2019 Admission Requirements for Undergraduate Programmes

Page created by Alvin Holmes
2019 Admission Requirements for Undergraduate Programmes
Requirements for
2019 Admission Requirements for Undergraduate Programmes
Application checklist
    Explore your options at Stellenbosch University!
1   Visit www.maties.com > ‘What can I study?’ or attend our Open Day on the University’s Stellenbosch and
    Tygerberg campuses on Saturday, 24 February 2018, from 9:00 to 16:00.

    Take note of closing dates for application.
2   31 May: MBChB programme
    30 June: All other programmes and accommodation in University residences

    Select your programme.

3   For Stellenbosch you may select three choices. Please read instructions on the selection of a programme.
    Visit www.maties.com > ‘Apply’ > ‘How do I apply?’

    Complete your application.
    •   Do e-application at www.maties.com.

4   •
        Or get a paper application form at 021 808 9111 or at info@sun.ac.za.
        As soon as you finalise your application, you will receive your student number (username) and
        SUN password to upload your supporting documents and monitor your application status.

    Make sure that you upload all the required documents.
5   Upload all the required application documents online at www.maties.com > ‘Apply’ > ‘Status of Application’
    before the closing dates. Incomplete applications cannot be considered for admission.

    Book your place for the National Benchmark Tests at www.nbt.ac.za.
6   After one month, make sure that the University received your results.
    Visit www.maties.com > ‘Apply’ > ‘National Benchmark Tests’ and click the link ‘My NBT results…’

    Monitor your status of your application for admission and for

7   accommodation (if applicable).
    Visit www.maties.com > ‘Apply’ > ‘Status of application’. Sign in with your student number and password.

8                            Attend our big Welcoming Week
                                   at the start of 2019!

Welcome to Maties!
I am delighted you are considering coming to              You will develop in many ways here, and also
Stellenbosch University. I know we offer an               contribute to the growth of others. So get the
experience that is second to none. But don’t just         most out of your university experience at Maties
take my word for it – come and visit the campus           by immersing yourself in your chosen field of study,
to see for yourself what life at Maties is about!         by taking part in the social life and activities on
                                                          campus, by signing up for a leadership short course
We strive to be an inclusive, innovative and              at the FVZS Institute or by joining a club or society
future-focused institution: a place of discovery          for a new experience.
and excellence where both staff and students are
thought leaders in advancing knowledge in the             By doing this, you will gain much more than an
service of all stakeholders.                              excellent qualification here at Maties. Let us go
                                                          forward together!
To make new Maties feel at home quickly, we have
organised the campus into student communities
where day students can join residence students in
one of the well-appointed cluster hubs to share
a meal, take part in mentor groups for academic
support or connect their computers to access the          Prof Wim de Villiers
library’s generous online resources.                      Rector and Vice-Chancellor

Did you know?

                 Stellenbosch is the                 CAMPUSES:
                 OLDEST TOWN
                 in South Africa                     STELLENBOSCH CAMPUS
                                                     (main campus): Faculties of
                                                     AgriSciences, Engineering, Arts and
                                                     Social Sciences, Science, Education,
                                                     Law, Theology, and the larger part of
                                                     Economic and Management Sciences

  In 1918, Stellenbosch University                   BELLVILLE PARK
                                                     CAMPUS: University of
        opened its doors to                          Stellenbosch Business School and USB
      503 STUDENTS                                   Executive Development Ltd

              &                                      SALDANHA CAMPUS:
                                                     Faculty of Military Science

                                                     TYGERBERG CAMPUS:
       39 LECTURERS
                                                     Faculty of Medicine and Health
    In 2017 the University had
    31 639 STUDENTS                                  WORCESTER CAMPUS:
                                                     Ukwanda Rural Clinical School

of which 11,5% was international

              &                              The QS World University Rankings places
                                                  Stellenbosch University in the

 1 019 ACADEMIC STAFF                            TOP 2%
                                            of higher education institutions internationally

  The only South African university                                 applications for patent
         offering tuition in:                                       cooperation treaties between
                                                                    2009–2016 the MOST BY
                                                                    AN INSTITUTION IN
                                                                    SOUTH AFRICA

                                                       HIGHEST RESEARCH OUTPUT
         LASER PHYSICS                                     per fulltime staff member of all
                                                        universities in the country for the last
                                                               seven consecutive years



             Throughput rate of
                                                         DOCTORAL DEGREES
                                                      awarded in 2016 (our 65% success
 one of the highest in South Africa in 2016              rate is the highest in the

  Stellenbosch University Choir 1st on the
Interkultur ranking list of 1 000 international
        choirs for 5 consecutive years

General information
                  More information at www.maties.com

                                                   Stellenbosch University (SU) is committed to
                                                   engagement with knowledge in a diverse society
       021 808 9111
                                                   and strives through the Language Policy to
                                                   ensure equitable access to learning and teaching
       021 808 3822                                opportunities for all students and staff members.
                                                   Multilingualism is promoted as an important
                                                   distinguishing feature of Stellenbosch University.
                                                   Afrikaans, English and isiXhosa are used in
                                                   academic, administrative, professional and social
FOLLOW US                                          contexts. Pedagogically grounded teaching and
                                                   learning are facilitated by medium of Afrikaans and
       www.facebook.com/MatiesFanPage              English. The language of instruction for each
                                                   module is shown on the module framework
                                                   made available to students when classes start.
       @FutureMaties                               Support is provided for the mastery of academic
                                                   language in Afrikaans and English.
                                                   More information on language at SU is available on
                                                   the website www.sun.ac.za/language.

STAY UP TO DATE!                                   INDEMNITY
Scan to join our database, or visit                The University reserves the right to adjust the
www.maties.com.                                    information in this brochure at any time and as
                                                   the need arises. This information may therefore
                                                   be incomplete or out of date. The information is
                                                   given here to the best of our knowledge and as
                                                   accurately and fully as was possible at the time of
                                                   going to press in December 2017. Verifying the
                                                   given information remains the responsibility of
                                                   the prospective student. The latest information is
                                                   available on www.maties.com and at the telephone
                                                   numbers given in this brochure.

                                                   NSC = National Senior Certificate
                                                   NBTs = National Benchmark Tests
                                                   EDPs = extended degree programmes

Still uncertain about what career to choose? Make
                                                               use of our free career assessment resources at
 Visit the Stellenbosch campus for a day! If you
 are thinking about applying for undergraduate
 admission to Stellenbosch University, it will be our           ENQUIRIES
 pleasure to have you (and your family) on campus
 for a day. Consider attending our Open Day or
                                                                       021 808 4709
 contact our Advisory and Career Advice Services
 for a visit to campus.
                                                                       021 808 4708
24 FEBRUARY 2018                                                       maties@sun.ac.za
On our annual Open Day we welcome Grade 11
and 12 learners, parents, teachers and guidance
counsellors to the Stellenbosch and Tygerberg                          www.maties.com
campuses. Come and attend specially prepared
faculty exhibitions and demonstrations in world-
class facilities. Visit our beautiful campus and               ADMISSION TO THE UNIVERSITY
experience the vibrant student communities and                 The University receives more applications than
residences.                                                    there are places for. All our programmes are
                                                               selection programmes and applicants are selected
To get you off to a good start, we offer                       according to the faculties’ selection guidelines on
presentations explaining how to apply, the                     www.maties.com. Therefore, even though you may
admission criteria and financial assistance at                 meet the minimum admission requirements of a
Stellenbosch University.                                       programme, you are not guaranteed admission to
                                                               the programme of your choice.
Feel the vibe. Meet the people. Discover the                   CLOSING DATES FOR APPLICATION
attractions, traditions and the Maties lifestyle. Make         31 May: MBChB programme under Medicine
an appointment on our website for a campus visit                        and Health Sciences
with one of our advisors. A campus tour will follow            30 June: All other programmes and University
on a short discussion session about the specific                        residence accommodation
study programmes presented at the University.

We encourage school groups to visit us on                       Basic admission requirements for university
campus. Educators can book these information                    study
sessions and campus tours on our website.                       • A National Senior Certificate (NSC) as
                                                                    certified by Umalusi for admission to
                                                                    bachelor’s degree studies, requiring at least
                                                                    50% in four school subjects from the list of
Choice is good, but the awesome variety of
                                                                    subjects designated for university admission
programmes, subjects and career options available
to you can be overwhelming. Could you do with
                                                                • Writing of the National Benchmark Tests
a little help to decide on a direction? Tap into
                                                                    (NBTs) required by your chosen programme
Stellenbosch University’s professional career advice
                                                                    Please note that when you apply for a
                                                                    programme in the faculties of Law and of
                                                                    Medicine and Health Sciences, the NBTs need
Make an appointment with any of our
                                                                    to be written by 30 June if you want to be
psychologists for psychometric assessment and an
                                                                    considered for selection.
individual feedback session for the following:
                                                                • Further specific requirements to be found
• Guidance regarding subject choices for Grade
                                                                    under individual programmes
     9 learners
                                                                • Also see the faculties’ selection guidelines on
• Career guidance for Grade 11 and 12 learners

Subjects for university admission                             •     It is the test candidate’s responsibility to check
Accounting, Agricultural Sciences, Business Studies,                that his/her NBT results are indeed loaded
Consumer Studies, Dramatic Arts, Economics,                         onto the www.maties.com website (see
Engineering Graphics and Design, Geography,                         ‘Apply’ > ‘National Benchmark Tests’ > ‘My
History, Information Technology, Languages (one                     NBT Results ...’). If the results are not loaded,
language of learning and teaching at a higher                       send the following particulars to the SU Client
education institution and two other recognised                      Services Centre: your NBT number, ID number,
language subjects), Life Sciences, Mathematics,                     SU student number and official NBT results.
Mathematical Literacy, Music, Physical Sciences,
Religion Studies, Visual Arts.
                                                                  Enquiries about the writing of NBTs and
                                                                  the availability of NBT results
Conditional admission
If you have not written the final NSC examination                 NBT Call Centre (University of Cape
yet on application, your final Grade 11 marks                     Town)
will determine whether the University will admit
you conditionally to a programme. Conditional                           021 650 3523
admission means that you are admitted on
condition that your final results for the NSC meet                      www.nbt.ac.za
the basic admission requirements for university
study and the minimum admission requirements                      Enquiries about the use of NBT results for
of the programme you applied for. Only then can                   selection and placement at SU
your admission to the University be finalised.
                                                                  SU Client Services Centre (Stellenbosch
• The National Benchmark Tests (NBTs) are
                                                                        021 808 9111
  a measurement instrument for first-year
  applicants to enter higher education.
• All prospective students who wish to
  register at Stellenbosch for their first year are
  compelled to write the NBTs, irrespective of
  the year in which they completed Grade 12 or
                                                                        021 808 3822
  the examination system they followed.
• The NBTs assess a candidate’s ability to
  apply his/her academic literacy (language
                                                              BURSARIES AND LOANS
  skills), quantitive literacy (numeracy skills) and
                                                              Stellenbosch University offers various bursaries in
  mathematics in a tertiary (higher education)
                                                              two main categories:
• The NBTs consist of two tests. The first test
                                                              1.    Automatic award: Merit bursaries (on the
  combines an academic literacy and quantitative
                                                                    basis of Grade 12 results)
  literacy evaluation (AQL) in one multiple
                                                              2.    Award based on application:
  choice test. There are seven sections that must
                                                                    – Sports bursaries (Enquiries: Maties Sport
  each be completed within a set time. The
                                                                         021 808 4642)
  second test evaluates mathematical (MAT)
                                                                    – Bursaries for study in specific faculties or
  ability, also by means of a multiple choice test,
  to be written within three hours.
                                                                    – General bursaries for study in most
• The NBTs are managed by the Alternative
  Admissions Research Project at the University
                                                                    – Financial help for needy students
  of Cape Town. Further particulars on the
  NBTs are available on the website provided

Closing dates for bursary applications                    Banking details
For NSFAS financial assistance, apply from                Standard bank
1 August to 30 November. Apply directly on the            Branch code 050610
NSFAS website at www.nsfas.org.za                         Account number 063163225
                                                          SWIFT code (only for payments from abroad)
To improve your chances to obtain financial               SBZAZAJJ
assistance, also apply online at www.maties.com           Provide your student number as reference.
using your student number for a bursary or loan           E-mail your proof of payment slip to Arlene
through Stellenbosch University:                          Amerika at studentegelde@sun.ac.za or fax it to her
                                                          at 021 808 3739.
•   Before 31 August for all bursaries and bursary
    loans administered by the University.                 After the first payment at registration, pay the
•   The closing dates for bursaries from private          balance of the account like this:
    companies vary. See the Calendar Bursaries            1. Pay according to the debit order system in
    and Loans, Part 2.                                        eight equal instalments (the first on 1 April).
Enquiries for bursaries                                   2. Pay in two instalments before or on 31 May
Client Services Centre: 021 808 9111                          and 30 September.
or info@sun.ac.za
Website: www.maties.com > ‘Bursaries and Loans’           Approximate study fees for 2018
                                                          Here are the 2018 study fees for full programmes.
FEES                                                      Use these as approximate figures to give you
Application fees                                          an indication of what study fees may be in 2019.
Electronic applications: Pay the application fees         Annually, tuition fees may potentially increase by
electronically at the same time.                          about 8 to 10%. In due course, you may obtain the
Applications using the paper form: The                    2019 fees for specific programmes at the address
application fees may accompany the form by                below.
means of a cheque or postal order. Alternatively,
attach an electronic funds transfer (EFT) proof of         BA (Bachelor of Arts)                    R38 282
payment slip.
                                                           BA in Law                                R45 865
First payment of fees payable on day of                    BMus (Bachelor of Music)                 R42 003
                                                           BA in Drama and Theatre Studies          R37 014
 (These fees apply for 2018.)
                                                           BA in Visual Arts                        R37 525
 Tuition fees (degree programmes)        R12 260
                                                           LLB (Bachelor of Laws – four-year)       R45 780
 Tuition fees (certificate and diploma    R8 940
                                                           BSc (Bachelor of Science)                R46 200
                                                           BSc in Forestry                          R42 759
 Accommodation fees                      R11 600
                                                           BScAgric (Bachelor of Science in         R43 626
How to pay                                                 Agriculture)
The University accepts various methods of                  BSc in Food Science                      R45 470
payment: online with a credit card (see web
address below for payment methods), cash,                  BCom (Bachelor of Commerce)              R38 315
crossed cheque made out to Stellenbosch                    BCom in Law                              R47 558
University, electronic deposit, direct deposit at
the bank, debit card, and crossed postal order or          BCom in Actuarial Science                R57 115
debit order (debit order form available at the web         BAcc (Bachelor of Accounting)            R41 994
address below or from Sean Davidse at
                                                           BAccLLB                                  R49 809
021 808 3530).
                                                           BEng (Bachelor of Engineering)           R55 296

BEd (Bachelor of Education)                              •   Once you have been placed in a residence,
                                         R37 027
                                                              switching between residences will not be
 BTh (Bachelor of Theology)              R37 904              allowed.
 BDiv (Bachelor of Divinity)             R42 089
                                                          How we allocate places in residences
 MBChB (Medicine)                        R59 504          The University allocates places in residences in a
 Bachelor of Occupational Therapy        R46 999          series of rounds, according to academic merit and
                                                          diversity, as indicated in our residence placement
 Bachelor of Speech-Language and         R43 019          policy (see our website). Excellence strengthened
 Hearing Therapy                                          by diversity is an important principle in the
 BSc in Physiotherapy                    R45 590          University’s residence placement policy, and this
                                                          principle is continually considered, along with other
 BSc in Dietetics                        R46 059
                                                          stipulations. The University believes that exposure
                                                          to diversity plays an important role in producing
                                                          excellent students.
Client Services Centre:
021 808 9111
                                                          Diversity factors: (i) students’ citizenship – South
                                                          African and foreign; (ii) students’ language of
Cost of a specific study programme:
                                                          preference (Afrikaans, English and other); (iii)
www.maties.com > ‘Fees’ > ‘Provisional statement of
                                                          students’ ethnicity (brown, black, Indian and white);
fees (quotation)’
                                                          (iv) first generation Maties and Maties who have a
Website for payment methods:
                                                          multi-generational history of University attendance;
www.maties.com > ‘Fees’ > ‘Payment options’
                                                          and (v) students’ of varying economic status
                                                          (students who are financially self-sufficient and
                                                          those who, on the basis of the means test, come
                                                          into consideration for support bursaries).
How to apply
• You can apply online for accommodation
                                                          In the first round of placement, academic merit is
   along with your application for admission to
                                                          the main consideration, and, in the second round
   Stellenbosch University.
                                                          of placement, the aim is to realise the desired
• Space in University residences is limited and
                                                          diversity profile while still taking academic merit
   applicants are therefore subject to a selection
                                                          into consideration.
   process. Applications for accommodation
   usually exceed the available space at the
                                                          Approximate cost of University
   University. We therefore regretfully cannot
   guarantee that you will obtain a place in a
                                                          Approximate costs for double room tariffs per
   residence or in the residence of your choice.
                                                          year may be estimated from current 2018 prices
• To be considered for a place in a residence
                                                          listed below. Bear in mind that boarding costs
   you must first be admitted to a programme
                                                          might increase by about 10% annually. Keep an eye
   at the University. Should your first choice of
                                                          on our website for the official prices for 2019.
   study be subject to an extended selection
   process (as in the case of a programme in
   the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences),           Women                   R35 100 (double room)
   your second choice of study may be used to              Men                     R35 850 (double room)
   apply for accommodation. In this way you will
   ensure that you are considered for a place in          Meals: There are various options (e.g. three meals
   residence, even if – in the end – you are not          per day, seven days per week, cost R20 900 per
   accepted for your first choice of study.               year).
• The residence placement procedure is
   finalised by 30 October. By this date you
   should know whether you have a place in a
   residence. If your application is unsuccessful,
   we will confirm this after 30 October.

PRIVATE ACCOMMODATION                                         See under the faculties for more information, or
Students who do not live in a residence                       contact our client services centre.
on campus are part of the Private Student
Organisation (PSO) and are allocated to one of its            SciMathUS bridging programme
ten wards. The PSO wards are organised together               SciMathUS is a one-year university preparation
with residences into six groups (or clusters). For            programme that offers tuition to educationally
each of these clusters, a building (called a hub)             disadvantaged learners. These learners have passed
is being erected, where day students can spend                Grade 12, but struggle to meet the minimum
free time, and where they too will have the
                                                              admission requirements set by highly selective
opportunity to enjoy the benefits of residential
life, such as the availability of network points to           degree programmes.
connect a computer to the University’s network,
its electronic resources and the internet. In line            Learners choose between a Science and
with residences, the PSO wards offer support                  Accounting stream. If you choose the Science
to students through a mentor programme and a                  stream, you rewrite the NSC examination for
variety of activities. The cluster hubs Wimbledon             Mathematics and Physical Sciences. If you choose
and amaMaties are already completed and                       the Accounting stream, you take Accounting and
operational.                                                  Introduction in Economics with the Extended
                                                              Degree Programme students, which are
Each cluster has one or two open dining halls in              assessed by the University. You rewrite the NSC
residences where PSO students are welcome to                  examination for Mathematics only. With improved
book and enjoy meals.                                         results, you may then reapply to be admitted to
                                                              higher education!
Students in the Medicine and Health Sciences fall
under the Osler Tygerberg ward. Students on the
                                                              In both streams, to set you up for success in
Stellenbosch campus can expect a letter or an
SMS from their PSO ward confirming their ward                 higher education, you will also do Introduction
allocation, or they can check on the website given            to University Mathematics and acquire additional
below.                                                        skills.

Enquiries about accommodation                                 The programme supports Stellenbosch University’s
Client Services Centre:                                       diversity goal and is funded mostly by the private
021 808 9111                                                  sector. For programme information, admission
info@sun.ac.za                                                requirements and closing dates for applications,
Website:                                                      visit our website or facebook page.
www.maties.com > ‘Accommodation’; and for our
placement policy: > ‘Residence application and                SciMathUS enquiries:
placement process’; or to see whether you were                Adele Pool 021 808 3032
successful with your application: > ‘Residence status’        Noni Kulati 021 808 2301
ACADEMIC SUPPORT                                              bridging@sun.ac.za
Extended degree programmes                                    Website:
The extended degree programmes are full status                www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/education/suncep/ >
programmes that provide an alternative route to               ‘University Preparation’ > ‘SciMathUS’
academic success. Extended degree programmes                  Facebook:
are offered in the following faculties: AgriSciences,         www.facebook.com/SciMathUS
Arts and Social Sciences, Economic and
Management Sciences, Engineering, Medicine and                WELCOMING PROGRAMME
Health Sciences, Science, and Theology. Each faculty          After you have received conditional admission to
has its own admission procedure for its extended              the study programme for which you have applied,
degree programmes. Usually candidates are eligible            the University will provide you with details about
for such programmes when their results fall just              when you should report at Stellenbosch for the
short of the admission requirements or selection              Welcoming Programme (which is compulsory),
criteria, and when they qualify in terms of their             and how to register as a student. This information
socio-economic status.                                        will also be made available to you on our website
                                                              from November onwards.


01                  04                 09
     FACULTY OF          FACULTY            FACULTY OF
                         AND SOCIAL         MANAGEMENT
                         SCIENCES           SCIENCES

14                  16                 18
     FACULTY OF          FACULTY OF         FACULTY OF
     EDUCATION           ENGINEERING        LAW

19                  21                 22
     FACULTY OF          FACULTY OF         FACULTY OF
     MEDICINE            MILITARY           SCIENCE
     AND HEALTH          SCIENCE


Faculty of AgriSciences
Admission and selection: Applicants who meet the minimum requirements for their chosen
   programme, are selected according to the Faculty’s selection guidelines available on

                                                              institution or marketing organisation (valuations,
                                                              risk analyses, business plans, cash flow); manager at
                                                              public sector or international organisations dealing
                                                              with economic development (e.g. the World Bank).
 Minimum admission requirements                               Manager of food-processing concerns.
 • Write the NBTs AQL and MAT
 • An NSC aggregate of at least 60%
                                                               AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION AND
     (excluding Life Orientation)
 • English OR Afrikaans (Home Language or
     First Additional Language) 50%
 • Mathematics 60%                                             Minimum admission requirements
 • Physical Sciences (Physics and Chemistry)                   • Write the NBTs AQL (all students) and, if
     50%                                                           you take Mathematics as a school subject,
                                                                   also MAT
                                                               • An NSC aggregate of at least 55%
 BAgricAdmin (3 years)
                                                                   (excluding Life Orientation)
                                                               • English OR Afrikaans (Home Language or
Field of study:
                                                                   First Additional Language) 50%
- Agribusiness Management
                                                               • Mathematics 50% OR Mathematical
                                                                   Literacy 60%
Career opportunities
                                                               • Physical Sciences (Physics and Chemistry)
Manager in agribusiness, focusing on crop or animal
                                                                   50% OR
production. Agricultural economist at financial
                                                                   Life Sciences 50% OR
institution (feasibility studies, business plans, cash
                                                                   Agricultural Sciences 50%
flow planning).

                                                               BAgric in Agricultural Production and
 BScAgric (4 years)
                                                               Management: Elsenburg (3 years)

Fields of study:                                              This programme is offered in collaboration
- Agricultural Economic Analysis                              with the Cape Institute for Agricultural Training:
- Agricultural Economic Analysis and                          Elsenburg. Students reside on the Elsenburg
     Management                                               campus where they receive all their training. For
- Agricultural Economic Analysis and                          more information, phone the Institute on
     Management with Food Science                             021 808 7700.
- Agricultural Economics and Food Science
                                                              Fields of study:
Career opportunities                                          - Animal Production
Researcher in macroeconomic analysis (impact                  - Plant Production
assessment and design of agricultural and food                - Plant and Animal Production
policy); agricultural economist at a financial                - Cellar Technology

-      Extension and Animal Production
                                                              BSc in Conservation Ecology (4 years)
-      Extension and Plant Production
                                                             Career opportunities
Career opportunities
                                                             Careers in environmental impact assessment and
General agricultural manager, agricultural
                                                             monitoring, restoration ecology, conservation
production manager, winemaker, cellar manager,
                                                             biology, game farm management, ecotourism,
agricultural extension officer, marketer, and careers
                                                             sustainable agriculture, forestry and organic plant
in research and education and training in your
                                                             management, community-based natural resource
chosen study field.
                                                             management and research into conservation
                                                              FOOD PRODUCTION SYSTEMS
    Minimum admission requirements
    • Write the NBTs AQL and MAT
                                                              Minimum admission requirements
    • An NSC aggregate of at least 60%
                                                              • Write the NBTs AQL and MAT
        (excluding Life Orientation)
                                                              • An NSC aggregate of at least 60%
    • English OR Afrikaans (Home Language or
                                                                  (excluding Life Orientation)
        First Additional Language) 50%
                                                              • English OR Afrikaans (Home Language or
    • Mathematics 60%
                                                                  First Additional Language) 50%
    • Physical Sciences (Physics and Chemistry)
                                                              • Mathematics 60%
                                                              • Physical Sciences (Physics and Chemistry)
    BScAgric (4 years)
                                                              BSc in Food Science (4 years)
Field of study:
- Animal Science
                                                             Career opportunities
                                                             Food scientists are employed to do quality
Career opportunities
                                                             assurance, product development, research,
Consultant, entrepreneur, manager, technician,
                                                             technical support, sales, purchasing and production
extension officer or production manager in
                                                             management in the food industry.
animal sciences or in related industries (such as
animal nutrition, meat science, animal physiology,
animal reproduction and animal breeding), or in               FORESTRY AND WOOD SCIENCES
the aquaculture industry, stock-farmer and game
farmer.                                                       Minimum admission requirements
                                                              • Write the NBTs AQL and MAT
    CONSERVATION ECOLOGY AND                                  • An NSC aggregate of at least 60%
    ENTOMOLOGY                                                     (excluding Life Orientation)
                                                              • English OR Afrikaans (Home Language or
                                                                   First Additional Language) 50%
    Minimum admission requirements
                                                               For the field of study Forestry and Natural
    • Write the NBTs AQL and MAT
                                                               Resources Sciences, also:
    • An NSC aggregate of at least 60%
                                                              • Mathematics 60%
        (excluding Life Orientation)
                                                              • Physical Sciences (Physics and Chemistry)
    • English OR Afrikaans (Home Language or
        First Additional Language) 50%
                                                               For the field of study Wood and Wood Products
    • Mathematics 60%
                                                               Sciences, also:
    • Physical Sciences (Physics and Chemistry)
                                                              • Mathematics 70%
                                                              • Physical Sciences (Physics and Chemistry)

BSc in Forestry (BScFor) (4 years)                             •     Physical Sciences (Physics and Chemistry)
Fields of study:                                                 If you wish to take Soil Science and Chemistry as
-    Forestry and Natural Resources Sciences                     major subjects at university:
- Wood and Wood Products Sciences                               • Mathematics 70%

Career opportunities                                            BScAgric (4 years)
Forest and Natural Resources Sciences: Work
as forestry expert, timber grower, environmental               Fields of study:
planner, forest researcher, forester, extension officer        - Crop Production Systems
or consultant, logistics manager, tree breeder, rural          - Crop Protection and Breeding
development advisor and entrepreneur.                          - Soil and Water Management
Wood and Wood Products Sciences: Work as
wood products expert, manager in a production                  Career opportunities
plant for wood products, product development                   Career opportunities in crop production
manager, quality assurance manager, consultant and             (agronomy, deciduous fruit, citrus, fynbos, viticulture
wood scientist.                                                and greenhouse), crop protection, genetic crop
                                                               improvement, and soil and water management.
 GRAPE AND WINE SCIENCES                                       Various careers in the agricultural industry or in
                                                               agriculture-related industries, such as consultant,
                                                               entrepreneur, manager, extension officer, technician
 Minimum admission requirements                                or researcher.
 • Write the NBTs AQL and MAT
 • An NSC aggregate of at least 60%
     (excluding Life Orientation)                               EXTENDED DEGREE PROGRAMMES
 • English OR Afrikaans (Home Language or
                                                               An extended degree programme entails one
     First Additional Language) 50%
                                                               extra year of study. Except for BAgric in
 • Mathematics 60%                                             Agricultural Production and Management:
 • Physical Sciences (Physics and Chemistry)                   Elsenburg, all the programmes above are also
     50%                                                       available as extended degree programmes.

 BScAgric (4 years)                                             Minimum admission requirements
                                                                • An NSC aggregate of at least 60%
Field of study:                                                      (excluding Life Orientation)
- Grape and Wine Sciences (previously called                    • English OR Afrikaans (Home Language or
     Viticulture and Oenology)
                                                                     First Additional Language) 50%
                                                                • Mathematics between 55% and 59,9%
Career opportunities
Winemaker, viticulturist, researcher, production                • Physical Sciences (Physics and Chemistry)
manager, marketer, technician, consultant or                         between 45% and 49,9%
entrepreneur in wine-related industries.                        • NBT results between 33% and 47%
                                                                 For the BScAgric with Soil Science and Chemistry
                                                                 as major subjects, as above BUT:
 PLANT AND SOIL SCIENCES                                        • Mathematics between 60% and 69,9%
                                                                 For the BScFor (Wood and Wood Products
 Minimum admission requirements                                  Sciences), as above BUT:
 • Write the NBTs AQL and MAT                                   • Mathematics between 60% and 69,9%
 • An NSC aggregate of at least 60%                                  AND
     (excluding Life Orientation)                               • Physical Sciences (Physics and Chemistry)
 • English OR Afrikaans (Home Language or                            between 55% and 59,9%
     First Additional Language) 50%
 • Mathematics 60%                                             Career opportunities
                                                               Careers as described above for each programme.

Faculty of Arts and
                      Social Sciences
 Our general programmes give you a broad background for a variety of careers in related fields. Our
 specialised programmes are focused on specific careers. The programmes marked with a # are also
                            available as extended degree programmes.

 General admission requirements                        BA in Language and Culture# (3 years)
 • Write the NBT AQL
 • An NSC aggregate of at least 65%
                                                       Minimum admission requirements
    (excluding Life Orientation)
                                                       • Home Language 60%*
 • See further admission requirements under
                                                       • First Additional Language 60%*
    the programmes
                                                       *Raised requirements subject to approval. Please
 • Also see the Faculty’s selection guidelines
                                                       keep an eye on www.maties.com for updates.
    on www.maties.com > ‘Apply’
                                                      Career opportunities
 GENERAL DEGREE PROGRAMMES                            Careers in professions requiring expertise in
                                                      languages and culture, diplomatic service, teaching,
 BA in Humanities# (3 years)                          publishing, advertising, tourism, journalism and the
                                                      translation industry.
- Human Thought, Language, Culture and Art             BA in Social Dynamics# (3 years)
- People and Society
                                                       Minimum admission requirements
 Minimum admission requirements                        • Home Language 50%
 • Home Language 50 %                                  • First Additional Language 40%
 • First Additional Language 40%                       If you take Socio-Informatics as a university
 If you take Socio-Informatics as a university              subject, then also:
      subject, then also:                              • Mathematics 50% OR
 • Mathematics 50% OR Mathematical                          Mathematical Literacy 70%
      Literacy 70%                                     If you take Economics as a university subject, then
Career opportunities                                   • Mathematics 60%
A choice of many subjects that focus on either
of the two routes. Prepares you, with further         Career opportunities
postgraduate training, for professions such as        Subjects such as Economics, Geography and
teacher, psychologist, language practitioner,         Environmental Studies, History, Political Science,
journalist and town and regional planner.             Psychology, Social Anthropology and Sociology
                                                      with postgraduate study can lead to a career in
                                                      psychology, planning, media, education and training,
                                                      liaising, politics, management, research, policy
                                                      analysis and consultation.

SPECIALISED DEGREE PROGRAMMES                                 BA in Human Resource Management#
                                                               (3 years)

 BA in Development and the Environment#
 (3 years)                                                     Minimum admission requirements
                                                               • Home Language 50%
                                                               • First Additional Language 40%
 Minimum admission requirements                                • Mathematics 50%*
 • Home Language 50%                                           If you take Statistics as a university subject, then:
 • First Additional Language 40%                               • Mathematics 60%*
 If you take Socio-Informatics as a university                 *Pending approval, these requirements are to be
 subject, then also:                                           scrapped. Keep an eye on www.maties.com for
 • Mathematics 50% OR Mathematical                             updates.
       Literacy 70%
 If you take Economics as a university subject, then          Career opportunities
 also:                                                        Development manager, human resource manager,
 • Mathematics 60%                                            psychometrician, management consultant and
                                                              labour relations practitioner. Leads to postgraduate
Career opportunities                                          studies in Human Resource Management or
Careers in community development, population                  Industrial Psychology.
development, town and regional planning,
tourism, resource planning and management, and
environmental planning and management in the                   BA in International Studies# (3 years)
public and private sectors.
                                                               Minimum admission requirements
 BA in Drama and Theatre Studies (3 years)                     • English Home Language 50% OR
                                                                   English First Additional Language 60%
- Acting and Performance Training                             Career opportunities
- Technical and Management Training                           The diplomatic service, parliament, the National
                                                              Intelligence Agency, the tourism industry,
                                                              international journalism, public liaison work, the
 Minimum admission requirements                               import and export industry, and institutions that
 • Home Language 50%                                          promote commerce and investment (e.g. Wesgro),
 • First Additional Language 50%                              international organisations (such as the UN,
 • Complete the required written assignment                   Amnesty International, World Economic Forum).
      and hand it in by 15 August
 • Candidates must be available for
      auditions and/or interviews at the Drama                 BA in Law (3 years)
      Department in Stellenbosch at the end of
      September                                               See BA (Law) under Faculty of Law.
 Selection information
 Selection requirements and entrance assignment
 available at www.maties.com > ‘Apply’ >
 ‘Application documents’ or at amm@sun.ac.za.

Career opportunities
This qualification equips you for a career in the
theatre and media industries, and gives you access
to related fields such as public relations, marketing,
teaching and cultural affairs.

Bachelor of Music (BMus) (4 years)                         BA in Music (3 years)

 Minimum admission requirements                             Minimum admission requirements
 • Home Language 50%                                        • Home Language 50%
 • First Additional Language 40%                            • First Additional Language 40%
 • In the main instrument (or in singing) at                • In the main instrument (or in singing) at
      least a practical standard in classical music              least a practical standard in classical music
      equivalent to the Grade VII examination                    equivalent to the Grade VII examination
      and theoretical knowledge equivalent                       and theoretical knowledge equivalent
      to any of the examining bodies’ Grade V                    to any of the examining bodies’ Grade V
      theory examination                                         theory examination
 • Candidates must be available for an                      • Candidates must be available for an
      audition and theoretical test at the                       audition and theoretical test at the
      Department of Music in Stellenbosch                        Department of Music in Stellenbosch
 If you take Mathematics as a university subject,           If you take Mathematics as a university subject,
      then also:                                                 then also:
 • Mathematics 70%                                          • Mathematics 70%
 Selection information                                      Selection information
 During the above-mentioned audition and                    During the above-mentioned audition and
 theoretical test, candidates must demonstrate              theoretical test, candidates must demonstrate
 proof of the required standards. On receiving your         proof of the required standards. On receiving your
 application, we send you information about the             application, we send you information about the
 audition. Further information at mdn@sun.ac.za.            audition. Further information at mdn@sun.ac.za.

Career opportunities                                       Career opportunities
Music educator (lecturer or teacher), performing           Private music teacher, conductor, performing artist
artist, accompanist, music director, musicologist,         or accompanist. Upon further studies also music-
composer or conductor. Music-related professions           related professions such as music journalist, music
such as journalist (BAHons in Journalism), music           therapist or high school teacher. Postgraduate
arranger or music technologist. Postgraduate               studies in your chosen major may open up other
fields of study: music education, performance,             careers.
chamber music/accompaniment, soloist singer/
solo instrumentalist, musicology, composition,
music technology, ethnomusicology and choral

Performance, Musicology, Composition, Music
 Diploma in Practical Music (3 years)
                                                           Technology, Church Music, Ethnomusicology or
                                                           Choir Conducting.
 Minimum admission requirements
 • NBTs not to be written                                   Higher Certificate in Music (1 year)
 • A National Senior Certificate with at
      least 40% in each of four school subjects
      (excluding Life Orientation)                         Minimum admission requirements
 • In the main instrument (or in singing) at                • NBTs not to be written
      least a practical standard in classical music         • A National Senior Certificate
      equivalent to the Grade VII examination               • In the main instrument (or in singing) at
      and theoretical knowledge equivalent to                    least a practical standard in classical music
      any of the examining bodies’ Grade III/IV                  equivalent to the Grade V/VI examination
      theory examination                                         and theoretical knowledge equivalent to any
 • Candidates must be available for an                           of the examining bodies’ Grade III/IV theory
      audition and theoretical test at the                       examination
      Department of Music in Stellenbosch                  • Candidates must be available for an audition
 Selection information                                           and theoretical test at the Department of
 During the above-mentioned audition and                         Music in Stellenbosch
 theoretical test, candidates must demonstrate             Selection information
 proof of the required standards. On receiving your        Selection based on an audition and theoretical
 application, we send you information about the            test, during which candidates must demonstrate
 audition. Further information at mdn@sun.ac.za.           proof of the required standards. On receiving your
                                                           application, we send you information about the
Career opportunities                                       audition. Further information at mdn@sun.ac.za.
Instrumental or singing teacher, choral conductor,
                                                           Career opportunities
church organist, performing artist or orchestral
                                                           You can add value to community music projects.
                                                           This qualification can prepare you for the Diploma
                                                           in Practical Music or one of the music degree
 Advanced Diploma in Practical Music                       programmes, provided you comply with all the
 (1 year)                                                  admission requirements.

 Minimum admission requirements                             BA in Political, Philosophical and Economic
 • NBTs not to be written                                   Studies (PPE) (3 years)
 • Diploma in Practical Music with Music
      Studies S 221 and 261
 • Candidates must be available for an                      Minimum admission requirements
      audition at the Department of Music in                • Home Language 50%
      Stellenbosch                                          • First Additional Language 40%
 Selection information                                      • Mathematics 60%
 Selection based on an audition, during which
 candidates must demonstrate proof of the                  Career opportunities
 required standards. On receiving your application,        Manager, journalist, business or investment analyst,
 we send you information about the audition.               stockbroker, entrepreneur, diplomat, civil servant,
 Further information at mdn@sun.ac.za.                     researcher, consultant or academic.

Career opportunities                                        Bachelor of Social Work# (4 years)
Performing artist, accompanist, music teacher
or conductor. Studies might allow admission to
BMus with specialisation in Music Education,                Minimum admission requirements
Musical Performance in Chamber Music                        • Home Language 50%
or Accompaniment, Solo Singing or Solo                      • First Additional Language 40%

Career opportunities                                           honours degree and internship), sport research
Social worker in state departments, non-profit                 and teaching (physical training). Sport Science can
organisations, facilities for persons with special             be combined with Geography and Environmental
needs, schools, hospitals, occupational settings, and          Studies, Psychology, Afrikaans en Nederlands or
in private practice. Can also practice internationally.        English Studies.

 BA in Socio-Informatics# (3 years)                             BA in Visual Arts (4 years)

 Minimum admission requirements
                                                               - Fine Arts
 • Home Language 50%
                                                               - Jewellery and Metal Design
 • First Additional Language 40%
                                                               - Visual Communication Design
 • Mathematics 60%
 If you take Mathematics as a university subject,
      then:                                                     Minimum admission requirements
 • Mathematics 70%                                              • Home Language 50%
                                                                • First Additional Language 40%
Career opportunities                                            • Hand a prescribed portfolio of art in by 30
Knowledge engineer, business analyst, project                        September
manager, internet developer, corporate information              Selection information
systems architect, knowledge manager, electronic                Information about the above-mentioned portfolio
                                                                of art is available at www.maties.com > ‘Apply’
business specialist, database manager and analyst in
                                                                > ‘Application documents’ or at 021 808 2508
decision support systems.                                       (mornings only).

 BA in Sport Science (3 years)                                 Career opportunities
                                                               Professional fine artist, art teacher, graphic designer,
                                                               illustrator, jewellery designer and manufacturer,
 Minimum admission requirements
                                                               art critic or art theorist. Related professions: stage
 • Home Language 50%
                                                               designer, book designer, curator, museum and art
 • First Additional Language 40%
                                                               gallery custodian, art dealer, art entrepreneur,
 • Mathematics 40% OR
                                                               gemmologist, technical expert in sculpture,
      Mathematical Literacy 70%
                                                               welding, casting, lithography as well as fields such
 • Physical Sciences 40% OR
                                                               as film production, art direction, photography and
      Life Sciences 50%
 • Complete the Department’s selection
      questionnaire and medical history form and
      submit them along with your application                   #Extended Degree Programmes (4 years)
 • Attendance of and participation in sport
      practicals are compulsory                                Available in all programmes marked with a #.
 Selection information
 Place for 80 students.The Department’s above-                  Minimum admission requirements
 mentioned selection questionnaire and medical                  • An NSC aggregate of at least 60–64,9%
 history form are available at 021 808 9111                         (excluding Life Orientation)
 or www.maties.com > ‘Apply’ > ‘Application                     • Students are selected for the extended
 documents’).                                                       degree programmes at the discretion of the
Career opportunities
Sports coaching, recreation leadership, sports                 Career opportunities
administration, sports marketing, sports                       Careers as described above for the various
management, sport for persons with disabilities,               programmes.
the fitness industry, biokinetics (on completing

Faculty of Economic
                   and Management
   Language of instruction: The Faculty offers only one programme, the BAcc degree programme, in
  English and Afrikaans in separate streams from the first to the final year (parallel-medium instruction).
  The first year of all other undergraduate programmes are presented in English and Afrikaans (parallel-
   medium instruction), with some exceptions where modules are offered in only English. In the second
  and third years the language of instruction differs from module to module and can be either one of, or
 a combination of, the following: parallel medium (Afrikaans and English classes are presented in separate
   groups); English, with support in Afrikaans; or in exceptional cases English only. (See “Language at the
                                           University” on page vi).

 SELECTION                                                    DEGREE PROGRAMMES WITH A FOCUS
                                                              ON LAW
In the first place, candidates must meet the
requirements of the programme they are applying              For admission requirements and career
for. Note that admission requirements are                    opportunities, see under the Faculty of Law:
amended annually. For the latest information on
admission requirements and selection guidelines,              BCom (Law)
please visit www.maties.com > ‘What can I study?’
> ‘Undergraduates’ > ‘Economic and Management                 BAccLLB
                                                              BROAD DEGREE PROGRAMMES WITH
According to the Faculty’s selection guidelines,              VARIOUS CAREER FOCUSES
your application will be considered based on
the grounds of your selection mark and your
                                                              BCom (3 years)
Grade 11 marks (or your Grade 12 marks if
you have already matriculated). The selection
mark for the 2019 intake is 75, but is subject to            Construct your own curriculum from a wide
change according to demand and whether place                 choice of subjects, which may include a subject
is available in the programme. This arrangement              from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
excludes BAccLLB and BCom (Law).
                                                              Minimum admission requirements
Selection mark: (2 x Mathematics average +                    • Write the NBTs AQL and MAT
the average of 5 other subjects, excluding Life               • An NSC aggregate of at least 60%
Orientation) ÷ 7                                                   (excluding Life Orientation)
                                                              • Mathematics 60%
Note: Where applicants present more than                      • English Home Language 50% OR
six school subjects from the list designated for                   Afrikaans Home Language 50% OR
university admission (page viii), the five highest                 English First Additional Language 60% OR
marks are used for the average of the “other                       Afrikaans First Additional Language 60%
subjects”. For applicants who present fewer than              If you want to take Mathematics and/or Computer
six subjects, the following calculation will be used:              Science as university subjects:
(2 x Mathematics average + averages of 3 other                • Mathematics 70%
subjects) ÷ 5.

Career opportunities                                      Focal areas (choose in second year):
Become an expert in the public or private sector          - Agricultural economics
who can add value in the area of economic                 - Entrepreneurship and Innovation
thought and the management of a business or a             - Financial Management
public organisation, including financial and human        - Human Resource Management
resource management.                                      - Information Systems Management
                                                          - Logistics Management
                                                          - Marketing Management
 BCom (Economic Sciences) (3 years)
                                                          - Public and Development Management
                                                          - Quantitative Management
Focal areas (choose in second year):
- Economics (Econometricians)
- Economics (Economic and Management                       Minimum admission requirements
    Consultants)                                           • Write the NBTs AQL and MAT
- Economics (Financial Sector)                             • An NSC aggregate of at least 60%
- Transport Economics                                          (excluding Life Orientation)
                                                           • Mathematics 60%
                                                           • English Home Language 50% OR
 Minimum admission requirements                                Afrikaans Home Language 50% OR
 • Write the NBTs AQL and MAT                                  English First Additional Language 60% OR
 • An NSC aggregate of at least 60%                            Afrikaans First Additional Language 60%
      (excluding Life Orientation)
 • Mathematics 60%                                        Career opportunities per focal area
 • English Home Language 50% OR                           Agricultural economics: Careers include
      Afrikaans Home Language 50% OR                      entrepreneurship, general management, financial
      English First Additional Language 60% OR            management and logistics management for the
      Afrikaans First Additional Language 60%             provision of agricultural inputs and services, for the
 If you wish to take Mathematics and/or Computer          processing and distribution of agricultural products,
      Science as university subjects:                     and for agricultural financing.
 • Mathematics 70%
                                                          Entrepreneurship and innovation: This focal
Career opportunities per focal area                       area teaches you how to create your own job
Economics: This leads to a career in the financial        opportunities and to make creative contributions
sector as economic/financial analyst or economic/         to other businesses.
management consultant. Graduates with an
                                                          Financial management: Whether you consider
aptitude for and training in mathematics and
                                                          starting your own business or working for a
statistics, along with economics, can opt for
                                                          big company, a sound knowledge of financial
employment as econometricians in the financial or
                                                          management is essential for success. Follow a
public sectors or at a research institution.
                                                          career as investment analyst, financial manager or
Transport economics: Transport economists                 financial adviser.
plan and manage transport infrastructure, the
                                                          Human resource management: This leads to
formulation of transport policy and the control
                                                          non-statutory registration as Human Resource
of transport systems for public enterprises and
                                                          Practitioner with the South African Board for
transport organisations.
                                                          People Practices. Follow a career as personnel
                                                          manager, market researcher, training manager,
                                                          consultant or labour relations manager. (For
 BCom (Management Sciences) (3 years)                     statutory registration as Psychometrist or Industrial
                                                          Psychologist, see BCom (Industrial Psychology)on
This programme is available as an extended                page 12.)
degree programme (EDP), entailing one extra
year of study. Only socio-economically and                Information systems management: Knowledge
educationally disadvantaged candidates will be            technologies are integrated with organisational
considered for the limited space in the EDP.              strategies and processes in order to enhance
                                                          productivity, efficiency and (sometimes) innovation.

Logistics management: A logistics manager                    Career opportunities per focal area
plans and controls the efficient, effective flow             Computer science: With a broad knowledge of
and storage of goods, services and related                   computer science and of the business world,
information from the place of origin to the place            you will be able to make a success of a career as
of consumption.                                              programmer in any environment.

Marketing management: In this field you will be              Financial risk management: People with training in
engaged in various marketing activities such as              financial risk management, mathematical statistics
product decisions, price determination, distribution,        and financial mathematics are appointed by
advertising and creating awareness of products or            large financial institutions as financial quantitative
services. Possible careers are: marketing manager,           analysts, such as financial risk managers, portfolio
sales manager, client manager and advertising                managers and financial instrument dealers.
manager.                                                     Mathematical statistics: Mathematical-statistical
Public and development management: Management                theory, procedures and the accompanying
careers in the public, non-government and                    computer skills are in great demand in national
development sector such as general, strategic,               and international corporate, research and public
financial, personnel, project or programme                   sectors. Follow a career as statistician, data miner,
manager. Development planner, community                      data manager and statistical analyst in marketing,
developer or a specialist in policy and management           information and management departments.
research.                                                    Operations research: This practice-oriented focal
Quantitative management: After sufficient practical          area finds mathematically-based solutions for
experience you can analyse and manage business               problems that have a high degree of complexity,
functions and processes at the strategic, tactical           uncertainty and conflict in factories, businesses,
and operational levels.                                      banks, and the mining and agricultural sectors.

 BCom (Mathematical Sciences) (3 years)                       BCom (International Business) (4 years)

                                                             The third year includes an international exchange
Focal areas (choose in second year):
                                                             semester. The language of instruction is English.
- Computer Science
- Financial Risk Management
- Mathematical Statistics                                     Minimum admission requirements
- Operations Research                                         • Write the NBTs AQL and MAT
                                                              • An NSC aggregate of at least 80%
                                                                  (excluding Life Orientation)
 Minimum admission requirements
                                                              • Mathematics 70%
 • Write the NBTs AQL and MAT
                                                              • English Home Language 70% OR
 • An NSC aggregate of at least 60%
                                                                  English First Additional Language 80%
     (excluding Life Orientation)
                                                              • Any additional language 70%
 • Mathematics 70%
 • English Home Language 50% OR
                                                             Career opportunities
     Afrikaans Home Language 50% OR
                                                             Interaction with international students and the
     English First Additional Language 60% OR
                                                             global marketplace prepares you for a role in
     Afrikaans First Additional Language 60%
                                                             international firms as marketing manager, financial
                                                             manager, entrepreneur or innovation manager.

and have sufficient work experience. Successful
 Diploma in Sustainable Development
                                                         university studies may result in exemptions from
 (3 years)
                                                         many of these examinations.
The language of instruction is English.
                                                          BCom (Industrial Psychology) (3 years)
 Minimum admission requirements
 • National Benchmark Tests not to be written             Minimum admission requirements
 • National Senior Certificate aggregate of at            • Write the NBTs AQL and MAT
     least 60% (excluding Life Orientation)               • An NSC aggregate of at least 60%
 • Mathematics 50% OR                                         (excluding Life Orientation)
     Mathematical Literacy 50%                            • Mathematics 60%
 • English Home Language 50% OR                           • English Home Language 50% OR
     English First Additional Language 60%                    Afrikaans Home Language 50% OR
 • Life Sciences 60%                                          English First Additional Language 60% OR
 • 60% in one of the following: creative arts                 Afrikaans First Additional Language 60%
     (i.e. Engineering Graphics and Design,
     Visual Arts), Agriculture, Business Studies,        Career opportunities
     Economics or Physical Sciences                      Statutory registration with the Health Professions
                                                         Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a
Career opportunities                                     Psychometrist (independent practice) is possible
Entrepreneur in sustainable development through          after obtaining the BCom (Industrial Psychology)
social enterprises, education, tourism, renewable        and BComHons (Industrial Psychology) degrees, an
energy, crafts or services towards community             internship of six months and passing a professional
development.                                             board exam. Statutory registration as an Industrial
                                                         Psychologist with the HPCSA is possible after
                                                         successful completion of the MCom (Industrial
                                                         Psychology) programme, an internship of 12
                                                         months and a professional board exam.
* The admission requirements of these
programmes are amended annually. Please                   BAcc* (3 years)
visit www.maties.com > ‘What can I study?’ >
‘Undergraduates’ > ‘Economic and Management              Classes are in Afrikaans and in English (parallel-
Sciences’ for updates.                                   medium instruction) up to final year.

 BCom (Actuarial Science) (3 years)                       Minimum admission requirements
                                                          • Write the NBTs AQL and MAT
                                                          • An NSC aggregate of at least 70%
 Minimum admission requirements
                                                              (excluding Life Orientation)
 • Write the NBTs AQL and MAT
                                                          • Mathematics 70% OR
 • A selection mark of at least 85
                                                              Mathematics 60% and Accounting 70%
 • An NSC aggregate of at least 80%
                                                          • English Home Language 50% OR
     (excluding Life Orientation)
                                                              Afrikaans Home Language 50% OR
 •    Mathematics 80%
                                                              English First Additional Language 60% OR
 •    English Home Language 60% AND any
                                                              Afrikaans First Additional Language 60%
     First Additional Language 60% OR
 • Other Home Language than English 60%
                                                         Career opportunities
     AND English First Additional Language 75%
                                                         To obtain the professional qualification of
                                                         Chartered Accountant, you have to pass the
Career opportunities
                                                         examinations of the South African Institute of
To become an Actuary (Fellow of the Actuarial
                                                         Chartered Accountants (SAICA) and/or the
Society of South Africa) you need to pass the
                                                         Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors
fifteen examinations of the professional body

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