2022 PROGRAM GUIDE - Scouting Event

Page created by Dana Daniel
2022 PROGRAM GUIDE - Scouting Event
2022 PROGRAM GUIDE - Scouting Event
Camp Grizzly is proud to be an NCS Certified Camp
2022 PROGRAM GUIDE - Scouting Event
About Us............................................................................................................................................................................. 1
   Camp Grizzly ................................................................................................................................................................ 1
   Staff .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
   Management ................................................................................................................................................................ 1
Class Catalog .................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Class Schedule ............................................................................................................................................................... 5
Weekly Schedule .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Age/Size Appropriate Classes ................................................................................................................................ 7
Camp Wide Events ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
   Vespers ........................................................................................................................................................................... 8
   Campfire Programs................................................................................................................................................... 8
   Polar Bear Swim ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
   Flag Ceremonies ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
   Scoutmaster Dinner ................................................................................................................................................. 9
   Family Night ................................................................................................................................................................. 9
   Movie Night................................................................................................................................................................... 9
   Laird Park ...................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Patrol Leader Responsibilities ............................................................................................................................. 10
The Order of the Arrow ............................................................................................................................................ 10
Special Activities & Awards.................................................................................................................................. 11
   Silver Paw Award .................................................................................................................................................... 11
   Golden Paw Award ................................................................................................................................................. 11
   Honor Patrol ............................................................................................................................................................... 11
APPENDIX ........................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Camp Map........................................................................................................................................................................ 13
2022 PROGRAM GUIDE - Scouting Event
2022 PROGRAM GUIDE - Scouting Event
About Us

Camp Grizzly
Since 1938, Camp Grizzly has been a hub of summer adventure to countless Scouts. Located on the Palouse River about
12 miles east of Potlatch, Idaho.

Referred to as “The Pride of the Palouse”, it is used year-round by Scouts, Schools, Churches, Families, the Forest
Service, Military Branches and more. We have hosted Summer Camps, Youth Activities, Corporate Retreats, Family
Reunions, Church Retreats, Weddings, and we’ve even been the Base Camp for smokejumpers and firefighters during

In recent years the camp has been refurbished with an upgraded Dining hall containing a modern commercial kitchen, a
new STEM Lodge, upgraded well pumps, and WIFI throughout the camp.

We are thrilled to open our 440 acres to you this season and invite you to experience this beautiful, one-of-a-kind
Scouting location this summer.

Camp Grizzly is built on a proud tradition of collaboration between the units and the staff. Our goal is to provide your
Scouts with an amazing experience they will never forget, and our staff will go above and beyond to ensure that

We are thrilled to meet you and make this summer the best it can be for you and your Scouts!

New to Camp Grizzly, Eddie Rodriguez has over 12 summers of camp staff experience in various camps throughout
Florida, Texas, and California. Eddie also serves the Inland Northwest Council as its Field Director.

Tami Hurst returns as the Program Director. Tami is an Aquatics expert and summer camp veteran, with a passion for
teaching youth. She brings over 20 years of experience from half a dozen different summer camps across the country
along with her.

              Enjoy Beautiful Scenery and a Great Outdoor Program!

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2022 PROGRAM GUIDE - Scouting Event
Class Catalog
Image   Class Name              Cost            Description/Prerequisites                    Location       Class Sessions
                                                      2-Session Merit Badge
           Archery               $25        Fee includes Archery Maintenance Fee and        Archery Range   1 & 4 (2 hours each)
                                                            Arrow Kit
                                              Laporte Archery allows you to attempt
        Action Archery           $5               shooting flying foam targets.             Archery Range    3 (1-day course)
                                                  IT'S HARDER THAN IT LOOKS!

               Art              Free                      No Prerequisites                   Handicraft         1, 2, 3, 4, 5

           Animation            Free                      No Prerequisites                   STEM Lodge              2

                             Up to $20 in                No Prerequisites
            Basketry                                                                         Handicraft         1, 2, 3, 4, 5
                             Trading Post     Requires purchase of kit in trading post

                                             Please Complete Requirements 4a, 4b, 5e,
           Camping              Free          7a, 7b, 8c, 8d, 9a, 9b, 9c prior to camp in    Scout Skills           1, 3
                                              order to finish the Merit Badge at camp.

                                             Must pass BSA Swim Test before starting
          Canoeing              Free                                                          Aquatics              1, 3

                                                         No Prerequisites
            Chess               Free                                                         STEM Lodge      5 (2-day course)
                                                     Great for First Year Scouts

        Citizenship in the
                                Free                      No Prerequisites                   STEM Lodge              3

        Communication           Free                      No Prerequisites                   STEM Lodge              1

                                            May not be able to finish at camp unless you
            Cooking             Free        complete requirements 4c-e, 5d-f, and 6d-e       Scout Skills           2, 5
                                                         before arriving.
                                             Cowboy Action introduces you to Galley-
         Cowboy Action           $10        Style shooting at reactive targets with lever    Rifle Range     3 (1-day course)
                                              action rifles and single action revolvers.

           Electricity          Free                      No Prerequisites                   STEM Lodge             1, 3

                                Free                       Time intensive                    STEM Lodge              5

        Fingerprinting          Free                 Great for first year Scouts             STEM Lodge      5 (2-day course)

                                              Requires either bringing First Aid Kit to
           First Aid            Free        camp, or building/purchasing one from the        Scout Skills           3, 5
                                                           trading post

           Forestry             Free                      No Prerequisites                   STEM Lodge             2, 4

                                                    Activity, Not a merit badge
           Foundry               $40        Can be used to complete requirement 5c of        Trades Craft       1, 2, 3, 4, 5
                                                  Metalwork instead of doing 5d

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2022 PROGRAM GUIDE - Scouting Event
Image      Class Name             Cost             Description/Prerequisites                     Program Area

                                Up to $20 in            Great for first year Scouts
               Indian Lore                                                                           Handicraft            1, 2, 3, 4, 5
                                Trading Post      Requires purchase of kit in trading post

                                                            ADULT ONLY CLASS
             Introduction to
                                                   Complete the second part of required
                 Outdoor           Free                                                                Lodge                   2, 4
                                                  Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster
            Leadership Skills
                                                  training while you visit us this summer!

                                                  Must pass BSA Swim Test before starting
               Kayaking            Free                                                               Aquatics               1, 3, 5

                                Up to $20 in
              Leatherwork                           Requires kit purchase in trading post            Handicraft            1, 2, 3, 4, 5
                                Trading Post

                                                 Wilderness Survival, Pioneering & First Aid
                                                         Merit Badge are all required.
                                                                                                  Near your campsite
                                               Establish your own off-grid campsite at Camp
           Frontier Adventure      $70                                                             (in the woods) w/         1, 3, 4
                                                Grizzly during your week and build your own
                                                                                                      Staff Support
                                               shelter. Cost includes your own hatchet, knife
                                                 making kit, sheath and flint and steel set.
                                                               No prerequisites
              Metalwork            $30         Difficult for smaller or younger Scouts to swing      Trades Craft          1, 2, 3, 4, 5
                                                     hammer repeatedly or endure heat

                Nature             Free                       No Prerequisites                      STEM Lodge                  4

              Orienteering         Free                       No Prerequisites                       Scout Skills               1

                                                No Prerequisite. Materials for the model will
                                                 be provided in class, Scouts must purchase
              Pioneering           Free                                                              Scout Skills              2, 4
                                                  their own model materials if they wish to
                                                                    keep it.
                                                              No Prerequisites
               Plumbing             $20           Cost includes all materials used including        Trades Craft           1, 2, 3, 4, 5
                                                              pipes and solder

                 Radio             Free                       No Prerequisites                      STEM Lodge                 2, 4

                                                         Great for First Year Scouts
             Rifle Shooting         $30         Cost includes Rifle Maintenance fee and up           Rifle Range       1 & 4 (2 hours each)
                                                          to 150 shots and targets.

                                                  Must pass BSA Swim Test before starting
                Rowing             Free                                                               Aquatics                 2, 4

            Search & Rescue        Free                       No Prerequisites                       Scout Skills              2, 4

                                                 Great for all Scouts, cost includes Shotgun
           Shotgun Shooting         $50          Maintenance Fee and 75 shots and clays.           Shooting Sports     1 & 4 (2 hours each)
                                                    May be difficult for smaller Scouts

           Signs, Signals and
                                   Free                       No Prerequisites                      STEM Lodge                 1, 4

                                                              No Prerequisites
           Space Exploration        $20                                                             STEM Lodge                 1, 3
                                                            Cost includes Rocket

                                                  Must pass BSA Swim Test before starting
               Swimming            Free                                                               Aquatics               2, 3, 5

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2022 PROGRAM GUIDE - Scouting Event
Image        Class Name                Cost            Description/Prerequisites                   Program Area

                                                                      Adults Only
                                                        Required to bring own “Arm Floaties”
                The Great Adult
                                                        This training will prepare you to be an
                Leader Training         Free                                                             Lodge                  3, 5
                                                    amazing leader in your Troop! Become a Nap
                                                     Safely Instructor! Earn your S’more Cooking
                                                         and Hot Beverage Drinking Badges!

                                                                                                    First Year Camper
              Trail to First Class      Free                     No Prerequisites                                           1, 2, 3, 4, 5

                                                                   No Prerequisites
                                                    Recommended for older Scouts, equipment
                   Welding               $60                                                          Trades Craft          1, 2, 3, 4, 5
                                                       can be heavy and smaller Scouts have
                                                        problems with the gloves & helmets
                                                    Recommended for Scouts who are 2nd class
                                                                   or higher in rank.
             Wilderness Survival        Free                                                           Scout Skills             3, 5
                                                      It is required to participate in a survival
                                                            campout on Thursday Evening
                                     Up to $20 in
                Woodcarving                         Totin-Chip required, can be earned in camp         Handicraft           1, 2, 3, 4, 5
                                     Trading Post

 *All aquatics merit badges (see requirement #2 on each badge) and achievements specify that a Scout must complete the BSA Swim Test before
doing any other requirements. If a Scout cannot complete either the “beginner” or “swimmer” swim test (See guide to safe Scouting) by the end of
               the first day of classes their schedule may be adjusted, and they may be moved to other classes outside of aquatics.

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2022 PROGRAM GUIDE - Scouting Event
Class Schedule
                                                 Camp Grizzly Class Schedule 2022
                                                              Class 1   Class 2   Class 3   Class 4   Class 5
                           Class                     Length                                                                    Cost
                                                               8:30      9:45      11:00     2:00      3:15
  Anim ation                                         4-Day                A
                                                                                   A (M)
                                                                                   B (T)
  Action Archery                                     1-Day                                                             Additional fee: $5.00
                                                                                  C (W)
                                                                                  D (TH)
  Archery                                                       A         A                   B          B            Additional fee: $25.00
  Art                                                4-Day      A         B         C         D          E
  Basketry                                           4-Day      A         B         C         D          E       Requires purchase in Trading Post
  Cam ping                                           4-Day      A                   B
  Canoeing                                           4-Day      A                   B
                                                                                                      A (M,T)
  Chess                                              2-Day
                                                                                                      B (W,TH)
  Citizenship in the World                           4-Day                          A
  Com m unication                                    4-Day      A
  Cooking                                            4-Day                A                              B
                                                                                   A (M)
                                                                                   B (T)
  Cow boy Action Shooting                            1-Day                                                            Additional fee: $10.00
                                                                                  C (W)
                                                                                  D (TH)
  Electricity                                        4-Day      A                   B
  Environm ental Science                             4-Day                                               A
                                                                                                      A (M,T)
  Fingerprinting                                     2-Day
                                                                                                      B (W,TH)
  First Aid                                          4-Day                          A                    B
  Forestry                                           4-Day                A                   B
  Foundry                                            4-Day      A         B         C         D          E            Additional fee: $40.00
  Frontier Adventure                                 4-Day      A                   B         C                       Additional fee: $70.00
  The Great Adult Leader Training Course             4-Day                          A                    B
  Indian Lore                                        4-Day      A         B         C         D          E       Requires purchase in Trading Post
  Intro to Outdoor Leader Specifics (IOLS)           4-Day                A                   B
  Kayaking                                           4-Day      A                   B                    C
  Leatherw ork                                       4-Day      A         B         C         D          E       Requires purchase in Trading Post
  Metalw ork                                         4-Day      A         B         C         D          E            Additional fee: $30.00
  Nature                                             4-Day                                    A
  Orienteering                                       4-Day      A
  Pioneering                                         4-Day                A                   B
  Plum bing                                          4-Day      A         B         C         D          E            Additional fee: $20.00
  Radio                                              4-Day                A                   B
  Rifle Shooting (Option A - Modern Cartridge)                  A         A                   B          B            Additional fee: $30.00
  Row ing                                            4-Day                A                   B
  Search and Rescue                                  4-Day                A                   B
  Shotgun Shooting                                              A         A                   B          B            Additional fee: $50.00
  Signs, Signals, and Codes                          4-Day      A                             B
  Space Exploration                                  4-Day      A                   B                                 Additional fee: $20.00
  Sw im m ing                                        4-Day                A         B                    C
  Trail to First Class                               4-Day      A         B         C         D          E
  Welding                                            4-Day      A         B         C         D          E            Additional fee: $60.00
  Wilderness Survival                                4-Day                          A                    B
  Wood Carving                                       4-Day      A         B         C         D          E       Requires purchase in Trading Post

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2022 PROGRAM GUIDE - Scouting Event
Weekly Schedule

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Age/Size Appropriate
The Guide to Advancement states that “No council,
committee, district, unit, or individual has the authority
to add to, or subtract from, advancement
requirements.” (see Guide to Advancement p. 2) With
that in mind, Camp Grizzly does not impose any age
restrictions on our merit badge classes not already
included in the badge itself.

We do; however, make note that younger, smaller, or          Thanks to our Donors for Providing
less experienced Scouts may have difficulties with                      Correct Equipment!
certain classes and activities. Examples include holding
up a shotgun for long periods of time, using the large         Thanks to our friends at the NRA and many other
gloves or helmets in Welding, or attempting Wilderness       donors we can have correctly sized equipment at our
Survival before completing the knot and fire-building         ranges, waterfront and more to best serve all our
requirements leading up to Second Class.                                            Scouts!

While not required, we urge you to make note of these
suggestions as you plan your visit to Camp Grizzly and
create your daily schedule.

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Camp Wide Events
Most years, camp-wide events involving all the troops in
camp are common; however, in 2021 while using the
Cohort model, these will be somewhat limited, although
we will do our best to ensure as many as possible are
able to happen.

(Monday Evening)

Monday evening after our campfire program, we hold a
short, non-denominational worship service in the
parade field area. All Scouts and leaders are invited to
attend for an inspirational experience in the Palouse
river area.

Campfire Programs
(Sunday & Friday Evenings)
                                                                 Campfire Skit and Song Tips
Our staff will host the opening campfire program on
Sundays. Units will have the opportunity to participate    Here are some things to think of as your Scouts prepare
in the closing campfire, during Family Night.                                for their campfire:
                                                              - Keep it simple
                                                              - Keep it short (no more than 5 minutes)
Polar Bear Swim                                               - No jokes that insult or make fun of others
(Monday, Wednesday, Friday)                                   - Keep it Scouting appropriate
                                                              - Practice ahead of time
Wake up bright and early and come down to the                 - Speak up and face the audience
waterfront at 6:15 am to take a short swim in the brisk
morning water! Scouts and leaders who participate will
receive a Polar Bear Swim patch to take home with

Flag Ceremonies
(Evenings before dinner)

In the evening, there will be a camp-wide ceremony for
the whole camp conducted by the staff in the Parade
Field. Each unit will have designated locations to stand
which will be socially distanced and allow us to be
together while still being safe.

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Scoutmaster Dinner
(Wednesday Evening)

In honor of those who volunteer and sacrifice so much
for our youth in Scouting, every week we hold a special
dinner just for the leaders who take their time to be
with us in camp. Scoutmasters and other unit leaders
get to have a specially prepared steak dinner and spend
an evening with the camp management team.

Family Night
(Friday Evening)

Family members are invited to come join us Friday
evening for dinner (or during any other evening
programs but especially Friday night) and the closing
campfires. Guests need to check in at the business
                                                              Camp Wide Event Participation
office when they arrive in camp and undergo
temperature and symptom screening.                        All participation in camp wide events is voluntary. We
                                                          encourage participation by both Scouts and leaders in
Meal tickets for those who plan on joining the Scouts
                                                          as many of these events as possible, however it is not
for dinner can be purchased at the trading post after
arriving in camp.

Movie Night
(Wednesday Evening)

Every Wednesday night the staff enjoys a movie on the
main parade grounds. Troops are welcome to join as an
alternative option to hosting a campfire in their

Laird Park
Take a hike into Laird Park down the James E. Dewey
Trail on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays for a
jump off the dam into the swimming area, and
handcrafted picnic lunches. A guaranteed good time!

Senior Patrol Leaders should sign up with the Program
Director as soon as they are on campus.

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Patrol Leader
We believe that Patrol Leaders and Senior Patrol
Leaders should lead their Scouts as much as possible.
We offer several opportunities in camp for youth
leaders to organize and lead their Scouts.

Every morning after breakfast there will be a short
meeting for Scoutmasters and Patrol Leaders with a
member of the camp management to make sure that
troops are aware of all the activities going on in camp                    “Go Ask Your SPL”
and see if any issues or needs need to be addressed.
                                                                At Camp Grizzly we believe that youth should lead
During the Monday Senior Patrol Leader’s meeting                 youth as much as possible. We encourage Patrol
(Patrol Leaders also welcome) youth leaders will have        Leaders and Senior Patrol Leaders to take an active role
an opportunity to sign up for the various tasks below.        in the planning of their troop activities while in camp.
    ●   Ranger Service Projects                              We also encourage adults to drive this in camp as much
    ●   Evening Flag Ceremony Responsibilities                  as is reasonable by sending Scouts to their youth
    ●   Restroom Cleaning & Restocking                       leadership when issues arise. Simply put, learn to say:

The Order of the Arrow
The Order of the Arrow (OA) recognizes Scouts and
Scouters who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in
their daily lives. OA service, activities, adventures, and
training for youth and adults are models of quality
leadership development and programming that enrich
and help to extend Scouting to America’s youth.

Each Wednesday at Camp
Grizzly is Order of the Arrow
Day. Any Scouts or Scouters
involved with the OA are asked
                                                              “Go Ask Your SPL” Shirts are available in the Camp Grizzly Trading
to wear their OA sash.                                           Post for those Adults who REALLY want to encourage youth
Throughout the summer, there                                                             leadership!
may be opportunities unique to
adult and youth members of the
Order of the Arrow.

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Special Activities &
Outside of classes and training there are additional
activities at camp for both Scouts and Leaders as well as
special awards for both individuals and patrols. These
activities fall outside of scheduled classes and need to
be done during open program time to be completed.

Silver Paw Award
The Silver Paw award encourages adult participation in
camp by encouraging adults to be involved in all aspects
of camp programs.

Golden Paw Award
The Golden Paw award encourages patrol participation
in camp and offers additional opportunities for                   Have Fun at Grizzly Your Way!
developing patrol leadership through the patrol
                                                            The schedule at camp offers a variety of both scheduled
                                                              and open program time as well as free time. Troops,
                                                             Scouts, and leaders are welcome to be as busy as they
Honor Patrol                                                would like or take the extra time to just relax and enjoy
Every week the commissioner staff will select a patrol                    being in the great outdoors!
who has gone above and beyond expectations to
participate in camp, assist others and live the values of
the Scout law.

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Camp Map

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