2022 Calendar of Programs and Events - The Fells

2022 Calendar of Programs and Events - The Fells
2022 Calendar of Programs and Events

First Thursday Hike at The Fells
Thursday, January 6, 11AM
Join Nick Scheu, Landscape Director, or Simon Parsons, Education Director, for a one-hour hike on The Fells
property. These informal, moderate walks will be an opportunity to get a little exercise, spend time out in the
landscape, and perhaps discover something new about the property once owned by the John Hay family.
Winter conditions may require snowshoes or cleats for ice. Members: free, non-members: included with regular
admission fee. No reservations necessary. Meets at The Fells Kiosk.

First Thursday Hike at The Fells
Thursday, February 3, 11AM
Join Nick Scheu, Landscape Director, or Simon Parsons, Education Director, for a one-hour hike on The Fells
property. These informal, moderate walks will be an opportunity to get a little exercise, spend time out in the
landscape, and perhaps discover something new about the property once owned by the John Hay family.
Winter conditions may require snowshoes or cleats for ice. Members: free, non-members: included with regular
admission fee. No reservations necessary. Meets at The Fells Kiosk.

Maple Sugaring and Tapping
Sunday, February 27, 2:00-3:30pm
Nick Baer, who teaches a sugaring course at Colby-Sawyer College and runs a family sugaring operation in
Elkins, NH, will give an indoor visual presentation in the Gatehouse classroom on Maple Sugaring, followed by
an outdoor tapping demonstration. By having this program early in the season, we hope that our visitors will be
inspired to tap some trees for the sugaring season. Members: free. Nonmembers: $10 per person. Advanced
registration is required as there is a class limit. To reserve call 603-763-4789 x3. Meets at the Gatehouse
Classroom. What to Bring: Winter footwear and traction recommended, and dress in warm layers for outdoor

First Thursday Hike at The Fells
Thursday, March 3, 11AM
Join Nick Scheu, Landscape Director, or Simon Parsons, Education Director, for a one-hour hike on The Fells
property. These informal, moderate walks will be an opportunity to get a little exercise, spend time out in the
landscape, and perhaps discover something new about the property once owned by the John Hay family.
Winter conditions may require snowshoes or cleats for ice. Members: free, non-members: included with regular
admission fee. No reservations necessary. Meets at The Fells Kiosk.

Pruning Tool Preparation Clinic
Tuesday March 22, 10:00-11:30am
Ever wonder how best to sharpen and care for you hand pruning tools? One day prior to our first outdoor
pruning workshop of 2022, join our Landscape Director Nick Scheu to prepare for your best fruit and berry
season ever. Sharp, properly prepared tools make any pruning task easier; they result in a cleaner cut at the tree
or branch that will, in turn, minimize a vector for disease; and you will likely complete the job sooner, without
unnecessary or wasted effort and fatigue.
This is a hands-on workshop. Bring your own pruners or loppers to sharpen; or come to work on ours. We will
have the other necessary supplies on hand to complete the job. Get ready to prune! Members: free.
Nonmembers: $10 per person. Advanced registration is required as there is a class limit.
To reserve call 603-763-4789 x3. Meets at the Gatehouse Classroom.

Pruning Series Workshop - Part A
Heritage Apple Trees and Blueberries
Wednesday, March 23, 10:00-12:00pm
This first workshop is for all near-beginners or first-timers to pruning who want to learn a few basics and take
home great references for getting started. We will begin with a short discussion on tools and techniques, but
quickly move to hands-on practice in the field working on the heritage fruiting trees and highbush blueberries
here at The Fells.
Pruning correctly is not complicated, hard, or necessarily strenuous; it can be a great way to get your gardening
season off to a fun start. Come learn how to get headed in the right direction with the correct tools and proven
techniques. If you own an apple tree or two, a crabapple or highbush blueberries bushes, come spend a few
hours learning how to get them in better shape and ready to produce a better crop. The results of your efforts
can be significant. No experience is necessary. Bring your own tools or use those of The Fells. Meets at the Barn.
Members: free. Nonmembers: $10 per person. Advanced registration is required as there is a class limit. To
reserve your space, please call 603-763-4789 x3 or email info@thefells.org
To sign up for both Part A and Part B: $15 for nonmembers.
Rain Date: March 30

Pruning Series Workshop - Part B
Second Day of Heritage Apple Trees and Blueberries
Thursday, March 24, 10:00-12:00
Part B is a continuation of the learning and work we did together the day before here at The Fells and we
welcome all of those to return for a second day. We also welcome home gardeners or new landscape
professionals who may be a little more experienced and confident, but wouldn’t mind picking up a few new
pointers or suggestions for advancing their pruning techniques. The goal of the day is to make us all more
confident in our skills, more knowledgeable about the plants we are working on, and to get the 2022 season off
to a great start! Bring your own tools or use those of The Fells. Class meets at the Barn.
Members: free. Nonmembers: $10 per person. Advanced registration is required as there is a class limit. To
reserve your space, please call 603-763-4789 x3 or email info@thefells.org
To sign up for both Part A and Part B: $15 for nonmembers.
Rain Date: March 31

First Thursday Hike at The Fells
Thursday, April 7, 11AM
Join Nick Scheu, Landscape Director, or Simon Parsons, Education Director, for a one-hour hike on The Fells
property. These informal, moderate walks will be an opportunity to get a little exercise, spend time out in the
landscape, and perhaps discover something new about the property once owned by the John Hay family. It is
“mud season” so plan your footwear accordingly. Members: free, non-members: included with regular
admission fee. No reservations necessary. Meets at The Fells Kiosk.

Pruning Workshop – Pruning Shrubs & Roses (Part A)
Wednesday, April 13, 10:00-12:00pm
Mid-April is a great time to prune shrubs that flower best on new growth wood such as select Hydrangeas,
Roses, Beautyberry, and others. As with our first workshop series, Part A is a hands-on workshop is intended
for near-beginners or first-timers to pruning who may have summer flowering plants on their property but are
unsure about getting started. Come join Nick Scheu, the Fells Landscape Director, for the morning and learn
how to get headed in the right direction with recommended tools or techniques. Gain renewed confidence in
your ability to shape and care for these key summertime shrubs. No experience is necessary. Bring your own
tools or use those of The Fells. Members: Free and Nonmembers: $10 per person. Advanced registration is
required as there is a class limit. To reserve your space, please call 603-763-4789 x3 or email info@thefells.org
To sign up for both Part A and Part B: $15 for nonmembers.

Pruning Workshop – Pruning Shrubs & Roses (Part B)
Thursday, April 14, 10:00-12:00pm
Effective pruning is really about gaining knowledge and building confidence in the task. It is also about honing
skills through repeated practice so that you can be as effective as possible. The shrubs you prune routinely will
look better and perform better as your skills improve. This will help you achieve the long-term results that you
may be looking for. Part B of this series is a continuation of the learning and work we did together the day
before here at The Fells and we welcome all of those participants to return for a second day. As in March, we
also welcome home gardeners or new landscape professionals who wish to pick up a few new pointers or
suggestions for advancing their pruning techniques as they pertain to summer flowering shrubs. When you
complete the day, we hope you then go on to prune similar summer flowering plants at your own site with
confidence and care. Bring your own tools or use those of The Fells. Members: Free and Nonmembers: $10 per
person. Advanced registration is required as there is a class limit. To reserve your space, please call 603-763-
4789 x3 or email info@thefells.org To sign up for both Part A and Part B: $15 for nonmembers.

Earth Day Celebration Event: Beekeeping
Saturday, April 23, 1:00-2:30PM
The significant spring build-up of beehives is underway! The queen is laying at or near full strength, and the
colony, if big enough, begins to rear drones (male honey bees) in greater numbers. NH beekeepers are busy
with hive management as winter transitions to spring. Join us for a 30-minute presentation by Science educator
and Kearsarge Beekeeper Association member, Laurie Hardt, in the Pavilion to learn more about honeybees.
The presentation will be followed by a hive opening and demonstration by Fells Beekeeper John Chadwick. All
ages are welcome. Fells members: free. Nonmembers: $10 per family. Advanced registration is required as there
is a class limit. To reserve call 603-763-4789 x3 or email info@thefells.org Meets at the Pavilion.

Earth Day Celebration Event: Vernal Pools
Sunday, April 24, 1:00-2:30PM
Can you hear it? Spring is finally in the air and amphibians all over are calling out as they emerge from our
wetlands and vernal pools. Grab your muck boots and your curiosity and come to The Fells to discover the
magic of a New Hampshire vernal pool. We’ll be looking for the eggs of our native salamanders and frogs and
maybe catch sight of these remarkable creatures. This program is offered jointly by the John Hay Estate at The
Fells and Lake Sunapee Protective Association. Fells and LSPA members free. Nonmembers: $10 per family.
Advanced registration is required. To reserve your space, please call 603-763-4789 x3 or email info@thefells.org
Meets at The Fells Gatehouse.

Nursey Workshop - Potting Up Plants & Divisions- (DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER, THIS
Thursday, April 28 May 12, 9:00-11:30am
To kick off the growing year in our Nursery Department, we are once again offering this morning workshop.
We will pot up small plants and plugs or divisions of Fells Heritage perennials; it will be a time for all of us to get
our hands in the dirt and help bring along the next generation of fantastic Fells specimens. No experience
necessary; all ages welcome.
We will also share our recommendations for a good general soil mix, what size and type of pots you might use
for a given size plant, and the pros and cons of fertilizing new plantings, among a host of topics. Each
participant will take home a potted plant of their own to add to their garden if they wish.
Free to members; $10 non-members. Reservations required, call the office at 603-763-4789 x3 or email
info@thefells.org to reserve your space.

First Thursday Hike at The Fells
Thursday, May 5, 11AM
Join Nick Scheu, Landscape Director, or Simon Parsons, Education Director, for a one-hour hike on The Fells
property. These informal, moderate walks will be an opportunity to get a little exercise, spend time out in the
landscape, and perhaps discover something new about the property once owned by the John Hay family.
Members: free, non-members: included with regular admission fee. No reservations necessary. Meets at The
Fells Kiosk.

Nursery Workshop – Starting Outdoor Seeds
Thursday, May 19, 10:00-12:00pm
Starting plants from seed is always a glorious act of faith on the part of all gardeners. But it is nearly always
worth taking those first steps. This outdoor workshop will be devoted to planting a wide variety of seeds, both
annuals and select perennials, and sharing our collective wisdom on some of the best practices to employ so that
growing success is more likely. We will try to address the variables that might impact the seeds during
germination, what we might do to protect the emerging sporophytes of these flowering plants as they progress
and become true leaves, or how we might help their roots to develop and strengthen. Finally, while we won’t be
doing any transplanting of young plants in this workshop, we will spend a little time talking about how, why
and when it might best to step up to a new container for the young plants. No experience is needed but sharing
of information and experiences will be encouraged. Free to members; $10 non-members. Reservations required,
call the office at 603-763-4789 x3 or email info@thefells.org to reserve your space. Meets at the new Nursery
Glasshouse at the Pavilion.

Volunteer Recruitment & Training Day
Wednesday, May 25, 10AM-12:00PM
Returning and new, Main House volunteers are invited to attend. The event will feature a meeting to review
our upcoming season plans and policies, as well as house tours focused on the stories, artifacts, and history of
the John Hay Estate. Please respond to Simon Parsons, Education Director, to confirm your attendance at this
session by emailing education@thefells.org or calling 603-763-4789 ext. 107.

The John Hay Estate at The Fells: Historic Home Opens for the Season
Saturdays, Sundays and Monday Holidays, May 28-June 12, 10:00am-4:00pm
The Main House is now open 10am-4pm on Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays. Discover what life was like on
an early 20th century New Hampshire summer estate. See new exhibits in history, ecology and art. Take a
historic guided or self-guided tour of the 22-room Colonial Revival Main House, explore the renowned gardens
and sculptures, build a fairy house in the children’s Fairy Village and experience the natural world on an easy
hike along one of our scenic trails. Our Plant Stand located in the Gatehouse Courtyard is open daily, 10am-
4pm. Site admission applies. All Exhibits are open during the Main House hours and included with admission.
Visit our website for full information and tour times at www.thefells.org

Exhibits: May 28-October 10

1st Floor Gallery Exhibit: The John Hay Estate at The Fells creates a special art exhibition this season called
“Natural Beauty on Lake Sunapee.” In the Lake Sunapee Region, nature is all around us and this select group
of talented artists have captured the wonder and beauty of the Lake Sunapee area in their artwork. From the lake
to the woods, to the flora and the mountains, nature never ceases to amaze us.

2nd Floor Gallery Exhibit: The John Hay Estate at The Fells in Newbury creates a special art exhibition this
season called “Abenaki Life on Lake Sunapee.” With the help of Native American consultant Sherry Gould of
the Abenaki Trails Project and Vera Sheehan, of the Elnu Abenaki Tribe and Director of the Vermont Abenaki
Artists Association, the exhibition uses paintings, photography, text, and other traditional art that illustrate the
Abenaki experience.

History Exhibit: History of The Fells
This exhibit will focus on the early years of The Fells when John Milton Hay and Clara Stone lived here, the
middle years when Clarence Hay and Alice Appleton Hay transformed the Estate, and the later years when John
Hay, the grandson, continued to find inspiration here as one of America’s leading nature writers.

Ecology Exhibit: The Compass to Nature
Just as a navigational compass enables us to guide our way outside, the four points of the “Compass to Nature”
provides us direction in developing a connected, caring relationship with the world we live in. The four
cardinal Compass points are Place, Phenology, Naturalists, and Journals. Unifying the four components is a
sense of awe and wonder that drove John Hay’s lifelong fascination with nature. Located in the Ecology Room
of the Pavilion. Made possible with support from the Wellborn Ecology Fund.

Members Opening Reception

Friday, June 3, 5:00-7:00pm
Join fellow Fells supporters in celebrating the opening of the 2022 season! Be among the first to see the exciting
new Gallery Exhibits and take a peek at some of the newly installed Art in Nature Sculpture, stroll the gardens
fragrant with spring blossoms and view the new history and ecology exhibits. Free to members. Advance
registration required, please call 603-763-4789 x3 or email info@thefells.org to reserve your space.

Art Dedication with Kitty Hay
Tuesday, June 7, 4:00-5:00pm
Join Katherine “Kitty” Hay, daughter of John Hay, Kristen O’Rourke, Senior Lecturer, Department of Art
History at Dartmouth College, and Susan Warren, Executive Director of the John Hay Estate at The Fells for a
special art dedication. Given to The Fells by Kitty on August 4, 2021, a child portrait of John Hay appears to
have been in the family since 1916. Professor O’Rourke will provide context about the artist, whose initials
RES appear to be those of Rosina Emmet Sherwood (1854-1948), a prominent society portrait painter who
excelled in portraits of small children. Members: free; nonmembers: $10 per person. Advanced Registration is
required. To register, please call 603-763-4789 x3 or email info@thefells.org to reserve your space. This
program is made possible through the support of Kitty Hay.

30th Annual Plant Sale: Member Preview
Friday, June 10, 4:00-5:00pm
Members, join us for this special early bird shopping. We have an array of outstanding plants, including
specialty alpines and rock garden plants, as well as some sought after signature plants. Receive 10% off all Fells
plants, get advice from our expert landscape staff and be sure to visit our White Elephant table. Held at The
Fells in the Pavilion rain or shine. John Hay Estate at The Fells, www.thefells.org

30th Annual Plant Sale
Saturday, June 11, 9:00-11:00am
Buy quality, well-established plants and shrubs propagated and field dug from The Fells very own gardens, as
well as from the region’s finest nurseries. You will also find Fells signature, specialty alpine, and rock garden
plants. Returning this year, is our white elephant table where you will find unique garden art and a table
overflowing with gently used garden items including clay pots, landscape tools, and horticulture books.
Members, bring your membership cards and save 10% on all Fells plant purchases! Not a member? Become one
today and save 10%! Held in the Pavilion at the John Hay Estate at The Fells or visit www.thefells.org for more

The Fells Main House Commences Summer Hours
Wednesday-Sunday and Monday Holidays, June 15-September 5, 10:00am-4:00pm
The Main House is now open 10am-4pm Wednesday through Sunday, June 15-September 5. Discover what
life was like on an early 20th century New Hampshire summer estate. See new exhibits in history, ecology and
art. Take a historic guided or self-guided tour of the 22-room Colonial Revival Main House, explore the
renowned gardens and sculpture, build a fairy house in the children’s Fairy Village and experience the natural
world on an easy hike along one of our scenic trails. Our Plant Stand located in the Gatehouse Courtyard is
open daily, 10am-4pm. Site admission applies. John Hay Estate at The Fells, www.thefells.org

John Hay Estate Summer Speaker Series
“In the Company of Light”: A Discussion of John Hay’s Nature Writing

Friday, June 17, 4:00-5:30pm
Join us for a panel discussion honoring the environmentalist and nature writer John Hay. The panel discussion
will be comprised of four nature writers who knew John Hay and were influenced by him: Dave Anderson,
Christopher Merrill, Fred Taylor, and Ted Levin. Meets at the Pavilion. Fells Members: $20, SPNHF
Members: $20 and Nonmembers: $30. Beer, wine, and hors d’oeuvres are included in admission. Advanced
Registration is required. To register, please call 603-763-4789 x3 or visit www.thefells.org

John Hay Estate Summer Speaker Series
“I Learn from Everything I Do Not Own”: The Poet’s Eye in Contemporary Nature Writing
Saturday, June 18, 4:30-5:30
Christopher Merrill is the author of The Way to the Salt Marsh, an anthology of John Hay’s essays and poetry
about nature. According to Merrill, John Hay is “the nature writer’s writer.” Merrill’s presentation will
incorporate selected readings from this book. As director of the International Writing Program at the
University of Iowa since 2000, Merrill has conducted cultural diplomacy missions to more than fifty countries.
He served on the U.S. National Commission for UNESCO from 2011-2018, and in April 2012 President
Barack Obama appointed him to the National Council on the Humanities. Meets at the Pavilion. Fells
Members: $10, SPNHF Members: $10 and Nonmembers: $15. Advanced registration is required. To register,
call 603-763-4789 x3 or visit www.thefells.org

John Hay Estate Summer Speaker Series
“Veranda Readings” with Dave Anderson
Sunday, June 19, 4:30-5:30pm
John Hay had written in several of his books about childhood summers spent at The Fells, his parents Clarence
and Alice Hay and the special places he fondly remembers exploring. This late afternoon program on the
Veranda of the Main House will share readings from John Hay’s works—The Immortal Wilderness, A
Beginner’s Faith in Things Unseen, and In The Company of Light. Join Dave Anderson as he reads several
passages from John Hay’s writings—each inspired by John Hay’s boyhood rambles at The Fells, Lake Sunapee
and his own summertime explorations of the former farms which now comprise The Fells and the Forest
Society’s Hay Forest Reservation. No hiking, this program takes place on the Veranda of The Main House.
Fells Members: $10, SPNHF Members: $10 and Nonmembers: $15. Advanced registration is required. To
register, call 603-763-4789 x3 or visit www.thefells.org.

Artists Weekend
Saturday-Sunday, June 18-19, 10am-4pm
Sunday – Wet Paint Sale: 3:00-4:00pm
Discover the natural beauty and gardens of The Fells through the eyes of prominent New England artists as they
create en plein air. Visitors are invited to observe artists interpret the landscape, watch as their paintings come to
life, and discuss their individual techniques and learn what inspires them. Select artists demonstrate special
artistry methods. Sunday culminates with an exhibit of the weekend’s paintings and a wet paint sale. There is
also an opportunity to meet and greet the Sculptors who have created the works throughout the grounds for
Art in Nature: Sculpture 2022. Note that Sunday’s wet paint sale is free to all beginning at 3pm and that
paintings may be purchased off the easel anytime on Saturday or Sunday. Members: free, nonmembers:
included with regular admission fee. John Hay Estate at The Fells, www.thefells.org

John Hay Estate Summer Speaker Series
"Hay’s Migratory Sense of Place”
Wednesday, June 22 4:30-5:30pm
Join Fred Taylor, who has taught Environmental Ethics, Writing, and Natural History at Antioch
University New England and Keene State College. His writing focuses on a Sense of Place and has been
published in a variety of literary journals including the North American Review, Alligator Juniper, and
Antioch's Whole Terrain. He first met John Hay in the early 90's when they were both a part of the Glen
Brook writers' group. Taylor will discuss the influence of Hay’s interest in migratory species on his early
writing and read from one of his own essays (published in Whole Terrain) which tells the story of John's
meeting with one Fred’s Antioch classes on Cape Cod. Meets at the Pavilion. Fells Members: $10, SPNHF
Members: $10 and Nonmembers: $15. Advanced Registration is required. To register, visit www.thefells.org
or call 603-763-4789 x3 for more information.

John Hay Estate Summer Speaker Series
“Honoring Hay’s Legacy”
Thursday, June 23, 4:30-5:30pm
During the pandemic, Ted Levin stayed at home and kept a daily nature journal. Encouraged by friends, the
journal evolved into a blog called Homeboy at Home During Coronavirus. Ted’s talk will honor the legacy and
influence of John Hay on his own nature writing. Ted’s work has appeared in Sports Illustrated, Audubon,
Sierra, The New York Times, and The Boston Globe, among other publications. He has written books for
children and adults. His most recent book, America’s Snake: The Rise and Fall of the Timber Rattlesnake, was
published in 2016. Meets at the Pavilion. Fells Members: $10, SPNHF Members: $10 and Nonmembers: $15.
Advanced Registration is required. To register, please visit www.thefells.org or call 603-763-4789 x3.

A Hay Family Picnic on Sunset Hill
Sunday, June 26, 11:00am-2:00PM
One of the beloved events of the Hay family was to enjoy a picnic on the top of Sunset Hill. This summer join
Dave Anderson of the Forest Society and members of the John Hay Estate at The Fells staff for a traditional
Hay Family picnic at the top of Sunset Hill. Co-sponsored by Society for the Protection of NH Forests and The
John Hay Estate at The Fells. Lunch catered by Blue Loon Bakery of New London, NH. Fells Members $20,
SPNHF Members: $20 and Nonmembers $25, picnic lunch included. Meet at the Gatehouse Kiosk. Advance
registration required, please register early. To register, visit www.thefells.org or call 603-763-4789 x3 for more

Summer Concert with Peabody’s Coal Train
Sunday, June 26, 5:00-7:00pm
Peabody’s Coal Train (PCT) is a unique, local NH acoustic Americana 6-piece band featuring strings and
shared vocal harmonies. Musicians are Jason Teaster on acoustic guitar, Dave Anderson on harmonica, Steve
Cybulski on banjo, Dave Carroll on mandolin, Marc Fraley on upright bass, and Scott Hayes on guitar and
dobro. Our home is the Contoocook River Valley of central, NH. We enjoy playing originals and covers that
tell stories which celebrate the triumphs and tragedies of human conditions. We particularly appreciate
opportunities to interact with a listening audience in special venues with neighbors and new friends. We
encourage you to please bring your own picnic to enjoy as you listen to the music. $35 per person. Advance
registration is required, call 603-763-4789 x 3 or visit www.thefells.org. John Hay Estate at The Fells.

Mindful Flow Yoga: Series in the Garden at The Fells (Session I)
Tuesdays, June 28 – July 26, 8:00-9:00am
Join Meghan MacLean of Crescent Moon Wellness and Yoga for a practice in mindful movement. This
peaceful and slow flowing vinyasa class emphasizes the connection between movement and breath. Class will
generally begin with several minutes of centering and a gentle warm-up and will gradually build into a sequence
of accessible yet challenging postures. Class will conclude with several minutes of meditation and breathwork,
followed by a restful savasana (final rest pose). Mindful Flow encourages yogins of all ages and experience levels
to join. Chairs are available for use. Please bring water, a yoga mat, and a folded blanket! This 5-week session will
be held rain or shine in either the Gardens or the Pavilion at The Fells. Full 5-week session is $70, or drop-ins are
welcome, if space is available, for $17/class. Advance registration is required. Call 603-763-4789 x3 or visit

Mindful Movement for Toddlers and Preschoolers: Series in the Garden at The Fells (Session I)
Tuesdays, June 28-July 26, 9:30–10:00am
For Kids & Caregiver
Join Meghan MacLean of Crescent Moon Wellness and Yoga for this class in which little yogins and their
caretakers are introduced to yoga with songs, movement, stories, and play. The class is geared toward new
walkers to 36 months but crawlers and older toddlers are welcome too (as are tag along infants)! Toddlers are on
the move and this laid-back class creates an environment for movement, song, interaction, and play through the
framework of yoga. Repetition is an important learning tool for young children, which is why the series model
works best for this age group. The class will practice the yogic principle of a balance between structure and
flexibility as caregivers take cues from their kids. As the weeks continue, toddlers may start to become familiar
with poses and find deeper body awareness. Other benefits may include bonding with caregiver(s), increasing
attention span, creating an outlet for emotions, and nurturing creativity. Feel free to bring a toy or lovey if this
will make your child more comfortable and come in comfy clothes. No mat needed but we will be sitting on the
floor/grass. Water is welcome but snacks can be distracting. This 5-week session will be held rain or shine in
either the Gardens or the Pavilion at The Fells. Full 5-week session is $60, or drop-ins are welcome, if space is
available, for $15/class. Class size is limited to just 12 pairs and advance registration is required. Call 603-763-
4789 x3 or visit www.thefells.org

Mindful Flow Yoga: Series in the Garden at The Fells (Session I)
Tuesdays, June 28 – July 26, 8:00-9:00am
Join Meghan MacLean of Crescent Moon Wellness and Yoga for a practice in mindful movement. This
peaceful and slow flowing vinyasa class emphasizes the connection between movement and breath. Class will
generally begin with several minutes of centering and a gentle warm-up and will gradually build into a sequence
of accessible yet challenging postures. Class will conclude with several minutes of meditation and breathwork,
followed by a restful savasana (final rest pose). Mindful Flow encourages yogins of all ages and experience levels
to join. Chairs are available for use. Please bring water, a yoga mat, and a folded blanket! This 5-week session will
be held rain or shine in either the Gardens or the Pavilion at The Fells. Full 5-week session is $70, or drop-ins are
welcome, if space is available, for $17/class. Advance registration is required. Call 603-763-4789 x3 or visit

Mindful Movement for Toddlers and Preschoolers: Series in the Garden at The Fells (Session I)
Tuesdays, June 28-July 26, 9:30–10:00am
For Kids & Caregiver
Join Meghan MacLean of Crescent Moon Wellness and Yoga for this class in which little yogins and their
caretakers are introduced to yoga with songs, movement, stories, and play. The class is geared toward new
walkers to 36 months but crawlers and older toddlers are welcome too (as are tag along infants)! Toddlers are on
the move and this laid-back class creates an environment for movement, song, interaction, and play through the
framework of yoga. Repetition is an important learning tool for young children, which is why the series model
works best for this age group. The class will practice the yogic principle of a balance between structure and
flexibility as caregivers take cues from their kids. As the weeks continue, toddlers may start to become familiar
with poses and find deeper body awareness. Other benefits may include bonding with caregiver(s), increasing
attention span, creating an outlet for emotions, and nurturing creativity. Feel free to bring a toy or lovey if this
will make your child more comfortable and come in comfy clothes. No mat needed but we will be sitting on the
floor/grass. Water is welcome but snacks can be distracting. This 5-week session will be held rain or shine in
either the Gardens or the Pavilion at The Fells. Full 5-week session is $60, or drop-ins are welcome, if space is
available, for $15/class. Class size is limited to just 12 pairs and advance registration is required. Call 603-763-
4789 x3 or visit www.thefells.org

Music and Movement in Nature
Tuesday, July 5, 1:00-2:00pm
A Children’s Music Series on Tuesday afternoons at the John Hay Estate. Mr. Aaron is a NH-based multi-
instrumentalist performer and musical composer. His classes use music and movement to create an outlet for
emotion and nurture a child’s creativity. This fun 5-week program will include songs and stories that will
enliven one’s senses and heighten an awareness of the natural world. Attend one or all of the series programs.
On August 2, there will be a grand finale concert during the program. Meets in the Pavilion. For kids (4-10)
and their grown-ups. $5 per person (under a year old is free.) Advanced registration is required. To reserve,
email info@thefells.org or call 603-763-4789 x3. Supported by the NH Council for the Arts.

Kids in Nature: Outdoor Painting Camp
Tuesday - Friday, July 5-8, 9:00am-12:00 noon
Join local artist Debbie Campbell for a four-day workshop on the essentials of painting nature. Students, ages
10 and up, will learn painting techniques and express their creativity while learning about color, composition
and perspective. Meets in the Pavilion. Members $50, nonmembers $75. All materials provided. Advance
registration required. Camp will be limited to 8 children. Scholarships available. To inquire or register, call 603-
763-4789 x3. or email info@thefells.org. Made possible by support from the Wellborn Ecology Fund.

Summer Concert with New Legacy Swing Band
Sunday, July 10, 5:00-7:00pm
Returning to The Fells, is New Legacy Swing Band, whose big sound of their 17-piece swing band has been
delighting New England for over 20 years. Their play list includes Blood, Sweat and Tears, Brian Setzer, Herb
Alpert, Chicago, and, of course, well-known big band and swing classics with updated (and swinging!)
arrangements of the big band era. Please bring your own picnic to enjoy as you listen to the music and feel free
to dance. $35 per person. Advanced registration is required as space is limited. Call 603-763-4789 x3 or register
online at www.thefells.org John Hay Estate at The Fells.

Mindful Flow Yoga: Series in the Garden at The Fells (Session I)
Tuesdays, June 28 – July 26, 8:00-9:00am
Join Meghan MacLean of Crescent Moon Wellness and Yoga for a practice in mindful movement. This
peaceful and slow flowing vinyasa class emphasizes the connection between movement and breath. Class will
generally begin with several minutes of centering and a gentle warm-up and will gradually build into a sequence
of accessible yet challenging postures. Class will conclude with several minutes of meditation and breathwork,
followed by a restful savasana (final rest pose). Mindful Flow encourages yogins of all ages and experience levels
to join. Chairs are available for use. Please bring water, a yoga mat, and a folded blanket! This 5-week session will
be held rain or shine in either the Gardens or the Pavilion at The Fells. Full 5-week session is $70, or drop-ins are
welcome, if space is available, for $17/class. Advance registration is required. Call 603-763-4789 x3 or visit

Mindful Movement for Toddlers and Preschoolers: Series in the Garden at The Fells (Session I)
Tuesdays, June 28-July 26, 9:30–10:00am
For Kids & Caregiver
Join Meghan MacLean of Crescent Moon Wellness and Yoga for this class in which little yogins and their
caretakers are introduced to yoga with songs, movement, stories, and play. The class is geared toward new
walkers to 36 months but crawlers and older toddlers are welcome too (as are tag along infants)! Toddlers are on
the move and this laid-back class creates an environment for movement, song, interaction, and play through the
framework of yoga. Repetition is an important learning tool for young children, which is why the series model
works best for this age group. The class will practice the yogic principle of a balance between structure and
flexibility as caregivers take cues from their kids. As the weeks continue, toddlers may start to become familiar
with poses and find deeper body awareness. Other benefits may include bonding with caregiver(s), increasing
attention span, creating an outlet for emotions, and nurturing creativity. Feel free to bring a toy or lovey if this
will make your child more comfortable and come in comfy clothes. No mat needed but we will be sitting on the
floor/grass. Water is welcome but snacks can be distracting. This 5-week session will be held rain or shine in
either the Gardens or the Pavilion at The Fells. Full 5-week session is $60, or drop-ins are welcome, if space is
available, for $15/class. Class size is limited to just 12 pairs and advance registration is required. Call 603-763-
4789 x3 or visit www.thefells.org

Music and Movement in Nature
Tuesday, July 12, 1:00-2:00pm
A Children’s Music Series on Tuesday afternoons at the Hay Estate. Mr. Aaron is a NH-based multi-
instrumentalist performer and musical composer. His classes use music and movement to create an outlet for
emotion and nurture a child’s creativity. This fun program will include songs and stories that will enliven one’s
senses and heighten an awareness of the natural world. Attend one or all of the series programs. On August 2,
there will be a grand finale concert during the program. Meets in the Pavilion. For kids (4-10) and their grown-
ups. $5 per person (under one year free.) Advanced registration is required. To reserve call 603-763-4789 x3.
Supported by the NH State Council for the Arts.

Pruning Workshop – Preparing Spring Blooming Shrubs for 2023
Wednesday, July 13, 10:00-12:00pm

How do you improve the flowering performance of your Forsythia, Lilac, or many early season flowering
Viburnums? And when is it appropriate to thin or prune off suckers, water shoots, or limbs we missed while
pruning our apples or berries in the early Spring? Late June or early July is a great time to assess many of the
spring blooming plants in our landscapes. Select shrubs and trees generally bloom more dramatically if we
prune them soon after their spring display, before they put too much energy into producing seed, and on a
schedule that still allows plenty of time to regrow or establish healthy new flower buds ahead of the fall/winter
dormancy. The shrub’s shape and form will be improved as well, paving the way for a long and healthy life.
This workshop is an opportunity to learn which plants need our attention now and to hone pruning skills and
techniques that were picked up in the Fells’ spring sessions. We welcome participants from those events and
new attendees to join in this learning experience. Dress appropriately and bring water for drinking. Meet at the
Barn. Cost is free for Members, and $10 for Non-Members. Contact 603-763-4789 x3 or email
info@thefells.org to register.

Kids in Nature: Photography Camp
Tuesday-Friday, July 12-15, 9:00am-12:00noon
Budding young photographers, ages 10 and up, can engage in a four-day workshop led by David Blohm
(www.blohmphoto.com.) Students learn the essentials of nature photography and composition. Bring your
own camera (DSLR preferred or a camera with a fully adjustable manual mode) and your creativity, and leave
with outstanding images. Meets at the Gatehouse. Members $50, nonmembers $75. Advance registration
required by Wednesday, July 5. Scholarships available. To inquire or register, call 603-763-4789 x3 or visit
www.thefells.org. Made possible by support from the Wellborn Ecology Fund.

Art in Bloom
Thursday-Sunday, July 14-17, 10:00am-4:00pm
Experience the art of our current Gallery exhibit, “Natural Beauty on Lake Sunapee,” through the eyes of
talented local floral designers. See how they interpret the painted canvas through innovative floral designs—
from a single stem set in the perfect vase to an elaborate arrangement. Members free, non-members included in
regular site admission.

Floral Design Presentation on the Veranda
Thursday, July 14, 11:00-12:00pm
Come and watch floral designer Lynne Merrill, interpret a painting or sculpture from the current exhibit.
Lynne is a Master Judge in design and horticulture in the National Garden Club. Learn how to select materials
and containers and create style, shape, and color. Members: $5, non-members: $15. Meets on the Veranda of the
Main House. Advance registration is required as space is limited. To register please email info@thefells.org or
call 603-763-4789 x3 to reserve your space.

Fairy Festival
Sunday, July 17, 1:00-3:00pm
This celebration of Fairy Houses connects children to the natural world and includes crafts, stories and
readings, and, of course, building fairy houses in The Fells Fairy Village. Children are invited to dress in their
finest Fairy or Gnome attire. A performance by Ballet Misha will culminate this special family event. Members;
adults $10, children $5, family maximum of $20: nonmembers; adults $20, children $10, family maximum of
$40 (Includes site admission). Tickets in advance or at the door. Reserve online or call 603-763-4789 x3.

Summer Concert with Opera North
Sunday, July 17, 5:00-7:00pm
In its annual visit to The Fells, Opera North will entertain us with delightful music and performances. Check
back for more information about the performance. Please bring your own picnic to enjoy as you listen to the
music. $35 per person. Advanced registration is required as space is limited. Call 603-763-4789 x3 or register
online at www.thefells.org

Mindful Flow Yoga: Series in the Garden at The Fells (Session I)
Tuesdays, June 28 – July 26, 8:00-9:00am
Join Meghan MacLean of Crescent Moon Wellness and Yoga for a practice in mindful movement. This
peaceful and slow flowing vinyasa class emphasizes the connection between movement and breath. Class will
generally begin with several minutes of centering and a gentle warm-up and will gradually build into a sequence
of accessible yet challenging postures. Class will conclude with several minutes of meditation and breathwork,
followed by a restful savasana (final rest pose). Mindful Flow encourages yogins of all ages and experience levels
to join. Chairs are available for use. Please bring water, a yoga mat, and a folded blanket! This 5-week session will
be held rain or shine in either the Gardens or the Pavilion at The Fells. Full 5-week session is $70, or drop-ins are
welcome, if space is available, for $17/class. Advance registration is required. Call 603-763-4789 x3 or visit

Mindful Movement for Toddlers and Preschoolers: Series in the Garden at The Fells (Session I)
Tuesdays, June 28-July 26, 9:30–10:00am
For Kids & Caregiver
Join Meghan MacLean of Crescent Moon Wellness and Yoga for this class in which little yogins and their
caretakers are introduced to yoga with songs, movement, stories, and play. The class is geared toward new
walkers to 36 months but crawlers and older toddlers are welcome too (as are tag along infants)! Toddlers are on
the move and this laid-back class creates an environment for movement, song, interaction, and play through the
framework of yoga. Repetition is an important learning tool for young children, which is why the series model
works best for this age group. The class will practice the yogic principle of a balance between structure and
flexibility as caregivers take cues from their kids. As the weeks continue, toddlers may start to become familiar
with poses and find deeper body awareness. Other benefits may include bonding with caregiver(s), increasing
attention span, creating an outlet for emotions, and nurturing creativity. Feel free to bring a toy or lovey if this
will make your child more comfortable and come in comfy clothes. No mat needed but we will be sitting on the
floor/grass. Water is welcome but snacks can be distracting. This 5-week session will be held rain or shine in
either the Gardens or the Pavilion at The Fells. Full 5-week session is $60, or drop-ins are welcome, if space is
available, for $15/class. Class size is limited to just 12 pairs and advance registration is required. Call 603-763-
4789 x3 or visit www.thefells.org

Music and Movement in Nature
Tuesday, July 19, 1:00-2:00pm
A Children’s Music Series on Tuesday afternoons at the Hay Estate. Mr. Aaron is a NH-based multi-
instrumentalist performer and musical composer. His classes use music and movement to create an outlet for
emotion and nurture a child’s creativity. This fun program will include songs and stories that will enliven one’s

senses and heighten an awareness of the natural world. Attend one or all of the series programs. On August 2,
there will be a grand finale concert during the program. Meets in the Pavilion. For kids (4-10) and their grown-
ups. $5 per person (under one year is free.) Advanced registration is required. To reserve call 603-763-4789 x3.
Supported by the NH Council for the Arts.

Kids in Nature: Nature Explorers Camp (Session I)
Tuesday-Thursday, July 19-21, 9:00am-12:00noon
Our three-day Nature Explorers Camp offers children entering grades 1-5 an opportunity to learn about nature
at the Hay Estate by exploring and playing in the woodlands, meadows, and wetlands. Each morning will be
filled with outdoor exploration, games, stories, and summer fun! Dip your toes in the stream and scoop up
aquatic insects; be immersed in the mysteries of the forest; and make discoveries about the plants and animals in
the meadow. Attendance at the VINS program on July 20th is included. Members $40, nonmembers $60.
Advance registration is required. Scholarships available. To inquire or register, call 603-763-4789 x3 or visit
www.thefells.org. Made possible by support from the Wellborn Ecology Fund.

VINS –Animals in Myth and Legend
Wednesday, July 20, 1:00-2:00pm
How did Snake lose her legs? Why does Owl only fly at night? How did Turtle fly south for the winter? Meet
these animals and hear their stories while we learn about the adaptations they have that help them survive. A
VINS educator will lead an exploration of a few different tales that people tell to help them understand the
world of wildlife around them. 3 live animals will be participating in the program. Members: free.
Nonmembers: $10 per person. Advanced registration is required. To reserve your space email info@thefells.org
or call 603-763-4789 x3. Made possible by support from the Wellborn Ecology Fund.

Kids in Nature: Nature Explorers Camp (Session II)
Tuesday-Thursday, July 26-28, 9:00am-12:00noon
Our three-day Nature Explorers Camp offers children entering grades 1-5 an opportunity to learn about nature
at the Hay Estate by exploring and playing in the woodlands, meadows, and wetlands. Each morning will be
filled with outdoor exploration, games, stories, and summer fun! Dip your toes in the stream and scoop up
aquatic insects; be immersed in the mysteries of the forest; and make discoveries about the plants and animals in
the meadow. Attendance at the VINS program on July 20th is also included. Members $40, nonmembers $60.
Advance registration required. Scholarships available. To inquire or register, call 603-763-4789 x3 or visit
www.thefells.org. Made possible by support from the Wellborn Ecology Fund.

Mindful Flow Yoga: Series in the Garden at The Fells (Session I)
Tuesdays, June 28 – July 26, 8:00-9:00am
Join Meghan MacLean of Crescent Moon Wellness and Yoga for a practice in mindful movement. This
peaceful and slow flowing vinyasa class emphasizes the connection between movement and breath. Class will
generally begin with several minutes of centering and a gentle warm-up and will gradually build into a sequence
of accessible yet challenging postures. Class will conclude with several minutes of meditation and breathwork,
followed by a restful savasana (final rest pose). Mindful Flow encourages yogins of all ages and experience levels
to join. Chairs are available for use. Please bring water, a yoga mat, and a folded blanket! This 5-week session will
be held rain or shine in either the Gardens or the Pavilion at The Fells. Full 5-week session is $70, or drop-ins are
welcome, if space is available, for $17/class. Advance registration is required. Call 603-763-4789 x3 or visit

Mindful Movement for Toddlers and Preschoolers: Series in the Garden at The Fells (Session I)
Tuesdays, June 28-July 26, 9:30–10:00am
For Kids & Caregiver
Join Meghan MacLean of Crescent Moon Wellness and Yoga for this class in which little yogins and their
caretakers are introduced to yoga with songs, movement, stories, and play. The class is geared toward new
walkers to 36 months but crawlers and older toddlers are welcome too (as are tag along infants)! Toddlers are on
the move and this laid-back class creates an environment for movement, song, interaction, and play through the
framework of yoga. Repetition is an important learning tool for young children, which is why the series model
works best for this age group. The class will practice the yogic principle of a balance between structure and
flexibility as caregivers take cues from their kids. As the weeks continue, toddlers may start to become familiar
with poses and find deeper body awareness. Other benefits may include bonding with caregiver(s), increasing
attention span, creating an outlet for emotions, and nurturing creativity. Feel free to bring a toy or lovey if this
will make your child more comfortable and come in comfy clothes. No mat needed but we will be sitting on the
floor/grass. Water is welcome but snacks can be distracting. This 5-week session will be held rain or shine in
either the Gardens or the Pavilion at The Fells. Full 5-week session is $60, or drop-ins are welcome, if space is
available, for $15/class. Class size is limited to just 12 pairs and advance registration is required. Call 603-763-
4789 x3 or visit www.thefells.org

Music and Movement in Nature
Tuesday, July 26, 1:00-2:00pm
A Children’s Music Series on Tuesday afternoons at the Hay Estate. Mr. Aaron is a NH-based multi-
instrumentalist performer and musical composer. His classes use music and movement to create an outlet for
emotion and nurture a child’s creativity. This fun program will include songs and stories that will enliven one’s
senses and heighten an awareness of the natural world. Attend one or all of the series programs. On August 2,
there will be a grand finale concert during the program. Meets in the Pavilion. For kids (4-10) and their grown-
ups. $5 per person (under one year is free.) Advanced registration is required. To reserve your space email
info@thefells.or or call 603-763-4789 x3. Supported by the NH Council for the Arts.

Summer Concert with The Alex Minasian Jazz Quartet
Sunday, July 24, 5:00-7:00pm
Alex and his Trio will be playing Straight Ahead Jazz- honoring the legends of the music such as Charlie Parker,
Thelonious Monk, Horace Silver etc, as well as incorporating tunes from the Great American Songbook. We
encourage you to please bring your own picnic to enjoy as you listen to the music. $35 per person. Registration
is required as space is limited. Visit our website or call the office to register 603-763-4789 x3. John Hay Estate at
The Fells, www.thefells.org

Hay Day Summer Festival
Sunday, July 31, 11:00-2:00pm
A fun-filled day for all ages with old-fashioned games, music, children’s art projects, scavenger hunt, petting
zoo, and more. Explore nature trails; create a fairy house in the Fairy Village: discover Art in Nature 2022:
Outdoor Sculpture exhibit and other brand new art and history exhibits in the Main House. Step back in time
and take a historic tour of the Main House and gardens, or simply imagine a simpler bygone life while relaxing
on the Veranda. A delicious lunch from the grill and dessert will be for sale from 11am-2pm. Members and

Newbury Residents Free; Nonmembers; adults $20, children $10, family maximum of $40 (Includes site
admission). Tickets in advance or at the door. Reserve online or call 603-763-4789 x3.

Mindful Flow Yoga: Series in the Garden at The Fells (Session II)
Tuesdays, August 2 – August 30, 8:00-9:00 am
Join Meghan MacLean of Crescent Moon Wellness and Yoga for a practice in mindful movement. This
peaceful and slow flowing vinyasa class emphasizes the connection between movement and breath. Class will
generally begin with several minutes of centering and a gentle warm-up and will gradually build into a sequence
of accessible yet challenging postures. Class will conclude with several minutes of meditation and breathwork,
followed by a restful savasana (final rest pose). Mindful Flow encourages yogins of all ages and experience levels
to join. Chairs are available for use. Please bring water, a yoga mat, and a folded blanket! This 5-week session will
be held rain or shine in either the Gardens or the Pavilion at The Fells. Full 5-week session is $70, or drop-ins are
welcome, if space is available, for $17/class. Advance registration is required. Register online at www.thefells.org
or call 603-763-4789 x3 for more information.

Mindful Movement for Toddlers and Preschoolers: Series in the garden at The Fells (Session II)
Tuesdays, August 2- August 30, 9:30–10:00 am
For Kids & Caregiver
Join Meghan MacLean of Crescent Moon Wellness and Yoga for this class in which little yogins and their
caretakers are introduced to yoga with songs, movement, stories, and play. The class is geared toward new
walkers to 36 months but crawlers and older toddlers are welcome too (as are tag along infants)! Toddlers are on
the move and this laid-back class creates an environment for movement, song, interaction, and play through the
framework of yoga. Repetition is an important learning tool for young children, which is why the series model
works best for this age group. The class will practice the yogic principle of a balance between structure and
flexibility as caregivers take cues from their kids. As the weeks continue, toddlers may start to become familiar
with poses and find deeper body awareness. Other benefits may include bonding with caregiver(s), increasing
attention span, creating an outlet for emotions, and nurturing creativity. Feel free to bring a toy or lovey if this
will make your child more comfortable and come in comfy clothes. No mat needed but we will be sitting on the
floor/grass. Water is welcome but snacks can be distracting. This 5-week session will be held rain or shine in
either the Gardens or the Pavilion at The Fells. Full 5-week session is $67, or drop-ins are welcome, if space is
available, for $15/class. Advance registration is required. Register online at www.thefells.org or call 603-763-
4789 x3 for more information.

Music and Movement in Nature
Tuesday, August 2, 1:00-2:00pm
A Children’s Music Series on Tuesday afternoons at the Hay Estate. Mr. Aaron is a NH-based multi-
instrumentalist performer and musical composer. His classes use music and movement to create an outlet for
emotion and nurture a child’s creativity. This fun program will include songs and stories that will enliven one’s
senses and heighten an awareness of the natural world. Attend one or all of the series programs. On August 2,
there will be a grand finale concert during the program. Meets in the Pavilion. For kids (4-10) and their grown-
ups. $5 per person. Advanced registration is required. To register, please call 603-763-4789 x3.

John Hay Estate Summer Speaker Series
A Conversation with an Abenaki Poet
Cheryl Savageau
Wednesday, August 3, 2:00-3:00
The John Hay Estate at The Fells recognizes the importance of educating the public about the literature and
heritage of indigenous peoples of New Hampshire and Greater New England. We are pleased to welcome
Cheryl Savageau, who will read selected works of her poetry and from her recent memoir. She will be joined by
a moderator, Siobhan Senier, a UNH Professor of English who specializes in Native American history and
literature. Senier will facilitate a conversation with the author about her work, including her books of poetry
and her recent memoir. Savageau’s poetry is enriched by the landscape and ecology of New England. This
program is free and is made possible through the support of the NH Council for the Humanities. Advance
registration is required. To inquire or register, call 603-763-4789 x3 or visit www.thefells.org.

First Thursday Hike at The Fells
Thursday, August 4th, 11am
Join Nick Scheu, Landscape Director, or Simon Parsons, Education Director at The Fells, for a one-hour hike
on The Fells property. These informal, moderate walks will be an opportunity to get a little exercise, spend time
out in the landscape, and perhaps discover something new about the property once owned by the John Hay
family. Members: free, non-members: included with regular admission fee. No reservations necessary. Meets at
The Fells KiosB

Ballet Performance by Ballet Misha
Sunday, August 7th, 5:00pm
The professional dance company, Ballet Misha (of Manchester) will return to the John Hay Estate at The Fells
for a summer to performance. Advanced registration is required as space is limited. Call 603-763-4789 x3 or
register online at www.thefells.org John Hay Estate at The Fells.

Mindful Flow Yoga: Series in the Garden at The Fells (Session II)
Tuesdays, August 2 – August 30, 8:00-9:00 am
Join Meghan MacLean of Crescent Moon Wellness and Yoga for a practice in mindful movement. This
peaceful and slow flowing vinyasa class emphasizes the connection between movement and breath. Class will
generally begin with several minutes of centering and a gentle warm-up and will gradually build into a sequence
of accessible yet challenging postures. Class will conclude with several minutes of meditation and breathwork,
followed by a restful savasana (final rest pose). Mindful Flow encourages yogins of all ages and experience levels
to join. Chairs are available for use. Please bring water, a yoga mat, and a folded blanket! This 5-week session will
be held rain or shine in either the Gardens or the Pavilion at The Fells. Full 5-week session is $70, or drop-ins are
welcome, if space is available, for $17/class. Advance registration is required. Register online at www.thefells.org
or call 603-763-4789 x3 for more information.

Mindful Movement for Toddlers and Preschoolers: Series in the garden at The Fells (Session II)
Tuesdays, August 2- August 30, 9:30–10:00 am
For Kids & Caregiver
Join Meghan MacLean of Crescent Moon Wellness and Yoga for this class in which little yogins and their
caretakers are introduced to yoga with songs, movement, stories, and play. The class is geared toward new
walkers to 36 months but crawlers and older toddlers are welcome too (as are tag along infants)! Toddlers are on
the move and this laid-back class creates an environment for movement, song, interaction, and play through the
framework of yoga. Repetition is an important learning tool for young children, which is why the series model
works best for this age group. The class will practice the yogic principle of a balance between structure and
flexibility as caregivers take cues from their kids. As the weeks continue, toddlers may start to become familiar
with poses and find deeper body awareness. Other benefits may include bonding with caregiver(s), increasing
attention span, creating an outlet for emotions, and nurturing creativity. Feel free to bring a toy or lovey if this
will make your child more comfortable and come in comfy clothes. No mat needed but we will be sitting on the
floor/grass. Water is welcome but snacks can be distracting. This 5-week session will be held rain or shine in
either the Gardens or the Pavilion at The Fells. Full 5-week session is $67, or drop-ins are welcome, if space is
available, for $15/class. Advance registration is required. Register online at www.thefells.org or call 603-763-
4789 x3 for more information.

John Hay Estate Summer Speaker Series
Climate Change and How to Fix It
Erich Osterberg
Wednesday, August 10, 4:30-5:30pm
Join Erich Osterberg, Associate Professor of Earth Science at Dartmouth College, for a talk about the impacts of
climate change on our New England communities. Erich's research seeks to understand recent changes in
extreme storms and flooding, melting glaciers and sea level rise, warming and wildfires, and climate drivers of
Lyme Disease. In this presentation, he'll clearly summarize the latest scientific understanding of climate change
impacts and what they mean for you and your family now and into the future. We'll also discuss recent progress
on slowing climate change and making communities more resilient to its effects, and why he's still optimistic
about his kids' (and their kids') future. Erich has a BA from Middlebury and a PhD from the University of
Maine. Please consider joining us for this timely and engaging presentation with Erich. Meets at the
Pavilion. Members: $10 a person; nonmembers: $15. Advance registration is required. To inquire or register,
call 603-763-4789 x3 or visit www.thefells.org.

Mindful Flow Yoga: Series in the Garden at The Fells (Session II)
Tuesdays, August 2 – August 30, 8:00-9:00 am
Join Meghan MacLean of Crescent Moon Wellness and Yoga for a practice in mindful movement. This
peaceful and slow flowing vinyasa class emphasizes the connection between movement and breath. Class will
generally begin with several minutes of centering and a gentle warm-up and will gradually build into a sequence
of accessible yet challenging postures. Class will conclude with several minutes of meditation and breathwork,
followed by a restful savasana (final rest pose). Mindful Flow encourages yogins of all ages and experience levels

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