NEW DETECTOR REPLACES UP TO NINE LOOPS - I RD subsidiary Icoms - Intertraffic

Page created by Kevin Watkins
NEW DETECTOR REPLACES UP TO NINE LOOPS - I RD subsidiary Icoms - Intertraffic
June 2020                                                                       

       Presence & movement

       Target area

   RD subsidiary Icoms               at the stop-line. The new TMB-     management. If a vehicle at          rear of the enclosure simplifies
   Detections has developed          134 is an intersection radar       the stop-line does not leave         installation. The radar is
   a new, high-precision radar       tailored to crossings with two     for any reason, the TMB-134          provided with software for the
that is capable of detecting         or three lanes in one direction    maintains the signal to allow        configuration of the virtual
movement and presence on             and perfectly fits intersections   the controller to extend the         loops and can, if necessary,
multiple lanes and can emulate       with dedicated phases for          green light.                         communicate directly with the
up to nine inductive loops per       right-turn and left-turn lanes.      The TMB-134 is delivered           controller using the RS-485
radar. It has the capability to      It integrates approach and         ready to install, including cable,   serial communication line
detect approaching vehicles and      stop-line presence detection       mounting bracket, screws, and        instead of dry contact relays.
bicycles as well as their presence   for enhanced traffic light         bolts. A detachable cable at the
NEW DETECTOR REPLACES UP TO NINE LOOPS - I RD subsidiary Icoms - Intertraffic
See the bigger picture.
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NEW DETECTOR REPLACES UP TO NINE LOOPS - I RD subsidiary Icoms - Intertraffic
Swarco launches innovation talks
      xhibitions are cancelled        the website of the Austrian            matter, NOX, SO2, O3, humidity,                with clear advantages for the
      or postponed, personal          traffic technology group.              sound and temperature.                         environment, functional safety
      meetings with business             The first innovation talk,          Cities can get a practical                     and constructional layout.
partners are currently not really     in a series over the coming            overview on the emissions in                   Following the interview,
possible. Swarco has taken            months, was broadcast live             their urban environment and                    questions webinar attendees
an innovative step to inform          from the Swarco Traffic World          develop mitigating strategies                  posed via the chat function will
the industry about its latest         in Wattens, Austria on 4               accordingly.                                   be answered. All Innovation
developments and innovations.         June and dealt with the topic             The second Innovation                       Talks will be offered in English
The newly created series of           "How traffic lights monitor            Talk is scheduled for 1 July                   and German.
Swarco Innovation Talks               the environment". Swarco               at 10 am CEST. Headlined                         Topics for further Swarco
are concise and informative           Research project manager Dr.           “Swarco X-Line – the intelligent               webinars over the next weeks
webinars taking no longer             Klaus Pollhammer explained             platform for energy-efficient                  include the holistic traffic
than 30 minutes. Company              in an interview with moderator         intersections,” Matthias Nolle,                management platform MyCity
experts give insights into the        Richard Neumann plans to               Swarco expert for urban traffic                and the role of road markings
latest products, technologies         provide Combia traffic lights          control in Germany, will be                    in the age of connected and
and solutions that improve the        with the novel integrated              interviewed. He will explain                   automated driving.
quality of life of all people on      AirDec unit to measure                 Swarco’s new approach                            For more details and the
the move. The interviews are          environmental parameters.              concerning the design of traffic               registration process, visit
live-streamed via Vimeo over          These include CO2, particulate         light controlled intersections       

 EDI launches innovative new website
 Eberle Design Incorporated,           documentation on an “as              EDI’s commitment to quality,               marketing manager, Nicole
 a leader in vehicle detection,        needed” basis. The updated site      superior service, and innovative           Edson.
 intersection safety monitoring        includes sharp new features that     technology,” said EDI’s          
 and access control products,          allow for the user of all levels
 has launched its new website          to easily access resources and
 ( It includes     expand their product knowledge
 a full product line-up for both       of both EDI and RAE brands. As
 EDI and RAE (Reno A&E) brands,        part of EDI’s ongoing efforts to
 enhances resource accessibility,      enhance and improve the user
 and provides the expansion of         experience the website also
 training opportunities.               allows for visitors to request
    The new dynamic, interactive       training and have access to its
 website allows visitors to easily     growing training webinar library.
 navigate through its full product        “The inspiration and
 line resources, frequently            intention behind the new
 asked questions and support           website design was to maintain

  Publisher / MD               Sales team                    Production                    Office manager                         Contact us
  Andrew Barriball             Dan Emmerson,                 Nick Bond                     Kelly Thompson                         Waterbridge Court,
  CEO                          Graeme McQueen,               IT & website director         Published by                           50 Spital Street, Dartford, Kent,
  Roger Adshead                Fulvio Bonfiglietti,          James Howard                                                         DA1 2DT, United Kingdom
  Editor                       Yvonne Tindall                Website                                                              Tel: +44 1322 612055
  James Foster                 Design                        Sarah Biswell,                                             
  Editorial team               Simon Ward,                   Eugene Thomas                 ©Route One Publishing Ltd 2020
  Adam Hill, David Arminas     Andy Taylder

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NEW DETECTOR REPLACES UP TO NINE LOOPS - I RD subsidiary Icoms - Intertraffic

NEW DETECTOR REPLACES UP TO NINE LOOPS - I RD subsidiary Icoms - Intertraffic
            ith lockdown easing,         These solutions include         between successive customer
            business slowly re-       a replacement touchless            tickets), users can now simply       to pay for parking by
            opening and people        ticket printer button for entry    wave their ticket barcode in         smartphone, avoiding the use
  starting to use their cars          terminals. Customers just          front of the optical scanner         of a physical pay station.
  more, award winning parking         wave their hand in front of        at a pay station. Payment              Simon Jarvis, managing
  solution provider WPS has           the large format green / red       can then be made using the           director of WPS in the UK,
  launched a set of touchless         LED illuminated sensor and         existing contactless payment         said: “It is our role as an
  upgrades on its ParkAdvance         their ticket is automatically      card reader to complete the          industry to help create
  parking equipment. The              issued, without pressing           touchless experience.                solutions that keep our car
  modifications are designed          to avoid any possible virus           By simply adding its              parks fully operational whilst
  to help protect the health of       transfer.                          automatic number plate               creating a safe, touchless
  users by mitigating issues             Through the installation        recognition (ANPR)                   journey for all users. With its
  around possible virus-              of a new surface-mounted,          technology to existing               fully IP-based architecture
  transfer at exit terminals          optical ticket scanner pay         systems, new functionality           and modular design, our
  and pay stations. For car           stations can also be upgraded      like cashless payment apps           ParkiD system is yet again
  park operators, this includes       to touchless. Instead of           can be applied. WPS’ BPA             showing its inborn flexibility
  facilitating a touchless            inserting their ticket and         2020 winning ‘Pay Station            to meet emerging challenges
  journey from arrival to             receiving it back (with a risk     in Your Pocket’ technology           and opportunities.”
  departure.                          of virus cross-contamination       offers new cashless ways   

As many of us learn to live with
COVID-19 and cities and states
begin to reopen their economies,
numerous employers are
adopting flexible work schedules
to allow their employees to
work remotely from home. Web
based systems that allow users
to access data while they are
away from the office has become
more important than ever. With
these tools, people can continue
to perform their day-to-day
tasks wherever they may be,

                                    Oriux’s solutions allow cities to
without exposing themselves to
unnecessary risks.
   Oriux, the evolution of Peek
Traffic, has been providing
agencies across North and
Latin America with solutions
                                    manage traffic from anywhere
such as Spinnaker, a completely     Internet Explorer, Google            Windows, OSX, Android, iOS and        in the market.
web based ATMS software             Chrome and Apple Safari.             Linux, without the need to install       To date, Oriux has deployed
allowing users to access real-         Spinnaker has been designed       any type of local application.        more than 60,000 ATC
time traffic data, monitor, and     to provide users with the most          The web server application to      controllers around the world
manage traffic from anywhere.       user friendly and intuitive          access and configure Oriux’s line     and installed more than
Another solution is a web server    interface. This interface is         of ATC controllers is included in     50 central software system
application to remotely and         supported by HTML5 and               GreenWave, Oriux’s Linux-based        products, managing over 5,000
securely access and configure       Javascript, allowing it to be        local intersection software,          intersections across the US,
Oriux’s line of ATC controllers     viewed through a web browser         featuring the most advanced           Canada, Latin America and the
through any mobile device with      on multiple mobile devices           light rail train preemption and       Caribbean.
a compatible browser, including     and operating systems, such as       transit signal priority algorithms

For extended Intertraffic Innovation News, visit                                         05
NEW DETECTOR REPLACES UP TO NINE LOOPS - I RD subsidiary Icoms - Intertraffic
Redflex Red-X solution to
feature at next Intertraffic
        edflex has announced            with Highways England and              and the sign indicates that         system are appropriately
        plans to showcase its Red       consultant, WSP. It was rolled         the lane is closed or speed         stringent. It must perform
        X lane user management          out after the UK Government            limits reduced, a Redflex           with very high accuracy in all
system at Intertraffic Amsterdam        passed authorising legislation         camera system mounted               weather conditions. Red-X
next March. Designed as a               in 2018 and remains the only           approximately 200 metres            has met or exceeded those
safety solution for multi-lane          solution of its type approved          prior to the signage gantry         performance measures over
smart motorways, the system             for English motorways. Whilst          recognises the change in status.    the last 12 months and has
is currently in use throughout          it is deployed in more than            After confirming lane by lane       operated with less than five
England. It is helping keep             100 locations throughout the           legal requirements, a camera        per cent downtime. While Red
drivers, emergency responders           country, Highways England is           system mounted adjacent to the      X solves a complex problem,
and road workers safe when              currently upgrading existing           gantry begins capturing images      it is extremely interoperable.
lanes are temporarily closed            smart motorway systems to              of violators, all without any       Redflex is currently talking with
or speed limits reduced due to          incorporate Red X.                     human intervention. Because         other agencies with unique
crashes, volume, obstructions or            Red X works collaboratively        Redflex’s Red X is considered       requirements, about deploying
roadworks.                              with existing or new overhead          a crucial infrastructure            this first-to-market solution in
   Redflex developed the                signs. When an obstruction             safety component, Highways          their jurisdictions.
solution in collaboration               blocks the roadway ahead,              England’s demands on the  

    In 1973 The Transport Roads          by registering at                                                           Designed with the future in
    Research Laboratory (then                                                      mind, TRL’s UTMC compliant UTC
    part of the UK Department for           What is in a name? TRL has                                            enables customers to optimise
    Transport) started the research      a proud heritage as the design                                           their existing infrastructure
    and development leading              authority for SCOOT and in                                               while providing a roadmap for
    to SCOOT (Split Cycle Offset         bringing SCOOT 7.0 to its                                                a smart mobility future. Best-
    Optimisation Technique) and the      customers. “Not only are we                                              in-class user experience (UX)
    Kernel common to SCOOT UTC.          making the most up-to-date,                                              principles have been harnessed
    Over the following 40 years, TRL     feature-rich, enhanced SCOOT                                             and customers have been given
    led the continued research and       available, we are providing a                                            access to data, to promote
    development in delivering the        full UTC to go with it,” says TRL’s                                      usability and to enable users to
    requirements of the distributing     Mike Guerin.                                                             visualise, analyse and improve
    traffic signals companies, right        “We are taking urban traffic                                          traffic flows on their network.
    up to SCOOT MMX-SP1, otherwise       control one evolutionary                                                    TRL’s goal is to make SCOOT
    known as 6.1.                        jump forward: this generation                                            more accessible, easier to
       On Tuesday, 30 June, at           of SCOOT enables a smooth                                                optimise and to help reduce
    12:30pm BST, TRL Software will       transition from current               designed with a user centric       the total cost of ownership in
    officially release SCOOT UTC 7.0.    proprietary products to an open       approach in mind,” Guerin          managing a UTC system.
    and you can attend the event         architecture cloud-first model,       explains.                

6                                              For extended Intertraffic Innovation News, visit
NEW DETECTOR REPLACES UP TO NINE LOOPS - I RD subsidiary Icoms - Intertraffic

The Better Way.
Every Day.
You encounter us every day on the roads of our
planet. At the traffic light, on the motorway,
in a car park, at the charging station or on board of
public transport.
Our products, systems, services and turnkey
solutions offer orientation, information, safety
and convenient travelling, and all this as
environmentally sound as possible.
We improve quality of life for all people on the
move. SWARCO’s over 3,800 traffic experts are
looking forward to elaborate and implement
jointly with you the solutions that really meet
your individual needs.
What can we do for you today?

                                                               Watch our webinar series
                                                          SWARCO INNOVATION TALKS
                                                            and register for the next one:
NEW DETECTOR REPLACES UP TO NINE LOOPS - I RD subsidiary Icoms - Intertraffic
           he latest version of         studying the impact of pop-up        two-wheel vehicles sharing          bicycles and the interaction
           Aimsun Next mobility         bike lanes, or increased physical    lanes and filtering through a       between passengers and
           modelling software has       distance at a busy crossing.         queue of four-wheel vehicles.       public transport vehicles and
    a series of features to help           The new pedestrian simulator      This realistic simulation           is a huge step towards our final
    planners understand the             is included free of charge in        of micromobility, such as           goal of modelling individuals
    movement of pedestrians and         Aimsun Next and lets mobility        bicycles, e-bikes and scooters,     and multimodal mobility,”
    cyclists. As cities struggle to     engineers model the movement         gives transport planners an         explained Aimsun’s global
    manage a return to work for         of unlimited numbers of              unprecedented insight into          head of product management
    citizens and a reduction in         pedestrians on pavements,            the movement of all modes of        Paolo Rinelli. “Given that
    public transport capacity due       their interaction with traffic       transport, allowing them to         transport planners are having
    to social distancing regulations,   at crossings, and the boarding       optimise their network and help     to completely rethink their
    version 20 of Aimsun Next           and alighting process at public      get people where they need to       policies post-Covid, this is the
    software allows planners to         transport stops. Advanced non-       be as efficiently as possible.      perfect tool at the perfect time
    model a multitude of possible       lane-based microsimulation              “Aimsun Next 20 focuses          to help them do that.”
    future scenarios, such as           predicts the behaviour of            on modelling pedestrians, 

Lufft involved in pioneering smart city project
German company Lufft, a                 currently installed in the streets   communicate via Long Range          know what will be.
manufacturer of meteorological          of Herrenberg, a third will follow   Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN),           This is where artificial
instruments, is providing sensors       soon. Lufft WS10, WS600 and          that is the communication           intelligence comes into play.
for a pioneering pilot project in       WS800 weather stations provide       platform for all Herrenberg’s       Historical weather data, together
the municipality of Herrenberg,         information on temperature,          smart city applications. The        with the clearing logs of the
Germany.                                humidity and pressure, wind          measuring instruments highlight     winter road clearance service,
   Road sensors and weather             speed and direction, solar           what is now and what was before.    provide a valuable treasure
stations provide real-time              radiation, and precipitation.        However, for the systems to be of   trove of data from which an
data. Two Lufft IRS31Pros are              Sensors and computers             maximum use, there is a need to     algorithm recognises recurring
                                                                                                                 patterns. This could be a
                                                                                                                 correlation between humidity
                                                                                                                 and temperature, for example,
                                                                                                                 because dangerous slipperiness
                                                                                                                 can form even without
                                                                                                                    Feeding the algorithm with
                                                                                                                 information has started, but
                                                                                                                 the larger the database, the
                                                                                                                 more precise and universal its
                                                                                                                 predictions. Consequently, the
                                                                                                                 goal in Herrenberg is to include
                                                                                                                 neighbouring communes in the
                                                                                                                 project. Thus, everyone can
                                                                                                                 benefit from each other, relieve
                                                                                                                 the winter road clearance services
                                                                                                                 and make traffic safer.

8                                              For extended Intertraffic Innovation News, visit
NEW DETECTOR REPLACES UP TO NINE LOOPS - I RD subsidiary Icoms - Intertraffic
TrafficJet™ Pro
NEW DETECTOR REPLACES UP TO NINE LOOPS - I RD subsidiary Icoms - Intertraffic
Join our webinars
                                                         Monday 29th June 2020
 We are on a journey to future mobility
                                                         Road Safety: Making
 Be part of that journey as we                           Data-Led Decisions
 help users take back control of
 their network, and unleash the
 power of existing infrastructure.                       Tuesday 30th June 2020
                                                         Getting to Smarter
 Explore. Learn. Discuss                                 Cities: Culture,
                                                         Innovation, Disruption                                               Software

Safer Roadways
RTMS Echo uses per-vehicle data to create an understanding of your roadways. The data
collected helps deliver insights needed to meet your agency’s objectives and gather the
information you need to make informed decisions about your roadways.

Connect with us:
How innovative ITS
technologies are paving
the way to safer roadways
                     While vehicle safety has progressed considerably since the 1950s with the
                     advent of seatbelts, airbags and crumple zones among other life-saving
                     inventions, the advancement of infrastructure safety solutions has been
                     a more recent development. Fortunately, as Amine Haoui, CEO at Sensys
                     Networks, explains, a growing number of traffic safety applications for all
                     road users is becoming available with the latest innovative technologies and
                     solutions hitting the market these days

        ulnerable road users in particular,     or motorcyclists, and many cities have begun     the rider is detected via the app at equipped
        have been historically underserved      working toward their vision zero goals with      intersections, the traffic signal controller
        due to the limits of available          the tools currently available to them.           initiates the agency’s chosen timing
technologies. Traditional loops cannot                                                           adjustment to help provide green or ‘walk’
effectively detect cyclists because of the      The best tool to save lives                      signals for approaching cyclists. Secondly,
smaller size and non-ferrous components         Shailen Bhatt, CEO of ITS America, stated        this new detection input can be used to
of most bicycles; and pedestrian crossing       in a recent article in ITS International,        activate bicycle crossing signs to warn
buttons are usually not positioned in the       "Technology that allows vehicles to talk         motorists of approaching cyclists, potentially
bicycle pathways. To address this glaring       to other vehicles, the infrastructure, and       avoiding collisions caused by blind spots
need, Sensys Networks, a Tagmaster              vulnerable road users such as pedestrians        where these modes of travel intersect.
company, pioneered the in-ground                and cyclists is the best tool we have to            The in-ground FlexRadar and
FlexRadar sensor, which leverages a low         save lives." But as the debate about the         GiveMeGreen! app can both also be used
power micro-radar to detect objects             core connected vehicle communication             for pedestrian applications by detecting
regardless of material. These sensors are       technology (5G vs DSRC) drags out,               approaching pedestrians without the need to
calibrated to detect cyclists at stop bars      Sensys Networks has decided not to wait          press a pedestrian pushbutton. Sensys first
or crosswalks to actuate traffic signals        and instead introduce solutions that use         deployed this passive FlexRadar technology
accordingly, making them more visible to        smartphones, already ubiquitous among the        in Vancouver in 2014, creating a “Ped Box”
traffic management systems. There is also an    majority of road users and modes of travel.      that provided detection and integrating with
array of safety measures that agencies can         The first smartphone solution from Sensys     the agency’s audible pedestrian signals.
trigger from this input.                        Networks is the GiveMeGreen! app, which          These days, the concept of this contactless
   Looking ahead, as the concepts of smart      automatically detects cyclists or electric       capability has become even more desirable.
cities develop and become reality, vehicles     scooter riders up to 300 feet (91 metres)
and infrastructure will talk to each other,     from intersections, far in advance of existing   Safety through dynamic
enabling a multitude of safety improvements     detection capabilities. This free app provides   information
based on the resulting data and                 an additional layer of safety for users in       The Association for Safe International
instantaneous communications. That reality      two ways. First, there’s no need to touch        Road Travel asserts that, “Having access
cannot come soon enough for vulnerable          crossing buttons, reducing the potential         to accurate and updated information
road users. Indeed, 54 per cent of all people   exposure riders have to any bacteria or          about the current road situation enables
dying on the roads are cyclists, pedestrians,   viruses in a Covid-concerned world. Once         drivers, pedestrians and passengers to

For extended Intertraffic Innovation News, visit                                         11
make informed road safety decisions.” This        and worrisome driver behaviour. Again,            loops exposes road workers to the dangers

    highlights the importance of leveraging           wireless sensors fill the niche, since they       of moving vehicles for uncomfortably long
    technology to inform drivers in real-time to      can be located much further from existing         periods of time. Now, that time has been
    mitigate potentially dangerous scenarios.         power options and record speed data more          dramatically reduced with alternatives such
       In one example near Clinkum Bank in            accurately than other detection options.          as Sensys Networks’ wireless magnetometer
    the United Kingdom, poor visibility and              Dilemma zones are areas of roadways            sensors. The sensors require no trenching
    a queue caused by turning vehicles was            approaching a crossing where drivers are          for lead wires and have a much smaller four-
    causing sudden stops and creating unsafe          making the decision to brake or continue          inch footprint, resulting in fully equipped
    conditions at a critical junction. The local      at speed based on the traffic signal ahead.       stations in a fraction of the time.
    agency employed wireless magnetometers            Speed data collected by wireless sensors             Another issue with loops is that they
    to trigger warning signs so drivers now know      has been used in Philadelphia to address          break often due to the constant abuse that
    when traffic is stopped or turning up ahead.      problems with vehicles speeding through           roadways suffer from weather, traffic and
    These sensors were picked specifically for        the intersection dangerously. And in Saudi        utility work. Wireless sensors, encased in
    their accuracy and ability to be placed at        Arabia, speed enforcement systems have            an epoxy plug and equipped with military-
    distances that are impractical for inductive      been using Sensys Networks magnetometers          grade batteries, have been vetted in some
    loops, cameras, or radar detection options.       for years to discourage speeding and              of the toughest road environments in the
    Speed and presence detection data is              improve safety for all drivers.                   world, and are engineered to self-tune and
    sent wirelessly to the control cabinet,              Red light running is another challenge for     stand up to the rigours of severe weather and
    instantaneously activating the signs and          transportation agencies, causing hundreds         vehicles. Again, this means less time spent
    keeping drivers alerted to changing road          of deaths every year. Luckily, enforcement        on the roadway by workers needing to do
    conditions.                                       has been shown to reduce this dangerous           maintenance.
       Elsewhere in the UK, the same wireless         driver behaviour. Wireless sensors can
    magnetometer sensors are used within the          uniquely pinpoint the precise location of         Safety for the future
    widely-deployed MIDAS (Motorway Incident          vehicles entering intersections after a traffic   In the near future, some of this same
    Detection and Automatic Signalling) system        signal has changed to red. As a result, the       infrastructure can be used to improve the
    to actively manage traffic flows on most          technology has become the standard for            travel experience for other road users such
    major motorways. Using dynamic speed              automated red light enforcement systems           as truck drivers and other connected vehicle
    limits based on real-time speed data from         as well as red light violation data collection,   fleets, again regardless of the auto industry’s
    those sensors, the system has reduced             the latter of which can be used to identify       V2X network status.
    injury accidents by 13 per cent as secondary      problem locations to be addressed with               For example, local agencies have
    crashes are greatly reduced. In a similar         signage or law enforcement.                       challenges with heavy duty vehicles
    fashion, several highways in Israel are now                                                         (HDVs) like trucks and vans on city streets.
    equipped with an incident detection system        Safety for road workers                           The problem is that frequent stops at
    powered by Sensys Networks wireless               Inductive loops used for vehicle detection        intersections often involves heavy braking
    vehicle detectors and an advanced HIOCC           have been a mainstay for over fifty years         due to the size of the vehicles, and this
    (high occupancy) algorithm. This system           because of their accuracy. However, the           leads to hazards for other road users and
    automatically alerts traffic operations           extensive trenching required to install           the pavement itself. The GiveMeGreen!
    to potential accidents, enabling a faster                                                           App allows for early detection of HDVs
    response time by emergency services. In                                                             and initiation or extension of the green
    severe incidents, these precious minutes can                                                        phase to allow smooth passage through the
    save lives.                                                                                         intersection more often. Correspondingly,
                                                                                                        signs can be integrated to alert vulnerable
    Safety for driver behaviour                                                                         road users to approaching HDVs.
    The World Health Organisation (WHO)                                                                    As mobility options expand, and the
    reports that speed contributes to about                                                             number of road users increase, the ITS
    30 per cent of deaths on the road in high-                                                          industry too will need to expand and
    income countries, and is the primary                                                                increase the breadth of solutions to
    factor in about half of all crashes in some                                                         preserve, not just our way of life as it relates
    low- and middle-income countries. For                                                               to transportation, but the very lives of its
    many traffic agencies, speed data is a key                                                          community members.
    metric for identifying problem roadways                                                   

    12                                            For extended Intertraffic Innovation News, visit
Intelligent #Infrastructure

Smarter Ways.
It’s your city.
One of the greatest challenges of our times is the establishment
of a healthy balance between quality of life and mobility in
major cities. Siemens Mobility ITS offers the solutions to face
these challenges. At Intertraffic 2021 we present how we enable
mobility operators worldwide to make infrastructure intelligent
with elements like connected mobility, autonomous driving
and mobility management, to increase value sustainably over the
entire lifecycle.

Visit us at Intertraffic Amsterdam, Booth 12.202                           23 to 26
                                                                           March 2021,
Another OIML
for Intercomp
   ntercomp’s LS630-WIM                vehicle weighing techniques.
   Scales have achieved OIML           The LS630-WIM low-speed WIM
   R134 Class 10F certification at     scale joins the LS-WIM axle
low speeds, operating as a pair        scale, and WIM Strip Sensors
of deployable scales for wheel,        as OIML R134 WIM certified
axle, and gross vehicle weights        products. Operators now have
(GVW). These weigh-in-motion           scales and sensors from a single
(WIM) scales add another tool          manufacturer that include
for operators to use certified         deployable low-speed scales,
technology for weighing                in-ground low-speed axle scales
vehicles.                              and Strip Sensors for use from
   Based on the highly                 low speeds up to mainline free-      enabling cable-free operation to    compensating for a wider range
accurate and stable strain             flow weighing.                       various indicators, or are open     of temperature variables to
gauge load sensing technology             LS630-WIM scales are field        for integration into software       provide responsive, stable and
incorporated into its products,        deployable, with the entire          systems. This patented strain       repeatable weighing in a variety
this new OIML certification for        system fitting in the back of a      gauge technology in Intercomp’s     of operating environments and
Intercomp is in addition to the        vehicle. The scales use RFX          certified products is optimised     weather conditions.
company’s other OIML certified         wireless communication,              for WIM applications, actively

  The traffic sign industry            product manager, explains,          traffic sign shops in both speed    that doesn’t cause any water
  has come a long way from             “Digital sign shops do not expose   and cost. We’ve done that with      waste. With support provided by
  wood-painted signs to today’s        their workforce to the hazards      TrafficJet Pro.”                    Avery Dennison, operators can
  retro-reflective prismatic           associated with screen printing.       The new TrafficJet Pro           confidently rely on one single
  signs. With improved sheeting        Operators are working in a          delivers print speeds that can      point of contact for printer
  performance, the industry has        cleaner, safer workplace with       replace screen printing at 680      servicing, digital inks, and
  also experienced a positive          the TrafficJet Print System. It     ft2 (63 m2) per hour. Not only      sheeting, giving them the peace
  production transformation,           was important that the next         do operators avoid the screen       of mind as they transform their
  moving away from traditional         generation of digital traffic       printing fumes, but they also       production to go digital.
  screen printing and computer-        sign printing could challenge       have a much cleaner and             www.reflectives.averydennison.
  cut methods to digital printing.     the need for screen printing in     simpler maintenance process         com/trafficjet-pro
  While many sign shops are
  already fully digital, large high-
  volume sign shops have been
  slower to make the switch
  because screen printing was
  consistently faster and more
  economical for production.
     The smell from screen
  printing has been a persistent
  problem for shop operators
  across the globe and poses
  significant environmental
  hazards that require
  immediate attention. Aaron
  Means, Avery Dennison senior

14                                            For extended Intertraffic Innovation News, visit

                            Experts in traffic enforcement
                            technologies, PARIFEX develops
                            fixed and mobile systems using the
                            most advanced and innovative
                            technologies. Its latest creation
                            offers the most comprehensive
                            traffic monitoring solution in one
                            single light equipment.
            herever traffic          to be especially polluting.         expensive method. In                manual intervention.
            regulating systems       In achieving these multiple         contrast, Sitraffic Varia is a         These automatic or semi-
            display situation-       benefits, intelligent traffic       control system that integrates      automatic responses of the
 tailored warnings and speed         centres such as Siemens’            both fields of application.         control and management
 limits, the risk of congestion      Sitraffic Varia are playing a       This saves money and time,          centre, like a lane closure or a
 and accidents diminishes.           decisive role.                      improves overall functionality,     hazard warning, are the result
 On motorways in general,               Tunnels are typical              and enhances road safety.           of complex analyses. Sitraffic
 and in tunnels in particular,       bottlenecks in the road             A control or management             Varia is already equipped
 hazard warnings, lane               network and require special         centre collects and processes       for communication with
 closures, speed limits and          attention in terms of safety.       an enormous amount of               cooperative traffic systems
 no-passing zones increase           Quite often, however,               diverse data. The transparent       (V2I). Siemens Mobility states
 traffic safety and therefore        operational and traffic control     presentation of this constantly     that Sitraffic Varia offers
 decrease accident numbers.          functions are managed               changing information is             optimal support for control
 That helps traffic to run more      separately for motorways            quite a challenge. Sometimes        centre operators, providing
 smoothly and emissions are          and tunnels. Shared tasks are       events cannot be satisfactorily     them with right information at
 much lower than in stop-and         implemented via interfaces          handled by the automatic            the right time.
 go traffic, which is known          – a time-consuming and              system but require immediate

Free VMT metrics to monitor US transport networks
StreetLight Data is offering            “The recent massive drop in      gets the key metrics out quickly,    everyone else, are adjusting to
vehicle miles travelled (VMT) data   travel is throwing off all those    with local granularity, to those     a new reality and we’re here
for US transit agencies to monitor   plans. This data-driven map         who need them. Planners, like        to help navigate it. We hope
transport networks during the                                                                                 this, in some way, can help our
Covid-19 pandemic.                                                                                            transportation community in
   There has been massive                                                                                     this difficult and unprecedented
disruption to travel patterns                                                                                 time."
since February and Streetlight’s                                                                                 Location intelligence
information covers more than                                                                                  provider Cuebiq is working with
3,100 counties across the US,                                                                                 StreetLight and has developed
updated three times a week.                                                                                   what it calls a ‘near-real time’
   Designed to measure the                                                                                    mobility index to improve the
transportation impact on                                                                                      outbreak forecast and response.
communities, it is free to                                                                                       “StreetLight fused Cuebiq’s
planners, researchers and                                                                                     index with its own algorithms
engineers, as well as federal,                                                                                that transform GPS data into
state and local governments.                                                                                  contextualised, aggregated and
   "Transportation professionals                                                                              normalised travel patterns, as
make critical budget and                                                                                      well as its deep repositories of
planning projections based on                                                                                 data depicting historical VMT,”
gas tax revenue and other factors                                                                             the company said in a statement.
derived from VMT,” explains CEO                                                                     
Laura Schewel.                                                                                                VMT-monitor

16                                          For extended Intertraffic Innovation News, visit
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Maximizing customer benefits
with flexible solutions
    n Lithuania, the key to success
    in the realisation of its road
    safety projects is associated
with a great variety of demands
on the solutions needed and
technologies applied. As a
strong partner of the Lithuanian
Road Administration, Jenoptik’s
decentralised sales approach
guarantees individual
technology solutions for traffic
safety projects. The reason
is because it is optimised by
national market expertise and
knowledge of Jenoptik’s local
partner Fima.
   The latest order from the
Lithuanian Road Administration        the proven ALPR technology                ALPR-based systems in order        average speeds and are needed
comprises 52 Jenoptik Vector          to capture licence plates. The            to improve the country’s road      to identify wanted vehicles by
speed cameras which will go           systems are replacing earlier             safety situation (top three in     capturing their licence plates
into operation in September.          systems of the speed programme            EU for traffic acident deaths      for third-party purposes,
Technology advantages for             that ended in 2018. After                 -192 deaths during the year        such as insurance, technical
operation on various roads of         termination of the programme,             2017) as well as geographical      inspections and customs. The
the country are the non-invasive      the Lithuanian authorities noted          transit situation - eastern        solution combines traffic law
radar sensor to capture speeds,       an increase in problems caused            border of the EU, and transit      enforcement and security
the video camera for monitoring       by speeding again.                        between EU, Belorussia and         purposes in one application.
the process of offences and              In 2016, Jenoptik delivered            Russia. The systems monitor

 Parkxper has once again               finding cars in a large parking          based parking guidance system,     the best parking experience they
 implemented a parking guidance        lot, the car finder kiosk is now         but also other all-around          will ever have.
 system for Yongkang Park at           equipped with an advertisement           extensions to give the customers
 New Taipei City. Not only does it     feature. When its 42-inch monitor
 provide an automated parking          is idle, it can display public service
 guidance system but it also           announcements, advertisements,
 includes extensions for better        train schedules or weather
 security and more effective           forecasts.
 management.                               Convex mirrors placed at
   Starting with the camera-based      corners and blind spots are
 PGS sensor, which detects space       another essential safety product
 occupancy and recognises license      in a parking lot. Dark and dusty
 plate numbers at a 99 per cent        environments could affect the
 accuracy rate, Parkxper utilises      visibility of the mirror, which is
 the camera lenses as surveillance     why Parkxper uses cameras and
 cameras for 24/7 video recording.     monitors instead. Drivers are
 Dual functions of LPR and             now able to clearly see oncoming
 security recording offers complete    cars around the corner from the
 documentation when incidents          monitor.
 happen in the parking lot.                Parkxper is providing its
   Being an essential tool in          customers not only a camera-

For extended Intertraffic Innovation News, visit                                              19
         hanges to the way           German states. However, all         that there will be a nationwide                                       TDS’s project with the city of
         Germany’s world-famous      works are paid by the federal       strategy in order to use WIM                                          Hamburg, host of the ITS World
         autobahn network            government,” explains TDS           for bridge and infrastructure                                         Congress next year.
  is administered may boost          CEO Florian Weiss. “This            monitoring,” he says. “Currently                                         TDS is demonstrating a three-
  the weigh-in-motion (WIM)          separation meant that each          it is mainly used for statistics                                      lane bridge-monitoring WIM
  operations of Traffic Data         state is in charge of everything    and preselection.”                                                    system which will be upgraded
  Systems (TDS).                     that needed to be done.                 But Weiss says there are                                          to a fully-automated WIM
     From January 2021 a new         This federated system had           thousands of bridges on                                               enforcement site with overview
  entity, Autobahn GmbH,             advantages and disadvantages;       German motorways that need                                            and ANPR cameras as well as
  will take over the complete        things were also carried out in     to be monitored, as they have                                         a road weather information
  administration of all              a different way from state to       neither been designed nor built                                       system. There will also be a fast
  motorways, and will be in          state.”                             for the amount and weight of                                          wi-fi internet connection to a
  charge of financing, planning,        The new set-up is a major        current traffic.                                                      vehicle inspection site nearby,
  maintenance, operation and         change – although Weiss                 The manager of Autobahn                                           that is used by the traffic
  construction.                      acknowledges it is too early to     GmbH for Northern Germany                                             inspection department of the
     “Currently these issues         say whether it will be a success.   has expressed interest in                                             Hamburg police.
  are carried out by the 16             “In terms of WIM, I hope         WIM technology – and in                                     

                                                                                                                                                                                © Ifeelstock |

Keep traffic survey safe with Tetryon Cloud Server
With the ever-evolving traffic      that make instant analysis a         from Armadillo Trackers on                                             slow average speeds, unusually
market nowadays it’s more           snap. Houston Radar says that        city streets or SpeedLane Pros                                         high occupancy, and low battery
important than ever to keep         any agency or stakeholder will       on the highway. Tetryon also                                           voltage for solar-powered
traffic survey workers out of the   appreciate the ease of access to     generates email notifications for                                      installations.
field and in compliance with        live and historical data, whether    user-defined conditions, such as                                          Tetryon will even go one step
health and safety measures.                                                                                                                     further by having a SpeedLane
Traffic data analysis has never                                                                                                                 Pro take a snapshot of its
                                                                                                        © Giovanni Gagliardi|

been easier than with Houston                                                                                                                   detection zone so users can view
Radar’s Tetryon Cloud Server, an                                                                                                                the real-world situation on their
available option with Houston                                                                                                                   device, without exposing the
Radar’s SpeedLane Pro and                                                                                                                       traffic survey team to traffic, or
Armadillo Tracker.                                                                                                                              breaking with health and safety
   Tetryon allows for the                                                                                                                       measures. As the company
integration of multiple radars                                                                                                                  points out, social distancing
into one browser-based interface                                                                                                                traffic collection has never been
that can be viewed from any                                                                                                                     easier using Houston Radar’s
connected device with a                                                                                                                         Tetryon Cloud Server with the
compatible internet browser.                                                                                                                    SpeedLane Pro and Armadillo
It provides customisable                                                                                                                        Tracker.
interactive live data reports                                                                                                         

20                                         For extended Intertraffic Innovation News, visit
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                                            TRAFFIC ITS AND SECURITY CAMERAS

                                       We Bring CCTV Camera Technology Down To Earth.

Camera Lowering Systems experience in lowering devices dates back to
1967. Their engineering and marketing know how has been a major
force in the industry dating back to the pioneering efforts in the devel-
opment of the first raising and lowering High Mast system in the United
States. Based on a proven design, we offer the world’s best camera low-
ering system with three major features:
safety ● simplicity ● value.

                                                                            Maintenance done safely and
                                                                               easily at ground level.

Our system uses a patented design capable of disconnecting and
connecting cameras, utilizing CAT6 or CAT5e Ethernet or analog cable
with separate power, without signal loss. All servicing is done at
ground level. Hazardous, expensive, and time consuming high lift
maintenance trucks and lane closures are eliminated. The efficiency of
cameras mounted at 50 meter heights need not present a problem in
servicing the CCTV camera or other equipment. Mounting applications
                                                                             Gold plated pin and socket
include pole, tower, and wall mount.
                                                                            contacts with stainless steel
                                                                                  alignment pins.
All signal/electrical contacts are gold plated over nickel over copper,
providing the BEST signal and corrosion free contacts in a water-proof
disconnect unit.
Look both ways
  with Parifex
           undreds of Vigie           the Vigie Double-Side               monitor motorcycles, thus
           fixed enforcement          Interception technology             improving its performances in
           cameras, from French       which enables the highly            terms of number of offences
   manufacturer Parifex,              successful and proven Vigie         recorded.
   are deployed throughout            speed enforcement system              The Vigie 02 DSI can identify
   France. They have been             to take pictures of both the        the offending vehicle from
   proven over several years,         front and rear of the vehicle in    a hundred metres upstream
   providing lane identification,     violation. A larger access door     and automatically classifies
   vehicle classification and         at the rear of the conventional     the category of vehicle and
   bi-directional monitoring.         Vigie allows the units to house     applies the speed threshold
   The systems are also able          the additional equipment            accordingly (trucks, passenger
   to differentiate between           necessary to take the second        cars, coaches, motorcycles).
   three categories of vehicles       picture - the back of the           The use of lidar as a tracking
   with specific speed limits         vehicle in violation.               device ensures high accuracy,
   (large trucks/coaches/light           This feature can be              up to 250 km/h, and reliable
   vehicles), providing accurate      incorporated into new units         measurement even in difficult
   speed monitoring and               or it can be added later to         measurement conditions,
   identification of offending        deployed Vigie radars. Parifex      including tailgating, change of
   motorists.                         says the double side capability     directions, and heavy traffic.
      Parifex is now highlighting     is particularly useful to 

RTMS ECHO RADARS’ ROLE IN                                                                                    long periods where no sufficient
                                                                                                             gaps exist for traffic on minor
                                                                                                             roadways to turn left onto the

INTERSECTION SAFETY PROJECT                                                                                  arterials; and how often vehicles
                                                                                                             are present, waiting to turn onto
                                                                                                             the arterial?
                                                                         the dangers of making left-hand        The agency deployed two
                                                                         turns from residential roadways     RTMS Echo radars to gather the
                                                                         onto high-speed arterials.          required data for each location.
                                                                         County officials needed insight     One unit was installed on the
                                                                         about the safety risk at these      arterial to gather traffic flow data
                                                                         locations, beyond accident          and the other unit was installed
                                                                         records, to determine if the        at the stop bar of the residential
                                                                         conditions posed a significant      roadway to gather occupancy
                                                                         safety concern for the citizens.    data.
                                                                         They were unable to gather the         The insights generated
                                                                         necessary data in the time frame    from the traffic data collected
                                                                         required using their traditional    at the locations allowed the
                                                                         data collection techniques so       agency to determine which
                                                                         they turned to a new technology     intersections are at a heightened
                                                                         to aid in data collection.          risk for accidents and focus on
                                                                            The county designed a            additional remediation. The
                                                                         traffic study to understand the     traffic data collected during the
                                                                         characteristics about the traffic   initial study was also used for
Image Sensing Systems (ISS)         improvements at intersections.       flow on the roadway. They           microsimulations to investigate
has revealed details of a recent      A community in the state of        wanted to know the how fast         the safety impact of potential
deployment of its RTMS              Minnesota started receiving          traffic is moving and the vehicle   solutions.
Echo radars in making safety        complaints from citizens about       size composition; if there were

For extended Intertraffic Innovation News, visit                                          23
        attile has announced that
        its XProtect Integration
        Plugin allows Tattile Vega
cameras – used for multiple
traffic monitoring and other ITS
functions – to be incorporated
into Milestone XProtect Smart
   The manufacturer says this
enables any number of operators’
Vega cameras to automatically
communicate with Milestone,
which has certified the product.
   Tattile says that users can
receive and collect all events
from its cameras, while also
managing previously uploaded
number plate lists, for example
from violators.                       analyser to manage alarms and        analysing Tattile camera events      in the Milestone VMS “for any
   The new system also                notifications triggered by various   by date and time, vehicle class,     possible post-process analysis of
allows options on events and          traffic events.                      brand, colour and model, as well     the images,” Tattile says. “Video
diagnostics to be filtered and            As well as automatic number      as plate region, country and plate   sequences can be reviewed and
can be used in conjunction with       plate recognition functions,         colour.                              all recordings are stored.”
the Tattile Rigel real-time traffic   filters can be set in the VMS on       Data generated is available

     Thermoplastic                                                                                              MRL Equipment Company is
                                                                                                                highlighting its self-propelled

     detail striper
                                                                                                                Mini Mac thermoplastic product
                                                                                                                line that is perfect for detail
                                                                                                                striping as well as road marking
                                                                                                                applications in urban areas or
                                                                                                                limited work zones.
                                                                                                                   Easy, one-man operation
                                                                                                                makes intersections, crosswalks
                                                                                                                and lane markings. Featuring a
                                                                                                                400 lb/181kg capacity material
                                                                                                                tank and 100 lb/45kg bead
                                                                                                                capacity, the company says
                                                                                                                the 400 model yields two to
                                                                                                                three times the productivity
                                                                                                                of a hand-liner and prevents
                                                                                                                operator fatigue as against
                                                                                                                push-propelled applicators.
                                                                                                                   The machine can be
                                                                                                                customized with several
                                                                                                                options including electronic
                                                                                                                skipline timing system, laser
                                                                                                                guidance, double drop beads,
                                                                                                                custom “easy load” transport
                                                                                                                trailer, custom powder coat
                                                                                                                colours and many more. The
                                                                                                                Mini Mac is available in both
                                                                                                                right-hand and left-hand drive
                                                                                                                models and with multiple die

24                                           For extended Intertraffic Innovation News, visit
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Traffic enforcement gets
  ingenious and discreet
      t looks like a lightbar – but        look on the outside, it is truly   requirements.                         faces severe challenges and
      a very special one. An               sleek and undercover, but            Adaptive Recognition                is extra sensitive to changing
      all-in-one innovation from           integrates many cameras and        says these features make              light conditions. This is
   Hungarian company Adaptive              multiple image processing          the unit adaptive to so many          mitigated by automated
   Recognition puts live traffic           know-how, using its extra-         challenges: either it is a traffic,   flash/imaging syncing that
   monitoring to the next level            wide 180° live view for ANPR       law enforcement or even               complies with both the
   by unifying general police              and identifying vehicle            military project, accident            special ANPR requirements
   security and high-end traffic           brand, model and also colour.      scenes, disaster recovery             and the regulatory lightbar
   surveillance, with vehicle              Additionally, the recorded         action and more – by simply           specifications.
   identification – and of course          footage is perfectly suitable      changing its light mode to            https://adaptiverecognition.
   with patrol car lighting.               for live face verification,        constant white or yellow.             com/products/traffic-
     Having only a lightbar                one of today’s trending              Live traffic monitoring             enforcement-lightbar/

                                                                              A problem for signal cables           polyethylene inner jacket. A
                                                                              that plagues the entire world,        sunlight and weather resistant
                                                                              whether it is in the countryside      jacket covers the armour. The
                                                                              or urban areas, is rodents,           core contains the four twisted
                                                                              particularly mice, eating the         pairs, surrounded by a gel-
                                                                              insulation on ethernet cables.        filled, water-repellent core.
                                                                              This causes signal loss and a            Camera Lowering Systems
              Polyethylene inner jacket                                       tremendous cost to the system.        says equipment mounted 15
              Thermoplastic insulation                                        These are complaints heard in         to 50 metres high on poles and
      Solid Annealed copper conductor                                         Australia, Middle East, Canada,       cell towers, are protected from
                                 Ricord                                       United States, Asia, and              these pesky rodents. The cable
                   Cross-web separator                                        throughout Europe.                    is perfect on vertical runs and
  PFMTM Gel-filled, water-repellent core
                                                                                 North Star Lighting has done       in underground conduits. The
                                                                              something about this pesky            new innovation is branded
               Copper-clad steel armor                                        problem. Camera Lowering              the CDP6-RPC6 series for pole
       Sunlight and weather resistant,                                        Systems now offers the RPC            mount, and the CTMT-RPC6
halogen-free, polyethylene outer jacket                                       CAT6 cable with copper clad           series for tower mount.
                                                                              steel armour surrounding the

For extended Intertraffic Innovation News, visit                                                  27
         athering information
         on traffic and using it
         in conjunction with
smart traffic lights and vehicle
communication systems makes
it possible to control traffic
remotely. This means IRS
vehicles can easily navigate
city streets, public transport
is prioritised at intersections
and congestion is avoided.
Moreover, drivers of vehicles
fitted with such units benefit
from warnings of queues, cars
jumping red lights and slippery
   Intertraffic Innovation award
winner Cross Zlin undertook
two projects, one for the streets
of Brno in the Czech Republic
and another for a stretch of
motorway.                                 Various regional and national     state of roads, tunnels and           fact, these same units alert
   “As far as I know, there is no      state bodies cooperated to           traffic signalling points.            the driver in a timely manner
place in Europe today where            make it happen, all of them             The data is collected from         about road maintenance, lane
this technology is used on the         sharing in the data collected        sources such as roadside              restrictions and other situations
same scale as it is in Brno,” said     from the cooperative systems         devices located at intersections      that may present a potential
Ivo Gajdošík, the chief project        in operation. As a result, it is     and on-board units fitted to          hazard.
officer.                               possible to gauge the current        public service vehicles. In 

 From smart parking to open cities
                                                                            more complex and expensive           video surveillance, and more.
                                                                            to manage, suffer a higher risk         “Think of the history of
                                                                            of obsolescence, are hard to         Internet: we wouldn’t have
                                                                            integrate with other solutions,      what the world wide web
                                                                            and result in a poor return on       offers us today if it was built
                                                                            investment.                          on the proprietary, vendor-
                                                                               PE Smart Urban Network            locked technologies that were
                                                                            by Paradox Engineering is            mainstream until the late
                                                                            based on standards and open          1980s”, says Gianni Minetti, CEO
                                                                            data models, so it grants            at Paradox Engineering. “Our
                                                                            superior flexibility and             PE Smart Urban Network allows
                                                                            scalability as there is no limit     cities to finally move away from
                                                                            to the integration of additional     siloed, non-integrated choices
                                                                            devices to the same city-wide        imposing the management
                                                                            6LoWPAN infrastructure. A            of urban services one by one.
                                                                            city can start its journey by        Thanks to the interoperable,
                                                                            implementing PE Smart Urban          standard-based and reliable
  According to a survey by              fail due to a lack of maturity,     Network to monitor existing          network enabling any wireless
  industry alliance uCIFI, about 55     which is often related to the use   parking facilities, then gradually   IoT and wireless highspeed IoT
  per cent of cities have a smart       of proprietary technologies.        extend the network to control        application, it is the starting
  roadmap in place, but more            If relying on legacy systems,       streetlights, waste bins,            point for open city innovation.”
  than 80 per cent of pilot projects    urban applications are typically    environmental sensors, traffic

28                                            For extended Intertraffic Innovation News, visit
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