22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Feast of the Passion of St. John the Baptist

Page created by Randall Medina
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Feast of the Passion of St. John the Baptist
August 29, 2021
                                     22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                       Feast of the Passion of St.
                                           John the Baptist
Bearing witness to Jesus Christ who is the Way, the Truth and the Life: GO. MAKE. TEACH.
        Our Core Values: a reliance on prayer; a willingness to grow; a generous spirit

 835 2nd Avenue NW • New Brighton, MN 55112 • 651-633-8333 • Fax: (651) 633-7404 • www.stjohnnb.com
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Feast of the Passion of St. John the Baptist
                         PARISH STAFF
                                                                                SCHEDULE OF EVENTS
Fr. Paul Shovelain, Pastor                           ext. 1214     Monday, August 30, 2021
Deacon Rod Palmer                                    VM 1298       8:00 AM Rosary ~ Church
Deacon Gary Schneider                                VM 1288       8:00 AM Confessions ~ Confessionals
Deacon John Belian                                   ext. 1239
Mary Kohlhaas, Pastoral Care Coordinator             ext. 1229     8:30 AM Mass (Kathleen Dahl +) Church ~ Presider
                                                                          Fr. Doug Ebert
WORSHIP                                       651-633-8333         9:00 AM Divine Mercy Chaplet ~ Church
Lee Treml, Director of Worship                     ext. 1212       3:00 PM Litany of Restoration ~ Facebook
Lori Vosejpka, Director of Contemporary Ensemble                   6:00 PM Preschool Parent Orientation ~ St. Joseph
Abe Gross, Director of Ignite abrahamjohngross@gmail.com                  Hall
Margaret Harmon, Liturgical Admin. Assistant       ext. 1279       7:00 PM Baptism Facilitator’s Formation ~ 211
OFFICE OF DISCIPLESHIP AND MISSION                651-633-1540     Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Jessica Balzarini, Director                            ext. 1228
Jen Livermont, Coordinator of Discipleship for Families            8:00 AM Confessions ~ Confessionals
                                                       ext. 1234   8:30 AM Mass (Dorothy Algiers +) Church ~ Presider
Michael Lane, Coordinator of Sacraments, RCIA          ext. 1219          Fr. Andy Jaspers
Jill Fink, Coordinator of Discipleship for Adults      ext. 1280   3:00 PM Litany of Restoration ~ Facebook
Jodie Wolla, Administrative Assistant                  ext. 1211
YOUTH MINISTRY                                    651-633-1540     Wednesday, September 1, 2021
Mikayla Anderson cell 651-529-0526 ok to txt           ext. 1218   8:00 AM Confessions ~ Confessionals
SCHOOL & PRESCHOOL (PreK - 8)                   651-633-1522       8:30 AM Mass (Jean Ehling & Mary Tu Aoh Tran)
Ann Laird, Principal                                 ext. 1117            Church ~ Presider Fr. Doug Ebert
Joy Thienes, Administrative Assistant                ext. 1118     9:00 AM Blood Pressure Checks ~ St. Therese
Michelle Barsness, Marketing/Enrollment              ext. 1114     9:30 AM Faithfully Fit ~ 206
ADMINISTRATION                              651-633-8333           3:00 PM Litany of Restoration ~ Facebook
Mark Dittman, Business Administrator             ext. 1215         5:00 PM Confessions ~ Confessionals
Teri Shea, Office & Facilities Manager           ext. 1237         5:30 PM Mass (Gene & Loretta Witkowski +) Church
Michelle Chock, Accountant                       ext. 1224                ~ Presider Fr. Andy Jaspers
Maureen Owusu, Parish Bookkeeper                 ext. 1255         6:00 PM Meet My Teacher Night ~ School Class-
Rita Arndorfer, Volunteer Coordinator            ext. 1220                rooms
Mary May, Development Associate                  ext. 1253
Thomas Herschbach, Receptionist                  ext. 1210         7:00 PM Adult Choir Meeting ~ LL 101
Patrick Hinnenkamp, Director of Maintenance      ext. 1203
Melissa Berg, Hospitality Coordinator            ext. 1227         Thursday, September 2, 2021
Joseph Huebl, Communications Coordinator         ext. 1217         8:00 AM Confessions ~ Confessionals
                                                                   8:30 AM Mass (Hedwig Breske +) Church ~ Fr. Paul
              PARISH SUMMER OFFICE HOURS                           3:00 PM Litany of Restoration ~ Facebook

         Monday           8 AM - 7 PM                              Friday, September 3, 2021
         Tuesday          8 AM - 8 PM                              8:00 AM Rosary ~ Church
         Wednesday        8 AM - 8 PM                              8:00 AM Confessions ~ Confessionals
         Thursday         8 AM - 8 PM                              8:30 AM Mass (All the Souls in Purgatory) Church ~
         Friday           8 AM - 7 PM                                      Fr. Paul
          Parish Administrative Offices close at 1 PM              9:30 AM Legion of Mary ~ 204
         Saturday         8 AM - 5:30 PM                           3:00 PM Litany of Restoration ~ Facebook
         Sunday           8 AM - 1 PM
                                                                   Saturday, September 4, 2021
Church Nursery Update: We offer year-round nursery                 2:00 PM Wedding (David/Aurelious) ~ Church
during both the 8:30am and 10:30am Sunday Masses                   3:00 PM Litany of Restoration ~ Facebook
for children ages 1-3.                                             3:15 PM Confessions ~ Confessionals
FYI - On Sunday September 5th we will have NO nursery.             4:30 PM Mass (Mertle DeCoursey +) Church ~ Fr.
                     Stay Connected:
          LIKE OR FOLLOW US on FACEBOOK                            Sunday, September 5, 2021
                                                                   8:30 AM Mass (Pro Populo) Church ~ Fr. Paul
                                                                   10:30 AM Mass (Dominican Sisters/Friends +)
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel https://bit.ly/3n9WnGQ
                                                                          Church ~ Fr. Paul
              EMAIL: stjohnsnb@pclink.com                          3:00 PM Litany of Restoration ~ Facebook
          Visit our website: www.stjohnnb.com                      5:45 PM Confessions ~ Confessionals
   Archdiocese’s Victim/Survivor Assistance Program                6:15 PM Mass (Kathryn Berg +) Church ~ Presider Fr.
      651-291-4497 24 hours a day, 7 days a week                          Andy Jaspers
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Feast of the Passion of St. John the Baptist
From The Pastor: Fr. Paul Shovelain
                As we celebrate the Passion of St. John the Baptist this weekend, we reflect upon how our
                patron always pointed others to Christ. He boldly told his friends, “Behold the Lamb of
                God” and then sent them to follow the Savior of the world. Here at our wonderful parish,
                we continue to encourage others to follow after Jesus. We also help others to encounter Je-
                sus on a regular basis!

In June we celebrated the Sacraments of Initiation with 9 children ages 5-15. We trained 20 new altar serv-
ers to assist at Mass and help elevate the liturgy. We hosted a Blessed is She retreat with about 200 women
from all over the metro area. We hosted Thursday evening Lectio on the Lawn events all summer to help
our parishioners prepare for the upcoming Sunday’s readings. We had a great Feast Day celebration with
over 250 people coming out for Mass, dinner, and music on St. John the Baptist’s birthday. We celebrated
his birthday all weekend long as we resumed hospitality of weekend Masses.

As the dispensation from Mass was lifted on July 1st and people returned to Mass; we celebrated with patri-
otic music celebrating our independence. We had our largest Vacation Bible School ever, with 60 students
and another 100 in Totus Tuus. They grew in their relationship with God and had a fun time while spending
the week here at SJB. We also collected thousands of diapers and other baby supplies for our Maternity
Closet and the local Crisis Pregnancy Centers. We went to Feed My Starving Children and packed over
20,000 meals!

In August, we sent 70 youth to Extreme Faith Camp where they experienced the transforming love of Jesus
Christ. We also hosted 115 youth who participated in Matt Birk’s Faith and Football Camp. They had
Mass everyday, as well as different prayer experiences and lots of football. We also hosted our Extreme
Faith Camp reunion and gave parishioners and parents the opportunity to hear about the graces received at

Throughout the summer, many other ministries continued to bring life and joy to our community. The
Knights of Columbus hosted their annual clergy appreciation dinner. The Council of Catholic Women host-
ed an ice cream social. The quilters met regularly to make beautiful quilts to bring comfort to those in need.
Men’s Fellowship continued to meet weekly and provide formation and fellowship. Catholic Watchmen
and devoted hosted their monthly gatherings providing fellowship, formation, and prayer. We also celebrat-
ed 19 baptisms and 2 weddings. We also celebrated the Sacraments of Confession and the Eucharist at least
once every day.

There was no taking a break from our mission to “Bear witness to Jesus Christ who is the Way, the Truth,
and Life: GO. MAKE. TEACH.” We continue to let the bright light of Christ shine in New Brighton and
beyond! I am proud of each of you and your dedication to our parish as we continue to follow the example
of our patron and point others always to Jesus Christ!

As we look to the fall, we plan to focus on our Core Values over the next three months as we ask you to
commit to living them out. September will focus on being “willing to grow.” We invite you to try some-
thing new and sign up to help, at the FallFest, participate in the festival, sign up for a synod small group, or
participate in other opportunities to grow at the parish. October will focus on reliance on prayer, asking
God to help us understand His plan for our lives. We will focus on the Sacraments, as well as adoration,
and other ministries that allow us to be restored to life. November will invite us to live out of a generous
spirit and commit to the various ministries that serve others. We have a lot going on at SJB and it can be
overwhelming at times, but we ask that you prayerfully discern AND commit to living out each of the core
values. By living out the Core Values you will be “Restored to Life” and help others be restored to life as
As the Father loves me, so I also love you!
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Feast of the Passion of St. John the Baptist
St. John’s Newly Baptized                                      PERPETUAL ADORATION
Through water and the word you have become a child             "Prayer is true rest." St. Francis of Assisi
                                                               Fine your true rest in Jesus by becoming a scheduled
   of God and are sealed as Christ’s own forever.              adorer.
                                                               These are open hours that need to be filled: Sunday
        Mila Reign Trevino Robb                                8pm; Monday 2am, 11am; Tuesday 7am, noon, 6pm,
        Parent: Bridgette Trevino                              midnight; Wednesday 4am, 7am, 1pm; Thursday 3am,
                                                               10am, 10pm; Friday 11am, 1pm, 11pm; Saturday 5am,
        Noah Thomas Brama                                      7am.
        Parents: Justin and Jennifer Brama                     For more information and to sign up, call Kathy 763-464
                                                               -3985 or Mark 651-245-6493.
        Emma Marian Swenson
        Parents: Tyler and Sara Swenson                        Pats6707@hotmail.com

                               Make sure to stop by the        PLEASE PRAY FOR...
                             gathering space after Mass        Those who have entered eternal life:
                             to pick up your SJB FallFest      Deborah Schutta, Lorraine Olchefske
                              Raffle Tickets! The drawing
                              will be at 3 pm on Sunday,       Those who are ill:
                             September 26 and you don’t        Betty Robinson, Sadlovsky Family, Najbert Family,
                                    want to miss it!           Sheehan Family, Shirley Lind, Cameron Santos, Patricia
                                                               Roy, John Lundak, Dave Willette, Madi Rippy, Sydney Jo
                  Maintenance Minute                           Rippy, Nick Prokop, Jesse McDonough, Daryl and Rose
                                                               Stevens, Richard Adams, Carol Ruff, Geraldine and Greg
I would like to take just a moment and shout out a big         Najbert, Lillian Reps, Gloria Hangartner, Sarah Miller,
thank you to Nick Dobbins for the completion of his Eagle      Emily Dahl, Theresa People, Josephine Schmidt, Erik
Scout project. This was a huge project entailing taking the    Engebretson, Chris Natheos, Randy Vogland, Don Lum-
hardware off each kneeler, cleaning, grinding, repainting,     by, Alex Pearson, Thomas Jones, Jean Isacson, Fulton
                   and finally, reinstalling each piece. The   Francis Dobbs, Susan Welsh, Robert Cuddigan, Jenny
                   project took weeks to complete and          Bruening, Annette Foreman, Mary Clare Farrell, Sawyer
                   resulted in quiet kneelers that won’t       Anderson, Betsy Brown, Dee Olson, Jim Smith, Jerry
                   slam when raised or lowered. On behalf      Renk, Dale Phillips, Dennis Fox, Kathleen Schopf, Tom
                   of the St. John’s community, I would        Miskowic, Bob Springhetti, Steve Lauinger, Charlotte
                   like to thank Nick, his Scouting Troop      Thrun, John Riedle, Suanne Christensen, Poppy Craft,
                   #93, all his friends and parents that       Annette Kirwan, Bonnie Norgren, Tom Roback, Emma
came in and helped him complete this project. (Sr. Gwen-       Lutsilili, Beverly Aplikowski, Mary Gormally, Georgianna
dolin is smiling upon us today!)     - Patrick Hinnenkamp      Warden, Mary Spitzka, Michael Ferdelman, Shirley Hill,
                                                               Cassie Cramer, Jon Clark, Donna Yenish, Mary Wegerson,
                                                               John Leibrich, Scott Lemke, Nella Pitzen, Helen Sullivan,
                     Job Opportunity                           Carl Stampfle, Marcy Eder, Doug Brekke, Jack Longneck-
Our maintenance department is looking for part-time            er, Philip Jarosz, Kay and Gary Mayer & Frank Schutta
employees to work occasional evenings and weekends.            If your name has been removed from this list and you would
Must be able to pass a background check and pre-               like to be prayed for, please call the parish office.
employment physical. Our maintenance staff does im-
portant work that directly supports our many ministries
by keeping our building clean and secure. Please contact       PRAYER LINE 651-633-1618/651-247-4202 Call with
the parish office for a job description and employment         your prayer requests. Requests are confidential.
application. Questions can be routed to Pat Hinnenkamp,
Director of Maintenance, at hinnenkampp@stjohnnyb.org          BIRTHRIGHT Caring help for pregnant women.
or 651-633-8333, ext. 1203.                                    (651) 646-7033 Saint Paul (763) 757-0715 Coon Rapids

                                                                                READINGS FOR THE WEEK
 "I baptize you with water for repentance, but
 He (Jesus) who is coming after me is mightier                 Monday: 1 Thes 4:13-18; Ps 96:1, 3-5, 11-13;
               than I, whose sandals I am not                           Lk 4:16-30
              worthy to carry; He will baptize                 Tuesday: 1 Thes 5:1-6, 9-11; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14;
                                                                        Lk 4:31-37
             you with the Holy Spirit and with                 Wednesday: Col 1:1-8; Ps 52:10-11; Lk 4:38-44
                           fire.”                              Thursday: Col 1:9-14; Ps 98:2-6; Lk 5:1-11
                                                               Friday: Col 1:15-20; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 5:33-39
                   -Saint John the Baptist, 2nd Cousin         Saturday: Col 1:21-23; Ps 54:3-4, 6, 8; Lk 6:1-5
                                 to Jesus                      Sunday: Is 35:4-7a; Ps 146:7-10; Jas 2:1-5;
                    (Feast Day of his Beheading Aug. 29th)              Mk 7:31-37
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Feast of the Passion of St. John the Baptist
Want to Host the NET Team in their FINAL YEAR?
Our NET TEAM is coming back this year and this is your
final opportunity to host them in your home; hosting 2-4
members for 2-4 weeks. Others say “It was incredible
having young, faith filled adults to witness how their
love of Jesus touched their lives.”

Contact Mikayla Anderson andersonm@stjohnnyb.org or                 What You Need to Know About Synod Small
Rita Arndorfer arndorferr@stjohnnyb.org with any ques-
tions!                                                                          Groups This Fall

               Youth Group Volunteers                         Be part of the Synod process that will shape our local
                                                              Church. In small groups this fall, our parish will:
Do you want to have a direct impact in the lives of our
youth and help them to stay in the Church? Our youth          1. Pray for God’s guidance on how we can more vigor-
can never have too many faithful adults in their lives and    ously proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ!
our SJB youth are no different! Contact Mikayla Ander-        2. Learn the Church’s wisdom on the Synod focus area
son, andersonm@stjohnnyb.org on how you can get               topics.
more involved in our growing youth ministry program           3. Discuss your perspective and ideas with other pa-
here at SJB!                                                  rishioners.
                                                                  Respond with your feedback on Archdiocesan priori-
       Youth group starts September 23, 2021                          ties to proclaim the Good News in our culture
        STARTS BACK UP ON SEPTEMBER 23.                               today.
                                                              Gather with your existing Small Group or attend the
  Middle School – 6:30-8pm | High School – 8-9:30pm           Open Invite times on 6 Thursdays beginning October 7
                                                              offered in the morning from 9:30-11:30am or evening at
           Sister Clarinda's Fall Scripture                   6:30-8:30pm in St. Joseph’s Hall. Facilitators are needed
   “Life Eternal & the Life of the World to Come.”            to lead round table discussion and gather feed-
  Begins on September 1 at 9:30 AM in Room 206                back. Training is available. Contact Jill Fink, Coordinator
                                                              of Adult Discipleship at finkj@stjohnnyb.org or
Our study this fall is a sentence from our Creed; “And the    651.633.1540 ext. 1280. See more at archspm.org/
Life of the World to Come.” What are you thinking when        synod.
you speak the line in the Creed “And the Life of the
World to Come"? What does this statement mean? The                         Preschool Teachers Wanted
more years we have spent on this Earth, the more our
thoughts turn to: what is it like there? who will be          St. John's Preschool is seeking enthusiastic, nurturing,
there? and what do I know about Heaven? Another im-           and positive teachers to join our growing preschool! We
portant question is how it relates to the link between        have full time and part time positions available. The
Baptism and Eucharist and my heavenly existence. An-          teachers will work collaboratively with our team of
other thought is what I had heard growing up in my            teachers to support our mission which is focused on the
faith. What is it about white gowns, wings, musical in-       development of the whole child. Experience working
struments, especially the harp and my relations to            with preschool-aged children preferred.
Heaven?                                                       To apply or to ask questions; contact Andrea Schroeder
                                                              at schroedera@stjohnnyb.org or 651-633-1522 ext.
Our Fall Scripture Series helps us to turn to the Bible and   1209
dig out what we have in a variety of texts, both the Old
and the New Testaments. We will focus most on what is              Matching Funds for St. John the Baptist at
                                                                the Relevant Radio Christ Brings Hope Banquet!
Class Fee - $30
Register online at www.stjohnnb.com                           Attend the Christ Brings Hope Banquet on Thursday,
For assistance in registering, please see Thomas in the       September 16th, at the DoubleTree – Bloomington/
parish office.                                                Minneapolis South, and you can designate matching
                                                              funds for St. John the Baptist – thanks to a generous
Coming for our Winter Scripture …… “The Angel Series”.        benefactor. Join in honoring Saint Joseph at this festive
                                                              evening to support Catholic radio in the Twin Cities and
       Sister Clarinda's Sunday Scripture Class               meet the people behind the microphones on Relevant
          Tuesdays at 9:00 AM in Room 204                     Radio 1330 AM! To register, go to the Events tab at
               Beginning September 14                         www.relevantradio.com , and select MINNESOTA. Also,
                                                              please contact Mary May, SJB Development Associate, at
               Class fee: $25 for the year
                                                              651-633-8333, x1253, to be seated with the group that
Register online at www.stjohnnb.com                           is attending from St. John’s. If you wish to support our
If you need assistance registering, please see Thomas in      school by sponsoring a table, please contact Mary May
the parish office.                                            for more information. Thank you!
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Feast of the Passion of St. John the Baptist
Register for Sacraments and Faith Formation
Registration is now open for all children and youth Faith Formation programs including: Sunday School, Family For-
mation, 1st Sacraments and Confirmation. All registration forms are on our website under the Faith Formation heading.
There you can find information about the programs or go straight to the Registration link. Early bird pricing is happen-
ing now, so don’t delay! Early bird pricing ends on different dates for different programs based upon start dates.

                     Sunday School                                                  1st Sacraments
                                                               The preparation for the sacraments of Reconciliation and
Sunday School is discipleship training for our littlest dis-   First Communion are completed during second grade.
ciples (ages 3 through kindergarten). The sessions con-        Preparation is done primarily at home with parents guid-
sist of a Bible story and lesson, songs, crafts, and saint     ed by our program resources. Families will meet for a
stories. We meet most Sundays during the 8:30 a.m. and         retreat prior to each sacrament. All children must be
10:30 a.m. Masses from October through April. All chil-        registered in ongoing formation through our parish
dren must be registered to attend the Sunday School            school or Family Formation in addition to the
program. Please contact Jen Livermont at liver-                1st Sacraments preparation program. Please contact Jen
montj@stjohnnyb.org with questions.                            Livermont at livermontj@stjohnnyb.org with questions.
Early bird pricing ends September 27 ~ Register now!           Early bird pricing ends September 26 ~ Register now!

                                                   Family Formation
Family Formation is offered to families with preschool – 8th grade children. The parents and children grow in disciple-
ship together. The program meets at church on the first Wednesday of every month for onsite formation. Children
will meet in grade specific classrooms with catechists so they can make friends in the parish with kids their age and
learn at their level. Parents will listen to a speaker on the topic their children will be learning about that month. Fam-
ily Formation is designed for parents to be equipped to fulfill their call to be the first and foremost educators of their
children’s faith. Parents will leave with materials to teach their children three additional lessons at home during the
rest of the month. Preschoolers and Kindergarteners attend class together for free but must be registered. Children
in 7th and 8th grade will go to the Youth Room to receive their own formation. Childcare is available, please indicate
the need on the registration form. Please see the website for more information. Please contact Jen Livermont at liv-
ermontj@stjohnnyb.org with questions.
                                  Early bird pricing ends September 12 ~ Register now!

                  Volunteers Needed!                                  Confirmation Registration is NOW OPEN
Faith Formation and sacramental prep programs are              Confirmation Preparation is for those entering 9th grade
starting up so that means we need volunteers! Volun-           and older who would like to receive the sacrament of
teers can expect to make friends with other volunteers,        Confirmation in the Spring 2022. Confirmation prepara-
have fun, share their faith with others and receive ten-       tion is a one-year, weekly program with an overnight
fold what they give. Please prayerfully consider if you        retreat component. Program includes both small group
have the skills and desire to help with ministry this          and large group sessions! Contact Mikayla Anderson,
year. Volunteers are needed for Sunday School, Family          andersonm@stjohnnyb.org with any questions!
Formation, First Sacraments, and Confirmation. The age
groups you will work with, time commitments and skills
needed vary, so please contact Jen Livermont at liver-                     Women’s Discernment Retreat
montj@stjohnnyb.org if you are interested in working           FIAT Ministries is leading a discernment retreat for single
with children 3 years to 6th grade or Mikayla Anderson at      Catholic women ages 18 to 28 who are seeking God’s will
andersonm@stjohnnyb.org if you are interested in work-         for their life.
ing with middle school or high school students. All vol-
unteers working with kids will need to complete our            The event starts at 6:30 pm on September 24 and wraps
online background check and Virtus training.                   up on September 26 at 2 pm.
                                                               Location is: Christ the King Retreat Center
Join us for Faithfully Fit being held on Wednesdays at         621 South First Avenue,
9:30 AM in Room 206. You are welcome to join us any            Buffalo, MN 55313
Wednesday.                                                     Register now at www.fiatministries.org

                                               Upcoming School Events:
•   Meet My Teacher Night - Wednesday, September 1 - 6:00-7:00pm
•   August 31-September 3 will be Teacher meetings for our preschool students and their families.
•   First day of school - Tuesday, September 7
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Feast of the Passion of St. John the Baptist
Don’t forget to sign up for:
                                                              SJB Golf Tournament
                                                            September 18
                                                        Registration forms on
                                                          the Harvest Table

                                                        Contact Stephanie with
                   SATURDAY                              sjw576@gmail.com
               September 18, 2021
            FallFest Golf Tournament
        4 person “Best Ball”- 7:45am Start
           Brightwood Hills Golf Course
                                                             Bean Bag Tournament
                September 24, 2021
                    5pm – 10pm                                                             September
              Inflatables for all ages
Men’s Fellowship & Knights of Columbus Pig Roast
                       5:00pm                                                                 Contact:
          Grill the Priests 5:30- 6:30pm                                                     612.296.0612,
   The Good, The Bad and The Funky 7:00pm                                                  email SJBFallFest-
                    SATURDAY                                                              Bags@outlook.com
              September 25, 2021                                                           or Register online:
                   2pm-10pm                                                                FallFest Bean Bag
                                                                                          Tournament 2021 –
          9 am- Fun Run, 5K & 1 mile,                    St. John the Baptist Catholic Church (stjohnnb.com)
          Food and drink concessions
              Kids and Adult Games                         Limited number of teams allowed – REGISTER
      BINGO hosted by Knights of Columbus                           NOW! (sold out last time!!)
             Inflatables for all ages
             Car Show 2:00-5:00pm
     Mass with Multi- Cultural Music- 4:30pm                                                 And
            “Bags” Tournament 2pm
          The Baron of Bubble 2-6pm
         Necessary Diversion 5:30-7pm                                FUN RUN
           GB Leighton 7:30pm-10pm
                Fireworks 10pm                          September 25
              September 26, 2021                        Register online at:
                  10:30am-3pm                                  https://
              Polka Mass 10:30am                                  ti-
Booya 11am ‘til gone (Take out starts at 12:30pm)       nyurl.com/85vwbp8s
             Kids and Adult Games                       Printable registra-
       Designer Purse Bingo 1:00-3:00pm                      tion form:
          Food and drink concessions                    https://tinyurl.com/
          Email: fallfest@stjohnnyb.org
Register Online to Volunteer:                                        For more information, visit:
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church: St. John's Fall    https://stjohnnb.com/fallfest-2021/fallfest-fun-
           Fest 2021 (signupgenius.com)                 run-2021/
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Feast of the Passion of St. John the Baptist
    The Bands are Back for FallFest 2021!
                                                               The FallFest Silent Auction will be held online this year.
                                                               We are asking for donations to help make this a success.
                               The Good, the Bad               As a family, you can put together your own basket to
                               and the Funky                   donate, you can donate
                                                               items that we can as-
                               Performing live on              semble into a basket, or
                               September 24 at                 you can make a financial
                               7 pm                            donation and our volun-
                                                               teers will create a bas-
Necessary Diversion                                            ket. Some examples of
                                                               things you or we can
Performing live on                                             purchase to donate are
September 25 from
5:30 to 7 pm                                                   Restaurant gift cards
                                                               Hot selling electronics
                                                               Outdoor recreational equipment
                                                               Bottles of wine/other beverages
                              GB Leighton                      Housewares
                              Performing live on               Sports tickets
                              September 25 from                Arts and Entertainment tickets
                              7:30 to 10 pm                    If you have any questions, please contact Rita Arndorfer

             Music Ministry Opportunities
                                                                  DONATIONS NEEDED FOR CHILDREN’S GAMES
                        Adult Choir                            Below are the items we need:
                  God Needs Your Voice!                        Cherry Tree Game - needs any toy that is worth $2.00 or
The St. John the Baptist Adult Choir is looking for new        above.
members! The choir is open to high school students and         Ring-A-Pop Game - 2 Liter Bottles of Pop.
older. All we are looking for is the willingness to commit     Nonperishable items – (small, medium or large sizes).
to scheduled rehearsals and Masses, and the ability to         Come in package of (6, 9, 12, 24, etc.): applesauce, cere-
carry a tune. The choir rehearses Wednesday evenings           al, chips, cookies, crackers, donuts, popcorn, pop tarts,
from 7:00–9:00 pm, September to May, in the St. Cecilia        pretzels, jams, jelly, ramen noodles. Fruit packs or juic-
Choir Room, and we sing every other Sunday at the              es, jello packs, pudding packs.
10:30 am Mass. Please check us out at                          Candy Items: Airheads (medium/large size), Airhead
www.stjohnnb.com/worship/music-ministry/#choir           If    Extremes, Fun Dips, Fruit Roll Ups, Fruit by the Foot, Gi-
you are interested in joining, please contact our Director     ant Pixy Sticks, Life Savers, M&M, Pez Dispensers, Ring
of Worship, Lee Treml, at tremll@stjohnnyb.org                 Pops, Skittles, Starburst, Swedish Fish, Theater/King
                                                               Size Candy Packs or Candy Bars. (Any candy kids would
                      Handbell Choir                           like).
The St. John the Baptist Handbell Choir is recruiting! If      If not feasible to purchase yourself, please donate mon-
you can read sheet music, please consider joining! We          ey and I will purchase them myself.
offer an opportunity for people to offer their musical         Please drop off by September 15, at the welcome desk
prayers for God’s glory. The group is a joining of many        and label the items or envelopes: For Children’s Games,
talents used to create a joyful sound to honor God and         Attn: Jeanne Breske.
enhance our public worship. We rehearse Monday eve-
nings from 6:30–8:00 pm in the St. Cecilia Choir Room,         Any questions call (651) 633-4270 - Chairperson of Chil-
and we play every 4–6 weeks at the 4:30 pm Mass.               dren’s Games - Jeanne Breske
Please check us out at www.stjohnnb.com/worship/
music-ministry/#belfry If you are interested in joining,                         Respect Life Group
please contact Laura Lind at lalascrapbook22@aol.com
                     Instrumentalists                          When you’re out and about at FallFest this year, be sure
                                                               to stop by the Culver’s booth to chat with us and pick up
Attention all instrumentalists! If you would like to glorify   some ice cream. The Respect Life Group supports the
God with your musical talents, please consider playing         extremely important cause of protecting and promoting
your instrument for Masses at St. John the Baptist. High       the welfare of all human life from the moment of con-
school students and older with an instrument and sight-        ception all the way to natural death. We will be at Fall-
reading experience are welcome to play. If you are inter-      Fest every single day, so make a point to come see us!
ested, please contact our Director of Worship, Lee Treml,      Hopefully you will be interested to get involved in our
at tremll@stjohnnyb.org                                        group as well.
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Feast of the Passion of St. John the Baptist
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22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Feast of the Passion of St. John the Baptist
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