A technology for all Why LTE Cat-1 is transforming cellular connectivity - www.quectel.com

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A technology for all Why LTE Cat-1 is transforming cellular connectivity - www.quectel.com
A technology for all
Why LTE Cat-1 is transforming
cellular connectivity

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    © Quectel Wireless Solutions Co., Ltd. (“Quectel” in this booklet), Shanghai China, March 2020.

A technology for all Why LTE Cat-1 is transforming cellular connectivity - www.quectel.com
We are living in a hyper-connected world in which basically every connectable thing either has
already been connected, or is in the process of being connected. We are also witnessing
unprecedented situations and facing challenges, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, climate change,
wildfires, an ageing population, to name but a few.

There is little doubt that IoT plays an important role in combating the pressing challenges the world

When it comes to companies, IoT is definitely a key enabler in increasing their efficiency and
productivity. As a result of new revenue streams in tech companies, IoT can also contribute to a
country’s economy by increasing its GDP.

It’s absolutely remarkable how IoT technology has evolved in a very short span of time. As a result
of rapid development, companies now need to take into account many different aspects of IoT
technology and carefully evaluate the pros and cons of various technologies before they can
decide which one to use. One aspect of IoT technology is especially important and still remains an
essential concern both for IoT device makers and designers. That is, connectivity. Finding and
deploying an appropriate and optimum solution for an IoT network is not an easy task. The right
decision would create competitive advantage, resulting in a faster and higher RoI. Conversely,
selecting an inappropriate connectivity solution may result in a project failure. Original design and
equipment manufacturers (ODMs/OEMs) have to answer many questions concerning total cost of
ownership (TCO) of the selected connectivity technology. These questions include cost of module,
global coverage, communication costs, technology sunset and the maturity of an ecosystem, and
so on.

As 2G/3G sunset is inevitable, the IoT industry is going through a transition period that involves the
migration to a modern network. There is a wide range of choices available, including CAT-M1 and
even NB-IoT. However, an increasing percentage of the IoT industry is looking for an all-in-one
solution: excellent coverage that ensures reliability, cost advantage, future-proven technology,
optimal airtime and data tariffs, global spectrum allocation for perfect roaming, seamless cell
handover, VoLTE, and so forth.

Our intention in writing this booklet is to assist you in choosing the right connectivity technology,
and in doing so simplify your decision-making process. We will cover various LTE technologies, but
will pay special attention to LTE CAT-1, as it has the potential of being one of the most appropriate
technologies to optimally address connectivity issue in a wide range of applications, in a cost-
effective manner. Maybe it could even be that all-in-one solution for your particular case?

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1. LTE Evolution
                                 High End                     During the 2G era, the Global System for                                       decrease. The price reduction created a
                            IoT use cases                     Mobile Communication (GSM) never became                                        positive feedback since economies of scale
                      Massive                                 a true global standard as its name might                                       could reduce the price even further and thus
                   Smartphone                                 suggest, although it was a breakthrough in                                     make LTE technology (or some of its
                                                              communication technology. It could be said                                     categories at least) more affordable to a wider
              High End
                                                              that 3GPP was basically formed to develop a                                    range of IoT use cases. But this didn’t happen
                                                              Universal Mobile Telecommunications System                                     overnight.
                                                              (UMTS), a system based on the GSM
                                                Massive IoT   standard, albeit capable of avoiding issues                                    LTE was primarily launched as the high-end
                                                              encountered in GSM. Unfortunately, again, no                                   connectivity technology for smartphones.
                                                              unique standard was agreed upon.                                               Higher categories of LTE, as well as 5G, are
                                                                                                                                             very power-hungry and complex, and thus
                                                              For almost a decade, 3GPP carried on                                           difficult to fabricate as a system on a chip

                                                              standardizing the next generation of radio                                     (SoC). As a result, higher LTE categories are
                                                              access networks called Long-Term Evolution                                     more expensive and only suitable for high-end
                                                              (LTE), mainly to address a big threat created                                  IoT categories where latency and bandwidth
                                                              by the rival Wi-Max standard. This is when LTE                                 are pivotal. By contrast, lower LTE categories
                                                              categories were introduced and LTE evolution                                   require weaker processors and are, therefore,
                                                              began.                                                                         more cost-effective.

                                                              Before LTE was introduced, there was                                           In order to satisfy requirements for a wider
                                 Time                         Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM), a                                       range of IoT use cases, LTE Category 1 (LTE
                                                              technology with a few decades of history and                                   Cat-1, or just CAT-1) was introduced in the
        Figure 1, LTE journey towards Massive IoT
                                                              yet capable of offering more bits per hertz                                    3GPP Release 8, and later on further
                                                              compared to other modulation schemas. In                                       enhanced with a new set of Power Saving
                                                              fact, a more powerful digital signal processor                                 Mode (PSM) features in Release 12, which
                                                              (DSP) can handle more vectors to be                                            was published in December 2014. CatM1/NB
                                                              multiplied and then solve mathematical                                         is optimized for lower data rates and includes
        Parameters                2G     3G     CAT-1 CATM1
        Hardware cost (Module)   10.00   5.82   5.73   7.09
                                                              equations in the receiver in order to harvest                                  a power saving feature. Nowadays, CAT-1 is
        Global Coverage           7.64   7.18   8.64   3.00   data. Due to affordability as well as low                                      considered as an indispensable connectivity
        Ecosystem                 7.73   5.73   8.36   4.27   consumption of RISK processors, which are                                      technology for IoT due to its widespread
        Future Proven
                                  1.00   2.27   8.36   7.82
                                                              ideal for handling QAM, LTE was soon able to                                   coverage and cost advantages.
                                                              scale up and dominate the connectivity
        Link Budget               5.27   5.73   6.18   8.27
                                                              market.                                                                        So, as time goes by, LTE technology is
        Power Consumption         5.18   4.64   5.36   8.18
                                                                                                                                             becoming more and more available and
        OTA                       6.27   8.45   9.91   8.36
        Speed UL                  3.00   7.36   9.09   6.73   As processors evolved, so did the LTE                                          affordable for mass deployment in IoT devices
        Speed DL                  2.27   7.36   9.09   6.73   standard. At the same time, the price of                                       (see Figure 1).
                                                              matured versions of LTE devices started to
        Table 1, Key Metrics Evaluation (relative)1

                                                              1Source: internal research, please refer to the description in this chapter.

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• High throughput
                                                      • High cost
                                                      • High power consumption                                       4G        Cat 12
                                                      • Low latency                                                 Cat 6
                                                                                                         Cat 4
                                                                                                3G                     4G
                                                                                                                              Medium rate, mobility, voice
                                                                                                                      Cat 1
                                                      • High throughput                                                                             Low power consumption,
                                                                                                                                Cat M               small data and low cost
                                                      • High cost
                                                      • High power consumption
                                                                                                                              NB-IoT                         5G
                                                      • Low latency

                                                                                                  Evolution toward                         Evolution toward                   Time
                                                                                                  cellular LTE-A/5G                        cellular LPWAN
                                                                                   Figure 2, Cellular Technology Comparison

                                                                                   2. Technology Comparison
                                            Hardware cost                          IoT is a vast market with very broad use                  Each expert was asked to give a score
                                    10.0    (Module)                               cases. There is no superior or prevalent                  between 1 to 10 for each parameter, with 1
             Speed DL                8.0                       Global              technology, however, as different applications            being the lowest score and 10 the highest.
                                     7.0                       Coverage
                                     6.0                                           might use different connectivity technology               The higher the score, the better the overall
                                                                                   due to various reasons. While for instance 2G             results are. For instance, all experts gave the
                                     3.0                                           is still very attractive in developing countries          score 10 for hardware costs of 2G modules. In
                                     2.0                               Ecosystem
Speed UL                             1.0                                           because of its ubiquity, the same technology is           other words, all experts believe that 2G is the
                                                                                   not suitable in North America due to its sunset.          best choice (compared to other technologies)
                                                                                   Therefore, there is no universal prescription for         if the cost of a module is a decisive parameter.
                                                                  Future           selecting the best cellular connectivity.
             OTA                                                  Proven                                                                     Based on these key metrics, we can see that
                                                                                   In the following diagram (Figure 2), we see that          CAT-1 shows the best or second-best results
                                                        Link Budget                all cellular technologies developed after 3G              for most parameters compared to other
                                                                                   tend to fall into two groups. The first group,            technologies. However, it is important to
                    2G          3G              Cat-1            CatM1
                                                                                   depicted by a red line, continues the trend set           emphasize that these findings should be
           Figure 3, Radar Illustration of Table 1                                 forth by 2G and 3G technology. Namely, all                treated just as general guidelines. The authors
                                                                                   these technologies are characterized by                   recommend that every company conduct their
                                                                                   increased throughput, costs, power consumption            own due-diligence based on the actual facts
                                                                                   and decreased latency when compared to                    that may differ geographically and vary from
                                                                                   their predecessors. This group represents the             one vertical to another, or even between
                                                                                   evolution of cellular networks towards the LTE            various use cases.
                   5G-mmWave                                                       Advanced (LTE Cat-4, LTE Cat-6, and LTE Cat-
                                                                                   12) and 5G networks. The second group, on                 The life cycle of various cellular technologies
                                                                                   the other hand, is characterized by decreased             is illustrated in Figure 4. While 2G and 3G
                                                                                   throughput, costs, power consumption, and                 technologies are moving towards the end of
                              Cat12                                                increased latency. This group, depicted by a              their respective life cycles, new technologies
                                Cat6                                               yellow line, shows the evolution towards Low              are emerging and are becoming more and
                                                                                   Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN), and                     more suitable for new use cases. We can see
                                                                                   includes LTE Cat-1, LTE Cat-M, NB-IoT, and                that CAT-1 becomes an essential technology
                                                                2G                 low-power 5G networks.                                    in IoT.
                                                                                   In this booklet, we will mainly talk about the            Figure 4, An estimated illustration of global
                                                                                   latter group, as the focus of this article is CAT-        IoT connectivity life cycle.

                                                                                   1 technology and its relationship to 2G / 3G
                                                                                   technology and other LPWAN networks.                      Before we compare CAT-1 technology to other
                                                                                                                                             LPWAN technologies, let’s first briefly see what
                                                                                   In April 2020, we conducted an internal                   the main characteristics of this technology are.
                                                                                   research study with the aim of comparing the
                                                                                   key metrics of four different technologies. The           In short, CAT-1 supports a terminal with a
             Introduction      Growth               Maturity         Decline
                                           Time                                    technologies that were analyzed were 2G, 3G,              maximum downlink rate of 10Mbps and an
                                                                                   CAT-1, and CAT-M1. More than 10 highly                    uplink rate of 5Mbps, by using 20MHz carrier.
           Figure 4, An estimated illustration of global                           qualified experts contributed to the study. The           CAT-1 can also support full-duplex FDD/TDD
           IoT connectivity life cycle                                             findings are illustrated in Table 1 and Figure 3.         modes, as well as Voice Over LTE (VoLTE).

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2.1 CAT-1 vs. NB-IoT
    NB-IoT was released by 3GPP in September
    2015. Mobile network operators and original       NB-IoT is suitable for smart metering, smoke
    design manufacturers have widely adopted the      sensors, and other similar applications, where
    technology as their first choice due to its       CAT-1 is viewed as overkill. All these
    unique features and the commercial prospects      applications are stationary or require basic low
    in the future. NB-IoT provides improved indoor    speed mobility.
    coverage, support for large number of low
    throughput networks for the IoT, has high         Generally speaking, NB-IoT is not considered a
    sensitivity, ultra-low device cost, lower power   competitor of CAT-1.
    consumption, and optimized network

    2.2 CAT-1 vs. CAT M1
    CAT M1, also known as LTE-Machine-to-             network. Both the base station and the core
    Machine, is an IoT technology based on the        network need to upgrade software.
    LTE evolution. It is called low-cost machine-
    type communication (low-cost MTC) in              So, the question remains: what are the key
    Release 12 and LTE-enhanced MTC (eMTC) in         advantages of CAT-1 over CAT-M1? The key
    Release 13. It was defined to be a native part    missing item is cellular network readiness.
    of 5G in Release 16. CAT M1 aims to meet the      CAT-1 is considered as native in LTE, whereas
    needs of IoT devices based on the existing LTE    CAT-M1 has to be purchased by the mobile
    carriers. eMTC is deployed on the basis of        network operators (MNO) as an add-on. CAT 1
    cellular network and supports the maximum         doesn’t require software and hardware
    peak rate of 1Mbps for uplink and downlink.       upgrades for the base station, so there are no
                                                      network coverage costs. China’s and India’s
    There are some differences on VoLTE between       MNOs have selected CAT-1 since they
    CAT-1 and CAT M1. As already stated, CAT-1        advocate that whatever CAT-M1 can offer is
    can fully support VoLTE at its high bandwidth.    already incorporated in CAT-1. The debate is
    Due to the fact that CAT M1 belongs to the        ongoing and many other MNOs across the
    narrow bandwidth category, it cannot provide      globe have either given up on the
    the best user experience.                         implementation of CAT-M, or have postponed
                                                      it. Obviously, in the absence of network
    CAT M1 needs to replan frequency resources        coverage for CAT-M1, CAT-1 remains the
    on the FDD900 or FDD1800 of the existing          optimal alternative for multiple IoT use cases.

A technology for all Why LTE Cat-1 is transforming cellular connectivity - www.quectel.com
2.3 CAT-1 vs. CAT-4
The main difference between the two networks       of CAT-1 and CAT-4 chipsets and platforms,
is the fact that the CAT-4’s focus is mainly the   and the cost difference between the two
high rate market, whereas CAT-1 is suitable for    technologies was not attractive enough to
the medium rate market.                            boost CAT-1.

As already mentioned, CAT-1 supports a             However, the market dynamism is changing
maximum downlink rate of 10Mbps and an             due to the demand for CAT-1 from China’s
uplink rate of 5Mbps, whereas CAT-4 has a          ODMs/OEMs. Qualcomm and other players
maximum download rate of 150Mbps and an            introduced the new CAT-1 platform with a clear
uplink rate of 50 Mbps. Both CAT-4 and CAT-1       cost advantage over CAT-4. It’s foreseen that
support 20MHz RF and baseband bandwidth,           there will be a significant impact on CAT-1
and have dual antennas, although CAT-1             shipments due to economies of scale and
widely uses a single antenna (if near the 3 dBm    technology advancements in designing and
level).                                            producing a low-cost CAT-1 platform. The new
                                                   CAT-1 platform was preliminarily designed and
As both technologies use the same network,         produced to satisfy domestic market
there are no extra costs of deployment on the      consumption, but it is expected that it will
MNO’s side. Since LTE has been developing          become an optimal IoT solution worldwide.
for some years now, the network is relatively
mature.                                            Figure 5 illustrates some of the use cases
                                                   suitable for NB-IoT, LTE-M, or CAT-1
Traditionally, Qualcomm was the main supplier      technology, respectively.

Figure 5. Applications for each technology

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3. CAT-1 Market at a Glance
                                                     10%                          As IoT evolves and becomes ever-                    (Figure 8) estimated close to 28 million
                                                                                  expanding, the number of possible IoT               units for the same year. In the same
                                                                                  use cases increases as well. Individual             report, Berg Insight forecasted that CAT-1
                                                                  30%             applications will often require different
                                                                                  data speed. A rough estimation of the IoT
                                                                                                                                      module shipments in 2020 would exceed
                                                                                                                                      55 million units worldwide. Whilst ABI
                                                                                  market according to data speed is given             Research forecasts that shipments will
                                                                                  in Figure 6. As can be seen from the                continue to grow and will exceed 212m
                                                                          60%     diagram, 60% of use cases belong to the             pieces in 2023. Although forecasts have
                                                                                  low-bit rate segment, while only 10%                to be re-adjusted due to the impact of
                                                                                  need very high throughput. The medium               the Covid-19 pandemic, it claims that
Figure 6. IoT market segmentation per data speed3                                 rate market, in which LTE Cat-1 plays an            LTE CAT-1 will play a vital role in
                                                                                  important role, accounts for 30%. This              connecting devices in upcoming years.
                                             LTE-M                                matches Ericsson’s prediction that by the           The upward trend is forecasted to
                               LTE CAT-1
                                     5%       1%            NB-IoT                end of 2025 the number of cellular IoT              continue mainly due to the CAT-1
                                                            13%                   connections will have exceeded 5 billion,           dynamism and its market size in China to
                                                                                  out of which 28% will be LTE2. The mid-             be followed by India.
LTE CAT>3                                                                         range applications demand reliable and
    21%                                                                           cost-effective communication solutions,             As a general rule, when a new
                                                                                  and these requirements are successfully             technology is introduced, its costs are
                                                                                  fulfilled by LTE Cat-1 technology.                  high. Over time and with the evolution of
                                                                                                                                      new technology applications, the module
                                                                                  As can be seen from Figure 7, the CAT-1             costs gradually decrease. The cost
                     3G                                                           module comprised 5% of market share in              reduction has, therefore, a positive
                7%                                                    2G          2019. According to Techno System                    impact on IoT module shipments, which
                                                                     53%          Research (TSR), total CAT-1 module                  will continue to grow. This is illustrated in
                                                                                  shipments in 2018 exceeded 22 million               Figure 9.
                                                                                  units worldwide, whereas Berg Insight’s
Figure-7 Module Market by Shipment in 20194

                                                                                  High Cost

                                                                                                                                                   Application development brought
    Millions Units

                     150.0                                        135.8
                                                                                                                                                   by the low cost iteration

                     100.0                                 82.6

                      50.0                   31.8
                                                                                  Low Cost
                              2017   2018    2019   2020   2021   2022     2023                               Growth route of                        Module cost        Time
                                                                                                             shipment volume

Figure 8, LTE-CAT-1 Module Shipment5                                              Figure 9. The correlation between connectivity costs and IoT shipment volume

                                                                                  2 Source Ericsson Mobility Report | November 2019
                                                                                  3 Source estimation Quectel
                                                                                  4 Source Berg Insight
                                                                                  5 Source ABI Research

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3.1 Global Coverage
                                            LTE is the most ubiquitous network ever seen.      are already 791 operators with commercially
                                            In fact, except for a few exceptions (see          launched LTE networks (offering broadband
                                            Figure 10), all other countries have already       fixed wireless access and / or mobile services).
                                            rolled out LTE. According to the General           Such high adoption essentially ensures that
                                            Service Association (GSA), in early 2020 there     CAT-1 devices are globally deployable.

                                                   Figure 10.    Countries without LTE

                                            3.2 Existing Use Cases
                                            CAT-1 has proven to be suitable for a wide range of legacy use cases, which have millions of
                                            devices already connected:

                                            •   Smart Grid
                                            •   Tracking
                                            •   Wireless Payments
                                            •   Portable Batteries

             Smart Grid                          Tracking                        Wireless Payments                   Portable Batteries

Figure 11, Examples of existing use cases

A technology for all Why LTE Cat-1 is transforming cellular connectivity - www.quectel.com
3.2.1 Smart Grid
                                                 Leveraging cellular connectivity is an                  Thanks to the decreasing cost of modules, and
                                                 irreversible trend in utilities. However, selecting     rapid LTE and LPWA coverage enhancements
                                                 the right communication “pipe” is becoming a            by mobile network operators internationally,
                                                 real challenge, mainly because of business              utilities now have a greater tendency to use
                                                 process changes. The companies have to                  cellular connectivity as the backhaul of their
                                                 decide whether they want to outsource ICT as            Smart Grid communication network. Table 2
                                                 a Service, that is, Infrastructure as a Service         compares technical and communication
                                                 (IaaS), or to build and run their own                   requirements for three cellular networks. It’s
                                                 communication and IT infrastructure. In other           quite evident that in regions in which CAT-M1
                                                 words, they have to decide between an OPEX-             is not available, CAT-1 can be used instead
                                                 oriented approach and CAPEX-oriented                    due to its technical superiority and cost
                                                 approach, respectively.                                 advantages.

                                                             Application                 Technical Requirements                 Technology

                                                                                       Speed (kb/s)       Latency      NB-IoT      Cat-M1    CAT-1
                                                     1 Smart Meter 1Phase                  10-20            Minutes       √√          √          X
                                                     2 Smart Meter 3Phase-DC               20-50          Seconds
                                                                                                         to Minutes       √          √√          √
                                                     3 Smart Meter 3Phase-CT/PT           50-100          Seconds         X          √√          √√
                                                     4 Demand Response                    14-100          500msec
                                                                                                         to Minutes       √          √√          √√
                                                     5 Renewable and Distributed                         20msec to
                                                                                           10-60                          X          √√          √√
                                                       Energy                                             15 Sec
                                                     6 Storage Systems                     10-60           20msec
                                                                                                          to 15 Sec       X          √√          √
                                                     7 Electrical Vehicle Charging                        2 Sec to
                                                                                          10-100                          √          √√          √
                                                       Station                                           5 Minutes
                                                     8 Alarms and Monitoring (RTU)       600-1500        20-200msec       X           √          √

                                                 Table 2, Smart Grid Application and Cellular Networks

                                                 3.3 Future Use Cases
                                                 With the development of CAT-1, new use cases will appear in the near future, such as:

                                                 •    Low-End Cameras (Cloud-Based Cameras)
                                                 •    Push to Talk over Cellular (PoC).
                                                 •    Voice over LTE (VoLTE)
                                                 •    Smart Wearables

                    POC                                  VoLTE                            Smart Wearables                      Low-End Cameras

     Figure 12, Examples of emerging use cases

3.3.1 Low-End Cameras
(Cloud-Based Cameras)
Businesses are moving to cloud-based video          compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of
surveillance solutions due to cost advantages       12.9% by 2026. CAT-1 is considered a suitable
and reliability. Video Surveillance as a Service    technology to fulfill technical requirements for
(VSaaS) is projected to gain 52.98% at a            low-end cameras.


                              Figure 13, Cloud-Based Cameras

4. Quectel Advanced CAT-1 Modules
Quectel offers many CAT-1 modules, which meet a wide range of customer requirements.

Based on the package format, we can divide them into two groups:

LCC format

 Module               Features
 EC21 series          Optimized for regional coverage. DFOTA/GNSS/VoLTE support, OpenLinux.
 EG21-G               Global coverage, GNSS multiple constellation support

LGA format

 Module               Features
 EG91 series          Embedded PMU, cost-effective and low-power LTE connectivity
                      optimized for broadband IoT applications. Pin-to-pin compatible with
                      2G/3G/LPWA/Cat.4 module:M95/UG95/BCx5/BG9x/EG95
 EG912                Cost effective, pin-to-pin compatible with 2G/3G/LPWA/CAT 4 module:

Quectel’s CAT-1 products are based on Qualcomm and ASR platforms, so they can satisfy all
possible requirements.

5. QuecOpen
     QuecOpenTM is an open source embedded               QuecOpen integrates enough services and API
     development platform based on the Linux             libraries in the upper layer, so that customers
     system, which is intended to simplify the           can develop their own functions directly by the
     design and development process of IoT               services. Some of the supported services and
     applications. In the QuecOpen solution, the         API libraries include voice call service, SMS
     module acts as the main processor. The ever-        service, firmware update service with firmware
     developing communication technologies and           over the air (FOTA) and delta firmware upgrade
     changing market make it hard for customers to       over the air (DFOTA) modes, data connection
     find the right solution for their needs.            service, security service, C runtime library,
     QuecOpen is capable of meeting many                 OEM component libraries, and so on. If
     customers’ needs when it comes to the design        developers are familiar with Qualcomm
     and development process of IoT applications.        chipsets, they can call QMI and MCM libraries
     Therefore, more and more customers are              to simplify their development.
     recognizing the advantages of QuecOpen.
     Firstly, with the assistance of QuecOpen, the       QuecOpen supports multi-language compile,
     hardware and software design flow for wireless      including C, C++, Perl, Python and shell script.
     application is much simplified. Secondly, the       Also, Open SDK is supported to provide
     solution effectively reduces the product costs,     source code and demo for developers’
     which is greatly valued by customers.               research and development work.

     Figure 14. QuecOpen Software Architecture

     Standard Module Mode

     QuecOpen Mode

     Figure 15. Standard module mode vs. QuecOpen mode

Key features:

                             High-powered platform           Fast development                  Greater competitiveness
                             With high real-time             QuecOpen SDK provides             By directly downloading and
                             performance, and multi-         characteristic examples,          running the embedded
                             threaded and micro kernel,      which assist developers in        applications within Quectel
                             QuecOpen transparently          fast development. Supporting      modules, it is now possible to
                             manages all LTE-related         C-based runtime libraries         remove external host
                             activities to help developers   offers developers more            processor, memory, and a
                             natively execute C, C++ and     flexibility during the software   range of product-specific
                             shell script-based programs     and program design.               ASICs, such as IO
                             on the processor or in the                                        expanders, audio DSPs, and
                             memory of Quectel modules.                                        many other analog and digital

                             6. Conclusion

                                 Quectel’s CAT-1 product portfolio covers a wide variety of modes and
                                 applications that can address a comprehensive range of use cases.
                                 Thanks to the ubiquity and unique attributes of LTE, we believe CAT-1 is
                                 the most suitable technology to replace the existing use cases for 2G/3G
                                 technology within this decade. CAT-1 can also cover all CAT-M1 use
                                 cases wherever there is a lack of CAT-M1 coverage. Even when CAT-M1
                                 coverage exists, there is also an emerging CAT-1 market for the following
                                 use cases: low-end video surveillance, e-scooters and Push to Talk over
                                 Cellular (PoC), to name but a few.

                                 As a public company and market leader, Quectel offers the best
                                 performance in the module industry and is well positioned as the most
                                 reliable partner in the LTE IoT supply chain. Quectel is a global and
                                 trustworthy partner with more than a hundred million IoT modules and
                                 millions of GNSS modules already shipped to customers’ premises. This
                                 demonstrates that Quectel’s IoT modules are the best in class and the
    For more information
                                 most suitable choice.
 about Quectel’s market
      leading portfolio of       Quectel is becoming synonymous with speed in the industry thanks to
modules, please contact:         our Same Day Action Plan business culture. Quectel has a global sales
marketing@quectel.com            and technical support network that provides support as close as possible
                                 to end users.
     or visit our website:

     3G      3rd Generation                               Khz     Kilohertz

     3GPP    3rd Generation Partnership Project           LPWA    Low Power Wide Area

     4G      4th Generation                               LPWAN   Low Power Wide Area Network

     5G      5th Generation                               LTE     Long Term Evolution

     API     Application Programming Interface            LTE-M   Long Term Evolution – Category M1

     ASIC    Application-Specific Integrated Circuit      MCU     Microcontroller Unit

     ASR     Automatic Speech Recognition                 MHz     Megahertz

     BOM     Bill of Materials                            MIMO    Multiple Input, Multiple Output

     CAGR    Compound Annual Growth Rate                  MNO     Mobile Network Operator

     CAPEX   Capital Expenditure                          MTC     Machine Type Communication

     Cat 1   Category 1                                   ODM     Original Design Manufacturer

     Cat 4   Category 4                                   OEM     Original Equipment Manufacturer

     Cat 6   Category 6                                   OPEX    Operational Expenditure

     DFOTA   Delta Firmware Upgrade on the Air            QAM     Quadrature Amplitude Modulation

     DSP     Digital Signal Processor                     QMI     Qualcomm MSM Interface

     eMTC    Enhanced Machine Type Communication          PCB     Printed Circuit Board

     eSIM    Electronic Subscriber Interface Module       PMU     Power Management Unit

     eUICC   Embedded Universal Integrated Circuit Card   PoC     Push to Talk Over Cellular

     EVB     Evaluation Board                             POS     Point of Sales

     FAE     Field Application Engineer                   PSM     Power Saving Mode

     FDD     Frequency Division Duplexing                 R&D     Research and Development

     FOTA    Firmware Updates Over the Air                RISC    Reduced Instruction Set Computer

     Gbps    Gigabits Per Second                          SDK     Software Development Kit

     GDP     Gross Domestic Product                       SMS     Short Message Service

     GNSS    Global Navigation Satellite System           SoC     System on a Chip

     GHz     Gigahertz                                    TDD     Time Division Duplexing

     GSA     General Service Association                  TCO     Total Cost of Ownership

     GSM     Global System for Mobile Communication       TSR     Techno System Research

     IaaS    Infrastructure as a Service                  VoLTE   Voice over LTE

     ICT     Information and Communication Technology     VSaaS   Video Surveillance as a Service

     IIoT    Industrial Internet of Things                UE      User Equipment

     IoT     Internet of Things                           UMTS    Universal Mobile Telecommunications System

     IMU     Inertial Measurement Unit

About Quectel
Quectel's passion for a smarter world drives us to accelerate IoT innovation. A highly customer-centric
organization, we create superior cellular and GNSS modules backed by outstanding support and services. Our
growing global team of 1600 professionals, the largest in the IoT modules industry worldwide, ensures we are
first to market and continue to set the pace of development. Listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange
(603236.SS), our international leadership is devoted to advancing IoT across the globe.

Building 5, Shanghai Business Park Phase III (Area B), No.1016
Tianlin Road, Minhang District, Shanghai 200233, China
Tel:            +86-21-5108 6236
Marketing: marketing@quectel.com
Support:        support@quectel.com

Copyright © 2020 Quectel Wireless Solutions Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
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