A partner through challenging times - Universal Partners

Page created by Gordon Payne
A partner through challenging times - Universal Partners

                                                   ANNUAL REPORT 2020

                               A partner through
                               challenging times
A partner through challenging times - Universal Partners
07    Our business at a glance
08    About us
10    Our structure
12    Share analysis
14    Our investment strategy
16    Our executive team
18    Our board and investment committee

23    Leadership review
24    Message from the chairman
29    Chief executive officer’s report
38    Our investments

53    Corporate governance
54    Governance structure
60    Structure of the board and its committees
67    Director appointment procedures
68    Director duties, remuneration and
71    Risk governance and internal control
74    Reporting with integrity
75    Audit
76    Relations with shareholders and other key

79    Annual financial statements
80    Commentary of the directors
81    Statement of compliance
82    Certificate from the secretary
83    Independent auditor’s report
86    Statement of financial position
87    Statement of profit or loss and other
      comprehensive income
88    Statement of changes in equity
89    Statement of cash flows
90    Notes to the financial statements

111   Shareholder information
112   Corporate diary
113   Corporate information
A partner through challenging times - Universal Partners
4   ABOUT THIS REPORT                                                                                                                               UNIVERSAL PARTNERS      5
                                                                                                                                                    ANNUAL REPORT

    About this report

    This is the fourth integrated annual report of Universal Partners     FRAMEWORK AND ASSURANCE                          or alter its forward-looking statements,

    Limited (“Universal Partners” or “the company”).
                                                                                                                           whether as a result of new information, future
                                                                          The company has a primary listing on the         information or otherwise. This forward-looking
                                                                          Stock Exchange of Mauritius (SEM) and a          information has not been reviewed or reported
    It provides investors with an overview of our investment strategy,    secondary listing on the alternative board of    on by the external auditors.

    performance over the reporting period and our governance
                                                                          the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE AltX).
                                                                          The information included in this integrated      APPROVAL OF THE INTEGRATED
    framework. This report seeks to demonstrate that Universal Partners   report has been provided in accordance with      REPORT
                                                                          International Financial Reporting Standards
    has the capacity to deliver on its investment strategy and in doing   (IFRS), the Mauritian Companies Act, 2001, the   The board of directors of Universal Partners
    so, create and deliver value over the medium- and long-term for our   Mauritian Securities Act, 2005, SEM Listing      acknowledges its responsibility for ensuring
                                                                          Rules, JSE Listings Requirements, Integrated     the integrity of this integrated report. The
    shareholders.                                                         Reporting Framework and the Code of              board believes that this report presents
                                                                          Corporate Governance for Mauritius.              a balanced and fair account of Universal
                                                                                                                           Partners’ performance for the year ending
                                                                          FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS                       30 June 2020. On the recommendation of
                                                                                                                           the Audit and Risk committee, The board
                                                                          This integrated report contains certain          approved the 2020 integrated report for
                                                                          forward-looking statements with respect to       publication on 9 October 2020.
                                                                          Universal Partners’ financial performance and
                                                                          position. These statements and forecasts
                                                                          involve risk and uncertainty as they relate
                                                                          to events and circumstances that occur in
                                                                          the future. There could be various factors,
                                                                          including but not limited to, global and local
                                                                          economic conditions, industry as well as         Larry Nestadt     Pierre Joubert
                                                                          regulatory factors that could cause actual       Chairman          CEO
                                                                          results or developments to differ materially
                                                                          from those expressed or implied by these
                                                                          forward-looking statements. Universal
                                                                          Partners is not under any obligation to update
A partner through challenging times - Universal Partners
Our business
at a glance

08   About us
10   Our structure
12   Share analysis
14   Our investment strategy
16   Our executive team
18   Our board and investment committee
A partner through challenging times - Universal Partners
8   OUR BUSINESS AT A GLANCE                                                                                                                    UNIVERSAL PARTNERS       9
                                                                                                                                                ANNUAL REPORT

    About us

    Universal Partners Limited is a permanent capital investment      OUR PURPOSE                                       THE VALUES WE LIVE BY:

    holding company.                                                  Our purpose is to partner with, and add           Trust
                                                                      value to, high potential businesses in order to   We don’t simply invest in businesses, we
                                                                      achieve strong capital appreciation over the      partner with people. Every investment
    We seek investments in high-potential, growth businesses,         medium- to long-term.                             we make is based on the quality of the
    with a focus on the United Kingdom, and Europe. 20% of the        OUR VISION
                                                                                                                        relationships we build and the trust that
                                                                                                                        underpins them.
    company’s funds may be allocated to other regions.
                                                                      Our vision is to create and manage a portfolio    Integrity
    Our experienced leadership team is recognised for its strong      of investments that deliver value for our         We know that success doesn’t happen
    track record of managing and growing successful businesses.       shareholders.                                     overnight. What sets us apart is the integrity
                                                                                                                        of our people and the reputations they
    We provide growth capital to high quality businesses that                                                           have developed through years of building
    meet our investment criteria. We add value by drawing on                                                            sustainable businesses.

    our extensive experience to offer strategic direction to the                                                        Honesty

    companies we partner with.                                                                                          We will only partner where we see value and
                                                                                                                        where we believe we can offer insight.
                                                                                                                        For us, honesty is what underpins every good
                                                                                                                        investment decision.
    We are patient investors with a permanent capital structure and
    are committed to achieving the best long-term outcomes for                                                          Excellence
                                                                                                                        We seek excellence in the businesses we
    both the businesses we invest in and for our investors.                                                             invest in, and we offer excellence in return.
A partner through challenging times - Universal Partners
10   OUR BUSINESS AT A GLANCE                                                                UNIVERSAL PARTNERS   11
                                                                                             ANNUAL REPORT

     Our structure

     Universal Partners was established   Universal Partners is listed on the Stock
                                          Exchange of Mauritius (SEM) with a secondary
     in Mauritius on 25 April 2016        listing on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange
     as a public company limited by       Limited’s Alternative Exchange (JSE AltX).
                                          Universal Partners raised over £72 million
     shares, holding a Category 1         for investment in its initial public offering in
     global business license issued by    August 2016.

     the Mauritian Financial Services     Universal Partners appointed Argo Investment
                                          Managers (Argo) under the leadership of
     Commission.                          executive directors Pierre Joubert, David
                                          Vinokur and Andrew Birrell, as its investment
                                          manager. Argo is responsible for sourcing
                                          the investment opportunities, executing the
                                          transactions, and managing the investments
                                          until such time as they are realised. Argo earns
                                          an annual management fee for its services, in
                                          addition to a carry fee payable only once an
                                          investment is realised. A portion of this carry
                                          fee is payable in Universal Partners equity, and
                                          a portion in cash. The equity portion has a
                                          three-year lock in period.
A partner through challenging times - Universal Partners
12   OUR BUSINESS AT A GLANCE                                                                                                                                       UNIVERSAL PARTNERS   13
                                                                                                                                                                    ANNUAL REPORT

     Share analysis

     Our shareholder base is maturing and consolidating, with 99% of shares being
                                                                                                 SHAREHOLDER SPREAD
     held by shareholders who hold more than 100 000 shares each. Over the period
                                                                                                 RANGE            NUMBER OF       % OF HOLDERS   NUMBER OF SHARES   % OF SHARES
     our shareholder base has remained consistent with 117 shareholders in 2020.                                  SHAREHOLDERS

     The directors and their associates directly and indirectly own 20.8% of the total           1 - 999          29              24,8%          8 417              0,0%

     issued share capital of the company as at 30 June 2020.                                     1000 - 9999      24              20,5%          98 481             0,1%

                                                                                                 10000 - 99999    23              19,7%          785 842            1,1%

                                                                                                 100000 - more    41              35,0%          71 457 391         98,8%

                                                                                                 Total            117             100,0%         72 350 131         100,0%

                                                                                                 UPL SHARE PRICE VS GBP/ZAR EXCHANGE RATE
      90,6%                     9,4%   15,3%                84,7%   76,7%                23,3%

                      117                      72 350 131                   72 350 131
A partner through challenging times - Universal Partners
14   OUR BUSINESS AT A GLANCE                                                                                             UNIVERSAL PARTNERS       15
                                                                                                                          ANNUAL REPORT

     Our investment

                                                     We are focussed on acquiring and building        We seek to invest in companies that
     Our investment strategy is to invest in high-   successful businesses across a broad range       demonstrate the following important
     potential, growth businesses in our primary     of sectors where we are able to add value.       attributes:
                                                     The types of businesses we seek are typically
     markets, the United Kingdom and Europe.         those that demonstrate an advantage over         − A robust, easily understood business
     We also assess opportunities outside of the     competitors, such as an enhanced customer
                                                     experience, a consolidation platform, a lower
                                                                                                      − Clear competitive advantages
     United Kingdom and Europe. The mandate          cost base and technological and innovation       − A clear path to strong and sustainable
                                                     leadership (demonstrated by registered and         profitability, combined with a high cash
     allows the Company to invest up to 20% of       protected IP).                                     conversion ratio
     its funds (at the time of the investment) in                                                     − Experienced management, who
                                                     We take an active shareholding in the              demonstrate a strong cultural fit with
     other regions.                                  businesses we invest in, in order to enable        Universal Partners and our investment
                                                     meaningful participation in the formulation        manager
                                                     and monitoring of the business strategy.         − Long-term growth potential
                                                     We offer permanent capital and target
                                                     investments where we are able to take
                                                     minority stakes up to 49%, with at least a
                                                     board seat. We will also invest where we are
                                                     part of a consortium on the condition that we
                                                     have adequate minority protections and have
                                                     a board seat. As a broad guideline, we look
                                                     for investments that require an initial equity
                                                     contribution of between £8 million and £20
A partner through challenging times - Universal Partners
16   OUR BUSINESS AT A GLANCE                                                                                                                                                        UNIVERSAL PARTNERS           17
                                                                                                                                                                                     ANNUAL REPORT

     Our executive

     We are seasoned investment specialists,        PIERRE JOUBERT (55)                                DAVID VINOKUR (41)                                   ANDREW BIRRELL (51)
                                                    CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER                            CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER                              EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
     with a track record of successfully growing
     businesses and delivering shareholder value.   Expertise: Corporate finance and                   Expertise: Private equity, corporate finance         Expertise: Investments, M&A, private equity and
                                                    investment specialist                              and investments                                      financial services
     As entrepreneurs, senior executives and        Nationality: South African                         Nationality: South African                           Nationality: British/South African
     business owners, we are adept at helping       (permanently resides in Mauritius)

     the businesses we partner with deliver         Pierre is the CEO of Universal Partners. Prior     David is the CFO of Universal Partners Limited.      Andrew has over 30 years’ experience in various

     sustainable growth. Our strong global          to joining Universal Partners, he was the chief
                                                    investment officer of the Richmark Group of
                                                                                                       He is also the CEO of the Global Capital
                                                                                                       Group. David has more than 16 years of
                                                                                                                                                            executive and non-executive roles, across the life
                                                                                                                                                            insurance, general insurance, health insurance,
     investor network enables us to successfully    companies, which he joined in November 2015.       private equity experience. During his career,        stock broking, asset management, and retail
                                                    Previously he spent 13 years at Rand Merchant      he has been instrumental in originating,             online banking industries, in South Africa, the
     invest in high-growth businesses, and our      Bank (RMB) fulfilling various roles including      structuring, concluding and exiting private          UK, Scandinavia, Canada, Ireland and Australia.
     ethos means that we only seek to partner       senior transactor in the Corporate Finance         equity transactions in a variety of industries and   Previous executive roles were as CFO of Guardian
                                                    division, head of the Equities and co-head of      countries. He represents Universal Partners and      Financial Services; Group Chief Actuary and Group
     with organisations where we believe we can     the Global Markets divisions. Pierre is a member   Global Capital on the boards of the underlying       CRO of Old Mutual plc; CRO of Old Mutual South
     add strategic value.                           of the RMB investment committee, a position
                                                    he has held for 18 years. He is also a member of
                                                                                                       companies both locally and offshore and
                                                                                                       assists with the strategic management of the
                                                                                                                                                            Africa Ltd; COO and CFO of Investec Securities
                                                                                                                                                            Ltd; and CFO of Capital Alliance Holdings Ltd and
                                                    the Ashburton Private Equity Fund 1 investment     investments. After completing his articles at        Capital Alliance Life Ltd.
                                                    committee and a non-executive director of          PricewaterhouseCoopers, David was certified
                                                    Homechoice International PLC and Brait             as a chartered accountant and became a               Andrew serves as an independent non-executive
                                                    SE. Previously, Pierre held various executive      member of South African Institute of Chartered       director on the boards of Sanlam Group, Sanlam
                                                    positions at Connection Group Holdings Ltd         Accountants. Following this David joined Global      Life and Sanlam Developing Markets in South
                                                    including that of CEO of Connection Group for      Capital in February 2004; his portfolio consists     Africa, and esure insurance Group and Sun Life
                                                    four years, leading the successful turnaround of   of a diverse range of private companies in a         Financial of Canada in the United Kingdom. He
                                                    the business that culminated in the group being    variety of industries.                               represents Universal Partners on the boards of
                                                    bought by JD Group Ltd. In his early career,                                                            JSA Services Limited, YASA Limited and SC Lowy
                                                    Pierre worked for various companies in the         David holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree            Limited. Andrew is a Fellow of the Institute and
                                                    Reunert Ltd group after completing his articles    and Bachelor of Accounting degree from the           Faculty of Actuaries, United Kingdom and the
                                                    with Deloitte.                                     University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa),      Actuarial Society of South Africa. He is also a
                                                                                                       and is a Chartered Accountant (South Africa).        Chartered Enterprise Risk Actuary (CERA) and a
                                                    Pierre holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree                                                              member of the Institute of Directors in the United
                                                    from the University of Cape Town, and is a                                                              Kingdom.
                                                    Chartered Accountant (South Africa).
                                                                                                                                                            Andrew holds a Bachelor of Business Science
                                                                                                                                                            (Hons)(Actuarial) from the University of Cape Town,
                                                                                                                                                            South Africa.
A partner through challenging times - Universal Partners
18   OUR BUSINESS AT A GLANCE                                                                                                                                                     UNIVERSAL PARTNERS      19
                                                                                                                                                                                  ANNUAL REPORT

     Our board
     and investment

     Our board of directors is responsible for   LARRY NESTADT (70)                                  MARC OOMS (69)                                      NEIL PAGE (65)
                                                 NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND                          INDEPENDENT NON-EXECUTIVE                           INDEPENDENT NON-EXECUTIVE
     ensuring that Universal Partners adheres    CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD                               DIRECTOR                                            DIRECTOR
     to sound corporate governance principles
                                                 Member of the investment committee                  Chairman of the investment committee                Member of the investment committee
     and determines our strategic positioning.   Nationality: South African                          Nationality: Belgian                                Nationality: South African
     The board and investment committee
                                                 Larry Nestadt has a long and successful global      Marc Ooms was general partner of the                Neil started his career with Ford Motor
     offers a wide range of experience,          corporate career. He is a co-founder and            Petercam Group, a Benelux investment bank.          Company prior to entering the banking

     competencies and perspectives.              former executive director of Investec Bank Ltd.
                                                 Larry has been instrumental in the creation
                                                                                                     He was also the managing director of Petercam
                                                                                                     Belgium N.V. and chairman of Petercam
                                                                                                                                                         industry in 1978. He has extensive commercial
                                                                                                                                                         banking experience including retail, corporate
                                                 and strategic development of a number of            Bank Nederland. He retired from Petercam in         and international banking. He specialised in
                                                 listed companies including Capital Alliance         2011. Today, Marc is a private equity investor      private equity in 1985, when he joined the
                                                 Holdings Ltd (Capital Alliance Life – acquired      and independent board member. He is also            MBO division of Barclays Merchant Bank (which
                                                 by Liberty Life; Capital Alliance Bank – now        involved in real estate mainly in Germany and       subsequently became Firstcorp Capital, the
                                                 Brait), Super Group Ltd, HCI Ltd, SIB Holdings      Poland. He serves, between others, as a board       forerunner of Ethos Private Equity (Pty) Ltd).
                                                 Ltd, CorpGro Ltd and Global Capital Ltd. He         member of the following companies: Sea-Invest       In 1989 Neil co-founded what is today RMB
                                                 also served as past chairman on the boards          Corporation, Luxemburg (the largest European        Corvest, a leading private equity investor in
                                                 of these companies. Previously, Larry sat on        stevedoring group in bulk and fruit which is also   South Africa. Neil was the managing director
                                                 the boards of Softline Ltd, JCI Ltd and Abacus      active in Africa); BMT NV (gears, transmissions,    until his retirement in 2018 and sat on the
                                                 Technologies Holdings Ltd. Further he has been      aeronautics, moulds for the glass industry);        boards of various RMB Corvest investee
                                                 a former chairman on a number of non-listed         Greenyard NV (world leader in distribution          companies, and the boards of the subsidiary
                                                 company boards both in South Africa and             of fresh, frozen and canned food, listed on         companies making up the RMB Corvest Group
                                                 abroad including Stenham Ltd (UK) and Prefsure      Euronext); Baltisse and Straco, two important       of companies. Neil remains on the board of
                                                 Life Ltd (Aus). Larry is the current executive      Belgian family offices.                             RMB Corvest as a non-executive director.
                                                 chairman of Global Capital (Pty) Ltd and non-                                                           Neil was a member of the RMB investment
                                                 executive chairman of Blue Label Telecoms Ltd,      Marc is a graduate of the VLEKHO Business           committee for a number of years up until his
                                                 Dis-Chem Pharmacies Ltd, National Airways           School, Brussels and lives in Belgium.              retirement from RMB Corvest.
                                                 Corporation (Pty) Ltd, Morecorp Group (Pty)
                                                 Ltd, Melrose Motor Investments (Pty) Ltd and                                                            Neil holds a Bachelor of Commerce and CAIB
                                                 SellDirect Marketing (Pty) Ltd. He also serves as                                                       (SA), Dip SAIM from Port Elizabeth Technikon,
                                                 deputy chairman of Cell C Ltd.                                                                          South Africa.

                                                 Larry is a life member of the Young Presidents
                                                 Organisation, Lloyds of London (since 1983) and
                                                 is an honorary colonel in the South African Air
20   OUR BUSINESS AT A GLANCE                                                                                                                                                         UNIVERSAL PARTNERS         21
                                                                                                                                                                                      ANNUAL REPORT

     ANDREW DUNN (49)                                  PETER GAIN (45)                                   FRANÇOISE CHAN (52)                                KESAVEN MOOTHOOSAMY (37)
     NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR                            INDEPENDENT NON-EXECUTIVE                         NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR                             NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR

     Member of the investment committee                Member of the investment committee                Nationality: Mauritian                             Nationality: Mauritian
     Nationality: South African                        Nationality: South African (Permanently resides
                                                       in the United Kingdom)                            Françoise is an executive director of              Kesaven is an executive director of Perigeum
     Andrew has over 25 years’ experience in                                                             Intercontinental Trust Ltd. With many years of     Capital. He was, until June 2016, a senior
     all areas of business development and             Peter is a seasoned entrepreneur who over the     practical experience, Francoise is a seasoned      manager in the Capital Market Advisory team of
     Private Equity, from establishing and scaling     past twenty years has built numerous successful   professional and has a deep understanding of       a leading management company in Mauritius.
     companies to structuring and managing             businesses. During his career he has led a        the intricacies of the Global Business industry.   For the past 15 years, in the Mauritius financial
     business investments. Andrew’s career has         number of significant corporate transactions      She has assisted a number of multinationals,       services industry, he has acquired experience
     featured highlights such as founding Miltrans,    including fund raisings, listings, asset sales,   fund managers and high net worth individuals       ranging from fund formation and administration,
     a Logistics and Supply Chain business which       mergers and group restructurings in various       in the structuring and the implementation of       accounting, Mauritius regulatory matters,
     was later sold to Super Group, the successful     sectors. These include mining and resources,      their affairs in Mauritius. Françoise previously   investment structuring, complex transaction
     MBO of Premier Foods which was sold to Brait,     agriculture and food processing, warehousing      held senior positions at the representative        advisory to valuation, capital raising and listing
     the Manline Group which was merged into           and logistics, telecoms and media, dental and     of Arthur Andersen in Mauritius as well as in      on securities exchanges. He is involved on
     Barloworld Logistics and several other Private    medical services, financial services and funds    the International Banking Division of Barclays     various initiatives to enhance the attractiveness
     Equity interests spanning Property, Aviation      management. Peter is the chairman of Draper       Bank Plc. Françoise is a member of both the        of the SEM. He is also a board member of
     (National Airways Corporation), Dealerships       Gain Investments Ltd, and a director of various   International Fiscal Association (IFA) and the     SEM listed companies and a number of funds
     (Melrose Motor Investments) and Security (SSG     privately held investment companies around the    Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP)   established in Mauritius. He graduated from
     Holdings), and was the CEO of the Richmark        world.                                            and serves as a director on the board of several   the University of Mauritius with a B.Sc. (Hons)
     Group from 2012-2018.                                                                               Global Business companies including listed         in Accounting with Information Systems and
                                                       Peter holds a Bachelor of Business Science from   companies.                                         holds a MBA in Leadership and Innovation.
     Andrew cofounded DNI in 2006 where he             the University of Cape Town, South Africa.                                                           He is also a fellow member of the Association
     currently serves as the CEO.                                                                        Françoise holds a DEA in banking and finance       of Chartered Certified Accountants UK
                                                                                                         and she holds a Master Degree in Econometrics      (FCCA), a member of the Mauritius Institute of
     Andrew holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree                                                          from the University of Paris 1 Sorbonne,           Professional Accountants (MIPA) and Member of
     from the University of Cape Town, South Africa.                                                     France. She also holds a Magistere d’Economie      the Mauritius Institute of Directors (MiOD).
                                                                                                         from the University of Paris 1 Sorbonne in
                                                                                                         conjunction with ULM et L’Ecole des Hautes
                                                                                                         Etudes en Sciences Sociales of Paris, France.

24   Message from the chairman
29   Chief executive officer’s report
38   Our investments
24   LEADERSHIP REVIEW                                                                                                  UNIVERSAL PARTNERS          25
                                                                                                                        ANNUAL REPORT

                                 "WHILE THE UK IS FACING
                                 CHALLENGING TIMES IN THE

     Successfully navigating
                                 SHORT TO MEDIUM TERM, WE
                                 REMAIN POSITIVE ABOUT THE
                                 LONG-TERM FUNDAMENTALS,

     turbulent times             A SUBSTANTIAL ECONOMY,
                                 LOW UNEMPLOYMENT AND A
                                 HIGHLY SKILLED WORKFORCE"

                                 Dear Stakeholders,                                       record drops. The relaxation of restrictions in June
                                                                                          saw positive signs of recovery, with GDP increasing
                                 This has been an unprecedented year. No business         8.7% on the previous month, however, the UK GDP
                                 could have anticipated that a global health              figures do not bode well for the rest of the year.
                                 pandemic (Covid-19) would shut down entire               Furthermore, Brexit negotiations are becoming
                                 economies for months at a time. Yet, despite some        increasingly compressed. It is still unclear whether
                                 very tough months and a global recession that is         a deal will be reached in time and the extent of the
                                 likely to affect economies for some time, Universal      impact it will have on the UK economy.
                                 Partners remains on track to deliver attractive growth
                                 in net asset value over the medium- to long-term for     While the UK is facing challenging times in the short
                                 our shareholders.                                        to medium term, we remain positive about the
                                                                                          long-term fundamentals, a substantial economy, low
                                 During the year we added another investment to           unemployment and a highly skilled workforce. We
                                 our portfolio, TechStream Group, a technology            have built up good momentum in this market, which
                                 talent solution business, formed through the merger      positions us well for future opportunities. As we have
                                 of three existing businesses. This brings the total      iterated previously, Brexit has been factored into all
                                 number of investments in our portfolio to six.           our investment decisions and this is something we
                                                                                          have been anticipating and preparing for.
                                 DELIVERING ON OUR INVESTMENT
                                 STRATEGY                                                 Universal Partners’ approach to investing means
                                                                                          that we invest in businesses that are resilient, even
                                 Our focus remains to hold high quality growth            in the worst of times. Our investee companies have
                                 businesses across Europe, with a particular focus        robust, easily understood business models and clear
                                 on the UK. Our mandate also allows for up to             competitive advantages, allowing them to remain on
                                 20% of total funds at the time to be invested            track even during times of severe economic distress.
                                 outside of Europe. We generally seek a significant       They also have a clear path to strong and sustainable
                                 minority shareholding of at least 25% with board         profitability combined with a high cash conversion
                                 representation in the businesses we invest in. This      ratio, which has proven especially important at this
                                 ensures that we are involved in setting the strategic    time. All of our businesses have an experienced
                                 direction of the business to enable it to scale, but     management team that demonstrate a strong
                                 also ensures that the management has a vested            cultural fit with Universal Partners and our investment
                                 interest in ensuring that the business continues to      manager, Argo. This enabled quick, strategic and
                                 perform as planned.                                      necessary decisions to be made, which was needed
                                                                                          when Covid-19 hit at a pace no business could have
                                 Our primary market, the UK, was very hard hit by         adequately prepared for.
                                 the Covid-19 pandemic. Economic output shrank
                                 by 20.4% in the second quarter of 2020, the worst        OUR PERFORMANCE
                                 quarterly slump since records began in 1955. This
                                 pushed the country, which is heavily reliant on          When looking at the performance of our investments
                                 services and household spending, into the deepest        over the year, it is important to separate the
                                 recession of any major global economy. Industries        pre-Covid period (July 2019 – February 2020) and
                                 most exposed to government lockdown measures,            the post-Covid period (March 2020 onwards). The
                                 including services, production and construction, saw     outbreak of Covid in the UK resulted in a nationwide
26   LEADERSHIP REVIEW                                                                                                                                                                                 UNIVERSAL PARTNERS          27
                                                                                                                                                                                                       ANNUAL REPORT


     lockdown, which was declared on 23rd March          YASA, the world’s leading manufacturer of axial-          however is positive, given that there is likely to be   and robotic process automation. The company
     and, with the exception of SC Lowy (which had       flux electric motors, is performing ahead of its          substantial corporate balance sheet restructuring       invested £7.8 million in the merged TechStream
     been impacted by Covid in Hong Kong and             business plan, as a result of better than expected        ahead, particularly once initial government             Group in January 2020. The TechStream Group
     Italy), affected all of our investee companies’     sales of standard motors and major engineering            support programmes come to an end and lenders           was formed following the successful merger of
     ability to operate. The effects of this pandemic    programmes being undertaken in the automotive             are required to actively manage distressed              three leading specialist technology talent solution
     varied significantly depending on the business      sector. Covid-19 did not have a significant impact        positions.                                              companies - Xcede, TechStream and Etonwood.
     type, with some businesses having to shut           on this business, as its main focus is on engineering                                                             This has resulted in a global business with
     down altogether for a period, while others were     development projects, which remained on track             JSA, a top 3 UK provider of personal service            £100 million in revenues, over 650 technology,
     able to shift the majority of their business to     and are progressing well, despite remote working          companies (PSC) and umbrella payroll services,          engineering, and digital consultants on client sites
     remote working within a relatively short space      regulations. YASA was proud to be selected by             was on track to deliver good results this year but      and 220 internal employees across nine global
     of time.                                            Ferrari as the primary source of hybrid power in          suffered two significant setbacks; the Covid-19         offices. TechStream’s revenue is split roughly
                                                         their SF90 Stradale hybrid, launched in the second        pandemic which impacted its umbrella payroll            equally between fees earned from permanent
     We have endeavoured to articulate in this           half of 2019, although the Ferrari factory closure        revenue, and a delay in expected legislative            placements and net fee income from providing
     report our expectations of the possible impacts     due to Covid in the second quarter of 2020 resulted       changes (IR35) which resulted in lower PSC              niche IT contractors to clients.
     of the pandemic on our investee companies.          in lower than anticipated motors being shipped.           revenue. While Covid-19 caused a sharp drop in
     For more detail on each individual investment       In addition to some substantial development               umbrella revenue during April, JSA management           While Covid-19 resulted in an immediate
     please see the CEO’s report on p30 to p36 of        programmes in the automotive sector working               responded quickly to reduce costs, enable staff to      reduction in permanent placement revenue for
     this report and the ‘Our investments’ section on    on Battery Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, YASA is          work remotely and continue to offer a seamless          the business, the effect on the contractor book
     p40 to p51.                                         increasingly involved in a number of initiatives for      service to its clients. Umbrella revenue has been       has been more muted. The highly experienced
                                                         electrification of the aerospace industry. These          rising steadily since May and management expect         management team responded by significantly
     OUR INVESTMENTS                                     research and development initiatives are being            to reach pre-Covid levels by the fourth quarter of      reducing the monthly cost base of the business
                                                         undertaken with a number of new and established           2020, proving the resilient nature of the business.     and successfully accessing government support
     Dentex, the UK’s second largest private dental      industry participants, supported by government            Increasing revenue combined with a lower cost           measures in the countries in which TechStream
     practice group, continued its growth and            funding, and we are confident the company will be a       base has resulted in improved profitability and         operates.
     acquisition strategy, growing the number of         participant in realising the vision of electric flight.   JSA is well positioned to resume its strategy
     practices to 73 (up from 62 last year). Lockdown                                                              of growing the business organically and by              Propelair, a manufacturer of water efficient toilets,
     severely impacted this business, with the           SC Lowy, the high-yield bond and distressed debt          acquisition.                                            remains our smallest and most challenging
     complete closure of all private practices for       specialist, where we invested as part of a consortium                                                             investment. While sales in 2019 increased by
     a period of ten weeks resulting in a severe         that we led together with Investec Bank, continues        JSA has benefitted from HMRC’s permission to            a factor of three over the previous year, we
     reduction in revenue. However, we have seen a       to grow its share of this substantial, underserved        defer the payment of VAT and National Insurance         have taken a cautious approach regarding
     strong recovery since private dental practices      market. Its Primary Investment Fund performed             (NI) contributions until 31st March 2021. This          the valuation of this investment. The new
     were able to open again on 8th June. Dental         ahead of its benchmark during this financial year         arrangement has resulted in the company                 management team have continued to execute
     practices continued to earn capitation fees         and continues to attract additional investment. SC        enjoying high levels of liquidity and avoiding any      their strategy, with an increased number of sales
     and NHS revenue throughout the lockdown             Lowy also launched a new Strategic Situations Fund        covenant breaches with its debt funders.                partners and improvement in the sales pipeline.
     period. We expect this resilient business to        during the period. SC Lowy’s banking platform in                                                                  In the year under review the company required
     restore its historic earnings in the coming         South Korea continues to deliver attractive returns       TechStream Group, our sixth investment to               additional funding, which was provided by two of
     months. Dentex is in the process of finalising a    on equity and the operation in Italy has completed        date, is a specialist global technology talent          the other significant shareholders in the business,
     £20 million capital raise from existing and new     the turnaround envisioned when the platform was           recruitment firm specialising in providing contract     and was supplemented by the introduction of a
     shareholders which will enable Dentex to take       acquired in 2018. Although Covid-19 resulted in SC        and permanent staff in growing sectors such             new shareholder and a successful crowd funding
     advantage of the softer market conditions and       Lowy experiencing record trading volumes, high            as cyber security, digital transformation, data         round which raised more than the anticipated
     we expect it may be able to resume acquiring        levels of market volatility in March 2020 had an          analytics, artificial intelligence, renewable energy    amount. The business was adversely affected by
     practices as early as the fourth quarter of 2020,   adverse effect on fund performance. The outlook                                                                   Covid, being unable to complete on a number of
     in line with its long-term business plan.
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                                                                                                                       CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S REPORT

                                                                                                                       Short-term upsets
                                                                                                                       but long-term gains

     large contracts which have been in negotiation for      CONCLUSION                                                                                   The year ended 30th June 2020 was an incredibly
     some time, and UPL elected not to commit further                                                                                                     challenging one, given the Covid-19 pandemic and
     capital to this investment. We remain cautious          Clear leadership, strong governance and effective                                            the resultant lockdowns across many countries, which
     regarding the future performance of Propelair and       decision making are vitally important during a crisis                                        impacted all the companies we are invested in, along
     maintain the valuation at £1.00.                        and I would like to thank our executive team, board                                          with their customers and employees.
                                                             and investment committee for the role they have
     LOOKING AHEAD                                           played and the time they have invested in helping us to                                      I am pleased to report that while all the businesses
                                                             navigate through this difficult year.                                                        were severely tested, all have prevailed and are
     We cannot predict the duration of the pandemic                                                                                                       on the road to recovery. I believe this is testament
     or its longer-term impact on the global economy.        Peter Gain, an independent non-executive director,                                           to our investment approach, which is focused on
     We do however expect muted growth in major              will not put himself up for re-election at the AGM in                                        seeking opportunities in companies that are able to
     economies for some time, particularly as state          order to focus on his other commitments. We thank him                                        respond to tough environments thanks to excellent
     wage support programmes wind down.                      for sharing his expertise and experience with the UPL                                        management teams, good cash conversion and a
                                                             board during his tenure. A replacement board member                                          clear competitive advantage.
     In the short term our focus is on ensuring that         is being sought and will be announced in due course.
     our existing businesses are firmly on the road to                                                                                                    During the financial year we made one new
     recovery and, if necessary and appropriate, provide     I remain confident that our portfolio, which has proven                                      investment of £7.8 million in TechStream Group,
     them with additional funding or supporting them         its resilience in even the most adverse circumstances,                                       a company with a global reach, focused on
     in raising new facilities, to enable them to realise    remains on track to realise strong capital appreciation                                      recruiting niche and scarce talent in a number of
     their business plans. In the medium term we expect      for our stakeholders over the medium to long-term.                                           key technology fields. This investment was funded
     that good investment opportunities will arise in our                                                                                                 via a drawdown on the £16.5 million debt facility we
     target markets. We recognise that many excellent                                                                                                     secured in 2019. A further £2.5 million of this facility
     businesses will look for well aligned equity partners                                                                                                will be invested as a follow-on investment in Dentex,
     in order to get through this tough period, given                                                                                                     our dental healthcare group, with the balance
     that access to debt financing may be constrained.                                                                                                    available for working capital and for follow-on
                                                             Larry Nestadt                                                                                investments in our existing portfolio.
     We have now fully deployed the £72 million              Chairman
     that we raised in our initial public offering on        8 September 2020                                                                             COVID-19 IMPACT
     the Stock Exchange of Mauritius (SEM) and
     the Alternative Exchange of the Johannesburg                                                                                                         Our portfolio companies were operating according
     Stock Exchange (AltX) in August 2016. In order                                                                                                       to their strategic plans before Covid-19 hit, but the
     to invest in the TechStream Group, and consider                                                                                                      severe lockdown and related regulations imposed
     other opportunities as well as make follow on                                                                                                        meant that none of our businesses were able to focus
     investments in our existing portfolio, we secured                                                                                                    on business as usual during the last quarter of this
     a £16.5 million debt facility at favourable rates in                                                                                                 reporting period.
     December 2019.
                                                                                                                                                          The nationwide lockdown in our primary market,
     We are considering our capital raising approach                                                                                                      the UK, which was declared on 23rd March, affected
     and structure going forward in order to be able                                                                                                      all our investee companies’ ability to operate. The
     to continue building on the foundation we have                                                                                                       effects of this varied significantly depending on
     established over the last four years.                                                                                                                the business type, with some businesses having to
                                                                                                                                                          shutdown altogether, while others were able to adjust
                                                                                                                                                          their business to cope with new regulations within a
                                                                                                                                                          relatively short space of time.
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ANNUAL REPORT


     Government support in the UK, in the form of the       We also assisted our portfolio companies who had           schemes and supporting their partner dental               the completion of the £20m equity round and a
     Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, significantly        debt facilities to engage with their funders in a          practitioners and staff, who have expressed their         return to normal trading, the business can access
     helped businesses during this period. Under this       constructive way, given that none of the facilities in     appreciation of the benefits of being part of a           its committed acquisition facility to partly fund
     scheme, which ran from March 2020 until August         place had envisaged a complete economic lockdown           substantial organisation during this difficult period.    the acquisition of further dental practices. Dentex
     2020, companies could furlough employees               when they were entered into.                                                                                         is therefore well placed to expand its network of
     whilst keeping them on the payroll via the UK                                                                     Practices were allowed to reopen on 8th June 2020         high quality, private focused dental practices and
     Government subsidy of 80% of furloughed staff          Our immediate focus was on the safety and wellbeing        once they had implemented additional infection            integrate these new acquisitions into the current
     wages, up to a maximum of £2,500 per person per        of the customers and staff in our portfolio companies.     prevention and control procedures. Private practices      estate.
     month.                                                 Once this was secured, we could then commence              have rebounded strongly since reopening and by
                                                            engagement on restoring the business plans of              August 2020 were trading at 80% to 90% of pre-            YASA
     Once the extent of the Covid pandemic was              our portfolio companies. Not only do we want to            Covid 19 levels. We expect further improvements in
     clear, our businesses immediately implemented          ensure that each business is back on a sustainable         trading as the dentists adapt to the new operating        YASA has developed and commercialised a
     appropriate cost management strategies. They           growth path and has the resources required to              environment, and new ways of working are                  patented axial flux technology enabling it to
     also quickly ascertained whether government            deliver on their business plans, we also recognise         implemented. For instance, Dentex has installed air       manufacture a range of electric motors with superior
     support available allowed them to benefit from         that the customers, management and staff of these          filtration systems and provided practice staff with       performance characteristics. It has further developed
     any relief offered. In some instances staff were       companies are the foundation of their success.             suitable PPE, to facilitate the return to full capacity   an innovative inverter/controller technology which
     placed on the furlough scheme described above,                                                                    in a safe and secure manner.                              will allow it to offer integrated motor and inverter
     however in other instances the businesses were                                                                                                                              solutions in addition to stand alone motors and
     able to reconfigure their operations (e.g. to remote   OUR INVESTMENTS                                            When it became clear in February 2020 that Covid          inverters.
     working) and continue servicing customers. The                                                                    19 presented a risk to the UK, Dentex suspended
     impact varied by the nature of the business.           Dentex                                                     all acquisitions in the pipeline in order to focus        In the second half of 2019 Ferrari launched the
     Furlough was a critical part of retaining employees                                                               on the existing estate of practices. The Dentex           new SF90 Stradale hybrid supercar. It is the most
     in Dentex, given that all but a few dental practices   Dentex concluded the acquisition of a further 14           management team and shareholders believe                  powerful road car ever built by Ferrari and has a
     in the UK were shut down for 10 weeks. Other           dental practices between July 2019 and February            there is now an opportunity to acquire high quality       hybrid powertrain consisting of a Ferrari V8 internal
     businesses such as YASA and JSA were able to           2020 and is now the second largest, and one of the         practices at attractive valuations and there is an        combustion engine mated to a custom designed
     continue operating with few, if any, staff placed on   fastest growing, private focused dental corporates         attractive and large pipeline of potential acquisition    YASA motor, which provides a high-power output
     furlough.                                              in the UK with 73 practices. During the year, Dentex       targets. Dentex is now raising £20 million of new         whilst being lightweight. The YASA solution has
                                                            raised £25 million equity to partly fund its buy and       equity to resume acquisition activity as soon             a small profile and is robust, given it is placed
     Given the speed at which the Covid-19 pandemic         build strategy, with UPL investing a further £9 million.   as trading returns to pre-Covid 19 levels. UPL’s          off the crankshaft. It passed all tests during the
     unfolded it was impossible for any business to be      In addition, Dentex secured a £67 million committed        investment committee has approved an investment           development process, demonstrating it could
     adequately prepared. On behalf of UPL, the Argo        debt facility in December 2019. At 30th June 2020,         of £2.5 million as part of this raise. Heads of Terms     reliably withstand all forces it was subjected to,
     team held regular meetings with the boards and         the business had £35 million undrawn in its debt           for the full £20 million commitment have been             whilst continuing to provide the desired power.
     management teams of all our portfolio companies,       facility to fund future acquisitions.                      signed with new and existing Dentex shareholders.         YASA is understandably proud of its association
     and in turn presented information regularly back                                                                  As a result of Covid, the agreed price for this           with the SF90 Stradale, the confidence placed in its
     to the UPL investment committee and board.             Following the UK government enforced lockdown,             funding round is lower than the current carrying          technology by Ferrari, and its demonstrated ability
     The team were able to learn and share relevant         the Chief Dental Officer instructed all dental             value, hence the value of UPL’s investment in Dentex      to pass a thorough and rigorous evaluation process.
     insights across the portfolio about topics such as     practices to close during the week commencing              has been written down by 21%.
     the wage support schemes available and issues          23rd March 2020. As a result, the business earned
     such as remote working and hygiene protocols.          no private dental revenue during April and May             Constructive discussions have been held with
     This sharing of knowledge was beneficial to            2020, however it continued to earn revenue from its        Dentex’s lenders, confirming their belief in the
     management teams across the portfolio and              contracts with the National Health Service (NHS) and       Dentex business model and their willingness to
     consequently they were able to adapt their             from private capitation schemes.                           support the company through this period. Following
     businesses effectively in a short period of time.      Dentex management have done an exceptional
                                                            job in cutting costs, accessing government support
32   LEADERSHIP REVIEW                                                                                                                                                                            UNIVERSAL PARTNERS   33
                                                                                                                                                                                                  ANNUAL REPORT

     The YASA standard motor continues to demonstrate           "OUR IMMEDIATE FOCUS         during the year under review, anchored by Oxford          During the period SC Lowy raised a new Strategic
     its ability to deliver reliable electric motive force      WAS ON THE SAFETY AND        Sciences Innovation (OSI), a new shareholder on           Situations (SI) fund of US$105 million, ending the
     in a range of applications - from a project to             WELLBEING OF THE CUSTOMERS   the register. An Oxford based investor, OSI has           year with over U$1 billion funds under management
     electrify railway rolling stock in the UK, to delivering   AND STAFF IN OUR PORTFOLIO   a mandate to invest in technology developed by            (FUM). As a result of the increase in FUM, SC
     impressive power in hybrid Koenigsegg super cars.          COMPANIES. ONCE THIS WAS     researchers at Oxford University. UPL invested £3         Lowy passed an important milestone whereby
     YASA is engaged in a number of confidential                SECURED, WE COULD THEN       million in the round, participating pari passu with the   management fees charged are sufficient to cover
     automotive development programmes with                     COMMENCE ENGAGEMENT          other existing investors.                                 the running costs of the non-banking business. The
     manufacturers of sporting, premium and luxury              ON RESTORING THE BUSINESS                                                              SI fund mandate differs from the PI fund in that it is
     motorcars. These programmes cover not only Hybrid,         PLANS OF OUR PORTFOLIO       YASA demonstrated great resilience during the             able to hold fewer and more concentrated positions.
     but also pure Electric vehicle applications, where the     COMPANIES."                  Covid lockdown. All office based settled into remote      These positions are held at cost until they are
     combination of YASA’s high power output relative to                                     working within a short period, and the factory            realised, resulting in a deferral of performance fees.
     weight combined with its excellent energy efficiency,                                   was initially closed for three weeks to allow for         To date the SI fund has achieved an IRR on closed
     provide substantial range benefits compared to                                          re-configuring to implement the UK government’s           positions in excess of 20%
     other automotive and aerospace technologies.                                            social distancing and revised risk management
     YASA’s proven flexibility in packaging its high-power,                                  requirements. Thereafter factory staff returned           SC Lowy acquired Credito di Romagna, an Italian
     lightweight solutions further differentiates it from                                    to work, provided they were not in a vulnerable           Bank based in the region of Emilia-Romagna, in
     alternatives.                                                                           group, or sharing a household with vulnerable             2018. The bank had been under scrutiny from the
                                                                                             members. The YASA board met remotely on a                 Bank of Italy prior to acquisition, and a turnaround
     During the period YASA launched its first series                                        weekly basis with management to review and                was required. As part of the turnaround, the bank
     of inverters to market, having spent a number of                                        approve contingency plans, and all delivery and           was re-branded as Solution Bank during the period
     years in the development phase. Like its electric                                       development commitments made to customers                 under review, and has now shown increased net
     motors, YASA inverters offer high performance in a                                      were met. Certain customers closed their factories,       interest margin and operating profits in each of the
     lightweight package, and YASA is now able to offer                                      reducing demand for YASA motors during the                last six quarters.
     integrated motor / inverter solutions in addition to                                    height of the Covid wave in Europe. Once these
     stand alone motors and inverters. YASA is confident                                     customers re-opened their factories, YASA agreed          During the period under review Solution Bank
     that its inverter capabilities present an attractive                                    motor delivery schedules, which have been met             applied for, and received, a passport from the Bank
     stand-alone solution to the market and will result                                      in full. Development programmes with customers            of Italy to raise deposits and acquire assets across
     in increased opportunities for its electric motor                                       continued unaffected.                                     the Eurozone. This is in line with the business plan at
     solutions, not only in the automotive sector, but also                                                                                            the time of the acquisition, and allows Solution Bank
     in the aerospace sector.                                                                SC Lowy                                                   further flexibility in funding and investing.
                                                                                                                                                       In terms of the business plan agreed with the Bank of
     YASA continues to work with a number of participants                                    SC Lowy is a leading market maker in distressed           Italy, SC Lowy injected a further €10m of equity into
     in the aerospace sector on achieving the vision of                                      and high yield debt, particularly in Asian and Middle     Solution Bank in March 2020. As a result of the relief
     electric powered flight. A number of development                                        Eastern loans and bonds.                                  put in place by the Bank of Italy due to Covid 19, SC
     programmes are ongoing and the UK government is                                                                                                   Lowy does not expect to have to inject any further
     supporting the electrification of flight via a number                                   The SC Lowy Primary Investment (PI) Fund’s                equity into Solution Bank during 2020. SC Lowy and
     of grant programmes. YASA is engaging with the                                          performance for the period to date was ahead              Solution bank believe that they are well placed to
     relevant parties in this regard.                                                        of its benchmark. Having started strongly in              assist Italian businesses to restructure post Covid-19,
                                                                                             January and February, market dislocation in March         given the core expertise of managing distressed
     At the time that UPL invested, the investment case                                      resulted material increases in credit spreads and         debt.
     was underpinned by a benchmarking of YASA’s                                             thus substantial mark-to-market losses. Fund
     technology against alternatives, which confirmed                                        performance normalised in April and May, with a           The injection of €10 million made by SC Lowy into
     that YASA has world leading solutions. Post UPL’s                                       strong performance in June resulting in most of the       Solution Bank was supported by an equity raise of
     initial investment in 2017, YASA has continued to                                       adverse performance being clawed back.
     successfully deliver its business plan and successfully
     completed a further equity raise of £18.5 million
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ANNUAL REPORT

     US$25 million undertaken by SC Lowy, which was             approximately 2 800 umbrella clients and 300 PSC          growth in profitability in the next financial year.   between employers and highly skilled staff. The
     led by TempleWater LLP, a new investor on the share        clients.                                                  JSA’s performance was recognised in the 16th          company has over 650 technology, engineering, and
     register, and included a number of existing investors.                                                               Sunday Times PwC Top Track 250 survey, which          digital consultants on client sites and 220 internal
     The equity round was priced on the same terms as           Covid-19 lockdown regulations had a significant           was published in September 2020. Top Track 250        employees across 9 global offices. TechStream’s
     UPL entered SC Lowy in December 2017.                      impact on the umbrella payroll services side of the       ranks Britain’s mid-market private companies by       revenue is roughly split equally between fees earned
                                                                business given the severe impact on contractors,          sales, with minimum required growth of 5% in          from permanent placements and net fee income from
     Choeun Savings Bank, SC Lowy’s South Korean                agency and temporary workers. This resulted               profit or sales in the last year. JSA was ranked      providing niche IT contractors to clients.
     banking operation, continues to trade profitably and       in a substantial drop in revenue, particularly in         97th.
     deliver an attractive return on equity. This is despite    April 2020. However, the PSC side of the business                                                               The management team have deep experience in the
     management’s caution in extending new credit to            was largely unaffected, providing a strong base           JSA has completed six value enhancing                 specialist recruitment industry and have managed
     customers in certain segments, due to available            load of revenue. Management’s quick response              acquisitions since UPL invested in the company        through a number of cycles. Open vacancies in many
     market pricing not fully reflecting their view of the      to the disruption in operations was impressive;           in May 2018, almost doubling its annualised           of the fields they recruit for reduced substantially as a
     risks inherent in these sectors.                           remote working was enabled immediately while              EBITDA as a result. These acquisitions have been      result of Covid-related lockdowns and management
                                                                maintaining the security and integrity of client          financed from internally generated cashflows and      responded swiftly by significantly reducing the
     SC Lowy’s offices in Hong Kong, Seoul, Milan,              data. JSA also made a meaningful reduction                available debt facilities, requiring no additional    monthly cost base of the business, while successfully
     Bologna, London and New York were all impacted             in monthly expenses by taking advantage of                equity from shareholders. Substantial equity          accessing the available government support
     to varying degrees by the Covid pandemic, however          Government support. HMRC further permitted                value has been created in the process and this        measures. While profitability was adversely impacted
     all staff were able to continue fully working remotely.    the deferral of a substantial amount of VAT and NI        investment has been revalued by £6.37million          by Covid-19, there has been a steady increase in
     SC Lowy traded a record volume of distressed               contributions until 31 March 2021, which put JSA          as part of the revaluation exercise performed at      revenue post the easing of lockdown restrictions due
     debt and high yield loans during March and April           in a strong liquidity position and ensured that no        year end.                                             to resilient demand for skills in the niches in which
     2020. Despite this, management expects that the            debt covenants were breached.                                                                                   it specialises. Although UPL remains confident that
     Covid-19 related market volatility will adversely                                                                    TechStream Group                                      the company will achieve the investment business
     impact performance and performance fees during             Legislative changes relating to eligibility of flexible                                                         case, it has written down the value of its investment
     2020, particularly in countries where central bank         workers via Personal Service Companies (PSC) in           UPL invested £7.8 million in TechStream Group         in TechStream Group by GBP 957,518 due to the
     support to banks shielded them from having to              the UK (IR35), expected to be fully implemented           in January 2020 via a drawdown of the Rand            deferral of profits as a consequence of the Covid-19
     manage their loan portfolios aggressively. It remains      in April 2020, were delayed by a year as a result         Merchant Bank International (RMB) debt facility.      impact. Investec Bank Plc, the bank who have
     SC Lowy management’s view that banks will have to          of Covid. The impending new rules caused                  Our investment, together with a financing             provided the initial debt facility to TechStream Group,
     restructure their balance sheets once government           substantial uncertainty amongst flexible workers          package provided to TechStream Group                  remain supportive of the company.
     support schemes are eased, and they remain                 and their clients in the first quarter of 2020,           by Investec Bank Plc, funded the merger of
     confident that they will be able to assist banks at this   resulting in a structural change in the market and        TechStream, Xcede and Etonwood, creating a            Propelair
     time. This normalisation should benefit the company        a permanent reduction in JSA’s PSC clients. The           global business with revenue of £100 million.
     during 2021.                                               company expects that in terms of the planned              UPL acquired a significant minority stake in          The Propelair positive pressure flushing toilet offers
                                                                changes a significant number of flexible working          the TechStream Group alongside existing               multiple benefits to property owners, occupiers and
     JSA                                                        contractors will in future need to provide their          shareholders and the management of the three          end-users, and is even more relevant at the present
                                                                services via an umbrella payroll provider, which          businesses.                                           time as a result of its proven ability to reduce the
     JSA is a provider of personal service companies            will benefit JSA’s business as it is well placed to                                                             aerosols produced by conventional flushing toilets.
     (PSC) and umbrella payroll services to contractors         provide compliant solutions to both its existing          TechStream focuses on recruiting permanent            These aerosols spread bacteria and viruses and
     and temporary workers in the UK. Its strategy of           customers and new clients.                                and contract staff for clients’ specific new          Propelair has demonstrated that its technology
     consolidating smaller, complementary businesses                                                                      high technology niches such as artificial             substantially reduces these. In addition, the Propelair
     in the sector continues to be highly successful and        Although the IR35 and Covid setbacks have                 intelligence, cyber security, data analytics/         technology enhances hygiene and uses a fraction of
     during the period JSA completed the acquisition            affected JSA’s profits for the year to September          science, digital transformation, high-tech            the water used in conventional units. Despite these
     and integration of two more companies: Mango Pay           2020, the company is already experiencing a solid         engineering, renewable energy and robotic             two key features that make the product compelling,
     and Liberty Bishop. Through these acquisitions, JSA,       recovery in revenue, and this, together with the          process automation. Global demand for these           the company continues to experience a longer than
     with its scalable, highly efficient platform, has added    lower cost base, is expected to result in robust          skills significantly exceeds supply and hence         expected sales cycle. Although sales over the period
                                                                                                                          there is room for a specialist intermediary
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