August 2017 Month in Review - Herron Todd White

Page created by Roger Hardy
August 2017 Month in Review - Herron Todd White
August 2017
Month in Review
August 2017 Month in Review - Herron Todd White
Feature – Investor interest    3
Commercial - Industrial        4
Residential                   18
Rural                         48
Market Indicators             56
August 2017 Month in Review - Herron Todd White
Month in Review
                                                                                                                                                                               August 2017

Investor interest
They’re an interesting lot, those property investors.

Your perception of a landlord might be old school - a   There’s been a rise in the profile of another type       Most important of all, our specialists have an opinion
rotund, cigar-smoking gent sitting atop a mound of      of investor over the past decade – the non-local.        on what might happen in their markets if demand
money that’s weighing down a horde of unfortunate       The internet age has made it ever easier to do a         from this influential mob were to slow – and in many
tenants, while he laughs maniacally at those            whole mess of research without having to leave           patches this may be the case. Given a tightening on
unfortunate souls unable to own their own home.         your reclining easy chair. We are a big country with     finance for these types of owners, it’s a reality that
                                                        a plethora of property options and buyers are no         we may see less activity from this demographic in the
But dig into the numbers and you’ll find only
                                                        longer bound by state lines.                             future.
approximately 8% of the population invests in real
estate outside of their own home. Of that number,       To take the example further afield, how about            In the commercial realm, this month’s special subject
almost three quarters own just one investment. That     overseas investors? Here’s an investor type who’s        is industrial and it’s time to talk about rentals.
means less than 2% of the Australian population         been firmly targeted in recent political dealings, and   Let’s dig deep into how rents are tracking. We’re
owns more than one investment property.                 changes to legislation may see their interest shift in   going to have our experts cover the full gamut of
                                                        the near future.                                         the industrial rental ranges. Here, we outline what
Here’s another thought - investors come in all
                                                                                                                 various locations and standard of property are
shapes and sizes from blue-collar workers, to middle    Whatever your opinion, investors are as diverse as
                                                                                                                 achieving in the rental sphere. There might even be a
class mums and dads, to young professionals of all      the property options our country offers – and their
                                                                                                                 few projections on where rents are headed and how
persuasions. There’s no hard and fast rule about        impact on our various markets, localities, property
                                                                                                                 you can get ready for the moves.
what an investor should look like.                      types and sectors can’t be ignored.
                                                                                                                 So, there you have it – a deep dive into the residential
Experience has taught us this too – most investors      The fascinating thing is, what’s good for one spot,
                                                                                                                 investors psyche and how their moves might affect
aren’t in the market to try and lock everyone else      isn’t necessarily a winner for another, so you need a
                                                                                                                 your local market, plus a look on industrial rentals
out of home ownership. Most are, admittedly, trying     local’s view to get the real story.
                                                                                                                 and what the future holds.
to get ahead, but many would be happy to have
                                                        This month, we hone in on property investors and
just enough equity come retirement so they aren’t                                                                Please devour the wisdom within these pages but
                                                        their effect on our markets – at a nuanced level.

relying on the public purse to see them out. And                                                                 don’t forget it’s most important you make time
                                                        We’ve asked our team to talk about their investor
while compulsory superannuation will help alleviate                                                              to give our team a tingle. They stand at the ready
                                                        sector. Our professionals discuss how investors tick,
our dependence on a government, most of us would                                                                 to provide the right advice and ensure you aren’t
                                                        what they’re buying, what they’re selling and where
prefer to be sitting towards the pointy end of the                                                               caught out when the time comes to put your money
                                                        they’re heading next.
plane in our post-employment years.                                                                              where your mouth is.

August 2017 Month in Review - Herron Todd White
August 2017 Month in Review - Herron Todd White
August 2017 Month in Review - Herron Todd White
Month in Review
                                                                                                                                                                              August 2017

New South Wales
Overview                                                 $130 per square metre. Leases at this level of the        Canberra
Rent levels are the bedrock which determine              market are negotiated on a net basis, with tenants        Canberra’s industrial market is concentrated in three
the success or failure of industrial investment,         responsible for outgoing costs. We are noticing that      main localities: Mitchell in the north; Hume in the
and having a handle on how they’re tracking is           incentives have diminished with many large scale          south; and Fyshwick centrally located near Canberra
imperative.                                              operators happy to commit to long term leases of five     airport. The Fyshwick market remains the most
                                                         to ten years plus options with minimal abatements         popular of the three industrial areas in Canberra
This month, our team deep dive into industrial
                                                         depending on the location and improvement quality.        providing a mix of small, medium and large industrial
rentals, dissecting the good from the bad and
                                                                                                                   and bulky goods use space, but activity in Mitchell
analysing movements so you can stay ahead of the         In the sub 1,500 square metre bracket we note
                                                                                                                   continues to increase on the back of population
pack.                                                    rentals have also strengthened. At this level of the
                                                                                                                   growth in the Gungahlin district.
                                                         market, leases are generally negotiated on a gross
                                                         basis with only a few agreements passing on the           The ACT Government’s Four Year Indicative
Industrial markets have continued to show signs
                                                         costs of outgoings. This sector rarely features rentals   Industrial Land Release Program is based on the
of strong growth across the whole of the Sydney
                                                         below $100 per square metre in metropolitan Sydney,       current level of demand for industrial land. The
metropolitan area. Generally speaking, the
                                                         with the exception being low quality low clearance        program is intended to achieve a number of
performance of the industrial market in Sydney’s
                                                         warehouses in less desirable locations. We have seen      objectives, but in essence it is to increase the ACT
inner ring and particularly southern Sydney stems
                                                         the most uplift in this sector due to the affordability   Government’s responsiveness to market changes
from an aggressive reduction in available stock
                                                         of most of these assets, typically at the sub             by developing an inventory of land stock, where
due to the rezoning of land and conversion of
                                                         $500,000 price point. Given the population growth         serviced industrial sites are available for immediate
existing stock, whilst the outer suburbs of Sydney
                                                         particularly in the north and south-west of Sydney,       release. Land will be available in Hume and across
are benefiting from an unprecedented level of
                                                         many of the fringe industrial locales have seen a         three new estates in Symonston (2016-17) 30,000
infrastructure investment and the on flow of owner
                                                         spike in demand from a sale and leasing perspective       square metres, Fyshwick (2017-18), Hume and
occupiers and investors being priced out of industrial
                                                         as many of the existing occupiers have been pushed        Symonston 55,000 square metres and Majura Valley,
precincts within close proximity of the Sydney CBD.
                                                         out of the main centres to make way for residential       Hume, Symonston and Pialligo (2018-19) 42,000
Numerous local agents have reported a shortage of
                                                         redevelopment.                                            square metres. A further 39,000 square metres will

quality, well positioned industrial holdings.
                                                                                                                   be released in 2019-20. The program aims to release
                                                         Overall, the rental market is expected to continue to
Within the small to medium size bracket we note                                                                    166,000 square metres over the next four years.
                                                         grow due to a lack of supply together with a relatively
rentals appear to be very consistent, ranging from
                                                         healthy industrial outlook over the coming months.        The land release of industrial sites has seen new
$100 to $120 per square metre per annum net
                                                                                                                   developments attract tenants from older established
plus GST and some of late have even hit as high as
                                                                                                                   sections of Fyshwick to new industrial sub division

Month in Review
                                                                                                                                                                              August 2017

locations. Currently rents for small units in Fyshwick   Local agents report that tenant enquiry is at low        have a broad range from $80 to $110 per square
range from $125 to $200 per square metre. Larger         levels and those who can afford to purchase a            metre gross.
premises over 1,000 square metres are letting for        property are taking advantage of low interest rates
                                                                                                                  Most of the activity in the industrial market is being
$130 per square metre.                                   and acquiring properties for long term investment.
                                                                                                                  driven by the Port of Port Kembla with logistics a
Hume rents are achieving rates of around $100            South East NSW                                           rapidly developing sector particularly in new vehicle
per square metre for units averaging 200 to 300          The industrial property market has shown clear           transportation. The tight supply and rising values
square metres and $120 per square metre for larger       signs of improvement over the past two years with a      and rents of industrial property in the Sydney
buildings of 1,000 square metres plus.                   slight increase in leasing transactions, demonstrating   market is also impacting the local market, likewise
                                                         improved confidence after a prolonged period of          the significant infrastructure investment in the
Mitchell properties are achieving rates of $220 per
                                                         static conditions post the GFC.                          south-west Sydney growth corridor most notably the
square metre for units between 100 and 300 square
                                                                                                                  proposed second airport at Badgerys Creek.
metres and $130 per square metre for over 1,000          In general, industrial rents are stable however local
square metres.                                           agents are reporting a notable increase in enquiry       Newcastle
                                                         levels, particularly for small to mid-sized efficient    Location is a big factor in industrial rental growth
Industrial sales have been                               well located warehouse tenancies. Demand for larger      around the Hunter Valley and Central Coast at
                                                         warehouse space is also increasing. Demand for older     present. While we’re seeing some increase in coal
improving and are dominating the                         style large inefficient heavy industrial space remains   mining services activity, this sector has been weak
market compared to rentals.                              relatively soft given the struggling manufacturing       for around five years now and areas heavily reliant
                                                         and mining sectors.                                      on mining sector activity such as Singleton and
Tenants incentives have consisted of rent free terms
                                                                                                                  Rutherford are still seeing downward pressure on
and contributions to fit out in order to move to newer   Local agents are however finding that some tenants
                                                                                                                  rents across the board. Given the rental supply
locations with long term leases.                         (usually established businesses) prefer to purchase
                                                                                                                  and demand mismatch, rents are not expected to
                                                         rather than lease with low interest rates making
Tenant demand is low at present with tenants opting                                                               increase in the short term in these locations.
                                                         owner occupation more attractive. This is putting a
to purchase sites rather than rent due to low interest
                                                         cap on leasing activity.                                 Mayfield West on the other hand is under stocked

rates and good economic growth. Rents are stable
                                                                                                                  with industrial property. Local industrial leasing
and should remain so for the short term. Predicted       Prime industrial rents typically range from $120 to
                                                                                                                  agents are reporting increased enquiry in this
increases in interest rates will impact the market in    $150 per square metre gross. Low site coverage
                                                                                                                  locality. This is on the back of the significant
the long term and we would anticipate some rental        properties with good usable handstand components
                                                                                                                  construction boom in the CBD, Mayfield West being
growth when the momentum swings back to tenant           can achieve in the circa $170 to $200 per square
                                                                                                                  the closest established industrial estate to the CBD.
demand increasing and out performing sales.              metre range. Second tier industrial rents tend to

Month in Review
                                                                                                                                                                                August 2017

Other major Hunter Valley industrial estates such as         As for the remainder of the North Coast, Ballina has     Incentives are common in the market with rent free
Beresfield and Thornton are indicating steady, albeit        seen a slight increase in rents in industrial estates    periods of one to two months, often written into
slow rental growth patterns. While stock listed for          and decreased vacancies. The industrial markets in       leases. Bulky Goods accommodation remains price
sale is scarce within the Beresfield estate at present,      Casino, Alstonville and Goonellabah remain steady.       sensitive with rental levels circa $140 to $180 per
the number of warehouses listed for lease is growing         The South Lismore industrial estate has recently         square metre, depending on size. We are aware of
in this ever increasing owner-occupied market sector.        been affected by a major flood. There has been           a 2016 leasing of circa 1,500 square metres which
                                                             anecdotal evidence that some industrial business         included a 12 month rent free period over a ten year
                                                             have packed up and moved up the hill to higher           lease.
The Byron Bay industrial market has seen quite a
                                                             ground, however the majority have remained. It will
bit of action in the past six months. There has been
                                                             be some time before we can determine the effect the
high demand for industrial strata product with a lack
                                                             flood has had on the industrial market.
of available stock (both to purchase and lease). This
has resulted in increased values and premiums being          Coffs Harbour
paid to secure a property. The demand is from both           The rental market for smaller industrial sheds is
investors and owner-occupiers alike. The rental rates        variable, demonstrating some market uncertainty,
have seen a sharp increase also for the 100 to 150           with a lower volume of recent lettings. Rental
square metre size industrial strata unit in the past six     evidence displays a wide variance from $90 per
months from $150 to $180 per square metre to $230            square metre to $130 per square metre for modern
to $260 per square metre.                                    tilt up small bays of 200 to 300 square metres in size
                                                             in prime locations.
The recent growth in industrial strata titled unit
product is, advised by some agents, due to reports           The industrial rental market still remains price
Byron Shire Council have relaxed their regulations           sensitive with a broad range of rents being achieved,
on illegal residential occupation of industrial units.       which confirms the uncertainty in the market. There
Traditionally this has always been an affordable form        remains a slight oversupply of smaller industrial

of residential accommodation within Byron Bay,               bays in the lower price bracket and valuations of
with people permanently occupying industrial strata          poorly leased property will invariably be lower than
units on a residential basis (albeit illegal). Part of the   those with vacant possession for this owner-occupier
industrial estate is zoned B7 Business Park, which           dominated market.
permits residential occupation in conjunction with
business use.

Month in Review
                                                                                                                                                                                   August 2017


Melbourne                                                  Incentives mostly take the form of rent free months       development occurring, especially in the south,
The Melbourne industrial market performed strongly         at the beginning of the lease. Standard length leases     south-east and west.
in the first half of 2017. With interest rates remaining   (three to five years) generally receive one to three
low and a relatively stable economy, new industrial        months rent free, which usually covers the setting
                                                                                                                     Industrial rents have been relatively static for
developments are continuing to come onto the               up period of the property, whilst longer leases (five
                                                                                                                     some time, with the market generally capped at
market, especially in growth corridors where there is      plus years) are seeing three to five months rent free.
                                                                                                                     the cost of construction for owner builders in the
an abundance of vacant land prime for development,         This usually ends up being about 25% to 35% of the
                                                                                                                     amortized over the life of the asset in conjunction
including suburbs such as Clyde, Pakenham and              commencing rental amount.
                                                                                                                     with owner-occupiers looking to take advantage of
Dandenong South in the south-east, Carrum Downs
                                                           In the south-east, in a well-regarded industrial area     self managed super funds. Consequently there have
in the south, Truganina and Derrimut in the west and
                                                           such as Dandenong South, a 2,500 square metre,            been limited gains in industry locally and this has also
Epping in the north.
                                                           modern office/warehouse could expect to reach             been exacerbated in some regards by challenging
Industrial rents have remained relatively stable over      between $70 and $90 per square metre per annum            manufacturing conditions. Consequently there have
the past 12 months with the exception of the northern      net plus GST, with larger properties expecting            been limited gains in industry locally and this has also
industrial market, which includes Campbellfield,           less and smaller properties expecting more. Older         been exacerbated in some regards by challenging
Coolaroo, Somerton and Broadmeadows. This area             properties and ones in inferior locales would reach       manufacturing conditions.
has felt the impact of losing the Ford Motor Company       between $50 and $70 per square metre per annum.
manufacturing plant in Campbellfield last October.
                                                           In the outer east in Kilsyth, we’re seeing rates of $70
                                                           to $80 per square metre per annum net plus GST
Incentives are not as prevalent                            for good quality large industrial properties (2,000
in the industrial sector as they                           square metres plus), with brand new warehouses
                                                           smaller than 500 square metres reaching up to $130
may be in other markets, however                           per square metre per annum net plus GST.

are becoming more common,                                  We expect tenant demand to remain relatively strong
especially within new industrial                           over the coming 12 months, however remain cautious
                                                           of oversupply given the large amount of industrial

Month in Review
                                                                                                                                                                                August 2017

South Australia
Adelaide                                                When the subdued rental demand is coupled with             project, comprising 12 submarines at a spend of circa
The industrial rental market is generally subdued       weak investor sentiment and a low interest rate            $50 billion. These projects are expected to provide
as the South Australian economy faces continued         environment, it is not surprising that those left active   over 2,000 jobs.
challenges.                                             in the market are equally attracted to buy as oppose
                                                                                                                   In addition, the South Australian Government
                                                        to rent.
The market in the outer north, specifically the areas                                                              has significantly increased its expenditure on
surrounding Elizabeth South have experienced            The rental market for industrial property has              infrastructural projects. In 2015 to 2016 the budget
weak demand over the past 18 months due to the          previously been more simplistic than other markets         was $1.8 billion which has increased to $2.2 billion by
closure of Holden’s production plant and the loss of    such as office space or retail where face rents and        2017 to 2018.
approximately 1,250 on-site jobs.                       effective rents can vary significantly. The increasing
                                                                                                                   The projects are:
                                                        use of incentives has seen the industrial market
As the 2017 departure of Holden approaches,
                                                        become more complex and less predictable.                  •   Darlington Upgrade
there are noticeable vacancies arising throughout
                                                                                                                   •   Anzac Highway to Darlington
industrial northern areas and properties are            Also, the increase in outgoings has placed additional
                                                                                                                   •   River Torrens to Anzac Highway
experiencing extended marketing periods given the       downward pressure on net rents. It was recently
                                                                                                                   •   Regency Park to Torrens Road
uncertainty surrounding the local industrial market.    revealed that Adelaide has the highest power
                                                                                                                   •   South Road Expressway
                                                        prices in the world, which has a particular impact
Unfortunately, GM Holden’s departure is only                                                                       •   Northern Connector
                                                        on industrial businesses. Although the recent
part of the bigger picture but has typified the
                                                        announcement of a raft of spending by the South            The combined effect of the Defence contracts and
contraction of manufacturing in South Australia. This
                                                        Australian Government, including a 100MW battery           the infrastructure expenditure is going someway to
contraction has led to an oversupply of industrial
                                                        in Jamestown, may soften the consumer electricity          soften the blow, however the fall-out to the South
space throughout the market and placed downward
                                                        costs.                                                     Australian economy has been harsh.
pressure on rents.
                                                        A positive has been the securing of Defence
There is now an evident difference between renewals
                                                        construction contracts. After the completion of the
and new leases with incentives becoming more
                                                        Air Warfare Destroyer (AWD) construction contract,

common, as has the need to reconfigure larger
                                                        the Future Frigates programme will commence in
spaces for multiple occupants.
                                                        2020 with an estimated spend of circa $35 billion.
                                                        Following this in 2022 is the Future Submarine

Month in Review
                                                                                                                                                                              August 2017

Brisbane                                                   Demand in locations such as Acacia Ridge, Brendale,     averages over the course of the next few years.
The Brisbane industrial market has been generally          Northgate, Salisbury and Sumner is presently being
                                                                                                                   Elsewhere, suburbs such as Caboolture, Banyo,
buoyant throughout the first half of 2017 with leasing     driven by owner-occupiers and we have seen capital
                                                                                                                   Hendra and Northgate are experiencing relatively
and sales activity levels within the TradeCoast            values increasing within these established precincts
                                                                                                                   low levels of vacancy, with prime grade buildings and
continuing to outstrip other industrial corridors.         for quality assets.
                                                                                                                   properties with exposure to motorways or arterials in
There have been record land value rates set in this
                                                           In regard to the rental market, the flight to quality   high demand.
precinct over the past six months with limited supply
                                                           continues to support prime grade rents, particularly
and pent up demand driving land value rates to                                                                     More broadly, many agents are reporting weak
                                                           for those locations within close proximity of major
exceed $600 per square metre of site area in some                                                                  rental market conditions for buildings with 2,000
                                                           transport routes and Brisbane’s ports. With the
instances, particularly in Eagle Farm. Whilst industrial                                                           to 5,000 square metres of GLA. There has been
                                                           exception of the TradeCoast and pockets of industrial
developments remain unfeasible for the majority                                                                    anecdotal evidence emerging of declining face rents
                                                           properties on the north and south sides, rental rates
of projects (due primarily to high underlying land                                                                 for secondary buildings of this size and an upward
                                                           have remained stagnant throughout the greater
values, rental stagnation and rising construction                                                                  trajectory in incentives - around 10% plus over the
                                                           Brisbane region. This is largely a function of weak
costs), the land market is instead being driven by                                                                 initial term of a lease is becoming more and more
                                                           performance across a number of key economic
owner-occupiers seeking to purchase sites in prime                                                                 common.
                                                           indicators such as inflation and growth in wages
locations with the intention of constructing purpose
                                                           and GDP. There has been some uplift in activity
built facilities for their own business purposes.
                                                           led mostly by large scale tenants (7,000 to 10,000
                                                                                                                   Looking forward, future rental
The TradeCoast has been the most sought after              square metres) who took advantage of higher             movement will depend on
precinct historically given its proximity to ports and     incentives particularly in the northern and southern
the CBD, and is set to remain this way with several        precincts as developers aimed to secure pre-
                                                                                                                   economic conditions, business
major infrastructure projects, including the doubling      commitments for their developments.                     confidence and the future supply
of the Brisbane airport runway and the upgrade of
Kingsford Smith Drive ensuring continued growth in
                                                           In the case of Seventeen Mile Rocks, rents were         of both vacant land and built
                                                           undermined 18 months ago by an unusually large
the area over the medium to long term.                                                                             product.

                                                           supply of new stock (Metrowest) coming onto the
Within the sub $5 million price range, modern stock        market simultaneously in circa 2015/16. This caused     Finally, leaseback agreements where the vendor sells
with strong leasing covenants continues to receive         net face rents to fall $20 to $40 per square metre      the property with a three to ten year commitment in
strong interest from private investors and syndicates.     and from discussions with local agents, this supply     place to lease the premises back from the purchaser
We have seen sub 7% yields achieved on these               has finally been taken up by the market and we          are common in the current market. This is primarily
transactions, however these have been in isolation.        should expect to see rents return to their historical   the result of businesses seeking to free up capital

Month in Review
                                                                                                                                                                            August 2017

or rebalance the books. The current search for yield   industry. The number of vacancies has increased           owner-occupiers driven by the low interest rate
amongst investors is encouraging yield compression     over the past twelve months which could result in         borrowings and the flat cash rate. The trend of
across the industrial landscape during a period of     the tightening of rentals or the introduction of lease    renters turning into owner-occupiers is mainly
sustained low interest rates. This, together with a    incentives.                                               happening in the traditional industrial precincts in
weak rental market, is making these agreements                                                                   the central and southern regions which are mostly
                                                       Industrial rental rates in Toowoomba can vary from
an attractive proposition for owners of prime grade                                                              composed of small to medium sized properties that
                                                       $75 to $140 per square metre gross for warehouses
stock as a strong return on investment can be                                                                    were developed to cater for the demands of local
                                                       and $120 to $200 per square metre gross for the
achieved through the sale, while simultaneously                                                                  companies. The larger factories are concentrated in
                                                       office components. These rates will vary depending
locking in an affordable rent for the medium to long                                                             the Yatala Enterprise Area (YEA) in northern Gold
                                                       on factors such as size, quality of building and
term.                                                                                                            Coast which encompasses the suburbs of Ormeau,
                                                       inclusion of overhead gantry cranes.
                                                                                                                 Yatala and Stapylton. Not surprisingly, the leasing
                                                       The inclusion of additional hardstand yard area could     market is more active in the north than in the south.
  South East Queensland                                also affect a property’s achievable rental. A standard    Amongst the national companies that have set up
  Property Overview Breakfast                          industrial property in Toowoomba will generally           roots in the YEA in recent years are Caterpillar, O-I
                                                       have a site coverage of 25% to 30% with premiums          Glass, Jeld-Wen and Markwell Cold Storage whilst
  Register your interest here                          often achieved if the site coverage falls below this      Aldi, Visy Industries, Harvey Norman, Stratco and
  Guest speaker Mr Alan Kohler                         rate. Rentals of between $8 and $20 can be achieved       Beulieu Carpets have stayed as prominent owners
  Thursday 16 November 2017                            for hardstand yards with the variances due to size,       and renters.
                                                       location and type of hardstand (gravel, bitumen,
                                                                                                                 Market rents for large format industrial factories
  Tickets on sale soon                                 concrete etc).
                                                                                                                 and warehouses have stagnated despite the growing
  For further information, contact Catherine Wilson
                                                       The other major factor that will affect rental rates is   number of national companies setting up their or 07 3353 7500
                                                       location. The western suburbs of Wilsonton, Glenvale      branches in this region. As far back as 2010, active
                                                       and Torrington have always been considered more           leasing agents for the area have been marketing
                                                       popular industrial precincts with suburbs such as         vacant industrial space at the rental rate of $100 to

                                                       North Toowoomba, Rockville, Harlaxton and Drayton         $110 per square metre per annum plus outgoings and
Industrial rentals in Toowoomba have been relatively
                                                       generally considered secondary locations.                 the current going rates are still the same. However
static with only modest increases over the past
                                                                                                                 the outgoings such as council rates, land tax and
two to three years. Leasing demand however has         Gold Coast
                                                                                                                 cost of repairs and maintenance have been rising.
declined recently which coincides with the decrease    The main thrust of the Gold Coast industrial
                                                                                                                 This has resulted in gross rental rates appearing
in activity within the Surat Basin coal seam gas       market in the past few years has come from

Month in Review
                                                                                                                                                                                    August 2017

to increase to the level of $130 to $160 per square        sporadic and rental growth has been rather slow,          Sunshine Coast
metre per annum. Due to keen competition, there            if not stagnant. For this reason, it is still a common    Over the past six to 12 months we have seen rental
have been some properties, particularly those more         sight to see roadside for lease signboards in the         rates continue to firm in the industrial market in
than 3,000 square metres in lettable area, being           industrial estates.                                       established estates across the Sunshine Coast.
leased at gross rates at this level, thus the actual net                                                             Vacancy levels, particularly for sub 300 square
                                                           There are however, pockets where some evidence
rates would be in the order of $90 to $100 per square                                                                metre spaces in areas such as Kunda Park, Warana
                                                           of rental increase has been seen due to diminished
metre per annum. Of course, the older sheds of                                                                       and Caloundra West are limited, which has led to an
                                                           supply of serviced industrial sites coupled with a
sheet metal cladding would only command net rates                                                                    increase in rental levels for these locations. Typically,
                                                           rise in land values and cost of construction. These
of $70 to $80 per square metre per annum. The                                                                        rentals for these types of property range from $120
                                                           pockets are in Arundel, Southport, Helensvale,
general gross rates for small industrial units in this                                                               to $180 per square metre gross.
                                                           Coomera and certain parts of Burleigh Heads where
region have also levelled at $120 to $140 per square
                                                           rental rates at $140 to $180 per square metre per         Within secondary industrial locations we have
metre per annum.
                                                           annum gross are common. However, these rates              seen a reduction in vacancy levels which has led
Further to the north of the YEA, the less significant      appear to apply to modern units and freestanding          to some rental growth, however it’s still common
established industrial estates of Beenleigh, Bethania      industrial buildings whilst older style premises still    for incentives to be offered to attract prospective
and Logan Village at the fringe of Brisbane’s south        prevalent today appear to be less affected, with the      tenants, which has led to some inconstancy with
are experiencing very low leasing demand and               general level mostly falling at the old rates of $120     rental levels. A summary of the rental levels for the
consequently, rental rates are staying at a low level.     to $160 per square metre. With outgoings currently        sub 300 square metre market is as follows:
There are hardly any large format industrial factories     falling between $30 and $50 per square metre of
available for lease due to a lack of demand and even       lettable floor area, the net rates have remained at        Location                 Rental Range (per sqm gross)
small industrial units are only achieving rental levels    around $90 to $110 per square metre.
                                                                                                                      Kunda Park                        $120 to $145
of $70 to $110 per square metre per annum gross.
                                                           There are early talks of an imminent interest rate
                                                                                                                      Warana                            $130 to $160
The same owner-occupier dominated market                   rise, the only uncertainty being when. Any rise in the
scenario is occurring in the central and southern          lending rates could be a game changer. Landlords           Caloundra West                    $130 to $180

industrial regions, although the market levels are at      would be looking to pass on any increase in cost to
                                                                                                                      Bells Creek                       $120 to $140
higher levels of $110 to $150 per square metre per         tenants, however, is the market demand capable of
annum gross. Due to a limited supply of industrial         absorbing the increase? Property is a very inelastic       Coolum Beach                      $100 to $130
sites, there has been very few new stock added to          commodity and it will take many months for the
                                                                                                                      Noosaville                        $130 to $180
the market, which translates into limited new stock        market to adjust to any change in the cash rate and
available for lease. However due to a preference to        any projections of rental increase or yield increase in
own rather than to lease, leasing demand has been          the short term would be rather presumptuous at this

Month in Review
                                                                                                                                                                               August 2017

These primary industrial areas still note vacancy        Incentives are common as part of these negotiations,      achievable rental rate seems to be the local versus
in the 300 square metre to 1,500 square metre            generally taking the form of rent free periods or         national tenancies with national tenants tending to be
sector, though have also begun to drop over the          contributions to tenant fit out.                          able to afford slightly higher rates per square metre.
past 12 months, which has led to some rental growth                                                                We are aware of four recent leases of large industrial
                                                         There has been some activity on the industrial sales
dependant on specific property attributes. We note                                                                 properties in Parkhurst of between 1,685 and 2,300
                                                         front in the past 12 months, with two significant sales
that rental rates for good quality larger industrial                                                               square metres, which have been leased at between
                                                         to local owner-occupiers, both at $1.9 million. These
properties vary from $110 to $140 per square metre                                                                 $90 and $138 per square metre gross. We consider
                                                         are large industrial complexes both in Callemondah
gross for warehouse, $140 to $180 per square metre                                                                 these rentals provide the best recent evidence of
                                                         Drive. There is also the notable sale of the RCR
gross for office components and $15 to $35 per                                                                     market rentals for large industrial premises.
                                                         Tomlinson workshop in Ganley Street that sold for
square metre for hardstand components.
                                                         $6.2 million, reflecting an analysed market yield of      There appears to be an increasing tendency for
Gladstone                                                about 9.75%. There was close to ten years remaining       shorter lease terms, with potential uncertainty for
The industrial rental market in Gladstone has            on the lease term.                                        the medium term direction of rental rates. Owner-
continued at a relatively slow pace with limited                                                                   occupiers continue to remain active in the market,
activity. New rental negotiations in the past 12 to 24                                                             with most activity in the $750,000 to $1.5 million
                                                         The Rockhampton market benefits from a fairly
months have shown reductions in excess of 50%                                                                      price bracket.
                                                         diverse economy which has somewhat cushioned
from peak market conditions. It appears that these
                                                         the impact that the downturn in the resources             A 1,122 square metre warehouse recently sold
rentals however have perhaps started to flatten
                                                         sector has had on the industrial lease market.            in Alexandra Street for $1.3 million to an owner-
out with no notable further reductions in recent
                                                         There has however been a slight softening of the          occupier, reflecting $1,159 per square metre of
months. Rental evidence shows rentals generally
                                                         industrial market in Rockhampton in the past 12 to 18     lettable area. We anticipate that owner-occupier
falling between $90 and $150 per square metre
                                                         months (mostly for larger industrial premises) and        activity will continue in the medium term as a result
gross, depending on a variety of factors, particularly
                                                         the current supply of leased industrial properties        of low interest rates and current market conditions.
condition and nature of improvements, site coverage
                                                         exceeds demand.
and crane availability. In terms of rental variance                                                                Mackay
and location, higher rentals are generally achieved      Rates per square metre for industrial leases tend to      The industrial rental market in Mackay has

in the industrial precincts around Callemondah.          fall within the $100 to $140 per square metre range,      experienced a significant downward correction in
Lower rentals and generally higher vacancies exist       but it is not uncommon for rentals to be negotiated       rental levels as a result of the coal mining downturn.
in secondary industrial locations around South Trees     outside of this range. Properties at the upper end of     Based on a fairly limited number of reported new
and the South Gladstone area. Given the high level       this range are generally located within established       leases, we believe that rents are down by 30% to
of supply relative to demand, tenants continue to        industrial precincts and provide quality workshop         40% from the peak in 2011/12. The market features
have bargaining power in new lease negotiations.         and office areas. Another contributing factor in the      high levels of vacancy and weak levels of demand.

Month in Review
                                                                                                                                                                                August 2017

In some cases, new lease rentals are subject to         $1 million range and largely catering to intending        Cairns
confidentiality clauses and cannot be reported. This    owner-occupiers. There are occasional high                The industrial sector in Cairns is relatively small with
is a new characteristic which has probably occurred     end syndication or trust purchases, but only for          areas close to the CBD showing stronger demand.
to suppress the full extent of the market correction    properties with strong lease profiles.                    Though we now perceive the industrial market to
and to protect the market from a more severe                                                                      be entering a recovery phase, industrial property
                                                        Industrial rents have been on a declining trend and
outcome.                                                                                                          development remains slow.
                                                        appear to have reached a level that is being accepted
Rental rates are yet to consolidate at new lower        by the market. As a result of softening rents,            Prices per square metre for established strata titled
levels and new rentals have been negotiated within a    incentives also appear to have settled to reflect rent    industrial units have been steady at around the
fairly broad and inconsistent range. A recent example   free periods of around three months.                      $1,250 to $1,500 mark for some time. Commercial
is a modern warehouse at Caterpillar Drive, Paget of                                                              agents advise limited availability of good quality
                                                        Broadly speaking, a large portion of mainstream
over 1,000 square metres in lettable area which was                                                               stand alone warehouse stock with slow to reasonable
                                                        industrial property falls within the $90 to $110 per
leased at $81 per square metre per annum net which                                                                demand for this type of premises. Strata titled
                                                        square metre rental range. Within the lower end of
is considered reflective of the market.                                                                           industrial warehouses are also limited in numbers to
                                                        this range is typically smaller older light industrial
                                                                                                                  both sell and lease with similar limited demand.
Rental incentives in the form of rent free periods or   properties in Garbutt with small office components.
lower rent in the first lease year were fairly common   Larger better quality mainstream industrial               Industrial property rents range from $100 to $150
throughout 2016. This has not been as common in         properties in Garbutt and Bohle generally fall within     per square metre per annum gross depending on
2017.                                                   the mid to higher end range depending on the office       size, location and quality. A lack of new stock should
                                                        size component and hardstand areas. Industrial            see availability tighten as we move through 2017.
The market has been most active at total annual
                                                        property exhibiting large office components and
rental ranges of $30,000 to $65,000 per annum                                                                     There is good investor demand for leased industrial
                                                        extensive hardstand areas can reflect rents up to
net. The highest recent rental was struck at                                                                      properties across all price ranges of the market,
                                                        above $140 per square metre.
approximately $210,000 per annum net in August                                                                    from small stratas through to large showrooms.
2016. At the peak of the market, total annual rents     Overall rents are flat with the market continuing         However there is very limited quality investment
for large premises exceeded this level. The market is   to exhibit a balanced to oversupply of property           stock available for purchase. This will tend to support

approaching its cyclical trough.                        available relative to current demand. This is likely to   values for well leased properties over the short
                                                        see downward pressure remain on rental rates until        to medium term. The market has been gradually
                                                        such time as the rental vacancy situation improves.       consolidating over the past 12 to 18 months and the
The industrial market remains flat with current
                                                                                                                  outlook is for stable conditions as we move through
market activity being largely confined to affordable
                                                                                                                  2017. A recovery in the vacant industrial land market
properties that tick all the right boxes in the sub
                                                                                                                  in Cairns will continue to depend on more widespread
                                                                                                                  recovery in the local economy.

Month in Review
                                                                                                                        August 2017

Northern Territory
Darwin                                                    (zoned LI or GI), compared to 79 in the corresponding
A short drive through any of Darwin’s industrial          period in 2014. This is a 40% reduction in sales
areas, such as Winnellie or Berrimah, will confirm the    volume which is fairly consistent with other property
prevalence of for lease and for sale signs scattered at   types in the Greater Darwin area.
regular intervals across all property types.
                                                          Demand for industrial property in Darwin is closely
In such an environment, tenants have the upper            linked to domestic demand for goods and services.
hand when negotiating new rentals or renewing their       Therefore, until we see prolonged population growth
existing arrangements. Many of these tenants are          here, it is unlikely we will see a sustained recovery in
experiencing difficult trading conditions anyway and      the industrial property market
renegotiation of rents can be a matter of economic
survival, rather than just a cost cutting exercise.

Inevitably, this is leading to downward pressure on
rents and sometimes an increase in rental incentives
such as rent free periods. In the current market,
it is not unheard of for rental reductions of 20%
to be negotiated in the industrial property market,
especially for older style stock where the rent was
set close to the 2014 peak.

Sale transactions have also slowed. For this calendar
year to June, there have been a total of 47 sales of
industrial properties across Darwin and Palmerston

Month in Review
                                                                                                                                                                                  August 2017

Western Australia
Perth                                                    that enquiries for larger space above 10,000 square      appears to be more positive. There are a number of
In these times when demand is low as a result of the     metres is low, the requirements for space below          quiet murmurs with regard to resource projects and
maligned resources sector, the flight to quality is      10,000 square metres has increased.                      the general consensus in the market is that we have
prevalent in the industrial eastern corridors of Perth                                                            reached the bottom.
                                                         Prime industrial rents at present typically range
such as Kewdale, Welshpool, Hazelmere, Forrestfield
                                                         from $70 to $100 per square metre per annum net in       On average these requirements have been for
and to some extent Maddington. The dynamic shift
                                                         the north, between $70 and $100 per square metre         between 7,000 and 8,000 square metre buildings
in the state’s economy as a result of the mining
                                                         per annum net in the core, between $60 and $90           on large sites, which in some cases have offered the
downturn creates a number of opportunities for
                                                         per square metre per annum net in the south and          potential for expansion at a later date. It is likely this
occupiers in this core industrial circle which has
                                                         between $70 and $100 per square metre per annum          trend will continue in the short to medium term.
historically been tightly held.
                                                         net in the east.
                                                                                                                  Challenges do persist for secondary and older style
Although some companies                                  Secondary industrial rents at present are typically      industrial space and heavy discounts to previously
                                                         15% to 20% below prime industrial rents.                 achieved rents are required to at least attract any
have been rationalising space                                                                                     enquiry.
                                                         Leasing enquiry is expected to remain positive
requirements, other businesses                           in the short term, mostly for opportunities in the
have used this as an opportunity to                      traditional, more established precincts, with a steady
                                                         increase in transactional activity likely as a result.
upgrade or relocate to alternative,                      It is anticipated that this demand will be mostly in
often larger industrial space                            the sub 10,000 square metre segment. Although
                                                         major pre-commitment leasing demand (greater than
that better suits their long-term                        10,000 square metres) has appeared to soften in
business needs.                                          comparison to previous years, there are a number of
                                                         active requirements in the market which may lead to
As tenants have relocated this has also created
                                                         an increase in this activity in the medium term.

backfill opportunity in properties which have
previously been tightly held for many years. Agents      In recent months there has been an increase in pre-
advise of an increase in tenant enquiry, mostly for      commitment activity in the east precinct, including
core or east located properties. Whilst they do admit    Jandakot airport and Maddington. The market

Month in Review
                                                                                                                                                                                 August 2017

Overview                                                 affordability a recurring media topic, the federal       Another example of an investor hot spot is the area
Investors are sometimes a hard-put-upon group, but       government has introduced initiatives to help the        known as Kings Cross. Kings Cross is one of Sydney’s
there’s no denying they have a huge effect on our        first home buyer and limit the overall buying power      highest density precincts and covers the suburbs
property markets.                                        of the investor. Whilst it is still too early to track   of Potts Point, Elizabeth Bay and Rushcutters Bay.
                                                         the success of these initiatives introduced on 1 July    It is well established, being within two kilometres of
This month, our offices discuss how investors are
                                                         2017, the tightening of lending ratios and terms for     the CBD, and has a train station, light commercial
operating in their markets, and what an investor
                                                         investors has been slowly occurring since early this     buildings and retail spaces. Recent changes to laws
slowdown might mean in their service area.
                                                         year and our queries with both agents and brokers        governing the opening hours of entertainment
Sydney                                                   are telling us that the impact is starting to take       establishments in the area has allowed the precinct
It has been well documented that the Sydney market       effect. Whether the restrictions will have a long term   to begin to shed its reputation as a somewhat unsafe
has gone from strength to strength over the past         effect on the market is currently unknown.               nightlife district allowing it to become increasingly
number of years due primarily to a supply versus                                                                  popular with investors. Investors targeting this
                                                         Historically investors have been attracted to areas
demand imbalance as more and more players look                                                                    area in the past have been seeking the strong
                                                         that offer strong rental demand and the possibility
to enter the market and maximise strong capital                                                                   rental returns offered by the many small studio and
                                                         for solid future capital growth. Traditionally these
appreciation opportunities. With record low cash                                                                  1-bedroom units. It seems to be the trend however
                                                         areas tend to be located within close commuting
rates, strong employment opportunities and a wide                                                                 that many small studio units have lower levels of
                                                         distance of the CBD and around universities,
range of property types, the Sydney market has                                                                    capital growth than standard 2-bedroom units for
                                                         hospitals and areas with good infrastructure and
property at a price point to suit many.                                                                           example which we assume is also due to the broader
                                                         public transport options. To meet this demand, there
                                                                                                                  market appeal.
Sydney has long been a favourite for investors,          has been a significant change in the town planning
whether local, interstate or overseas. Corelogic data    requirements which has been driven by the state          In western Sydney the new apartment market
from April 2017 indicates that 55.3% of mortgage         government. Sydney is fast becoming a vertical city,     continues in various degrees throughout all major
demand that month in Sydney was from investors. If       with a change in buyer expectations and a surge          regional zones with the Liverpool/Fairfield areas as
one in two mortgages is being driven by the investor     in demand for apartment living. Modern, medium           well as Parramatta and The Hills district in particular
pool, it stands to reason that this important segment    to high density zones are becoming increasingly          seeing substantial development. The Norwest

has had much influence on the overall position of the    common with many notable precincts springing up          Railway line currently under construction from Rouse
market.                                                  across the city including Green Square at Zetland,       Hill to Epping has resulted in a significant increase in
                                                         Harold Park at Forest Lodge, Discovery Point at          unit developments approved or under construction
Sub $1 million dollars is still a driver for the broad
                                                         Wolli Creek, Central Park in Chippendale as well as      in what is typically considered the burbs, with
market and in this segment the investor is really
                                                         developing precincts in Erskineville and Camperdown      unprecedented construction occurring particularly
competing against the first home buyer. With housing
                                                         (to name a few).                                         in Kellyville. This list in western Sydney is continually

Month in Review
                                                                                                                                                                               August 2017

growing with a record number of unit approvals         This not only adds value to their existing investment      begins to plateau and banks continue to tighten
passed over recent years. What these areas have        but can also increase yield substantially with a           lending criteria and increase interest rates.
in common is that they all appear to have a high       dual income when configured correctly. The areas
                                                                                                                  The best advice we could offer to future investors
investor contingent although the future of some        that appear to have a high proportion of granny
                                                                                                                  is to do your research. Important aspects
will depend heavily on an unknown tenant pool with     flats are generally the outer rings of western
                                                                                                                  include good access to services and low levels of
oversupply perhaps becoming a future issue.            Sydney particularly within the LGAs of Penrith and
                                                                                                                  unemployment. Check your suburb profile, speak
                                                       Campbelltown. The comparatively lower initial entry
With Liverpool being the CBD of the south-                                                                        to local rental agents about demand, check if any
                                                       point for the main dwelling, larger sized allotments
west region, it has seen a large number of new                                                                    major changes are on the cards such as future large
                                                       suitable for granny flats and consistent rental
developments completed in recent years. An example                                                                scale infrastructure projects, re-zoning etc. Is it an
                                                       demand in the area make these locations popular.
of this includes the 30-level Sky Haus development                                                                area tipped for gentrification? Check the history
                                                       Currently rental yields are approximately 2.9% within
in Liverpool (420 Macquarie Street) which includes                                                                of the developer – have their other developments
                                                       greater Sydney (as per CoreLogic Housing Market
dual-key units selling on high yields of over 6% in                                                               proven to be popular with second buyers if you
                                                       and Economic Update July 2017), however our own
some cases. Investors is this area commonly seek                                                                  must sell quickly? Whilst investments are generally
                                                       market knowledge indicates that dual occupancy
above average returns however it comes with limited                                                               not as emotionally driven as the purchase of an
                                                       properties (main dwelling and granny flats) in these
capital growth in comparison to superior locations                                                                individual’s home, be conscious that if you want a
                                                       outer ring suburbs have been selling at yields of
closer to Sydney or the Parramatta CBD. Many see                                                                  tenant to live there, it has to be appealing especially
                                                       approximately 5% in recent times. The granny flat
it as an area of future potential however given its                                                               if the tenant pool has plenty of options. Sunlight,
                                                       trend has really gained momentum over the past five
proximity to Parramatta, the M5 and M7 motorways                                                                  privacy and aspect in large scale unit developments
                                                       years with owners initially achieving higher returns
and of course the future second airport at Badgerys                                                               could be crucial to getting a long term tenant which
                                                       but due to strong capital growth for the parent parcel
Creek. A good entry point for investors in the                                                                    is a benefit to maximise your overall investment
                                                       and relatively stable rentals, yields in these areas
Liverpool/Fairfield unit market can usually be found                                                              strategy. Be thorough with your research and focus
                                                       have compressed.
between $400,000 and $600,000.                                                                                    on a strong rental yield with a view to a longer term
                                                       While the positive cash flow provided by a strong          investment as the days of annual capital growth
Another popular option for                             yield is always a benefit, in the past year returns from   exceeding 15% are no longer expected.

                                                       capital gains have been significantly more profitable
investors in western Sydney is                         for investors who have the option of using the growth
                                                                                                                  Recent changes to lending and legislation, aimed
adding a granny flat to the rear of                    in equity to fund an additional investment property.
                                                                                                                  at enabling first home buyers to enter the market,
                                                       In the future however, it may be wiser for investors
the allotment.                                         to seek out strong rental returns as capital growth
                                                                                                                  has had an effect on property investors looking
                                                                                                                  to expand their portfolios. These measures were

Month in Review
                                                                                                                                                                                  August 2017

introduced in an effort to allow first home buyers to    Rental yields in detached housing have remained            tenancies. The last investor type is a more prominent
be more competitive in a heated market. As a result,     steady but like other capital cities, capital growth       individual or group interested in cash flow and their
property investors looking for an asset with good        has been very strong. An option for investors in the       portfolio will comprise larger unit blocks held in one
yield and growth will have to do their research and      ACT may be to purchase a vacant block through              line. They can be either local, from a capital city such
be willing to go the extra mile to secure a profitable   the Mr Fluffy Asbestos Removal Scheme. There               as Sydney or from overseas and the price points for
investment.                                              are several hundred blocks being introduced to the         their investments are often in the $1 million to $3
                                                         market most of which are in sought after established       million range.
Unlike other states, the ACT has not introduced
                                                         areas. Land banking one of these blocks and either
a scheme which cuts stamp duty for first home                                                                       The investor market has been particularly active in
                                                         selling or developing later may be a profitable option
buyers. There are some incentives available via the                                                                 the past three to four years throughout the Illawarra.
                                                         providing investors are able to cover the initial costs.
government and private developers however nothing                                                                   Changes to self managed superannuation fund
                                                         However, developers should be wary of the changes
similar to those in New Sourth Wales and Victoria.                                                                  regulations and historically low interest rates have
                                                         to the Lease Variation Charge which took effect on
                                                                                                                    been the driving force behind this along with rising
With the increased supply of apartments coming           the 1st of July 2017. These changes have significantly
                                                                                                                    property values allowing mum and dad investors
onto the market over the next year, the ACT has          increased the fee required to build multiple units on
                                                                                                                    to use the equity in their owner occupied property
seen relatively slow growth for this style of property   residential blocks.
                                                                                                                    to invest elsewhere. Residential rental prices have
with some properties loosing value. However, rental
                                                         Illawarra                                                  not been increasing at the same proportion as
demand for apartments has remained strong despite
                                                         We see a few different investor types who look to          property values and therefore yields have dropped
the increase of supply. If property investors are
                                                         invest in residential property. One is the mum and         during this period. Some examples of recent larger
chasing yields and not capital growth, purchasing
                                                         dad style investor who is either using spare cash or       style unit block sales in the Illawarra and their
a new apartment may be a good option. This is
                                                         their self-managed superannuation fund to invest           gross yields are as follows: ten x 2-bedroom villas
particularly relevant for apartments in the CBD
                                                         in a single residential property. This can either be       in Bomaderry recently exchanged for $2.35 million
and district centres such as Woden, Tuggeranong,
                                                         a dwelling or a unit and their price point can be          and at an estimated market rental of $275 per week
Belconnen and Gungahlin. Apartments in proximity
                                                         anywhere from $350,000 through to $1 million               per villa, the sale price shows a gross yield of 6.1%.
to University of Canberra and Australian National
                                                         depending on the amount they have to invest.               In Corrimal, a complex comprising five x 3-bedroom

University also offer good investment opportunities.
                                                         Another type is a local investor who has multiple          townhouses recently exchanged for $2.27 million
It should be noted that new apartments in Molonglo
                                                         properties generating income for them. Most of their       and this shows a gross yield of 4.9% at the assessed
Valley, Gungahlin and Tuggeranong may experience
                                                         properties are lower end units or dwellings (typically     weekly rental of $2,150.
low to no capital growth over the next few years due
                                                         purchased for sub $750,000) and they can often
to increasing supply.                                                                                               We understand that investors are significant
                                                         include properties converted to allow for multiple
                                                                                                                    players in the residential property market and

Month in Review
                                                                                                                                                                               August 2017

are contributing to rising property prices and the       The hamlets of Colo Vale and Hilltop have seen an         This may not be the case in the Lower Hunter
recent boom in construction of unit complexes in         increase in medium term investor activity, with those     however; in fact it will probably buck the trend.
Wollongong. As new units continue to be released to      locations being close to the freeway and producing        Newcastle is still an enticing prospect for investors
the Wollongong market (along with more on campus         strong rental returns.                                    due its close proximity to Sydney, its affordability
accommodation at Wollongong University) there is a                                                                 compared to the capital cities and an excellent rental
                                                         Likewise, across the Southern Tablelands there
real threat of an over supply and heightened risk of                                                               market with a current vacancy rate of just 2.3%.
                                                         has been a modest amount of speculative investor
vacancy rates rising. As always we would recommend
                                                         activity in the new subdivisions close in to Goulburn     With Newcastle being a university city there is
that investors complete proper due diligence prior
                                                         as well as some of the northern fringe locations of       a high investor involvement in good rental yield
to purchasing and understand the rental history of
                                                         the region such as Marulan, where investors have          suburbs close to the university such as Jesmond and
their potential purchase along with any surrounding
                                                         purchased blocks, constructed dwellings and on sold.      Wallsend. However investors are also looking at inner
development or infrastructure changes that may
                                                                                                                   city and coastal suburbs such as Cooks Hill, Wickham
impact.                                                  Newcastle
                                                                                                                   and Adamstown for higher capital gains.
                                                         Owning your own home is the great Australian
Southern Highlands/Tablelands
                                                         dream, but what about owning two homes, three
With the continuing ripple effect from the Sydney
                                                         homes or even more? Investing in real estate has
                                                                                                                   The Newcastle CBD is undergoing
market buoying the local market, there has been
a noticeable increase in the speculative investor
                                                         always been a popular way of earning an extra             a makeover and with the
                                                         income in Australia and with over 50% of residential
type of individual. This is most evident in the recent
                                                         sales in the Lower Hunter in the past financial year
                                                                                                                   construction of not only a new
release of Retford Park subdivision close to the
township of Bowral which has seen a flurry of vacant
                                                         being to investors, this region is certainly a hot spot   university campus but also
                                                         for property investment.
land lots coming to market. Notably these pre sales                                                                numerous apartments, the area is
were effected in quarter 4 of 2015 and quarter 1         The number of investment home loans has
of 2016, with the market having strengthened a           dropped nationally over the past year and this
                                                                                                                   sure to see an influx of investment
minimum 10% since this period. Some of these             trend is predicted to continue due to the regulatory      in the near future.
purchasers are of the mindset to take the gain           clampdowns that have been imposed. These

                                                                                                                   Strong rental returns, larger blocks, competitive
now rather than proceed with construction of a           regulations and the government’s efforts to cool
                                                                                                                   capital gains and the ability to find low maintenance
dwelling and bring it to market, albeit that is the      the housing market especially in major cities
                                                                                                                   2- to 3-bedroom properties for under $500,000
strategy of some investors in areas such as Renwick,     would suggest that investment should slow down
                                                                                                                   means the region offers plenty of good investment
(Mittagong) Darraby (Moss Vale), continuing to ride      nationwide.
                                                                                                                   opportunities for those who can’t afford the larger
the wave from the Sydney market.
                                                                                                                   capital cities, especially Sydney.

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