Page created by Laurie Mullins

About Energetix

Energetix began with a vision to provide the most effective, high-
quality natural remedies, clinical education, and support network
available to healing arts professionals and their patients/clients.

We are dedicated to providing outstanding resources and solutions for
practitioners and their patients. Energetix recognizes that the creation of
quality products requires innovative formulations, pure raw materials,
and clean processing methods. For this reason, we utilize the spagyric
method of processing wherever possible, using the purest ingredients
to create unique formulations that work synergistically to address
causative factors in the ever-changing healthcare environment.

From the selection of raw materials to the intensive processing methods,
Energetix demands purity and produces the finest energetic products
available. We believe that purity and potency are necessary, but not
the only requirement in creating effective remedies. The final step,
that of creating intelligent, synergistically balanced and multi-faceted
formulations, is the one that makes Energetix truly unique.

Help your patients find the road to better health with Energetix.

Whether your goal is to alleviate symptoms or to move your patient through
a healing process to a maintenance program, Energetix can assist you.
For more information on how Energetix can make a difference in your practice,
call us at 800.990.7085 or contact us online at goenergetix.com.

Energetix products are available exclusively to healthcare practitioners.

Products by Category
Spagyric Botanicals (Cores)                                          Homeopathic Paths
Our spagyrically-processed botanical singles and blends              The Homeopathic Paths are typically prepared from healthy
(whose names all begin with ‘Core’) are designed to support          tissues and are used with symptoms of weakness and
whole body function. Each herbal formula is unique in color,         depletion. Practitioners often remember that the products’
taste, and consistency, and we use organic and wild-crafted          names end in ‘path’ as they are following the path to wellness.
herbs whenever possible. These liquid spagyric botanicals are
known for their ease of assimilation and are well tolerated in       Adaptopath            Endopath-F            Metabopath
compromised systems.                                                 Adrenapath            Endopath-M            Renapath
                                                                     Circulopath           Hypothalmapath®       Thyropath
Core Artemisia Blend             Core Guggulipid Blend               Endocrinpath
Core Ashwagandha                 Core Hawthorn
Core Berberine Blend             Core Hydrangea Blend                Homeopathic Tones
Core Bilberry                    Core Licro Blend                    These remedies are designed to assist with symptoms
Core Black Radish Blend          Core Maca Gold                      such as congestion and stress, as well as others related to
Core Burdock Blend               Core Milk Thistle
Core Cat’s Claw                  Core Mycelia Blend
                                                                     the drainage channels of the body. They are often used in
Core Cilantro Blend              Core Myrrh Blend                    conjunction with the Chords, although not necessarily. Our
Core Cohosh Blend                Core Olive Leaf                     bodies are always building and incorporating nutrients, but
Core Condurango Blend            Core Para-V Blend                   they are also always breaking down and eliminating waste.
Core Dandi Blend                 Core Pau d’Arco Blend               Some of that waste is natural or metabolic waste, while some
Core Dong Quai Blend             Core Red Clover Blend               waste products are toxins that never should have been there
Core Echinacea                   Core Sambucus Blend
Core Feverfew                    Core Sarsaparilla                   in the first place. These homoepathics are designed to support
Core Gen 2 Blend                 Core Saw Palmetto Blend             symptoms associated with drainage function, and their names
Core Ginger                      Core Scrofulara Blend               end in “Tone.”
Core Ginkgo Blend                Core St. John’s Wort
Core Goldenrod Blend             Core Valerian                       Adrenal-Tone          Inflamma-Tone®        ReHydration
                                                                     Drainage-Tone®        Kidney-Tone           Relax-Tone®
Homeopathic Specialties                                              Flu-Tone              Lymph-Tone I®         Relief-Tone
The Homeopathic Specialties include multiple unique                  GB-Tone               Lymph-Tone II®        Sinus Tone
                                                                     Hepatic-Tone          Lymph-Tone III®       Throat Spray Tone
formulations such as flower essences and phenolics. Our
traditional flower essences are distinctive in the sense that
they are greatly simplified and homeopathically potentized in        Nutritionals
ways that support the emotional dimensions of a person. We           Carefully sourced for quality and purity, our nutritional products
recognize that emotions almost always play a part in health          are formulated for bioavailability using advanced methods such
in one way or another.Phenolics, naturally occurring aromatic        as micro-encapsulation of nutrients and glycinate chelated
compounds, are often associated with multiple sensitivities as       minerals. Whole food elements bring the balance of surrounding
a common factor in various allergens.                                factors to essential nutritive components. Exceptional nutritional
                                                                     blends provide strategic clinical solutions. Our nutritionals
Calm Five                                                            include vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, probiotics, anti-
Fields of Flowers®                                                   oxidants, enzymes, herbal cleanse formulas, bioavailable
Isopathic Phenolic Rings®                                            protein, immune support, and glandulars.

Homeopathic Chords                                                   Adrenal Force         Colon Clear           MicroActive® CoQ10
The Homeopathic Chords are composed of highly diluted                Adrenatran            D3-K2 LipoSpray®      Phyto B Complex
substances such as plants, minerals, heavy metals,                   Alka-C Complex        DGL Chewable          Phyto Cal-Mag Plus
toxins, allergens, etc. Named for the process of creating            AminoGest             Flora 12+             Phyto Rad
                                                                     BioNutrient Multi     Flora Chewable        Pure Body Clear
a homochord, which is a homoepathic remedy of multiple               BoswelliaZyme         Flora Synergy®        Seratran
potencies of one or multiple substances, the Chords combine            Complex             GALT-immune           Spagyric Greens
a variety of homochords and other elements to assist with            Catalyst-7            Green Essence         SpectraMin®
symptoms related to detoxification.                                  Catalyst C              Concentrate         ThyroForce
                                                                     Catalyst-U            Melatonin Spray       XenoForce
Agri-Chord             Gyne-Chord          Neuro-Chord
Aller-Chord A          Hepata-Chord        Para-Chord                Topicals
Aller-Chord F          HZ-Chord            Rena-Chord
                                                                     Energetix features several topical products with a wide range
Amoeba-Chord           Lipo-Chord          Thyro-Chord
Bacteria-Chord®        Medi-Chord          Tox-Chord                 of purposes. We offer a topical enzyme lotion, a homeopathic
Colo-Chord             Metal-Chord         Vac-Chord                 gel, and a botanical ointment and liquid.
Dental-Chord           MycoCan-Chord®      Viru-Chord
                                                                     BioCatalin Lotion     PhytoGel®
                                                                     MycoDerm              Phyto Lavage

Products by Health Topic
Aging                       Lymph-Tone II®                GALT-immune                 Immune Support
Adaptopath                  Lymph-Tone III®               GB-Tone                     Alka-C Complex
Alka-C Complex              Metabopath                    Isopathic Phenolic Rings®   Core Cat’s Claw
Circulopath                 MicroActive® CoQ10            Metabopath                  Core Echinacea
Core Ashwagandha            ReHydration                   Spagyric Greens             Core Mycelia Blend
Core Ginger                 Spagyric Greens                                           Core Myrrh Blend
Core Ginkgo Blend           SpectraMin®                   Drainage                    Core Olive Leaf
Metabopath                                                Colon Clear                 Core Sambucus Blend
MicroActive® CoQ10          Cold and Flu                  Core Burdock Blend          D3-K2 LipoSpray®
Phyto Rad                   Alka-C Complex                Core Gen 2 Blend            Drainage-Tone®
                            Core Cat’s Claw               Core Red Clover Blend       Flora 12+
Allergy                     Core Echinacea                Core Scrofulara Blend       Flora Chewable
Alka-C Complex              Core Mycelia Blend            Drainage-Tone®              Flora Synergy®
Aller-Chord A               Core Myrrh Blend              Lymph-Tone I®               GALT-immune
Aller-Chord F               Core Olive Leaf               Lymph-Tone II®              Throat Spray Tone
Core Sambucus Blend         Core Sambucus Blend           Lymph-Tone III®             XenoForce
Drainage-Tone®              Drainage-Tone®                Pure Body Clear
Hepatic-Tone                D3-K2 LipoSpray®              ReHydration
                                                                                      Men’s Health
Inflamma-Tone®              Flora 12+
                                                          Emotional Support           Core Ashwagandha
Isopathic Phenolic Rings®   Flora Chewable
                                                          Core St. John’s Wort        Core Maca Gold
Lymph-Tone I®               Flora Synergy®
                                                          Core Valerian               Core Sarsaparilla
Phyto Rad                   Flu-Tone
                                                          Fields of Flowers®          Core Saw Palmetto Blend
Sinus-Tone                  GALT-immune
                                                          Calm Five                   D3-K2 LipoSpray®
Throat Spray Tone           Inflamma-Tone®
                                                          Seratran                    Endocrinpath
                            Lymph-Tone I®
Antioxidants                Sinus-Tone
                                                          Fatigue                     Hypothalmapath®
Alka-C Complex              Throat Spray Tone
                                                          Adrenal Force
Core Ashwagandha            Viru-Chord
Core Bilberry               XenoForce
                                                          Adrenal-Tone                Microbial (Bacterial)
                                                          Adrenapath                  Bacteria-Chord
Core Ginger
                            Dental                        Adrenatran                  Colo-Chord
Core Ginkgo Blend
                            Alka-C Complex                Core Ashwagandha            Core Berberine Blend
Green Essence Concentrate
                            AminoGest                     Core Licro Blend            Core Echinacea
MicroActive® CoQ10
                            Bacteria-Chord®               MicroActive® CoQ10          Core Myrrh Blend
Phyto Rad
                            BoswelliaZyme Complex         Phyto B Complex             Core Olive Leaf
                            Core Berberine Blend          Spagyric Greens             Dental-Chord
Blood Support
Circulopath                 Core Olive Leaf                                           Flora 12+
Core Burdock Blend          Dental-Chord                  First Aid                   Flora Chewable
Core Feverfew               D3-K2 LipoSpray®              BioCatalin Lotion           Flora Synergy®
Core Gen 2 Blend            Drainage-Tone®                BoswelliaZyme Complex       Gyne-Chord
Core Guggulipid Blend       HZ-Chord                      Flu-Tone                    Inflamma-Tone®
Core Red Clover Blend       Inflamma-Tone®                Inflamma-Tone®              Kidney-Tone
Core Sarsaparilla           MicroActive® CoQ10            MycoDerm                    MycoDerm
Core Scrofulara Blend       Phyto Cal-Mag Plus            Phyto Lavage                Phyto Lavage
Inflamma-Tone®              Phyto Lavage                  PhytoGel®                   Sinus-Tone
Phyto Rad                   ReHydration                   Relief-Tone                 Throat Spray Tone
Pure Body Clear             Relax-Tone®                   Calm Five                   Vac-Chord
ReHydration                 Relief-Tone                   Throat Spray Tone
Spagyric Greens             Calm Five                                                 Microbial (Fungal)
                            SpectraMin®                   Foundational                Core Echinacea
Bone and Joint                                            Alka-C Complex              Core Olive Leaf
Adaptopath                  Digestion                     AminoGest                   Core Pau d’Arco Blend
AminoGest                   Adaptopath                    BioNutrient Multi           Flora 12+
BioCatalin Lotion           Aller-Chord F                 Catalyst-7                  Flora Chewable
D3-K2 LipoSpray®            Catalyst-7                    Catalyst-C                  Flora Synergy®
Green Essence Concentrate   Catalyst-C                    Catalyst-U                  Inflamma-Tone®
Phyto Cal-Mag Plus          Catalyst-U                    Core Ginger                 MycoCan-Chord
PhytoGel®                   Colo-Chord                    D3-K2 LipoSpray®            MycoDerm
ReHydration                 Colon Clear                   Green Essence Concentrate   Phyto Lavage
Relief-Tone                 Core Black Radish Blend       MicroActive® CoQ10
SpectraMin®                 Core Condurango Blend         Phyto Cal-Mag Plus
                            Core Ginger                   Spagyric Greens
Cellular/Mitochondrial      Core Hydrangea Blend          SpectraMin®
Adaptopath                  DGL Chewable
Core Ginger                 Flora 12+
D3-K2 LipoSpray®            Flora Chewable
Drainage-Tone®              Flora Synergy®

Products by Health Topic
Microbial (Parasite)          Nutrient Absorption                      Phyto B Complex                     Toxins (Metal)
Amoeba-Chord                  Adaptopath                               Phyto Cal-Mag Plus                  Core Burdock Blend
Colo-Chord                    Catalyst-7                               Relax-Tone®                         Core Cilantro Blend
Core Artemesia Blend          Catalyst-C                               Calm Five                           Core Gen 2 Blend
Core Echinacea                Catalyst-U                               Seratran                            Core Red Clover Blend
Core Olive Leaf               Core Ginger                                                                  Core Scrofulara Blend
Core Para-V Blend             DGL Chewable                             Systemic Support                    Dental-Chord
Flora 12+                     Flora 12+                                Adaptopath                          Green Essence Concentrate
Flora Chewable                Flora Chewable                           BioNutrient Multi                   Inflamma-Tone®
Flora Synergy®                Flora Synergy®                           Core Burdock Blend                  Kidney-Tone
Inflamma-Tone®                Metabopath                               Core Dandi Blend                    Lipo-Chord
MycoDerm                      ReHydration                              Core Gen 2 Blend                    Metal-Chord
Para-Chord                                                             Core Red Clover Blend               Neuro-Chord
Phyto Lavage                  Pain                                     Core Sarsaparilla                   Phyto Rad
                              BioCatalin Lotion                        Core Scrofulara Blend               Pure Body Clear/Colon Clear Set
Microbial (Viral)             BoswelliaZyme Complex                    Green Essence Concentrate           Rena-Chord
Colo-Chord                    Core Feverfew                            Phyto Rad                           Renapath
Core Cat’s Claw               Inflamma-Tone®                           Pure Body Clear                     Spagyric Greens
Core Echinacea                Phyto Rad                                Spagyric Greens                     Thyro-Chord
Core Mycelia Blend            PhytoGel®                                SpectraMin®                         Vac-Chord
Core Myrrh Blend              Relief-Tone
Core Olive Leaf
                                                                       Toxins (Chemical)                   Weight Management
Flora 12+                                                                                                  Catalyst-C
Flora Chewable
                              Sleep Support                            Agri-Chord
                                                                                                           Core Guggulipid Blend
                              Core Ashwagandha                         Core Burdock Blend
Flora Synergy®                                                                                             Lipo-Chord
                              Core Valerian                            Core Cilantro Blend
Flu-Tone                                                                                                   Metabopath
                              Melatonin Spray                          Core Gen 2 Blend
Gyne-Chord                                                                                                 Opening Channels Program
                              Phyto Cal-Mag Plus                       Core Red Clover Blend
Hepata-Chord                                                                                               Pure Body Clear/Colon Clear Set
                              Relax-Tone®                              Core Scrofulara Blend
                              Calm Five                                Hepata-Chord
HZ-Chord                                                                                                   Women’s Health
                              Seratran                                 Hepatic-Tone
Inflamma-Tone®                                                                                             Core Ashwagandha
MycoDerm                                                                                                   Core Cohosh Blend
                              Stress/Relaxation                        Lipo-Chord
Neuro-Chord                                                                                                Core Dong Quai Blend
                              Adrenal Force                            Medi-Chord
Sinus-Tone                                                                                                 Core Maca Gold
                              Adrenal-Tone                             Neuro-Chord
Throat Spray Tone                                                                                          D3-K2 LipoSpray®
                              Adrenapath                               Phyto Rad
Viru-Chord                                                                                                 Endocrinpath
                              Adrenatran                               Pure Body Clear/Colon Clear Set
XenoForce                                                                                                  Endopath-F
                              Core Ashwagandha                         Sinus-Tone
                                                                       Spagyric Greens                     Gyne-Chord
                              Core Licro Blend
                              Core St. John’s Wort                     Thyro-Chord
                              Core Valerian                            Tox-Chord
                              Fields of Flowers®                       Vac-Chord

Fast, Easy                    Address
                              Energetix Corporation
                                                                       Drop Ship (no additional fee)       authorization number, and write
                                                                                                           this number on the outside of
                                                                       Payment Terms
Ordering                      209 W Deerfield Lane                                                         your shipping box. Returns must
                              Dahlonega, GA 30533                      Orders are shipped                  be shipped within 5 days from
                                                                       pre-paid by check,                  the issue date of the return
                                                                       MasterCard, VISA, Discover,         authorization number.
To Order                      Same-Day Shipping
                                                                       or American Express.                Product returned for credit must
                              If you place an order
Energetix products are                                                                                     be unmarked, unopened, have
                              by 2 PM ET (M-F),                        Discounts –                         a securely fastened seal, and be
available exclusively to
                              we guarantee that order will             Buy More and Save!                  accompanied by an original invoice
healthcare practitioners.
                              be shipped the same day.                 Save 5% on purchases of             or an invoice copy. Energetix is not
Order Line    800.990.7085                                             12-23 (of same item).               responsible for shipping expenses
                              Free Shipping                            Save 10% on purchases of            for returned product. Upon receipt
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                                                                       24 or more (of same item).          of your product return, Energetix
                              Orders OVER $250 (wholesale)
Fax           866.669.7692
                              receive free shipping. Orders will                                           will issue a product credit to your
Online      goenergetix.com   ship by regular ground within the        Return Policy                       account, less a 20% restocking
Email info@goenergetix.com    contiguous United States.                Energetix accepts product returns   fee. This product credit is to be
                                                                       within 30 days of the original      used toward future purchases.
Customer Service Hours        UPS Flat Rate Ground                                                         If you receive an order that is
                                                                       invoice date. To make a return,
8:30 AM to 5:30 PM            shipping for orders of                   please contact your Client Care     incomplete or damaged, you must
Monday – Friday ET            $0 - $250.00 (In Continental             representative to obtain a return   notify Energetix within 5 days of
                              United States).                                                              receipt of the order.

Products by Organ/Gland
Adrenals                Core St. John’s Wort                  Pancreas                    Colon Clear
Adrenal Force           Core Valerian                         Catalyst-7                  Core Black Radish Blend
Adrenal-Tone            D3-K2 LipoSpray®                      Catalyst-C                  Core Condurango Blend
Adrenapath              Hypothalmapath®                       Catalyst-U                  Core Dandi Blend
Adrenatran              Seratran                              Core Guggulipid Blend       Core Gen 2 Blend
Alka-C Complex          Spagyric Greens                       D3-K2 LipoSpray®            Core Ginger
Core Ashwagandha                                              Endocrinpath                DGL Chewable
Core Licro Blend        Kidney/Bladder                        Metabopath                  Flora 12+
Core Maca Gold          Core Cilantro Blend                                               Flora Chewable
Phyto B Complex         Core Ginger                           Pineal                      Flora Synergy®
Relax-Tone®             Core Goldenrod Blend                  Core Licro Blend            GALT-immune
                        Core Sarsaparilla                     Core Maca Gold              Hypothalmapath®
Brain                   Core Saw Palmetto Blend               Core St. John’s Wort        ReHydration
Adrenatran              Drainage-Tone®                        Endocrinpath
AminoGest               Inflamma-Tone                         Hypothalmapath®             Spleen
Circulopath             Kidney-Tone                           Spagyric Greens             Core Burdock Blend
Core Ashwagandha        Pure Body Clear                       SpectraMin®                 Core Gen 2 Blend
Core Ginkgo Blend       ReHydration                                                       Core Mycelia Blend
Core Maca Gold          Rena-Chord                            Pituitary                   Core Red Clover Blend
Core St. John’s Wort    Renapath                              Core Ashwagandha            Core Scrofulara Blend
Core Valerian           SpectraMin                            Core Licro Blend            Drainage-Tone®
D3-K2 LipoSpray®                                              Core Maca Gold              GALT-immune
Hypothalmapath®         Large Intestine                       Core St. John’s Wort        Spagyric Greens
Melatonin Spray         AminoGest                             Endocrinpath
                                                              Hypothalmapath®             Stomach
MicroActive® CoQ10      Catalyst-7
                                                              Spagyric Greens             AminoGest
Neuro-Chord             Catalyst-C
                                                              SpectraMin                  Catalyst-7
Phyto Cal-Mag Plus      Catalyst-U                                                        Catalyst-C
Phyto Rad               Colo-Chord                                                        Catalyst-U
ReHydration             Colon Clear                           Prostate/Testes
Seratran                Core Black Radish Blend               Core Ashwagandha
                                                                                          Core Black Radish Blend
Spagyric Greens         Core Dandi Blend                      Core Maca Gold
                                                                                          Core Condurango Blend
SpectraMin®             Core Gen 2 Blend                      Core Red Clover Blend
                                                                                          Core Ginger
                        Core Ginger                           Core Sarsaparilla
                                                                                          DGL Chewable
Ears                    Flora 12+                             Core Saw Palmetto Blend
                                                                                          Flora 12+
Drainage-Tone®          Flora Chewable                        D3-K2 LipoSpray®
                                                                                          Flora Chewable
Inflamma-Tone®          Flora Synergy®                        Endocrinpath
                                                                                          Flora Synergy®
Sinus-Tone                                                    Endopath-M
                        Liver/Gallbladder                     Lipo-Chord
                                                                                          Phyto B Complex
Eyes                    Core Black Radish Blend                                           Spagyric Greens
Circulopath             Core Dandi Blend                      Sinus
Core Bilberry           Core Ginger                           Aller-Chord A
Core Sambucus Blend     Core Hydrangea Blend                  Core Myrrh Blend
                                                                                          Alka-C Complex
D3-K2 LipoSpray®        Core Milk Thistle                     Core Sambucus Blend
                                                                                          Core Cat’s Claw
Drainage-Tone®          GB-Tone                               Drainage-Tone®
                                                                                          Core Echinacea
Inflamma-Tone®          Hepata-Chord                          Isopathic Phenolic Rings®
                                                                                          Core Mycelia Blend
Phyto Rad               Hepatic-Tone                          Sinus-Tone
                                                                                          Core Myrrh Blend
ReHydration             Phyto Rad                             XenoForce
                                                                                          Core Sambucus Blend
SpectraMin®             Pure Body Clear                                                   D3-K2 LipoSpray®
                        Pure Body Clear/Colon Clear Set       Skin                        Drainage-Tone®
Heart                                                         Alka-C Complex              GALT-immune
Circulopath             Lungs                                 AminoGest                   Throat Spray Tone
Core Bilberry           Aller-Chord A                         BioCatalin Lotion           XenoForce
Core Ginger             Core Myrrh Blend                      Drainage-Tone®
Core Ginkgo Blend       Core Sambucus Blend                   Inflamma-Tone®
                                                              MycoDerm                    Thyroid
Core Guggulipid Blend   Sinus-Tone
                                                              Phyto Lavage                Core Ashwagandha
Core Hawthorn           Tox-Chord
                                                              PhytoGel®                   Core Cilantro Blend
D3-K2 LipoSpray®        XenoForce
                                                              ReHydration                 Dental-Chord
                                                              SpectraMin®                 Green Essence Concentrate
MicroActive® CoQ10      Ovaries/Uterus                                                    Spagyric Greens
Phyto Cal-Mag Plus      Core Cohosh Blend                                                 Thyro-Chord
SpectraMin®             Core Dong Quai Blend                  Small Intestine
                        Core Maca Gold                        AminoGest
Hypothalamus            D3-K2 LipoSpray®                      Catalyst-7
Core Ashwagandha        Endocrinpath                          Catalyst-C
Core Ginkgo Blend       Endopath-F                            Catalyst-U
Core Maca Gold          Gyne-Chord                            Colo-Chord

Products by Organ System
Cardiovascular               Filtration                            Core Gen 2 Blend                 Reproductive
Alka-C Complex               Core Cilantro Blend                   Core Ginger                      Core Cohosh Blend
Circulopath                  Core Dandi Blend                      Core Mycelia Blend               Core Dong Quai Blend
Core Bilberry                Core Ginger                           Core Myrrh Blend                 Core Maca Gold
Core Feverfew                Core Goldenrod Blend                  Core Olive Leaf                  Core Sarsaparilla
Core Ginger                  Core Hydrangea Blend                  Core Red Clover Blend            Core Saw Palmetto Blend
Core Ginkgo Blend            Core Milk Thistle                     Core Sambucus Blend              D3-K2 LipoSpray®
Core Guggulipid Blend        GB-Tone                               Core Sarsaparilla                Endocrinpath
Core Hawthorn                Hepata-Chord                          GALT-immune                      Endopath-F
D3-K2 LipoSpray®             Hepatic-Tone                          Inflamma-Tone®                   Endopath-M
Phyto Cal-Mag Plus           Kidney-Tone                           Lymph-Tone I®                    Gyne-Chord
                             Pure Body Clear                       Lymph-Tone II®                   HZ-Chord
                             Rena-Chord                            Lymph-Tone III®                  Hypothalmapath®
                             Renapath                              Throat Spray Tone                SpectraMin®
Adrenal Force
Adrenapath                   Gastrointestinal                                                       Respiratory
Adrenatran                   Amoeba-Chord                          Musuloskeletal                   Aller-Chord A
Core Ashwagandha             Catalyst-7                            Adaptopath                       Core Echinacea
Core Cohosh Blend            Catalyst-C                            AminoGest                        Core Myrrh Blend
Core Dong Quai Blend         Catalyst-U                            BioCatalin Lotion                Core Sambucus Blend
Core Ginkgo Blend            Colo-Chord                            BoswelliaZyme Complex            Inflamma-Tone®
Core Licro Blend             Colon Clear                           Catalyst-C                       Sinus-Tone
Core Maca Gold               Core Artemisia Blend                  D3-K2 LipoSpray®                 Throat Spray Tone
Core Sarsaparilla            Core Black Radish Blend               Inflamma-Tone®                   Tox-Chord
Core Saw Palmetto Blend      Core Condurango Blend                 Phyto Cal-Mag Plus               XenoForce
Endocrinpath                 Core Ginger                           PhytoGel®
Endopath-F                   Core Para-V Blend                     ReHydration                      Urinary
Endopath-M                   DGL Chewable                          Relax-Tone®                      Core Berberine Blend
Gyne-Chord                   Flora 12+                             Relief-Tone                      Core Goldenrod Blend
Hypothalmapath®              Flora Chewable                        SpectraMin®                      Core Sarsaparilla
Melatonin Spray              Flora Synergy®                                                         Core Saw Palmetto Blend
Relax-Tone®                  GALT-immune                           Nervous                          Inflamma-Tone®
Seratran                     Para-Chord                            Core Ashwagandha                 Kidney-Tone
Thyro-Chord                                                        Core St. John’s Wort             ReHydration
ThyroForcce                                                        Core Valerian                    Rena-Chord
                                                                   Hypothalmapath®                  Renapath
                             Alka-C Complex
                             Core Cat’s Claw
                                                                   Phyto B Complex
                             Core Echinacea

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Alphabetical Product Index
9    Adaptopath                          20   Core Goldenrod Blend        31   Isopathic Phenolic Rings®
9    Adrenal Force                       20   Core Guggulipid Blend       32   Kidney-Tone
9    Adrenal-Tone                        21   Core Hawthorn               32   Lipo-Chord
10   Adrenapath                          21   Core Hydrangea Blend        32   Lymph-Tone I®
10   Adrenatran                          21   Core Licro Blend            32   Lymph-Tone II®
10   Agri-Chord                          21   Core Maca Gold              33   Lymph-Tone III®
10   Alka-C Complex                      22   Core Milk Thistle           33   Medi-Chord
11   Aller-Chord A                       22   Core Mycelia Blend          33   Melatonin Spray
11   Aller-Chord F                       22   Core Myrrh Blend            34   Metabopath
11   AminoGest                           22   Core Olive Leaf             34   Metal-Chord
11   Amoeba-Chord                        23   Core Para-V Blend           34   MicroActive® CoQ10
12   Bacteria-Chord®                     23   Core Pau d’Arco Blend       35   MycoCan-Chord®
12   BioCatalin Lotion                   23   Core Red Clover Blend       35   MycoDerm
12   BioNutrient Multi                   24   Core Sambucus Blend         35   Neuro-Chord
13   BoswelliaZyme Complex               24   Core Sarsaparilla           35   Opening Channels Program
13   Calm Five                           24   Core Saw Palmetto Blend     36   Para-Chord
13   Catalyst-7                          25   Core Scrofulara Blend       36   Phyto B Complex
14   Catalyst-C                          25   Core St. John’s Wort        36   Phyto Cal-Mag Plus
14   Catalyst-U                          25   Core Valerian               37   Phyto Lavage
14   Circulopath                         25   D3-K2 LipoSpray         ®
                                                                          37   Phyto Rad
15   Colo-Chord                          26   Dental-Chord                37   PhytoGel®
15   Colon Clear                         26   DGL Chewable                37   Pure Body Clear
15   Colon Clear & Pure Body Clear Set   26   Drainage-Tone®              38   ReHydration
15   Core Artemisia Blend                27   Endocrinpath                38   Relax-Tone®
16   Core Ashwagandha                    27   Endopath-F                  38   Relief-Tone
16   Core Berberine Blend                27   Endopath-M                  38   Rena-Chord
16   Core Bilberry                       27   Fields of Flowers®          39   Renapath
16   Core Black Radish Blend             28   Flora 12+                   39   Seratran
17   Core Burdock Blend                  28   Flora Chewable              39   Sinus-Tone
17   Core Cat’s Claw                     28   Flora Synergy   ®
                                                                          40   Spagyric Greens
17   Core Cilantro Blend                 29   Flu-Tone                    40   SpectraMin®
17   Core Cohosh Blend                   29   GALT-immune                 40   Throat Spray Tone
18   Core Condurango Blend               29   GB-Tone                     41   Thyro-Chord
18   Core Dandi Blend                    29   Green Essence Concentrate   41   ThyroForce
18   Core Dong Quai Blend                30   Gyne-Chord                  42   Thyropath
18   Core Echinacea                      30   Hepata-Chord                42   Tox-Chord
19   Core Feverfew                       30   Hepatic-Tone                42   Vac-Chord
19   Core Gen 2 Blend                    30   Hypothalmapath®             43   Viru-Chord
20   Core Ginger                         31   HZ-Chord                    43   XenoForce
20   Core Ginkgo Blend                   31   Inflamma-Tone       ®

Adaptopath                                                                                       Adrenal-Tone
                   Homeopathic                                                                                      Homeopathic
                   Adaptopath is a homeopathic combination                                                          Adrenal-Tone is a homeopathic combination
                   formula for symptoms related to the absorption                                                   formula for symptoms of adrenal stress. The
                   of nutrients and utilization of oxygen. Many                                                     formula contains homeopathically prepared,
                   practitioners find this formula to be invaluable                                                 adaptogenic herbs to address symptoms related
                   when symptoms indicate systemic weakness and                                                     to adrenal imbalances. Adaptogenic herbs
                   depletion, or developmental concerns.                                                            are known for their qualities which contribute
                                                                                                                    to balance, stabilization, and homeostasis –
                   For symptoms such as lethargy, weakness,                                                         particularly relating to the HPA (hypothalamus/
                   agitation, poor concentration, poor digestion,                                                   pituitary/adrenal) axis. The adaptogens in the
                   limb and joint pain, leg cramps, hair loss, brittle                                              formula are Avena sativa (Oat Straw), Ginkgo
                   nails, sallow complexion, disrupted appetite,                                                    biloba (Maidenhair Tree), Glycyrrhiza glabra
                   cravings, and bleeding gums.                                                                     (Licorice), and Sarsaparilla (Wild Licorice).

Active Ingredients: 59.1 mL contains 2.7% of Adenosinum cyclophosphoricum                          For symptoms such as exhaustion, weakness, fatigue,
8X, 15X, 30X; alpha-Lipoicum acidum 12X; Argentum metallicum 12X; Avena                            sleeplessness, salt and sugar cravings, night sweats,
sativa 4X; Capsicum annuum 4X; Citricum acidum 4X; Coenzyme A 8X, 30X;                             nightmares, and muscle pain.
Cuprum metallicum 12X; Ginkgo biloba 4X; Glandula suprarenalis suis 9X, 12X,
6C; Glycyrrhiza glabra 4X; Hypothalamus 12X, 6C; Iodium 12X; Ledum palustre 6X,                    Active Ingredients: 59.1 mL contains 5.26% of Adrenalinum 12X, 30X; Avena
12X; Manganum aceticum 12X; Nadidum 12X; Natrum carbonicum 12X; Oleum                              sativva 4X; Ginkgo biloba 4X, 6X, 12X; Glycyrrhiza glabra 4X; Kali phosphoricum
morrhuae 6X; Phosphoricum acidum 12X; Picricum acidum 12X; Riboflavinum                            12X; Natrum muriaticum 12X; Nux vomica 12X; Phosphoricum acidum 12X;
12X; Selenium metallicum 12X, 15X; Sepia 12X; Silicea 12X; Thiaminum                               Pituitarum posterium 12X, 6C; Sarsaparilla 4X; Thyroidinum 6X, 12X; Veratrum
hydrochloricum 8X; Thyroidinum 9X, 12X, 6C; Vanadium metallicum 12X.                               album 12X; Zincum metallicum 12X, 30X.
Inactive Ingredients: Ethyl Alcohol, Glycerin, Purified Water.                                     Inactive ingredients: Ethyl Alcohol, Glycerin, Purified Water.
Recommended Use: Take 30 drops orally twice daily or as directed by a                              Recommended Use: Take 30 drops orally twice daily or as directed by a
healthcare professional. Consult a physician for use in children under 12 years                    healthcare professional. Consult a physician for use in children under 12 years
of age or if symptoms worsen or persist.                                                           of age or if symptoms worsen or persist.
 Size                     Item #           SRP           Whsle
                                                                                                    Size                      Item #       SRP         Whsle
 2 fl oz (59.1 mL)        04006            $30.00        $15.00
                                                                                                    2 fl oz (59.1 mL)         03011        $30.00      $15.00

                            Adrenal Force
                            Bovine Adrenal Glandular Powder
                            Adrenal Force is a dietary supplement
                            containing pure, clean sourced, freeze
                            dried adrenal gland from New Zealand
                            grass-fed bovine. This supplement was
                            designed to support healthy adrenal
                            function and normal energy levels.
                            Serving Size: 1 Capsule
                            Servings Per Container: 60

1 Capsule Contains:
 ABgland Bovine Adrenal Glandular Powder............................................. 400 mg

Other Ingredients: Bovine Tissue, Rice Starch, Capsule (Hydroxypropyl
Methylcellulose, Purified Water), Cellulose, Dicalcium Phosphate, Silicon

Recommended Use: As a dietary supplement, take 1 capsule twice daily
following meals or as directed by a healthcare professional.

 Size                     Item #          SRP            Whsle
 60 Capsules              13005           $22.00         $11.00

 Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice,
 not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.

 These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
 These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Adrenapath                                                                                                                Agri-Chord
                        Homeopathic                                                                                                               Homeopathic
                        Adrenapath is a homeopathic combination                                                                                   Agri-Chord is a homeopathic combination formula
                        formula for symptoms of adrenal depletion and                                                                             for symptoms related to exposure to agricultural
                        weakness. This formula contains homeopathic                                                                               chemicals such as herbicides and pesticides. The
                        preparations of healthy organs and glands which                                                                           exposure may be recent or long-standing.
                        assist with the symptoms of overtaxed adrenals.
                                                                                                                                                  For symptoms such as nervousness, irritation of
                        For symptoms such as low energy, weakness,                                                                                eyes, ears, and throat, difficulty concentrating,
                        insomnia, sugar cravings, confusion, water                                                                                nausea, vomiting, profuse perspiration, excessive
                        retention, salt cravings, irregular menses, and                                                                           salivation, dizziness, weakness, and itching skin
                        unexpected weight gain.                                                                                                   eruptions.
Active Ingredients: 59.1 mL contains 7.69% of Carduus marianus 12X;                                                        Active Ingredients: 59.1 mL contains 3.7% of Arsenicum album 12X;
Chelidonium majus 4X; Echinacea 4X; Glandula suprarenalis suis 9X, 12X, 6C;                                                Belladonna 12X; Calcarea carbonica 30X; Ceanothus americanus 6X, 12X;
Natrum muriaticum 12X; Phosphoricum acidum 12X; Pituitarum posterium                                                       Chelidonium majus 12X; Cuprum sulphuricum 30X; Fumaricum acidum
12X, 6C; Thyroidinum 9X, 12X, 6C.                                                                                          30X; Galium aparine 6X; Glandula suprarenalis suis 9X; Hepar suis 9X; Kali
                                                                                                                           iodatum 30X; Lycopodium clavatum 12X; Pancreas suis 9X; Petroleum 30X;
Inactive Ingredients: Ethyl Alcohol, Glycerin, Purified Water.                                                             Phosphoricum acidum 12X; Phosphorus 30X; Phytolacca decandra 4X, 8X,
                                                                                                                           30X; Sarsaparilla 12X; Silicea 30X; Sulphur 30X; Thyroidinum 9X; Trifolium
Recommended Use: Take 30 drops orally twice daily or as directed by a                                                      pratense 4X; Xanthoxylum fraxineum 4X; Zincum phosphoratum 30X.
healthcare professional. Consult a physician for use in children under 12 years
of age or if symptoms worsen or persist.                                                                                   Inactive Ingredients: Ethyl Alcohol, Glycerin, Purified Water.

 Size                                 Item #            SRP             Whsle                                              Recommended Use: Take 30 drops orally twice daily or as directed by a
 2 fl oz (59.1 mL)                    04011             $30.00          15.00                                              healthcare professional. Consult a physician for use in children under 12 years
                                                                                                                           of age or if symptoms worsen or persist.

                                                                                                                            Size                                 Item #            SRP            Whsle
                                    Adrenatran                                                                              2 fl oz (59.1 mL)                    02021             $30.00         $15.00
                                    Excitatory Neurotransmitter Precursor
                                                                                                                                                             Alka-C Complex
                                    Adrenatran is a comprehensive dietary
                                    supplement containing vitamins,                                                                                          Nutritional
                                    minerals, and neurotransmitter                                                                                           High-Potency Vitamin C Powder
                                    precursors along with rhodiola rosea
                                    and green tea extract, to help maintain                                                                                  Alka-C Complex is a high-potency vitamin
                                    normal adrenal function and energy                                                                                       C powder, which allows for flexible dosing.
                                    levels.                                                                                                                  It is formulated to meet healthcare
                                                                                                                                                             practitioners’ vitamin C concerns and
Serving Size: 3 Capsules                                                                                                                                     includes bioflavonoids. High levels of
Servings Per Container: 60                                                                                                                                   vitamin C are buffered with calcium and
                                                                                                                                                             magnesium, and blended with acerola
3 Capsules Contain:
 Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid)...................................................................... 600 mg
                                                                                                                                                             cherry to provide essential cofactors.
 Niacin (Vitamin B3, as Niacinamide).......................................................6 mg NE
                                                                                                                           Serving Size: 1/2 teaspoon (1.54 g)
 Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxal-5’-Phosphate).................................................. 10.2 mg
                                                                                                                           Servings Per Container: About 108
 Folate (Vitamin B9, as Folic Acid)................................................... 150 mcg DFE
 Vitamin B12 (as Methylcobalamin)...........................................................24 mcg
                                                                                                                           1/2 Teaspoon Contains:
 Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5, as Calcium D-Pantothenate) .................. 129 mg
                                                                                                                            Vitamin C (from Ascorbic Acid, Calcium Ascorbate, Magnesium
 Magnesium (as Bisglycinate Chelate)††...................................................... 18 mg
                                                                                                                            Ascorbate)................................................................................................1000 mg
 Zinc (as Zinc Bisglycinate Chelate)††.............................................................3 mg
                                                                                                                            Acerola Cherry Extract............................................................................... 340 mg
 L-Methionine............................................................................................... 405 mg
                                                                                                                            Quercetin Dihydrate (Sophora japonica)(Flower bud)................................10 mg
 Green Tea Powder Extract......................................................................... 360 mg
 L-Histidine (as HCl)..................................................................................... 189 mg
                                                                                                                           Other Ingredients: Honey Powder.
 N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine...................................................................................... 180 mg
 Rhodiola Rosea Root Powder Extract ...................................................... 150 mg
                                                                                                                           Recommended Use: As a dietary supplement, take 1/2 teaspoon (1.54g) daily
                                                                                                                           in water or juice, or as directed by a healthcare professional.
Other Ingredients: Capsule (Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose), Magnesium
Stearate, Silicon Dioxide.
                                                                                                                            Size                                 Item #            SRP              Whsle
  TRAACS is a registered trademark of Balchem Corporation or its
                                                                                                                            5.87 oz (166.3 g)                    13011             $34.40           $17.20
                                                                                                                                                                             Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice,
Recommended Use: As a dietary supplement, take 3 capsules once daily or                                                                                                      not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.
as directed by a healthcare professional.
                                                                                                                                           These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
 Size                             Item #            SRP               Whsle                                                                These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
 180 Capsules                     09510             $86.00            $43.00
Aller-Chord A                                                                                                               Aller-Chord F
                          Homeopathic                                                                                                                 Homeopathic
                          Aller-Chord A is a homeopathic combination                                                                                  Aller-Chord F is a homeopathic combination
                          formula for symptoms associated with hay fever                                                                              formula for food allergies. The formula
                          and airborne allergies. This formula is designed                                                                            contains allersodes, which are homoeopathic
                          to assist with both recent and long-standing                                                                                attenuations of antigens—substances that
                          symptoms.                                                                                                                   can induce the formation of antibodies
                                                                                                                                                      including food substances, food additives,
                          For symptoms such as sneezing, watery eyes,                                                                                 and preservatives. Aller-Chord F is formulated
                          irritated eyes, coughs, nasal congestion, skin                                                                              to cover a comprehensive symptom picture
                          rash, nasal discharge, headaches, hoarseness,                                                                               commonly associated with food sensitivities
                          itching throat, eyes, and skin.                                                                                             and allergies.
Active Ingredients: 59.1 mL contains 2.27% of Alfalfa 9X, 12X, 30X; Allium                                                           For symptoms such as digestive difficulties, food cravings,
cepa 6X; Ambrosia artemisiaefolia 6X; Bryonia 6X; Citricum acidum 12X;
                                                                                                                                     diarrhea, bloating, constipation, headaches, head
Coumarinum 12X; Euphrasia officinalis 6X; Glandula suprarenalis suis 9X, 12X;
Hepar suis 9X; Histaminum hydrochloricum 12X, 30X, 12C, 30C; Hydrastis                                                               congestion, itching skin rashes, hives, flushed face, joint
canadensis 9X, 12X, 30X; Juniperus communis 9X, 12X, 30X; Mucosa nasalis                                                             pain, irritability, difficulty concentrating, and hyperactivity.
suis 9X, 12X, 6C; Natrum sulphuricum 12X; Phosphorus 12X; Pothos foetidus
9X, 12X, 30X; Pulsatilla 12X; Solidago virgaurea 9X, 12X, 30X; Sulphur 12X;                                                          Active Ingredients: 59.1 mL contains 2.22% of Acetaldehyde 12X, 30X, 12C,
Tanacetum vulgare 9X, 12X, 30X; Taraxacum officinale 9X, 12X, 30X; Trifolium                                                         30C; Aceticum acidum 15X; Argentum nitricum 10X; Caffeinum 15X; Calcarea
pratense 9X, 12X, 30X.                                                                                                               sulphurica 15X; Citricum acidum 15X; Cortisone aceticum 20X, 30X; Echinacea
                                                                                                                                     purpurea 6X, 30X; Folliculinum 15X; Fragaria vesca 15X; Fumaricum acidum
Inactive Ingredients: Ethyl Alcohol, Glycerin, Purified Water.                                                                       15X; Gallicum acidum 12X, 30X, 12C, 30C; Glandula suprarenalis suis 9X,
                                                                                                                                     12X, 6C; Hepar suis 9X, 12X, 6C; Histaminum hydrochloricum 12X, 30X, 12C,
Recommended Use: Take 30 drops orally twice daily or as directed by a                                                                30C; Hydrangea arborescens 6X; Lac vaccinum 15X; Lecithin 15X; Limulus
healthcare professional. Consult a physician for use in children under 12 years                                                      15X; Lycopersicum esculentum 15X; Lycopodium clavatum 12X; Natrum
of age or if symptoms worsen or persist.                                                                                             bicarbonicum 15X; Natrum muriaticum 12X; Nux vomica 12X; Paraffinum 15X;
                                                                                                                                     Phosphoricum acidum 15X; Saccharum officinale 15X; Silicea 15X; Tartaricum
 Size                                    Item #              SRP              Whsle                                                  acidum 15X; Torula cerevisiae 15X.
 2 fl oz (59.1 mL)                       02041               $30.00           $15.00                                                 Inactive Ingredients: Ethyl Alcohol, Glycerin, Purified Water.

                                                                                                                                     Recommended Use: Take 30 drops orally twice daily or as directed by a
                                       AminoGest                                                                                     healthcare professional. Consult a physician for use in children under 12 years
                                                                                                                                     of age or if symptoms worsen or persist.
                                                                                                                                      Size                      Item #       SRP         Whsle
                                       Concentrated Ocean Fish Protein
                                                                                                                                      2 fl oz (59.1 mL)         02031        $30.00      $15.00
                                       AminoGest provides a concentrated,
                                       pre-digested form of protein that helps
                                       maintain normal digestive and structural
                                       function. Formulated for maximum                                                                               Amoeba-Chord
                                       assimilation, AminoGest’s ocean fish
                                       protein is easily absorbed with minimal
                                       digestive effort.                                                                                              Amoeba-Chord is a homeopathic combination
                                                                                                                                                      formula for symptoms related to the presence
Serving Size: 3 Capsules                                                                                                                              of waterborne parasites. The symptoms may be
Servings Per Container: 60
                                                                                                                                                      recent or long-standing.
3 Capsules Contain:
 Calories.................................................................................................................. 5                         For symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea,
 Protein................................................................................................................ 1 g                          irregular stools, mucus in stools, flatulence,
 Hydrolyzed Fish Collagen.........................................................................1500 mg                                             bloating, nausea, headaches, and vomiting.
Other Ingredients: Rice Flour, Capsule (Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose), Silicon                                                      Active Ingredients: 59.1 mL contains 4.16% of Absinthium 6X; Baptisia
Dioxide, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) Leaf                                                          tinctoria 4X; Cajuputum 6X; Capsicum annuum 5X; Cinchona officinalis 12X;
Extract, Magnesium Stearate (Vegetarian), Lemon (Citrus × limon) Peel Powder.                                                        Fragaria vesca 4X; Gentiana lutea 6X; Glandula suprarenalis suis 9X, 12X, 6C;
                                                                                                                                     Hepar suis 9X, 12X, 6C; Lycopodium clavatum 12X; Mucosa nasalis suis 9X;
Recommended Use: As a dietary supplement, take 3 capsules twice daily or                                                             Nux vomica 12X; Pancreas suis 9X, 12X, 6C; Pulsatilla 12X; Pyrogenium 30X;
as directed by a healthcare professional.                                                                                            Quassia 4X; Senna 4X; Triticum repens 4X.

 Size                                    Item #              SRP              Whsle                                                  Inactive Ingredients: Ethyl Alcohol, Glycerin, Purified Water.
 180 Capsules                            13025               $58.80           $29.40
                                                                                                                                     Recommended Use: Take 30 drops orally twice daily or as directed by a
                                                                                                                                     healthcare professional. Consult a physician for use in children under 12 years
  Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice,
  not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.                                                                                  of age or if symptoms worsen or persist.

                                                                                                                                      Size                      Item #       SRP         Whsle
  These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
  These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.                                                    2 fl oz (59.1 mL)         02051        $30.00      $15.00

Bacteria-Chord®                                                                                                BioNutrient Multi
                  Homeopathic                                                                                                    Nutritional
                  Bacteria-Chord is a homeopathic combination
                  formula for symptoms related to the human
                                                                                                                                 A bioavailable multi-vitamin including
                  microbiome. Cells in the human body are out-
                                                                                                                                 methylated B vitamins, glycinate chelated
                  numbered 10 to 1 by microbes such as bacteria.
                                                                                                                                 minerals, and whole food nutrition in an
                  [This and other similar and surprising statistics
                                                                                                                                 excipient-free, all-vegetable capsule. These
                  were revealed by the Human Microbiome Project,
                                                                                                                                 vitamins and minerals work to convert
                  a 5 year study, undertaken by the National
                                                                                                                                 macronutrients into a more bioavailable
                  Institutes of Health.] When there is a disturbance
                                                                                                                                 form of nutrition with the assistance of the
                  in the intricately balanced system of the human
                                                                                                                                 alfalfa organic grass juice powder.
                  microbiome, characteristic symptoms appear.
                                                                                            Serving Size: 2 Capsules
For symptoms such as fever, fatigue, diarrhea, swelling,                                    Servings Per Container: 60
mucous congestion, pain in joints and muscles, and skin
eruptions.                                                                                  2 Capsules Contain:
                                                                                             Vitamin A (100% as Beta-Carotene)............................................... 750 mcg RAE
Active Ingredients: 59.1 mL contains 2.38% of Azadirachta indica 8X;                         Vitamin C (from Acerola Cherry Fruit Powder).......................................... 120 mg
Belladonna 8X, 12X; Berber vulgaris 9X, 12X, 30X; Boldo 4X; Candida albicans                 Vitamin D3 (as Cholecalciferol)..................................................................25 mcg
30X; Ceanothus americanus 4X; Cetraria islandica 12X; Crotalus horridus                      Thiamin (Vitamin B1, as Thiamine Mononitrate)..........................................3 mg
12X; Echinacea 4X; Glandula suprarenalis suis 9X, 12X, 6C; Glycyrrhiza glabra                Riboflavin (Vitamin B2, as Riboflavin-5’-Phosphate)................................ 3.4 mg
4X; Hamamelis virginiana 6X, 12X, 30X; Hepar suis 9X, 12X, 6C; Hydrastis                     Niacin (Vitamin B3, as Niacinamide).....................................................40 mg NE
canadensis 5X; Hydrocotyle asiatica 6X, 12X, 30X; Hypericum perforatum 12X;                  Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxal-5’-Phosphate)........................................................4 mg
Lappa major 4X; Ledum palustre 9X; Millefolium 12X, 30X; Morbillinum 30X;                    Folic Acid (Vitamin B9, as Methyltetrahydrofolate
Myrrha 4X; Pancreas suis 9X, 12X, 6C; Pertussinum 30X; Phosphorus 12X;                       glucosamine Salt)......................................... 665 mcg DFE (400 mcg Folic Acid)
Plantago major 4X; Pyrogenium 30X; Solidago virgaurea 4X; Zingiber officinale                Vitamin B12 (as Methylcobalamin).............................................................6 mcg
6X.                                                                                          Biotin............................................................................................................60 mcg
                                                                                             Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5, as Calcium-D-Pantothenate).....................10 mg
Inactive Ingredients: Ethyl Alcohol, Glycerin, Purified Water.                               Choline (as Bitartrate)................................................................................. 25 mg
                                                                                             Iodine (as Potassium Iodide)................................................................... 150 mcg
Recommended Use: Take 30 drops orally twice daily or as directed by a                        Zinc (as Zinc Bisglycinate Chelate)†............................................................ 15 mg
healthcare professional. Consult a physician for use in children under 12 years              Selenium (as Glycinate Complex)†.......................................................... 140 mcg
of age or if symptoms worsen or persist.                                                     Manganese (as Bisglycinate Chelate)†..........................................................2 mg
                                                                                             Chromium (as Nicotinate Glycinate Chelate)†........................................ 120 mcg
 Size                         Item #        SRP      Whsle                                   Molybdenum (as Glycinate Chelate)†........................................................75 mcg
                                                                                             Organic Pressed Alfalfa Powder................................................................ 300 mg
 2 fl oz (59.1 mL)            02061         $30.00   $15.00                                  Tocotrienols [delta-tocotrienol (90%) and
                                                                                             gamma-tocotrienol (10%) from annatto extract]††..................................... 30 mg
                                                                                             Boron (as Bororganic Glycine)†......................................................................1 mg
                     BioCatalin Lotion                                                       Vitamin K2 (as MK-7, Menaquinone-7......................................................80 mcg

                     Topical Lotion                                                         Other Ingredients: Capsule (Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Purified Water).

                                                                                                        Albion®, TRAACS® and the Albion Gold Medallion design are registered
                     BioCatalin Lotion is an enzyme-based                                             trademarks of Albion Laboratories, Inc.
                     topical lotion that is easy to use, leaves no
                     residue, and has a mild, pleasant scent.                               ††
                                                                                                 DeltaGold® is a registered trademark of American River Nutrition, Inc.
                     The preservation system is clean and
                     innovative, protecting the integrity of the                            Recommended Use: As a dietary supplement, take 2 capsules once daily or
                     enzymes. BioCatalin Lotion is used by many                             as directed by your healthcare professional.
                     practitioners when massaging into tender
                                                                                             Size                                   Item #             SRP               Whsle
                     areas such as muscles and joints.
                                                                                             120 Capsules                           13043              $60.00            $30.00

Active Ingredients: Water, Prunus amygdalus dulcis (Sweet Almond) Oil,
Cetearyl Alcohol, Polysorbate 60, Melaleuca alternifolia (Tea Tree) Oil, Caprylic/
Capric Triglyceride, Glyceryl Stearate, Cetyl Alcohol, Diheptyl Succinate, Capryloyl
Glycerin/Sebacic Acid Copolymer, Sodium Stearoyl Lactylate, Garlic Extract,
Amylase, Protease, Lipase, Cucumis melo (Melon) Fruit Extract, Lonicera
caprifolium (Honeysuckle) Flower Extract, Lonicera japonica (Honeysuckle)
Flower Extract, Guar Gum, Glycerin, Potassium Sorbate, Citric Acid.

Recommended Use: Apply topically three times daily or as directed by a
healthcare professional. For external use only.

 Size                         Item #        SRP      Whsle
 4 oz (113.4 g)               09029         $24.60   $12.30
                                                                                                                                                                                              Acerola Cherry

 Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice,                                                           These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
 not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.                                                           These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
BoswelliaZyme                                                                                                                    Catalyst-7
                                     Complex                                                                                                                          Nutritional
                                     Nutritional                                                                                                                      Digestive Enzymes in an Herbal Base

                                     Proteolytic Enzyme Formulation with                                                                                              Catalyst-7 provides highly-concentrated
                                     Boswellic Acids                                                                                                                  digestive enzymes and a blend of herbs
                                                                                                                                                                      to help maintain normal digestive
                                     BoswelliaZyme Complex helps support                                                                                              function. This formula contains herbs that
                                     normal immune response in the body.                                                                                              specifically assist with the normal function
                                     This nutritional supplement formulated                                                                                           of the stomach.
                                     with boswellia and the proteolytic
                                     enzymes, serrapeptase and pancreatin                                                                                             Serving Size: 2 Capsules
                                     extract, also helps support normal
                                                                                                                          2 Capsules Contain:
                                     cartilage and joint function and maintains                                            Proprietary Enzyme Blend......................................................................... 185 mg
                                     the body’s natural response to injury.                                                Amylase (from Aspergillus oryzae).......................................................15,460 DU
                                                                                                                           Protease 4.5 (from Aspergillus oryzae).............................................34,000 HUT
Serving Size: 2 Capsules                                                                                                   Cellulase (from Trichoderma longibrachiatum).................................... 1,430 CU
                                                                                                                           Lactase (from Aspergillus oryzae)...........................................................530 ALU
2 Capsules Contain:                                                                                                        Invertase (from Saccharomyces cerevisiae).............................................680 SU
 Indian Frankincense (Boswellia serrata) Gum Resin.............................. 424 mg                                    Alpha-galactosidase (from Aspergillus niger)......................................... 80 GaIU
    (65% Boswellic Acids)                                                                                                  Lipase (from Candida rugosa)...................................................... 228 FCCLU
 Pancreatin 8X............................................................................................. 192 mg         Maltase (from Amylase) (from Aspergillus oryzae).............................. 3,585 DP
 Serrazimes®-I (endo/exo-protease........................................................... 9.64 mg                       Marshmallow Root.................................................................................................38 mg
                                                                                                                           Ginger Root...................................................................................................................38 mg
Other Ingredients: Capsule (Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Purified Water), Rice                                           Fennel Seed.................................................................................................................................36 mg
Starch.                                                                                                                    Anise Seed................................................................................................... 36 mg
Serrazimes® is a trademark of Deerland Probiotics & Enzymes, Inc.                                                         Other Ingredients: Low Moisture Rice Dextrin, Capsule (Hydroxypropyl
                                                                                                                          Methylcellulose, Purified Water), Silicon Dioxide.
Recommended Use: As a dietary supplement, take 2 capsules three times
daily or as directed by a healthcare professional.                                                                        Recommended Use: As a dietary supplement, take 2 capsules 3 times
                                                                                                                          per day with meals or as directed by a healthcare professional.
 Size                                 Item #            SRP              Whsle
 60 Capsules                          13162             $33.40           $16.70                                           Caution: Do not use if peptic ulcer, gastritis, or heartburn is present.
 180 Capsules                         13163             $95.40           $47.70                                             Size                                          Item #                 SRP                   Whsle
                                                                                                                            90 Capsules                                   13050                  $38.00                $19.00

                       Calm Five                                                                                            180 Capsules                                  13060                  $69.00                $34.50

                       Homeopathic Flower Essence
                       Calm Five (fka Rescue Calm) is a homeopathic
                       combination formula containing five flower
                       essences traditionally used for emergency
                       situations and every-day stress. Emotional
                       symptoms left unchecked often manifest as
                       physical symptoms. Calm Five can be helpful in
                       times of acute stress or fright, when receiving
                       bad news, or following accidents or injuries.

              For acute symptoms such as fear, extreme
agitation, shock, anxiety, grief, hopelessness, and denial.
Active Ingredients: 59.1 mL contains 20% of Clematis vitalba, flos 30C
(Clematis); Helianthemum nummularium, flos 30C (Rock Rose); Impatiens
glandulifera, flos 30C (Impatiens); Ornithogalum umbellatum, flos 30C (Star of
Bethlehem); Prunus cerasifera, flos 30C (Cherry Plum).

Inactive Ingredients: Ethyl Alcohol, Glycerin, Purified Water.

Recommended Use: Take 30 drops orally twice daily or as directed by a
healthcare professional. Consult a physician for use in children under 12 years                                                                                                                                                                      Cherry Plum
of age or if symptoms worsen or persist.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice,
 Size                                 Item #            SRP            Whsle                                                                                                              not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.

 2 fl oz (59.1 mL)                    06022             $30.00         $15.00
                                                                                                                                               These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
                                                                                                                                               These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Catalyst-C                                                                                                                                  Catalyst-U
                                  Nutritional                                                                                                                                 Nutritional
                                  Systemic Metabolic and Digestive                                                                                                            Protease-Free Digestive Enzymes in an
                                  Enzymes                                                                                                                                     Herbal Base
                                  A nutritional supplement containing                                                                                                         Catalyst-U provides protease-free enzyme
                                  14 systemic metabolic and digestive                                                                                                         support to help maintain normal digestive
                                  enzymes, Catalyst-C helps maintain a                                                                                                        function for individuals with occasional
                                  normal, congestion-free foundation. It                                                                                                      digestive sensitivity. With an herbal base,
                                  was formulated to help maintain normal                                                                                                      Catalyst-U helps maintain normal digestive
                                  digestive function for those compromised                                                                                                    function.
                                  by poor diet.
                                                                                                                        Serving Size: 1 Capsule
Serving Size: 1 Capsule
                                                                                                                        1 Capsule Contains:
1 Capsule Contains:                                                                                                      Proprietary Enzyme Blend........................................................................... 63 mg
 Proprietary Enzyme Blend....................................................................172.27 mg                   Amylase (from Aspergillus oryzae).........................................................6,000 DU
 Amylase (from Aspergillus oryzae).........................................................5,000 DU                      Cellulase (from Trichoderma longibrachiatum)................................... 1,210 CU
 Bromelain (from Ananas comosus)............................................120,000 FCCPU                                Lactase (from Aspergillus oryzae)...........................................................500 ALU
 Alpha-Galactosidase (from Aspergillus niger)......................................... 80 GaIU                           Invertase (from Saccharomyces cerevisiae).............................................400 SU
 Cellulase (from Trichoderma reesei).........................................................100 CU                      Lipase (from Candida rugosa)............................................................ 156 FCCLU
 Glucoamylase (from Aspergillus niger)........................................................4 AGU                      Diastase (from Amylase)(from Aspergillus oryzae).................................. 500 DP
 Invertase (from Saccharomyces cerevisiae).............................................151 SU                            Gamma Oryzanol......................................................................................... 60 mg
 Lactase (from Aspergillus oryzae)...........................................................450 ALU                     Slippery Elm Bark...................................................................................... 42.5 mg
 Lipase (from Rhizopus oryzae)........................................................... 200 FCCLU                      Chamomile Flower.................................................................................... 42.5 mg
 Diastase (from Barley Malt)...................................................................... 50 DP°                Licorice Root........................................................................................................ 42.5 mg
 Pectinase (from Aspergillus niger)................................................... 10 endo-PGU                       Marshmallow Root........................................................................................21 mg
 Protease 3.0 (from Aspergillus oryzae)..................................................4.5 SAPU                        Ginger Root.....................................................................................................................................................................21 mg
 Protease 4.5 (from Aspergillus oryzae).............................................15,000 HUT
 Protease 6.0 (from Aspergillus oryzae)............................................... 2,000 HUT                        Other Ingredients: Capsule (Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Purified Water), Rice
 Serrazimes®-I (from Aspergillus oryzae and                                                                             Hulls, Silicon Dioxide, Calcium Carbonate, Magnesium Oxide.
 Aspergillus melleus).......................................................................................7 mg
                                                                                                                        Recommended Use: As a dietary supplement, take 1 capsule 3 times daily
Other Ingredients: Rice Flour, Capsule (Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Purified                                         with meals or as directed by a healthcare professional.
                                                                                                                          Size                                                      Item #                       SRP                         Whsle
Recommended Use: As a dietary supplement, take 1 capsule three times per
day prior to each meal or as directed by a healthcare professional.                                                       90 Capsules                                               13070                        $65.00                      $32.50

Caution: Do not use if peptic ulcer, gastritis, or heartburn is present.
Serrazimes® is a trademark of Deerland Probiotics & Enzymes, Inc
 Size                                Item #            SRP              Whsle
                                                                                                                                                              Circulopath is a homeopathic combination
 90 Capsules                         13065             $41.00           $20.50                                                                                formula for the circulatory system. Including the
 180 Capsules                        13066             $74.40           $37.20                                                                                heart, the circulatory system is an impressive
                                                                                                                                                              network of 60,000 miles of blood vessels, from
                                                                                                                                                              the tiniest capillaries that nourish the eyes to the
                                                                                                                                                              vital vena cavae that carry blood to the heart.

                                                                                                                                                              For symptoms such as frequent yawning, poor
                                                                                                                                                              memory, pulsating headache, fatigue, ringing
                                                                                                                                                              in ears, weakness, cold extremities, and red,
                                                                                                                                                              blotchy complexion.
                                                                                                                        Active Ingredients: 59.1 mL contains 4.34% of Adenosinum cyclophosphoricum
                                                                                                                        10X; Arnica montana 30X; Aurum muriaticum 12X; Baryta muriatica 12X;
                                                                                                                        Borago officinalis 6X; Cholesterinum 12X; Citrus limonum 4X; Coenzyme A 10X;
                                                                                                                        Conium maculatum 12X; Digitalis purpurea 6X; Ginkgo biloba 4X; Hypothalamus
                                                                                                                        12X; Kali iodatum 12X; Laurocerasus 10X, 12X, 6C; Magnesia muriatica 8X;
                                                                                                                        Nadidum 9X, 12X, 6C; Phaseolus 5X; Phosphorus 30X; Thyroidinum 12X.

Bilberry                                                                                                                Inactive Ingredients: Ethyl Alcohol, Glycerin, Purified Water.

                                                                                                                        Recommended Use: Take 30 drops orally twice daily or as directed by a
  Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice,                                                                     healthcare professional. Consult a physician for use in children under 12 years
  not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.
                                                                                                                        of age or if symptoms worsen or persist.

  These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.                                           Size                                                      Item #                       SRP                      Whsle
  These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
                                                                                                                          2 fl oz (59.1 mL)                                         04021                        $30.00                   $15.00
Colo-Chord                                                                                                                                 Colon Clear and
                          Homeopathic                                                                                                                                Pure Body Clear Set
                          Colo-Chord is a homeopathic combination                                                                                                    Nutritional
                          formula for symptoms related to irritation and
                          toxic load of the intestines.                                                                                                              Set includes:

                          For symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation,                                                                                               1. Colon Clear 90 caps
                          abdominal cramping, belching, indigestion,                                                                                                 2. Pure Body Clear 180 caps
                          vomiting, gas pains, flatulence, and irregular
                          stools.                                                                                           An herbal/nutritional supplement, Colon Clear is designed to
                                                                                                                            help maintain normal bowel function. Colon Clear helps with
                                                                                                                            occasional bloating, pressure, and constipation.
Active Ingredients: 59.1 mL contains 4.16% of Abelmoschus 12X; Aranea
diadema 12X; Asafoetida 12X; Baptisia tinctoria 30X; Berberis vulgaris                                                      Pure Body Clear is an organic/wildcrafted herbal blend
4X; Candida albicans 18X; Carbo vegetabilis 15X, 30X; Colibacillinum cum
                                                                                                                            formulated as gentle support for the primary elimination
natrum muriaticum 24C; Colostrum 8X; Condurango 12X; Fel tauri 8X; Hepar
suis 9X, 12X, 6C; Lac vaccinum 12X; Lycopodium clavatum 12X; Mandragora                                                     pathways. This blend helps maintain normal function of
officinarum 12X; Mercurius solubilis 12X; Mucosa nasalis suis 9X; Rhamnus                                                   the body’s filtration system including the liver, kidney, and
purshiana 4X; Rheum 4X; Selenium metallicum 15X; Veratrum album 12X.                                                        gallbladder.

Inactive Ingredients: Ethyl Alcohol, Glycerin, Purified Water.                                                               Size                               Item #           SRP              Whsle
                                                                                                                             Set with Manual                    13085            $107.00          $53.50
Recommended Use: Take 30 drops orally twice daily or as directed by a
healthcare professional. Consult a physician for use in children under 12 years
of age or if symptoms worsen or persist.

 Size                            Item #              SRP               Whsle
 2 fl oz (59.1 mL)               02081               $30.00            $15.00
                                                                                                                                                  Core Artemisia Blend
                                                                                                                                                  Spagyric Botanical
                                   Colon Clear                                                                                                    Core Artemisia Blend is a botanical blend
                                                                                                                                                  including black walnut, clove bud, wormwood,
                                   Nutritional                                                                                                    garlic, and other herbs. It was designed to
                                                                                                                                                  help maintain normal elimination of parasites,
                                   Herbal Blend                                                                                                   microbial balance, and gastrointestinal function.
                                   An herbal/nutritional supplement, Colon                                                                        Serving Size: 1/4 tsp (1.2 mL), about 30-40 drops
                                   Clear is designed to help maintain                                                                             Servings Per Container: About 49
                                   normal bowel function. Colon Clear helps
                                   with occasional bloating, pressure, and
                                   constipation.                                                                            1 Serving Contains:
                                                                                                                             Botanical Extract Blend.............................................................................. 1.2 mL
                                   Serving Size: 1 Capsule                                                                      (Black Walnut Hull, Clove Bud, Pumpkin Seed,
                                   Servings Per Container: 90                                                                   Wormwood Aerial Parts, Papaya Leaf, Senna Leaf, Garlic
                                                                                                                                Bulb, Turmeric Root, Pomegranate Fruit, Tansy Aerial Parts)
1 Capsule Contains:
 Cascara Sagrada Bark..........................................................................................70 mg        Other Ingredients: Purified Water, Ethyl Alcohol 22-28%.
 Organic Chinese Rhubarb Root................................................................... 70 mg
 Organic Sage Leaf........................................................................................ 52 mg            Recommended Use: As a dietary supplement, take 30 to 40 drops orally
 Cape Aloe Leaf............................................................................................. 50 mg          (in water or juice, if desired) twice daily or as directed by a healthcare
 Barberry Root............................................................................................... 42 mg         professional. Shake well before use.
 Organic Ginger Root..................................................................................... 42 mg
                                                                                                                             NOTICE: This product contains Senna Leaf. Read and follow directions
 Black Walnut Hulls....................................................................................... 30 mg
                                                                                                                             carefully. Do not use if you have or develop diarrhea, loose stools, or
 Organic Dandelion Leaf............................................................................... 20 mg
                                                                                                                             abdominal pain because Senna Leaf may worsen these conditions and be
 Organic Slippery Elm Bark........................................................................... 20 mg
                                                                                                                             harmful to your health. Consult your physician if you have frequent diarrhea or
                                                                                                                             if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.
Other Ingredients: Capsule (Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose), Silicon Dioxide.
                                                                                                                             Size                               Item #           SRP            Whsle
Recommended Use: As a dietary supplement, take 1 capsule daily or as
directed by a healthcare professional.                                                                                       2 fl oz (59.1 mL)                  01010            $30.00         $15.00

 NOTICE: This product contains Cascara sagrada, Chinese rhubarb, and Aloe
 leaf. Read and follow directions carefully. Do not use if you have or develop
 diarrhea, loose stools, or abdominal pain because Cascara sagrada,
 Chinese rhubarb, and Aloe leaf may worsen these conditions and be
 harmful to your health. Consult your physician if you have frequent diarrhea
 or if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.                                                                                          Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice,
                                                                                                                                                                           not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.

 Size                                 Item #             SRP              Whsle
                                                                                                                                           These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
 90 Capsules                          13095              $33.40           $16.70                                                           These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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