2022 Photo by Dave Prill - Snohomish County Tribune

Page created by Frances Richards
2022 Photo by Dave Prill - Snohomish County Tribune
Page 1                                                                 Discover Everett                                                                                     2022

   Photo by Dave Prill

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2022 Photo by Dave Prill - Snohomish County Tribune
Page 2                                                                    Discover Everett                                                                                                  2022

Museums offer learning, good times for everyone
                                                                     the middle of the expansion        whole family. For example,
                                                                     project capital campaign.          you can digitally design and
                                                                     This exciting expansion            test your own jet and take an
                                                                     project will provide new           exhilarating ride aboard the
                                                                     exhibits, expanded learning        multi-passenger XJ5 Flight
                                                                     opportunities and more space       Simulator, at mind-jarring,
                                                                     to alleviate overcrowding.         supersonic speeds!
                                                                       For more information on            The museum is located
                                                                     the museum’s programs and          at 8415 Paine Field Blvd.
                                                                     tours, call 425-258-1006 or        For more information call
                                                                     visit www.ImagineCM.org            425-438-8100 or visit www.
                                                                       Future of Flight Aviation
                                                                        Center & Boeing Tour
                                                                       With developments in
                                                                     aviation technology coming
                                                                                                                           Take a zip line tour!
                                                                     at an ever-quickening pace,                                                                        difficulty level. Then you can
 Nolan Kraft, age 2, of Everett, having fun at the Imagine           The B o eing Company,
 Children’s Museum.
                                                                                                                                                                        go on a Zip Line Tour around
                                                                     Future of Flight Foundation,                                                                       the park! When you complete
                                                                     Snohomish County Public                                                                            the zip line circuit you can
      Children’s Museum            together in a place they can      Facilities District and the
  The Imagine Children’s           feel safe.                                                                                                                           climb back up and do it again
                                                                     Snohomish County Airport                                                                           as there are no limits to the
Museum is located in                 Every child and family          (Paine Field) sought to create
downtown Everett and offers        deserves playtime together                                                                                                           number of times you can go
                                                                     a unique interpretive center                                                                       on the zip lines.
a variety of hands-on exhibits     at Imagine. Free admission        to help visitors look into the
on science, culture, history       nights and discounted                                                                                                                  The Cadet Course features
                                                                     future of commercial aviation.                                                                     two zip lines for the younger
and fine arts for children to      memberships are a few ways        Discover North America’s
explore with their families.       Imagine ensures that all                                                                                                             customers under 90 pounds
                                                                     ONLY publicly available                                                                            that aren’t quite yet ready for
  Free and guided play builds      families have an opportunity      commercial jet assembly plant
a child’s social and academic      to share in the fun.                                                                                                                 the main zip tour.
                                                                     tour: the Boeing Tour offers                                                                         High Trek Adventures also
development. At Imagine              The museum, at 1502 Wall        a remarkable opportunity             If you love to zip line or    line tour experience in
Children’s Museum they             St., is open Tuesday and                                                                                                             offers an 18-hole mini golf
                                                                     to see both commercial jet         have never experienced the      Washington State quite like     course, laser tag and night-
promote the power of play:         Wednesday from 9 a.m. to          production today and the           thrill of zip lining, venture   High Trek Adventures. The
learning and growing by doing      5 p.m.; Thursday through                                                                                                             time zip and climb courses.
                                                                     direction aviation is headed       out to High Trek Adventures     Ropes Course is self-led so       The park is located at 11928
what every child loves to do…      Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5        in the future.                     in Everett!                     whether you are a kid or an
play! Their interactive exhibits   p.m.; and Sunday from 11                                                                                                             Beverly Park Rd. in Everett.
                                                                       The $23 million Future of          There is no other zip         adult you can choose your own   www.hightrekeverett.com
and activities encourage           a.m. to 5 p.m. (closed most       Flight project features hands-
children and their families to     Mondays).                         on exhibits, videos, graphics
role play, experiment, splash,       When the pandemic hit,          and interactive stations to
think, wander and create           the museum was already in         involve and appeal to the

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2022 Photo by Dave Prill - Snohomish County Tribune
Page 3                                                                   Discover Everett                                                                                                                                                         2022

                                  Enjoy Everett’s beautiful Waterfront
  Here are a few ideas for          • Howarth Park                     transform into a huge outdoor     fun to watch from the beach.
visitors and residents alike        Head up the trail through the      dance floor. It’s free to watch     • Jetty Island Days
to enjoy Everett’s waterfront:    forest and over the railroad         the music and beer and wine         Everett’s sandy island of
  • Boxcar Park                   tracks to a spectacular beach        is available. Bring cash and      wonder is only accessible by
  Boxcar Park butts right up      with killer views.The park also      your dancing shoes. A jacket      a free ferry (unless you have
to the water and is a perfect     has trails, playgrounds, picnic      is a good idea, too, for when     a boat/raft/scuba tank). The
spot to enjoy a picnic, throw a   shelters, and an abundance of        the sun goes down. Hopefully,     island boasts two miles of
frisbee with a friend or watch    water views! The pedestrian          Covid-19 restrictions will        sandy beach and the water is
the sunset. Local Picnic Tip:     bridge gives you easy access         allow this.                       shallow and warm (by PNW
The Sno-Isle Natural Foods        to the beach.                          • Fishing Charters              standards). Jetty Island Days
Co-Op is a great place to load      • Run, Walk, Bike                    The Pacific Northwest has       run between July and Labor
up on snacks.                       The Everett waterfront has a       an abundance of salmon            Day. Fun fact: Jetty Island
                                                  four-mile paved      and crab – not to mention a       is a top destination for Kite
                                                  trail that’ll take   picturesque and rugged coast      Boarding.
                                                  you past some        that is especially nice to see      • Sail in Cinema
                                                  pretty selfie-       by boat. If you have the time       Catch free outdoor movies on                               Kiteboarding at Jetty Island
                                                  worthy scenery.      (and the budget for it) check     select Friday evenings during
                                                    • Music at the     out one of Everett’s fishing      the summer at Boxcar Park.                                   host of food trucks at the Port                         Crossing
                                                  Marina               charter companies.                Bring a blanket, junk food and                               of Everett’s South Marina.                               The crosswalk at Alverson
                                                    On Thursday          • Kiteboarding                  enjoy the show.                                               • Grand Avenue Park                                    Blvd. and W. Marine View
                                                  and Saturday           Jetty Island is a top             • Food Truck Fridays                                       Bridge                                                  Drive offers pedestrians a
                                                  nights during        destination for kiteboarding        Feast on street food, lounge                                This new pedestrian bridge                             safe and easy way to access
                                                  the summer,          a nd i f you’re fe e l i ng       in the sunshine, and take                                    connects the north end of                               the waterfront via the Mill
                                                  the docks at         adventurous, you can take         in the views of the Olympic                                  Grand Avenue Park to the Port                           Town Trail.
                                                  the Por t of         a class and learn how. Not        mountains.Every Friday from                                  of Everett waterfront.
Howarth Park                                                                                                                                                           •Alverson Pedestrian
                                                  Everett Marina       feeling gnarly? No prob, it’s     May-September, you’ll find a

  Important Phone Numbers
                                                                                                             Everett’s Neighborhood
 Police Dept:                      Parks & Recreation:                  Sound Transit
 425-257-8400                      425-257-8300                         888-889-6368                      Everett is divided into 19                                  greater sense of community.                             Seahurst-Glenhaven, Holly,
 Fire Dept:                        Senior Center:                       Poison Control                   neighborhoods,each of which                                   For more information and                               Lowell,Northwest,Pinehurst-
                                                                                                         has its own neighborhood                                     how you can become involved,                            Beverly Park, Port Gardner,
 425-257-8100                      425-257-8780                         800-222-1222                     association. As independent                                  visit ww.everettwa.gov/334/                             Riverside, Silver Lake, South
 City of Everett:                  Rotary Club of Everett:              PoliceNon-Emergency              entities, the neighborhood                                   Neighborhood-Associations.                              Forest Park, Twin Creeks,
 425-257-8700                      425-259-9141                         425-407-3970                     associations work to enhance                                  The Everett Neighborhoods                              Valley View - Sylvan Crest -
 Animal Control:                   Library (Hoyt Ave.):                 Port of Everett                  their neighborhoods,                                         are: Bayside, Boulevard Bluffs,                         Larimer Ridge, View Ridge
 425-388-3440                      425-257-8000                         425-259-3164                     support participation in city                                CascadeView,Delta,Evergreen,                            - Madison and Westmont.
 PUD:                              Library (Evergreen                   Paine Field Airport              government and foster a                                      Glacier View, Harborview-
 425-783-1000                     Way):                                 425-388-5125
 Animal Shelter:                   425-257-8250                         Providence Hospital
 425-257-6000                      Garbage          and                 425-261-2000
 Health District:                 Recycling:                            Housing Authority
 425-339-5200                      425-257-7205                         425-374-7762
 Everett Transit:                  Building Permits:
 425-257-7777                      425-257-8810
 Community Transit:                Everett School District
 425-353-7433                      425-385-4000                                                                                                                                                   02/28/23

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2022 Photo by Dave Prill - Snohomish County Tribune
Page 4                                                                 Discover Everett                                                                                                                  2022

 Everett Arts and Entertainment                                                                                           Explore Everett Parks
  The performing arts in            6766                             Dr. Every artist is in action,            Whether you prefer
Everett – from concerts to                                           plus on-site glassblowing,              saltwater, the brackish water
acting and dancing – are              • Village Theatre and          wood carving and pottery                of an estuary, a meandering
amazing with top-notch local        KIDSTAGE                         demonstration areas.                    river or a deep lake, Everett
and internationally known             Producing entertaining,          The Schack Art Center is              Parks has beaches, views and
performers.                         quality productions since        located at 2921 Hoyt Ave. For           boat launches to get you closer
  Everett also offers breath-       1979, Village Theatre has        more information visit www.             to the water. There are also
taking pieces of art – from         grown into one of the region’s   schack.org                              many parks to visit with your
sculptures to glass-blowing         best-attended professional                                               children for a great family
to carvings and paintings –         theatres and is nationally         • Everett Performing Arts             outing. For more information
there’s beauty and wonder for       recognized.                      Center                                  on any of the parks that Everett
everyone!                             Village Theatre KIDSTAGE         The Everett Performing                Parks and Recreation offers,
  • Everett Philharmonic            offers acting, singing and       Arts Center presents an                 call 425-257-8300.A complete           Rotary Park offers access to the Snohomish river system for
  The Everett Philharmonic          dancing classes, as well as      exciting array of professional          list of parks can be found at          small river boats.
serves the greater Everett          musical theatre productions,     performances by world-                  www.everettwa.gov                      • Harborview Park               • Rotary Park
community with symphonic            for students pre-k through       renow ne d ar t ist s and               • 10th Street Marina Park               1621 Mukilteo Blvd.             3505 Lowell-Snohomish
performances of the                 age 20. For more information     companies.                                10th St. & W. Marine View Dr.        • Hauge Homestead Park           River Rd.
highest quality, delighting         on Village Theatre call 425-       Enjoy these spectacular               • American Legion                        1819 121st St. SE             • Rucker Hill Park
every concert-goer from             257-8600; KIDS STAGE call        performances in an intimate             Memorial Park                          • Howarth Park                    621 Laurel Drive
the youthful novice to the          360-740-5035or visit www.        sett ing at the Everett                   145 Alverson Blvd.                     1127 Olympic Blvd.            • Sen. H.M. Jackson Park
experienced aficionado.             http://www.villagetheatre.       Performing Arts Center,                 • Bayside Park                           • Interurban Park               1700 State St.
Concert venues include the          org/everett.                     located at 2710 Wetmore Ave.              2200 Grand Ave.                        Madison & Commercial          • South Everett Forest Pre-
Everett Civic Auditorium and                                         in downtown Everett.                    • Cascade View Park                    • JJ Hill Park                  serve
the Everett First Presbyterian        • The Schack Art Center          For more information call               88th St. & 7th St.                     Hewitt Ave. & Broadway          1017-109th St. SE
Church.For more information           Inside the Schack Art Center, 425-257-8600.                            • Century Park                         • Jetty Island                  • Summit Park
visit www.everettphil.org.          you find exhibit galleries with                                            E. Berkshire Drive                     • Johnston Kelly Park           Summit Avenue
                                    diverse artwork from locally • Everett Chorale                           • Clark Park                             49th St. SW & Forest Dr.      • Thornton A. Sullivan
  • Historic Everett Theatre        and internationally known For over 50 years, the Everett                   2400 Lombard Ave.                    • Judd & Black Park             Park (Silver Lake)
  The Historic Everett Theatre,     professional artists, as well as Chorale has performed a                 • Deer Park                              Hewitt Ave & Maple St.          11405 Silver Lake Rd.
built in 1901, is the lone          emerging young talents.          wide variety of quality choral            1300-55th St. SW                     • Kasch Memorial Park           • Viola Oursler Park
survivor of Everett’s theatre         The main gallery also music for the enrichment and                     • Doyle Park                             8811 Airport Road               721 E. Mrine View Drive
heyday.At one time,16 theatres      provides a first-class view enjoyment of Snohomish                         3420 Grand Ave.                      • Kiwanis Park                  • Walter E. Hall Park
graced the city. The Historic       into the world of glassblowing. County. Membership is open               • Drew Nielsen Park                      36th & Rockefeller              1226 SW Casino Road
Everett Theatre, the most             Schack Art Center has four to all interested singers with                13th St. & Colby Ave.                • Langus Riverfront Park        • Wetmore Theatre Plaza
elaborate of those is open to the   production studios that previous choral singing                          • Edgewater Park                         400 Smith Island Rd.            2710 Wetmore Ave.
public and offers an amazing        accommodate a wide variety experience.                                     3731 Mukilteo Blvd.                  • Lions Park                    • Wiggums Hollow Park
variety of entertainment. To        of mediums.                        Tickets can be purchased at           • Elm Street Park                        7530 Cascade Dr.                2808 10th St.
view the many upcoming                The Annual Fresh Paint, a the Everett Performing Arts                    Olympic Blvd. & View Ridge           • Loganberry Lane Park
concerts and events, visit          festival of artists at work, is Center 2710 Wetmore Ave. or              Dr.
www.historiceveretttheatre.         tentatively scheduled for Aug. online at www.everettchorale.             • Emma Yule Park
                                                                                                                                                      18th Ave. West
                                                                                                                                                    • Lowell Riverfront Park                FREE
  2911 Colby Ave. 425-258-
                                    21-22 at the Port of Everett org. 425-257-8600.
                                    Marina, 1700 W. Marine View
                                                                                                               4730 Colby Ave.
                                                                                                             • Forest Park
                                                                                                                                                     Lowell-Snohomish River Rd.     Kids Fishing
                                                                                                              802 E. Mukilteo Blvd.
                                                                                                                                                    • Lowell Park
                                                                                                                                                     4605 S. 3rd Ave.                  Event
                                                                                                             • Garfield Park                        • Madison-Morgan Park              Expert fishing guides help
                     Everett Art Walks                                                                         2300 Walnut St.
                                                                                                             • Grand Avenue Park
                                                                                                               1800 Grand Ave.
                                                                                                                                                      518 Madison Street
                                                                                                                                                    • Phil Johnson Ball Fields
                                                                                                                                                                                     kids reel in the excitement
                                                                                                                                                                                     at the FREE event for
     Enjoy an inspiring evening of the arts in Everett, as local businesses come together to                                                          400 W. Sievers-Duecy Blvd.     ages 4-14 Sauturday, May
                                                                                                             • Green Lantern Park                   • Riverside Park                 14 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
    celebrate “the arts” on the third Thursday of each month from 5-9 p.m. The Art Walks
                                                                                                               1822 Silver Lake Rd.                   Everett Ave & E. Grand Ave.    at Thornton A. Sullivan
    showcase great visual, literary and performance artists from Everett and beyond!
                                                                                                             • Hannabrook Park                                                       Park at Silver Lake (11405
     For more information visit www.everettartwalk.org
                                                                                                               5815 Brookridge Blvd.                                                 W. Silver Lake Road in
                                                                                                                                                                                       Bring your own rod,
                                                                                                                                                                                     reel and tackle. Some
                                                                         For Lock Services call                                                                                      e q u i p m e nt m ay b e
                                                                                                                                                                                     available to borrow.
                                                                                                                                                                                      For more Parks’
                                                                                                                                                                                     events visit everettwa.

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                                                                                                                                                                                            Becky Reed
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2022 Photo by Dave Prill - Snohomish County Tribune
Page 5                                                                 Discover Everett                                                                                                             2022

                                                       Discover Everett Sports
 Silvertips - there's nothing Enjoy an Aquasox game at
     like a hockey game          Everett Funko Field
                                                                                                           After spending 25 years as     the Aquasox mascot, to sprint
 The Everett Silvertips are                                                                              the Seatle Mariner’s short-      around the infield.
a member of the Western                                                                                  season Single A affilate, 2022    For more information visit
Hockey League. The games                                                                                 marks the Everett Aqua Sox       www.aquasox.com
are held at the Angel of the                                                                             second year as a High-A club
Winds arena, 2000 Hewitt                                                                                 and the first time opening day       Aquasox Home Game
Ave.                                                                                                     is in April.                               Schedule:
                                                                                                           The Aquasox play home          April 8-10: Eugene
Silvertips Home Games:                                                                                   games at Funko Field at           Emeralds
March 4: Portland                                                                                        Everett Memorial Stadium,        April 19-24: Tri City Dust
 Winterhawks                                                                                             3900 Broadway Avenue.            April 26-May 1: Spokane
March 5: Seattle                                                                                           The Everett AquaSox prides      Indians
 Thunderbirds                                                                                            itself on providing a family-    May 17-22: Hillsboro            July 22-24: Eugene Emeralds
March 11: Spokane Chiefs                                                                                 friendly atmosphere, and          Hops                           Aug. 2-7: Hillsboro Hops
March 19: Vancouver                                                                                      loves to hear how much fun       May 31-June 5: Eugene           Aug. 16-21: Vancouver
 Giants                                                                                                  kids have when they get to        Emeralds                       Canadians
                                                                                     Kaitlyn Price photo
March 20: Spokane Chiefs                                                                                 run the bases. After every       June 14-19: Tri City Dust       Aug. 23-28: Spokane Indians
March 25 Spokane Chiefs            April 1: Portland                 For more information or to Friday and Sunday game,                   July 4-10: Vancouver Canadi-    Sept. 6-11: Hilsboro Hops
March 26: Portland                  Winterhawks                      purchase tickets visit www. kids are invited by Webbly,              ans (no game July 5)
 Winterhawks                                                         everettsilvertips.com

                         Everett boasts two beautiful golf courses
 Everett’s public golf courses,    individual and group lessons.     and manage the golf outing        swing.                         Players are treated to                425-353-4653
Legion Memorial and Walter         If you are new to the sport or    of which you have always            Visit Everett’s Golf Courses,wonderfully manicured                 A favorite of Pacific
Hall are maintained by the         would like to work on your        dreamed – on budget,on time,      to play, to learn, to practice,course conditions, personal         Northwest golfers since 1972,
City of Everett and managed        short game, there is a program    and enjoyable for all.            to enjoy!                      customer service, and a             Walter Hall golfers of all skill
by Premier Golf Center, LLC.       that will benefit you.             The pro shops offer a great                                     player-friendly design that         are treated to wonderfully
The two beautiful golf               If this season brings com-      selection and competitive           Legion Memorial              features five sets of tees          manicured course conditions,
courses are both set in a forest   pany outings, charity events,     prices on golf equipment,           144 W. Marine View Dr.       ranging 6,900 yards at the          personal customer service,
setting and have amazing           family gatherings, leave          apparel and accessories.            425-259-4653                 championship tees, to 4,805         and a player-friendly design
views of the mountain ranges.      the hassle of planning and        Sales associates include            A Pa c i f i c Nor t hwe s t yards at the forward tees.          that features four sets of tees
 Each 18 Hole course offers        organizing to the Tournament      certified club fitting experts,   tradition since 1933, Legion                                       ranging 6,433 yards at the
golf instructions through          Director. The professional        committed to matching the         Memorial is a favorite for Walter Hall Golf Course                 back tees, to 5,219 yards at the
PGA Teaching Staff both for        staff will work closely to plan   right equipment to your           golfers of all skill levels. 1226 W. Casino Rd                     forward tees.

              Everett Jets Semi-Pro Soccer comes to Everett!
  The Everett Jets Semi-           of Snohomish Soccer Dome          amateur soccer back to town       closest geographical rival and with their Everett Jets Football     See SOCCER on page 8
Pro Soccer team is the             and Snohomish Skyhawks            and bridges a big gap for the     expands the league’s footprint. Club,” said EPLWA President
Evergreen Premier League           owner Pablo Mummey, and           Evergreen Premier League,           “In order to create Home
of Washington’s (EPLWA)            were in the planning stages for   who have been absent from         Team Heroes you need roots
12th team and the first club       well over a year before being     soccer rich Snohomish             in your community. That
to call Snohomish County           admitted to the EPLWA.            County to this point. It also     is what Marco and Hawk
home. The new club plays             “We have been planning,         gives Bellingham United their     Mummey bring to the EPLWA
t he i r hom e g a m e s at        campaigning, and working
Everett Memorial Stadium           with the community on this                                                                                 Framing for all Budgets
and joins the Cascade              for years now,” said Marco.                           The Grondahl Agency
Conference comp et i ng            “We know this is a giant step                         7024 Evergreen Way, Ste. B,                         Mirrors • Art Supplies
against Bellingham United,         forward for the Everett soccer                        Everett, WA 98203                                         Local Art
the Seattle Stars, Oly Town        community. Our vision for                                                                                   www.anabelsgallery.com
                                                                                         Melody Grondahl, LUTCF
Artesians,Yakima United and        this club from the onset                              Exclusive Agent                                          Mon-Sat 9-6 Sun 10-4 425-258-6402
Tri-Cities Alliance for a spot     was always to help bring the                                                                                    2531 BROADWAY EVERETT, WA 98201
                                                                       Phone: 425-355-1613
in the EPLWA playoffs.             community closer through            Toll Free: 800-355-1613
  The Everett Jets are owned       the beautiful game.”                Fax: 425-355-2852                                                        Burial | Cremation | Cemetery Options
and operated by Hawk and             The move into Everett             www.allstateagencies.com/melody                                       Mausoleum Crypts | Pre-Need Planning Services
Marco Mummey, the sons             br i n g s statewide, elite         melody@allstate.com

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                                                                            (Buy 1 meal off the reg. menu and 2 beverages,
                                                                           get 2nd meal free of equal or lesser value up to $9)           Evergreen Funeral Home & Cemetery
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2022 Photo by Dave Prill - Snohomish County Tribune
Page 6                                                                       Discover Everett                                                                                                                       2022

                                                              Meet the Port of Everett
  The Port of Everett is a natural   operates eight shipping               prosperity to the waterfront.         previous years, and the Port
deep-water port located on           berths on about 125 acres             Port properties provide               has seen exponential growth
Port Gardner Bay at the mouth        of land, and supports $21             numerous public access and            in containers, which directly
of the Snohomish River. It           BILLION worth of U.S.exports          recreational opportunities            translates into jobs. The Port
was originally formed by the         annually, ranking the No. 2           supporting a vibrant, livable         moved more than 20,000
citizens of Everett in 1918 to       export customs district in            and balanced waterfront.              containers in 2021, up from
create economic opportunities        Washington state – No. 5 on           Since the early 2000s, the            just over 3,800 in 2020.
and protect the waterfront for       the U.S. West Coast. Everett          Port has invested more than             In 2022, the Port remains
the community. The Port has          is the third largest container        $26 million to enhance public         laser-focused on projects
a more than century-long             port in the state and the             access.                               that spur recovery and jobs.
history of providing maritime        region’s premiere breakbulk             Through its operations, the         The Port looks forward to
services and appropriate             cargo facility, handling high-        Port supports nearly 40,000           opening its 40-acre Norton
public access to the waterfront.     value, conventional and               jobs and contributes $433             Terminal, a project that is
It strives to bring quality          overdimensional cargoes in            million to state and local taxes.     transforming the former
jobs, business, and tourism          support of the aerospace,               Economic Recover y &                Kimberly-Clark mill site
opportunities to its local and       construction, manufacturing,          Supply Chain                          into a new maritime hub
surrounding communities,             agriculture, military, energy           As a key economic driver in         to enhance the movement
andiscommittedtoenhancing,           and forest products industries.       ourregion,thePortcontinuesto          of commerce, restore jobs
restoring and preserving the         Most notably, the Port of             make major economic strides           and position our region for
environmental health of our          Everett serves as an extension        at the working waterfront.            economic recovery and cargo
waterfront.                          of aerospace manufacturing,           Over the past decade, the             diversification, while also
  The Port District represents       accommodating all oversized           Port has invested more than           achieving environmental
just over 100,000 residents          parts for the 747, 767, 777,          $125 million to modernize             stewardship.
encompassing most of the             777X and K-C Tanker.                  its seaport, including the              At t h e d e s t i n a t i o n
City of Everett and portions           The Port of Everett also runs       recent completion of its              waterfront,the Port continues
of Mukilteo, Marysville and          the largest public marina on          $57 million South Terminal            to invest in its VISION of a
unincorporated Snohomish             the West Coast with 2,300             modernization to support              waterfront community where
County – but its economic            slips, 5,000 lineal feet of guest     larger ships and heavier              people can do five things
and quality-of-life benefits         moorage, a state-of-the-art           cargoes now calling Everett.          year-round: live, work, eat,
span the entire county. The          boatyard, the largest public          The upgrade also positioned           drink and recreate. This year,
Port is governed by three            boat launch in the state and          Everett as one of the only            at Waterfront Place the Port
elected Commissioners,David          a variety of marine-related           ports of its size on the West         looks forward to welcoming
Simpson, Glen Bachman and            services. On the real estate          Coast with Post-Panamax               the new Asian-inspired
Tom Stiger, and is managed           side, the Port owns 3,300             cranes, and as a result, the          Fisherman Jack’s restaurant
by CEO Lisa Lefeber. The             acres of property – half of           dock has been in continuous           and South Fork Bakery,as well
Port operates three lines of         which is dedicated to public          use since opening, helping            as Everett-based offices for
business: 1) international           access, including Jetty Island.       support current supply chain          Bellingham Yachts, Freedom
shipping terminals; 2) marina        The Port works to return              challenges facing major               Boat Club and Waterline
facilities; and 3) real estate       environmentally impaired              consumer ports in the region.         Boats at Fisherman’s Harbor.       to a destination “wine walk”        housing units.
development.                         properties to job-producing           Since opening, ship calls             This is just the start – the       with several tasting and tap         This year, the Port also
  The Port of Everett Seaport        use, restoring economic               have more than doubled over           district will soon be home         rooms and “restaurant row”          awaits breaching the dike to
                                                                                                                                                    of varying cuisines. The Port       complete the new Blue Heron
                                                                                                                                                    also looks forward to the           Slough wetland mitigation

                 Angel of the Winds Arena                                                                                                           planning and design on Phase
                                                                                                                                                    2 at its Millwright District.LPC
                                                                                                                                                    West was selected to build and
                                                                                                                                                                                        bank, creating 353 acres of
                                                                                                                                                                                        new salmon habitat, as well
                                                                                                                                                                                        opening a new shoreline trail
                                                                                                                                                    operate up to 200,000 square        at the coming Baywood Park,a
                                                 sports and                leagues and figure skating            a full banquet kitchen.            feet of commercial space,
                                                 entertainment             instructions.                                                                                                new job complex at the former
                                                                                                                  The Arena is located at           60,000 square feet of retail        Bay Wood mill site.
                                                 venues.                     The three story conference          2000 Hewitt Avenue. For            space and 300 multi-family
                                                  This 10,000 seat         center includes three 900 sq.         more information visit www.
                                                 venue has drawn           ft. executive meeting rooms,          angelofthewindsarena.com
                                                 millions of guests        a 12,000 sq. ft. ballroom and
                                                 to dow ntow n
                                                  The adjacent
 Angel of the Winds Arena at                    X f i n i t y                            C COPY
the Everett Events Center is          Community Ice Rink is used
                                                                                    PTACOPCY MAIL


one of the Northwest’s leading        for public skating, hockey



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                                                                                                                                                                              1904 Wetmore Ave - Everett, WA 98201
2022 Photo by Dave Prill - Snohomish County Tribune
Page 7                                                                 Discover Everett                                                                                                            2022

   Alaska Air flys from Everett                                                                                          Jetty Island fun
                                                                                                         The summer long Jetty                outdoor activities.              ferry landing and help track
                                                                                                       Island Days runs July 5                  The Jetty ferry departs from   the number of people on the
                                                                                                       through Labor Day with free            the 10th Street Boat Launch      ferry to ensure alignment
                                                                                                       pro­grams and activities for           and Marine Park Wednesday-       with current COVID-19 safety
                                                                                                       the entire family.                     Sunday throughout the            guidance.
                                                                                                         Je t t y Is l a n d , l o c at e d   summer.                            The cost for providing
                                                                                                       1/4 mile off of the Everett              New to the Jetty Island        transportation of the ferry
                                                                                                       waterfront, is a man-made              program is an online             will be partially offset by a
                                                                                                       island with a two mile long            reser vation system for          nominal passenger fee of $3
  Snohomish County’s Paine         Spokane. (Please note that        Field Airport. See www.           sandy beach and shallow                island-goers to secure their     per person, children age two
FieldAirport (PAE) was built in    service to the following          flypainefield.com for details.    warm water that is a kite              spot on the ferry in advance.    and under ride for free. To
1936 and has had a critical role   dest inat ions has been             Paine Field has an annual       boarder’s paradise.                    Previously ferry transport       make reservations and jetty
both regionally and nationally     temporarily suspended: Los        impact of more than $20             The two miles of continuous          was available on a first come,   tips and rules, visit www.
as the manufacturing center        Angeles, San Francisco and        billion on our economy,           sandy beach is unique to               first-served basis, with no      visiteverett.com/Jetty
for Boeing’s widebody aircraft,    San Jose. Please check in with    primarily due to the              the area and is ideal for              assurance of catching a ride.       If you don’t have internet
including the 787, 777, 767,       the Airline for updates.)         aerospace companies that          sunbathing, picnicking and             The new reservation system       access, please call 425-257-
and 747. It is the site of the       The terminal building is        are based at or near there.       observing nature and other             will reduce crowding at the      8300 for more information.
Future of Flight Aviation          approximately 30,000 square       Commercial air service gives
Center and Boeing Tour,as well     feet with two gates. The          our region an additional
as other significant aerospace
attractions. Paine Field also is
home to a large and vibrant
                                   state-of-the-art terminal
                                   is intended to feel more
                                   like a lounge. The building
                                                                     transportation asset, provid-
                                                                     ing significant benefits to the
                                                                     travelling public and making
                                                                                                                   Funko fun in Everett
                                                                                                         You can’t miss the Funko
general aviation community.        has a number of amenities         our region more attractive
                                                                                                       building on the corner of
  Commercial flights by            that are not typically seen       for investors and companies
                                                                                                       California and Wetmore in
Alaska at Paine Field Airport      at commercial terminals,          looking to relocate.
                                                                                                       downtown Everett. It’s the
began in March 2019.               including high-speed internet       Snohomish County owns
                                                                                                       building with the giant toys
  Alaska Airlines offers           and power at every seat.          Paine Field,Propeller Airports
                                                                                                       on it and the lit-up sign.
flights to Las Vegas, Los            The terminal offers valet       operates the terminal.
                                                                                                         You’ll want to tour the
Angeles, Orange County,            parking, paid parking, ride         The Paine Field Passenger
                                                                                                       retail area on the ground
Palm Springs, Boise, Phoenix,      share services and other          Terminal is located at 3300
                                                                                                       floor. It’s equal parts Willy
Tucson, Portland, San Diego,       convenient ways for people        100th St. SW.
                                                                                                       Wonka’s Chocolate Factory/
San Francisco, San Jose and        to get to and from Paine
                                                                                                       rides and retail spot – there          that you can imagine.            your own Funko Pop with a
            Getting around town                                                                        are giant replicas of Funko
                                                                                                       Pops everywhere.
                                                                                                                                                Kids love the Funko flagship
                                                                                                                                              store for the larger-than-life
                                                                                                                                                                               Funko artist.
                                                                                                                                                                                The Funko building is right
 The Everett Station is a multi-   Community Transit all             257-6707. The Everett Station       Pops are the main toy that           Hagrid from Harry Potter,        in the heart of Downtown
modal, multi-use building          provide service from the          is located at 3201 Smith          Funko produces. They’re                Frozen’s Elsa, and Luke          Everett at 2802 Wetmore
that serves as a transportation    Everett Station.                  Avenue.                           highly collectible bobble-             Skywalker. It makes for a        Ave., so after your tour you
hub, hire education and              Sound Transit’s bus and train     For Everett Transit schedule    head-looking vinyl action              great photo op, even if you’re   can walk within a two block
career development center          service is great for commuters.   and route information,            figures. Funko Pops are                an adult.                        radius to get great coffee or a
and a gathering place for          This service can also take you    call 425-259-8803, and for        available for most any                   The retail area also has a     bite to eat.
community events.                  to special events in Seattle.     information on connection to      television or movie franchise          place where you can build
 Amtrak, Greyhound, Everett          Meeting and rental facilities   Community Transit call 425-
Transit, Sound Transit and         are available by calling 425-     353-RIDE or 800- 562-1375.
                                                                                                            If it has a motor, and you drive it...
      Karl’s Bakery & Café                                                                                           We can help you out!
                                       Delicious                                                             Julie’s Licensing Service
                                     Cakes, Donuts,                                                                 VEHICLE • VESSEL • TITLE TRANSFERS
                                                                                                                Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9:30 am - 5:00 pm • Sat. 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
                                                                                                                 RENEWALS • TONNAGE • PERMITS • NOTARY
                                      Pastries and
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                                                                                                                 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9:30 am - 5:00 pm • Sat. 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
                                                                                                                             This could change due to COVID. Please call ahead.
                                                                                                                 NEW ADDRESS: 1331 Broadway • Everett, WA 98201

      Community Service Through
      Musical Performance                                             Dr. Paul-Elliott Cobbs
                                                                          Music Director
     Tickets and information:
     www.everettphil.org or call 425-585-8975
Page 8                                                            Discover Everett                                                                                                            2022

          Naval Station Everett                                                                       Everett Farmers Market
                                                                                                     in the heart of downtown
  Naval Station Everett
(NSE) is one of four major
U. S. Navy Installations
in the Navy Region
Northwest. Everett has                                                                              The Everett Farmer’s
one of only two Navy-                                                                             Market is relocated at Hewitt
owned deep water ports                                                                            and Wetmore Avenues in
on the West Coast of the                                                                          downtown Everett. You’ll
continental United States.                                                                        find great produce farmers,
NSE is currently homeport                                                                         value-added processors, and
to six destroyers, USS                                                                            incredible flower vendors.
Momsen, USS Gridley,                                                                              There are new treasures to be
USS Sampson, USS Kidd,                                                                            found each week!
and USS John Paul Jones                                                                             Come and enjoy a Sunday
and USS John S McCain;                                                                            afternoon of great buys,
as well as operational                                                                            fantastic food and eclectic
commands Carrier Strike USS Momsen                                                                local musical talent. The
Group 11 and Destroyer                                                                            Market offers ample street
Squadron 9. In addition,                                                                          parking, parking for ADA
the base supports a U.S.                                                                          close by, and a wide range of        May 8 through October 30. (Hew itt to Pacific on
Coast Guard buoy-tender                                                                           vendors rain or shine.               Early shopping for seniors Wetmore).
and a coastal patrol boat.                                                                          The Everett Farmer’s               and high-risk customers is www.everettfarmersmarket.
Military Sealift Command                                                                          Market is open every Sunday          encouraged. The location is com
supply vessels have also                                                                          from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.            at 2930 Wetmore Avenue
used the Navy port.
  As a Nav y sh ore
installation, NSE serves
the Fleet, fighters, and
their families by providing
a secure home base while
                                                                                                   Discover Everett Sports
they support national
  For more than 25 years,
                                USS Samson                                                        Soccer                               continued from page 5

Naval Station Everett has                                                                         Tim Busch. “Both grew up             can rally behind. Joining        skills on hometown clubs
successfully carried out its environmental stewardship,         employment of federal             playing soccer in the Sno-           the EPLWA allows us to           throughout the state of
mission with excellence: To and quality of life programs        civilian, active duty military,   homish area. Congratula-             accomplish both our goals to     Washington. The league’s
support to U.S.Navy and Coast for single sailors and families   reserve military personnel,       tions Hawk and Marco and             develop local talent and unite   mission is to cultivate“football
Guard forces, while ensuring residing in surrounding            and other related spending.       welcome to our EPLWA soc-            the strong Everett soccer        club” culture while providing
readiness and quality of life communities.                        For more information about      cer family.”                         community.”                      opportunities for coaches,
for sailors, civilians, and their Overall, NSE contributes      Naval Station Everett’s and         “Our goal, as it is every year,     Family-friendly pricing is      owners, supporters, players
families.                          approximately $340 million   economic impact, visit            is to bring a championship           only $10 for adults (ages 13     and towns to enjoy the sport
  The naval station provides annually in local economic           https://www.cnic.navy.mil/      home to Everett,” said Hawk          and up) and $5 for youth         and all of the community-
facilities and services that impact through payroll,            regions/cnrnw/installations/      Mummey. “                            ages 4-12. Season tickets are    building it can bring.
support ships at the pier, goods,services,and contracts.        ns_everett/about/economic-          “The EPLWA has been                $60 per adult (ages 13 and         The Evergreen Premier
security forces, emergency The base provides nearly             impact-.html .                    a major player in helping            up) and $30 per child (afes      League of Washington
response, military training, 4,000 jobs that include direct                                       develop local players and            4-12). Youth under age 4 are     (EPLWA, pronounced E-P-L
                                                                                                  allowing another platform            admitted free of charge.         Wah) was founded in 2013
                                                                                                  for them to showcase their            For more information visit      and began play in 2014. The
                                                                                                  skills,” continued Marco.            www.everettjetsfc.com.           league is a national “Elite
                                             Dagmars Marina                                       “We aim to bring that same
                                                                                                  model to the Everett soccer
                                                                                                                                        About the Evergreen
                                                                                                                                       Premier League:
                                                                                                                                                                        League” under an association
                                                                                                                                                                        with United States Adult
                                                                                                  community. At the same time           The Evergreen Premier           Soccer that also connects the
                                                  Dry Storage                                     we are striving to build a game      League is an elite adult men’s   league to US Soccer and FIFA.
                                               Covered/Uncovered                                  day experience that is fun,
                                                                                                  exciting, and family friendly
                                                                                                                                       amateur soccer league for
                                                                                                                                       college and post-college
                                                                                                                                                                        Elite Leagues are considered
                                                                                                                                                                        4th division USA in the
                                                    Moorage                                       and that the community               age players to feature their     unofficial “pyramid.”

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