An Overview of R22 Refrigerant Substitution in China

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An Overview of R22 Refrigerant Substitution in China
R22 Refrigerant Substitution in China by Min Zhang, Mingming Lu, and Yanmei Zhou

An Overview of R22 Refrigerant
     Substitution in China
A look at China’s efforts to replace the R22 refrigerant in order to comply with the
Montreal Protocol.

                  em • The Magazine for Environmental Managers • A&WMA • September 2019
An Overview of R22 Refrigerant Substitution in China
R22 Refrigerant Substitution in China by Min Zhang, Mingming Lu, and Yanmei Zhou

The 1987 Montreal Protocol recommended using HCFC-                alternative refrigerants, and the main achievements of
22 (R22) and HFC-134a (R134a) to replace chlorofluorocar-         domestic refrigerant substitution.
bons (CFCs) to reduce the damage to the stratosphere ozone
layer. Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) tend to stay in the       Setting Policy and Guidelines
troposphere, the lower layer of the atmosphere we live in, so     In August 2016, the Chinese Foreign Economic Cooperation
the ozone depletion potential (ODP) of these compounds are        Office (FECO), a subsidiary of China’s Ministry of Ecology
mostly zero. During this time, the growth of the air condition-   and Environment (MEE)—formerly the Ministry of Environ-
ing industry in China started to accelerate. As a result, most    mental Protection (MEP)—released its HCFCs alternative
Chinese air conditioner units used R22 as refrigerant in          recommended directory (draft).3 In response to climate
response to the 1987 Montreal Protocol.                           change mitigation and the Kyoto Protocol, this guideline
                                                                  document recommended refrigerant alternatives in the
More than 30 years later, China has become the world’s            refrigeration and air conditioning industry, including propane
largest producer and consumer of air conditioners, and pro-       (R290), isobutane (R600A), carbon dioxide (CO2) (R744
duced more than 200 million units in 2018, up 10% from            and R32), and ammonia (R717), as listed in Table 1.
2017.1 Though the 1992 (and later) amendments to the
Montreal Protocol initiated the phase-out of HCFCs due to         On September 18, 2018, FECO held a meeting of industry
their high global warming potential (GWP), a lot of Chinese       planning agencies to accelerate the phase-out of HCFCs and
air conditioners still use R22 as the preferred refrigerant to    summarized the progress and next steps of HCFCs elimina-
meet the requirements of the 1987 Montreal Protocol.              tion in China. Following on from this meeting, 19 major en-
                                                                  terprises in the room air conditioner industry partially realized
Today, China’s refrigeration and air conditioning industry is     the replacement of R22 with propane (R290) and R410A,
actively trying to find new alternative refrigerants for R22 to   and carried out adaptive transformation on the production
prevent ozone layer destruction, reduce greenhouse effect,        line;4 18 major enterprises in the commercial refrigeration
and protect the environment. The urgency of HCFCs refrig-         industry are actively researching and developing replacement
erant substitution has guided the Chinese government and          products of R22; companies in the compressor industry have
relevant industries to action. According to the HCFCs phase-      vowed to replace R22 with R134A, R32, R744, and R717;
out process set out in the Montreal Protocol, from 2016 to        and the cooling industry is using R134A and R717 to replace
2020, China needs to achieve the second-phase target of a         R22 in water-cooled chillers, and R134A and R32 in air-
35% reduction in HCFCs and completely phase out HCFC              cooled chillers and units.3
production and consumption by 2030,2 which is significantly
faster than the 10% elimination target achieved in stage one.     Characteristics of Commonly Used R22 Substitutes
                                                                  There are many different substitutes for R22 based on differ-
This article considers China’s efforts in the replacement of      ent applications. The main characteristics of R22 and its main
R22 to comply with the Montreal Protocol from the aspects         substitutes are shown in Table 2.5 The critical environmental
of policy, the use and characteristics of commonly used           parameters for evaluation include ODP, GWP, toxicity, and

  Table 1. Recommended substitutes for R22 in different sectors.3

  Substitute           Type                        Main Application Sectors

  R290                 HC (hydrocarbon)            Room air conditioner; Commercial independent
                                                   refrigeration system

  R600A                HC                          Commercial independent refrigeration system

  R744                 CO2                         Domestic heat pump water heater; Industrial or commercial
                       (carbon dioxide)            heat pump water heaters; Cold storage systems for industrial
                                                   or commercial use (refrigerants and refrigerant carriers)
  R717                 NH3 (ammonia)               Cold storage; Transport refrigeration; Compressor
                                                   condensing unit; Industrial refrigeration system

  R32                  HFCs                        Air conditioning unit; Cold water (heat pump) unit;
                       (hydrofluorocarbons)        Heat pump system; Condensing unit

                            em • The Magazine for Environmental Managers • A&WMA • September 2019
R22 Refrigerant Substitution in China by Min Zhang, Mingming Lu, and Yanmei Zhou

     Table 2. Characteristics of R22 and its substitutes.5

     Refrigerant       Molecular         Chemical         ODP          GWP           Toxicity          Flammability
     Trade             Formula/          Type
     Names             Composition

     R22               CHClF2            HCFC             0.055        1810          Slight            Nonflammable

     R290              C3H8              HC               0            20            Non-toxic         Inflammable

     R134A             C2H2F4            HFC              0            1430          Non-toxic         Nonflammable

     R32               C22F2             HFC              0            670           Slight            Micro

     R407C             R32 (23%)         HFC              0            1774          Hypo-toxicity     Nonflammable
                       R125 (25%)
                       R134A (52%)

     R410A             R125 (50%)        HFC              0            2088          Hypo-toxicity     Nonflammable
                       R32 (50%)
     R404A             R125 (42%)        HFC              0            3922          Hypo-toxicity     Nonflammable
                       R142a (52%)
                       R134a (4%)

     R600A             C4H10                              0            3             Non-toxic         Flammable and
     R717              NH3                                0            0             Toxic             Flammable

     R718              H2O                                0            0-0.4         Non-toxic         Nonflammable

     R744              CO2                                0            1             Non-toxic         Nonflammable

     R1234YF           C3H2F4            HFC              0            4             Hypo-toxicity     Micro

     R452B                                                0            676           Non-toxic         Micro

flammability, in addition to thermal properties. As shown in           R290 is about 10% higher than that of the air
Table 2, R22 does not meet climate change mitigation needs             conditioner commonly used with R22 refrigerant at
due to its high GWP. More details of select R22 replacement            present.7
alternatives are provided below.                                  2.   R410A (ODP = 0, GWP = 2088) is an HFC-type
                                                                       refrigerant. In addition to good refrigeration
1.      R290 (ODP = 0, GWP = 20) causes little or no                   and environmental protection performance, it is also
        damage to the stratospheric ozone layer and has                non-toxic and not easy to burn. Its thermodynamic
        a low impact on the global greenhouse effect with              and physical properties are close to azeotropic or pure
        good thermal performance.6 The latent heat of                  refrigerant. As an alternative for R22, R410A is mainly
        vaporization of R290 is more than twice as high as             used in automobile air-conditioning, household appli-
        that of R22. Therefore, under the same conditions, the         ances, small fixed refrigeration equipment, medium
        filling amount of R290 is far less than that of R22,           temperature refrigeration in supermarkets, and indus-
        which is about 43% of that of R22. In addition, since          trial and commercial refrigerating machines. The heat
        R290 has low dynamic viscosity coefficient and high            transfer performance of R410A is superior. Under the
        heat transfer coefficient, the system energy efficiency        same conditions, the heat transfer coefficient of R410A
        ratio of the air conditioner developed to accommodate          is 15% higher than that of R22.8 In most cases, the

                            em • The Magazine for Environmental Managers • A&WMA • September 2019
R22 Refrigerant Substitution in China by Min Zhang, Mingming Lu, and Yanmei Zhou

         replacement of the R22 without changing the type of                     are compatible with common lubricants and structural
         lubricant is also an advantage of R410A.                                materials and have better heat transfer performance
3.       R32 (ODP = 0, GWP = 670) has good thermal-                              than CFC refrigerants, and is suitable for cryogenic
         physical and safety properties (low flammability,                       and ultra-cryogenic refrigeration. However, as a
         good safety, high thermal conductivity, good thermal                    greenhouse gas itself, its application should be care-
         stability). In the same refrigeration system, the                       fully evaluated.
         refrigerating capacity can be increased by about 10%
         compared to R22. The theoretical cooling capacity of              Main Achievements of Refrigerant
         R32 system is much higher than that of R410A system               Substitution in China
         and its comprehensive energy efficiency ratio is much             Research and development in refrigerants not only makes
         higher than that of R410A system. If R32 refrigerant              sense from an environmental aspect, but also can create new
         is used, the refrigerating capacity can be increased              business opportunities. Here are some of the main benefits
         by 10%.9                                                          and achievements of R22 substitution in China.
4.       R134A (ODP = 0, GWP = 1430) has smaller heat
         capacity and lower pressure than R22. As a                        Elimination of Production and Consumption of R22
         result, the R134A system needs to be equipped with                China achieved the first phase of its HCFCs reduction target
         a larger volume air compressor, larger evaporator, and            of 10% in 2015. At present, China has eliminated approxi-
         pipeline.10 R134A is widely used as a replacement for             mately 280,000 tons of R22, accounting for more than half
         R22 in small refrigeration devices, automobile air                of the total elimination of all developing countries combined,
         conditioning, and small heat pump units. However, its             taking the lead about 2.5 years ahead of schedule, and has
         GWP value is about 1,430, which means it is a global              become a model for developing countries in implementing
         warming refrigerant, and therefore is not a current               environmental protocols.12
         research focus in China.
5.       R744 (ODP=0, GWP=1) is safe, non-toxic,                           Promoting Large-Scale R22 Substitution
         non-flammable, and has good thermal stability even at             The Chinese government has been working on large-scale
         high temperatures.11 At the same time, CO2 refriger-              application of replacement refrigerants, especially in the field
         ant is cheap, has a wide range of sources, does not               of home air conditioning. Major Chinese air conditioning
         need to be recycled, can greatly reduce the cost of re-           companies, such as the Midea Group, Haier Group, and TCL
         frigerant replacement. In addition, CO2 as refrigerants           Corporation, have all launched R290 air conditioners into the

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                                   em • The Magazine for Environmental Managers • A&WMA • September 2019
R22 Refrigerant Substitution in China by Min Zhang, Mingming Lu, and Yanmei Zhou

market and completed 17 new R290-lines in total. The appli-                         capacities of R1234YF/R134A and R134A are close, but
cations of R600A in air energy heat pump, ammonia in cold                           coefficient of performance is 4% ~ 9% lower than that of
storage, and other replacements are also increasing.13                              R134A.14

New Products Innovation                                                             R410A Replacement
As can be seen from Table 2, the R22 alternatives, R134A,                           In May 2017, the China Midea Group selected Opteon
R407C, R410A, and R404A, all have high GWPs. Examples                               XL55 (R452B) (ODP=0, GWP=676) to replace R410A as a
of new products innovation include: (1) researchers in China                        refrigerant in their unit products, which are the main prod-
and elsewhere are studying hydrofluorolefin (HFO) refriger-                         ucts sold to North America. Compared with R410A, the per-
ants with ODP of zero and very low GWP, which are consid-                           formance of Opteon XL55 refrigerant is improved and the
ered one of the new refrigerants in the future; (2) Chinese                         GWP is reduced by more than 65%. The Opteon XL55
enterprises, such as Gree Co., are developing R1234YF to re-                        product is rated as 2L by the American Society of Heating,
place R134A air conditioners; and (3) a feasibility study on                        Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, meaning it is
replacing R134A with a new type of mixed refrigerant                                rated with the lowest flammability rating. It has good design
R1234YF/R134A (mass fraction ratio: 89:11) in an automo-                            compatibility with R410A equipment, a low exhaust tempera-
bile air conditioning system shows that the refrigerating                           ture, and does not require changes to the compression.15 em

    Min Zhang is with the School of Mechanical & Electric Technology, Suzhou Institute of Trade & Commerce, Suzhou, China. Mingming
    Lu is also with the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Cincinnati. Yanmei Zhou is with the Depart-
    ment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China, and Beijing Point Lab-
    oratory of Typical Water Control and Water Quality Protection in Beijing Jiaotong University. E-mail:

1. 2018–2022 China home air conditioning market in-depth survey and future prospective forecasting; report number: 692076; China market research online
    (CMRO), 2016.
2. Zou, G.X.; Su Y. Market Analysis of the Refrigerant Products; Chinese Journal of Refrigeration Technology 2018, 4, 36-47.
3. Recommended list of key substitutes for hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs); Environmental protection and foreign cooperation center (FECO), 2016a; (accessed April 2019).
4. Recommended list of key substitutes for hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs); Environmental protection and foreign cooperation center (FECO), 2016b; (accessed April 2019).
5. Liu, J.N., et al. Refrigeration principles and devices; Higher Education Press (China) 2016.
6. Zheng, X.D. Refrigeration principles and devices; China Machine Press (Beijing) 2001; 30-36
7. Xiao, K.; Wang, J.Y.; Chen, H.X.; Guo, Y.B.; Liu, J.Y.; Hu, Y.P. Simulation Study on Substitution of Refrigerant R290, R32 for R22 in the Room Air Conditioners;
    Refrigeration 2018, 2, 18-23.
8. Chen, J.F.; Yang, C. Comparison of Environmentally Benign Refrigerants R410A and R407C; Fluidmachinery 2005, 7, 78-81.
9. Zhu, L.F. Research on the application of R32 refrigerant in air conditioning; Technology and Economic Guide 2018, 26 (18), 42-45.
10. Cheng, Y.; Chen, G. Technical Investigation and Application Prospect of Vapor-Compression Cycle Evaporative Cooling Water (Heat Pump) Unit; Construction
    & Design For Project 2018, 9, 102-109.
11. Guo, J.H. Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Study on R744/R32 Refrigerant in Refrigeration/Heat Pump System; Master’s Thesis, Tianjin University of
    Commerce, 2016.
12. Substances that deplete the ozone layer; Chinese government delegation to the 30th Conference of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol; Ministry of ecology
    and environment (MEE), November 2018. See (accessed April 2019).
13. Li, J.P.; Chen, D.; Li, C.L. Refrigerants Market Analysis; Chinese Journal of Refrigeration Technology 2016, 38-45.
14. Yang, M.; Zhang, H.; Qin, Y.B.; Meng, Z.F. Thermodynamic performance comparison and experimental study of mixed refrigerant R134A/R1234YF (R513A)
    and R134A; Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress 2019, 38 (3),1182-1189.
15. Liu, W.D. Performance evaluation of rooftop air-conditioning unit using R452B with low GWP as alternative to R410A; Refrigeration 2018, 7, 34-38.

                                                                       In Next Month’s Issue…
                                                                       In January 2017, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                                                       (EPA) finalized a national regional haze rule applying to
                                                                       state reasonable progress plans due by 2021 for the period
                                                                       2019-2028. In January 2018, EPA announced that it was
                                                                       revisiting the 2017 rule. The October issue will address EPA
                                                                       revisions to the 2017 rule, state and other stakeholder views
                                                                       on those revisions, and state planning activities.

                                  em • The Magazine for Environmental Managers • A&WMA • September 2019
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