Page created by Adrian Graham
powered by Blockchain

JULY 2018

Version 1.0
The World’s first Token Sale to combine Clinics and Hospital
Assets with a Revolutionary Digital Healthcare Platform for
the delivery of Healthcare, Wellness and Vitality Services.

Healthcare has proven to be relatively recession proof. Token
ownership in this Token sale will be underpinned by quality
assets in top locations in emerging markets, combining
extensive knowledge and experience in Healthcare with the
latest in digital health technologies.

Visit www.dclinic.io for your opportunity to participate in this
exciting Token sale.
Legal Statement

dClinic PTE LTD is a company registered in          6. Investment in DHC holds considerable risk
Singapore. dClinic is the creator of this Token        and might involve extraordinary risks that
sale and the dClinic Token (DHC).                      may perhaps lead to a loss of all or a
                                                       significant portion of such investment,
1. The presentation of this whitepaper is
                                                       unless    the    participants    completely
  solely for informational purposes. The
                                                       understand, be aware of and accept the
  participants interested in investing in
                                                       characteristics of the company and the
  dClinic Health Coins (DHC) should analyse
                                                       possible risks inbuilt in company, they
  and consider various associated risks prior
                                                       should not invest in this Token sale.
  to making any kind investment decisions in
  the dClinic Token sale.                           7. Each one of the participant is completely in
                                                       charge for ensuring that all characteristics
2. The dClinic whitepaper does not comprise
                                                       of dClinic are satisfactory.
  of any advice by the Company, the
  directors, the investment manager or any          8. There can be no guarantee that the
  other person, or recommendation to any               investment purpose will be achieved and
  receiver, by the virtues of participation in         investment consequences may differ
  this Token sale.                                     considerably over time.
3. The   dClinic   whitepaper      does      not    9. Investment in DHC is in no way be
  necessarily identify, or claim to identify, all      considered as stock or security, should not
  the risk factors connected with company.             planned to be a total investment program
  All the participants must make their own             for any investor. All the participants with
  independent evaluation, after making such            awareness should think about whether the
  investigations as they consider essential, of        investment    is     suitable    for   their
  the merits of participating in this Token            circumstances and financial resources.
                                                    10. dClinic   makes no representations or
4. There is no guarantee that the dClinic              warranties whatsoever and disclaims all
  ecosystem will be a success. Similarly, there        liability and responsibility to the maximum
  is no guarantee that the value of DHC will           extent of the law for any statement or
  rise. You are advised to thoroughly assess           informative material communicated. The
  the risks and uncertainties involved before          dClinic team takes all reasonable steps to
  making any decisions. No promises in terms           ensure the integrity and accuracy of
  of token value or future performance are             information communicated.
                                                    11. Some Investors from certain countries are
5. The investor should check with and rely             not allowed to participate in this Token
  upon their own investment, accounting,               sale. Please check your local regulations.
  legal and tax representatives and
  consultants as such matters concerning               IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE dClinic
  company and to assess separately the                 TERMS AND CONDITIONS (AVAILABLE
  financial     risks,   consequences     and           ON THE dClinic.io WEBSITE), DO NOT
  appropriateness of an investment in                  PURCHASE dClinic TOKENS FROM THE
  company, or if in any doubt about the facts          COMPANY. BY PURCHASING dClinic
  of this presentation.                                TOKENS FROM THE COMPANY, YOU WILL
                                                       BE BOUND BY dClinic’s TERMS AND
                                                       CONDITIONS, AND ANY TERMS AND

© 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved                                                   4
Forward Looking Statements
CONDITIONS            INCORPORATED     BY          Certain information set forth in this
REFERENCE. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS               whitepaper         includes    forward-looking
REGARDING           THESE  TERMS,  PLEASE          information regarding the future of the project,
CONTACT THE COMPANY AT HYPERLINK                   events and projections. These statements may
"https://dclinic.io                                be identified by but not limited to words and
                                                   phrases such as "will", "estimate", "believe",
By purchasing dClinic Tokens, and to the           "expect", "project", "anticipate", or words of
extent permitted by law in your judiristion, you   similar meaning. Such forward-looking
are agreeing not to hold any of the the            statements are also included in other publicly
Company and its respective past, present and       available dClinic materials such as videos,
future     employees,      officers,   directors,   blog posts, interviews, etc. Information
contractors, consultants, equity holders,          contained in this whitepaper constitutes
suppliers, vendors, service providers, parent      forward-looking statements and includes, but
companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, agents,        is not limited to:
representatives, predecessors, successors and
                                                   i) the projected performance of the project;
assigns (dClinic) liable for any losses or any
special, incidental, or consequential damages      ii) completion of the campaign;
arising from, or in any way connected, to the
sale of dClinic Tokens, including losses           iii) the expected development of the project;
associated with the terms set in our Token’s       iv) execution of the project's vision and
Terms and Conditions.                              strategy;
                                                   vii) future liquidity, working capital, and
                                                   capital requirements.
Additional Terms and Conditions are supplied
on the dClinic.io website. Please refer to these   The forward-looking statements involve a
Terms and Conditions before purchasing any         variety of risks and uncertainties. Should any
dClinic Tokens.                                    of these risks or uncertainties materialise, the
                                                   actual performance and progress of dClinic
                                                   might differ from expectations set by the
                                                   forward-looking        statements.        These
                                                   statements are not guarantees of future
                                                   performance and no undue reliance should be
                                                   placed on them. dClinic undertakes no
                                                   obligation     to   update     forward-looking
                                                   statements if circumstances change. By acting
                                                   upon forward-looking information received
                                                   from the whitepaper, dClinic website and
                                                   other materials produced by dClinic, you bear
                                                   full   responsibility   in    the    case     of
                                                   forward-looking statements not materialising.

5                                                        © 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved
table of
.       Abstract                                   8

1.      About the industry                         9

2.      Problem Statement                          9

3.      Solution Overview                          10

4.      dClinic the Disruptor                      11

.       1. dClinic Use Cases                       13

.       2. Why does dClinic need Blockchain        14

.       3. dClinic in a Nutshell                   15

5.      dClinic Platform Architecture              16

6.      dClinic Current Software Asset Register    19

7.      dClinic Milestones to date                 22

8.      dClinic’s Inaugural Partner                23

9.      Role of Vital Life Management (VLM)        25

.       1. Key Advantages of partnering with VLM   26

10.     Role of Blockchain                         28

© 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved          6
11. The dClinic Platform                                                      31

12. Token Sale                                                                33

.   1. Terms of the DHC Token Smart Contract                                  33

.   2. DHC Token Distribution                                                 34

.   3. Token and Funds Distribution                                           34

13. dClinic Roadmap                                                           37

14. Our Core Team                                                             41

15. VLM EXPERTS AND dClinic ADVISORY BOARD                                    43

.   Acknowledgments                                                           47

.   APPENDIX A – INDONESIAN CLINICS AND HOSPITALS                             48

.   APPENDIX B – MEDIA RELEASE                                                59
.   APPENDIX C – MEDIA RELEASE                                                61

.   APPENDIX D - MEDIA RELEASE                                                63
.   APPENDIX E - MEDIA RELEASE                                                65

7                                     © 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved

Most clinics and medical facilities today        interactions resulting in patient data that is
follow     a     one-on-one     model      of    not readily shared or available to other care
patient-provider interaction which puts the      providers. The dClinic platform leads to a
provider (clinician) at the centre of a          Shared Care model where the patient is at
patient’s care. The problem with this model      the centre of their care and the care is
is that it does not always easily allow          provided by care team members who could
providers to consult with other healthcare       be    providers,     clinicians,   specialists,
givers and then follow the patient’s progress    organisations and even family members.
as part of a holistic shared care plan. This
model is rigid and creates the data silos        dClinic puts the patient at the centre of their
which prevent collaborative efforts for          care and does not allow brick walls to
positive healthcare outcomes.                    constrain their access to care. dClinic uses
                                                 blockchain to assist and reward consumers
dClinic and its experts, after working for       for their participation and adherence to their
many years with providers, governments           care plans. Thus, dClinic is poised to disrupt
and healthcare organisations, recognize          the healthcare industry by introducing a new
that a more forward-thinking healthcare          model of healthcare which encourages
platform needs to be established to break        collaborative efforts for positive healthcare
down the traditional barriers of one-on-one      outcomes.

© 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved                                                8
01                                                       02
About                                                    Problem
the Industry                                             Statement
The    global   blockchain-in-the-healthcare             Most healthcare technology systems start a
market is expected to grow at a compound                 patient’s    healthcare   journey     from    a
annual growth rate of 63.8% and reach a                  one-on-one visit to the doctor or a hospital
value of $5.61 billion by 2025. The use of               where the patient is registered into their local
blockchain for healthcare data management                clinical system, such as an EMR (Electronic
and exchange will contribute significantly to             Medical Record), PAS (Patient Registration
the market share throughout the forecast                 System) or GP (General Practice) System. The
period, reaching a value of $1.89 billion by             reality is that patients are consumers, and
20251.                                                   their healthcare journey often involves many
                                                         people and services, who are unable to
                                                         contribute to the healthcare service delivery
                                                         process effectively because the processes of
                                                         healthcare service delivery are broken and
                                                         fragmented. In fact, it is becoming more
                                                         recognised that wellness and vitality services

Figure 1
The current ridged
on-on-one patient-provider
interaction model within


9                                                                © 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved
can also play a significant role in patients’       Now, with the introduction of blockchain in
healthcare outcomes. However, in the existing      Shared Care Planning (dClinic’s platform),
traditional healthcare systems, organizations,     which will enable all care providers, including
individuals and service providers work in silos    the patient themselves, to contribute, follow
with fragmented data around a single patient       and update their healthcare progress, the
derived from interactions compounded by            healthcare delivery system will become
one-on-one encounters between patients and         significantly more effective and rewarding.
their care providers. Globally, we lack a          Communication amongst all stakeholders with
one-stop platform where instead of data silos,     the patient at the centre of their care will
a patient’s information is collected, shared and   contribute significantly to improving service
utilized with a consortium of doctors and          delivery. The industry, we believe, will witness
service providers. A full history and journey of   a paradigm shift from disparate data chunks
the patient’s Electronic Health Records (EHR)      of health records to a single, decentralized
could help bridge the gap that exists in the       shareable ledger (dClinic EHR or dEHR). A
healthcare sector while providing incentives       Shared     Care    platform     will   facilitate
for all persons to strive towards making           cross-sharing of the recorded history of the
caregiving more cost-effective.                    patient’s health for devising a meaningful
                                                   longitudinal healthcare plan.

03                                                 dClinic’s position as a one stop platform can
                                                   bring the much-needed transformation in the
Solution                                           healthcare sector. An array of clinicians,
Overview                                           service providers, caregivers, thought leaders,
                                                   and governments, through dClinic’s platform,
Blockchain in healthcare will help connect
                                                   can work together to enable the fulfillment of a
individuals, care providers and anyone
                                                   patient-centred healthcare delivery system.
involved in the caregiving process seamlessly
                                                   dClinic aims to demonstrate this in emerging
and in real-time. KYC and Secure Messaging
                                                   markets in partnership with local providers
will ensure security and transparency of
                                                   and government bodies.
communications. The services availed, medical
routine and vital body stats would be stored as
secure data points on Blockchain that cannot
be tampered with.

© 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved                                                   10

the Disruptor

Our team has many years of experience in the healthcare sector and it is
clear from our numerous worldwide implementations that the patient (or
consumer) should be at the centre of their care. Our thesis is, that by
making the Shared Care Plan the main consumer and clinician (provider)
portal for accessing a consumer’s clinical and non-clinical data, dClinic will
considerably assist the healthcare sector by giving the Care Team
accurate and real-time data that holistically relates to the patient,
therefore driving better healthcare outcomes.

dClinic is going to be a game-changer for          - Consumers can meaningfully interact with
the healthcare industry because;                   their Care Plans because the Care Plans are
                                                   represented in consumer friendly terms and
- dClinic Health Coins have value from day         (non-clinical) language. Our choice for clinical
one. The consumer can help drive this dClinic      modelling also allows language agnostic Care
Healthcare value proposition and be rewarded       Plans.
by engaging with dClinic.
                                                   - Contributors to the Shared Care Plan (and
- dClinic puts the consumer at the centre of       therefore potential Health Coin recipients) will
their healthcare by driving all transactions via   include consumers, clinicians, care givers and
their Shared Care Plan.                            family members. Contributors to the
                                                   consumer’s care plan will get financial and
- dClinic empowers the clinicians and care         healthcare rewards. dClinic’s platform is
team members by allowing them access to the        blockchain enabled and rewards all actors.
correct consumer data.                             Everyone benefits by participation and
                                                   adherence to the Care Plans.

11                                                       © 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved
- The Care Plan will be inclusive and not         dClinic overcomes the following current
exclusive to only traditional clinical system     inhibitors in the Healthcare Industry -
data. Wellness and Vitality will also play a
major role in a consumer’s Care Plan. 3rd         - Most EMR (Electronic Medical Record)
parties running other clinical systems and        systems are data silos, often not easy to
devices can also integrate into the dClinic       integrate with. dClinic’s interoperability
platform.                                         through Blockchain overcomes this major
                                                  barrier to aid care team members.
- dClinic will drive this model of care by
owning the clinics and hospitals that will        - Most hospital and clinical systems follow a
holistically implement the dClinic platform.      one-to-one system. dClinic opens the
                                                  healthcare service interactions to a care team,
- dClinic’s platform will be interoperable with   putting the patient at the centre of their
as many devices as possible to truly allow the    treatment.
consumer and clinician to interact with the
consumer’s Care Plan.                             - Most clinical systems only offer minimal
                                                  patient feedback, if any. dClinic encourages
All dClinic token owners, including those         this feedback loop, and allows the patient to
who subscribe to our Token Sale, will             share their data so other care team members
automatically be registered as part of the        can contribute to their healthcare outcomes.
dClinic Loyalty and Rewards program.              And for care team members who don’t have
                                                  clinical portals, dClinic allows sharing within

Figure 2
dClinic breaking
down the barriers
and promoting
Care Teams

© 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved                                                12
the Care Team through any Internet browser.        stored in the dClinic blockchain.
dClinic’s blockchain breaks down the software
barriers to allow care team members to             - Patient reward is not often part of existing
contribute effectively.                            clinical systems. Rewards for participation
                                                   and adherence to Care Plans is a core
- In fact, dClinic will also provide secure APIs   component of focus for dClinic.
(FHIR) to allow others to contribute to a
Shared Care Plan.                                  To set this revolution in motion, dClinic will
                                                   empower its own facilities, and then based on
- Where most clinical systems start with a         consumer engagement, we will move to
Patient Administration System (PAS), dClinic’s     empower other non-dClinic facilities.
focus is the Care Plan, where data is securely

04.1     dClinic Use Cases
Scenario                                           Example
As a consumer, if I adhere to my Care              My Care Plan is a Type 2 Diabetes Care
Plan, I will be rewarded with dClinic              Plan and my doctor has recommended I
tokens.                                            complete 20 minutes of exercise per day
                                                   which includes walking.

Healthcare Outcomes
through Rewards:
01                                                 02
Consumer Reward                                    Consumer and Provider Reward
As a patient, every time I complete my daily       If I forget to complete my task, any member of
exercise task and report my participation and      my Care Team (including a family member or
adherence to my doctor, I will receive a dClinic   friend carer) can remind me the next day and if
Health Coin.                                       I complete this task, then I will receive portion
                                                   of a dClinic Health Coin, and so will the care
                                                   team member that reminded me.

03                                                 04
Provider and Consumer Reward                       Provider Reward
As a care team member, if I note the patient is    Similarly, for every referral that makes a
struggling to adhere to their Care Plan            difference to the patient in terms of their
schedules, I can encourage the patient using       adherence, the referrer will receive dClinic
the dClinic Telemedicine App, for which I and      Health Coin rewards.
the patient will receive portion of dClinic
Health Coin as reward.

This blockchain model rewards all contributors including the consumer to meet their
participation and adherence levels. dClinic, therefore, drives good healthcare outcomes
through these collaborative healthcare initiatives.

13                                                       © 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved
As a consumer or care team member, I               - Each contributor (care team member) can
accumulate dClinic Health Care coins which I       provide appropriate and targeted healthcare,
can use for other dClinic services such as,        wellness and vitality services regardless of
                                                   where they may be in the world.
- Premium access (shorter waiting times) to
see worldwide dClinic practitioners                -     Care Team members can make correct
                                                   evaluations and recommendations based on
- Access to additional wellness and vitality       the knowledge of the consumer’s allergies,
services                                           Care Plan tasks, social issues, Drugs and
                                                   Alcohol dependencies, medications and
-     Access to premium               one-on-one   ailments (such as diabetes, chronic disease,
Telemedicine consultations                         etc).
- dClinic Loyalty program services items           - Care Team members (existing and new)
                                                   making value decisions in the event the
- dClinic upgrades such as premium rooms at
                                                   consumer is unable to respond for whatever
worldwide dClinics, and
                                                   reasons, such as being in a coma.
-    Benefits, such as cost savings, at
                                                   -     Saving costs and delays through
diagnostics labs and pharmacies owned
                                                   interoperability with Emergency, Laboratory,
and/or authorized by dClinic (i.e. using the
                                                   Pharmacy, Radiology and Pathology to
dClinic platform).
                                                   provide instant patient-centred diagnosis.
Refer to the DHC Benefits Document.
                                                   - Preventative focused healthcare outcomes.
                                                   For example, NCDs (Non-Communicable
                                                   Diseases) are increasing tremendously all over
04.1                                               the world and affect people in many
Why does dClinic                                   communities. Together, with incidents of
                                                   obesity, stroke, MI (Myocardial Infarction),
need Blockchain?                                   diabetes, hypertension and cancer, all the
The dClinic Blockchain encourages healthcare       diseases most people normally identify with,
outcomes. Blockchain allows the consumer’s         awareness of a person’s Care Plan can greatly
health data (in the form of Care Plans) to be      increase effective prevention by quick
secure, and the consumer in cooperation with       intervention. Prevention is the most
their care team, allows access to this data to     appropriate answer and dClinic’s Blockchain
relevant parties, which can provide benefits        is a solution towards this goal. Trillions of
such as.                                           dollars are spent on the consequences of NCD

  “        “The advanced dClinic Health Platform with its
           focus around a, “patient-centred care model”, will
           truly transform health service delivery as we know
           it today and make a real difference in improving
           people’s health and well-being.”
           Dr. Richard Satur, CEO dClinic

© 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved                                                12
while preventive actions, such as, excellent       04.2
ER, telemedicine, latest electronic diagnostics
based on dClinic’s blockchain make all these
tools patient-centred and focused on positive      in a Nutshell
health outcomes. dClinic’s blockchain allows
access to relevant and accurate patient data       dClinic’s platform strength is its ability to
regardless of geography, and allows                integrate. Interoperability is our mantra and
healthcare professionals to communicate            we aim to integrate with all clinical and
efficiently, therefore, benefiting the patient.      consumer-based systems. Our platform is
                                                   going to be a blockchain-assisted healthcare
- Being able to suggest a balanced diet, daily     data capturing, management and exchange
physical exercise, balanced mental health by       framework that allows care providers the
awareness exercise, balanced work and              means to develop and track the progress of a
family life can play a significant role in          patient’s care plan.
avoiding stress. These are relatively easy
intervention tasks to help reduce incidents of
MI and stroke. The key is be familiar with the
consumer’s Care Plan (via secure Blockchain)
in order to be able to make these
assessments. Silent killers such as obesity,
hypertension and Diabetes type 2 can also be
effectively tackled if the care team is aware of

15                                                        © 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved

The platform is designed from the ground up to be modular so that
added functionalities, as they are developed, can be incorporated into
the platform without disrupting the existing ecosystem.

It is also optimized for an easy rollout at both   1. dClinic Data eXchange Layer
the enterprise and individual levels, making it
suitable for use in large, well-established        This makes use of the latest in healthcare data
institutions as well as small, independent         technologies like openEHR data archetypes
clinics.                                           (which also allows the Care Plan to be
                                                   represented in Patient/Consumer friendly
dClinic’s Platform will comprise of                language and terms), FHIR2 APIs and AI
                                                   (dClinic Artificial Intelligence engine) and
dClinic is currently expanding its two core        integrates these onto a blockchain-powered
applications to work alongside the platform; a     data governance protocol that enables secure
Care       Team-to-Patient       telemedicine      cross-communication and interoperability of
application and blockchain driven Shared           all platform functionalities in real-time.
Care Planning application (BC-ShCP).
                                                   2. dClinic Blockchain APIs
The telemedicine application will enable users
to consult with their Care Team remotely (for      - Various APIs like Contracts, Certificates,
example, on their phone) for a small, possibly     Chain Code registry APIs will be exposed.
even reimbursable, fee.
                                                   - Smart contracts on blockchain will govern
                                                   transactions between different parties. These

2: https://www.hl7.org/fhir/overview.html

© 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved                                                 16
Figure 3 - dClinic High-Level Platform Architecture

will be available to developers to build apps by      a patient’s healthcare, social and family
leveraging dClinic data eXchange Layer                history, stored on an openEHR4 layer and use
                                                      it to develop effective care plans. This
3. dClinic Datalake                                   dashboard also allows care members to
                                                      create and update care plans in the form of
- Datalake makes representing dClinic unique.         daily tasks, track progress, access current
Datalake will represent an enterprise solution        medical records and refer any patient’s
that holds all the data from all the involved         records to another provider in real-time.
parties and shall be used for analytics
purposes.                                             - A patient dashboard that provides patients
                                                      with reminders for the daily tasks included in
4. dClinic App Store (DAS)                            their care plans, access to a lifetime of their
                                                      medical history, follow-up schedules and the
- DAS opens up the whole platform to the
                                                      ability to communicate with different care
world to expand and evolve dClinic platform
with new features and possibilities.
                                                      6. Platform Intelligence
- DAS provides native applications to support
the platform like telemedicine, BC-ShCP,              -    Artificial intelligence, Natural language
PROMs/PREMs (Patient Reported Outcome                 processing, Machine learning to enhance
Measures, and Patient Reported Experience
                                                      healthcare models.
Measures3 ).

5. dClinic Dashboards                                 - NLP caters to people of any age to
                                                      interact with the system and recommend
- A provider dashboard to retrieve and update         support to patients based on their specific

17                                                            © 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved
Figure 4
dClinic aims to integrate with all
clinical and consumer-based systems
for maximum interoperability

7. Analytical Engine                             care        providers  through         a
                                                 blockchain-powered eReferral (Electronic
- Data Analytics plays a crucial role to         Referral) program.
understand patient behaviours. Analytics
APIs will be exposed to developers in a          9. dClinic Feedback System
controlled environment for building apps
for solving specific problems.                    - This is to check on the the quality of
                                                 services offered by institutions, clinics,
8. dClinic Reward System                         doctors, and clinicians using PROMs and
                                                 PREMs (Patient Reported Outcome and
-   This incentivizes the adherence of           Experience Measures).
patients to their care plans and rewards

© 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved                                          18

dClinic Current
Software Asset

dClinic’s platform (V1.0) has been a product of over 2 years in development.
It is presently being demonstrated in Australia, Indonesia, Brazil, US and
Singapore. The aim is to develop a platform that can deliver the dClinic
vision. This Token Sale is to take the current infrastructure to a fully block-
chain enabled platform for true patient-centric care and to officially launch
in Indonesia, a major emerging market.
Over the last 2 plus years, we have built the following software
platform components, namely;

 Component    Description                                            Version     Expended
                                                                                 Budget to date

 openEHR      The backend Clinical Modelling is based on openEHR V2.0.0.4        USD$320k
 (Clinical    which is completely standards-based and meets the
 Modelling    compliance requirements for the identifying, storage
 and          (including security), handling and auditing of clinical
              data worldwide. These standards include (via Secure

              - Australian Government Protective Security Policy
              Framework (PSPF) and Information Security Manual
              (ISM) 2014

              - ISO/IEC 27001 (ISO 27001, 2005) including (ISO/IEC
              27002) and ISO 27799:2016

19                                                    © 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved
Component         Description                                               Version   Expended
                                                                                      Budget to date

                  - Accessibility Requirements suitable for procurement
                  of ICT products and Services (EN 301 549 - V1.0.2)

                  - Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0

                  - State, National and International Penetration Testing
                  guidelines openEHR clinical modelling is particularly
                  suited for;

                  - Quality Assured Reporting (and dash-boarding)
                  including integration with 3rd party BI (Business
                  Intelligence) tools

                  - Care Plans in patient-friendly language format
                  including supporting medications, problems, goals and

                  - Compliant with HL7, SNOMED CT and FHIR

FHIR APIs         We connect with external systems via our proven FHIR V1.0.9.2       USD$120k
                  APIs. This means we can integrate with most systems
                  including EMRs and General Practice Clinical Systems

Shared Care       To provide the best possible care for Patients, we need V3.4.5.5    USD$1.2mil
Planning          to include Care Teams in the preparation and
                  implementation of the Patient’s Care Plan. Our highly
                  customisable and configurable Care Planning solution
                  is comprehensive and allows for the greatest
                  involvement between care givers and the Patient. Our
                  Care Plans are template driven and can integrate with
                  Consumer wearables, EMR and Clinical Systems

Patient           It is vitally important Patients can contribute to their V0.9.0.2   USD$85k
Surveys           own care and one way is to allow Patient to complete
                  Experience (of Service) and Outcome Surveys (PROMs
                  and PREMs). This way Care Givers can tailor tasks and
                  goals to drive outcomes that meet the Patient’s needs

Telemedicine When Patients are unable to physically be present or V1.0.0.2            USD$560k
                  Remoteness is an issue, Telemedicine can greatly
                  assist. Telemedicine can be particularly useful for
                  ePrescription     (Electronic   Prescription)  and
                  re-prescription needs. Our Telemedicine platform is
                  device agnostic and steps up and down depending on
                  the data bandwidth available

© 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved                                                         20
Component      Description                                                Version    Expended
                                                                                      Budget to date

 Uber Service    The patient has the ability to request services using an V0.0.0.7    USD$35k
 Model           Uber style model. Correct and approved specialists can
                 attend to their needs in a timely manner. dClinic believe
                 this is the future of service based healthcare

 Biometric     Fraud and Aliases (including multiple EHRs) is a major V2.2.0.3        USD$84k
 Identification issue for most Clinical Systems. Using non-invasive
                 Biometric identification secures the system and the
                 interactions between the Patient and their Care Givers.
                 We can also merge aliased Electronic Health records

 Secure          All clinical data is exchanged securely. Privacy and V1.0.0.3        USD$135k
 Messaging       consent is always managed appropriately. Now,
                 extend this to include the Patient’s EHR as a portable
                 record by employing Blockchain, and we have a very
                 powerful, safe, portable and targeted service delivery

To date, dClinic’s core team has personally funded development to the tune of
USD$2.5mil. Videos, demonstrations and sample UIs/UXs of our Software Assets are
available on the dClinic.io website.

21                                                         © 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved

till date

During its entrepreneurial journey, dClinic has already achieved
significant milestones towards building an integrated blockchain
driven shared care platform. For example -
- We have a dClinic platform V1.0 with           - Some of the most distinguished advisors
proven capabilities and implementations          across various fields have already joined
to carry out the next phase of                   dClinic (See Our Advisors Section).
development. This platform is ready for
Blockchain integration.                          - We have started delivering health care
                                                 and vitality services across some clinical
- With our carefully chosen inaugural            trial projects in Australia, some of which
partner, Vital Life Management in                are in association with the VLM team.
Indonesia, we have successfully entered
into agreements for seven of our projects        - We have established contracts for our
(which include five vitality clinics and two      real-world assets to underpin and value
hospitals) along with several large-scale        add to dClinic’s vision.
clinical trials. This has enabled a stable
revenue model for dClinic from the get-go        - To implement and support dClinic we
(See Appendix).                                  have negotiated a contract for establishing
                                                 an office in Indonesia and dClinic will also
We have successfully onboarded several           own the office asset (See Appendix ).
industry experts in clinical systems and
implementations to lead the dClinic
platform roadmap building.

© 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved                                           22


So, how do we prove our approach and platform will deliver
healthcare services safely, efficiently, appropriately and correctly to
consumers? dClinic’s answer is to continue to innovate by partnering
with world class partners for the delivery of healthcare services. For
this, we have initially partnered with VLM in Indonesia – See
Appendix for details.
We envision to acquire and own a majority                      The increase in consumers obtaining
of the clinics and hospitals in Indonesia, a                   private insurance in Indonesia is also
country with over 300 million potential                        substantial, and by 2019, it is anticipated
consumers, and one the fastest growing                         that all Indonesians will be covered by
middle-class populations. Today, over 52                       Universal Health Cover(UHC), a scheme
million people belong to the middle class,                     introduced in 2014. This is creating
and their consumption accounts for 43%                         significant opportunities for reshaping
of the total household consumption5.                           health services in the country. dClinic can
                                                               add considerable value for insurance
Additionally, tourist arrivals in Indonesia                    companies, which are rapidly expanding in
rose to 1,300,738 persons in April of 2018,                    the Indonesian market7 . The government
an 11.04% increase from the previous                           policies are aligned to facilitate the ageing
year6                                                          population through measures like


23                                                                      © 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved
Figure 5
Dr. Richard Satur (CEO)
and Robby Thoeng (VLM
Director) confirm the
partnership in Indonesia

Universal     Health    Insurance.     State               delivery, with vitality and wellness
institutions and private companies are                     services being just as critical as traditional
working in tandem to trigger further                       health care services. The dClinic platform
growth in the healthcare segment.                          both incorporates wellness and vitality
According to the 2015 Frost & Sullivan                     systems along with traditional healthcare.
Health care Outlook, the Indonesian health
care sector is expected to triple from US$7                Our target markets after Indonesia are
billion in 2014 to US $21billion in 20198.                 Malaysia, Philippines, Brazil, Miami and
                                                           Australia. dClinic has initiated
Indonesia provides a growing and affluent                   negotiations with potential healthcare
market for dClinic and VLM, hence this                     delivery partners in Maimi, Brazil and
partnership is incredibly promising. Also,                 Australia. The organization shall share
Indonesia is an emerging market that is                    progress on further partnerships through
ready to try new methods of healthcare                     press release announcements and official
                                                           social media channels.


© 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved                                                        24

Role of
Vital Life

Dr. Richard Satur, founder of dClinic, and Dr. Robby Thoeng from Vital Life
Management, have agreed to be associated as long-term strategic
partners with the aim of establishing excellent health and vitality services
across Indonesia. These vitality centres are designed to address the
“widening gap” in healthcare service provision as a function of the growth
of worldwide healthcare demand.

Both organizations are wholly committed          platform     provider   with     extensive
to develop further and implement an              experience in creating patient-centric care
advanced “digital healthcare platform,”          solutions. The synergy between Vital Life
based on the dClinic vision, for the             Management and dClinic, therefore,
provision of healthcare coupled with             creates a promising partnership.
wellness services. The deployment of this
new Blockchain driven platform aims to           VLM is, therefore, our key;
revolutionize healthcare delivery across
the hospital sector, specialist tertiary care,   • Partner in assisting with the purchase
primary care and aged care settings.             and construction/refurbishment of 7
                                                 Indonesian clinics and hospitals
Vital Life Management has undertaken
extensive research and planning on seven         • It is already operating in Indonesian
initial high priority projects in Jakarta and    Vitality clinics and hospitals, which will
Bali, and these projects are ready to            also be supported by the dClinic platform.
commence. Correspondingly, dClinic is the        Details for the new Vitality clinics and
next generation digital clinic platform          hospitals are in Appendix
developed by a healthcare software and
25                                                     © 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved
• Partner in supplying of healthcare,                 Vitality Clinics and Hospitals.
wellness and vitality experts in Indonesia.
VLM has established a network of                      o Each clinic and hospital will purchase
specialist doctors with existing clientele            the license to implement the dClinic
                                                      platform in their ecosystem, thus
• For maintaining Indonesian                 health   contributing to the revenue model.
department standards
                                                      o Implementation of dClinic’s services in
• Providing assistance to us in customising           Indonesia and the Asia Pacific will be
and configuring dClinic for the Indonesian             supported by a development and support
market                                                team headquartered in Bali.

                                                      o dClinic and VLM are both working with a
09.1                                                  focus on emerging markets in developing
Key Advantages of                                     countries where they can make a real
                                                      difference in health outcomes and work
partnering with VLM                                   towards improving people’s health and
The partnership will open a number of                 wellbeing. The focus market in phase one
opportunities for both dClinic and VLM in             of the project will be Indonesia.
the healthcare sector.
                                                      o At the heart of this development is an
o dClinic will have ownership of 5 Vitality           advanced       digital  health    platform,
Centres and 2 Hospitals in Indonesia with             operating at the cutting edge of
the possibility of two more facilities which          interoperability to provide longitudinal
will be leased. dClinic will also receive a           care across digital health clinics. The
percentage of net profit from each of these            services being delivered by these clinics

Figure 6
The dClinic and VLM
Partnership Team

© 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved                                                26
are focused around patient-centred care     opportunity for Indonesian patients to
model.                                      benefit from improved healthcare and
                                            wellness services.
o Both VLM and dClinic are at a similar
stage in their evolution and have been      o Neither business venture is reliant on
through many years of extensive R&D and     government funding or complicated
market testing of concepts. These are not   decision making. They are pure private
startups but well developed and properly    enterprises allowing innovation and best
funded businesses, and as such, the         practices to guide their expansion.
synergies between both businesses is
impressive. This creates an exciting

To be successful, dClinic and VLM require the “best-suited team”
and Subject Matter Experts. dClinic also has a talented Executive
Team that will operate in tandem with VLM to provide the right
technology platform. Both companies consist of highly talented
leaders in Healthcare Service Delivery and Digital Health systems
development. Collectively, they have implemented many other
projects, and both have “a real passion for being successful,
putting the patient at the centre of their care”.

27                                               © 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved

Role of
dClinic Blockchain Highlights include;                   several examples of data exploitation that
                                                         hampers the patient’s access, including
o Access to a Secure worldwide consumer                  health IT developers interfering with the
EHR (Electronic Health Record)                           flow of data by charging exorbitant prices
                                                         for      data      exchange          interfaces.
o Smart contracts, when patient and
                                                         Interoperability is also a critical component
provider agree on tasks and activities to
                                                         for Patient-Centered Outcomes Research
create a care plan.
                                                         (PCOR) and the Precision Medicine
o Engage consumers in their healthcare                   Initiative    (PMI).    dClinic       embraces
outcomes through a rewards-based                         interoperability.
                                                         dClinic Blockchain will enable users to give
o Reward care team members and                           controlled access to different healthcare
providers through a blockchain-enabled                   agents such as doctors, hospitals,
eReferral system                                         laboratories, pharmacists, and insurers to
                                                         interact as they see fit. Each interaction
o Loyalty dClinic programs via “dClinic                  with their medical data is auditable,
Health Coins” (as DHC Tokens) add                        transparent and secure, and will be
greater value for the consumers                          recorded as a transaction on dClinic
                                                         Blockchain’s distributed ledger. During this
dClinic      exploits   and     embraces                 process, the patient’s privacy is protected
interoperability for the benefit of the                   at all times. Leveraging unique blockchain
patient and breaks down data access                      properties,         dClinic       manages
barriers. A recent ONC report9 details                   confidentiality, accountability and data


© 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved                                                        28
sharing—crucial considerations         when     dClinic would deliver diverse data sets by
handling sensitive information.                 including patients from different ethnic
                                                and socio-economic backgrounds and
With Smart Contracts on our secure              various geographical environments. As
dClinic Blockchain (dBC), dClinic logs EHR      blockchain collects health data across a
relationships that associate a medical          patient’s lifetime, it offers data ideal for
record with viewing permissions and data        longitudinal studies. Real-time access to
retrieval instructions. The dClinic patient     data would improve clinical care
record would reflect the many facets of          coordination and improve clinical care in
health data, by accepting not just clinical     emergency medical situations. Real-time
data, but also data from the patient’s          data would also allow researchers and
Fitbit, Apple HealthKit and more. Patients      public health resources to rapidly detect,
can build a holistic record of their medical    isolate and drive change for environmental
data and authorize others for viewership,       conditions that impact public health. For
such as physicians providing a second           example, epidemics could be detected
opinion as eReferral.                           earlier and contained.
dClinic Blockchain will also be a platform      The real-time availability of mobile
for other digital health applications to        application and       sensor data from
develop on; users will be able to sign for      wearables on the dClinic platform could
these applications and services which are       facilitate continuous, 24 hour-a-day
powered by their health data and secured        monitoring of high risk patients and drive
by smart contracts.                             the innovation of “smart” applications that
                                                would notify the care team if a patient
dClinic data can also be used for predictive
                                                reached a critical threshold for action.
analytics, allowing patients to learn from
                                                They could reach out to the patient and
their family histories, past care and
                                                coordinate treatment options for early
conditions to better prepare for healthcare
needs in the future. The linked
interoperability between different clinical     A distributed blockchain that contains
sites in a dClinic network would facilitate a   health records, documents or images
wide range of trend discovery. dClinic’s        would have data storage implications and
modularity could support an additional          data throughput limitations. If modeled
analytics layer for disease surveillance,       after the Bitcoin blockchain, every member
epidemiological        monitoring        and    in the distributed network of the
dashboards that show patients’ emerging         healthcare blockchain would have a copy
trends in their health, etc. Fundamentally,     of every health record for every individual
the dClinic project strives to enable           and this would not be practical from a data
Precision      Medicine      and     holistic   storage perspective. Because health data
understanding of patient medical status         is dynamic and expansive, replicating all
without creating a centralized repository       health records for every member of the
of data. Centrally-stored data has often        network would be bandwidth intensive,
proved disastrous in this modern age of         wasteful on network resources and pose
cyber-attacks and data leaks. Therefore,        data      throughput      concerns.     The
dClinic     leverages    a     decentralized    information contained in dClinic would be
blockchain architecture to enable local,        a secure EHR index, a list of all the user’s
separate storage but coordinated viewing        health     records    and    health    data.
of the data.                                    Transactions in the blocks would contain a

29                                                    © 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved
user’s unique identifier, an encrypted link
to the health record and a timestamp for
when the transaction was created.

dClinic is currently expanding its two core
applications to work alongside the
platform;     a    Care   Team-to-Patient
telemedicine application and blockchain
driven Shared Care Planning application
(BC-ShCP). The telemedicine application
will enable users to consult with their Care
Team remotely (for example, on their
phone) for a small, possibly even
reimbursable, fee.

© 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved   30

The dClinic

Smart contracts on dClinic Blockchain Platform (dBC) supports the dClinic
Data Exchange Protocol. dBC implements secure handling of Healthcare
Data on its blockchain, allowing it to run customizable code securely on a
decentralized network.
dClinic makes use of this by retrieving      the dClinic blockchain, thus ensuring the
health information from compatible           patient’s privacy is protected at all times.
longitudinal EHRs using FHIR APIs and        Transactions in the blocks will contain an
storing EHR Index on a blockchain layer.     EHR index, an encrypted link to the health
This decentralized EHR index is then used    record stored in the dEHR platform and a
by care providers to access, share and       timestamp for when the transaction was
update patients’ healthcare data via the     created.
provider dashboard from anywhere in the
world, provided patients grant them          Patients can build a holistic record of their
access to the data.                          medical data and authorize others for
                                             viewership, such as physicians providing a
Any interaction with a patient’s medical     second opinion as Electronic Referral.
data is auditable, transparent and secure,
and will be recorded as a transaction on

31                                                 © 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved
Figure 7
Role of blockchain in
dClinic's platform

It is intended that dClinic Blockchain and
others will contribute many more
applications to the platform - helping
bring value to all stakeholders.

© 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved   32

Token Sale
USD 0.10

To realise the vision of a global BC-Shared Care Planning ecosystem,
dClinic is going to offer dClinic Health Coin (DHC) token.

DHC is meant for use on the platform and will
be exchanged to avail healthcare services
provided across multiple care providers,             1. KYC
purchase care products in the marketplace
and fuel the rewards system.                         Investors looking to purchase DHC tokens will
                                                     have to satisfy certain KYC standards to be
In doing so, dClinic aims to emulate a               eligible to buy coins in the business. Their
real-world IPO as closely as possible. The           identity and documents verification will be
objective of this project is to go public            governed by the Smart Contract, ensuring
eventually. The only key differentiator is that it   legality while maintaining ease-of-use. Our
will be traded on a cryptocurrency exchange          dClinic.io website has been audited, and in
rather than a stock exchange.                        particular, this white paper and our Smart
                                                     Contracts have been audited externally.

Terms of the                                         2. Wallet
DHC Token Smart Contract
                                                     Purchased DHC will be stored automatically in
The DHC Smart Contract forms an essential            the dClinic wallet, making it easy for investors
part of the dClinic Healthcare Platform. The         to hold and trade it.
rules, computations and functionalities
regulated by the Smart Contract are as

33                                                         © 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved
12.2                                                 12.3
DHC                                                  Token &
Token Distribution                                   Fund Distribution
o The total number of tokens issued will be 5        Total Token (Round 1)
billion, out of which 2.5 billion will be reserved
for the reward mechanism on the platform.            5 Billion
                                                     Token Sale Hard Cap (Round 1)
o At the beginning of the token sale, the DHC
token will be offered at a price of 0.10 USD.        50 Million
o dClinic aims to cross a soft cap of 20 million     Token Sale Soft Cap (Round 1)
USD in the token sale, and a hard cap of 50          20 Million
million USD.
                                                     Token Price (Round 1)
o For early investors in the presale stage,          0.10 USD
dClinic will award an extra 10% bonus.
                                                     Token Sale Hard Cap (Round 2)
o dClinic will deposit all funds in a cold wallet
for maximum security, allowing contributors to
                                                     50 Million
receive their tokens within 2 weeks after the        Token Sale Hard Cap (Round 3)
closing date of the token sale.                      50 Million
o 60 days post the completion of token sale,
                                                     * All dollar amounts are in USD$
the DHC tokens will be listed on exchanges.
                                                     Every Round of Token Sale will consist of -
o The remaining DHC tokens shall be divided
amongst the Team (15%), Advisors (5%) and            o A Pre-Sale Window (between 1 and 20
legal support (5%).                                  days)
With the given token economics model, dClinic        o A Sophisticated Investor Period (around 1
will be able to build a sustainable economic         month)
strategy for revolutionizing the healthcare
sector.                                              o Crowd Sale (1 to 2 months)

Half of the funds raised via the token sale shall    The Token Price will increase after each round.
be diverted towards building the platform, and       There is no guarantee that dClinic will proceed
the rest shall be utilized for business              with Rounds 2 and 3. Rounds 2 and 3 will only
development,      marketing     and     auditing     be considered if dClinic wishes to accelerate
procedures.                                          its projects in Indonesia and/or in other emerg-
                                                     ing geographies.

© 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved                                                     34
Token Distribution                                 Total = 100%

 PRE-SALE + CROWD SALE                               20% TOKEN (1 Billion)

 Reward Pool                                         50% (Reserve for Future Stakeholders)

 Community Building & Airdrop                        5%

 TEAM                                                15%

 ADVISORS                                            5%

 Legal                                               5%

 Funds Distribution                                 TOTAL = 100%

 dClinic's Implementations                           20%

 Operations management                               15%

 Product Development                                 25%

 dClinic Coins for Rewards to Consumers and          5%

 Marketing Develop and support developers            15%

 Legal and audit                                     10%

 Business Development                                10%

dClinic will be releasing its Token Sale in         purposefully delayed any formal negotiations,
August 2018. The release roadmap will be;           so that the pre-sales round is fully transparent
                                                    for the wider Cryto investor community. dClinic
- Release for pre-sales for a period of up to 15    sees great potential with this Token Sale and
days. Pre-sales will be on a one-to-one basis.      we are open to private and corporate
We invite all parties interested in the pre-sales   negotiations.
to personally meet with the founders for
private discussions around dClinic’s vision and     - During the pre-sales period, we will be
sites in Indonesia. We will be shooting a           auditing     our    website     and    obtaining
number of “on-site” videos including                independent evaluation of our smart
interviews with the founders, and we invite         contracts. This evaluation will be posted on our
you to attend these events.                         website. Our white-paper has also gone
                                                    through rigorous review and auditing, and we
- We have already received a lot of interest        will disclose this on our website too.
from corporate entities to be a part of dClinic,
as partners and investors. We have                  - After the pre-sales round, we will open the

35                                                         © 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved
Figure 8
Funds Distribution

                                                  Development           5%
                                                                        dClinic for
                             Legal and
                                                                        rewards to Consumers
                                                                        and Providers

Marketing Develop
and support developers                                                               25%


Token Sale to a wider community. The website        - After our DHC Token Sale rounds, we will be
will clearly exhibit KYC compliance and secure      listing dClinic Health Coin (DHC) on at least 2
transaction capabilities. All transactions will     exchanges including one in Indonesia. We
be audited.                                         have started discussions with reputed
                                                    companies to assist us with these listings.
-    We anticipate that Round 1 will be             Details of these listings will be disclosed on our
completed within 2 months before we                 website as and when that happens.
contemplate further rounds. We anticipate
that the dClinic Health coin (DHC) price will       - We welcome all your queries and we have a
rise from round to round.                           support team ready to answer them promptly.

© 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved                                                     36

     • Start of the dClinic Platform Building
     • Built Shared Care Planning (ShCP)
     • Built Telemedicine Platform for Shared Care Planning
     • Built openEHR Storage
     • Built FHIR APIs
     • Develop dClinic Beta Sites


                            • Completed V1.0 build of the dClinic Platform
                            • Completed and start operating dClinic platform in some beta sites
                            • Negotiated new dClinic Sites (Clinics and Hospitals) in Indonesia
                            • Negotiated Indonesian Expert Healthcare Service Delivery Partner
                            • Negotiated development office in Indonesia

37                                                            © 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved
Q1 2018
      • Engaged Advisory Group of Doctors and Experts is Healthcare
       and Blockchain
      • Prepared dClinic (DHC) Token Sale

                                                                                     Q2 2018
                               • Finalised dClinic (DHC) Token Sale
                               • Audit Website and White paper
                               • Start dClinic Platform Build V2.0
                               • Start Block-chaining dClinic’s open EHR platform
                               • Audit Smart Contracts

         Q3 2018
     • Launch dClinic (DHC) Token Sale

     • Continue building of dClinic Platform enabled with
       Blockchain for transportable EHR
     • Prepare dClinic Health Coin Loyalty Membership program
     • Formulate plans for at least 2 Bitcoin Listings including
       one in Indonesia

                                                                                       Q4 2018
                                • Release final (based on review and refine of existing agreed plans)
                                  Implementation plans for individual Indonesian Projects
                                  • Sanur One Day Hospital Project starts
                                  • Villa Little Hansa Wellness Centre Project Starts
                                  • Start Sanur Development Office Project (Starts with local
                                  development staff engaged)
                                • Finalise plans for at least 2 Bitcoin Listings including one in Indonesia

          Q1 2019

     • Launch dClinic Platform V2.0
     • Formulate dClinic Platform Release Roadmap for next
       2 years
     • Listing of DHC on at least 2 Bitcoin Exchanges starts
     • Clinical Trial Services Project Starts
     • ASIH Women’s and Children’s Hospital Project Starts

© 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved                                                                38
Q2 2019

                                 • Kerobokan Vitality Centre Project Starts
                                 • Sahid Sahirman Hospital Project Starts

         Q3 2019

     • Implementing Indonesian Projects

                                                                                        Q4 2019
                                 • Release dClinic Platform V3.0
                                 • Release FHIR APIs to the wider market for 3rd party App
                                   builders to make use of our dClinic Platform and EHR

         Q1 2020
     • Prepare dClinic Franchisee Model. Marketing and Sales
       strategy for dClinics worldwide. In particular, Malaysia,
       Philippines, Brazil, Miami and Australia

                                                                                        Q2 2020
                                 • Initiate Franchise opportunities in newly emerging markets
                                 • Increase dClinic Health Coin Loyalty Membership program
                                 • Continue Implementing Indonesian Projects

         Q3 2020

     • Continue Implementing Indonesian Projects
     • Explore more Franchise opportunities in newly emerging markets
     • Increase dClinic Health Coin Loyalty Membership program

39                                                                 © 2018 – dClinic PTE LTD – All Rights Reserved
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