A look at the heart of a lifesaver - Fasten seatbelts please! - the experts' magazine - Oerlikon

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A look at the heart of a lifesaver - Fasten seatbelts please! - the experts' magazine - Oerlikon
the experts' magazine   No. 35 | may 2021

Fasten seatbelts
page 8

A look at
the heart of
a lifesaver
page 16
A look at the heart of a lifesaver - Fasten seatbelts please! - the experts' magazine - Oerlikon
// editorial

    Dear Customers,
              dear Readers,
    The coronavirus pandemic has been accompanying us all for more than a year now, severely
    impacting our lives and social interaction.

    So, it is all the more pleasing that we have been able to help you – our customers and
    partners – with our technologies and solutions during this difficult time. Here, I would like to
    specifically highlight our nonwovens clients, who are contributing hugely to supplying the
    world with medical and FFP2 face masks and hence actively helping to save lives.

    The human need for security and the lifesaving properties of textile fibers and fabrics are the
    primary focus of this issue. In conjunction with airbags, seatbelts, for example, reduce the
    number of traffic fatalities in the event of front-end collision by 61%. A textile success story!
    We are thrilled to be informing you about the corresponding systems concept.

    In addition to the process technology, it is the individual core components that are
    important for the quality of all materials manufactured using Oerlikon equip-
    ment and hence for the safety of the users as well. In particular, these also
    include our gear metering pumps. They are the quality guarantee when
    it comes to flow control equipment used in both manmade fiber spin-
    ning systems and in the plastics industry. To further grow here as a
    company and to offer our clients comprehensive flow control so-
    lutions, we are planning to acquire the Italian hot runner system
    manufacturer INglass in the middle of this year – subject to the
    approval of the respective authorities.

    In the age of digitalization, the topic of security has once
    again assumed special significance also in conjunction
    with data and information. Our digital solutions are
    securing your processes – but what is the situation
    with the data that have to be collated for this pur-
    pose? Well, I can put your mind at ease: we are
    very passionate about data security. We make no
    compromises in this regard!

    And we take the health of your and our employ-
    ees equally seriously. The topic of occupational
    safety is easily mastered in a regulated working
    environment. But many things are improvised
    on construction sites. It is therefore all the
    more important to also, and particularly, im-
    plement processes that ensure the safety of
    those who work there. In this respect, the
    coronavirus pandemic poses an additional
    challenge. We will undertake everything in
    our power to ensure we remain a reliable
    and safe partner to you and your team
    throughout this difficult time.

    With this in mind: take care and be safe!

    Georg Stausberg
    CEO Oerlikon Polymer Processing Solutions Division

2                                                                                                       no. 35 | may 2021
A look at the heart of a lifesaver - Fasten seatbelts please! - the experts' magazine - Oerlikon
table of contents //

                                            in focus
                                      Fasten seatbelts please!
                                       Life-saving filament yarns

                                   A look at the heart of a lifesaver
                    In the age of the pandemic, respiratory masks protect our health

                           There is more to them than you might think
                      Textile fibers and fabrics make a huge contribution towards
                            greater safety in numerous lifesaving applications

                         innovation and technology                                        20
                                 Gentle touch for a tough product
                                 High-tenacity industrial yarn concepts

                         Metering safety from the heart of the process

                              BCF polyester carpet yarn continues
                                   to gain ground worldwide                               24
                     VacuFil & VarioFil used to directly produce rPET fiber
                                        Recycled polyester

                                    on the markets
                                         Fit for the future
                               Smart maintenance workshop technology
                              solution and services
                            There is no such thing as too much safety                   32
                    Oerlikon's global Service Network combined with digital solutions

                       Safe and sound – data security in smart factories

                     How digitalization is making processes more reliable

                                             in brief                                      4

no. 35 | may 2021                                                                                              3
A look at the heart of a lifesaver - Fasten seatbelts please! - the experts' magazine - Oerlikon
// in brief

    New maintenance service from Neumünster
    Why meltblown die bodies should be regularly cleaned
    Meltblown systems produce non-
    wovens with the finest filaments
    in the micrometer range. Conse-
    quently, the spin packs are also
    fine. In order to achieve optimum
    melt distribution across the entire
    spinning width and hence homo-
    geneous nonwovens, the surface
    over which the melt is distributed
    to the nozzles must be as level and
    smooth as possible. Over time, melt
    residue adheres to the interior of the
    die bodies and this can compromise
    the melt flow. In order to ensure
    superlative machine performance
    and nonwovens’ quality, Customer
    Service in Neumünster offers regular
    inspection and cleaning of the die
    body, either by means of a service
    contract or simply as a service-on-

    “During service visits, we repeatedly
    encounter die bodies that are heav-
    ily contaminated or that have been       Before – after; professional die body cleaning carried out by Oerlikon Neumag restores items virtually to
    scratched as a result of customers’      their original state.
    cleaning attempts. It is for this rea-
    son that we offer die body cleaning
    as a qualified manufacturer service.     are restored virtually to their original               are able to swiftly exchange them-
    We have the experience, the know-        state”, is how Kevin Loell, Specialist                 selves. The removed die body
    how and the technical capacities to      Technical Services, describes the                      can then be sent to Neumünster
    carry out this work both profession-     results.                                               for cleaning, which can be carried
    ally and swiftly”, explains Michael                                                             out without time constraints. This
    Schwarz, Technical Sales Manager         Reducing system downtimes                              investment generally pays dividends
    for Modification Nonwoven, talk-         Die body maintenance can either be                     over several years with customers
    ing about the rationale behind this      carried out at the customer site or                    with high quality demands and for
    service product. Depending on the        at the Oerlikon Neumag assembly                        whom on-site cleaning would –
    general manufacturing conditions,        facilities in Neumünster. Depending                    due to the distances involved – be
    the die body should be cleaned           on the general conditions, profes-                     too expensive or time-consuming”,
    every one to three years. Using          sional cleaning takes approx. one                      explains Tilmann Seidel, Head of
    special tools, the die bodies are        week. “We systematically ensure                        Customer Services Oerlikon
    unscrewed and the melt residue           that system downtimes are kept to                      Neumag, speaking about the
    removed from the interiors. Among        an absolute minimum and we are                         responsibility as a service provider.
    other things, a dry ice blasting         correspondingly constantly optimiz-                    » (che)
    machine is used for removing heavy       ing our processes and offerings.
    contamination. Using dry ice en-         To this end, we recommend – for
    sures that the delicate surfaces are     example – that customers acquire
    not damaged during cleaning. “They       an additional die body, which they

4                                                                                                                                  no. 35 | may 2021
A look at the heart of a lifesaver - Fasten seatbelts please! - the experts' magazine - Oerlikon
in brief //

Oerlikon signs agreement to acquire INglass
End of April Oerlikon signed an agreement to acquire         Oerlikon divisions
Italy-headquartered INglass S.p.A. and its innovative        in specific end
hot runner systems technology operating under its            markets such as
market-leading HRSflow business.                             automotive.
                                                             With INglass
The strategic acquisition is a significant step in expand-   and its HRSflow
ing Oerlikon’s current manmade fibers business into          operations, we
the larger polymer processing market. The acquisition        acquire leading suppliers in their markets with proven
accelerates and enhances existing organic initiatives to     success of their technologies and services,” said
diversify and strengthen the company’s core high-pre-        Dr. Roland Fischer, CEO Oerlikon Group.
cision polymer flow control capabilities, products and
services. The completion of the transaction is subject to    New business unit offers great growth potential
customary regulatory approvals and is expected by the        The Oerlikon Barmag competence brand already offers
second quarter of 2021.                                      high precision flow control related components, includ-
                                                             ing a large selection of gear metering pumps for textile
To reflect Oerlikon’s expansion into a larger high-growth    and non-textile markets. These highly efficient pumps
market, the Manmade Fibers Division will be renamed          are used in silicone casting, dynamic mixing and oil
as Polymer Processing Solutions Division. This division      spraying for the chemical, paint, polymer processing
will have two business units: Flow Control Solutions         and automotive industries. This double-digit million
and Manmade Fibers Solutions. The business unit Flow         CHF business, which has grown in recent years, will be
Control Solutions will combine the expertise of Oerlikon     merged with INglass’ HRSflow hot runner technologies
Barmag’s existing gear metering pumps business line          under the new business unit Flow Control Solutions.
and INglass’ HRSflow operations. The business unit           HRSflow’s excellent market access to many OEMs in
Manmade Fibers Solutions will continue to focus on           and outside the automotive industry brings significant
growing the existing chemical fiber machinery and plant      growth opportunities. » (aw)
engineering business, offering plant solutions for the
production of polyester, polypropylene and polyamide.
“Our new Polymer Processing Solutions Division and
the acquisition of INglass S.p.A. and its HRSflow
business are critical components of Oerlikon Group’s
growth strategy. We are accelerating our efforts to
drive sustainable organic and inorganic growth in
all of our businesses. The acquisition enables
new synergy opportunities between both

no. 35 | may 2021                                                                                                            5
A look at the heart of a lifesaver - Fasten seatbelts please! - the experts' magazine - Oerlikon
// in brief

    First Sustainability Report                                        Webinars instead of
    published                                                          trade fairs
    Along with the 2020 Full Year Results, the Oerlikon                As trade fairs are still being cancelled in times of the
    Group published its first sustainability report. Sustain-          pandemic, Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Solutions kicked
    able innovation is an integral part of Oerlikon’s strategy         off the new year with a series of webinars on the topic
    and built into everything the company does. Oerlikon               of home textiles. The four lectures on BCF S8 including
    is now making a public commitment and publishing                   the tricolor variant, Heavy Denier applications and spin-
    its first Sustainability Report. It is joining the ranks of        ning and texturing solutions for heavy-denier POY and
    corporations, people and organizations that proactively            DTY were well attended.
    engage in sustainability and inspire others to do the
    same. Based on the materiality analysis, Oerlikon has
    selected 8 out of the 17 United Nations Sustainable
    Development Goals (SDGs) where the company can
    make the most difference for its stakeholders. Environ-
    mental, social and governance targets for 2030 have
    been set by the Group in areas that align most closely
    with its operations, policies and capabilities. » (bey)

                                                                       As an alternative to Domotex, Oerlikon Manmade Fibers Solutions arranged
                                                                       a webinar series on home textiles in March. Nis Lehmann-Matthaei spoke
                                                                       about the BCF S8.
                                                                       A second webinar series focusing on industrial textiles
                                                                       and processes was scheduled in May. The Manmade
                                                                       Fibers experts from the Swiss Oerlikon Group provided
                                Scan me                                their clients with information on manufacturing safety
                                                                       yarns and on state-of-the-art recycling technologies. All
    For further details, refer to                                      lectures have been recorded and are available on our
    www.sustainability.oerlikon.com                                    website at www.oerlikon.com/manmade-fibers for those
                                                                       who missed the events. » (bey)

    Dear customers, dear readers,
    To provide our customers with up-              is particularly important to us! Thus         possible for you, place your name
    to-date information we are working             we can only address you with news             card in the frame below, tick the
    with a global CRM (Customer Rela-              on events, products or company                information you would like to receive
    tionship Management) system. The               information if you expressly agree            and send a photo of both to
    data protection of our customers               to this.To make it as comfortable as          events.omf@oerlikon.com

                                                                                                                               Take a photo

                                                                         I would like to receive
                                                                          notifications about Oerlikon upcoming events,
                                                                          marketing magazines and documentation about its products and
                                                                          invitations for customer surveys,
                       Place your name card here                          Oerlikon greeting cards for state and special occasions.
                                                                          I would like Oerlikon (i.e. the contracting entity or entity with whom
                                                                           I am in contact) with the support of Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG,
                                                                           to send me information about relevant products and services of other
                                                                           entities of the group and provide my contact details to them so that
                                                                           I can discuss directly with them.

6                                                                                                                               no. 35 | may 2021
A look at the heart of a lifesaver - Fasten seatbelts please! - the experts' magazine - Oerlikon
imprint //

Double-beam meltblown plant with                                                        imprint
ecuTEC+ put into operation at Wolf PVG                                                  ‘fibers and filaments’ is the exclusive Oerlikon
                                                                                        Manmade Fibers Solutions customer magazine. It is
Oerlikon Nonwoven has suc-                                                              published two times per year in English, Chinese and
                                                                                        Turkish by
cessfully commissioned a dou-
ble-beam meltblown plant with                                                           Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG
ecuTEC+ electro charging unit at                                                        Leverkuser Straße 65, 42897 Remscheid, Germany
Wolf PVG GmbH & Co. KG begin-                                                           fibers.filaments@oerlikon.com
ning of this year. With this plant,                                                     www.oerlikon.com

the East Westphalian company
                                                                                        Total circulation
can now provide nonwovens for                                                           3,800 copies
the production of surgical and
FFP2 masks. In addition to this                                                         Editorial staff
filter material, which is in great      The meltblown technology from Oerlikon          aw André Wissenberg
                                                                                        bey Susanne Beyer (responsible)
demand today, high-quality melt-        Nonwoven is considered the most techni-
                                        cally efficient process for the production      che Claudia Henkel
blown nonwovens can also be                                                             kue Pia Kürten
                                        of highly effective filter media from plastic
produced for medical and indus-         fibers.                                         msc Matthias Schmitz
trial filter applications. The plant                                                    nlm Nis Lehmann-Matthaei
has now been running for several        “A decisive point for investing in              rdo Roy Dolmans
months under stable production          a plant from Oerlikon Nonwoven                  reh Richard E. Hallsworth
                                                                                        tho Thilo Horvatitsch
conditions with optimal nonwo-          was the flexibility of the plant in re-         wa Ute Watermann
ven fabric quality of the highest       lation to the possible product port-
standards.                              folio and the competence of the                 Concept and layout
                                        manufacturer,” explains Markus                  Make and Do, Hella Hölzer
With the meltblown plant from           Seele, COO of Wolf PVG. and                     www.make-and-do.de

Oerlikon Nonwoven, Wolf PVG.            Dr. Ingo Mählmann, Senior Vice
a wholly-owned subsidiary of the        President Sales & Marketing                     Köllen Druck + Verlag, Bonn
Melitta Group, is further expand-       Oerlikon Nonwoven, adds:                        www.koellen.de
ing its production capacities. The      "Thanks to the numerous setting
plant, with its two beams and the       options for the electrostatic charge            Photography
                                                                                        Ralf Buchholz, Rickey Steele, archive, Autoliv, Innovatec,
patented ecuTEC+ electro charg-         provided by the ecuTEC+, the
                                                                                        iStockphoto.com/ EXTREME-PHOTOGRAPHER,
ing unit, is optimally designed         optimum loading status can                      iStockphoto.com/Vadim Shechkov, iStockphoto.com/
for the production of face mask         be set depending on the filter                  af_istocker, iStockphoto.com/Irwan_Nartadi170,
material. The plant is also ideal for   application." » (che)                           iStockphoto.com/matsabe, iStockphoto.com/alexey_ds,
                                                                                        iStockphoto.com/Turac Novruzova, iStockphoto.com/
the production of other filtration
                                                                                        Mihailgrey, iStockphoto.com/DMaryashin, iStockphoto.com/
nonwovens.                                                                              benoitb, iStockphoto.com/leremy, iStockphoto.com/
                                                                                        mara_lingstad, iStockphoto.com/ greyj, iStockphoto.com/
                                                                                        bananajazz, iStockphoto.com/ST.art, iStockphoto.com/
                                                                                        appleuzr, iStockphoto.com/-VICTOR-, iStockphoto.com/
                                                                                        InnaKalyuzhina, iStockphoto.com/RecycleMan

                                                                                        All indicated values and descriptions in this document are
                                                                                        for indicative purposes only and not to be understood as a
                                                                                        guarantee. Please note that actual values may differ from
                                                                                        any data published in this document.

                                                                                        Electronic Version (PDF)

no. 35 | may 2021                                                                                                                              7
A look at the heart of a lifesaver - Fasten seatbelts please! - the experts' magazine - Oerlikon
// in focus

    Life-saving filament yarns

8                                no. 35 | may 2021
A look at the heart of a lifesaver - Fasten seatbelts please! - the experts' magazine - Oerlikon
in focus //

                    Safety belts play a decisive role in protecting vehicle
                    occupants and reduce the risk of injury and death
                    in the case of certain accidents by 45 percent.
                    Seatbelt webbing has to handle tensile forces
                    of more than three tons, while simultaneously
                    stretching in a controlled manner in an emergency
                    in order to reduce loads in the event of impact.

                    Their manufacture from polyester yarn comprising
                    up to 100 individual high-tenacity filaments is highly-
                    complex – they are, after all, lifesavers.

                                             ang! The car drives
                                             straight into a wall. The
                                             driver is not wearing
                                             a seatbelt. His knees
                                  impact hard against the dashboard
                                  and his chest, chin and Adam’s ap-
                                  ple smash into the steering wheel.
                                  His forehead crashes through the
                                  windscreen and the driver is hurled
                                  back into his seat. If he were not
                                  a crash test dummy, he would
                                  have suffered severe injuries. This
                                  is the result of a 30-kph crash test
                                  conducted by the ADAC, Europe’s
                                  largest automobile club. To give the
                                  scene some context: even in the
                                  case of a collision at 14 kph, the
                                  impact forces correspond to eight
                                  times the driver’s body weight,
                                  according to the experts at Dekra,
                                  the German vehicle inspection

no. 35 | may 2021                                                                      9
A look at the heart of a lifesaver - Fasten seatbelts please! - the experts' magazine - Oerlikon
// in focus

                            In the event of accidents, the num-         the number of deaths among front-
                            ber one lifesaver is not the vehicle’s      seat car occupants by 45 percent
                            bodywork or the airbag, but the             respectively. ADAC figures support
                            seatbelt. It firmly keeps vehicle           this protective effectiveness: to this
                            occupants in position, therefore            end, 98 percent of drivers and front-
                            enabling other protection technolo-         seat passengers meanwhile buckle
                            gies to reveal their full functions in      up in Germany. However, the few
                            the first place. According to cal-          people who do not wear seatbelts
                            culations, belt systems reduce              account for 16.6 percent of all fatal
                            moderate and severe injuries and            car accidents in Germany.

                                                            Top life-saving device
     Enhances front row                                                              SIDE-CURTAIN AIRBAG
     protection                                                                      Reduces head injuries

                                                                                                  FRONTAL AIRBAG
                                                                                                  Saves lives and reduces injuries
     BOOSTER SEAT                                                                                            STEERING WHEEL
     Provides protection                                                                                     With the life of others in your hands
     and comfort

                                                                                                                               PEDESTRIAN AIRBAG
                                                                                                                               Protects pedestrians

     Protects from
     side collisions

     Protects from
     serious leg injuries

                            ACTIVE HOOD LIFTER
                            Opens the hood for                                                                                       PYRO SWITCH
                            the pedestrian airbag                                                                                    Stops the fire

     Safety has many facets
     The diversity of the Autoliv products reveals that safety solutions make the automobile a fortress against many risks
     of accident and injury. And textile products are extensively responsible for this – the most diverse airbags provide
     protection ahead of, next to and between vehicle occupants and, externally, even for pedestrians in the event of
     collisions. In conjunction with these, seatbelts play the lead role in protecting occupants as the primary restraint
     system. Driver airbags and seatbelts together reduce the number of deaths in the case of head-on collisions by
     61 percent. Autoliv has calculated that their products save at least 30,000 lives each year, and prevent ten
     times as many serious consequences of accidents. This figure is based on a calculation which takes into
     account the number of Autoliv products sold; product effectiveness; use rates; and the number of road traffic
     fatalities, vehicles in the fleet, and occupants in vehicles. Calculations are made for representative countries and
     regions and then summed up to world level.

10                                                                                                                                 no. 35 | may 2021
in focus //

                    Seatbelt pretensioners holds,           webbing in the vehicle”, explains
                    load limiter gives                      Kai-Stephan Müller, Technical
                    By which means and how seatbelts        Manager Seatbelt Webbing at
                    protect are questions that the ex-      Autoliv Europe. These anchoring
                    perts at Autoliv, world market leader   points – generally, three in the case
                    for automobile safety systems,          of three-point seatbelts – must each
                    have the answers to: “The webbing       be capable of handling forces of
                    restrains occupants and transfers       more than 10 kilonewtons (kN). This
                    the forces created by vehicle decel-    corresponds to a weight force of
                    eration to the anchor points of the     approximately 1,000 kilograms. The
                                                            actual forces are dependent on the
                                                            geometry and the functionality of
                                                            the overall seatbelt.

                                                            Safety is not provided by tear-resist-
                                                            ant webbing alone, but also by the
                                                            expedient, injury-reducing design

no. 35 | may 2021                                                                                                  11
// in focus

                   of the entire safety belt system. In     to 30 kN (3,000 kilograms), stretch-
                   the event of an emergency, pyro-         es in a defined manner, but also
                   technical seatbelt pretensioners, for    continues to fully function following
                   example, retract slack webbing that      a minor collision.
                   is not held close to the body within
                   milliseconds, keep occupants more        Webbing made from 400 warp
                   tightly in their seats and hence ad-     threads
                   ditionally reduce forward movement.      Autoliv produces this kind of seat-
                   However, this restraining force has      belt webbing at its own plants using
                   to be controlled in order to limit the   narrow band looms. The basis for
                   risk of injury through the webbing       these are filament yarns, manu-
                   itself. In the case of some seatbelts,   factured from up to 100 or more
                   this is ensured by seatbelt load         individual filaments. Generally, these
                   limiters, which release the webbing      are manufactured from PET in order
                   in a controlled manner and can be        to ensure a high resistance to aging
                   integrated into the seatbelt retrac-     and are produced as high-tenacity
                   tor mechanism. Webbing is not an         quality products using special pro-
                   off-the-peg product, it is a special-    cesses – also on Oerlikon Barmag
                   ist fabric. The fabric construction is   machines (see article on Page 20).
                   capable of withstanding loads of up      Depending on the yarn type, achiev-

12                                                                                                   no. 35 | may 2021
in focus //

                        ing webbing forces of more than          to ensure that it also does what
                        30 kN requires up to 400 individual      it is supposed to. These include
                        warp threads being woven together        fracture resistance tests, along with
                        to create the webbing. Subsequent-       aging and exposure to light testing
                        ly, these are thermoset, whereby         to ensure that the seatbelt web-
                        the seatbelt webbing is heated in a      bing maintains the requisite tenacity
                        controlled manner under tension               throughout its entire life.
                        and then cooled again.
                        This process also                                       This ensures greater
                        sets the stretch and “The webbing                         safety for the
                        flexibility of the                                           around 67 million
                        webbing. After             restrains occupants                new vehicles
                        this, the webbing          and transfers the                   worldwide each
                        is dyed using              forces created by                   year, on the
                        an immersion               vehicle deceleration                basis of the
                        process and                                                    figures  for 2019
                                                   to  the  anchor    points
                        depending on the                                              provided by the
                        target design of           of the webbing in the German                statistics
                        the vehicle interior.      vehicle”                       database Statista.
                        The manufacture is                                      Add to this web-
                        completed with automated                           bing for trucks, buses and
                        visual quality control and cutting of    special vehicles. What this means
                        the webbing before it is used for        for the sector is put into figures by
                        the seatbelt system – together with      Birgit Degler, Head of Marketing
                        mechanical parts such as buckles,        at Autoliv Europe: “With around
                        fittings, pillar loops, height adjusters 15 meters of webbing per car, the
                        and seatbelt retractors.                 annual output of seatbelt webbing
400 warp threads                                                 lies at more than one million kilo-
made from filament      Prior to use, seatbelt webbing must      meters”. This is almost three times
yarns with up to 100
                        be subjected to intensive testing in     the distance between the Earth and
single filaments each
are the core of the     accordance with stringent legal and      the Moon. » (tho)
seatbelt.               automobile industry requirements

no. 35 | may 2021                                                                                                         13
// in focus

     A look                                                                              A
                                                                                                       lexander Lopez (name
                                                                                                       changed) enters a world
                                                                                                       that is a threat to him
                                                                                                       whenever he leaves
                                                                                         the house. He could infect himself

     at the
                                                                                         through germs whenever he goes
                                                                                         shopping, visits the doctor, practi-
                                                                                         cally on any street corner – infec-
                                                                                         tions that could cost him his life.
                                                                                         The 31-year-old has incurable

     heart of
                                                                                         pulmonary fibrosis, with his lung
                                                                                         function progressively deteriorat-
                                                                                         ing and breathing become more
                                                                                         difficult. Although he recently had
                                                                                         a lung transplant, he has to take
                                                                                         medication that impacts his immune

     a life-
                                                                                         system to ensure his body does not
                                                                                         reject the new lung. In other words:
                                                                                         he has had to give up on his body’s
                                                                                         own defenses, which – during the
                                                                                         coronavirus pandemic – would have
                                                                                         helped him ward off and survive

                                                                                         infections. For this reason, the
                                                                                         respiratory masks that he carefully
                                                                                         puts on before leaving home is all
                                                                                         the more important. Quite literally a
                                                                                         lifesaver for Alexander Lopez.

                                                                                         This undoubtedly applies to many
                                                                                         risk patients. But they are not alone
     In the age of the pandemic,                                                         in requiring protection. Due to the
     respiratory masks protect our                                                       fact that wearing a mask in public
                                                                                         is mandatory, billions of these face
     health and, in some cases, our                                                      masks are currently being manu-
     lives against viruses and germs.                                                    factured across the globe. So, how
     Today, the heart of this omnipresent                                                do these masks offer safety and
     companion is meltblown nonwoven.                                                    protect against viruses and germs?
     Its sophisticated manufacturing                                                     This is probably best explained by
                                                                                         somebody who manufactures the
     technology is the key to highly-                                                    most important basic material:
     effective particle filtration, to the least-                                        “We have been manufacturing
     possible breathing resistance and to                                                meltblown nonwovens for masks for
     the highest level of comfort –
     all provided at a low weight.

                                    With the ecuTEC+ electro-charging unit melt-
                                    blown materials can be electrostatically-charged
                                    in order to attract and reliably separate even the
                                    smallest particles.

14                                                                                                              no. 35 | may 2021
in focus //

more than ten years now”, states          trump cards. And it is these
Daniel Krumme, Managing Director          benefits that Innovatec guar-
of Innovatec Microfibre Technology.       antees thanks to its special
“Today, we are producing much             manufacturing technology
more than we used to, with current        and comprehensive knowl-
output at 1,500 tons for in excess of     edge of the complex pro-
1.5 billion protective masks.” With       duction process. Meltblown
this, the German, Troisdorf-based         nonwoven are not woven
company regards itself as by far          like other textiles. This is
Europe’s largest manufacturer of          demonstrated at the production
mask nonwovens, exporting across          facilities in Troisdorf: the systems
the globe.                                installed there are first used to melt
                                          polypropylene (PP), then force it
Meltblown nonwoven fabrics form           through hundreds of tiny spin packs
the very core of protective masks,        and draw it into viscous endless fila-
embedded between two layers of            ments. The subsequent quenching
spunbond material. It is above all        and drawing into ultra-fine filaments
the so-called respiratory or FFP          are masterpieces of engineering. To
masks (FFP = filtering face piece)        get the filaments down to diameters
that offer protection against inhal-      of up to less than one micrometer,       Attracting viruses:
ing the smallest airborne particles,      about 70 times finer than a human        the EcuTEC+
drops and aerosols. In general,           hair, the hot air is accelerated to a
they feature between two and              speed of around 500 kph. “Here,          Nonwovens are specially treated
three meltblown nonwoven layers,          the trick is to ensure the filaments     to allow them to capture nano-
while medical face masks (surgi-          do not break in this turbo-charged       sized particles and germs. For
cal masks) have only one layer.           air stream”, emphasizes Daniel           this, Oerlikon Nonwoven uses
Depending on the mask structure,          Krumme. A sophisticated air deflec-      the ecuTEC+ electro-charging
the running meter weights of these        tion system swirls the hot, sticky       unit with its systems. Meltblown
nonwovens range from around 20            filaments, forming a random, but         materials can also be electro-
to 80 grams per square meter. Its         close-knit, web of up to 200 layers      statically-charged in this way
light weight indicates that it must       when laid.                               using a patented process. To this
– in addition to protecting against                                                end, even the smallest particles
particles – fulfill another function,     This creates a very large surface        are still attracted and reliably
namely ensuring the least breathing       to which foreign particles adhere        separated by a relatively open-
resistance possible.                      easily. The size of the pores in these   pored nonwoven. Here, non-
                                          nonwovens lies between 15 and 20         wovens manufacturers can set
Finest filaments in a                     micrometers. These are consider-         the optimum charging method
turbo-charged air stream                  ably larger than the diameters of        and intensity for their respective
The fact that meltblown nonwoven          coronavirus viruses, which range         filter application. As a result, the
fabric is superbly lightweight, is easy   from between 120 and 160 nanom-          concept distinguishes itself from
to breathe through and simultane-         eters. However, these pathogens          other processes available on the
ously filters extremely well are its      are usually contained in larger-         market.

no. 35 | may 2021                                                                                                             15
// in focus

                               diameter aerosols or drops. Be-                 to 99 percent (FFP-3) of particles up
                               sides, nonwoven pores are virtually             to 0.6 micrometers in size. Not all
                               never positioned behind each other              FFP products comply with this: “We
                               and hence do not form a continu-                have tested imported product from
                               ous ‘tunnel’, as the filaments form a           various sources, with the majority
                               barrier made up of many randomly-               being non-compliant”, comments
                               positioned layers. And, finally, the            Christian Klöber, owner of Inno-
                               engineers also invented a process               vatec. For him, this is undoubtedly a
                               with which they are able to ‘cap-               sign that ‘Made in Germany’ quality
                               ture’ virus and germs: electrostatic            products can be successful within
                               filtration. Here, the nonwoven fabric           this market, particularly in view of
                               is electrostatically-charged and                the rapid rise in demand due to
                               attracts conductive particles – like            coronavirus. To this end, Innovatec
                               one of the dust-grabbing microfiber             was the first German business to
                               cloths used for cleaning floors.                receive support from the German
                                                                               government as part of the mis-
                                                                               sion to create an entirely domestic
                               “The trick is                                   infrastructure for manufacturing

                               to ensure the                                   protective masks. For this, the lead-
                                                                               ing producer increased its melt-
                               filaments                                       blown capacities to include three
                                                                               new systems in 2020 alone, with
                               do not break in                                 Oerlikon Nonwoven delivering two
                               this turbo-charged                              double-beam meltblown systems.
                                                                               “With this, we can manufacture
                               air stream.”                                    twice as much product as we would
                                                               Daniel Krumme   have with a single-beam system.
                                                                               Furthermore, it offers tremendous
                                                                               benefits for manufacturing mask
                                                                               nonwovens, as two spinning beams
                                                                               can produce two layers and hence
                                                                               considerably more homogeneous,
                                                                               superior nonwovens for this pur-
                                                                               pose”, explains Daniel Krumme.

                                                                               Efficient and in demand:
                                                                               meltblown technology from
                                                                               The meltblown technology from
                                                                               Neumünster is considered by the
                                                                               market to be one of the techni-
                                                                               cally most efficient methods for
                                                                               producing highly-separating filter
     Christian Klöber (left) and Daniel Krumme rely on meltblown technology    media made from plastic fibers. The
     from Oerlikon Nonwoven.                                                   systems can be used to manu-
                                                                               facture nonwovens not just for all
                               With these combined methods,                    mask protection classes, these
                               high-quality meltblown nonwovens                products can also be used for
                               achieve a high level of filtering ef-           high-performance filters deployed in
                               ficiency – which is precisely what              air purification systems. These are
                               they need to do. Valid standards re-            undoubtedly decisive reasons why
                               quire FFP masks to filter 80 (FFP-1)            – since the outbreak of the coro-

16                                                                                                                     no. 35 | may 2021
in focus //

                    navirus pandemic – the worldwide      from Germany, China, Turkey, the
                    demand for protective masks and       United Kingdom, South Korea, Italy,
                    other medical protective equipment    France, North America and, for the
                    has resulted in a record number       very first time, also Australia – tak-
                    of new orders in the high double-     ing us well into 2021. With this, the
                    digit millions of euros at Oerlikon   capacities for respiratory masks
                    Nonwoven.                             available in Europe to date are,
                                                          according to company informa-
                    “In view of this demand, we have      tion, predominantly produced using
                    initiated measures at our Neu-        Oerlikon Nonwoven equipment.
                    münster-based production site         And who knows – maybe Alexander
                    that enable even faster delivery of   Lopez has already worn a mask
                    meltblown systems”, comments          made using a meltblown nonwoven
                    Rainer Straub, Head of Oerlikon       manufactured on a system from
                    Nonwoven. Current orders come         Neumünster? » (tho)

                                                                              At the Oerlikon Nonwoven meltblown laboratory
                                                                              in Neumünster, production processes for inno-
                                                                              vative, high-performance filter materials for liquid
                                                                              and air filtration applications are developed.

no. 35 | may 2021                                                                                                                    17
// in focus

     Textile fibers and fabrics make a huge contribution towards greater safety in numerous lifesaving applications

     There is more to
     them than you
     might think
     In Germany, three-point seatbelts                                      According to
     have been mandatory for the front                                          Wikipedia,
     seats of newly-registered cars
     since January 1, 1974; seat-                                          the European
     belts have been mandatory for                                           Union alone
     rear seats since May 1, 1979.                                                 has five
                                                                            filter classes
                                                                               with a total
                                                                                of 21 sub­
                     While airbags                        A safety belt comprises approxi-
                    were initially only                   mately 300 threads whose
                                                          individual filaments are spun from
                        installed into                    around 100 polyester fibers.
                         the steering                     According to ECE regulations,
                          wheel, new                      a three-point seatbelt must have
                      vehicles today                                     a breaking load of
                                                                         at least 1,470
                     generally have                                      dekanewtons (daN).
                         7 airbags.
18                                                                                               no. 35 | may 2021
in focus //

wounds should                               airbag for
                                           The first
be left to heal in                     motorcycles was
the open air.                     launched by Honda back in 2006,
                                          with airbags meanwhile
                                     also available
                                     for bicycles.
Preferable is
treating wounds
using plasters,
as these protect
against bacteria,
germs and dirt.

The patent for the
airbag was grant-
ed as far back as
                          According to the
1951. It was              Federal Health
invented by Munich-
based engineer Wal-       Ministry, PSA Class
ter Linderer. How-        FFP2 masks should
ever, it was to be
many years before it      filter at least 94% of
had been sufficiently     all aerosols in the air,
refined to install into   while FFP3 masks
motor vehicles.
                          should filter 99%.

                          Simple protective
In                        apparel – such as leather
Germany,                  helmets, for example –
                          existed as long ago
standard fire-            as 3,000 B.C. and the
proof cloth-              first leather armor
ing must offer            reinforced with metal
40kW/m2 heat              plates was used in
protection.               approx. 1,500 B.C.

no. 35 | may 2021                                                                 19
// innovation & technology

     Gentle touch for
     a tough product
     No safety belt without quality industrial yarn. Fulfilling the high
     demands of the automobile industry requires the manufacture
     of high-tenacity (HT) yarns using a process that is both
     sophisticated and gentle. For its systems concept, Oerlikon
     Barmag has developed unique, patented technology. And its
     name dictates the program: single filament layer.

                                              eatbelt yarn is, so to           properties can be optimized during
                                              speak, the benchmark             yarn production – but also compro-
                                              among industrial yarns.          mised. Because these tough textile
                                              The titer of a single fila-      products require gentle handling
                                  ment lies between 11 and 24 dpf              even during manufacture – as their
                                  (decitex per filament) – in contrast to      quality could subsequently otherwise
                                  standard yarns, which range from             suffer. For this, Oerlikon Barmag has
                                  3 to 7 dpf. With a diameter of 34            created an innovative systems con-
                                  micrometers for 11.5 dpf (or 49 µm in        cept with patented technology.
                                  the case of 24 dpf), such HT PET fila-
                                  ments are still considerably finer than      Single filament layer:
                                  a blond human hair, which meas-              side-by-side rather than on
                                  ures around 100 micrometers. This            top of each other
                                  does not sound groundbreaking, but           “The objective is, on the one hand,
                                  nevertheless showcases the stabil-           to heat each filament equally well,
                                  ity of these fibers. “Fundamentally,         as this results in the very highest,
                                  even finer filaments would suffice for       even tenacities. On the other hand,
                                  the high tenacities required for safety      it is about feeding the filaments
                                  belts. This high titer is necessary,         through the process with as lit-
                                  above all, to counter so-called pilling”,    tle contact as possible in order to
                                  explains Stefan Becker, Senior Expert        prevent filament breaks”, comments
                                  Application Technology for Industrial        Stefan Becker, getting to the heart
                                  Yarns at Oerlikon Barmag. Pilling            of this technology. And this requires
                                  refers to yarn’s tendency to form little     a special filament guiding system.
                                  knots if subjected to friction. This fric-   To this end, the individual filaments
                                  tion occurs predominantly when the           that form a thread are laid onto a
                                  safety belt is pulled out of, or snaps       godet in between three and five lay-
                                  back into, its retractor.                    ers in the case of conventional pro-
                                                                               cesses. As indicated by the name,
                                  This already demonstrates just how           the Oerlikon Barmag single filament
                                  challenging and detailed the require-        layer (SFL) technology reduces this
                                  ments of the automobile industry             to a single layer. Consequently, each
                                  are (see also Focus article, Page 8).        filament lies directly on the heated
                                  High, even tenacity, flawless appear-        godet and there are no filaments
                                  ance without filament breaks and             that lie on top of each other and are
                                  no lint formation – these demanded           therefore less well heated.

20                                                                                                                     no. 35 | may 2021
innovation & technology //

                                                                    pass over the godets with alternate
                                                                    directions of rotation. As a result,
                                                                    the filaments are – like a pancake
                                                                    being tossed – extremely evenly
                                                                    heated from one side and then from
                                                                    the other. Furthermore, the release
                                                                    angle of the godets is increased in
                                                                    certain phases, which means the
                          How is this achieved with the least       filament maintains contact for longer
                          possible mechanical contact? In           and acquires greater retaining force
                          conventional processes, the fila-         for reliable drawing. Finally, the
                          ments exit the spin pack, are po-         Oerlikon Barmag reversing winder
                          sitioned by means of yarn-guiding         ensures low-friction yarn displace-
                          elements and travel across several        ment during the winding process, a
                          godets, with multiple wraps each          precise and even package build and
                          time. In the case of each multiple        an even take-off performance in the
                          wrap, the filaments converge and          downstream processes.
                          are finally so close together that
                          there is a risk of contact between        Correspondingly-equipped ma-
                          them – with the associated tangles        chines are already operating at the
                          or breaks. Yarn guides are designed       sites of well-known manufacturers
                          to prevent this, but create additional    in India and China, for example.
The yarn path is de-
cisive for the special    contact points in the process.            Just about to commence produc-
properties and the                                                  tion is Fujian Billion, the largest
different end applica-    With the SFL concept, a particularly      polyester yarn manufacturer in
tions of the industrial
                          geometric positioning of the kiss         southern China. With the purchase
                          rolls over which all filaments run af-    of the Oerlikon Barmag system, the
                          ter exiting the spin pack creates the     company is now planning to also
                          possibility of influencing the distance   produce industrial yarns, including
                          between the filaments in a targeted       seatbelt yarn. With 124 positions
                          manner. A large distance between          and a capacity of around 250,000
                          the filaments is chosen from the          tons per annum, Fujian Billion is one
                          start, ensuring that the filaments ul-    of the top Chinese industrial yarn
                          timately do not touch. Furthermore,       producers and is planning to use
                          this procedure also dispenses with        the system to manufacture HT and
                          further yarn guides between the           LS (low-shrinkage) yarns for the
                          godet systems – hence guarantee-          automobile, geotextiles and safety
                          ing decreased contact, breaks, lint       sectors, among others.
                          formation and loops.
                                                                    Oerlikon Barmag offers powerful
                          Powerful technologies for                 technological solutions for the most
                          industrial yarn                           demanding requirements for all these
                          “With our up to 6-end technology,         applications – including up to 12-end
                          we can produce seatbelt yarns             concepts for airbag yarns (PA 6/
                          of the very highest quality using         PET) with between 550 and 1,100
                          high-tenacity, lint-free PET yarn with    dtex overall titers, 4-end systems
                          total titers of up to 1,500 denier”,      with high process speeds (7000 m/
                          emphasizes Stefan Becker. Here,           min) for HMLS tire cord yarns and
                          further technical finesse plays an        also technologies for high-titer/low-
                          important role in guaranteeing            shrinkage yarns with up to 6,600
                          quality. To this end, the filaments       dtex for geotextiles. » (rdo)

no. 35 | may 2021                                                                                                 21
// innovation & technology

     Metering safety
     from the heart of
     the process
     There is a famous old                      ne of the most obvious      vehicles do not only offer protec-
                                                is possibly safety belts    tion from the steering wheel but
     saying -‘if you can’t do                   produced from PA66          also from the doors, dashboard and
     it safely, then don’t do                   filaments, manufactured     vehicle side frames. These air bags
     it at all’ - so what does    by a melt process accurately deliv-       are manufactured from an industrial
     the gear metering pump       ered by the gear metering pump.           PA66 fiber (ABY). A high technology
     contribute to safety and     Although the priority of these prod-      gear metering pump is required in
                                  ucts is safety which means they           the melt process to deliver excep-
     safety products ?            have to be exceptionally strong,          tional quality yarn with zero failure
                                  they also need to be comfortable,         risk. PA66 fibers are not straightfor-
                                  unobtrusive, convenient to wear           ward to produce and extra attention
                                  and long lived. Their use in automo-      is needed to the internal design and
                                  tive and leisure applications dictates    manufacture of the gear metering
                                  that aesthetically they must also be      pump so that maximum process
                                  of a high perceived quality, whilst       uptime is achieved resulting in the
                                  in industrial applications they must      most competitive products.
                                  be suitable to wear without severely
                                  restricting an operator’s role. A high-   Around us, manmade fibers are
                                  quality finished product is needed        working away hidden to the eye in
                                  which can only be achieved by ac-         applications contributing to safety.
                                  curate denier control guaranteed by       Where manmade fibers are pre-
                                  the gear metering pump.                   sent, usually a gear metering pump
                                                                            has been used in the manufactur-
                                  Hidden and unrecognised -                 ing process. Vehicle tyres are an
                                  safety in our everyday life               excellent example constructed with
                                  Whilst the seatbelt is the visible        a strong carcass below the visible
                                  statement of vehicle safety, the air      rubber, this carcass is made of PA
                                  bag is equally important, hidden          or PET melt spun industrial fiber
                                  away only required in an emer-            (IDY) known as tyre cord. Nylon tyre
                                  gency. Vehicle air bags became a          cords are usually used in commer-
                                  consumer expectation only in the          cial applications (trucks, tractors,
                                  last twenty years or so, but modern       construction machines) and poly-

22                                                                                                 no. 35 | may 2021
innovation & technology //

ester tyre cords are used in lighter     orsport racewear, protective overalls     performance by shortening stopping
duty applications such as cars.          and machinery heat shields. When          distances and delivering environmen-
Development of tyre cords has sig-       produced as a sheet material meta         tal advantages over asbestos.
nificantly increased the performance     aramids can also be used as electri-
and safety of vehicle tyres allowing     cal insulation, safely isolating phases   Stab vests frequently
heavier loading and higher speeds        of copper windings in electrical ma-      used by Police and first
not possible using older forms of        chines such as motors, generators         responders contain para
tyre reinforcement. Similar industrial   and transformers.                         amid fibers due to their
fibers are also used for belts and                                                 low weight and high
conveyers safely transporting bulk       Para aramids are often considered         strength capabilities simi-
materials and cargo in workplaces        the higher performing variant and are     larly, military uses include
and travel hubs.                         also produced in very demanding           vests, helmets and combat vehicle
                                         solvent spinning processes. Booster       armour for ballistic protection. In
Sophisticated and special –              and spinning pumps required to con-       industry, para aramids are com-
safety in exceptional situations         trol flow and denier are manufactured     monly used in protective gloves and
Special fibers produced using ag-        from super duplex stainless steels,       garments where there are risks of
gressive solvent chemical processes      cobalt alloys and ceramics with cor-      cuts, friction burns or serious limb
and gear metering pumps manufac-         rosion and wear resistant coatings        damage.
tured of exotic metal and ceramic        applied. Engineering gear metering
materials and coatings continue to       pumps for such challenging applica-       In conclusion, fibers used in safety
find new applications where tradi-       tions requires a deep knowledge of        products are high end and high
tional materials are too heavy, less     the process and the properties and        value that are usually not easy
environmentally friendly or simply       limitations of suitable materials in      to manufacture. Surpassing such
outperformed.                            both operation and manufacture.           challenges with the highest
                                                                                   quality core components, Oerlikon
Meta aramids woven as fabrics are        Para aramids exhibit high tensile         Barmag’s high technology gear
widely used for protective wear for      strength providing many possibilities     metering pumps provide end users
front line responders and emer-          as replacements for traditional solu-     with unrivalled technical and com-
gency service personnel providing        tions, wire, cable and hose reinforce-    mercial solutions. » (reh)
a flame and heat retardant. Industrial   ment being typical. When pulped,
and automotive applications include      para aramids can be used in auto-
fire and abrasion protection in mot-     motive brake pads increasing braking
                                                                                   Phase and earth electrical insulation

no. 35 | may 2021                                                                                                                      23
// innovation & technology

     BCF polyester carpet
     yarn continues to gain
     ground worldwide
     Did you know that polyester is by far the polymer most frequently-used
     for carpet yarns? Today, polyester carpet yarns have a global market
     share of approx. 70 percent. And the majority of these polyester yarns
     are produced in the US, where Oerlikon Neumag has a market share of
     approx. 90 percent. The company sold the first BCF polyester system
     to the US back in 1999, with demand growing year-on-year ever since.
     Oerlikon Neumag installed polyester capacities totaling approx.
     1,800 tons per day for manufacturing BCF since 2012 alone.
     This corresponds to an installed base of more than 800 positions
     for manufacturing polyester carpet yarn in the US with
     various Oerlikon Neumag systems technologies.

                 ut polyester is increas-    tems. The latter offers the benefit     developed of these processes. To
                 ingly gaining carpet yarn   that customers can inexpensively        this end, many polyester carpets
                 market shares outside       switch to producing polyester at        already contain some recycled plas-
                 the US as well. In ad-      short notice without having to invest   tics. For this, flakes are spun directly
     dition to the Asia/Pacific region, a    in polyester equipment from the         or regranulated chips are added,
     strong trend towards polyester is       outset. Against the backdrop of a       for example, to manufacture BCF
     noticeable particularly in Turkey.      constantly-changing market, many        yarn. This can make polyester an
     Turkey and the USA are the larg-        producers are tapping into this         ‘ecological’ option, as – in addition
     est manufacturers of carpets in the     increased flexibility.                  to consumers demanding ‘green’
     world. While only 3.5 percent of the                                            products – this trend is being pro-
     BCF systems installed in 2012 in        The trend towards polyester has         moted by legislators. Globally, more
     Turkey by Oerlikon Neumag were          various reasons. One reason is          than 500 tons of recycled BCF yarn
     designed for polyester, this figure     the constantly-rising world market      are being produced every day using
     had already increased to 65 percent     price for the polymer polypropyl-       Oerlikon Neumag systems.
     of all systems sold in 2020. The        ene, which has been most widely
     majority of all polyester BCF yarns     used outside the US to date. To         In addition to the above-mentioned
     worldwide are produced using            this end, the raw material price for    ecological and economic factors,
     Oerlikon Neumag systems.                polypropylene is meanwhile consist-     polyester also has technical benefits
                                             ently higher than that of polyester.    for carpets. Polyester is known for
     Trend towards polyester for             A further reason is the growing im-     its luxurious appearance, its han-
     ecological, economical and              portance of sustainability. Although    dle and its choice of bright, strong
     technical reasons                       technical progress has been made        colors and styles. Many so-called
     Oerlikon Neumag offers its custom-      in recycling polypropylene and nylon    ‘super-soft’ carpets are made using
     ers a choice between ‘PET-ready’        waste over the past few years,          polyester yarns. These yarns are
     systems and ‘PET-prepared’ sys-         polyester recycling is still the most   ideal for carpets that are subject to

24                                                                                                           no. 35 | may 2021
innovation & technology //

                                                           The absolutely straight
constant use, such as bedrooms,
                                                               yarn path from the
offices and television rooms, among                          infeed to the cooling
others. Due to their moisture-repel-                           drum improves the
lent structure, polyester carpets are                         production process.
also ideal for bathrooms and out-
door areas. Furthermore, polyester
yarn can be both spun-dyed and
piece-dyed, which is additionally
resulting in constant market growth     polymer, a more uniform platform
for printed polyester carpets. In       was created with the BCF S8. To
conjunction with economical raw         this end, the BCF S8 now features
material prices, the outstanding        a uniform godet configuration and a
technical properties make polyester     uniform cooling drum for all poly-
the mostly-widely used polymer in       mers. And it was the polymer pro-
BCF carpet yarn manufacturing.          cess in particular that was further
                                        optimized in the development of
BCF S8 as a uniform platform            the BCF S8. As a result, a new yarn
for all polymers                        path no longer requires heated entry
The BCF S8 is Oerlikon Neumag’s         godets, which generates additional
response to the strong trend to-        energy savings. Furthermore, the
wards polyester production. After       dwell time of polyester yarns on the
the S+ proved that polyester carpet     BCF S8’s cooling drum has almost
yarn could be manufactured eco-         doubled compared to the S+. In
nomically with the right technology,    conjunction with the new yarn path,
the BCF S8 is once again creating       the increased dwell time ensures
a new benchmark with regards to         unprecedented process speeds
productivity and product quality. The   with consistently-excellent crimp
BCF S8 can be used to manufac-          results when producing polyester
ture polyester yarns at process         yarns using the BCF S8. Of the
speeds of up to 3,700 m/min on the      192 BCF S8 positions sold since
winder, with a guaranteed system        the market launch, 94 percent have
efficiency of more than 99 percent.     been designed or prepared for poly-
Furthermore, extremely-fine yarns       ester yarn production. This confirms
with up to 2.4 dpf and 700 filaments    both the trend towards polyester
can be produced. With the CPC-T,        and the benefits the BCF S8 offers
the BCF S8 Tricolor has innova-         for the production of polyester car-
tive technology at its disposal that    pet yarns. » (nlm)
permits the manufacture of up to
200,000 different shades using the
same three base colors. The new                                  BCF S8 Tricolor
CPC-T is capable of producing                                  with CPC-T for up
                                                             to 200,000 different
polyester, polypropylene and nylon                          shades in the case of
yarns.                                                              tricolor yarns

In addition to various innovations
that have improved the process
and enable the manufacture of new
products, Oerlikon Neumag sys-
tematically focused on modularity
when developing the BCF S8. While
the take-up unit in the case of the
S+ still distinguished according to

no. 35 | may 2021                                                                                                 25
// innovation & technology

     Recycled polyester

     VacuFil & VarioFil use
     produce rPET fiber
     The VacuFil process enables inline spinning of post-consumer and post-
     production polyester (PET) waste into POY or FDY using the VarioFil system or
     direct spinning systems.

                                                 anufacturing polyester          re-cycling system for further pro-
                                                 fibers for demanding            cessing post-production spinning
                                                 textile applications            waste and post-consumer bottle
                                                 from recycled PET               flakes on the basis of the VacuFil
                                  materials – particularly using the             PET recycling system launched
                                  inline spinning process – is an ex-            back in 2019. The system, for
                                  tremely challenging task. It requires          which patents have been applied for
                                  recycling know-how and spinning                worldwide, is optimally tailored to
                                  plant expertise. The starting material         the textile further processing of the
                                  has to be continually processed into           recycled materials in the spinning
                                  an homogeneous, spinnable melt.                plant. The core component of this
                                  All processing steps must ensure               process is the vacuum filter, with
                                  the required melt properties and               which the viscosity can be sepa-
                                  keep these stable throughout the               rately controlled and monitored. To
                                  entire process runtime. For numer-             this end, the required melt proper-
                                  ous textile applications, parameters           ties can be achieved inline in a reli-
                                  such as viscosity and homogeneity              able and reproducible manner and
                                  are decisive and must be subject to            controlled during operation. In vari-
                                  the only minimal fluctuations. In oth-         ous spinning trials, the rPET granu-
                                  er words: using recycled polyester             lates manufactured at the Oerlikon
                                  within the textile segment requires            Textile R&D Center using the VacuFil
                                  suitable pretreatment processes in             produced convincing results.
                                  conjunction with precise process
                                  management.                                    The results of the various spinning
                                                                                 trials demonstrate that the new
                                  BB Engineering, a subsidiary of                VacuFil technology is so effective
                                  Oerlikon Textile, has developed                that the rPET produced is of out-
                                  a Liquid-State Polycondensation                standing quality and comparable to

      Documentation of various spinning trials with rPET produced in VacuFil in comparison with Virgin PET
                                  Virgin PET          Bottle flakes          Bottle flakes         Fiber waste
                                  reference           Indian customer        European origin       POY

     Input IV                     0.66 dl/g           0.81 dl/g              0.80 dl/g             0.624 dl/g

     Output IV VacuFil                                0.646 dl/g             0.66 dl/g (±0.06)     0.643 dl/g (±0.05)

     Quality No.                  22.1                22.8                   21.8                  20.9

     Frays / 10.000m              0.65                0                      0.75                  0.41

     Yarn breaks / 1t             0                   0                      0                     0

     Dying uniformity             1-2                 1-2                    1-2
     (1: best – 6: worst)                             >4.5 (gray scale) AA

26                                                                                                                        no. 35 | may 2021
innovation & technology //

ed to directly

  that of virgin material. Eco Spindles
  – our Sri Lanka-based customer –
  has been so convinced by the
  VarioFil R+ spinning system with
  VacuFil extrusion that it is investing
  in a further rPET VarioFil system.
  Dr. Anush Amarasinghe, Managing
  Director of Eco Spindles, produces
  POY from bottle flake material and
  explains: “Our clients are increas-
  ingly asking for recycled fibers and
  we of course wish to fulfill their
  requirements and demands. For
  this reason, expanding our portfolio
  to cater to this has been an impor-
  tant step for us. Bottle recycling
  is still a niche market in Sri Lanka
  and we have been determined to
  maintain our high quality standards.
  We have special requirements and

  no. 35 | may 2021                                                     27
// innovation & technology

                                  needed a cutting-edge partner for         has been designed to manufac-
                                  this project. A few years ago, we         ture using recycled bottle flakes,
                                  opted to purchase a BBE VarioFil R+       recycled chips and virgin chips. On
                                  compact spinning system to allow          the one hand, this is possible as a
                                  us to manufacture POY from bottle         result of the drying system that is
                                  flakes. We wanted to first test the       suitable for both flakes and chips.
                                  set-up – also due to the fact that        On the other hand, the vacuum
                                  the bottles collected from beaches        extruder can be operated with or
                                  are in part problematic starting ma-
                                  terials. However, the extremely good      Leading textile-processing businesses
                                  customer feedback and the fact            and corporations – be these fashion
                                  that our product is profitable have       brands, sports apparel and furniture
                                  prompted us to invest further. We
                                  have decided to acquire a further         manufacturers or those operating
                                  VarioFil R+ line with VacuFil recycling   within the automobile industry – are
                                  system. What is particularly great        increasingly focusing on sustainable
                                  is the fact that the entire process is    products and products made from
                                  completely coherent. We are able to       recycled materials.
                                  produce extremely homogeneous,
                                  viscosity-stable rPET melt and spin       without vacuum and is therefore
                                  it directly into high-end fibers.”        able to melt recycled and virgin
                                                                            starting materials. The experience
                                  In the case of Eco Spindles, this is a    acquired from 20,000 sold units
                                  flexible VarioFil R+ compact spinning     has influenced the extruder design.
                                  system with upstream VacuFil inline       As a result of the gentle melting,
                                  recycling unit with a direct feed. It     BBE extruders form the basis for

28                                                                                                                no. 35 | may 2021
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