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Ainslie Parklands Primary School - Celebrating creativity, fostering independence and striving for excellence - Ainslie Parklands ...
Ainslie Parklands
    Primary School

Celebrating creativity, fostering independence
          and striving for excellence

   Respect • Responsibility • Resilience
Ainslie Parklands Primary School - Celebrating creativity, fostering independence and striving for excellence - Ainslie Parklands ...
Ainslie Parklands Primary School

                Principal’s Message
                As the Principal of Ainslie Parklands Primary School, I am fully committed to supporting my staff and
                community in our goal of developing learners who can think for themselves, but also act on behalf of others.

                We all possess individual strengths and preferences in the styles in which we learn. A collaborative planning
                base and an ownership of the learning process allows us to foster these strengths, while identifying and
                developing the areas that require attention. We all bring a diverse set of experiences to the learning process
                and it is vital that these differences be recognised and celebrated.

                As an educational leader I believe the learning process must be authentic. The learner must see a real-life
                connection, be able to make meaningful decisions, solve problems that present themselves and take action.
                Above all of this, the learner should have the opportunity to reflect on the process they are involved in. A focus
                on authentic learning opportunities and a commitment to collaboration drive all that we do at Ainslie Parklands
                Primary School.

                I warmly welcome you to contact us to learn more about what makes Ainslie Parklands Primary School
                a very special place for your child to learn and grow.

                Brett MacKenzie

About us
Located in the outer eastern suburbs of Melbourne, Ainslie              Teaching teams work collaboratively to differentiate effectively
Parklands Primary School is a caring and collaborative learning         across the learning spaces with the goal of meeting all students
community. Students, families and staff work closely together as        at their point of need. Students have access to a good range of
we strive for academic excellence, foster social and emotional          ICT resources, with an emphasis on embedding their use across
development and celebrate creativity. We support our students           the curriculum.
to articulate and demonstrate our school values of respect,
responsibility and resilience in all they say and do.                   At Ainslie Parklands Primary School, we recognise that all
                                                                        learners have skills, abilities and aptitudes and all have an
Ainslie Parklands Primary School has a strong parent community,         entitlement to access a broad, challenging and appropriate
who are actively involved in their child’s learning and the school      curriculum. Every learner is entitled to experience a variety
as a whole. The community also has a wonderful diversity, which         of teaching and learning styles and the appropriate level of
is a strength that we acknowledge and celebrate.                        individual support which will enable them to achieve their
                                                                        full potential.
Ainslie Parklands Primary School - Celebrating creativity, fostering independence and striving for excellence - Ainslie Parklands ...
Teaching and Learning
Ainslie Parklands Primary School aims, through successful
teaching and learning, to develop the whole person and to
enable our students to become lifelong learners.

All staff have a responsibility, collectively and individually,
to contribute to the delivery of the broad, challenging and
appropriate curriculum. In addition, they individually have
a responsibility to strive to deliver lessons where the
teaching and learning is of the highest quality and where
the learning needs of all learners are met.

As a community of learners we believe that:
• Numeracy and literacy skills are fundamental for each student’s development.
• Learning is an active process and students need opportunities to explore
   materials, ideas and concepts before being introduced to formal activities.
• Student’s self-esteem and confidence play a vital role in their achievements.
• Expression and celebration of creativity are key motivators in learning.
• A successful learning environment fosters personal qualities including
   tolerance, flexibility, creativity, curiosity, independence and self-awareness.

                                         At Ainslie Parklands Primary School, we actively promote the development
                                         of our school values: respect, responsibility and resilience. We believe that
                                         all students, staff and parents have the right to work, learn and grow in a
                                         safe and welcoming environment.

                                         School-Wide Positive Behaviour
                                         At Ainslie Parklands Primary School, we use the School-Wide Positive
                                         Behaviour Support Framework (SWPBS) to explicitly teach our school
                                         values of respect, responsibility and resilience and provide the students
                                         with an opportunity demonstrate and articulate their understanding.
Ainslie Parklands Primary School - Celebrating creativity, fostering independence and striving for excellence - Ainslie Parklands ...
Hands-on Learning (F-2)
From Foundation to Year 2 the students work within a hands-on learning
environment, that utilities the outdoor classroom as well as the indoor
environment. It is our belief that discovery through play is the natural and
best way for children to learn as they investigate themselves and observe
others at play and work.

“When children are fully engaged in their play, their activity
and learning is integrated across developmental domains.
They seek out challenges that can be accomplished…
through play, children learn trust, empathy and social skills.”
Pascal, Every Child. pp. 8.9.

Guided Inquiry (Y3-6)
Within the Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 studios the students work within a
guided-inquiry model. Our belief is that this model includes teaching
methods built on students’ individual knowledge and interests, and
emphasises learning how to learn and how to find out, using both
traditional and contemporary media.

Each teacher has the mandate that the learning within their classroom
must be engaging, relevant, challenging and significant. Teachers are
viewed as facilitators and not ‘distributors’ of knowledge. Learning is
constructed in a way that is differentiated to the specific needs of each
learner within the studio. Teachers work closely with their colleagues to
constantly reflect, review and revise the program and collaboration is an
expected part of the school community.











                                                                                              Ainslie Parklands
                                                                                               Primary School

Hinkley Ave, Croydon Vic 3136

Phone: 03 9870 1566                                                                                      Ainslie Park
Ainslie Parklands Primary School - Celebrating creativity, fostering independence and striving for excellence - Ainslie Parklands ... Ainslie Parklands Primary School - Celebrating creativity, fostering independence and striving for excellence - Ainslie Parklands ...
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