APRIL 2021 THE BEACON - Beaconsfield Baptist Church

Page created by Gladys Ward
APRIL 2021 THE BEACON - Beaconsfield Baptist Church
APRIL 2021
APRIL 2021 THE BEACON - Beaconsfield Baptist Church
SERVICES                        NEW TO CHURCH?

         MONTH  2021
         APRIL 2021
                             We here at Beaconsfield Baptist are

                             a group of ordinary people.      

                             We come from all sorts of different

   9 m

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                             backgrounds. But what we have in

D tr s

                             common is a love of Jesus.

 is  here.

    9 8

John 1       :2
                             Week by week we meet to enjoy
Rod Thearle
                             worship together and to be part of a

                             church family that is warm, caring

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                       and accepting. We would love to

0   4 here. and 6pm

   | 10am
                             have you join us.

T   r u ph

     i   m

John 1  93   :    0

                             Email the office at

Rod Thearle
                             to get connected!

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Text here.

11 | 10am and 6pm

Re   un n

Luke 2 3 46
                               MAKE BEACY HOME
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Preacher: Charles Lazar o

Text here.

                             We run a number of ministries

                             designed to help people from all
18 | 10am and 6pm

                             walks of life grow in faith and
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    Charles Lazaro
                             connect with one another.

Text here.

                             If you’re interested in making Beacy

                             your home, and serving in the life of

                             our church, there are a number of
25 | 10am and 6pm

                             ways in which to do so.

He Loved Him As Himself

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1 Samuel 18-20

Text here.                   Please get in touch with a
Rod Thearle
                             member of our Leadership Team to

                             discuss opportunities to serve and

                             get more involved.
APRIL 2021 THE BEACON - Beaconsfield Baptist Church
If you’re looking for a family to be a
                                               part of, a church to call home, a
                                               community to connect with – then
                       Rod Thearle
            we would love to be that for you.
                       Pastor                  We’re not perfect but we’re
                                               learning to love the way that we
                                               have been loved and we’re on a
A warm welcome if you’re visiting              mission to share that with those
us, Easter is a great time in the life         around us.

of the church                                  Please get in touch if you would

It proclaims the death of death and            like to know more about Jesus,
the dawn of life eternal. We stand             new life, or making Beaconsfield
in the victory won by Jesus and live           Baptist your home.
in the power of the resurrection.

It s goo ne s for the weary, the
thirsty, the sinners, and the hurting
 ’     d    w

for the world


I want to invite you to hear the
good news and experience the oy
of a life transformed by Jesus


     SERVICE TIMES                                         GIVING
Morning Worship | 10am

                       We give as an act of worship,
Each Sunday we gather together                 entrusting God with our money and
to worship authentically, grow                 partnering in ministry and mission.

intentionally, pray expectantly
and love sacrificially.

                    Please consider these secure online
                                               options for your regular giving.

Join us online at 10am

                                               Give online with Tithely
Night Church | 6pm

Night Church at BBC has
cultivated a vibrant community of                    Direct Bank Transfer

youth, young adults, young
families and the young-at-heart.

                Beaconsfield Baptist Church

                                                         BSB: 704 922

Join us online at 6pm
                                 ACC: 100 007 477
APRIL 2021 THE BEACON - Beaconsfield Baptist Church

       FOR THE
Marj and I have enjoyed a        In Jesus’ final moments on the
wonderful period of almost       cross he speaks a word of
20 months serving God and        triumph—that “it is finished!”
you all. We have no doubt        The cross is the death of
that God led us to you. You      death and life for all who
were very brave in calling us    follow Jesus. We will have a
without meeting us. One look     special service of reflection at
at my job description, told me   9am on Good Friday (2 April)
it was an impossible task for    and services of celebration at
me to do everything required     10am and 6pm on
of me in six months. Now, I      Resurrection Sunday (4 April).

can confidently say that with    Join us onsite or online at
the Lord’s help we did our       beaconsfieldbaptist.online.church,
best to achieve what was         we’d love to see you there.
expected of us. We enjoyed
the pastoral care role, phone
calls, meetings, visitation,
prayer, counselling sessions,
preaching God’s Word and           SOCIAL-LIGHTS

Baptism preparation just to
name a few of the things that       LUNCHEON

occupied our time.

We have enjoyed ministering
among you alongside Pastor       The April Social-Lights
Rod, Mez, Stephen and our        luncheon is set to be at the
entire leadership team.
        Cardinia Park hotel at 12 noon
Thank you for the privilege!
   on Thursday 8th April.

—Charles & Marj Lazaro
         Please let Geoff Dunn know
                                 by Easter Monday, 5th April,
                                 that you’re attending.
APRIL 2021 THE BEACON - Beaconsfield Baptist Church


SCHOOL HOLIDAYS                                    SERVICES

While many ministries are                 It has been so valuable to
having a well-earned break.               connect with everyone online
They’ll be returning after the            for our Sunday services. The
school holidays.
                        morning service will continue
                                          to be broadcast live each
Mainly Music is back on the               week, however Night Church
19th April
                               will only be broadcast on the
Seniors Life on the 20th April
           first Sunday of the month.
                                          Thank you to the audio-visual
Playgroup on the 20th/21st                team who make this possible.


Youth on the 23rd April                   beaconsfieldbaptist.online.church,
                                          to live-stream our services.


 18 April | 10am and 6pm

Sunday 18 April will be Charles and Marj’s last Sunday here with us
at Beaconsfield Baptist. Please join us at 10am and/or 6pm to
wish them farewell!

A sausage sizzle will be served after the morning service.

If you would like to write them a personal message, please sign
the e-card at app.grouptogether.com/FarewellCharlesMarj
SAMARITAN'S PURSE                     BELGRAVE

    SHOE BOX                           HEIGHTS
  DISTRIBUTION                       CONVENTION
 Report from Franklin Graham      The Easter Convention runs
 for 2020
                       over the four days of Easter.

 As we look back on 2020, we      The speakers are Murray
 praise God that over 1.3         Capill, Principal of the
 million decisions for Christ     Reformed College, Mike
 were made, over 3.5 million      Raiter, Director of the Centre
 children were discipled, and     for Biblical Preaching, and
 over 9 million gifts were        Heath Easton, pastor of
 packed, collected and            Drouin Presbyterian Church.

 processed. And although
 many training sessions had to    Sessions start at 10:30, 2:30,
 be conducted online, it          and 7:00 each day except
 actually brought teams closer    Monday, when they are at
 together as they shared          9:30, 11:30, and 2:30.

 burdens and challenges, and      Seminar sessions are also run
 fervently prayed for one         at 4:30 p.m. each day except
 another. As one leader said,     Monday.

 "God used this year to
 strengthen His Church and lay    It is a live and on-line event,
 a strong foundation for future   but registrations for attending
 ministry. Although we were       on-site have now closed.

 apart, we were more unified
 than ever."
                     Register for watching on-line
                                  at bhc.org.au/easter.
 23 Samaritan's Purse shoe
 boxes were packed and sent
 by Suzanne Brewer on behalf
 of BBC.

                      PRAYER MEETING

1.30pm Mondays 12th and         We meet together at the
16th April.
                    church on the 3rd Monday of
                                each month to pray for the
The Link to the weekly Zoom     church, the pastors and the
prayer meeting at 1.30pm on     activities connected with the
Monday 12th & 26th April is     church, and those who are
zoom.us/j/96270254804.          going through ill-health.
The Passcode is 3807. The       Please contact Marian Watson
Zoom prayer meeting on          on 9702 5868 or

Easter Monday 5th April has     0439 339 105 or by email to
been cancelled. Please          grandma.watson3@gmail.com.

contact Marian Watson on
9702 5868 or 0439 339105, or    "And they continued
send an email to                steadfastly in the Apostle's
grandma.watson3@gmail.com       Doctrine, and fellowship, and
for more information.
        in breaking of bread, and in
                                prayers." Acts 2:42.
"Prayer is the soul's sincere
desire, uttered or
unexpressed. The motion of a
hidden fire that trembles in
the breast." (James

                         WOMENS LIFE

Our Life Groups meet weekly
            Ladies coffee on first and
         During all Sunday morning

or fortnightly in Beaconsfield
         third Friday each month.
            services throughout the

   and surrounding areas.
              Meet at the Old Cheese
             school term. For bubs to

We want everyone who calls
                Factory from 10am.
                  children in kinder.

Beacy home to be in a group.
                Contact: Lucy Harris

                Contact: the office

      Contact: Heather Agnew

                                               MENS LIFE

                     Weekly mens breakfast.
             During all Sunday morning

   An active prayer chain
            Friday mornings from 8am.
            services throughout the

    and monthy meeting.
                    Contact: Peter Joynson

       school term. For children in

      Contact: Marian Watson

                                                                                 kinder to grade 6.

                         Contact: the office

                    Second Thursday of each

For students in grades 7 to 12.
          month. Designed for
                  LITTLE BEACIES’

   Friday nights from 7pm.
               retirees, all welcome!
          Tuesdays and Wednesdays,

       Contact: Rod Thearle

                                             Contact: Geoff Dunn

                10am to 12pm.

                                                                           For pre-school aged children.


                                           MAKE & MINGLE
                          Contact: the office

  For youngens’ aged 18 to

                                      Wednesdays, 10am - 12pm.

 30(ish). 6pm Sunday Nights

                                     For all lovers of arts and crafts!

  as well as numerous Life
                   Contact: Ann Taylor           Mondays, 10am - 11:15am.

Groups throughout the week.

                                                                           For pre-school aged children.

       Contact: Rod Thearle
                                                                                Contact: Heather Agnew

                                       GET IN TOUCH

   Charles Lazaro
                          Rod Thearle
                      Stephen Harper

      Interim Pastor                             Pastor                                Elder

 @BeaconsfieldBaptist @beacyya
     info@beaconsfieldbaptist.com.au            @beacynightchurch

@beacynightchurch @beacyyouth                                                  @beacyya @beacyyouth
                                              (03) 9707 0777
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