BACHELOR'S - SIM Global Education

BACHELOR'S - SIM Global Education
                   Business Administration    Communication
                   Economics    International Trade
                   Psychology    Sociology

The programs are developed and awarded by University at Buffalo, The State University
of New York, US
BACHELOR'S - SIM Global Education
02              04
           Welcome         SIM

CONTENTS   Messages


           Undergraduate   UB Curriculum

BACHELOR'S - SIM Global Education
06                    07                 08
Student               Student Learning   University at Buffalo,
Life                  Centre             The State University of New York

25                    26                 33
Minors for            Program            Application and Admission
Non-Business Majors   Structure

BACHELOR'S - SIM Global Education
                   Welcome to SIM Global Education          respective fields and communities.
                   (SIM GE) – A global campus with          We also aim to inspire passion
                   over 10 top-ranking international        in them to excel and to strive for
                   universities from the UK, the US,        bigger goals.
                   Europe and Australia. As a premier
                   institution of higher learning, we are   In today’s fast-changing world, the
                   a gateway to the world with a wide       ability to adapt and evolve will give
                   range of academic programmes             you an edge. With our multicultural
                   to choose your ideal learning            learning environment and diverse
                   pathways from.                           campus life, you will gain the skills,
                                                            knowledge and insights you need
                   SIM GE is the global education           to be career ready. These will
                   arm of the Singapore Institute of        enable you to gain a Global Edge
                   Management (SIM Group) which             as you make your mark in the
                   was an initiative started in 1964        global workplace of the future.
                   by the Economic Development
                   Board to support Singapore's             I invite you to come and be a
Gain a Global      industrialisation. As one of the
                   largest and leading private
                                                            member of our community, and
                                                            discover how, like them, you can
Edge at SIM GE     educational institutions in
                   Singapore, we take pride in our
                                                            fulfil your aspirations by embarking
                                                            on an exciting educational journey
for the global     reputation for quality academic
                   standards and a vibrant student
                                                            with us.

workplace in the   experience.

future economy     At SIM GE, we are committed to
                   delivering a holistic education
                                                            Dr Lee Kwok Cheong
                                                            Chief Executive Officer
                   to empower individuals in their          SIM Global Education

BACHELOR'S - SIM Global Education
Warm greetings from the               The flagship campus of The
                  University at Buffalo (UB)! Our       State University of New York,
                  university has been a proud           UB is among the highest ranked
                  partner of the Singapore Institute    public research universities in
                  of Management (SIM) for more          the Northeast United States. Our
                  than twenty years in offering         programs remain the standard
                  outstanding U.S. degree programs      bearer for a world-class, fully-
                  at the state-of-the-art SIM campus.   accredited U.S. undergraduate
                                                        education in Singapore.
                  Our graduates acquire a unique
                  set of competencies and skills,
                  and have been highly successful       Dr Satish K. Tripathi
                  in the multiple career pathways       President
                  they have pursued in Singapore        University at Buffalo,
                  and beyond. The value proposition     The State University of New York
                  of our programs is demonstrated
                  through the long-term success of
UB's broad-based  our alumni.

education focuses
on student-centered

BACHELOR'S - SIM Global Education

SIM Global Education
A leading private education

SIM Global Education is the global
education arm of the Singapore
Institute of Management (SIM
Group). Founded in 1964 on
the initiative of the Economic
Development Board to support
Singapore’s industrialisation,
the SIM Group also offers its
educational and training services
through three other brands: SIM
International Academy (SIM IA),
SIM Professional Development

(SIM PD) and Platform E.

SIM Global Education (SIM GE)
offers quality overseas academic
programmes awarded by top-
ranking and reputable universities.
SIM GE’s approach towards a

holistic education is to develop
students with a global edge for
the global workplace with ability
and adaptability for employability
in the future economy. With over
150,000 alumni and about 19,000
students from over 40 countries,
SIM GE is a leading private
education institution in Singapore.

BACHELOR'S - SIM Global Education
Over 10
                                                                              1 global

                                                                                           for Virtual
                                                                                         Campus Tour

Why Study at SIM GE?
Top 3 Best Private Institute for        Wi-Fi enabled campus with              BURSARY
eight consecutive years in the annual   comprehensive facilities for           Scholarships are available to
AsiaOne People’s Choice Awards.         students’ academic and recreation      students who excel in academics,
                                        needs.                                 sports or arts.
82.7% of graduates found jobs           VIBRANT STUDENT LIFE                   NETWORK FOR SUCCESS
within 6 months of completing           Participate in over 70 student         A multitude of learning resources and
their Bachelor studies.                 clubs with year-round activities in    networking events for students and
Source: SIM GE Graduate Employment      arts, culture and sports.              graduates o­ffered through SIM GE
Survey 2016/2017                                                               platforms and SIM Membership.
                                        DEDICATED STUDENT SUPPORT
THROUGH-TRAIN PATHWAY                   Support services include academic      ALUMNI ENGAGEMENT
Over 80 full-time and part-time         support at Student Learning            Stay connected even after
academic programmes through             Centre, a dedicated Student            graduation – benefit from events
over 10 partner universities at         Services Centre, Student Wellness      organised by SIM GE Alumni
diploma, undergraduate and              Centre, and initiatives such as        Office or volunteer your time
postgraduate levels.                    financial assistance schemes and       through mentorship initiatives.
                                        counselling services.
Exposure to diverse cultures and
a global network of faculty and
peers bring broader perspectives
to learning.

BACHELOR'S - SIM Global Education

24                                         CAREER DEVELOPMENT                           STUDENT DEVELOPMENT
hours in 1 day...                          Raise your employability quotient            Sharpen your leadership and social

                                           through industry internships or              skills or pursue your passion in the
                                           career-readiness initiatives like the        arts and sports with more than
                                           Talent Development Programme,                70 student councils and clubs
days in 1 year...                          Career Chapters and Mentorship               available.

                                           Programme offered by Career
                                           Connect.                                     STUDENT CARE
                                                                                        Boost your overall well-being
days in 3 years...                         GLOBAL LEARNING                              through healthy living and wellness
                                           Gain international exposure through          programmes, or learn more from
                                           overseas academic exchange                   peer mentors at our dedicated
Seize the now.                             programmes, study trips and
                                                                                        Student Wellness Centre.

Make the most of your time
in SIM GE.

Grooming achievers outside the classroom   Global exposure and learning opportunities   Career fair offering internships and jobs

BACHELOR'S - SIM Global Education

The Student                               PEER-ASSISTED LEARNING
                                                                               PROFESSIONAL SKILLS
                                                                               Develop professional skills that
Learning Centre                           A student-to-student support         are highly valued by employers
(SLC) is a one-stop centre                network that provides academic       through well-structured training
                                          assistance for selected modules.     programmes.
for student academic
support. Boost your                       WORKSHOP SERIES                      CONSULTATION SERVICES
                                          Attend complimentary workshops       Work with our advisors to improve
academic performance with                 on academic writing, study skills    your skills in written and oral
our SLC resources.                        and personal effectiveness to hone   presentation.
                                          effective learning skills.

Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL) in session   Digital Literacy Workshop            The Talking Point Programme

BACHELOR'S - SIM Global Education

Founded in 1846, the University at     Excellent Faculty                     by the Arizona State University.
Buffalo (UB), The State University     UB is reputed for its outstanding     The university ranks among the top
of New York (SUNY) is one of           faculty. Among its approximately      30 U.S. public research universities
the leading public universities in     4,000 full-time and affiliated        in terms of total research dollars,
the U.S. Within the 64-campus          faculty, 95 percent hold a            with total research expenditures
SUNY system, UB is the flagship        doctorate or equivalent. UB           of more than $360 million (U.S.)
campus. As the largest and             faculty have been the recipients      in fiscal year 2012. The first cancer
most comprehensive university          of numerous prestigious national      research center in the world was
center, UB offers more than 375        and international awards including    established at UB in 1898. Today
undergraduate and graduate             the Nobel Prize, the National Medal   there are more than 100 organized
programs — the most in any SUNY        of Science and the Pulitzer as        research centers and institutes
campus — and has an enrollment         well as MacArthur, Guggenheim         at UB, including the Center for
of more than 29,000 students.          and Rockefeller Foundation            Computational Research; New
                                       grants. Along with these              York State Center of Excellence in
Notably, UB is the first public        accomplishments, UB faculty are       Materials Informatics; UB RENEW:
member in New York and New             at home in the classroom. SUNY        Research and Education in Energy,
England of the prestigious             has recognized more distinguished     Environment and Water Institute;
62-member Association of               professors and distinguished          National Center for Geographic
American Universities (AAU). In        teaching professors at UB than at     Information and Analysis;
the 2018 U.S. News and World           any other SUNY unit. More than        Institute for Lasers, Photonics
Report Best Colleges rankings,         150 of UB’s faculty have received     and Biophotonics; Center for
UB placed 41st among public            the Chancellor’s Award for            Multisource Information Fusion;
universities (up from 43rd in 2017).   Excellence in Teaching—again, the     Center for Hybrid Nanostructures
Moreover, UB broke into the “top       largest representation of any unit    and Systems; Multidisciplinary
100” ranking for national (both        in the SUNY system.                   Center for Earthquake Engineering
public and private) universities,                                            Research; Center of Excellence
earning the 97th spot. The U.S.        Research Centers and Institutions     for Document Analysis and
News and World Report rankings         UB is ranked among the top 50         Recognition; and New York Center
are based on an assessment of          U.S. public and private research      of Excellence in Bioinformatics
1,400 four-year colleges and           universities according to an          and Life Sciences. UB also
universities in the U.S.               authoritative 2012 report published   has numerous joint research

First public university
                                       in New York admitted
                                       into the prestigious
                                       Association of
                                       American Universities

partnerships with Roswell Park
Cancer Institute and Hauptman-
Woodward Medical Research

Strong Alumni Network
In terms of international education,
UB is a model institution, ranking
No. 21 among all institutions
hosting international students
in the U.S. (“Open Doors 2017”
report published by the Institute
of International Education.), with
more than 7,000 international
students from more than 110
countries. More than 255,000 UB
alumni are making a difference
in every state and 150 countries
around the world. Among the
celebrated graduates are NASA’s
lead astronaut for medical
issues; a former president of the
American Medical Association;
the former minister of education
in the People’s Republic of China;
the CEOs of J. Crew and A&E
Television Network; and the
Washington Post’s Pulitzer Prize-
winning editorial cartoonist.

The hallmark of US
     undergraduate programs
     is the concept of the
     interactive classroom,
     with project-oriented
     assignments and
     meaningful hands-on

UB Undergraduate Degrees
– Your Passport to the Future
Secure a Prestigious U.S. Degree     Get More for Less                       This ensures that you will only
A U.S. degree is widely considered   Getting a world-class degree            learn from and interact with the
to be superior in today’s economy.   doesn’t have to immerse you             best in the field.
With a focus on general education,   in debt. The UB undergraduate
you will learn a broad spectrum      programs offered at SIM GE are          Excellent Rankings
of skills and knowledge pertinent    identical in curriculum, standards      When you pursue a UB
to the real world, as well as be     and degree recognition to those         undergraduate program, you
exposed to a wide range of real      in the U.S., but cost lesser than the   can be assured of a top-quality
issues at the modern workplace.      equivalent programs in the U.S.         education that has enjoyed
                                                                             consistently high rankings among
In terms of international            Highly Qualified Faculty                programs in the U.S.
enrollment, UB ranks 21st among      UB is renowned for its exemplary
the leading universities in the      faculty, many of whom are               Accreditations
U.S. (“Open Doors 2017” report       recipients of esteemed national         UB is accredited by the following
published by the Institute of        and international awards. Within        associations:
International Education.) The        SUNY, more than 150 of UB’s             • Middle States Commission on
hallmark of UB undergraduate         faculty have received the                 Higher Education
programs is the concept of           Chancellor’s Award for Excellence       • New York State Board of
the interactive classroom, with      in Teaching.                              Regents
project-oriented assignments and
meaningful hands-on learning.        UB faculty publish in leading           In addition, the School of
Flexibility is also key, with a      academic and professional journals      Management is accredited by
choice in degree majors and          in record numbers. Their research       AACSB International – The
concentrations.                      and expertise has been the basis        Association to Advance Collegiate
                                     for articles in The Wall Street         Schools of Business.
Accelerate Your Learning Path        Journal, The New York Times,
Time is precious and the quicker     Money, BusinessWeek, Fortune and        Membership
you graduate with a reputed          other national and international        UB is a member of the following
degree, the faster you can enter     publications.                           associations:
the corporate world and hit the                                              • Association of American
ground running. UB allows you        More than 50 percent of the               Universities
to complete your degree in an        undergraduate courses are taught        • American Council on Education
accelerated mode of only three       by UB faculty. All other faculty        • Association of American
years, as compared to four years     members have to undergo approval          Colleges and Universities
for most other U.S. undergraduate    by academic departments at UB           • Association of Colleges and
programs.                            before they are able to take up           Universities of the State of New
                                     teaching positions for the UB             York
                                     undergraduate programs.                 • Association of Public and Land-
                                                                               Grant Universities


Established in 1964, the Bachelor   Students will be introduced to        Career Prospects
of Arts degree in Communication     the finer points of interpersonal     Strong communication skills are
is ranked among the top 25          communication; challenged to          prerequisite for positions in all
programs by the National            apply critical thinking to their      organizations today. Employment
Communication Association for       consumption of mass media;            opportunities exist in public
its intercultural communication,    exposed to the complexity             relations and advertising agencies,
organizational communication,       of delivering information in          media and technology centers,
communication technology and        organizational and mediated           sales and marketing agencies,
health communication programs.      communication situations; and,        the mass media, civil and social
                                    encourage to broaden their            agencies and other professions.
The Department of                   horizons through the study of         Graduates have also gone on
Communication at UB seeks to        international and intercultural       to graduate school for further
educate the next generation         communication.                        studies in the areas such as
of information professionals,                                             psychology, law, public policy,
knowledge workers and               Why Study Communication?              school administration, information
communication and information       Students will learn how to analyze,   science, political science and
practitioners. The principle that   interpret, and research the           sociology.
information serves the purposes     process by which human beings
of human communication and          relate to one another. The study
is enhanced by technological        of communication embraces
systems is at the core of our       the most fundamental aspect
curriculum.                         of human interaction—from
                                    the subtleties of interpersonal
Objectives                          communication, the influences
The course is designed to provide   and effects of mass media, the
students with a comprehensive       most effective distribution of
knowledge of the nature of human    information through organizations,
communication, its media, and its   to the cutting edge of new
effects.                            communication technologies and
                                    information studies.

"UB encouraged me to step out of my
                                                                       comfort zone. I was always challenged to
                                                                       do things I was not always comfortable
                                                                       with – public speaking, organizing events
                                                                       and even involving members of the
                                                                       public in school projects." (2018)

                                                                       Chua Siang Yee
                                                                       Graduate, Bachelor of Arts (Communication)
                                                                       SPH Young Journalist of the Year (2016)

                                             UB Orientation

Prerequisite Modules   • COM 101 Principles of Communication (3 credits)                Credits Required for Major    65
                       • COM 217 Communication in Organizations (3 credits)
                                                                                        Credits Required for          30
                       • COM 225 Interpersonal Communication (3 credits)
                                                                                        UB Curriculum
                       • COM 240 Survey of Mass Communication (3 credits)
                       • COM 337 Communication Theory (3 credits)                       Credits Required for Free     25
                       • CSE 111 Introduction to Quantitative Analysis and Reasoning    Electives
                         with Computing (4 credits)
                       • SOC 294 Basic Statistics for Social Sciences (4 credits)       TOTAL CREDITS REQUIRED        120
                                                                                        FOR DEGREE
Required Modules       • COM 125 Introduction to the Internet (3 credits)
                       • COM 205 Research Methods (3 credits) or
                       • SOC 293 Social Research Methods (3 credits)
                       • COM 300 Written Communication (3 credits)
                       • PSY 101 Introductory Psychology (3 credits)                   1. These are online modules. Local
                       • PSY 323 Community Psychology (3 credits) or                   resource persons may conduct weekly
                       • PSY 331 Social Psychology (3 credits) or                      sessions for selected module.
                       • PSY 333 Psychology of Work in Organizations (3 credits) or
                       • PSY 341 Cognitive Psychology (3 credits) or                   Note: The modules offered are subject
                       • PSY 342 Introduction to Cognitive Science: Concepts of the    to change.
                         Mind (3 credits) or
                       • SOC 371 Individual and Society (3 credits)
                       • SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology (3 credits)
                       • 8 Communication Electives (24 credits)

UB Curriculum          • UB Seminar (3 credits)
(refer to page 24      • Foundations (21 credits)
for details)             - Communication Literacy I (4 credits)
                         - Communication Literacy II (3 credits)
                         - Mathematical and Quantitative Reasoning (4 credits)
                         - Scientific Literacy and Inquiry (7 credits)1
                         - Diversity Learning (3 credits)
                       • Pathways (18-19 credits)
                         - Thematic Pathways (9 credits)
                         - Global Pathways (9-10 credits)
                       • UBC 399 Capstone (1 credit)

Free Electives         25 credits
(from any major)

The Bachelor of Arts degree
                                       Prerequisite Modules   • ECO 181 Introduction to Macroeconomics (4 credits)
program in Economics comprises                                • ECO 182 Introduction to Microeconomics (4 credits)
a comprehensive curriculum,                                   • MTH 121 Survey of Calculus and Its Applications I (4 credits)
integrating economic theory
with applied topics. A wide            Required Modules       •   ECO 405 Microeconomic Theory (3 credits)
array of courses are offered                                  •   ECO 407 Macroeconomic Theory (3 credits)
                                                              •   ECO 480 Econometrics I (4 credits)
including micro- and macro-
                                                              •   MTH 122 Survey of Calculus and Its Applications II (4 credits)
economics, international trade,                               •   300/400-level Course 1 - 4 (12 credits)
private and public finance,                                   •   Economics Elective at any level (3 credits)
econometrics, education, growth
and development, monetary              UB Curriculum          • UB Seminar (3 credits)
economics, labor economics,            (refer to page 24      • Foundations (21 credits)
                                       for details)             - Communication Literacy I (4 credits)
urban and regional economics,
                                                                - Communication Literacy II (3 credits)
and industrial organization.                                    - Mathematical and Quantitative Reasoning (4 credits)
                                                                - Scientific Literacy and Inquiry (7 credits)1
Courses offer an understanding                                  - Diversity Learning (3 credits)
of behavior by consumers and                                  • Pathways (18-19 credits)
producers, the performance of                                   - Thematic Pathways (9 credits)
markets, investment and savings,                                - Global Pathways (9-10 credits)
                                                              • UBC 399 Capstone (1 credit)
employment and unemployment,
money and banking, and                 Free Electives         42 credits
government taxation and                (from any major)

Why Study Economics?
Economics is the study of the         also helps students develop logical            graduates are also well equipped
allocation of scarce resources        and critical thinking skills which             to pursue graduate studies in their
and its implications for efficient    benefits them throughout their                 areas of interest.
production and investment             personal life.
decisions which affect the
performance of the economy,           Career Prospects                                 Credits Required for Major            41
its prospects of growth and           The demand for economists                        Credits Required for                  37
development, and the welfare of       has increased steadily in recent                 UB Curriculum
individuals and society as a whole.   decades, with the transition of
                                                                                       Credits Required for Free             42
                                      economics into an applied science.
The study of economics equips         Economics graduates offer
students with the knowledge           employers analytic insights and                  TOTAL CREDITS REQUIRED               120
and tools to collect and analyze      knowledge in applications of cost-               FOR DEGREE
relevant economic data and            benefit analysis that are relevant
perform cost-benefit analysis that    for their objectives. Employment
enable corporations and public        opportunities exist in various
agencies to meet private and social   areas including investment and                 1. These are online modules. Local
                                                                                     resource persons may conduct weekly
goals. This provides a wide gamut     retail banks and other financial
                                                                                     sessions for selected module.
of employment opportunities for       service institutions, consulting
economics majors in both the          firms, international organizations,            Note: The modules offered are subject
private and public sectors of the     insurance companies, and                       to change.
economy. The study of economics       government agencies. Economics

The Bachelor of Arts (International
                                         Prerequisite Modules         • Any two Geography or Management modules
Trade) prepares students to
critically assess the process of         Required Modules             •   ECO 181 Introduction to Macroeconomics (4 credits)
globalization operating in the                                        •   ECO 182 Introduction to Microeconomics (4 credits)
world today, including the growth                                     •   GEO 100 World Regions & Issues (3 credits)
of multinationals and foreign direct                                  •   GEO 103 Global Economic Geographies (3 credits)
investment, international trade, the                                  •   GEO 120 Maps: Earth from Above (3 credits)
internationalization of capital and                                   •   GEO 211 Univariate Statistics in Geography (4 credits)
                                                                      •   GEO 330 Dynamics of International Business (3 credits)
financial markets, new international                                  •   GEO 333 International Trade (3 credits)
divisions of labor, and the rapid                                     •   GEO 334 International Business Cultures (3 credits)
development of technology and                                         •   GEO 425 Industrial/ Business Geography (3 credits)
innovations.                                                          •   GEO 460 Geography of Development (3 credits)
                                                                      •   MGQ 201 Introduction to Statistics for Analytics (4 credits)2
These changes are resulting in                                        •   3 300/400-level Geography Electives (9 credits)
global restructuring and new
                                         UB Curriculum                • UB Seminar (3 credits)
patterns of uneven development.          (refer to page 24            • Foundations (21 credits)
Critical social, economic, and           for details)                    - Communication Literacy I (4 credits)
environmental challenges are                                             - Communication Literacy II (3 credits)
being faced by corporate decision-                                       - Mathematical and Quantitative Reasoning (4 credits)
makers, government policy                                                - Scientific Literacy and Inquiry (7 credits)1
makers, and non-governmental                                             - Diversity Learning (3 credits)
organizations.                                                        • Pathways (18-19 credits)
                                                                        - Thematic Pathways (9 credits)
                                                                        - Global Pathways (9-10 credits)
Why Study International Trade?                                        • UBC 399 Capstone (1 credit)
The program prepares students
for a professional and/or academic       Free Electives               35 credits
career in this challenging and           (from any major)
exciting world of international
business and trade. They will
be exposed to a wide range              Graduates have also gone on                           2. These are digital access modules.
of perspectives on the global           to graduate schools for further                          “Digital Access” is the phrase used
economy, and will develop               studies.                                                 by UB School of Management to
                                                                                                 designate what is known generically
important skills in policy and data
                                                                                                 as an electronic platform (EP)
analysis at various geographic                                                                   module. EP module delivery refers
scales.                                  Credits Required for Major             49
                                                                                                 to a technological platform through
                                         Credits Required for                   36               which existing lecture-based
Career Prospects                         UB Curriculum                                           modules are distributed to a wider
The wide variety of careers will                                                                 constituency of students. The actual
                                         Credits Required for Free              35               delivery of the class is captured on
include organizations such as local      Electives                                               digital video as it happens, and the
investment and trade promotion
                                         TOTAL CREDITS REQUIRED                 120              resulting Windows Media Player file
agencies, trade and location                                                                     is immediately posted to UBLearns.
consulting firms, governmental           FOR DEGREE
                                                                                                 Students use the internet to access
agencies, and a variety of                                                                       lectures and print module materials
international service providers                                                                  at times convenient to their
(e.g. freight forwarders, customs                                                                individual schedules.
brokers, international banks,           1. These are online modules. Local
                                                                                              Note: The modules offered are subject
transport carriers, and international      resource persons may conduct
                                                                                              to change.
trade management companies).               weekly sessions for selected module.


Psychology is the scientific study      The Psychology Major at UB               Career Prospects
of the mind and behavior. UB’s          UB’s undergraduate program               The undergraduate degree in
Department of Psychology reflects       in psychology provides an                psychology does not make
a commitment to cutting-edge            understanding of basic processes         students psychologists or
research and outstanding training       of sensation, perception, learning,      professional counselors. It does,
of students in psychological            cognition, development, and              however, provide students with an
science.                                personality along with principles        excellent liberal arts background
                                        of social psychology, clinical           and is valuable for almost any
Why Study Psychology?                   psychology, and behavioral               type of work focused on people.
Psychology is among the most            neuroscience.                            Majoring in psychology helps
diverse of all of the sciences,                                                  to build a foundation for the
focusing on all aspects of              The requirements for the                 workforce or continued education,
behavior, from biological bases to      psychology major are designed            such as:
environmental, social, and cultural     to provide students with a basic         • Jobs in public affairs, education,
influences.                             overview of the field (PSY 101)            business, sales, service
                                        and foundational skills in statistics      industries, health, the biological
Psychology majors develop an            (PSY 207) and scientific methods           sciences, and information
essential, transferable, and in-        (PSY 250) that are necessary               technology
demand skill set that includes:         for subsequent coursework in             • Graduate degree programs
• An understanding of the               psychology.                                in psychology (M.A., Ph.D.,
  scientific method and of                                                         Ed.D., Psy.D.) or related fields
  psychological principles              The additional requirements for            (medicine, dentistry, law,
• Proficiency in critical analysis,     the psychology major are intended          education, social work, business)
  problem solving, evaluation of        to introduce students to the great
  evidence, statistical analysis, and   breadth and depth of psychology
  scientific writing                    as a scientific discipline; therefore,
                                        students are required to complete
                                        courses in four complementary
                                        areas of psychology (behavioral
                                        neuroscience, clinical, cognitive,
                                        and social) as well as upper-level
                                        special topics courses.

"It is the soft skills that I gained through
                                                      the UB experience that proves to be
                                                      invaluable- skills such as the ability to
                                                      speak, manage simultaneous projects,
                                                      and to always stay inquisitive with the
                                                      eye for curiosity and learning." (2018)

                                                      Goh Jia Hao PBM
                                                      Graduate, Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)
                                                      Jia Hao earned his master's degree from
                                                      Singapore Management University (SMU)
                                                      and is currently a PhD candidate at Harvard
                                                      Business School.

Prerequisite Modules   •   MTH 115 Survey of Algebra and Trigonometry (4 credits)          Credits Required for Major    35
                       •   PSY 101 Introductory Psychology (3 credits)
                                                                                           Credits Required for          33
                       •   PSY 207 Psychological Statistics (4 credits)
                                                                                           UB Curriculum
                       •   PSY 250 Scientific Inquiry in Psychology (3 credits)
                                                                                           Credits Required for Free     52
Required Modules       • 300-level Course 1 - Clinical (3 credits)                         Electives
                         This module may include: Psychology of Personality, Abnormal
                         Psychology, Community Psychology, Clinical Psychology or          TOTAL CREDITS REQUIRED        120
                         Health Psychology.                                                FOR DEGREE
                       • 300-level Course 2 - Social (3 credits)
                         This module may include: Social Psychology, Social Conflict
                         and Its Resolution, Psychology of Work in Organizations or
                         Developmental Psychology.
                       • 300-level Course 3 - Cognitive (3 credits)                       1. These are online modules. Local
                         This module may include: Cognitive Psychology, Introduction to   resource persons may conduct weekly
                         Cognitive Science: Concepts of the Mind or Sensory Processes     sessions for selected module.
                         and Perception.
                       • 300-level Course 4 - Behavioral Neuroscience (3 credits)         Note: The modules offered are subject
                         This module may include: Biopsychology.                          to change.
                       • 3 400-level psychology modules (9 credits)

UB Curriculum          • UB Seminar (3 credits)
(refer to page 24      • Foundations (21 credits)
for details)             - Communication Literacy I (4 credits)
                         - Communication Literacy II (3 credits)
                         - Mathematical and Quantitative Reasoning (4 credits)
                         - Scientific Literacy and Inquiry (7 credits)1
                         - Diversity Learning (3 credits)
                       • Pathways (18-19 credits)
                         - Thematic Pathways (9 credits)
                         - Global Pathways (9-10 credits)
                       • UBC 399 Capstone (1 credit)

Free Electives         52 credits
(from any major)

Sociology examines the causes,         The University at Buffalo               Career Prospects
characteristics, changes, and          Department of Sociology offers          To keep up with a rapidly changing
consequences of human behavior         courses related to a wide variety       world, sociology majors acquire
in groups, and provides an             of social issues and institutions       background knowledge about
understanding of the structure         including: family, gender,              a rapidly changing social world,
and dynamics of social systems         race, social class, ageing, law,        plus the tools to critically analyze
and issues. It emphasizes the          crime, neighborhoods, health,           that world and their place within
study of individuals, social groups,   organizations, social policy, and the   it. They also learn the practical
and social systems as they relate      environment.                            skills they need to succeed,
to each other and to important                                                 ranging from data management
societal issues, such as community,    Why Study Sociology?                    and analysis to effective
education, family, gender,             An undergraduate degree in              communication.
social class, culture, law, health,    sociology provides students
environment, and war.                  with the technical and analytic         Graduates apply their knowledge
                                       tools, critical thinking skills, and    and analytic skills across a wide
Students are introduced to the         the global perspective needed           variety of occupations and
history of social thought and to the   to navigate the 21st century            professions including medical
applied and theoretical methods        successfully and to thrive in many      and health services, recreation
used to study these diverse topics.    careers.                                and leisure, business, law and law
Training in sociology prepares                                                 enforcement, education, urban
students for a wide variety of         The jobs current students apply         planning, social policy, and social
professional careers and for active,   for after graduation may not even       services. They are also prepared
enlightened participation in local,    exist yet, which makes critical         for graduate and professional
national, and world affairs.           thinking and data analysis skills       school programs in areas such
                                       essential preparation for future        as sociology, medicine, health
What is Sociology?                     knowledge-based employment. UB          professions, law, public policy,
The most comprehensive of the          Sociology offers specializations in     business, social work, and other
social sciences, Sociology is the      Health & Society; Global Sociology;     social sciences.
scientific study of social life. In    Crime, Law, & Justice; Applied
particular, sociology examines         Social Research and Social Justice.
how membership in different
groups and interactions with social
structures and social institutions
affect our daily lives.

UB Sociology offers specializations
                                                 in Health & Society; Global
                                                 Sociology; Crime, Law, & Justice;
                                                 Applied Social Research and
                                                 Social Justice

 Prerequisite Modules   SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology (3 credits)                   Credits Required for Major    37
                                                                                        Credits Required for          30
 Required Modules       •   SOC 293 Social Research Methods (3 credits)
                                                                                        UB Curriculum
                        •   SOC 294 Basic Statistics for Social Sciences (4 credits)
                        •   SOC 349 Classical Sociological Theory (3 credits)           Credits Required for Free     53
                        •   8 Sociology Electives (24 credits)                          Electives

 UB Curriculum          • UB Seminar (3 credits)                                        TOTAL CREDITS REQUIRED        120
 (refer to page 24      • Foundations (21 credits)                                      FOR DEGREE
 for details)             - Communication Literacy I (4 credits)
                          - Communication Literacy II (3 credits)
                          - Mathematical and Quantitative Reasoning (4 credits)
                          - Scientific Literacy and Inquiry (7 credits)1
                          - Diversity Learning (3 credits)                             1. These are online modules. Local
                        • Pathways (18-19 credits)                                     resource persons may conduct weekly
                          - Thematic Pathways (9 credits)                              sessions for selected module.
                          - Global Pathways (9-10 credits)
                        • UBC 399 Capstone (1 credit)                                  Note: The modules offered are subject
                                                                                       to change.
 Free Electives         53 credits
 (from any major)

"When I teach in Singapore, I focus on
developing students’ sociological
imaginations — by training students to think
critically and creatively and by exposing
them to skills and practice that gives them
experience in using their expanding knowledge
effectively." (2018)

Professor Debra Street
Chair, Department of Sociology, UB
SIM-UB Visiting Faculty

The Bachelor of Science degree
                                         Prerequisite Modules   •   ECO 181 Introduction to Macroeconomics (4 credits)
in Business Administration was                                  •   ECO 182 Introduction to Microeconomics (4 credits)
founded in 1923 and is offered by                               •   MGA 201 Introduction to Financial Accounting (3 credits)
the UB School of Management.                                    •   MGA 202 Introduction to Management Accounting (3 credits)
                                                                •   MGQ 201 Introduction to Statistics for Analytics (4 credits)2
All academic programs of the                                    •   MTH 131 Mathematical Analysis for Management (4 credits)
UB School of Management are                                     •   PSY 101 Introductory Psychology (3 credits)
accredited by the prestigious
                                         Required Modules       •   MGB 301 Organizational Behavior and Administration (3 credits)
AACSB International - The                                       •   MGE 302 Applied Economics (3 credits)2
Association to Advance Collegiate                               •   MGF 301 Corporation Finance (3 credits)2
Schools of Business. Accreditation                              •   MGG 300 Career Strategies, Planning and Management
by AACSB is considered to be                                        (2 credits)
the hallmark of management                                      •   MGI 301 Human Resources Management and Labor Relations
education.                                                          for Managers (3 credits)
                                                                •   MGM 301 Principles of Marketing (3 credits)
The curriculum pays particular                                  •   MGO 302 Production and Operations Management (3 credits)2
                                                                •   MGO 403 Fundamentals of Strategic Management (3 credits)
attention to understanding the                                  •   MGQ 301 Statistical Decisions in Management (3 credits)
role of the business firm in society;                           •   MGS 351 Introduction to Management Information Systems
the management functions of                                         (4 credits)2
planning and control; the behavior                              •   MGT 401 Public Policy, Law and Management (3 credits)
of organizations; the tools of
modern management, including             UB Curriculum          • UB Seminar (3 credits)
accounting, economics, and               (refer to page 24      • Foundations (21 credits)
                                         for details)             - Communication Literacy I (4 credits)
statistics; and the ways in which                                 - Communication Literacy II (3 credits)
managers perform functions such                                   - Mathematical and Quantitative Reasoning (4 credits)
as production, marketing, finance,                                - Scientific Literacy and Inquiry (7 credits)1
and industrial relations.                                         - Diversity Learning (3 credits)
                                                                • Pathways (18-19 credits)
                                                                  - Thematic Pathways (9 credits)
                                                                  - Global Pathways (9-10 credits)
                                                                • UBC 399 Capstone (1 credit)

                                         Free Electives         13 - 16 credits
                                         (from any major)

                                        1. These are online modules. Local                resulting Windows Media Player file
                                           resource persons may conduct                   is immediately posted to UBLearns.
                                           weekly sessions for selected                   Students use the internet to access
                                           module.                                        lectures and print module materials
                                                                                          at times convenient to their
                                        2. These are digital access modules.              individual schedules.
                                           “Digital Access” is the phrase used
                                           by UB School of Management to               3. Students must complete a two-
                                           designate what is known generically            semester module sequence in a
                                           as an electronic platform (EP)                 foreign language, or demonstrate
                                           module. EP module delivery refers              proficiency in a language other than
                                           to a technological platform through            English equivalent to completion
                                           which existing lecture-based                   of a first-year, second-semester
                                           modules are distributed to a wider             module.
                                           constituency of students. The actual
                                           delivery of the class is captured on        Note: The modules offered are subject
                                           digital video as it happens, and the        to change.

Concentrations (choose one)                                                            Credits Required for Major             61
                                                                                       Credits Required for                  34-37
Financial Analysis      •   MGA 306 Financial Reporting and Analysis (3 credits)
                                                                                       UB Curriculum
                        •   MGF 402 Investment Management (3 credits)
                        •   MGF 403 International Financial Management (3 credits)     Concentration                         9-12
                        •   MGF 405 Advanced Corporate Finance (3 credits)
                                                                                       Credits Required for Free Electives   13-16
International           Choose three of the following:                                 TOTAL CREDITS REQUIRED FOR            120
Business3               • GEO 330 Dynamics of International Business (3 credits)       DEGREE
                        • GEO 333 Bases of World Commerce (3 credits)
                        • GEO 334 International Business Cultures (3 credits)
                        • MGF 403 International Financial Management (3 credits)
                                                                                      Career Prospects
Marketing               • MGM 403 Marketing Research (3 credits)                      Employment opportunities exist
                        • MGM 404 Consumer Behavior (3 credits)                       in the private and public sectors.
                                                                                      Majority of our graduates work
                        Choose one of the following:
                        • MGM 402 Selling and Sales Force Management (3 credits)      in the private sector engaging in
                        • MGM 406 Product and Brand Management (3 credits)            accounting and finance, education
                        • MGM 409 Advertising and Promotion (3 credits)               and training, human resource
                        • MGM 483 International Marketing (3 credits)                 management, international
                                                                                      business, sales and marketing,
Operations and          • MGO 303 Supply Chain And Logistics Management (3 credits)   administration and other
Supply Chain            • MGO 304 Service Operations & Extreme Events Management
                                                                                      managerial roles. Graduates have
Management                (3 credits)
                                                                                      also gone on to graduate schools
                        Choose one of the following:                                  for further studies.
                        • MGO 330 Entrepreneurship And Small Business (3 credits)
                        • MGO 450 Business Forecasting (3 credits)

                                                       "The teaching pedagogy in an American system
                                                       places a strong value on discussions in class and in
                                                       the discussion itself. It also develops one's analytical
                                                       skills and ability to articulate good reasoning and
                                                       thoughts. What I have learned in UB has developed
                                                       my thinking as opposed to using a particular skill
                                                       in one particular area and enhances my ability to
                                                       traverse different occupations with different skill
                                                       sets." (2018)

                                                       Daryl Png
                                                       Graduate, Bachelor of Science (Business Administration)
                                                       Product Evangelist, AIG


                                            SIM-UB seniors plan every intake’s
                                            two-day Orientation to welcome and
                                            bond with freshmen.

Students, faculty and staff form a close-
knit UB community in SIM. Students also
participate actively in events such as
Open House to share about SIM-UB.

                                            SIM-UB alumni return to campus for
                                            Career Conversations, a platform to
                                            share their journey after graduation
                                            with juniors.

"The program contributed positively to
                                                         my children’s personal and professional
                                                         development. They are able to plan their
                                                         schedules better, think out of the box and
                                                         have better team work and leadership skills.”
                                                         Rangarajan Krishnamurthy, Parent
                                                         Mr Krishnamurthy’s daughter, Sunayna is one of
                                                         the recipients of the SIM-UB Award for Academic
                                                         Excellence in 2016. She has since graduated and
                                                         is currently pursuing her master's degree at the
                                                         University of Washington, Seattle. Her brother, Sujay,
                                                         is currently pursuing the Double Degree program in
                                                         Business Administration and Economics at the Buffalo
                                                         home campus.

"The active classroom discussions allow for
articulation and exchange of ideas, which
helps develop my sons’ confidence in public
speaking, debate and reasoning – useful
lifelong skills for the future workplace.” (2018)
Chia Seng Jiang, Parent
Mr Chia’s two sons were in the UB program – Bryan,
who graduated from the Business Administration
program, is currently working in the banking industry;
while James recently completed his Psychology
degree after having spent two semesters at the Buffalo
home campus.

                                                         Bryan on the right and James in the centre.

                                                         “Through her three years in UB, my daughter
                                                         has become more independent and more
                                                         mature; I am confident that she will be able
                                                         to do well in her future endeavours with the
                                                         skills and values that UB has inculcated in
                                                         her.” (2018)
                                                         Patrick Tan, Parent
                                                         Mr Tan’s daughter, Natasha, is currently pursuing a
                                                         Sociology degree and finishing her final semester at
                                                         the Buffalo home campus.

The UB Curriculum is a program of core study built around intellectual discovery and integrative learning. It
emphasizes critical thinking, ethical reasoning, global learning, and strong communication skills, providing the
tools students would need to succeed in their professional life and to meet the responsibilities of citizenship in a
diverse and interconnected world.

There are FOUR main program components and requirements of the UB Curriculum.

 1. UB Seminar (3 credits)                                                Diversity Learning (3 credits)
                                                                          Cultural competence is a foundational skill that every student
 These are semester one seminars specifically designed to address         should be able to demonstrate prior to graduation. As such,
 the needs of students and to prepare them for the academic               Diversity Learning modules serve to equip students with the cultural
 expectations of a world-class research university. These discussion-     knowledge and awareness necessary to live, work and recreate with
 based seminars encourage critical thinking, ethical reasoning, and       the diverse groups that characterize the United States.
 reflective discussion from across the disciplines.
                                                                          3. Pathways (18-19 credits)
 2. Foundations (21 credits)
                                                                          The Pathways include a series of modules interconnected by theme
 These are modules in diversity, writing, math and science that lay       or concept across a wide range of disciplines. Pathways can be
 the foundations for academic inquiry                                     customized to complement pre-existing interests or designed to
                                                                          expand horizons and engage curiosity.
 Communication Literacy I (4 credits)
 This module establishes strong foundation in writing, rhetoric,          Thematic Pathways (9 credits)
 and oral and visual communication, while developing strategies to        Taking as a point of departure one of the UB themes of health,
 organize, evaluate and manage enormous quantities of information.        humanity, innovation, justice, or environment, the Thematic Pathway
                                                                          invites students to design their own course of study across a range
 Communication Literacy II (3 credits)                                    of disciplinary fields.
 This module adopts a “writing in the disciplines” model that
 transmits the skills required to both learn and create knowledge         Global Pathways (9-10 credits)
 within the chosen academic field, and to develop a professional          The Global Pathways encourage sustained engagement with the
 voice through opportunities to write on substantive issues arising       world and its cultures, languages, societies, people, and histories to
 from the major.                                                          develop global perspectives and cultural literacies, and to encourage
                                                                          personal reflection on the earth's diversity.
 Mathematical and Quantitative Reasoning (4 credits)
 This module provides a basis for students to develop skills in           4. UBC 399 Capstone (1 credit)
 mathematical and quantitative literacy, especially those skills that
 apply to issues arising in everyday life.                                The Capstone is the culminating experience of the UB Curriculum
                                                                          program. It provides a space for thinking, reflecting and weaving
 Scientific Literacy and Inquiry (7 credits)                              together disparate elements of the program by means of an
 This interdisciplinary sequence promotes scientific literacy through     ePortfolio platform provided to all students.
 a basic understanding of the sciences covered, along with an
 active exploration of how scientific discoveries are made, how they
 are subject to forms of manipulation, how they have impacted
 society in the short and longer terms, and their ethical and cultural
                                                                         Please refer to SIM GE website for the modules applicable for
 implications. Students complete two three-credit lectures plus one
                                                                         each program.
 credit of lab.

Each minor is designed to enhance particular majors and provide additional knowledge for students planning
to pursue MBA degrees. Students can receive a bachelor’s degree if they are enrolled in a major program and a
minor program, but cannot receive a bachelor’s degree if they are enrolled in a minor program and not enrolled
in major program.

Management Minor                                                        Marketing Minor
The management minor provides a broad foundation                        The marketing minor provides a focused view of
in the basic elements and principles of business.                       marketing for the student with little or no background
Students learn to speak the language of business                        in business. While the requirements and prerequisites
while gaining an understanding of functional areas,                     make it a viable option for most students, it may be
such as accounting, human resources, information                        especially helpful for those seeking an understanding
systems, marketing, and finance. A management                           of the marketing function in businesses. Modules
minor would benefit students in any major. Those                        address issues such as identifying and selecting
who are considering pursuing an MBA at any time in                      the right consumers, understanding the interaction
their careers are especially encouraged to complete                     between these consumers and businesses, and being
this minor.                                                             able to translate consumer needs and wants into
                                                                        products and services. The marketing minor may
                                                                        be particularly attractive to students majoring in
 Prerequisite Modules
 • MGG 150 Business and Society (3 credits)
 • MGA 201 Introduction to Financial Accounting (3 credits)
 • MGQ 201 Introduction to Statistics for Analytics (4 credits)          Prerequisite Modules
 • PSY 101 Introductory Psychology (3 credits)                           Choose one of the following:
                                                                         • MGQ 201 Introduction to Statistics for Analytics (4 credits)
 Required Modules                                                          PSY 207 Psychological Statistics (4 credits)
 • MGB 301 Organizational Behavior and Administration (3 credits)        Choose one of the following:
                                                                         • ECO 182 Introduction to Microeconomics (4 credits)
                                                                           MTH 131 Mathematical Analysis for Management (4 credits)
 Choose three of the following:
                                                                           PSY 101 Introductory Psychology (3 credits)
 • MGA 202 Introduction to Management Accounting (3 credits)
 • MGF 301 Corporation Finance                                           Required Modules
   (requires at least concurrent registration in MGQ 301) (3 credits)
                                                                         • MGG 150 Business and Society (3 credits)
 • MGM 301 Principles of Marketing (requires ECO 182) (3 credits)
                                                                         • MGM 301 Principles of Marketing (3 credits)
 • MGO 302 Production and Operations Management (3 credits)
                                                                         • MGM 403 Marketing Research (3 credits)
 • MGQ 301 Statistical Decisions for Management (3 credits)
                                                                         • MGM 404 Consumer Behavior (3 credits)
 • MGS 351 Introduction to Management Information Systems (4 credits)
                                                                         Choose one of the following:
                                                                         • MGM 402 Selling and Sales Force Management (3 credits)
                                                                           MGM 406 Product and Brand Management (3 credits)
                                                                           MGM 409 Advertising and Promotion (3 credits)

Duration and Intake                   • Continuous assessments such         meet all requirements for each
All programs are offered full-time.     as:                                 major. In no circumstance may the
The academic year is divided into       - Class participation               coursework in the second degree
three semesters. Each semester is       - Essays                            be fewer than 30 credits.
typically 12 to 15 weeks in length.     - Laboratory exercises
Students with credit exemptions         - Listening Exams                   For a double degree, a minimum
and transfer credits typically can      - Presentations                     of 150 credits or 30 credits beyond
complete the program earlier.           - Quizzes                           the full requirements of the
                                        - Tests                             degree with the larger number of
Applications are open for 3 intakes                                         required undergraduate credits
a year. They are: January (Spring),   Candidature Period                    must be earned, whichever is
May (Summer) and August (Fall).       Single Degree: 6 years                greater. Because the two degrees
                                      Double Major and Double Degree:       must be in significantly different
Program Duration                      8 years                               fields of study, no more than two
Single Degree – 3 Years                                                     300- and 400- modules taken as
                 (9 semesters)        There will not be any refund or       requirements for one major in one
Double Majors – 4 Years               recourse should the student fail to   degree can also be counted as part
                 (12 semesters)       complete the program within the       of the required modules for the
Double Degrees – 4 Years              candidature period.                   other major in the other degree,
                 (12 semesters                                              including required elective credits.
                                      Minimum Class Size: 25
Mode of Delivery                      In the event that the class cannot    Double Majors
Classroom learning comprising:        commence due to low take-up           A double major is the awarding of
• Activities                          rate, applicants will be informed     one degree with two majors (e.g. a
• Consultations                       within one month before program       student earns one BA degree with
• Discussions                         commencement.                         a double major of communication
• Exercises                                                                 and psychology). Students must
• Lectures                            Double Degrees                        be accepted into each major and
• Online learning                     The double degree is the              fulfill all requirements of each
• Presentations                       concurrent awarding of two            major in addition to satisfying all
                                      different baccalaureate degree        university requirements. This may
Each lesson is typically three        types (BA and BS). Students           be completed within the usual
hours.                                pursuing two majors in two            120-credit minimum. Following
                                      different degree types are            conferral of the degree, the
Assessment                            expected to have the full range       student’s transcript will note one
• Assignments/ Projects               of skills, competencies, and          baccalaureate degree with two
• Practical Exams                     experience as students graduating     majors.
• Written Exams                       from each of the programs
                                      individually. Thus, students must

                                                                            Note: BA – Bachelor of Arts
                                                                                  BS – Bachelor of Science

Subsequent Degrees                  If you are pursuing a second        Latin Honors
Some students may decide            bachelor’s degree, you must         Students earning baccalaureate
to return to their studies after    have the full range of skills,      degrees are eligible to receive
they have received their first      competencies, and experience        Latin Honors based on their UB
undergraduate degree. Once a        in the major as students who        cumulative GPA on the following
degree is conferred, the modules    complete the requirements for       scale:
and credits from that degree        the regular degree program.
cannot be used in subsequent        Thus, students must meet all        Average (based on 4.0 = A)
degrees, and some students          requirements for the major. In no   • 3.20 cum laude (Distinction)
may not return to add a minor or    circumstance may the coursework     • 3.50 magna cum laude (High
concentration to the conferred      in the second degree program be       Distinction)
degree.                             fewer than 30 credits after the     • 3.75 summa cum laude (Highest
                                    conferral of the first degree.        Distinction)
In order to take a subsequent
degree, the student who has         The two degrees must be in          To qualify for Latin Honors,
previously earned a baccalaureate   significantly different fields of   students must present a
degree from UB or an accredited     study; therefore 300- and 400-      minimum of 60 credits of UB
U.S. institution must be accepted   level coursework completed for      undergraduate coursework, at
to UB as a matriculated student     the first bachelor’s degree will    least 54 of which must be graded
and be accepted into the new        not count toward completing the     credits (i.e. not satisfactory or
major.                              major requirements of the second    unsatisfactory [grades of ‘S’ or
                                    degree.                             ‘U’]).

Double Major
                                                                                   Credits Requirements
Completing a double major
enhances students’ career potential
                                       Double Major                      Majors       UB         Free      TOTAL
since they gain expertise in two
                                       (Bachelor of Arts)                         Curriculum   Electives
distinct fields. A double major is
the awarding of one degree with        Communication & Economics          106        28            0        134
two majors (e.g. in Communication
and Psychology) within one
degree (B.A.). Students must be        Communication & International      110        24            0        134
accepted into each major and           Trade
fulfill all requirements for each
                                       Communication & Psychology         90         27            3        120
major in addition to satisfying
all university requirements. This
                                       Communication & Sociology          92         24            4        120
may be completed within the
usual 120-credit minimum. Double
                                       Economics & International          82         34            4        120
majors must be between programs
leading to the same degree (B.A.
or B.S.). Our streamlined double-      Economics & Psychology             76         30           14        120
major programs typically allow
students to complete both majors       Economics & Sociology              78          31           11       120
in three years.
                                       International Trade &              84         33            3        120
Candidates with outstanding            Psychology
academic results may apply
directly to the double major           International Trade & Sociology    86         30            4        120
program at the point of
application. Students who are          Psychology & Sociology             72         27           21        120
enrolled in a single major program
and have done well at the end of      For more details about the acceptance and graduation criteria of each
one year of study are also eligible   major, please refer to the major-specific listings on pages 12-21.
to apply to the double major

Double Degree
                                                                                           Credits Requirements
Completing a double degree
gives students two credentials at
                                             Double Degree                    Majors1        UB           Free        TOTAL
graduation, the Bachelor of Arts
                                             (Bachelor of Science &                      Curriculum     Electives
(B.A.) and the Bachelor of Science           Bachelor of Arts)
(B.S.). The additional credential
enhances students’ career                    Business Administration          128-131        28            0          156-159
potential and affords them more              & Communication
professional opportunities.
                                             Business Administration          96-99          34          17-20          150
                                             & Economics
To fulfill all the requirements for
the Bachelor of Science Degree               Business Administration            98           37            15           150
(Business Administration) and                & International Trade
the Bachelor of Arts Degree
(Communication, Economics,                   Business Administration          102-105       27-30         18-21         150
International Trade, Psychology              & Psychology
or Sociology), students typically
complete a minimum of 150                    Business Administration          107-110       28-31         12-15         150
                                             & Sociology
credits within four years. Students
pursuing a double degree
are expected to have the full               For more details about the acceptance and graduation criteria of each
range of skills, competencies,              major, please refer to the major-specific listings on pages 12-20.
and experiences as students
graduating from each of the
programs individually.                      1. The range given only accounts for a completion of one concentration in the
                                               Business Administration program. Students completing a double degree program
Highly motivated candidates with               in Business Administration and International Trade will automatically satisfy the
outstanding academic results                   course requirements for an International Business concentration.
may apply directly to the double
degree program at the point
of application. Students who
are enrolled in a single degree
program and have done well at
the end of one year of study are
also eligible to apply to the double
degree program.

  UB faculty members at the Madness Rally

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