2022 Partner Resource Kit - A collection of cooperative opportunities and tourism partner resources presented by the Amelia Island Convention & ...

2022 Partner Resource Kit - A collection of cooperative opportunities and tourism partner resources presented by the Amelia Island Convention & ...
2022 Partner Resource Kit
    A collection of cooperative opportunities and
    tourism partner resources presented by the
     Amelia Island Convention & Visitors Bureau.
2022 Partner Resource Kit - A collection of cooperative opportunities and tourism partner resources presented by the Amelia Island Convention & ...
OVERVIEW         2022 Partner Resource Kit
           The Amelia Island Convention & Visitors Bureau (AICVB) was created by the Nassau County
            Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) in 2008 as the management marketing company
             for the Amelia Island Tourist Development Council (AITDC), which is responsible for the
             expenditure of the 5% tourism development tax (TDT) collected from overnight visitors
           staying in short-term (less than 6 months) accommodations on Amelia Island. Through the
           TDT funding, the AICVB is able to offer a free partnership to all tourism-related businesses.

            Tourism-related business partners have many opportunities to leverage this budget and
            brand positioning through cooperative advertising, promotions, and core services such as
             the AmeliaIsland.com website, social media channels and the Amelia Island Welcome
               Center. This Partner Resource Kit provides an overview of partnership opportunities
           currently available, instructions on how to participate, ways to stay informed and how you
                          can be an active partner with Amelia Island's tourism industry.

                               2022 Opportunities Include
               Email                                            Certification
                   Amelia Island                                   Audubon International Green Lodging
                   Flamingo                                        Certification
                   Food & Wine                                  Calendar of Events
                   Travel & Leisure                                Holidays, Festivals, Events
               Digital Advertising                                 Special Event Offers
                   Epsilon                                         Event Calendar Promotion
                   TravelZoo                                    Promotional Participation
                   TripAdvisor                                     Value Card
               Content                                             Seaside Salute (Military Discounts)
                   Threshold 360: Virtual Tour Program          Business Listings
                   Wander Media: Video Marketing Program           AmeliaIsland.com
               Print Magazines                                     Visitor Guide
                   Food & Wine
                   Texas Monthly
                   Travel + Leisure
                                                                                   CLICK TO SUBMIT
                                                                                     CO-OP FORM
2022 Partner Resource Kit - A collection of cooperative opportunities and tourism partner resources presented by the Amelia Island Convention & ...
 Here are the details of the fiscal year 2022 co-op programs available to partners and the
 process on how to participate. The AICVB team is offering a partner workshop to review
 each co-op program available in detail on November 3rd. Scan the QR code to reserve
                                 your spot in the workshop!

The Starmark International Agency (SMI) is the marketing partner that has helped negotiate
  many of the 2022 co-op programs for Amelia Island partners. The AICVB and SMI are
  offering additional one-on-one virtual meetings with any partners that wish to discuss
     which options might be most beneficial to your marketing and media strategies.

                                                                                       Click to join
                                                                                        the co-op
                              How Co-Ops Work                                          workshop on
                                                                                        Nov. 3rd to
 Request to Participate                                                                learn more!
    Reference your marketing budget, key business objectives and identify your
    need periods when reviewing the co-op options outlined in this kit.
    Request to participate by completing the online form by November 23rd.
        Scan the QR code located throughout the packet or visit: bit.ly/co-ops22
    A successful submission email will be delivered with a copy of your details to confirm that
    the AICVB has received your request.
    A formal agreement will be emailed directly to the partner, confirming availability of each
    co-op, outlining all details, and providing due dates of programs selected.
    Sign and return the formal agreement to Nate Aron: naron@ameliaisland.com.

 Additional Details
    Each opportunity listed has limited space. Partner preferences noted in the forms will be
    determined on a first come, first serve basis.
    The co-op close date to request any opportunities outlined in this packet is
    November 23rd.
    Once a partner confirms commitment for a co-op, that partner is solely responsible for the
    costs even if the ad does not run due to creative deadlines not being met.
    Partners may work directly with the individual publishers, the AICVB team or SMI to provide
    creative materials per the formal agreement.
    Partners will be billed after the co-op deploys by the AICVB and remit payment directly to
    the Nassau County Clerk of Courts.
2022 Partner Resource Kit - A collection of cooperative opportunities and tourism partner resources presented by the Amelia Island Convention & ...
The Amelia Island consumer e-mail program consistently performs above industry benchmarks. Through
                a re-engagement strategy, the e-mail database has seen significant growth and interaction over the past
               year. In FY2021, 2.85 million emails were successfully delivered to subscribers. The database is inclusive of
                  loyal and frequent visitors as well as visitors who have already begun planning trips to Amelia Island.

                                               E-MAIL OFFER                         EMAIL TYPE       PARTNER COST        EST. VALUE
                  Click to                                                          Exclusive              $750            $1,000
                  Preview          Amelia Island sends up to 4 e-mails per
                   Omni             month. Partners may request 1 e-mail             Inclusive             $400            $600
                 Exclusive           co-op per month. Options: exclusive,
                   Email              100% share of voice (limited to 1 per
                                   month) or inclusive, 30% share of voice           EMAIL         SPACE CLOSE        CREATIVE
                                  (1 partner with Amelia Island messaging).         MONTHS            DATES          DUE DATES
                                   High-resolution images along with links           Jan. 2022       Nov. 23, 2021   Dec. 15, 2021
                  Click to           to attractive offers, packages, or new
                                      services are required to participate.         Feb. 2022        Nov. 23, 2021    Jan. 15, 2022
                Hampton Inn           The AICVB will optimize audiences.            March 2022       Nov. 23, 2021   Feb. 15, 2022
                 Inclusive                                                          April 2022       Nov. 23, 2021   March 15, 2022
                                     AUDIENCE DEMOGRAPHICS                          May 2022         Nov. 23, 2021   April, 15, 2022
                                                                                    June 2022        Nov. 23, 2021   May 15, 2022
                                               TOTAL SUBSCRIBERS
                                                                                    July 2022        Nov. 23, 2021   June 15, 2022
                  Click to                 TOTAL ENGAGED SUBSCRIBERS                Aug. 2022        Nov. 23, 2021    July 15, 2022
                 Subscribe                             45K                          Sept. 2022       Nov. 23, 2021   Aug. 15, 2022
                     to                    MALE / FEMALE SUBSCRIBERS
                  E-mails                                                            Oct. 2022       Nov. 23, 2021   Sept. 15, 2022
                                                    20% / 80%
                                           AVERAGE YEARLY EMAILS SENT               Nov. 2022        Nov. 23, 2021    Oct. 15, 2022
                                                      2.85M                         Dec. 2022        Nov. 23, 2021   Nov. 15, 2022

                     Flamingo is Florida’s only statewide lifestyle magazine covering people, travel, outdoor pursuits,
                  food, conservation, culture and style across the state. Flamingo is the authority on living an authentic
                    Florida lifestyle from Pensacola to Key West and all points in between. Flamingo concentrates its'
                    readership in southeast markets including FL, GA, SC, NC, TN, & AL, therefore, the email program
                       database is exclusive to only these markets as well and offers an engaged audience within
                                                 the perfect drive distance to Amelia Island.

                                               EMAIL OFFER                                       PARTNER COST        VALUE
                                                                                                     $400            $2,000
                        Amelia Island has secured (4) Flamingo emails. Partners
                        can request to be included in these emails equivalent to
                         50% share of voice messaging each. A high-resolution                    AUDIENCE DEMOGRAPHICS
                             image and 50-word description with a link to a
                             promotion, special event or offer is required to                         TOTAL SUBSCRIBERS
                                               participate.                                                     8K
                                                                                                          AVERAGE AGE
                               SPACE            SPACE CLOSE       CREATIVE DUE                    AVERAGE HOUSEHOLD INCOME
                             AVAILABLE             DATES             DATES                                    $200K
                                                                                                     SOUTHEAST MARKETS
                              March 2022          Nov. 23, 2021      Feb. 1, 2021
                                                                                                      FL, GA, SC, NC, TN, AL
                              June 2022           Nov. 23, 2021      May 1, 2022
                              Sept. 2022          Nov. 23, 2021      Aug. 1, 2022                  EMAIL PERFORMANCE
                              Dec. 2022           Nov. 23, 2021      Nov. 1, 2022                       AVG. OPEN RATE
                                                                                                           AVG. CTR
2022 Partner Resource Kit - A collection of cooperative opportunities and tourism partner resources presented by the Amelia Island Convention & ...
For more than 40 years, from classic to cutting-edge, FOOD & WINE has defined the American

                                                                                                        E-MAIL CO-OP
 epicurean experience. With the confidence of undisputed global authority among consumers and
 the culinary trade, we inspire and empower our wine and food obsessed community to discover,
                       create, and devour the best in food, drink, and travel.

                         EMAIL OFFER                               PARTNER COST        VALUE
                                                                        $500           $2,500
        Amelia Island has secured (6) Food & Wine monthly
        emails. Partners can request to be included in these
     emails equivalent to 25% share of voice messaging each.       AUDIENCE DEMOGRAPHICS
     A high-resolution image and 50-word description with a
      link to a promotion, special event or offer is required to        TOTAL SUBSCRIBERS
                             participate.                                       25K
                                                                           AVERAGE AGE
       IN-MARKET          SPACE CLOSE         CREATIVE DUE                       47
                                                                    AVERAGE HOUSEHOLD INCOME
         DATES               DATES               DATES
         Feb. 2022          Nov. 23, 2021        Jan. 10, 2021      MALE / FEMALE SUBSCRIBERS
                                                                             38% / 62%
         April 2022         Nov. 23, 2021       March 10, 2022
         June 2022          Nov. 23, 2021        May 10, 2022
                                                                     EMAIL PERFORMANCE
         Aug. 2022          Nov. 23, 2021        July 10, 2022            AVG. OPEN RATE
         Oct. 2022          Nov. 23, 2021       Sept. 10, 2022                  15%
                                                                             AVG. CTR
         Dec. 2022          Nov. 23, 2021        Nov. 10, 2022                 0.90%

  TRAVEL+LEISURE inspires the world’s most curious and passionate travelers to travel more—and
   travel better. They elevate their experience through content that serve them across their entire
journey, from dreaming to planning to booking to traveling. In the last year, 98% of the T+L audience
                    planned an average of 8 leisure trips and 5 weekend getaways.

                         EMAIL OFFER                               PARTNER COST         VALUE
                                                                         $500              $2,500
       Amelia Island has secured (6) Travel+Leisure emails.
        Partners can request to be included in these emails
         equivalent to 25% share of voice messaging each.           AUDIENCE DEMOGRAPHICS
      A high-resolution image and 50-word description with
      a link to a promotion, special event, or offer is required         TOTAL SUBSCRIBERS
                           to participate.                                       33K
                                                                            AVERAGE AGE
         SPACE            SPACE CLOSE         CREATIVE DUE
                                                                     AVERAGE HOUSEHOLD INCOME
       AVAILABLE             DATES               DATES                          $135K
        Jan. 2022           Nov. 23, 2021       Dec. 10, 2021        MALE / FEMALE SUBSCRIBERS
                                                                              42% / 58%
       March 2022           Nov. 23, 2021       Feb. 10, 2022
        May 2022            Nov. 23, 2021       April, 10, 2022
                                                                       EMAIL PERFORMANCE
        July 2022           Nov. 23, 2021       June 10, 2022              AVG. OPEN RATE
        Sept. 2022          Nov. 23, 2021       Aug. 10, 2022                    15%
                                                                              AVG. CTR
        Nov. 2022           Nov. 23, 2021        Oct. 10, 2022                  0.90%
2022 Partner Resource Kit - A collection of cooperative opportunities and tourism partner resources presented by the Amelia Island Convention & ...
                  Epsilon, formally Conversant, has become the leader in outcome-based marketing over the last 50
                years. Epsilon's CORETRANSACT digital banner program identifies individuals that have spent money on
                  Amelia Island in the past 12 months (excluding residents) and then models their profile to find other
                  travelers that look, act, and spend like them to drive new and repeat visitation. This award-winning
                     technology is rooted in privacy by design and underpinned by powerful artificial intelligence.

                           PARTNER COST            VALUE                                TARGET AUDIENCE
                           $1,000/quarter          $2,000                            LEISURE CONSUMERS
                                                                               Lookalike Amelia Island Audience
                                                                                         TOTAL REACH
                                                                                             30 million
                             DIGITAL BANNER OFFER                              AVERAGE HOUSEHOLD INCOME
                      Partners have the opportunity to be included                         INTERESTS
                       in Epsilon's Amelia Island brand campaign.       Beach, Culture, History, Shopping, Nature, Dining,
                      Partners can request to participate in 1 flight       Golf, Outdoor Enthusiast, Entertainment
                     per quarter. Partner banners will receive 150K
                     impressions. All banner images must be high-
                         resolution and provided by the partner.
                        Banner sizes: 300x250, 160x600, 728x90.          FLIGHTS          SPACE CLOSE        CREATIVE
                                                                        AVAILABLE            DATES          DUE DATES
                                                                         Jan. - March      Nov. 23, 2021     Dec. 20, 2021
                                                                         April - June      Nov. 23, 2021    March 20, 2022
                                                                         July - Sept.      Nov. 23, 2021    June 20, 2022
                                                                          Oct. - Dec.      Nov. 23, 2021    Sept. 20, 2022
2022 Partner Resource Kit - A collection of cooperative opportunities and tourism partner resources presented by the Amelia Island Convention & ...
Travelzoo® provides its 30 million members exclusive offers. Over half of Travelzoo's engaged
   audience books an average of 3-5 trips per year. Travelzoo's online sponsored gallery is a
collaborative, photo-driven listicle that puts the focus on your brand, increases awareness and
creates intent. The full story will be distributed through Travelzoo's e-mail database and social
                 media channels to reach both wide and targeted audiences.

      PARTNER COST            VALUE                             AUDIENCE DEMOGRAPHICS
        $1,000/flight          $2,000
                                                                         TOTAL MEMBERS
                                                                            30 million
    SPONSORED GALLERY OFFER                                            AVERAGE AGE RANGE
    Partners may request to be included in 1                       AVERAGE HOUSEHOLD INCOME
   sponsored gallery per quarter to promote                                   $100K+
     an irresistible deal to travelers during a                       TOTAL WEBSITE VIEWS
  need period for our destination. All creative                             2 MILLION
     materials must be high-resolution and
             provided by the partner.
      Specifications: 1 image, description of              FLIGHTS  SPACE CLOSE CREATIVE
   special offer (up to 50 words) and a link to
                  partners website.                       AVAILABLE    DATES    DUE DATES
                                                           Jan. 10 - Feb 28       Nov. 23, 2021       Dec. 20, 2021
                                                           May 1 - June 30        Nov. 23, 2021       April 15, 2022

TripAdvisor® is the world's largest travel site and community with more than 50 million unique
  monthly site viewers and over 60 million travel-related reviews. Increase your bookings and
visibility on a quarterly basis with a lower funnel, banner display advertisement. Advertise to an
      audience of travelers who are already searching for places to stay on Amelia Island.

       PARTNER COST             VALUE                              TARGET AUDIENCE
        $1,000/quarter          $2,500                             LEISURE CONSUMERS
                                                              Amelia Island Defined Audience
                                                                       TOTAL REACH
                                                                           30 million
        DIGITAL BANNER OFFER                                 AVERAGE HOUSEHOLD INCOME
  Partners may request 1 flight of banners per                           INTERESTS
  quarter and receive up to 100K impressions          Beach, Culture, History, Shopping, Nature, Dining,
    on any Amelia Island regional pages. All              Golf, Outdoor Enthusiast, Entertainment
  banner images must be high-resolution and
           provided by the partner.
       Banner sizes: 300x250, 300x600,                 FLIGHTS  SPACE CLOSE CREATIVE
                728x90, 320x50                        AVAILABLE    DATES    DUE DATES
                                                        Jan. - March          Nov. 23, 2021       Dec. 15, 2021
                                                        April - June          Nov. 23, 2021       March 15, 2022
                                                                                                                       Click to
                                                        July - Sept.          Nov. 23, 2021       June 15, 2022
                                                        Oct. - Dec.           Nov. 23, 2021       Sept. 15, 2022
2022 Partner Resource Kit - A collection of cooperative opportunities and tourism partner resources presented by the Amelia Island Convention & ...
                   Inclusive of more than 100K locations and over two million views daily, Threshold360 is the
                 leading provider of interactive 360° virtual tours. Threshold Virtual Tours™ allow visitors to step
                 inside and experience your location from anywhere in the world. Make it easier for visitors and
                 meeting planners to choose Amelia Island as their preferred vacation and events destination by
                providing detailed virtual tours for each room type, conference space, restaurant, retail shop, etc.
                     This offer is guaranteed to increase website engagement and optimize Google search.

                                                                               PARTNER COST               VALUE
                        CONTENT MARKETING OFFER
                                                                                  $500 (per yr)           $1,000
                       Partners will receive a 360* complete capture
                             of the business location, including all
                         common areas (and room types for lodging                     ADDED VALUE
                       partners). The tour will be available for partner
                         use and cross promoted on Amelia Island's             The 360* virtual tour video will be
                           channels. All footage will be stitched and               featured on the partners
                       uploaded to the partner's Google My Business            AmeliaIsland.com business listing,
                        listing. Partners (and the AICVB) will have full        on a virtual tour page and on the
                       ownership of the raw unstitched photography                  accessibility travel page.
                         and the auto-play video tour. Threshold360
                       offers a complimentary reshoot in the case of
                                  any upcoming renovations.
                                                                                      CASE STUDIES
                       This can be a reoccurring annual membership                        TIME ON WEBSITE
                        opportunity. After the first year, partners that         61% Increase (Experience Kissimmee)
                       keep their membership in good standing will
                                                                                      PAGE VIEWS PER SESSION
                           continue to have access to the below
                                                                                 66% Increase (Experience Kissimmee)
                                                                                          BOOKING CLICKS
                         - Map Builder: virtual tour with navigation
                         - Link for email, social media, and CVENT                        16% (Visit Beaufort)
                                    - Embed code access                                  RFP SUBMISSIONS
                                                                                291% Increase (Experience Kissimmee)
2022 Partner Resource Kit - A collection of cooperative opportunities and tourism partner resources presented by the Amelia Island Convention & ...
   Wander Media Company produces and distributes the only destination marketing television
 channel in Northeast Florida and Southeast Georgia, airing in thousands of hotel rooms, visitor
centers, and airports throughout the region and reaching millions of viewers each year. By telling
  captivating stories and featuring dynamic personalities, Wander orients travelers, refines their
options during their stay, and enhances Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Amelia Island, and the Golden
                    Isles of Georgia's reputations as premier travel destinations.

              PARTNER COST             VALUE                              DELIVERABLES
                    $2,500             $12,000
                                                                       Included in long form video and :30
         CONTENT MARKETING OFFER                                       Individual business :15 cuts
                                                                       Pre & post production services
 Amelia Island is offering a content video program organized           Full licensing and trademark rights
   by niche audiences to tell the destinations story. Partners         to the completed video segment
                                                                       for use on both paid and unpaid
   can apply to be included in a variety of topics, see below.
                                                                       media platforms, including web,
   Wander Media will create a long form video featuring 3-6
                                                                       digital, social media, and broadcast
 businesses, a :30 teaser video featuring the same business,           television
  and :15 cuts for each partner. Distribution of the videos will       Full licensing and trademark rights
    include Wander Media's in-room destination marketing               to library of color-corrected selects
  television channel and Amelia Island's blog, email, organic          for use in future video marketing
                     and paid social media.                            projects
                                                                       Wander Media
                                                                            Three daily appearances on the
                     NICHE TOPICS                                           in-room television system of
                                                                            70+ hotels, resorts, visitor
                             Nature                                         centers, and airports for twelve
                             Beach                                          consecutive months
                         Family Travel                                      Inclusion on Wander Media's
                                                                            website, social media
                                                                            promotions, and email
                          Golf & Sports                                     marketing campaigns for
                        Spa & Wellness                                      twelve consecutive months
                            Foodies                                    Amelia Island
                         Arts & Culture                                     Distribution throughout all
                            History                                         channels: blog, email, organic
                          Celebrations                                      and paid social media
                     Girls/Guys Getaways

             AMELIA ISLAND SOCIAL MEDIA                               OPTIONAL ADD-ONS

                                                                    Full-day drone videography ($1,500
      @AMELIAISLANDFLORIDA          @VISITAMELIAISLAND              per participant)
          Followers: 97K               Followers: 23K               Full-day still photographer with 30-40
         Impressions: 48M             Impressions: 5M               touched-up photographs provided
                                                                    ($1,500 per participant)
        Engagements: 1.5M            Engagements: 79K

                                                                                                               Click to
2022 Partner Resource Kit - A collection of cooperative opportunities and tourism partner resources presented by the Amelia Island Convention & ...
For 60 years, Atlanta Magazine has served as the authority on Atlanta with impeccable writing backed
                by solid reporting. Amelia Island tourism partners can trust that their messages are surrounded by
                             compelling content and reaching an affluent, well-educated readership.

                             PRINT AD OFFER                                 ADDED VALUE               AUDIENCE DEMOGRAPHICS
                There is a 1/4 page, 1/2 page, and full page                 The Amelia Island           MONTHLY AUDITED CIRCULATION
               size option available for each magazine issue              destination will receive
                                                                                                        TOTAL SINGLE-ISSUE READERSHIP
                  (February, March, May & October). Each                      an added value
               partner can request one ad size per issue. All              advertorial written in            AVERAGE NET WORTH
                creative materials must be turned in by the                an engaging editorial                     $1.7M
                partner directly to the publisher rep no later             style that will feature               AVERAGE AGE
                      than the due date listed below.                       general destination                        51
                                                                            content and feature           MALE / FEMALE SUBSCRIBERS
                           Contact: Whitney Dick                                                                   42% / 58%
                                                                             each participating
                           Number: 404.617.2011                                                       AVERAGE MONTHLY DIGITAL PAGEVIEWS
                    Email: wdick@atlantamagazine.com                                                                872,176K

                 ISSUE            SPACE CLOSE         CREATIVE DUE                    AD SIZE          PARTNER COST            VALUE
               AVAILABLE             DATES               DATES
                 Feb. 2022          Nov. 23, 2021        Dec. 10, 2021                 1/4 Page           $740.00              $1,480

                March 2022          Nov. 23, 2021        Jan 10, 2022                  1/2 Page           $1,401.25          $2,802.50

                 May 2022           Nov. 23, 2021       March 10, 2022                 Full Page          $2,927.50          $5,855.00

                 Oct. 2022          Nov. 23, 2021        Aug. 10, 2022

               Charleston Weddings is known for being the tastemakers of the weddings industry - to give national
              trends a Charleston accent, to celebrate the best of the Lowcountry, and to lead wedding planners to
                 their dream team of wedding pros. Partners can enthusiastically and consistently showcase top
                       wedding industry products and brands to this highly engaged and targeted audience.

                             PRINT AD OFFER                                ADDED VALUE                AUDIENCE DEMOGRAPHICS

              There is a 1/2 page, 2/3, an island and a full page            Each partner will         TOTAL AVERAGE REACH PER ISSUE
                 size option available for each special section           receive a Sky Box unit,                   360K
               inserted into each issue of Charleston Magazine             equivalent to a digital         AVG. COST OF WEDDINGS
              (March, June & October). You can request one ad                   banner, on                        50-150K +
                 size per issue. All creative materials must be          CharlestonWeddingsMag.com
                                                                              for (6) months                 DIGITAL ISSUE REACH
               turned in by the partner directly to the publisher
                                                                                  in 2022.                            35K
                  rep no later than the due date listed below.
                                                                               This a $1,500              AVG. MONTHLY PAGE VIEWS
                          Contact: Denise Janove                               added value!                        200K
                           Number: 843-991-9827
                     Email: denise@charlestonmag.com

                     ISSUE           SPACE CLOSE       CREATIVE DUE                 AD SIZE          PARTNER COST         VALUE
                   AVAILABLE            DATES             DATES
                    March 2022        Nov. 23, 2021      Jan. 10, 2021              1/2 Page            $1,350            $2,700

                     June 2022        Nov. 23, 2021      April 10, 2022              Island             $1,550            $3,100

                     Oct. 2022        Nov. 23, 2021      Aug. 10, 2022              2/3 Page            $1,700            $3,400

                                                                                   Full Page            $1,950            $3,900
Charlotte magazine, founded in 1968, is the preeminent glossy magazine in the booming Charlotte

                                                                                                                                  PRINT CO-OP
 market. They are the area’s only monthly magazine with an audited, paid subscription and newsstand
 base. Readers are looking for the best in life, and Charlotte delivers it to them each and every month.

                  PRINT AD OFFER                             ADDED VALUE                AUDIENCE DEMOGRAPHICS
There is a 1/3 page, 1/2 page, and full page size
                                                              All partners that             MONTHLY PRINT DISTRIBUTION
    option available for each magazine issue                                                             28K
                                                              sign up will also
  (March, April, May, June & September). Each                                             TOTAL SINGLE-ISSUE READERSHIP
                                                             be highlighted in
 partner can request one ad size per issue. All                                                         102K
                                                               an advertorial
   creative materials must be turned in by the                                                DIGITAL MONTHLY UNIQUES
                                                             section covering
  partner directly to the publisher rep no later                                                        185K
                                                             travel, hotels and
         than the due date listed below.                                                     E-NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIBERS
                                                            wedding venues in
                                                            an editorial format.
           Contact: Allison Hollins                                                            SOCIAL MEDIA FOLLOWERS
           Number: 602-690-1587                                                         201K (FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, TWITTER)
       Email: allison.hollins@morris.com

      ISSUE          SPACE CLOSE        CREATIVE DUE                AD SIZE            PARTNER COST              VALUE
    AVAILABLE           DATES              DATES
    March 2022         Nov. 23, 2021      Jan. 15, 2021              1/3 Page              $660                  $1,320
     April 2022        Nov. 23, 2021      Feb 15, 2022               1/2 Page              $900                  $1,800
     May 2022          Nov. 23, 2021     March 10, 2022              Full Page            $1,410                 $2,820
     June 2022         Nov. 23, 2021      April 15, 2022

     Sept. 2022        Nov. 23, 2021      July 15, 2022

   For more than 40 years Food & Wine has defined the American epicurean experience. With the
   confidence of undisputed authority among consumers and the culinary trade, F&W inspires and
  empower the wine and food obsessed community to discover, create and devour the best in food,
                       drink and travel—every day, at every point of access.

                  PRINT AD OFFER                           SPECIFICATIONS               AUDIENCE DEMOGRAPHICS
   The Amelia Island brand has secured a full               Property picture, logo,    MONTHLY AUDITED CIRCULATION
    page spread in the Food & Wine Escapes                       address, phone
     Travel Issue set to publish in May 2022.               numbers, URL and 25                        515K
 Partners can request to participate in this offer             words of copy. All       AVERAGE HOUSEHOLD INCOME
    by owning a 1/4 page messaging block,                       images must be
  equivalent to 25% share of voice. All creative             provided in 300 DPI,                      121K
   materials must be turned in by the partner               CMYK, TIF, EPS, or JPG                 AVERAGE AGE
  directly to the SMI rep no later than the due              files. All logos in EPS
                                                           Vector File. Copy should                     47
                date listed below.
                                                           be submitted in a word       MALE / FEMALE SUBSCRIBERS
             Contact: Sherene Irani                                 document.
                                                                                                    38% / 62%
            Number: 954-874-9054
           Email: sirani@starmark.com

                                                                 AD SIZE           PARTNER COST              VALUE
  AVAILABLE            DATES              DATES
                                                                                                                              Click to
    May 2022         Nov. 23, 2021      Feb. 15, 2022             1/4 Page              $2,500                $35,000         Submit!
                    Flamingo is Florida’s only statewide lifestyle magazine covering people, travel, outdoor pursuits,
                 food, conservation, culture and style across the state. Flamingo is the authority on living an authentic
                   Florida lifestyle from Pensacola to Key West and all points in between. Flamingo concentrates its'
                 readership in southeast markets including FL, GA, SC, NC, TN, & AL and offers an engaged audience
                                            within the perfect drive distance to Amelia Island.

                                      PRINT AD OFFER                                 AUDIENCE DEMOGRAPHICS
                         There are 1/2 page and full page size options
                                                                                    MONTHLY AUDITED CIRCULATION
                       available for each magazine issue (May: "Icons" &
                       October: "Explore"). Each partner can request one                         20K
                        ad size per issue. All creative materials must be                   AVERAGE AGE
                       turned in by the partner directly to the publisher                       35-65
                          rep no later than the due date listed below.               AVERAGE HOUSEHOLD INCOME
                                        Contact: Jamie Rich
                                     Number: 904-402-2314                            MALE / FEMALE SUBSCRIBERS
                                  Email: jamie@flamingomag.com                                40% / 60%

                      ISSUE         SPACE CLOSE       CREATIVE DUE             AD SIZE         PARTNER COST     VALUE
                    AVAILABLE          DATES             DATES
                     May 2022         Nov. 23, 2021    March 31, 2021          1/2 Page           $1,000        $2,000
                     Oct. 2022        Nov. 23, 2021    Aug. 31, 2022           Full Page          $2,000        $4,000

               Since 1973, Texas Monthly has been the indispensable authority on being Texan, reaching millions each
              month across print, digital, and live events. Audiences in Texas and beyond trust the magazine for coverage
              and perspective that only Texas Monthly can provide. The Amelia Island co-op sections of each magazine
              will showcase Florida attractions and engage the attention of more than 2.5 million Texas Monthly readers.

                                 PRINT AD OFFER                          ADDED VALUE            AUDIENCE DEMOGRAPHICS
                 There are 1/3 page, 1/2 page and full page size        Partner will receive   MONTHLY AUDITED CIRCULATION
                   options available for each magazine issue                inclusion in                    2.5M
                 (March & September). Each partner can request           February, March,              AVERAGE AGE
                 one ad size per issue. A description of business       May and September                   35-65
                   of up to 200 words is required. All creative           2022 Traveling        MALE / FEMALE SUBSCRIBERS
                   materials must be turned in by the partner           Texan Trip Planner               53% / 47%
                  directly to the publisher rep no later than the       e-newsletters sent        TOTAL VACATION SPEND
                               due date listed below.                     to over 37,000
                                                                                                   2.1B on Domestic Trips
                             Contact: Whitney Dick
                            Number: 404-617-2011
                        Email: wdick@texasmonthly.com

                      ISSUE          SPACE CLOSE      CREATIVE DUE            AD SIZE          PARTNER COST     VALUE
                    AVAILABLE           DATES            DATES
                    March 2022        Nov. 23, 2021     Jan. 21, 2021          1/3 Page           $2,469        $4,938

                     Sept. 2022       Nov. 23, 2021    July 22, 2022           1/2 Page           $4,242        $8,484
                                                                               Full Page          $6,167       $12,335
   TRAVEL+LEISURE inspires the world’s most curious and passionate travelers to travel more—and
travel better. T+L elevates their experience through content that serve them across their entire journey,
  from dreaming to planning to booking to traveling. In the last year, 98% of T+L audience planned an
                           average of 8 leisure trips and 5 weekend getaways.

              PRINT AD OFFER                           SPECIFICATIONS                AUDIENCE DEMOGRAPHICS
    The Amelia Island brand has secured a full          Property picture, logo,     MONTHLY AUDITED CIRCULATION
    page spread in the Travel+Leisure Wellness               address, phone
 Issue set to publish in March 2022. Partners can       numbers, URL and 25                            550K
  request to participate in this offer by owning a         words of copy. All        AVERAGE HOUSEHOLD INCOME
   1/4 page messaging block, equivalent to 25%              images must be
   share of voice. All creative materials must be        provided in 300 DPI,                          135K
  turned in by the partner directly to the SMI rep      CMYK, TIF, EPS, or JPG                   AVERAGE AGE
      no later than the due date listed below.           files. All logos in EPS
                                                       Vector File. Copy should                         53
             Contact: Sherene Irani                    be submitted in a word         MALE / FEMALE SUBSCRIBERS
            Number: 954-874-9054                                document.
                                                                                                     42% / 58%
           Email: sirani@starmark.com

                                                                AD SIZE            PARTNER COST                VALUE
    AVAILABLE           DATES            DATES
     March 2022       Nov. 23, 2021     Jan. 3, 2022             1/4 Page               $2,500                   $35,000

Washingtonian magazine readers have always had a zest for travel. As we learn how to navigate this new
normal, these readers are in search of a change of scenery, a place to work remotely, or a warm spot to
spend outdoors with family. Amelia Island is the perfect sunshine state destination—being either a short
                  flight or a reasonable road trip away from the Washington region.

                       PRINT AD OFFER                                       AUDIENCE DEMOGRAPHICS
         There are 1/2 page and full page size options                         PAID AUDITED CIRCULATION
          available for each magazine issue (February,                    MONTHLY AUDITED 105KCIRCULATION
          March & October). Each partner can request                                   550K
                                                                                   TOTAL READERSHIP
           one ad size per issue. All creative materials                   AVERAGE HOUSEHOLD
                                                                                          418K    INCOME
         must be turned in by the partner directly to the                              135K
                                                                               AVG. HOUSEHOLD INCOME
         publisher rep no later than the due date listed                           AVERAGE   AGE
                              below.                                                    53 TRAVELERS
                                                                           MALE / FEMALE97% SUBSCRIBERS
                       Contact: Whitney Dick                                         42% /TRIPS
                                                                                            58% PER READER
                                                                            AVG. DOMESTIC
                      Number: 404-617-2011
                  Email: wdick@texasmonthly.com

      ISSUE         SPACE CLOSE       CREATIVE DUE           AD SIZE               PARTNER COST               VALUE
    AVAILABLE          DATES             DATES
     Feb. 2022        Nov. 23, 2021    Dec. 20, 2021           1/2 Page               $3,250                  $6,500
                                                              Full Page               $1,625                  $2,350
                                                                                                                             Click to
    March 2022        Nov. 23, 2021    Jan. 20, 2022                                                                         Submit!
     Oct. 2022        Nov. 23, 2021    Aug. 20, 2022
                               Audubon International
                              Green Lodging Program

The Green Lodging Program is a voluntary, non-regulatory
effort by Audubon International that encourages the lodging
industry to:
    Conserve water and energy
    Minimize waste generation and increase recycling
    Improve indoor air quality
    Implement environmentally friendly purchasing and
    pollution prevention strategies

Goal: To have all traditional lodging on Amelia Island become
Green Lodging Certified.


                                                          Conduct: A property
           FREE                      $250-750

                                                          Implement: Environmental
                                                          practices in five areas of
   The Amelia Island Convention & Visitors Bureau
                                                          Complete: The designation
   will cover the costs for lodging partners to apply
    and receive the Audubon International Green
      Lodging Certification, valid for three years.

     Make Money: Easy identification as a ‘green          REQUEST PARTICIPATION
       facility’ for millions of ‘green’ travelers.

    Save Money: Structure, information, tools, and                Click here to
         advice to reduce operating costs.                    confirm your interest
                                                                in this program!!
  Verification: Third-party, credible verification by a
           non-profit environmental group.
To better serve your marketing strategy, below is a list of annual events that may impact
                             tourism businesses. The AICVB manages the most up-to-date event calendar for
                                                partners found on AmeliaislandTDC.com.

                                          HOLIDAYS, FESTIVALS & EVENTS
                        October 2021                                          March 2022
                           Sounds on Centre (1st)                                Spring break season begins (6th)
                           Conner's A-Maize-ing Acres Fall Event (1st-31st)      Amelia Island Concours d'Elegance &
                           Amelia Island Jazz Festival (3rd-6th)                Concours Week events (3rd-6th)
                           Northeast Florida Fair (14th-24th)                    St. Patrick's Day (17th)
                           Zooma Race (Cancelled this year)
                           8 Flags Car Show (16th)                            April 2022
                           Run the Runway (16th)                                 Ramadan (2nd)
                           FL/GA Game (30th)                                     Conner's A-Maize-ing Acres Easter
                           Halloween (31st)                                       Eggstravaganza (9th-17th)
                                                                                 Spring break season ends (10th)
                        November 2021                                            Good Friday (15th)
                           Day of the Dead (1st)                                 Earth Day (22nd)
                           Right Whale Festival (6th-7th)                        Shrimp Festival (29th-1st)
                           Veterans Day (11th)
                           Pétanque Amelia Island Open (12th-14th)            May 2022
                           The Ritz-Carlton Christmas Tree Lighting (24th)      Conner's A-Maize-ing Acres Sunflower
                           Thanksgiving (25th)                                   Family Farm Days (1st-31st)
                           Black Friday Downtown Pajama Party (26th)            Cinco de Mayo (5th)
                           Omni Resort Christmas Tree Lighting (26th)           Mother's Day (8th)
                           City of Fernandina Beach Christmas Tree Lighting     Wild Amelia (20th-22nd)
                           Ceremony (27th)                                      Memorial Day (30th)
                           Hanukkah (28th)
                                                                              June 2022
                       December 2021                                             Summer break season begins (1st)
                           Wynton Marsalis Amelia Island Chamber Music           Sounds on Centre (3rd)
                           Festival (3rd)                                        Flag Day (14th)
                           Amelia Island Museum of History Holiday Home          Father's Day (19th)
                           Tour (3rd-4th)
                           Dickens on Centre Dining Week (3rd-12th)           July 2022
                           Lighted Christmas Parade (4th)
               Magazine Issues                                                   Sounds on Centre (1st)
                           Reindeer Run Half Marathon & 5K (5th)                 Independence Day (4th)
                           Dickens on Centre Festival (9th-12th)
                           Christmas (24th)                                   August 2022
                           Kwanzaa (26th)                                        Sounds on Centre (5th)
                           Light Up Amelia Shrimp Drop (31st)                    Summer break season ends (15th)
                           TaxSlayer Gator Bowl (31st)
                           New Years Eve (31st)                               September 2022
                                                                                 Sounds on Centre (2nd)
                        January 2022                                             Labor Day (5th)
                            Amelia Island Chamber Music Festival                 Amelia Island Dance Festival (9th-11th)
                           (Season: Jan.-Apr.)                                   Endless Watermelon Ride (TBD)
                            Martin Luther King Jr. Day (17th)                    Island Hop Beer Festival (TBD)
                            Amelia Island Restaurant Week (21st-30th)            Cars & Cannons (TBD)

                        February 2022
                           Valentine's Day (14th)
                           Amelia Island Book Festival (18th-19th)
                           Amelia Island Film Festival (24th-28th)
                SEASONAL AND EVENT OFFERS                              F21 PROGRAM STATS
A great way to attract loyal and new visitors to Amelia Island is
  to offer special promotions, room packages, or enhanced                 LANDING PAGE VIEWS
  experiences. Building a special package around a holiday,                      14,438
  festival, local event, or even the season makes for a great             # OF SPECIAL OFFERS
                     engaging call to action.                                      26

Being proactive in launching special offers in advance provides
the inspiration to potential travelers considering Amelia Island
   as their vacation destination. Therefore, all special offer       PARTNER COST        VALUE
materials are asked to be turned in 90 days in advance of the
                   event, festival, or holiday.                           FREE           $1,000

Review the event calendar and plan your special offers ahead
of time before the time runs out. Plan out the entire year if your
                     are feeling ambitious!!                         REQUEST PARTICIPATION

               PROMOTIONAL OFFER
                                                                      Click to submit this form
     Submit your special offers for holidays, festivals,              any time of year to share
     events, and seasons for FREE. These specials will                    a special offer or
     be compiled in a number of ways including social                        promotion!
          media, blogs, emails, and website, etc.
       The submission form allows you to select the
     events you would like your special to be valid for.

   The event calendar on AmeliaIsland.com is the most
                                                                         PROGRAM STATS
 comprehensive on the island. All events that have a goal               EVENT CALENDAR VIEWS
   of driving overnight visitation can be submitted to be                        113,883
                   added to the calendar.                            EVENTS & FESTIVALS PAGE VIEWS
  Remember, whether your event is untapping a special                             8,520
  brew or a multiday agenda, this information should be
    available to our visitors and aspirational customers
  because they might partake in the events available to
                                                                     PARTNER COST        VALUE
                 them while they're visiting!
                                                                          FREE            $500

                                                                     REQUEST PARTICIPATION

                                                                      Click to submit this form
   Check event eligibility by submitting event details                any time of year to list an
    for FREE at www.AmeliaIsland.com/Calendar.                         event on the calendar!
                                               VALUE CARD
                               Nearly 700,000 overnight guests per year are            2021 PROGRAM STATS
                                 offered the Value Card upon check-in of                       PARTICIPANTS
                               commercial lodging. The Value Card is full of        Restaurants: 6 | Activities: 23 | Shops 24
                                                                                           LANDING PAGE VIEWS
                                valuable offerings from over 50 partnering
                                businesses. The discounts are only valid to              # OF CARDS DISTRIBUTED
                            overnight guests by having the Value Card provided                       54,577
                              and signed by the lodging establishments upon
                            check-in. The Value Card drives consumers to local      PARTNER COST             EST. VALUE
                            businesses after they arrive in market and provides             FREE                  $250
                             an unexpected experience for our valued visitors.

                                                                                    REQUEST PARTICIPATION
                                      PROMOTIONAL OFFER
                                  Partners can request to offer a year-round                    CLICK TO
                               discount. Check out the current deals online at                SUBMIT FORM
                                                                                                   DUE BY
                              to start ideating about what offer you would like                    12/1/21
                              to include in the Value Card this year and submit
                                           the form to be included!

                                 SEASIDE SALUTE: MILITARY DISCOUNTS
                                                                                           PROGRAM STATS
                                 A special thanks to our friends in uniform,
                                     Seaside Salute deals are available                       PARTICIPANTS
                                  especially for U.S. military personnel. All            Restaurants: 2 | Activities: 5
                                                                                           Lodging: 9 | Shops 4
                                  types of discounts are accepted for this
                                 special offer including accommodations,                   LANDING PAGE VIEWS
                                  dining, activities and retail. It is simple to
                                  participate: just scan the code and send
                                      us offer details any time of year!            PARTNER COST             EST. VALUE
                                                                                            FREE                  $100

                                                                                    REQUEST PARTICIPATION
                                      PROMOTIONAL OFFER
                               Partners can request to be listed for a full year.
                                                                                       Click to submit this form
                                    Check out the current deals online at                  to participate in
                             AmeliaIsland.com/Plan/Special-Offers/Seaside-Salute           Seaside Salute,
                             to start ideating about what offer you would like to         military discounts!
                              include in the Seaside Salute program this year.
 AmeliaIsland.com receives over 2.4 million page views               List your business for FREE on
  per year. Potential visitors begin planning their trip to        AmeliaIsland.com. Make updates
                                                                 regularly by resubmitting new details
our destination by researching the business listings that          throughout the year. Submit your
    are available on AmeliaIsland.com. Visitors also             business description, photos, videos,
  continue to reference details on our trusted website            offerings, links to your website and
                                                                           social media pages.
 while they are in market. Therefore, it is important that
your business is listed and accurately provides the most
   up-to-date information for our visitors at all times.               PROGRAM STATS
                                                                   BUSINESS LISTING PAGE VIEWS
  For additional exposure, we encourage you to also                  Accommodations: 506,487
       submit and update your business listing                            Activities: 234,855
                                                                            Shops: 43,364
              on VISITFLORIDA.org/join.
                                                                         Restaurants: 228,479
                                                                 # OF VISITOR GUIDES DISTRIBUTED
                     VISITOR GUIDE
                                                                 PARTNER COST             VALUE
The AICVB team will be updating the Visitor Guide set
                                                                        FREE               $2,000
  to launch in 2022. Part of this revamp of the award-
winning, augmented reality reference guide may direct
 viewers to AmeliaIsland.com to view the most up-to-                   UPDATE LISTING
 date business listing details. Set a quarterly calendar
reminder with a link to your page on AmeliaIsland.com
 to start a routine spot check of your business listing!              Click to submit this
                                                                      form to inform us of
                                                                          any updates!

 Magazine Issues                             ALL AICVB PRODUCED COLLATERAL
                                                       Visitor Guide
                                                       Historic Walking Tour
                                                       Augmented Reality Map
                                                       Bike Map
                                                       Leave No Trace
                                                       Artrageous Artwalk
                                                       Rainy Day Activities List
                                                       Kids Bucket List
                                                       Rental Services List

                                      To schedule a FREE delivery of these COMPLIMENTARY
                                         materials, contact the Nassau County Chamber of
                                                     Commerce at 904-261-3248

                                      ADDITIONAL PARTNER RESOURCES
                                Partners are encouraged to take full advantage of the wealth of
                                 information, opportunities and resources the AICVB provides.

                    Host our Guests - Host travel writers and influencers from all over the world.

                    Share Your News - We can help spread your messages, if we know your news. Email details
                    on special offers, big announcements, new programs, and events to britney@hayworthpr.com.

                    Be Social - We’re always in need of content! Share stories, photos, and news with our team
                    for a chance to be featured on our social media channels and the Amelia Island Blog. Use
                    Amelia Island hashtags to reach travelers and influencers around the globe: #AmeliaIsland

                    Point Back - Point to any page on AmeliaIsland.com from your website to give your potential
                    visitors ideas of things to do and places to go.

                    Stock Up - Provide your guests with destination collateral for free! Just let us know what you
                    need, and we’ll deliver a stock of our collateral materials for your use including: Visitor Guides,
                    Value Cards, Historic District Walking Tour booklet, Artrageous Artwalk brochures,
                    Augmented Reality Experience Map, Bike Map, Leave No Trace information, and more.

                    Utilize Free Resources - AmeliaIslandTDC.com offers our research, marketing plans, and
                    resources such as free photos and video galleries for your use. Find our free photo library at
                    bit.ly/AmeliaIslandContentLibrary or upload your own assets to bit.ly/AmeliaIslandCollector.

                    Attend Meetings & Webinars - Get informed on marketing initiatives, tourism programs and
                    industry best practices.

                    Be on Display - Display your collateral materials at the spectacular Amelia Island Welcome
                    Center, open seven days a week, 364 days a year.

                    Book Business - Connect with meeting planners by responding to RFPs.

                    Walk Down the Aisle - Get lead lists of brides and grooms interested in Amelia Island

                    Stay Connected - Read our AICVB partner newsletters for industry news, upcoming events,
                    destination performance and industry opportunities.
     Hayworth PR helps shape and maintain Amelia
Island’s image through strategic media and influencer
  relations. One way to get involved and “earn” media
  coverage for your business and the destination is to
               host an influencer or writer.

 Hayworth PR carefully vets writers and influencers
  before inviting them to Amelia Island, and before
   contacting potential host partners. Most have a
   contract and are required to utilize our tracking
               platform to verify results.

                                                                 Britney Guertin
          • Providing a complimentary stay,
                                                                  Hayworth PR
                    meal or activity                           386-677-7000 ext. 4
        • Offering a media rate for discounted              britney@hayworthpr.com
         accommodations, dining or activities
     • Providing tickets or gift certificates for the
                      “ticket bank”
                                                             2021 PR EFFORTS
   • Full vetting of writers/influencers in advance        Amelia Island's PR initiatives
      • Pre-arrival communication with partners           in FY21 resulted in 342 media
         • Detailed trip itinerary for influencer            mentions, earning of 1.4
               • Post-trip summary report
                                                            billion media impressions
    • Ongoing follow-up for continued coverage

                                     HOW TO PARTICIPATE

             Lodging, Dining, Activities, and Retail can all be involved in hosting!

                              Send exciting news and stories
                          Let us know if you are open to hosting
              Respond to email requests quickly to secure hosting influencers
                            Email britney@hayworthpr.com
  Since its inception, the AICVB has driven tourism initiatives to produce record-breaking
 economic performance year after year, while supporting events and activities that add to
                     the experiences available to residents and visitors.

  In implementing the programs of the AITDC, the AICVB works to maximize the positive
   impact of a sustainable tourism industry for the citizens of Amelia Island. By inspiring
  travelers to “Come Make Memories” and share their experiences, the AICVB stimulates
           visitation to Amelia Island and its many attractions and special events.

                                  Gil Langley                               Amy Boek
                               President & CEO                        Chief Marketing Officer
                          glangley@ameliaisland.com                  aboek@ameliaisland.com

           Karen Hadley                                Marilou Welling                      Maurie Dugger
   Director of Strategic Initiatives         Director of Interactive Engagement   Director of Program Development
    khadley@ameliaisland.com                    mwelling@ameliaisland.com            mdugger@ameliaisland.com

                                Nate Aron                                   Jana Williams
                   Business & Partner Relations Manager                   Executive Assistant
                         naron@ameliaisland.com                     jwilliams@ameliaisland.com

                                              Send visitors to the Amelia Island Welcome Center in historic downtown
                                              Fernandina Beach to get the most out of their stay. Let the experienced
                                                 and friendly staff provide guests with up-to-date information on
                                                         attractions, events, dining, and everything "Amelia".

                                                     102 Centre Street, Amelia Island, FL 32034 | 904.277.0717

                                                                        Deb Nordstrom
                                                                   Visitor Services Manager

        The Welcome Center is open 364
         days a year from 10a to 4p daily.
AmeliaIsland.com | AmeliaIslandTDC.com | AmeliaIslandCVB.com

                                  AICVB OFFICE
        2398 Sadler Road, Suite 200, Amelia Island, FL 32034 | 904.277.4369

                                  WELCOME CENTER
               102 Centre Street, Amelia Island, FL 32034 | 904.277.0717

            Facebook                        Instagram                   Twitter
        /AmeliaIslandFlorida            /VisitAmeliaIsland          /Go2AmeliaIsland

            LinkedIn                        YouTube                     Pinterest
     /company/VisitAmeliaIsland         /VisitAmeliaIsland          /VisitAmeliaIsland

                        #AmeliaIsland                        #LoveAmelia
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