Asia: The Future of Global Wellness Tourism -

Page created by David Hale
Asia: The Future of Global Wellness Tourism -
Asia: The Future of Global Wellness Tourism -
According to the latest Global Wellness Institute (GWI)
report, wellness tourism is one of the fastest-growing
segments in the wellness economy today.
Wellness trips now represent 6.5% of all tourism trips taken
worldwide, growing a whopping 15.3% annually from 2015-
2017 to reach 830 million trips each year. In the midst of this
explosive growth, Asia-Pacific now ranks second – at 258
million wellness trips annually -- just behind Europe.
Wellness has become a dominant consumer value and
lifestyle driver, and this is profoundly changing behaviour,
choices and spending decisions.
Asia: The Future of Global Wellness Tourism -
Asia-Pacific is also the        the trip and for choosing        33% more while domestic
                                fastest-growing wellness        a destination. They will be      wellness travellers spend
                                tourism market: Wellness        drawn to a destination resort    about 120% more.
                                trips jumped 33% in the         for its detox programme or
                                last two years (China, India,   yoga retreat. The Secondary
                                Malaysia, the Philippines,      Wellness Travellers are
                                Vietnam and Indonesia           those who go on a trip for a
Why Asia?                       all clocked 20+% annual         purpose other than wellness,
Why now?                        gains) and the market will      but they’re interested in
                                essentially double from         maintaining wellness when
The stats are overwhelming:     2017–2022: from US$137          they travel. For example,
According to a World            billion to US$252 billion.      a business traveller who         Asia’s Soft Power
Tourism Organization                                            deliberately choses a hotel
(UNWTO) report, outbound        In short, Asia is driving the                                    Not only is Asia dominating
                                                                that offers healthy food and
Asia-Pacific travellers now     global wellness tourism                                          in inbound and outbound
                                                                a good gym and will try to
represent 37% of the world’s    market.                                                          statistics, its “soft power”
                                                                squeeze in a massage. These
total with international                                        two segments – primary and       impact on the global
travel spending doubling                                        secondary – can be the same      wellness stage cannot be
in the last decade (APAC).                                      person taking different types    overstated. Asian traditions
Add China to these figures:                                     of trips at different times.     and healing philosophies
Outbound trips grew                                                                              – from yoga, Ayurveda
20-fold since 2000; the                                         It’s no surprise then that a     to traditional Chinese
Chinese are the world’s                                         bulk of wellness tourism falls   medicine’s concept of
biggest travel spenders         The “Wellness                   into the secondary wellness      balance and energy – have
                                                                category. In fact, for every     influenced virtually every
(US$258 billion annually,       Traveller”                      single primary wellness trip     aspect of the wellness
well ahead of the US at
US$135 billion); Chinese        In its recent report, GWI’s     taken in Asia, there are 13      industry for several decades
travellers will represent 30%   valuation of wellness tourism   more secondary wellness          today. Review any spa menu
of the entire international     takes into account two types    trips.                           or retreat package in the
travel market by 2030; and      of wellness travellers: the     Wellness travellers also         world and you will inevitably
China has been pegged to        Primary and Secondary           spend much more than             find Asia’s influence.
become the world’s No.1         Wellness Travellers. For        the average tourist. In
travel destination by 2030,     the former group, wellness      Asia-Pacific, international
dethroning France.              is the main purpose for         wellness travellers spend
Asia: The Future of Global Wellness Tourism -
Wellness Tourist Archetypes
To understand this fast-growing market, we conducted
over 50 one-on-one interviews with travellers, luxury tour
operators, spa consultants, travel journalists, wellness
destination resorts and hospitality brands who are based in
Asia Pacific to arrive at three main consumer archetypes
who will be driving the future of wellness tourism in Asia.
Asia: The Future of Global Wellness Tourism -
Asia: The Future of Global Wellness Tourism -
They were going on juice fasts and yoga weekends in their
’20s, moved on to integrated health retreats and are now
challenging themselves in solo travel. Women – travelling
with other women or alone – are a force unto themselves and
will become the most important market segment driving
the wellness tourism boom worldwide. When it comes to
wellness tourism, the future is indeed female.
Although not exactly new, women-only vacations have
soared in popularity in the last decade, with some tour
companies reporting over 200% growth in the last few years
alone. In Bali, many women-only retreats have popped up
in recent years. In Nepal, special tours for women-only treks
are on the rise. Women in China, Hong Kong, Singapore,
Philippines, Korea and Japan are making girlfriend getaways
a regular part of their lifestyles, where wellness activities are
at the heart of the experience.
Asia: The Future of Global Wellness Tourism -
What’s Driving This Female-Centric Boom?

Wealth = Wellness              Best Life Cycle                   The New Luxury                   It’s all about the
Women’s spending power         Investment                        When it comes to wellness,       Guru!
is surging: From 2013-         As a market segment,              luxury has less to do with       While state-of-the-art spas,
2023, the global incomes       female travellers present         the conventional trappings       luxurious accommodations,
of women will grow from        the highest customer              of indulgence and more           and breath-taking locations
US$13 trillion to US$18        lifetime value because            to do with the ephemeral         are all important to luxury
trillion in travel, and that   they engage in wellness           quality of an experience.        travellers, it comes down
US$5 trillion represents       travel the longest. Because       Women who’ll turn their          to one undeniable fact: it’s
more than twice the            women are more social by          nose up at anything less         the guru that matters the
expected growth in GDP         nature, women-only trips          than 500 thread-count            most. Increasingly, wellness
from both China and            often start in their early ‘20s   sheets, suddenly won’t mind      retreats are built around the
India. With the women’s        and continue for the rest         sleeping in yurts under the      cult following of fitness and
empowerment movement,          of their lives. They travel to    stars if it means a completely   yoga celebrity instructors
marriage and fertility rates   escape, rekindle friendships,     life-transforming experience.    and life coaches.
are declining in many of       celebrate milestones, and         Austerity is equated with
Asia’s developed countries.    reward themselves.                authenticity.
Instead, women are investing
in their own personal and
professional growth and
wealth portfolio.
Asia: The Future of Global Wellness Tourism -
Solo-ish                         Walk on the Wild Side           Eat, Play, Create
More women are putting           Women are increasingly          Yes, “experiences” matter       What Women Want
solo trips on their bucket       walking (and talking) their     but it’s “transformation”         According to
list. Solo, but in the company   way to wellness. There’s        that’s the holy grail. Women    Compare Retreats’
of others. With safety an        been a boom in women’s-         who feel they’ve had to           2018 survey:
overriding concern, female       only walking clubs in           defer self-care and personal          Top destinations:
solo travellers are finding      Australia and tours like        interests are now drawn                      Bali
safe haven in healing            Walk Japan as well as           to retreats that promise                  Maldives
resorts like Kamalaya in         self-imposed hiking trail       creative awakenings                       Thailand
Koh Samui, where 65% of          challenges.                     and self-improvement.                    Philippines
guests are solo travellers, of                                   Unleashing one’s creative                 Sri Lanka
which 65% are female. All-       $SS                             goddess – whether through       Most Important retreat
inclusive health resorts like                                    photography, writing, art,             features:
                                 Let’s face it, for many Asian
Six Senses, Vana in northern     women, the winning trifecta     cooking – has become           Yoga & Meditation
India, and Como Shambala         for a girlfriend getaway is     essential to well-being.       classes                 63%
in Bali, give solo guests the    still shopping, sightseeing     Many come away from these      Detox programmes        50%
best of all worlds – a mix of    and spas, with “retail          journeys so transformed        Private nutrition
solitude, social interaction     therapy” as the primary         that they abandon their        consultation            43%
and safety.                      driver for travelling. Hotels   professions to pursue an       Medical check-ups       31%
                                 and tour packages that make     alternative path in…well,      Sleep therapies         34%
Body, Mind & Ovaries             an extra effort-- whether in    wellness.
                                                                                                Personal trainer
While yoga and detox are         providing adjoining rooms,                                     sessions                31%
mainstays, new programs          shopping sherpas and                                           Cooking classes         34%
like The Farm at San Benito’s    exclusive access to special
                                                                                                Adventure sports        35%
“Female Revitalization”          outlets or ‘therapists on
is tackling hormonal             demand’ – can expect a                                         Cultural excursions     32%
imbalance and cellular aging.    loyal following. In terms of                                   Women would
Mental health is also on the     destinations, Tokyo, Seoul                                     rather travel with
rise, according to a Compare     and Bangkok’s popular                                          female friends          33%
Retreats survey that cited       shopping havens have                                           Solo                    20%
this as the most important       become de rigueur for three-                                     45% women surveyed
priority for women (see          night/four-day getaways for                                     go on a wellness retreat
sidebar).                        women.                                                                once a year.
Asia: The Future of Global Wellness Tourism -
Asia: The Future of Global Wellness Tourism -
Consider this: Hong Kong and Japan have the highest life
expectancies according to the World Economic Forum.
The United States didn’t even make it to the top 30.
And according to Wealth-X, a global ultra-high network
intelligence company, the fastest growth in wealth creation
is in Asia, which posted an increase of ultra-wealth (defined
as individuals with a net worth of US$30 million or more) of
27% in 2018 and is forecast to have the strongest growth by
2022. Hong Kong has also overtaken New York to become
the world’s largest ultra-high net worth city.
What does this mean? There’s never been a better time
to grow old in Asia. With the combined factors of longer
life expectancy and having the means to pursue wellness
at a younger age, Asians who are approaching mid-life are
recontextualising aging as aspirational.
They’re not postponing living well after retirement, but are
embracing a life-well-lived mindset in their ‘40s because
they can afford it.
These Affluent New Agers are younger and changing the
notion of age from a chronological construct to biological
and mental mindset – “65 is the new 45.” They want to
achieve and maintain quality of not only life but lifestyle.
Who are these                     agree that this segment            activity such as hiking and
                                  is now more adventurous            trekking. So much so that
Affluent New                      in location choices and            Scott Dunn have designed a
Agers?                            towards self-care activities.      number of ‘Gourmet Hiking”
                                  At Lightfoot Travel, Affluent      tours to destinations such
                                                                                                   Another area of enormous
Based on our interviews,          New Agers are spending             as Slovenia, the Spanish
                                                                                                   potential is the LGBTQ+
they are Instagram or             upwards of US$200,000              Pyrenees, Provence and the    segment of Affluent New
Wechat (if they are Chinese)      per trip and there’s been an       Kumano Kodo Trail in Japan.   Agers. Acceptance for
addicts, pursue wellness          increase year on year of 20%                                     LGBTQ+ travellers have
                                                                     “We see a lot of enquiries    been growing in Asia with
for self-care and improving
health and are travel experts.    They live very                     where the emphasis of
                                                                     ‘adventure’ is on the
                                                                                                   recent changes in legislation
                                                                                                   in India, Australia, Thailand
They live very differently                                                                         and Taiwan. Hong Kong
from previous generations            differently                     destination itself, such as
                                                                     Central Asia, Bhutan or
                                                                                                   is also hosting the 2022
                                                                                                   Gay Games for the first
and consider ‘middle age’ as
the prime of their lives. It is
                                  from previous                      Israel,” says Theng Hwee      time. According to a 2018
                                                                                                   report by LGBT Capital,
                                                                     Chang, CEO of Scott Dunn
the period when they have
the resources and time to
                                    generations                      Asia, where 70% of their
                                                                                                   the estimated LGBTQ+
                                                                                                   purchasing power per annum
                                                                     Asian market comprises
                                   and consider
                                                                                                   for Asia is US$1.3 trillion.
take on new adventures and                                           silver set travellers.        And Affluent New Agers are
explore the world. They are                                                                        less likely to have children
willing to spend on travel         ‘middle age’                                                    and would have a higher
                                                                                                   disposable income to pursue
and wellness with the goal
of indulging in bucket-list        as the prime                                                    luxury travel. The tourism
                                                                                                   market is taking note with
activities while they can.
That is not to say that they
                                   of their lives.                                                 the UNWTO commissioning
                                                                                                   a global report on LGBTQ+
                                                                                                   Tourism. The Tourism
are not value conscious.          in these bucket list activities.                                 Authority of Thailand also
When pursuing luxury              A typical itinerary? Hop on                                      launch #GoThaiBeFree in
travel, these Affluent New                                                                         Jan 2019 to target these
                                  a helicopter and fly around                                      travellers. Why? Tourism
Agers are more demanding          Everest before enjoying                                          revenue from the LGBTQ+
in ensuring they get the          breakfast at 14,000 ft. Walk                                     community contributes
very best for their money,        up an appetite by hiking                                         1.15% to Thailand’s economy,
from accommodations to                                                                             the highest in the countries
                                  to see gorillas in Rwanda.                                       or regions surveyed by LGBT
exclusivity of experiences.       Affluent New Agers’ idea                                         Capital, followed closely by
We spoke to several luxury        of wellness isn’t just spa                                       Hong Kong at 1.11%.

tour operators and they           treatments but physical
On the flip side of
lengthening lifespans:
Affluent New Agers have
also become one of the key
drivers of medical tourism                                                             H
and Asian countries are also                                                                           F                       A                D
top destinations (see map).                                                                        E
                                                                                                                                       B G
They are going overseas for                                                                                                    H
medical treatments from                                                                        J                               E
health check-ups, dental
work to cosmetic surgery.
The reasons are multi-
fold; receiving premium
medical expertise at a
lower cost; convenience of
avoiding waitlists as well
as geographic proximity
to these countries. This                                                                   I
aligns with the latest data
from Market Data Forecast
that stated the Asia-Pacific
Medical Tourism Market         Top “Bucket List” Destinations*                        Medical Tourism Hotspots and
was worth US$7.79 billion                                                             Popular Treatments*
                               A. Uzbekistan
in 2018 and estimated to be    B. Kazakhstan                                          A. China                                 E. Malaysia
growing at a CAGR of 22.4%,    C. Turkmenistan                                        Acupuncture, Cupping, Tuina              End-to-End Solutions and
to reach US$19.87 billion by   D. Kyrgyzstan                                          Massage, and Herbal Medicine             Fertility
                               E. Egypt                                               B. Hong Kong                             F. Singapore
2023.                                                                                 Fertility                                Oncology, Neurology,
                               F. Israel
                               G. Jordan                                              C. India                                 Cardiology, and Stem Cell
                               H. Camino de Santiago                                  Cardiac, Transplants,                    Therapy
                               I. Antarctica                                          Orthopaedics, Cosmetic, and              G. Taiwan
                               J. Africa                                              Cancer                                   Cardiac and Orthopedic
                               *Sources: Luxury tour operators, interview responses   D. Korea                                 H. Thailand
                                                                                      Cosmetic                                 End-to-End Solutions
                                                                                                                               *Sources: International Medical Travel Journal, interview
                                                                                                                               responses, Medical Tourism Magazine
CHINESE MILLENNIAL                                                conscious behaviours that were once associated with the
                                                                  older generations are now embraced by millennials.
MILLIONAIRES                                                      The growing importance of health in the lives of Chinese
                                                                  millennials is reflected in wellness tourism. To them, wellness
It is difficult to overstate the sheer force of this market       has taken a broader and deeper meaning that goes beyond
segment given that China’s outbound travel market is              physical fitness and pampering spa treatments. Mental
expected to swell to over 400 million by 2030. As the middle      health is a high priority, so is intellectual and social wellness,
class grows and incomes rise, producing more millionaires         which are expressed through challenging oneself, developing
and billionaires at an exponential rate, so too does their        self-confidence and empathy or making positive changes to
appetite for travel and wellness experiences. This market is      become a “better me”.
an important one for everyone in tourism. To practitioners        Through our research and in-depth interviews with millennial
in luxury travel, the most prized catch are the millennial        millionaires in China, we have identified five aspirations
millionaires.                                                     among China’s young and affluent class, as well as insights in
Chinese millennials are generally stereotyped as “Buddhist        their ideal of wellness travel –
minded” (佛系fo xi) for their laissez-faire approach to life
and obsession with health and wellness. Yet they are also
known for their “punk wellness” (朋克养生peng ke yang
sheng) practices, remedying the effects of their health-
compromising lifestyle with (mostly skin-deep) body-
nourishing rituals. This is seen when they add cancer-fighting
goji berries to beer or having reflexology after partying all
night. Their efforts to stay healthy while leading an unhealthy
lifestyle is a reflection of this generation’s live-for-the-
moment, yet pragmatic, attitude and it also underscores
the fact that wellness is the new status symbol among the
400-million-strong Chinese millennials.
A recent survey by China Youth Daily showed that 80% of the
1,800 millennials interviewed from first to fourth-tier cities
place personal health in high priority, while London-based
lifestyle concierge service Quintessentially has also seen an
unprecedented interest amongst their Chinese members
in striking a balance between wellness and health. Health-
1                                   2                                  3
Aspiration - Fulfilment, a          Aspiration - Escape,               Aspiration - Find meaning
sense of achievement, self-         moment of peace,                   and purpose in life,
improvement                         restoration                        transformation
Pursuits - Adventure,               Pursuits - Weekend                 Pursuits - Retreats for
sports, educational                 anti-stress getaways for           spiritual pursuit and self-
courses                             rest and relaxation, all-          realisation
                                    inclusive resort experience        With soaring national pride,
Wellness travel means stepping
                                    in a hidden location               more affluent millennials now
out of a comfort zone and
pushing boundaries. It is           With increasing life stresses,     take a keen interest in returning
perceived as a life-enriching       urban pollution, information       to their roots, prompting a
experience. They seek out           overload, and changing             growing demand for traditional
destinations not for the types of   perceptions on relationship and    arts, cultural practices and
experiences they can gain, but      marriage, the younger Chinese      philosophy in a bid to relieve
for new knowledge or skills they    population seek isolation to       stress and achieve emotional
can learn, new challenges they      unplug and detox. They are         wellness. Temple getaways have
can take on. This means holidays    always ready to go on mini         been attracting an increasing
in which they can explore new       vacations that are convenient      number of pilgrims, who seek a
cultures, engage in adventure       to plan in a secluded resort, as   short stay to cleanse their mind,
sports, such as rock climbing       frequent as every two months.      body and soul by consuming
and skydiving, immerse in the       Ultimate luxury is time spent      vegetarian food, performing
wonders of wildlife, and sign up    in solitude and the joy of doing   meditation, practicing the
for a healthy cooking class or      things for themselves. However,    ancient art of calligraphy (a
mindful living workshop.            since social media-addicted        form of meditation in Buddhist
                                    users have difficulty removing     culture) and engaging in
                                    themselves from their mobile       philosophical exchanges with
                                    devices, digital detoxes are not   spiritual gurus.
                                    high on their list. Hassle-free,
                                    all-inclusive packages that
                                    cover accommodation, meals,
                                    activities and treatments are
                                    preferred. Environmentally-
                                    friendly resorts with dual
                                    emphasis on sustainability and
                                    wellness are also a big draw.
4                                   5
Aspiration - Making the             Aspiration - Discovery and
most out of life and time           authenticity
Pursuits - Action-packed            Pursuits - Off-the-beaten-
itineraries with variety and        track destinations, local
diversity                           immersions
It is no secret that high-end       Keen to detach from the daily
Chinese travellers never take       grind of living in crowded,
single-purpose trips. The same      polluted and stressful cities, the
applies to wellness travel. A       Chinese millennial millionaires
full, action-packed itinerary       are going to places they have
with a variety of activities        never been. Although they love
requiring different energy          the Maldives and Bali, the lesser-
levels is appealing. Instead of a   known islands in the Philippines,
purist approach, it is sometimes    Sri Lanka and small, mountain
done in the classic “wellness       villages in Japan are capturing
punk” style – a yoga retreat        their hearts. Since they want
itinerary that also includes        to be the insiders and know
outdoor adventure, sight-           the best local addresses, social
seeing, shopping, fine dining       media recommendations from
and a beach party. Why? It          friends and digital media play
is important for them to be         an important role in helping
perceived as “interesting” rather   them curate personalised and
than wealthy and prosperous.        authentic experiences.
They are on a constant quest for
new ideas and inspiration.
This report is a result of over 50 one-on-one
interviews conducted with seasoned luxury
travellers, tour operators, spa consultants,
travel journalists, wellness destination resorts
and hospitality brands.

We’d like to thank 500 Million Stars, Compare
Retreats, Flight Centre, Global Wellness
Institute, Gwinganna Lifestyle Retreat,
Kamalaya, Lightfoot Travel, Mandarin Oriental
Hotel Group, Pure Converts, Scott Dunn Asia,
Six Senses Hotels Resorts, SPS Travel,
The Farm at San Benito, World Travellers
and Ye Travel.
About ILTM
ILTM is a global collection of invitation-only events that bring together
leading international buyers to meet and discover the most luxurious
travel experiences. Each event introduces an unrivalled selection
of luxury travel brands to ILTM’s extensive network of hand-picked
luxury travel advisors, through bespoke appointment programmes and
networking sessions. Alongside the global flagship events in Cannes
and Asia Pacific, ILTM has four core local events; ILTM Arabia,
ILTM China, ILTM Latin America and ILTM North America,
as well as one specialist event; ILTM Africa.

About CatchOn – A Finn Partners Company
Since 2001, CatchOn has distinguished itself for its expertise in
brand development, marketing communications and PR. Our team of
specialists work collaboratively with wellness, travel and hospitality
clients to accelerate growth, encourage innovation and create
compelling stories and customer experiences. With offices in Hong
Kong and Shanghai, we’ve helped numerous international brands with
their market entry strategies into China and the Asia region. In 2019,
we joined Finn Partners, one of the world’s fastest growing
independent marketing and communications firms, to form one of the
world’s most formidable global travel practices.
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