An integrated management strategy for the conservation of Eastern black rhinoceros - ZSL

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118                                                                            ELEPHANTS AND RHINOCEROS

Int. Zoo Yb. (2006) 40: 118–129                                        © The Zoological Society of London

An integrated management strategy for the
conservation of Eastern black rhinoceros
Diceros bicornis michaeli
in Kenya
 Zoological Society of London, Regent’s Park, London NW1 4RY, United Kingdom,
 Kenya Wildlife Service, PO Box 40241-00100, Nairobi, Kenya, and 3IUCN/SSC
African Rhino Specialist Group, Box 1212, Hilton 3245, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

At time of writing Kenya holds c. 84% of the              Brooks, 1999; Brooks, 2002; Mulama &
remaining in situ population of Critically Endan-
gered Eastern black rhinoceros Diceros bicornis
                                                          Okita-Ouma, 2004) (Fig. 1). At the end of
michaeli. The Kenyan 5 year Black Rhino Conser-           2003 the c. 450 Eastern black rhinoceros
vation and Management Strategy has given highest          in Kenya (c. 84% of the total in situ popu-
priority to the biological management of the subspe-      lation) are spread across 14 sanctuaries,
cies in order to help achieve and maintain rapid          reserves and national parks, with habitats
metapopulation growth to increase rhinoceros num-
bers. Specific training and capacity building in mon-     ranging from dense forest to semi-arid
itoring of rhinoceros, from collection of field data to   scrubland (Fig. 2; Plate 1). The Eastern
status reporting, have been implemented. Procedures       black rhinoceros is considered Critically
to assess ecological carrying capacity for Eastern        Endangered by IUCN (2004). This drastic
black rhinoceros habitat have been developed to
help establish new viable populations and to opti-        decline was initially the result of culling in
mize the management of existing sanctuaries, some         order to clear land for agriculture and was
of which face loss of suitable habitat owing to com-      exacerbated by intense poaching, which
petition for resources between rhinoceros and other       occurred both within and outside the
browsers. The management objective is to maintain
rhinoceros populations below the ecological carrying
                                                          national parks and reserves. In 1984, in
capacity of a reserve in order to increase reproduc-      response to this rapid decline, Kenya
tion in ‘donor’ populations as well as the trans-         implemented a strategy aimed at restoring
location of animals to create new populations with        the rhinoceros population. The strategy
the potential for rapid growth. The conservation          included the establishment of sanctuaries,
value of establishing site-level support relationships
is also discussed. Kenya, for the first time since the    collaboration between the Kenya Wildlife
1970s, achieved a growth rate of q5% over the             Service (KWS) and the private and com-
period 2004 and 2005 (the national goal is to increase    munity sectors, heightened protection
numbers by at least 5%).                                  through increased law enforcement,
Key-words: biological management, capacity                improved staff densities and capacities,
building, eastern black rhinoceros, ecological            revision of staff remuneration and drastic
carrying capacity (ECC), population estimation,           changes to the management of national
rhinoceros monitoring, status reporting                   parks.
                                                             This strategy halted the decline of the
In 1970 the Eastern black rhinoceros                      rhinoceros population in Kenya and since
Diceros bicornis michaeli population in                   1987 numbers have increased, albeit
Kenya was c. 20 000 but by the late 1980s                 slowly, at an average annual growth rate
this population numbered Q400 animals                     of Q5%. However, if it had been possible
(Foose et al., 1992; Anon., 1993; Emslie &                to achieve even the AfRSG minimum

Fig. 1. Eastern black rhinoceros Diceros bicornis michaeli trend across Africa and in Kenya 1970–2003, in a
logarithmic scale, showing the sharp decline and slow recovery. Data from Anon. (1993), Foose et al. (1992),
Emslie & Brooks (1999), Brooks (2002) and Mulama & Okita-Ouma (2004).

acceptable (Emslie & Brooks, 1999) meta-                heterozygosity, by ensuring maximum
population growth rate of 5% per annum                  rate of gene transfer to future generations
the population could have still grown                   (Gilpin & Soulé, 1986). In recognition of
significantly (Fig. 3). The value of 5% was             the importance of striving to maintain
chosen as the minimum acceptable growth                 rapid growth to retain genetic diversity,
rate as it is only just over half of r-max              Kenya’s current Black Rhino Conserva-
(9%) and should be attainable. In practice,             tion and Management Strategy places
one would hope to achieve higher rates of               greater emphasis on improving metapo-
increase (6·5–9%). Given an expanding                   pulation performance through effective
population with a young age structure in                biological management (Anon., 2003)
good habitat, one can temporarily achieve               (Fig. 4). The strategy advocates managing
even higher rates of growth (10%+). As it               for metapopulation growth of at least 5%
is, even at the 5% rate it would take                   per annum and preferably higher. To
30 years to achieve the target population               achieve this, specific capacity and proce-
level of 2000 animals; a level that could be            dural mechanisms were urgently required
achieved in 15 years if annual metapopu-                in: (1) field monitoring of rhinoceros,
lation growth rate could increase to 9%                 data collection, analysis and reporting,
(i.e. near the biological maximum growth                (2) production of standardized annual
rate for non-sex-biased black rhinoceros                status reports that assess the numbers,
populations). Large, rapidly breeding                   performance and population dynamics of
healthy populations not only provide the                Eastern black rhinoceros populations in
best possible insurance against future                  Kenya in order to aid biological-manage-
poaching losses but also preserve genetic               ment decision making and (3) assessment
diversity, or at least minimize loss of                 of habitat conditions and ecological
120                                                                                 ELEPHANTS AND RHINOCEROS

carrying capacities in fenced sanctuaries,                 monitoring data are used to provide esti-
allowing the management of habitats by                     mates of population size, age and sex
adjusting rhinoceros and other browser                     structures, calving rates (i.e. 8 breeding
population densities, and fire regime                      performance), mortality rates (by age and
where relevant, and assisting in develop-                  sex), and the distribution and movement
ment of new viable populations. Several                    of rhinoceros. This information is used to
Kenyan sanctuaries have experienced or                     gauge the performance of each population
are experiencing high densities of rhino-                  and guide biological-management deci-
ceros and competing browsers, or very                      sion-making processes, such as introduc-
high/low fire frequencies, and there is a                  tions and removals, to realize the national
risk of the long-term productivity of the                  conservation strategy of increasing the
habitat being negatively affected.                         total rhinoceros population as rapidly as
                                                              The individual identification of rhino-
MONITORING FOR MANAGEMENT                                  ceros requires properly skilled and moti-
In order to monitor rhinoceros popu-                       vated observers, a system of strict control
lations, Kenya has implemented a                           on data quality at observer and data-
standardized programme of patrols to                       recording levels, and the support of
obtain information on rhinoceros sight-                    the    wider    conservation-management
ings. Rhinoceros are identified individu-                  structure.
ally and registers of the features of
individual animals are maintained. Where
needed, recordings are also made of sight-                 DEVELOPING MONITORING CAPACITY
ings of ‘clean’ rhinoceros (i.e. those that                Training A formalized training pro-
are not individually recognizable). These                  gramme for personnel can greatly

Fig. 2a. As at end of 2003 there were c. 540 and c. 170 Eastern black rhinoceros in situ and ex situ, respectively
(AfRSG, 2004); b. Kenya is the stronghold of D. b. michaeli, with 458 rhinoceros in the population, as at end of
2003, mostly within sanctuaries, both in protected areas and on private land, and in a free-ranging population on
county-council land. Tanzania has an estimated 42 Eastern black rhinoceros, mostly in free-ranging populations
in unfenced protected areas and a few in one sanctuary. Rwanda and Ethiopia hold relict populations of one (in
a protected area) and two to four (on community land) animals, respectively. As at 2003 South Africa had an
estimated 36 D. b. michaeli, of predominantly Kenyan origin, out-of-range on private land.

accelerate the process of acquiring high                  staff turnover. Standardized data collec-
standards of observational and data-col-                  tion, including the use of the continental
lection skills. The project, funded through               rhinoceros ageing and body-condition
the UK government’s Darwin Initiative,                    assessment systems, also means results can
has implemented a sustainable field-staff                 be compared between parks, including
training programme and, at the time of                    those in other range countries (Adcock &
writing, 24 officers from national parks                  Emslie, 2004).
and sanctuaries have been trained as
accredited rhinoceros-monitoring instruc-                 Tools and procedural mechanisms The
tors in the continental-wide modular                      Kenyan Rhino Programme has imple-
African Rhino Specialist Group (AfRSG)                    mented data quality-control procedures in
course. These field instructors are, in turn,             all its reserves to ensure that the data are
training the c. 200 rangers in the field on               collected on an on-going basis and are of
an on-going basis. The process of testing                 the best possible quality. Field rangers
and accrediting both trainers and trainees                have been trained to approach and
has helped institutionalize the process and               observe rhinoceros, and accurately com-
provide formal recognition to those who                   plete the standardized sighting forms
gain accreditation.                                       (Fig. 5). This information is then checked
   A significant advantage of this                        by experienced accredited observers and
approach is that staff can be trained                     the sightings are classified in accordance
where they are located, thus saving time                  with the ‘ID’ master files, which are con-
and money and minimizing daily opera-                     tinually updated by the field officers.
tional impact on the field teams. In addi-                   The extensive sets of field data are
tion, with continuous teaching of the                     stored and analysed using a compre-
modules it is possible to maintain consis-                hensive geographic information database
tency as well as deal with the inevitable                 management system (KIFARU). Standard-

Plate 1. An ear-notched and, thus, recognizable Eastern black rhinoceros Diceros bicornis michaeli on the plain
in Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya. ZSL, London, UK.
122                                                                             ELEPHANTS AND RHINOCEROS

Fig. 3. Estimates of Eastern black rhinoceros populations after 1%, 5% and 9% growth rates. Since 1987 popu-
lation numbers of the Eastern black rhinoceros have increased at an annual rate of 1% and, without biological
management to improve population growth, it will take 170 years to reach the target population of 2000 rhino-
ceros. However, if population growth rates in Kenya increased to 5% per annum, this target population will be
achieved in 30 years and at a rate of 9% the target population could be achieved 15 years earlier than this.

ized monthly reports provide key informa-                Park and Ngulia Rhino Sanctuary in
tion, such as sighting frequencies of                    Tsavo West National Park, and this
individual rhinoceros, patrol movements                  makes it difficult to estimate population
and the availability of manpower                         size and structure accurately. However,
resources, which are used to optimize                    these areas are important to the long-term
deployment of patrols and analyse popu-                  conservation of rhinoceros in Kenya.
lation performance (Amin et al., 2001).                  Tsavo East and West National Parks are
                                                         over 20 000 km2 in total and have a very
Monitoring practicalities Tsavo East                     high capacity to assimilate rhinoceros
National      Park,     Kenya,     is   vast             from smaller, overstocked sanctuaries and
(c. 11 000 km2) and the relatively low                   parks. This area used to have over 6000
numbers of monitoring staff, coupled with                black rhinoceros before the poaching
international boundary-related problems,                 onslaught in the 1970s and 1980s.
such as infiltration of firearms from neigh-                The practical issues of achieving effec-
bouring countries, have made the effective               tive monitoring in these areas need to be
monitoring and security of the rhinoceros                addressed before such moves can take
population in this area difficult.                       place. A number of initiatives are being
   Rhinoceros are rarely sighted during                  developed and implemented. For example,
the day in the difficult terrain of the                  the dry season full-moon night census is
Chyulu-Hills National Park, or in the                    being improved using better planning and
dense vegetation of Aberdare National                    equipment to obtain more comprehensive

Fig. 4. The Conservation and Management Strategy for Eastern black rhinoceros sets six strategic objectives to
achieve the national goal of increasing numbers of the subspecies to 1000 by 2020 and eventually achieving the
target population of 2000 in natural habitat in Kenya (Anon., 2003).

population information in the Tsavo West                 ties, and allocate law-enforcement efforts
National Park Ngulia Rhino Sanctuary.                    appropriately in order to protect these
Systems to achieve more effective night-                 populations.
monitoring programmes are also being
developed in Aberdare and Chyulu-Hills
National Parks. A combination of direct                  Estimating population size A problem
and indirect methods for deriving indices                experienced in many Kenyan reserves is
of rhinoceros abundance, and relating                    that an increasing number of animals that
these to indices of patrol and poaching                  are not individually recognizable (i.e.
activities, are also being considered to                 clean). Young clean rhinoceros become
track population distributions and densi-                unrecognizable once they leave their
                                                         mothers. In the past, population estimates
                                                         have only been based on identifiable
                                                         animals, which provided a minimum
                                                         index rather than an estimate of the true
                                                         population size.
                                                            Reliable   population-size     estimates
                                                         (within 90% of the true total) are required
                                                         every year (or at least every 3 years) in
                                                         order to assess how well a population is
                                                         performing and to manage populations at
                                                         the metapopulation level. This informa-
                                                         tion, along with the ecological carrying
Fig. 5. One side of the standardized form used to rec-   capacity (ECC) estimate of each park and
ord details of rhinoceros sightings.                     sanctuary, can assist programme man-
124                                                                               ELEPHANTS AND RHINOCEROS

Fig. 6. K-selected species like rhinoceros are likely to have a plateau of nearly constant growth rate (density-
independent phase), followed by a ramp of density-dependent decline once the maximum sustained yield level
(c. 75% of carrying capacity) has been exceeded.

agers in making decisions that are neces-                 Annual status reporting National status
sary for achieving and sustaining high                    reporting is a key component of imple-
population growth rates.                                  menting the conservation strategy. In the
   The       individual-identification-based              past metapopulation performance has
monitoring method undertaken in all                       been ‘averaged out’ in Kenya, thus
Kenyan reserves enables the use of                        performance issues within individual
mark–recapture methods for estimating                     populations may have been overlooked.
population size. Field staff are being                    To promote optimal metapopulation
trained on a continual basis to ensure                    performance it is necessary to look at the
accurate recording of sightings of both                   age and sex composition, calving rates of
identifiable and clean rhinoceros, with                   88, and causes and rates of mortality
                                                          within each population. Reasons for sub-
equal emphasis on each sighting. Rhino
                                                          optimal performance can then be deter-
Programme scientists have also been
                                                          mined and solutions put in place.
trained to use the continental level RHINO
                                                             A formal national-status reporting pro-
Bayesian Mark–Recapture software tool                     gramme has been implemented. Kenya
(Emslie & Amin, 2003), which calculates                   Wildlife Service scientists have been
population size using ongoing sighting                    trained to analyse population perform-
data. To improve population estimates all                 ance data and synthesis of the national-
rhinoceros immobilized for translocation                  status report. At time of writing, 26
or veterinary treatment are ear-notched                   officers from 13 reserves have also been
for identification purposes as standard                   trained in population data analysis and
practice. When resources are available,                   preparation of annual park-status reports.
specific ear-notching exercises are under-                The training introduces the principles of
taken in areas with a high proportion of                  status reporting, the concepts around
clean animals.                                            metapopulation management and, in
REVIEW: EASTERN BLACK RHINOCEROS INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT STRATEGY                                                125

Fig. 7. Amounts of available browse in each of the nine main Kenyan black rhinoceros areas and the compositional
breakdown of this browse by palatability class (i.e. the suitability of the browse component for black rhinoceros).
Each class comprises several woody or forb species. Black rhinoceros browse is almost totally within a 0–2 m
height range and the browse availability (BA) measure indicates the percentage to which this 2 m layer is filled
by browsable plant canopies. BA was sampled by vegetation type and a weighted average BA was obtained
accounting for the proportional area of each vegetation type within each rhinoceros sanctuary.

particular, the critical need to maintain                   tality rates and net population growth
rapid population growth rates (for demo-                    rates) (Okita-Ouma, 2004).
graphic, strategic and genetic conserva-                       The individual park reports are synthe-
tion reasons). Trainees are shown how to                    sized and analysed at a national level. The
recognize the main causes of poor growth                    resultant national report interprets and
and how to interpret various performance                    contrasts the status, performance and
indicators derived from their own ongoing                   population dynamics of all Eastern black
ground-based monitoring of rhinoceros.                      rhinoceros populations in Kenya. The
The practical application of these indica-                  feedback from the national-status
tors is also highlighted, as trainees are                   summary report is vital to programme
shown how monitoring assists with the                       managers and staff because it places the
decision-making process on sanctuary                        results of individual-reserve reports into a
management and translocations.                              metapopulation context.
   The park-level status reports supply                        Without regular park-level status
information on population size, age and                     reporting and the production of inter-
sex structure, translocations and mortali-                  preted national status report summaries, a
ties (including causes), as well as a number                problem may also remain undetected far
of standardized biological performance                      longer. The first detailed status reports
indicators (age at first calving, percentage                have shown clear density dependence in a
88 calving, proportion of adult 88 with                     number of populations stocked at or near
calves, intervals between calving, mor-                     ECC. The reports have indicated that a
126                                                               ELEPHANTS AND RHINOCEROS

number of Kenyan rhinoceros popu-              optimal stocking levels may be lower than
lations could become donor populations.        this during drought years (Fig. 6).
In addition, the c. 5% underlying popu-           Managing populations at or below 75%
lation growth in Nairobi National Park         of ECC should minimize the risk of den-
following a period with an average 5%          sity-dependent effects negatively affecting
annual removal of rhinoceros has pro-          populations (e.g. through reduced calving
vided empirical support to the Set             success and increased mortalities and
Percentage Harvesting approach advo-           social problems). By reducing densities of
cated by the IUCN/SSC’s AfRSG                  Eastern black rhinoceros and/or other
(Emslie, 2001).                                browsers to below habitat carrying
                                               capacity, there is also a reduced risk of
                                               negatively affecting the long-term rhino-
ESTIMATING ECC OF SANCTUARIES AND              ceros carrying capacities of the areas.
PARKS                                             Performance in a number of Kenyan
Achieving and maintaining a high meta-         black rhinoceros populations may be poor
population growth rate can only be real-       because, in the past, inadequate attention
ized if the areas maintaining rhinoceros       was given to habitat conditions. Several
are not overstocked relative to available      reserves face loss of suitable habitat
habitat resources. This depends on an esti-    through high rhinoceros and competing
mate of the ECC of each area.                  browser densities.
   It is not easy to measure ECC. Past esti-
mates of Eastern black rhinoceros ECC
have differed widely in the reports of dif-    Kenyan Eastern black rhinoceros ECC
ferent observers for the same area. In         model The Kenyan Darwin Initiative
particular, non-experts have tended to         project has developed an ECC model for
overestimate substantially the ECC.            the region. A similar model has been
Nevertheless, it is easy to conceptualize      developed for the Southern African range
that a habitat at a given point in time        states (Adcock, 2001). The estimation of
must be able to support sustainably a          ECC is multi-faceted. For a given amount
limited number of any given herbivore          of standing ‘browse-plant biomass’ the
species. This ECC is probably most             browse productivity (growth rate) and
closely defined as ‘the maximum number         quality are primary determinants of black
of animals of a species (sustainably)          rhinoceros carrying capacity. Rainfall,
supportable by the resources of a specified    soil quality and temperature influence
area’ (Caughley, 1976; McCullough,             these parameters on a broad scale and
1992). Once the ECC is known, existing         measures of these factors are also
populations can be managed for                 required. All nine well-established Kenyan
maximum productivity and excess animals        rhinoceros sanctuaries were surveyed for
removed to enhance other populations or        browse availability and species composi-
establish new populations as necessary.        tion (Fig. 7). About 100–150 detailed veg-
Estimation of ECC is also a necessary pre-     etation plots were assessed in each area
requisite for making decisions about the       and this information was combined with
suitability of an area for establishing a      Landsat-7 satellite imagery data to give
new subpopulation. For large mammals,          overall browse-availability and browse-
such as rhinoceros, evidence suggests that     suitability index maps. Auxiliary data on
the maximum sustainable yield or MSY           variables linked to Eastern black rhino-
[commonly called maximum productivity          ceros ECC were also compiled for the
carrying capacity (MPCC)] is c. 75% of         areas (game count data, soil and geology
estimated (long-term) ECC (Owen Smith,         data, long-term rainfall and temperature
1988; McCullough, 1992), although              records).

Monitoring habitats Habitat monitoring                   near the estimated threshold MSY level,
procedures have also been developed, and                 thus maximizing rhinoceros productivity.
park ecologists and monitoring staff are                    Monitoring the habitat resources as
trained in their use. This is important as               well as rhinoceros-population perform-
ECC will change over time (in the medium                 ance is useful in the light of changing veg-
to longer term) in response to habitat                   etation in East African ecosystems and the
changes, which for Eastern black rhino-                  influences of competing browsers. Large
ceros may be positive (increased browse                  long-lived animals like rhinoceros may
availability of suitable plant species) or               also overshoot carrying capacity before a
negative [favoured food plants declining                 potential problem in the population-
or growing out of reach, unpalatable                     performance indicators is identified.
species increasing at the expense of more
palatable species, increases in alien plants             SITE-LEVEL SUPPORT PARTNERSHIPS
(e.g. Lantana camara), frequent fire,                    Experience has demonstrated that even
increased grass interference and/or an                   moderate additional external institution
increase in browsing pressure following a                site-linked assistance can make a signifi-
build-up in numbers of competitive                       cant impact at the park operational level.
browsers (e.g. African elephants Loxo-                   KWS’s collaboration with The Zoological
donta africana, Giraffe Giraffa camelopar-               Society of London (ZSL) and other part-
dalis and Cape buffalo Syncerus caffer)]                 ners to provide additional support for
(Plate 2). To be able to update estimates                Ngulia Rhino Sanctuary, serves as an
of ECC continually, therefore, requires an               example of the value of such site-level ini-
understanding       of     browser/browse                tiatives. In addition to helping support
dynamics, the nature of vegetation                       infrastructural elements, such as water-
changes and their likely impact on ECC.                  system maintenance and vehicle provi-
   The estimates of ECC allow managers                   sion, site-level links can assist the
to take 75% of this figure as a ballpark                 implementation and evaluation of the bio-
estimate of the MSY level. Excess animals                logical management tools and associated
are then removed to maintain densities                   research areas. Securing out-of-region

Plate 2. Eastern black rhinoceros and African elephant Loxodonta africana (competing browsers) observed during
dry-season full-moon night census at Tsavo West National Park, Kenya. ZSL, London, UK.
128                                                                           ELEPHANTS AND RHINOCEROS

grants (e.g. the UK government’s Darwin              of London, Kenya Wildlife Service Director Julius
Initiative) is another important benefit             Kipng’etich, and staff of all Kenyan rhinoceros
                                                     reserves for their continued commitment to rhino-
that can arise from developing such part-            ceros conservation.
nerships which, in turn, benefit the wider
national programme.
CONCLUSION                                           Adcock, K. (2001): Black rhino carrying capacity
The successful development and imple-                and performance. In Proceedings of a SADC rhino
mentation of the Kenyan Rhino Pro-                   management group (RMG) workshop on biological
gramme’s          integrated        biological       management to meet continental and national black
                                                     rhino conservation goals: 9–13. Emslie, R. (Com-
management and monitoring strategy                   piler). KwaZulu Natal: Giants Castle Game Reserve.
across all rhinoceros parks and sanctu-              Adcock, K. & Emslie, R. (2004): Monitoring
aries is key to providing decision makers            African rhino. In ‘Sandwith’ training course for field
with the information necessary to manage             rangers (5th edn). Malilangwe, Zimbabwe: IUCN/
                                                     SSC, African Rhino Specialist Group.
the national herd at the metapopulation              AfRSG (2004): Working group report. 5. Meta-
level. Specific staff training in the field has      population planning for D. b. michaeli. In IUCN/
meant that there is a consistency of data            SSC-AfRSG meeting. Leader-Williams, N. &
collection, which facilitates the ability to         Okita-Ouma, B. (Eds). Kilaguni, Tsavo West:
make accurate assessments of the status of           African Rhino Specialist Group.
                                                     Amin, R., Okita-Ouma, B. & Mulama, M. (2001):
the whole population. There has been the             Kenya implementing a new black rhino information
added benefit of gathering information on            management system. Pachyderm 30: 96–97.
unrecognizable (clean) animals and                   Anon. (1993): Conservation strategy and manage-
including this in the population estimates           ment plan for the black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis)
                                                     in Kenya. Nairobi: Kenya Wildlife Service, Rhino
for the region. Training has also been               Programme.
given in habitat assessment and data ana-            Anon. (2003): Conservation and management
lysis, population data analysis and pre-             strategy for the black rhino (Diceros bicornis
paration of reports, so any problems with            michaeli) in Kenya 2000–2005: ix, 39. Nairobi:
rhinoceros habitats, population status,              Kenya Wildlife Service.
                                                     Brooks, M. (2002): Proceedings of African Rhino
performance or dynamics can be identified            Specialist Group meeting. In IUCN-SSC-AfRSG.
and acted on as quickly as possible.                 Emslie, R (Ed.). Malilangwe, Zimbabwe: IUCN/
Ongoing evaluation and refinement of                 SSC, African Rhino Specialist Group.
these tools and associated approaches                Caughley, G. (1976): Wildlife management and the
                                                     dynamics of ungulate populations. In Applied
provides the mechanism for optimizing                biology: 183–246. Coaker, T. H. (Ed.). New York,
Kenya’s Eastern black rhinoceros annual              NY: Academic Press.
growth rate as well as informing wider               Emslie, R. (Compiler) (2001): Proceedings of a
regional rhinoceros conservation efforts.            SADC rhino management group (RMG) workshop on
The 2005 (end of year) national popu-                biological management to meet continental and
                                                     national black rhino conservation goals. KwaZulu
lation estimate compiled at time of writing          Natal: Giants Castle Game Reserve.
is 539 animals, which is an annual                   Emslie, R. & Amin, R. (2003): rhino rewrite: an
increase of over 5% (the national strategy           update. Pachyderm 30: 100–101.
goal is to increase numbers by at least 5%)          Emslie, R. H. & Brooks, P. M. (1999): African rhino.
                                                     Status survey and action plan—IUCN/SSC African
(Okita-Ouma & Wandera, 2006). The end                Rhino Specialist Group. Gland and Cambridge:
of 2004 national estimates also showed               IUCN.
similar increase, for the first time since the       Foose, T. J., Lacy, R. C., Brett, R. & Seal, U. S.
1970s.                                               (1992): Kenya black rhino meta-population ana-
                                                     lysis—briefing book. In Kenya black rhino meta-
                                                     population workshop. Nairobi: Kenya Wildlife
                                                     Service, IUCN/SSC/CBSG.
The authors would like to highlight the support of   Gilpin, M. E. & Soule¬, M. E. (1986): Minimum
UK government’s Darwin Initiative, African Rhino     viable populations: processes of species extinction. In
Specialist Group (AfRSG), The Zoological Society     Conservation biology: the science of scarcity and

diversity: 19–34. Soulé, M. E. (Ed.). Sunderland,    Kenyan rhino sanctuaries. MSc dissertation, Durrell
MA: Sinauer Associates.                               Institute of Conservation and Ecology, University of
IUCN (2004): 2004 IUCN red list of threatened         Kent, UK.
species. Gland and Cambridge: IUCN. http://           Okita-Ouma, B. & Wandera, A. (2006): Status and                                       management of black rhino in Kenya 2005–2006:
McCullough, D. R. (1992): Concepts of large her-      Kenyan black rhino status report summary. Nairobi:
bivore population dynamics. In Wildlife 2001: popu-   Kenya Wildlife Service, Darwin Report.
lations. Barret, R. H. (Ed.). London: Elsevier        Owen-Smith, N. (1988): Megaherbivores. The influ-
Applied Science.                                      ence of very large body size on ecology. Cambridge:
                                                      Cambridge University Press.
Mulama, M. & Okita-Ouma, B. (2004): Black rhino
annual status report summaries: 16. Nairobi: Kenya
Wildlife Service.
Okita-Ouma, B. (2004): Population performance of      Manuscript submitted 13 July 2005;
black rhinoceros Diceros bicornis michaeli) in six    accepted 13 February 2006; 9 May 2006
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