Acer meets Intel Optane Technology.

Page created by Paula Baker
Acer meets Intel Optane Technology.
Acer meets Intel® Optane™ Technology.
Acer meets Intel Optane Technology.

                                        • Industry leading cross-platform product portfolio
                                            • like no other
                                                • Enabling a world where hardware, software,
                                                    and services fuse with one another to
                                                       open new possibilities
                                                          • Leading trends by bringing
                                                             new products and

                                                                • technologies to
                                                                    market first

ACER?                                                                                                                   Up to                                 Up to             Up to

• One of the world’s top information,
  communication, technology companies
• More than 40 years of pioneering
                                                                                                                  faster everyday
                                                                                                                                                      faster open large
                                                                                                                                                                          faster load levels
  innovation and industry leadership
• Passion breaking down barriers                                                CUTTING-EDGE                           tasks                             media files
  between people and technology                                                DESIGN
• Global footprint shipping a
  product every 2 seconds to                                               • Perfectly engineered products

  95,000 locations in 160                                               • with state-of-the-art technology
  countries                                                          • Progressive design thinking
                                                                 • recognized by leading independent
                                                             • industry experts
                                                          • Devotion to creating a holistic consumer
                                                                                                             YOUR EXPERIENCE
                                                       • centric experience catering to every detail         Acer is dedicated to combine forces only with
                                                                                                             the world’s best. That’s why we are a proud
                                                                                                             partner of Intel, the driving force behind the
                                                                                                             data revolution. Acer and Intel® – the perfect
                                                                                                             team for your best computing experience.
                       BEST IN CLASS
                   SERVICE & CUSTOMER                                                                        HOW IT WORKS
                                                                                                             • Intel® Optane™ Memory boosts large
          •   Customer service & support in 26 countries                                                     • secondary HDD data drive
          •   Dedicated Acer service network with 400+                                                       • Enables a faster, smoother, and amazing
          •   authorized partners                                                                            • computing experience
          •   ISO certified after-sale service and repair operations                                         • Your PC gets more responsive the more you use it
          •   Award winning service you can trust
Acer meets Intel Optane Technology.
Swift 3
Choose a laptop that lets you
stay active and agile – combining                                 Aspire S 24
speed, efficiency and the power
of Intel® Optane™ Technology in
one device.

• Slim and stylish                                                The visual finesse of the Aspire S 24
• The metallic touch                                              delivers first-class performance
• Multi-purpose graphics                                          with Intel® Optane™ Technology
                                                                  and convenience for the tech savvy
 BUY SWIFT 3                                                      chic.

                                                                  • Powerful processing
                                                                  • Wireless charging
                                                                  • Deep and powerful sound
                                                                   BUY ASPIRE S24

                                    Spin 3 / 5
                                    With Intel® Optane™
                                    Technology, it’s one of the
                                    world’s best Convertibles                                                      Less waiting, more performing: Acer offers you
                                    that gives you the power
                                    and freedom to explore.       ACCELERATE                                       a wide range of high-performance Laptops,
                                                                                                                   Convertibles and Desktop Computers. With Intel®

                                    • Slim and light
                                                                  YOUR PERFORMANCE!                                Optane™ Memory, you get your work done quicker
                                                                                                                   with more time to create the best that’s in you.
                                    • A unique way to fold
                                    • Effortless connectivity
                                     BUY SPIN 3
                                     BUY SPIN 5
                                                                       up to

Aspire 3 / 5 / 7
                                                                  2.2X                     EVERYDAY
Taking your work productivity
and entertainment experience                                           up to                    FASTER OPEN
to the limits with cutting-edge
computing power like Intel®                                                                     LARGE MEDIA
Optane™ Technology.                                                                                FILES
                                                                                                                      Introducing the new 8th Gen Intel® Core™ i5/i7/i9 +
• Elegant sophistication                                                                                               platform, that features Intel® Optane™ Memory,
• Ultimate processing                                                  up to                              FASTER      designed to help you and your computer keep pace
• Rich, powerful sound
 BUY ASPIRE 3                                                     4.7X                                     LOAD
                                                                                                                     with the digital world without running out of storage.

Acer meets Intel Optane Technology.
Predator Helios 300
Ready for battle and eager for a fight, the
Helios 300 with Intel® Optane™ Technology
drops you into the game with everything you

• Aggressively designed metal form factor
• Dual-fan cooling with metal AeroBlade™ 3D
• Overclockable graphics
                                                                                               up to
                                                                                          2.2X                       EVERYDAY
                                                                                                                       TASKS             Nitro 50
                                              Less waiting, more gaming: Experience the                                                  Enter a gaming state of mind with an

                                              new turbo to load your game levels faster        up to                                     inspiring performance that awakens
                                                                                                                           FASTER OPEN

                                              than ever off the data drive with Intel®
                                              Optane™ Memory. Show it to the world
                                              with an improved, smoother gameplay
                                              while streaming or recording all the
                                                                                             3X                            LARGE MEDIA
                                                                                                                                         the gamer within: powered by Intel®
                                                                                                                                         Optane™ Technology.

                                              battles you’re winning!                                                                    • Lightning fast graphics
                                                                                               up to                            FASTER   • Wireless charging

                                                                                          4.7X                                   LOAD
                                                                                                                                         • Shattering sound
                                                                                                                                           BUY NITRO 50
                                              Predator Orion
                                              Space, the final frontier. Because Intel®
                                              Optane™ Technology solves all your
                                              storage needs with a blisteringly fast
                                                                                          Nitro 5
                                              • Unique adaptable chassis
                                              • IceTunnel thermal system                  Submit to the game with the latest
                                                and Cooler Master® liquid cooling         Intel® Optane™ Technology that puts
                                              • 720° SOUND BLASTERX®                      you in the grip of the experience.
                                              BUY ORION 3000
                                              BUY ORION 5000                              • Powerful processing
                                              BUY ORION 9000                              • Acer CoolBoost™
                                                                                          • Dolby Audio™ Premium
                                                                                            BUY NITRO 5
Acer meets Intel Optane Technology.

Acer Europe SA
Via della Posta 28
6934 Bioggio, Switzerland                                                                                      
Tel: +41-(0)91-261-0111
Fax: +41-(0)91-261-0322                                                                                                   

© 2013 Acer Inc. All rights reserved. Acer and the Acer logo are registered trademarks of Acer Inc. Other trademarks, registered trademarks, and/or service
marks, indicated or otherwise, are the property of their respective owners.

Intel, the Intel Logo, Intel Inside, Intel Core, Core Inside, and Intel Optane are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Acer meets Intel Optane Technology. Acer meets Intel Optane Technology. Acer meets Intel Optane Technology. Acer meets Intel Optane Technology. Acer meets Intel Optane Technology.
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