A Review of India's Preparedness to Tackle the Covid19 Crises? - Open Journal Systems

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A Review of India's Preparedness to Tackle the Covid19 Crises? - Open Journal Systems
892    Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, April-June 2021, Vol. 15, No. 2

        A Review of India’s Preparedness to Tackle the Covid19

                                                         Shreyasvi Sharma
           Medical Intern, Jawahar Lal Nehru Medical College, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences
                              (Deemed to be University), Wardha, Maharashtra, India

           The novel Coronavirus, first appeared in Wuhan province of China in late December 2019, and gripped
      the whole world in 2020, growing to be a full-blown pandemic and changed every individual’s life completely.
      India recorded its first Novel Coronavirus case on 30th January 2020 in Kerala, a student from Wuhan,
      China. In this article, the question about whether India is ready to tackle the crisis, i.e., Covid-19, was
      answered. Three mathematical models were reviewed and then compared to the number of beds available
      in the country. The third mathematical model seemed to model the country’s curve much closer than the
      second one. The first one’s prediction actually came out to be true. Furthermore, the paper discusses the
      health infrastructure in the country and the strategies adopted by states to prevent the spread. It talks about
      two specific states Kerala and Maharashtra and how the country needs to deal with the crisis. It is important
      to note that according to the models and numbers currently, India is geared, However, if precautions are not
      taken the situation can get much worse. This paper also discusses the fatality rates currently in India and
      where we stand for treatment. Currently, the treatment protocols keep changing from time to time.

      Keywords: Covid-19, Mathematical Modelling, Health Infrastructure, Future of India

                        Introduction                                   And, in case of COVID 19, it is found to be between 1.4
    The novel Coronavirus, first appearing in Wuhan                    and 2.8 2. Community transmission being the worst-case
province of China in late December 2019, gripped                       scenario, where the source of the infection cannot be
the whole world in 2020, growing to be a full-blown                    traced, and if unchecked, can easily turn to an endemic
pandemic. As of 5th July, 11 million cases and about 5                 in the region. While studies have been going on about
lakh deaths were recorded worldwide1. The virus spreads                effective treatment and vaccines, behavioral intervention
primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from                 is the preventive measure that can be taken by everyone,
the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes or                  and screening and testing by the government. India
contact with contaminated surfaces, so it is important                 recorded its first Novel Coronavirus case on 30th
to maintain proper hygiene and respiratory etiquette.                  January 2020 in Kerala, a student from Wuhan, China.
However, A disease causing pathogen is transmitted                     A national lockdown was imposed on March 25th to
based on its infectibility, which depends on the R-naught              curb the spread. However, starting from the first case,
value i.e., the number of persons who can possibly                     the country has recorded more than 6 lakh cases, placing
contract the virus from an infected person on an average.              itself in the top ten worst affected countries.

                                                                            The corona virus has affected everyone’s lives in a
Corresponding author:                                                  massive manner. With the case count growing everyday,
Shreyasvi Sharma                                                       it is important to answer questions like; Will we have
Medical Intern, Jawahar Lal Nehru Medical College,                     enough beds and ventilators for critical cases in the
Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed to                   future? Will some states be worse than the others? What
be University), Wardha, Maharashtra, India.                            precautions should each state take? When will all this be
Email – shreyasvisharma@gmail.com                                      over? This paper sheds some light into these questions.
A Review of India's Preparedness to Tackle the Covid19 Crises? - Open Journal Systems
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, April-June 2021, Vol. 15, No. 2   893

It also looks at predictions of various mathematical                 India. Data from the second Fourier based model
models, extrapolates those peak numbers and compares            was focused on. This model takes previous data for 14
them with the number of beds available in the country.          days into account and predicts data for the future based
Furthermore, it discusses some of the strategies taken by       on the previous data. Certain parameters were used for
various states.                                                 different countries in this model.

               Materials and Method                                  III. Regression Analysis - June 22nd, 2020 5

    In this review article, a lot of mathematical modelling          Finally, this paper also was based of covid
papers from various online publishing sources were              19’s exponential behaviour. For this study the
reviewed where the Covid-19 peak case count in India            R-naught(reproduction) value was around 1.4 - 3.9.
was predicted. It is important to note that all of these        This model was applied to two countries, China and
papers used different types of mathematical models and          Korea, who are much further ahead as the coronavirus
also had different data available to them at the time of        hit them earlier. The model seemed to fit both the
publishing. Different conditions and assumptions were           countries and was adapted with specific constants for
taken into account for each model. Specifically, three          India. It is important to note that this model was also a
papers and the mathematical models were chosen to be            sort of compartmental model as paper I. However, it was
reviewed. After extrapolating data from these papers and        written a lot after with a lot more data.
manipulating them, they were compared to the number
of beds available in India and the main question whether                                     Results
India is prepared to tackle the crises was answered.               I.      Stochastic Mathematical model - April 2nd,
    Study Design
                                                                     Even though this model was written a while ago i.e.,
   I. Stochastic Mathematical model - April 2nd,
                                                                there was not enough data at the time. It predicted that by
2020 3
                                                                25th May, 2020 if 50% of the people quarantined, there
     This model uses a classic SEIR type model                  would be around 241,000 cumulative cases in India.
which divides the population into four compartments:            That date has already passed and on 25th May, India
Susceptible, Exposed, Infectious, and Recovered.                actually had a total of 144,000 cases6 which means that
Furthermore, the model then uses simple mathematical            more than 50% of the people quarantined and helped us
differential functions on Matlab to predict the covid curve     flatten the curve.
for India. This paper really focuses on the exponential
                                                                     II. Gaussian Mixture model - June 16th, 2020
nature of the virus. It also compares the difference of
the impact of lockdown on the case count of covid 19.               The fourier model in this predicts that, there will be
It gives the case counts based on the effectiveness of          around 1.1 million cases at the peak
India’s lockdown.
                                                                    of the curve. It seems like this model does not
    II. Gaussian Mixture model - June 16th, 2020 4              accurately represent the current situation in India as we
                                                                are nearing 1 million cases and the case count is still
   In this paper, the author uses two mathematical
                                                                increasing at a staggering rate everyday6.
methods to predict the curve for
A Review of India's Preparedness to Tackle the Covid19 Crises? - Open Journal Systems
894    Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, April-June 2021, Vol. 15, No. 2

                                           Figure 1 : Trend estimation using FDM4
      III. Regression Analysis - June 22nd, 2020

      Finally, the model that was derived from other countries and seemed to fit their data

   estimated that the peak cases in India would be around 2.4 million cases. This makes a lot more sense

                                  Figure 2: Forecast for India based on the third model5
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, April-June 2021, Vol. 15, No. 2   895

                       Discussion                                about 1.1 million cases which seems a bit off now that
                                                                 the cases are going up whereas the model predicts that
     The predictions from the first test were pretty close
                                                                 they should have already reached their peak and must be
to the numbers in the sense that we know that a lot more
                                                                 going down by mid-July. Lastly, the third study is the
people quarantined at the start due to the restrictions set
                                                                 value that needs to be compared to the number of beds
by the Government of India. The case count was a lot
                                                                 available as it seems to make a lot more sense compared
lower than what was predicted. The second study predicts
                                                                 to the current trend.

                                         Table 1: Summarizing all the results

                   Study                               Peak Case Count                                Date written

                                             241,000 - by 25th May if 50% people
      Stochastic Mathematical model                                                                  April 2nd, 2020

          Gaussian Mixture model                           1.1 million                               June 16th, 2020

            Regression Analysis                            2.4 million                              June 22nd, 2020

     According to recent Indian Government based                    The public health facilities used for COVID
covid-19 data, only 6-7% of the cases need hospitalization       management were classified into 3 categories:
out of all the cases7. This implies that at the peak of 2.4
                                                                      1. Dedicated COVID Hospital (DCH) - for the
million we would need about 2,00,000 beds rounded
                                                                 clinically assessed severe cases
off. To get an actual comparison of how well prepared
the country is we need to understand India’s health                   2. Dedicated COVID Health Centre - for the
infrastructure first.                                            clinically assessed moderate cases

    Health Infrastructure                                            3. Dedicated COVID Care Centre - for the mild or
                                                                 suspect cases. These are mainly make-shift facilities set
     For many poor households in India, public healthcare
                                                                 up in hotels, hostels, stadiums etc.
is the only available option since private healthcare is
too expensive. And, isolation wards are required for the             According to the National Health Profile 2019, there
confirmed positive patients and intensive care for the           are a total of 7,13,986 government beds available in
critical patients. So, it is important to assess the medical     India, i.e., 0.55 per 1000 population. As for the elderly
capacity to formulate how to go about handling the               population, the availability of beds is 5.18 per 1000
situation.                                                       population 8.
896   Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, April-June 2021, Vol. 15, No. 2

                                    Figure 3: Heat map of government beds in India 8

    From the maps, many states lie below the national                 exports to make sure there was adequate supply for the
average of 0.55 per 1000 population. Bihar has a shortage             country, however, the demand far exceeds the supply.
with just 0.11, whereas Sikkim, West Bengal and Delhi                 Shortage of PPE kits and other protective equipment is
seem to be better off with 2.34, 2.25 and 1.05 per 1000               a matter of growing concern as it puts all the healthcare
population, respectively.                                             workers at great risk.

    The availability of government beds is extremely                       Finally, we extrapolated based on the third model
low and an epidemic can make the situation much                       that we need around 2,00,000 beds. It is
worse. Though measures are being taken to contain the
spread, and early detection and treatment is supposed                      important to note that this is based on the current
to prevent the cases from getting critical, the supply of             statistic, that only 6-7% of the people get hospitalised.
beds and intensive care equipment like ventilators, ICU               Once the cases rise, the demand will become much
and oxygen support need to be amped up. Also, the                     higher which puts our healthcare system under a lot of
government can coordinate with the private healthcare                 pressure. We need to ensure that this does not occur and
to meet the needs.                                                    keep, “flattening the curve,” so as to not put any pressure
                                                                      on the Indian healthcare system.
    Adding to the stress on health infrastructure is the
shortage of PPE kits for the healthcare workers. The                       Discussion II - Where is India at right now?
lockdown imposed by many countries interfered with                         Population, poverty, illiteracy and an overwhelmed
the imports and so, the government decided to stop
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, April-June 2021, Vol. 15, No. 2   897

health care system are the main worries that prove to          of workers returning home by foot or by train. This
be deciding factors in this battle against COVID 19.           showed a steady rise of cases in countries like Assam,
The nationwide lockdown, a historic decision put into          Chhattisgarh, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, with
action on March 24th 2020, was the first step taken by         most of the new cases to be people who were travelling
the country to fight this, and thereby moving forward          back from work places around the country. One
with a ‘cluster containment strategy’ to contain the           important factor in deciding what will help our country
disease within a defined geographic area by early              is how rapidly we test people around the nation. It will
detection of cases, breaking the chain of transmission         help isolate breakouts and warn people that are affected
and thus preventing its spread. The 21 day lockdown            by the virus to not spread it more.
was first extended to May 3rd and then to May 18th.
While there was still a steady rise in the number of cases
and fatalities, the growth rate was lower than the other            India’s testing strategy changed multiple times
affected countries. Studies also show that the results of      throughout the past 6 months. And in an attempt to
the lockdown can easily be negated if people go back           ramp up the testing, ICMR approved a total of 1049
to normal activities post lockdown, showing the need           laboratories, both public and private. However, the
for measures of suppression post lockdown.9 On June            access to testing still remains a huge challenge in many
8th, the country took a tentative step out of a 75 day         parts of the country. Approval of the use of point of
lockdown, opening up malls, restaurants, religious places      care rapid antigen test, in containment zones as well
and offices with strict measures limiting the number of        as hospitals is also aimed at increasing the outreach of
people, use of masks, social distancing and mandating          testing, thereby reducing the spread since ‘test-track-
the sanitization of premises.                                  treat’ is the key strategy to contain the pandemic.10 The
                                                               average testing rate as of June 15th was 4972 per million,
     In a country like India with a population of 1.2
                                                               Ladakh having the highest number of testing, followed
billion, with a major sector being migrant workers and
                                                               by Goa, Jammu and Kashmir and Delhi.
daily wage earners, the lockdown resulted in millions

         Figure 4: States with the greatest share of total COVID-19 cases in India as of June 15, 2020
898    Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, April-June 2021, Vol. 15, No. 2

    Though Maharashtra seems to have the highest                       maintain social distancing and avoid public gatherings
number of cases, it’s testing rate stands at just 5445 per             till July 2021, to cut the chain of transmission and to
million, indicating the need to test more and control the              reduce the spread.
spread.11 The state recorded 6330 new cases as of July
2nd , and also recorded its highest number of recovered
and discharged at a count of 8018 on the same day.12                        Home to India’s largest city and financial capital,
                                                                       Mumbai, the state recorded its first case on March 9th,
     There is also the problem of cases not being added
                                                                       and is now a red zone accounting for 32% of India’s
in the state database by considering they are not native
                                                                       cases and 41% deaths.16 The state slashed the COVID
or residents of the area.13 This can grow to be an even
                                                                       testing rates by private labs providing relief to people.
bigger problem and the authenticity of the numbers
                                                                       The government also implemented an order in April,
published can be raised. These stray cases need to be
                                                                       making it compulsory to wear a mask outside, and
identified, recorded and treated appropriately.
                                                                       anyone violating the order would be fined or arrested.
     At the same time when compared to the testing rates
                                                                            However, the battle seemed to be not just against
of 20 other countries most affected by the virus, India
                                                                       the virus but also other deep seated issues which were
ranks in the bottom quartile with 5.63 tests per 1000
                                                                       blunting the government’s efforts. The health care system
people till June 26th.14 However, the testing rate has
                                                                       was found to be overwhelmed and burdened with having
increased during the course of the pandemic, and if the
                                                                       to choose between patients to save due to the shortage of
trend keeps up, India could move up on the list, but the
                                                                       beds and ventilators, and also there seemed to be piling
testing needs to be ramped up extensively to keep up
                                                                       up of cases that died due to COVID, with families not
with the surge in cases per day to contain the disease.
                                                                       willing to take them being afraid of the infection.
      Strategies Adopted by Different States Kerala
                                                                            The state also houses one of the largest slums of
    The state which first detected the virus in the country            Asia, Dharavi, where 80% of the population depends on
in late January, declared a health emergency after 2                   community toilets and 8-10 people live in a house all in
more cases were recorded on February 2nd and 3rd.                      narrow lanes with 2-3 storied houses, social distancing
Surveillance and screening of all incoming passengers                  can only be considered a luxury with no possibility of
from China and people who were in close contact with                   effective home quarantine. The first case was confirmed
the travelers was the first response. With the increase                in the beginning of April and by the end of the month,
in cases, the state ramped up the testing, contact tracing             there were about 491 cases with a doubling period of
and strengthened the surveillance and control measures                 18 days. The BMC was quick into action to contain
against the disease. The state also built thousands of                 the spread, and the main components were effective
shelters for the migrant workers stranded due to the                   containment strategy, conducting comprehensive testing
nationwide shutdown, and established COVID care                        and ensuring uninterrupted supply of essentials to
centers in all districts to accommodate the non-residents.             the community. Also, quarantine facilities were set in
Some of the key strategic interventions that helped                    colleges and nature parks and 90% of the patients were
keep the disease in control are the strong community                   treated in Dharavi and only the critically ill were moved
engagement and addressing the psychosocial needs of                    out. The proactive measures taken successfully reduced
the vulnerable population. As of June 30th, the state                  the growth rate to 4.3% in May and 1.02% June.17
had sent 171,846 samples for testing, and in addition
                                                                            Case Fatality Rates
samples were collected from health care workers as
a part of sentinel surveillance, to assess community                       Case fatality rate, ratio of confirmed deaths to
transmission.15 The experience and learnings of the state              confirmed cases. It is usually used as a measure of the
from the past Kerala floods of 2018 and the NIPAH                      severity of a disease, and also to predict its prognosis,
outbreak in 2019 proved to be useful to prepare in                     where high rates indicate that a high fraction of COVID
the fight against COVID. Furthermore, the state also                   affected patients are succumbing to the disease. CFR has
extended the COVID regulations – to wear masks,
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, April-June 2021, Vol. 15, No. 2   899

seen to be increasing in most of the affected countries throughout the course of the pandemic. The rates in India
went up from 1.9 in February, to 3.6 in March and then declined to 3.2% in April.18 However, when compared to
other South Asian countries, India has a significantly high CFR, which highlights the limitations of the healthcare
strategies like care of critical patients, early detection of cases, proper triage etc.

     Another concept, Lag case fatality rate which takes into consideration a 14 day delay in reporting COVID 19
deaths, is being looked into since CFR data only includes deaths till a particular date and there is usually some delay
in reporting.

                      Figure 5: Risk of death due to COVID-19 in the five worst hit states

    The disease wise fatality rate of COVID 19                 with underlying health conditions.19
calculated based on any comorbid disorders present,
indicated that diabetes, cardiovascular ailments,                   Treatment20
hypertension, respiratory ailments and kidney diseases             The treatment protocol keeps changing from time to
were the highest cause of COVID related death, in the          time based on new evidence. The various drugs Indian
order mentioned. And around 31.8% deaths without any           Council of Medical Research (ICMR) approved are:
underlying health condition, indicating how everyone
needs to be vigilant and not just the elderly or the ones
900   Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, April-June 2021, Vol. 15, No. 2

     1. The use of Hydroxychloroquine for                                                   Conclusion
chemoprophylaxis in asymptomatic health care workers
                                                                           In conclusion, the first study showed that more than
treating confirmed cases of COVID 19 and also
                                                                      50% of the people quarantined and India managed to
asymptomatic household contacts of confirmed cases.
                                                                      flatten the curve. The second study seemed to miss the
    2. Remdesivir – for patients in a moderate stage                  mark however showed good early data. The third was
(on oxygen)                                                           used to compare the number of beds and serious cases
                                                                      predicted and see how geared India is. Furthermore the
     3. Tocilizumab – for moderate cases with                         strategies from a couple different states were analyzed
increasing oxygen demands, and also for mechanically                  to discuss what measures we are taking currently to
ventilated patients showing no improvement with                       flatten the curve. This review article shows that India’s
steroids.                                                             healthcare is prepared but that is just based on theoretical
                                                                      numbers. People need to be cautious and take preventive
    4. Dexamethasone – as an alternative to
                                                                      measures otherwise, the situation could get out of hand.
methylprednisolone in moderate to severe cases. The
drug was shown to have benefits in critically ill patients                 Conflict of Interest: Nil
and also reduced mortality by one third for patients
on ventilators and one fifth for patients maintained on                    Funding: DMIMS (DU), Wardha
oxygen therapy.
                                                                         Ethical Approval: From Institutional Ethical
    5. Convalescent Plasma Therapy – is used as a                     Committee, DMIMS.
post exposure prophylaxis where plasma containing
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