Age Concern Horowhenua | Kapiti Palmerston North and Districts

Page created by Peggy Brooks
Age Concern Horowhenua | Kapiti Palmerston North and Districts

Age Concern                                                                           Horowhenua | Kapiti | Manawatu
                                                                                      He Manaakitanga Kaumātua

Horowhenua | Kapiti
Palmerston North and Districts
                                        Serving the needs of older people

                 For advertising phone Dave 027 652 5220 or email
   A Kiwi Publications Limited publication | | Please refer to website for disclaimer
Age Concern Horowhenua | Kapiti Palmerston North and Districts
2     AGE CONCERN | Serving the needs of older people                                                                                                                                                                 WINTER 2021                 3

                                                   Contact Information                                         Volunteer Awareness Week                                      Personal and economical transport
    Contact Information                                                                                        20th - 26th June                                              with extra help
    Age Concern Horowhenua                         Age Concern Palmerston                                      Have you thought of                                           - Total Mobility (TM) accepted
    Phone: (06) 367 2181
                                                   North & Districts                                           Volunteering?                                                 Call Freedom Drivers for medical, business and
    Email:              Phone: (06) 355 2832                                        Are you a volunteer? If not have you
                                                                                                                                                                             personal appointments or assistance with shopping.
    Address: 14 Durham Street, Levin 5510          Email:                      thought of volunteering? Volunteering                         How about a drive with a stop for morning or
                                                   Address: 51 Waldegrave Street,                              can be a good way to meet new                                 afternoon tea for yourself and a couple of friends?
    OFFICE HOURS                                   Palmerston North 4410                                       people. You can share skills you have already or learn        “We bring our friendly service to your door and we
    9.00am - 3.00pm Monday to Friday                                                                           new ones. It can provide you with a reason to go out,         will provide extra help at either end of the journey as
                                                   OFFICE HOURS                                                but there are things that you can do from your home
                                                   8.30am - 3.30pm Monday to Friday                                                                                          needed. For medical appointments we make sure
    BOARD MEMBERS                                                                                              e.g., be a St John Caring Caller. It can be an opportunity
                                                                                                               to give back to your community and you can volunteer
                                                                                                                                                                             you get to the right place and will wait if necessary
    Chairperson: Stewart Thompson                  STAFF                                                                                                                     or pick you up after the appointment. Travelling with
    Vice Chair: Anne Rogers                                                                                    at any age.
                                                   Manager: Marian Dean                                                                                                      Freedom is like travelling with friends or family. You
    Secretary: Susan Carson                                                                                    There are many services that would not operate
                                                   Elder Abuse Response Service Social                                                                                       build a relationship with a driver you get to know and
    Treasurer: Vicky Prouting                                                                                  without the input of volunteers. Many Op shops rely
                                                   Workers: Amey Jenkins & Klara Salisbury                                                                                   trust.”
    Committee: Deborah Campbell, Peter Dyer,                                                                   on volunteers to sort goods or serve in the shop.
    Carol Dyer, Mike Elliott                                                                                   Victim Support involves volunteers. The Age Concern           Service is personalised and Freedom prices are
                                                   Social Connection Coordinator:                              Accredited Visiting Service is reliant on people              comparable to (and often less) than a standard taxi.
    STAFF                                          Fern Brooking                                               volunteering to be befrienders. The Red Cross involves        We take Total Mobility cards (TM) and are
    Manager: Annemarie Smith                                                                                   volunteers in their Refugee Resettlement Programme,           ACC Registered Vendors.
    EANP Coordinator: Dan Geraghty                 BOARD MEMBERS                                               welcoming new migrants and helping them settle into
                                                   Christina Brenton (Chair)                                   Palmerston North. You would be providing support with         Call Lindsey directly now on 04 298 3184 or
    EANP & AVS Coordinator: Robyn Baker
                                                   Jeff Rayner (Finance)                                       a group of people and the Red Cross provides a good           021 355 142 for more information or to get a quote.
    Social Connections Coordinator: Vic Gregory
                                                   Joan Chettleburgh, Tracy Lynn, Paul Reiger,                 training programme. If you love books, then the Red
                                                   Ron Rowe, Audrey Jarvis.                                    Cross has a great second-hand bookshop staffed with                Fantas c Kapi Business
    Contact Information                                                                                        National Volunteer Week Te Wiki Tūao ā-Motu honours
                                                                                                                                                                                  Opportunity (franchise re-sale)
    Age Concern Kapiti                                                                                         the collective energies and mana of all volunteers in          Love the idea of a
                                                  Disclaimer: The views expressed in this newsletter are not   Aotearoa. They grow our people, open minds, open               community focussed
    Phone: (04) 298 8879                          necessarily those of Age Concern HKM. The inclusion or       hearts and create joy.                                         local business but don’t
    Email:           exclusion of any product does not mean that the publisher                                                                   want to start from
                                                  or Age Concern advocates or rejects its use.                 More than 1million people across Aotearoa say they
    Address: 1st Floor, Coastlands Mall, Rimu                                                                  volunteer for an organisation, contributing $4billion to
                                                                                                                                                                              scratch? This could be
    Road, Paraparaumu 5032                                                                                                                                                    for you.
                                                                                                               the economy. Much more happens within communities
    OFFICE HOURS                                                                                               and between people, and increasingly, in different ways.       Freedom Drivers Kapi is offered for sale with
    9.00am - 3.00pm Monday to Friday                                                                           If you are looking to volunteer Age Concern Palmerston         exis ng clients and income to get you off to a good
                                                                                                               North and Districts, is always wanting to welcome              start. There is plenty of scope for further growth.
                                                                                                               volunteers into our Accredited Visiting Service. If you are                                 Freedom Drivers is a community
    Chairperson - Roger Booth                                                                                  interested phone us on                                                                      oriented, flexible lifestyle business.
    Secretary - Bev Chappell                                                                                   06 355 2832.                                                                                If you enjoy driving and are kind,
    Treasurer - Graeme Joyes                      Millvale Lodge Lindale offers a homely environment
                                                                                                                                                                                                           caring good communicator who
                                                     in a peaceful rural setting with lovely gardens.          If you are looking for opportunities in our region, contact
    Committee - Linda Benson, Fay Doyle,                                                                                                                                                                   loves helping people this could be
                                                              Each person is supported to                      Volunteer Central who have some great volunteering
    Rama Rewi, Sonya Sloan, Jill Stansfield,                                                                                                                                                               the perfect business for you.
                                                            experience each moment richly.                     opportunities. Volunteer Central provides services
    Jane Yoong                                                                                                 in Palmerston North, Horowhenua, Manawatu, and                       Call Lindsey Go for a friendly chat
    STAFF                                         CARE FOR PEOPLE WITH DEMENTIA                                Tararua regions. They match people looking for                          04 298-3184 or 021 355 142
    Manager: Susan Church                                                                                      volunteer opportunities with organisations that need                       kapi
                                                         & HOSPITAL CARE                                       volunteers. Based on a skills matching system, they are
    AVS and Health Promotion Coordinator:
    Alison Miller                                   91 Main Road North, Lindale, Paraparaumu                   able to conduct successful referrals.
    AgeConnect Kapiti Coordinator/Support              Please contact us on (04) 297 0059                      To find out more about Volunteer Central phone 06 354
                                                                                                               6027 or call into their office at Hancock Community                                  
    Services: Tristine Tilly                                                                                                                        companion driving
                                                                                                               House 77, King St, Palmerston North.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Editorial supplied by Freedom Drivers
Age Concern Horowhenua | Kapiti Palmerston North and Districts
4     AGE CONCERN | Serving the needs of older people                                                                                                                                                           WINTER 2021   5

News from Age Concern Horowhenua                                                                                    Age on the Go Expo
                                                                                                                    left to right is        Robyn, Catherine, Stewart, Victoria
Update from Robyn Baker at                                service today on (06) 367 2181 or ring Robyn's
                                                          mobile 022 569 9795 to help.
Age Concern Horowhenua
                                                          The Elder Abuse Response Service: This
The Elder Abuse (EARS) and Accredited Visiting            is a free confidential service here at Age Concern
Service (AVS) Coordinator Social Worker Robyn             Horowhenua. It’s OK to ask for help! If you have
Baker’s last three months at Age Concern                  concerns or questions about the safety of an older
Horowhenua have been action packed! Establishing          person/Kaumatua? You are welcome to ring or email
and developing collaborative relationships and local      our Age Concern Horowhenua office to make an
networking in the community. During this time Robyn       appointment with our EARS social worker and discuss
has presented education, raising awareness on what        these concerns at a safe location that is suitable for
is Elder Abuse and the importance of the Accredited       you. Email:
Visiting service and participated in the Horowhenua       or ring (06) 367 2181.
Age on the Go Expo.
                                                          EARS upcoming events:
The Accredited Visiting Service: has just
completed its second members meeting, which               World Elder Abuse Awareness Week
included a guest speaker, also a volunteer from           14th – 18th June 2021:
different service NZ Coast Guard. He highlighted the      Robyn is planning a staffed, information & awareness
value and importance of volunteering from another         raising booth with her Age Concern Horowhenua
perspective in communities around New Zealand.            colleagues. This is to be held on 15th June at
Outlining and acknowledging the Age Concern               The Mall between 10am-2pm, please come down
Horowhenua board members are also volunteers and          and visit us!
together build a successful team to reduce social
                                                          International Day of the Older Person on the
isolation and cohesiveness in the community. The
                                                          1st of October 2021:
AVS is running its first training day with a group of 4
                                                          Details of this event will be in the next issue of this
new volunteers this month as its membership grows
and evolves.

How do I become a volunteer: Age concern                  Robyn Baker (BSW) MANZASW |
Horowhenua are always looking for more volunteers         Registered Social Worker
to help reduce social isolation and combat loneliness     Elder Abuse & Neglect and AVS Co-ordinator
in the community. If you can help this worthwhile
service in your community, please contact our

                                                           Mazda, Holden & Suzuki Parts & Service Agent
                SUSIE MILLS LAW                            New and used vehicles
                                                           Mazda & Suzuki dealership
                                                                                                                     Pre arrange the type of funeral service you would like in the privacy
                                                                                                                     and comfort of your own home. Our website will guide you through
                Waikanae and Otaki                                                                                   all the possibili es for a service and if required we can send you      Looking after you, your family
                                                           New Cars: 15-19 Bristol Street, Levin
                                                           Used Cars: 360 Oxford Street, Levin
                                                                                                                     an es mate of costs for what you have chosen.                                and the small print.
                                                                                                                     Take the guess work out of funeral choices and get your es mate
    Get the support of professional advice
                                                                                                                     from a locally and family operated funeral provider in the                       P 06 368 9239
           with easy access locations                      0800 744 111 |                         Horowhenua.
    WILLS • ESTATES • POWERS OF ATTORNEY                                                                                        Go to or call us today
                                                                                                                                  to receive your free My Life My Farewell Kit.
          Otaki - Ph: (06) 364 7190                                                                                                                                                               28 Queen Street, Levin
         Waikanae - Ph: (04) 293 3735
         Email:                                                                                A recognised funeral provider serving the Horowhenua for 98 years.
Age Concern Horowhenua | Kapiti Palmerston North and Districts
6    AGE CONCERN | Serving the needs of older people

What’s Happening at                                        connected with your friends and family and gives
                                                           you tools to keep doing the activities you enjoy
Age Concern Horowhenua?                                    even without a car.
                                                         • Ready to Ride
Over the coming months we are excited to be offering
                                                           To assist you in getting the most out of your
a dynamic variety of activities, speaker series, and
                                                           mobility scooter, learn what to look out for when
workshops to the Horowhenua Community!
                                                           buying a scooter, how to do your own regular
Steady as You Go                                           maintenance and safety checks, as well as
A popular, community-based weekly exercise group           knowing the road rules when out and about, this
that works on strength and balance. These classes          workshop will also include a fun & safe practical
improve general physical function, reduce the risk         driving course in our carpark.
of falls, are fun and provide links with others in the   • Stay Safe Driving
Currently, we have 3 groups running on Mondays
and Tuesdays 11.00am to 11.45am and Thursdays
1.30pm to 2.15pm at the Age Concern Horowhenua
We will be developing four new courses over the            Because most drivers receive no further training
coming months, including a class in Foxton.                from the day they get their first driver’s license,
Tea ‘n’ Talk                                               this programme offers refreshed driving
An opportunity not to be missed! Our new monthly           knowledge for older people, provides updates on
talks on a variety of topics, with a focus on health       rules and regulations, and promotes safer road
& wellbeing, technology, and safety. Hear from             use for all.
experienced professionals, ask questions, and            • Advance Care Planning
catch up over a cuppa with others attending these          Because what you value, and how you want to
interesting and informative talks. These will be held      be cared for later in life counts, Advance Care
at the Age Concern Horowhenua Office on the last           Plan-ning is a document that helps you express
Wednesday of each month (excluding December &              these important wishes to the people that can
January) 10.00am to 12pm.                                  best support you in the future. This workshop will
                                                           give you the knowledge and guidance to enable
Workshops                                                  you to develop your own Advance Care Plan to
We will be introducing several topical interactive         ensure your choices are heard.
workshops which will be offered in various locations     Watch this space for further details and dates about
across the Horowhenua Region. We are developing          all these exciting activities over the coming months!
these workshops based on what the community
has identified as being valuable to assist our older     Victoria Gregory | Social Connections
community to: live more fully, with dignity in a safe
and healthy way.
Our workshop topics include;
• Tech Savvy Seniors
  If you sick of asking your children and
  grandchildren for help, then we have you covered!
  We’ll help you develop the basic operational skills,
  so you can get the most out of your computer and
  cell phone.
• Life without a car                                      “No, it’s not a computer monitor. It’s a doggy door.
  Focusses on equipping you to continue to be                     Not everything is technology related.”
  active, carry out daily tasks, be socially
Age Concern Horowhenua | Kapiti Palmerston North and Districts
8        AGE CONCERN | Serving the needs of older people                                                                                                                                                         WINTER 2021              9

                                                     Message from the Chair                                      Greetings from                                                Concern Horowhenua’s very important services to
                                                                                                                                                                               the Community.
                      A Strength, Balance and
                    Falls Prevention Programme
                                                     Age Concern Horowhenua welcomes Catherine                   Catherine McAuliffe at                                        Feel free to come meet me, my door is always open
                                                     McAuliffe to the team as our new manager.
                                                     Catherine has experience in the Elder Care industry         Age Concern Horowhenua                                        to have chat! And as Stewart said, we are always
• Falls are the most common cause of injury in                                                                                                                                 looking at ways to improve our services and better
                                                     and brings considerable skills and empathy to the           Hi All! I’m Catherine and I’m delighted to introduce
  older people                                                                                                                                                                 support our older community, any ideas or feedback
                                                     role. She is currently investigating expanding our          myself as the new Manager at Age Concern                      you may have are always welcomed!
• Falls can lead to a significant loss of mobility   services and activities and we will keep you informed       Horowhenua. I’m super excited to be a part of the
  and quality of life                                as we proceed.                                              team and explore how we can better support our                Catherine McAuliffe | Manager
• One third of people over the age of 65 fall each   In addition, Victoria Gregory and the team have been        older community.
  year                                               working hard on an exciting year of Health Promotion
• Half of people over 80 fall each year
                                                                                                                 I bring a wealth of knowledge and skills to the              Age Concern Horowhenua wishes to thank all our
                                                     Programs, a schedule of which is available from our         team from my previous roles in the Veterinary and
• Falls in older people are almost always 		         office as well as in this newsletter. Please call us to                                                                  sponsors in 2020 for making our work possible
                                                                                                                 Healthcare industries. Many of you will recognise my
  associated with weakened leg muscles and 		        express your interest!                                      face (or name) from my time at Levin & Horowhenua
  poor balance                                       Robyn Baker, our Elder Abuse & Neglect Co-ordinator         Vets in various roles over 6 years ranging from
• Falls are not a natural part of ageing             has been very busy attending to the demands                 Receptionist to Accounts and Team Leader, during
                                                     of the role as well as growing the AVS and social           this time I met some amazing clients and pets
• Falls ARE preventable!
                                                     connections role.                                           who made a huge impact on me, and to this day                 TRC TOYOTA
• Joining a SAYGo class and improving your
                                                                                                                 I remember their names and faces! Although I
  strength and balance can reduce falls & injuries   Winter is moving in and we are now seeing cooler            thoroughly enjoyed my role at the clinic, I decided it
                                                     days and nights and we welcome you to call into             was time for a new challenge…
                                                     our offices and pick up a copy of the “Cool tips for
                                                     winter wellbeing” information sheet by Age Concern.         I spent the next 2 years as Administration Manager
                                                     This is a helpful guide to dealing with the inevitable      at Dalcam Healthcare Group which operate three
                                                     challenges around staying warm and keeping active.          large facilities centred around mental health,
                                                                                                                 addictions, and dementia. In this time, I grew my
                                                     We are continually looking for ways to connect              management skills further and gained an abundance
                                                     with older people in our community and we always            of knowledge about the healthcare industry. It was
                                                     welcome your ideas and feedback.                            such a rewarding and heart-warming experience; I
                                                                                                                 grew a love for the residents and continue to visit
                                                     Stewart Thompson | Board Chair                              them from time to time.                                                          Go to
    SAYGo improves:                                                                                              I am very passionate about helping people and being    
    •   Balance and leg strength                                                                                 able to make a difference. I’m thrilled to have the                   to follow us on Facebook.
    •   Flexibility                                                                                              opportunity to grow and support the delivery of Age
    •   General fitness and wellbeing
    •   And is a great way to meet new people
                                                                                                                                  Membership Form Age Concern Horowhenua
    Current classes                                                                        We specialise in
                                                                                           all areas of law
    When:     Monday 11:00am to 12:00pm                                                    affecting older
                                                                                                                   Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms
    		        Tuesday 11:00am to 12:00pm                                                   people.                 Name:__________________________________________________________________________________
    		        Thursday 1:30pm - 2:30pm
    Where:    Age Concern (Horowhenua)                                                     For a quote, or         Address:________________________________________________________________________________
                                                                                           to make an
    		        14 Durham Street, Levin                                                      appointment with        Telephone:______________________________________________________________________________
                                                                                           one of our legal
    Bookings are essential, as some classes                                                team, get in touch.     Email:__________________________________________________________________________________
    are fully booked. Phone (06) 367 2181                                                                          Cost: $10 Per Annum
    Age Concern Horowhenua, 14 Durham Street,                        Phone - 06 368 8886
                                                                                                                   Donations of $5.00 and over are eligible for a tax credit under the terms or Section LD1 of the Income Tax Act 2007.
    Levin. (Entrance via the New World carpark and          Address - 27 Queen Street West, Levin
    we are situated next to the WINZ office)                 Email -                                 For more information please phone Age Concern Horowhenua on (06) 367 2181
Age Concern Horowhenua | Kapiti Palmerston North and Districts
10    AGE CONCERN | Serving the needs of older people                                                                                                                                           WINTER 2021     11

                                                                                                                                                                                 Your NZ
News from Age Concern Kapiti                                                                                                                                                     Incontinence
As part of our AgeConnect project (updated in
the Autumn issue) Age Concern Kapiti has been            Staying Safe                                                                                                            Care Product
working alongside the Kapiti Youth Council on
intergenerational projects.                              Driving Refresher Course                                                                                                Specialists
One of these projects is the popular activity of Tech    We continue to run monthly Staying Safe Driving              We have been made aware of a scam involving
Help. Following on from last year’s successful ‘Tech     Refresher courses in Kapiti. The four hour course            people calling and saying they are from Age Concern,
Help’ sessions, another two sessions are being           involves a power point presentation and a lot of class       advising we are no longer accepting cheques as a
offered in July.                                         interaction.                                                 form of payment and could we have their credit card
Age Concern Kapiti, together with the Kapiti Youth       It covers four key themes:                                   details. The credit card is then being used to make
Council and local Kapiti Libraries are offering to       • Keeping safe: thinking about your driving safety           unauthorised purchases. This is a scam, and we are
help older people navigate their way with digital        • Being safe: driving skills.                                not making calls of this nature.
technology.                                              • Safe journeys: managing road situations.                   If you receive a call like this, please do not give out
The Youth Council use their skills to assist the older   • Keep moving safely: safe alternatives to driving.          your credit card details. If you have any concerns, or
person with their smartphone, tablet or laptop.                                                                       questions, you can call the Age Concern office.
Requests vary from how to turn on their smartphone,
emailing, text messaging and more.
                                                                                                                           MENTAL WELLBEING IN WINTER
If you would like some help with getting more
effective use from your mobile phone, tablet or                                                                        A lack of sun and miserable weather keeping us
laptop, then simply call the relevant Library and                                                                      indoors more often can make it difficult to stay
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Full size
                                                                                                                       in good mental health during the winter months.
register your interest in attending one of these
                                                                                                                       Consider the following tips to help you stay
                                                                                                                                                                                                   range of
                                                                                                                       mentally well:                                                               quality
Otaki Library: phone: (06) 364-9300
                                                                                                                       • Find ways to stay connected with your friends           Order before     products
Saturday, 10 July
Session 1: 10.00am – 11.15am
                                                                                                                           and family.                                           2pm for same     Discreet
                                                                                                                       • Keep active.
Session 2: 11.45am – 1 pm
                                                                                                                       • Seek out the things that bring you joy.                 day dispatch    packaging
Paraparaumu Library: phone: (04) 296-4700                                                                              • Reach out for help if you need it.                                      + delivery
Saturday, 24 July
Session 1: 10.00am – 11.15am                                                                                                                                                                       Friendly
Session 2: 11.45am – 1 pm
                                                                                                                       Care 4 You Kapiti                                                           helpful
Numbers are limited to a maximum of 20 people per
session – so bookings essential.                                                                                         Your Loyal Companion
                                                         The course talks about keeping ourselves safe on the
The Kapiti Youth Council young people will be the                                                                      Are you enjoying life in your own
                                                         road and thinking about the routes we travel in our
tutors.                                                                                                                home surrounded by memories?
                                                         daily lives to get to our destinations safely, thinking of
                                                                                                                       Do you sometimes find it difficult to
Susan Church | Manager                                   all the scenarios we may encounter.
                                                                                                                       keep things as you would like?
Age Concern Kapiti                                       Making sure we do everything possible to prevent
                                                         accidents caused by distractions and giving us the                     Here at Care 4 You we have a team of
                                                         feeling of being in control of our driving. It also                    people who can offer assistance, provide
     Check on those people you love and care for.
                                                                                                                                                                                      0800 72 38 72
                                                         covers knowing what is expected of us and feeling                      efficient and respectful care enabling you
 Reach out to your older relatives, friends and close    confident when we get behind the wheel.                                to maintain life in your familiar environment.
 neighbours to check in with how they are and talk       We have had a positive response from those                                   Suzanne Congreve | 021 024 36944
  through their worries. Whether it is giving them a     attending, including the presentation is informative,                 
   phone call or writing a letter, staying connected     easy to follow and made people think about their
         and connecting often is important.              driving skills.                                                   
Age Concern Horowhenua | Kapiti Palmerston North and Districts
12   AGE CONCERN | Serving the needs of older people                                                                                                                                                 WINTER 2021         13

                                                                                                            Harbour City Funeral Home,
Help Us Help Our Elderly
                                                        Upcoming Events in Kapiti                           Proudly Locally Owned and Operated
Become a Friend of Age Concern Kapiti                                                                       Harbour City Funeral Home personnel are available
                                                                                                            to serve families throughout Wellington and greater
Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms                                Staying Safe: a refresher workshop for                  Wellington region with premises in Wellington, Lower
                                                    senior road users                                       Hutt, Upper Hutt, and now in Paraparaumu, Kāpiti
Name(s):                                                                                                    Coast.
                                                    From July, these courses will be run on a monthly
                                                                                                            Started in 1989 by Simon Manning, the business is
Address:                                            basis. Register your interest by calling Age Concern
                                                                                                            still locally owned and overseen by Simon’s keen
                                                    Kapiti on (04) 298 8879
                                                                                                            eye for innovation, passion and excellence in funeral
                                                                                                            service. Whilst many funeral companies are under the         Kāpiti Coast
                                                    Healthy Ageing Together 2021                            ownership of multi-national funeral chains Harbour           Ph: (04) 298 4888
Telephone:                                          First Thursday of the month... 10.00am - 12 noon        City has proudly remained locally owned.
                                                                                                            Harbour City Funeral home looks after all aspects of         Ph: (04) 387 8301
Email:                                              When:		         Thursday, 3 June 2021                                                                                                     Locally owned funeral
                                                    		              Thursday, 1 July 2021                   funeral care including at-need, pre-planning and pre-
                                                                                                                                                                         Upper Hutt
Membership Fee                                      		              Thursday, 2 September 2021              payment, monumental work (headstones and plaques),           Ph: (04) 528 8924   directors, caring in your
                                                                                                            online memorials at, bereavement
Individual $15                                      		              Thursday, 7 October 2021                                                                             Lower Hutt          community. Contact us
                                                                                                            support services as well as being certified to carry out
                                                    Where:          Rimu Room                                                                                            Ph: (04) 570 0111
Donation:                                                                                                   natural burials.
                                                    		              Level 1, Coastlands Mall                                                                                                  today for your FREE
                                                                                                            Please contact us for a copy of our free, no-obligation
                                                                                                            funeral information booklet. Our location phone                                  about funerals booklet.
How would you like to receive our newsletters and   Steady As You Go (SAYGo)                                numbers are listed in the advertisement below.
other information?                                                                                
                                                    Exercise Classes                                        Editorial supplied by Harbour City Funeral Home
Post         Email     (please circle one)          New Strengthening and balances class:
                                                    When:		         Starting from July
How to pay:
                                                                                                                   Bank with
                                                    Where:		        Otaki, Paraparaumu and Waikanae
Internet Banking – You can pay the membership
fee directly into our bank account                  Please contact Age Concern Kapiti.
Account number: ANZ 06 0730 0405608 00
(Age Concern Kapiti)
                                                    Bookings essential: (04) 298-8879
Please add your name as reference and then email    Paraparaumu Pop-in Centre:                                      We’re here to help make your
                                                                                                                    everyday banking easier.
us at the address below with the above details.     Company and friendship – just pop in for a chat and
                                                    a cuppa…meet and make new friends…come and go
Payment by cheque – You can send us a cheque        as you please.                                                                 Better Banking Workshop.
to the address below with this completed form.                                                                                     In-branch workshops to help you
                                                    When: Fridays – 1.00pm to 3.00pm                                               set up internet and mobile banking.

Age Concern Kapiti                                  Where: Library meeting room, Paraparaumu

P O Box 217                                                                                                                        How to bank online.
Paraparaumu 5032
                                                    Kapiti Golden Group:
                                                                                                                                   Get step-by-step guides to learn
                                                                                                                                   about internet and mobile banking.
Level 1, Coastlands Mall, Paraparaumu               Meet every month for lunch with a guest speaker
Telephone: (04) 298 8879                            (first Wednesday of month). They also organise day                             Your direct line to ASB.
Email:                 trips to local destinations as well as an annual four                          If you’re 65 and over, call
                                                                                                                                   our priority line.
                                                    to five day trip away. All bookings, accommodation,                            0800 272 119
Please accept our sincere thanks                    venues and activities are organised for you.
for your support.                                   When:		         Wednesday, 7 July 2021
Donations of $5.00 and over are eligible for a      		              Wednesday, 4 August 2021
tax credit under the terms of Section LD1 of        Venue:		        Paraparaumu Golf Club
the Income Tax Act 2007.                            For more information: call Darian on (04) 904 7517
Age Concern Horowhenua | Kapiti Palmerston North and Districts
14         AGE CONCERN | Serving the needs of older people                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                WINTER 2021                    15

HealthCare New Zealand                                                                                                                      Winter Energy Payment 2021                                                                                                    Support Subsidy
Being independent is key to our quality of life. For                                                                                        Work and Income Te Hiranga Tangata                                                                                        • live overseas.
most people, that means staying in our own homes,                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Energy Payment Rates: Single people with no
                                                                                                                                            The Winter Energy Payment is an extra payment to
close to our family, friends, communities and favourite                                                                                                                                                                                                               dependent children $20.46 a week. Couples, and
                                                                                                                                            help with the cost of heating your home over the winter
activities.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           people with dependent children $31.82 a week
                                                                               The Abuse in Care Royal Commission of Inquiry is             months. You don't need to apply – if you’re eligible,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      You'll get the Winter Energy Payment automatically
Sometimes we need a hand to maintain our                                       investigating the historical abuse of children, young        you’ll get the Winter Energy Payment automatically
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      along with your other regular payments from us (either
independence, and that’s where HealthCare New                                  people and vulnerable adults in State and faith-based        along with your other regular payments from Work and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      weekly or fortnightly).
Zealand can offer high quality help, tailored to your                          care in Aotearoa New Zealand. They are looking into          Income. Winter Energy Payment will restart on 1 May
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      The Winter Energy Payment:
lifestyle.                                                                     why people were taken into care, what abuse people           2021 and run until 1 October 2021.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • doesn't affect your other payments from us, or
HealthCare New Zealand supports people around the                              suffered in care and why, and the effects of the             You’ll automatically get the Winter Energy Payment if                                                                         your Income Related Rent
country with personal care, home management and                                abuse on them and their family.                              you’re getting:                                                                                                           • is a non-taxable payment
domestic support, nursing services and rehabilitation.                                                                                      • NZ Superannuation		 • Veteran's Pension                                                                                 • can't be paid as a lump sum.
                                                                               State care could include foster care and adoption
Their specialist skills, knowledge and expertise lets                                                                                       • Jobseeker Support		 • Sole Parent Support                                                                               If you have a partner - Couples are paid $31.82,
                                                                               services and settings, residential children’s homes,         • Supported Living Payment       • Youth Payment
them work with you to create a plan that suits your                                                                                                                                                                                                                   whether you live together or separately. It's paid to one
                                                                               psychiatric hospitals, schools; including boarding           • Young Parent Payment		 • Emergency Benefit
needs, regardless of age, illness, injury or disability.                                                                                                                                                                                                              person in the couple. The system we use for payments
                                                                               schools or special schools, disability care or facilities,   • Jobseeker Support Student Hardship                                                                                      can’t split it to pay into 2 separate accounts. Generally,
With a national network of experienced and trained                             police cells, court cells or police custody, youth justice
                                                                                                                                            You can't get the Winter Energy Payment if you:                                                                           we'll pay it into the bank account of the person in the
professionals, HealthCare New Zealand works                                    placements or at health camps. Faith-based care
                                                                                                                                            • don't get one of the payments listed above                                                                              couple who has the lowest client number - you can find
alongside people and their families each step of                               could include adoption and foster care services and                                                                                                                                    this on your Community Services Card or SuperGold
                                                                                                                                            • get an overseas pension which means you don't
the way, with a personalised support plan that                                 settings, religious schools; including board schools,                                                                                                                                  Card or letters from us. Contact Ministry of Social
                                                                                                                                               get any NZ Super or Veteran's Pension's
incorporates your needs and goals.                                             borstals, pastoral care services, or church camps.                                                                                                                                     Development on Phone: 0800 552 002
                                                                                                                                            • get Residential Care Subsidy or Residential
               With a toll-free 0800 number and                                If you are a survivor or witness of abuse in care, your
                                                                               voice matters, your experiences matter. It is never
                                                                                                                                             Pre Paid Funeral Trust
               website –
        it’s easy to get the support that works for you.                       too late to share your experiences, you can make a                                                                                                                                      Sound too good to be true? Its not!
                                                                               difference.                                                   Some people have funeral insurance but premiums                                                                           Kapiti Coast Funeral Home partnered with BNZ
                                                                               Helping the Inquiry learn about what you or your              seem to rise as you get older, yet the amount                                                                             Client Funds, and agreed that neither will charge
                                                                               loved one went through in care and the affect it              claimable remains the same. Some have thoughts                                                                            fees so all the funds invested, plus interest, go
                                                                               had on your life, family and community, will help the         about prepaid funerals but worry funeral prices                                                                           back to the client. Money is lodged in individual
                                                                               Inquiry make recommendations to make it safer for             will rise with inflation plus there are on-going fees                                                                     accounts with each person’s own IRD number.
                                                                               children, young people and vulnerable adults in care          aren’t there?                                                                                                             They don’t even have to be a BNZ client.
                                                                               today and in the future.
                                                                                                                                             Andrew Malcolm of Kapiti Coast Funeral Home                                                                               So why not take the onus off your family and

     Supporting Independence
                                                                               Sharing experiences of abuse can be very hard and             tackled this problem finding a pre-paid fund that                                                                         arrange an interest earning no fees pre-paid funeral
                                                                               upsetting. The Inquiry can organise or cover costs            has no fees and all interest goes to the client.                                                                          unique to Kapiti Coast Funeral Home.
                                                                               for short-term supports and counselling or disability
  With over 19 years of experience and a professional team

  you to live independently in your own home.
                                                                               supports to support survivors and witnesses talk
                                                                               about the abuse with them. Confidentiality is a high
                                                                               priority for the commission. There are many ways to
                                                                                                                                               Zero Fees PrePaid Funerals
                                                                                                                                               NO FEES
  Our services include:                                                        engage with the Inquiry including participating from            SECURE FUNDS                                                                                                                                                                  *conditions apply

    • Personal care                                    • Nursing services      the comfort and safety of your own home.                        90 DAY TERM DEPOSIT RATES
    • Home care services                               • Goal based services   To find out more confidentially:                                For a free information pack fromThe Kapiti Coast Funeral Home
                                                                               • Phone the contact centre on 0800 222 727                      Post this to: PO B ox 119 Pa rap ara um u
  may be free for eligible residents.                                             Monday to Friday 8am – 4pm                                   Please send m e a n info rm atio n p a c k a b o ut p re-p a id funerals
                                                                               • Email                              Name.................................................................................................................................
  We also support privately
                                                                               • Write to PO Box 10071, The Terrace, Wellington                Phone.................................................................................................................................
  paying clients.
                                                                               • Look at the website
  For more information:                                                                                                                        Address .............................................................................................................................
                                                                               • Follow the Inquiry on Facebook
  Freephone: 0800 275 174                                                                                                                      Or: email us at office@kapitifuneral for a free information pack
                                                                               Alternatively, you can contact Ana Lee, Community
© Healthcare of New Zealand Holdings Limited. Healthcare of New
Zealand Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Healthcare of New              Engagement Advisor at
Zealand Holdings Limited.
                                                                               or phone 027 223 1193
Editorial supplied by Healthcare New Zealand                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            editorial supplied by Kapiti Coast Funeral Home
Age Concern Horowhenua | Kapiti Palmerston North and Districts
16   AGE CONCERN | Serving the needs of older people                                                                                                                                                               WINTER 2021            17

                                                                                                                    There was a good turnout for this workshop with 27
News from Age Concern New Zealand                                                                                   people attending who all seemed to find it useful. If
                                                                                                                    you would like to attend a workshop or would like us
                                                                                                                                                                                    Chicken and Ginger Rolls
Palmerston North & Districts Branch Inc                                                                             to present Life without a Car to your group, please             500g chicken mince
                                                                                                                    contact our office.                                             1tsp salt
Age Concern Palmerston North and Districts staff          excellent support from Aevryl and Teema from              The 15th of June is World Elder Abuse Awareness                 2 tblsp chopped coriander or parsley
and volunteers work hard to support the older people      Manawatu Rural Support Services and rural police          Day. Whilst most of us will not be affected by elder            2 tblsp grated ginger
of Palmerston North and Manawatu Districts. We            officer Mark Dickins. There was a good turn out with      abuse, sadly it is estimated that 1 in 10 people over           Zest of 1 lemon
couldn’t achieve all that we do without our wonderful     17 attending from all over Manawatu District. From        the age of 65 will be subjected to abuse at some                2 eggs lightly beaten
volunteers. The Accredited Visiting Service could not     their evaluations I can report that they all thought      time. In this edition we have a feature about elder             1 cup bread crumbs
operate, nor would our Steady as You Go classes.          the workshop was a good or excellent standard,            abuse and some representative examples of what                  2 sheets pastry
Many of you will receive this newsletter because it       found it useful (as opposed to not useful) and would      elder abuse can look like. Anyone can talk to Age               ¼ cup flour
has been delivered to you by one of our volunteers.       recommend it to a friend. If you would like to attend a   Concern staff in confidence if they have concerns               A little milk for brushing
The Board who governs this organisation are all           workshop or would like us to present Staying Safe to      for themselves, a friend, relative or neighbour or
                                                                                                                                                                                    Preheat oven to 200c. Place chicken, salt,
volunteers. National Volunteer Week runs from 20          your group, please contact our office.                    someone they support. If you have concerns phone
                                                                                                                                                                                    coriander/parsley, ginger, lemon zest, eggs
to 26 June 2021. This is an opportunity to recognise                                                                the office on 06 355 2832.
                                                          We will also continue to run Life Without A Car                                                                           and breadcrumbs in a bowl and mix until well
all the great work of Age Concern. Thank you from
                                                          workshops durning the next 12 months. Many                                                                                combined.
Fern, Amey, Klara and me to all the Age Concern
                                                          people find it hard to contemplate living without a       Marian Dean
volunteers.                                                                                                         Manager of Age Concern Palmerston                               Divide the mixture in half and shape into 2 rolls
                                                          car. However, any one of us could be forced to give
I am pleased to let you know we will be able to           up driving if we lost our sight or had an accident. Not   North and Districts Inc                                         the length of the pastry sheets, roll then in the
continue to run Staying Safe refresher driving            being able to drive and get out and about could make                                                                      flour.
courses for older drivers from July 2021 until at least   us feel lonely and socially isolated. Therefore, it is
June 2022. This is thanks to NZ Transport Agency:         a good idea to start thinking about how we will get                                                                       Place each pastry sheet separately on a flat
Waka Kotahi who have continued to contract Age            around without a car before it might be forced on us.                                                                     surface and wet one edge so that the chicken
Concern nationally to deliver these workshops,                                                                                                                                      mixture will stick to it. Place the chicken mixture
                                                          Age Concern recently presented the Life without a                                                                         on the damp area and roll up to form a log.
which are presented to a high standard with great
                                                          Car workshop to residents of the Milife Retirement
resources developed by Age Concern New Zealand in
conjunction with NZ Transport Agency: Waka Kotahi.
                                                          Village in Palmerston North. As part of this workshop
                                                          Rob Stick from Mobility Manawatu came along to talk            Kindness is Free;                                          Cut into desired size, brush with milk, bake for
                                                                                                                                                                                    20 minutes or until the rolls are golden brown
They provide information about changes to the road                                                                                                                                  and cooked through. Makes approx. 10.
                                                                                                                          Lets pass it on.
                                                          about mobility scooters. He explained that they range
code, road layouts etc., the effect of medications
                                                          in size from small ones that can be used in shopping
and ageing on driving. They have lots of tips for safe
                                                          malls to large ones that can be used to travel longer
driving to enable you to maintain your confidence and
                                                          distances e.g., from Kelvin Grove to The Square in
continue driving or take the decision to stop driving.
                                                          Palmerston North and talked about battery life and
The last Staying Safe workshop that we delivered          costs.
was in Apiti, Manawatu District on 11th May with
                                                                                                                     You’ll come out smiling                    • New Dentures - individually created
                                                                                                                                                                • Same day denture repairs
                                                                                                                                                                • Relining of existing dentures
                                                                                                                                                                • Partial Dentures
                                                                                                                                                                • Custom made mouthguards for all sports
                                                                                                                                                                • Professional Denture Cleaning Service
                                                                                                                                                                • All NEW work guaranteed, book your FREE consultation now
                                                                                                                                                                • Free WINZ and Insurance Quotes. We accept Community
                                                                                                                                                                  Services Card & Grey Power
                                                                                                                                                                              151 Heretaunga Street

Staying Safe refresher driving workshop
                                                          Robert Stick from Mobility Manawatu talking about
                                                          mobility scooters at the Life Without a Car workshop at   Phone 06 355 0022                                           Palmerston North
at Apiti Village Hall 11th May                            Milife Retirement Village on 12th May.
Age Concern Horowhenua | Kapiti Palmerston North and Districts
18    AGE CONCERN | Serving the needs of older people                                                                                                                                                    WINTER 2021         19

Help Available with Technology                           Do you need a JP?
Kia Ora!                                                 Royal Federation of NZ Justices’
Daniel and Jocelyn, here from                            Associations Justices’ of the Peace
the Palmerston North City                                Do you need to see a Justice of the Peace (JP)?
Library. We are the new Digital                          Justices’ of the Peace are available at Palmerston
Inclusion Coordinators for the                           North District Court (phone 0800 268 787), the
city, and it is our job to help                          Citizens Advice Bureau (phone 06 357 0647), and
our people in the community                              Palmerston North City Library (phone
learn new digital skills, gain                           06 351 4100). It is best to phone these places first
confidence in using digital devices including laptops,   to check when the JP is there as they are not there
tablets, phones etc. and hopefully ensure people do      all the time.
not feel isolated should we go into another lockdown     Age Concern Palmerston North and Districts has

                                                                                                                World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 15th June
event. We are based in the Central Library and are       the name and contact details of a JP who is able
available there, but we are also running regular         to visit people who are housebound and witness
digital help sessions at the Community Libraries and     their documents in their own home. To be put in
are also out visiting retirement villages around the     touch with this JP phone the Age Concern office on     What does Age Concern do                                  • 44% of cases involve financial abuse.
city. If you have any questions about how to use your
device, would like some advice on what to buy and
                                                         06 355 2832.                                           to prevent elder abuse and                                • 29% of cases involve neglect and self-neglect.
                                                         You can find a list of all JPs with their contact                                                                • 19% of cases involve physical abuse.
where to start, or would just like to learn something
new, then come and see us. We may not have all the       details on their website                               neglect?
                                                                                                                               • 79% of alleged abusers were family members of
answers but together we can work out a solution!                                                                Age Concern offers free, confidential, specialist Elder
                                                                                                                                                                            which 56% were adult children or grandchildren.
                                                                                                                Abuse services throughout most regions of New
You can contact us from the City Library 351 4100 or                                                            Zealand. We work with older people and their family       • 74% of the alleged abusers are aged under
email us at
                                                           Invitation fo Age Concern’s                          / whānau to stop abuse, reduce the harm caused              60 and 47% live with the older person.
                                                                                                                and increase understanding to keep all family
                                                                   Tea and Talks                                members safe. We also provide education about             • 68% of cases the abuse has continued for longer
                                                                                                                                                                            than 3 months, and 32% longer than a year.
       Digital Technology Sessions at                            begins July 2021                               elder abuse and neglect for those working with older
                                                                                                                people / kaumātua and other interested groups and
     Age Concern Palmerston North and                                                                           organisations.
                                                                                                                                                                          Elder abuse is a global issue. It can happen to men
                                                                                                                                                                          and women of every culture, faith, ethnicity, and
            Districts Start in July
                                                                                                                Age Concern works alongside other agencies such           socio-economic group. It is difficult to know exactly
 Do you need assistance with using your smart                                                                   as health services, needs assessment services,            how common elder abuse is. An analysis of data
 phone, tablet, or laptop? The Digital Inclusion                                                                the police, banks, residential care facilities, iwi,      from the New Zealand Longitudinal Study of Ageing
 Coordinators, Jocelyn, and Daniel, from                                                                        and other community agencies, to ensure the best          concluded that up to 10% of the population aged
 Palmerston North City Library will be running a                                                                possible outcome for the older person/ kaumātua.          over 65 years who are living in the community may
 programme of six 2-hour sessions at Age Concern                                                                                                                          experience abuse. This indicates similarities to
 Palmerston North and Districts starting in July.                                                               The statistics presented here are taken from the
                                                                                                                                                                          international comparisons of surveys across several
                                                                                                                instances that are reported to and investigated by
 Jocelyn and Daniel will cover topics including           In July we are starting a monthly series of talks.                                                              countries suggest that between 2% - 14% of older
                                                                                                                Age Concerns’ Elder Abuse Response Services from
 • Using Zoom or Skype to talk with your friends          These will be an opportunity for older people                                                                   people report experiences of abuse or neglect each
                                                                                                                1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020 show that 2411 cases
    and whanau                                            to come together for afternoon tea, socialise                                                                   year. However, much abuse goes unreported to
                                                                                                                were investigated by Age Concerns of which:
 • Support with Facebook or other social media            together, and listen to a guest speaker on a                                                                    authorities or agencies that provide intervention
 • On-line banking                                        topic of interest. The date and venue has yet to      • 75% had abuse substantiated.                            services. This is shown in the differences between
 • Finding information for your hobbies and               be confirmed. We will be providing transport for                                                                the rates of self-report surveys of elder abuse with
                                                                                                                • 44% of cases the older person was under                 the number of cases reported to agencies in the
 interests                                                those who would otherwise be unable to come.
                                                                                                                  75 years of age.                                        same year. Several American and Irish prevalence
 • On-line shopping                                       If you would like to participate please phone the
                                                                                                                • 36% of cases the older person was living alone          studies have variable estimates that only 1 in 14, 24,
 Places are limited so bookings are essential.            Age Concern Palmerston North and Districts                                                                      or 45 of all abuse incidents come to the attention of
 Phone Marian to book on 06 355 2832                      office on 06 355 2832 and we will put your              but 54% live with partners and/or relatives.
                                                                                                                                                                          a service agency that can intervene to help stop the
 or email                 name down and take your contact details.              • 88% of cases include psychological abuse.               abuse.
20   AGE CONCERN | Serving the needs of older people                                                                                                                                                            WINTER 2021           21

Each year World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is               painting and odd jobs needed now that her Dad had          his girlfriend the same day.                              days, but it was nothing to worry about. But the next
acknowledged in many countries through activities          been dead for more than 6 years. Penny had told                                                                      time Sonny came through on a surprise visit he found
that bring attention to the issues of abuse, neglect,      her brother to do it because he lived an hour away         Later in the week, Penny’s Mum still felt shattered       Mabel wasn’t her usual cheery self, noticed bruising
and exploitation of older people. Campaigns promote        from their Mum, but her brother said his own house         that she had not realized sooner she was being taken      on one arm and doing everything with the other hand.
better understanding of the harmful effects of elder       needed painting first. Penny’s Mum had put an ad           for a ride by the pair, but she was very grateful that    Mabel shrugged off her pain and refused to let Sonny
abuse and neglect in every society.                        on the supermarket noticeboard. A chap came and            Age Concern does support older people like herself.       take her to the doctor. When Sonny worked out that
                                                           looked around the house and said he had worked with        Penny’s brother admitted that when his bossy sister       “uncle” had shoved his Mum, he was incensed and let
Elder Abuse and Neglect is a single or repeated act,                                                                  asked him, he would say the opposite on principle, but
                                                           Penny’s Dad years ago. Even though she had never                                                                     fly, threatening to call the cops. Mabel begged for the
or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any                                                                   he now realized that he had been too busy arguing
                                                           heard his name before, Penny’s Mum was pleased he                                                                    yelling to stop, said it was an accident, and eventually
relationship where there is an expectation of trust,                                                                  with his sister to think about what his mother needed.
                                                           knew her husband and agreed to pay him in cash as                                                                    they all calmed down. They agreed it was a one-off
which causes harm or distress to an older person.                                                                     Penny just wished she had contacted Age Concern
                                                           he had asked.                                                                                                        family argument that had got out of hand, but “blood
Elder abuse can by physical, psychological, financial,                                                                weeks ago, to stop the grief for her mother earlier.      was thicker than water”.
                                                           When they talked on the phone Penny’s Mum would
sexual, neglect, self-neglect and includes institutional
                                                           tell her all the great things “Handy Andy” was doing.                                                                Sonny mused on it for days afterwards, knowing that
abuse. At Age Concern Palmerston North and
Districts, we have two registered social workers who
                                                           Penny’s Mum felt sorry that “Handy Andy” rented flat       Yelling and Putdowns                                      Mabel would not talk to the authorities. He rang Age
                                                           was being sold, so agreed for him and his girlfriend       We all have the right to be treated with respect,         Concern’s 0800 65 2 105 number and checked that
support older people who are victims or potential
                                                           move into the guest room. Penny wondered how her           this includes by family members, even if we are           he would not be taped, or GPS tracked. The social
victims of elder abuse. They support the older person
                                                           Mum was coping doing all the housework and cooking         living with someone with whom we have a difficult         worker talked with Sonny, explained the different role
to become safe and have more control over their lives.
                                                           because his girlfriend was always sick and stayed in       relationship.                                             that community agencies like Age Concerns play, and
                                                           bed.                                                                                                                 agreed to arrange meeting with his Mum. After some
The following stories are fictitious but are
                                                           Penny worried that her Mum was paying him. Her
                                                                                                                      Mabel’s story                                             reassurance, Mabel learned to trust that Age Concern
representative of some of the people that                                                                             Sonny saw his                                             could be supportive and she began to talk about
                                                           Mum was also covering all the household costs of
Age Concern social workers support:                                                                                   Mum whenever                                              when the bad days happen. When Mabel understood
                                                           groceries, electricity and had put in a Wi-Fi connection
                                                                                                                      he went back to                                           that ‘yelling and put downs’ are abusive, she agreed
                                                           for them. When Penny asked her brother about it, he
Financial Abuse                                                                                                       his hometown                                              that she had kept it hidden because she never wanted
                                                           said: “let Mum get on with her own life” and hung
We have the right to do what we want with our own                                                                     and loved sitting                                         her family to be shamed and made sure no one in
                                                           up. But one Saturday Penny’s Mum said that “Handy
money and possessions. Financial abuse can take                                                                       down to her                                               town knew.
                                                           Andy” was taking her to her bank on Tuesday for a
several forms and can vary from well publicised                                                                       home cooking at
                                                           loan for the extra jobs he had found needed doing                                                                    It was a relief for Mabel that she could talk with Age
scams to families or friends making demands on                                                                        the table with a
                                                           in the house? That’s when Penny contacted Age                                                                        Concern, without worrying that her brother would be
older people, or even taking money or possession                                                                      tablecloth on it - just like when they were growing up.
                                                           Concern.                                                                                                             taken away. Instead, they now had ideas about how to
from older people without their consent.                                                                              Even though Sonny’s father had left them for Australia,
                                                                                                                                                                                both live in the house safely and were reassured that
                                                           The Age Concern social worker visited Penny’s Mum          with little money Mabel had always kept her house
                                                                                                                                                                                they could call Age Concern again if they needed more
                                                           and included Penny in the conversation on the              clean and her kids fed.
Penny’s Mum’s                                                                                                                                                                   support. They even found that Age Concern had some
                                                           speaker phone. It took a while before Penny’s Mum
story                                                      was convinced that the Age Concern social worker
                                                                                                                      Like his siblings Sonny moved to the city when he left    great social activities they could join.
One Monday morning                                                                                                    school, but Mabel had stayed put, she had grown up
                                                           was experienced, independent, and required no
Penny phoned                                                                                                          there and had other relatives, and everyone in town
                                                           payment for the support provided. Eventually Penny’s
                                                                                                                      knew about her wonderful baking. One of her brothers
                                                                                                                                                                                 Age Concern Palmerston North and
Age Concern from                                           Mum agreed for the Age Concern social worker to
Melbourne asking                                                                                                      never seemed to hold down a job for long, being a          Districts Cheque Payments being
                                                           go with her to her bank and once unravelling the
if they could help                                         changes in her finances they agreed not to issue
                                                                                                                      farmhand had never worked out, and he would always         Withdrawn from 21st June
her mother. She                                                                                                       end up back with Mabel’s place and stay for a feed.
                                                           loans or further cash.                                                                                                Age Concern Palmerston North and Districts is
had found the Age                                                                                                     Sonny thought that having “uncle” stay with Mabel
                                                           At her Mum’s request, the Age Concern social worker                                                                   no longer able to accept cheque payments for
Concern website. Penny was concerned that her                                                                         when all her kids had gone was great as she had
                                                           rang her daughter and son to explain. Her son was          company.
                                                                                                                                                                                 membership or donations from the 21st of June.
mother was being taken advantage of by people                                                                                                                                    This is because our bank will cease to process
who her mum considered to be friends. Penny was            furious that “Handy Andy” and his girlfriend had
                                                                                                                      “Uncle” wasn’t much help to Mabel except for getting       cheque payments after 25th June.
frustrated she couldn’t come across to see her mum         abused his Mum’s trust and drove straight away
                                                                                                                      the firewood chopped up; mostly “uncle” sat in front
because of the pandemic. Penny couldn’t afford to          to his Mum’s place, arriving while the Age Concern                                                                    We appreciate that this will be difficult for some
                                                                                                                      of the telly with his jug of beer watching the races on
spend two weeks in quarantine for a weekend with           social worker was still there. In the tense meeting in                                                                of you. If you need assistance with other options
                                                                                                                      TV. He could give some lip, but Mabel seemed to let it
her Mum, so hadn’t seen her for eighteen months.           the house, the Age Concern social worker negotiated                                                                   for making payments to Age Concern Palmerston
                                                                                                                      roll over her and kept busy with her housework. When
                                                           for “Handy Andy” and his partner services to be                                                                       North and Districts, please phone our office on
Penny rang her Mum regularly every Saturday. One                                                                      Sonny rang and heard “uncle” in the background
                                                           terminated immediately and he agreed to leave with                                                                    06 355 2832.
Saturday Penny and her mum had discussed the                                                                          yelling, Mabel said he was having one of those bad
22    AGE CONCERN | Serving the needs of older people                                                                                                                                                    WINTER 2021            23

                                                        FREE Living Life without a Car                          FREE Refresher Driver Workshops for older drivers: Staying Safe
                                                                                                                                                                         Staying Safe is four-hours of classroom-based
                                                        sessions                                                                                                         learning and is interactive, answering any questions
                                                                                                                                                                         you might have.
           Age Concern Palmerston                                                                                                                                        Staying Safe is a driving course for seniors. Everyone
             North and Districts                                                                                                                                         who attends will have a workbook to take away.
                                                                                                                                                                         SuperGold card holders and Maori or Pasifika drivers
 STEADY AS YOU GO©                                                                                                                                                       over 60 are eligible.
 Falls prevention exercise for                                                                                                                                           Course Timetable:
 strength and balance.                                                                                                                                                   Workshops will be run on the following days:
 Steady as You Go is an exercise                                                                                                                                         Wednesday 4th August, Age Concern,
                                                                                                                Have you kept up with changes to the road code and
 programme recognised by the                                                                                                                                             51 Waldegrave St., Palmerston North 9.30 am
                                                                                                                road rules? How do you feel when road layouts are
 Ministry of Health and ACC as                                                                                                                                           Wednesday 6th October, Age Concern,
                                                                                                                altered? Do you feel confident driving other people?
 great for improving muscle strength and balance                                                                                                                         51 Waldegrave St., Palmerston North 9.30 am
 particularly in legs and making people at less risk                                                            Age Concern Palmerston North and Districts together
 of falling. It is good for people who may have not                                                             with Waka Kotahi (New Zealand Transport Agency)
 done exercise for a while or who have had falls or                                                             and the NZ Police is holding free refresher driving      To book your spot phone
 who may be at risk of falling. The initial exercises                                                           courses for older drivers in Palmerston North and
                                                                                                                Manawatu Districts.                                      us on 06 355 2832
 are seated, then moving to standing and walking
 exercises. Entry to all classes is by a $2 donation.
                                                        What are your plans for when                            The theory-based programme, called ‘Staying Safe’,       Want to learn as a group? You can request larger
 There are places available in the following            you can no longer drive?                                is designed to enhance your knowledge, assess your       bookings of around 15-20 people.
 Palmerston North Groups:                                                                                       current driving behaviour, and build confidence.
 •     Rangiora Community Centre,
                                                        How will you get out and about and
       102 Rangiora Ave, Roslyn.                        remain socially active?                                                                Application for Membership
       Wednesdays, 10.30am-11.30am                                                                                                Age Concern NZ Palmerston North & Districts Branch Inc.
                                                        To find out how you can get around and stay socially
 •     Palmerston North Central Library,                connected without driving a car join us at one of our    Mr / Mrs/ Miss / Ms
       1st Floor, Tuesdays, 11am-12pm                   free 2-hour workshops. You are welcome to bring          Name(s):
 •     Awapuni Community Centre,                        friends along with you and we provide a delicious
       22, Newbury St, Awapuni,                                                                                  Address:
                                                        morning or afternoon tea for you to enjoy.
       Thursdays 9.30am-10.30am                                                                                  Telephone:
 •     Ashhurst group,                                  Sessions are planned for the                             Email:
       131, Cambridge St., Ashhurst,
       Thursdays 11am-12pm
                                                        following dates:                                         Membership Fee from 1st March 2021 to 30th June 2022
 For more information phone the office on               Wednesday 25th August, Age Concern,                      Individual $20               Couple $30                 Corporate $100
 06 355 2832                                            51 Waldegrave St., Palmerston North                      Donation:
                                                        10am to 12 noon
                Age Concern Palmerston North and        Wednesday 27th October, Age Concern,                     How to pay:
		                  Districts is a charity CC57368      51 Waldegrave St., Palmerston North                      Internet Banking - You can pay the membership fee directly into our bank account
			                          Help us to make            1.30 pm to 3.30 pm                                       Account number 03 1522 0158520 000 (Age Concern New Zealand Palmerston North & Districts Branch Inc.)
			                           a difference                                                                       Please add your name as reference and post or email this completed form to us at the address below.
                                                        Age Concern Palmerston North and Districts is also
        Please donate to Age Concern                    happy to present Life Without A Car to groups. If
                                                                                                                 How would you like to receive the newsletter and other information?   Post   Email    (please circle one).
        Palmerston North & Districts.                   you would like someone to come along and give a
                                                        presentation at your meeting phone the Age Concern       Post form to: Age Concern NZ Palmerston North & Districts Branch Inc., P.O. Box 5063, Palmerston North 4441.
          Thank you for supporting                      office.
                                                                                                                 For more information please phone Age Concern on (06) 355 2832 or email

              the work we do.                           Phone 06 355 2832 to find out more or to book a          THANK YOU for supporting the work we do. Donations of $5.00 and over are eligible for a tax credit under
     Bank account number 03 1522 0158520 000            place.                                                   the terms of Section LD1 Of the Income Tax Act 2007.
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