides resources to help meet life’s challenges and enhance your
well-being. These include:
• Confidential telephone and in-person counseling, 24/7.
• Unlimited telephone counseling and up to six in-person sessions, per issue, with a licensed and credentialed master’s-
  or Ph.D.-level counselor.
• Resources on a wide range of issues, including relationship and family issues; parenting; managing stress, depression,
  anxiety, substance abuse, grief, and workplace issues; and financial concerns.
Log on to eaphelplink.com (company code: USNH) for more information about these services and to access articles,
interactive wellness and self-assessment tools, training webinars and modules, and much more.

The Tuition Reimbursement Benefit is available to eligible employees and their dependents, after a waiting period, to help
pay for courses at any USNH campus.
To apply for remibursement, first complete the registration process for the institution that has the courses you want to
take. Then, submit an online Tuition Benefit Form, available at wise.usnh.edu.
How much could you save in tuition? Eligible employees can take up to five courses per year. Courses for credit are
eligible for a 100% reduction of the in-state cost; non-credit courses are eligible for a 50% reduction of the in-state cost.
Plus, your eligible dependents can receive up to 50% off the in-state tuition rate for USNH credit courses after a one-
year waiting period.

USNH offers discounts through BenefitHub—your employee discount marketplace. Visit usnh.benefithub.com to find an
array of discounts and perks, including savings on travel, movie tickets, dining, shopping, local stores and restaurants, and
much more!

Your go-to resource for benefits is MyBenefits.USNH.edu. There you can:
• Enroll in your benefits.
• Find benefit plan information and summaries.
• Link to vendor websites.
• Review dependent eligibility requirements.

                                                                                                   2021 New Hire Guide      13
Campus Human Resources
 Keene State College                         University of New Hampshire           Plymouth State University
 Karyn Kaminski                              Kimberly Jennison and Susan Wilbur    Joye Cushing
 603-358-2486                                603-862-0504                          603-535-2360
 kkaminski@keene.edu                         HR.Benefits@unh.edu                   joyec@plymouth.edu

                                                                                   Sherry Osgood
 Granite State College                       University of New Hampshire           System Office
 Anne DuBois                                 Manchester and School of Law          Susan Poole
 603-513-1371                                Kimberly Jennison and Susan Wilbur    603-862-0953
 anne.dubois@granite.edu                     603-862-0504                          susan.poole@usnh.edu

Vendor Contacts

                   Vendor                                     Phone                               Websitee
 Cigna Healthcare                            800-244-6224

 OptumRx                                     866-633-5874                         optumrx.com

 Northeast Delta Dental                      800-832-5700                         nedelta.com

 VSP Vision Care                             800-877-7195                         vsp.com

 HealthEquity WageWorks – Flexible
                                             877-924-3967                         wageworks.com
 Spending Accounts
 TlAA                                        800-842-2776                         tiaa.org/usnh

 Fidelity Investments                        800-343-0860                         netbenefits.com/usnh

 MetLife – Voluntary Benefits                800-438-6388                         metlife.com/mybenefits

 The Standard Insurance Company –
                                             800-378-4668                         standard.com
 Life and AD&D Insurance
 Employee Assistance Program (EAP)           800-424-1749
                                                                                  Company Code: USNH
 Healthcare Bluebook                         800-341-0504
                                                                                  Company Code: USNH

14      University System of New Hampshire
Looking for Information on the Go?
Download these vendor apps to get the information you need when you’re on the go.

• myCigna (HSA and medical): Access provider directories, coverage details, account balances,
  claims information, and more.

• OptumRx (prescription drugs): Order prescription refills, check your order status, review your
  prescription drug information, check prices, and more.

• Healthcare Bluebook: Shop for care, compare facilities, and save money on health care services.

• Northeast Delta Dental: Search for dentists, check claims and coverage, and access your ID card.

• VSP (vision): Check your claims status, find in-network providers, and access your ID card.

• HealthEquity (FSAs): Check your balances and submit photos of receipts using your phone’s

• Fidelity Investments (403(b) Retirement Plan): Review investment news, trade, manage money,
  and review details of your workplace investment accounts.

• TIAA (403(b) Retirement Plan): View balance and rates of return, view tax statements, transfer
  funds, and check pending transactions.

• UKG Dimensions: Review and manage your timecard, manage your time-off requests, check your
  pay statements, and more.

                                                                                  2021 New Hire Guide   15
The information in this guide describes only some of the key features of certain USNH benefit plans. If there is any conflict between this material and the official
plan documents, the official plan documents will govern. USNH has the right to amend or terminate the plans at any time, with or without notice. This guide is
not an employment contract; employment is not guaranteed by your participation in any of the plans described in it.

                                                                                                                                                   January 2021
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