A smart city concept in the Arctic - from a post-industrial to liveable city

Page created by Victoria Henry
A smart city concept in the Arctic - from a post-industrial to liveable city
                  SMART ARCTIC
         TROMSØ NORWAY 20 - 24 JANUARY

A smart city concept in the Arctic - from a post-industrial
                     to liveable city
Opportunities for and challenges to urban development and social cohesion in Russia's
                         Arctic under climate change impacts

    Nikolai Bobylev1, Veli-Pekka Tykynnen2, Marian Paschke3,
                       Alexander Sergunin1
                     1Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
                           2University of Helsinki, Finland
                          3Universität Hamburg, Germany

                              E-mails: n.bobylev@spbu.ru

A smart city concept in the Arctic - from a post-industrial to liveable city
project outline

  • “Opportunities of and challenges to urban development
    and social cohesion in Russia’s Arctic under climate
    change impact” financed by
  • Era.Net RUS (RUS_ST2017-527) and Russian
    Foundation for Basic Research (№18-55-76003).
  • Funder ERA.NET Plus with Russia – strengthening STI
    links between Russia and the European Research Area
  • http://www.eranet-rus.eu

A smart city concept in the Arctic - from a post-industrial to liveable city
smart cities

  Smart city – a city that uses IT systems widely to optimise
  performance of infrastructure, services, and citizens’
  lifestyles. A smart city possesses real time data, and adapts
  quickly, smoothly, and efficiently to changing internal and
  external factors with minimum human involvement (the

  A smart city includes:
  - smart systems (infrastructure)
  - smart citizens (users).

  Elements of a smart city:
  Transport networks; Variety of electric networks (smart
  grids); Social networks.
A smart city concept in the Arctic - from a post-industrial to liveable city
Institutionalizing smart cities
                                  "Implementing SDG11 by connecting
                                  sustainability policies and urban
                                  planning practices through ICTs"
                                  has been developed within the
                                  framework of the United for Smart
                                  Sustainable Cities (U4SSC)

                                  A study of the advantages of using
                                  ICTs to support the implementation of
                                  the Sustainable Development Goals,
                                  in particular SDG 11,
                                  by facilitating the missing linkages
                                  that exist
                                  between sustainability policies and
                                  urban-planning practices through
                                  digitally-enabled urban actions.
                                  (???)                                4
A smart city concept in the Arctic - from a post-industrial to liveable city
smart cities
  Cool buzz cities now:

  -   Smart
  -   Compact
  -   Sustainable
  -   Resilient
  -   Climate neutral
  -   Low carbon (infrastructure)
  -   Liveable
  -   (Ecological)

A smart city concept in the Arctic - from a post-industrial to liveable city
smart city solutions 1
 Citizens’ control their (home) appliances via IT (mobile)
 devices, e.g. switching on heating just before coming home.

 – Energy efficient lifestyle;
 - Tailored high quality services provisioning.

 Opportunities to implement smart grids and IT systems in
 houses, buildings, and wider housing and infrastructure

A smart city concept in the Arctic - from a post-industrial to liveable city
smart city solutions 2

   A problem of urban water runoff after heavy rain

   Conventional solutions:
   Reduce runoff (trees, green zones);
   Increase capacity of drainage infrastructure.

   Smart city solutions:
   Manage runoff between city areas (valves, barriers,
   automated water management (smart grids)).
   Inform citizens to temporary cut domestic water use (e.g. for
   one-two hours).              A storm water storage tank (right)
                                                           adjacent to a sewer (left).
Critical infrastructure: G-Cans, Tokyo is an underground   Source: Berliner Wasserbetriebe
infrastructure for prevention of flooding during rainy     and Department of Urban Water
season                                                     Management, Berlin Institute of   7
Source: G-Cans project, Tokyo (http://www.g-cans.jp/)      Technology.
A smart city concept in the Arctic - from a post-industrial to liveable city
smart city solutions 3
the Crystal, a sustainable cities initiative by Siemens

 The Crystal in London is home to the world's largest
   exhibition on the future of cities, as well as one of the
   world's most sustainable buildings and events venues.
A smart city concept in the Arctic - from a post-industrial to liveable city
Liveable cities

  The world's most liveable cities in 2018 | CNN Travel -


  https://www.liv ablecity.org/


A smart city concept in the Arctic - from a post-industrial to liveable city
Liveable cities
‘Liveable Cities’ is a relatively new concept and, as such, liveability can be a
loaded phrase with numerous definitions and expectations. Moreover, there
will always be the push back of ‘liveable to whom…?’ and ‘what is liveable to
one city dweller may not be to another’.

Marianna Cavada, Dexter Hunt and Chris Rogers (2017) The Little Book of
SMART CITIES ISBN 978-0-70442-949-9

MOIR, E., MOONEN, T. & CLARK, G. 2014 What are future future cities? Meanings and uses In: SCIENCE,
G. O. F. (ed.). London Foresight

Liveable cities
 Data Article
 Leach et al (2017) Dataset of the livability performance of the city of
 Birmingham, UK, as measured by its citizen wellbeing, resource
 security, resource efficiency and carbon emissions. Data in Brief 15
 (2017) 691–695

 The livability of spaces: Performance and/or resilience? Reflections
 on the effects of spatial heterogeneity in transport and energy
 systems and the implications on urban environmental quality
 (International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment (2017) 6, 1–8)

 Unexploited opportunities in understanding liveable and biodiverse
 cities. A review on urban biodiversity perception and valuation (Global
 Environmental Change 39 (2016) 220–233)

 Quality of city life multiple criteria analysis (Cities 72 (2018) 82–93)

Liveable cities
 Walkable Environment in Increasing the Liveability of a City (AcE-Bs
 2012 Bangkok ASEAN Conference on Environment-Behaviour Studies,
 Bangkok, Thailand, 16-18 July 2012)

 More than this: Liveable Melbourne meets liveable Vancouver (Cities
 31 (2013) 444–453)

Russian Arctic Towns
         AZRF cities

                          Russian Arctic cities of
                          Severodvinsk (top left),
                         Murmansk (top right) and
                       Vorkuta. Photos by Y. Ageeva.
Russian Arctic Towns

Challenges –
Aging infrastructure
Accumulated environmental damage
Climate change uncertainties

Research agenda –
Spatial structure (densities & services provisioning)
Institutions (strategic planning in municipalities)
Social structure
Sustainability and resilience goals in urban development
             Elements of resilience and sustainability related to urban development, Bobylev 2016
Urban challenges (liveability           Resilience                                     Synergy or conflict; strong    Sustainability
improvement)                                                                           or moderate
Utility services provisioning           Reliable provisioning of infrastructure        Moderate conflict              Frugal resource use, reduced utility services
                                        services, backup infrastructure                                               consumption, saving energy while
                                                                                                                      infrastructure operation
Infrastructure spatial arrangement      Wide, ample space for each infrastructure      Strong conflict                Tight, aimed at saving space, energy, and
                                        element to avoid disturbance in case of the                                   materials
                                        other failure
Housing                                 Safe, adapted to withstand disasters           Moderate conflict              Liveable and energy efficient

Public spaces                           Designed to have additional capacity for       Moderate conflict              Designed to encourage sustainable lifestyles
                                        disaster response and reduction

Transport                               Reliable transport links, designed to          Strong conflict                Minimal, aimed at consuming minimal energy
                                        withstand variety of stresses while
                                        maintaining services
Green and recreational areas            Ample, to adsorb disaster shocks and           Strong synergy                 Ample, to provide quality of life
                                        provide refuge
Optimal urban form                      Polycentric, to diversify risks                Moderate synergy               Compact, to save energy

Society                                 Coherent and informed                          Strong synergy                 Coherent and informed
Population and building stock densities Optimal, not too low to be able to organize    Unknown/specific to location   Optimal, not too low to save land and energy
                                        common protection (flood management)                                          and not too high to enable quality of life
                                        and not too high to enable disaster response
                                        (proximity of emergency services)
Climate change                          Increase industrial activities to be able to   Strong conflict                Decrease industrial activities to reduce
Research frameworks-paradigms-concepts to address
Geosystem services concept

C.C.D.F. van Ree a,b, P.J.H. van Beukering, J. Boekestijn (2017) Geosystem
services: A hidden link in ecosystem management. Ecosystem Services 2616
(2017) 58–69
Research frameworks-paradigms-concepts to address
Geosystem – ecosystem - infrastructure services
      Service to human               Rural areas           Urban areas            Urban areas
         welfare                developed countries   developing countries   developed countries
   Clean air to breath          E                     E                      E
   Comfortable        climate   E                     E                      E
   Water level in water         E                     E                      EI
bodies     (for shipping,
amenity, biota)
  Groundwater level             E                     EI                     EI
  Water quality to use as       E                     E                      E
amenity and recreation
   Drinking water provision     I                     I                      I

   Soil formation               EI                    E                      I
   Waste decomposition          E                     EI                     I
   Biological populations       E                     EI                     I
   Habitat                      E                     EI                     I
   Food                         I                     I                      I
   Raw materials                E                     I                      I
   Recreation and outdoor       E                     EI                     EI
activities                                                                                   17
Research frameworks-paradigms-concepts to address
Planning for sustainability – resilience – liveability - smart

  Types of planning (not a       Ecosystem services   Geosystem services
 hierarchical list, but rather       relevance            relevance
     examples of types)

        Land Use                         Yes                  Yes

         Spatial                         Yes                  Yes

       Adaptation                        Yes                  No

         Climate                         No                   No

          Urban                          Yes                  Yes

         Zoning                          No                   No

          Rural                          No                   Yes

        Regional                         Yes                  Yes

      Environmental                      Yes                  Yes

        Strategic                        Yes                  Yes

        Municipal                        No                   No

        Transport                        Yes                  Yes
        Resource                         Yes                  Yes
Further Research

 1.To develop an Arctic City Sustainable Development Index (ACSDI),
 which could be helpful for assessing the consequences of global
 climate change and anthropogenic activities for the Arctic Zone of the
 Russian Federation (AZRF) urban centers.

 2. The ACSDI will be used to evaluate the current situation and
 measure sustainability outcomes and progress toward achieving those
 outcomes in the AZRF cities that are growing due to resource
 development/transport infrastructure projects and migration, as well as
 those that for some reasons lack this growth.

 3. Policy recommendations on sustainable development/social
 cohesion strategies for the AZRF local and regional governments as
 well as for the federal authorities and international organizations
 concerned will be developed.


 (1) Alexander von Humboldt Foundation project on Interplay between
     ecosystem and infrastructure services in the urban environments,

 (2) ERA.Net RUS Plus initiative and the Russian Foundation for Basic
     Research AUCAM project on “Opportunities for and challenges to
     urban development and social cohesion in Russia’s Arctic under
     climate change impacts” (ID # 527, 18-55-76003),

 (3) Freie Universität Berlin – Saint Petersburg State University Joint Seed
     Money Funding Scheme project on Sustainable Urbanization &
     Comparative Development.
Thank you for your attention!
 E-mail: nikolaibobylev@gmail.com

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