Page created by Alfredo Woods
If you love big ideas, vibrant cities and once-in-a-lifetime experiences, you belong at Monash Arts.
Monash University is ranked in the top 100% of universities                 Based in Australia’s most culturally diverse city, you’ll meet
worldwide. It spans multiple campuses in Melbourne and                      people from more than 200 countries who call Melbourne
is the largest university in Australia with more international              home. Melbourne is a safe, vibrant and welcoming city with
campuses than any other Australian university. It’s dedicated               a proud multicultural history.
to transcending traditional boundaries and achieving an
                                                                            Melbourne is also marked as a UNESCO City of Literature
impact on communities worldwide. Studying at
                                                                             and features a year-round program of celebrated festivals
Monash offers the opportunity to be a part of
                                                                             and events at its leading institutions and regional
Australia’s largest university network with access
                                                                             attractions. Get ready to find your tribe within Australia’s
to scholars at the forefront of their field around
                                                                             largest student network and explore Melbourne’s ever
the world.
                                                                             expanding arts scene, packed with galleries, independent
                                                                             cinemas, cafés, bars and live music venues.
                                                                              For full details on all our graduate study
                                                                              programs 8

                                        Ranked top 1%                              Ranked Australia’s                      UNESCO
                                        of best student                            most liveable city                      City of
                                        cities in the world                        for over 10 years                       Literature
                                        QS World University Rankings 2019          Economist Intelligence Unit
The Monash Arts experience
                                                 Your success starts here                                    2
                                                 Flexibility                                                 3
                                                 Industry engagement                                         4
                                                 Exceptional facilities and flexability                      5
                                                 Ready to go global?                                         6
MONASH UNIVERSITY IS                             Embrace immersive learning                                  7

RANKED                                           Our programs
                                                 Master of Applied Linguistics                              10
• 55th in the world                          1   Master of Bioethics
                                                 Master of Communications

• 66th in the world for                          and Media Studies                                          14
                                                 Master of Cultural and
  graduate employability 2                       Creative Industries                                        16
                                                 Master of Environment
1. QS World University Rankings 2021
2. QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2020       and Sustainability                                         18
                                                 Graduate Certificate of
                                                 Family Violence Prevention                                 20
                                                 Graduate Diploma of
                                                 Family Violence Prevention                                 21
                                                 Graduate Certificate of Gender,
                                                 Peace and Security                                         22
                                                 Master of International
                                                 Development Practice                                       24
                                                 Master of International Relations                          26
                                                 Master of International Sustainable
                                                 Tourism Management                                         28
                                                 Master of Interpreting and
                                                 Translation Studies                                        30
                                                 Master of Journalism                                       32
                                                 Master of Public Policy                                    34
                                                 Master of Strategic
                                                 Communications Management                                  36
                                                 Bachelor’s/Master’s program                                38
                                                 Graduate research degrees                                  40
                                                 Important information
                                                 Eligibility, FAQs and fees                                 41



                                                 Note: The entry requirements listed in the Fast Facts are
                                                 for domestic students only. Please visit 8
                                                 study for detailed entry requirements.


         TAILORED MASTER’S                                       ACCELERATED                                       INTERNATIONAL
      If you’re enrolled in a 96-point (2 years full-          1 YEAR MASTER’S                                       REPUTATION
      time) program, you can tailor your course to            If you’re eligible to enrol in a 72-point       Monash graduates are recognised and
    suit your needs, by taking up to 24 credit points     (1.5 years full-time) program, you may also         in demand across the world. Increase
       of complementary electives from any other         have the option of completing the course via          your global opportunities with a truly
            Arts coursework Master’s degree.                intensive mode over a 10-month period.                    international university.

            FIELD SCHOOLS                                         PROFESSIONAL                                      LEADERSHIP
           AND STUDY TOURS                                         INTERNSHIPS                                     OPPORTUNITIES
       Practical, on-the-ground experience both             Available via a list of 400+ providers,          Develop your leadership skills and take
        in Australia and abroad. These unique              you’ll have the chance to work within an          advantage of professional development
         learning experiences will inspire you           organisation either locally or internationally.        workshops in the Arts Graduate
                throughout your career.                                                                              Leadership Program.

    WORLD-CLASS FACILITIES                                LEARN FROM THE BEST                                RESEARCH PATHWAYS
           Our industry-standard Media Lab,             Our world-renowned academics are committed           If you’re a high-achieving student you may
      newly redeveloped libraries with more than        to providing you with the skills, experience and      seek permission to undertake a research
       1.5 million items and contemporary study          connections you need to succeed and thrive.       thesis, as prerequisite for future enrolment in
    spaces, the latest in teaching technologies and                                                        a Higher Degree by Research such as a PhD.
    dedicated graduate student lounges will provide
      you with the resources and skills needed in
                 today’s digital economy.

All our master’s programs are available as 100 per cent coursework, or in combination
with research and internship units. You can tailor your course to suit your interests and career
needs, whether you come with some background in the field, or if you’re new to the area.
Depending on your previous experience, you may have the option                Discipline elective units
to complete your course in one, one-and-a-half or two years if you’re         You’ll have the opportunity to select from a range of units
studying full-time.                                                           related to the field that best meets your own study interests
Most courses are made up of a series of different types of units:             and career aspirations.

Foundation units                                                              Complementary elective units
You’ll take these if your previous qualification is not in a related field,   Available to students completing the two-year option, these
or if you wish to take a longer program of study. These units provide         selected complementary elective units can be taken from any
you with an orientation to the field of studies at graduate level.            of the master’s by coursework degrees offered in the Faculty.

Core master units                                                             Research units
Taken by all students, these will equip you with specialist knowledge         This option allows you to complete a minor that can enable you
related to the field.                                                         to pathway through to a PhD program if you wish.

Capstone units                                                                Professional enhancement units
Designed to allow you to demonstrate what you’ve learnt, and apply the        Designed in association with industry experts, select from this
skills you’ve acquired – for example, via an internship, research project     suite of professional enhancement offerings to build essential
or global field school.                                                       competencies for your career pathway – for example, the
                                                                              opportunity to be matched with an industry mentor.

    Monash Arts’ Professional Enhancement Program is tailor-made to equip graduate coursework
    students with career planning support and professional skills development.
    Industry-informed modules                                                    Shape your professional profile
    Our graduate coursework students undertake specially designed modules        You’ll select from a range of modules to shape your future professional
    to develop essential transferable skills. These modules have been            profile, including:
    developed in collaboration with the Monash Arts Industry Advisory Board,     • Data analytics fundamentals
    industry leaders and outstanding Monash Arts alumni working at the top       • Applied critical thinking
    of their game across a range of fields and disciplines.                      • Applied research design
                                                                                 • Project planning
    Develop your career plan                                                     • Communicating for impact
    Each student undertaking the Professional Enhancement Program works
                                                                                 • Innovation in the workplace
    with experts to create a professional development and career plan,
                                                                                 • Resilient leadership and EQ
    including short and long term career goals and informed action steps.

    Learn from outstanding alumni
    Professional Enhancement Program participants have direct access
    to exceptional Monash Arts alumni through lectures and mentoring
    opportunities. You’ll gain advice and insight on career success from
    leaders in a diverse range of fields, helping you make strategic choices
    about your professional future.

    Engagement with industry is at the heart of all Monash courses, and we’re committed to
    delivering industry-relevant programs to ensure strong graduate outcomes for our students.
    Course advisory panels                                                       Learn from leading practitioners
    All of our graduate coursework programs are informed by industry-based       Our highly-regarded academic faculty comprises some of the world’s
    advisory boards, where leaders from government, corporate, cultural          leading and most active arts and humanities minds. You’ll also have
    and not-for-profit sectors contribute to our program content, ensuring we    the opportunity to learn directly from industry experts and practitioners
    deliver cutting-edge programs which not only address the current needs       who’ve risen to the top of their own profession, and who are passionate
    of industry, but also look to solve future challenges.                       about passing their knowledge and experience on to a new generation
                                                                                 of leaders.
    Internships, fieldwork and experiential learning
    Monash is committed to providing you with the best possible opportunity      Monash’s teaching staff are widely sought-after by industry, government
    to apply academic theory to real-world situations through our accredited     and the media for their input into everything from bioethical questions to
    internship and fieldwork programs. These programs offer you the chance       matters of international politics and diplomacy. They combine world-class
    to either work within an organisation or carry out fieldwork and research    research with robust industry networks to ensure you graduate with
    both locally and internationally for a period of between four weeks and      both the conceptual and practical skills necessary for a sustained and
    a full semester.                                                             successful career.

    We see this as a crucial component of a well-rounded education, which
    will enable you to better understand workplace culture, to actively engage
    in the application of concepts, and to develop networks and connections
    which can assist you in establishing your career.

I started my master’s because
                                                                                                             I wanted to learn how to support
                                                                                                             the social infrastructure of a
                                                                                                             community, especially those that
                                                                                                             are most vulnerable to climate
                                                                                                             change. I want to keep building on
                                                                                                             my master’s and my business to
                                                                                                             provide a platform for bringing people
                                                                                                             together that is beneficial to the
                                                                                                             whole community.”
                                                                                                             LUCIA PALAMI
                                                                                                             Master of International Sustainable
                                                                                                             Tourism Management student
                                                                                                             Owner, Yellow Doors Hostel, Tacloban

                                                                                                                               Read Lucia’s story by
                                                                                                                               scanning the code or

As Australia’s largest university, Monash offers students access to world-class facilities
and alternative study opportunities.
Learning and Teaching Building                                                Monash Media Lab
The new impressive Learning and Teaching Building at our Clayton              The Media Lab at our Caulfield campus offers Monash students
campus comprises four levels and includes more than 60 formal and             unrivalled access to teaching and industry-standard production facilities
informal learning and teaching spaces. The innovative, contemporary           that are among the most sophisticated in the country.
design combines advanced technologies with spaces that have been
designed to provide an outstanding student-centred learning experience.       Combine on-campus learning with
                                                                              flexible online study
Australia’s foremost libraries                                                Most of our graduate coursework programs offer you the opportunity
Sir Louis Matheson Library at Clayton and Caulfield Library are home          to combine your on-campus experience with online access, so that you
to flexible study and teaching spaces, advanced technologies, in-house        can fit your studies around your work, family and other life commitments.
cafés, contemporary and inspiring study areas and greater access to the       Many programs offer evening classes and full online subjects to give
University’s special collections.                                             you the flexibility you need to advance your qualifications whilst pursuing
                                                                              your career.
Founded in 1964, the Matheson Library is noted as one of Australia’s
foremost humanities libraries. The Caulfield Library is an important
resource centre for the humanities as well as art, design and architecture,
business and economics, information technology and health sciences.

International destinations
    within our graduate programs
                                              READY TO GO GLOBAL?
    • Public Policy
                                              With campuses and partner organisations around the world,
    Washington                                Monash offers a truly global study experience.
    • International Relations
    New York                                  Not only does a Monash education give you        A ‘Group of Eight’ University
    • Communications and Media Studies        the opportunity to undertake international       Monash is a member of the Group of Eight,
    • Journalism                              exchanges and internships, but our community     an alliance of leading Australian universities
                                              of world-class academic staff and our            recognised for their excellence in teaching,
    • Strategic Communications Management
                                              international student cohort ensure you’ll       learning, research and graduate outcomes.
                                              open your mind to a world of possibilities and
    EUROPE                                    perspectives through your studies.               Group of Eight universities produce graduates
    Germany                                                                                    who find full-time employment sooner and
    • International Sustainable               A world-leading university                       begin on higher salaries than graduates from
       Tourism Management                     Monash has achieved an enviable national         other Australian universities.
    Italy                                     and international reputation for research and    You can be assured you’re on the right path.
    • International Development Practice      teaching excellence in 50 years.                 Our research is helping to change the world,
    • Interpreting and Translation Studies                                                     and that means when you study with us, you
                                              According to the Times Higher Education
    Estonia                                   World University Rankings 2019 – 2020,           might change it too.
    • International Sustainable
                                              we’re ranked:
       Tourism Management
                                              • in the top 1 per cent of world universities
                                                                                               An internationally-respected
                                              • no.29 in the World’s Most International
    • International Relations                                                                  Our global credentials, world-class research
                                                Universities in 2020.
    France                                                                                     reputation and international connections ensure
    • Interpreting and Translation Studies                                                     that your Monash degree can open doors the
    Belgium                                                                                    world over. Our graduates have been employed
    • Interpreting and Translation Studies                                                     with government, non-government and private
                                                                                               sector organisations worldwide.
    •  Communications and Media Studies
    •  Cultural and Creative Industries
    •  Interpreting and Translation Studies
    •  International Relations
    •  Strategic Communications Management
    Hong Kong
    • Communications and Media Studies
    • International Relations
    • Journalism
    • Strategic Communications Management
    • Interpreting and Translation Studies
    Sri Lanka
    • International Development Practice
    • Environment and Sustainability
    • Communications and Media Studies
    • Communications and Media Studies
    • International Relations
    • International Development Practice
    • Communications and Media Studies
    • International Development Practice
    • International Sustainable
       Tourism Management

    •   Malaysia
    •   Prato Centre, Italy
    •   Suzhuo
    •   Indonesia

All Monash Arts graduate coursework programs offer
you the opportunity to undertake international internships
or attend global field schools to give you practical,
real-world experience within your specialised field.
We provide overseas study and international        Monash Abroad
immersion experiences for more students than       The Monash Abroad travel grant has made
any other university in Australia.                 studying overseas more accessible than ever.
Whether it’s understanding a new wave of           All Monash students are eligible to apply
cultural innovation through Shanghai’s city lab;   for a grant through which the University will
helping to build sustainable tourism models in     contribute to the cost of international education
developing economies like Estonia or Fiji; or      experiences and exchanges.
investigating the way traditional media outlets    8m
are adapting to change in New York City, our
international study opportunities provide you
with unique, once-in-a-lifetime experiences
which will help to shape your worldview and
your career.

                                                                                                       Immersing ourselves in industry
                                                                                                       through field trips was such an
                                                                                                       important part of the course, especially
                                                                                                       because they involved meeting
                                                                                                       fantastic professionals in their place
                                                                                                       of work.
                                                                                                       The trips were so far-flung – we went
                                                                                                       everywhere from Fiji, to Latvia, to the
                                                                                                       Great Ocean Road. These kinds of
                                                                                                       immersive experiences helped me gain
                                                                                                       a practical, first-hand understanding
                                                                                                       of how different destinations are
                                                                                                       tackling tourism challenges.”
                                                                                                       CHRISTIE SUTHERLAND
                                                                                                       Master of International Sustainable Tourism Management (2019)
                                                                                                       Operations Supervisor, G Adventures

                                                                                                                         Read Christie’s story by
                                                                                                                         scanning the code or

I want work that will sustain my spirit.
    Creative, open and honest expression
    is at the heart of everything I do, and
    it’s the reason I decided to take up
    postgraduate study.

    I didn’t want to start in the industry from
    the bottom – I wanted to start at a
    strategic, policy-making level. This degree
    empowered me to think big and see
    the industry as a whole rather than an
    archipelago of different projects.”
    Master of Creative and Cultural Industries (2018)
    Safeguarding, Consent and Inclusion Coordinator,
    Stratton Oakmont Productions, London

                       Discover Brody’s story by scanning the code
                       or 8

Master of                 Graduate Certificate of       Master of                     Master of                 Graduate Certificate of
Applied                   Applied                       Bioethics                     Communications            Communications
Linguistics               Linguistics                                                 and Media                 and Media
                                                                                      Studies                   Studies

See page 10.              See page 10.                  See page 12.                  See page 14.              See page 14.

Master of                 Master of                     Graduate Certificate of       Graduate Diploma of       Graduate Certificate of

Cultural and              Environment                   Family Violence               Family Violence           Gender, Peace
Creative                  and                           Prevention                    Prevention                and Security
Industries                Sustainability

See page 16.              See page 18.                  See page 20.                  See page 21.              See page 22.

Master of                 Graduate Certificate of       Master of                     Graduate Certificate of   Master of

International             International                 International                 International             International
Development               Development                   Relations +                   Relations                 Sustainable
Practice                  Practice                      Master of International                                 Tourism
                                                        Relations (double Master’s                              Management
                                                        with Shanghai Jiao Tong
                                                        University),Master of
                                                        International Relations and
                                                        Master of Journalism.

See page 24.              See page 24.                  See page 26.                  See page 26.              See page 28.

Graduate Certificate of   Master of                     Master of                     Graduate Certificate of   Master of

International             Interpreting                  Journalism                    Journalism                Public
Sustainable               and Translation               +                                                       Policy
Tourism                   Studies+                      Double Master’s with
                                                        University of Warwick.
Management                Master of Interpreting
                          and Translation Studies
                          (double Master’s in France,
                          Italy and Japan).

See page 28.              See page 30.                  See page 32.                  See page 32.              See page 34.

Graduate Certificate of   Master of                     Graduate Certificate of       Graduate Research         Graduate Research
                                                                                      degree                    degree
Public                    Strategic                     Strategic
Policy                    Communications                Communications                Master of Arts            PhD (Arts)
                          Management +                  Management
                          Master of Strategic
                          Management (double
                          Master’s with Shanghai
                          Jiao Tong University)

See page 34.              See page 36.                  See page 36.                  See page 40.              See page 40.
Master of
              On campus and online
              Combine flexible study options to best
                                                        APPLIED LINGUISTICS
              suit your requirements, and study from
              anywhere in the world. On campus
                                                        Become an advanced specialist in one of the most powerful communication tools
              and online                                we have, with Monash’s highly-regarded Master of Applied Linguistics.
              1 to 2 years full-time                    A true qualification for the 21st century,             Our Applied Linguistics program has a proud
              2 to 4 years part-time                    applied linguistics is increasingly recognised         reputation for excellence in the field, and this
              Students with relevant qualifications     for its ability to solve language-related problems     is reflected in strong workplace opportunities
              may be eligible for credit to complete
              the course in 1 to 1.5 years full-time.   in an increasingly multilingual and globalised         for graduates. An understanding of linguistics in
                                                        world. With globalisation and significant              a global landscape is highly-regarded in industry,
              February and July                         technological disruption in recent years, the          particularly where skills in solving language related
                                                        demand for English language experts, teachers          problems are required to optimise communication.
     CAREER OPTIONS                                     and intercultural communicators has significantly      Monash graduates have found employment in
     • English teacher                                  increased. As a professional at the forefront          government, non-government and private sector
     • English as a second language                     of this field, your knowledge of how language          organisations both in Australia and internationally.
       (ESL) teacher                                    works and how it can be used across a broad
                                                                                                               Our alumni hold positions in organisations
     • Editor                                           range of scenarios will be highly valued in the
                                                                                                               as varied as:
     • Languages Other Than English                     workplace – opening doors to a successful
       (LOTE) teacher                                                                                          • universities and schools
                                                        and rewarding career.
                                                                                                               • journalism
     • Policy advisor
     • Information technology                           Adapt the course to suit your needs                    • the information technology sector
                                                        You’ll complete core units that explore how language   • the health sector
                                                        variation comes to bear on communication across        • marketing, communications and public relations
     CRICOS CODE: 082651G
                                                        cultures, and how we use language differently          • banking.
                                                        according to context and across social groups.
                                                                                                               Industry connections
                                                        You’ll develop skills in language analysis and
                                                                                                               and internships
                                                        be able to apply small practice-based research
                                                                                                               Our academic teaching staff members are
                                                        projects within your own professional context
     Further information:                                                                                      innovative researchers and established industry
                                                        as part of the assessment process.                                                                             professionals who are committed to creating a
                                                        Elective units give you the option of exploring        supportive learning environment within which
     Course structure and unit offerings:
                                                        areas such as discourse analysis, intercultural        students from all backgrounds can thrive.
                                                        communication and teaching global languages.           They understand that application of linguistic
                                                                                                               knowledge to professional contexts is at the
                                                        How will the course help                               heart of the curriculum in the Master of Applied
                                                        advance your career?                                   Linguistics. You’ll have the opportunity to
                                                        The Master of Applied Linguistics will allow you       regularly engage with real-world case studies and
                                                        to develop as a leader in your field. You’ll gain a    practical problem-solving as part of your studies.
                                                        critical understanding of theoretical and practical    There’s also an extensive fortnightly seminar
                                                        issues relating to applied linguistics, including      series where you can engage with guest lecturers
                                                        foreign language acquisition, language teaching,       from industry and other universities.
                                                        language contact and intercultural communication
                                                                                                               We also support students doing an internship as
                                                        and digital language. Throughout the course you’ll
                                                                                                               part of the course – giving you genuine hands‑on
                                                        have opportunities to develop your own interests
                                                                                                               experience within industry. High‑achieving students
                                                        within applied linguistics and to apply your
                                                                                                               may also have the freedom to devise their own
                                                        developing knowledge to professional contexts.
                                                                                                               internship or research project which may be
                                                                                                               undertaken locally or internationally.

     LEARN FROM THE BEST                                                    HEAR FROM OUR GRADUATES
     Dr Howard Manns                                                        Rebecca Swain
     Program Director                                                       Graduate Head of Learning – English,
     Dr Manns’ primary research interest is language                        Carey Baptist Grammar School
     variation and change, and the impact of this change                    “The course has made me a better English teacher as I now have a better
     on speakers and communities. His current work                          understanding of languages and how languages are learnt and developed in young
     focuses on the Australian deaf‑blind community,                        people. It has also meant that I’m able to develop as a leader in the VCE English
     Australian English, Indonesian youth                                   language curriculum. The flexible learning environment at Monash enabled me to
     and the development of intercultural competence.                       continue teaching full-time whilst studying.”


                          1-YEAR                                                                1.5-YEAR                                              2-YEAR
               Entry with honours degree                                               Entry with a previous qualification                Entry with a previous qualification
                    in a related field*                                                         in a related field*                                    in any field*

    Option 1:                                                                      • Language and multilingual societies                Complete all 1.5 year units
    • Language and multilingual societies                                          • Language and intercultural
    • Language and intercultural                                                     communication                                      • Your choice of electives
      communication                                                                • Research methods in applied linguistics              (2-3 units up to 18 points)
    • Research methods in applied linguistics                                      • Second language acquisition                        • An additional professional
    • Second language acquisition or                                               • English grammar, pedagogy and use                    enhancement unit (6 points)
      English grammar, pedagogy and use                                            • Your choice of electives
    • One elective (6 points)                                                        (2-3 units up to 18 points)
    • One capstone unit                                                            • One professional enhancement unit
                                                                                     (6 points)
                                                                                   • One capstone unit
    Option 2:
    • Language and multilingual societies
    • Research methods in applied linguistics
    • Second language acquisition
    • English grammar, pedagogy and use
    • One elective (6 points)
    • One capstone unit

*or equivalent qualification or experience approved by the Faculty.

ELECTIVE UNITS                                                                                                                          Flexible online
Tailor your studies to your career direction by selecting elective units ranging from Digital language,                                 study available
through to Curriculum design & innovation in TESOL, and Bi/multilingualism to name a few.                                               The Master of Applied Linguistics is
                                                                                                                                        available either entirely on-campus,
                                                                                                                                        entirely online, or as a combination of
High achieving students interested in pursuing a graduate research degree, (PhD), may apply
                                                                                                                                        both study modes. This provides you
to undertake a research thesis.
                                                                                                                                        with the flexibility to fit study around
                                                                                                                                        your work or life commitments, and also
    CAPSTONE OPPORTUNITIES                                                                                                              ensures that you can access the program
    • Advanced simulation  • Professional internship                                            • Research project                      from anywhere in the world.

                                                                                TEST A MASTER’S DEGREE WITH A GRADUATE CERTIFICATE
GRADUATE                                                                        In a one year part-time mode, the graduate certificate provides you with a foundation in applied
CERTIFICATE                                                                     linguistics by allowing you to sample several of the Master’s units on offer.

OPTION                                                                          Sucessful completion can provide credit and entry into the Master’s degree.


                                                                       We live in a fast-paced, digital, multilingual and multi-dialectal world where language
                                                                       professionals are needed now more than ever. We challenge our students in the Monash
                                                                       MAppLing to be the change-makers the world needs.
                                                                       We invite our students to collaborate with us in interpreting existing knowledge about
                                                                       language, and society, and to create new and insightful knowledge. I’m always impressed
                                                                       by who our students are when they arrive, but I’m proudly in awe of them as they head
                                                                       off to new and exciting things or to return to their existing jobs with new insights.
                                                                       DR HOWARD MANNS
                                                                       Program Director

Master of
              On campas and online
              Combine flexible study options to best
              suit your requirements, and study from
              anywhere in the world.
                                                        Revolutionary developments in biological and health sciences and technology are
              1 to 2 years full-time
                                                        increasingly raising crucial ethical questions. The Master of Bioethics prepares students
              2 to 4 years part-time                    with the ability to provide well-informed analysis of these issues that are relevant to
              Students with relevant qualifications
                                                        both individuals and society as a whole.
              may be eligible for credit to complete
              the course in 1 to 1.5 years full-time.   The program is especially designed for health          How will the course help
                                                        professionals, scientists and those involved in        advance your career?
              February and July                         public policy. Bioethics is something that Monash      A key strength of our program is its provision of
                                                        is famous for – and the Master of Bioethics is         a solid philosophical grounding, which is crucial
     CAREER OPTIONS                                     widely acknowledged to be one of the world’s           to doing bioethics well. This means you’ll develop
     • Clinical ethics and research                     most innovative and highly‑respected programs.         stronger analytical skills, be able to think through
       ethics within hospitals and                      You’ll have the opportunity to learn from expert       issues more clearly, and be confident that your
       health care facilities                           staff with international reputations for teaching      decisions and views regarding ethical issues are
     • Public policy development                        and research in bioethics. As leaders in the field,    well-informed.
     • State guardianship boards                        our academics are active and prominent
     • Disability advocacy                              contributors to public debate and their industry       The Master of Bioethics will help you to develop
     • Tertiary teaching of ethics                      insights will help you to navigate your own            a deeper understanding of ethical frameworks and
       within the heath care profession                 career path.                                           their application to real-world issues. You’ll also
                                                                                                               gain familiarity with newly‑emerging controversies
     CRICOS CODE: 082652G
                                                        About the Monash Bioethics Centre                      surrounding the latest developments in science
                                                        The Master of Bioethics is offered by the Monash       and technology – and with current policies and
                                                        Bioethics Centre, which was established by             practices in clinical and research ethics.
                                                        Professor Peter Singer in 1980 as Australia’s          You’ll be taught by staff who are internationally
                                                        first research centre devoted to bioethics.            renowned for their bioethics research and
                                                        The centre is renowned as a world leader in            teaching, and who are active and prominent
     Further information:                               research, industry engagement and education            contributors to public debate on a wide variety                      offerings. In 2014 it was designated as a              of issues in bioethics.
                                                        World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating
     Course structure and unit offerings:
                                                        Centre for Bioethics, of which there are only a        Internships
                                                        handful worldwide.                                     Thanks to our exceptional industry connections
                                                                                                               with the World Health Organisation and other
                                                        Industry connections                                   esteemed organisations it may also be possible
                                                 ?      Our connections with industry at an international      via the Monash Arts WIL (Work Integrated
     DID YOU KNOW?                                      and local level include a wide variety of              Learning) team.
     Flexible online study available                    organisations such as Médecins Sans Frontières
     The Master of Bioethics is available               (Doctors Without Borders), The Alfred hospital         Where can the course take you?
     either entirely in flexible mode, entirely         (Melbourne), International Association of Bioethics,   Master of Bioethics graduates go on to influence
     online, or as a combination of both                Virtues Across the Continents Network, Murdoch         policy development and ethical practices at a wide
     study modes. This provides you with                Children’s Research Institute and Victorian Clinical   range of influential organisations such as leading
     the flexibility to fit study around your           Genetic Services.                                      teaching hospitals, professional associations,
     work or life commitments and also                                                                         governmental bodies and NGOs.
     ensures that you can access the                    Who is the program suited to?
     program from anywhere in the world.                The course attracts students from a wide range
                                                        of backgrounds and professions. Knowledge of
                                                        ethics or philosophy isn’t essential and the course
                                                        can be tailored to suit your specific industry and
                                                        career focus. It’s particularly well‑suited to the
                                                        following groups:
                                                        • health care professionals, doctors and
                                                           scientists who face complex ethical issues
                                                           in their working lives
                                                        • those involved in the formulation of
                                                           public policy
                                                        • legal professionals aiming to develop or refine
                                                           specialised knowledge
                                                        • journalists, media commentators and public
                                                           policy advocates
                                                        • philosophy graduates with an interest in further
                                                           study of bioethics
                                                        • anyone interested in bioethical issues
                                                           of public concern.


                         1-YEAR                                                       1.5-YEAR                                                 2-YEAR
              Entry with honours degree                                    Entry with a previous qualification                      Entry with a previous qualification
                   in a related field*                                              in a related field*                                          in any field*

   • Ethical theory                                                     Complete all 1-year units                                Complete all 1-year units
   • Ethical of life and death
   • Your choice of discipline elective                                 • Your choice of additional                              Complete all 1.5-year units
       (1-2 units up to 12-credit points)                                 discipline electives
                                                                          (1-2 units up to 12-credit points)
                                                                                                                                 Your choice of additional electives
   One capstone unit from:                                              • An additional capstone unit                            (2-4 units up to 24-credit points)
   • Advanced simulation
   • Bioethics, public policy, and the law
   • Bioethics in action
   • Professional internship
   • Research project

*or equivalent qualification or experience approved by the Faculty.

ELECTIVE UNITS                                                        RESEARCH PATHWAY
Pursue your personal interests and career                             High achieving students interested in pursuing
aspirations by taking advantage of the range of                       a graduate research degree (PhD), may apply
elective units available to you, some including:                      to undertake a research thesis.
• Clinical ethics
• Ethical issues in human genomics
• Health, illness and disease
• Public health ethics
• Research ethics

Professor Catherine Mills                                                                            Professor Justin Oakley
Director, Monash Bioethics Centre                                                                    Program Director, Master of Bioethics
Professor Mills’ world-leading research addresses ethical issues                                     Professor Oakley is a globally respected academic authority in
in human reproduction, especially from the perspective of how new                                    bioethics. In addition to publishing two books, Morality and the
reproductive technologies impact on women. The author of several                                     Emotions and Virtue Ethics and Professional Roles, he has published
books, as well as numerous articles and book chapters, Professor                                     articles in international journals on topics including the ethics of
Mills is recognised as an esteemed expert on debates                                                 clinical trials, informed consent, surrogate motherhood, surgeon
on biopolitics, feminist philosophy and Continental philosophy.                                      report cards, whistle blowing and reproductive cloning.
As the leader of the Reproductive Biomedicine and Technology group,                                  While conducting world-leading research, he also serves as the
Professor Mills’ current research projects examine ethical, social                                   co-editor of the quarterly refereed journal Monash Bioethics Review.
and regulatory issues related to non-invasive prenatal testing and
the use of genomics to prevent mitochondrial diseases. She is also
part of a project on commercial influences within the IVF industry.

                                                                           The great thing about bioethics is that it’s interesting, it’s important and
                                                                           it’s relevant. We cover traditional topics in bioethics, and we also address
                                                                           very contemporary issues, like emerging technologies including genetic
                                                                           technologies and biotechnology.”
                                                                           PROFESSOR MICHAEL SELGELID
                                                                           Monash Bioethics Centre

                                                                                            Hear Professor Selgelid reveal why you should choose to study
                                                                                            bioethics at Monash Arts by scanning the code or visit
Master of
              Caulfield, On Campus
                                                               AND MEDIA STUDIES
              1 to 2 years full-time
              2 to 4 years part-time
              Students with relevant qualifications may
              be eligible for credits to complete the
              course in 1 to 1.5 years full‑time equivalent.
                                                               Play a leading role as a communicator in the digital economy with our renowned
              February, July and October                       Master of Communications and Media Studies.
     CAREER OPTIONS                                            The last decade has seen unprecedented changes         With broad electives available the course will give
     Policy, research and consultation                         in communications and media content, technology        you a dynamic understanding of the technological,
     • Digital and social                                      and policy – with wide-ranging implications for        cultural, economic and social changes sweeping
       media engagement                                        business, politics, public policy and everyday life.   our world. Our breadth of subject offerings is
     • Media and content production                            As the innovation agenda sweeps through our            indicative of the broad employment opportunities
     • Media advising and                                      social, political and economic lives, this course      available. This diversity is further reflected in
       public relations                                        provides you with the skills to take a leadership      our graduates’ employment destinations, with
     • Communications and                                      role in the new economy and converging media.          our alumni holding roles in influential global
       stakeholder relations                                                                                          organisations such as:
                                                               Housed within our innovative School of Media,
     • Media planning and buying                               Film and Journalism, the program makes full use        •   Telstra
                                                               of the professional experience and networks of         •   SCTV, Jakarta, Indonesia
     CRICOS CODE: 082653F                                      teaching staff. Hands-on skill development in          •   Time Out Beijing
                                                               project management, media research and media           •   Victorian Department of Human Services
                                                               production - including opportunities to choose         •   Pacific Brands
                                                               units taught in the industry-standard Monash           •   BBC Worldwide
                                                               Media Lab - is complemented by a rigorous              •   CNN International Ltd, London.
                                                               academic grounding which will provide you with
     Further information:                                      the conceptual framework for critical decision         Industry connections                             making throughout your career.                         and internships
     Course structure and unit offerings:                                                                             The course provides you with the option of
                                                               Who is the program suited to?
                                                                                                                      undertaking a Communications Industry
     courses/A6003                                             The course is designed for students working,
                                                                                                                      Internship subject where you can apply your
                                                               or looking to work, in the communications and
                                                                                                                      skills in real-work situations. Recent partners
                                                               media industries, including media research,
                                                                                                                      who’ve supported Monash interns include
                                                               organisational and strategic communication,
                                                                                                                      Shandong Television (SDTV), the United Nations
                                                               policy formulation and public relations.
     A truly international                                                                                            in New York (Department of Public Information),
                                                               The course aims to develop graduates who are
     experience                                                                                                       Greta Donaldson Publicity, Slattery Media,
                                                               able to take initiative and embrace leadership
                                                                                                                      Mango Communications and the Department
     The Master of Communications                              in this rapidly-changing environment – whether
                                                                                                                      of Broadband, Communications and the Digital
     and Media Studies offers you a                            in business, politics, public administration,
                                                                                                                      Economy. The program also offers structured,
     thoroughly international study                            non‑government organisations or everyday life.
                                                                                                                      assessed field trips to media industries, with
     experience – from the curriculum
                                                               How will the course help                               some previous destinations including Melbourne,
     through to the classroom and then on
                                                                                                                      Sydney and Shanghai.
     to field experiences in cities such as                    advance your career?
     Shanghai. With a broad international                      The Master of Communications and Media                 Excursions and guest lectures help to provide
     cohort, you’ll be able to draw on the                     Studies will prepare you for an exciting career        further industry-based learning opportunities
     global media experiences of your                          in a range of industries. You’ll graduate with         – where you’ll hear directly from leading
     peers to learn first-hand experiences                     advanced written, communication and analytical         practitioners in the field. In previous years, these
     of how communications is helping                          skills and a thorough understanding of the place       organisations have included the AudioBoom, Seek,
     to revolutionise global cultural                          of communications and media in politics, public        Southern Cross Austereo, Channel 10, Australian
     movements such as #MeToo and                              policy and business. The strong academic and           Broadcasting Corporation, Fairfax Media, News
     Black Lives Matter.                                       research focus of the course will empower you          Ltd, Essential Communications Media, Fox
                                                               with the intellectual confidence to succeed within     Studios, GetUp, and the Department of Broadband,
                                                               a competitive industry environment.                    Communications and the Digital Economy.


                         1-YEAR                                                        1.5-YEAR                                               2-YEAR
              Entry with honours degree                                      Entry with a previous qualification                 Entry with a previous qualification
                   in a related field*                                                in a related field*                                     in any field*

   Complete your choice of four units                                     Complete all 1-year units                            Complete all 1-year units
   from the following:
   • Digital cultures and platforms                                       • Your choice of additional electives                Complete all 1.5-year units
   • Digital technology, policy and                                         (2-3 units up to 18 points)
      governance                                                          • One professional enhancement unit                  • Principles of global media
   • Global media industries                                                (6 points)                                           and communications
   • Media and social change
                                                                                                                               • Doing media and
   • Understanding media audiences
                                                                                                                                 communications research
                                                                                                                               • An additional professional
   Your choice of discipline electives                                                                                           enhancement unit (6 points)
   (1-2 units up to 12 points)                                                                                                 • An additional elective unit (6 points)

   One capstone unit from:
   • Professional internship                                           DISCIPLINE ELECTIVE UNITS                                Our industry connections
   • Industry project                                                  Tailor your studies to your career direction by          can advance your career
   • Media and communications field trip                               selecting elective unit from across specialist           Monash has strong connections with
   • Advanced simulation                                               disciplines in:                                          influential organisations such as News
   • Research portfolio                                                • Data automation and AI                                 Ltd, Fairfax, Channel 9 News, the
   • Communications research project                                   • Design and creative practice for media and             ABC’s Q&A, The Drum, Lateline, Triple
   • Research project                                                     communication                                         J and Radio National, Essential Media
                                                                       • Governance, policy and leadership                      Communications, Foxtel, Nova radio,
*or equivalent qualification or experience approved by the Faculty.    • Journalism practice                                    GetUp, Centre for Policy Development
                                                                       • Screen and cultural industries                         Channel 10 and Southern Cross
                                                                       • Social change and impact.                              Austereo. These connections not only
                                                                                                                                provide internship opportunities, they
                                                                       RESEARCH PATHWAY                                         also help to increase the visibility of our
                                                                       High achieving students interested in pursuing           graduates within industry and contribute
                                                                       a graduate research degree (PhD), may apply              to strong employability after graduation.
                                                                       to undertake a research thesis.

                                                                       TEST A MASTER’S DEGREE WITH A GRADUATE CERTIFICATE
GRADUATE                                                               In as short as six months, the graduate certificate provides you with a foundation in communications
CERTIFICATE                                                            and media studies by allowing you to sample several of the Master’s units on offer.

OPTION                                                                 Sucessful completion can provide credit and entry into the Master’s degree. Find out more at

LEARN FROM                                                            Dr Maura Edmond                                    HEAR FROM
THE BEST                                                              Program Director                                   OUR GRADUATES
                                                                      Dr Maura Edmond is a Lecturer in Media
Our program is led by teachers with                                                                                      Melissa Christidis
                                                                      Studies at Monash University and theProgram
substantial industry experience in
                                                                      Director of the Masters of Communication and       Master of Communications
journalism, radio, public relations and film,
in addition to their academic credentials
                                                                      Media Studies (MCMS). Her research explores        and Media Studies
                                                                      the sociology of creative scenes and media         “The graduate program was a great stepping
and cutting-edge research into rapidly
                                                                      subcultures, and has examined music, art,          stone in allowing me to successfully land
transforming media and communications.
                                                                      podcasting, fashion, film and fandom from          a position in Telstra’s internal corporate
They teach topics that are reflective of this
                                                                      this perspective. Maura has also worked as a       communications team. More recently,
contemporary, dynamic industry, and will
                                                                      programmer, writer and editor for a wide range     I was promoted to Brand Marketing Manager,
introduce you to the latest developments
                                                                      of cultural organisations and publications.        having the ability to work on exciting advertising
and research in communications and media.
                                                                      Her work has been published in New Media           campaigns with many key media agencies.”
                                                                      and Society, Television and New Media,
                                                                      The Routledge Handbook of Global Cultural
                                                                      Policy (2018) and in digital outlets, magazines
                                                                      and newspapers around the country.

Master of
              Caulfield, On Campus
                                                               CULTURAL AND
                                                               CREATIVE INDUSTRIES
              1 to 2 years full-time
              2 to 4 years part-time
              Students with relevant qualifications may
              be eligible for credits to complete the
              course in 1 to 1.5 years full‑time equivalent.
                                                               Become a leading voice in one of the most exciting and innovative sectors
              February and July                                of the contemporary world with Monash’s groundbreaking Master of Cultural
                                                               and Creative Industries.
     Developing entrepreneurship
                                                               Key to the future of developed and developing           Industry connections
     in cultural industries
                                                               countries, this interdisciplinary program provides      and internships
                                                               you with a critical overview of a rapidly-growing       The program benefits from strong industry
     • Running a creative studio
                                                               sector and its many employment opportunities.           engagement, including an industry advisory
     • Working within marketing, design
        and digital media agencies                             You’ll get a detailed understanding of this dynamic     panel and an impressive list of international guest
     • Cultural consultancy                                    sector through learning from a passionate team          lecturers from the field, including:
     • Consulting to arts industries,                          of cultural researchers and innovators, as well         • Creative Victoria
        galleries, museums and                                 as a with a range of industry professionals and         • Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI)
        cultural institutions                                  real-world projects from Australia and overseas.        • Collingwood Arts Precinct (a contemporary
     • Policy development within                               Whether exploring creative clusters in Melbourne           creative workspace)
        government                                             and Shanghai, or understanding the business             • Renew Australia
                                                               models of global digital industries, our agile          • Creative Economy Australia
                                                               content will prepare you for a career in this           • Tasmanian Department of State Growth
     CRICOS CODE: 093655B
                                                               expanding sector.                                       • Shenzhen and Shanghai Maker Space
                                                                                                                       • BOP Cultural Consultancy, China
                                                               Who is the program suited to?
                                                                                                                       • Marcus Westbury, Renew Newcastle and
                                                               This course is intended for all who work or want to
                                                                                                                          Collingwood Arts Precinct
                                                               work in the arts, cultural and creative industries;
                                                                                                                       • Ben Eltham, journalist and cultural policy expert
     Further information:                                      in the public, independent or commercial sectors;
                                                                                                                       • Raj Isar, UNESCO expert,                             in cultural policy and industry governance; in urban
                                                                                                                          American University Paris
                                                               cultural regeneration and branding; or in culture
     Course structure and unit offerings:                      and development projects. It provides project-          • Avril Joffe, lead policy advisor to                                 workers and creative entrepreneurs with the big            South African government
     courses/A6004                                             picture and informed insight they need to turn their    • Helene George, Indigenous cultural
                                                               passion into a successful self‑directed career.            development expert
                                                                                                                       • Dan Baron Cohen, Culture and Development
                                                               How will the course help                                   expert from Amazonia, Brazil
                                                               advance your career?                                    • Dan Hill, Arup Digital Lab, London.
                                                               The Master of Cultural and Creative Industries          Melbourne is Australia’s cultural capital, and
                                                               will give you a clear grasp of the structures and       Victoria is the leader in creative industries strategy
                                                               dynamics of this fast-moving sector and how you         and investment. You’ll have the opportunity to get
                                                               can make a real difference within it. Our program       up close to many of the existing projects in the
                                                               involves practitioners and industry experts, field      city, region and across Australia through our field
                                                               trips and concrete case studies, capped by the          trips and site visits.
                                                               kind of analytical and empirical research required
                                                               for contemporary employment in policy, arts,            Field trips and global study tours
                                                               business and social enterprise.                         Our city lab in Shanghai, and our intensive
                                                               The course will help you to develop an advanced         culture and development workshops, add a
                                                               understanding of the distinctiveness of cultural        strong international dimension to the course.
                                                               and creative industries business models, and of         Building on our strong links to UNESCO and the
                                                               the economic, cultural and urban policy settings        policy agencies, our international network of
                                                               in which they operate. You’ll gain insight into         cultural creative industry leaders, and research
                                                               how to initiate and manage projects, and how to         collaborations in China, the UK and South Africa,
                                                               evaluate their success. As a program closely tuned      this master’s can link you to researchers and
                                                               to the specific character of this sector, it’ll equip   policy makers across the globe. You’ll be able
                                                               you with skills of independent problem-solving          to leverage this global network to undertake
                                                               and entrepreneurship, report writing and analysis       international internships.
                                                               which will allow you to forge a rewarding career
                                                               in this rapidly evolving field.


                         1-YEAR                                                   1.5-YEAR                                                        2-YEAR
              Entry with honours degree                                 Entry with a previous qualification                       Entry with a previous qualification
                   in a related field*                                           in a related field*                                           in any field*

   Complete the following two units:                                  Complete the following two units:                        Complete all 1 year units
   • Creative cities                                                  • Creative cities
   • Cultural and creative industries                                 • Cultural and creative industries                       Complete all 1-year units

   Your choice of two units from:                                     Your choice of three units from:                         • Your choice of additional discipline
   • Cultural economy in practice                                     • Cultural economy in practice                              electives (2-3 units up to 18 points)
   • Cultural events, festivals                                       • Cultural events, festivals                             • An additional professional
     and exhibitions                                                    and exhibitions                                           enhancement unit (6 points)
   • Cultural policy                                                  • Cultural policy
   • Sustainable cultural development                                 • Sustainable cultural development
                                                                                                                            DISCIPLINE ELECTIVE UNITS
                                                                                                                            Tailor your studies to your career direction by
   Your choice of capstone unit from:                                 Your choice of discipline elective units              selecting elective unit from across specialist
   • Advanced simulation                                              (1-2 units up to 12 points)                           disciplines in:
   • Creative entrepreneurship in                                                                                           • Cultural markets and audiences
     cultural industries                                              Your one professional                                 • Digital cultures
   • Professional internship                                          enhancement unit (6 points)                           • Media and creative practice
   • Research portfolio                                                                                                     • Public policy and cultural change
   • Research project                                                                                                       • Urban cultures.
                                                                      Your choice of capstone unit
   • Shanghai city lab
                                                                                                                            RESEARCH PATHWAY
*or equivalent qualification or experience approved by the Faculty.                                                         High achieving students interested in pursuing
                                                                                                                            a graduate research degree (PhD), may apply
                                                                                                                            to undertake a research thesis.

LEARN FROM THE BEST                                                                         Professor Paul Long
You’ll have the opportunity to learn from a passionate team                                 Program Director
of innovators in this area. Our lecturers conduct research on                               Professor Long is recognised as a global authority on media and
Australian and international cultural policy, urban regeneration                            cultural research. His research spans the nature of creative work
and cultural clusters, cultural and creative industries, art                                across the cultural sector. His PhD, ‘The Aesthetics of Class in
museums and live music venues, creative workers, community                                  Post-War Britain’, resulted in his first book Only in the Common
arts, sports media and computer gaming, among others.                                       People. In 2009, he co-founded the Birmingham Centre for Media
They promote an active and thriving culture of academic inquiry                             and Cultural Research at Birmingham City University.
which will help to inform your practice throughout your career.

                                                                                       I chose the Master of Cultural and Creative Industries
                                                                                       because Monash was one of the first universities in Australia
                                                                                       to offer a course like this. This degree opened my eyes to the
                                                                                       man options available in the cultural industry. My advice is to
                                                                                       not be shy and take advantage of every opportunity out there.”
                                                                                       CLOE KARAGOZLU
                                                                                       Master of Cultural and Creative Industries (2019)
                                                                                       Head of Coordination and Monitoring, Museums Department,
                                                                                       Government of the City of Buenos Aires

                                                                                                        Get Cloe’s top tips for making the most of studying
                                                                                                        in the culture capital of Australia by scanning the code
                                                                                                        or 8

Master of
              Clayton, On Campus
                                                               ENVIRONMENT AND
              1 to 2 years full-time
              2 to 4 years part-time
              Students with relevant qualifications may
              be eligible for credits to complete the
              course in 1 to 1.5 years full‑time equivalent.
                                                               Humanity is developing at a speed which is causing widespread environmental,
              February and July                                economic and social challenges for sustaining life on Earth, making it vital for
                                                               us to change and adapt in all aspects of how we work and live.
                                                               We’ve developed a master’s degree that draws          Corporate environmental and
     The course is approved by the
                                                               on the cross-disciplinary expertise of Monash         sustainability management
     Australian Government for Centrelink
                                                               Arts, Monash Science, the Monash Business             This specialisation explores the complex
     benefits for domestic students.
                                                               School and the Monash Sustainable Development         mix of social, environmental and economic
     These include Youth Allowance,
                                                               Institute to build on your passion to transform       sustainability challenges and opportunities faced
     Austudy, Abstudy and the
                                                               society through sustainable solutions.                by organisations. You’ll learn how to design,
     Pensioner Education Supplement.
                                                                                                                     implement and facilitate strategies and solutions
     For more information, visit the                           It’ll give you the training, language and tools
                                                                                                                     in corporate management for sustainable and
     Department of Social Services                             to be a leader in a rapidly-growing field.
                                                                                                                     accountable development.
     and Centrelink websites.                                  You’ll explore trends, issues and the science
                                                               underlying global sustainability problems, and        International development
                                                               learn how to evaluate, analyse and collaborate        and environment
     CAREER OPTIONS                                            across sectors to effect change.                      Developing nations are often the hardest hit by
     • Policy advisor within government                                                                              environmental changes. To achieve sustainable
     • Environmental or                                        As a student in the Master of Environment and
                                                                                                                     development these communities need tailored,
       sustainability consultant                               Sustainability you’ll be learning from global and
                                                                                                                     transdisciplinary solutions beyond simple
     • Governance and                                          professional experts from multiple disciplines
                                                                                                                     environmental protection.
       regulatory advisor                                      and sectors. Our people are leading the agenda
     • Public educator
                                                               in Australia and internationally.                     This specialisation will develop your knowledge
                                                                                                                     and skills to analyse the causes of poverty,
     • Environmental security or
                                                               Tailor your program                                   disadvantage and environmental change, and
       human rights officer
                                                               to suit your interests                                to work effectively with a wide range of groups
                                                               The program has core units that allow you to          to plan and implement development that’s
     CRICOS CODE: 089231E
                                                               analyse how nature, society and the economy           environmentally sustainable.
                                                               interact and depend on each other, practical skill
                                                                                                                     Environmental security
                                                               development through project work, internships
                                                                                                                     There’s a global need for scientifically literate
                                                               and optional research, as well as your choice
                                                                                                                     professionals to interpret and translate reliable
                                                               of one of the following five specialisations:
                                                                                                                     scientific evidence about environmental security
     Further information:                                      Environment and governance                            for groups as diverse as local communities and                             Governments, markets and civil society play           international corporations. This specialisation
     Course structure and unit offerings:                      important and interrelated roles in the governance    gives you the knowledge and understanding to                                 of the environment.                                   guide the sustainable use of resources, protect
     courses/S6002                                                                                                   the natural environment and integrate this into
                                                               This specialisation will develop your                 policy and management.
                                                               understanding of policy and governance to
                                                               enable change and responsible action to support       Leadership for sustainable development
                                                               sustainability. It’ll also enable you to understand   Globally there’s an increasing demand for
                                                               how change occurs from the scale of the               professionals from a range of disciplines,
                                                               individual through to the broader society, and        organisations and sectors who are able to
                                                               from local to national and international scales       collaborate, lead and deliver change for
                                                               of governance.                                        sustainability. This master’s equips you with
                                                                                                                     holistic theoretical insights, analytical skills and
                                                                                                                     practical capacities to guide, influence and lead
                                                                                                                     processes aimed at creating positive social,
                                                                                                                     environmental and economic outcomes.

You can also read