Application Note Radon Progeny Rejection with CANBERRA Argos-5AB Personnel Contamination Monitors

Page created by Don Boyd
Application Note Radon Progeny Rejection with CANBERRA Argos-5AB Personnel Contamination Monitors
Application Note

       Radon Progeny Rejection with CANBERRA Argos™-5AB
                Personnel Contamination Monitors


CANBERRA’s personnel contamination monitors, and in                 In this application note, the following topics will be covered:
particular the ARGOS-5AB gas flow proportional model,                   • Background of the problem
are used throughout the world’s nuclear industry. Typically
                                                                        • Method of “rejection”
these monitors are designed to detect surface contamination
from alpha, beta and gamma emitters (if the gamma option                • Guidance and Acceptance Criteria
is installed), however, the units also have the capability to           • Argos Monitors and Software
“reject” the presence of radon progeny which often plates               • Determination of the Presence of Radon Progeny
out on synthetic clothing materials and plastic objects such            • Specific Settings
as polyester clothing, fleece, and hard hats. Activity levels
                                                                        • Practical Demonstration Example
of these progeny have the potential of exceeding the alarm
set points for external surface contamination typically set             • Data Collection and Analysis
to detect 5000 dpm β /1000 dpm α (83.33 Bq & 16.67 Bq,                  • Summary
respectively), thus presenting results which appear to be
“Contaminated”, when the alarm indication is due to naturally
occurring radioactive materials, and not plant or facility
related licensed material. To complicate matters, many plants
have set more conservative alarm level settings, sometimes
considering the presence of “difficult-to-detect isotopes in
the station radionuclide mix” as recommended by INPO.
(INPO 05-008).

Application Note Radon Progeny Rejection with CANBERRA Argos-5AB Personnel Contamination Monitors
Background (the radiation and problem)                                 The Basic Method:
Radon is a colorless and odorless radioactive gas that is              The method used by CANBERRA involves the use of the
produced by the radioactive decay of radium. Radium is a               beta to alpha activity over a range of body locations to trigger
product of uranium decay and is found in trace amounts                 monitor actions, and settings dependent upon the appropriate
naturally in nearly all rocks, soils, and groundwater as well as       selection of the ratio. In selecting this ratio, one must consider
building materials, plants, animals, and the human body. One           several factors to avoid the identification of contamination
of the known characteristics of radon related contamination            resulting from plant operations as “radon” related. Typical
events is that they are normally very close to release limits          plants without failed fuel have beta to alpha activity ratios
(i.e. low activity). Note the radon decay chain shown on the           that are in the 100’s of thousands to millions to one. Thus,
previous page. Note the short lived alpha and beta emitters            the typical expected presence of any alpha related activity
which are present as radon progeny (Po-218, Pb-214, Bi-214,            would not be due to normal plant operation, but most likely
Po-214) which attach themselves to clothing and objects.               from radon related decay products. If sufficient alpha activity
From the decay chain, one might expect a certain fixed                 is present due to facility conditions/source term, then this
beta to alpha particle ratio if this chain was in equilibrium.         method must be used with extreme caution /conservatism,
However, in practice, in air, and particularly on objects, the         restricted to personnel who are not working in areas of
decay products are not in a set equilibrium. Many factors can          potentially elevated alpha contamination, or not at all.
affect the measured ratio including:
    • Attenuation of alpha in air (i.e., distance from the             Applicable Guidance and Acceptance Criteria
        detector).                                                        •   The Institute for Nuclear Power Operations (INPO)
    • The type of ventilation system(s).                                      and the American Nuclear Insurers (ANI) have
    • The concentration of progeny on the monitored object                    acknowledged the ability of monitors to identify
        and in the air.                                                       naturally occurring materials such as radon progeny.
                                                                              For example, INPO states the following:
    • The time elapsed from acquiring radon progeny on
        clothing to the monitoring point.                                 “If the monitor does not have the ability to account for
                                                                          radon, have procedures in place to evaluate alarms for
The problem also arises in that there is no clear way to                  short-lived or natural radioactivity”
immediately and positively identify the cause as activity from
radon progeny without some type of spectroscopy. While                    •   Similarly the American Nuclear Insurers (ANI) notes in
this spectroscopy is practical using very close and constant                  ANI Section 8.5 Radiation Protection Bioassay.
geometry, as is done using CANBERRA’s iSolo® and iCAM™
                                                                          “The bioassay program should be governed by a set of
products, this method isn’t possible using either gas flow or
                                                                          procedures which describe the following:
solid scintillation based alpha/beta detectors due to variable
and potentially significant distances (relative to the range         Methods to determine whether PCM/PM
of the alpha particle) from the detectors, and the lack of                    alarms are caused by radon, noble gas, internal
sufficient spectroscopic capabilities of these detectors.                     contamination, distributed external contamination, or
                                                                              discrete hot particles” and…
In a typical nuclear power situation, the personnel (or
equipment such as hard hats) which were determined to be                   “If Radon is determined to be the cause of the alarm, a
contaminated at the RCA exit point and thought to be so from              PCM with Radon (alpha) discrimination capabilities may
radon progeny, would sit off to the side and wait for the short           be used to clear the individual”
lived radon progeny to decay. Once decay had occurred,
personnel would make additional attempts at passing through               •   EPRI states the following:
the monitors to achieve a “Clean” determination. On days                  “Radiation Protection Response to Indicated
where radon, and thus radon-progeny concentrations may                    Contamination
be high, it may not be uncommon to have a handful, or up to
                                                                          If contamination is indicated on a person, the following
a dozen or more personnel (and objects) waiting to “decay”
                                                                          steps should be taken:
prior to exiting the RCA.
                                                                          …. 4. Determine if contamination is due to short-lived
Many personnel waiting is costly to the utility/facility
                                                                          radioactivity (i.e., half life < 2 hours). Such may not be
because personnel are still “on the clock” sometimes
                                                                          considered a PCE. Refere to the EPRI PCE guideline
collecting overtime pay, as well as stressful/annoying to the
                                                                          (EPRI 2005)
employees who cannot leave the RCA for home, meals,
or other engagements. In addition, the possibility of true
contamination may also be on the workers’ minds. The
potentially contaminated personnel, objects/clothing, such as
hard-hats, can become a distraction as well as an additional
source of unnecessary work/surveys for radiation protection
personnel who may already be short-staffed. This is often
likely the case “If the monitor does not have the ability to
account for radon, have procedures in place to evaluate
alarms for short lived or natural radioactivity” (INPO 05-008).
Thus, procedures and personnel must be available to deal
with radon progeny if an automated system is not available.

Application Note Radon Progeny Rejection with CANBERRA Argos-5AB Personnel Contamination Monitors
If the suspected contamination is cause by noble gas,           separate smaller detectors or “zones” per large detector.
   radon, or medical radioisotopes, as identified through          These smaller zones may be configured/combined as virtual
   decay counting, isotopic analysis, worker interview, or         detectors as sum zones. The principle behind the use of a
   knowledge/verification of plant conditions such as leaks        sum zone (s) is to be able to detect contamination which may
   or environmental inversions, then the article of clothing       be between detectors in the minimized areas of the frame
   may be:                                                         which has no detector exposed (also known as dead zones).
   • Left in a designated area for decay and may be                As a consequence of this assumption that the source is
        resurveyd later for release                                between zones, the efficiency is lower, and spread/disperse
                                                                   activity which is characteristic of radon progeny deposition,
   • Decontaminated and returned to the owner
                                                                   the sum zones normally tend to alarm more frequently for
   • Released based upon isotopic analysis                         radon progeny. However, this has been addressed in how the
                                                                   monitor handles such contamination and will be discussed
So guidance exists from industry documents and
                                                                   later on in this application note. A number of pictorial
recommendations acknowledging the problems of radon
                                                                   representations can be seen in Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
progeny and methods to deal with these problems using
                                                                   showing single detector zones, and what different series of
contamination monitors and methods.
                                                                   a sum zones are comprised of (zones are shown by cross
                                                                   hatching). Grayed out detectors indicate that those detector/
The Monitor:                                                       sum-zone combinations are not possible. These sum zones
The ARGOS-5AB as typically configured at many nuclear              can also be used to determine the beta/alpha ratio present to
power facilities includes up to twenty-five (25) gas flow          drive radon rejection actions of the monitor.
proportional detectors, each detector having three (3)

             Figure 1- Single Zone                Figure 2 Intra Pair Sum-Zone                 Figure 3 Inter-Pair

              Figure 4 Inter-Pair                      Figure 5 Quad Zone                 Figure 6 Another Quad Zone

Application Note Radon Progeny Rejection with CANBERRA Argos-5AB Personnel Contamination Monitors
The Argos Monitor Software
The monitor software includes data collection, results files          Using the keyboard down arrow to the bottom of the menu
and archiving capabilities which enable the easy collection           and highlight the “Radon Rejection Support” and toggle the ±
of monitoring data related to establishing your beta to alpha         key to set this to “YES”. Press the “ESC” key twice to retain
ratios for radon progeny rejection or “radon rejection”. It           your settings and return to the Service Menu. (Note that
is possible to enable radon rejection in the software and             your menu may appear different for other settings, as these
capture data to tune your beta/alpha ratios and settings. Let’s       screen captures have been produced on a demonstration
look at the data files present on the Argos monitor and see           software version of the monitor.)
what radon progeny rejection related data and settings are
The basic settings are available only if radon progeny
rejection is enabled. So from the Service Menu of the monitor
(available by using the USB keyboard plugged into the
computer of the monitor) press the escape key. Once in the
Service Menu, press the CTRL-F10 key combination, this
is a “hidden” key combination, which will place you in the
Factory Setup Menu, from the Factory Setup Menu, select F1
– Model Selection. Care should be used in this menu, as it is
possible to change the monitor type and other configurations
that may cause you to lose your original monitor settings.
Please see the user’s manual to make sure you have backed
up your settings prior to entering this menu.

                                                                      Now that your monitor has been enabled at the Model
                                                                      Selection Level, it is time to proceed to enabling the rejection
                                                                      settings within the Setup Menu. The Setup Menu is selected
                                                                      by pressing “F3” on the Service Menu, then select “F10 –
                                                                      Radon Rejection” to enter the radon progeny rejection setup

Application Note Radon Progeny Rejection with CANBERRA Argos-5AB Personnel Contamination Monitors
Note that currently as seen below, while “Enabled” no action
                                                                  is actually taken by the monitor to change any settings “If
                                                                  Radon [progeny are] is Detected (Beta/Alpha Ratio within
                                                                  Limits)”. However, in this “Enabled” state even though no
                                                                  action is being taken, the Monitor starts to collect data in a
                                                                  file called RADON.csv. This file, and the RESULTYYYYM-
                                                                  MDDHHMMSS.TXT files will contain the BETA/ALPHA ratios
                                                                  for all Possible changes which might occur, and how/when
                                                                  the changes will be made is determined by several factors.
                                                                  These are described in the following paragraphs.

By default the Radon [Progeny] Rejection will be set to the
“Disabled” state. Toggle the ± key to enable. When enabled
the monitor will come up in the Factory Default settings.

Application Note Radon Progeny Rejection with CANBERRA Argos-5AB Personnel Contamination Monitors
How does the monitor determine if Radon                                The monitor then makes the following comparisons:
Progeny is detected?                                                   1. It checks the ratios against the Lo Limit and the High
Using the basic premise that we discussed at the beginning                 Limit in each of the areas monitored.
of the Application Note, the Monitor software makes this               2. If the beta/alpha ratio is within the limits specified in the
decision based upon the Beta/Alpha Ratio. The Ratio is                     settings (which are 0.6 to 6.0 as seen in figure X below)
calculated in one of two ways. One being the “Net Rate”                    it sets a “Radon [progeny] Detected” flag to “YES” for
in cps of the Beta/Alpha count rate and the second or the                  those zones.
“Activity” being the (beta count rate/efficiency) divided by the
                                                                       3. If the beta/alpha ratio is outside the limits (in this case
(alpha count rate/efficiency).
                                                                           less than 0.6 or greater than 6.0) the “Radon [progeny]
                                                                           Detected” flag gets set to “NO” for those zones.
                                                                       Now that the decision flags have been set, some actions are
                                                                       then taken/or not taken by the Monitor program.

                                                                       SOME TYPICAL SETTINGS AND ACTIONS
                                                                       Many customers find settings for the Beta/Alpha ratio in
                                                                       the 0.6 to 6.0 range to be effective. However, ratios as high
                                                                       as 15 have been used. The following screen captures will
                                                                       progress from the least aggressive to the most aggressive
                                                                       settings to reduce radon progeny false alarms. This is often
                                                                       the way that the radon progeny rejection can be setup in
                                                                       an experimental fashion in real time while individuals whom
                                                                       are known to have radon progeny on them are available for
                                                                       testing. Starting out with the least aggressive settings, and
                                                                       continuing to take steps using settings until an acceptable
                                                                       level of clearance of individuals as “clean” is achieved. Once
                                                                       the settings have been tweaked experimentally, a freshly
                                                                       made representative plant smear should be created and
                                                                       placed on individuals passing through the monitors to ensure
                                                                       that actual contamination does not exit the RCA. The idea
                                                                       is that the plant smear will/should make the beta/alpha ratio
                                                                       high enough so that it exceeds the upper level of the ratio
                                                                       Least Aggressive (1): (Turn off Sum Zones Alarms for just
                                                                       those detectors that have the beta/alpha ratio within the
                                                                       limits from 0.6 to 6.0) Don’t allow Sum Zones to Alarm on
                                                                       “Detectors that show radon [progeny]: So any sum zone
                                                                       which would normally be considered contaminated (nominally
                                                                       5000 dpm or greater beta or 1000 dpm or greater alpha)
                                                                       would not alarm and would give a “Clean” result. Note
                                                                       that this happens ONLY for SUM-ZONES (combinations
                                                                       of individual detector sections where at least one of the
                                                                       detectors within the sum zone has a Radon Detected flag
                                                                       set to “YES”). A single zone, or single detector section would
                                                                       still be considered contaminated if it were determined to
                                                                       be above 5,000 dpm and 1000 dpm alpha activity or beta
An individual steps into the monitor and is counted on the             activity, respectively.
front side, then turns around and is counted on the back
side. After each side’s count is completed the monitor has
calculated the beta/alpha ratio for the individual zones, and
in the case for settings above, the beta/alpha ratio for the
activity in any of the sum-zones (Ratio Sum Zones set to
“Enable”) are also considered.

Application Note Radon Progeny Rejection with CANBERRA Argos-5AB Personnel Contamination Monitors
More Aggressive (3): Sum Zone Alarms are turned off for
                                                                     only detectors that show radon (ratio within limits), but now
                                                                     the CTP (definitely contaminated) Alarm level is used. Please
                                                                     see the definition of ALS, ATP, CTP and UTP in the Argos
                                                                     manual for further specifics.

More Aggressive (2): Don’t allow any of the Sum Zones
to alarm if any one (1) detector section, or any one (1)
Sum Zone has the correct beta/alpha ratio. For example, if
detector section 6a (leg) had a beta/alpha ratio greater than
or equal to 0.6 AND less than or equal to 6.0, no sum zone
would alarm. Again, single detector sections would still alarm
if they were above the alarm set points.
                                                                     More Aggressive (4):

Application Note Radon Progeny Rejection with CANBERRA Argos-5AB Personnel Contamination Monitors
More Aggressive (5): Now the Alarm settings use multipliers          Most Aggressive (6): Now the Alarm settings use multipliers
(Alarm level setting times the multiplier) of 5000 dpm times         (Alarm level setting times the multiplier) of 5000 dpm times
2.25 = 11,250 dpm for detectors on the monitor, if that single       2.25 = 11,250 dpm for every detector on the monitor, if any
detector has the beta/alpha limit within the limits. Detectors       single detector or sum zone have the beta/alpha limit within
or SUM Zones which do not have the correct ratio, do not             the limits. The aggressiveness of this approach is now
have alarm multipliers applied. The aggressiveness of this           limited only by the value of the multiplier. Note: The value
approach can be adjusted by the multiplier value.                    of a multiplier can target to the most problematic areas, or
                                                                     left at 1.0 (no effect) for areas where one would not want to
                                                                     increase the alarm level setpoint.

Application Note Radon Progeny Rejection with CANBERRA Argos-5AB Personnel Contamination Monitors
Final Safety Fallback: So you ask. Where is your ultimate
safety fall back position on this? The answer is in enabling
the High Contamination Alarm in the Common Values Section
(F1 from the Setup menu) and its associated High Activity
Limit set globally for the monitor in the Global Setting (F3,
Shift+F5 from the Setup Menu, and then Alt+1 for beta,
Alt+2 for alpha). All the potential actions by the Radon
Progeny Rejection are overridden if the contamination level
exceeds the levels set. This value is set at 22,200 dpm
times the efficiency value of the detector for beta, or alpha,
respectively. For a nominal efficiency value of 10 % the High
Contamination Alarm would be triggered at a net count rate
of 2,220 net cps. The level can be set differently for various
areas (foot, top of shoe, body, head, and hand) by using the
F5 Group Settings.

Application Note Radon Progeny Rejection with CANBERRA Argos-5AB Personnel Contamination Monitors
A PRACTICAL DEMONSTRATION                                              As seen on the Monitor program:
The easiest way to demonstrate how this all works in practice
is to use some actual preliminary files/settings from a monitor
at a facility with significant radon progeny levels. At this
facility, the beta activity levels on some clothing (polyester
blend pants) and hardhats were in excess of 15,000 dpm as
reported by the monitor. The typical alarm level settings for
this facility are as follows:
Alarm Level settings:
1. Beta: 4500 dpm (4p)
2. Alpha: 1000 dpm (4p)
Radon Progeny Rejection settings as seen below can be
seen in the SETUP.TXT file and a screen capture from the
Monitor program. Note that you would typically not use both
the CTP and multipliers at the same time, as the monitor
determines the CTP first and then applies the multiplier
value. More exact control can be achieved by adjusting the
multiplier alone and not use both the CTP and multipliers
combined:                                                              The “Contaminated Screen” bitmap generated from an
                                                                       individual with radon progeny on them is generated when a
SETUP.TXT File:                                                        contaminated result is found:

The ratios are calculated for the individual detector zones,           Also, in this case CTP will be used instead of CTP so the
detector 5 (a “leg” detector) for example has three sections           CTP for this new Alarm Level is 180.5 Bq. This has been
5a, 5b and 5c. The beta/alpha ratio is calculated for each             set on detectors in the Body section. Note however that the
single zone. In addition, detector 5 also has SUM ZONES                multiplier for the Foot is set at 1.0, so the Alarm setting is
associated with it (we will just consider single detector              unchanged. However, since we are using CTP instead of ATP
section zones for the purpose of illustration) these are intra-        on “All Detectors if Any Show Radon” the Used Trip Point for
pairs 5a-5b and 5b-5c. When we look at a RESULT.TXT file               the Alarm is set at the value for CTP. Thus all the actions that
for the front side (denoted by a “P1 C” suffix on the file to          were to be taken were applied.
denote that the result was contaminated “C” and the front
side position 1 “P1”) (Figure below) we can see the beta/
alpha ratio for these detectors. For detector 5c the “Radon
Ratio” is 4.3 which is in between 0.6 and 9.0 beta/alpha
ratio. Thus Radon Detected = Yes in the header of the file.
Thus the monitor has taken the following actions. If “radon”
was detected the Alarm level was multiplied by 2.25 so we
see the Alarm of 75 Bq times 2.25 is now set at 168.8 Bq.

While the radon progeny rejection worked for these
detectors, still several detectors were considered
contaminated, and likely were due to radon progeny. So
why weren’t these detectors caught by the radon progeny
rejection? Let’s have a look at detector 16a on the front of
the body which can be seen in the “Contaminated” image
at being at 6,706 dpm. If we look for detector 16a in the
RESULT.TXT file we see the following:

No radon ratio (no beta/alpha ratio was found). When no
ratio is present, radon progeny flag is set to NO, and the
proper ratio does not exist according to the monitor. Thus,
per the setup, multipliers were only to be used on “Detectors
that show radon”, since the beta/alpha ratios were zero. No
multiplier was applied. However, since the CTP was to be
used across the entire monitor Use CTP instead of ATP on
All detectors if any show radon. But the CTP of 10.1 was just
0.7 cps below the actual net count rate of 10.8, and thus the
result was considered to be “contaminated”.

Practical Determination of the Beta to
Alpha Ratio
Determination of the Beta to Alpha ratio can be achieved by            Here a RADON.CSV file has been copied from the DATA-
analyzing the results of the RESULT.TXT files, however this            LOG folder of an Argos-5AB Monitor. Note that for all
is time consuming when many files need to be evaluated.                contaminated results a corresponding data and time stamped
Once radon progeny rejection has been enabled on the                   entry will also be made in the CONTAM.CSV file. These are
monitor, the monitor will collect the beta/alpha ratio data            results extracted for a single individual who was determined
for each and every zone of the monitor, for every individual           to have radon progeny on the legs of his pants in zone 9 and
monitored in the RADON.CSV file. The Radon Detected flag               zone 16 (these zones correlate to detector sections 3c and
may be NO in these trials since you are collecting data to             6a as seen in the zone pictorial below). Only the data from
determine the beta/alpha ratio, and if the ratio does not agree        zone 9 is displayed in the Excel sheets.
with your settings, then the NO flag will be set.



Once all the data associated with the collection of volunteer
     personnel is collected, the RADON.CSV file can be analyzed
     by body area and the average ratio’s selected. Various
     analyses may be performed to determine the averages,
     ranges, and most appropriate ratios to be selected for trial in
     the monitors.

Collection and Analysis of data:
Setting up to perform and document the collection of radon
progeny data by considering the inclusion of the following
   •   Outline a test plan and the steps needed to complete             •   Have a recently prepared representative plant smear
       the testing. Determine a location within your facility               to test that the radon progeny rejection settings do
       that you have identified as a source of radon progeny,               not pass personnel with a plant smear on them as
       and the absence of licensed material.                                “Clean”. This is needed to validate the radon progeny
   •   Configure the monitor so it is ready to collect data.                rejection settings. Prepare a representative plant
       Make sure all monitors are operational and have                      smear using methods outlined in the most recent
       recently passed their routine performance /alarm                     INPO How To, RP 1-4 documents available on the
       testing successfully.                                                INPO web site.

   •   Have volunteer personnel wear clothing materials                 •   Challenge the response and performance of the
       such as micro fleece, plastic hardhats, and polyester/               Monitor in the presence of Radon Progeny only,
       synthetic blend materials. If you have identified                    Radon Progeny plus a representative plant smear,
       problem clothing, make sure to include this in the                   and the performance of the monitor with Radon
       testing.                                                             Progeny rejection enabled, and disabled.

   •   Consider the use of some “control” personnel who DO              •   Determine your acceptance criteria for overall
       NOT wear materials which accumulate radon progeny.                   performance. Does the radon rejection setting
                                                                            identify actual contamination at an acceptable level
   •   Monitor all personnel in an Argos unit and get a                     in the presence of radon progeny? Does the monitor
       “clean” determination on each individual prior to                    perform acceptably in the absence of radon progeny
       putting them into the area of radon progeny. It is                   with radon progeny rejection enabled? The monitor
       possible for personnel to have radon progeny on                      should pass the INPO How To, RP 1-4 at 90% or
       them from their home environment which may still be                  better in the absence of radon progeny, and ideally at
       present on their clothing depending upon the levels at               the same rate with radon progeny present. Determine
       home, and the time it takes them to travel from home                 the rate at which you will consider the rejection
       to work.                                                             settings successful with significant radon progeny
   •   After the data has been collected and analyzed and                   present. Will greater than 80% be successful?
       the monitors have been setup for radon progeny
       rejection, send personnel back through the monitors
       after accumulating radon progeny, to judge the                Consult the User Manual and the CANBERRA Services and
       efficiency of the rejection settings. Some typical            Application Support Group (ASG) for assistance or services
       reductions in radon related alarms range from                 to complete testing.
       approximately 60 to 75 %. Define an acceptance
       criteria goal for reduction of alarms. Determine how
       “aggressive” you can be in reducing radon progeny
       alarms. This will depend upon the range and the
       severity of your radon problem.

CANBERRA’s radon progeny rejection algorithm has been
demonstrated to significantly reduce the number of false
alarms due to radon progeny when correctly implemented.
Reduction of these alarms also results in major productivity
improvements enabling the radiological protection staff to
focus on true contamination events without the distraction
of false alarms and management of personnel with
radon progeny related alarms. Please contact your sales
representative to learn how the radon progeny rejection
algorithm can be implemented in your facility and obtain
customer references.

1. Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) INPO
   05-008 Guidelines for Radiological Protection at Nuclear
   Power Stations (2005).
2. American Nuclear Insurers (ANI) ANI Section 8.5
   Radiation Protection Bioassay. (2008).
3. Argos-3/-5 Whole Body Surface Contamination Monitors,
   User’s Manual, Canberra Industries (2010).

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iCAM is a trademark of Canberra UK Ltd.
iSolo is a registered trademark of Canberra Industries, Inc.

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                                                                              CANBERRA is the Nuclear Measurements Business Unit of AREVA
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