Page created by Andy Simmons
AKC 2020
                                 26th – 28th November 2020
                                 Nanyang Executive Centre

Human Health and Longevity in the Post COVID-19 Era


Welcome to AKC2020!

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Asia-Korea          We have assembled a fantastic group of local and
Conference on Science and Technology 2020                   international speakers for AKC2020 from across
(AKC2020).                                                  universities, research institutes, and private companies
                                                            to introduce cutting-edge research, discuss the latest
AKC is the signature event of the Korean Scientists and     trends, and offer future perspectives. Together, we
Engineers Association chapters in the Asia-Pacific          can find timely and impactful solutions to use science
region and aims to promote scientific and                   and technology to meet the needs of humanity.
technological collaboration between Asia and Korea.
We have had phenomenal success with past AKC                Thank you and I look forward to a wonderful AKC2020.
meetings, and I hope that AKC2020 will be another
great event to showcase emerging scientific and
technological developments in the region.

This year’s conference theme is “Human Health and           Professor Nam-Joon Cho
Longevity in the Post COVID-19 Era” and Singapore is        AKC2020 Conference Chair & President
an ideal location to host such an important event.          Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
Given the rapidly unfolding events worldwide and            Materials Research Society of Singapore Professor
resulting impact on human society, it is critical that we   School of Materials Science and Engineering
rethink how science and technology collaborations are       Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
conducted globally and how we can promote them in
the digital age. Together, we can find timely and
impactful solutions to use science and technology to
meet the needs of global society.


Distinguished guests, fellow scientists and engineers      wisdom to come up with workable measures to
from home and abroad,                                      explore scientific collaboration built on the well-being
                                                           of humankind.
It is my great honor to extend a warm welcome to all
the participants who have joined the 2020 Asia-Korea       Since its inception in 2013, KSEASG has gained
Conference on Science and Technology (AKC2020).            significant momentum by making great strides in joint
                                                           international research among such Asian countries as
This year's AKC is held in combination of online and in    Korea, Singapore, Japan and China, and become a
person to maintain vigilance for the health and safety     well-established platform conducive to science and
of all participants involved. At the outset, recognition   industrial development in the region. I trust that this
and gratitude shall go to President Nam-Joon Cho and       platform will continue to be at the heart of global
the esteemed members of the Korean Scientists and          endeavors for innovations in science and technology
Engineers Association in Singapore (KSEASG) for            that will shape our future and lift cross-border
pulling off a successfully orchestrated event of this      barriers.
magnitude amidst these challenging times.
                                                           In closing, I am confident that your passion dedicated
As the world remains on high alert over a continuous       to research and development will serve as a driving
wave of mass infection and transboundary                   force behind ‘scientific and technological advancement
transmission of COVID-19, the pandemic has brought         for the good and betterment of all mankind’. Please be
unprecedented economic upheaval, upending every            assured that KOFST will always remain committed to
aspect of our livelihoods including the shut-down of       your noble work and pledge its unwavering support for
nonessential businesses, an abrupt shift to working        AKC-2020 to give renewed impetus to mutually
from home in a bid to prevent further spread of nth        beneficial scientific and technological exchanges
degree transmission, not to mention amplifying social      among Korea and Asian countries down the road. I
and economic turmoil. Notwithstanding these public         wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Thank
health crisis, Korea and Singapore are widely praised      you.
as setting best practice with their preventive response
to COVID-19, which bespeaks a renewed opportunity
to cooperate in fast-tracking medical and non-contact
industries between two countries.

In hopes of bringing about the betterment of mankind       Woo Il Lee, Ph.D.
through partnerships in science and technology, the        President of the Korean Federation of Science and
theme of AKC2020 is ‘Human Health and Longevity in         Technology Societies
the Post COVID-19 Era’. Advances in science and
technology are becoming prominent in combating
COVID-19, notably in contact tracing, social distancing,
telemedicine through digital innovation, and vaccine
development. In the light of this, the role entrusted to
Korean and Asian scientists and engineers joining
today is more significant than ever in pooling their


It is my great pleasure to congratulate the Korean       The Korean New Deal emphasizes better
Scientists and Engineers Association in Singapore        communication and cooperation between private and
(KSEASG) on hosting the 8th Asia-Korea Conference        public sectors and seeks to actively engage subject
on Science and Technology 2020 in Singapore.             matter experts. On that note, the Asia-Korea
                                                         Conference on Science and Technology provides a
In the context of rapid transformation in multiple       much-valued engagement opportunity
areas of science technology, KSEASG has played a
pivotal role in promoting relevant exchanges between     I sincerely hope that scientists, engineers, and policy-
the Republic of Korea and the Republic of Singapore.     makers will make the most out of this meaningful
The Asia-Korea Conference on Science and                 conference, not least as we finally transition from
Technology has been a signature event of KSEASG, in      months of online meetings to face-to-face gathering.
this regard. This year’s Conference bears special
meaning as it is held at a time when the whole world     Thank you.
struggles against the COVID-19 pandemic. The virus
has awakened us to the true meaning of being able to
physically gather and relish personal interaction.

In the midst of the pandemic, the Korean government      Ahn Young Jip, Ambassador
announced a bold initiative – the Korean New Deal –      Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the Republic
to overcome the COVID-19 crisis and better prepare       of Singapore
for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This initiative
includes investment plans in Data, Network, and AI, as
well as policy frameworks to facilitate innovation.

                                                                              Day 1 (THU, 26th Nov)
Time & Venue                                               Main Auditorium                                                         Lecture Hall 1
                                                                                                                      Forum and Networking for Foreign Student
14:00 - 15:00                                                Registration
                                                                                                                        Alumni from Southeast Asia and India
15:00 - 15:30                                    AKC 2020 Opening Ceremony
                                          Opening, Welcome, Congratulatory Address                                                      Opening Ceremony
                                                                                                                                          Special Lecture
15:30 - 16:00                                 Minister of Science, ICT Prize Award                                   14:30
                                                                                                                                   Asia Research Network (ARN)
                                The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies Award                        -
                                                                                                                                    Engineers Without Borders
                                                    KSEASG Internship Award                                          18:20
                                                                                                                                           COAS Group
16:00 - 16:40                      Plenary Lecture 1 : Prof. Yoon Jong-Lok, Hanyang University                                     Southeast Asia Presentation
16:40 - 17:20                           Plenary Lecture 2 : Dr. Yuhyun Park, DQ Institute
17:20 - 17:30                                             Close Remark                                               18:20
                                                                                                                       -                     Banquet
17:30 - 20:00                                              Welcome Dinner

                                                                               Day 2 (FRI, 27th Nov)
Time & Venue                                               Main Auditorium                                                           Lecture Hall 1
08:00 - 09:00                                              Registration                                            Next-Generation Science and Technology Leader
09:00 - 09:30      Minister of Science, ICT Award Lecture: Prof. Hyunsoo Yang, National University of Singapore
                           The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies Award Lecture
09:30 - 10:00
                                                 : Prof. Bong Keun Yoo, A*STAR
                           The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies Award Lecture                                     Opening Ceremony
10:00 - 10:30                                                                                                                             Special Lecture
                                      : Prof. Juha Song, Nanyang Technological University
                                     Plenary Lecture 3 : Prof. Sue Gyeong Syn, COAS Group                                             Brain Mobility & ARN
10:30 - 11:00
                                                                                                                                    Engineers Without Border
11:00 - 11:30                     Plenary Lecture 4 : Prof. DH Park, Handong Global University
                                                                                                                     13:30         The Technology Partnership
11:30 – 13:00                                                   Lunch                                                  -          (Measuring the deformation of
13:00 – 13:30                      Plenary Lecture 5 Dr. Sae Moon Yoon, World Economic Forum                         18:20        adsorbed particles using QCMD
13:30 – 14:00              Panel Discussion: Mr. Charles Harvey, Hudson Institute & Prof. Nam-Joon Cho                                Technology Pioneers)
14:00 – 14:30                   Plenary Lecture 6 : Engineers Without Borders, NTU Student Chapter                                     Alumni Presentation
                                                                                                                                   Next-Generation Science and
                     Plastic Pandemic in Marine Research : Dr. Nicolas Pilcher, Marine Research Foundation &
14:30 – 15:30                                                                                                                           Technology Leader
                                       Prof. Nam-Joon Cho, Nanyang Technological University
15:30 – 16:00                  Plenary Lecture 7 : Prof. Joshua A. Jackman, Sungkyunkwan University
16:00 – 17:00                     Plenary Lecture 8 : Prof Pei-Jer Chen, National Taiwan University

                                                                              Day 3 (SAT, 28th Nov)
Time & Venue                                                                        Main Auditorium
09:30 - 10:00                                           Plenary Lecture 9 : Prof. Zvi Hayouka, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
10:00 - 10:30                                             Plenary Lecture 10 : Dr. Bo Kyeong Yoon, Sungkyunkwan University
10:30 - 11:00                                      Plenary Lecture 11 : Dr. Yong-An Lee, Genome Institute of Singapore, A*STAR
11:00 - 12:00                      Plenary Lecture 12 : Dr. R. Dean Boyd, Hanor Company & Dr. Charlie Elrod, Natural Biologics/Cornell University
12:00 - 12:10                                                                       Closing Remarks
                                              Lecture Hall 1                                                                       Lecture Hall 2
                                     Young Professional Forum (YPF)                                                       Young Generation Forum (YGF)
14:30 – 14:40                              Opening Ceremony                                   15:00 – 16:00                         Registration
                       Special Lecture: “Smart Campus Cities: Connecting People”              16:00 – 16:10                     Opening Ceremony
                               Special Lecture: “Post Covid-19 Era and IT”                                        Special Lecture: “Convergence Space of Digital
                    Special Lecture: “The Sustainability and Revolution of 3D Printing                                        Transformational Era”
14:40 – 21:00
                                 Technologies after Covid-19 Pandemic”                        16:10 – 21:00     Special Lecture: “A Creation of Monetary Value for
                          KSEASG Internship Award Lecture , YPF Presentation                                                      Societal Impact”
                                            Welcome Dinner                                                              YGF Presentation, Welcome Dinner

                                                                              Day 4 (SUN, 29th Nov)
Time & Venue                                  Lecture Hall 1                                                                     Lecture Hall 2
10:00 – 12:00                            YPF agenda and Forum                               10:00 – 12:00                  YGF agenda and Forum
                                                                                                                  Lunch & Presentation of YGF and Discussion
12:00 – 14:00      Lunch and interaction with the next generation of Korean scientists      12:00 – 14:00
                                                                                                               (Conference of Korean Next Generation Scientists)
                Special Lecture: “World Economic Forum Tech Pioneer : Startup Activation”                                  Expert Presentation Session
14:00 – 17:00                   Special Lecture: Engineers Without Borders                  14:00 – 17:20                 : Future Career Development
                       Special Lecture: “Brain Mobility and Asia Research Network”                             (Park Systems, Insplorion, AWSensors, PhotonicSys)
                                                                                                             Welcome Dinner & Presentation of YGF and Discussion
17:00 – 19:00      Dinner and interaction with the next generation of Korean scientists     17:20 – 19:00
                                                                                                              (Conference of Korean Next Generation Scientists)
   19:00                                         Closing                                        19:00                             Closing

                                  Human Health and Longevity in the Post COVID-19 Era
                                                               Day 1 (THU, 26th Nov)
Time & Venue                                                                Main Auditorium
14:00 - 15:00                                                                 Registration
                                                                       AKC 2020 Opening Ceremony
                                                                                                                       Prof. Nam-Joon Cho
15:00 - 15:10                                     Opening Address
                                                                                                       Nanyang Technological University, President of KSEASG
                                                                                                                          Dr. Woo il Lee
15:10 - 15:20                                    Welcome Address                                          President of the Korean Federation of Science and
                                                                                                                    Technology Societies (KOFST)
                                                                                                                His Excellency Mr. Ahn Young Jip
15:20 - 15:30                                  Congratulatory Address                                           Ambassador of the Republic of Korea
                                                                                                                   to the Republic of Singapore
                                      Minister of Science, ICT Prize Award
15:30 - 16:00            The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies Award                                 AKC 2020 Award
                                            KSEASG Internship Award
                                                 Plenary Lecture 1                                                     Prof. Yoon Jong-Lok
16:00 - 16:40                                                                                              Hanyang University, Future Consensus Institute,
                          Life Science-Oriented Society for the TMY (Trillion Man Year) Era                Former Vice Minister (Ministry of Science & ICT)
                                                  Plenary Lecture 2                                                      Dr. Yuhyun Park
16:40 - 17:20
                              IQ, EQ, and DQ - Global Standards for Digital Intelligence                                     DQ Institute
                                                                                                                       Prof. Nam-Joon Cho
17:20 - 17:30                                      Close Remark
                                                                                                       Nanyang Technological University, President of KSEASG
17:30 - 20:00                                                                Welcome Dinner

                                                               Day 2 (FRI, 27th Nov)
Time & Venue                                                                 Main Auditorium
08:00 - 09:00                                                                   Registration
                                         Minister of Science, ICT Award Lecture                                        Prof. Hyunsoo Yang
09:00 - 09:30
                                          Spintronics for the Post COVID-19 Era                                    National University of Singapore
                      The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies Award Lecture                          Prof. Bong Keun Yoo
09:30 - 10:00
                            Artificial Intelligence Automatic Speech Recognition (AI ASR)                                A*STAR, Singapore
                      The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies Award Lecture                             Prof. Juha Song
10:00 - 10:30
                         Bioinspired Approaches to Resolve Existing issues in Biofabrication                      Nanyang Technological University
                                                    Plenary Lecture 3                                                 Prof. Sue Gyeong Syn
10:30 - 11:00
                                  Convergence Space of Digital Transformational Era                                         COAS Group
                                                    Plenary Lecture 4                                                      Prof. DH Park
11:00 - 11:30
                                   A Creation of Monetary Value for Societal Impact                                  Handong Global University
11:30 – 13:00                                                                      Lunch
                                                Plenary Lecture 5
                                                                                                           Dr. Sae Moon Yoon (World Economic Forum)
                                 Technology Pioneers of the World Economic Forum
13:00 – 14:00
                                                                                                      Prof. Nam-Joon Cho (Nanyang Technological University)
                        Panel Discussion : Cyber Security : The Race For Quantum Supremacy
                                                                                                             & Mr. Charles Harvey (Hudson Institute)
                                           Plenary Lecture 6
14:00 – 14:30                                                                                                      Engineers Without Borders
                                                                                                         Dr. Nicolas Pilcher (Marine Research Foundation)
14:30 – 15:30              Challenges in Conservation of Large Charismatic Marine Fauna
                                                                                                      Prof. Nam-Joon Cho (Nanyang Technological University)
                                                 Plenary Lecture 7                                                  Prof. Joshua A. Jackman
15:30 – 16:00
                   Broad-Spectrum Antiviral Strategies for Stopping Membrane-Enveloped Viruses                        Sungkyunkwan University
                                                 Plenary Lecture 8                                                      Prof. Pei-Jer Chen
16:00 – 17:00
                      Endeavor in Slashing Common Viral Hepatitis to a Rare Disease in Taiwan                        National Taiwan University

                                                               Day 3 (SAT, 28th Nov)
Time & Venue                                                                 Main Auditorium
                                                   Plenary Lecture 9                                                    Prof. Zvi Hayouka
09:30 - 10:00
                                    Development of Novel Antimicrobial Peptides                                    Hebrew University of Jerusalem
                                                   Plenary Lecture 10
                                                                                                                       Dr. Bo Kyeong Yoon
10:00 - 10:30    Unraveling How Medium-Chain Fatty Acids and Monoglycerides Induce Phospholipid
                                                                                                                      Sungkyunkwan University
                                                 Membrane Disruption
                                                   Plenary Lecture 11                                                    Dr. LEE Yong-An
10:30 - 11:00
                Visualizing Tumorigenic Cells through Small-Molecule Fluorescent Probe Developments           Genome Institute of Singapore, A*STAR
                                                                                                               Dr. R. Dean Boyd (Hanor Company)
                                                Plenary Lecture 12                                     Dr. Charlie Elrod (Natural Biologics, Cornell University)
11:00 - 12:00
                                       Food Security: Agricultural Innovation                          Prof. Joshua A. Jackman (Sungkyunkwan University)
                                                                                                      Prof. Nam-Joon Cho (Nanyang Technological University)
12:00 - 12:10                                                                Closing Remarks


    AKC-2020 Forum and Networking for Foreign Student Alumni from Southeast Asia and India
    Chair/Co-Chair: Prof. Haiwon Lee, Prof. Nam-Joon Cho, Dr. Jung Sang Yong

    Korean Scientists and Engineers Association in Singapore (KSEASG) cordially invite Southeast Asian (including India)
    graduates residing in Southeast Asia who have studied in Korea to the Webinar on Thursday, November 26, 2020.
    Prof. Nam-Joon Cho, Organizing Chair of Asia Korea Conference 2020 (AKC2020), co-organize the Webinar on
    November 26 with Asian Research Network Korea (Nonprofit Organization), and the title of Webinar on Track 1 is
    “Forum and Networking for Foreign Student Alumni from Southeast Asia and India”. Prof. Haiwon Lee, President of
    ARN Korea, will be chairing this Webinar together with Prof. Nam-Joon Cho.

    ❑ Date: 14:30 Singapore, November 26th, 2020
    ❑ Venue: Lecture Hall 1, Nanyang Executive Center, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
    ❑ Attendees: Vietnamese as well as other Asian and Korean scientists and engineers
    ❑ Topic: AKC Networking in Southeast Asia and India (TRACK1)
    ❑ Online Venue: Join Zoom Meeting ( 14:30 Singapore, Nov 26th , 2020
      Meeting ID: 943 7289 5437 Passcode: 333000
    ❑ Host: Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST), Korean Scientists and Engineers
      Association in Singapore (KSEASG), Asia Research Network (ARN)

    14:30 – 14:40 Opening Ceremony : Prof. Nam-Joon Cho, President of KSEASG
    14:40 – 15:40 Special Lecture 1 : Prof. Haiwon Lee, Founder of Asian Research Network (ARN)/President of ARN Korea
    15:40 – 16:10 Special Lecture 2 : Engineers Without Borders, Young Generation Singapore Chapter
    16:10 – 16:40 Special Lecture 3 : Prof. Sue Gyeong Syn, COAS Group
                        Presentation : 12 Southeast Asia Professional Alumni Speech
    16:40 – 18:20
                        “Southeast Asia alumni’s experiences in Korea & Cooperation ways between Korea and Southeast Asia”
                         Tran Quang De
        16:40 – 16:50
                         Can Tho University, Vietnam

                         Nguyen Le Tri Dang
        16:50 – 17:00
                         Duy Tan University, Vietnam

                         Williem Williem
        17:00 – 17:10
                         Verihubs, Indonesia

                         Baynosa Marjorie Lara
        17:10 – 17:20
                         University of Philippines-Diliman, Philippines

                         Sriv Tharith
        17:20 – 17:30
                         Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia

                         Arote Rohidas
        17:30 – 17:40
                         Seoul National University, Korea

                         Amalnerkar Eshan
        17:40 – 17:50
                         Hanyang University, Korea

                         Bui Hoa
        17:50 – 18:00
                         Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam

                         Apichate Maneewong
        18:00 – 18:10
                         Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology, Thailand

                         Thi Thanh Huong Tran
        18:10 – 18:20
                         Vietnam Metrology Institute, Vietnam

    18:20 – 18:30 Introducing Korean Scientists and Engineers Association in Singapore (KSEASG)
         18:30          Closing

    SPECIAL SESSION (Alumni Networking)

    AKC-2020 Next-Generation Science and Technology Leader
    Chair/Co-Chair: Prof. Juha Song, Prof. Jong Min Lee

    Korean Scientists and Engineers Association in Singapore (KSEASG) is inviting alumni who participated in the previous
    event : Young Generation Forum (YGF), the Young Professional Forum (YPF), the Asia-Korea Conference (AKC) and
    new generation NET hosted by KSEASG for continuous networking expansion between alumni.
    Korean Scientists and Engineers Association in Singapore (KSEASG) cordially invite Scientists and Engineers who
    participated in our previous event to the Webinar on Friday, November 27, 2020. Prof. Nam-Joon Cho, Chair of Asia
    Korea Conference 2020 (AKC2020), organize the Webinar on November 27, and the title of Webinar on Alumni
    network Forum is “Forum and Networking for Alumni : Next-generation science and technology leader”.

    ❑ Date: 13:30 Singapore, November 27th, 2020
    ❑ Venue: Lecture Hall 1, Nanyang Executive Center, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
    ❑ Attendees: Alumni (non-Korean) who participated in the previous event
    ❑ Topic: Next-Generation Science and Technology Leader
    ❑ Online Venue: Join Zoom Meeting ( 13:30 Singapore, Nov 27th, 2020
      Meeting ID: 980 4232 4046 Passcode: 348085
    ❑ Host: Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST), Korean Scientists and Engineers
      Association in Singapore (KSEASG), Asia Research Network (ARN)

    13:30 – 13:40       Opening Ceremony : Prof. Nam-Joon Cho, President of KSEASG
    13:40 – 14:40       Special Lecture 1 : Brain Mobility & Asian Research Network (ARN), President of ARN
    14:40 – 15:10       Special Lecture 2 : Engineers Without Borders, NTU YGF Chapter
    15:10 – 15:40       Special Lecture 3 : Dr. Jurriaan Gillissen, The Technology Partnership
    15:40 – 16:10       Special Lecture 4 : Dr. Sae Moon Yoon, World Economic Forum
    16:10 – 18:20       Presentation : Next-Generation Science and Technology Leader
                         Dr. Wei Beng Ng
        16:10 – 16:20
                         Founder of Sporogenics, Singapore

                         Mr. Abebual Molla
        16:20 – 16:30
                         Sungkyunkwan University, Korea

                         Dr. JaeHyun Park
        16:30 – 16:40
                         University of California at LA, USA

                         Mr. Tun Naw Sut
        16:40 – 16:50
                         Nanyang Technological University, Singapore & Sungkyunkwan University, Korea

                         Ms. Hyeonjin Park
        16:50 – 17:00
                         Nanyang Technological University, Singapore & Sungkyunkwan University, Korea

                         Dr. Teng Fei Fan
        17:00 – 17:10
                         Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China

                         Mr. Gamaliel Ma
        17:10 – 17:20
                         Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

                         Mr. Mohammed Shahrudin Ibrahim
        17:20 – 17:30
                         Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

                         Ms. Natalia Mokrzecka
        17:30 – 17:40
                         Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM), Finland

                         Dr. Parthasaradhi Tanguturi
        17:40 – 17:50
                         The University of Arizona Health Sciences, USA

                         Ms. Elba Valle
        17:50 – 18:00
                         Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

                         Dr. Kabir Hassan Biswas
        18:00 – 18:10
                         Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar
    18:10 – 18:20 Introducing Korean Scientists and Engineers Association in Singapore (KSEASG)
        18:20     Closing

    SPECIAL SESSION (Young Professional Forum, YPF)

    AKC-2020 Young Professional Forum (YPF)
    Chair/Co-Chair: Prof. Yoo Bong Guen, Prof. Tony Tae Hyung Kim, Prof. Seung Ki Moon

    The 2020 Asia-Korea Conference on Science and Technology (AKC2020) is an annual conference convened for the
    Korea-related scientific and engineering organizations to promote scientific and technological cooperation between
    respective Asian countries and Korea. At this AKC2020, we are aiming to build a platform for mutual exchange to
    strengthen and foster the capabilities of next-generation of science and technology talents in Asia.
    We sincerely look forward to your ungrudging support and participation, which will serve as cornerstones of this

    ❑ Date: November 28th - 29th, 2020
    ❑ Venue: Lecture Hall 1, Nanyang Executive Center, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
    ❑ Attendees: Young Professional
    ❑ Topic: Next Generation Science and Technology Post COVID-19 Era
    ❑ Online Venue: Young Professional Forum (YPF), AKC Lecture Hall 1
      Zoom Meeting (, Nov 28th -29th, 2020
      Meeting ID: 983 1245 1944, Passcode: 425934
    ❑ Host: Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST), Korean Scientists and Engineers
      Association in Singapore (KSEASG)

    Timetable                                                          SAT, 28th Nov
    14:30 – 14:40 Opening Ceremony : Prof. Nam-Joon Cho, President of KSEASG
                  Special Lecture 1 : Prof. Nam-Joon Cho, Nanyang Technological University
    14:40 – 15:10
                  “Smart Campus Cities: Connecting People”
                  Special Lecture 2 : Prof. Tony Tae Hyoung Kim, Nanyang Technological University
    15:10 – 15:40
                  “Post Covid-19 Era and IT”
                  Special Lecture 3 : Prof. Seung Ki Moon, Nanyang Technological University
    15:40 – 16:10
                  “The Sustainability and Revolution of 3D Printing Technologies after Covid-19 Pandemic”
    16:10 – 16:40 KSEASG Internship Award Lecture : Ezekiel Yang, National University of Singapore
    16:40 – 19:10 YPF Presentation
      16:40 – 17:10    Dr. Gao Caitian, Nanyang Technological University          17:10 – 17:40   Dr. Yuncheng Lu, Nanyang Technological University

      17:40 – 18:10    Mr. Moobum Kim, Nanyang Technological University           18:10 – 18:40   Dr. Ze Zhao, Nanyang Technological University

      18:40 – 19:10    Dr. Ferhan Abdul Rahim, Nanyang Technological University   19:10 – 19:40   Dr. Saziye Yorulmaz Avsar, University of Basel

    19:40 – 21:00 Dinner and interaction with the next generation of Korean scientists

                                                                       SUN, 29th Nov
                      YPF agenda and Forum 1: Prof. DH Park, Handong Global University
    10:00 – 11:00
                      “A Creation of Monetary Value for Societal Impact”
                      YPF agenda and Forum 2: Prof. Sue Gyeong Syn, COAS Artist Group
    11:00 – 12:00
                      “Convergence Space of Digital Transformation Era”
    12:00 – 14:00 Lunch and interaction with the next generation of Korean scientists (Afternoon Teatime)
                      Special Lecture 1 : Dr. Sae Moon Yoon, World Economic Forum
    14:00 – 14:30
                      “World Economic Forum Tech Pioneer : Startup Activation”
    14:30 – 15:30     Special Lecture: Birth of Digital Intelligence : DQ Institute with Asoka Foundation
    15:30 – 16:00     Special Lecture 2 : Engineers Without Borders, NTU students, Singapore
    16:00 – 16:30     Special Lecture 3 : From Hard Pollen to Soft Matter, Singapore
                      Special Lecture 4 : Prof. Haiwon Lee, Asian Research Network (ARN) Founder/President of ARN Korea
    16:30 – 17:30
                      “Brain Mobility and Asia Research Network”
    17:30 – 19:00 Dinner and interaction with the next generation of Korean scientists
        19:00         Closing

     SPECIAL SESSION (Young Generation Forum, YGF)
     AKC-2020 Young Generation Forum (YGF)
     Chair/Co-Chair: Dr. Shin Sang Ho, Dr. Shin Bora, Mr. Song Jeong Seop

     The 2020 Asia-Korea Conference on Science and Technology (AKC2020) is an annual conference convened for the Korea-related
     scientific and engineering organizations to promote scientific and technological cooperation between respective Asian countries
     and Korea. At this AKC2020, the Asia Young Generation Forum on stage for the mutual exchange to foster the capacity of the next
     generation of Asian science and technology talents. That is to solve the problem of population reduction and to develop science
     and technology through human resources absorption by promoting pride and national ties through academic exchanges among
     the next generation of Asian scientists and enhancing understanding of Korea. In particular, it is designed to establish future
     strategies and visions through free discussion by next-generation scientific and technological talents as well as networking in an
     On and Offline way that quickly adapts to and develops modern science and technology after COVID-19 pandemic.
     ❑ Date: November 28 - 29th, 2020
     ❑ Venue: Lecture Hall 2, Nanyang Executive Center, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
     ❑ Topic: Asia Young Generation Forum
     ❑ Attendees: Science and Technology-related Youth Science and Technology
     ❑ Host: Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST), Korean Scientists and Engineers
       Association in Singapore (KSEASG)
     ❑ Online Venue: Young Generation Forum (YGF), AKC Lecture Hall 2
       Zoom Meeting (, 04:00 PM Singapore, Nov 28-29, 2020
       Meeting ID: 957 6532 8564 Passcode: 778207

     Timetable                                                      SAT, 28th Nov
     15:00 – 16:00     Registration
     16:00 – 16:10     Opening Ceremony : Prof. Nam-Joon Cho, President of KSEASG
     16:10 – 16:35     Special Lecture 1 : “Convergence Space of Digital Transformational Era”
     16:35 – 17:00     Special Lecture 2 : “A Creation of Monetary Value for Societal Impact”
     17:00 – 18:10     Presentation: Expert Presentation Session
       17:00 – 17:10    Jia Ying Brenda Tan, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

       17:10 – 17:20    Kevin Pranoto, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

       17:20 – 17:30    Jing Xiang Ng, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

       17:30 – 17:40    Wai Kit Lam, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

       17:40 – 17:50    Chaeeun Lee, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

       17:50 – 18:00    Rachel Pong, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

       18:00 – 18:10    Jin Jie Liew, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

       18:10 – 18:20    Jingyu Deng, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
     18:20 – 21:00 Welcome Dinner & Discussion (Conference of Korean Next Generation Scientist)
                                                      SUN, 29th Nov
     10:00 – 11:00 YGF agenda and Forum 1: Investigation of Biorecognition Processes using AFM
     11:00 – 12:00 YGF agenda and Forum 2: Prof. Haiwon Lee, President of ARN Korea
     12:00 – 14:00 Lunch & Presentation of YGF and Discussion (Conference of Korean Next Generation Scientist)
     14:00 – 17:20 Expert Presentation Session : Future Career Development
       14:00 – 14:25    Panel Discussion on Mr. Bong-Kwon Son

       14:25 – 14:50    Panel Discussion on Mr. Moo-Bum Kim

       14:50 – 15:20    Special Keynote Lecture: Dr. Sang-Joon Cho & Mr. Seong-Oh Kim, Park Systems

       15:20 – 15:50    Special Keynote Lecture : Dr. João Rosa, Insplorion

       15:50 – 16:20    Special Keynote Lecture: Dr. María Isabel Rocha Gaso, AWSensors

       16:20 – 16:50    Special Keynote Lecture: Dr. Ibrahim Abdulhalim, PhotonicSys

       16:50 – 17:20    Special Keynote Lecture: Dr. Gabriel Ohlsson, Biolin Scientific
     17:20 – 19:00 Welcome Dinner & Discussion (Conference of Korean Next Generation Scientist)
         19:00     Closing


                              Life Science-Oriented Society for the TMY (Trillion Man Year) Era

                              Prof. Jong-Lok Yoon
                              Hanyang University (Professor, Computer Science)

                              Former Vice Minister (Ministry of Science & ICT) Korean Government
                              Distinguished Researcher (Future Consensus Institute, Korea)

 Life science is critical to the Korean economy for the next decades since the COVID-19 pandemic. Our government declared
 a Heavy-Chemical Industry oriented society in 1973 even though we had no natural resources at all. However, this was an
 enabler of the last 50 years of the Korean economy. The highest occupation of Koran GDP was almost 50% in the late 1980s
 through the heavy and chemical economy. 10 years later, in 1983, we declared an Information and Communication
 Technology (ICT) oriented economy and invested almost every effort in the ICT sector by government and private sectors
 including Samsung and LG. Now, almost 90% of our trade surplus is initiated by the ICT industry in Korea, which is 8% of 4
 trillion dollars of the worldwide market. But eventually, China and some countries are challenging against the ICT market
 and life science is rising dramatically on top of ICT infrastructures after the COVID-19. Recently, Korean private think-
 tanker, Yeosijae, has initiated a report on this matter to the government, which is to gear towards life science-oriented
 Korea. UN expects we are supposed to be ready for the 10 billion people with a 100-year longevity era by 2050, which coins
 1 Trillion Man Year (TMY). In this regard, this talk will cover some issues for life science-oriented new economy for the
 preparation of after TMY era.

 Mr. Jong Lok Yoon is a professor of Hanyang University in Korea. He is teaching Management of Innovations and
 contributes special advisor to the president of the University. He was the President of National IT Industry Promotion
 Agency of Korea (NIPA) since 2015. NIPA is an IT industry promotion organization operated by the Government of South
 Korea. Prior to this position, he served as the Vice Minister of Korean government at the Ministry of Science ICT and Future
 Planning (MSIP). During this period, he played a leading role in Government’s key initiative – Creative Economy, which
 focuses on boosting the economy through nurturing the startups and small/medium sized business in Korea. His strong
 partnerships with startup communities in Israel’s innovation hub continue to help his drive and thought leadership in
 fostering the innovation culture in Korea even after his ministry role.

 Before he joined the government, he was invited to become a professor of Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea, which is one
 top ranked universities in Korea, at the school of convergence technology. Prior to that, he was senior executive consultant
 to the President of Bell Labs in New Jersey, U.S., which is one of the most prestigious telecommunications laboratories. His
 role as an executive consultant focused on the new strategies for the converged industries using ICT technology as a
 convergence enabler such as new concept of healthcare, automobile, education for the coming decade. He consulted on
 these issues to the president of Bell Labs with the collaboration of CTO of Alcatel-Lucent group.
 He was a board of director and senior executive vice president of KT and has been leading the Growing Business Group
 until 2009. Prior to that, he served as head of R&D Group, New Business Planning Group, Marketing Group, and e-Biz
 Group. He also served as the President of KT America Inc. During these years, Mr. Yoon led transformation of KT from a
 traditional telephone company to a total solution provider and was credited to with formulating “Telco 2.0”, which was
 Telco’s new role and business model in the IP world for increasing customer value.
 Mr. Yoon is Chairman of Telecommunication Technology Association of Korea, Korea Internet Telephony Forum, and Korea
 Institute of Information & Telecommunication Facilities Engineering. He is a distinguished member of Future Trend Forum
 (FTF) sponsored by Spanish bank Bankinter.
 He received B.S. in Air Telecommunication Engineering at Korea Aerospace University and M.S. in Electronics and
 Engineering at Yonsei University in Korea. He also received Diploma in Telecommunications Police Analysis from Michigan
 State University.
 He gives lectures and speeches in global fora and global and governmental institutes and published best seller books in
 Korea specializing in the new industry revolution, startups and ICT. He is often featured in many newspaper articles and TV
 programs as thought leader.


                                         IQ, EQ, and DQ - Global Standards for Digital Intelligence

                                         Dr. Yuhyun Park, Founder
                                         DQ Institute | DQ World , |

 Children and youth are facing a strange new world in response to COVID-19, with schools closing, fewer services
 available, and a tremendous increase in unregulated screen time and online access. Children and youth were already
 suffering from too little support, as evidenced by ~70% of 8- to 18-year-olds across 30 countries reporting at least one
 cyber-risk in the past year. The risks are varied, including cyber-bullying and victimization, risky meetings, gaming
 addiction, privacy problems, and risky content, and false news. These risks can lead to serious outcomes, such as
 poorer social adjustment, poor school performance, and poor health. With schools closing in response to COVID-19,
 the risks will increase and the opportunities to train and support children have decreased. There is an urgent need for
 global     solutions    and    coordination     to     ensure   child    online   protection    and     empowerment.

 DQ Institute developed the world's first global standard framework for digital literacy and digital skills (IEEE 3527.1-
 2020). Currently, there are several international- and national-level initiatives with similar visions of child online
 protection and empowerment in the digital age. In this talk I will discuss how to create faster, more efficient,
 coordinated, and comprehensive digital skills empowerment by connecting these ongoing initiatives and leveraging
 the strengths of each effort using the DQ Global Standards. This will result in increased digital safety and security at a
 global level.

 Dr. Yuhyun Park is the founder of the DQ Institute and a world-leading expert in digital skills andchild online safety. She
 created the Digital Intelligence (DQ) framework and assessment, which wasendorsed by the IEEE Standards
 Association, OECD, and World Economic Forum as the foundation tobuild global standards for digital literacy, skills, and
 readiness. Dr. Park developed the Child OnlineSafety Index, the world's first real-time metric tracker to help nations
 understand their childrens’ online safety status and leads the #DQEveryChild initiative, a global digital citizenship
 movement. She serves in various global leadership positions related to digital economy and education, in theG20 Civil
 Society, EQUALS ITU Digital Skills Coalition, and Coalition for Digital Intelligence. She has received international awards
 and recognitions including a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader, Ashoka Fellow, Eisenhower Fellow, and
 multiple UNESCO prizes. Dr Park completed herPh.D. in biostatistics at Harvard University.


                                  Spintronics for the Post COVID-19 Era

                                  Prof. Hyunsoo Yang
                                  GlobalFoundries Chaired Professor
                                  Spin and Energy Lab Director
                                  Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore

     Development of future sensor, memory, and computing nano-devices based on novel physical concepts is one of the
     significant research endeavors in modern electronics research. The field of spintronics is one such promising area of
     nanotechnologies which utilizes both the charge and spin of an electron for device operations. The advantage offered
     by spin systems is in their non-volatility and low-power functionality. This talk introduces emerging spintronic
     phenomena and the research advancements in diverse spin-based applications. Spin devices and systems for logic,
     memories, emerging computing schemes, flexible electronics and terahertz emitters are discussed in order to address
     future challenges for the post Covid19 era.

     Hyunsoo Yang is a GlobalFoundries Chaired Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
     National University of Singapore (NUS), working on various magnetic materials and devices for spintronics applications.
     He worked at C&S technology, LG Electronics in San Jose, and Intelligent Fiber Optic Systems, California. He received
     his Doctorate from Stanford University. From 2004-2007, he was at IBM-Stanford Spintronic Science and Applications
     Center. He has authored more than 200 journal articles, given 190 invited presentations, and holds 18 patents. He was
     a recipient of the Outstanding Dissertation Award for 2006 from the American Physical Society (GMAG), IEEE
     Magnetics Society Distinguished Lectureship for 2019, and National Research Foundation Investigatorship Award 2020.


                                Artificial Intelligence Automatic Speech Recognition (AI ASR)

                                Prof. Bong Keun Yoo
                                Principal Researcher
                                Institute for Infocomm Research

     There has been tremendous development in artificial intelligence automatic speech recognition (ASR) used in
     autonomous vehicle, home automation, robots, Internet of Things (IoT) and smart-phones for last 15 years. Many
     issues in ASR like recognition in noisy environments, multilingual recognition, conversational recognition and far-field
     recognition were addressed effectively.
     These day ASR is software agent that uses for human-machines interaction and Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa,
     Microsoft’s Cortana, and Google’s Assistant which are embedded in smart-phones or dedicated speakers are the most
     popular voice assistants which use ASR.
     I will explore the fundamentally AI ASR and how can we develop AI ASR on android platform.

     Bong Keun Yoo is a principal researcher at Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), A*STAR. He has been working on
     speech and language technology in Singapore, the USA and Republic of Korea for over 20 years.
     Now he is a key researcher at I2R, A*STAR and he manages speech recognition engine training, which served many
     industrial projects in Singapore and delivered English, Mandarin, Bahasa Malay, Bahasa Indonesia, Thai, Bengali and
     Tamil automatic speech recognition(ASR) systems. Also he developed AI ASR for English, Mandarin and Bahasa Malay
     on android platform and code-switch ASR between English and Mandarin.
     Prior to joining A*STAR, he was a principal researcher in Rosetta Stone Speech Recognition Lab and ACLC in the USA.
     He was a manager at Cegi Information Research Center, a senior researcher at YesTechnology and a junior researcher
     at Lernout & Hauspie.
     His research interests include Artificial intelligence(AI) ASR, far-field AI ASR, conversational AI ASR code-switch AI ASR
     and End-To-End ASR.


                                Bioinspired approaches to resolve existing issues in biofabrication

                                Prof. Juha Song
                                School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering
                                Nanyang Technological University
                                Singapore Centre for 3D printing

     Biofabrication technologies have endowed us with the capability to fabricate complex biological constructs and
     functional biomedical implants for various biomedical applications. However, during the biofabrication process, there
     are many unresolved issues such as insufficient mechanical stability of biomaterials, intrinsic cytotoxic environments of
     the biofabrication process or limited off-the-shelf availability, shipping and temporal storage of fabricated bio-
     constructs. Through bioinspired approaches, I have tried to resolve those issues. In this talk, I will introduce several
     approaches that my group has developed.
     -Hydrogel composite 3D printing through biomineralization
     -Cytoprotective cell coatings inspired by plant seed
     -Freeform 3D printing for biomimetic elbow membrane
     Through this talk, I will explain how various strategies nature developed can be implemented into man-made systems.

     Dr. Juha Song, is an Assistant Professor, in the School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering at Nanyang
     Technological University (NTU), an active member of the Singapore Centre for 3D Printing (SC3DP) and the school
     representative for robotics research center (RRC). She has obtained her PhD in Materials Science and Engineering at
     Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in 2011 with research focus on bioimimetics and biomechanics for an
     understanding of material design principles of natural exoskeleton systems. She did her post-doctoral training at
     Advanced Institute of Convergence Technology, Seoul National University, where she conducted research on
     development of hybrid biomaterials for dental, orthopedic, cardiovascular and soft tissue implants, actively working
     with local biomedical companies. During 2014-2015, she was also a contract professor at Korea University, School of
     Biomedical Engineering. Her lab’s research interests focus on experimental and theoretical investigations of natural
     and synthetic composite materials across all length scales, particularly in the field of biomimetic and bioinspired
     engineering, as well as biomedical engineering, covering various topics on nanomechanics, biomechanics, biomimetic
     design, 3D fabrication and prototyping, biomedical material design, synthesis and evaluation. At NTU, her research has
     focused on how to implement material design principles from nature into various synthetic material systems, mainly
     using additive manufacturing tools and computational tools. Her group has developed various 3D printing tools for
     fabrication of bioinspired material systems. My research areas are summarized as follows: 1) Bioinspired biomedical
     systems, 2) Cell and tissue manufacturing and 3) Additive manufacturing system


                                  Convergence Space of Digital Transformational Era

                                  Prof. Sue Gyeong Syn
                                  COAS Artist Group (Convergence Of Arts and Science )

                                  Adjunct professor
                                  Interactive Design / Department of Design / Korea National Univ. of Arts
                                  Adjunct professor
                                  College of Design and Art / Hongik Univ.
                                  Founder of XYZN Media Lab

     Now we live in an era of rapidly changing digital transformation. It is being detected everywhere in our lives and
     spaces, and it has an independent interface using personal devices or products in the background of hyper-connected
     society. In addition, the recent worldwide fandom situation has led to calls for an untact interface. In this situation,
     then, should people continue to use only personal devices or interfaces in small screens of products without other
     options? Will all the space in our lives disappear? I came up with the idea of a new way of space communication. I
     would like to talk about the data provided in the contact interface, offline services that can be enjoyed, and how data
     can be communicated using our living space and environment.

     Sue Gyeong Syn is a member of the artist group COAS, an adjunct professor of design and interaction design at the
     Korean National University of Arts and an adjunct professor at College of Design in Hongik University. We study the
     communication methods and interactions between various factors such as environment, people, computers, natural
     objects, and artifacts. This includes not only visual expression, but also design for behavior or experience. This
     communication method actively embraces and utilizes advanced technologies to be richly designed in many ways. In
     order to understand and design culture, the field of humanities, the field of architecture to know and utilize the
     environment and space, and the field of science and engineering to actively utilize the technology, they mainly
     collaborate with each other to integrate with each other.
     The most well-known works recently are external installations that have been completed in collaboration with steel
     and construction technology. These projects help communication between the environment and people by using the
     installation structure as an interface, or to communicate information between the media and people.
     She received B.F.A. for design at the Korean National University of Arts, studied graphics and design, completed M.F.A.
     in Digital Art from Pratt Institute in the U.S., expanded his knowledge of art using digital, and studied interactive
     communication and technology in New York University.
     She worked as an interactive digital media artist while working as a designer in the IT industry in the U.S. and is
     currently studying related projects or working on media art as an artist while teaching interactive design at the Korea
     National University of Arts and Hongik University.


                                     A creation of monetary value for societal impact

                                     Prof. DH Park
                                     School of Creative Conversions Education
                                     Handong Global University

     As a live case for GPS Program, DH is working with a group of students in Handong Global University to solve
     the poverty of tea pickers in Kenya, the epitome of the 5000 years old vicious cycle of poverty in tea
     industry, by co-creating a smart global tea value chain with a purpose-driven community who are aligned
     with the purpose of “To help tea pickers to get great teas to tea lovers!” Currently crowd funding for the
     project is under way via Kickstarter together with EIG in Texas State University. This is a social experiment
     that monetary value can be created when a problem gets solved by purpose-driven collaboration in a
     holistic and multidisciplinary approach on a foundation of entrepreneurship.

     Professor DH has become an entrepreneurship specialist after a dramatic life as a trader, investment banker,
     entrepreneur,     private   equity   manager,      and    philanthropist     in London,    Tokyo,    and    Seoul.
     DH defines a good entrepreneur as a person who solves a problem for others in a scalable and sustainable way after
     finding a secret to solve the problem through a venturous empathy with the people stricken by the problem.
     Entrepreneurs can be the best hope for the people faced with so many problems.
     To help aspiring entrepreneurs he has made a new educational program called Global Problem Solving Program (GPS
     Program) to help university students to build a purpose-driven company”. A purpose-driven company is a company
     with a purpose statement written in its articles of incorporation with employees who share the purpose led by an
     entrepreneur who has found a problem to solve for other as his life purpose.


                                      Technology Pioneers of the World Economic Forum

                                      Dr. Saemoon Yoon
                                      Community Lead, Technology Pioneers
                                      Global Leadership Fellow
                                      World Economic Forum

     The role of startups is and will continue to be critical in creating new values towards the society and business as well as
     finding innovative solutions to overcome the current pandemic. The World Economic Forum has been successfully eng
     aging with the world’s industry leading startups called ‘Technology Pioneers’ for the past 20 years to bring their full pot
     ential value to fulfill its mission, to improve the state of the world. By reflecting on the Technology Pioneers programm
     e, following questions will be addressed.

     - How the World Economic Forum successfully engages with world’s leading startups?
     - How does the World Economic Forum act as a platform to maximize their contributions to the world
     - What are key attributes of startups towards their success?

     Saemoon Yoon is Community Lead of the Technology Pioneers community and the Global Leadership Fellow at the Wo
     rld Economic Forum. He leads the community which recognizes companies from around the world that are involved in
     design, development and deployment of new technologies. He led and implemented strategic transformation of the co
     mmunity to increase the size of the cohort and elevated geographical and gender diversity. Previously, he was with LG
     Electrics, developing future display strategies and designing product roadmap for TV products. He holds MS from Colu
     mbia University in the City of New. He has contributed various articles on the World Economic Forum’s agenda articles.


                                Cyber Security : The Race For Quantum Supremacy

                                Dr. Charles E. Harvey, Jr.
                                A serial entrepreneur

  Mr. Harvey has spent his career nurturing nascent emerging technologies to grow from a spark into billion doll
 ar markets. He is an expert in the policy and business of quantum communications and has worked through A
 DI as a business development and quantum policy consultant to SK Telecom’s Quantum Tech Lab and Korea’
 s Quantum Union. He helped create the Hudson Institute’s Quantum Alliance Initiative as well as the worlds fir
 st industry quantum standards for QKD and QRNG at the QAI. Mr Harvey also led the ITU-T SG-17 and its me
 mber states including the United States, China, South Korea, Japan, Germany, Canada, UK, and Russia to una
 nimously agree to its first approved engagement towards global quantum communications standards.
 This past year he has had the privilege of presenting on quantum communications to telecom and top policy m
 akers at appearances across four continents.
 Previously he has worked with the executive leadership at IDQuantique SA (acquired by SK Telecom), IBM, Eri
 csson, Tahoe Networks (acquired by Nokia), Redback Networks (acquired by Ericsson), Cisco Systems, 3Co
 m, Fujitsu Telecom, Hong Kong Telecom, and Computer Associates to develop and execute their strategic mar
 ket development plans.
 He currently splits his time as an active technical advisory board member of
 the Hudson Institute’s Quantum Alliance Initiative, an advisory board member of American Defense Internation
 al focused on Quantum and Cyber, and as an investor to several quantum, AI, and blockchain startup compani
 es based in the US, Europe and Asia.
 He is a graduate of The Citadel, where he serves on its’ Washington, D.C. alumni board.


                                                        ENGINEERS WITHOUT BORDERS – NTU STUDENT
                                                        CHAPTER YOUNG GENERATION FORUM 2020


     The Engineers Without Borders - Nanyang Technological University (EWB-NTU) is division of the Engineers Without
     Borders, Singapore (EWB-SG). Established to facilitate the collaboration between young budding engineers and the
     community, our goal is to apply engineering solutions solve the community’s pressing challenges and achieve our
     humanitarian goals. We envision a world in which engineering solutions are utilised to enable sustainable
     humanitarian and environmental development worldwide. Through our programs, EWB-NTU strives to inspire and
     empower students to generate inclusive change through engineering solutions.


                                Challenges in Conservation of Large Charismatic Marine Fauna

                                Dr. Nicolas James Pilcher
                                Marine Research Foundation

     Charismatic marine fauna such as endangered sea turtles, dugongs sharks and rays have the potential to catalyze
     marine conservation initiatives in a way habitats and other species fail to do. Public appeal and the perception of
     imminent species loss has led, in many cases, to great investments in conservation resources. It is hard for the general
     public to get excited about sea grass, while it is easy for the same public to get excited over endearing baby turtles
     scurrying en masse down a beach. This charismatic power enables the conservation and management of other co-
     existing species and habitats, and this multiplier effect is a key element in holistic marine conservation.

     However, many challenges remain for the recovery and conservation of these large, charismatic species in the
     developing world, linked primarily to lack of information, lack of resources, inadequate participation of local fishing
     communities, and because this agenda item is never a development priority. In the developed world, where disposable
     income exists, people have the power to choose. In the developing world, this is rarely the case.

     In this talk I will describe several projects conducted by the Marine Research Foundation and demonstrate how high
     quality science can enable conservation when adequately translated into a form accessible by local governments, and
     how collaboration with local communities (such as fishermen) is an integral component of marine conservation. I will
     also address emerging challenges such as climate change, waste management, and micro-plastics in the marine

     Dr. Nicolas Pilcher is a British marine biologist based in Sabah (Malaysia), where he established and runs his own
     research and conservation agency – the Marine Research Foundation. Nick has worked extensively on conservation
     projects in Malaysia and across the Indo-Pacific region, focusing his energies on saving endangered sea turtles,
     dugongs, sharks and rays and other marine species. Nick also works extensively with major industries to design and
     deliver solutions to environmental challenges they face. One of the flagship projects of the Marine Research
     Foundation is introducing Turtle Excluder Devices to Malaysian trawl fisheries to mitigate sea turtle bycatch. After a
     long collaborative project with the government and local fishers these devices became a legal requirement in Malaysia
     in 2017. In recent years he has also studied impacts of climate change on sea turtles in Iran, the UAE and Qatar,
     satellite-tracked turtles across the Middle Eastern region and in Malaysia, and investigated turtle use and trade in
     parts of Africa. Nick’s strengths lie in being able to work among local communities and at the same time with high-level
     government officials to overcome the socio-economic challenges of marine conservation. He also works closely with
     the oil & gas sector, shipping, ports and mining industries, to develop solutions to overlaps in conservation and
     development. These have included developing turtle-friendly lighting and dredging regimes, sub-beach pipeline
     deployment designs, and management and monitoring regimes to detect impacts to wildlife. Dr. Pilcher is a past
     president of the International Sea Turtle Society, a past Co-Chair of the IUCN Marine Turtle Specialist Group, and
     currently serves as a Technical Advisor to the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) Dugong Secretariat, the Barrow
     Island Marine Turtle Expert Panel, and on a variety of advisory boards worldwide. In his (copious) spare time he is a
     diver, a boat captain, and even a small airplane pilot.


                                    Broad-Spectrum Antiviral Strategies for Stopping Membrane-
                                    Enveloped Viruses

                                    Prof. Joshua A. Jackman
                                    School of Chemical Engineering and Biomedical Institute for Convergence at SKKU (BICS),
                                    Sungkyunkwan University, Korea

     Membrane-enveloped viruses are a leading cause of viral epidemics and there is an outstanding need to develop
     broad-spectrum antiviral strategies to treat and prevent enveloped virus infections. In this talk, I will introduce why the
     lipid membrane surrounding enveloped virus particles is a promising antiviral target and cover the latest progress to
     design and evaluate membrane-targeting virus inhibition strategies. Application examples in the areas of human
     medicine and agricultural biosecurity will be presented, including a brain-penetrating antiviral peptide to
     therapeutically treat Zika virus infection in mice and antimicrobial lipid strategies to inhibit African swine fever virus in
     feed. Looking forward, research in this direction is poised to strengthen capabilities for antiviral medicine and virus
     pandemic preparedness and demonstrates how nanotechnology strategies can help to solve global health challenges
     related to infectious diseases.

     Prof. Joshua A. Jackman is an Assistant Professor in the School of Chemical Engineering and Biomedical Institute for
     Convergence at SKKU (BICS) at Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) in South Korea. He leads the Translational
     Nanobioscience lab, which is focused on characterizing the interactions of biomacromolecules and nanomaterials with
     biological systems and translating scientific insights into engineered solutions to address outstanding needs in
     medicine, biotechnology, and agriculture. Prof. Jackman has published over 110 papers in scientific journals, such as
     Nature Materials, Nature Protocols, Nature Communications, Chemical Society Reviews, and the Journal of the
     American Chemical Society, and filed 8 patents, several of which have been licensed commercially. Prof. Jackman has
     also been active in exploring the membrane biophysics and anti-infective properties of medium-chain fatty acids and
     monoglycerides as agricultural feed additives. Before starting his faculty career at SKKU, Prof. Jackman was a
     Postdoctoral Scholar in the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at the Stanford University School of Medicine.
     He earned his B.S. degree summa cum laude in Chemistry from the University of Florida and his Ph.D. degree in
     Materials Science and Engineering from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.
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