Approved Pesticides List - Environment and Sustainability Fact Sheet EMF-05-FS-0006

Page created by Deborah Paul
Approved Pesticides List - Environment and Sustainability Fact Sheet EMF-05-FS-0006
Environment and Sustainability Fact Sheet EMF-05-FS-0006

                                               Approved Pesticides List
                                                                                                 June 2021

Transport for NSW follows an integrated pest management program, which aims to use best practice
and cost effective techniques, with minimal impacts on the environment. Transport for NSW selects
from a variety of control techniques depending on the target species and receiving environment.
Pesticides are one of the control techniques used in the Transport for NSW integrated pest
management program for managing weeds and vegetation in transport corridors and Transport for
NSW lands, in conjunction with mechanical control techniques.
Table 1 and Table 2 list details of pesticide active ingredients that are approved by Transport for NSW
for use by its staff and contractors in outdoor public places where the maintenance of the land on which
the pesticides are to be applied is the responsibility of Transport for NSW.
The pesticides are to be applied in accordance with label conditions and any notes for application as
detailed in this list or an associated Work Instruction.
For the purposes of this list, ‘Pesticides’ is a generic term used include herbicides, insecticides,
termiticides, fungicides and pesticides.

Further Information
Contact Nadine Venturato, Environmental Officer, phone 0448 471 512.
Further pesticide information is available at

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Approved Pesticides List - Environment and Sustainability Fact Sheet EMF-05-FS-0006
Approved Pesticides List
                                                                                                                 Environment and Sustainability Fact Sheet EMF-05-FS-0006

    Table 1 Approved Herbicides on Transport for NSW   Lands
     Herbicide active   Example product name            Main weeds      Persistence in     Poisons    Mobility in     Potential impact on aquatic      Off target potential
     ingredient and                                     controlled      the soil (half-    Schedule   soil            species
     MOA1i Group                                                        life)
     Glyphosate         Roundup®;                      Grasses and      25-47 days.        S5         Low             Low to high. Glyphosate has      Low. Spray drift can
     (various salts)    Macspred Glymac Bi Dri         broadleaf        Herbicide is                                  low toxicity to aquatic          cause damage to trees,
     Group M            800®                           plants           tightly bound to                              species. Some formulation        ornamentals and crops.
                        Weed master duo®                                clay particles,                               ingredients have higher
                        Roundup Biactive® (close                        so no residual                                toxicity. Certain formulations
                        to waters application)                          activity.                                     are required to be used near
     Amitrole           Amitrole® T                    Some             About 14 days      S5         Moderate        Low                              Low
     Group Q                                           broadleaf
                                                       plants and
     Cyclohexanedione   Conquest Nitro 240®            Grass weeds,     3 days             S5         Low             Slightly toxic to fish and       Moderate. Can impact
     (Clethodium)                                      particularly                                                   aquatic invertebrate species.    food crops and requires a
     Group A                                           glyphosate                                                                                      withholding period for
                                                       resistant                                                                                       crops. Not suitable for
                                                       Feather Top                                                                                     areas where stock graze.
     Pelargonic acid    Slasher® organic weedkiller    Annual and       1 days             S5         Low             Low                              Low
     (also known as                                    small
     Nonanoic acid)                                    perennial
                                                       weeds and
                                                       algae, lichen,
                                                       liverworts and
     Amitrole Group Q   Alliance®                      Some             14 days            S7         Moderate        Low                              Low. Has the same
     and Paraquat                                      monocots and                                                                                    precautions as Paraquat.
     Group L                                           broadleaf                                                                                       Rain fast in one hour.
     Bromoxynil         Brominil®                      Broadleaf        7 days             S6         Low             High                             Low
     Group C                                           seedlings

 MOA means Mode of Action for each identified herbicide. For more information on Group MOA visit

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Approved Pesticides List
                                                                                                          Environment and Sustainability Fact Sheet EMF-05-FS-0006

Herbicide active    Example product name          Main weeds      Persistence in      Poisons    Mobility in    Potential impact on aquatic   Off target potential
ingredient and                                    controlled      the soil (half-     Schedule   soil           species
MOA1i Group                                                       life)
Carfentrazone-      Hammer                        Annual          Less than 2         S5         Low. Rapidly   High to algae and aquatic     Low. Spray drift will result
ethyl               Carpenter 240EC               broadleaf       days                           degraded.      plants, but is rapidly        in bleaching of leaves.
Group G             Spotlight Plus                plants                                         Minimal        degraded in water.
                    (when added to a glyphosate                                                  potential to
                    or paraquat product)                                                         leach.
Paraquat + diquat   Spray. Seed®                  Most            1000 days.          S7         Immobile       Moderate to high.             Low
Group L                                           broadleaf       Tightly bound
                                                  seedlings       to clay particles
                                                                  so inactive in
Dichlorprop         Lantana®                      Lantana,        About 10 days       S6         Low to         Moderate to high.             Moderate to high from
                                                  morning glory                                  Moderate.                                    spray drift. Kurrajongs
                                                  and some                                                                                    and Casuarinas are
                                                  other                                                                                       particularly susceptible.
Fluazifop-p-butyl   Fusilade® Forte               Annual and      About 15 days       S6         Low            Low to moderate. Do not       Low
Group A                                           perennial                                                     contaminate waterways.
                                                  grasses in
Fluroxypyr          Fusilade® Forte               Annual and      11-38 days          S5         Low            Low for fish.                 Moderate to high from
Group I             Starain®                      perennial                                                     Moderate for algae.           spray drift.
Glufosinate         Basta®                        Many annual     Less than 7         S5         High           Low                           Low. Spray drift will result
Group N                                           and some        days                           potential,                                   in some bleaching of
                                                  perennial                                      (rapid                                       leaves.
                                                  plants                                         degradation
MCPA (various       MCPA                          Broadleaf       Less than 7         S6         High           Low                           Moderate to high from
salts) Group I                                    plants          days                           potential,                                   spray drift.

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Approved Pesticides List
                                                                                                             Environment and Sustainability Fact Sheet EMF-05-FS-0006

Herbicide active     Example product name          Main weeds      Persistence in      Poisons    Mobility in     Potential impact on aquatic      Off target potential
ingredient and                                     controlled      the soil (half-     Schedule   soil            species
MOA1i Group                                                        life)
Paraquat Group L     Gramoxone®                    Most            >1000 days.         S7         Immobile        High to moderate.                Low
                                                   seedlings       Tightly bound
                                                   contact.        to clay particles
                                                   Poorly          so inactive in
                                                   translocated    soil
Triclopyr / Butoxy   Garlon®                       Broadleaf       30-90 days          S6         Moderate        Low                              High from spray drift.
Group I              Grazon® DS                    plants
Trofloxysulfurion    Monument®                     Sedges and      45-80 days          S5         High            High to algae.                   Moderate
Group B                                            broadleaf
Trinexapac-ethyl     Primo® Maxx                   Grasses         3 - 6 days          S5         Moderate        Low                              Low
2,4-D                Amicide® 700                  Broadleaf       10 days             S6         Moderate, but   Low                              Moderate to high from
Group I                                                                                           rapid                                            spray drift. Visual
                                                                                                  breakdown.                                       symptoms, smell.
Haloxyfop            VerdictTM 520                 Grasses         80-90 days          S6         Moderate        High to aquatic organisms        High from spray drift.
Bromacil             Uragan®                       Annual grass    60 days             S5         Moderate to     moderate                         Moderate.
Group C                                            & broadleaf                                    high.
Flupropanate         Rambo®                        Needle          > 60 days.          S6         Immobile        Low                              Low
Group J              Taskforce®                    grasses,
                     Tussock®                      Coolatai
Simazine             Gesatop®                      Annual grass    70-110 days         S5         Low             Moderate                         Low
Group C                                            and broadleaf                                                  Slightly toxic to fish. Highly
                                                                                                                  toxic to algae and aquatic
Terbacil +           Trimac®                       Annual grass    120 days            S5         Moderate to     Low                              Moderate
Sulfometuron                                       & broadleaf                                    high.
Groups C & B
Aminopyralid         Hotshot™ (+ fluroxypyr)       Some            25-36 days.         S6         Moderate        Moderate                         High. Do not apply near
Group I              Grazon™ Xtra (+ triclopyr &   broadleaf                                                                                       trees or where roots may
                     picloram)                     plants                                                                                          extend.
2,2-DPA              Dalapon®                      Annual &                            S5         Low             Low                              Low to moderate. Most
Group J                                            perennial                                                                                       natives tolerant to 10
                                                   grasses,                                                                                        kg/ha.
Clopyralid           Garrison                      Annual and      About 40 days.      S5         Moderate        Moderate                         Moderate to high from
Group I              Lontre®                       perennial                                                                                       spray drift.

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Approved Pesticides List
                                                                                                          Environment and Sustainability Fact Sheet EMF-05-FS-0006

Herbicide active   Example product name        Main weeds      Persistence in     Poisons      Mobility in       Potential impact on aquatic   Off target potential
ingredient and                                 controlled      the soil (half-    Schedule     soil              species
MOA1i Group                                                    life)
Imazapyr (+        Arsenal® Xtra               Some grass      25-140 days.       S5           Moderate          Low                           High. Do not apply near
glyphosate)                                    and broadleaf   Longer in                                                                       trees or areas where their
Group B & N                                    plants          acidic soils.                                                                   roots extend.
Metsulfuron-       Ally® / Brushoff®;          Broadleaf       10-45 days.        Not          Moderate.         Low                           Moderate. Some native
methyl             Macspred Metmac 600 WG®     plants          Half-life longer   scheduled.   Higher in                                       trees, like stringybarks,
Group B                                                        in alkaline                     alkaline soils.                                 are susceptible.
Picloram           Vigilant; Tordon™; Tordon   Perennial       20-300 days.       S6           High. Highly      Moderate                      High. Do not apply near
Group I            Double Strength (with       broadleaf       Longer in                       leachable.                                      trees or where their roots
                   Triclopyr); Grazon Extra    plants          cooler soils.                                                                   extend.
                   (with Triclopyr and
Sulfometuron-      Oust®                       Grass and       20-28 days.        S5           Moderate.         Slight                        Moderate. Higher in
methyl             Enviromac®                  broadleaf       Longer in                       Higher in                                       alkaline soils.
Group B                                        plants          alkaline soils.                 alkaline soils.
Dicamba            Dicamba 500®                Broadleaf       30-60 days         S6           Low               Low                           Moderate. Do not apply
Group I                                        plants                                                                                          where spray drift may
Glyphosate /       Trounce®                    Broadleaf       7-30 days          S5           Moderate.         Low                           Moderate. Non target
Metsulfuron                                    plants (can                                     Higher in                                       crops and some native
Methyl                                         harm                                            alkaline soils.                                 trees, like stringybarks,
Group M / Group                                grasses)                                                                                        are susceptible.
Oryzalin 2,6-      Agricrop Cameo 500          Annual          20-128 days        None         Moderate.         Low
dinitroaniline     Flowable Herbicide          grasses and                        allocated.   Higher in
(Group D)                                      broadleaf                                       alkaline soils.

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Approved Pesticides List
                                                                                                               Environment and Sustainability Fact Sheet EMF-05-FS-0006

       Table 2: Approved pesticides used on Transport for NSW public places
        Main active             Example product            Main pests          Example             Poisons    Mobility in   Potential impact on           Off target potential
        ingredient              name                       controlled          manufacturer        Schedule   soil          aquatic species
        Group MOA2

        Surface insect          Various                    Crawling insects,   Various (domestic   n/a        n/a           Low                           Low
        sprays                                             ants, spiders,      available
                                                           cockroaches         products)
        Flying insect           Various                    Flying insects      Various (domestic   n/a        n/a           Low                           Low
        sprays                                                                 available
        Flea and insect         Various                    Flea and insect     Various             n/a        n/a           Moderate. Do not use if       High. Will kill all insects in an
        bombs                                              bomb (spiders)                                                   fish tanks present.           enclosed space.
        Domestic ant bait       Various                    Ants                Various             n/a        n/a           High for Ant Sand.            Low
        stations and ant                                                                                                    Low for bait stations.
        sand products
        Domestic                Various                    Cockroaches         Various             n/a        n/a           Low                           Low
        cockroach bait
        Deltamethrin / D-       Crackdown® Residual        Insects             Bayer               S5         Moderate.     High. Very toxic to aquatic   Moderate. Can cause harm to
        Tetramethrin            Insecticide                                                                   Part          life.                         beneficial insects including
        Group 3A                                                                                              product                                     pollinators.
                                                                                                              mobile in
        Deltamethrin            Cislin® Residual           Insects             Bayer               S5         n/a           High. Very toxic to aquatic   Moderate. Can cause harm to
        Group 3A                Insecticide                                                                                 life.                         beneficial insects including
        Permethrin Group        Coopex® insecticidal       Insects             Bayer               S6         n/a           High. Very toxic to aquatic   Moderate. Can cause harm to
        3A                      dusting powder;                                                                             life.                         beneficial insects including
                                Dragnet® Insecticidal                          FMC                                                                        pollinators.
                                Permethrin                                     EnviroMax
        Hydramethylnon          Maxforce® cockroach        Cockroaches         Bayer                          Moderately    High. Very toxic to aquatic   Low
        Group 4A                gel                                                                           mobile in     life.

    Group MOA – Insecticides Mode of Action group for insecticides. For more information visit

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Approved Pesticides List
                                                                                                           Environment and Sustainability Fact Sheet EMF-05-FS-0006

Main active           Example product         Main pests             Example             Poisons          Mobility in   Potential impact on            Off target potential
ingredient            name                    controlled             manufacturer        Schedule         soil          aquatic species
Group MOA2
Betacyfluthrin        Tempo® Insecticide      Insects                Bayer                                n/a           High. Very toxic to aquatic    Moderate. Can cause harm to
Group 3A                                                                                                                life.                          beneficial insects including
Indoxacarb            Advion® Gel             Cockroaches and        DuPont              S5               Low.          High. Very toxic to aquatic    High. Can be harmful to
Group 22A             EnviroMax Indoxacarb    ants                                                        Slightly      life.                          animals.
                      Cockroach Gel Bait                             EnviroMax                            mobile in
Bifenthrin            Biflex® Aquamax         Termites and insects   FMC                 S6               Low.          High. Very toxic to aquatic    Moderate. Can be harmful to
Group 3A              insecticide                                                                         Slightly      life.                          beneficial insects including
                      Enviromax® Bifenthrin                          EnviroMax                            mobile in                                    pollinators.
                      100EC                                          Technologies P/L                     soils.
Fipronil + others     Termidor® Residual      Termites and           Bayer               S6               Low.          High. Very toxic to aquatic    Moderate. Can be harmful to
Group 2B              Termiticide             crawling insects                                            Slightly      life.                          beneficial insects including
                      EnviroMax® Fipronil                            EnviroMax                            mobile in                                    pollinators.
                      100SC                                          Technologies P/L                     soils.
Imidacloprid          Premise® 200 SC         Termites               Bayer               n/a              Moderate.     High. Very toxic to aquatic    Moderate. Can be harmful to
Group 4A              Termiticide                                                                         Moderately    life.                          beneficial insects including
                                                                                                          mobile in                                    pollinators.
Hexaflumuron          Recruit® II Termite     Termites               Dow                 S5               Low           Moderately to highly toxic     Low
                      Bait and Recruit®AG                            AgroSciences                                       to aquatic life.
                      Termite Bait;
                      Sentricom® IG
                      Termite Rod
Chlopyrifos Group     Dursban Micro-lo®       Termites               Dow                 S5               Moderate      High. Very toxic to aquatic    High. Highly toxic to birds,
1B                    termiticides and                               AgroSciences                                       life.                          bees and can cause harm to
                      insecticide White Ant                                                                                                            pets and animals. Can harm
                      Termiticide®                                   Rentokil                                                                          plants if directly sprayed on
Chlorfluazuron        Requiem® Termite        Termites               Ensystex            Not scheduled.   Low           High. Very toxic to aquatic    Low. Non-toxic to birds,
                      Bait                                           TPC                                                life.                          earthworms and soil micro-
                      Nemesis® Termite                               Termseal Aust P/L                                                                 organisms.
                      Abide Termite Bait
Chlorantranilipropl   Altriset® Termiticide   Termites               DuPont              Not scheduled.   Moderate      Moderate to High. Slightly     No details listed.
e                                                                                                                       toxic to fish, very toxic to
                                                                                                                        aquatic invertebrates, non-
                                                                                                                        toxic to algae.

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Approved Pesticides List
                                                                                                  Environment and Sustainability Fact Sheet EMF-05-FS-0006

Main active      Example product          Main pests              Example             Poisons    Mobility in   Potential impact on            Off target potential
ingredient       name                     controlled              manufacturer        Schedule   soil          aquatic species
Group MOA2
Cypermethrin     Aerothor Crawling        Ensystex                Crawling insect                Low           High. Very toxic to aquatic    No details listed.
Imiprothirin     insect spray                                     spray                                        life.

Bromadiolone     Bromakil (various        Rats and mice           Rentokil                       Low           High. Very toxic to aquatic    Very high. Very toxic to birds
                 rodenticide baits)                                                                            life.                          and animals, including
                                                                                                                                              domestic pets, native rats,
                                                                                                                                              possums and other
Pindone          Rentokil Pin-25 Rabbit   Rabbits                 Rentokil                       No            High. Very toxic to aquatic    Very high. Very toxic to birds
                 bait rodenticide                                                                information   life, however breaks down      and animals, including
                 RABBAIT® Pindone                                                                available.    quickly.                       predatory animals that may eat
                 Oat Bait                                                                                                                     treated rabbits.
Brodifacoum      Ditrac® All-weather      Rodents                 PCT International                            High. Very toxic to aquatic    Very high. Very toxic to birds
                 Blox Rodenticide;                                Syngenta                       information   life                           and animals, including
                 Talon® Rodenticide                                                              available.                                   predatory animals that may eat
                 Wax Blocks;                                                                                                                  treated rodents.
Difethialone     Rodilon®                 Rodents                 Bayer                          No            High. Very toxic to aquatic    Very high. Very toxic to
                                                                                                 information   life.                          animals, including pigs, cats,
                                                                                      No         available.                                   dogs, native wildlife, birds and

Boron/Fluorine   Preschem Polesaver       Fungi / wood rot        Preschem P/L                   No            No information available.      No information available.
                 Rods & Bioguard          Termites                                               information
Boron/Fluorine   Bioguard Bandage         Wood rot                Preschem P/L                   No            No information available.      No information available.
Boron            Boracol 200RH            Algae, fungi, insects   Fernx Timber                   No            No information available.      Low. Can be harmful to boron
                                                                  Protection                     information                                  sensitive plants.
                                                                                                 available.                                   No other information available.
Disodium         Various                  Fungi, Insects,         Various                        No            High. Toxic to aquatic life.   High. Toxic to animals
Octaborate                                Termites                                               information                                  including wildlife.
Tetrahydrate                                                                                     available.                                   May be phytotoxic to plants.

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Approved Pesticides List
                                                                                                 Environment and Sustainability Fact Sheet EMF-05-FS-0006

Main active          Example product          Main pests           Example           Poisons    Mobility in   Potential impact on        Off target potential
ingredient           name                     controlled           manufacturer      Schedule   soil          aquatic species
Group MOA2
Petroleum oil /      White Oil                Scale, aphids,       Brunnings,        n/a        No            Low. Avoid contaminating   No information available.
cooking oil                                   mealybugs, mites,    Yates, various               information   waterways.
                                              citrus leafminer                                  available.

Vertebrate pest and bird control pesticides
Sodium               FOXOFF® 1080 Bait        Foxes, dogs, pigs,   Animal control    S7         n/a           High. Toxic to fish.       Very High. Fatal to non-target
Fluoroacetate        DOGGONE® Wild            rabbits.             Technologies                                                          animals, including domestic
                     Dog Bait;                                     (Australia) Pty                                                       pets, livestock, native animals.
                     PIGOUT® Feral Pig                             Ltd
                     RABBAIT® 1080 Oat

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