Appropriate Antigen Concentrations and Timing of a Nasal Provocation Test

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Original Article
                       Yonsei Med J 2021 Aug;62(8):750-757
                                                                   pISSN: 0513-5796 · eISSN: 1976-2437

Appropriate Antigen Concentrations and Timing
of a Nasal Provocation Test
Young Hyo Kim
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Inha University School of Medicine, Incheon, Korea.

Purpose: We aimed to determine appropriate antigen concentrations and the right time to evaluate intranasal changes when per-
forming a nasal provocation test (NPT). Also, we sought to analyze the diagnostic usefulness of individual nasal symptom and peak
nasal inspiratory flow (PNIF).
Materials and Methods: We divided 46 patients into allergic rhinitis (AR) group (n=19) and a non-allergic rhinitis (NAR) group
(n=27). We performed intranasal challenge with 100 AU/mL of Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (DP) and measured changes in
nasal symptoms [scored using the visual analogue scale (VAS)] and PNIF%. If the patient showed significant changes, VAS and
PNIF were assessed again after another 15 minutes. In patients without significant changes, we administered 1000 AU/mL and
measured changes in nasal symptoms and PNIF% after 15 and 30 minutes.
Results: Fifteen minutes after the 100 AU/mL challenge, the AR group showed more significant VAS changes in all nasal symp-
toms, total nasal symptom score (TNSS), and PNIF% change than the NAR group. Among the AR group, patients who did not re-
spond to 100 AU/mL exhibited less significant differences relative to the NAR group, even after 1000 AU/mL challenge. Receiver
operating characteristic curve analysis for VAS changes 15 minutes after 100 AU/mL challenge revealed that all nasal symptoms
had area under the curve (AUC) values of ≥0.84 (p
Young Hyo Kim

   Nevertheless, we still do not know the proper antigen con-         two groups: AR group (n=19, those with strongly positive re-
centration that should be administered into the nasal cavity          sults for DP/DF) and non-allergic rhinitis (NAR) group (n=27,
when performing NPT: the EAACI position paper recommends              negative results for all antigens tested, including DP and DF).
starting with a low concentration and continue with a higher          We defined a “strongly positive” result as that “when the size of
concentration if there is no response.8 This can be time-con-         a wheal caused by an allergen was the same or larger than that
suming poses limitations to practical application. Therefore,         caused by histamine” and a “negative” result as that “when the
there is an urgent need to develop an NPT protocol that can be        allergen made absolutely no wheal or the size of the wheal was
quickly performed using a single concentration of an antigen.         the same as that caused by saline.” We compared the demo-
   Therefore, in this study, we aimed to determine the optimal        graphic characteristics of patients according to grouping as
concentration of allergen for diagnosing AR patients, while           summarized in Table 1.
faithfully following the recommendations of the EAACI posi-
tion paper; to determine the appropriate timing at which to           Protocol for implementing NPT
assess intranasal changes after antigen administration by evalu-
ating changes in nasal symptoms and objective indicators (peak        Laboratory setup and acclimatization before testing
nasal inspiratory flow, PNIF) at 15 and 30 minutes after nasal al-    We thoroughly followed the recently published EAACI posi-
lergen challenge; and to analyze the diagnostic usefulness of         tion paper guidelines in implementing the NPT.8 We main-
individual nasal symptoms and PNIF before and after allergen          tained constant temperature and humidity in the laboratory
challenge through receiver operating characteristic (ROC)             (temperature 20±1.5°C, relative humidity 40–60%). Patients
curve analysis.                                                       adapted to temperature and humidity while waiting in the lab-
                                                                      oratory for at least 15 minutes before the NPT.

MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                 DP antigen and sprayer for provocation
                                                                      We purchased a 10000 AU/mL stock DP solution (#6692, Hol-
Subjects                                                              listerStier Allergy, Spokane, WA, USA) that we diluted 1:100 to
We enrolled 46 patients (27 males and 19 females, aged 9 to 81        make a 100 AU/mL solution and 1:10 to obtain a 1000 AU/mL
years, with a mean age of 38.4±19.5 years) who had visited our        solution. As a control challenge with which to evaluate and rule
outpatient clinic complaining of long-lasting symptoms of             out nonspecific hyper-reactivity, we used saline. Using a me-
rhinitis (nasal stuffiness, watery rhinorrhea, and/or sneezing)       tered-dose pump sprayer, we sprayed 100 μL of saline or DP
from June 2020 to October 2020. As a routine diagnostic work-         solution (100 AU/mL or 1000 AU/mL) onto both nostrils of the
up for systemic allergic sensitization, we performed a skin           patient.
prick test (SPT) for all of these patients. We conducted SPT us-
ing more than 40 allergens, including house dust mite extracts        Subjective and objective measurements
[Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (DP) and D. farinae (DF)],            We assessed the severity of subjective symptoms (nasal ob-
pollen, pets dander, fungi, cockroaches, saline (as a negative        struction, rhinorrhea, sneezing, nasal itching, and ocular symp-
control), and histamine (as a positive control).                      toms) using the visual analogue scale (VAS), as recommended
   The exclusion criteria were as follows: those who had used         by the EAACI position paper.8 We used a standardized 100-
anti-allergic medications, such as antihistamines or vasocon-         mm VAS ruler, and the patient was asked to indicate the sever-
strictors, within the previous 7 days, intranasal steroids within a   ity of symptoms from 0 mm (no symptoms) to 100 mm (worst
month, and systemic corticosteroids within the last 3 months.         troublesome). We defined the sum of all subjective symptoms
We also excluded those with unstable/severe systemic dis-             as the total nasal symptom score (TNSS).
ease, those who had contraindications to the use of epineph-             For objective evaluation, we measured PNIF using a porta-
rine in case of an emergency, those who had undergone any
nasal surgery within the last 3 months, pregnant or lactating fe-     Table 1. Demographic Characteristics of the Study Patients
male, those who had chronic rhinosinusitis confirmed by nasal                                      AR group        NAR group
endoscopy and/or imaging study (paranasal X-ray or computed                                                                           p value
                                                                                                    (n=19)           (n=27)
tomography), and those with a history of repeated exposure to         Sex (male:female)               10:9            17:10              NS
chemical irritants or cigarette smoking.                              Age, mean (SD)               25.4 (16.7)     47.5 (16.0)
The Nasal Provocation Test in Allergic Rhinitis

ble inspiratory flow meter (Clement Clarke International, Har-                    Enrollment & SPT
low, UK). With a mask connected to the flow meter, we cov-                         AR group (n=19)
ered the patient’s nose and mouth completely. We then asked                       NAR group (n=27)
the patient to inhale as much as possible through their nose
with their mouth closed.                                                       Baseline measurement
                                                                                     VAS, PNIF

Actual NPT protocol
We first measured VAS and PNIF at baseline before any chal-                       Saline challenge
                                                                                       (100 µL)
lenge was administered to the nose. Afterwards, we applied a
control solution (100 μL of saline) into both nostrils of the pa-
                                                                                VAS change ≥27.5 mm            Yes   Nonspecific hyper-reactivity
tient. After 10 minutes of saline challenge, we again measured
                                                                                       and/or                         (termination of the study)
VAS and PNIF values.                                                             PNIF% change ≥20%                          (no patients)
   We calculated VAS change as [(Post-challenge VAS) -(Base-
line VAS)]. Also, we defined PNIF change as [(Baseline PNIF)-                               No

(Post-challenge PNIF)]/(Baseline PNIF)×100 (%). If a patient                        DP challenge
                                                                                    (100 AU/mL)
had a VAS change of ≥27.5 mm and/or a PNIF change ≥20% af-
                                                                                            After 15 minutes
ter the saline challenge, we determined that the patient had
                                                                                Repeat measurement
nonspecific hyper-reactivity and discontinued the test.8 In our                     VAS, PNIF
study, none of the 46 patients had nonspecific hyper-reactivity.
   Next, we sprayed 100 μL of DP solution (100 AU/mL) into
both nasal cavities. After 15 minutes, we measured VAS and                                                     Yes    Wait another 15 minutes
                                                                                VAS change ≥55.0 mm
                                                                                                                       Repeat measurement
PNIF and calculated changes therein relative to baseline. If the                       and/or
                                                                                                                             VAS, PNIF
                                                                                 PNIF% change ≥40%
VAS change was ≥55 mm and/or the PNIF change was ≥40% at                                                                 (14 AR patients)
15 minutes after 100 AU/mL DP challenge, we determined that                                  (5 AR patients,
they patient had a “positive response” to that concentration.                              27 NAR patients)
Among 19 patients in the AR group, 14 were positive. For these                      DP challenge
                                                                                   (1000 AU/mL)
patients, we waited another 15 minutes (until 30 minutes after
                                                                                            After 15 minutes
the challenge), measured VAS and PNIF again, and calculated
changes therein relative to baseline.                                           Repeat measurement
                                                                                    VAS, PNIF
   Five patients in the AR group and all 27 patients in the NAR
                                                                                            After 15 minutes
group did not respond to 100 AU/mL antigen. After a 15-min-
ute wash-out period, we sprayed 1000 AU/mL DP solution into                     Repeat measurement
                                                                                    VAS, PNIF
both nasal cavities in these patients. Fifteen and 30 minutes
after the 1000 AU/mL DP challenge, we measured VAS and              Fig. 1. Summary of the nasal provocation test. SPT, skin prick test; AR,
                                                                    allergic rhinitis; NAR, non-allergic rhinitis; VAS, visual analogue scale;
PNIF and calculated the amount of change in these indicators        PNIF, peak nasal inspiratory flow; DP, dermatophagoides pteronyssinus.
according to the formula mentioned above. Fig. 1 summarizes
the process of the NPT protocol.
                                                                    significant VAS changes in all subjective symptoms, including
Statistical analysis                                                nasal obstruction (AR group 24.7±6.2 mm vs. NAR group -0.7±
We adopted the F test to compare variances and the unpaired         1.2 mm, p
Young Hyo Kim

                                        60                                     ***                                                                                                                         AR
            VAS change (mm)                                                                                            ***

                                        40            ***


                                                 Nasal obstruction           Rhinorrhea                               Sneezing                                   Itching                 Ocular symptom

                                        250                                                                      60                                                         AR
                                                                                  AR                                                                     ***
                                                                ***                                                                                                         NAR
           VAS change for TNSS (mm)

                                                                                            Change of PNIF (%)


                                                         TNSS_15 minutes                                         0
             B                          -50                                                 C                                                         PNIF_15 minutes
Fig. 2. Change in (A) each nasal symptom, (B) TNSS, and (C) PNIF at 15 minutes after DP 100 AU/mL administration. ***p
The Nasal Provocation Test in Allergic Rhinitis

and NAR individuals using an NPT.                                             0.017) at 30 minutes after challenge were significantly greater
   For 14 patients in the AR group who had a positive response                in AR group. However, when compared with 100 AU/mL chal-
after 100 AU/mL DP challenge, we compared changes in VAS                      lenge, the amount of VAS change was smaller between groups
and PNIF% after 15 and 30 minutes. In result, we found no sig-                (Fig. 4). Meanwhile, although TNSS changes were statistically
nificant difference in VAS changes for symptoms of nasal ob-                  significant in the AR group, compared to the NAR group (p<
struction, rhinorrhea, and ocular symptoms, at 15 and 30 min-                 0.05) (Fig. 5A), those after 100 AU/mL challenge (160.0±30.6
utes after the challenge (p>0.05). For sneezing and itching, the              mm) were greater than those after 1000 AU/mL challenge (40.0±
VAS change was significantly smaller after 30 minutes (p
Young Hyo Kim

                                           p=0.008                                             AR                            50                                                                                      AR
                           80                                                  p=0.045         NAR                                                                                                 p=0.036           NAR
VAS change for TNSS (mm)


                                                                                                        Change of PNIF (%)
                                       TNSS_15 minutes                   TNSS_30 minutes                                     0
   A -20                                                                                                      B                                         PNIF_15 minutes                         PNIF_30 minutes
   Fig. 5. Changes in (A) TNSS and (B) PNIF at 15 and 30 minutes after DP 1000 AU/mL administration. Independent t-test. AR, allergic rhinitis; NAR, non-
   allergic rhinitis; VAS, visual analogue scale; TNSS, total nasal symptom score; PNIF: peak nasal inspiratory flow; DP, dermatophagoides pteronyssinus.

                           1.0                                                                                                              1.0

                           0.8                                                                                                              0.8

                           0.6                                                                                                              0.6


                           0.4                                                                                                              0.4

                                                                                  Nasal obstruction
                           0.2                                                    Sneezing                                                  0.2
                                                                                  Itching                                                                                                               TNSS
                                                                                  Ocular symptom                                                                                                        PNIF
                                                                                  Reference line                                                                                                        Reference line
                           0.0                                                                                                              0.0
                                 0.0       0.2           0.4             0.6             0.8          1.0                                         0.0          0.2        0.4             0.6            0.8             1.0
   A                                                        1-Specificity                                                     B                                              1-Specificity
   Fig. 6. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis for (A) changes in each nasal symptom, (B) TNSS, and PNIF at 15 minutes after DP 100 AU/mL
   administration. TNSS, total nasal symptom score; PNIF: peak nasal inspiratory flow; DP, dermatophagoides pteronyssinus.

   Table 2. Results of ROC Curve Analysis of Symptom Changes after NPT:                                                       DISCUSSION
   Determination of Cut-Off Value, Sensitivity and Specificity
   VAS changes for Cut-off value (mm) Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%)                                                         In addition to evaluating the clinical characteristics of AR pa-
   Nasal obstruction            5.0                68.4                96.3                                                   tients, NPT has utility in various aspects. LAR can be defined
   Rhinorrhea                 12.5                 73.7                96.3                                                   as a condition in which rhinitis symptoms are manifested by
   Sneezing                   15.0                 68.4              100.0                                                    Th2 type inflammation localized in the nasal cavity without
   Itching                      5.0                84.2                88.9                                                   systemic allergy.3,9,10 Therefore, to diagnose LAR, it is essential
   Ocular symptom             20.0                 21.1              100.0                                                    to diagnose hyper-reactivity to antigens in the nasal cavity by
   ROC, receiver operating characteristic; NPT, nasal provocation test; VAS, visu-                                            performing NPT.11 Also, in patients undergoing allergen immu-
   al analogue scale.                                                                                                         notherapy, NPT can also be useful as an in vivo biomarker to
                                                                                                                              evaluate its effectiveness. Schiavi and colleagues administered
   ue of ≥23.0% for PNIF% change, the sensitivity was 73.7%, and                                                              immunotherapy for 2 years in pediatric AR patients with nasal
   the specificity was 88.9%. A summary of the cut-off values,                                                                hyper-reactivity against grass pollen and found that in the
   sensitivity, and specificity for VAS changes in individual                                                                 group receiving immunotherapy, only about 21% were positive
   symptoms is provided in Table 2.                                                                                           for NPT after 2 years, whereas in the control group, about 90%
                                                                                                                              were positive.12 Ramírez-Jiménez, et al.13 found that patients with
                                                                                                                              aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease who received montelu-                                                                                                                                                                         755
The Nasal Provocation Test in Allergic Rhinitis

kast had fewer positive responses (13 of 82 patients) from NPT      objectives of this study was to establish a quick and reproduc-
using lysine-acetylsalicylate than those who did not receive        ible NPT protocol. Therefore, we adopted only PNIF, which can
medication (35 of 37 patients).                                     be measured with little inter-tester error and high reproduc-
   In previous studies, we used a DP solution of 1000 AU/mL         ibility.
for NPT.14 While we have not experienced any anaphylactic              For comparison of challenge concentrations, we performed
reactions after nasal allergen challenge while conducting NPT       a 1000 AU/mL DP challenge in patients who did not respond
research,3,15-18 in order to determine a safe and useful concen-    to 100 AU/mL among the AR and NAR groups. As can be seen
tration, we investigated NPT with a concentration of 100 AU/        in Fig. 4, there was a difference in the amount of VAS change
mL in this study. In result, we noted that, even when using a       between the groups, and some of the VAS scores (nasal obstruc-
low concentration, AR patients had more significant changes         tion and sneezing after 30 minutes of DP challenge) showed
in VAS and PNIF, compared to NAR patients. Accordingly, we          statistically significant differences. Therefore, based on these
deemed that NPT can be performed successfully even with an          results, one could argue that testing at 1000 AU/mL is better
antigen concentration 10 times more diluted than that used in       than 100 AU/mL. However, looking closely at the results, we
previous studies.                                                   can see that although there was statistical significance, the dif-
   Repeatedly measuring VAS, PNIF, and possibly other pa-           ference between groups after the 1000 AU/mL challenge was
rameters at 15 and 30 minutes after nasal allergen challenge        significantly less than that after the 100 AU/mL challenge: For
can be laborious. Therefore, we compared VAS and PNIF               example, at 15 minutes after 100 AU/mL challenge, the VAS
changes at 15 and 30 minutes after NPT implementation to            change for rhinorrhea in the AR group was 47.1±8.5 mm. On
determine which may be more useful. Interestingly, VAS and          the other hand, the rhinorrhea VAS change after the 1000 AU/
PNIF changes at 30 minutes after the DP challenge did not           mL challenge was 14.0±14.0 mm. Therefore, when ROC analy-
differ from those at 15 minutes or significantly decreased.         sis was performed, it did not have diagnostic usefulness. Of
Therefore, the changes after 30 minutes had less diagnostic         course, if all patients are challenged at 1000 AU/mL, it could
usefulness in distinguishing between AR and NAR than those          have diagnostic usefulness; however, we aimed to determine
after 15 minutes. Based on these findings, we were able to de-      the lowest concentration at which diagnostic utility was com-
termine an appropriate antigen concentration (DP 100 AU/            parable to that of higher concentrations. Additionally, we ini-
mL) for performing an NPT and an appropriate timing (15             tially planned to study four concentrations (100/200/500/1000
minutes after the challenge) at which to assess NPT results.        AU/mL) when planning the study to find the optimal concen-
   To evaluate the diagnostic usefulness of NPT and to deter-       tration of DP solution. In the initially enrolled patients, 100 AU/
mine cut-off values of use as diagnostic criteria, we performed     mL and 1000 AU/mL were tried first. However, since excellent
a ROC curve analysis. In doing so, we found that TNSS chang-        results were obtained at 100 AU/mL, additional studies were
es at 15 minutes after 100 AU/mL DP challenge had an AUC of         not conducted on 200 and 500 AU/mL. Since the concentration
0.929 and that PNIF% changes had an AUC of 0.834. In gener-         could be lowered to 1/10 compared to the previous routine test,
al, if an AUC value is 0.8 or higher, the diagnostic criterion is   no further study was conducted for the lower concentration.
deemed to have high usefulness. Therefore, we could identify           We used a solution from a company developed for subcuta-
that TNSS change and PNIF% change had significantly high            neous immunotherapy in this study. Each company uses dif-
diagnostic usefulness when performing NPT using an appro-           ferent biological units (e.g., BU/mL, SBU/mL, or μg/mL) while
priate antigen concentration (DP 100 AU/mL) and timing (15          preparing the DP solution. Therefore, the fact that the results
minutes after nasal challenge).                                     of different companies’ products cannot be applied uniformly
   As this study was conducted in AR patients mono-sensitized       is a significant limitation in the standardization of NPT research.
to house dust mite antigen, we performed NPT using only DP          Therefore, we selected a company’s product that uses AU/mL,
antigen. Therefore, would be challenging to apply this study’s      which is the most common, readily available, and relatively well-
results to patients sensitized to antigens other than DP (e.g.,     known unit for conducting research. If other researchers utilize
grass, cockroach, cats, and dogs). Therefore, we should carry       the same product in the future, comparable results should be
out similar studies using other allergen extracts. In addition,     obtained.
as this study enrolled a relatively small number of patients, it       In conclusion, we determined the optimal concentration of
is necessary to confirm our results with a larger number of pa-     allergen (DP 100 AU/mL), appropriate timing (15 minutes after
tients.                                                             nasal challenge), and feasible parameters (TNSS VAS change
   In previous studies, we measured the total nasal volume          and PNIF% change) of use in performing NPT while still fol-
and minimal cross-sectional area using an acoustic rhinome-         lowing the recommendations of the EAACI position paper on
ter and evaluated changes in these parameters.18,19 However,        performing NPT.
repetitive acoustic rhinometry for NPT requires a lot of effort
and time. Besides, unless experienced personnel performs it,
the results of acoustic rhinometry can be incorrect. One of the

Young Hyo Kim

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                                                                               11. Vardouniotis A, Doulaptsi M, Aoi N, Karatzanis A, Kawauchi H,
                                                                                   Prokopakis E. Local allergic rhinitis revisited. Curr Allergy Asthma
ORCID iD                                                                           Rep 2020;20:22.
                                                                               12. Schiavi L, Brindisi G, De Castro G, De Vittori V, Loffredo L, Spalice
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                                                                                   A, et al. Nasal reactivity evaluation in children with allergic rhini-
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