Bag of Tricks for Node Classification with Graph Neural Networks

Bag of Tricks for Node Classification with
 Graph Neural Networks
 Yangkun Wang1†, Jiarui Jin1† , Weinan Zhang1‡ , Yong Yu1 , Zheng Zhang2 , David Wipf2‡
 Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2 Amazon,{jinjiarui97,wnzhang,yyu},{zhaz,daviwipf}

 ABSTRACT but cannot exploit node features. Although many recent attempts
 Over the past few years, graph neural networks (GNN) and label [7, 9] propose to integrate node features and label information by
 propagation-based methods have made significant progress in ad- combining GNN and LPA, these approaches suffer from the inher-
arXiv:2103.13355v3 [cs.LG] 5 Jul 2021

 dressing node classification tasks on graphs. However, in addition ent limitation that LPA requires neighboring nodes to share similar
 to their reliance on elaborate architectures and algorithms, there labels and cannot be applied to graphs with edge features.
 are several key technical details that are frequently overlooked, In this paper, we propose a series of novel techniques covering
 and yet nonetheless can play a vital role in achieving satisfactory both label usage and architecture design. Specifically, we first de-
 performance. In this paper, we first summarize a series of existing velop a sampling technique that enables GNNs to leverage random
 tricks-of-the-trade, and then propose several new ones related to subsets of original labels as a model input. Based on this, we also
 label usage, loss function formulation, and model design that can design an iterative enhancement which utilizes the predicted labels
 significantly improve various GNN architectures. We empirically from the previous iteration as input for further training. Addition-
 evaluate their impact on final node classification accuracy by con- ally, we propose a robust loss function and describe different vari-
 ducting ablation studies and demonstrate consistently-improved ants of GAT designs. We evaluate these modifications and tricks
 performance, often to an extent that outweighs the gains from on multiple GNN architectures and datasets, demonstrating that
 more dramatic changes in the underlying GNN architecture. No- they often lead to significant improvement in node classification
 tably, many of the top-ranked models on the Open Graph Bench- accuracy.
 mark (OGB) leaderboard and KDDCUP 2021 Large-Scale Challenge Notably, as of Jul. 2, 2021, all of the top 10 models on the
 MAG240M-LSC benefit from these techniques. ogbn-arxiv leaderboard, including AGDN [22], C&S [7], FLAG [10]
 and UniMP [21], have applied these methods or minor variations
 KEYWORDS thereof. Moreover, on the more challenging ogbn-proteins dataset,
 we can obtain an ROC-AUC of 0.8765, which at the time of our post
 Graph Neural Networks, Node Classification, OGB Leaderboard
 to the OGB leaderboard, outperformed all prior methods. And our
 label usage ideas in particular, which we were the first to propose
 1 INTRODUCTION for improving node classification,1 have been followed by UniMP
 Recently, machine learning tasks involving graphs have received [21] among others, and have now been adopted in many submis-
 increasing attention, among which node classification is one of the sions to the OGB leaderboard. Overall, these techniques continue
 most prominent examples. Since the remarkable success of graph to be widely adopted, as an evidenced by the KDDCUP 2021 Large-
 convolution networks (GCN) [8], many high-performance GNN de- Scale Challenge MAG240M-LSC [5], e.g., the released results2 in-
 signs have been proposed to address the node classification prob- dicate that all of the top 3 approaches benefit from techniques we
 lem, such as graph attention networks (GAT) [23] and GraphSAGE initiated.
 [4]. At the same time, we have witnessed a steady improvement in
 model accuracy as demonstrated on the Open Graph Benchmark 2 BACKGROUND
 (OGB) leaderboard [6]. For example, the top-1 test accuracy for Given a graph = ( , ), where = { 1 , 2 , . . . , } is the set of
 node classification on the ogbn-arxiv dataset has improved from nodes and is the set of edges, we denote as the adjacency ma-
 70.1% (based on node2vec [3]) to 74.1% (based on GAT). trix and as the diagonal degree matrix. We assume that we have
 However, these advances are not derived exclusively from the node features = ( 1 , . . . , ) and one-hot encoded label matrix
 development of model architectures. Refinements including data = ( 1, . . . , ) ∈ R × , with being the number of classes.
 processing, loss function design and negative sampling also play a Each node is associated with a feature vector and label , as-
 major role. Specifically, for semi-supervised learning, it is worth- suming that only the first nodes 1, 2, . . . , can be observed
 while to explore the effective use of the information contained in during training. For each dataset D = { , , } =1 associated
 node features and/or labels. In this context, a common approach with a graph , we have the training set D (|D | = )
 is to train GNN models that make predictions based on node fea- and the test set D . The goal of the node classification task is
 tures and model parameters; however, this strategy cannot directly to predict the labels of unlabeled nodes. Given the loss function
 utilize existing label information (beyond their influence on model ℓ ( ˆ , ), the optimization objective is to minimize the aggregated
 parameters through training). In contrast, label propagation algo-
 rithms (LPA) [30] spread label information to make predictions, 1 Please see our original submission tothe OGB leaderboard for ogbn-arxiv on Sept. 5,
 2020 at and the corresponding origi-
 † Work done during internship at AWS Shanghai AI Lab. nal code at this github repo.
 ‡ Corresponding authors. 2
Y. Wang, et al.

cost L( ) = =1 ℓ ( ˆ , ), where ˆ indicates the predicted label 3 EXISTING TRICKS
and indicates model parameters. Among many useful strategies, here we briefly discuss sampling,
Label Propagation Algorithm. LPA is a semi-supervised algo- data augmentation, renormalization, and residual connections,
rithm that predicts unlabeled nodes by propagating observed la- which can all be applied in various settings to improve perfor-
bels across the edges of the graph, with the underlying assumption mance.
that two nodes connected by an edge in the graph are likely to have Sampling. Sampling techniques [2, 4, 31] are often essential for
 1 1
the same label. Letting = − 2 − 2 be the symmetric normal- the efficient training of GNNs. For example, recent methods such
ized adjacency, LPA solves a linear system ∗ = (1 − )( − ) −1 as FastGCN [2] and LADIES [31] investigate layer-wise and layer-
by iteratively computing ( +1) = ( ) + (1 − ) (0) , where dependent importance sampling. Additionally, negative sampling
 (0) is the label matrix of training nodes, padded with zeros for methods [15], as first proposed to serve as a simplified version of
test nodes. While effective in many circumstances, LPA does not noise contrastive estimation, can also play an important role, and
make use of node features as do the GNN models described next. are now widely adopted in web-scale graph mining approaches
 such as PinSAGE [27].
Graph Neural Networks. GNNs are a family of multi-layer feed-
forward neural networks that transform and propagate layer-wise Data Augmentation. For semi-supervised node classification
features across graph edges. Among these models, a GCN archi- tasks on graphs, over-fitting and over-smoothing [13] are two
tecture is widely adopted, relying on the layer-wise propagation main obstacles in training GNNs. In order to surmount these obsta-
rule cles, the DropEdge method [17] randomly removes a certain num-
 1 1 ber of edges from the input graph, acting like a data augmenter and
 ( +1) = ( − 2 − 2 ( ) ( ) ), (1) a message-passing reducer. In addition to modifying graph struc-
 tures, another direction is inspired by the recent success of adopt-
where ( ) denotes a trainable weight matrix of the -th layer, ing adversarial training in computer vision [25] by adding gradient-
 (·) is an activation function, and ( ) represents the -th layer based adversarial perturbations to the input features, while keep-
node representations. GAT models further leverage masked self- ing graph structures unchanged [10].
attention layers to implicitly assign different weights to different
neighboring nodes. Assuming ( , ) ∈ is an edge, then the Renormalization. The renormalization trick was introduced in
layer-wise propagation rule of GAT is as follows: GCN models [8] to alleviate the numerical instabilities and gra-
 dient explosion brought about by repeated application of Eq. (1)
    during training with many layers. Specifically, we replace +
 ( ) ( )
 exp LeakyReLU [ ( ) k ( ) ] 1 1 1 1
    , − 2 − 2 with ˜ − 2 ˜ ˜ − 2 , where ˜ = + and ˜ = + .
 ( )
 = Í
 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
 ∈N ( ) exp LeakyReLU [ k ] GCN with Residual Connections. A primitive form of GCN

 © Õ
 whose linear connection with different parameters added to the
 ( ) ª
 = ­ ( ) ® , message passing formulation was introduced [8]. Subsequently,
 ( +1) ( )
 « ∈N ( ) ¬
 there has also been a body of work using broader forms of residual
 (2) connections [12, 18]. One variant we find to be stable and robust
where is a trainable weight vector, N ( ) denotes the neighbors adds a linear connection with free parameters to GCN with the
 renormalization trick:
of node , and k represents the concatenation operation. Note that
unlike LPA, when inferring the labels of test nodes, GNN models do 1 ( ) ( )
 ( +1) = ˜ − 2 ˜ ˜ − 2 ( ) 0 + ( ) 1 . (3)
not make explicit use of the ground-truth labels of training nodes.
Combinations of Label and Feature Propagation. Since both This form can avoid the gradient instabilities with proper initial-
LPA based on spreading observed labels and GNN architectures ization of , and moreover makes the GCN more expressive and
that propagate node features often achieve promising performance, overcomes the over-smoothing issue, since the linear component
it is worth exploring combinations thereof to potentially overcome in Eq. (3) retains the node representations distinguishable even
their respective limitations. However, one of the major challenges with infinitely many propagation layers.
is that simple combinations can lead to trivial degenerate solutions
when these labels are provided as input to trainable models. Al- 4 A NEW BAG OF TRICKS
though many recent attempts have been made to circumvent this 4.1 Label Usage
problem, they still have various limitations. For example, APPNP
[9] does not actually propagate ground-truth training labels (only Label as Input. For semi-supervised classification tasks, apart
predicted labels), while C&S [7] propagates ground-truth labels but from the graph and the feature matrix , we also have access to
only during inference; it is not trained end-to-end. Instead, we pro- the label matrix , in which some nodes have missing labels and
pose an approach in Section 4.1 that allows parallel propagation of need to be predicted. However, outside of LPA, prior work seldom
node features and labels during both training and inference stages. considers the explicit use of ground-truth label information during
Based on this, we further design a novel label reuse strategy on the inference of test node labels. Instead, the label information is
graphs, which propagates not only the true labels of training nodes usually regarded only as the target for the supervised training of
but also the predicted labels of test nodes. GNN models. However, when the training accuracy is below 100%,
Bag of Tricks for Node Classification with Graph Neural Networks

 Algorithm 1: Label Usage for Graph Neural Networks but the predicted results of the previous iteration. In Algorithm 1,
 line 5 to line 8 presents the label reuse procedure.
 INPUT: , , , the recycling times 
 1: for each epoch do
 4.2 Robust Loss Function for Classification
 2: Obtain D , D by randomly splitting D 
 In binary classification scenarios, given feature space X and label
 , ( , , ) ∈ D 
 3: ← space Y = {−1, +1}, we aim to learn a classifier that maps ∈ X
 0, otherwise to Y. The classifier follows the decision rule ( ) = sign( ( ))
 (0) ← ( k , )
 4: for some mapping from X to R. The optimization objective is to
 5: for ← 1 to( do minimize the risk, defined as
 ( , , ) ∈ D 
 ( −1)
 6: ← ( −1) ( ) := E D [ℓ ( ( ), )] = E D [ ( ( ))], (4)
 ˆ , otherwise
 ˆ ( ) ( −1) where ℓ ( ( ), ) is the loss function and : R → R+ is known
 7: ← ( k , )
 as the margin-based loss function. In this setting, choosing the loss
 8: end for
 function corresponds to choosing (·).
 9: Compute L( ) and update via back propagation.
 A straightforward choice for (·) is the 0-1 loss
 10: end for
 ℓ0/1 ( ( ), ) = 0/1 ( ( )) ≔ (− ( )), (5)
 where (·) denotes the Heaviside step function. However, 0/1 (·)
 is a discontinuous function and is therefore computationally chal-
the label information of the misclassified samples is not contained
 lenging to optimize. As a result, instead of directly optimizing the
in the model, despite the fact that they can provide additional in-
 0-1 loss, we turn to using (·) as an upper bound of 0/1 (·), of-
formation during inference. Additionally, samples misclassified by
 ten referred to as the calibrated surrogate loss, for the optimization
the model have the potential to mislead their neighbors.
 While some approaches are proposed to address this problem
 Being the most commonly used loss function for classification,
by combining GNN with LPA, they have their own shortcomings
 the logistic loss, denoted as (·), provides a convex upper
as mentioned in Section 2. Additionally, LPA relies heavily on the
 bound for 0/1 (·), which takes the form
smoothness assumption that adjacent nodes tend to share similar
labels. In contrast, we propose a novel sampling technique that ( ) = log(1 + exp(− )). (6)
allows parametric GNN models to learn interrelationships between While the logistic loss performs satisfactorily in most cases, it suf-
labels by taking label information as input. The advantages of our fers from sensitivity to outliers, whereas non-convex loss functions
method are as follows: could be more robust [14]. Motivated by this, we consider weaken-
• Capable of propagating features and labels during both training ing the convexity condition, and thereby designing a quasi-convex
 and inference stages. loss to contribute robustness:
• Does not explicitly rely on the smoothness assumption of LPA,
 − ( ) := ( ( )), (7)
 and can be conveniently adapted to various GNN architectures
 capable of handling heterogeneous and heterophily graphs where : R+ → R+ is a non-decreasing function.
 where this assumption may break down [1, 16, 19, 26, 29]. Some loss functions have been proposed to achieve outlier ro-
• Can be trained end-to-end, while avoiding the model learning bustness, e.g., the Savage loss [14] and L loss [28], which can be
 trivial degenerate solutions, i.e., an identity mapping whereby interpreted as choosing a suitable (·). Table 1 summarizes differ-
 the ground-truth labels merely pass directly from input to out- ent (·) of these and other loss functions discussed.
 put training nodes. Here, we propose the Loge loss as a more preferable possibility
 Our method starts with a random split of D into sev- for (·):
eral sub-datasets. For simplicity, we consider the case of two sub- ( ) := log( + ) − log , (8)
datasets here, denoted as D 
 and D , respectively. Next, where is a tunable parameter and is fixed to 1 − log 2 through-
we set to zero the labels of D , and learn to predict their origi- 2
 out this paper so that 2 ( ) = 0 with ( ) :=
nal values. Specifically, the input for D contains both features ( ( )). This implies that the derivative of the Loge loss
and labels, while the input for D contains only features, where reaches its maximum magnitude at = 0, which is exactly the
the labels used as inputs are set to zero-valued null vectors. During decision boundary for classification tasks. Since the derivative of
the final inference procedure, all labels in the training set are used (·) is the weight of the data sample [11], this may facilitate the
as inputs to the model. We summarize this training procedure in optimization of classification accuracy.
Algorithm 1, where denotes an arbitrary GNN model with pa- Figure 1 illustrates the visualization of Loge loss and other losses
rameters . along with their derivatives. As can be seen, our Loge loss meets
Augmentation with Label Reuse. We further propose label the following criteria:
reuse, which recycles the predicted soft labels of the previous itera- • While it helps to prevent outliers from dominating the train-
tion and uses them labels as input. In this case, the labels of D ing loss, it is nonetheless unbounded in such a way that the
and all test nodes are not assigned with zero-valued null vectors derivative converges slowly to 0 as decreases, meaning that it
Y. Wang, et al.

 Loss ( ) ( ( )) Zero-One
 5 Logistic
 Logistic log(1 + exp(− )) Exponential −0.2

 4 Sigmoid
 Exponential exp( ) − 1 exp(− ) Savage Logistic
 1 Lq (q = 12 ) Exponential
 Sigmoid 1 − exp(− ) 3

 1 + exp( ) Loge(ǫ = 1 − log 2) Sigmoid
 1 −0.6
 Savage (1 − exp(− )) 2 2 Savage
 (1 + exp( )) 2 Lq (q = 21 )
 1 1 1 −0.8 Loge(ǫ = 1 − log 2)
 L (1 − exp(− )) 1 − (1 + exp(− )) 1

 Loge log( + ) − log log( + log(1 + exp(− ))) − log 0 −1.0
 −10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 −10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6
 v v

Table 1: Loss functions with different (·). Figure 1: Visualization of various margin-based losses (left) and their
 corresponding derivatives ′ (right).

 still provides non-negligible gradient signals for the misclassi- where for simplicity we henceforth omit the layer-wise super-
 fied samples as desired. scripts. Another variant is the non-interactive GAT, which per-
 • The maximum gradient magnitude occurs at = 0, which en- forms similarly to and at times better than the original form, and
 hances the gradient signal near the decision boundary. The only can be expressed as
 other loss function with an analogously maximal gradient at 0   
 exp LeakyReLU 
 = Í  .
 is the Sigmoid loss; however, its tail converges to 0 very fast,
 which can lead to a vanishing gradient problem. 
 ∈N ( ) exp LeakyReLU 
 • For correctly classified samples (i.e., > 0), the derivative con-
 We also propose a GAT variant that exploits the edge features in
 verges to 0 relatively quickly as with other loss functions; how-
 the graph:
 ever, in this regime the gradient signal is less critical.   
 The Loge loss can also be extended for multi-class classification exp LeakyReLU [ k k ]
    , (13)
 tasks. For this purpose, we formulate the labels in a one-hot fash- = Í
 ion, where both and ˆ are one-hot vectors, ˆ denotes the value ∈N ( ) exp LeakyReLU [ k k ]
 of the -th element in ,ˆ and the predicted value of the target class where and denote node and edge features respectively. The
 is denoted by ˆ , meaning that the subscript class refers to the time complexity of computing one layer of a single-headed GAT
 index of the nonzero element of . The Loge loss can then be for- with node features, edge features and filters is (| | +
 mulated as | | + | | ).
 exp( ˆ )
 ˆ ) = log − log Í 
 ℓ ( , − log . (9) 5 EXPERIMENTS
 =1 exp( ˆ ) In this section, we examine the performance of each method
 through ablation experiments, reporting the mean classification
 4.3 Tweaking the GAT Architecture accuracy for multi-class classification tasks and Area Under the
 ROC Curve (ROC-AUC) for binary classification tasks. We choose
 GAT with Symmetric Normalized Adjacency Matrix. We find three commonly used citation network datasets, Cora, Citeseer
 the symmetric normalized adjacency matrix in GCN improves the and Pubmed [20], and three relatively large datasets from OGB
 performance at times, and yet GAT is not a natural extension of [6], ogbn-arxiv, ogbn-proteins and ogbn-products, as well as Red-
 GCN. In order to better connect GAT with GCN, we first define dit, a dataset of posts from the Reddit website.3 Some statistics of
 the unnormalized attention matrix = , with described these datasets are presented in Table 2. Since ogbn-proteins is a
 in Eq. (2). Then the message passing rule with self-loops becomes dataset with edge features and ogbn-products is a huge dataset, we
   adopt neighbor sampling for them due to memory constraints. For
 ( ) ( )
 ( +1) = ˜ −1 ˜ ( ) 0 + ( ) 1 , (10) Cora, Pubmed and Citeseer, we report the average scores and stan-
 dard deviations after 100 runs, and for the relatively larger datasets
 where ˜ = + . Note that when = , this variant is ogbn-arxiv, ogbn-proteins, ogbn-products and Reddit, we report
 equivalent to Eq. (3) of GCN. mean scores and standard deviations after 10 runs. All experiments
 were implemented using the Deep Graph Library (DGL) [24].4
 Other GAT Variants. The attention mechanism of the original
 GAT is described in Eq. (2). By replacing with , the compu- Label Usage. There are two principal factors that determine the
 tation of attention value in Eq. (2) can be simplified to benefits of using labels as inputs during training. One is the propor-
 tion of graph nodes with labels available for training, and the other
 exp LeakyReLU [ k ] 3

 = Í  ,
 4 Reproducible code based on DGL with instructions is available at
 ∈N ( ) exp LeakyReLU [ k ] espylapiza/Bag-of-Tricks-for-Node-Classification-with-Graph-Neural-Networks.
Bag of Tricks for Node Classification with Graph Neural Networks

Table 2: Datasets statistics, where label rate denotes the pro- Table 4: Comparative results of loss functions on different
portion of labeled nodes used for training to the total nodes. datasets and models, where of the Loge loss is 1 − log 2.

 Dataset #Nodes #Edges Metric Label rate Dataset Model Accuracy(%)
 Logistic Savage Loge
 Cora 2,708 5,429 Accuracy 5.2%
 Cora MLP 59.72 ± 1.01 61.10 ± 0.91 60.39 ± 0.74
 Citeseer 3,327 4,732 Accuracy 3.6%
 Cora GCN 82.26 ± 0.84 81.65 ± 0.74 82.60 ± 0.83
 Pubmed 1,9717 44,338 Accuracy 0.03%
 Reddit 232,965 114,615,892 Accuracy 65.9% Citeseer MLP 57.75 ± 1.05 59.60 ± 0.92 59.07 ± 0.98
 Citeseer GCN 71.13 ± 1.12 71.10 ± 1.22 72.49 ± 1.12
 Arxiv 169,343 1,166,243 Accuracy 53.7%
 Proteins 132,534 39,561,252 ROC-AUC 65.4% Pubmed MLP 73.15 ± 0.68 73.39 ± 0.62 72.93 ± 0.65
 Products 2,449,029 61,859,140 Accuracy 8.0% Pubmed GCN 78.89 ± 0.71 78.91 ± 0.63 78.93 ± 0.69
 Reddit MLP 72.98 ± 0.09 68.64 ± 0.29 73.12 ± 0.09
 Reddit GCN 95.22 ± 0.04 92.29 ± 0.48 95.18 ± 0.03
Table 3: Accuracy results (as measured by classification ac- Arxiv MLP 56.18 ± 0.14 51.97 ± 0.20 56.72 ± 0.15
curacy and ROC-AUC for ogbn-arxiv and ogbn-proteins, re- Arxiv GCN 71.77 ± 0.34 68.47 ± 0.32 72.43 ± 0.16
spectively) of different datasets and models in terms of label Arxiv GAT 73.08 ± 0.26 69.58 ± 1.00 73.20 ± 0.16
usage and GAT variant. GCN+linear indicates the GCN vari- Arxiv GAT(norm.adj.) 73.29 ± 0.17 69.22 ± 1.48 73.59 ± 0.14
ant with a residual connection of Eq. (3). GAT* indicates the Products MLP 62.90 ± 0.16 58.13 ± 1.03 63.20 ± 0.13
GAT variant that incorporates the edge features. Products GAT 80.99 ± 0.16 77.48 ± 0.14 81.39 ± 0.14

 Dataset Model Label Usage Accuracy(%)
 Arxiv GCN – 72.48 ± 0.11 Table 5: Results of GAT variant. GAT+norm.adj. corresponds
 Arxiv GCN label as input 72.64 ± 0.10 to GAT with symmetric normalized adjacency.
 Arxiv GCN label reuse 72.78 ± 0.17
 Arxiv GCN+linear – 72.74 ± 0.13 Dataset Accuracy(%)
 Arxiv GCN+linear label as input 73.13 ± 0.14 vanilla GAT GAT+norm.adj.
 Arxiv GCN+linear label reuse 73.22 ± 0.13 Cora 83.41 ± 0.74 83.72 ± 0.74
 Citeseer 71.92 ± 0.92 72.25 ± 1.04
 Arxiv GAT – 73.20 ± 0.16
 Pubmed 78.43 ± 0.64 78.77 ± 0.54
 Arxiv GAT label as input 73.24 ± 0.10
 Reddit 96.97 ± 0.04 97.06 ± 0.05
 Arxiv GAT label reuse 73.43 ± 0.13 Arxiv 73.20 ± 0.16 73.59 ± 0.14
 Arxiv GAT(norm.adj.) – 73.59 ± 0.14
 Arxiv GAT(norm.adj.) label as input 73.66 ± 0.11
 Arxiv GAT(norm.adj.) label reuse 73.91 ± 0.12
 Arxiv GAT(norm.adj.) label reuse+C&S 73.95 ± 0.12
 the robust Savage loss performs well on some small datasets, it
 Arxiv AGDN – 73.75 ± 0.21 performs considerably worse on larger datasets. Meanwhile, the
 Arxiv AGDN label as input 73.98 ± 0.09 Loge loss outperforms other losses on most datasets.
 Proteins GCN – 80.07 ± 0.95
 GAT Variants. To explore the effect of the symmetric normalized
 Proteins GCN label as input 80.80 ± 0.56
 adjacency matrix on GAT, we compare its performance with the
 Proteins GAT* – 87.47 ± 0.16 original GAT on 5 datasets. The results are reported in Table 5. We
 Proteins GAT* label as input 87.65 ± 0.08 see that GAT with a normalized adjacency matrix achieves higher
 performance on all datasets. Nevertheless, we recommend choos-
 ing the appropriate adjacency matrix for different datasets. In Ta-
is the training accuracy. We investigate the performance of label as ble 3, our GAT variant that incorporates the edge features outper-
input and label reuse on datasets with a relatively large proportion forms all prior methods applied to the ogbn-proteins dataset by a
of training set and low training accuracy. The results are reported significant margin at the time of our post to the OGB leaderboard.
in Table 3. Here our approach improves the performance consis-
tently with only a small increase in parameters. Furthermore, we 6 CONCLUSION
can further improve the performance by combining our method
 In this paper, we present a new framework for combining feature
with C&S [7].
 and label propagation, propose a robust loss function, and investi-
Loss Functions. We evaluate the performance of our loss function gate several tricks for training deep GNNs with promising perfor-
on datasets with classification accuracy as the metric. Results are mance. These techniques can be applied to various GNN models,
reported in Table 4, where each model is trained with the same which generally only require minor modifications to the data pro-
hyperparameters, varying only the loss functions. As shown, while cessing, loss function, or architecture.
Y. Wang, et al.

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