April 2020 Education is an important part of what we do. Thank you to all of our volunteer instructors and room monitors - Florida Swimming Pool ...

Page created by Julia Hogan
April 2020 Education is an important part of what we do. Thank you to all of our volunteer instructors and room monitors - Florida Swimming Pool ...
A publication of the Florida Swimming Pool Association / www.FloridaPoolPro.biz
April 2020

   Education is an important part of what we do. Thank you to all of
            our volunteer instructors and room monitors.
April 2020 Education is an important part of what we do. Thank you to all of our volunteer instructors and room monitors - Florida Swimming Pool ...
2    Florida Pool Prosm • April 2020
    Florida Pool Pro          sm

      Published monthly by the Florida
        Swimming Pool Association
       Association Mission: Advancing
    Florida’s swimming pool industry.                 4        Staying cool as the weather gets hot
                                                               President's Column

                 David Pruette
       David Pruette’s Electrical Services, Inc.               S*** You Should Know
                    Orange Park
               Maurice Bushroe
         Blue Ribbon Pools, Daytona Beach
                                                      6        Countless moments
                                                               Executive Director’s Column
                    Don Ball
        The Pool Works of Florida, Inc., Largo
                                                      9        2020 Legislative Session
                 Secretary of State
                Mickey Sigmon
              Pool Pro, Inc., Fort Pierce
                                                     12        Paper or digital log sheets
                                                               Service Article
                                                               When is a shared pool or spa not
                 At-Large Director
                Deidre Bedford
            West Coast Pools, Bradenton                        commercial?
                 At-Large Director                             Commercial Article

                  Ben Evans
       American Pools and Spas, Inc., Orlando
                                                               FSPA 2020 Sail Away
                    Past President
                   Jim Bingold
           Proline Distributors, Boca Raton
                                                               How much debt is too much debt?
                                                               Are you getting the most out of your
             Executive Director
     Wendy Parker Barsell, APR, CEM
       Sr. Dir. of Communications & Marketing
                                                               GPS (telematics) system? (part 2)
                    Charis Tyson                               Insurance Article

            Education Program Manager
               Mary Anderson
            Government Affairs Manager
                                                               Chapter News

                Dallas Thiesen
         Membership Marketing Coordinator
                Kylie Rohrer
           PR & Digital Media Coordinator
                Miles McCreery
                Accounting Manager
                 Cheryl Cotten
              Administrative Assistant
                Valerie Swika                                                    June 5-6
               Administative Assistant

                                                       Board of Directors Meeting
                  Sarah Rose

      2555 Porter Lake Drive, Ste. 106
             Sarasota, FL 34240
      (941) 952-9293 / (866) 930-FSPA
            Fax: (941) 366-7433
                                                                        Streamsong Resort
                                                                          Bowling Green

    © 2020 Florida Swimming Pool Association.
    All rights reserved. The contents of this
    publication may not be reproduced in any form   All FSPA members are welcome to attend state Board of Directors meetings. If
    without written permission of the publisher.    you would like more information or to RSVP, visit industry.floridapoolpro.com or
           Printed on a                             call 800-548-6774.
        sustainable product
April 2020 Education is an important part of what we do. Thank you to all of our volunteer instructors and room monitors - Florida Swimming Pool ...
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April 2020 Education is an important part of what we do. Thank you to all of our volunteer instructors and room monitors - Florida Swimming Pool ...
4               Florida Pool Prosm • April 2020

                     Staying cool as the weather gets hot
                        I was surprised many years ago to learn that the

                     busy season in Florida varies from region to region.
                        I had assumed that we all got busier in the
                     summer and slowed down in the winter. Those of
                     us that do get busier in the summer envy those
                     who’s slow season is in heat of the summer. As
                     temperatures rise so do tempers, stress levels, job
                     requirements and employee burnout. Meanwhile,
                                                                                             David Pruette
                     productivity goes down. How do we remain cool as                       FSPA President
                     the weather gets hot? I wish I had the magic solution
                     for this but it is a constant struggle for me.
                        The heat of the summer is a serious health threat

                                    S*** You Should Know

                         Q: I want to qualify an additional Business with my Swimming Pool
                         Contractor’s License, do I need to file any paperwork with the CILB?

                         A: In short, YES. All businesses engaged in any swimming pool contracting
                         (repairs,equipment install or replacement, renovations, remodels, new
                         construction, etc.) whatsoever must be officially qualified by Certified or
                         Registered Commercial, Residential, or Service Contractor and are limited to
                         the scope of work of the qualifying contractor. To legally qualify a business an
                         application must be filed with the CILB and the application must be approved
                         before that business is legally able to perform or enter into contracts for
                         contracting services. Failure officially qualify a business entity with the CILB
                         means that any contracting work done by that business is unlicensed contracting
                         which can result in criminal and civil penalties for both the unqualified business
                         operator and any contractor allowing that business to advertise or submit plans
                         under their license.
April 2020 Education is an important part of what we do. Thank you to all of our volunteer instructors and room monitors - Florida Swimming Pool ...
Florida Pool Prosm • April 2020   5

with dehydration and heat stroke. More information on working in the heat
can be found at www.osha.gov/heat.
   The pace of the work also increases at the hardest time to be outdoors. We

                                                                                                                        PRESIDENT’S COLUMN
employ the use of easy-up tents, lots of water, proper clothing, cooling towels
and the occasional sports drink. We typically have to get in the homeowner’s
attic too so we encourage taking a few minutes to cool off in the shade afterward.
   And that’s just the outside. How about staying cool on the management
side? It seems like the problems multiply with the digits of the thermometer.
Employee meltdowns. (Pun intended.) Weather delays. Schedules getting
behind. Meanwhile the customer just wants to jump in their pool. I came across
an owner one time who had filled his pool shell and let his kids swim in it
with rebar sticking up all around the beam. There were still floats in the pool!
Every office is different and you all handle stress in your own way. One thing
I always remind myself and my staff is that none of it is worth letting it upset
you to the point of being destructive to your mental or physical health. There
will always be a demanding customer, delays, etc. Learn to diminish the effect
by mentally keeping your emotions in check and remembering that this will go
away. Something will follow close behind, but it will go away also. Try to stick
to your normal routine. Have those employee meetings. Tell them how much
you appreciate their hard work, in the summer especially. Keep your stress
levels in check and you’ll be able to manage the office routine that you expect.
Your employees and family will benefit as well.

  Download the FSPA app!
  Search FSPA in your app store and download it for free.

  Access member benefits like the prescription discount card and Office Depot/
  Office Max savings card.

  All company employees are members too! Tell them all to download the app.

  View the claendar of events, see any industry alerts and access this publication.
April 2020 Education is an important part of what we do. Thank you to all of our volunteer instructors and room monitors - Florida Swimming Pool ...
6         Florida Pool Prosm • April 2020

              Countless moments

                 The weather has allowed it to officially become swim
              season so more people will be outside and pools will
              be used on a more regular basis. It means that families
              will have many moments by the pool for celebrations,
              after school fun and evening relaxation.
                 Warm weather also means we see an increase in
              drownings and near drownings. This is the time for pool
              professionals to remind their customers to be vigilant in     Wendy Parker Barsell
                                                                           FSPA Executive Director
              closing fences after using the pool, assigning someone Wendy@FloridaPoolPro.com
              the responsibility of being the “pool watcher” when
              children are in the pool and locking doors and windows to
              prevent children from entering the pool area without an adult. As the company
              who built their pool or maintains it on a regular basis, you are in a position to
              provide valuable information and reminders about backyard safety.
                 As FSPA does each April, we are offering 50 consumer safety brochures free
              to member companies (just pay shipping). You can also order pool watcher
              badges, coloring books, tattoos and other materials to provide your customers
              this month. Call the office at (800) 548-6774 to place an order to visit our
              website to complete the transaction online.
                 Together, let’s help Florida families have countless moments of joy all
April 2020 Education is an important part of what we do. Thank you to all of our volunteer instructors and room monitors - Florida Swimming Pool ...
Florida Pool Prosm • April 2020                                        7

   Be prepared for water safety

                                                                                                                                                                                    ED’s COLUMN
   month in May
    The FSPA is promoting its annual swimming pool safety month in
    Florida during the month of May in conjunction with the National Water
    Safety Month. Be ready to join these efforts by purchasing materials
    to give out to your customers. FSPA members can request 50 FREE
    safety brochures (pay postage) now through May.

    Promote safety to homeowners by ordering safety activity books, Splash the Penguin stuffed
    toys, pool watcher badges, temporary tattoos, suction entrapment brochures and safety
    brochures. Call 866-930-FSPA to preview any of the brochures and to place your order.
    Members pay only pennies per brochure!
             i d e of thi
     the in page16
View         n
       ure o                                                                              Quantity        Price*         Postage
 broch                                                                                    50              $2.50          $7.00
                                                         The Flor
                                                                  ida Swim
                                                                                          100             $5.00          $8.00
                                                            Pool Asso
                                                                        ciation’s         250             $10.00         $10.00
                                                                     guide to
                                                                              ...         500             $15.00         $13.00
                                                                                          *Pricing is based on total quantity of all types
                                                                                          of brochures.

                              Swimming Pools       Circula ti
                                and Storms         Entra pm Suc tion                                                         Play and Learn with
                                                              ent S afe
                                                                                                                             Splash the Penguin!

                                    Tips for
                               Storm Preparation
                               and Reactivation

                                Splash the Penguin Tem-
                                 porary Tattoos ($5 / 50)

                                                                                                                                     Florida Swimming Pool Association
                                                                                                                             2555 Porter Lake Dr., Suite 106 • Sarasota, FL 34240
                                                                                                                                  (941) 952-9293 • www.FloridaPoolPro.com

                                                                                    Pool Watcher Badges $1 each           Coloring books - $0.25 each
                                                                                         (includes a lanyard)

                FSPA beach ball - $1 each
April 2020 Education is an important part of what we do. Thank you to all of our volunteer instructors and room monitors - Florida Swimming Pool ...
8                Florida Pool Prosm • April 2020

                       Permits provided by HBW / www.hbweekly.com
                        County Name        February 2019   February 2020

                       Alachua County		7		3                                 County Name   February 2019   February 2020
                       Bay County			10		12
                                                                           Liberty County			0		0
                       Brevard County			83		65
                                                                           Manatee County		6		53
                       Broward County		53		50
                                                                           Marion County			12		19
                       Calhoun County		0		0
                                                                           Martin County			45		49
                       Charlotte County		55		71
                                                                           Nassau County			13		17
                       Citrus County			18		27
                                                                           Okaloosa County		28		35
                       Clay County			13		15
                                                                           Orange County			123		143
                       Collier County			143		96
                                                                           Osceola County		107		87
                       Dade County			65		89
                                                                           Palm Beach County		 106		 140
                       Duval County			46		59
                                                                           Pasco County			61		79
                       Escambia County		16		20
                                                                           Pinellas County			72		71
                       Flagler County			41		22
                                                                           Polk County			87		44
                       Franklin County		2		6
                                                                           Putnam County			2		1
                       Gadsden County		0		3
                                                                           Santa Rosa County		 31		  53
                       Gulf County			0		5
                                                                           Sarasota County		81		109
                       Hernando County		20		33
                                                                           Seminole County		14		12
                       Highlands County		2		8
                                                                           St Johns County		   68		  76
                       Hillsborough County		139		111
                                                                           St Lucie County		   46		  31
                       Holmes County			0		0
                                                                           Sumter County			0		31
                       Indian River County		 25		 22
                                                                           Volusia County			46		43
                       Jackson County		0		0
                                                                           Wakulla County			2		1
                       Jefferson County		    0		  0
                                                                           Walton County			40		30
                       Lake County			0		40
                                                                           Washington County		1		4
                       Lee County			130		204
                                                                           TOTALS			1868		2104
                       Leon County			9		15
April 2020 Education is an important part of what we do. Thank you to all of our volunteer instructors and room monitors - Florida Swimming Pool ...
Florida Pool Prosm • April 2020      9

2020 Legislative Session
By Dallas Thiesen, FSPA Government Affairs Manager / Dallas@FloridaPoolPro.com

    The 2020 legislative session was positive for the

                                                                                                                   LEGISLATIVE UPDATE
Association. FSPA made progress on several key
issues including childhood swimming lessons and
subcontractor labor.The FSPA government affairs teams also fought off several
bills and amendments which would have negatively impacted the swimming pool
/ spa industry, including an attempt to eliminate the swimming pool contractor
seat from the Florida Building Commission. The seat was preserved after many
meetings with legislators and hundreds of calls from FSPA members.
    FSPA continues to make progress fighting for the industry. This was another
productive session and the FSPA government relations team is already gearing
up for 2021. Here is a final bill status report:
    HB 707 / SB 1124: Professional Licensing Sunset by Rep. Renner/ Sen.
Diaz, Jr. An extreme set of bills that would sunset all Florida's professional
licenses at staggered dates unless the legislature reauthorizes the licensing
statutes. All construction contracting licensing would sunset on July 1, 2024.
    FSPA strongly opposed this bill, meeting with bill sponsors several times to
discuss concerns. These bills failed to find support in the House or Senate.
     • FSPA Position: OPPOSE
     • Status: SB 1124 and HB 707 – Both did not pass.

   SB 1102 / HB 1169: Sub-ContractorLicense Exemption by Sen. Gruters
and Rep. McClure. An exemption to allow swimming pool / spa contractors to
hire subs who do not have a state or local subcontractor license. This is the
same as the “Jim Walter Exemption” for Florida home builders. The bill will not
eliminate swimming pool specialty subcontractor licenses.
    • FSPA Position: NEUTRAL
    • Status: SB 1102 – Not heard in Rules. Indefinitely postponed. HB 1169 –
      Passed House.

  HB 4245: Childhood Learn to Swim Programs by Rep. Yarborough and
Sen. Hutson. A $200,000 appropriation to the Florida Swims Foundation to
support existing childhood learn-to-swim programs in Broward, Hillsborough,
Manatee, Miami- Dade, Pasco, and Pinellas Counties. The goal is to identify
April 2020 Education is an important part of what we do. Thank you to all of our volunteer instructors and room monitors - Florida Swimming Pool ...
10               Florida Pool Prosm • April 2020

                     and multiply the effectiveness of childhood learn-to-swim programs with
                     potential to be scaled up for statewide implementation. This is a starting point
                     for ensuring every child in Florida has the opportunity to learn to swim before

                     they enter kindergarten.
                        This request was not approved this year. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak,
                     all first time appropriations requests were not approved to ensure the state
                     budget can fund public hospitals and the Department of Health to contain the
                     spread of the virus.
                          • FSPA Position: SUPPORT
                          • Status: HB 4245 – Not adopted.

                         SB 1158: Florida Swims SpecialtyLicense Plate by Rep. Oscar Branyon
                     III. Would create a specialty license plate for FSPA’s Florida Swims Foundation
                     to help fund childhood learn to swim programs.
                          • FSPA Position: SUPPORT
                          • Bill Status: SB 1158 – Indefinitely postponed.

                        SB 474 / HB 1193: Deregulation of Professional Licensing by Sen.
                     Albritton and Rep. Ingolia is the 2020 version of the professional licensing
                     deregulation omnibus bill that failed in 2019. Both bills will reduce the size
                     of the Florida Building Commission to 19 seats but will not eliminate the
                     Swimming Pool seat. Additionally both now contain a four year degree exam
                     exemption that require students with an approved accredited four year degree
                     in construction management to only take the business and finance portion of
                     the licensing exam.
                        HB 1193 was ultimately passed by both houses and will be sent to the
                     governor for his signature. FSPA’s GR team will continue to work to fix the
                     licensing exam issue with the bill in the 2021 legislative session.
                         • FSPA Positon: OPPOSE SB 474 as written / OPPOSE HB 1193 as written
                         • Status: SB 474 – Laid on the table. HB 1193 – Passed House; passed Senate.

                        SB 1122: Emergency Phones at Public Pools by Sen. Pizzo would allow
                     public pool owners to voluntarily install permanently mounted emergency
                     telephones that are connected directly local emergency services to be used in
                     the event of drowning or other emergency. If a property owner elects to install
                     an emergency phone at their pool the owner will be eligible for discounts to
Florida Pool Prosm • April 2020   11

their general liability insurance.
    • FSPA Position: SUPPORT
    • Status: SB 1122 – Indefinitely postponed.

                                                                                      LEGISLATIVE UPDATE
   HB 1405: Mandatory Emergency Phones at Public Pools by Rep. Grieco
would mandate public pool owners install permanently mounted emergency
telephones that are connected directly to local emergency services. All phones
would have to be installed by December 31, 2020.
    • FSPA Position: OPPOSE
    • Status: HB 1405 – Indefinitely postoned.

   SB 1154 / HB 623: HOA Public Pool Exemption by Sen. Baxley / Rep.
Shoaf is a large bill conserving community associations would create an
exemption from Department of Health oversight for community pools that serve
Home Owners Associations with less than 32 single family parcels.
   Throughout the legislative session FSPA rigorously opposed these bills due
to the water safety impacts from deregulating HOA swimming pools. Both bills
failed to get the approval of both chambers.
     • FSPA Position: OPPOSE as written
     • Status: SB 1154 and HB 623 – Both indefinitely postponed.

   HB 283 / SB 868: Construction Liens and Bonds by Rep. Toledo and
Sen. Albritton. Rewrites multiple provisions of the Florida Lien law. Adds
Construction Management Services to the contractor definition for lien law
purposes, specifies that the statutory lien waiver must be accepted unless a
different waiver is contractually agreed to and will allow work to continue during
termination of commencement and recommencement process.
     • Status: SB 868 and HB 283 – Indefinitely postponed.

   HB 897 / SB 1422: Construction Liens Privity by Rep. Rodriguez and Sen.
Flores. Would require all contractors, subcontractors, and material suppliers
to have a direct contract with a property owner to enforce a construction lien
claim against a property.
    • FSPA Position: OPPOSE
    • Status: SB 1422 – Assigned Committees, not on agenda.HB 897 –
      Assigned Committees, not on agenda.
12               Florida Pool Prosm • April 2020

                       Paper or digital log sheets
                       ByDino Muggeo, Dino's Pool Service & Repair / dinom@dinospools.com

                                        I grew up in an American Express and Sears environment

                                     where leaving a paper trail to document everything was a way
                                     of doing business. So, getting into the residential pool business
                                     in 2002 I continued the practice. I started out with a pool service
                                     log sheet I inherited that covered three months per sheet and
                                     basically said we were there on this date. Depending on the pool
                                     cleaner it did not say much more, or you had to figure out the pool
                       cleaners shorthand codes. Within a short time, I evolved it into a log sheet
                       like what the health department requires for commercial pools, and it covered
                       about three months per sheet. We recorded the date, readings, actions taken,
                       and comments. In 2012, my friend Tom Bush invited me to work with him and
                       some of his partners in developing a digital pool service program that I used
                       until 2018. The program had its problems, but it did create a digital record of
                       each visit to the pool and emailed it to the customer. We had ambitious goals
                       but unfortunately our programmer wanted to see sales before he would make
                       the changes that we needed to sell the program. Now there are a variety of
                       programs out there that do everything I had imagined and more. You can
                       monitor your employees and the pools as well as generate bills if you charge
                       by the visit or a flat rate. In 2018 I switched to one of these programs and

                                                                                                   Florida Public Pool Specialist Certification

                                                                                                          April 17-18: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. / Sarasota

                                                                                                           Call for more available classes - (941) 952-9293
                                                                                   l Ass



                                                                                                     Training and certification for Florida public pool operators.
                                     Fl o

                                                                                li s t

                                                                                                         Become eligible to service public pools and spas in Florida.
                                      r id

                                                                         c ia

                                                     b li c P o o l S p
                                                                               e                                    Certification is valid for five years.
                                                                                                        Find information and register at Industry.FloridaPoolPro.com/
                                                                                                                    FP2S certificate program includes operation principles, basic
                                                                                                                    calculations, safety, water illnesses, water chemistry, sanitation,
                                                     FSPA Members: $300                                             specialty chemicals, special problems, water testing, circulation and
                                                                                                                    filtration systems, spa pools and hot water chemistry.
                                                       Non Members: $400                                            Developed by the Florida Swimming Pool Association and approved
                                                                                                                    by the state of Florida Department of Health as an approved 16-hour
                                                                                                                    Florida public pool service technician certification course.

                                                                            Learn the most current standards for public pools and spas.
Florida Pool Prosm • April 2020   13

pulled the plug on the developing our own program. Either way you go, digital
or written receipts or log books, there are some things to consider.
    Written receipts are for the most part “written”! There are the boxes that get

                                                                                      THE SCOOP ON SERVICE
checked off that are easy to read most of the time, but you are now depending
on someone’s penmanship, and the person reading the receipt, to accurately
bill the customer for your services and for quality control. Unless the pool
cleaner keeps records for himself, the pool cleaner does not have the written
history. The customer’s receipt is usually left on a table, on a shelf, or stuck
in the door. Provided they do not get wet or their pet doesn’t destroy them,
the customer has the receipt before your office does which means that you
cannot answer questions about what was done until the pool cleaner turns in
his paperwork or you call them on their cell phone.
    Written log sheets are also “written” and have boxes to be checked off. Again,
you are at the mercy of the authors penmanship. They are usually left on site
so you cannot answer customer questions without consulting with the pool
cleaner or sending someone out there. The log sheets can get wet, destroyed
or confiscated by the customer. They do make quality control checks very easy
and allow the pool cleaner to easily see if a special service like a filter or cell
cleaning is due. When they are full and before replacing them, I instruct my
cleaners to record the last time they did a task or reading on the top of the
form so they know when it was due to be done again.
    Digital log sheets use a smart phone, tablet or computer and provide a
computer-generated report. By using them, they provide a time, date and GPS
stamp that prove where and when the service was provided. They are easy to
read and instantly available and you can be ready for the phone calls. You and
your customer get the report at the same time and you can access the data
from anywhere. The history is there for quality control and for determining if a
service like a filter or cell cleaning is due.
    Whichever form that you use, a history is important for warranty purposes.
The history from the written forms can be maintained in your filing cabinets
or scanned to be saved digitally. The digital forms are there for as long as the
servers are running. Therefore, one should consider a company’s stability
when choosing which program to use and how to make backups of the data.
14                  Florida Pool Prosm • April 2020

                        When is a shared pool or spa not

                        By Les Williams, Aloha Pool and Spa / les@alohanaples.com

                                           So, how many doors or residents does it take to make a pool
                                       a commercial pool? Many of us pool professionals have known
                                       that the magic number is 32. But what does that number really
                                       mean? There are different sets of rules for a pool in the state of
                                       Florida that would make a pool a commercial body of water, and
                                       in turn, make it subject to inspection by the Department of Health.
                           When it comes to Homeowners Associations, there are more than one set of
                        laws that must be followed depending on what type of structure a person lives in
                        or how it was declared when it was built. Homeowners’ associations (normally
                        single-family homes) are governed by Chapter 720 of the Florida Statutes,
                        known as the Florida Homeowners’ Association Act, and Condominiums
                        are governed by Chapter 718 of the Florida Statutes, known as the Florida
                        Condominium Act.
                           Single-family homeowner associations have a set of rules, regulations,
                        standards and laws that must be followed, that is different from a condominium
                           We all are aware that in Florida Statues, it is Chapter 514 that outlines all the
                        rules, regulations and definitions for Public Swimming and Bathing Facilities in
                        Florida. Section 514.011 paragraph (2) states; ”or the cooperative living-type
                        projects of five or more living units, such as apartments, boardinghouses, hotels,
                        mobile home parks, motels, recreational vehicle parks, and townhouses.”
                           Meanwhile, in section 514.0115 the, exemption section, Paragraph (2)a
                        states; “Pools serving no more than 32 condominium or cooperative units
                        which are not operated as a public lodging establishment shall be exempt from
                        supervision under this chapter…” As you can see, the exemption mentions
                        condominium or cooperative units, but not homeowner associations or single-
                        family units.
                           So, what is the issue you ask? There appears to be more single-family
                        associations that fall between five units and 32 units than most of us were
                        aware existed. At the time of this writing, legislation has been introduced that
                        will give single-family home HOAs a similar exemption that the condominium
2020 Sail Away
                                           Florida Pool Prosm • April 2020   15

            CocoCay, Bahamas and Falmouth, Jamaica

                          October 17 - October 22
              Royal Caribbean - Independence of the Seas

                   •Exclusive, behind-the-scenes tour at CocoCay
                  courtesy of Martin Aquatics Design & Engineering
                           •Educational Panel Discussion
                                •Private Cocktail Party
                             •Group Dining and Activities
                      •Oceanview Balcony Stateroom: �1,874.79
                     (double occupancy, includes tax and gratuity)
                              Single occupancy: �1,612.41

           si ve,     s
   Excl e-scene
    nd - th     o C ay
behi r at Coc
16               Florida Pool Prosm • April 2020

                        or cooperative units currently have. The initial intent of this legislation was to
                        increase the “exemption” number of single-family homes to fall in line more
                        with the condominiums. The exact number (ranging from 16 to 32) has been

                        discussed and modified a few times.
                           The leadership at FSPA has discussed and debated the issue of how many
                        housing units (single-family homes or condo units) is too many when it comes
                        to the health and safety of public bathing areas in Florida. Is 32 too many, is
                        four not enough, should the number be the same for single-family homes as
                        well as condominium? Should the number of 32 for condo’s come down or the
                        number for single-family homes go up? Or should it be a combination of the
                        two? There has been some great ideas, discussion and debate on the pros
                        and cons from both sides. However, one thing remains the number one priority,
                        the health and safety of those using the bodies of water - the homeowners,
                        their families, the citizens and visitors to Florida.
                           As previously stated, at the time this article was written, the legislative
                        session was still in progress. It will have ended mid-March, by the time this
                        article is published. If this introduced legislation has not been passed, then it
                        is business as it was in previous years. Keeping in mind there may be more
                        single-family associations between four and 32 units sharing a pool than you
                        were previously aware.
                           If the legislation did pass, you need to education yourself (and your
                        customers) on what the new laws are. How many single-family units or condo
                        units fall into the exempt category? How many of your current customers
                        will this affect? How will it affect your customers? Do you charge more if the
                        pool is inspected versus one that is not inspected? If you are unaware of the
                        changes, contact your local FSPA chapter or the state FSPA office. Someone
                        will be more than happy to provide you with the information.
Florida Pool Prosm • April 2020   17

     Make sure you have
         the right pool partner.

As the only endorsed property and casualty insurance provider of the Florida
Swimming Pool Association, Insurance by Ken Brown (IBKB) has been protecting
pool contractors for over 40 years. With this vast experience comes expertise,
resulting in a higher level of service and coverage, including specialized protection
against pool popping. Through our partnership with Amerisure, you can always
count on loss protection programs and claims service that set the standard in the
industry. So go with a partner you can trust. Give us a call today.

                  Call (800) 940-1543 or email us at info@ibkb.net
18                 Florida Pool Prosm • April 2020

                      How much debt is too much debt
                      By Tom Grandy, Grandy & Associates

                                        There are few commercials on the radio that irritate me more

                                     than this one: “Don’t let your credit card company fool you into
                                     thinking you owe the full amount of your credit card debt.” Dah, of
                                     course you owe it. You consciously made a decision to purchase
                                     something (knowing what it cost) and by using your credit card
                                     you made an agreement to pay for the item. It’s called personal
                      debt and yes, you need to pay it back. That is what integrity is all about.
                          I understand our whole economy is built on debt but guess what, one day
                      it will catch up to us and it will not be a pretty picture. Many of you remember
                      2008 and 2009 when the stock market fell and the economy went way south.
                      I can remember being totally shocked to hear how many of the Fortune 500
                      companies were in panic mode. It wasn’t because of the potential lost sales.
                      They were panicked because of their “unexpected inability to borrow money”
                      to meet payroll. Billion-dollar companies dependent on “borrowing money” to

                        What might be heard at Mount Rushmore about Salt Water Pools...
                                        I keep the              I check the salt         I clean the cell   I add conditioner
                                         pH in the             level and only use         every 2 to 3         as needed,
                                      correct range.              AQUASALT.              months of use.         honestly.

                                                           7.5 x 4.75 Florida Pool Pro
Florida Pool Prosm • April 2020   19

make payroll. Wow, that was an eye opener.
   Debt has serious consequences for individuals, small businesses and
corporations. Outside of the obvious additional overhead costs to the company,
debt creates a false sense of profitability. Any and all principle repayment on

                                                                                      GRANDY & ASSOCIATES
debt reduces “cash flow” profitability dollar for dollar. The irony is that is DOES
NOT affect the normal P/L statement from an accounting standpoint. Let me
   If the company has a $500 loan payment of which $100 is interest and $400
is principle guess what shows up in the P/L statement? Right, only the $100
in interest shows up as an expense. However, from a cash flow perspective
(dollars in and dollars out) the company wrote a check each month for the full
$500. Where did the other $400 go? Well, pretty much off to never-never
land. Sure, assets and liabilities are affected but not the P/L statement.
   Think about it this way. The company produced $1,000,000 in gross sales.
They have multiple loan payments plus money going out to pay off their line of
credit, which is quite possibly maxed out. The principle portion of the loans and
line of credit repayment total $35,000 a year. The company’s P/L statement
shows a net profit of $63,000 for the year. Now 6.3% net profit isn’t great but
for many companies there would be a great deal of rejoicing with a $63,000
profit after all expenses, and salaries, had been paid. However, there is NOT
$63,000 in the checkbook! Why not? Because the principle portion of the
loans and the line of credit repayment sucked out $35,000 of what the CPA
and Uncle Sam called profit. Worst yet, the company now needs to pay taxes
on the “accounting” $63,000 when in reality they only made a cash flow profit
of $28,000. Sound crazy? It’s not. I have worked with companies that found
their ENTIRE net profit was eaten up by the principle portion of their debt
   How much debt is too much debt? The answer is quite simply, how much
REAL profit do you want your company to make? If you want to keep what
you earned…eliminate debt!
   Now, the reality is that most reading this article have at least some debt.
My suggestion is quite simple. Be sure you include the full amount of the loan
payment (or what you want to pay off of your line of credit) as an overhead
cost just like rent and utilities. That means listing the entire loan payment,
principle and interest, as a cash flow expense. Once you know your true
20             Florida Pool Prosm • April 2020

                      overhead you will be able to set proper hourly rates to cover those costs while
                      generating the profit you desire. The good news of including the full amount of
                      the loan payment in your overhead is this: once the debt is paid off, the entire
                      loan payment, principle and interest, goes straight to the bottom line as profit.

                      Each time a debt is paid off profitability increases without having to raise your
                      hourly rate.
                         Debt may not be a four-letter word you think about a lot but it’s just as
                      destructive. Count the cost before you borrow those additional funds, no matter
                      what the purpose. Remember, there will be another 2008–2009 in the future.
                      The less debt you have, the better the possibility of staying in business when
                      (not if) the next recession comes.

                         Article provided by Grandy & Associates. They can be contacted at 800-432-
                      7963 and visited at www.GrandyAssociates.com. Grandy & Associatesprovides
                      business training to service and trade industries through more than 30 years
                      of experience.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Relax and EnJoy...
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                                                                                                                                                                                                              Diamond Brilliance
                                                                                                                                                                                                               pool interior finishes are slip
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                and swimsuit. SGM only uses
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                        pre-selected to ensure

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                                                                         800.641.9247                                                      www.sgm.cc
                         Sample colors are as accurate as modern printing can produce. Verify appearance with a test area before installation. Please request a Spray Deck color chart to make a
                            color selection. Actual shade and texture will depend on jobsite conditions, mixing ratio, individual batches and installation methods. Use constitutes acceptance.
Florida Pool Prosm • April 2020                 21

                                                                   Presented by the Florida Swimming Pool Association


                                                                                                                        THANK YOU!
   Learn it + Love it + Live it
   Thank you to all of our instructors and volunteers for teaching during the
                   2020 Everything Under the Sunsm Expo!
INSTRUCTORS                                                VOLUNTEERS
Sean Assam		           Team Horner Group                 Eva Adcock		        Best Pools of Brevard Inc
Don Ball		             The Pool Works of Florida, Inc.   Cathie Alderman     AquaCal AutoPilot
                                                         Adam Alstott		      Tropical Pools, Inc.
Paolo Benedetti        GENESIS                           Tony Arredondo		    The Pool Guys of Tampa Bay
Laura Castanza         Team Horner Group                 Don Ball		          The Pool Works of Florida, Inc.
Mike Childress Pentair Water Quality Systems             Deidre Bedford		    West Coast Pools
                                                         Jim Bingold		       Proline Distributors Inc
Jeff Clarkson		        FSPA Instructor/VakPak            Randy Bourbeau      Aquatic Pool Repair, Inc.
Rick Coffey		          Team Horner Group                 Greg Bowers		       Pinch a Penny
Brian Dean		           Sunshine 811                      Ken Brown		         Insurance By Ken Brown Inc.
                                                         Michael Canto		     Fun State Pools Inc.
Bill Drakeley		        GENESIS                           Laura Castanza		             Team Horner Group
Harold Evans		         Orenda Technologies               Tim Conroy		        HornerXpress
Aaron Fields		         G&F Manufacturing                 Stephen Corbett     Red Rhino
                                                         Brian Curts		       Eagle Pools Inc
Carlos Gomez		         Pentair Water Quality Systems     Jason Draime		      Jason Draime, Inc.
Ken Gregory		          Pentair Water Quality Systems     Erik Eikevik		      Ike's Carter Pool Companies
David Griffiths		      Insurance by Ken Brown            Andrew Elbrecht     North River Pools
                                                         John Ellsworth		    AquaTech Pools GC Inc
Wayne Ivusich		        TaylorTechnologies                Bob Ely			          All American Decks and Spas
Mike Leone		           Pool Office Manager               Ben Evans		         American Pools and Spas, Inc.
Alvaro Mendoza         CES                               Alex Fletcher		     AquaWorx USA
                                                         Stephen Hackl		     Hackl Pool Construction Co., Inc.
Darren Merlob		        LeakTronics                       Cole Hairston		     Harden
Dino Muggeo		          Dino's Pool Service and Repair    Bill Hodgkins		     Insurance and Risk Management
Rick Myers		           Team Horner Group                                        of Florida
                                                         Joe Holder		        Backyard Designs, Inc.
Marcus Rasberry        Amerisure                         Rick Howard		       Ricks Pool Service Inc.
Matt Ribar		           Api Water                         Misty Knight		      Fluridra
Keith Roberts		        Hayward                           Jeff Lucas          The Linc
                                                         Jerry Mason         AquaCal AutoPilot
Rocco Russo		          Zodiac                            Rebbeca Mitchum Kiesel       Blue Ribbon Pool Store
Dan Sizelove		         Aquatherm Industries              Ed Morse		          Sunshine Pools and Stable Waters
Dave Sizelove		        Aquatherm Industries              Richard Moseley     Holland Pools
                                                         Ken Moyer		         Brenntag
Jim Sturick		          Jack's Magic                      Dino Muggeo         Dinos Pool Service and Repair
Erik Szabo		           Shutts & Bowen LLP                Jill Pearen		       Fresh Finish Pools LLC
Kerry Tait		           Insurance by Ken Brown            Debbie Pflug        American Leak Detection
                                                         Jackson Reeves      Odyssey Manufacturing Co.
Jeff Twaney		          Team Horner Group                 Robert Sanger       Galaxy Pools
Alex Valdovinos        Zodiac                            Mickey Sigmon       Pool Pro Inc.
Brian Van Bower        GENESIS                           James Smth		        LaGasse Pool Construction Co
                                                         Stephanie Taggart   Signature Pools & Spas, Inc.
Gasper Vargas Team Horner Group                          Scott Taggart		     Signature Pools & Spas Inc
Eric Watters		         GulfStreat Heatpumps              Mark Turner		       Backyard Designs, Inc.
Jeff Winter		          Valcon Industries                 Ericka Villegas		   Jason Draime, Inc.
                                                         Roy Waldhauer       Waldhauer & Son Inc
                                                         Holly Waldhauer     Mermaid Lagoons, Inc.
                                                         Les Williams		      Aloha Pool and Spa
                                                         Shawn Wiseman       Wiseman Pools
22                Florida Pool Prosm • April 2020

                   Are you getting the most out of your GPS
                   (telematics) system? (part 2)

                   By David Griffiths, Insurance By Ken Brown / dgriffiths@insbykenbrown.com

                                    Are you getting the most out of your Telematics/GPS system?
                                Are you using it as a real management tool? A typical GPS system
                                has the ability to track a significant amount of information which
                                can be used to monitor and manage your drivers. Managing
                                the operations of your vehicles leads to safer drivers and fewer
                                accidents which leads to more affordable insurance premiums.
                     This outline is designed to be a supplement to an existing fleet safety
                   program (we can help with that, too). The outline can assist you to define the
                   commitment to and effective use of your GPS system.
                     Last month we touched on four parts of an effective GPS system for your
                   company; here are four more.
                    5. E s t a b l i s h G o a l s B a s e d o n B e n c h m a r k D a t a
                     Define the benchmark data that you will use to support the overall
                     accomplishment of the stated objectives (individual and fleet)
                      a. Document the existing state of the data
                      b. Define the end objective (future state) for each data set – potential
                        i. Reduction in vehicle accidents
                            1.Speeding data
                              a. # of incidents
                              b. # of incidents over xx miles/hour
                            2.Avg. speed data
                              a. Reduction of avg. speed
                            3.Hard breaking data
                              a. Reduction in # of incidents
                              b. Reduction in avg. g-forces
                            4.Rapid acceleration data
                              a. Reduction in # of incidents
                              b. Reduction in avg. g-forces
                        ii. Reduction in severity of accidents
                            1.Speeding data – above
Florida Pool Prosm • April 2020   23

         2.Avg. speed data – above
     iii. Reduction in non-business related use of vehicles
         1.Time of day data
           a. Zero operations during defined hours
           b. Reduced operation in defined hours
         2.Geo fence data
           a. Operation outside of defined geo graphic areas
           b. Location red lining
     iv. Reduce wear and tear on vehicles
         1.Speeding data
         2.Avg. speed data
         3.Hard braking data
         4.Rapid acceleration data
         5.Idle time data
     v. Improve individual accountability for driving behaviors
         1.All of the above and more
         2.Overall driving score/rating for individuals
6. Develop a Monitoring Program
  a.       Continual and consistent monitoring of the data is critical to the
   achievement of the defined objectives. Monitored data should support
   the achievement of defined goals and identify positive and negative driver
     i. Define monitoring tools
24     Florida Pool Prosm • April 2020

               3.Specific data points
               4.Random sampling of driver data
               5.Random sampling of entire fleet
          ii. Define time frame of monitoring
               1.Weekly, monthly, daily, hourly, etc.
     7. Develop Recognition/Enforcement Program
       a.        Management feedback to driver(s) is critical to goal achievement.
        Feedback should be timely and regular. Feedback can be completed with
        an individual or in a group setting. Feedback and coaching, positive and
        negative, should be consistently provided to all individuals.
          i. Individual/Fleet based
               1.Acceptable and unacceptable behaviors
               2.Behavior modification tools based on;
                 a. Overall Driver Score
                 b. Specific behavior(s) defined as targeted benchmark activities
                 c. Driver improvement in overall score or specific behavior
                 d. Duration of time a driver exhibits the criteria
                    i. Speeding, idle time, acceleration time
               3.Positive reinforcement
                 a. Additional Time Off
                 b. Bonus
                 c. Prioritized work shifts/schedules
                 d. Newer vehicles
                 e. Other rewards deemed by management
               4.Negative incentives
                 a. Additional Training
                 b. Vehicle Ride-Along
                 c. Verbal Warnings
                 d. Written Warnings
                 e. Loss of company driving privileges
                 f.Other appropriate discipline up to and including termination
     8. Communication and Implementation Plan
       a.        Communication of the overall program goals is critical to the effective
Florida Pool Prosm • April 2020               25

    implementation of the program. The communication could highlight
    several areas of importance;
     i. Goal: Improve Overall Safety
         1.Vehicle accidents are consistently one of the leading causes of work
          related accidents and fatalities in the United States.
         2.Accidents & Disabled drivers/vehicles can be immediately located
          and assistance provided.
         3.Reduce the number of and seriousness of accidents by reducing
          overall speed, hard braking and accelerations.
         4.Reduce seriousness of individual injuries by reducing overall speed,
          hard braking and accelerations.
         5.Recognize safer employees and identify employees who may need
         6.OSHA General Duty Clause – management is responsible for
          providing a safe and healthy work environment. This is one way
          management can strive to accomplish this objective for remote

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Florida Pool Prosm • April 2020   27

                      FSPA Chapter News

                                                                                                  CHAPTER NEWS
                                    Chapter Coordinator
                                      (941) 952-9293

   The Chapter welcomes new member TBM Electrical Services. If you see
them at one of our upcoming events say hello.
   Hope to see you all at the Broward Chapter's Night Out at Top Golf from
6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. on April 3. Golfing, dinner, soft drinks and a cash bar
are all included.
   Register soon for the Chapter's Fishing Trip aboard the "Catch my Drift."
The boat sets sail at 8:00 a.m. on June 7 from Fishing Headquarters, 301
Seabreeze Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale, and returns at noon.
   The next Chapter Board of Directors meeting is Tuesday, April 14 from 4:00
p.m. - 6:00 p.m. at Ruby Tuesday's, 299 SW 26th Ave. Pompano Beach.

                             Central Florida
                              Chapter Coordinator: Sonja Dickey
                                       (941) 952-9293

   The Chapter would like to welcome Dunota Pool Supplies and Commercial
Pools, Inc. as our newest Chapter members. We have a great year planned
for 2020! We look forward to seeing you at the upcoming events.
   We look forward to seeing all of you at our fourth annual Casino Night
and Silent Auction presented to us by Baystone Tile. This event benefits
Education and Safety Around the Water. It is on Friday, April 3 at 7:00 p.m. at
Mead Botanical Garden. Tickets are $25 per person which includes two drink
tickets, hors d’oeuvres and play money. Thank you to our sponsors for making
this evening fabulous: Baystone Tile, Red Rhino, SCP, Unicel, Pentair,
Premier Pools of Central Florida, Gorman, Hayward, Vak Pak, Zodiac,
HornerXpress, The Linc and AquaWorx. Thank you to the many companies
who donated a silent auction item! Without all of your help, this event wouldn’t
be as successful as it is.
   The Chapter's next Board meeting, which all members are encouraged to
28           Florida Pool Prosm • April 2020

               attend, will be Tuesday, April 7 at noon at the Superior Solar, 925 Sunshine
               Lane, #1010, Altamonte Springs.
                  Your 2020 Board are working on exciting and educational events. Please let

               us hear from you with any suggestions for speakers or events. If you haven’t
               already, please like our Facebook page at FSPA Central Florida Chapter to
               keep up with upcoming events and meetings.

                                               Charlotte Harbor
                                                   Chapter Coordinator: Sonja Dickey
                                                            (941) 952-9293

                  Register today! We look forward to seeing you on April 23 at Buffalo Wings
               and Rings at 6:00 p.m. for a GPS/Telematics Best Practices For Driver and Fleet
               Management (CILB course #0613250, FPSA d/b/a FSPA CILB Providership
               #0000917) instructed by Barbara Blaine, Amerisure.
                  Save the date and sign up today! Dust off your golf clubs! May 2 will be
               our 4th Annual Golf Tournament at Heron Creek Golf Club. Registration and
               sponsorship opportunities are available. Funds raised will benefit local charities
               involved with education and safety around water. We look forward to seeing
               you on the greens!
                  Your 2020 Board is working on exciting and educational events. Please let
               us hear from you with any suggestions for speakers or events. If you haven’t
               already, please like our Facebook page at FSPA Charlotte Harbor Chapter to
               keep up with upcoming events and meetings.

                                               East Central Florida
                                                  Chapter Coordinator: Diane Michael
                                                           (386) 538-1083

                 Thank you to everyone who supported the Chapter's Annual Cornhole
               Tournament, especially our second-time sponsor, Vak Pak! Team "Red
               Beards" took home the corny 1st place trophy designed by our past first lady
               Emily Drumb. It was windy and a bit chilly but also a blast. Thank you to our
               President Roy Waldhauer, Waldhauer & Son, for being our last minute chef
Florida Pool Prosm • April 2020             29

      Have you or your employees been to a class yet?
     Our new Sarasota facility has many types of trainings available!

     CE credit courses, Hayward trainings, Zodiac trainings, Pentair
         trainings, LP Gas credits, pool certifications and more!

                        View the most up-to-date calendar at

   Swimming Pool / Spa Service Certification

   Fee: $2,200                                                                     SARASOTA:
                                                                                     June 4-6
    +FSPA Member                                                                    June 19-20
     enrollment: $50                                                                July 10-11
    +Non-Member                                                                     July 24-25
     enrollment: $300                                                           Must attend all modules.
                                                                             Dates may be subject to change

The course substitutes for three years of experience toward obtaining a State Certified Swimming Pool/Spa
Servicing License so the applicant who takes and passes the state exam is only responsible for verifying
they have one year of field experience. This is not an exam prep course.
      Course #0610552 / FPSA d/b/a FSPA CILB providership #0000917 / Mary@FloridaPoolPro.com

     Call Mary at 941-952-9293 for more information
30           Florida Pool Prosm • April 2020

               and Vice President Keith Quint,          The       East
               Gorman Company, for holding              Central Florida
               down the brackets and keeping all        w e l c o m e d

                                                        Daytona BMX
               in line. View pictures on Facebook.      to their Chapter
               And, thank you Larry and Emily           meeting.
               Drumb, Pool Renovations by
               Larry, for donating for the yummy
                   Thank you so much to Hayward
               for bringing their Mobile Training                                  The East Central
                                                                                   Florida Chapter's
               Vehicle to our monthly meeting                                      C o r n h o l e
               on March 10! Many members                                           To u r n a m e n t
               commented how cool it was                                           w i n n e r s w e re
                                                                                   team "Red
               and we all were appreciative for                                    B e a r d s . "
               Hayward also buying dinner!                                         Congratulations!
                   For those who weren’t at our last
               Chapter meeting, we welcomed
               Daytona BMX, which is a local
               501(c)(3), who is helping to raise       Thanks to Vak Pak
               funds to rebuild the New Smyrna          for sponsoring
               track. The track is in very poor         the East Central
                                                        Florida Chapter's
               condition, and has been closed for       C o r n h o l e
               10 of the last 12 months. They are       Tournament.
               starting from scratch to rebuild the
               track, facilities, and ridership. They
               are asking trade associations,
               like FSPA, to donate labor and
               materials to install three concrete
               turns on the track. The turns need
               to be either asphalt or concrete
               to handle bicycles. The turns are
               very similar to pools, and concrete
               would be the preferred method.
               For more details contact them at
                                                        Thanks to all for attending the East Central
               Daytonabmx@outlook.com.                  Florida Chapter's monthly Chapter meeting
                                                        during bike week.
Florida Pool Prosm • April 2020   31

   If you want to help support our Chapter, why not think about signing up to
volunteer on behalf of the East Central Florida Chapter for the World’s Largest
Swim Lesson happening on June 18? Let Diane know if you are interested.

                                                                                      CHAPTER NEWS
   Thank you to our sponsors of the East Central Florida Chapter’s Education
Scholarship Program! Gold Sponsors: SCP, Gorman Company and
HornerXpress. Bronze Sponsors: Jack’s Magic, Wayne’s Solar and Blue
Ribbon Pools.
   Reminder to submit your applications for educational reimbursement up to
$350 per selected applicant per quarter based on a point system geared to
create chapter involvement, community enrichment and continuing education.
Contact Diane to receive the program paperwork for you, your employees,
family members or community members.
   All meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month from 6:30 p.m.
– 8:00 p.m. located at Houligans, 1725 W International Speedway Blvd.,
Daytona Beach. Dinner cost is covered with a $15 donation for members and
$20 for future members. Please be sure to bring guest! Guests are welcome
to attend three meetings prior to joining.
   The 2020 Board of Directors and Diane have been busy creating an
exciting new meeting schedule. Thank you to all who have committed and
continue to make our meetings well attended. If interested in sponsoring a
meeting or upcoming event, please contact Diane. Here are the events for
the next couple of months: April 14 Chapter meeting sponsored by Jandy.
May 12 - Ways to incorporate solar to your pools sponsored Wayne’s Solar.
May 22 – 5th Annual Bowling Tournament. June 9 – Monthly Chapter meeting. June
5-6 State Board Meeting. June 18 – World’s Largest Swim Lesson. July 14 – 5thAnnual
Silent/Live Auction and Marketing and Business Development - pool software,
contact mgmt systems sponsored by Callan Group Communications. August 11 –
Monthly meeting sponsored by Pentair.
   Please like our Facebook page www.facebook.com/FSPAEastCentralChapter
and our Instagram at @FSPAEastCentralChapter.
32           Florida Pool Prosm • April 2020

                                               Florida Gulf Coast
                                                   Chapter Coordinator: Diane Michael
                                                            (386) 538-1083


                 Thank you, Aaron Fields, Gulfstream Heat Pumps, for sponsoring a meeting
               and for your presentation to our Chapter on sizing heat pumps, installation
               suggestions to maximize operation, remote enabling and troubleshooting and
               advantages of Gulfstream at our meeting on February 26 at Mission BBQ.
                 Thank you so much to Steyn Van Wyk, Red Rhino, for sponsoring our
               meeting on March 11! Attendees had an energetic presentation about the
               benefits of doing a leak detection before a renovation, previously epoxied items
               and draining and filling a pool and how that can open up leaks. Remember,
               our meetings are geared toward employers and employees. Please send your
               employees to learn educational information from our members and more about
               FSPA! Thank you.
                  Thank you so much to Lo-
               Chlor for sponsoring our next
               meeting happening on the second
               Wednesday of the month, April 8.
               This will be a water chemistry class
               so be sure to invite your employees
               and as always future members are
               always welcome. We look forward                          Thank you to Red Rhino for sponsoring
               to seeing you then from 6:30 p.m.                        the Florida Gulf Coast Chapter meeting in
               – 8:00 p.m. at Mission BBQ in Ft.                        March.
                  If you want to help support
               our Chapter, why not think about
               signing up to volunteer on behalf of
               the East Central Florida Chapter for
               the World’s Largest Swim Lesson
               happening on June 18? Let Diane
               know if you are interested.
                  The Florida Gulf Coast Chapter                        We appreciate all who came to the Florida
                                                                        Gulf Coast Chapter Meeting in March.
               meets monthly on the second                              Thanks for helping us grow our chapter.
Florida Pool Prosm • April 2020   33

Wednesday of every month from 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. at Mission BBQ, 12984
South Cleveland Ave., Fort Myers. Please be sure to bring a guest!
   The 2020 Board of Directors have been busy creating an exciting new

                                                                                                 CHAPTER NEWS
meeting schedule. Thank you to all who have committed and continue to make
our meetings well attended. If interested in sponsoring a meeting or upcoming
event, please contact Diane. Tentative schedule for the next couple months is
as follows: April 8 - Water Chemistry Class, sponsored by Lo-Chlor. May 13
- Sponsored by Basecrete. June 10 - gps/telematics best practices for driver
and fleet management CE (1 hour) sponsored by Insurance by Ken Brown.
June 5-6 – State Board Meeting. June 18 – World’s Largest Swim Lesson.
   Follow the Chapter on Facebook.com//FSPAFLGulfCoast and on Instagram.
com/FSPAGulfCoast. We appreciate your continued support!
   Our Chapter President David Griffiths, Insurance by Ken Brown, focuses
on one member benefit at each of our meetings. We want to share that each
month to everyone in our news to be sure you see your dues at work. Please
remember and let your family members know about The Florida Swimming
Pool Association Scholarship Program. It is available to dependents of owners
and employees of member companies. This program helps members meet the
high cost of college expenses for their children. The award is presented by the
Florida Swims Foundation. Students at all levels of post-secondary education
are eligible for merit scholarships based on academic accomplishment,
extracurricular activities, contributions to their community and a research
paper on a pool industry related topic. Each year an average of $25,000+ is
distributed to dependents of pool industry professionals. Applications for 2020-
2021 year will be available soon.

                           Florida West Coast
                             Chapter Coordinator: Malinda Howard
                                       (727) 638-6072

  The Chapter Board met Tuesday, March 3 at Queen’s Pizza in Clearwater.
Thank you to David Oxley, Pinellas Aquatic Consulting and Education, for
sponsoring the lunch. The next Board of Directors meeting will be held at noon
Tuesday, April 7 at Queen’s Pizza, 1834 N. Belcher Road, Clearwater. Our
Board of Directors meetings are usually scheduled for the first Tuesday of the
34           Florida Pool Prosm • April 2020

               month. We are always interested in hearing your ideas for Chapter meetings
               and programs.
                  It’s time to start putting your team together for the Florida West Coast

               Chapter’s Annual Golf Tournament! This year’s tournament will be held
               Saturday, May 9, at the Lansbrook Golf Club in Palm Harbor. The tournament
               will begin with a shotgun start at 8:00 a.m. Lunch and awards will follow play.
               Contact the Chapter office regarding sponsorships or registration.

                                                     Chapter Coordinator: Sonja Dickey
                                                              (941) 952-9293

                  The Chapter would like to welcome JarredBunch Consulting and LaGasse
               Design Center as our newest Chapter members. We have a great year planned
               for 2020! We look forward to seeing you at the upcoming events.
                  See you on the greens! Sign up for our Annual Golf Tournament held on
               April 18 at Legacy Golf Club at Lakewood Ranch. Registration and sponsorship
               opportunities are available. Funds raised will benefit local charities involved
               with education and safety around water. We look forward to seeing you on the
                  Save the date! On May 12 please come out to the FSPA TEC Center to meet
               your local representatives. You can even ask Government Affairs Manager
               Dallas Thiesen questions about what’s happening in the legislative arena.
                  The Chapter's next Board meeting, which all members are encouraged to
               attend, will be Tuesday, April 14 at 11:45 a.m. at the FSPA TEC Center, 2555
               Porter Lake Dr., Ste. 104, Sarasota.
                  Your 2020 Board is working on exciting and educational events. Please let
               us hear from you with any suggestions for speakers or events. If you haven’t
               already, please like our Facebook page at FSPA Manasota Chapter to keep
               up with upcoming events and meetings.
Florida Pool Prosm • April 2020   35

                           North Central Florida
                                      Chapter Coordinator
                                         (941) 952-9293

                                                                                                      CHAPTER NEWS

  The Chapter is excited to be planning a family-friendly River Tubing & BBQ
on June 21. Save the date now and keep an eye out for more details as the
event nears.
  We are excited to have a new member to our Chapter. Please welcome
Elements Pool & Outdoor, LLC.

                           Northeast Florida
                                      Chapter Coordinator
                                        (941) 952-9293

  The Chapter has another new member! Welcome Sullivan Pool
Construction, LLC.
  The Northeast Florida Chapter's Annual Golf Tournament is April 17 at
Champions Course at Julington Creek, 1111 Durbin Creek Blvd. A continental
breakfast and cookout for lunch are included. Lock in your foursome now and
be ready for a good time!
  The next Chapter meeting is May 5 at Mudville Grill, 3105 Beach Blvd.,

                                 Palm Beach
                                Chapter Coordinator: Julie Singer
                                        (954) 723-0937

  The Chapter meeting on March 10 was held at Commercial Energy
Specialist (CES). Thank you, Alvaro Mendoza, for the wonderful presentation
on proven green technologies in the pool industry. He covered methods of
heating, disinfection and circulation that are eco-friendly, consume less energy,
and save money. Thank you, Alvaro Mendoza, for giving of your time and for
sponsorship of the meeting.
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