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Auszug aus: Englischabitur NRW 2020/2021 - 100 quiz questions on A' level topics - School-Scout
Titel:   Englischabitur NRW 2019/2020/2021 - 100 quiz questions
                    on A’ level topics
         Reihe: Abi-Quiz mit Lösungen zu den Basisthemen in der Qualifikationsphase

Bestellnummer: 67080

Kurzvorstellung: Abi-Quiz mit Lösungen zu den Basisthemen in der Qualifikationsphase!
                    Mit diesem Abi-Quiz mit Lösungen zu den Basisthemen in der
                    Qualifikationsphase können sie spielerisch feststellen, wie gut Ihre Schüler
                    sich auf das Abitur im Fach Englisch vorbereitet haben, um dann gezielt die
                    letzten Unsicherheiten noch zu klären.
                    Sie wollen wesentliche Aspekte am Ende eines Themenblocks für eine
                    Klausur in der Qualifikationsphase wiederholen? Dieses einfache und
                    zielgerichtete Quiz bietet Ihnen einen motivierenden Einstieg für eine

Inhaltsübersicht:      Insgesamt 100 multiple choice Fragen zu den Basisthemen mit jeweils
                        drei Auswahlmöglichkeiten:
                        -   The UK and post colonialism (Africa)
                        -   The American Dream: Revival and reality
                        -   Globalization in a sustainable world: Chances and challenges
                        -   Future outlooks: Bleak dystopias and promising visions
                        -   Genetic engineering
                        -   The power of words: From Shakespeare to today
                        -   Postcolonial India: From Raj to rising nation
                        -   Modern media: Benefits and drawbacks
                        -   The world of work: Studying and working abroad
                       Lösungsblatt
Auszug aus: Englischabitur NRW 2020/2021 - 100 quiz questions on A' level topics - School-Scout
SCHOOL-SCOUT  100 quiz questions on A’ level topics                                                 Seite 3 von 15

                                   100 quiz questions on A’ level topics

1.) Who is the Prime Minister of the UK?

          A: Patricia May                          B: Patricia June                          C: Theresa May

2.) Which political party does the Prime Minister belong to?
      A: The Conservatives                        B: The Liberals                                C: UKIP

3.) What is meant by ‘Commonwealth of Nations’?
  A: An association of nations,        B: Wealthy nations whose symbolic           C: Countries that are in the EU but
  many of which were former            head of state is the British monarch.          have not joined the European
            colonies.                                                                       Monetary Union.

4.) What is the Prime Minister’s policy on “Brexit”?

A: She is now determined to make          B: She is indifferent and wants        C: She is against it and wants to have
           a success of it.               to wait and see what happens.           another referendum on the issue.

5.) What is to be understood by Britain’s “unwritten constitution”?
A: Britain has one, but it has       B: Britain does not have a written          C: Britain’s constitution is the Magna
    not been signed by a             constitution as a single document.                          Charta.

6.) What function does the British monarch have today?

 A: To reign but not to rule.       B: No function at all.        C: Only to attract tourists and bring revenues to

7.) What is the House of Commons?
 A: It constitutes the executive          B: It is the legislative branch of          C: It is the judicial branch of
     branch of government.                           government.                                government.

8.) What role does the House of Lords play today?

A: No role. It was abolished     B: It holds a lot of power and can       C: It has little power but checks the work of
          in 1999.               prevent a bill from becoming law.                        the government.

9.) The United Kingdom is made up of the countries…
 A: England, Scotland and Wales          B: England Scotland, Wales and             C: England, Scotland, Wales and
                                                     Ireland                                Northern Ireland
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1.) Which symbol is not associated with America?

   A: The Star-Spangled banner                    B: The Union Jack                       C: The bald eagle

2.) What is to be understood by ‘Manifest Destiny’?
A: The concept of the American             B: A belief that settlers were          C: A belief in a divine mission to
Dream, a dream that anyone can           destined by God to expand across         spread capitalism throughout the
         be successful.                     North America and spread                             world.

3.) The current American president is a member of which political party?
       A: The Republicans                        B: The Democrats                          C: The Socialists

4.) The American president does not have the power to…

       A: control the budget.                 B: suggest legislation.                    C: deploy troops.

5.) What is Congress?
    A: It constitutes the       B: It constitutes the executive         C: It constitutes the judicial branch of the
  legislative branch of the     branch of the political system.                       political system.
      political system.

6.) Which president did not have to undergo a trial of impeachment?
       A: Andrew Johnson                           B: Bill Clinton                       C: John F. Kennedy

7.) Uncle Sam is a personification of…

 A: the wealthy American citizen           B: the FBI           C: the American government or the United States

8.) The ship that took the first settlers known as the Pilgrims to the New World was called…
       A: The Santa Maria                       B: The Mayflower                            C: The Titanic

9.) Who first referred to the American Constitution as “a government of the people, by the people, for the
       A: Abraham Lincoln                      B: Martin Luther King                     C: George W. Bush
SCHOOL-SCOUT  100 quiz questions on A’ level topics                                                 Seite 7 von 15


1.) Shakespeare lived during the reign of…

        A: Queen Elizabeth I                       B: Queen Victory                            C: Henry VIII

2.) What is the typical structure of a drama or short story?
 A: Exposition/open beginning,             B: Denouement, rising action,          C: Exposition/open beginning, rising
  rising action, climax/ turning        climax/ turning point, falling action,       action, flashback, falling action,
point, denouement/ open ending                 solution/ open ending                 foreshadowing, solution/ open

3.) In dramatic terms what is to be understood by a tragedy?
   A: It is a tragic event that is     B: It refers to a serious drama with a        C: It refers to the tragic plays by
  unforeseeable and not pre-           tragic end. The outcome is inevitable        Shakespeare. Other plays are not
   ordained. Pity and fear are         e.g. because of a character’s vices or       tragedies but simply have a tragic
 evoked, because anyone could            flaws. Often pity or fear is evoked.                      ending.
             be affected.

4.) Which of the following famous plays by Shakespeare is not a tragedy?

  A: A Midsummer Night’s Dream                       B: Hamlet                                 C: Macbeth

5.) What is to be understood by a ‘pun’?
 A: This is when a character            B: This is when there is a           C: This is when there is a play on words.
        eats on stage.                 recurrent element used to
                                       present a main theme in a
                                              fictional text.

6.) Shakespeare’s works are considered by many as timeless as they...

   A: include themes relevant to all            B: are written in English.                C: are so well known.

7.) The Elizabethan era is often referred to as:
       A: ‘The Golden Age’                 B: ‘The Age of Enlightenment’            C: The Age of ‘Splendid Isolation’

8.) The typical structure of a Shakespearean sonnet consists of:
A: Four quatrains and a rhyming          B: Three quatrains and a rhyming               C: An octave and a sestet
            couplet                                  couplet

9.) An ‘iambic pentameter’ is …

  A: a meter of five feet, each foot containing an        B: a meter of five feet, each foot       C: a rhyme scheme
                                                           containing a stressed syllable
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